Class 3000 High pressure ft
1mmAg = 0.0735793mmHg
一、压力(pressure)为单位面积所承受的力 压力:绝对压力 、表压力 、大气压力。相互关系:绝对压力=表压力+大气压力 * 绝对压力(Absolute Pressure):当压力表示与完全真空的差。测量处的实际压力。 * 表压力(Gage Pressure):当表示其气体数值与该地域大气压力的差值。 * 大气压力:(Pressure Atmospheres)由大气重量所产生之压力,标准大气压力为 29.92″
公升 Liters 公升 Liters 立方米 Cubic Meters 流体盎司 Fluid Ounces 夸脱 Quart 加仑 Gallons 立方英尺 Cubic Feet 立方英尺 Cubic Feet 立方英寸 Cubic Inches 美制加仑 Gallons (US
0 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 48 54 60 64 72 80 84 88 96
米 450 500 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1600 1800 2000 2100 2200 2400
气压 Atmospheres
气压 Atmospheres
英尺水柱 Feet of Water
英寸汞柱 Inches of Mercury
磅/平方英寸 Pounds Per Sq. In.
磅/平方英寸 Pounds Per Sq. In.
0.946 3.785 0.0283 0.0338 1.0571 0.2642 35.34 5.787 x 10- 4 1728 7.48052
• Selected applications • „on-line“ process monitoring
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Fourier-Transform-Infraredspectroscopy
Albrecht Rager
Combinations realised with IR
• PART I • I.0I • I.II - FT-IR) • I.III • I.IV • I.V
2500 2000 1500 Wavenumber cm-1
GC – FT-IR sensitivity
1/1 Transmittance Transmittance [%]
GC – FT-IR sensitivity
Pressure / atm.
~ ~ fluid solid Triple Point vapour - 57 31 Temperature / °C
Fluid Tc (°C) Pc(atm.) ρc (g/ml) 31.3 36.5 132.5 196.6 152.0 45.5 16.6 111.8 25.9 72.9 72.5 112.5 33.3 37.5 37.1 58.4 40.7 46.9 0.47 0.45 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.74 1.10 0.56 0.52
222 221 121 2112 2111 2135 2122 2123 2128 2127 2115 2139 2116 2140 2126 2121 2130 2131 1121 2120 2125 1122 1515 1516 1511 1512 1513 1514 219 1111 1112 1161 1162 1163 1164 1151
电子节气门第二路对地短路 电子节气门第一路高于第二路信号过大 电子节气门第一路低于第二路信号过大 目标与实际偏差过大 电子节气门第一路和第二路同时故障 油门第一路对电源短路 油门第一路对地短路 油门第二路对电源短路 油门第二路对地短路 怠速开关接地时油门一路超上限 怠速开关不接地时油门一路超下限 怠速开关接地时油门二路超上限 怠速开关不接地时油门二路超下限 第一路高于第二路 第一路低于第二路 IVS卡滞在怠速位置,第一第二路匹配 IVS卡滞在非怠速位置,第一第二路匹配 油门第一路第二路同时线路故障 FPP1线路故障,FPP2与IVS不匹配 FPP2线路故障,FPP1同IVS不匹配 FPP1和FPP2不匹配,同时IVS信号丢失 旁通控制阀压力传感器对电源短路 旁通控制阀压力传感器对地短路 EPR天然气温度传感器对电源短路 EPR天然气温度传感器对地短路 高压减压器天然气温度传感器对电源短路 高压减压器天然气温度传感器对地短路 发动机转速超速 发动机转速高于燃料限制转速 发动机转速高于点火限制转速 LPG正自适应修正超限 LPG负自适应修正超限 NG正自适应修正超限 NG负自适应修正超限 LPG正闭环修超限
CL low LPG CL high NG CL low NG EGO open / lazy pre-cat 1 EGO open / lazy post-cat 2 Relay control ground short Relay coil open Relay coil short to power MIL control ground short MIL open MIL control short to power MegaJector MegaJector MegaJector MegaJector MegaJector MegaJector MegaJector MegaJector MegaJector Cam loss delivery pressure higher than expected delivery pressure 'lower than expected comm lost voltage supply high voltage supply low internal actuator fault detection internal circuitry fault detection internal comm 'fault detection autozero / lockoff failed
AB Ancher bolt地脚螺栓ABR SW air break switch空气切断开关ABS absolute绝对AC alternating current交流电ACB air circuit breaker空气自动断路器ACI America Concret Instiute美国混凝土学会ACS America Chemical Society美国化学学会ADPT Adapter连接头AGA America Gas Association美国气体协会AGMA America Gear Manufactures Association美国齿轮制造厂协会AIA America Institute of Achitects美国建筑学会AICE America Institute of Chemical Engineers美国化学工程师学会AISC America Institute of Steel Construction美国钢结构学会AISI America Iron and Steel Institute美国钢铁学会AL Alumium铝ALM alarm报警器ALT alternate备用ALT Altitude高度AMB ambient环境AM ammeter安培计AMP ampere安培AMT amount总数ANST American National Standars Institute美国国家标准协会APHA American Public Health Association美国公共健康协会API American Petroleum Institute美国石油学会APPROX Approximate近似AREA American Railway Engineering Association美国铁道工程协会ARRGT Arrangement布置、排列ASB asbestos石棉ASCE American Soiety of Civil Engineerly 美国土木工程学会ASSY assembly组件、总成ASPH asphalt沥青ATM Atmosphere大气ALTO altomatic自动AUX auxiliary辅助AVC asbestos and varnished cambric insulated wire石棉和浸渍黄蜡布绝缘电笔AVG average平均AWG American wire gage美国线规BAR barometer气压计B-B back to back背到背BBL barrel桶B.C betwen centers中心间距BC bolt circle螺栓节圆BE Baume波美度(比重计)B.E.Bell end承口端BEVE beveled end坡口端BEP both ends plain两端平端BET both end threaded两端螺纹端BEV Bevel坡口BH Boiler house锅炉房BHN Brinell nardness number布氏硬度值BHP brake housepower制动马力BKR Breaker断电器BL Battery limit界区BLD blind盲板BLDG building 建筑物BLK blank 空白BLK.block区BLNKT blanket覆盖层B.M.bending moment弯矩BOM bill of material材料表BOT bottom底BP back pressure背压B.P back plate底板B.PT boiling point沸点BPD barrels per day桶/天BPH barrelts per hour桶/时BRKT bracket托架、牛腿BRS brass黄铜BRZ bronze青铜B.S both sides两边BSWG Brown and Shap wire gage Bs线规BTU British thermal units英热单位BV Butterfly valve蝶阀BW Butt weld对焊BWG Birmingham wire gage伯明翰线规C Centigrade度(摄氏)C-A Chromel-alumel(thermocouple)铬铝(热电偶)C corrosion allowance腐蚀裕量CALC Calculate计算CAT Catalog目录、样本CAT Catalyst催化剂、触媒CB catch basin集水池C-C center to center中到中C.C.copper-constantan(thermocouple)康钢(热电偶)CC Cubic centimeter立方厘米C-E Center to end中心到端部CEM Cement lined水泥衬里CENT Centrifugal离心C-F Center to face中心到面CFH Cubic feet per hour立方英尺/时CFM cubic feet per minute立方英尺/分CFS cubic feet per second立方英尺/秒CFW Continuous fillet weld连接填角焊CG Center of grarity重心CG.centigram厘克CHAM chamfer倒角CHAN channet通道、槽钢CHKD PL checkered plate网纹板CI cast iron铸铁CIRC.circulate循环CIRC circumference周边C.K chromet-KA2(thermocoupe)铬镍合金KA2热电偶CKT circuit回路C.L cernter line中心线CL class等级CLG ceiling天花板CLNC clearance间隙、净空CM centimeter厘米C.M circutar mil密平圈CND coduit导管CNDS condensate冷凝液C.O change order变动顺序CO cleanout清扫pany公司COD Company接续图COEF continued on drawing系数COL Coefficient柱、列、塔COMB column组合、联合COMBU combustion燃烧COML commercial工业的COMPL complete完全COMPR compartment室、舱CONC.concentric同心的CONC concrete混凝土CONDEN condenser冷凝器COND.condition情况、条件COND conductor导体CONN connect连接CONST.constant常数CONST constrction结构CONT control 控制、调节CONTD continued 续CONTV control valve调节阀CORP corporation公司、企业CORR corrugate波纹的C.P candle power烛光CPLG coupling联轴器、管接头CPO Cycles per second (Herts)每秒周数(赫兹)C.S Carbon steel碳钢CS Centistoke厘沲CST cast steel铸钢CSTG casting铸件、铸造CT center tap中心抽头C.T current transformer变流器CTE Coal Tar Enamel Lined柏油层衬里CTR Center中心CTSK countersunk埋头孔CTWT counter weight砝码、平衡锤CU FT cubic feet立方英尺CU.IN cubic inch立方英寸CU YD cubic yard立方码CV check valve止回阀、单向阀CYL Cylinder气缸、圆柱体D density密度DB decibel分贝DBL double双阀、复式的DC direct current直流DEG degree度DEPT department部门、工段DET detail洋图DF Drinking fountain喷嘴式饮水龙头DIA diameter直径DIAG diagram图表DIM.Dimension尺寸DLSC disconnect断开DISCH discharge出料、卸料DISTR distribution分配、配电DIV division刻度、分部DN down下DO.ditto同上DO draw out抽出DP dew point露点DP.DT double pole,double throw双刀双掷DP ST double pole,single throw双刀单掷DRN drain排液DR.drill钻孔DR drive驱动DSGN design设计PWG drawing图纸E east东ECC eccentric偏心ECON ecnomizer省煤器EF electric电炉钢EFF efficency效率EL elevation标高ELEC electric电ELL elbow重头ELLIP ellipsoidal椭圆体EMER emergency事故ENCL enclosure外壳、盒子ENGR engineering 工程ENGR STD engineering standard工程标准EP explosion proof防爆EPA expansion 膨胀EXP JT expansion joint膨胀节EXT external外部EXTEN extension伸长、延长°F degree Fahrenheit度(华氏)F Fahrenheit华氏FABR fabricate制造FBQ Firebox quality燃烧室质量FC foot candle英尺-烛光FD flanged and dished带法兰和碟形的F.D.Floor drain地面排水口FDN foundation基础FDW feed water给水FE flanged end法兰端F-F face to face面至面、FF flat faced平面F.H.Fire hose消防带、水龙带FH Flat head平头FIG figure图FIM finish加工FL floor楼板FLA full load ampere全负荷安培FLG Flange法兰FOB free on board船上交货FP freeging point冰点FPM feet per minute英尺/分FPRF fire proof防火FPS feet per second英尺/秒FQ flange quality法兰质量FREQ frequency频平FRT Freight货运FS far side远侧FST Forged steel锻钢FTG fitting配件、管件FTG.footing底座FT LB foot pounds磅-英尺F.W field weld现场焊接FW fresh water新鲜水GA gage量规GAL gallon加仑GALV galvanize镀锌GASO gasoline汽油GE groove end槽端GEN general普通的GENR generator发生器、发电机GL glass玻璃GLV globe valve截止阀GOV governor调速器GOVT government政府、管理机构GPH gallons per hour加仑/时GPM gallons per minute加仑/分GPS gallons per second加仑/秒GR grade等级GRD ground地面GRP group组、类GRPH graphite石墨GRTG grating格栅GOKT gasket垫片GV gate valve闸阀HAZ heat affected zone热影响区H.C hand control手动控制HC.hose connection软管接头HC hydrocarbon烃HCAP high capacity大容量HDR header集合管、主管HEX hexagon六角形、六边形HH handhole手孔HHV higher heating valve高热值HOR horizontal水平的H.P.high pressure高压HP hovsepower马力HPT high point高点HR.handrail 栏杆 rolled热轧HR hour小时HRP handrail post栏杆立柱HT high temperature高温GTR heater加热炉(器)HVY heavy重HTD hydraulic水力的、液压的HYDRO hydrostatic流体静力学的IC iron-constantan(thermocouple)铁-康铜(热电偶)ID inside diameter内径IF inside frosted内部磨砂IG imperial gallons法定标准加仑IHP indicated horsepoier指示马力IN.inch英寸IN inlet入口INC.incorporated联合的、包括INCL include包括IND indicate指示、指出IND.induction感应INS.insulation绝热、绝缘INS integral seat整体座INST instrument仪表INSTL installation装置INSTR instructions规程、说明书INST V instrument仪表阀INT.internal内部INT instersect相交INTER intermediate中间的INTMT intermittent间歇的、断续的INV invert反置IPS iron pipe size铁管尺寸ISS inserted stainless steel seat镶嵌不锈钢座JCT Junction接合JT joint接头°K degree Kelvin开放度K kip(1000lb)千磅KB knee brace斜撑KG kilogram公斤KO knockout敲落孔KV kilovolt千伏KVA kilovolt-ampere千伏-安KVAH kilovolt-ampere hour千伏-安小时KW kilowatl 千瓦KWH kilowatl hour千瓦时LAV lavatory厕所、卫生间LB pound磅LC lockedclosed关锁LEP large end plain大头平端LG length长度LG.long长LH left hand左手LHV lower heating valve低热值LIN linear线形的LIN FT lineal feet英尺长LTQ liguid液体LJ lap joint搭接LN logarithm(to base e)对数(e为底)LNG.lining衬里LG liguified natural gas液化天然气LO Locked open常开锁住LOC lcate, location位置、部位LOG logarithm(to base 10)对数(10为底)LONG longitude 径度、纵向、轴向LP low pressure低压LPG liguified petroleam gas液化石油气LPT low point低点L.R load ratio负荷比LR long radius长半径LRA locked rotor ampere堵转电流LTG large-tongue & groove大榫槽LTG.lighting照明LTR letter字母LUB lubricate润滑剂M meter米MACH machine机器MAINT maintenance维修MAG magnesia insulation麦苦土保温MAN manual手动的MATL material材料MAWP maximum allowable working pressure最大允许工作压力MAX maximum最大M.C moment connection瞬时连接MC multiple contact多点接触MCFH thousand cubic feet hour千立方英尺/寸MCM thousands circular mils千密耳圆MECH mechanical机械的MEP mean effective pressure平均有效压力MF male and female凸面和凹面MFD manufactured制造MFG manufacturing制造的MFR manufacturer制造厂(商)M-G motor generator电动机-发电机MG milligram毫克MGD million gallons per day百万加仑/天MH manhole人孔MI malleable iron可锻铸铁MIG metal arc welding(inert gas)金属极电弧焊(惰性气体保护)MIN minimum最小MIN.minute分MISC miscellaneous其它MK mark记号、标记MM millimeter毫米MMA manual metal arc welding手动金属电弧焊MO month月MOL WT molecalar weight分子量MPH miles per hour英里/时MSCFH thousands standard cubic feet hour千标准立方英尺小时MT magnetic particle examination磁粉检查MTD mean temperature difference平均温差MTD.mounted安装好的MTG mounting安装、固定MTR material test report材料试验报告MW milliwatt毫瓦M.W.mineral wool矿渣棉MW minimum wall最小壁厚N north北NATL national pipe size国家的、全国的NB nominal bore公称孔NC American National coarse thread美国国标粗牙 comment无说明N.C.normally cloced常闭NEG negative负NEUT neutral中性NDT nondestrutive test无损探伤NF American National fine thread美国国标细牙N.F.near face近的一面NF.not furnished不提供NIP nipple螺纹接管NL neoprene lined氯丁橡胶衬里NO normally open常开NOM nominal公称的NOR normal正常的NOZ nozzle喷嘴、接管NPS national pipe size国家管子规格NPSH net positive suction head净正吸入压头NPT American National taper pipe thread美国锥管螺纹NPTM American National taper pipe thread美国锥管外螺纹NPTF American National taper pipe thread美国锥管内螺纹NS near side近侧NUM number号码NV needle valve针阀OA overall全部的、总的OCT octagon八角形、八角体OD outside diameter外径OET one end thread一端带螺纹OH open hearth(steel)平炉(钢)O-O out to out外廊尺寸OPER operating操作的、控制的OPR operate操作、运行OPP opposite相反ORF orifice孔板OSL outstanding leg伸出肢、挑梁OSY outside screw ond yoke轭式明杆外螺纹OVHD