手绘教材资料-Audi 2011 原厂草图_0




Title or name, division, Date
succesful in motorsports builds sporty cars
Title or name, division, Date
小组成员 • • • • • • • 汪晨 汪大伟 黄松松 谢乾隆 季闯 龚超 陆婷 • • • • • • • 3092111228 3092111332 3092111342 3092111146 3092111231 3092111442 3092111129
汽车售后服务市场是汽 车产业链中最稳定的利 润来源,成为经销商火拼 的新战场,在这个战场上 同样需要发挥品牌的威 力。 4.优化以广告促销策略 在促销过程中,可以以 报刊、电视等广告投放 为主流媒体,同时也辅以 展销交流、公共关系、 现场促销等活动。
70% 62% 56% 58% Audi Type Bold 1 4 pt I ngolstadt 40% Neckarsulm

为服务营销理念 •奥迪在中国市场每年
5. 广告支持

















Inventor2011 软件教程

Inventor2011 软件教程

平台兼容性 导致数据丢失
数据重新建立 导致成本增高
数字样机成本低,周期短,可重用性好。 便于产品的优化设计和改型设计。 快速、方便地完成工程分析与工艺规划等工作。 全面、准确地模拟产品在各种条件下的性能。 便于更好的查看和检验产品的结构。
1.2 inventor 软件特点 1.2.1 inventor 软件特点 ◆参数化三维特征造型,并融入变量化技术 ◆简捷独特的人机界面设计是该软件一大亮点 ◆非凡的大型装配处理功能,实现基于装配的关联设计,有效 的管理和使用数据流 ◆具有突破性的自适应技术,进一步完善参数化设计方案 ◆三维运算速度和显示着色功能取得突破,提供了简单的方式 却增强了零部件模型的材质、光照和颜色的真实感 ◆世界领先的dwg兼容性,方便导入和导出dwg数据,更大限 度利用原有设计数据 ◆完善的学习和参考资源可以多途径帮助设计人员提高设计能 力
• • • • 零件建模 部件装配 工程图 表达视图
1.2.2 inventor 特性
★通过快速创建完整精确数字样机,验证设计的外型、结构、 功能以及工程数据,加速 概念设计到产品制造的过程 ★具有内嵌、易于实现的运动仿真和应力分析功能,利用这些 功能预测产品未来实际工作情况 ★与Autodesk数据管理软件的密切集成,有利于高效安全交流 设计数据,便于设计团队与制造团队协作
inventor 千斤顶
Autodesk Inventor 2011 功能模块
草图 零件 部件 资源中心 设计加速器 结构生成器 表达视图 工程图 焊接 钣金 Inventor Studio
















Convergence Lines: All parallel lines in a scene will always appear to converge to a single point (the vanishing points). The exception to this rule is that lines viewed in parallel or perpendicular to the viewer will not converge. In one and two point perspective you can also consider all vertical lines as non-converging lines.一点透视:当物体平行或者垂直于观察者的时候,一点透视是很明显的。















图 设置当前层
• 2.1.4 删除图层
2.2 线型设置
• 执行方式 • 命令行:ltype • 菜单:【格式】→【线型】 • 工具栏:“颜色图层”工具栏→
图 “线型设置”对话框
2.2 线型设置
• 执行方式 • 命令行:ltype • 菜单:【格式】→【线型】 • 工具栏:“颜色图层”工具栏→
图 “线型设置”对话框
第1章 概 述
1.1.1 CAXA 电子图板2011的系统特点
• ◆全面兼容AutoCAD、综合性能提升。 • ◆专业的绘图工具以及符合国标的标注风格。 • ◆开放幅面管理和灵活的排版打印工具。 • ◆参数化图库设置和辅助设计工具。
1.1.2 CAXA 电子图板2011新增功能简介
• ◆ 改善功能 • 1.扩展了线型的定义内容。 • 2.增加了外部引用功能。 • 3.增加设计中心功能。 • 4.标注样式增加创建子样式功能和样式替代功能。 • 5.剖面线和填充增加“是否进行关联”功能。 • 6.增强对坐标系原点显示控制。 • 7.空命令下支持简单计算。 • 8.明细表头定义增加了内部横线和竖线颜色的参数控制项。 • 9.新增基准符号的符号形式和起点形式。 • 10.粗糙度符号和焊接符号增加符号线宽的参数控制项。 • 11.打印工具新增功能 • 12.新增射线和构造线功能。 • 13.改善图幅设置中“标注字高相对幅面固定”参数的行为。
图 CAXA电子图板机械版2011的最新风格的用户界面
• 1.3.1 绘图区 • 1.3.2 标题栏 • 1.3.3 菜单栏 • 1.3.4 工具栏 • 1.3.5 状态栏 • 1.3.6 立即菜单 • 1.3.7 工具菜单
图 多层式下拉式菜单
图 下拉式菜单与对话框
图 工具栏 图 状态栏 图 绘制直线时的立即菜单

