大容量振荡器 HY-8




主振荡器和 FRC 源可以选择使用内部 4x PLL。 FRC 时钟源的频率可以通过可编程时钟分频器降 低。选定的时钟源将产生处理器和外设时钟源。 处理器时钟源需进行二分频,以产生内部指令周期时钟 FCY。在本文档中,指令周期时钟也表示 为 FOSC/2。图 6-2 中的时序图显示了处理器时钟源和指令执行之间的关系。内部指令周期时钟 FOSC/2 可以在 OSC2 I/O 引脚提供,用于主振荡器的一些工作模式。 图 6-2: 时钟 / 指令周期时序
1: OSC2 引脚功能由 OSCIOFCN 配置位决定。 2:未编程 (已擦除)器件的默认振荡模式。
FCKSM 配置位(配置字 2<7:6>)用于联合配置器件时钟切换和故障保护时钟监视器(FSCM) 。 只有将 FCKSM1 编程 (0)时,才会使能时钟切换。只有同时将 FCKSM1:FCKSM0 编程 (00) 时,才会使能 FSCM。
DS39700A_CN 第 6-4 页
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
第 6 章 振荡器
6.4 控制寄存器
振荡器的操作由 3 个特殊功能寄存器控制:
振荡器பைடு நூலகம்
振荡器控制寄存器 (OSCCON)
OSCCON 寄存器(寄存器 6-1)是振荡器的主要控制寄存器。它控制时钟源切换和时钟源监控。 COSC 状态位是只读位,指示器件当前工作所使用的振荡器源。在上电复位和主清零复位时, COSC 位默认为选择内部快速 RC 振荡器和预分频器 (FRCDIV) ,配置的频率为 4 MHz。器件 将自动执行时钟切换,将时钟源切换为由 FNOSC 配置位 (配置字 2<10:8>)选择的新振荡器 源。 COSC 位将发生改变,在时钟切换操作结束时指示新的振荡器源。 NOSC 状态位选择下一个时钟切换操作的时钟源。在上电复位和主清零复位时,这些位将自动选 择 FNOSC 配置位指定的振荡器源。这些位可以由软件修改。 注: 必须先执行解锁序列,之后才能写 OSCCON。更多信息,请参见第 6.11.2 节 “振 荡器切换序列” 。

多功能振荡器 HY-3(A) 说明书

多功能振荡器 HY-3(A) 说明书

file:///F|/OPW/pp/download/webtopdf/多功能振荡器 HY-3(A) 振荡器、摇床、混匀器.htm[2010-5-11 1:20:53]HY-3型多功能振荡器产品简介:HY-3型多功能振荡器具有水平振荡、垂直振荡的综合功能,两组控制系统。




主要特点:产品特点: HY-3型多功能振荡器具有水平振荡、垂直振荡的综合功能,两组控制系统。




技术参数:HY-3型多功能振荡器技术指标:转速范围 水平振荡:起动~360r/min垂直振荡:起动~200 r/min振 幅 2Omm水平装瓶 试管 ∮16×2O0,100ml×15,200ml×9定时范围 0~120min(或常开)电 源 交流220V 50Hz外形尺寸 740×450×340© 2005-2009 必和国际贸易(香港)有限公司 版权所有,并保留所有权利。

上海市长乐路989号2006室,邮编:200031,电话:************,136****6095,**************多功能振荡器 HY-3(A) 振荡器、摇床、混匀器仪器描述仪器说明仪器标签。



包 装 工 程第44卷 第19期 ·42·PACKAGING ENGINEERING 2023年10月收稿日期:2023-04-15中国市售食品接触硅胶制品的细胞毒性评价郭一凡,张京伟,范晓洁,王文娟,封棣*(北京工商大学 轻工科学技术学院,北京 100048)摘要:目的 为了研究不同细胞毒性测试方法之间的差别,本研究利用不同体外细胞毒性评价测试体系下的食品接触硅胶制品(Food Contact Silicone Products, FCSPs )的整体安全性进行研究。

方法 样品在体积分数为95%的乙醇中模拟迁移(70℃保持2 h )后,通过系统优化实验条件,发展了FCSPs 迁移液的细胞毒性评价方法。

利用HeLa (子宫颈癌细胞)-NRU 、HeLa-CCK-8(CellCountingKit-8,CCK-8)、HepG2(Human Hepatoblastoma )-NRU 、HepG2-CCK-8共4种测试体系对中国市售的19种FCSPs 进行了细胞毒性评价。

结果 样品在不同测试体系下的细胞毒性结果不同,其中65%的样品呈现中度毒性。

结论 FCSPs 的整体生物安全性亟须关注并深入研究。


关键词:食品接触硅胶制品;模拟迁移;细胞毒性中图分类号:TB487;TS206.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2023)19-0042-08 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2023.19.006Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Food Contact Silicone Products Marketed in ChinaGUO Yi-fan , ZHANG Jing-wei , FAN Xiao-jie , WANG Wen-juan , FENG Di *(School of Light Industry, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to study the overall safety of food contact silicone products (FCSPs) by different in vitro cytotoxicity evaluation and test systems to study the difference of different in vitro cytotoxicity test methods. After the samples were simulated in 95% ethanol at 70 ℃ for 2 h, the cytotoxicity evaluation method of FCSPs migration was de-veloped by systematically optimizing the experimental conditions. Four test systems including HeLa-NRU, HeLa-CCK-8, HepG2-NRU and HepG2-CCK-8 were used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of 19 FCSPs marketed in China. The samples showed different cytotoxicity results under different testing systems. Among them, 65% of the samples showed moderate cytotoxicity. The overall biological safety of FCSPs needs urgent attention and in-depth study. This study provides re-search ideas and scientific basis for the in vitro bioassay of food contact materials. KEY WORDS: food contact silicone products; simulated migration; cytotoxicity食品接触硅胶制品(Food Contact Silicone Products ,FCSPs )指各种适用于预期与食品接触或已接触食品的由硅橡胶制成的制品。

