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一. 语法功能: 动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的




(主语)To scold her would not be just.

(宾语)We are planning to build a Disney park here.

(宾补)They hurriedly ended the meeting, leaving many problems to be settled.

(表语)Our most urgent task is to make a careful analysis of the present situation.


(定语)Do you have anything else to add? 还有什么要补充的吗

(目的状语)Learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones. 惩前毖后。

(结果状语)He made a long speech only to show his ignorance of the subject.


(程度状语)I don’t know her to speak to.我认识她还不到能与她谈话的程度。

(原因状语) We shall be happy to co-operate with you in the work.

(独立成分) To put it another way, do you like him?

To be honest,I don’t know anything about it.

I. 作主语:

1. To say is easier than to do. =Saying is easier than doing.

2. To see is to believe. =Seeing is believing.

3. How to go there h asn’t been decided yet.

4. Who to blame for the traffic accident is still a puzzle.

5. Whether to go or stay is not known.

6. It is important to study English well and go to college.

7. It is our duty to give a hand to people in trouble.

8. It takes me three hours to do house cleaning on Sundays.

9. To master a foreign language is very important。

=It is very important t o m a s t e r a f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e.


1.It is + adj. (important, possible, impossible, necessary, hard, difficult, easy,

strange, natural,…) + (for sb.) to do sth.

It is + adj. ( honest, brave, foolish, clever, careful, kind,

wise, careless, good, nice, silly, stupid,

impolite…) +(of sb.) to do sth.

eg: It is quite necessary for us to learn English well.

It was very brave of you to jump into the river to save the girl.

I n f a c t,i t i s a h a r d j o b f o r t h e p o l i c e t o k e e p o r d e r i n a n

i m p o r t a n t f o o t b a l l m a t c h.

It is kind of you to help me. = You are kind to help me .

I t w a s f o o l i s h o f y o u t o b e l i e v e h i m.

=I i i s f o o l i s h o f y o u t o h a v e b e l i e v e d h i m

right, wrong既可用于for sb. to do sth. 也可用于of sb. to do sth.

eg.It’s right/wrong for / of him to do the work alone.

2.It is + n. (a pity, a pleasure, one’s duty, a shame) + to do


eg.It’s my duty to teach you how to be a student of No.3 Middle School.

3.It takes/needs/requires + some time (hours, days, patience…) + to do sth.

eg:It requires patience to learn English well.

4 . It made sb. + adj. (excited, frightened , angry ) + to do sth.

eg: It made me delighted to have been invited to give you a speech here.

II. 作表语:

当句子的主语是aim, idea, policy, question, suggestion, wish, task, duty, job, purpose等或者主语是what引导的名词性从句时,后面可以用不定式做表语,用以说明主语所包含内容。例如:

1. Our most important task now is to make a plan.

2. What I would suggest is to start work at once.

3. At that time his job was to write reports for the newspaper.

4. The problems remain to be unsettled.

5. His father’s task is to raise pigs and goats.