overhead架空的、上面的OZ ounce英两P Plug塞、行堵、栓Par parallet平行、平联PARA paragraph段、节、款PATT pattern型式PB push button 按钮PBSTA push button station按钮操作器PC piece 零件、件P.C point of curvature弯曲点PC pulsating current脉动电流PCF pounds per cubic foot磅/立方英尺PC MK piece mark零件标记PD pitch diameter节径PE plain end平端PI point of intersection相交点PLCDSTA纸绝缘铅色双钢带绳装电缆PILCSWA纸绝缘铅色单钢带绳装电缆PL plate板PLATF platform平台PNEU pneumatic气动的POS positive正(数)正(极)POSN position位置POSUP point of support支承点PPH pounds per hour磅/时PPM parts per million百万分之一PPS pounds per second磅/秒PRESS pressure压力PROJ project设计、方案、项目PS pipe support管架PSF pounds per square foot磅/平方英尺PSI pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸PSIA pounds per square inch absdute磅/平方英寸(绝)PSIG pounds per square inch gage磅/平方英寸(表)PT.point点PT ligund pmetrant examination液体渗透检查PV plug valve旋塞阀PVC poly vinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯PVCL poly vinyl chloride lined聚氯乙烯衬里PWHT post weld heat treatment焊后热处理QT quart夸脱(1/4加仑)QTY quantity数量QUAL quality质量R radius半径RAD.radial径向的RAD radiator辐射器、散热器REC receiver受槽REC record记录RECIP reciprocate往复的RECIRC recircle再循环RECOM recommended推荐的RECP receptacle容器、仓库RED reducer异径管、大小头REF reference参政、基准REF.refinery炼厂REFR refractory耐火材料REG regulator、regular调节器、正常的REGEN regenerator蓄热器、再生器REINF reinforce补强、加强REQD required需要、要求RET WT retiring wall thickness壁厚的报废厚度REV revise修订RF raised face凸面RG ring gasket环形垫R/H relative humidity相对湿度RH right hand右手RHL耐热橡胶绝缘铝包电缆RJ ring joint环接RL rubber lined衬橡胶RO restriction orifice限流孔板RPM revolutions per minute转/分RPS revolutions per-second转/秒RR railroad铁路RS requestion sheet申请单RT radiographic examination射线照相检查RV relief valve安全泄液阀S south南SA submerged arc welding埋弧焊SAT saturate饱和SB stud bolt双头螺栓SCF standard cubic feet 标准立方英尺SCFM standard cubic feet per minute标准立方英尺/分SCH schedule管标号SE stub end短管接头SECT section节、段SEP.seperate分开的SEP small end plain小头平端SG safty gate安全门SH AB shook absorber减振器SK sketch草图SLV slide valve滑阀SMLS STL seamless steel无缝钢管SN.snubber缓冲器SN swaged nipple锻制螺纹接头SO.steam out蒸汽出口SOF slip on flange滑套法兰SP static pressure静压SPDT single pile double throw单刀双掷开关SPEC specification说明、模范SP GR specific gravity比重SP HT specific heat比热SP ST single pile single throw单刀单掷开关SQ square方形、平方SQ FT square feet平方英尺SQ IN square inch平方英寸SNG Synthetic natural gas合成天然气S.R.Short radius短半径SR stress relief应力消除SSF saybolt Seconds Furol(viscosity)赛破特油粘度计秒数S STL stainless steel不锈钢ST structure tec结构三通ST stud 双头螺柱STA station站STD standard标准STD WT standard weight标准重量STG Small tongue and groove小榫槽STIFF stiffener加强筋STL steel钢STM steam蒸汽ST WY stairway梯子SUCT suction吸入SUPHTR superheater过热器SV safety valve安全进气阀S.W salt water盐水SW socket weld承插焊SW.switch开关SYM symmetrical对称的SYMB symbol符号SYS system系统T tee三通T ton 吨TB top and bottom顶和底TB Trolley beam吊挂车车梁TC thermocouphe热电偶TE threaded end螺纹端TEMP temperature温度TERM terminal终端、接线端子TG.Tongue and groove榫槽THD threaded螺纹的THK thick厚TIG tungsten arc welding钨极电弧焊(惰性气体保护)TL tangent line切线TOS top of support支架顶部PPO toe plate only只有踢脚板TRANS transfer传送、变换TRANS transformer变压器TRUN trunnion轴颈、耳轴TT tell tale信号器T-T tangent to tangent切线到切线TURB turbine汽轮机、透平机TYP typical标准的、典型的UH unit heater供热机组UL underwriter's laboratory Inc保险商联合研究所UN union活接头UNC united national coarse thread国家统一标准粗螺纹UNF united national fine thread国家统一标准细螺纹USG united state standard gage美国标准量规UT unitrace单伴管UTRC ultrasonic examination超声波检查UTS Ultimate tensile stress极限拉应力V valve阀VAC vacuum真空VAR variable可变的、变量VARN Varnish清漆VCL清漆黄蜡布绝缘铅包电缆VEL velocity速度VERT vertical垂直的、立式VIR硫化橡胶绝缘电线VIRLCSWA硫化橡胶绝缘铅包单股铠装电缆VISC viscosity粘度VIT vitreous玻璃的、上釉的VOL volume体积、容积W.watt瓦特W west西WD.width宽W/with和WC.watercloset卫生间WC weld cap焊帽WF wide flange宽缘WHSE Warehouse仓库WN weld neck 焊颈WNF weld neck flange对焊法兰WP weatherproof全天候的、防风雨的W.P.working point工作点WP working pressure工作压力WT wall thickness壁厚WT.weight重量XH extra heavy加重XMTR transmitter变送器、发射器XR X-ray X射线XS extra strong加厚管XXS double extra strong特厚管YD yard码、场地、管廊YP yield point屈服点YR year年管道代号A air 空气AC acid 酸AG acid gas酸性气体AS air hose connection 空气软管接头BD blow down排污BR brine盐水BW boiler feed water锅炉给水CA caustic 碱CG caustic gas碱性气体CF chemical feed化学品给料CO2carbon dioxide二氧化碳CS chemical sewer化学污水CW cooling water冷却水DI deionized water脱离子水DM demineralised water脱盐水DR drain排液、排水FG fuel gas燃料气FO fuel oil燃料油FS fused salt熔盐FW firefighting water消防水GO gland oil填料油H hydrogen氢HW hot water热水IA instrument air仪表空气、仪表风IG inert gas惰性气体LO lube oil润滑油LS low-pressure steam低压蒸汽MS medium-pressure steam中压蒸汽N nitrogen氮NG natural gas天然气NH ammonia氨O oxygen氧PA process air工艺空气PF process flush工艺冲洗流体PG process gas工艺气体PL process liquid工艺流体PS process steam工艺蒸汽PW process water工艺水RW raw water原水TW treated water处理水S steam蒸汽SC steam condensate冷凝水SG synthesis gas合成气SO seal oil密封油SS superheated steam过热蒸汽STS auxiliary steam system辅助蒸汽系统ST Steam trace蒸汽伴热管V vent 放空VE Vacuum exhaust真空排气WA Warm cooling water温冷却水在仪表符号中字母标志的意义1、第一位字母表示所检测的变量,如第一字母与修饰字母 D(差)、F 或f(比)联 在 一 起 同 时 ,则 两个组合文字作为第一位字母的整体来对待。
原子发射光谱仪-- Atomic Emission Spectrometer(AES)电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪 Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer(ICP) 直流等离子体发射光谱仪-- Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer(DCP)紫外-可见光分光光度计-- UV-Visible Spectrophotometer(UV-Vis)微波等离子体光谱仪-- Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer(MIP)原子吸收光谱仪-- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy(AAS)原子荧光光谱仪-- Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy(AFS)傅里叶变换红外光谱仪-- FT-IR Spectrometer(FTIR)傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪-- FT-Raman Spectrometer(FTIR-Raman)气相色谱仪-- Gas Chromatograph(GC)高压/效液相色谱仪 High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC)离子色谱仪-- Ion Chromatograph凝胶渗透色谱仪-- Gel Permeation Chromatograph(GPC)体积排阻色谱-- Size Exclusion Chromatograph(SEC)X射线荧光光谱仪-- X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer(XRF)X射线衍射仪-- X-Ray Diffractomer(XRD)同位素X荧光光谱仪-- Isotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer电子能谱仪-- Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy能谱仪-- Energy Disperse Spectroscopy(EDS)质谱仪-- Mass Spectrometer(MS)ICP-质谱联用仪-- ICP-MS气相色谱-质谱联用仪-- GC-MS液相色谱-质谱联用仪--LC-MS核磁共振波谱仪-- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer(NMR)电子顺磁共振波谱仪-- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer(ESR)极谱仪-- Polarograph伏安仪-- Voltammerter自动滴定仪--Automatic Titrator电导仪-- Conductivity MeterpH计-- pH Meter水质分析仪-- Water Test Kits电泳仪-- Electrophoresis System表面科学-- Surface Science电子显微镜-- Electro Microscopy光学显微镜-- Optical Microscopy金相显微镜-- Metallurgical Microscopy扫描探针显微镜- Scanning Probe Microscopy表面分析仪--Surface Analyzer无损检测仪--Instrument for Nondestructive Testing物性分析 --Physical Property Analysis热分析仪--Thermal Analyzer粘度计--Viscometer流变仪--Rheometer粒度分析仪--Particle Size Analyzer热物理性能测定仪--Thermal Physical Property Tester电性能测定仪--Electrical Property Tester光学性能测定仪--Optical Property Tester机械性能测定仪--Mechanical Property Tester燃烧性能测定仪--Combustion Property Tester老化性能测定仪--Aging Property Tester生物技术分析--Biochemical analysisPCR仪--Instrument for Polymerase Chain ReactionDNA及蛋白质的测序和合成仪-- Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein 传感器--Sensors其他--Other/Miscellaneous流动分析与过程分析--Flow Analytical and Process Analytical Chemistry气体分析--Gas Analysis基本物理量测定--Basic Physics样品处理--Sample Handling金属/材料元素分析仪--Metal/material elemental analysis环境成分分析仪--CHN Analysis发酵罐--Fermenter生物反应器--Bio-reactor摇床--Shaker离心机--Centrifuge超声破碎仪--Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor超低温冰箱--Ultra-low Temperature Freezer恒温循环泵--Constant Temperature Circulator超滤器--Ultrahigh Purity Filter冻干机--Freeze Drying Equipment部分收集器--Fraction Collector氨基酸测序仪--Protein Sequencer氨基酸组成分析仪--Amino Acid Analyzer多肽合成仪--Peptide synthesizerDNA测序仪--DNA SequencersDNA合成仪--DNA synthesizer紫外观察灯--Ultraviolet Lamp分子杂交仪--Hybridization OvenPCR仪--PCR Amplifier化学发光仪--Chemiluminescence Apparatus紫外检测仪-- Ultraviolet Detector电泳-- Electrophoresis酶标仪-- ELIASACO2培养箱-- CO2 Incubators倒置显微镜-- Inverted Microscope超净工作台-- Bechtop流式细胞仪-- Flow Cytometer微生物自动分析系统-- Automatic Analyzer for Microbes生化分析仪-- Biochemical Analyzer血气分析仪-- Blood-gas Analyzer电解质分析仪-- Electrolytic Analyzer尿液分析仪-- Urine Analyzer临床药物浓度仪-- Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration血球计数器-- Hematocyte CounterCO2培养箱 CO2 IncubatorsDNA测序仪 DNA SequencersDNA合成仪 DNA synthesizerDNA及蛋白质的测序和合成仪 Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein ICP-质谱联用仪 ICP-MS ICP-MSPCR仪 Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction PCRPCR仪 PCR AmplifierpH计 pH MeterX射线衍射仪 X-Ray Diffractomer XRDX射线荧光光谱仪 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer XRF氨基酸测序仪 Protein Sequencer氨基酸组成分析仪 Amino Acid Analyzer表面分析仪 Surface Analyzer表面科学Surface Science部分收集器 Fraction Collector超低温冰箱Ultra-low Temperature Freezer超净工作台 Bechtop超滤器 Ultrahigh Purity Filter超声破碎仪 Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor传感器 Sensors倒置显微镜 Inverted Microscope电导仪 Conductivity Meter电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪 Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer ICP 电解质分析仪 Electrolytic Analyzer电性能测定仪 Electrical Property Tester电泳 Electrophoresis电泳仪 Electrophoresis System电子能谱仪 Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy电子顺磁共振波谱仪 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer ESR电子显微镜 Electro Microscopy冻干机 Freeze drier/Lyophilizer多肽合成仪 Peptide synthesizer发酵罐 Fermenter分子杂交仪 Hybridization Oven伏安仪 Voltammerter傅里叶变换红外光谱仪 FT-IR Spectrometer FTIR傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪 FT-Raman Spectrometer FTIR-Raman高压/效液相色谱仪 High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC 光学显微镜 Optical Microscopy光学性能测定仪 Optical Property Tester核磁共振波谱仪 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer NMR恒温循环泵 Constant Temperature Circulator化学发光仪 Chemiluminescence Apparatus环境成分分析仪 CHN Analysis激光共聚焦扫描显微镜 Laser scanning confocal microscope机械性能测定仪 Mechanical Property Tester基本物理量测定 Basic Physics极谱仪 Polarograph金相显微镜 Metallurgical Microscopy金属/材料元素分析仪 Metal/material elemental analysis老化性能测定仪 Aging Property Tester离心机 Centrifuge离子色谱仪 Ion Chromatograph粒度分析仪 Particle Size Analyzer临床药物浓度仪 Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration流变仪 Rheometer流动分析与过程分析 Flow Analytical and Process Analytical Chemistry流式细胞仪 Flow Cytometer酶标仪 ELIASA能谱仪 Energy Disperse Spectroscopy EDS尿液分析仪 Urine Analyzer凝胶渗透色谱仪 Gel Permeation Chromatograph GPC其他 Other/Miscellaneous气体分析 Gas Analysis气相色谱仪 Gas Chromatograph GC气相色谱-质谱联用仪 GC-MS GC-MS燃烧性能测定仪 Combustion Property Tester热分析仪 Thermal Analyzer热物理性能测定仪 Thermal Physical Property Tester扫描探针显微镜 Scanning Probe Microscopy生化分析仪 Biochemical Analyzer生物反应器 Bio-reactor生物技术分析 Biochemical analysis水质分析仪 Water Test Kits体积排阻色谱 Size Exclusion Chromatograph SEC同位素X荧光光谱仪 Isotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer微波等离子体光谱仪 Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer MIP 微生物自动分析系统 Automatic Analyzer for Microbes无损检测仪 Instrument for Nondestructive Testing物性分析 Physical Property Analysis血气分析仪 Blood-gas Analyzer血球计数器 Hematocyte Counter样品处理Sample handling摇床 Shaker液相色谱-质谱联用仪 LC-MS原子力显微镜 atomic force microscope原子发射光谱仪 Atomic Emission Spectrometer AES原子吸收光谱仪 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy AAS原子荧光光谱仪 Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy AFS粘度计 Viscometer直流等离子体发射光谱仪 Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer DCP 质谱仪 Mass Spectrometer MS紫外观察灯 Ultraviolet Lamp紫外检测仪 Ultraviolet Detector紫外-可见光分光光度计 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer UV-Vis自动滴定仪 Automatic Titrator层流净化罩/柜 Laminar flow hood排风罩/柜 Exhaust hood。
