SMC properties




全国纤维增强塑料标准化 技术委员会 全国纤维增强塑料标准化 技术委员会 全国纤维增强塑料标准化 技术委员会 全国纤维增强塑料标准化 技术委员会 全国纤维增强塑料标准化 技术委员会
27 GB/T 5349-2005
2性 能 试验方法
全国纤维增强塑料标准化 技术委员会
Fiber-reinforced plastics composites-The generals for determination of properties Fiber-reinforced plastics 2 GB/T 1447-2005 纤维增强塑料拉伸性能试验方法 composites---Determination of Fiber-reinforced plastics 3 GB/T 1448-2005 纤维增强塑料压缩性能试验方法 composites-Determination of compressive properties Fibre-reinforced plastic GB/T 1449-2005 纤维增强塑料弯曲性能试验方法 4 composites-Determination of Fibre-reinforced plastic 纤维增强塑料层间剪切强度试验方 5 GB/T 1450.1-2005 composites-Determination of 法 interlaminar shear strength Fibre-reinforced plastic 纤维增强塑料冲压式剪切强度试验 6 GB/T 1450.2-2005 composites-Determination of the 方法 punch-type shear strength Fiber-reinforced plastics 纤维增强塑料简支梁式冲击韧性 试 7 GB/T 1451-2005 composites---Determination of 验方法 Charpy impact properties Test method for mechanical 纤维缠绕增强塑料环形试样力学性 8 GB/T 1458-2008 properties of ring of filament能试验方法 winding reinforced plastics Test methods for water absorption 9 GB/T 1462-2005 纤维增强塑料吸水性试验方法 of fiber reinforced plastics Test methods for density and 纤维增强塑料密度和相对密度试验 10 GB/T 1463-2005 relative density of fiber reinforced 方法 plastics Fiber-reiforced plastics 纤维增强塑料平均线膨胀系数试验 11 GB/T 2572-2005 composites-Determination for 方法 mean coefficient of linear Test method for insoluble matter 纤维增强塑料树脂不可溶分含量试 12 GB/T 2576-2005 content of resin rsed in fiber 验方法 reinforced plastics Fiber-reinforced plastics 13 GB/T 3139-2005 纤维增强塑料导热系数试验方法 composites-Determination of thermal conductivity Fiber-reinforced plastics 14 GB/T 3140-2005 纤维增强塑料平均比热容试验方法 composites-Determination of mean specific heat capacity Test method for tensile properties 定向纤维增强聚合物基复合材料拉 15 GB/T 3354-2014 of orientation fiber reinforced 伸性能试验方法 polymer matrix composite Test method for in-plane shear 聚合物基复合材料纵横剪切试验方 16 GB/T 3355-2014 response of polymer matrix 法 composite materials Test method for flexural properties 定向纤维增强聚合物基复合材料弯 17 GB/T 3356-2014 of orientational fiber reinforced 曲性能试验方法 polymer metrix composite Test methods for tensile 18 GB/T 3362-2017 碳纤维复丝拉伸性能试验方法 properties of carbon fiber multifilament Test methods for diameter of 19 GB/T 3364-2008 碳纤维直径和根数试验方法 carbon fiber and filament number in carbon fiber strand Carbon fiber reinforced 碳纤维增强塑料孔隙含量和纤维体 20 GB/T 3365-2008 plastics - Determination of 积含量试验方法 void content and fiber volume Test method for hardness of 21 GB/T 3854-2017 增强塑料巴柯尔硬度试验方法 reinforced plastics by means of a Barcol impresser Test method for resin content 22 GB/T 3855-2005 碳纤维增强塑料树脂含量试验方法 of carbon fiber reinforced


Materials Manufacturing Tooling
Design know-how Manufacturing knowhow Use temperature
Thermoplastic Composites
Many Polymer Options Polyethylenes Polypropylenes Nylons Polycarbonates Acrylics Polyesters Polyimides Polysulfones Polyketones Polyurethanes the list continues
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Cost Challenge
Typical Aerospace Structure $50 - $100/lb and more
Materials: Carbon Fiber / Epoxy, Carbon Fiber / BMI, Carbon Fiber / PEEK Processes: Hand Lay Up
• Introduction
• Materials • Process Technology • Applications
Why Use Composite Materials ?
Specfic Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composites
4.5 4



smc复合材料生产工艺流程SMC composite material manufacturing process is a complex and multi-step procedure that involves various stages. SMC复合材料制造过程是一个复杂的多步骤程序,涉及到各个阶段。

It begins with the selection and preparation of raw materials, which typically include resins, reinforcements, fillers, and other additives. 这始于原材料的选择和准备,通常包括树脂、增强材料、填料和其他添加剂。

The raw materials are carefully measured and mixed according to specific formulations to ensure the desired performance and properties of the SMC. 在特定的配方下,原材料经过精确的测量和混合,以确保SMC 所需的性能和性质。

Once the raw materials are prepared, they are processed using a variety of techniques, such as compounding, molding, and curing. 一旦原材料准备好,就会使用各种技术进行加工,比如混炼、成型和固化。

The resulting SMC material is then subjected to quality control measures to ensure it meets the specified standards and requirements. 然后,制得的SMC材料会经过质量控制措施,以确保其符合规定的标准和要求。




