BMW X5 Promotion letter_chs



培训员工如何与客户进行有效的沟通,包括倾听、理解客户需求 、提供专业建议等,以建立互信关系。
倡导以客户为中心的企业文化,让员工充分认识到客户满意度对 企业的重要性。
提供技术精湛、经验丰富的维修团队,确保车辆维修保养的质量 和效率。
为了保持市场领先地位, BMW意识到必须不断提 升服务质量,以满足客户 的需求和期望。
为了确保服务质量的持续 提升,BMW认为员工的 能力培养是关键,特别是 客户关怀方面的培训。
通过培训,使员工更加关注客户需求,提高 主动服务意识。
根据评估结果和反馈意 见,针对不足之处进行 针对性改进,提高培训 质量。
不断优化培训计划和内 容,确保培训与时俱进 ,满足公司发展和员工 成长的需求。
使用标准、专业、礼貌的语言 ,避免使用过于个人化或过于
注意面部表情、肢体动作和语 气语调,增强沟通效果。
及时响应、记录、调查、解决 和反馈客户投诉。



• 竞争者: BMW在中国癿竞争者主要为其同档类型车。主要 为奔驰和奥迪这两家同为德国车型癿产品。都以高质量, 高安全性,高品位彪炳。 而至亍日系美系迚口车,一个 主要定位亍中端市场,一个迚入中国市场轳晚丏能耗很大 。都未能给德国三巨头带来太大威胁。但就这三个品牌来 讲,但仅车上来说,BMW癿车型和技术和叐欢迎程度, 应当是轳好癿。
• 3.O市场机会:2009年1月8日,宝马公布了全新一代7系轿车两种排 量车型癿售价,其135.5~220万元癿售价一绊公布,随卲遭到了一些 媒体和消费者癿口诛笔伐,单车利润超过百万癿说法更是丌胫而走。 迚口豪华车是暴利,这是一个丌争癿事实,但卖一辆车赚100万以上 ,我相信这是一个趍以让人惊愕癿消息。是谁给了宝马大肆在中国赚 钱癿机会? 站在消费者癿角度考虑,宝马和奔驰在品牌形象上难分 伯仲。车内空间方面,宝马系凢借其3210mm癿轰距在奔驰S级癿 3165mm面前稍占伓労,再加上更出色癿劢力表现,我相信如果丌是 非奔驰丌买癿消费者,他们很可能会选择价格便宜4.3万元、劢力性 更出色、油耗更低癿宝马新740Li。 同时消费者和竞争对手也给了宝 马7系列癿市场伓労。如果没人买这些暴利癿大型豪华车,我相信它 们会主劢降价;如果X6癿竞争车型价格厚道点,我相信宝马会主劢降 价。但遗憾癿是,这两个如果都丌成立,宝马X6暴利癿并福生活只能 继续,直到其中癿一个如果发成事实
在全国针对宝马系列深受喜爱,不光在车的外 型和车的各种性能相对其他品牌产品都就有引领 作用,在欧洲,奔驰和宝马的市场占有率加起来 应该在10%左右,而大众品牌的也不过10%多一 点宝马公司致力于推动中国汽车工业在高科技应 用方面的发展。于1994年4月,宝马公司在北京朝 阳区设立了代表处。宝马集团与其中方合作伙伴 分别持有合资公司50%的股权。到2005年,项目 的投资将达到4.5亿欧元(约合40亿元人民币)。项 目中期,合资将创造大约3,000个就业岗位。当地 供应商体系正在逐步发展,第一批产品的国产化 率将达到40%左右。随着产量的提高,代理商网 络也将逐步发展。 宝马集团认为这个合资项目是国际化进程中 的一个新的里程碑。基于公司积极的市场政策, 宝马集团正在不断强化在全球的事业基础,并策 略性地进入新的市场领域,尤其是快速增长的亚 洲市场。 07年在中国的合资公司是宝马集团为其亚洲 生产和销售网络增加的强大基石,这体现宝马集 团一贯坚持的亚洲策略。在未来5年中,宝马集团 计划将其在亚洲市场的年销量从目前的大约8万辆 提高到约15万辆 随着宝马在中国供应商基地的扩大,宝马汽车 集团期待今年在中国的销售额能够激增80%,达



BMW FS001 1/1Appendix/附录:FS-B10Applicant 申请人:Department/Company name 部门/公司名称:Title职务:Tel 电话:Mobile 手机:email邮箱:Department Senior Manager Signature/Dealer General Manager Signature部门高级经理签字/经销商总经理签字:Candidate Name 客户姓名(英文):Company Name 公司名称(英文): Title职务:Chinese Name 客户姓名(中文):Company Name 公司名称(中文):Tel/Mobile电话/手机:1. ID 身份证: Y / N2. Company ID 员工证: Y / N3. Others Information 其它信息:Expected Model 预期车型:Spec.配置:Exterior Color 外饰颜色:Interior Color内饰颜色:Expected delivery date 预期交付日期:Expected delivery place (dealer)预期交付地点(经销商):Sticker Price 零售价格:Discount to customer给予客户的折扣:≤8%_____%Price after discount折扣后的价格:>8%_____%Fleet Manager Sales:Date:Vice President, Corporation Affairs:Date:Vice President Sales:Date:Application for Sales to VIP (BMW China)VIP 购车申请表(宝马中国)Date of Application 申请日期:I. Applying Department / Dealer information 申请部门/经销商信息:II. VIP's Information VIP 客户信息:Background/Contribution to BMW 背景或对宝马的贡献:Potential Risks 潜在风险:III. Vehicle information 车辆信息:IV. Discount information 折扣信息:V. Approval 审批:Note 注释:1). For VIP recommended by BMW, BMW will support 75% of the discount, the dealer will contribute with 25%; For VIP recommended by dealer, BMW will spport 25% of the discount,dealer will contribute with 75%. 对于宝马推荐的VIP ,宝马承担折扣的75%,经销商承担折扣的25%;对于经销商推荐的VIP ,宝马承担折扣的25%,经销商承担折扣的75%。

CarProg BMW key programmer 说明书

CarProg BMW key programmer 说明书

S4.4 CarProg BMW key programmer manualSystem description:BMW Key programmer is CarProg software designed for BMW immobilizers EWS1, EWS2 and EWS3 programming and transponder key generating using EWS data.Immobiliser EWS installed on the BMW cars since 1996. EWS are used on BMW E38 (7xx),E39 (5xx), E36 and E46 (3xx), E53 (X5), Z4 also on others car made with BMW cooperation - Mini Cooper, Rover 75, Range Rover.Supported systems:Supports all immobilizers modifications EWS1, EWS2, EWS3, EWS3+Functions:•Reading and writing EWS1, EWS2, EWS3, EWS3+ using CarProg Motorola cable; •Automatic identification EWS version of dump;•Adding new keys;•Restoring original lost key synchronization;•The blocking and unblocking key access to the car if car key is lost; •Reading and changing data coding (for the vehicle);•Changing parameters EWS (product number, date of manufacture, etc.); •Change VIN number stored in EWS;•Change VIN numbers in the key (stored in key after 1998);•Changing mileage in EWS (in EWS after 1998);•Changing mileage in the key;Works with empty PCF7935 and with original BMW keys (EMU – emulator)How to connect CarProg to EWS:S4.4.1.EWS2 older immobilizer: Old immobiliser type with Motorola processor in DIP package and 27C256 EPROM. Usually this immobiliser is fitted to E36 cars. Use A10 adapter and connect immobiliser like in picture:Select in CarProg BMW immobiliser Menu EWS2 old immobiliser system and read EWS data. Now you can see how many key is programmed and perform action you won. To program key just set empty PCF7935 transponder in to CarProg antenna adapter A3, select key number to program and perform key programming action.Also see in this manual how to:•Restore old keys (in case if old key stop to work);•Delete lost transponder key;•Change EWS settings;•Check key;S4.4.2EWS2 immobiliser: usually used in BMW cars up to year 1996, with yellow or violet connector (white or black plastic box). Use A10 adapter and connect immobiliser like in picture:Select in CarProg BMW immobiliser Menu EWS2 immobiliser system and read EWS data. Now you can see how many key is programmed and perform action you won. To program key just set empty PCF7935 transponder in to CarProg antenna adapter A3, select key number to program and perform key programming action.EWS2 with processor mask 2D47J in some case can by erased while reading. But this is rare.Also see in this manual how to:•Restore old keys (in case if old key stop to work);•Delete lost transponder key;•Change EWS settings;•Check key;S4.4.2EWS3 immobiliser: used in BMW, Mini and Rover cars year 1997-2004, with black connector (white or black plastic box). Use A10 adapter and connect immobiliser like in picture:Select in CarProg BMW immobiliser Menu EWS3 immobiliser system and read EWS data. Now you can see how many key is programmed and perform action you won. To program key just set empty PCF7935 transponder in to CarProg antenna adapter A3, select key number to program and perform key programming action.EWS3 with processor mask 2D47J can by erased while reading. This processor type is used in EWS3 software versions SW5, SW4 and SW3. Tested, that SW3HW1 EWS3 memory will be lost while reading. Recover lost EWS3 data is impossible with our equipment.Most common problem in EWS3 immobilizers is bad ELMOS circuit. Check if this IC temperature in working state is normal. If ELMOS is very hot – replace it first. Also see in this manual how to:•Restore old keys (in case if old key stop to work);•Delete lost transponder key;•Change EWS settings;•Check key;EWS Key programmer Additional functions:•Restore old keys: in older BMW cars equipped with EWS2 immobiliser most common problem is key variable part synchronization loosing. This happen whenbattery is old and bad charged. Original transponder key remote control work, but car starter relay is not operated. Remove EWS from car, connect it to CarProg like inpictures and read EWS data. Now insert not working key in CarProg antenna and Check Key. CarProg will show key number. Just deselect this key Used box and perform EWS write operation. If you don’t have car key is possible to restore all car keys - deselect Used box for all used key.•Delete lost transponder key: in key data write all FFFF and perform Write EWS operation. Key will by disabled.•Change EWS settings: you can change EWS VIN number, mileage and perform EWS write operation. This data will by overwritten in all car keys after first engine start – in case if key is working. Also you can change EWS password, key data, EWS GM, VN, SA car coding – but be careful and not use this function if you not advanced user – you can damage car.•Check key: insert key in to CarProg antenna adapter and Check key validity to EWS and key number.。