1mmAg = 9.80665Pa = 0.0980665hPa1atm = 760 mmHg = 1013hPa1mmAg = 0.0735793mmHg一、压力(pressure)为单位面积所承受的力压力:绝对压力、表压力、大气压力。
相互关系:绝对压力=表压力+大气压力* 绝对压力(Absolute Pressure):当压力表示与完全真空的差。
* 表压力(Gage Pressure):当表示其气体数值与该地域大气压力的差值。
* 大气压力:(Pressure Atmospheres)由大气重量所产生之压力,标准大气压力为29.92″寸汞柱压力.风压:包括全压(P.T)=静压(Ps)+动压(Pv)即速度压(V.P)。
Total Pressure=Static Pressure+Dynamic(Velocity)Pressure。
风机所产生之压力,均以水柱来测量,因风机使用之压力均很小;而水银之密度很大(1m mHg=13.6mmAq)使用水银柱(mmHg)来测量时,读数不太明显,故多采用水柱(mmAq 或mmH2O)来测量或计算。
如:采用水银柱表示时,760mm水银柱=760 mmHg 。
选用水柱表示时,100mm水柱=100 mmAq 。
=(4″w g)Aq为拉丁文Aqua之简称。
1mmAq之压力约=1kg/m2 。
)二、压力常用单位(CNS 7778)(注2)大气压Atm.(Pressure Atmospheres)=760mmHg 。
吋水银(汞)柱:(″Hg) 3.377=KPa 。
OPERATING PRINCIPLE FOR OIL LEVEL CONTROLLERSKenco oil level controllers are designed to control a constant oil level in the crankcase of stationary engines, compressors, and mechanical lubricator boxes. The Kenco oil controller works in conjunction with an overhead oil supply system which feeds the oil level controller. As the oil is consumed, the oil controller supplies the required oil. The oil controller controls the amount of oil in the crankcase by a float controlled valve. The valve opens and closes as oil is needed in the crankcase to provide a constant oil level.OPERATING PRINCIPLE FOR OIL LEVEL SWITCHESOil level switches are designed as a safety device for the stationary engine or compressor. The oil level switch monitors the oil level in the crankcase. The level within the crankcase directly corresponds with the oil level in the oil level switch housing. The engine or compressor constantly consumes the oil from the crankcase. If the oil level in the crankcase drops past the designated level, the switch will trip and trigger an alarm.FEATURES-Reduces maintenance by maintaining a constant oil level -Protects against lubrication failure - C ontroller mechanism fully removable without draining oil.-Easy view convex sight window -Low to high pressure applications -Oil inlet allows for piping configurations from any direction - O il outlets on either side of housing and in the bottom to allow for various piping configurations - E asy access to switch float through 3/8” vent hole in top of housing for simple testing of switch operation - D irect mount adapters eliminate equalizing problems and reduce installation costs -Group B e xplosion proof certification for hydrogen gas environments now available on KLCE/KHL/KSHL/KSLL/KES -Oil level controllers for synthetic oil applications now available APPLICATIONS • Stationary engines • Stationary compressors • Mechanical lubricators • PumpsLOCATION COURTESY OF SCFM COMPRESSION SYSTEMS, TULSA OKLAHOMAFeatured at top KLCE-48-FS is an oil level controller with an electric switch in an explosion proof enclosure with a direct mounting bracket for an Ariel compressor, with fi r e safe valves.Featured on cover: KLCE-9-FS is an oil level controller with an electric switch in an explosion proofenclosure with a slotted universal mounting adapter, with fi r e safe valves. A 1618 low fl o w meter isalso installed in this application.Featured at right:KLCE-24 is an oil level controller with an electric switch in an explosion proof enclosure with a direct mounting bracket for an Ariel compressor.MODEL KLC OIL LEVEL CONTROLLERMODEL KES ELECTRIC SWITCH IN EXPLOSION PROOF ENCLOSURE; ALSO KHL-ES, KSHL-ES, KSLL-ESMODEL KPS – PNEUMATIC OIL LEVEL SWITCHClass I, Div. I, Div. II, Groups B, C and DHazardous LocationsApplication of Model KPS:To monitor the oil level in the crankcase and to signal or shut down in case of low oil level. Remote or offshore locations with no electric power.Standard Materials of Construction:Housing - Aluminum Float Material - Closed Cell Polyurethane Sight Window - Clear Polycarbonate (UV stabilized)Valve - Stainless Steel Pneumatic Switch Specifi c ations:Switch Trip Point: 3/4” drop Maximum Air Valve Inlet pressure - 100psi Switch Test Button StandardAir Inlet Connection: 1/4” FNPTMax. Temp: 180° F/ 82° TCApplication of Model KES:The Kenco KES monitors the oil level in the crankcase and signals shut down in case of low oil level. It has no oil level controller function.Application of Model KHL-ES:The Kenco KHL-ES is constructed with one level switch, which will alarm at 3/4” above centerline, and will also alarm at 3/4” below centerline.Application of Model KSHL-ES:The Kenco KSHL-ES is constructed with 2 independent switches, one for high level alarm 3/4” above centerline and another for low level alarm at 3/4” below centerline.Application of Model KSLL-ES:The Kenco KSLL-ES is constructed with 2 independent switches, for low level trip points of 5/8“ and 7/8“ below centerlineStandard Materials of Construction:Housing Material: Aluminum Float Material: Closed Cell Polyurethane Sight Window: U.V. Stabilized Clear PolycarbonateElectric Switch Specifications:Switch Trip Point: 3/4” Drop Switch Rating: 15 amp, 125/250/480 VAC0.5 amp, 125 VDC; 0.25 amp, 250 VDC1/8 hp, 125 VDC; 1/4 hp, 250 VACMax. Temp: 180°F/ 82°C Electrical Connection Size: 1/2” FNPTCircuitry: Single Pole Double ThrowOutlet Connection size 3/4” FNPTAlso Available:DPDT: Double Pole Double Throw SwitchSYN: Synthetic Oil Applications - Call Kenco withspecific gravity of oil used in the application. Application of Model KLC:To supply and control the amount of oil in the crankcase.Standard Materials of Construction:Valve Seat: Nitrile (Fluorocarbon also available)Housing and Valve Orifice Material: Aluminum Float Material: Closed Cell Polyurethane Oil Inlet Screen: 20 Mesh Brass Cloth Sight Window: U .V. Stabilized Clear Polycarbonate Oil Inlet Specifi c ations:Static Head Pressure Range: 2 –15 Feet High Pressure Models:HP-A: 5-35 psi HP-B: 36-70 psi Inlet Connection Size: 1/2” FNPT Outlet Connection Size: 3/4” FNPTMinimum Flow Rate Test Results:(Standard unit tested at 32°F, SAE 30)2’ Head: 1.141 GPH4’ Head: 2.122 GPH7’ Head: 2.853 GPH12’ Head: 3.043 GPH(HP-A Unit Tested at 20°F, SAE 30)5 psi-0.163 GPH 20 psi-0.266 GPH(HP-B unit tested at 55°F, SAE 30)70 psi-0.277 GPHAlso Available:SYN: Synthetic Oil Applications - Call Kenco with specific gravity of oil used in the application.MODEL KLCM OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH SWITCH IN CSA TYPE 4 ENCLOSUREApplication of Model KLCE:The Kenco LCE utilizes the operating principles of both the oil level controller and the electric switch.Application of Model KHL:The Kenco KHL is constructed with one level switch, which will alarm at 3/4” above centerline, and will also alarm at 3/4” below centerline.Application of Model KSHL:The Kenco KSHL is constructed with 2 independent switches, one for high level alarm 3/4” above centerline and another for low level alarm at 3/4” below centerline.Application of Model KSLL:The Kenco KSLL is constructed with 2 independent switches, for low level trip points of 5/8” and 7/8” below centerline.Standard Materials of Construction:Valve Seat: Nitrile (Fluorocarbon also available)Housing and Valve Orifice Material: Aluminum Float Material: Closed Cell Polyurethane Oil Inlet Screen: 20 Mesh Brass Cloth Sight Window: U.V. Stabilized Clear Polycarbonate Process Connections:Inlet Connection Size: 1/2” FNPT Outlet Connection Size: (3) 3/4” FNPT Oil Inlet Data:Static Head Pressure Range: 2 –15 Feet High Pressure Models-HP-A: 5-35 psi HP-B: 36-70 psi Minimum Flow Rate Test Results:(Standard unit tested at 32°F, SAE 30)2’ Head: 1.141 GPH 4’ Head: 2.122 GPH 7’ Head:2.853 GPH 12’ Head:3.043 GPH (HP-A Unit Tested at 20°F, SAE 30)5 psi- 0.163 GPH 20 psi-0.266 GPH (HP-B unit tested at 55°F, SAE 30)70 psi- 0.277 GPH Electric Switch Specifications:Switch Trip Point: 3/4” Drop Switch Rating: 15 amp, 125/250/480 VAC 0.5 amp, 125 VDC; 0.25 amp, 250 VDC 1/8 hp, 125 VDC; 1/4 hp, 250 VAC Max. Temp: 180°F/ 82°C Electrical Connection Size: 1/2” FNPT Circuitry: Single Pole Double Throw Also Available: D PDT: Double Pole Double Throw Switch SYN: Synthetic Oil Applications - Call Kenco with Specific Gravity of oil used in the application.MODEL KLCE OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH ELECTRIC SWITCH IN EXPLOSION PROOF ENCLOSURE; ALSO KHL/KSHL/KSLLApplication of Model KCLM:The Kenco KLCM utilizes the operating principles of both the oil level controller and the electric switch. The switch may be wired either normally open or normally closed.Applications:Intrinsically safe applications with an approved safety barrier.Standard Materials of Construction:Valve Seat: Nitrile (Fluorocarbon also available)Housing and Valve Orifice Material: Aluminum Float Material: Closed Cell Polyurethane Oil Inlet Screen: 20 Mesh Brass Cloth Sight Window: U.V. Stabilized Clear Polycarbonate Process Connections:Inlet Connection Size: 1/2” FNPT Outlet Connection Size: (3) 3/4” FNPTOil Inlet Data:Static Head Pressure Range: 2 –15 Feet High Pressure Models-HP-A: 5-35 psi HP-B: 36-70 psi Minimum Flow Rate Test Results:(Standard unit tested at 32°F, SAE 30)2’ Head: 1.141 GPH 4’ Head: 2.122 GPH 7’ Head:2.853 GPH 12’ Head:3.043 GPH (HP-A Unit Tested at 20°F, SAE 30)5 psi- 0.163 GPH 20 psi-0.266 GPH (HP-B unit tested at 55°F, SAE 30)70 psi- 0.277 GPH Electric Switch Specifications:Switch Trip Point: 3/4” Drop Switch Rating: 10 amp, 125/250 VAC or VDC Max. Temp: 180°F/ 82°C Electrical Connection Size: 1/2” FNPT Circuitry: Single Pole Double Throw Switch Test Button Standard Wire Color Code:Red: Normally Closed Blue: Normally Open White: CommonAlso Available:SYN: Synthetic Oil Applications - Call Kenco with Specific Gravity of oil used in the application.Class I, Div. I, Div. II Groups B, C & D Hazardous LocationsClass III, Type 4Application of Model 512: The Kenco 512 is an oil level controller with a case to ground electric switch contact for non-hazardous locations. It is also used in locations where space is limited. Mounting slots allow for adjustment of 2 9/16”.Standard Materials of Construction:Valve Seat: Nitrile (Fluorocarbon also available)Housing and Valve Orifi c e Material: Aluminum Float Material: Closed Cell Polyurethane Screen: 20 Mesh Brass Cloth SightOil Inlet Specifi c ations:Static Head Pressure Range: 2–12 Ft.No high pressure models availableMinimum Flow Rate Test Results:(Tested at 30°F with SAE 40)2’ Head-10 Gallons per dayElectric Switch Specifications:Switch Trip Point Range: 3/16” to 1/2”Switch Rating: 2 amp, 30 VAC or VDC Max. Temp: 180°F/ 82°C Electrical Connection Size: 1/2” FNPT Circuitry: Case to Ground Application of Model KLCP:The Kenco KLCP utilizes the operating principles of both the oil level controller and the electric switch Applications:Remote or offshore locations with no electric power Standard Materials of Construction:Valve Seat: Nitrile (Fluorocarbon also available)Housing