永磁材料作为电子工业的一种基础功能材料,已经渗透到人类生产、生活的各个领域, 在汽车、摩托车、电视机、音响、计算机、通信终端机、医疗仪器等方面获得了广泛的应用。



1.2 永磁材料特性及发展概况1.2.1 永磁材料特性永磁材料和软磁材料的主要区别是永磁材料的各向异性场(H A)高,矫顽力(H C)高,磁滞回线面积大,磁化到技术饱和需要的磁化场大。

现代永磁材料的矫顽力一般均大于4000kA/m,而软磁材料的矫顽力一般小于80A/m,最低仅0.08A/m 左右。

永磁材料的主要技术性能指标是剩磁Br、矫顽力Hc(内禀矫顽力Hcj和磁感矫顽力Hcb )、磁能积(BH)max及温度系数等参量。



内禀矫顽力(Hcj、jHc或mHc)是使内禀磁感应强度 o M(或4πM)为零的反向磁场强度,Hc j≥Hcb。

Hcj的极限值是磁晶各向异性场H A,它取决于材料的磁晶各向异性常数。




Br的极限值是Js, Js取决于组成该材料的磁性原子数和原子磁矩的大小。

SMC - IA ... D IA ... S IA m

SMC - IA ... D IA ... S IA m

IA ... DIA ... SDescriptionThe rack and pinion pneumatic actuator IA Motion combines innovative design features with the latest technology, materials and protection coatings available, resulting in one of the highest grade pneumatic actuators on the market.Product features• FunctionIA...D double acting IA...S single acting• Nominal torque15 ÷ 10007 Nm(double acting at 6 bar air supply)• Supply pressure 3 ÷ 8 bar (IA1000D 3 ÷ 7 bar) • Supply fluids Filtered air or neutral gas • Working temperature -40°C ÷ 80°C• ConnectionMounting face for valves according to EN ISO 5211,for solenoid valves and accessories to VDI/VDE 3845 (NAMUR)• LubricationFactory lubricated for the life of actuator under normal working conditions• ATEXActuator IP68, standard in compliance with ATEX 94/9/ECDesign properties• Compact design with identical body and end caps for double acting and spring return types, allowing field conversion by adding or removing spring cartridges.• Body made of extruded aluminium with internal and external ALODUR ® corrosion protection, with honed cylinder surface for a higher cycle life and lower coefficient of friction.• Symmetric rack and pinion design for high-cycle life and fast operation. Reverse rotation can be accomplished by inverting the pistons.• Two independent external travel stop adjustments, enabling an easy and precise adjustment of -5°÷15° / 75°÷95°, in order to get a precise valve positioning.• One-piece blow-out proof, electroless nickel-plated drive shaft with bearing guided one-piece pinion for improved safety and max. cycle life.• Fully machined piston teeth for accurate low backlash rack and pinion engagement and maximum efficiency.• Pistons standard anodised for higher life.• Multifunction position indicator, adaptable to all kinds of limit and proximity switches.• Preloaded spring cartridges with coated springs for simple versatile range and corrosion resistance. Spring return actuator can be disassembled without danger on field.• High quality bearings and seals for low friction, high cycle life and a wide operating temperature range.• End caps, anodized and Polyester ® coated (RAL 5021).• All used screws in stainless steel for life time corrosion resistance.• Full compliance to the latest specifications: EN ISO 5211, VDI/VDE 3845, NAMUR and ATEX (Directive 94/9/CE).• Every single actuator is tested and provided with a unique serial number for traceability.❷❹❷❹❷❹❷❹IA...D ✈IA...S ✈IA...DIA...SIA050-100IA200-1000FunctionMaterialsYour benefits• High quality actuator designed for high-cycle life.• Multiple mounting circles and shafts to fit most quarter turn valves.• Easy conversion from double to single acting and vice versa.• Lower inventory with greater flexibility.• Position indicator with graduated ring indicating acurate angle.• Two external travel stop adjustmentsfor easy valvepositioning -5°÷15° / 75°÷95°.• Extensive size range to fit the requested torque at lowest costs.• Full compliance to latest worldwide standards.IA...D double acting actuatorAir supplied to port ❷ moves pistons toward endposition.(→ 90° counterclockwise rotation)IA...S single acting actuatorAir supplied to port ❷ moves pistons toward endposition, compressing springs (→ 90° counterclockwise rotation)Air supplied to port ❹ moves pistons toward center position.(→ 90° clockwise rotation)Air failure allows springs to move pistons toward center position(→ 90° clockwise rotation)IA200D .F05 - F0714❶❷❸❹Type codeAvailable options:• 5 different external coatings.• Stainless steel AISI 303, 430 or 316 drive shaft.• High and low temperature versions.• 0 ÷ 90° adjustable travel stop.• Cost efficient lock out capability.• Other drive shaft connections.• Rotation 120° and 180° and intermediate such as 135°.• 3 position actuators.• Stainless steel actuators.Please contact our technical department for more information about these options.0 ÷ 90° adjustable travel stopMd0º90ºMd0º90ºIA...D IA...STorques [Nm]Opening angle Opening angleTorques [Nm]1) IA045 S33, IA050 - IA550. S12 = Standard version of InterApp. Other number of springs on requestAAAAACCCCBBBB B ØZ1ØZ1ØZ1ØZ1ØZ1PPPP P CIA ... D IA ... St O ”t C ”[kg]t O ”t C ”[kg]0,150,200,750,200,250,90,20,251,150,250,31,260,250,31,70,30,351,90,30,353,00,40,53,40,40,54,20,50,64,81) BSP / ISO 228 / DIN 259V(l) Volume in litre, V O = OPEN, V C = CLOSE To calculate the air consumption, multiply the volume in litre by the supply pressure.t O / t C t O = opening time / t C = closing time, in secondsThe above mentioned operating times are obtained under the following conditions:- Air supply pressure min. 5,5 bar (80 psi) - at room temperature - medium clean air - actuator stroke 90° - actuator without resistance load Caution: obviously, during operation, if one or more of the above listed criteria differ, the operating time will be different.The technical data are noncommittal and do not assure you of any properties. Please refer to our general sales conditions. Modifications without notice. AccessoriesOur wide range of accessories includes all kinds of position indicators, solenoid valves, positioners, Bus systems, manual emergency overdrives, etc. Please refer to the corresponding documentation or download it from our website.Limit switchesSolenoid valveProximity switchAS-InterfacePositionerActuator size, solenoid valve and air supply pipe accordingtable below.© 2020 InterApp AG, all rights reserved。


Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China 4. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies The University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia)
之和来表示。磁化强度 M 可表示为
∫∫ M = μ(α, β )γαβ (H )dαdβ
式中,μ(α, β) 为铁磁材料中磁偶极子的密度分布函
数,代表所有的矩形算子在 Preisach 平面上的稀疏
程度;积分面积 S 代表上下阈值的极限(正负饱和
为了改进传统磁滞模型中的不足,近年来国内 外研究学者也提出了一系列的修正模型,其中张艳 丽等从工程应用的角度对 E&S 模型进行了改进,建 立了基于二维磁特性测量的电工钢片矢量磁滞模 型[10]。李丹丹等结合经典 Preisach 模型和 S-W 模型 的建模原理,提出混合矢量模型的建模方法,对不 同频率不同幅值的正弦交变和圆形旋转磁化场下 SMC 材料的磁滞特性进行数值模拟[11]。张长庚等提 出一种基于旋转磁特性测量的瞬态矢量磁滞损耗模 型,能够预测对空间任意磁通密度轨迹的瞬时磁滞
2018 年 10 月 第 33 卷第 20 期
DOI: 10.19595/ki.1000-6753.tces.171306
Vol.33 No. 20
基于极限磁滞回线法的 软磁复合材料磁特性模拟
河北工业大学李永建等提出了宽频三维磁特性测量 的柔性励磁方法,研制出了改进的立交三激励三维 磁特性测量装置,并对 SMC 材料在宽频范围、旋 转励磁条件下的三维磁特性进行了详细的测量[5]。 沈阳工业大学张艳丽等建立了双激励型电工钢片二 维磁特性测量系统,对硅钢片等软磁材料的二维磁 特性进行了测量研究[6]。

赢创VESTALITE S体系环氧SMC元件,释放汽车轻量化潜能

赢创VESTALITE S体系环氧SMC元件,释放汽车轻量化潜能

汽车AUTOMOBILE 新闻News赢创VESTALITE S体系环氧SMC元件,释放汽车轻量化潜能近年来,面对日益严苛的环保降排挑战,传统汽车推进轻量化设计已是刻不容缓。



这就是赢创领先的胺基固化系统VESTALITE® S。

让车用模塑料机械性能更优异、排放量更低赢创与Vestaro公司通力协作,共同研发了适用于环氧SMC技术的胺基固化系统VESTALITE® S。



赢创交联剂业务线技术工程师李双虎谈道:“VESTALITE® S作为环氧SMC理想的解决方案,优势主要有三点:一是该体系的混合粘度低,与增强纤维的浸润性好,制作后的SMC材料具有较高的储存稳定性。




”零部件减重显著,释放汽车轻量化潜能在2018年由欧洲汽车轻量化可行性联盟举办的“轻量化开放创新挑战赛”中,来自德国亚琛工业大学汽车工程研究所(IKA)的科学家们展示了VESTALITE® S体系碳纤维-SMC元件在原型汽车零部件中的潜力。

实验参考部件为钢制尾门,尾门内板由VESTALITE® S碳纤维-SMC元件代替。

模拟结果显示,在各种负载情况下VESTALITE® S碳纤维-SMC元件的刚度值都与钢材参考值相差无几。


















2.1 装箱清单
2.2 硬件描述
本款路由器可通过一个RJ-45 WAN端口就能连接因特网或远程站点。也可使用快速以太网LAN口直接与PC或局域网连接。
你也可以通过无线信号连接路由器至你的PC(使用无线客户端网卡).位置处于在路由器后面板的天线的位置到所需要的位置之间,或者可以是天线水平轴和垂直轴所形成的更大的覆盖范围.(发出的信号是沿着环形面—当沿着轴交叉的范围时可提供更大的覆盖面) 连接WAN
准备以太网电缆连接路由器到一个cable/xDSL modem或以太网路由器
3.1 安装TCP/IP
3.1.1 Windows 95/98/ME
1、 点击“开始/设置/控制面板”
2、 双击网络图标和选择网络窗口中的配置标签
3、 点击“添加”
四个RJ-45端口连接一个10BASE-T/100BASE-TX? 以太网本地局域网(LAN).这些端口是在10/100 Mbps是自适应操作,为半/全双工模式,引脚信号为MDI/MDI-X(如下面的这些端口是用直通线连接到网络设备时),这些端口可直接连接到一台PC或一个带有以太网网卡的服务器上.或者如以太网集线器或交换机的网络设备.