Audi 汽车图形设计指南说明书

Audi 汽车图形设计指南说明书

Vehicle graphics for Audi partnersContentsIntroductionVehicle graphics for Audi partners 3 Vehicle graphics categories 3 Design1.0 General principles 4 1.1 Vehicle colour 4 1.2 Logo 4 1.3 Typography 4 1.4 Layout structure 5 1.5 Position on the vehicle 5 1.6 Illustrative design elements 5 1.7 Production quality 51.8 Coloured vehicles 52.0 Centres and partners with “Audi” in their name 6 2.1 Sizes and distances 6 2.2 Type colour 7 2.3 Position of the elements 7 2.4 Scaling in special cases 72.5 Logotype without rings 83.0 Partners without “Audi” in their name 9 3.1 Sizes and distances 9 3.2 Type colour 9 3.3 Position of the elements 10 3.4 Scaling in special cases 10 ProductionColour definitions for adhesive films 11 Technical implementation of the Audi rings 11 Checklist 12 Downloads 13 General information 13IntroductionCompany vehicles are one of the external representatives of an Audi dealership. Like the models themselves, the vehicle graph-ics must convey the brand’s premium credentials and philoso-phy. If the graphics on all vehicles used by Audi partners are largely standardised, this helps to ensure the consistent and sophisticated overall identity of the Audi brand.This guideline describes in detail how to use the basic elements, i.e. the logo, typography and colour, in order to satisfy the requirements for graphics.Regardless of whether the dealership has “Audi” in its name or not, there are two distinct design categories for graphics:• Category 1: Centres and partners with “Audi” in their name Use of the rings and the logotype• Category 2: Partners without “Audi” in their nameUse of the “Audi” lettering below the ringsVehicle graphics for Audi partners Vehicle graphics categories1.0 General principlesThe overall impression made by any vehicle is determined bythe Audi basic elements and the binding rules for their use:the colours, typography and the Audi logo ensure a uniformvisual appearance.1.1 Vehicle colourAs the primary colour, Audi Aluminium Silver stands for thetechnological expertise and high quality of the Audi brand. Forthis reason, company vehicles should preferably be silver or,alternatively, white.1.2 LogoThe Audi logo stands for the company’s expertise. The rings and the “Audi” lettering determine the graphics of all vehicles. Cen-tres and partners with “Audi” in their name use the logotype(“Audi” plus the partner’s name). The Audi rings are in front ofthe logotype. As an option, the Audi rings may be omitted, inwhich case the name must occupy two lines.Depending on the colour of the vehicle, the rings can be placedeither in white or in black. On dark vehicles, the white rings arethe prefered version.Partners without “Audi” in their name use the rings with the“Audi” lettering below it for identification purposes. The part-ner’s name is positioned as defined in section 3.1.3 TypographyOnly the Audi Type corporate typeface may be used for the name of the Audi dealership and all other sender details. The name “Audi” always appears in the Extended Bold style in red; all other information is typeset in the Extended Normal style in black. On dark vehicles, the typeface is white rather than black. Coloured typography is not permitted.Sampleman Motors Category 2: Partners without “Audi” in their name AudiC entre AnytownOptional graphics for centres and partners with “Audi” in their nameAudi Centre Anytown Category 1: Centres and partners with “Audi” in their nameDesignAudi centres and partners with “Audi” in their name only use the Audi rings, as the “Audi” lettering is already part of the logotype.2.1 Sizes and distancesThe size ratio of the rings and the typographical sender details is fixed:• A specially developed file for vehicle graphics is available to show how the Audi rings are presented.• The rings have a width of 200 mm on all models.• The distance between the rings and the typography is one cap height (CH) of the letter “A” in “Audi” (52 mm).• The name of the Audi centre or partner is on one line, has a type size of 205 pt (CH 52.4 mm) and is aligned to the inside edges of the rings. “Audi” is always typeset in Audi Type Extended Bold, with all other information in Extended Nor-mal.• Other sender details – the address or the web address – are preferably positioned on one line, flush left below the name. They are typeset in Audi Type Extended Normal, the type size is 115 pt (CH 29.4 mm) and the line spacing is 190 pt.• If both the address and web address are given, or in the case of very long sender details, they may occupy two or a maxi-mum of three lines, and also have a line spacing of 190 pt.• In special cases the graphics (including the rings) may also be reduced in size (see section 2.4).2.0 Centres and partners with “Audi” in their nameOne-line sender line, flush left below the nameTwo-line sender line, flush left below the name2.5 Logotype without ringsl110not be wider than the front door.on the selected type size.and below it.Partners without “Audi” in their name only use the logo (rings) combined with the “Audi” lettering below it. The size and layout of all typographical information – the partner’s name and the sender details – are determined by the logo.3.1 Sizes and distancesThe size ratio of the logo and the typographical information is fixed:• A specially developed file for vehicle graphics is available to show how the logo – rings with lettering – is presented (see page 13).• The rings have a width of 200 mm on all models.• The distance between the rings and the typographical infor-mation is one ring height (70 mm).• The name of the Audi partner is typeset in Audi Type Extended Normal, has a type size of 205 pt (CH 52.4 mm) and is aligned to the inside edges of the rings.• Other sender details – the address or the web address – are preferably positioned on one line, flush left below the name. They are also typeset in Audi Type Extended Normal, the type size is 95 pt (CH 24.3 mm) and the line spacing is 145 pt.• If both the address and web address are given, or in the case of very long sender details, they may occupy two or a maxi-mum of three lines, and also have a line spacing of 145 pt.• In special cases the graphics (including the rings) may also be reduced in size (see section 3.4).3.2 Type colourAll sender information is typeset in black (or alternatively, on dark vehicles, in white). Specifications for adhesive films can be found in the “Production” section (see page 11).3.0 Partners without “Audi” in their nameOne-line sender line, flush left below the nameTwo-line sender line, positioning flush left below the name3.3 Position of the elementsIn each case, the vehicle graphics are positioned starting from the front doors in the area above any clearly visible edges.• The rings are always placed at the front edge of the vehicledoor. They may not be positioned elsewhere.• The protected zone all the way around the vehicle graphics isat least one ring height from any clearly visible edges (gapsbetween doors, trim strips). In the case of multiple-lineaddresses (two or three lines), a minimum distance of halfa ring height below is sufficient.• For sender details extending across both side doors, it mustbe ensured that the gap between the doors does not inter-fere with the text. The individual letters should be positionedaround the gap.• The logo and lettering are aligned parallel to the vehiclelines. Stickers positioned diagonally across the side of thevehicle or parallel to the ground are not permitted.3.4 Scaling in special casesIn principle, the size of the rings and the partner’s name isfixed. However, if the graphics are to be more restrained or the partner’s name is particularly long, there is the option of scal-ing the vehicle graphics in two stages. In this case, the entiregraphic – rings and typography – is decreased to 90 % or 80 %.Please see the table on the right for the resulting ring and type-face sizes.Illustration of protected zone, driver’s side (example: Q7)Passenger’s sideProductionColour definitions for adhesive filmsFilms from the Avery 900 Super Cast fan deck have been speci-fied to comply with the colours for Audi vehicle graphics. Thesefilms are particularly suitable for use as vehicle stickers and aredistributed worldwide by Avery Dennison. The “Audi” lettering istypeset in red (reference: PANTONE® 200) and all other senderdetails are in black. If the basic colour of the vehicle is not silveror white, the sender details may be in white.Application Adhesive film for digital print Protective laminateDigitally printed logofor vehicle graphics Avery MPI 1005 White, glossy Avery DOL 1460, glossyNote:Line drawings of all vehicle models are available in the Audi Corporate Design PortalChecklistBasic details • Company vehicles are normally painted in silver or white.• Audi centres and partners with “Audi” in their name only use the rings, as the “Audi” lettering is already part of the logotype.• Partners without “Audi” in their name use the rings with the “Audi” lettering below it.• Only Audi Type Extended Bold and Normal are used. • The combination of the rings and the sender details is a fixed integral unit.Page 4Page 4Page 4Page 4Page 5Design • I n the logotype, the “Audi” lettering is always typeset in Audi Type Extended Bold in red (reference: PANTONE® 186).• All sender details except “Audi” are typeset in Audi Type Extended Normal in black (on dark vehicles in white as an alternative).• The defined type sizes and distances must be observed. • All elements must be aligned parallel to the vehicle lines. The all-round protected zone of one ring height must be observed.• Only the monocolour solid version (black or white) of the rings may be used on coloured vehicles.Page 7/9Page 7/9Page 6/9Page 5, 7, 8/10Page 5Production • All lettering is adhered to the vehicle as individual characters. Printed banners are not permitted. Page 5The checklist can be used to verify the key requirements and, if necessary,look them up on the relevant pages.You can obtain digital templates and additional information from the Corporate Design Portal on the internet.URL: /ciArea: “Communication media | Vehicle Lettering”Design• Vehicle lettering: Actual models as .epsProduction• Rings for centres and partners with “Audi” in their name: AUD_VL_Rings_4C.eps• Rings for partners without “Audi” in their name:AUD_VL_Rings-Audi_4C.eps Responsible for content:AUDI AGBrand Identity85045 IngolstadtNote:The reproduction of colours can vary depending on the output device used. The colours of the i llustrations are not binding, and in some cases illustrations are shown reduced or enlarged.Downloads General information。

奥迪全系自学手册(SSP):Q7_EX307_ Kraftuebertragung

奥迪全系自学手册(SSP):Q7_EX307_ Kraftuebertragung
P/R/N/D/S – 信号的DSO-图象
14 I/VK-35, 11/2005
EX 307 Audi Q7 Technik – Kraftübertragung / Verteilergetriebe
tiptronic – 信号的DSO-图象
Tip- 通道 Tip +
A = 10 针插头,接车辆线束/变速器 B = 4针插头,接车辆线束/变速器 C = 10 针插头, 接显示单元Y26
换档操纵机构 (该例中使用的是 09D 变速器)
13 I/VK-35, 11/2005
信号 P/R/N/D/S
8 9
6 7 3
信号 tiptronБайду номын сангаасc
6-档-自动变速器 09D
8 I/VK-35, 11/2005
EX 307 Audi Q7 Technik – Kraftübertragung / Verteilergetriebe
ATF- 冷却
•节温器调节ATF冷却 •单独的 ATF- 冷却器 (空气-机油-热交换器)
ATF- 冷却器
选档杆位置显示单元 Y26
插头连接 A 选档杆传感器控制单元J587(带 有tiptronic 开关F189)
插头连接 C
12 I/VK-35, 11/2005
EX 307 Audi Q7 Technik – Kraftübertragung / Verteilergetriebe



将高雅与运动特性接合在一起。技术领先、样式迷人且பைடு நூலகம்有领导潮流的
本自学手册的学习目标: 本自学手册讲述的是Audi A6’11整车的情况,您在学习了本自学手 册 后 , 应 能 回 答 下 述 问 题 :
• 车身都采用了哪些材质? • 车上采用了哪些发动机-变速器组合?
一览 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6
引言_____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ 8
因此可以说,Audi A6’11拥有了奥迪公司所有具有核心竞争力的创新
自 那 以 后 , 从 A u d i 1 0 0 发 展 到 了 A u d i A 6 ( 仅 从 整 体 命 名 而 言 ) 。 到 今 天 代 车型所取得的成就。 为止仍没有改变的就是奥迪典型的设计风格:不受时代限制、创新样式、
奥迪行驶档位选择系统Audi drive select __________________________________________________________________________________________ 42 车载电气网络 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 45 拓扑结构 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 46 外部照明 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 48 大灯 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 50 尾灯_________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ 63