and Valve Orifi c e Material: Aluminum Float Material: Closed Cell Polyurethane Oil Inlet Screen: 20 Mesh Brass Cloth Sight Window: U.V. Stabilized Clear PolycarbonateOil Inlet Data:Static Head Pressure Range: 2-15 Feet High Pressure Models-HP-A: 5-35 psi HP-B: 36-70 psi Process Connections:Inlet Connection Size: 1/2” FNPT Outlet Connection Size: (3) 3/4”Minimum Flow Rate Test Results:(Standard unit tested at 32°F, SAE 30)2’ Head: 1.141 GPH 4’ Head: 2.122 GPH 7’ Head: 2.853 GPH 12’ Head: 3.043 GPH (HP-A Unit Tested at 20°F, SAE 30)5 psi- 0.163 GPH 20 psi-0.266 GPH (HP-B unit tested at 55°F, SAE 30)70 psi- 0.277 GPH Pneumatic Switch Specifications:Switch Trip Point: 3/4” Drop Maximum Air Valve Inlet Pressure: 100 psi Max. Temp: 180°F/ 82°C Air Inlet Connection: 1/4” FNPT Also Available:SYN: Synthetic Oil Applications - Call Kenco with Specific Gravity of oil used in the application.MODEL KLCP OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH PNEUMATIC SWITCHMODEL SPECIFICATIONSslots allow for adjustment of 2 9/16 “1/2” FNPT side outlet ports(also 3/4” FNPT bottom port)MODEL 512 OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH CASE TO GROUND ELECTRIC SWITCH CONTACT AND MOUNTING SLOTS ON BACK OF HOUSINGMODEL KLCE /KHL /KSLL /KSHL / KES OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH ELECTRIC SWITCH IN EXPLOSION PROOF ENCLOSUREMODEL KLCM OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH SWITCH IN CSA TYPE 4 ENCLOSURE MODEL DIMENSIONSMODEL KLCP OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH PNEUMATIC SWITCHMODEL 512 OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH CASE TO GROUND ELECTRIC SWITCH CONTACTMODEL DIMENSIONSMODEL KPS PNEUMATIC OIL LEVEL SWITCHMODEL KLC OIL LEVEL CONTROLLERThe Fire Safe Oil Control System provides two spring-loaded, thermally actuated valves. In the event of a fire, valves automatically close, stopping the flow of oil from the crankcase of the engine and the reserve oil supply for the controller. Because the Oil Level Controller will melt during a fire, this prevents the addition of oil from the crankcase and the controller’s reserve oil supply to the fire.BENEFITS• Lower insurance ratesInlet Side:Outlet Side:APPLICATION Series 507 Oil Level Controllers are designed for use in Lincoln, Premier, and Mega Lubricators.OPERATING PRINCIPLE Series 507 Oil Level Controllers automatically monitor and control the amount of oil in the lubricator housing. This keeps all of the working parts including the pump plungers submerged in oil to reduce wear and corrosion. When the level falls below the operational requirement, the low level safety switch will be activated FEATURES • Valve design eliminates lubricator box overfill due to contaminates in the oil • Controls oil level in lubricator • Low level safety switch protects against engine and pump repairs due to lubrication failure • Non-mercury switch will not react to vibrationModel 507M Shown Mounted MODEL 507MThe standard valve seat material is Nitrile, but may be ordered as Fluorocarbon for other types of lubrication.A 1/2” FNPT conduit connection is standard. A basic two wire SPDT switch with form C contacts is standard. The enclosure meets NEMA type 4 classification.MODEL 507LThe standard valve seat material is Nitrile. A 1/2” FNPT conduit connection is standard. The switch is case to ground, the circuit will remain open until the switch is activated.IN-LUBRICATOR OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER WITH SAFETY SWITCHMaterials of ConstructionController Housing - Aluminum Valve Seat - NitrileOptional Valve Seat - Fluorocarbon (soft seat for synthetic oils)Valve Orifi c e - AluminumFloat Material - Closed Cell Polyurethane Oil Inlet Screen - 60 mesh brass clothSpecifi c ationsSwitch Trip Point - 3/4” drop in oil level Switch Rating - 5 amps, 250 VAC or VDC Electrical Connection - 1/2” FNPT Conduit connection; 22 gauge wire @ 19” long Wire Color Code:Red: Normally closed Blue: Normally open White: Common Enclosure - NEMA type 4Maximum Temperature - 211°F Inlet Oil Connection - 1/2” FNPT Circuitry - SPDTInlet Pressure - 1’ to 14’ head of oil Flow Rate - 2’ head @ 32°F, SAE 30; 1.1413 gallons per hour Shipping Weight - 15 ozMaterials of ConstructionController Housing - Aluminum Valve Seat - NitrileOptional Valve Seat - Fluorocarbon (soft seat for synthetic oils)Valve Orifi c e - AluminumFloat Material - Closed Cell Polyurethane Oil Inlet Screen - 60 mesh brass clothSpecifi c ationsSwitch Trip Point - 3/4” drop in oil level Switch Rating - 2 amps, 30 VAC or VDCElectrical Connection - 1/2” FNPT Conduit connection; 18 gauge wire @ 36” long Maximum Temperature - 211°F Inlet Oil Connection - 1/2” FNPT Circuitry - Case to GroundInlet Pressure - 1’ to 14’ head of oil Flow Rate - 2’ head @ 32°F, SAE 30; 1.1413 gallons per hour Shipping Weight - 15 ozHIGH-PRESSURE MODELS 507M-HP AND 507L-HPInlet Pressure - 5 psi to 60 psiMinimum Flow Rate - 5 psi @ 32°F, SAE 30; 0.6425 gallons per hourMODEL 507MMODEL 507LKENCO ADAPTER MODEL NUMBERSENGINE NUMBER Clark MA & CFA -1Clark HMB & TMP Compressor -2Clark RA, HRA, HBA, HCA, HLA, TLA -3Ingersoll-Rand SVG & KVS -4* Ingersoll-Rand KVG -5Cooper-Bessemer GMW -6Cooper-Bessemer GMV -7Cooper-Bessemer GMX -8Universal Mount Bracket -9* LCE Housing with 4 integral mounting studs for use with -9 universal adapter or any mounting confi g uration which incorporates the stud pattern -9MS* (does not include universal adapter)Slotted Adapter Universal Mount for use with 512 oil level controllers -9U* Slotted Adapter Universal Mount -10* Mechanical Lubricator Mounting -11 Post Mount For 1/2” Pipe -12* White Compressor -14 Ingersoll-Rand XVG & PVG -15 Cooper-Bessemer BMV & 275 (Available With Varied Oil Level) -16 Waukesha VHP Engines F 2895, F3251, F5108, L5790 & L7042 (Replaces Inspection Door) -17 Waukesha VHP Engines F 2895, F3251, F5108, L5790 & L7042 Door with Low Flow Meter (Replaces Inspection Door) -18 Ingersoll-Rand Rotary -19 Cooper-Bessemer 2400 SERIES 6 -21 Ariel JGE, JGH, JGJ, JGK, JGR, JGT, JGW Compressor -24 Waukesha VHP Engines F 2895, F3251, F5108, L5790 & L7042 (New Style Inspection Door) -27 Waukesha Inspection Door P 9390 -37 Waukesha Inspection Door P 9390 With Oil Meter -38 Waukesha VGF L36(12 Cylinder) and P48 (16 Cylinder) Engines -47 Ariel JGB, JGC, JGD, JGV Compressors -48 Dresser Rand HOS and VIP(4 and 6 Cylinder) Compressors -991 Slotted Adapter Universal Mount for Caterpillar 3300/3400 Engines -C33/34* 512 SPECIFIC ADAPTERS NUMBER Fairbanks Morse ZC, 118, 208, 346. 503, 739 512-FM For Side Mounting On Mechanical Lubricator When There Is No Extra Pump Pocket 512-ML Mounts On The End Of The McCord Mechanical Lubricator Next To The Filler Cap 512-SML Witte B,C & F28, F32 & F42 512-W* Witte 98 With Oil Gauge Bolted To Engine 512-W98* Arrow C46, C66, C106 AND C245 512-A Ajax, Lufkin Made Before 1-1-63, Superior And Other Crosshead Type Engines, And Tri-Plex Pumps With 1/2” Drains 512-AJAX Arrow L-795 512-L-795 * Indirect mounted controllers/switches require an equalizing line for proper operationTROUBLESHOOTING/COMMON INSTALLATION PROBLEMSPLEASE REFER TO THE DRAWING BELOW FOR A TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF A KENCO OIL LEVEL CONTROLLER1. P ressure Equalizing Line - Engines or compressors that operate with even the slightest pressure or vacuum in the crankcase require ap ressure eq u alizing line between the controller and the engine crankcase. The pressure equalizing line must be at least 3/8” I.D. tubing. It must be installed so it is self-draining and trap free. Do not place loops in this line because oil traps will prevent pressure equalization.2. O il Inlet Pressure - Kenco models vary based on oil inlet pressures. The standard unit is good for inlet pressure up to 5 psig. The HP-A model is good for inlet pressures of 5-35 psig. The HP-B model is good for inlet pressures of 36-70 psig. If the correct unit is not installed, the controller will either overfi l l or not keep up with the engine oil consumption. NOTE 1: Maximum inlet pressure for 512 models is 4.5 psig.N O T E 2: Call factory if oil level controller is installed in the line after a low fl o w consumption meter. Depending on the model of the meter, the oil inlet pressure will change.3. Inadequate Head Pressure - Oil controllers require a minimum of 2’ of head pressure.4. M aintained Oil Level in Crankcase - The centerline of the ” “ in the sight glass should be equal to the centerline of the maintained oil level in the crankcase under normal operating conditions. The controller must be mounted level and plumb.PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEETX = is available on this model- = is not available on this model* =u nit constructed with two independent switches, one which will trip at 3/4” above centerline and the second which will trip at 3/4” below centerline** = unit constructed with two independent switches for trip points at 5/8” or 7/8” below centerline*** = unit constructed with single switch, which will trip at 3/4” above or 3/4” below centerlineTulsa Office PO Box 470426Tulsa, OK 74147phone 918.663.4406fax 918.663.4480 email:******************Baton Rouge Office 11616 Industriplex, Suite 14Baton Rouge, LA 70809phone 225.755.1912fax 225.755.1913 email:*******************Represented by: Kenco Sales Office:ORDERING SYSTEMKLC KLCE LCM KLCP 512KES KPS KSHL KSLL KHLHP-A 5-35psi HP-B 36-70psi VFluorocarbon Valve SeatK Hose Kit - 6’ of 3/4” I.D. hose,(2)1/2” hose barbs, (2) 3/4” hose barbs, and 4 hose clampsFSOil Level ControllerMounting AdaptersInlet Oil PressureFire Safe Valves Additional OptionsExample shown above: KLCE-9-HP-A-FS-VK is an oil level controller with an electric switch in an explosion proof enclosure, a slotted universal mounting adapter, a high pressure inlet valve good for inlet pressure from 5 to 35 psi, fi r e safe valves, a fl u orocarbon valve seat, and a hose kit.(See previous page)PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEET。