磷化工艺对铁基软磁复合材料电磁性能的影响李发长;李一;柳学全;贾成厂;李楠;李金普;霍静【摘要】The effect of phosphating process on the magnetic and electrical properties of Fe-based soft magnetic composites (SMC) was studied. X-ray diffraction pattern, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectrometer analysis and distribution maps showed that the phosphate iron particles surface layer contains a thin layer of nanocrystalline or amorphous phosphate with high coverage of powders surface. Magnetic measurements showed that the phosphated iron samples has excellent comprehensive electromagnetic properties. The phosphating process was carried out by stirring the iron powders in the solution with 0.01g/mL phosphoric acid concentration at room temperature for 30min. With increase in the phosphoric acid concentration, phosphating time or temperature, specific resistivity increases, magnetic loss decreases significantly at medium and high frequencies and permeability also decreased by some extent.%研究了磷化工艺对铁基软磁复合材料电磁性能的影响。

SMC 开关设备操作指南说明书

SMC 开关设备操作指南说明书

TroubleshootingSpecificationThe IODD file can be downloaded from the SMC website (URL ).Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) for more detailed information about product specifications.DimensionsRefer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) for more detailed information about dimensions.than above are displayed, please contact SMC.Error indicationSnap shot functionThe current flow rate/temperature value can be stored to the switch output ON/OFF set point.When the set value and hysteresis are set, press the UP and DOWN buttons for 1 second or longer simultaneously. Then, the set value of the sub display (right) shows [- - -], and then values corresponding to the current flow rate/temperature are automatically displayed.Peak/bottom value indicationThe max. (min.) rate/temperature when the power is supplied is detected and updated.The value can be displayed on the sub display by pressing the UP or DOWN button in measurement mode.Key-lock functionTo set this function, refer to SMC website (URL ) for more detailed information or contact us.MaintenanceHow to reset the product after a power cut or when the power has been unexpectedly removedThe settings of the product are retained from before the power cut or de-energizing.The output condition also recovers to that before the power cut or de-energizing,but may change depending on the operating environment.Therefore, check the safety of the whole system before operating the product.Function selection mode[F Select to display the function to be change [F mode to return to measurement mode.∗: The sub screen displays the content of function and the setting of the function alternately.The function number is increased and decreased by the UP and DOWN buttons.Display the required function number and press the SET button.Default settingsThe default settings are provided as follows. If these settings are acceptable,retain for use. To change setting, refer to SMC website(URL ) for more detailed information or contact us.Display of sub screenIn measurement mode, the display of the sub screen can be temporarily changed by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.∗: After 30 seconds, it will automatically reset to the display selected in [F10].∗: Arbitrary displayThe set values and accumulated output of OUT2 cannot be displayed.(Example for 16 L/min type the above )The switch turns on within a set flow range (from P1L to P1H) during window comparator mode. Set P1L (switch lower limit) and P1H (switch upper limit) using the setting procedure above.When reversed output is selected, the main screen displays [n1L] and [n1H].To set accumulated output functions, refer to the product catalogue orSMC website (URL ) for more detailed information.For models with 2 outputs, [P_2] or [n_2] will be displayed. Set as above.For models with the temperature sensor attached, [ tn] will be displayed.When the fluid temperature falls below the set value, the output turns ON.∗: If a button operation is not performed for 30 seconds during the change of setting, the set value will start flashing.Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more detailed information about product troubleshooting.Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2018 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Akihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL PF ※※-OMV0007Safety InstructionsFlow (Temperature) SettingInstallationBracket mounting (PF3W704/720/740)Mount the product (with bracket) usingthe mounting screws supplied (M4 x 4 pcs.).For models with flow adjustment valve attached, fix using 8 mounting screws.Bracket thickness is approx. 1.5 mm.Measurement modeThe mode in which the flow is detected and displayed, and the switch function is operating.This is the basic operating mode; other modes should be selected for set-point and other function setting changes.Approx. 3 seconds for this period)Mounting and InstallationInstallation•Use the product within the specified operating pressure range and temperature range.•Proof pressure could vary according to the fluid temperature.Check the characteristics data for operating pressure and proof pressure.(4 pins) (Option)(Option)Direct mounting (PF3W704/720/740)Mount using the self tapping screws(nominal size: 3.0 x 4 pcs.) for installation.For models with flow adjustment valvePipingWhen connecting piping to the product, a spanner should be used on the metal piping attachment only.Using a spanner on other parts may damage the product.In particular, do not let the spanner come into contact with the M8 connector.The connector can be easily damaged.If the tightening torque is exceeded, the product can be broken. If the correct tightening torque is not applied, the fittings may become loose.Avoid any sealing tape getting inside the piping.Ensure there is no leakage from loose piping.3/824 mm 1/227 mm 3/432 mm Tighten to the specified torque for piping.The tightening torque for connection threads is shown in the table below.Direct mounting (PF3W711)Mount using the self tapping screws(nominal size: 4.0 x 4 pcs.) for installation.The tightening torque must be 1 to 1.2 Nm.The self tapping screws cannot be re-used.Refer to the outline dimension drawing for mounting hole size.Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL )for more detailed information.WiringWiring of connectorConnections should only be made with the power supply turned off.Use separate routes for the Flow switch wiring and any power or high voltage wiring. Otherwise, malfunction may result due to noise.Ensure that the FG terminal is connected to ground when using a commercially available switch-mode power supply. When a switch-mode power supply isconnected to the product, switching noise will be superimposed and the product specification can no longer be met. This can be prevented by inserting a noise filter, such as a line noise filter and ferrite core, between the switch-mode power supply and the product, or by using a series power supply instead of a 141 mm How to adjust the flow rate(when a flow adjustment valve is mounted)(1) Rotate the knob of the valve to adjust the flowrate to the target value.(2) Be sure to confirm that there is no fluid leakagegenerated after adjustment.the valve several times for re-adjustment, and confirm that there is no fluid leakage.)(3) The flow adjustment valve is not designed forIf the valve is adjusted frequently, fluid may leak due to wear of the internal seal.BodyDisplayBracket mounting (PF3W711)Mount the product (with bracket) usingthe mounting screws supplied (M5 x 4 pcs.).Bracket thickness is approx. 2 mm.2. Press the UP or DOWN button to change the set value.The UP button is to increase and the DOWN button is to decrease the set value.•Press the UP button once to increase by one digit, press and hold to continuously increase.3. Press the SET button to finish the setting.•Press the DOWN button once todecrease by one digit, press and hold tocontinuously decrease.Mounting•Never mount the product in a location where it will be used as a support.•Mount the product so that the fluid flows in the direction indicated by the arrow on the side of the body.•Check the flow characteristics data for pressure loss and the straight inlet pipe length effect on accuracy, to determine inlet piping requirements.•Do not sharply reduce the piping size.•The monitor with integrated display can be rotated. It can be set at 90o intervals clockwise and anticlockwise, and also at 45o and 225o . Rotating the display with excessive force will damage the end stop.Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL )for more detailed information.11/454 mm 11/254 mmBefore UseDigital Flow Switch(Integrated display type)(Integrated display type).Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure you understand its capabilities and limitations. Please keep this manual handy for future reference.Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safety regulations.OperatorWidth across flats of attachment<Operation>1. Press the SET button in measurement mode to display set values.Set value on the right side of the sub screen flashes.。