AutoCAD2011教程_9尺寸标注、参数化绘图-工程第9章尺寸标注、参数化绘图本章要点■尺寸基本概念■定义尺寸标注样式■标注尺寸■多重引线标注■标注尺寸公差与形位公差■编辑尺寸■参数化绘图9.1 基本概念AutoCAD中,一个完整的尺寸一般由尺寸线、延伸线(即尺寸界线) 、尺寸文字(即尺寸数字)和尺寸箭头4部分组成,如下图所示,。


AutoCAD 2011将尺寸标注分为线性标注、对齐标注、半径标注、直径标注、弧长标注、折弯标注、角度标注、引线标注、基线标注、连续标注等多种类型,而线性标注又分水平标注、垂直标注和旋转标注。

9.2 尺寸标注样式尺寸标注样式(简称标注样式)用于设置尺寸标注的具体格式,如尺寸文字采用的样式;尺寸线、尺寸界线以及尺寸箭头的标注设置等,以满足不同行业或不同国家的尺寸标注要求。


















服务修理手册A6 2011 ➤81接地点1.1发动机舱内接地点一览656 - 接地点,在右大灯上❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 2609 - 接地点,在排水槽内右侧❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 2❑未占用607 - 接地点,在排水槽内左侧❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 31 - 接地线、蓄电池-车身❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 3615 - 接地点,在左侧减震支柱上❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 3655 - 接地点,在左大灯上❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 4642 - EC 风扇接地点❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 4652 - 变速箱和发动机接地的接地点❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 418 - 接地点,在发动机缸体上❑拧紧力矩:15Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 515 - 气缸盖上的接地点-箭头-❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 5656 - 接地点,在右大灯上-箭头-609 - 接地点,在排水槽内右侧-箭头-(未占用)1 - 接地线、蓄电池—车身-箭头 A-615 - 接地点,在左侧减震支柱上-箭头 B-642 - EC 风扇接地点-箭头 B-652 - 变速箱和发动机接地的接地点-箭头 A-18 - 发动机缸体上接地点-箭头-15 - 发动机缸盖上接地点-箭头-1.2车内接地点一览43 - 接地点,右侧 A 柱下部❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 747 - 接地点,在右前脚部空间内❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 7610 - 接地点(音频),在前部中控台下方❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 7602 - 接地点,在左前脚部空间内❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 844 - 接地点,左侧 A 柱下部❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 8605 - 接地点,在转向柱上部❑拧紧力矩:9Nm❑安装位置: ⇒ 页 843 - 接地点,右侧 A 柱下部-箭头 A-47 - 接地点,在右前脚部空间内-箭头 B-610 - 接地点(音频),在前部中控台下方-箭头-602 - 接地点,在左前脚部空间内-箭头 B-44 - 接地点,左侧 A 柱下部-箭头 A-605 - 接地点,在转向柱上部-箭头-1.3行李箱内接地点一览681 - 接地点 1,在右后侧围板内-箭头-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 10682 - 接地点 2,在右后侧围板内-箭头-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 1053 - 接地点,在行李箱盖内上部-箭头-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 10679 - 接地点 2,在左后侧围板内❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 11682 - 接地点 2,在右后侧围板内-箭头-53 - 接地点,在行李箱盖内上部-箭头-1保险丝1.1保险丝(SA)、(SB)、(SC)一览1 - 保险丝架 A 上的保险丝(SA)❑电控箱 Low 安装位置 ⇒ 页 2❑电控箱 Low 保险丝位置分配 ⇒ 页 32 - 保险丝架 B 上的保险丝(SB)❑电控箱 Low 安装位置 ⇒ 页 4❑电控箱 Low 保险丝位置分配 ⇒ 页 43 - 保险丝架 C 上的保险丝(SC)❑电控箱 Low 安装位置 ⇒ 页 7❑电控箱 Low 保险丝位置分配 ⇒ 页 84 - 热敏保险丝,在仪表板左下方❑安装位置 驾驶员座椅调节装置热敏保险丝 1 -S44- ⇒ 页 111.2保险丝(SA)的安装位置,在电控箱 Low 上拧紧力矩=>电气设备;维修组 97;拆卸和安装保险丝架保险丝颜色200 A - 黑色150 A - 黑色125 A - 黑色100 A - 黑色80 A - 黑色70 A - 黑色60 A - 黑色50 A - 黑色40 A - 黑色30 A - 黑色1.2.1电控箱 Low 保险丝位置分配编号电路图中的名称额定值功能/部件接线端1B保险丝架 A 上的保险丝 1 -SA1-150A200A -三相交流发电机 -C- (90A/120A)三相交流发电机 -C- (140A)30a2C保险丝架 A 上的保险丝 2 -SA2-80A-助力转向控制单元 -J500-电控机械式助力转向器电机 -V187-30a3E保险丝架 A 上的保险丝 3 -SA3-50A-散热器风扇控制单元 -J293-散热器风扇 -V7-散热器风扇 2 -V177-30a4H保险丝架 A 上的保险丝 4 -SA4---未占用-5D保险丝架 A 上的保险丝 5 -SA5-80A-车内保险丝插座接线端 3030a 6F保险丝架 A 上的保险丝 6 -SA6--未占用-7G保险丝架 A 上的保险丝 7 -SA7---未占用-1.3保险丝(SB),在电控箱 Low 上,在发动机舱内左侧- 保险丝颜色50 A - 红色40 A - 橙色30 A - 淡绿色25 A - 天然色(白色)20 A - 黄色15 A - 淡蓝色10 A - 红色7.5 A - 棕色5 A - 浅褐色1.3.1电控箱 Low 保险丝位置分配编电路图中的名称额定值功能/部件接线端号F1-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 1 -SB1---未占用-F2-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 2 -SB2-30A-自动变速箱机械电子单元 -J743- 1)30a F3-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 3 -SB3-5A-车载电网控制单元 -J519-30a F4-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 4 -SB4-30A-ABS 控制单元 -J104-30a F5-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 5 -SB5-15A-自动变速箱机械电子单元 -J743- 1)30a F6-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 6 -SB6-5A-组合仪表控制单元 -J285-转向柱电子装置控制单元 -J527-30a F7-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 7 -SB7-40A-接线端 15 供电继电器 -J329-30a F8-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 8 -SB8-15A-收音机 -R-带收音机和导航系统显示单元的控制单元 -J503-外部多媒体设备接口 -R215-30aF9-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 9 -SB9---未占用-F10-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 10 -SB10-5A-发动机控制单元 -J623- 2)Motronic 供电继电器 -J271- 2)端子 30 供电继电器 -J317- 3)发动机控制单元 -J220- 3)30aF11-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 11 -SB11---未占用-F12-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 12 -SB12-5A-数据总线诊断接口 -J533-30aF13-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 13 -SB13-15A30A -发动机控制单元 -J623- 2)发动机控制单元 -J220- 3)87aF14-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 14 -SB14-20A-带功率输出级的点火线圈 1 -N70-87a带功率输出级的点火线圈 2 -N127-带功率输出级的点火线圈 3 -N291-带功率输出级的点火线圈 4 -N292-F15-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 15 -SB15-10A-氧传感器加热装置 -Z19- 2)尾气催化净化器后的氧传感器 1 加热装置 -Z29- 2)气缸 1 喷油阀 -N30- 3)气缸 2 喷油阀 -N31- 3)气缸 3 喷油阀 -N32- 3)气缸 4 喷油阀 -N33- 3)87aF16-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 16 -SB16-30A-左侧停车灯 -M4-左后转向信号灯 -M6-右前转向信号灯 -M7-右侧倒车灯 -M17-左侧制动灯 -M21-右侧近光灯 -M31-右侧远光灯 -M32-右侧前雾灯 -L23-牌照灯 -x-30aF17-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 17 -SB17-15A-双音喇叭继电器 -J4-30a F18-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 18 -SB18---未占用-F19-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 19 -SB19-30A-车窗玻璃刮水器电机 -V-30a F20-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 20 -SB20-10A冷却液循环泵 -V50-30aF21-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 21 -SB21-10A15A20A -氧传感器 2 加热装置 -Z19-尾气催化净化器后氧传感器 1 的加热装置 -Z29-87aF22-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 22 -SB22-5A-离合器位置传感器 -G476- 4)87a F23-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 23 -SB23-15A-燃油压力调节阀 -N276- 2)87a F24-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 24 -SB24-10A-散热器风扇控制单元 -J293-87a冷却液辅助泵继电器 -J496- 2)增压压力限制电磁阀 -N75- 2)活性碳罐电磁阀 -N80- 2)凸轮轴调节阀 1 -N205- 2)涡轮增压器循环空气阀 -N249- 2)F25-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 25 -SB25-30A-ABS 控制单元 -J104-ABS 液压泵 -V64-30aF26-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 26 -SB26-30A-右侧停车灯灯泡 -M2-右后转向信号灯灯泡 -M8-左侧制动灯灯泡 -M9-左侧近光灯 -M29-左侧远光灯 -M30-左侧前雾灯 -L22-左侧后雾灯 -L46-30aF27-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 27 -SB27---未占用-F28-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 28 -SB28-40A-接线端 15 供电继电器 2 -J329-30a F29-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 29 -SB29-50A-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 37 -SC32-座椅调节装置热敏保险丝 -S44-30a F30-保险丝架 B 上的保险丝 30 -SB30-50A-X 触点卸荷继电器 -J59-30a1) 仅限 0AM 型 7 档直接换档变速箱2) 仅限 1.4L CFBA 发动机的车型3) 仅限 1.6L CDFA 发动机的车型4) 仅限手动变速箱1.4保险丝(SC)和热敏保险丝一览1.4.1保险丝颜色拧紧力矩拧紧力矩=>电气设备;维修组 97;拆卸和安装保险丝架保险丝颜色50 A - 红色40 A - 橙色30 A - 淡绿色25 A - 天然色(白色)20 A - 黄色15 A - 淡蓝色10 A - 红色7.5 A - 棕色5 A - 浅褐色1.4.2电控箱保险丝位置分配编电路图中的名称额定值功能/部件接线端号15a F1-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 1 -SC1-10A-16 芯插头连接 -T16- 诊断接口大灯距离照明调节器 -E102-动态随动转向灯和大灯照明距离调节装置控制单元 -J745-左侧大灯照明距离调节装置伺服电机 -V48-右侧大灯照明距离调节装置伺服电机 -V49-15a F2-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 2 -SC2-10A-车灯开关 -E1-制动灯开关 -F-燃油泵继电器 -J17- 7)ABS 控制单元 -J104-发动机控制单元 -J220- 7)组合仪表控制单元 -J285-助力转向控制单元 -J500-数据总线诊断接口 -J533-燃油泵控制单元 -J538- 5)发动机控制单元 -J623- 5)自动变速箱机械电子单元 -J743- 6)F3-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 3 -SC3-5A-安全气囊控制单元 -J234-15a15a F4-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 4 -SC4-5A-高压传感器 -G65-自动防眩目车内后视镜 -Y7-倒车灯开关 -F4-ASR 和 ESP 按键 -E256-驻车转向辅助系统控制单元 -J446-F5-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 5 -SC5-10A-右侧气体放电灯控制单元 -J344-15a F6-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 6 -SC6-10A-左侧气体放电灯控制单元 -J343-15a F7-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 7 -SC7---未占用-F8-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 8 -SC8---未占用-F9-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 9 -SC9---未占用-F10-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 10 -SC10---未占用-F11-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 