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I n s t a l l a t i o n & O p e r a t i o nR F R Z -F SES e r i a l N u m b e r :D a t e o f P u r c h a s e :I n s t a l l a t i o n a s s i s t a n c e a v a i l a b l e a t :w w w .r o c k f o r d f o s g a t e .c o m /r f t e c hR O C K F O R D F O S G A T E .C O M600 S o u t h R o c k f o r d D r i v e • T e m p e , A r i z o n a 85281 U n i t e d S t a t e s D i r e c t : (480) 967-3565 • T o l l F r e e : (800) 669-98992Dear Customer,Congratulations on your purchase of the world’s finest brand of audio products. At Rockford Fosgate we are fanatics about musical reproduc-tion at its best, and we are pleased you chose our product. Through years of engineering expertise, hand craftsmanship and critical testing procedures, we have created a wide range of products that reproduce music with all the clarity and richness you deserve.For maximum performance we recommend you have your new Rockford Fosgate product installed by an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer, as we provide specialized training through Rockford Technical Training Institute (RTTI). Please read your warranty and retain your receipt and original carton for possible future use.Great product and competent installations are only a piece of the puzzle when it comes to your system. Make sure that your installer is using 100% authentic installation accessories from Rockford Fosgate in your installation. Rockford Fosgate has everything from RCA cables andspeaker wire to power wire and battery connectors. Insist on it! After all, your new system deserves nothing but the best.To add the finishing touch to your new Rockford Fosgate image order your Rockford accessories, which include everything from T-shirts to hats.Visit our web site for the latest information on all Rockford products ;or, in the U.S. call 1-800-669-9899 or FAX 1-800-398-3985. For all other countries, call +001-480-967-3565 or FAX +001-480-966-3983.Table of ContentIf, after reading your manual, you still have questions regarding this prod-uct, we recommend that you see your Rockford Fosgate dealer. If you need further assistance, you can call us direct at 1-800-669-9899. Be sure to have your serial number, model number and date of purchase available when you call.Safetyto alert the user to the presence of important instructions. Failure to heed the instructions will result in severe injury or death.This symbol with “CAUTION” is intended to alert the user to the presence of important instructions. Failure to heed the instructions can result in injury or unit damage.• To prevent injury and damage to the unit, please read and follow the instructions in this manual. We want you to enjoy this system, not get a headache.• If you feel unsure about installing this system yourself, have it installed by a qualified Rockford Fosgate technician.• Before installation, disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal to prevent damage to the unit, fire and/or possible injury.Introduction©2015 Rockford Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ROCK FORD FOSGATE and associated logos where applicable are registered trademarks of Rockford Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without notice.Continuous exposure to sound pressure levels over 100dB may cause permanent hearing loss. High powered auto sound systems may produce sound pressure levels well over 130dB. Use common senseand practice safe sound.2Introduction 3Enclosure Assembly 4-6Installation 7Blank 8Warranty3Enclosure AssemblyFig. 1DRIVER SIDE (LEFT)PASSENGER SIDE (RIGHT)TYPICAL ASSEMBLY(Passenger Side Shown)Threaded Mounting Stud4ContentsInstallation ToolsThe following is a list of suggested tools needed for installation:Installation ConsiderationsThis section focuses on some considerations for installing your Polaris ® RZR ® Front Speaker Pod Enclosures. This manual will illustrate the installation process with a 2016 Polaris RZR XP4 Turbo.If you feel unsure about installing this system yourself, have it installed by a qualified technician.Before installation, disconnect the battery neg-ative (-) terminal to prevent damage to the unit, fire and/or possible injury.Before beginning any installation, follow these simple rules:• Be sure to carefully read and understand the instructions before attempting to install this enclosure kit.• Consult your UTV’s service manual for model specific information. Models may differ from year to year depending on factory options and aftermarket accessories added.• This dash kit is specifically designed to work with Rockford Fosgate’s Element Ready 6.5” speakers.• With the addition of an amplifier or source unit, be sure that your current charging system is in proper working order.• Visit for more comprehensive installation videos and product information.• Ratchet • 15mm Socket • 13mm Socket• 5/32” Allen Wrench• (1) Passenger Side Front Speaker Enclosure • (1) Driver Side Front Speaker Enclosure • (2) Foam Tape• (2) Threaded Studs • (4) Mounting Screws w/ Washers• (2) Mounting Bolts w/ Washers • Installation GuideInstallationApplicable Models:2014 and up RZR ® XP/XP4 10002016 and up RZR ® XP/XP4 Turbo 2015 and up RZR ®S/ XC / 4 9005InstallationThe speaker pods are designed to work with Rockford Fosgate’s RFRZ-PMXWH1 and RFRZ-K4D wire kits. After the front speaker wire is run threw both down tubes, you are ready to start the process of mounting the enclosure.NOTE: There are factory plastic bosses located on the fire wall that the new pods will be mounted to.NOTE: If you have purchased our front subwoofer enclosure (RFRZ-FWE, you must install it prior to installing this kit RFRZ-FSE).Step 1 - Bolt RemovalThere are two bolts on the kick panel that attach the plastic floor panels to the chassis of the vehicle. The bottom bolt will need to be removed.NOTE: This install shows the enclosure mounting to the passenger side of the vehicle for better visibility. The install process is the same for both sides of the vehicle.Step 2 - Attach Threaded StudOnce the bolt is removed, install the threaded stud back into the hole where the bolt was removed. This provides a new mounting point for the speaker enclosure.Step 3 - Insert Speaker WireFeed the installed speaker wire through the hole on the pod beforemounting.6Step 4 - Mount the Speaker EnclosurePosition the enclosure over the threaded stud and plastic bosses.Be sure to line up the holes before inserting mounting screws andtightening.NOTE: There are (2) mounting screws with washers, (1) mountingbolt that hold each speaker enclosure in place. Leaving the screwsand bolts loose until all hardware in place makes final fitmenteasier. Once all hardware is in place, tighten to 8 ft. lbs. of torqueto secure the pod.Overtightening will cause damage to theplastic bosses and threads in stud.Step 5 - Foam Tape PlacementFoam tape is provided to cover the speaker wire access hole afterthe wire in installed. This is to prevents moisture from gettinginside the pod and air from escaping.InstallationStep 6 - Mount Speaker Into EnclosureConnect the front speaker wires to the speaker by sliding theconnectors over the speaker terminals. Be sure to maintain properpolarity when wiring up the speaker.NOTE: The driver side speaker enclosure mounts the same way asthe passenger side. It is recommended doing one side at a time.7WarrantyRockford Corporation offers a limited warranty on Rockford Fosgate products on the following terms:Length of WarrantyPOWER Amplifiers – 2 YearsBMW® Direct Fit Speakers – 2 YearsAll other products - 1 YearAny Factory Refurbished Product – 90 days (receipt required)What is CoveredThis warranty applies only to Rockford Fosgate products sold to consumers by Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealers in the United States of America or its possessions. Product purchased by consumers from an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer in another country are covered only by that country’s Distribu-tor and not by Rockford Corporation.Who is CoveredThis warranty covers only the original purchaser of Rockford product purchased from an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer in the United States. In order to receive service, the purchaser must provide Rockford with a copy of the receipt stating the customer name, dealer name, product purchased and date of purchase.Products found to be defective during the warranty period will be repaired or replaced (with a product deemed to be equivalent) at Rockford’s discretion.What is Not Covered1. Damage caused by accident, abuse, improper operations,water, theft, shipping.2. Any cost or expense related to the removal or reinstallation of product.3. Service performed by anyone other than Rockford or an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Service Center.4. Any product which has had the serial number defaced, altered, or removed.5. Subsequent damage to other components.6. Any product purchased outside the U.S.7. Any product not purchased from an Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer.Limit on Implied WarrantiesAny implied warranties including warranties of fitness for use and merchantability are limited in duration to the period of the express warranty set forth above. Some states do not allow limitations on the length of an implied warranty, so this limitation may not apply. No person is authorized to assume for Rockford Fosgate any other liability in connection with the sale of the product.How to Obtain ServiceContact the Authorized Rockford Fosgate Dealer you purchased this product from. If you need further assistance, call 1-800-669-9899 for Rockford Cus-tomer Service. You must obtain an RA# (Return Authorization number) to return any product to Rockford Fosgate. You are responsible for shipment of product to Rockford.EU WarrantyThis product meets the current EU warranty requirements, see your Authorized dealer for details.8。
压力单位换算表1mmAg = =1atm = 760 mmHg = 1013hPa1mmAg =一、压力(pressure)为单位面积所承受的力压力:绝对压力、表压力、大气压力。
相互关系:绝对压力=表压力+大气压力* 绝对压力(Absolute Pressure):当压力表示与完全真空的差。
* 表压力(Gage Pressure):当表示其气体数值与该地域大气压力的差值。
* 大气压力:(Pressure Atmospheres)由大气重量所产生之压力,标准大气压力为″寸汞柱压力.风压:包括全压=静压(Ps)+动压(Pv)即速度压。
Total Pressure=Static Pressure+Dynamic(Velocity)Pressure。
风机所产生之压力,均以水柱来测量,因风机使用之压力均很小;而水银之密度很大(1mmHg =)使用水银柱(mmHg)来测量时,读数不太明显,故多采用水柱(mmAq或mmH2O)来测量或计算。
如:采用水银柱表示时,760mm水银柱=760 mmHg 。
选用水柱表示时,100mm水柱=100 mmAq 。
1mmAq之压力约=1kg/m2 。
)二、压力常用单位(CNS 7778)(注2)大气压Atm.(Pressure Atmospheres)=760mmHg 。
吋水银(汞)柱:(″Hg) =KPa 。
吋水柱:(″Wg or H2O) =KPa 。
呎水柱:(′Wg) =Kpa公斤/平方公尺:kg/m2 ;kg/cm2 98=KPa (1mmAq=<=摩擦阻力″wg/100′ =Pa/m″wg/100′ =Pa/mmAq =KPa ;mmAq =KPa ;mmAq/m =Pa/m重量:磅/平方英吋(lbs/in2或Psi )。