《水质石油类的测定紫外分光光度法》HJ 970-2018 方法验证报告 已通过省环保局审批

《水质石油类的测定紫外分光光度法》HJ 970-2018 方法验证报告 已通过省环保局审批

《水质石油类的测定紫外分光光度法》方法验证报告(已通过省环保局审批)1 适用范围本标准适用于地表水、地下水和海水中石油类的测定。

2 方法依据HJ 970-2018 水质石油类的测定紫外分光光度法(试行)。

3 方法原理在pH≤2的条件下,样品中的油类物质被正己烷萃取,萃取液经无水硫酸钠脱水,再经硅酸镁吸附除去动植物油类等极性物质后,于225nm波长处测定吸光度,石油类含量与吸光度值符合朗伯-比尔定律。

4 试剂和材料4.1 盐酸:ρ(HCl)=1.19g/ml。

4.2 硫酸:ρ(H2SO4)=1.84g/ml。

4.3 正己烷(C6H14)。


4.4 无水乙醇(C2H6O)。

4.5 无水硫酸钠(Na2SO4)。


4.6 硅酸镁(MgSiO3):150μm~250μm(100目~60目)。


4.7 石油类标准贮备液:ρ=1000mg/L。


4.8 石油类标准使用液:ρ=100mg/L。



4.9 玻璃棉。


5 仪器和设备5.1 采样瓶:500ml棕色硬质玻璃瓶。

5.2 UV-5100B型紫外分光光度计:仪器编号为xx,波长200nm~400nm,并配备2cm石英比色皿。

5.3 分液漏斗:1000ml,具聚四氟乙烯旋塞。

5.4 锥形瓶:50ml,具塞磨口。

5.5 HY-5型回旋式振荡器:仪器编号为xx,转速可达300r/min。












低成本内建振荡器HT82A525R Full speed USB 8位控制芯片

低成本内建振荡器HT82A525R Full speed USB 8位控制芯片
竞 争者 率先 推 出 F ls e dUS 内建 精 准 振 荡 电路 控 制 芯 片 , ul p e B 内建 精 准 振 荡 电路 技 术 专 利 已 申请 . 大提 升 盛 ul p e B F l s e dUS 大
群 U B产 品 市 场 竞 争 力及 满足 客 户 追 求 高性 价 比产 品 的 需 求 。 S H 8A 2 R 为 I T2 55 / 0型 微 控 制 器 目前 已通 过 U B I o pineT s U B . R pr f u edD v e 。 此 产 品 有 下 列 S —FC m l c et S 20 eot r ls e ei ) a ( F lp o c 几 点特 色: 可选 择 内建 1 z 荡 电路 或 外部 1MH 或 6 z的 石 英 震 荡 器作 为 系 统频 率 。 U B 资 源 方 面提 供 4个 端 点 2MH 振 2 z MH S
咨 询 编 号 :01 0 1 o 2 0 80 5

7- 8
90 9 2 7—9.
【】 海 红 , 嘉 斌 . 于 A M 的 嵌 入 式 系 统 F A H 接 I设 6马 何 基 R LS z / '
计 与 编 程f. 表技 术与 传 感 器 ,0 5 4 ()3 — 2 J仪 ] 20 ,2 1 :9 4 .
MA ih n HE Ja b n D sg f F AS i tr c n Ha— o g, i— i . e in o L H ne f e a d a
m nst rai ddsrt c at euecm n ai 】 e t o ele i ee hoi scr o mui t nf. z c c c o J
Ap l aino lcrncT c nq e,0 4,0 9 :- . pi t f e t i e h iu 2 0 3 ( )4 6 c o E o


最大搅拌容量1000ml ,加热功率200W ,调速范围0 ~2400 转/分,正反方向工作
最大搅ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้容量1000ml ,电子控温,室温~l00℃,加热功率:200W ,调速0~2400转/分
最大搅拌容量1000ml,电子控温,室温~100℃,加热功率:250W ,调速0~2400转/分
最大搅拌容量4×1000ml ,数显控温室温~100℃,加热4×200W ,调速范围:0 ~2400转/分
最大搅拌容量6×1000ml ,加热功率:6×200W ,调速范围:0 ~2400 转/分
最大搅拌容量1000ml ,数显控温,室温~100℃,加热功率:300W ,数显测速
分两种规格,最大搅拌容量500ml , 1000ml ,调速范围:0~2400 转/分
最大搅拌容量2×1000ml ,加热功率:2×150W ,调速范围:0~2400 转/分
HY - 4
工作方式:水平往复,定时范围:0 ~120 分,工作频率:起动~320 次/分



Outline (mm)DescriptionStandard 2.5 x 2.0 oscillator in a ceramic package with a hermetically sealed metal lid.IQXO-791Model Model Issue number 2Frequency ParametersFrequency16.0MHz Frequency Stability±50.00ppm -40.00 to 85.00°C Operating Temperature RangeAgeing±3ppm max per year @ 25°CElectrical Parameters 3.3V ±10%Supply Voltage7.000mACurrent DrawOutput Details Output CompatibilityHCMOS Drive Capability 15pF7.0ns maxRise and Fall Time 40/60%Duty CycleOutput Voltage Levels:Output Low (VoL): 10%Vs maxOutput High (VoH): 90%Vs minStart Up Time: 10ms max0.7ms typ to 90% of final amplitude (under ideal conditions @ 25°C)Output Control Enable/Disable:Logic ‘1’ (≥70% Vs) to pad 1 enables oscillator output.Logic ‘0’ (≤30% Vs) to pad 1 disables oscillator output; when disabled the oscillator output goes to the high impedance state.No connection to pad 1 enables oscillator output.Stand-by Current: 10μA max, 1.0µA typ @ 25°CNoise ParametersPeriod Jitter (pk-pk): ±80ps typPeriod Jitter (1σ): ±10ps typPhase Jitter (12kHz to 20MHz): 1ps rms maxEnvironmental ParametersStorage Temperature Range: -55 to 125°CMechanical Shock: MIL-STD-883, Method 2002, Condition B (or comparable).Vibration: MIL-STD-883, Method 2007, Condition A (or comparable).Manufacturing DetailsNote: Do not connect inductor or bead between pad 2 and GND as it can make the output unstable.RoHS TerminationsRoHS Reflow Temp 260°C max for 10secs max Sales Office Contact Details:USA: +1.760.318.2824France: 0800 901 383UK: +44 (0)1460 270200Web: ComplianceCompliant RoHS Status (2011/65/EU)Compliant REACh StatusMSL Rating (JDEC-STD-033):Not ApplicablePackaging Details Tape & reel in accordance with EIA-481DPack Style: ReelPack Size: 3,000Alternative packing option available Sales Office Contact Details:USA: +1.760.318.2824France: 0800 901 383UK: +44 (0)1460 270200Germany************Email:*****************************Web: 。