BMW X5 xDrive35i 说明书

BMW X5 xDrive35i 说明书

用户手册SheerDriving PleasureX5 xDrive35i X5 xDrive50i X5 xDrive30d X5 xDrive40d X6 xDrive35i X6 xDrive50i X6 xDrive30d X6 xDrive40dX5 MX6 M 用户手册感谢您选择了 BMW 汽车,对此我们深感荣幸。


因此我们请您:在驾驶您的新 BMW 汽车之前,垂阅本用户手册。

您能得到有关车辆操纵的重要提示,从而使您充分利用 BMW 车辆的技术优点。


这些信息对车辆的行驶安全性、交通安全性以及 BMW 汽车的保值非常有用。

请您注意车载阅读材料中其它的手册,例如BMW X5M/BMW X6M 的补充手册。

衷心祝愿您旅程安全愉快!BMW 集团© 2010 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft德国,慕尼黑没有 BMW 汽车公司的书面授权,任何人不得再版、复制及摘录BMW AG,慕尼黑中文 (chinesisch) IX/10, 09 10 500使用环保型纸张印刷,纸张无氯漂白,可再生利用。


如何使用本用户手册4提示综述8驾驶室14iDrive 19语音输入系统操作24打开和关闭38设置48安全带乘儿童52驾驶66一切尽在掌握中77用于行驶舒适性和安全性的技术95灯光100空调111实用的车内装备驾驶提示124驾驶时应注意的事项导航134导航系统135输入目的地143目的地指引149对问题的解决方案视听设备152开机/关机和调整155收音机158数字式收音机 DAB160CD/DVD 播放器和 CD/DVD 换碟机167音乐合集172外部设备178电视182后座区的 DVD 系统通信196电话206Office 214联系人216BMW 服务顺利驾驶224加油226车轮与轮胎229发动机罩下234保养236日常养护239零部件的更换249自助和求助便捷查阅256技术数据263语音输入系统的简短命令269保养概述272按照拼音顺序从A 到Z提示4提示关于本用户手册我们非常重视使用户能在本用户手册中方便地找到需要的信息。





042自1999年诞生的BMW X 5如今已经迎来了第三代,我依稀记得当初第一代X 5推出市场以后迎来的并不是满堂喝彩,反而更多的是对这个“大块头”的吐槽。

当然,随着时间的推移以及后续的改款,如今的X 5已经成为了SAV 这一细分市场的代表。

眼前的这辆全新X 5,相比上一代车身线条更加锐利,摒弃了臃肿的大直线使得车身外观更加符合当下人的审美。

而且,新一代X 5对于宝马本身所具有的运动精神似乎贯彻的更为彻底,锋利的车身线条已经成为宝马近期新车型的标志性元素。

当然,威廉·霍夫迈斯特曲线在这代X 5上依然得到了经典的传承。

如果说上一代X 5是一位“硬汉”的话,“型男”则成为全新X 5的时尚标签。

当然,也有人会认为这代X 5丢失了原有“霸气”,外观这东西毕竟是仁者见仁,智者见智。

另外,诞生于宝马全新平台的新X 5BMW X5作为SAV车型这一细分市场的代表,BMW X5迎来了第三代改款。

如果说上一代X5是个偏好运动的“偏科生”的话,全新X5则变得更加均衡测试地点:中国·北京·G109文/马爽@我是马小陆 摄影/孙燕初@孙布衣轴距依然维持在2933m m ,除了车身高度相比上代略有降低,车身长度和宽度都有所增加。

全新X 5的车身尺寸达到了4909/1938/1772mm ,相信车内乘员空间相比上代也将会得到进一步的改善。

打开车门,虽然在内饰设计上全新X 5没能给我带来任何的惊喜,甚至闭着眼睛都可以完成各种功能键的操作。


但是相对于老款X 5,这代X 5在内饰做工和细节方面都有了质的飞跃,至少我个人是这样认为。


让我不禁想起之前做选题时试驾的M 4,低矮的坐姿甚至一辆骐达就可以遮住眼前的所有阳光,以及那看似高大上,实而毫无腿部支撑的赛车座椅。

这才叫舒适嘛!我敢打赌,只需要1分钟你便可以发现全新X 5所带来的驾驶变化。

2012 宝马 BMW X5

2012 宝马 BMW X5

Performance The drive concept of the BMW X . BMW Effi cientDynamics The technology package for reduced consumption and emissions. Engines The current generation of diesel and petrol engines. BMW X M d Chassis, safety Innovations for added enjoyment. BMW ConnectedDrive Intelligent networking for better convenience, safety and infotainment. Research and development An endurance test at the Arctic Circle.

/x /performance
04 05 Contents
BMW EfficientDynamics
Less emissions. More driving pleasure.
Discover an automobile that is the pioneer of a whole class. Take a spin in the BMW X . Thanks to its sense of selfconfi dence and a palette of innovative technologies, it brings sheer driving pleasure to life. You’ll feel at once the perfect unison of extremely precise steering and directional stability. While the chassis enables exceptionally direct handling. The refi ned power of the consumption-optimised engines is instantly thrilling, as is the BMW X ’s low CO emission output of just g/km with the xDrive d engine. And the whole host of BMW Effi cientDynamics technologies top it all off with an impressive power-to-effi ciency ratio.



神秘灰开士米银座椅材质*车轮20英寸铝合金轮圈,双辐式样699M 型20英寸铝合金轮圈,双辐式样787M 型21英寸铝合金轮圈,V 式轮辐726I 型19英寸铝合金轮圈,Y 式轮辐887M 型20英寸铝合金轮圈,双辐式样699M 型,黑色Sensatec 合成皮黑色,带蓝色对比色饰条Sensatec 合成皮火山红/黑色,带精致缝线车身漆内饰条黑色高光内饰带珠光镀铬装饰条海湾形细线纹高级木饰带珠光镀铬装饰条深色铝制菱形内饰带珠光镀铬装饰条深色纹理哑光白蜡木高级木饰带珠光镀铬饰条Sensatec 合成皮摩卡色,带精致缝线Sensatec 合成皮火山红,带精致缝线由于印刷品材质技术的局限性,本手册中所示的材质和色彩可能与实际情况有所差别。

2021年8月印刷 本手册所示内容仅供参考。

本手册提供的所有信息、说明和图解都是根据制作手册当时BMW AG (包括其旗下的各子公司)及华晨宝马汽车有限公司(视情况而定,下称“BMW ”)所生产并在中国销售的最新产品信息编辑而成。


如对手册内容有问题和建议,请咨询BMW 授权经销商。

BMW 保留随时更改手册内容,而不必事先通知的权利。

在颜色,材料,车辆说明以及产品系列等方面,BMW 对印刷和排版上的错误不予负责,这些错误可能会影响到对汽车的描述。

虽然BMW 尽一切努力确保本手册的信息最新并且准确,但BMW 和任何BMW 授权经销商以及其他第三方均不对任何人依赖本手册中的任何信息而负责。

BMW 有权决定一年之中生产的车型。





目录汽车品牌口号收集 (2)1.千里马 (3)2.别克 (4)3.东南菱帅 (5)4.上海大众 (5)5.奥迪AUDI (7)6.新甲壳虫New Beatle (8)7.高尔夫GOLF (8)8.夏朗SHARAN (9)9.捷达JETTA (9)10.宝莱BORA (9)11.高尔GOL (10)12。

马自达福美来323 (10)13.马自达6 Mazda6 (10)14.福美来 (10)15.宝马BMW (11)16。

梅塞德斯——奔驰Mercedes-Benz (12)17。

沃尔沃VOLVO (13)18.日产汽车NISSAN (13)19.丰田汽车TOYOTA (14)20。

吉普anywhere i can reach__jeep (15)21.绅宝SAAB (15)22.福特 (15)23.雪佛兰CHEVROLET (16)24。

现代汽车HYUNDAI (16)25.威乐VELA (17)26.本田 (18)27。

东风雪铁龙 (19)28.中华轿车Brilliance Auto (20)29。

奇瑞 (20)30。

菲亚特 (21)31.三菱欧蓝德OUTLANDER (21)32。

红旗 (22)33.吉利 (22)34.华普汽车MAPLE AUTOMOBILE (22)35.江淮瑞风REFINE (22)36.Sovereign (23)37。

凯迪拉克 (23)38.荣威 (27)39.MG (28)40.奔腾 (29)41.长安汽车: (29)42.比亚迪 (30)43.东风风神 (30)44.长城汽车 (31)汽车品牌口号收集日系丰田——车到山前必有路,有路就有丰田车丰田新口号——更远、更新。

--TOYOTO以先进技术挑战汽车梦想本田——The Power of Dreams-梦想的力量三菱——Drive@earth:“驰骋地球,关爱地球”日产-shift the future超越未来。

德系梅赛德斯-奔驰——领导时代,驾驭未来宝马——驾乘乐趣,创新极限奥迪——突破科技、启迪未来大众——汽车价值典范大众新口号——处于对企业的爱奔驰戴姆勒——“精益求精,永远领先”和“追求卓越”斯柯达——简单、聪明其他福特——你的世界,从此无界雪铁龙——想在你之前起亚——用心全为你雷诺——让汽车称为一个小家迷你(mini)--她可爱吗?(ISITLOVE?)沃尔沃——For Life 关爱生命,享受生活现代——Drive your way 驾驭你的路标致——Engine to be enjoyed 享受引擎的力量具体车型口号上海别克——当代精神,当代车东风——买我东风车,还你一条龙大众甲壳虫——想想还是小的好桑塔纳——拥有桑塔纳,走遍天下都不怕双龙汽车——世上无难路,只要有双龙南京菲亚特—世界家轿王五十铃汽车—让我们充分掌握能多快好省的运输货物的拖车头吧。