中英文互译Detail design 详细设计Design document 设计文件Design note 设计注译Engineering specification 工程规定Design specification summary sheet【DSSS】设计规定汇总表Documentation 资料,文件Appendix 附件Technical specification 技术说明Index 目录Approved for construction 【AFC】批准用于施工Detail design issue 【DDI】详细设计Reference drawing 参考图Standard drawing 标准图Engineering drawing 工程图As built drawing 竣工图Drawing number 图号Discipline 专业Client ;customer 顾客Contraction 承包商Subcontractor 分包商Owner 业主Unit 单位Meter 米Millimeter 毫米Foot 【ft】英尺Inch 【in】英寸Radian【rad】弧度Degree 度Celsius 摄氏Fahrenheit 华氏Kilogram 千克Newton 牛顿Ton 吨Square meter 平方米Cubic meter 立方米Liter ;litre 升Hour 小时Minute 分钟Second 秒NS 国家标准Plan 平面Detail 详图View ”X“ X视图Section “A--A” A—A剖视Legend 图例Symbol 符号Absolute elevation 绝对标高Over –sea mean level 【OSL】海平面标高Top of concrete 混凝土顶面Top of steel 钢结构顶面Top of beam 【TOB】梁顶面Top of pipe 【TOP】管顶Bottom of pipe 【BOP】管底Bottom of trench 沟底Coordinate 坐标Diameter 【D】【DIA】直径Radius 【R】半径Inside Diameter 【ID】内径Dimension 尺寸Height 高度Thickness 【THK】厚度Length 长度Width 宽度Depth 深度Slope 坡度Maximum【Max】最大Minimum 【Min】最小Line number 管线号Insulation break 隔热分界Insulation 隔热材料Code 代码,编号P.W.T.H 焊后热处理Process flow diagram 【PFD】工艺流程图Piping and instrument flow diagram 【PID】管道及仪表流程图Utility flow diagram【UFD】公用工程流程图Nomenclature 管道表File 文件Quantity【QYT】数量ACT-QTY 实际数量CONTINGENCY 裕量ORDER 订单INCREASE / DECREASE 增加 / 减少REMARK 备注ITEM 材料名称ITEM CODE 型号规格PIPE SPEC 钢管规格SIZE 通径UNIT 单位ASTM 美标component description 构件描述Flange【FLG】法兰Gasket 【GSKT】垫片elbow【ELL】弯头concentric reducer; transition pipe ; ecc reducer 大小头Socket 【SW 】承插Nominal pressure;Class 【CL】公称压力test pressure 试验压力Valve 阀门Gate Valve 闸阀Globe Valve 截止阀Ball Valve 球阀Butterfly Valve 蝶阀Check Valve 止回阀Steam trap 蒸汽疏水阀Bolt 螺栓Flex hose 挠性软管External 外部,表面as per technical data sheet 按技术数据表pipe 管道Stainless steel pipe 不锈钢管Carbon steel pipe 【CS】碳钢管LTCS 低温碳钢Alloy steel pipe 合金钢管Cast iron pipe 铸铁管Welded steel pipe 焊接钢管Spiral welded steel pipe 焊接螺旋钢管Galvanized steel pipe 镀锌钢管Galv 镀锌Super 特级Duplex SS 双相不锈钢HS 耐高酸TP 管材Coupling 管箍Plastic pipe 塑料管Glass tube 玻璃管Seamless 【SMLS】 tube pipe 无缝钢管Tee 三通Reducing tee 异径三通Straight tee 等径三通Lateral 斜三通Cross 四通Cap 管帽Filter 过滤器Gauze strainer 丝网粗滤器Eye washer and shower 洗眼器及淋浴Flame arrester 阻火器Silencer 消声器Expansion joint 膨胀节Reinforcement pad 补强板Funnel 漏斗Spectacle blind ; Figure 8 blind 8字盲板Self tapping screw 自攻螺钉Expansion bolt 膨胀螺栓Nut 螺母Washer 垫圈Rivet 铆钉Beveled end 【BE】坡口端Plain end 【PE】平口端Threaded end 【TE】螺纹端Aluminum 铝Copper 铜,紫铜Brass 黄铜Bronze 青铜Lead 铅Polyethylene 【PE】聚乙烯Polyvinyl chloride 【PVC】聚氯乙烯Polypropylene 【PP】聚丙烯Polytetrafluoroethylene【PTFE】聚四氟乙烯Adhesive 胶粘剂Resin 树脂Epoxy Resin 环氧树脂Polyester Resin 聚酯树脂Polyester fibers 聚酯纤维Acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂Furan resin 呋喃树脂Synthetic rubber 合成橡胶Nitrile butadiene rubber 丁腈橡胶Neoprene 氯丁橡胶Ethylene propylene rubber【EPR】乙丙橡胶Fire brick 耐火砖Ceramic 陶瓷Shaped steel ;section steel ;swage 型钢Angle steel 角钢Channel 槽钢I-beam 工字钢Wide flanged beam H型钢T-bar T型钢Square bar 方钢Flat bar 扁钢Round bar ;Rod 圆钢Strap steel 钢带Plate 钢板Checkered Plate 花纹钢板Web 腹板Wing 翼缘Packing 填料Asbestos rope ; Asbestos crod 石棉绳Piping class; Piping classification 管道等级Nominal diameter【DN】公称直径Low pressure 【L.P.】低压medium pressure【M.P.】中压High pressure【H.P.】高压Atmosphere【ATM】大气压Vacuum 真空Operating pressure ;working pressure 工作压力Design pressure 设计压力Operating temperature 工作温度Design temperature 设计温度Ambient temperature 环境温度Wall thickness 【WT】壁厚Summary sheet 汇总表Bill of material【BM】材料表Consolidated Piping material summary sheet【CPMSS】综合管道材料表Code number 代码Itemized 编位号的Net weight 净重gross weight 毛重equipment name 设备名称vessel 容器tower ; column 塔reactor 反应器gas-holder 气柜drum 罐flare 火炬heat exchanger 换热器air cooler 空冷器water cooler 水冷却器preheater 预热器heater 加热器furnace 炉子boiler 锅炉stack 烟囱soot blower 吹灰器centrifugal pump 离心泵helical screw compressor 螺杆空压机refrigerator 冷冻机steam turbine 汽轮机motor 电动机generator 发电机roots blower 罗茨鼓风机bridge crane 桥式起重机belt conveyor 皮带输送机substation 配电室control room 控制室piping layout 管道布置isometric drawing 轴测图tank yard 罐区air separation facility 空分装置equipment item number 设备位号future area 预留区yard 场地area 面积,区域volume 体积,容积piping design 管道设计under ground piping 地下管道pipe rack 管廊drain 排液vent 放空bare line 裸管tracing pipe 伴热管steam tracing 蒸汽伴热hot-water tracing 热水伴热electrical tracing 电伴热instrument air 仪表空气low pressure steam 低压蒸汽medium pressure steam 中压蒸汽high pressure steam 高压蒸汽tracing steam 伴热蒸汽oxygen 氧气hydrogen 氢气nitrogen 氮气fuel gas 燃料气natural gas 天然气flare gas 火炬气liquefied petroleum gas 【LPG】液化石油气ammonia gas 氨气circulating water 循环水boiler feed water 锅炉给水steam condensate 蒸汽冷凝水chemical sewage 化学污水density 密度specific gravity 比重concentration 浓度toxic 有毒的flammable 易燃的steaming out 蒸汽吹扫blow down 排污steel structure 钢结构reinforced concrete construction 钢筋混凝土结构platform【PF】平台ground level 地面handrail 栏杆stair; stair way 楼梯ladder 直梯column; post; stanchion 柱foundation; footing 基础beam 梁bracing 支撑,斜撑girder 主梁member 构件wall 墙erection opening 吊装孔window 窗door 门fire door 防火门floor drain 地漏fire-proofing 防火层general plot plan 总图level gauge 液位计gage glass 玻璃液位计flow meter 流量计cable tray (channel);cable rack 电缆槽(架)fixed saddle 固定鞍座sliding saddle 滑动鞍座nozzle 管口manhole【MH】人孔inspection hole 检查孔part number 件号reinforcing ring 加强圈accessory 附件,附属设备itemized equipment 设备位号potable water 饮用水cooling water supply 循环冷却给水cooling water return 循环冷却回水demineralized water 脱盐水sanitary sewer 生活污水industrial waste water 工业废水fire water 消防水shoe 管托clamp 管卡clevis U型卡cradle 托架gusset 连接板rib 筋stiffener 加强板base plate 底板top plate 顶板embedded part ;inserted plate 预埋件tie plate 连接板skirt 裙座resting type spring support 弹簧托架spring hanger 弹簧吊架cantilever support 悬臂架triangular support 三角架leg 支腿node 节点glass wool 玻璃棉rock wool 岩棉polyurethane 聚氨酯foam glass; cellular glass 泡沫玻璃asphalt 沥青galvanized wire mesh 镀锌铁丝网asbestos cloth 石棉布shell 管壳blanket 棉毡calcium silicate 硅酸钙aluminosilicate fiber 硅酸铝纤维perlite 珍珠岩insulation block 保温块cellular polystyrene ;foam polystyrene 泡沫聚苯乙烯mastic weatherproof coating 玛蹄脂保护层finishing cement 水泥抹面clad ;metal jacketing; cladding metal 金属保护层glass(fiber)cloth 玻璃布galvanized (sheet) iron; galvanized plain sheet 镀锌铁皮aluminium sheet 铝板foaming 发泡thermal conductivity factor 导热系数hot insulation 保温cold insulation 保冷support ring 支撑环steel ring 钢环painting 涂漆primary coat ;bottom coat 底漆finishing coat 面漆bituminous paint 沥青漆polyurethane paint 聚氨酯漆organic silicon paint 有机硅漆epoxy resin paint 环氧树脂漆ethylene perchloride paint 过氯乙烯漆inorganic zinc-rich paint 无机富锌漆heat-proof paint 耐热漆light 淡色的dark 深色的red 红色的blue 蓝色yellow 黄色green 绿色grey(gray)灰色surface preparation 表面处理corrosion 腐蚀。
1mmAg = 9.80665Pa = 0.0980665hPa1atm = 760 mmHg = 1013hPa1mmAg = 0.0735793mmHg一、压力(pressure)为单位面积所承受的力压力:绝对压力、表压力、大气压力。
相互关系:绝对压力=表压力+大气压力* 绝对压力(Absolute Pressure):当压力表示与完全真空的差。
* 表压力(Gage Pressure):当表示其气体数值与该地域大气压力的差值。
* 大气压力:(Pressure Atmospheres)由大气重量所产生之压力,标准大气压力为29.92″寸汞柱压力.风压:包括全压(P.T)=静压(Ps)+动压(Pv)即速度压(V.P)。
Total Pressure=Static Pressure+Dynamic(Velocity)Pressure。
风机所产生之压力,均以水柱来测量,因风机使用之压力均很小;而水银之密度很大(1m mHg=13.6mmAq)使用水银柱(mmHg)来测量时,读数不太明显,故多采用水柱(mmAq 或mmH2O)来测量或计算。
如:采用水银柱表示时,760mm水银柱=760 mmHg 。
选用水柱表示时,100mm水柱=100 mmAq 。
1mmAq之压力约=1kg/m2 。
)二、压力常用单位(CNS 7778)(注2)大气压Atm.(Pressure Atmospheres)=760mmHg 。
吋水银(汞)柱:(″Hg) 3.377=KPa 。
常减压装置英语术语A pressure relief device, commonly known as a Pressure Relief Device (PRD) or Pressure Safety Valve (PSV), is a crucial component in industrial processes where maintaining safe operating conditions is paramount. It functions by automatically releasing excess pressure from a system to prevent catastrophic failures such as explosions or structural damage. The proper selection, installation, and maintenance of these devices are critical to ensure their effectiveness and reliability.Firstly, understanding the operational principles of PRDs is essential. These devices are designed to open and relieve pressure when it exceeds a predetermined set point. This set point is typically determined by the design parameters of the system and the safety margins required to protect against overpressure scenarios. PRDs operate based on mechanical spring forces or hydraulic pressures that counteract the system pressure until the set point is reached, at which point the valve opens to vent the excess pressure.PRDs are classified into different types based on their design and mode of operation. Common types include spring-loaded safety valves, pilot-operated safety valves, and rupture discs (also known as bursting discs). Each type has its specific applications and advantages, such as high reliability under varying conditions, rapid response times, and suitability for different pressure ranges and media types.The installation of PRDs is critical for their proper function. They are typically installed at points within the system where pressure buildup is most likely to occur, such as on vessels, pipelines, or equipment that contain pressurized fluids or gases. Proper installation ensures that the PRD can effectively discharge excess pressure without obstruction and that the discharged media does not pose a hazard to personnel or the environment.Maintenance of PRDs is another crucial aspect of their lifecycle management. Regular inspection, testing, and recalibration are necessary to ensure that the devices operate within their specified set points and response times. This preventive maintenance helps to identify potential issues such as corrosion, mechanical wear, or buildup ofdeposits that could impair the PRD's performance over time. Furthermore, maintenance procedures should comply with relevant regulatory standards and manufacturer guidelines to guarantee safety and reliability.In industrial settings, PRDs play a vital role in safeguarding personnel, equipment, and the environment from the risks associated with overpressure situations. They are integral to the overall safety and operational integrity of systems in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, power generation, and manufacturing. Regulatory bodies and industry standards prescribe requirements for the selection, installation, and maintenance of PRDs to ensure consistent adherence to safety protocols and to mitigate potential hazards effectively.The effectiveness of PRDs relies on several factors, including proper sizing according to system design specifications, compatibility with process media, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Engineering calculations and simulations are often employed to determine the optimal PRD specifications for a given application, taking into account factors such as maximum allowable working pressure, temperature extremes, flow rates, and system dynamics.In conclusion, Pressure Relief Devices are indispensable components in industrial safety systems, providing critical protection against overpressure events that could lead to catastrophic consequences. Their reliable operation hinges on meticulous design, precise installation, and diligent maintenance practices. By adhering to established standards and best practices, industries can ensure the continued safety and efficiency of their operations while mitigating risks associated with pressurized systems.。