氨纶纤维中残留溶剂DMAc的检测方法研究摘要:为建立气相色谱法测定氨纶纤维中DMAc含量的方法,采用Agilent DB-1(30m*0.53mm*1μm)毛细管色谱柱、FID检测器、外标法探索了检测条件。



关键词:氨纶;残留溶剂;检测;气相色谱Test method study of residual solvent N,N-dimethylacetamidein spandex fiberAbstract:For building the method of N,N-dimethylacetamide content test in spandex fiber in the use of gas chromatography , we explore the test condition in the use of Agilent DB-1 (30m*0.53mm*1μm)capillary-column chromatography, FID detector and external standard method. As a result , when the initial temperature is 100℃,keep 5 minutes, heat up to 170℃in the rate of 20℃ per minute, keep 3 minutes, the temperature of injection port is 180℃, the temperature of detector is 200℃,chromatographic peaks have a better separation effect. N,N-dimethylacetamide has a good linear relation within the scope of 0~3.2 mg/ml, the method is accuracy and reliable, and available to the determination of N,N-dimethylacetamide content in spandex fiber.Key words:spandex ; residual solvent; determination; gas chromatography氨纶是一种具有高弹性及弹性回复率的合成纤维,广泛用于针织和机织的各种弹力织物中[1]。



REV DESCRIPTION DATEPREPAPPDG EC20973 7/10/23SMLT/AJOscillator Specification, Hybrid VCXOACMOS, 9x14 mm, J-Lead MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS, PA 17065 Hi-Rel Standard THE RECORD OF APPROVAL FOR THISDOCUMENT IS MAINTAINED ELECTRONICALLYCODE IDENT NO SIZE DWG. NO.REV1. SCOPE1.1General. This specification defines the design, assembly, and functional evaluation of highreliability, VCXO’s produced by Vectron. Devices delivered to this specification represent the standardized Parts, Materials and Processes (PMP) Program developed, implemented, andcertified for advanced applications and extended environments.1.2Applications Overview. The designs represented by these products were primarily developedfor the MIL-Aerospace community. The lesser Design Pedigrees and Screening Optionsimbedded within DOC206218 bridge the gap between Space and COTS hardware by providing custom hardware with measures of mechanical, assembly and reliability assurance needed for Military or Ruggedized COTS environments.2.APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1Specifications and Standards. The following specifications and standards form a part of thisdocument to the extent specified herein. The issue currently in effect on the date of quotation will be the product baseline, unless otherwise specified. In the event of conflict between thetexts of any references cited herein, the text of this document shall take precedence.MilitaryControlled, General Specification For MIL-PRF-55310 Oscillators,CrystalMicrocircuits, General Specification ForMIL-PRF-38534 HybridStandardsMIL-STD-202 Test Method Standard, Electronic and Electrical Component PartsMIL-STD-883 Test Methods and Procedures for MicroelectronicsOtherDOC206251 Test Specification, DOC206218 Hybrids, Hi-Rel StandardQSP-90100 Quality Systems Manual, VectronDocuments,Materials and Processes, Hi-Rel XOCommonDOC011627 IdentificationSpecificationDOC203982 DPAElectrostatic Discharge PrecautionsforQSP-91502 ProcedureDOC208191 Enhanced Element Evaluation for Space Level Hybrid OscillatorsDOC220429 Packaging Standards, Hi-Rel SeriesREQUIREMENTS3. GENERAL3.1 Classification. All devices delivered to this specification are of hybrid technology conformingto Type 2, Class 2 of MIL-PRF-55310. Primarily developed as a Class S equivalentspecification, options are imbedded within it to also produce Class B, Engineering Model and Ruggedized COTS devices. Devices carry a Class 2 ESDS classification per MIL-PRF-38534.3.2 Item Identification. See paragraph 7.1 for part number configuration.3.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings.a. Supply Voltage Range (V CC): -0.5Vdc to +7.0Vdcb. Storage Temperature Range (T STG): -65°C to +125°Cc. Junction Temperature (T J): +175°Cd. Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds): +300°Ce. Output Source/Sink Current: ±70 mA3.4 Design, Parts, Materials and Processes, Assembly, Inspection and Test.3.4.1 Design. The ruggedized designs implemented for these devices are proven in military andspace applications under extreme environments. The design utilizes a 4-point crystal mount in compliment with Established Reliability (MIL-ER) componentry. When specified, radiationtolerant active devices up to 100krad(Si) (RHA level R) can be included without altering thedevice’s internal topography. Design and Configuration Stability. Barring changes to improve performance by reselectingpassive chip component values to offset component tolerances, there will not be fundamental changes to the design or assembly or parts, materials, and processes after first product delivery of that item without notification. Environmental Integrity. Designs have passed the environmental qualification levels of MIL-PRF-55310.3.4.2 Prohibited Parts, Materials and Processes. The items listed are prohibited for use in highreliability devices produced to this specification.a. Gold metallization of package elements without a barrier metal.b. Zinc chromate as a finish.c. Cadmium, zinc, or pure tin external or internal to the device.d. Plastic encapsulated semiconductor devices.e. Ultrasonically cleaned electronic parts.f. Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) technology.g. ‘getter’ materials3.4.3 Assembly. Manufacturing utilizes standardized procedures, processes, and verificationmethods to produce MIL-PRF-55310 Class S / MIL-PRF-38534 Class K equivalent devices.MIL-PRF-38534 Group B Option 1 in-line inspection is included on radiation hardened partnumbers to further verify lot pedigree. Devices are handled in accordance with Vectrondocument QSP-91502 (Procedure for Electrostatic Discharge Precautions). Elementreplacement will be as specified in MIL-PRF-38534, Rev L.3.4.4 Inspection. The inspection requirements of MIL-PRF-55310 apply to all devices delivered tothis document. Inspection conditions and standards are documented in accordance with theQuality Assurance, ISO-9001 and AS9100 derived, System of QSP-90100.3.4.5 Test. The Screening test matrix of Table 4 is tailored for selectable-combination testing toeliminate costs associated with the development/maintenance of device-specific documentation packages while maintaining performance integrity.3.4.6 Marking. Device marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of MIL-PRF-55310. Inaddition, when devices are identified with laser marking, the Resistance to Solvents testspecified in MIL-PRF-55310 Group C, Mil-PRF-55310 Qualification or MIL-PRF-38534Group B Inspection will not be performed.3.4.7 Ruggedized COTS Design Implementation. Design Pedigree “D” devices (see ¶ 5.2) use thesame robust designs found in the other device pedigrees. They do not include the provisions of traceability or the Class-qualified componentry noted in paragraphs 3.4.3 and 4.1.REQUIREMENTS4. DETAIL4.1 Components4.1.1 Crystals. Cultured quartz crystal resonators are used to provide the selected frequency for thedevices. The optional use of Premium Q swept quartz can, because of its processing to remove impurities, be specified to minimize frequency drift when operating in radiation environments.In accordance with MIL-PRF-55310, the manufacturer has a documented crystal elementevaluation program.4.1.2 Passive Components. For Design Pedigree E, where available, resistors shall be Established Reliability, Failure RateR (as a minimum) and capacitors shall be Failure Rate S. Where resistors and capacitors arenot available as ER parts, and for all other passive components, the parts shall be fromhomogeneous manufacturing lots that have successfully completed the Enhanced ElementEvaluation of