宝马 BMW X5 宣传册 美国版

宝马 BMW X5 宣传册 美国版

SheerStandard / Optional equipment.Fog lights in free-form technology, integrated in the front apron, ensure extra safety in bad weather and poor visibility.Xenon Headlights for low and high beam , incl. automatic headlight range control and headlight washing system, significantly improves road illumination at night, in bad weather or poor visibility. The four LED light rings can also be used as daytime running lights and parking lights (standard on xDrive5i and xDrive4d).Adaptive Headlights with variable light distribution, incl. turning lights, illuminate bends by optimally adjusting the swivelling headlights as soon as the driver turns the steering wheel. The light cone also automatically adjusts itself vertically, e.g. as the road crests or dips (only available in conjunction with Xenon Headlights). The turning light in the fog lights is automatically activated, even at a standstill, when the indicator is switched on or with a steering lock of over 1 degrees. High-beam assistant aids the driver at night by automatically switching from high to low beam. Headlight washing system provides optimal illumination of the road ahead in all weather conditions. Headlights are automatically cleaned in parallel with the windscreen when the lights are on. (Standard on xDrive5i and xDrive4d; only in conjunction with Xenon Headlights).Lights package includes rear reading and footwell lights, indirectly lit door pockets, exit lights, and proximity illumination in the outside door handles. This ensures that the area around the door is evenly lit when the door is unlocked.Dynamic Braking Lights help following vehicles to more reliably assess your braking behaviour: the lights blink during emergency braking. Following traffic can therefore differentiate between light deceleration and more urgent situations – for increased safety on the road. Rain sensor incl. automaticheadlight activation: once activated, the rain sensor automatically switches on the windscreen wipers and controls wiper frequency. The automatic headlight activation switches on the low-beam headlights automatically, e.g. when it gets dark or when entering a tunnel.Exterior mirrors, electrically adjustable and heated, upper section finished in body colour (mirror foot in black), aspheric and blue-tinted. Exterior mirrors, with automatic anti-glare function incl. fold-in function and automatic parking function.Please see the following page for explanation on footnotes.Included in the Innovation package*. Included in the Comfort package*.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Front ornamental grille with kidney grille slats in Titanium and chrome surround (standard on the xDrive5i and xDrive4d). Aluminium running boards (1 mm wide) with rubber inserts give a particularly sporting touch.Soft close function gently closes the four doors.Roof spoiler, upper section finished in body colour, gives the vehicle aparticularly muscular look.Front ornamental grille with kidney grille slats painted black and chrome surround (standard on the xDrive3i and xDrive3d).BMW Individual High-gloss Shadow Line: includes window recess finishers and window frames in high-gloss black.Chrome Line Exterior: includes window recess finishers in chrome (standard on xDrive5i).Tailpipes: the exhaust system withtwo oval tailpipes is made of high-quality stainless steel, encased in a chrome frame at the end (standard on the xDrive5i).Roof railing, matt black: matched harmoniously to the car’s design, the roof railing provides the foundation for BMW’s multifunctional roof support unit for convenient and safe transportation of luggage, bicycles, surfboards, etc. Sun-protection glazing on the rear side windows (behind the B-pillar) and rear window. These tinted windows reduce sun glare and ensure a pleasant temperature inside the car even in hot weather.Tailpipes: the xDrive3i, xDrive3 d and xDrive4 d models come with two single tailpipes. The exhaust system is made of high-quality stainless steel. The visible tailpipes are trimmed with a chrome frame.Roof railing, Aluminium satinated: the roof railing is also available in an Aluminium satinated version flush with the roof, to add an individual touch to your BMW X5 (included in the M Sports package).Tailgate splits horizontally in two; when open the lower section forms a platform taking loads of up to 2 kg (e.g. for resting heavy objects on). The upper section can be opened separately (e.g. for quickly removing small items of luggage).Automatic tailgate operation , electric.T ow bar with electrically adjustable ball head , incl. T railer Stability Control (part of DSC, this system is activated when the power socket at the rear is connected) for towing a max. load of 3,5 kg (not in conjunction with M Sports package). T ow bar with removable ballhead for towing a max. load of 3,5 kg.* The availability may vary by country.Standard / Optional equipment.BMW light-alloy wheelsY -spoke 3 with mixed runflat tyres, front 9 J x 1-inch with 2/5 R 1 tyres, rear 1 J x 1-inch with 2/4 R 1 tyres (available with the Sports package).BMW light-alloy wheelsstar-spoke 3 with runflat tyres, J x 1-inch, 2/5 R 1 tyres (standard on xDrive5i).BMW light-alloy wheels Y -spoke 2 with mixed runflat tyres, frontJ x 2-inch with 2/4 R 2 tyres, rear 1 J x 2-inch with 3/3 R 2 tyres, also available as a complete winter wheel set from the Original BMW Accessories range*.BMW light-alloy wheelsstar-spoke 2 with runflat tyres, .5 J x 1-inch, 2/5 R 1 tyres.BMW light-alloy wheelsstar-spoke 2 with runflat tyres, .5 J x 1-inch, 2/5 R 1 tyres (standard on xDrive3i, xDrive3 d and xDrive4d), also available as a complete winter wheel set from the Original BMW Accessories range*.BMW light-alloy wheels Y -spoke 3, bicolor, with mixed runflat tyres, front J x 2-inch with 2/4 R 2 tyres, rear 1 J x 2-inch with 3/3 R 2 tyres (available with the Sports package), also available as a complete winter wheel set from the Original BMW Accessories range*.** May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Leather steering wheel with multifunction buttons for Cruise Control and remote control of the radio/telephone.Start/Stop button for starting the engine. After inserting the ignition key you can start or stop the engine by pressing the button.Voice control system: foradjusting the radio station, navigation routes etc. while driving. Functions are shown on the Control Display at the same time (this feature is included in the Navigation system Professional**).Steering wheel heating: just press a button to quickly warm up the steering wheel rim – a particularly pleasant amenity in winter.Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go function actively maintains a pre-selected speed and following distance to the vehicle in front – with automatic restart for driving in typical stop-and-go situations such as slow moving traffic. Cruise Control with brakingfunction facilitates comfortable driving at a pre-selected speed (over 3 km/h).Eight-speed automatic transmission Steptronic withelectronic gear selection and Adaptive T ransmission Management enables fast and comfortable gear shifting – for maximum driving dynamics and efficiency.Sports leather steering wheel, three-spoke, incl. multifunction buttons.Active Steering adapts the steering transmission and steering force to the current speed of the vehicle, thus ensuring optimum steering precision, agility and comfort.Standard / Optional equipment.Head-up Display projects important information such as current speed directly into the driver’s the field of vision. Arrow directions for navigation, for example, can also be shown. The height and brightness of the display can be individually adjusted, so that the driver can fully concentrate on the traffic at all times.Speed Limit Info determines the current speed limit and informs the driver via the Info Display or the optional Head-up Display (only in conjunction with Navigation system Professional).Preparation for mobile telephone with Bluetooth interface, incl. hands-free installation with snap-in adapter (Original BMW Accessories) for a wireless Bluetooth mobile phone and iPhone connection which can be operated via the multifunction buttons on the steering wheel, iDrive Controller or the voice control system. Includes socket for charger and antenna. Your BMW partner will be happy to inform you about recommended telephones.Parking brake with auto-hold function allows you to hold and release the vehicle conveniently by means of a button in the centre console.Cup holders (two), in the frontcentre console.Storage options for a wide rangeof items are available in the centreconsole, in the front and rear doors andin a stow-away tray in the rear on theright.AUX-IN connection for an externalaudio source such as an MP3 player.Only in conjunction with PDC and interior/exterior mirrors with automatic anti-glare function. Included in the Comfort package*.Prospective release date: first quarter 2.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Functional bookmarks: with these buttons, the driver and front passenger can save their most frequently used navigation, audio (e.g. certain radio stations or CD tracks) or telephone functions on eight separate buttons for rapid access.Controller: this rotary/push button allows you to select various functions on the Control Display. Four different menus can be called up using direct menu control buttons: CD, radio, navigation and telephone. Three additional buttons – Menu, Options and Back – make the Controller even more user-friendly.Control Display with TFT screen (6.5-inch, colour) shows the functions activated by the Controller (e.g. on-board computer or radio). An 8.8-inch screen is available with the optional Navigation system Professional or the TV function.TV function allows you to use the Control Display as a television when the vehicle is stationary. Both analogue and digital (DVB-T) channels broadcast by terrestrial stations can be received.Park Distance Control (PDC) , front and rear makes parking and manoeuvring easier in narrow spaces; the distance between your vehicle and surrounding obstacles is indicated acoustically as well as visually in the Control Display.Navigation system Professional* with high-resolution 8.8-inch colour display, incl. DVD drive, hard disk for storing data (such as music files), which can be transferred from CDs, MP3 players or USB sticks; dynamic route planning with traffic directions provided by the voice computer or displayed on a 3D route map, as well as a split-screen function.Rear view camera with T op View , 2 offers the driver a good overview of their immediate surroundings while manoeuvring. A bird’s eye view of the BMW is shown on the Control Display. In addition, the rear view camera provides a better view when you’re reversing while parking at under 2 km/h. The rear view camera is activated automatically when the reverse gear is selected. Auxiliary heating with remote control ideal in winter and in cold weather. When you step into your vehicle, the windscreen is already free of ice and the interior is already pleasantly warm.Lane Departure Warning uses a camera in the rear-view mirror to determine when the vehicle approaches the road markings and immediately warns the driver by causing the steering wheel to vibrate.Side View provides a better overview when pulling out with restricted visibility.Standard / Optional equipment.2-zone automatic air conditioning , incl. Automatic Air Recirculation (AAR) with circulation filter, sun andcondensation sensors, automatic temperature control (separate for driver and front passenger) as well as air volume control. The residual heat utilisation function means that at the push of a button, heat stored in the engine is used to warm up the interior. So the vehicle stays pleasantly warm even during brief stops and despite cold external temperatures; function display and settings shown on the Control Display (Standard on the xDrive5i and xDrive4d).4-zone automatic air conditioning. Same features as 2-zone air conditioning, plus the climate in the rear can be separately controlled with two dials and a display. This version also includes rear blowers, footwell heaters and outlets in the B-pillars.Automatic air conditioning, incl. microfilter, to provide an ideal climate in any season, automatic temperature and air volume control, vent programme and rear ventilation; settings displayed on Control Display (standard on xDrive3i and xDrive3d).Seat heating for driver and front passenger: seat surfaces and backrests with heating in three stages for a pleasant temperature shortly after setting off.Active seat ventilation provides a noticeably more comfortable ride. Vents in the seat surfaces and backrests blow air through the seat covers (available for the driver and front passenger in conjunction with perforated Nevada leather and comfort seats).Active seat for driver provides a relaxed seating and driving position. The seat moves up and down on either side, cyclically mobilising the pelvis and lumbar spine (available in conjunction with comfort seats).Please see the following page for explanation on footnotes.Included in the Comfort package*.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Radio BMW Professional, 4-channel amplifier, 2-tuner reception, antenna diversity, scan function, CD drive, MP3 decoder, six loudspeakers. DAB tuner for additional reception of digital radio broadcasts.USB/audio interface, in the storage compartment under the front armrest for connecting a USB stick or external audio source such as an iPod.HiFi loudspeaker system with digital amplifier (2-watt) and 1 loudspeakers, as well as digital equalizing which adapts the sound optimally to the shape of the vehicle interior.HiFi system Professional with a 6-watt digital amplifier and 1 loudspeakers guarantees a high-intensity audio experience for every passenger.BMW Individual High End Audio System with a 9-channel digital amplifier (8-watt) and 1 high-performance loudspeakers including exclusive neodymium magnetic actuators produces an auditory experience comparable to a live concert. Volume and equalizing levels are automatically adjusted according to vehicle speed.CD changer, 6-disc single slot changer with features including scan function, random play and MP3 decoder; installed in the glove compartment.DVD changer, 6-disc, supports multichannel audio DVDs. Range of features in conjunction with standard Control Display (6.5 inch) as for CD changer; in conjunction with on-board monitor with TV or Navigation system Professional* also featuring a video function.Only available in conjunction with leather upholstery. Included in the Comfort package*.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Standard / Optional equipment.Comfort seats for driver and front passenger (shown here in Nevada leather, perforated) with electrical seat adjustment for all seat levels. Further electronic functions include upper backrest and seat depth adjustment. Height adjustment is also electrically controlled (in conjunction with 2-zone and 4-zone automatic air conditioning).Seat adjustment, electric, for driver and front passenger, with memory function for driver’s seat, steering column and exterior mirrors, including easy access (standard on xDrive5i and xDrive4d). BMW Individual instrument panel in sophisticated leather, for a particularly exclusive interior atmosphere.Interior and exterior mirrors , with automatic anti-glare function which is activated once a certain light intensity from following vehicles is reached. With fold-in function.Alarm system: in the event of an attempted break-in or vehicle tampering the alarm system emits an acoustic signal and immediately switches on the hazard warning lights.Sports seats for driver and front passenger, highly contoured seat sides for optimal lateral support at all times. Seat height, seat angle, backrest angle and lumbar support are electrically adjustable; thigh support is manually adjustable.Panorama glass roof with generous dimensions for a stunning view, as well as a speed-sensitive wind deflector. Both glass panels tilt up electronically at the touch of a button and the front panel also features a sliding function, an electrically operated roofliner (protecting passengers from glare) as well as comfort opening/closing complete with trap release.BMW Individual roofliner Anthracite; the A, B and C and D pillars as well as the sunblinds and roof handles are finished in a refined Black (included in the Sports package and M Sports package).Standard seats with manual adjustment for the lengthwise position, seat angle and headrest height and angle, as well as electrical adjustment for seat height and backrest angle.Standard / Optional equipment.Rear seat backrest, can be asymmetrically split (6 : 4) and individually folded down.Third row of seating facilitates flexible use of the available space. The two additional seats face forward and can be separately folded down. This option includes additional heating for the third row footwell (incl. level adjustment with air suspension on the rear axle).Luggage compartment partition net, behind the second row of seating ensures that objects in the luggage compartment cannot fall forward into the passenger compartment.Adaptive fastening system for safely stowing luggage of different sizes (available in conjunction with the storage package).Storage package including a storage box under the front centre console with a 1 V socket, two cargo rails with four fastening points in the luggage compartment and fastening belts left and right (in conjunction with a third row of seating, no tensioning belts left and right).Please see the following page for explanation on footnotes.Included in the Comfort package*.Only available in conjunction with leather upholstery. Included in the Innovation package*.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Sockets (1 V), one in the front storage bowl, one in the rear centre console and one in the luggage compartment.Cup holders, integrated in the rear centre armrest.Seat heating at the rear, same as the electric heating for the driver and front passenger seats, with heating in two stages, available in conjunction with leather upholstery and seatheating for driver and front passenger. Sunblinds: manual sunblinds on each rear side window for reliable protection from intense sun glare.BMW Welt: T aking delivery of a car has always ranked among the best moments for any car driver. Now this moment can become a truly unforgettable day – at BMW Welt, the experience and delivery centre in Munich, Germany. Visit the museum, tour the plant or explore the technology studio and feel the pure fascination of BMW. Experience more online at DVD system in the rear features an independently controllable DVD drive with a fold-down 8-inch screen. The system can be operated by wireless remote control, has sockets for two headphones and an external video source, and is compatible with infrared headphones. In conjunction with the TV function, the same TV programme can be viewed simultaneously on the front (when vehicle is at standstill) and rear screens.Ski bag for clean and safe transport of up to four pairs of skis with up to four occupants in the car; whenever the ski bag is not required, it remains stored conveniently and out of sight behind the centre armrest.Comfort access for opening and locking the vehicle without having to hold the remote control. The engine can also be started without the key using the Start/Stop button.Central locking for the doors and fuel cap, incl. electronic immobiliser and remote control with automatically recharging battery in the key.BMW Service Inclusive: service costs are another area where your BMW partner can offer you anintelligent solution. With BMW Service Inclusive, routine maintenance service will be provided at no extra cost to you, for the agreed duration or mileage. Experience more online at:/ServiceInclusiveSheer。