11 -SC11---未占用-30a F12-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 12 -SC12-10A-驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J386-副驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J387-30a F13-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 13 -SC13-10A-车灯开关 -E1-雨量和光照识别传感器 -G397-加热式后窗玻璃继电器 -J9-16 芯插头连接 -T16- 诊断接口F14-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 14 -SC14-10A-全自动空调控制单元 -J255-30a空调控制单元 -J301-变速杆传感器控制单元 -J587- 6)F15-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 15 -SC15-20A-左后车门控制单元 -J388-30a右后车门控制单元 -J389-车载电网控制单元 -J519-F16-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 16 -SC16---未占用-F17-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 17 -SC17-10A-双音喇叭继电器 -J4-30a F18-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 18 -SC18---未占用-F19-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 19 -SC19---未占用-F20-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 20 -SC20---未占用-F21-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 21 -SC21---未占用-F22-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 22 -SC22-40A-新鲜空气鼓风机控制单元 -J126-30a30a F23-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 23 -SC23-30A-驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J386-副驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J387-30a F24-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 24 -SC24-20A-左后车门控制单元 -J388-右后车门控制单元 -J389-F25-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 25 -SC25-25A-加热式后窗玻璃继电器 -J9-30a30a F26-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 26 -SC26-30A-左后车门控制单元 -J388-右后车门控制单元 -J389-30a F27-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 27 -SC27-15A-燃油泵控制单元 -J538- 5)燃油泵继电器 -J17- 7)燃油供油继电器 -J643- 7)F28-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 28 -SC28---未占用-F29-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 29 -SC29---未占用-F30-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 30 -SC30---未占用-F31-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 31 -SC31---未占用-F32-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 32 -SC32---未占用-F33-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 33 -SC33-20A-滑动天窗控制单元 -J245-30a F34-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 34 -SC34-15A-驾驶员座椅腰部支撑调节装置开关 -E176-30a副驾驶员座椅腰部支撑调节装置开关 -E177-F35-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 35 -SC35---未占用-30a F36-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 36 -SC36-20A-前大灯清洗装置继电器 -J39-大灯清洗装置泵 -V11-F37-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 37 -SC37-30A-加热式前座椅控制单元 -J774-30a F38-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 38 -SC38---未占用-F39-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 39 -SC39---未占用-F40-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 40 -SC40-40A-空调控制单元 -J301-75aF41-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 41 -SC41-20A-后窗玻璃刮水器电机 -V12-75a F42-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 41 -SC42-20A-绝缘二极管 -J29-75a点烟器 -U1-F43-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 43 -SC43---未占用-F44-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 44 -SC44---未占用-F45-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 45 -SC45---未占用-F46-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 46 -SC46---未占用-F47-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 47 -SC47---未占用-F48-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 48 -SC48---未占用-F49-保险丝架 C 上的保险丝 49 -SC49---未占用-5) 仅限 1.4L CFBA 发动机的车型6) 仅限 0AM 型 7 档直接换档变速箱7) 仅限 1.6L CDFA 发动机的车型1.5微型自动开关,在仪表板左下方1 - 驾驶员座椅调节装置热敏保险丝 1 -S44- -A-1汽车前部控制单元1.1控制单元一览1 - 电动助力转向控制单元 -J500-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 2❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 32 - 发动机控制单元 -J623-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 4❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 53 - ABS 控制单元 -J104-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 7❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 84 - 安全气囊控制单元 -J234-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 9❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 105 - 大灯照明距离调节装置控制单元 -J431-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 11❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 126 - 带收音机和导航系统显示单元的控制单元 -J503-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 13❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 147 - 副驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J387-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 15❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 168 - 全自动空调控制单元 -J255- /半自动空调控制单元 -J301-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 17❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 189 - 滑动天窗控制单元 -J245-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 20❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 2110 - 转向柱电子装置控制单元 -J527-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 22❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 2311 - 组合仪表控制单元 -J285-❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 2412 - 驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J386-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 24❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 2513 - 车载电网控制单元 -J519-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 26❑插头位置分配:52 芯插头连接-T52--黑色- ⇒ 页 27❑插头位置分配:52 芯插头连接-T52--白色- ⇒ 页 28❑插头位置分配:52 芯插头连接-T52--棕色- ⇒ 页 29 14 - 数据总线诊断接口 -J533-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 30❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 3115 - 驻车辅助控制单元 -J446-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 32❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 3316 - 自动变速箱控制单元 -J217-❑安装位置 ⇒ 页 34❑插头位置分配 ⇒ 页 351.2助力转向控制单元 -J500-1.2.1安装位置:在副车架中部转向机上-箭头-1.2.2插头位置分配:A - 助力转向控制单元 -J500-插头连接:B - 3 芯插头连接-T3dt-C - 5 芯插头连接-T5g-D - 2 芯插头连接-T2a-1.3发动机控制单元 -J623-1.3.1安装位置:在排水槽盖板下-箭头-A - Motronic 控制单元 -J220-(用于配有 1.6L 发动机标识字母 CDFA 的汽车)插头连接:B - 52 芯黑色插头连接,在线束上(T80)C - 28 芯黑色插头连接,在线束上(T80)A - 发动机控制单元 -J623-(用于配有 1.4L 发动机标识字母 CFBA 的汽车)插头连接:B - 94 芯黑色插头连接-T94-,在线束上C - 60 芯黑色插头连接-T60-,在线束上1.4ABS 控制单元 -J104-1.4.1安装位置:在前围板上,在发动机舱内右侧-箭头-1.4.2插头位置分配:A - ABS 控制单元 -J104-插头连接:B - 47 芯插头连接-T47-,在线束上1.5安全气囊控制单元 -J234-1.5.1安装位置:在前部中控台下方-箭头-1.5.2插头位置分配:A - 安全气囊控制单元 -J234-插头连接:B - 50 芯插头连接-T50-,在线束上1.6大灯照明距离调节装置控制单元 -J431-1.6.1安装位置:在手套箱右侧-箭头-1.6.2插头位置分配:A - 大灯照明距离调节装置控制单元 -J431-插头连接:B - 26 芯插头连接-T26b-,在线束上1.7带收音机和导航系统显示单元的控制单元 -J503-1.7.1安装位置:在中控台中部-箭头-1.7.2插头位置分配:A - 收音机和导航系统显示单元的控制单元 -J503-插头连接:B - 16 芯插头连接-16b-(1–8 芯棕色,9–16芯黑色),在线束上C - 12 芯插头连接-T12g-,在线束上(未占用)D - 20 芯插头连接-T20b-1.8副驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J387-1.8.1安装位置:在右前车门内板上-箭头-1.8.2插头位置分配:A - 副驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J387-插头连接:B - 32 芯插头连接-T32b-C - 16 芯插头连接-T16g-D - 20 芯插头连接-T20b-1.9全自动空调控制单元 -J301- 或 空调控制单元 -J255-1.9.1安装位置:在仪表板中部-箭头-1.9.2插头位置分配:仅限 空调控制单元 -J301-A - 空调控制单元 -J301-插头连接:B - 16 芯插头连接-T16e-C - 5 芯插头连接-T5-D - 20芯插头连接-T20c-仅限 全自动空调控制单元 -J255-A - 自动空调控制单元 -J255-插头连接:B - 16 芯插头连接-T16c-C - 16 芯插头连接-T16d-D - 20芯插头连接-T20c-1.10滑动天窗控制单元 -J245-1.10.1安装位置:在滑动天窗前部中间位置-箭头-1.10.2插头位置分配:A - 滑动天窗控制单元 -J245-B - 6 芯插头连接-T6c-C - 6 芯插头连接-T6i-1.11转向柱电子装置控制单元 -J527-1.11.1安装位置:在转向柱下方,在转向柱开关附近-箭头-1.11.2插头位置分配:A - 转向柱电子装置控制单元 -J527-插头连接:B - 20 芯插头连接-T20d-C - 4 芯插头连接-T4k-D - 12 芯插头连接-T12j-E - 8 芯插头连接-T8y-F - 10 芯插头连接-T10x-G - 10 芯插头连接(未占用)H - 4 芯插头连接(未占用)J - 10 芯插头连接-T10y-1.11.3插头位置分配:(自 2010 年 8 月起)A - 16 芯插头连接-T16f-B - 4 芯插头连接-T4k-C - 8 芯插头连接-T8c-1.12组合仪表控制单元 -J285-1.12.1插头位置分配:32 芯插头连接-T32-1.13驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J386-1.13.1安装位置:在左前车门内板上-箭头-1.13.2插头位置分配:A - 驾驶员侧车门控制单元 -J386-插头连接:B - 32 芯插头连接-T32a-C - 16 芯插头连接-T16a-D - 20 芯插头连接-T20a-1.14车载电网控制单元 -J519-1.14.1安装位置:在仪表板左下方,在继电器支架下方-箭头-。