DOC208191 which meets the requirements of Mil-PRF-38534 Revision L forClass K. For Design Pedigrees R, V and X, where available, resistors shall be Established Reliability,Failure Rate R (as a minimum) and capacitors shall be Failure Rate S. Where resistors andcapacitors are not available as ER parts, and for all other passive components, the parts shall be from homogeneous manufacturing lots that have successfully completed the Class K Element Evaluation of Mil-PRF-38534 Revision K for Class K. For Design Pedigrees B and C, all passive elements shall comply with the Element Evaluationrequirements of Mil-PRF-55310 Class B as a minimum. For Design Pedigree D, the passive elements will be COTs level or higher. When used, inductors will be open construction and may use up to 47-gauge wire.4.1.3 Microcircuits. For Design Pedigree E, the microcircuits shall be from homogeneous wafer lots that meet theEnhanced Element Evaluation requirements in DOC208191 and meet the requirements of Mil-PRF-38534 Revision L for Class K. For Design Pedigree R, V and X, microcircuits shall be from homogeneous wafer lots that havesuccessfully completed the MIL-PRF-38534, Revision K Lot Acceptance Tests for Class K. For Design Pedigrees B and C, microcircuits are procured from wafer lots that havesuccessfully completed the MIL-PRF-55310 Lot Acceptance Tests for Class B as a minimum. For Design Pedigree D, microcircuits can be COTs level or higher.4.1.4 Semiconductors (Varactor Diode) For Design Pedigree E, the semiconductors shall be from homogeneous wafer lots that meetthe Enhanced Element Evaluation requirements in DOC208191. For Design Pedigree R, V and X, semiconductors shall be from homogeneous wafer lots thathave successfully completed the MIL-PRF-38534, Revision K Lot Acceptance Tests for Class K devices as a minimum. For Design Pedigree B and C, semiconductors are procured from wafer lots that havesuccessfully completed the MIL-PRF-55310 Lot Acceptance Tests for Class B devices as a minimum. For Design Pedigree D, semiconductors can be COTs level or higher.4.1.5 Radiation. Microcircuits for Design Pedigrees E, R and V are certified to 100krad(Si) totalionizing dose (TID), RHA level R (2X minimum margin). NSC, as the original 54ACT designer, rates the SEU LET up to 40 MeV and SEL LET up to 120MeV for the FACT™ family (AN-932). Vectron conducted additional SEE testing in 2008 to verify this performance since our lot wafer testing does not include these parameters and determinations. Varactor diodes are considered radiation tolerant by design.4.1.6 Packages. Packages are procured that meet the construction, lead materials and finishes asspecified in MIL-PRF-55310. All leads are Kovar with gold plating over a nickel underplate.Package lots are evaluated in accordance with the requirements of MIL-PRF-38534. Vectronwill not perform Salt Spray testing as part of MIL-PRF-55310 Group C/Qualification. Inaccordance with MIL-PRF-55310, package evaluation results for salt atmosphere will besubstituted for Salt Spray testing during MIL-PRF-55310 Group C/Qualification.4.1.7 Traceability and Homogeneity. All design pedigrees except option D have active device lotsthat are traceable to the manufacturer’s individual wafer; all other elements and materials aretraceable to their manufacturer and incoming inspection lots. Design pedigrees E, R, V and Xhave homogeneous material. In addition, swept quartz crystals are traceable to the quartz barand the processing details of the autoclave lot. A production lot, as defined by Microchip, is all oscillators that have been kitted and built as a single group. The maximum deliverablequantity with a single lot date code is 225 units. Order quantities that exceed 225 units will be delivered in multiple lot date codes with deliveries separated by 2 weeks. If applicable, eachproduction lot will be kitted with homogeneous material which is then allocated acrossmultiple lot date code builds to satisfy the deliverable order quantity. When ordered, Group CInspection, lot qualifications, and/or DPA will be performed on the first build lot within theproduction lot unless otherwise stated on the purchase order.4.2 Mechanical.4.2.1 Package Outline. See Figure Characteristics. The worst-case thermal characteristics are found in Table Forming. When the lead forming option is specified, the applicable leak test specified inscreening will be performed after forming.4.3 Electrical.4.3.1 Input Power. Devices are available with an input voltage of either +5.0 Vdc (±5%) or +3.3 Vdc(±5%). Current is measured, no load, at maximum rated operating voltage.4.3.2 Temperature Range. Operating range is -40°C to +85°C.4.3.3 Absolute Pull Range. Absolute pull range is defined as the minimum guaranteed amount theVCXO can be varied about the center frequency (fo). It accounts for degradations includingtemperature stability (-40°C to +85°C), aging (15 years), radiation effects, power supplyvariations (±5%) and load variations (±10%).4.3.4 Frequency Aging. When tested in accordance with MIL-PRF-55310 Group B inspection, the15-year aging projection shall not cause the minimum APR limit to be exceeded.4.3.5 Operating Characteristics. Symmetrical square wave limits are dependent on the devicefrequency and are in accordance with Table 1. Waveform measurement points and logic limits are in accordance with MIL-PRF-55310. Start-up time is 10.0 msec. maximum.4.3.6Output Load. ACMOS (10kΩ, 15pF) test loads are in accordance with MIL-PRF-55310.5.QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS AND VERIFICATION5.1Verification and Test. Device lots shall be tested prior to delivery in accordance with theapplicable Screening Option letter as stated by the 15th character of the part number. Table 4tests are conducted in the order shown and annotated on the appropriate process travelers and data sheets of the governing test procedure. For devices that require Screening Options thatinclude MIL-PRF-55310 Group A testing, the Post-Burn-In Electrical Test and the Group AElectrical Test are combined into one operation.5.1.1Screening Options. The Screening Options, by letter, are summarized as:A Modified MIL-PRF-38534 Class KB Modified MIL-PRF-55310 Class B Screening & Group A Quality ConformanceInspection (QCI)C Modified MIL-PRF-55310 (Rev E) Class S Screening & Group A QCID Modified MIL-PRF-38534 Class K with Group B AgingE Modified MIL-PRF-55310 Class B Screening, Groups A & B QCIF Modified MIL-PRF-55310 (Rev E) Class S Screening, Groups A & B QCIG Modified MIL-PRF-55310 Class B Screening & Post Burn-in NominalElectricalsS MIL-PRF-55310 (Rev F) Class S Screening & Groups A & B QCIX Engineering Model (EM)5.2 Optional Design, Test and Data Parameters. The following is a list of design, assembly,inspection, and test options that can be selected or added by purchase order request.a. Design Pedigree (choose one as the 5th character in the part number):(E) Enhanced Element Evaluation, (MIL-PRF-38534 Rev L for Class K components asspecified in DOC208191), 100krad die, Premium Q Swept Quartz(R) Hi-Rel design w/ 100krad Class K die, Premium Q Swept Quartz(V) Hi-Rel design w/ 100krad Class K die, Non-Swept Quartz(X) Hi-Rel design w/ Non-Swept Quartz, Class K die(B) Hi-Rel design w/ Swept Quartz, Class B die(C) Hi-Rel design w/ Non-Swept Quartz, Class B die(D) Hi-Rel design w/ Non-Swept Quartz and commercial grade componentsb. Input Voltage/APR, (L) for +3.3V/±30ppm, (N) for +5.0V/±30ppm and (W) for+5.0V/±50ppm as the 14th characterc. Not Usedd. Radiographic Inspectione. Group C Inspection: MIL-PRF-55310, Rev E (requires 8 destruct specimens)f. Group C Inspection: MIL-PRF-55310, Rev F (requires 8 destruct specimens, includesRandom Vibration, MIL-STD-883, Method 1014 Leak Test and Life Test)g. Group C Inspection: In accordance with MIL-PRF-38534, Table C-Xc, Condition PI(requires 8 destruct specimens – 5 pc. Life, 3 pc. RGA). Subgroup 1 fine leak test to beperformed per MIL-STD-202, Method 112, Condition C.h. Internal Water-Vapor Content (RGA) samples and test performancei. MTBF Reliability Calculationsj. Worst Case Circuit Analysis: (unless otherwise specified, MIL-HDBK-1547)k. Derating and Thermal Analysis (unless otherwise specified, MIL-HDBK-1547 with TjMax = +105°C; Derated Maximum Operating Temp = Tj Max – ΔTj)l. Process Identification Documentation (PID)m. Customer Source Inspection (pre-crystal mount pre-cap, post-crystal mount pre-cap and final). Due to components being mounted underneath the crystal blank, pre-crystalmount pre-cap inspection should be considered.n. Destruct Physical Analysis (DPA): MIL-STD-1580 with exceptions as specified in Vectron DOC203982.o. Qualification: In accordance with MIL-PRF-55310, Rev F, Table IV (requires 16 destruct specimens). Includes Group III, SG1 through SG6 only. ESD (SG7) notperformed.p. Qualification: In accordance with EEE-INST-002, Section C4, Table 3, Level 1 or 2 (requires 11 destruct specimens)q. High Resolution Digital Pre-Cap Photographs (20 Megapixels minimum)r. Hot solder dip of leads with Sn63/Pb37 solder prior to shipping5.2.1 NASA EEE-INST-002. A combination of Design Pedigree R, Option S Screening, andQualification per EEE-INST-002, Section C4, Table 3, meet the requirements of Level 1 and Level 2 device reliability.5.3Test Conditions. Unless otherwise stated herein, inspections are performed in accordance withthose specified in MIL-PRF-55310. Process travelers identify the applicable methods,conditions, and procedures to be used. Examples of electrical test procedures that correspond to MIL-PRF-55310 requirements are shown in Table When MIL-PRF-55310, Revision F was being reviewed for release by manufacturers andusers, Vectron and other organizations recommended that burn-in delta limits not beapplied to logic level measurements due to the inconsistency in attempting to measuresmall changes in logic levels which inherently have ringing in the signal. This isespecially true in higher frequency oscillators measured in automated test systems thatare affected by cable length that is not representative of the user’s application and contactresistance in test fixtures that do not provide a consistent Vcc or Ground connection. Theexact test setup conditions may vary slightly from pre-burn-in to post-burn-in and causesmall artificial deltas in logic level measurements that are not indicative of an issue. Anysignificant changes in logic levels will be reflected in supply current deltas and/or logiclevels that exceed the min/max limits. As a result, we take exception to MIL-PRF-55310,Revision F, Para. 4.4.5 and the delta limit for Output Low Level as specified in 4.4.5(c)shall not be applied to Burn-in PDA.5.4Deliverable Data. The manufacturer supplies the following data, as a minimum, with each lotof devices:a. As applicable to the Screening Option chosen, completed assembly and screening lottravelers, screening data, including radiographic images, and rework history.b. Electrical test variables data, identified by unique serial number.c. Special items when required by purchase order such as Group C, DPA, and RGA data.d. For Design Pedigrees E, R, V, and X, traceability, component LAT, enclosure LAT,and wafer lot specific RLAT data for non-SMD active devices (if applicable).e. Certificate of Conformance.5.5Discrepant Material. All MRB authority resides with the procuring activity.5.6Failure Analysis. Any failure during Qualification or Group C Inspection will be evaluated forroot cause. The customer will be notified after occurrence and upon completion of theevaluation.6.PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY6.1Packaging. Devices will be packaged in a manner that prevents handling and transit damageduring shipping. Devices will be handled in accordance with MIL-STD-1686 for Class 1devices. Devices will be packaged for transport in accordance with DOC220429. Please note that “one unit per package” is available for a fee; however, this service must be requested aspart of the official RFQ.7.ORDERING INFORMATION7.1 Ordering Part Number. The ordering part number is made up of an alphanumeric series of15 characters. Design-affected product options, identified by the parenthetic letter on theOptional Parameters list (¶ 5.2a and b), are included within the device part number.The Part Number breakdown is described as:5116 R 10M00000 L F7.1.1 Model Number. The device model number is the four (4) digit number 5116.7.1.2 Design Pedigree. Class S variants correspond to either letter “E”, “R”, “V” or “X” and aredescribed in paragraph 5.2a. Class B variants correspond to either letter “B” or “C” and aredescribed in paragraph 5.2a. Ruggedized COTS, using commercial grade components,corresponds to letter “D”.7.1.3Output Frequency. The nominal output frequency is expressed in the format as specified inMIL-PRF-55310 utilizing eight (8) characters.7.1.4 Input Voltage (APR). “L” for +3.3V (±30ppm), “N” for +5.0V (±30ppm) and “W” for +5.0V(±50ppm) as the 14th character.7.1.5 Screening Options. The 15th character is the Screening Option (letter A thru G, S or X) selectedfrom Table 4.7.2Optional Design, Test and Data Parameters. Optional test and documentation requirementsshall be specified by separate purchase order line items (as listed in ¶ 5.2c thru s).Frequency Range: 1.0 MHz to 100.0 MHzTemperature Range: -40°C to +85°CPower Supply (Vcc): +3.3Vdc ±5% or +5.0Vdc ±5%Absolute Pull Range: ±30 ppm or ±50 ppm (+/-30 ppm only for +3.3Vdc)Control Voltage (Vc) Range: 0.3V to +3.0V with Vcc = +3.3VControl Voltage (Vc) Range: 0.5V to +4.5V with Vcc = +5.0VSlope: PositiveLinearity: 10% max.F vs. V Gain: 45 ppm/V min. to 105 ppm/V max.Start-up Time: 10.0 ms max.Frequency Range (MHz)Current (mA)(max. no load)Rise / FallTimes 1/(ns max.)Duty Cycle 1/(%)+5.25V +3.465V1 – 15 15 8 10 45 to 55>15 – 40 20 15 5 40 to 60>40 – 60 35 20 5 40 to 60>60 – 85 45 25 3 40 to 60>85 – 100 55 35 3 40 to 601/. Waveform measurement points and logic limits are in accordance with MIL-PRF-55310, Para 1 - Electrical Performance CharacteristicsOPERATION LISTING REQUIREMENTS ANDCONDITIONS@ all Electrical TestsInput Current (no load) MIL-PRF-55310, Para ************************.MIL-PRF-55310, Para 4.8.6 Output Logic Voltage Levels MIL-PRF-55310, Para Rise and Fall Times MIL-PRF-55310, Para 4.8.22 Duty Cycle MIL-PRF-55310, Para 4.8.23 Frequency Deviation MIL-PRF-55310, Para Linearity MIL-PRF-55310, Para conditions only@ Post Burn-In Electrical onlyOvervoltage Survivability MIL-PRF-55310, Para 4.8.4 Initial Freq. – Temp. Accuracy MIL-PRF-55310, Para Freq. – Voltage Tolerance MIL-PRF-55310, Para 4.8.14 Start-up Time (fast/slow start) MIL-PRF-55310, Para 4.8.29TABLE 2 - Electrical Test ParametersModel # Thermal ResistanceJunction to Caseθjc (°C / W) Δ Junction Temp.T j(°*********)Weight(Grams)5116 31.62 9.13 1.2 Note: The maximum power from Table 2 is used to calculate the worst case Δ JunctionTemperature.TABLE 3 - Typical Thermal Characteristics and WeightTable 3a – Typical Phase Noise at 16MHz, 3.3VTable 3b – Typical Phase Noise at 16MHz, 5.0VTable 3c – Typical Phase Noise at 50MHz, 3.3VTable 3e – Typical Phase Noise at 80MHz, 3.3VTable 3g – Typical Phase Noise at 100MHz, 5.0VPin ConnectionsVoltage1 Control2 GND/Case3 Output4 VccFIGURE 1Model 5116 Package OutlineAPPENDIX A Recommended Land PatternModel 5116。