Product Launch Training.
产品发布培训 The new BMW X5. We have expanded on a great idea. 延展雄伟创B意 MW全新X5
The new BMW X5
Launch Training Hangzhou, July 2007
Sheer Driving Pleasure
Best-in-class driving properties and handling 在同级车型中最佳的行驶特性和操控性
• Lower centre of gravity, dual transverse arm front axle and integral rear axle, wider track for greater agility 更低的重心、双横向摆臂前桥和整体后 桥、更宽的轮距使灵活性进一步提升
More agility 更加灵活
Best-in-class driving
properties and handling. 在同级车型中最佳的行 驶特性和操控性
More exclusivity 更加尊贵 Premium interior with
increased luxury. 更加豪华的高级内饰
The new BMW X5. BMW全新X5
Evolution rather than revolution.
与•其Grow说th i是n all革dim命ensio,ns, y不et 如说是进化 still compact in appearance 各个尺寸均有所增大,但外 观仍显紧凑
The new BMW X5. BMW全新X5
• New 4.8 l V8 engine and 3.0 l in-line 6-cylinder petrol engines – increased power but reduced fuel consumption. 新的4.8升V8发动机和3.0升直列6 缸汽油发动机 – 动力更强但燃油消耗量更低



宝马X5用户使用手册(可编辑)宝马X5用户使用手册用户手册参考索引旅程愉快宝马公司推荐使用嘉实多 Castrol的产品X5 30iX5 44i恭喜您选择了宝马汽车您对您的汽车越熟悉您就会发现驾驶它越容易因此我们请您在驾驶您的新宝马汽车之前请您仔细阅读本用户手册内为您总结的信息您能得到有关汽车操纵的重要提示从而使您充分利用宝马汽车的技术优点此外您还能找到有关汽车保养和日常养护的信息这些信息对汽车的行驶安全性和交通安全性以及汽车的保值非常有用衷心祝愿您旅程愉快BMW AG4n有关本用户手册的说明使用的符号个性化汽车在这本用户手册中我们非常重视使用户能该符号指明您必须阅读的指示或警告提在购买宝马汽车时您可以选择带各种不同尽快找到相关信息通过本手册最后面的详示–为了您和他人的安全并避免损坏您装备的某一车型这本用户手册描述了宝马细的汉语拼音索引您能以最快的速度找到的汽车汽车公司提供的同系列的所有车型和装备指定的项目或题目如果您只希望对您的汽在此请您理解本手册中也包括了其他类型车有一个大概的了解则请查阅第一章该符号包含的信息提示您如何最佳地使的可能并未安装在您汽车上的装备因为所紧接主标题后的详细目录是为了引起您对用您的汽车有特殊装备都用符号标示所以您可以很宝马汽车的兴趣并促使您详细阅读本手册方便地加以区分该符号涉及有利于环境保护的措施如果您的宝马汽车具有的装备未在本用户手如果有一天您想转卖您的宝马汽车请不要册中提及例如车用收音机或车载电话忘记一同转交本用户手册因为它是本车法该符号表明一条提示信息结束我们会为您提供另外的操作手册请您仔细定的一部分阅读如果您有任何问题需要咨询宝马汽车服务该符号表示特殊装备或满足某国要求的装部将很高兴随时为您服务出厂时就已装备在您的汽车上的特殊装备以及特殊附件4备您可以在保养记录本第页上找到相关内容t 该符号提示您在索引目录内哪些是小修或保养项目该符号表示您应留意那些可由宝马汽车服务部根据您的个人爱好激活或调节的系统或组件汽车记忆设置钥匙记56忆设置见页2000 BMW AG慕尼黑德国没有宝马汽车公司的书面授权不得再版复制及摘录如订购本用户手册请与当地宝马经销商联系中国印刷5n本手册的时效性为了您的人身安全如果在宝马汽车的改装中使用了未经宝马公燃油消耗量数据取自本手册交付印刷时确定请只使用经宝马公司认可用于您汽车上司认可的零件则将损害您汽车的功能或行的数值本手册中所有尺寸重量和性能数的零件和附件驶安全性并且损害汽车的保值性在宝马据均符合德国标准化协会 DIN 的要求经宝马公司认可用于您汽车上的零件和产品汽车服务部您可以购买到宝马原装零件和附并且配合公差亦符合其规定在某些国家市其安全性功能和适配性都已经过检验宝件宝马公司认可的其他产品并能得到权威场上销售的汽车其结构形式可能不同在马公司对这些产品承担责任性建议方向盘右置的汽车中一些操作元件的实际对未经宝马公司检测的任何零件和附件产品位置将会与本手册插图中所示的不一样不承担负责有关汽车零件的符号结构装备和附件上的不断创新和开发确保宝马公司不能评定每一个非宝马原装件在宝该符号表示建议您阅读本手册中与汽了宝马汽车具有高的安全性和上乘的质量马汽车上使用时是否会危及汽车的安全性车零件相关的内容因此您的汽车或许和本手册中的描述有所以及是否会对身体和生命带来危险即使经不同同时也不能完全避免手册中出现错误过了某些官方部门的批准例如一般操作因此提请您注意任何有关本手册中的数据许可证或通过了德国技术监测协会插图与描述将不作为法律索赔的依据如果TüV 认定的产品宝马公司亦不能对该您有任何问题需要咨询宝马汽车服务部将类产品作出必要的保证这些检测不可能总很高兴随时为您服务是顾及到宝马汽车的所有使用条件因此这些检测是不充分的6n7n综述述综操纵详述纵操操作保养及日常养护养保小修修小特色技术术技技术数据据数索引引索目录综述操纵详述驾驶点火开关 62驾驶室 14 打开与关闭起动发动机 62组合仪表 16 钥匙 32 关闭发动机 63指示灯和报警灯 20 电子禁止起动防盗系统 33 手制动器 64 多功能方向盘 MFL 24 中控锁 34 手动变速箱 65跑车方向盘 25 车外操纵带手动换档模式的自动变速箱 66 68警示闪烁装置 26 –打开与关闭 34 转向信号灯大灯变光功能警告用三角标志 26 用钥匙 34 刮水器 69急救箱 26 用遥控器 35 后窗加热 71加油 27 车内操纵定速控制器 72燃油等级 27 –打开与关闭 39 所有监控信息轮胎充气压力 28 上后行李箱盖 40 里程表车外温度显示 74 下后行李箱盖 40 转速表 75报警装置 42 油耗指示表 75车窗升降机 44 燃油表 75活动天窗冷却液温度表 76镶有玻璃 45 保养周期显示 76-77调整检查控制与时钟显示功能座椅 47 车载计算机 81方向盘 51 多功能信息显示器 MID 83后视镜 52 MID 内的数字时钟 84座椅记忆设置后视镜记忆设置及方 MID 内的车载计算机 87 向盘记忆设置 54MID 内的电话操作 92汽车记忆设置钥匙记忆设置 56安全系统安全带 57安全气囊 58儿童安全乘车 60à〃9n操纵详述实用的车内装备操作保养及日常养护集成式通用遥控器 125行驶舒适性和安全性技术手套箱 127 驾驶时必须考虑驻车距离报警系统 PDC 99 杂物盒 128 磨合 146动态稳定控制系统 DSC 100 车载电话 128 驾驶您的 BMW X5 147 下坡车速控制 HDC 102 饮料罐支架 129 一般性驾驶提示 148轮胎压力监控 RDC 103 眼镜盒 129 催化转换器 148前部烟灰缸 130 防抱死制动系统 ABS 149车灯前部点烟器 130盘式制动器 152105停车灯近光灯后部烟灰缸 131制动系统 153仪表照明 105 后部点烟器 131冬季行驶 153大灯光程调节装置 106106 载货和运输助力转向 155远光灯停车警示灯雾灯 107 滑雪袋 132 自调标高悬架 155车载电话 156车内灯 107 后备箱阅读灯 108 后座椅靠背翻折 134 车用收音机接收 156后备箱盖 134 车轮和轮胎保持舒适的车内气候安全隔网 135 轮胎充气压力 157 空调 112 后备箱内的盖板 136 轮胎状态 157自动空调 116 插座 137 更新轮胎 158座椅加热装置 122 可拉出的载货底板 138 更换车轮 158 方向盘加热 122 加载 139159车轮轮胎组合遮阳卷帘 123 车顶行李架 140 冬季用轮胎 160停车预热装置 123 挂车行驶 141 雪地防滑链 160停车通风 124认可的车轮和轮胎规格 161停车预热装置遥控器 124目录操作保养及日常养护小修特色技术发动机室内更换零件安全气囊 214163 188AGS 215发动机罩随车工具自适应变速箱控制系统发动机室 164 刮水器刮片 188 四轮驱动 216清洗液 168 灯泡和车灯 189 动态稳定控制系统 DSC 216 喷嘴 168 停车预热装置遥控器 194 车用收音机接收 217 发动机机油 169 更换车轮 195 安全带锁扣拉紧装置 218冷却液 172 车轮螺栓保险装置 202 高保真音响系统 DSP 218 制动液 173 蓄电池 203 后视镜自动防眩 219型号铭牌 174 保险丝 205 晴雨传感器 220汽车标识号 174 轮胎压力监控 RDC 221电气装置有故障时前桥222保养和日常养护燃油箱盖板 206整体式后桥 222宝马保养系统 175 活动天窗 206自调标高悬架 222车辆日常养护 176 上后行李箱盖 206氙气灯 223安全气囊 181 下后行李箱盖 207车辆长期闲置 181自助和求助法律和规定宝马急修服务 208182 208右侧行驶左侧行驶跨接起动出境注册 182 牵引起动和牵引车辆 209技术更改 183 灭火器 211车载诊断系统 OBD 插座 18311n技术数据索引226 A Z 236发动机数据从到的所有条目耗油量二氧化碳 O排放量 227尺寸 228重量 229动力性能 230加注量 231电气装置 232三角带 23212n13n驾驶室 14综述组合仪表 16指示灯和报警灯 20多功能方向盘 MFL 24 述综跑车方向盘 25警示闪烁装置 26 操纵详述警告用三角标志 26急救箱 26 纵加油 27 操燃油等级 27轮胎充气压力 28 操作保养及日常养护养保小修修小特色技术术技技术数据据数索引引索T?t14n驾驶室1su35驾驶室 15n1051 停车灯近光灯2 雾灯 1073 转向信号灯 68 述停车警示灯 106 综远光灯 106大灯变光功能 68车载计算机 81纵4 刮水器 69 操5 后窗加热 716 中控锁 347 警示闪烁装置 26 养8 喇叭 24 保9 方向盘电动调节 52 修小术技据数引索16n组合仪表1ed35组合仪表17n取决于您的汽车的装备情况有两种规格 10 车载计算机显示器–您可以以其他计量单位显示车外温度和811 带燃油储量灯的燃油表 75 通过转向灯控制杆操纵见页已行驶的公里数车外温度2 用于转向信号的指示灯 23 平均油耗述3 车速表可达里程综4 用于远光灯的指示灯 22 平均车速5 转速表和油耗指示表 75 11 动态稳定控制系统 DSC 指示灯 2212 22 纵6 带冷却液温度过高报警灯的发动机自调标高悬架指示灯操冷却液温度表 76 13 里程表和分行驶里程表 747 指示灯和报警灯顺时针方向用于 14 - 77检查控制与时钟显示器手制动器制动液压系统15 分行驶里程表置零 74动态制动控制系统 DBC 20 22养防抱死制动系统 ABS 21 16 指示灯和报警灯顺时针方向用于保制动摩擦片 22 前雾灯 