SMC 产品说明书

SMC 产品说明书

Other SettingsSummary of Product partsSimple Setting ModeTroubleshootingNote: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2015 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedAkihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPANPhone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL Specifications/Outline with Dimensions (in mm)Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) formore information about the product specifications and outline dimensions.PS※※-OMS0008-A InstallationMounting with bracketMount the bracket to the body with mounting screws (Self tapping screws:Nominal size 3 x 8L (2 pcs)), then set the body to the specified position.∗: Tighten the bracket mounting screws to a torque of 0.5±0.05 Nm.Self tapping screws are used, and should not be re-used several times.∗: The panel mount adapter can be rotated through 90 degrees for mounting.•Bracket A (Part No.: ZS-46-A1)•Bracket B (Part No.: ZS-46-A2)Mounting with panel mount adapterMount part (a) to the front of the body and fix it. Then insert the body with (a)into the panel until (a) comes into contact with the panel front surface. Next,WiringWiring connectionsConnections should be made with the power supply turned off.Use a separate route for the product wiring and any power or high voltagewiring. Otherwise, malfunction may result due to noise.If a commercially available switching power supply is used, be sure toground the frame ground (FG) terminal. If the switching power supply isconnected for use, switching noise will be superimposed and it will not beable to meet the product specifications. In that case, insert a noise filtersuch as a line noise filter/ferrite between the switching power supplies orchange the switching power supply to the series power supply.How to use connectorstraight out.OUT1NCNCDC(-)PipingTightening the connection threadFor connecting to the body (piping specification: -M5)After hand tightening, apply a spanner of the correctsize to the spanner flats of the piping body, and tightenwith a 1/6 to 1/4 rotation.As a reference, the tightening torque is 1 to 1.5 Nm.(When replacing the piping adapter ZS-39-N∗, tighten itusing the same method.)Piping specification: -01, -N01After hand tightening, hold the hexagonal spanner flatsof the pressure port with a spanner, and tighten with 2 to3 rotations.As a reference, the tightening torque is 3 to 5 Nm.When tightening, do not hold the Z/ISE20 body with aspanner.Default settingsWhen the pressure exceedsthe set value, the switch will beturned on. When the pressurefalls below the set value by theamount of hysteresis or more,the switch will be turned off.The default setting is to turn onthe pressure switch when thepressure reaches the centre of the atmospheric pressure and upper limit of therated pressure range. If this condition, shown to the right, is acceptable, then keepthese settings.Error indication functionThis function is to display error location and content when a problem or error has occurred.than above are displayed, please contact SMC.Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more informationabout troubleshooting.button between1 and 3 sec.button between3 and 5 sec.∗:The outputs will continue to operate during setting.∗:If a button operation is not performed for 3 seconds during the setting, the display will flash.(This is to prevent the setting from remaining incomplete if, for instance, an operator were to leaveduring setting.)∗:3 step setting mode, simple setting mode and function selection mode settings are reflected eachother.[3 step setting mode (hysteresis mode)]orsetting can be changed in the same way.button once when the item toThe set value on the sub display (right) willstart flashing.orbutton and can be reduced withbutton.buttons are pressed and held simultaneously for 1second or longer, the set value is displayed as [- - -], and the set value will bethe same as the current pressure value automatically (snap shot function).button.button to complete the setting.The Pressure switch turns on within a set pressure range (from P1L to P1H) duringwindow comparator mode.Set P1L, the lower limit of the switch operation, and P1H, the upper limit of theswitch operation and WH1 (hysteresis) following the instructions given above.