主 要参数
农业现场检测智能分析系统 TIMAR-6301
5、设计有一只暗箱,用户不需要暗室,即可对样品进行观察分析,暗箱观察室上装有防紫外线玻璃,可滤去95% 以上的紫外线。
合 计
一、农业现场检测智能分析系统 TIMAR-6301产品装箱清单








3、电源:220V±10 50Hz



《土壤 石油类的测定 红外分光光度法》(HJ 1051-2019)方法确认

《土壤 石油类的测定 红外分光光度法》(HJ 1051-2019)方法确认

《土壤石油类的测定红外分光光度法》(HJ 1051-2019)方法验证报告1 方法依据HJ 613-2011 土壤干物质和水分的测定重量法HJ/T 166-2004 土壤环境监测技术规范HJ 1051-2019 土壤石油类的测定红外分光光度法2 适用范围本标准适用于土壤中石油类的测定。

3 方法原理土壤用四氯乙烯提取,提取液经硅酸镁吸附,除去动植物油等极性物质后,测定石油类。


4 仪器和设备4.1 红外测油仪:OIL460型红外测油仪,并配有40mm带盖石英比色皿;4.2 水平振荡器:HY-5型回旋式振荡器;4.3 马弗炉:SX2-4-10A电阻炉;4.4 天平:FA2004B电子天平、JJ500电子天平,精度分别为0.0001g、0.01g;4.5 具塞锥形瓶:100ml;4.6 玻璃漏斗:直径为60mm;4.7 采样瓶:500ml,广口棕色玻璃瓶,具聚四氟乙烯衬垫;4.8 一般实验室常用器皿和设备。