化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照缩写/ 英文/中文AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓Abs Absolute 绝对的Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头AE Absolute Error 绝对误差AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL Aluminium 铝Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的ALM Alarm 报警Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的Approx Approximate 大约、近似Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会Atm Atmosphere 大气atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压Auto Automatic 自动Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的Avail Available 有效的、可用的Avg Average 平均AW Arc welding 电弧焊AW Automatic Welding 自动焊A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规AWS(AWI) American Welding Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down 放空、放料BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据Bet Between 在…之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口BF Back face 背面、反面BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值BL Battery Limit 界区BL Battery Line 界区线B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色Blk Blank 空白BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表Bot Bottom 底BP Back Pressure 背压BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求BRG Bearing 轴承BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准BS Balance Sheet 平衡表Bskt Basket 筐BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位BV Back View 后视图BV Butterfly Valve 碟阀BW Brine Vater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Calc Calculate 计算Cap Capacity 能力、容量CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的CE Covered Electrode 焊条Cent Centrifugal 离心的CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk Check 检查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向CL Class 等级、类别CL Center Line 中心线CL Clearance 间隙CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢CM Center of Mass 质量中心Cnds Condensate 冷凝液CO Clean Out 清除Co Company 公司Coef Coefficient 系数Col Column 柱、塔Comb Combination 组合Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的Compn Composition 组分Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度Cond Conductor 导体Cond Condition 条件Conn Connection 联接、接口Const Constant 常数、恒定的Const Construction 结构Cont Control 控制Cont Contain 包含Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊CP Center of Pressure 压力中心Cpl Coupling 管箍Cplg Coupling 联轴节CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件Ctr Center 中心CW Cooling Water 冷却水CW Continuous Welding 连续焊Cy Cycle 循环Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒D Density 密度Dbl Double 二倍、双DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据Def Definition 定义Deg Degree 度、等级Dept Department 部门Des Design 设计Det Detail 详细Detn Determination 确定、决定Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置DF Design Formula 设计公式Df Deflection 偏斜Dia Diameter 直径Diag Diagram 图Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction 方向Disch Discharge 排出、出口Distr Distribution 分布Div Division 部分、区分DL Dead load 静载荷、自重Doc Document 文件、资料DP Design Pressure 设计压力DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压Dr Drill 钻孔Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水Dwg Drawing 图E East 东EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数Ecc Eccentric 偏心EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency 效率eg exempli gratia 例如EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节EL Elevation 标高Elb Elbow 弯头Elec Electric 电的Elem Element 元素、元件Ellip Ellipsoidal 椭球的、椭圆的Emer、Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计EP Explosion Proof 防爆Eq Equipment 设备Eq Equation 公式、方程式Eq Equivalent 当量ES Electrostatic 静电EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验etc et cetera (and so on) 等等Evap Evaporate 蒸发Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过Exam Examination 检验Exh Exhaust 废气、排气Exp Expansion 膨胀Exptl Experimental 实验的Ext External 外部Ext Extreme 极端的FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FAX Facsimile 传真FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊(手工焊)Fdn Foundation 基础FDW Feed Water 给水FF Flat Face 平面F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造Fig Figure 图Fin Finish 加工、完成FL Full Load 满载Flex Flexible 挠性Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格FOC Free Of Charge 免费Forg Forging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数FREQ Frequency 频率FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺Ftg Fitting 管件、装配F.V. Full Vacuum 全真空FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝GA General Average 平均值Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的Genr Generator 发电机、发生器GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃GL Ground Level 地面标高GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊Gnd Ground 接地、地面Govt Government 政府GP General Purpose 一般用途、通用Gr Grade 等级Gr Gravity 重力Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度HC Hydrocarbon 烃类HC High Capacity 大容量HD Head 压头Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式hp Horsepower 马力HP High Pressure 高压HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度HR(hr) Hour 小时HRC Rockwell C Hardness C级洛氏硬度HS High Pressure Steam 高压蒸汽HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness 肖氏硬度HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HT High Temperature 高温HT Heat Treatment 热处理HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验HV Vickers Hardness 维氏硬度Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的HW Hot Water 热水ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水ID Inside Diameter 内径IF Interface 交接面Illus Illustration 说明、图解IN Inlet 进口in Inch 英寸incl Including 包括Ind Indicate 指示Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验Instl Installation 安装Int Internal 内部的Int Intermediate 中间的Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的I/O Input/Output 输入/输出Jt Joint 连接、接头KG Kilogram 公斤KW(kw) Kilowatt 千瓦LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢lb pound 磅LC Level Control 液位控制器Leng Length 长度LF Female Face 凹面Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的Liq Liquid 液体Lj Lap joint 搭接LJ Lapped Joint 松套LM Male Face 凸面LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference 对数平均温差LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal 正常液位Lng Lining 衬里LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气Lo Lubrication oil 润滑油Lo Low 低LOA Length Over-All 全长\总长LOC Location 位置Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以10为底)Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LT Low Temperature 低温LT Leak Testing 气密试验Ltd Limited 有限Ltr Letter 字母、信Lub Lubricate 润滑LW Lap Welding 搭接焊LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝M(m) Meter 米、公尺Mach Machine 机器Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat’l) Material 材料MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 最大允许工作压力Max Maximum 最大MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度Mech Mechanical 机械的Mfd Manufactured 制造的Mfr Manufacturer 制造商MG(mg) Milligram 毫克MH Manhole 人孔MI Melt Index 熔融指数MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰性气体保护焊Min Minimum 最小MIN(min) Minute 分钟MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket 金属包复垫片Mk Mark 标志ml Milliliter 毫升mm Millimeter 毫米MP Medium Pressure 中压MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽MS Medium Steel 中碳钢MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测MTD Mean Temperature Difference 平均温差Mtd Mounted 安装、装配MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告MU Measurement Unit 测量单位MV Mean Value 平均值MW Mineral Wool 矿渣棉N North 北NA Not Applicable 不适用的NAT Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗牙螺纹NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验Neg Negative 负NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节Nom Nominal 名义Nor Normal 正常NOZ Nozzle 接管NPS American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 美国标准直管螺纹NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available 有效汽蚀裕量NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required 要求汽蚀裕量NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美国标准锥管螺纹NT Net Tonnage 净吨数NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力NTS Not To Scale 不按比例Num Number 数、编号、号码Obj Object 目标、对象OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性OD Outside Diameter 外径OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作Opp Opposite 对面、相反OR Outside Radius 外半径OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的Oxyg Oxygen 氧P Page 页P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph 节、段Pc Piece 件PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图Perform Performance 性能PF Power Factor 功率因素PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪表流程图Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动PO Purchase Order 订货单Port Portable 便携式、轻便Posit Positive 正Posit Position 位置ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几ppm Parts per million 百万分之几Prod Product 产品Proj Project 项目、工程PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet 磅/平方英尺psi Pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PV A Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯PV AL Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制Qty Quantity 数量Qual Quality 质量R Radius 半径Rad Radial 径向RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环Recom Recommended 建议、推荐Ref Reference 参照、基准Refract Refractory 耐火材料Reg Regulator 调节器Regen Regenerator 再生器、再生塔Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对Rep Report 报告Rep Repeat 重复Reqd Required 要求、需要的REV Revision 修改、版次Rev Review 评论、检查Rev Revolution 旋转、转数RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity 相对湿度RH Right Hand 右手RMS Root Mean Square 均方根ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分rps revolutions per second 转/秒RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验S South 北SAW Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段Seg Segment 节、段Sep Separator 分离器Seq Sequence 次序、顺序SG Specific Gravity 比重SHP Shaft Horsepower 轴马力SI Standard International 国际单位制Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体SMAW Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊Smls Seamless 无缝的SO Slip on 平焊(法兰)Sol Solution 溶液SP Spare parts 备件Sp Special 特殊的、专门的SP Static pressure 静压力Spec Specification 说明、规定SpGr Specific Gravity 比重Sq Square 方形、平方SR Stress Relief 消除应力SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量STL Steel 钢STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力Suc Suction 吸入Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接SW Spot Weld 点焊SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰)SWP Safety Working Pressure 安全工作压力SYM Symbol 符号、标志SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统T Ton 吨TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨Tech Technique 技术TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国)Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头Thk Thickness 厚度TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TL Tangent line 切线Tol Tolerance 公差Tot Total 总Trans Transfer 输送器TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊Typ Typical 典型、标准UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹US Undersize 尺寸过小UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限Vac Vacuum 真空Vap Vapor 蒸汽Var Variable 变化、变量Vel Velocity 速度Vert Vertical 垂直V ol Volume 体积VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线WL Water Line 水线WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程WP Working Pressure 工作压力WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国)WS Water Supply 供水WT Weight 重量W/V Wind Velocity 风速XR X-Ray X射线Yd Yard 码YP Yield Point 屈服点Yr Year 年。
EnCal 3000硬件手册
![EnCal 3000硬件手册](
目录1.过程气相色谱分析仪-概述 (6)1.1 气相色谱:分析原理 (6)1.1.1色谱柱 (7)1.1.2检测器 (9)1.1.3进样器 (9)1.2 过程气相色谱分析仪 (10)2功能设计 (11)2.1 简介 (11)2.2 外壳 (11)2.3 内部元件 (13)2.4 通道 (14)2.5 处理器板 (16)2.6 内部连接板 (17)2.7 加热器 (18)2.8 内部采样系统 (20)2.8.1载气 (21)2.8.2双阻塞元件密封和排放功能 (22)2.8.3内部采样旁路 (22)2.9 主要元件配置 (23)2.10 气路连接 (24)2.11 换气装置 (25)2.12 接线格兰头 (25)2.13 外部开关 (26)3技术规范 (27)3.1 概要 (27)4数据通讯 (30)4.1 本地TCP/IP数据通讯 (30)4.2 本地串口Modbus数据通讯 (31)4.3 远程接入 (32)4.4 Modbus通讯 (33)5硬件安装 (34)5.1 安装规范 (34)5.1.1重量和尺寸 (34)5.1.2安装空间 (34)5.1.3壁挂式安装 (35)5.1.4Encal 3000支架的安装孔 (36)5.1.5EnCal 3000内部连接板的连接 (38)5.2 硬件启动 (43)安全信息电力安全EnCal 3000 是安装在危险区的天然气分析仪。
基于此,它必须符合如下认证:ATEX II 2G EEX 的 IIB T4应符合:EN 50014: 1997 + A1,A2En 50018: 2008 + A1关于这两个认证的详细信息可以参考本手册的附录A这种设备的操作和维护都应该由有经验的人来执行,如下基本原则适用于所有的环境:当出现爆炸性气体的时候,所有防火护栏不能被打开。
(no symbol)
Pounds Per Sq. In.
Inches of Mercury (at 0oC)
1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ.7
Pounds Per Sq. In.
Pounds Per Sq. In.
Pounds Per Sq. In.
Kilogram Per Sq. Centimeter
Pounds Per Sq. Ft.
立方英尺Cubic Feet
立方英寸Cubic Inches
立方英尺Cubic Feet
美制加仑Gallons (USLig)
Pounds Per Sq. In.