(When reversed output is selected, the sub display (left) shows [n1L] and [n1H].)∗:Setting of the normal/reverse output switching and hysteresis/window comparator modeswitching are performed with the function selection mode [F 1] OUT1 setting.valuePeak/bottom value indicationbutton inmeasurement mode.Snap shot functionbuttons for 1second or longer simultaneously. Then, the set value of the sub display (right)shows [- - -], and the values corresponding to the current pressure values areautomatically displayed.Zero-clear functionbuttons are pressed for 1 secondor longer simultaneously, the main display shows [- - -], and the reset to zero.The display returns to measurement mode automatically.Key-lock functionTo set each of these functions, refer to the SMC website(URL ) for more detailed information, or contact SMC.button between 1 and 3 seconds inmeasurement mode. [SEt] is displayed on the main display. Whenthe button is released while in the [SEt] display, the current pressurevalue is displayed on the main display, [P_1] or [n_1] is displayed onthe sub display (left), and the set value is displayed on the subdisplay (right) (Flashing).or button to set the(The snap shot function can be used.)or button to set the(The snap shot function can be used.)or button, the delay time of the switch output can be selected.button for 2 seconds or longer to complete the OUT1 setting.∗:If the button is pressed for less than 2 seconds, the setting will be returned to P_1.In the window comparator mode, set P1L, the lower limit of the switch operation,and P1H, the upper limit of the switch operation, WH1 (hysteresis) and dt1 (delaytime) following the instructions given above.(When reversed output is selected, the sub display (left) shows [n1L] and [n1H].)Function selection modebutton between 3 and 5seconds, to display [F 0]. Select todisplay the function to be changed[F]. Press and hold the buttonfor 2 seconds or longer in functionselection mode to return tomeasurement mode.∗:Some products do not have all the functions. If no function is available or selected due toconfiguration of other functions, [- - -] is displayed on the sub display (right).Names of individual partsRefer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL )for more information about panel cut-out and mounting hole dimensions.Pressure Setting3 Step Setting Mode(URL ) for more detailed information, or contact SMC.MaintenanceHow to reset the product after a power cut or forcible de-energizingThe setting of the product will be retained as it was before a power cut orde-energizing. The output condition is also basically recovered to that before apower cut or de-energizing, but may change depending on the operatingenvironment. Therefore, check the safety of the whole installation before operatingthe product. If the installation is using accurate control, wait until the product haswarmed up (approximately 10 to 15 minutes).Safety InstructionsBefore UseDigital Pressure SwitchZSE20(F)/ISE20Thank you for purchasing an SMC ZSE20(F)/ISE20 Series Digital PressureSwitch.Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure youunderstand its capabilities and limitations. Please keep this manual handy forfuture reference.Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/orequipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and mustbe followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safetyregulations.OperatorSwitch ONAt normal output Switch OFFSet valueP_1HysteresisH_1TimePressureOther parameter settingsDefault settingThe default setting is as follows.If no problem is caused by thissetting, keep these settings.。



1 市场营销导论:第一节:市场与市场营销//第二节:市场营销管理哲学的演变//第三节:市场营销管理与营销组合●2市场营销环境●3消费者市场购买行为分析●4组织市场购买行为分析●5目标市场战略●6产品策略●7 价格策略●8分销策略●9促销策略第一章市场营销导论第一节、市场的概念二.行业与市场的关系三.市场的含义:(菲利普科特勒)●市场是指某种产品的实际购买者和潜在购买者的集合。



















3、保肝活性:Hikino等用原代培养的大鼠肝细胞进行试验,证明大蒜挥发油和SAMC对CCl4所致肝细胞毒有拮抗作用,主要有效成分也包括SACS及微量的SAC 和SMC。





该协会从事市场营销研究、人才培训、出版专刊、组织调研等多项 活动,使营销学得到了长足发展并获得广泛应用。
Ch01 市场营销与市场营销学
三、 市场营销学的“革命”