5 试剂和材料5.1 四氯乙烯(C2C14):以干燥40mm空石英比色皿为参比,在波数2930cm-1、2960cm-1和3030cm-1处吸光度应分别不超过0.34、0.07、0。

5.2 无水硫酸钠(Na2SO4):置于马弗炉内450℃加热4h,稍冷后置于磨口玻璃瓶中,置于干燥器内贮存。

5.3 硅酸镁(MgSiO3):150μm~250μm(100目~60目)取硅酸镁于瓷蒸发皿中,置于马弗炉内450℃加热4h,稍冷后移入干燥器中冷却至室温,置于磨口玻璃瓶中保存。




0引言压控振荡器(VCO )是一种由电压控制输出频率的振荡器,是无线通信系统中一个重要的模块,也是锁相环电路(PLL )的核心,它的相位噪声、灵敏度等参数直接影响PLL 的最终性能。

环形振荡器比电感电容谐振压控振荡器(LC VCO)有很多显著的优势:不需电感元件,节省芯片面积,节省成本,调谐范围宽,并且很容易实现多相位。



目前,低功耗、低噪声、宽调谐的新型环形振荡器结构吸引了众多学者投入研究,例如文献[1]中设计了一种频率范围为2.05GHz ~3.35GHz 的环形振荡器,其相位噪声为-89.6dBc/Hz@1MHz ,核心电路的功耗为18.36mW ,不过,其功耗较大,不能满足在无线通讯系统中的低功耗要求。

针对振荡器存在的功耗大、噪声大、线性度差等问题,提出了一种新型环形振荡器结构,该环形振荡器的频率范围为0.2GHz ~3.8GHz ,产生8相位,相位噪声为-91.34dBc/Hz@1MHz 。


图中,H A (ω)是基本放大器的传输函数,H F (ω)为反馈网络的传输函数。

反馈系统的闭环增益为式(1):V out V in =H A (ω)1-H A (ω)H F (ω)=H A (ω)1-T (ω)(1)式中,T (ω)=H A (ω)H F (ω)是反馈系统的环路增益。

一种低功耗低噪声8相位输出环形振荡器李新,张海宁,刘敏(沈阳工业大学信息科学与工程学院,辽宁沈阳110870)摘要:针对环形振荡器的功耗大、噪声大、线性度差等问题,基于TSMC 55nm 工艺,提出了一种新型交叉前馈结构环形振荡器电路。




气相色谱法测定乙酯型鱼油微胶囊产品中EPA乙酯和DHA乙酯含量洪毅敏;马金萍;张艳纹;陈月英;许新德;章鹏飞【摘要】建立了气相色谱法测定乙酯型鱼油微胶囊产品中EPA乙酯和DHA乙酯含量的方法.样品经盐酸溶液溶解、破壁,再经异辛烷萃取净化,采用气相色谱法分析测定,内标法定量(二十三烷酸甲酯为内标).结果表明:EPA乙酯和DHA乙酯含量在150~3 000μg/mL范围内,该方法的线性关系良好,相关系数分别为0.999 6和0.999 8,EPA乙酯和DHA乙酯最低检出限分别为8.8、16.5μg/mL;加标回收率分别为98.5%~99.0%、98.2%~100.5%,相对标准偏差(RSD)分别小于等于0.7%、0.9%.该方法分析时间短,重现性好,灵敏度高,可用于乙酯型鱼油微胶囊产品中EPA乙酯和DHA乙酯含量的测定.【期刊名称】《中国油脂》【年(卷),期】2015(040)012【总页数】4页(P88-91)【关键词】乙酯型鱼油;微胶囊;EPA;DHA;气相色谱法【作者】洪毅敏;马金萍;张艳纹;陈月英;许新德;章鹏飞【作者单位】浙江医药股份有限公司新昌制药厂,浙江新昌312500;浙江医药股份有限公司新昌制药厂,浙江新昌312500;浙江医药股份有限公司新昌制药厂,浙江新昌312500;浙江医药股份有限公司新昌制药厂,浙江新昌312500;浙江医药股份有限公司新昌制药厂,浙江新昌312500;浙江医药股份有限公司新昌制药厂,浙江新昌312500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS218;TQ646鱼油中的二十碳五烯酸(Eicosapentaenoic acid,EPA) 和二十二碳六烯酸( Docosahexaenoic acid,DHA) 具有独特的生理活性和保健功能,是人体内不能合成的必需脂肪酸。




第34卷第4期2020年12月资源环境与工程Resources Environment&EngineeringVol.34,No.4Dec.,2020振荡交换一蒸馏滴定法测定土壤中阳离子交换量肖洁1,黄瑞成1,周琦2,刘玲2,李灵凤1(1.湖北省地质局第六地质大队,湖北孝感432000;2•湖北楚鹏检测科技有限责任公司,湖北孝感432000)摘要:测定土壤阳离子交换量常用的标准方法是采用手工搅拌离心分离结合手工蒸馏进行滴定,操作繁琐,耗时长。





关键词:振荡;EDTA-乙酸铵;氯化铵-乙酸铵;土壤;阳离子交换量中图分类号:O658.3;S158文献标识码:ADOI:10.16536/ki.issn.1671-1211.2020.04.028土壤阳离子交换量(Cation Exchange Capacity,简称CEC),是指带负电荷的土壤胶体在静电引力作用下能够吸附的各种阳离子的总量,其数值单位为厘摩尔每千克(cmol(+)/kg)[1-2]°阳离子交换量是表征土壤性质的一项重要指标,可大致反映出土壤中的粘土矿物成分及粘粒、腐殖质含量,也代表土壤保水保肥能力的大小。





1:电源:交流220V 50Hz









2021土壤中有效态钼的快速测定方法范文 在国土资源地质大调查中,生态地球化学评价得到了足够重视,大批量样品的测试对实验室带来了巨大挑战和压力。




钼是植物生长必需的微量元素之一,我国土壤中全钼的含量为0. 1 ~ 6 mg/kg,平均含量 1. 7 mg/kg,有效态钼的含量范围为 0. 02~ 0. 5 mg / kg[以草酸-草酸铵(Tamm 溶液)为浸提剂]。