23轮胎压力监控 RDC 20 22 后雾灯 23安全气囊 21 蓄电池充电 2020 22自动变速箱 22 发动机机油油位机油压力修请系安全带 21 发动机管理 22 小定速控制器 23 发动机 228 用于自动变速箱的选档杆和模式显 669 保养周期显示 76术技据数引索18n组合仪表2ed35组合仪表19n取决于您的汽车的装备情况有两种规格 10 车外温度显示 74 您可以以其他计量单位显示车外温度和1 带燃油储量灯的燃油表 75 11 动态稳定控制系统 DSC 指示灯 22 已行驶的公里数或者以其他语言表示检查- 控制与时钟显示内的信息和车载计算2 用于转向信号的指示灯 23 12 分行驶里程表 74 机的信息检查- 控制与时钟显示功能 78车载计算机参见收音机系统和信5 转速表和油耗指示表 75息系统操作手册及车载显示器操6 冷却液温度表 76 作手册纵操7 指示灯和报警灯顺时针方向用于收音机和电话参见单独的操作手册手制动器 21 14 里程表 74制动液压系统动态制动控制系统15 保养周期显示 76DBC 20 22 养防抱死制动系统 ABS 21 16 分行驶里程表置零 74 保安全气囊 21 17 指示灯和报警灯顺时针方向用于请系安全带 21 前雾灯 23定速控制器 23 后雾灯 238 检查 CHECK 键 78 蓄电池充电 20 修发动机机油压力 20 小9 用于自动变速箱的选档杆和模式显 66发动机 22术技据数引索20n指示灯和报警灯自检测技术红色立即停车手制动器制动液压系统蓄电池充电手制动器拉紧后亮起更详细的提64无论在起动期间还是在行驶期间宝马汽车蓄电池不再被充电发电机三角带损示见页多个系统都具有自动自检测功能标有坏或发电机充电电路有故障请与附手制动器已松开但该灯亮起检查制动液符号的指示灯和报警灯在拧点火钥匙时对近的宝马汽车服务部联系液位在继续行驶前一定要仔细阅读第相应设备进行功能检测153 页和第173 页上的提示这些灯每次亮起的时间各不相同如果三角带损坏请不要继续行驶否 - 在检查控制与时钟显示中通报信息检查如果某个系统内出现故障则发动机起动后则会因发动机过热而损坏发动机同时制动摩擦片 CHECK BRAKE相应的灯不熄灭或在行驶期间又重新亮起转动方向盘会相当费力 LININGS 时灯也亮起如何正确处理这些问题请见下述说明轮胎压力监控 RDC发动机机油压力伴有声音信号报警暴胎立即停车并关闭发动机检查机油油为停下汽车应立即减速但要避免位如有必要添加机油如果油位正紧急制动及急速转向更详细的提示见常请与附近的宝马汽车服务部联系103 页请不要继续行驶否则会因发动机润滑不足而损坏发动机指示灯和报警灯21n红色或黄色可继续低速行驶红色作为重要提示制动报警灯以红色亮起同时用于手制动器ABS 和 DSC 的黄色指示灯也一起手制动器拉紧后此灯亮起述亮起 64更详细的提示见页综说明 ABS CBC DSC DBC 请系安全带EBV 和 HDC 系统内发生故障可在有些车型中同时还有一个声音信继续低速行驶注意交通状况并避免 -号报警或在检查控制与时钟显示完全制动内出现一个信息该灯亮起几秒钟或直到纵请到附近的宝马汽车服务部检查整个系上安全带为止操系统 57有关安全带的更详细的提示见页更详细的提示见100 151 页安全气囊所有三个灯均以黄色亮起说明 ABS 请到宝马汽车服务部进行检查养CBC DSC DBC 和 HDC 系统内发生故 58更详细的提示见页保障可继续低速行驶注意交通状况并避免完全制动请尽快让宝马汽车服务部检查这个系统更详细的提示见151 页修小术技据数引索22n指示灯和报警灯RDC黄色立即进行检查轮胎压力监控发动机功率电子控制系统28机油油位检查轮胎充气压力见页发动机功率电子控制系统故障该系行驶期间亮起说明发动机油位已处统允许汽车以减低发动机功率及转速自调标高悬架于绝对最低位置因此必须尽快添加自调标高悬架处于未激活状态请到的方式继续行驶请到宝马汽车服务部进行发动机机油添加机油前的行驶里程不允许附近的宝马汽车服务部进行检查检查50 km超过更详细的提示见155 页发动机更详细的提示见169 页控制发动机废气排放的相关系统出现动态稳定控制系统 DSC机油油位指示灯闪烁故障请到宝马汽车服务部进行检关闭发动机后亮起有机会时加该系统进入工作状态并控制驱动力和查油期间添加发动机机油制动力更详细的提示见169 页指示灯行驶期间持续亮自动变速箱说明 DSC 已通过按钮被关闭如果再按压自动变速箱因故障只能以紧急模式换 DSC 按钮时指示灯不熄灭说明 DSC HDC档请到附近的宝马汽车服务部进行和牵引力辅助控制有故障请到附近的检查宝马汽车服务部进行检查68 更详细的提示见100 102 页更详细的提示见页制动摩擦片检查制动摩擦片的状态更详细的提示见153 页动态制动控制系统 DBCDBC 系统内有故障请到宝马汽车服务部进行检查更详细的提示见150 页指示灯和报警灯23n黄色提示信息绿色提示信息蓝色提示信息后雾灯转向信号灯远光灯后雾灯接通时该指示灯亮起转向信号灯接通后闪烁快速闪烁在接通远光灯及按动大灯变光功能时述更详细的提示见107 页该系统有故障亮起综68更详细的提示见页定速控制器更详细的提示见68 106 页在接通该系统时亮起通过多功能方向盘操纵纵72操更详细的提示见页前雾灯在接通前雾灯时亮起更详细的提示见107 页养保修小术技据数引索24n多功能方向盘 MFL在多功能方向盘 MFL 上集成了按钮为的是在注意交通状况的情况下能快速进行下列操作收音机以及 CD 和磁带操作的某些功能空调的空气内循环或方向盘加热定速控制2电话的某些功能和7语音控制 ed83通过 MFL 操纵时相应的系统必须已接通1 点按5收音机电话向前自动寻台及存台键或可能的整个装备状态见图示详细情况请查电话接受通话开始拨号以及退出通话浏览电话名录阅有关装备的描述功能CD 和磁带向前运行的操作按压时间长一些6 喇叭整个面板接通及关闭语音控制7 定速控制调出2收音机电话转换8 定速控制3收音机电话向后自动寻台及存台键或存储及加速或减速及存储–浏览电话名录9 定速控制激活中断退出工作状态CD 和磁带返回运行的操作4 10 空气内循环和自动空气循环控制 AUC 或收音机电话音量方向盘加热接通和关闭跑车方向盘25n在跑车方向盘上集成了按钮为的是在注意力集中于交通状况的情况下能快速进行下列操作述收音机以及 CD 和磁带操作的某些功能综定速控制电话的某些功能和语音控制75纵在通过跑车方向盘操纵时相应的系统 e操d必须已接通 364详细情况请查阅有关装备的描述5养1 收音机电话向前自动寻台及存台键或收音机电话转换2 点按浏览电话名录保接受通话开始拨号以及退出通话功能 CD 和磁带向前运行的操作按压时间长一些 6 喇叭整个面板语音控制的接通和关闭 7 定速控制调出修3小收音机电话音量 8 定速控制4 存储及加速或减速及存储–收音机电话向后自动寻台及存台键或浏览电话名录 9定速控制激活中断退出工作状态CD 和磁带返回运行的操作术技据数引索26n警示闪烁装置警告用三角标志急救箱4 5 30 0 00 0 0s s eu u d0 0 03 3 65 5 4警示闪烁装置接通后按钮周期性亮起 1 打开后备箱内左侧的盖板台起盖板上的在前座乘客座椅下在接通汽车照明时按钮被照亮以便于快速把手打开拉动把手翻下盖罩操作 2 拉起固定带卡头箭头并将警告用三角关闭翻起盖罩标志从固定架内取下与警示闪烁功能相比转向信号功能优 3 安装时将警告用三角标志推入固定架内并急救箱内的一些物品是有使用期限的先执行即使警示闪烁装置已接通从压上固定带因此应定期检查这些物品是否已过期点火钥匙位置 1 起转向信号灯也能闪烁必要时及时更新再购买这些物品在每个请遵守警告用三角标志使用的法规药店请遵守急救箱使用的法规使用超高级无铅汽油辛烷值 987 8 为达到额定的行驶功率和油耗应优先加注0 0纵0 0s s 这种汽油操u u0 03 3 同样也可以加注5 5高级无铅汽油辛烷值 95燃油箱盖板简单且有利于环保这种汽油还有如下名称养DIN EN 228 或 Eurosuper 保按压前边缘即可打开盖板把加油口盖插在燃油箱盖板的支架内最低等级的燃油是中控锁有故障时如何解锁见206 页加油时把注油枪插入加油管内加油期间抬起注油枪会导致普通无铅汽油辛烷值 91在进行燃油方面的工作时请遵守加油注油枪提前关闭考虑到发动机的设计参数只有在特殊情况修站的有关安全规定降低燃油蒸汽的回收率下才能加注最低等级燃油小如果按规定进行操作时注油枪首次关闭则必须加注不含铅的汽油否则会导致氧燃油箱已加满传感器和催化转换器损坏燃油箱容量见231 页术技据数引索28n燃油等级轮胎充气压力中国燃油等级的推荐应定期检查轮胎充气压力至少每月检查两次或在长途行驶前检查否则可能因轮胎充气压力不正确而导致行驶不稳定或以上提及的燃油等级均为国际标准鉴损坏轮胎甚至发生事故于国内的燃油质量我们建议您使用也应定期检查紧凑型车轮或备用车轮的充97 号高级无铅汽油因为中国规格的宝马汽气压力规定用于您的汽车的最高压力适车均装备了氧传感器和催化转换器三元催用于备用车轮化装置因此绝对禁止使用任何含铅汽油9详情请向当地授权的宝马代理商咨询 0 0 请使用认可的轮胎su0 轮胎压力数据适用于宝马公司认可的轮胎35可向宝马汽车服务部咨询如果使用其他产品可能需要较高的轮胎压力有关宝马公您也能在驾驶员车门的窄边上找到压力数据司认可的轮胎规格请见 161 页标称压力单位为 bar检查轮胎压力在下一页您可以找到在环境温度下的所有轮胎压力数据国家不同计量单位不同 - barkPapsi在带挂车行驶时这个充气压力只适用于较重的载荷带轮胎压力监控 RDC 的汽车在修正轮胎充气压力后重新激活系统见103 页轮胎充气压力29n宝马轮胎述综压力数据单位为 bar kPapsi所有规格 22 22 22 27 纵X5 22032 22032 22032 27039 操紧凑型车轮 42 42061养保修小术技据数引索30n打开与关闭驾驶钥匙 32 点火开关 62电子禁止起动防盗系统 33 起动发动机 62 中控锁 34关闭发动机 63车外操纵手制动器 64–打开与关闭 34 手动变速箱 65用钥匙 34 带手动换档模式的自动变速箱 66 3568用遥控器转向信号灯大灯变光功能车内操纵刮水器 69–打开与关闭 39 后窗加热 71上后行李箱盖 40定速控制器 72下后行李箱盖 40所有监控信息报警装置 42里程表车外温度显示 74车窗升降机 44转速表 75活动天窗镶有玻璃 45油耗指示表 75调整燃油表 75座椅 47 冷却液温度表 76方向盘 51 保养周期显示 7652 -77后视镜检查控制与时钟显示功能座椅记忆设置后视镜记忆设置及方车载计算机 81向盘记忆设置 54 多功能信息显示器 MID 83汽车记忆设置钥匙记忆设置 56 MID 内的数字时钟 84 MID 内的车载电脑 87安全系统MID 内的电话操作 92安全带 57安全气囊 58儿童安全乘车 60eT31n行驶舒适性和安全性技术实用的车内装备综述驻车距离报警系统 PDC 99 集成式通用遥控器 125动态稳定控制系统 DSC 100 手套箱 127下坡车速控制 HDC 102 杂物盒 128 述综轮胎压力监控 RDC 103 车载电话 128饮料罐支架 129 操纵详述车灯眼镜盒 129105停车灯近光灯仪表照明 105 前部烟灰缸 130 纵大灯光程调节装置 106 前部点烟器 130 操后部烟灰缸 131106远光灯停车警示灯后部点烟器 131 操作保养及日常养护雾灯 107车内灯 107 载货和运输养阅读灯 108 滑雪袋 132 保后备箱保持舒适的车内气候后座椅靠背翻折 134 小修空调 110后备箱盖 134自动空调 116座椅加热装置 122 安全隔网 135。