>=100 mm Split in the wire
该系统由控制器、收发器、两个数据传输终端和两条数据传输 线构成。
喇叭 电磁阀 继电器 电子控制式继电器
蓄电池 保险丝 点火线圈 火花塞
电子控制器 指针式仪表 数字式时钟 多功能显示器
带电压调节器 的交流发电机
T5d T5d/3
CAN-Info speedo switch
Adition. signal
热敏开关 压力开关
电 加热器加热电阻

画断裂线及填充剖面图案_从零开始——AutoCAD 2011中文版基础培训教程_[共2页]

画断裂线及填充剖面图案_从零开始——AutoCAD 2011中文版基础培训教程_[共2页]

第3讲 绘制多边形、椭圆及填充剖面图案57 1. 设置点样式。




2. 创建等分点及测量点,如图3-18左图所示。

(1) 选取菜单命令【绘图】/【点】/【定数等分】或输入命令代号DIVIDE ,启动创建等分点命令。

命令: _divide选择要定数等分的对象://选择多段线A ,如图3-18所示输入线段数目或 [块(B)]: 10 //输入等分的数目 (2) 选取菜单命令【绘图】/【点】/【定距等分】或输入命令代号MEASURE ,启动创建测量点命令。

命令: _measure选择要定距等分的对象: //在B 端处选择线段指定线段长度或 [块(B)]: 36 //输入测量长度命令:MEASURE //重复命令选择要定距等分的对象: //在C 端处选择线段指定线段长度或 [块(B)]: 36 //输入测量长度结果如图3-18左图所示。


图3-18 创建等分点并绘制圆及圆弧3.3.3 画断裂线及填充剖面图案可使用SPLINE 命令绘制光滑曲线,该线是样条线,AutoCAD 通过拟合给定的一系列数据点形成这条曲线。