第二次世界大战后 现代科技进步,促进了生产力的高度发展 社会产品数量剧增,花色品种日新月异 从根本上确立了以消费者为中心的观念 对传统“生产—市场”关系的颠倒,“潜在 需求”纳入市场概念,被称为市场营销革命
Ch01 市场营销与市场营销学 8
沟通 商品或服务
行业 (卖者总和)
市场 (买者总和)
货币 信息
2013/7/5 Ch01 市场营销与市场营销学 9
二、 市场营销的含义

市场营销的定义 市场营销的内涵 市场营销的范围 营销视野 营销在我们的生活中无处 不在
Ch01 市场营销与市场营销学

Marketing(Management) is the process of planning and executing the conception,pricing,promotion, and distribution of ideas,goods,and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. ----市场营销是(个人和组织)对思想、货物和劳务的构想、定价、
Ch01 市场营销与市场营销学

可以设想,某些推销工作总是需要的。 然而,营销的目的就是要使推销成为多 余。营销的目的在于深刻地认识和了解 顾客,从而使产品或服务完全适合顾客 的需要而形成产品自我销售。






关键词:铁粉;钝化;温度;PH值Effect of passivation process on passivation layer of soft magnetic powderLi weijian, Yan Liangming, Guofeng(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Innermongolia University of Technology, Huhhot010051;2. Kunshan Magenetic Flow New Material Technology Company, Suzhou 215300 , China)Abstract:Gas atomized ferrous powder was passivated by phosphoric acid solution with different PH value at various temperature. The magnetic particle core was made by suppressing and heat-treating passivated ferrous powder. The microstructure of the powder was analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), the corrosion resistance of the powder was estimated by salt spray test and the eletromagnetic properties were test. The results show that the surface of the powder was passivated by forming a phosphating layer. The PH value and the reaction temperature of the solution have a significant influence on the passivation effect. The increase of temperature and the decrease of the PH value of the solution are beneficial to improve the passivation effect.Key word: Ferrous powder; deactivation; temperature; PH value1引言磁性材料应用于大量的电子、电气产品,是材料行业的基础之一[1]。



Series TIH
Model Tubing O.D. inch mm 1/8" 3.18
FEP Tubing (Fluoropolymer) Inch Size
-50ft (16m) roll
-100ft (33m) roll
Inch size TIHA01 TIHB01 TIHC01 TIHA05 TIHB05 TIHA07 TIHB07 TIHA11 TIHB11 TIH13 TIH19 3/16" 4.75 0.124" (1/8") 1/4" 6.35 0.18" 3/8" 9.53 0.25" (1/4") 1/2" 3/4" 12.7 19.05 0.374" 0.624" (3/8") (5/8") 9.5 15.85
Translucent Red (Translucent) Black (Opaque)
Varies depending on the operating pressure. Refer to the maximum operating pressure graph (pages 390 and 391).
How to Order
Metric size
1 TH1008/TH1210 0.5
Indication of tubing model
Length per roll
20 100 Note)
0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180200 Operating Temperature °C Note) The maximum operating pressure varies dependant on the I.D. bore size even if the O.D. is the same.



smc贴片封装流程The SMC (Surface Mount Component) packaging process is an essential part of electronic manufacturing. SMC packaging involves several steps to ensure the components are properly placed and secured onto the printed circuit board (PCB). 这个过程通常包括选取正确封装材料、制造封装模具、封装组装等多个步骤。

SMC packaging plays a crucial role in the overall performance and functionality of electronic devices.One of the most critical aspects of the SMC packaging process is the selection of the appropriate packaging material. The material used for SMC packaging should have properties such as thermal conductivity, electrical insulation, and mechanical strength. 同时,选用的封装材料还应符合环保要求,满足电子产品安全认证标准。


In addition to material selection, the manufacturing of packaging molds is also a crucial step in the SMC packaging process. The molds are used to shape and form the packaging material into the desired shape and size. 制造高质量的封装模具需要精密的加工设备和技术,以确保封装材料能够准确地固定在PCB上。



smc成形流程SMC (Sheet Molding Compound) is a versatile material that can be molded into various shapes for a wide range of applications. SMC成形流程又被称为板材成形复合材料,是一种能够被加工成各种形状用于广泛应用的材料。

SMC is commonly used in the automotive industry, aerospace industry, electrical industry, and construction industry. 在汽车工业、航空航天工业、电气工业和建筑工业中,SMC被广泛使用。

The SMC molding process involves several steps to ensure the final product meets the desired specifications and quality standards. SMC 成形流程涉及多个步骤,以确保最终产品满足期望的规格和质量标准。

Firstly, the raw materials used in SMC molding include resin, glass fiber, fillers, and additives. 首先,在SMC成形过程中使用的原材料包括树脂、玻璃纤维、填料和添加剂。

These materials are carefully measured and mixed according to a specific recipe to achieve the desired properties in the final product. 按照特定配方精确地测量和混合这些材料,以在最终产品中获得期望的性能。

The next step in the SMC molding process is the preparation of the mold. SMC成形流程的下一步是模具的制备。