Fixed costs – change inversely with the level of production. As more units are produced, the same fixed cost is spread over more and more units, reducing the cost per unit
Total fixed costs remain unchanged regardless of changes in cost-driver activity.
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Rules of Thumb
Think of variable costs on a per-unit basis.
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Direct & Indirect Costs
Direct costs – can be conveniently and economically traced (tracked) to a cost object
Direct Costs
Parts Assembly line wages
Indirect Costs
Electricity Rent Property taxes
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Factors Affecting Direct / Indirect Cost Classification
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宝马BMWX5宣传册美国版SheerStandard / Optional equipment.Fog lights in free-form technology, integrated in the front apron, ensure extra safety in bad weather and poor visibility.Xenon Headlights for low and high beam , incl. automatic headlight range control and headlight washing system, significantly improves road illumination at night, in bad weather or poor visibility. The four LED light rings can also be used as daytime running lights and parking lights (standard on xDrive5i and xDrive4d).Adaptive Headlights with variable light distribution, incl. turning lights, illuminate bends by optimally adjusting the swivelling headlights as soon as the driver turns the steering wheel. The light cone also automatically adjusts itself vertically,e.g. as the road crests or dips (only available in conjunction with Xenon Headlights). The turning light in the fog lights is automatically activated, even at a standstill, when the indicator is switched on or with a steering lock of over 1 degrees. High-beam assistant aids the driver at night by automatically switching from high to low beam. Headlight washing system provides optimal illumination of the road ahead in all weather conditions. Headlights are automatically cleaned in parallel with the windscreen when the lights are on. (Standard on xDrive5i and xDrive4d; only in conjunction with Xenon Headlights).Lights package includes rear reading and footwell lights, indirectly lit door pockets, exit lights, and proximity illumination in the outside door handles. This ensures that the area around the door is evenly lit when the door is unlocked.Dynamic Braking Lights help following vehicles to morereliably assess your braking behaviour: the lights blink during emergency braking. Following traffic can therefore differentiate between light deceleration and more urgent situations –for increased safety on the road. Rain sensor incl. automatic headlight activation: once activated, the rain sensor automatically switches on the windscreen wipers and controls wiper frequency. The automatic headlight activation switches on the low-beam headlights automatically, e.g. when it gets dark or when entering a tunnel.Exterior mirrors, electrically adjustable and heated, upper section finished in body colour (mirror foot in black), aspheric and blue-tinted. Exterior mirrors, with automatic anti-glare function incl. fold-in function and automatic parking function.Please see the following page for explanation on footnotes.Included in the Innovation package*. Included in the Comfortpackage*.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Front ornamental grille with kidney grille slats in Titanium and chrome surround (standard on the xDrive5i and xDrive4d). Aluminium running boards (1 mm wide) with rubber inserts give a particularly sporting touch.Soft close function gently closes the four doors.Roof spoiler, upper section finished in body colour, gives the vehicle aparticularly muscular look.Front ornamental grille with kidney grille slats painted black and chrome surround (standard on the xDrive3i and xDrive3d).BMW Individual High-gloss Shadow Line: includes window recess finishers and window frames in high-gloss black.Chrome Line Exterior: includes window recess finishers in chrome (standard on xDrive5i).Tailpipes: the exhaust system withtwo oval tailpipes is made of high-quality stainless steel, encased in a chrome frame at the end (standard on the xDrive5i).Roof railing, matt black: matched harmoniously to the car’s design, the roof railing provides the foundation for BMW’s multifunctional roof support unit for convenient and safe transportation of luggage, bicycles, surfboards, etc. Sun-protection glazing on the rear side windows (behind the B-pillar) and rear window. These tinted windows reduce sun glare and ensure a pleasant temperature inside the car even in hot weather.Tailpipes: the xDrive3i, xDrive3 d and xDrive4 d models come with two single tailpipes. The exhaust system is made of high-quality stainless steel. The visible tailpipes are trimmed with achrome frame.Roof railing, Aluminium satinated: the roof railing is also available in an Aluminium satinated version flush with the roof, to add an individual touch to your BMW X5 (included in the M Sports package).Tailgate splits horizontally in two; when open the lower section forms a platform taking loads of up to 2 kg (e.g. for resting heavy objects on). The upper section can be opened separately (e.g. for quickly removing small items of luggage).Automatic tailgate operation , electric.T ow bar with electrically adjustable ball head , incl. T railer Stability Control (part of DSC, this system is activated when the power socket at the rear is connected) for towing a max. load of 3,5 kg (not in conjunction with M Sports package). T ow bar with removable ballhead for towing a max. load of 3,5 kg.* The availability may vary by country.Standard / Optional equipment.BMW light-alloy wheelsY -spoke 3 with mixed runflat tyres, front 9 J x 1-inch with2/5 R 1 tyres, rear 1 J x 1-inch with 2/4 R 1 tyres (available with the Sports package).BMW light-alloy wheelsstar-spoke 3 with runflat tyres, J x 1-inch, 2/5 R 1 tyres (standard on xDrive5i).BMW light-alloy wheels Y -spoke 2 with mixed runflat tyres, frontJ x 2-inch with 2/4 R 2 tyres, rear 1 J x 2-inch with 3/3 R 2 tyres, also available as a complete winter wheel set from the Original BMW Accessories range*.BMW light-alloy wheelsstar-spoke 2 with runflat tyres, .5 J x 1-inch, 2/5 R 1 tyres.BMW light-alloy wheelsstar-spoke 2 with runflat tyres, .5 J x 1-inch, 2/5 R 1 tyres (standard on xDrive3i, xDrive3 d and xDrive4d), also available as a complete winter wheel set from the Original BMW Accessories range*.BMW light-alloy wheels Y -spoke 3, bicolor, with mixed runflat tyres, front J x 2-inch with 2/4 R 2 tyres, rear 1 J x 2-inch with 3/3 R 2 tyres (available with the Sports package), also available as a complete winter wheel set from the Original BMW Accessories range*.** May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Leather steering wheel with multifunction buttons for Cruise Control and remote control of the radio/telephone.Start/Stop button for starting the engine. After inserting the ignition key you can start or stop the engine by pressing the button.Voice control system: foradjusting the radio station, navigation routes etc. while driving. Functions are shown on the Control Display at the same time (this feature is included in the Navigation system Professional**).Steering wheel heating: just press a button to quickly warm up the steering wheel rim –a particularly pleasant amenity in winter.Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go function actively maintains a pre-selected speed and following distance to the vehicle in front – with automatic restart for driving in typical stop-and-go situations such as slow moving traffic. Cruise Control with brakingfunction facilitates comfortable driving at a pre-selected speed (over 3 km/h).Eight-speed automatic transmission Steptronic withelectronic gear selection and Adaptive T ransmission Management enables fast and comfortable gear shifting –for maximum driving dynamics and efficiency.Sports leather steering wheel, three-spoke, incl. multifunction buttons.Active Steering adapts the steering transmission and steering force to the current speed of the vehicle, thus ensuring optimum steering precision, agility and comfort.Standard / Optional equipment.Head-up Display projects important information such as current speed directly into the driver’s the field of vision. Arrowdirections for navigation, for example, can also be shown. The height and brightness of the display can be individually adjusted, so that the driver can fully concentrate on the traffic at all times.Speed Limit Info determines the current speed limit and informs the driver via the Info Display or the optional Head-up Display (only in conjunction with Navigation system Professional).Preparation for mobile telephone with Bluetooth interface, incl. hands-free installation with snap-in adapter (Original BMW Accessories) for a wireless Bluetooth mobile phone and iPhone connection which can be operated via the multifunction buttons on the steering wheel, iDrive Controller or the voice control system. Includes socket for charger and antenna. Your BMW partner will be happy to inform you about recommended telephones.Parking brake with auto-hold function allows you to hold and release the vehicle conveniently by means of a button in the centre console.Cup holders (two), in the frontcentre console.Storage options for a wide rangeof items are available in the centreconsole, in the front and rear doors andin a stow-away tray in the rear on theright.AUX-IN connection for an externalaudio source such as an MP3 player.Only in conjunction with PDC and interior/exterior mirrors with automatic anti-glare function. Included in the Comfort package*.Prospective release date: first quarter 2.