绘制机械图时,可使用SPLINE 命令形成断裂线。

BHATCH 命令可在闭合的区域内生成填充图案。


HATCHEDIT 命令用于编辑填充图案,如改变图案的角度、比例或用其他样式的图案填充图形等,其用法与BHATCH 命令类似。

练习3-8 打开配套资源文件“dwg\第3讲\3-8.dwg ”,如图3-19左图所示。

使用SPLINE 和BHATCH 等命令将左图修改为右图。

Fiat Auto 2011

Fiat Auto 2011

CONTACT DETAILS:Automotive World1 - 3 The Washington BuildingsPenarthVale of Glamorgan CF64 2ADUnited KingdomTelephone:+44(0) 292 070 9302Fax:+44(0) 292 070 7021E-Mail:info@Website:COPYRIGHT STATEMENT© 2011 All content copyright Automotive World Ltd except all data which is identified in the text as being sourced from Polk-Marketing Systems GmbH which is copyright Polk-Marketing Systems GmbH which is licensed to Automotive World Ltd. All rights reserved.This publication - in whole or in part - may not be shared, copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or be transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of Automotive World Ltd.DISCLAIMERThis report is the product of extensive primary and secondary research. It is protected by copyright under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.The authors of Automotive World Ltd research reports are drawn from a wide range of professional and academic disciplines. The facts within this report are believed to be correct at the time of publication but cannot be guaranteed. The information within this study has been reasonably verified to the authors’ and publisher’s ability, but neither accept responsibility for loss arising from deci-sions based on this report.This report contains forward-looking statements that reflect the authors' current views with respect to future events. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties. If any of the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove incorrect, then actual results may be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements. The authors do not intend or assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, which speaks only as of the date on which it is made.All the estimates are based on assumptions, the authors' calculations and publicly available data. is not liable for misrepresentation or misuse of such information or validity of publicly available information.FIATOVERVIEWAt the end of September 2010 Fiat shareholders approved CEO Mr. Marchionne's plan to split the 111-year-old Italian conglomerate in two. The split into Fiat SpA and Fiat Industrial became effective at the beginning of 2011.Fiat SpA controls Fiat Group Automobiles (FGA), Ferrari, Maserati, Fiat Powertrain and the components business.Fiat Industrial controls CNH (the agricultural and construction equipment division), Iveco and Fiat Powertrain Industrial.In 2010 FGA sold 2.09m cars and LCVs making it the 9th largest carmaker worldwide and 4th largest of the Europeans. The 2.09m does not include sales by Chrysler which was not a consolidated subsidiary during 2010.In revenue terms FGA was the sixth largest of the major European carmakers in 2010. The lower ranking in terms of revenue than unit sales reflects the fact that a high proportion of the vehicles sold by FGA Auto are small cars.Like most of the other European producers, Fiat Auto (as it then was) had a successful period in the 1980s with operating income increasing every year from 1983 to 1989 and an average net margin during these years of 5.7%. Again, like many of the other European carmakers, this boom period was followed by a slide into loss during the Europe-wide recession of the early 1990s.However, unlike most of its rivals, Fiat Auto didn't bounce back from that recession. During the ten years to 2005 it struggled to remain profitable, reporting operating losses in seven years and only achieving low operating margins (ranging from 0.2-2.9%) in the three profitable years.This long run of weak performance brought Fiat, Italy's largest private sector employer, close to bankruptcy in the early years of this century. The restructuring of both FGA and Fiat Group saw several CEO's come and go but under Sergio Marchionne, who became group CEO in mid-2004 adding the role of FGA CEO in early 2005, the division seemed finally to have achieved a sustainable level of operation - just in time for a severe downturn.Although the downturn dented FGA's earnings it reported an operating profit for 2009, primarily due to scrappage incentives and the fact that it benefited from the widespread switch to smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. Despite the ending of many such incentive schemes in 2010 FGA increased its profits, helped by its LCV business and sales in Brazil, though margins were weak,. One notable feature of the division's business model is that its planned growth has been reliant on a number of alliances and joint ventures which it has formed to target specific sectors or markets. Nine alliances were established in 2006, a further two in 2007 and another plus an expansion of an existing alliance in 2008. However, the deep alliance with GM was abandoned.As the downturn gathered momentum in 2008 and 2009 Fiat demonstrated a great willingness to spot and exploit the opportunities that were exposed by the market turmoil. During 2008 it began negotiating to take control of Chrysler and the negotiations were successfully concluded in June 2009.Fiat took an initial 20% stake in Chrysler with options to build progressively to majority control. It has been exercising those options and in July 2011 its stake reached 53.5%. The acquisition of Chrysler gives the company substantial opportunities for scale economies and an excellent route for entering the North American market.The fact that Daimler's merger with Chrysler proved disastrous is of course a concern but there are key differences. Not least of these is that Fiat has taken control of Chrysler at the bottom of the market, not the peak as Daimler did.Not only was this reflected in the price - Fiat paid nothing for its initial 20% stake - but Chrysler's cost base has been substantially reduced in a way that simply would not have occurred had it not entered Chapter 11 Bankruptcy proceedings.The integration of Chrysler is expected to play a major part in Fiat's future profitability. Synergy benefits are forecast at €1,500bn over the 5 years to 2014 of which just over half are expected to come from purchasing scale economies. The two companies are already more closely integrated than Daimler and Chrysler ever were - in part because there are more opportunities for sharing of products and markets. That is not to say Fiat will find it easy to integrateChrysler and turn it around but it is a risk worthtaking and there would have been risks for Fiat indoing nothing.It is perhaps too early to pronounce theacquisition a success but the initial signs areencouraging.The expansion of FGA is a consequence of MrMarchionne's view that carmakers need to beproducing 5.5-6.0m upa, to have a chance of making sustainable profits. As indicated inChapter 1, we believe other carmakers cansurvive without necessarily hitting this level ofoutput, but Mr. Marchionne's business model iscertainly looking like the right one for Fiat.Figure 1: Latest results - Fiat GroupNotes: (1) Q1 is Jan-Mar, Q2 is Apr-Jun, Q3 is Jul-Sep, Q4 is Oct-Dec (2) % ch is change versus corresponding year-ago data(3) Full-year data taken from annual reportt may not reconcile to quarterly data due to restatements. (4) Per Unit & Per Employee data include non-automotive op'sFigure 2: Latest results - Fiat SpANotes: (1) Q1 is Jan-Mar, Q2 is Apr-Jun, Q3 is Jul-Sep, Q4 is Oct-Dec (2) % ch is change versus corresponding year-ago data(3) Full-year data taken from annual reportt may not reconcile to quarterly data due to restatements. (4) Per Unit & Per Employee data include non-automotive op'sFigure 3: FGA revenue & operating profit trendFigure 4: Fiat Group net profit trendRECENT PERFORMANCE2010 resultsReporting for the last time as a single entity, FiatGroup reported higher fourth-quarter earnings and a full-year net profit of €600m, exceeding itsforecasts, helped by buoyant results from allmajor divisions.The automobile division reported a 6% revenueincrease for the year to €27.86bn as a 3.2% fall insales was offset by favourable currency movements. At constant exchange rates, revenue was just 0.5% higher.The division reported a trading profit of €607mup 29% from €470m in 2009.The net increase of €137m was attributable to:•€210m purchasing savings;•€94m - lower R&D;•€(130)m selling & admin. expense;•€(85)m - volume;•€(20)m - production cost absorption;•€(14)m - price & mix;•€82m - other.Maserati reported 2010 revenue €586m, an increase of 31%, mainly due to sales of the new GranCabrio. A total of 5,675 cars were delivered to the network during the year, an increase of 26.4%. Trading profit was €24m, a margin of 4.1% compared with 2.5% in 2009.Ferrari reported 2010 revenue of €1,919m, up 7.9%, mainly due to higher sales volumes helped by the new 458 Italia and 599 GTO and the continuing demand for the Ferrari California. A total of 6,573 cars were delivered to the network during the yearTrading profit was €303m, a margin of 15.8%compared with 13.4% in 2009. The increase was attributable to higher sales volumes, the customisation programme and efficiency gains. Brazil has become a very important part of Fiat's business model. In 2010 it contributed 21% of group revenue, only marginally less than Italy. Looking at the demerged group, Brazil accounted for 25% of the revenue of the continuing operations (FGA plus Ferrari, Maserati, Fiat Powertrain, Magneti Marelli, Teksid and Comau). Q1-2011Reporting for the first time since Fiat Industrial was demerged, Fiat Group reported higher revenue and earnings for the first