稀土-铁-氮永磁材料的化学通式为R x Fe y N z,R代表稀土元素。

它包括两类化学成分和晶体结构都不相同的材料:(1)Nd(Fe,M)12N x或Pr(Fe,M)12N x ,其中M= Ti、V、Mo等,具有ThMn12型四方晶体结构,这类材料通称钕铁氮;(2)Sm2Fe17N x ,具有 Th2Zn17型菱方晶体结构,简称钐铁氮。










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SMC Advantages Summary SMC优势汇总
➢ Design flexibility / 设计灵活性 ➢ Part consolidation / 零件整合性 ➢ Class-A surface finish / A级表面质量 ➢ Weight saving / 减重 ➢ stability (low CLTE, equal to steel) / 尺寸稳定性 ➢ Low tooling cost / 低模具工装投资 ➢ Dent resistance 抗坑陷 ➢ Intrinsic corrosion resistance / 不锈蚀 ➢ EMI transparency / 不干涉电磁波 ➢ Recyclable / 可回收 ➢ Modularity / 易总成供货 ➢ Good mechanical performance / 高机械性能 ( at elevated temperatures )
SMC材料成型收缩率: 0 - 0.1%
低收缩性是达到A-级表面要求的必要条件, 并有利于产品尺寸 的稳定性
SMC产品最高使用温度范围: 170 – 190 度
SMC产品可以承受主机厂电泳漆工艺的烘烤温度,但对A-级表 面产品,我们不推荐由主机厂在线喷涂. 由供应商应用专用喷漆 线进行喷涂更容易控制喷漆质量.

CLTE of SMC material is the same as that of steel, the dimension of SMC part is very stable at extreme temperature conditions. Dimensional tolerance of current production SMC liftgate: Gap: +/- 0.75, Cpk > 1.33 Flush: +/- 1.0, Cpk > 1.33
SMC Property Comparison
SMC 性能比较 Young’s modulus Gpa 模量
Polyamide (30GF) Magnesium Aluminum SMC BMC UD SMC Steel
Tensile Strength Mpa 拉伸强度
Polyamide (30GF) Magnesium
Steel Aluminium SMC LD-SMC inner
kg 16.36 8.81 10.97 9.55
➢ ➢
Tooling cost of SMC liftgate is 1/3 to 1/5 of that of steel liftgate Overall piece price of SMC liftgate is lower than steel liftgate with the integration of spoilers and license plate pocket.
2.5 mm
Variable Panel Thickness

Many parts can be combined into one parts and formed by one molding Saving cost and weight

Weight Specific Wall Gravity thicknes s g/cm3 mm 7.80 0.80 2.70 1.10 1.90 2.50 1.40 2.50 Inner Panel kg 7.10 3.38 5.41 3.98 Outer Light Panel Pocket Stamping kg kg 7.31 0.53 3.48 0.53 5.56 0.00 5.56 0.00 Separat e Spoiler kg 1.43 1.43 0.00 0.00 Total Relat Wei g e Ind 0 10 54 67 58

SMC liftgate can achieve 15 to 35% weight savings as compared with steel liftgate.
Weight Saving Study of a Particular Liftgate Design
SMC Property Comparison and Advantages SMC 主要性能比较及优势
SMC Property Comparison
SMC 性能比较 Coefficient of thermal elongation 10-6 m/mK 热膨胀系数
Polyamide (30GF) Magnesium Aluminum
Density g/cm3 密度
Polyamide (30GF) Magnesium Aluminum SMC BMC UD SMC Steel 0 2 4 6 8
Steel 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
SMC 比重为1.9, 仅为钢板的24%
SMC 的热膨胀系数和钢板一样, 具有
Easy assembly Better water-tightness IPO application AUDI A4 convertible decklid
Exterior skin / spoiler Antenna

"plug and play »
Antennas integration

Class-A Surface Finish A-级表面

Top Class-A Surface Finish Can be Achieved with SMC

Feasible to differentiate product for different market without complete re-engineering effort.

Antennas on AUDI A4 convertible decklid in

Established process and logistics to deliver body colour painted, fully assembled liftgate module to OEM plant Save floor space and improve line efficiency in OEM plant Reduce investment cost and manufacture cost for OEM plant

Variable panel thickness can be incorporated in the design to optimize structure requirement and weight reduction.
5.0 mm 3.5 mm
2.5 mm 2.0 mm
Design Flexibility 设计自由度

Complex shape and geometry can be formed using SMC molding
Design Flexibility 设计自由度

Ribs can be incorporated in local areas to achieve structure requirement without adding metal reinforcement plates. Self-taping ball stud screwed directly into molded boss on SMC inner panel. Proven technology to saving weight and cost. Save cost and weight
SMC BMC HPC Steel 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
SMC材料的机械性能低于金属材料. 但通过合理的设计,SMC部件完全可以达到或超过金属 部件的性能.
SMC Property Comparison
SMC 性能比较
Tooling will be minimal due to concept of upper reinforcement Concept applied on Audi A4 convertible decklid.
• •

SMC panel is transparent for radio waves, which allows the integration of antennas between outer skin and inner structure Main advantages : The antennas are protected against thieves and vandals Appearance is improved (non-visible antennas)
Design Flexibility 设计自由度

Pillar width can be minimized with various design options to increase the window day-light opening.