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Functional bookmarks: with these buttons, the driver and front passenger can save their most frequently used navigation, audio (e.g. certain radio stations or CD tracks) or telephone functions on eight separate buttons for rapid access.Controller: this rotary/push button allows you to select various functions on the Control Display. Four different menus can be called up using direct menu control buttons: CD, radio, navigation and telephone. Three additional buttons –Menu, Options and Back – make the Controller even more user-friendly.Control Display with TFT screen (6.5-inch, colour) shows the functions activated by the Controller (e.g. on-board computer or radio). An 8.8-inch screen is available with the optional Navigation system Professional or the TV function.TV function allows you to use the Control Display as a television when the vehicle is stationary. Both analogue and digital (DVB-T) channels broadcast by terrestrial stations can be received.Park Distance Control (PDC) , front and rear makes parking and manoeuvring easier in narrow spaces; the distance between your vehicle and surrounding obstacles is indicated acoustically as well as visually in the Control Display.Navigation system Professional* with high-resolution 8.8-inch colour display, incl. DVD drive, hard disk for storing data (such as music files), which can be transferred from CDs, MP3 players or USB sticks; dynamic route planning with traffic directions provided by the voice computer or displayed on a 3D route map, as well as a split-screen function.Rear view camera with T op View , 2 offers the driver a good overview of their immediate surroundings while manoeuvring. A bird’s eye view of the BMW is shown on the Control Display. In addition, the rear view camera provides a better view when you’re reversing while parking at under 2 km/h. The r ear view camera is activated automatically when the reverse gear is selected. Auxiliary heating with remote control ideal in winter and in cold weather. When you step into your vehicle, the windscreen is already free of ice and the interior is already pleasantly warm.Lane Departure Warning uses a camera in the rear-view mirror to determine when the vehicle approaches the road markings and immediately warns the driver by causing the steering wheel to vibrate.Side View provides a better overview when pulling out with restricted visibility.Standard / Optional equipment.2-zone automatic air conditioning , incl. Automatic Air Recirculation (AAR) with circulation filter, sun andcondensation sensors, automatic temperature control (separate for driver and front passenger) as well as air volume control. The residual heat utilisation function means that at the push of a button, heat stored in the engine is used to warm up the interior. So the vehicle stays pleasantly warm even during brief stops and despite cold external temperatures; function display and settings shown on the Control Display (Standard on the xDrive5i and xDrive4d).4-zone automatic air conditioning. Same features as 2-zoneair conditioning, plus the climate in the rear can be separately controlled with two dials and a display. This version also includes rear blowers, footwell heaters and outlets in the B-pillars.Automatic air conditioning, incl. microfilter, to provide an ideal climate in any season, automatic temperature and air volume control, vent programme and rear ventilation; settings displayed on Control Display (standard on xDrive3i and xDrive3d).Seat heating for driver and front passenger: seat surfaces and backrests with heating in three stages for a pleasant temperature shortly after setting off.Active seat ventilation provides a noticeably more comfortable ride. Vents in the seat surfaces and backrests blow air through the seat covers (available for the driver and front passenger in conjunction with perforated Nevada leather and comfort seats).Active seat for driver provides a relaxed seating and driving position. The seat moves up and down on either side, cyclically mobilising the pelvis and lumbar spine (available in conjunction with comfort seats).Please see the following page for explanation on footnotes.Included in the Comfort package*.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Radio BMW Professional, 4-channel amplifier, 2-tuner reception, antenna diversity, scan function, CD drive, MP3 decoder, six loudspeakers. DAB tuner for additional reception of digital radio broadcasts.USB/audio interface, in the storage compartment under the front armrest for connecting a USB stick or external audio source such as an iPod.HiFi loudspeaker system with digital amplifier (2-watt) and 1 loudspeakers, as well as digital equalizing which adapts the sound optimally to the shape of the vehicle interior.HiFi system Professional with a 6-watt digital amplifier and 1 loudspeakers guarantees a high-intensity audio experience forevery passenger.BMW Individual High End Audio System with a 9-channel digital amplifier (8-watt) and 1 high-performance loudspeakers including exclusive neodymium magnetic actuators produces an auditory experience comparable to a live concert. Volume and equalizing levels are automatically adjusted according to vehicle speed.CD changer, 6-disc single slot changer with features including scan function, random play and MP3 decoder; installed in the glove compartment.DVD changer, 6-disc, supports multichannel audio DVDs. Range of features in conjunction with standard Control Display (6.5 inch) as for CD changer; in conjunction with on-board monitor with TV or Navigation system Professional* also featuring a video function.Only available in conjunction with leather upholstery. Included in the Comfort package*.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Standard / Optional equipment.Comfort seats for driver and front passenger (shown here in Nevada leather, perforated) with electrical seat adjustment for all seat levels. Further electronic functions include upper backrest and seat depth adjustment. Height adjustment is also electrically controlled (in conjunction with 2-zone and 4-zone automatic air conditioning).Seat adjustment, electric, for driver and front passenger, withmemory function for driver’s seat, steering column and exterior mirrors, including easy access (standard on xDrive5i and xDrive4d). BMW Individual instrument panel in sophisticated leather, for a particularly exclusive interior atmosphere.Interior and exterior mirrors , with automatic anti-glare function which is activated once a certain light intensity from following vehicles is reached. With fold-in function.Alarm system: in the event of an attempted break-in or vehicle tampering the alarm system emits an acoustic signal and immediately switches on the hazard warning lights.Sports seats for driver and front passenger, highly contoured seat sides for optimal lateral support at all times. Seat height, seat angle, backrest angle and lumbar support are electrically adjustable; thigh support is manually adjustable.Panorama glass roof with generous dimensions for a stunning view, as well as a speed-sensitive wind deflector. Both glass panels tilt up electronically at the touch of a button and the front panel also features a sliding function, an electrically operated roofliner (protecting passengers from glare) as well as comfort opening/closing complete with trap release.BMW Individual roofliner Anthracite; the A, B and C and D pillars as well as the sunblinds and roof handles are finished in a refined Black (included in the Sports package and M Sports package).Standard seats with manual adjustment for the lengthwise position, seat angle and headrest height and angle, as well as electrical adjustment for seat height and backrest angle.Standard / Optional equipment.Rear seat backrest, can be asymmetrically split (6 : 4) and individually folded down.Third row of seating facilitates flexible use of the available space. The two additional seats face forward and can be separately folded down. This option includes additional heating for the third row footwell (incl. level adjustment with air suspension on the rear axle).Luggage compartment partition net, behind the second row of seating ensures that objects in the luggage compartment cannot fall forward into the passenger compartment.Adaptive fastening system for safely stowing luggage of different sizes (available in conjunction with the storage package).Storage package including a storage box under the front centre console with a 1 V socket, two cargo rails with four fastening points in the luggage compartment and fastening beltsleft and right (in conjunction with a third row of seating, no tensioning belts left and right).Please see the following page for explanation on footnotes.Included in the Comfort package*.Only available in conjunction with leather upholstery. Included in the Innovation package*.* May not be available in all countries. Please consult your BMW partner.Sockets (1 V), one in the front storage bowl, one in the rear centre console and one in the luggage compartment.Cup holders, integrated in the rear centre armrest.Seat heating at the rear, same as the electric heating for the driver and front passenger seats, with heating in two stages, available in conjunction with leather upholstery and seat heating for driver and front passenger. Sunblinds: manualsunblinds on each rear side window for reliable protection from intense sun glare.BMW Welt: T aking delivery of a car has always ranked among the best moments for any car driver. Now this moment can become a truly unforgettable day –at BMW Welt, the experience and delivery centre in Munich, Germany. Visit the museum, tour the plant or explore the technology studio and feel the pure fascination of BMW. Experience more online at DVD system in the rear features an independently controllable DVD drive with a fold-down 8-inch screen. The system can be operated by wireless remote control, has sockets for two headphones and an external video source, and is compatible with infrared headphones. In conjunction with the TV function, the same TV programme can be viewed simultaneously on the front (when vehicle is at standstill) and rear screens.Ski bag for clean and safe transport of up to four pairs of skis with up to four occupants in the car; whenever the ski bag is not required, it remains stored conveniently and out of sight behind the centre armrest.Comfort access for opening and locking the vehicle without having to hold the remote control. The engine can also be started without the key using the Start/Stop button.Central locking for the doors and fuel cap, incl. electronic immobiliser and remote control with automatically recharging battery in the key.BMW Service Inclusive: service costs are another area where your BMW partner can offer you anintelligent solution. With BMW Service Inclusive, routine maintenance service will be provided at no extra cost to you, forthe agreed duration or mileage. Experience more online at: /ServiceInclusive。