quarter, despite a decline in unit sales.Group revenue was 7.1% higher, helped by double-digit increases for Ferrari, Maserati, Magneti Marelli and Fiat Powertrain.Fiat Group Automobiles (FGA) reported an increase of 2.6% though at constant exchange rates revenue would have been flat as a richer sales mix (higher LCV volumes and the success of the Alfa Romeo Giulietta) offset a decline in sales. That decline was mainly attributable to Italy, where FGA sales dropped by 19.1%, mainly due to the ending of an eco-incentives programme which had boosted demand for alternative-fuel vehicles - a segment in which Fiat has an approximate 50% share. Demand for such vehicles accounted for 31% of total demand in Q1-10 but only 5% in Q1-11.FGA trading profit fell by 15% to €130m. The net decrease of €23m reflected:•€24m purchasing savings;•€22m - production cost absorption;•€(25)m - volume;•€(22)m - higher R&D;•€(22)m selling & admin. expense;•€(19)m - price & mix;•€19m - other.Maserati reported revenue of €135m, up 6.3%. Significant sales increases were recorded in the US, China, UK and Germany. China became Maserati's second largest market after the US. Trading profit was €9m, more than double the €4m reported for Q1-10 mainly due to higher sales volumes.Ferrari reported revenue of €491m, an 18.6% increase mainly due to higher sales volumes and the positive contribution of the 458 Italia and 599 GTO. Trading profit rose 36% to €53m helped by higher sales volumes, a more favourable product mix and strong results from the customisation programme.OutlookPrior to the consolidation of Chrysler (see below) the 2011 targets for Fiat SpA were as follows:•FGA volumes of 2.2-2.3m units, with continuing strength expected from Brazil and a European recovery from H2 2011;•revenue of approximately €37bn;•trading profit of €0.9-1.2bn (raised from the initial guidance of €0.9-1.0bn); •net profit at around €0.3bn; •net industrial debt of €1.5-1.8bn; •capex of €4-4.5bnFigure 5: Fiat Group revenue by division (%)With the consolidation of Chrysler with effect from May 2011 and an improved performance by Fiat's other businesses, Fiat's new forecast for 2011 (with Chrysler contributing 7 months) is: •revenue in excess of €58bn;•revenues for Fiat ex. Chrysler in excess of €37bn;•trading profit of €2.1bn;•Fiat ex. Chrysler trading profit in upper-end of €0.9-1.2bn guidance;•reported net income of €1.7bn;•net industrial debt for consolidated Group expected in ~€5.0-5.5bn range•liquidity expected at €18bn.BUSINESS STRUCTUREPrior to the splitting of Fiat Group in two it had already undergone a number of changes in recent years. At the end of 2009 it was primarily focused on its automotive interests, having disposed of a number of holdings in other sectors.Fiat SpAFiat SpA comprises two sectors: automobiles and components and production systems. AutomobilesFiat Group Automobiles (FGA) produces and sells automobiles (Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Abarth and Fiat Professional - the LCV operation.The automobiles sector also includes Ferrari (90% owned) and Maserati (100% owned). The Sector’s main financing activities in Europe are grouped into FGA Capital, a 50-50 joint-venture with Crédit Agricole. Elsewhere financing activity is conducted through wholly owned subsidiaries of FGA.Components and Production SystemsFiat Powertrain Technologies (FPT) groups all passenger car engine and transmission activities. Magneti Marelli produces components for lighting systems, exhaust systems, suspensions and shock absorbers, engine control units, and electronic systems.Teksid supplies engine blocks, cylinder heads and other cast-iron components for engines; cast-iron components for transmissions, gearboxes and suspensions; and magnesium bodywork components.Comau produces industrial automation systems for the automotive industry in the areas of product and process engineering, logistics and management, manufacturing, installation, production start-up and maintenance.Fiat IndustrialThe newly established Fiat Industrial comprises: Agricultural and Construction EquipmentCNH operates in the field of tractors and agricultural equipment through the Case IH, New Holland and Steyr brands and in the construction equipment business through the Case, New Holland and Kobelco brands.Commercial VehiclesIveco designs, produces and sells a complete lineof commercial vehicles under the Iveco brand,buses under the Irisbus brand, and fire-fighting and special purpose vehicles under the Iveco,Astra and Magirus brands.FPT IndustrialSpecialises in the design, production and sale ofengines and transmissions on- and off-roadcommercial vehicles, marine and power generation applications.Fiat Auto & GMIn March 2000 an alliance between Fiat and GMwas announced. GM subsequently bought a 20%stake in Fiat's car division in exchange for $2.4bnin GM common stock. The two companiescreated two new joint ventures for powertrain and purchasing. The agreement included a put option for Fiat Group to sell the remaining 80% of Fiat Auto to GM at a later date.To cut a long story short, Fiat's deterioratingperformance and GM's own problems led to thealliance being abandoned in 2005. GM agreed to pay Fiat $2bn to waive its put option.New alliancesFiat has been keen to use targeted project-specificalliances to develop its businesses in marketniches. Since 2005 FGA has signed agreementswith:•Pars Industrial Development Foundation to produce and sell Fiat cars in Iran,•PSA and Tofas to design and produce a new LCV in Turkey,•Ford to develop and manufacture A Segment cars at Fiat's plant in Poland,•Zastava to assemble the Punto at a Zastava plant in Serbia, an extension to this co-operation is under discussion;•Suzuki to study the feasibility of producing new Multijet engines in Asia under license; •Tata Motors several agreements that involve the sharing of the dealer network, the distribution of Fiat-branded cars through Tata’s dealers in India, the production of cars and powertrains in India; and a Tata licensee to build a pick-up at Fiat's plant in Argentina. However, this alliance has so far failed to live up to its potential; •OJSC-Sollers (formerly Severstal-Auto) for the manufacture and distribution of Fiat vehicles and for production of diesel engines;•Chery Automobiles for the supply of gasoline engines to Fiat and for a joint venture to manufacture 175,000 cars a year from 2009; •Guangzhou Automobile to establish a 50/50 joint venture for the production of cars and engines for the Chinese market.BMWIn July 2008 BMW and FGA signed a memorandum of understanding to look at the possibility of co-operation in the areas of architectures and components for their Mini and Alfa Romeo vehicles. It was also suggested that BMW could provide Fiat with support in launching Alfa Romeo in Nafta.However, Fiat's alliance with Chrysler led to the talks being dropped.ChryslerIn January 2009 Fiat formally announced a proposed alliance with Chrysler, having held talks with the troubled US firm over the previous six months. During the following weeks Chrysler received support from the US government as the options for the company were assessed and a restructuring programme drawn up.At the end of April Chrysler filed for bankruptcy protection in New York. At the beginning of June, the bankruptcy judge a restructuring plan. This was a very quick resolution of the Chapter 11 proceedings, in recognition of the damage Chrysler's reputation would suffer in a protracted process.The following is a summary of recent developments.Chrysler asked the bankruptcy court to approve the sale of substantially all of its assets to a new company. Unwanted assets including several factories remained in bankruptcy and liquidated to satisfy various claims.On 12 April 2011, Fiat announced that it had achieved what is termed the second Performance Event, i.e.:•at least US$1.5bn in cumulative revenues for Chrysler from sales outside Nafta region and formalisation of other agreements).•at least 90% of Fiat dealers in Brazil agree to distribute Chrysler Group products•At least 90% of Fiat dealers in EU agree to distribute Chrysler Group vehicles•Chrysler Group and Fiat agree to pool Chrysler Group and Fiat vehicles in EU for CO2 emissions ratings•Compensation to Chrysler Group for use of its technology by Fiat and its affiliates outside of North AmericaFiat's stake in Chrysler was consequently increased from 25% to 30%.In May, Fiat exercised its option to purchase an incremental 16% taking it to 46%. This followed completion of refinancing of Chrysler's debt and full repayment by Chrysler of its debt to US and Canadian governments on 24 May 2011. Fiat paid $1,268m for the extra stake.In July the company acquired a further 6% stake from the US Treasury for $500m and Canada's 1.5% stake for $125mn taking it to a controlling 53.5%.Accordingly Chrysler Group will be consolidated in Fiat SpA Financial Statements effective from 24 May 2011.The third performance event, which will allow Fiat to increase its ownership interest to 57%, relates to Chrysler Group producing an unadjusted combined 40mpg vehicle off a Fiat platform in US. This is expected before the end of 2011.In the longer term Fiat could increase its interest in Chrysler to 70% or more through remaining options.MARKETS & MODELS2010Fiat Group Automobile sales fell by 3.2% in 2010 to 2.08m passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. For passenger cars alone there was a drop of 8.2% but this was partly offset by the 27.1% rise in LCV sales to 390,400 units. Chrysler & LanciaIn May 2010 the project to integrate the Chryslerand Lancia brand sales networks got underway.The new distribution structure will be identified in all European countries by Lancia, except forthe UK where Lancia is not currently present andwhere the Chrysler brand will be maintained. FGA Capital has taken over the financing services for Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge product distributors in Europe.Fiat plans on expanding its distribution networkby more than 1,600 points of sale by 2014 (30%increase over 2009) of which about 950 will befrom the Chrysler Group network.Growth strategyFiat Auto is aiming to sell 3.8m units in 2014compared with 2.2m in 2009. This excludes sales by non-consolidated affiliates and joint ventures. The 3.8m figure comprises:• 2.2m Fiat cars;•0.5m Alfa Romeo;•0.5m Fiat LCVs;•0.3m Lancia;•0.2m contract manufacturing;•0.1m Jeep.In regional terms the sales footprint is targeted as: • 2.15m Europe (64% higher than 2009);• 1.125m S. America (40% higher);•0.105m Nafta (versus almost zero in 2009)•0.42m Rest of World.