(no symbol)
达威仪表系列22系A3000光栅压力开关 表说明书
![达威仪表系列22系A3000光栅压力开关 表说明书](
Differential Pressure Gages/Switches, Dial
Series A3000
3-in-1 Indicating Gage, Lo-Limit and Hi-Limit Control
Ø4 [101.60] FACE
常用计算公式静液柱压力(Hydrostatic pressure)静液柱压力(Mpa)=钻井液密度(g/cm3)×0.00981×垂深(m,TVD)静液柱压力(psi)=钻井液密度(ppg)×0.052×垂深(ft,TVD)静液柱压力(Mpa)=压力梯度(MPa/m)×垂深(m,TVD)静液柱压力(psi)=压力梯度(psi/ft)×垂深(ft,TVD)压力梯度(Pressure gradient)压力梯度(KPa/m)=钻井液密度(g/cm3)×9.81压力梯度(psi/ft)=钻井液密度(ppg)×0.052单位内容积(Internal capacity)单位内容积(m3/m)=7.854×10-5×井径2cm单位内容积(bbls/ft)=井径2in÷1029.4单位环空容积(Annular capacity)单位环空容积(m3/m)=7.854×10-5×(井径2cm-管柱外径2cm)单位环空容积(bbls/ft)=(井径2in-管柱外径2in)÷1029.4容积(Volume)容积(m3)=单位内容积(m3/m)×长度(m)容积(bbls)=单位内容积(bbls/ft)×长度(ft)管柱单位排替量(m3/m)=7.854×10-5×(外径2cm-内径2cm)管柱单位排替量(bbls/ft)=(外径2in-内径2in)÷1029.4地层压力(Formation pressure)地层压力=静液柱压力+关井立压压井钻井液密度(Kill mud weight)压井钻井液密度(g/cm3)=(关井立压Mpa÷0.00981÷垂深m,TVD)+当前钻井液密度g/cm3压井钻井液密度(ppg)=(关井立压psi÷0.052÷垂深ft,TVD)+当前钻井液密度ppg初始循环压力(Initial circulating pressure)终止循环压力钻具水眼畅通钻具水眼堵塞或:初始循环压力=关井立压+低泵速泵压溢流密度(Kick density)溢流密度(g/cm 3)=当前钻井液密度(g/cm 3)-((套压MPa -立压MPa)÷(溢流长度m×0.00981))溢流密度(ppg)=当前钻井液密度(ppg)-((套压psi -立压psi)÷(溢流长度ft×0.052))当量循环密度(Equivalent circulating density)终止循环压力(Final circulating pressure)溢流长度(Kick lenght)溢流长度(m)=钻井液增量(m 3)÷单位环空容积(m 3/m)溢流长度(ft)=钻井液增量(bbls)÷单位环空容积(bbls/ft)当量钻井液密度(ppg)=总压力psi÷0.052÷垂深ft,TVD灌钻井液量(Fill volume)灌钻井液量(m 3)=钻具排替量(m 3/m)×提出长度m 地层破裂当量钻井液密度(Est.integrity density)当量循环密度(g/cm 3)=当前钻井液密度(g/cm 3)+(环空压力损失MPa÷0.00981÷垂深m,TVD)当量循环密度(ppg)=当前钻井液密度(ppg)+(环空压力损失psi÷0.052÷垂深ft)当量钻井液密度(Equivalent density)当量钻井液密度(g/cm 3)=总压力MPa÷0.00981÷垂深m,TVD地层破裂当量钻井液密度(g/cm 3)=(漏失压力MPa÷0.00981÷试验垂深m,TVD)+试验钻井液密度(g/cm 3)灌钻井液量(m 3)=(钻具排替量(m 3/m)+钻具内容积(m 3/m))×提出长度m灌钻井液量(m 3)=7.854×10-5×(外径2cm)×提出长度m灌钻井液冲数(Strokes to fill)灌钻井液冲数=灌钻井液量(m 3)÷泵每冲排量地层破裂当量最大允许关井套压(Est.integrity pressure)最大允许关井套压Mpa=(地层破裂当量钻井液密度g/cm3-当前钻井液密度g/cm3)×0.00981×试验垂深m。
Ralston Instruments 控制枪压力控制器说明书
![Ralston Instruments 控制枪压力控制器说明书](
Part No.QTVC-EN-KIT5-GRControlPak Pressure Controller, 3000 psi FieldLab, 6ft and 3fthoses, adaptersPerform both ultra-precise low pressuredifferential or high pressure static pressurecalibrations with nitrogen using the samedevice with an external pressure calibratorQTVC-EN-KIT5-GR Included Items• Pressure Controller - ControlPak Manual Pressure Controller (QTVC-EN)• Pressure Reference - Pressure FieldLab, 3000 psi / 200 bar / 20 MPa, Female Quick-test bottom connection (FLP1-GR-QF)• Hose - Quick-test 6900 psi hose, brass hose ends, 6 ft (1.83 m) long (QTQT-HOS-6ft)• Hose - Quick-test 6900 psi hose, brass hose ends, 3 ft (92 cm) long (QTQT-HOS-3ft)• Process Connection - 1/4" male NPT x male Quick-test, no check-valve, brass (QTHA-2MB0)• Process Connection - 1/4" male NPT x male Quick-test, no check-valve, brass (QTHA-2MB0)• Bag - Zippered bag to hold hose and adapters, nylon (SM-0084)Specs/AttributesMedia Compatibility Air, Inert GasInlet Port Male Quick-testOutlet Port Male Quick-testMax Pressure3000 PSI / 200 bar / 20 MPaMax Vacuum10 InHg / 33.9 kPaMaterials ABS Plastic, Anodized Aluminum, Brass, Plated Steel, Stainless SteelSeal Materials Buna-N, Delrin, Teflon0 °F / -18 °CMin OperatingTemperature130 °F / 54 °CMax OperatingTemperatureHose 1Quick-test Hose, Brass ends, 6ft / 1.9m longSpecs/AttributesHose 2Quick-test Hose, Brass ends, 3ft / 0.9m longPressure Reference NoneProcess Connection NoneReference Connection NoneCountry of origin USAWeight8.90 lbs / 4.04 kgDimensions H: 11.8 in (29.97 cm) x W: 9.8 in (24.89 cm) x D: 7.7 in (19.56 cm)Pressure Controller QTVC-ENCountry of origin USA0.00 PSI / 0.00 mbar / 0.00 kPaFine AdjustmentResolutionHarmonized Code9032.81.0060Inlet Port Male Quick-testMaterials ABS Plastic, Anodized Aluminum, Powder Coated Steel, Stainless Steel, Zippered Nylon130 °F / 54 °CMax OperatingTemperatureMax Pressure3000 PSI / 200 bar / 20 MPaMax Vacuum10 InHg / 33.9 kPaMedia Compatibility Air, Inert Gas, Natural Gas0 °F / -18 °CMin OperatingTemperatureOutlet Port Male Quick-test with cap and chainPressure Media Nitrogen, inert gasSeal Materials Buna-N, Delrin, TeflonWeight8.71 lbs / 3.95 kgDimensions H: 11.8 in (29.97 cm) x W: 9.8 in (24.89 cm) x D: 7.7 in (19.56 cm)Pressure Reference FLP1-GR-QF+/- 0.02% of Full Scale (0-20% of Full Scale), +/- 0.1% of Reading (20-100% of Full Scale)Accuracy - PressureMeasurementBattery Count1Battery Life1000 HoursBattery Type Lithium Ion rechargeable, 4.8 Ah CapacityBurst Pressure12000 PSI / 825 bar / 83 MPaCalibration Certificate NIST traceable (included)Certifications Certified to CSA Standard C22.2 No. 61010-1, Conforms to UL / IEC / EN / AS Standard No. 61010-1, North America - Class 1 Division 1 Groups A-D, T4, (-10 < Ta < 50°C), ATEX - Ex II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-10 < Ta <50 °C), IECEx - Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-10 < Ta < 50 °C), UN/DOT 38.3 (Lithium Batteries), Complies withPressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU, Complies with Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, Complieswith Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EUCountry Adapters North America, Europe, United Kingdom, Australia, ChinaCountry of origin USAPressure Reference FLP1-GR-QFDatalogging 2 million points (onboard)Engineering Units atm, bar, cmH2O @4°C, inH2O @39°C, kPa, MPa, mbar, psi, inHg @39°F, kgf / cm^2, mmHg @0°C, Torr, ftH2O @39°F, cmHg @ 0°C, oz / in^2Harmonized Code9026.20.0000LCD Display 3.5 in / 90mm Color TFT LCD DisplayMaterials316 Stainless Steel, Reinforced Polyamide120 °F / 50 °CMax OperatingTemperatureMax Pressure3000 PSI / 200 bar / 20 MPaMax Storage165 °F / 75 °CTemperatureMeasurement Type Gauge PressureMedia Compatibility Air, Inert Gas, Natural Gas, Petroleum Based Oil, Water14 °F / -10 °CMin OperatingTemperature-20 °F / -29 °CMin StorageTemperatureMounting Holes 3 x M5 Inserts (10 mm deep)Operating Altitude (max)10,000 ft (3050 m)Power Input90-264 VAC, 50-60 HzPrimary Power Battery PowerProcess Connection Female Quick-testProtection Class Pollution Degree 2 (UL / IEC 61010-1)Relative Humidity0% to 90% (-10 to 35°C) , 0% to 70% (35 to 50°C)Seal Materials Teflon, VitonSensor Type High Precision MEMS14 to 122°F (-10 to 50°C)TemperatureCompensationUSB Connection USB (Type B)Wetted Materials316 Stainless SteelConnector End 1Female Quick-testWeight 2.56 lbs / 1.16 kgDimensions H: 9 in (22.86 cm) x W: 5 in (12.7 cm) x D: 2.5 in (6.35 cm)Hose QTQT-HOS-3ftBurst Pressure27000 PSI / 1860 bar / 185 MPaColor SilverCountry of origin USAFluid Media Air,Inert Gas,Natural Gas,Petroleum Based Oil,WaterHose Length3ft / 0.91 mInner Diameter0.08 In / 3.00 mmLength 3 ft / 92 cmHose QTQT-HOS-3ftMaterials Brass140 °F / 60 °CMax OperatingTemperatureMax Pressure6900 PSI / 475 bar / 48 MPaMax Vacuum-30.00 InHg / -101.6 kPaMedia Compatibility Air, Inert Gas, Natural Gas, Petroleum Based Oil, Water Min Operating-40 °F / -40 °CTemperatureMinimum Bend Radius 1.00 In / 26 mmOuter Diameter0.20 In / 6.00 mmType QTProcess Connection QTHA-2MB0Burst Pressure20000 PSI / 1380 bar / 140 MPaCountry of origin USAMaterials BrassMax Operating225 °F / 105 °CTemperatureMax Pressure5000 PSI / 350 bar / 35 MPaMax Vacuum0.00 InHg / 0.0 kPaMin Operating0 °F / -18 °CTemperatureSeal Materials Buna-NWrench Size9/16 In15 mmConnector End 11/4" Male NPT (ASME B1.20.1)Connector End 2Male Quick-testDimensions H: 1.29 in (3.28 cm) x W: 0.56 in (1.42 cm)Bag SM-0084Materials Zippered NylonCountry of origin USAWeight 3 oz / 85 gramsDimensions H: 6 in (15.24 cm) x W: 1 in (2.54 cm) x D: 7 in (17.78 cm)。
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R440311 16" S-40 X 6" S-40S R590070 20" S-20 X 2" S-40S R226663 10" S-10S X 4" S-10S R228769 20" S-10 X 12" S-10S R229056 20" S-10 X 4" S-10S R590375 20" S-20 X 8" S-40S R136874 40" 7.92MM X 28" S-10 REDU. TEE, CL3000, SW, CS ASTM A105, ASME-B16.11 R01455 R01456 1-1/2" X 3/4" 1-1/2" X 1"
4 53 5 1 20
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PIPE NIPPLE, SMLS, PE/ TE, SS ASTM A312 GR.TP304/304L, L=100MM(4"), ASME-B36.19M P050572 1/2" S-80S P050573 3/4" S-80S P050577 1-1/2" S-80S P04634 P50574 3/4" S-40S 1" S-80S WELDOLET, BW, CS ASTM A105, MSS-SP-97 R22197 R22271 R22276 R22279 R22497 R22594 R22605 R21699 R22278 R22427 R31759 R39462 R32914 R21700 R42816 R21858 6" S-40 X 2" S-40 6" S-40 X 3" S-40 8" S-40 X 2" S-40 8" S-40 X 2" S-40 12" STD X 4" S-40 16" STD X 8" S-40 18" STD X 10" S-40 24" STD X 8" S-40 8" S-40 X 3" S-40 24" STD X 12" STD 16" XS X 8" S-40 20" STD X 10" S-40 20" XS X 8" S-40 24" STD X 10" S-40 36" STD X 2" S-40 36" STD X 8" S-40 WELDOLET, BW, SS ASTM A182 GR.F304/304L, MSS-SP-97 R2630866 2" S-10S X 3/4" S-40S R2258192 4" S-10S X 2" S-10S R1097214 6" S-10S X 1-1/2" S-40S R2258390 6" S-10S X 3" S-10S R189698 8" S-10S X 2" S-10S R185839 10" S-10S X 2" S-10S R187085 16" S-10S X 10" S-10S R187215 16" S-10S X 2" S-10S R187308 16" S-10S X 3" S-10S R187476 16" S-10S X 6" S-10S R188381 20" S-10S X 4" S-10S R78710 28" S-10S X 2" S-10S R188469 20" S-10S X 6" S-10S R186193 12" S-10S X 2" S-10S R186288 12" S-10S X 3" S-10S R188901 24" S-10S X 10" S-10S R9119333 24" STD X 2" S-10S WELDOLET, BW, SS ASTM A182 GR.F316/316L, MSS-SP-97 R413361 4" S-10S X 2" S-10S R418910 6" S-40S X 1-1/2" S-40S R413698 6" S-10S X 2" S-10S R232239 8" S-10S X 4" S-10S R227906 16" S-10S X 3" S-10S
PLUG, MNPT, SS ASTM A182 GR.F316/316L, ROUND HEAD, ASME-B16.11 N108409 1" PIPE NIPPLE, SMLS, PE/ TE, CS ASTM A106 GR.B, L=100MM(4"), ASME-B36.10M 3/4" S-80 1" S-80 1-1/2" S-80
33 1 1
4.6 0.1 1.3
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104
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1 17 2
0.6 10.2 2.5
25 6 5
15 7.6 6.4
R24474 R24482 R24483
R1071644 36" XS X 24" STD
R196021 4" S-40 X 2" S-80
R207301 36" XS X 18" STD
2 27 1 6 2 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
CAP,CL3000, FNPT, CS ASTM A105, ASME-B16.11 3/4" 1" 1-1/2" CAP,CL3000, FNPT, CS ASTM A150 GALV, ASME-B16.11 3" CAP,CL3000, FNPT, SS ASTM A182 GR.F304/304L, ASME-B16.11 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/2" CAP, CL3000, FNPT, SS ASTM A182 GR.F316/316L, ASME-B16.11 N108414 3/4" N108415 1" N108416 1-1/2" 90 ELBOW, CL3000, SW, CS ASTM A105 , ASME-B16.11 1/2" 3/4" 1" 90 ELBOW, CL3000, SW, SS ASTM A182 GR.F304/304L, ASME-B16.11 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/2" 90 ELBOW, CL3000, SW, SS ASTM A182 GR.F316/316L, ASME-B16.11 N108389 1/2" N108390 3/4" N108391 1" N108393 1-1/2" 90 ELBOW, CL300, FNTP, CS ASTM A105 GALV., ASME-B16.11 3" 45 ELBOW, CL3000 , SS ASTM A182 GR.F304/304L, ASME-B16.11 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/2" 45 ELBOW, CL3000 , SS ASTM A182 GR.F316/316L, ASME-B16.11 N108396 3/4" N108397 1" N108399 1-1/2" THREDOLET, CL3000, FNTP, CS ASTM A105, MSS-SP-97 3" X 1/2" 8" X 3/4" 6" X 3" PLUG, MNPT, CS ASTM A105, ROUND HEAD, ASME-B16.11 3/4" PLUG, MNPT, SS ASTM A182 GR.F304/304L, ROUND HEAD, ASME-B16.11 PC 4 0.7 PC PC PC 14 33 11 3.2 11.9 9 PC PC PC PC 2 22 42 5 0.3 5.1 15.1 4.1 PC 29 232 PC PC PC PC 36 48 47 10 8.3 15.4 23.5 10.5 PC PC PC PC 27 168 132 103 6.2 53.8 66 108.2 PC PC PC 376 134 368 86.5 42.9 184 PC PC PC 36 18 1 5 5.8 0.7 PC PC PC PC 7 69 15 4 0.7 12.4 3 2.8 PC 1 5.3 PC PC PC 133 31 13 23.9 9.9 9.5