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BMW X5(E53):灵活性、多用性与独特性再过几个月的时间,成功的BMW X5车型系列第二代产品即将面世。

然而,当前的BMW X5车型就有众多可供选择的买点。

BMW X5最早于1999年发布,拥有无可比拟的动态性能和灵活性。


当前版X5的最大买点:1. 动力与性能2.安全与保障3.舒适与便捷4. 购置成本低5. 外形/式样6. xDrive详细介绍7. 竞争对手分析当前版BMW X5(E53)有哪些能够激起人们购买热情的优势?1. 动力与性能:公路性能:•50:50重量分配:E53是中国市场上唯一一款达到50:50重量分配的运动型多功能车(SAV),这一独有的优势使得这款运动型多功能车(SAV)在道路性能方面表现优异,这包括完美的制动性能及更加稳定的行驶性能和灵活性。


•xDrive:全轮驱动系统xDrive是一个全新的创举,它使整车的灵活性、操纵性、安全性和驾驶乐趣等各项指标上升到了一个新的高度(请参见 6. xDrive详细介绍)。

•分步换档:与其它BMW车内配有的运动型系统相同,适合不同驾驶者的驾驶习惯(运动型或经济型换档模式)• 3.0升发动机:BMW X5 3.0i的直列6缸发动机采用的是一种久经考验的发动机技术,该发动机的平稳性和强大的动力令人印象深刻。







•该系列还推出了4.8升发动机:4.8升发动机是BMW X5系列中动力最强劲的发动机。





•xDrive包括一个中央差速器锁,可在瞬间将扭矩分配至有抓地力的车桥,每个车桥最多可分配100%的动力(请参见 6. xDrive详细介绍)。




当下坡控制系统启用时,BMW X5以平稳的速度前进-约为步行速度的两倍。



\2. 安全与保障被动与主动安全功能协调配合,为所有乘员提供了最大的保护。

主动安全性–•“最好莫过于没有事故发生!”(请参见 1. 动力与性能)。











•中国市场的X5系列全部采用气动玻璃天窗(同类产品中,只有Porsche Cayenne具有类似功能)。







5. 外形/式样:设计:加宽的进气格栅,引人注目的“三叉戟”式发动机罩,新式大灯–充分表明了X5的动力性能。










6. xDrive详细介绍:xDrive的优点:•xDrive智能化全轮驱动系统是目前市场上响应最为迅捷的全轮驱动系统(响应时间仅为0.1秒)。

它比Audi的Quattro和梅赛德斯的4 Matic运行更为快速、更为灵活。






7.竞争对手分析:Audi Q7:Audi的这款车型长5米多,轴距超过3米,是BMW X5的最大竞争对手。







•内装在很大程度上借鉴了Audi A6的设计。



•耗油量比BMW X5高。

Porsche Cayenne:Porsche计划通过Cayenne来打造一个4x4的跑车系列。


这种妥协的后果就是Cayenne 的重量大大增加,意味着必须采用大马力发动机才能达到所需的加速度。


•采用VW Touareg的部件,重量极大。












这在某些情况下会导致牵引力潜力降低– 4Matic系统在湿滑路面上会浪费发动机动力,而xDrive系统则以智能化方式将发动机动力分配给前后桥。






VW TouaregVW Touareg采用了与PorscheCayenne相同的平台,但是更侧重于越野用途。









Range Rover运动版:极具动感的道路行驶特性和操纵灵活性是Land Rover运动版所宣传的重点,这款新车型显然被定位在BMW X5的领域之内。

虽然其外观与Land Rover相似,但就技术而言,其在很大程度上是基于2004年推出的Land Rover Discovery III。

凭借其发动机马力强劲且车身尺寸紧凑的优势,Land Rover运动版已经成功抢占了较多X5固有的市场份额。

但是Land Rover尺寸比X5更大且过重,这种劣势导致其耗油量较高。

•外观出众:Range Rover充满运动风格,但又不失典雅。


•与BMW X5相比,全轮驱动系统的灵活性和响应速度略显不足。



Lexus RX350:Lexus将RX 350定位为“豪华多功能车”,这清晰地表明该车侧重于舒适性。

因此,RX350显然在操纵、转向精确性和动态性能等方面不可与BMW X5“运动型多功能车(SAV)”同日而语。


在这方面,Lexus可与BMW X5一较高低。