•FGA Model plans (see Appendix 1)•By 2014 FGA plans to move from 11 separate vehicle architectures to 5.•Alfa Romeo intends to launch 7 models in 2011-14, Fiat will launch 9 cars and 4 LCVs and Lancia will launch 8 cars.•One of the new Chrysler-based models, the Fiat Freemont, debuted at the Geneva show. The Freemont, a crossover based on Chrysler’s Dodge Journey, is the first Fiat vehicle to come out of the partnership with Chrysler. It is produced at Chrysler’s Toluca, Mexico plant, which also makes the Fiat 500 for the US market (see Production). The Freemont will replace Fiat's slow-selling Ulysse MPV, production of which ended in December 2010, and will arrive at dealerships in the second half of 2011.•Towards the end of 2011 the new Panda, its second best-selling model after the Punto model, will be launched. •Lancia will launch three Chrysler-based models this year. The brand is being relaunched with a dealership network of 650 – 40% more than before. This will include its own dealers and many from Chrysler, which will no longer sell cars under its own brand in western Europe, except in the UK.Figure 6: FGA new car registrations by market & region, 2009-2011(f)Region Market200920102011 Africa South Africa2,2212,4244,955 Africa Total2,2212,4244,955 Asia Australia2,2971,5341,843 Asia China0037,839 Asia India22,75721,95056,942 Asia Japan7,1937,8647,679 Asia New Zealand277227310 Asia Singapore479359198 Asia Taiw an1469392 Asia Thailand212644 Asia Total33,17032,053104,947E E urope Bosnia & Herzegovina379198212E E urope Bulgaria351297367E E urope Croatia1,611817799E E urope Czech Republic4,6444,7133,214E E urope E stonia4933134E E urope Hungary2,8101,9011,686E E urope Latvia277297E E urope Lithuania111245295E E urope Macedonia584344319E E urope P oland33,30927,56622,574E E urope Romania5,1612,6862,067E E urope Russia3,0836,40821,413E E urope Serbia & Montenegro17,29211,4428,644E E urope Slovakia3,6942,2252,096E E urope Slovenia4,4353,1512,185E E urope Total77,54062,09866,102M E ast Israel1,4992,4352,550 M E ast Turkey53,98664,50875,255 M E ast Total55,48566,94377,805 Nafta Canada2433273,871 Nafta Mexico3,5082,5022,747 Nafta USA2,7853,33223,430 Nafta Total6,5366,16130,048 S America Argentina41,81653,49858,537 S America Brazil631,510610,754539,386 S America Chile527531871 S America Venezuela1,1011992,386 S America Total674,954664,982601,180 W E urope Austria20,42619,57718,605 W E urope Belgium19,05623,70120,237 W E urope Denmark5,3848,3377,932 W E urope Finland2,2512,9302,762 W E urope France99,41489,58279,345 W E urope Germany181,06890,014102,185 W E urope Greece15,07011,2737,329 W E urope Iceland21510 W E urope Ireland1,0101,6551,134 W E urope Italy708,925591,372528,752 W E urope Luxembourg2,2402,2702,256 W E urope Netherlands20,34131,34041,641 W E urope Norw ay1,0271,7081,445 W E urope P ortugal10,15513,5968,775 W E urope Spain23,99729,50325,940 W E urope Sw eden2,3573,2274,455 W E urope Sw itzerland16,28016,44615,246 W E urope UK71,64564,25957,769 W E urope Total1,200,6671,000,795925,818Figure 7: Chrysler new car registrations by market & region, 2009-2011(f)Chrysler Model plans (see Appendix 1) Region Market200920102011Africa South Africa4,0265,0955,411Africa Total4,0265,0955,411Asia Australia3,0582,8122,180Asia China0012,491Asia Japan1,7282,2802,896Asia New Zealand544643675Asia P hilippines08674Asia South Korea2,7172,6382,563Asia Taiw an36550Asia Total8,0838,46420,929E E urope Bosnia & Herzegovina339E E urope Bulgaria1074524E E urope Croatia1162543E E urope Czech Republic355317168E E urope E stonia12412874E E urope Hungary53262E E urope Latvia331430E E urope Lithuania21319E E urope Macedonia11510E E urope P oland967895497E E urope Romania52223813E E urope Russia8091,3322,321E E urope Serbia & Montenegro15415061E E urope Slovakia998639E E urope Slovenia19013514E E urope Total3,5643,4303,314M E ast Israel772641429M E ast Turkey1,7291,7071,757M E ast Total2,5012,3482,186Nafta Canada162,851208,451220,339Nafta Mexico78,25175,20191,381Nafta USA928,1611,077,1001,271,206Nafta Total1,169,2631,360,7521,582,926S America Argentina1,7583,4085,709S America Brazil2,9043,4703,319S America Chile20226984S America Venezuela2,7461,8712,202S America Total7,6109,01811,314W E urope Austria1,631983607W E urope Belgium1,7601,620504W E urope Denmark1057327W E urope Finland1,287706183W E urope France3,6232,9112,009W E urope Germany7,7106,3713,743W E urope Greece2,637674348W E urope Iceland14510W E urope Ireland100197W E urope Italy9,3957,6365,228W E urope Luxembourg183211154W E urope Netherlands1,667924628W E urope Norw ay42910632W E urope P ortugal43757674W E urope Spain5,3783,8162,470W E urope Sw eden1,4521,405744W E urope Sw itzerland2,3532,4491,723W E urope UK7,8664,2594,086W E urope Total48,02734,74422,577By 2014 Chrysler plans to move from 11 separatevehicle architectures to 7.Following the launch of 6 new and 10 significantly refreshed vehicles in 2010, Chrysler aims to launch a further 18 new models and 9 major facelifts/modifications by 2014. Following the recent launch of the Jeep Grand Cherokee, Chrysler plans the following launches by the end of 2011.❑The Chrysler brand will launch the Chrysler 200 mid-size sedan; the new Chrysler Town & Country, and the all-new, next generation Chrysler 300.❑The Dodge brand will launch six vehicles: the all-new Dodge Durango, the all-new Dodge Charger and the significantly redesigned Grand Caravan, Journey, Avenger and Challenger vehicles.❑The Jeep brand has already launched the facelifted Wrangler, Wrangler Unlimited and the updated Jeep Patriot compact SUV went on sale in Q4 2010.At the Paris Motor Show in September 2010, the Jeep brand also introduced two new diesel engines for markets outside North America. In October, the company announced that the new Pentastar V-6 engine, with improved fuel efficiency, more power and reduced emissions, is to be available across 13 models by 2013.In 2012, the Dodge Caliber will be terminated. It will be replaced by new compact sedan given to Chrysler and Dodge.For 2013, Chrysler gets a Fiat B platform based small car, a Sebring replacement, and a new mid-sized crossover. Jeep will launch a small SUV based on the Fiat Panda, while the Patriot and Liberty will be replaced by Fiat-based SUVs. Dodge gets a Fiat-based small car and an Avenger replacement.In 2014, Chrysler and Dodge will launch new versions of the Town & Country and Grand Caravan minivans.Vehicles planned for NaftaChrysler and Fiat plan to bring seven new vehicles to North America, four with Chrysler brands (i.e. Chrysler, Dodge or Jeep) and three as Fiats or Alfa Romeos. The models will be built at Chrysler plants in North America and sold through select Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep dealerships. Minicars - Two small cars are planned: the Fiat 500 3-door hatchback and a 5-door hatchback based on the next-generation Fiat Panda. The 5-door will probably be sold also as a Chrysler or Dodge model.Subcompact - Alfa Romeo will sell its MiTo, and there will be a model for Chrysler, probably based on the Fiat Grande Punto.Compact - Chrysler is expected to build a vehicle on Fiat's C-Evo platform (which debuts later this year). Chrysler may take the opportunity to replace the Dodge Caliber which is near the end of its life.Mid-sized- A stretched version of the C-Evo platform is likely to underpin new versions of the Chrysler Sebring and Dodge Avenger.Chrysler's future engine mix will shift significantly towards 4-cylinder gasoline and away from 6 & 8-cylinder units. Fiat will introduce its diesel technology to Chrysler vehicles and Chrysler will become a centre of competence for hybrids and electric vehicles for Fiat Group / Chrysler Group worldwide.Alfa Romeo will return to the US in late 2012. Plans call for Nafta to account for 85,000 of Alfa's 0.5m global sales target for 2014. In 2013, Alfa will re-engineer its three-door MiTo, adding a five-door version. Giulietta: Alfa's compact hatchback, which went on sale in Europe in June 2010 will launch in Nafta when it is refreshed in 2014.❑In late 2012 the mid-sized Giulia sedan and wagon will be launched.❑In 2012, Chrysler plans to begin assembly in the US of a compact SUV for Alfa. The vehicle will be sold in Nafta and exported to Europe.❑Alfa is also considering a 2-seat roadster to go into production in 2013.❑Similarly in 2014 Chrysler will begin producing an Alfa-badged SUV, based on the next generation Jeep Liberty, due in 2013. This will also be exported to Europe.PRODUCTIONFiat is aiming to boost capacity utilisation in Italy from around 37% in 2010 to 93% by 2014. In the rest of Europe it is aiming for an increase to 86% from 78%.。

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