土壤中的钼可分为四部分:水溶性钼(含量少);交换性钼(被土壤矿物颗粒或铁锰的氧化物吸附的 MoO2 -4,对植物有效);矿物态难溶性钼(对植物无效);有机结合态钼(与土壤有机质结合的钼,随着有机质矿化,可以被释放出来为植物所吸收利用)。


比色法灵敏度较高,但显色条件要求严格,分离富集手续繁琐;火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钼时,仅有部分钼被原子化,测定的灵敏度较低;近年来应用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法和电感耦合等离子体质谱法可省去冗长的分离富集操作,但是仪器昂贵,使用费用高,且检出限偏高(0. 0x μg/g),不适于在一般实验室普及,与中国地质调查局关于生态地球化学评价样品分析技术要求(有效态钼检出限 0.005μg/g)相差较远。

草酸-草酸铵溶液(Tamm 溶液)浸提催化极谱法是测定土壤中有效态钼的经典方法,仪器成本低、干扰少、灵敏度高、检出限低(0.00xμg/g),且测定结果准确稳定。

该方法编入国家标准(GB/T 7878—1987)、林业行业标准 LY/T 1259—1999及农业行业标准(NY/T 1121. 9—2006)等。



三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物的合成与识别机理研究方卢秋;欧文林【摘要】为了制备三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物用于分离富集等目的,以三聚氰胺为模板分子,优化选择溶剂和致孔剂为甲醇,功能单体为丙烯酰胺,采用沉淀聚合法和本体聚合法制备对应的MIP和NIP,沉淀聚合法的MIP与NIP平均产率分别为57.48%和58.85%,本体聚合法的MIP与NIP分别为91.35%和92.71%.从制备分子印迹聚合物的操作过程简便性考虑,沉淀聚合法为较优的合成方法.三聚氰胺与功能单体的结合实验表明:三聚氰胺与丙烯酰胺之间主要以氢键形成1:3型结合物,产生特异性的选择性分子识别,结合常数K达到4.93 × 105,表明分子印迹聚合物结构稳定.【期刊名称】《四川师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(037)004【总页数】6页(P579-584)【关键词】三聚氰胺;分子印迹;聚合物;模板分子;功能单体【作者】方卢秋;欧文林【作者单位】长江师范学院化学化工学院,重庆涪陵408100;长江师范学院化学化工学院,重庆涪陵408100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.31 预备知识近年来,发生在国内婴幼儿奶粉受三聚氰胺污染导致婴幼儿肾结石事件以及在美国发生多起饲料致死宠物事件,使三聚氰胺成为国内外公众关注的热点[1-2].三聚氰胺(Melamine,简写为 Mel,化学式为C3H6N6),学名三氨三嗪,俗称蜜胺、蛋白精,是一种三嗪类含氮杂环的有机化合物;主要用于制造三聚氰胺甲醛树脂,普遍存在于塑料、涂料等材料中.微溶于水,可溶于甲醇、甲醛、热乙二醇、甘油、吡啶等,不溶于丙酮、醚类[3].因食品和饲料工业蛋白质含量测定大多采用总氮测定的方法,而三聚氰胺含氮量高达66%左右[4],常被非法添加到食品和饲料中以提高蛋白质的含量指标,给消费者健康带来危害.目前,国内外检测食品及饲料中三聚氰胺残留,通常采用液相色谱法[5]、气相色谱 -质谱法[6]、液相色谱 -质谱法[7]、毛细管电泳技术等[8],这些方法成本较高,在检测前都需要进行复杂的样品预处理,如对样品进行液-液萃取后,采用多步柱净化和富集.分子印迹技术是近几十年来发展起来的一种包含多种学科的研究方法.分子印迹聚合物(MIP)对目标分子具有高度的选择性,且性能稳定、价格低廉,可以解决样品前处理复杂、成本较高等问题,至今已被用于传感器、色谱分离、固相萃取和人工抗体等领域[9-10].为了选择性地富集分离与特异性地分子识别三聚氰胺,人们研究合成了几种三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物[11-13].本研究以三聚氰胺为模板分子,优化选择了溶剂;以丙烯酰胺、甲基丙烯酸、丙烯酸、邻氨基酚、甲基丙烯酸甲酯为功能单体进行选择实验;以二甲基丙烯酸乙二醇酯为交联剂,以偶氮二异丁腈为引发剂,分别进行本体聚合法和沉淀聚合法制备MIP 和NIP(不含模板分子的空白分子印迹聚合物),选择较优的制备方法;并对三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物的分子识别机理进行实验研究.2 实验部分2.1 试剂与仪器丙烯酸(简写为AA,成都市科龙化工试剂厂);a-甲基丙烯酸(简写为MAA,成都市科龙化工试剂厂);甲基丙烯酸甲酯(简写为MMA,成都市科龙化工试剂厂);丙烯酰胺(简写为AM,成都市科龙化工试剂厂);邻氨基酚(简写为OAP,五联化工厂);二甲基丙烯酸乙二醇酯(简写为EGDMA,东京化成工业株式会社);偶氮二异丁腈(简写为AIBN,成都市科龙化工试剂厂);三聚氰胺(成都科龙化工试剂厂);甲醇(简写为Met,色谱纯,天津市大茂化学试剂厂);乙腈(色谱纯,天津市光复精细化工研究所);冰醋酸(成都市科龙化工试剂厂);高纯氮气;以上化学试剂均为分析纯,实验中所使用的水均为超纯水.AA、MAA、MMA、AM、EGDMA、AIBN 使用前精制方法如下所述.丙烯酸的精制:移取50 mL AA,加10.0 g活性炭颗粒,振荡30 min,干过滤后置于4℃冰箱中保存.α-甲基丙烯酸的精制:移取50 mL MAA,加入10.0 g活性炭颗粒,振荡30 min后干过滤,置于4℃恒温箱中保存.甲基丙烯酸甲酯的精制:在500 mL分液漏斗中加入250 mL甲基丙烯酸甲酯,用质量分数5%NaOH溶液洗涤至无色.用超纯水洗涤至中性后,再用无水硫酸钠干燥一周,减压蒸馏,馏出液于恒温箱中4℃密封冷藏.丙烯酰胺的精制:称50 g丙烯酰胺溶于40℃的20 mL超纯水中,置冰箱冷却结晶,用布氏漏斗过滤,自然晾干,在20~30℃下真空干燥24 h,保存于恒温箱中.二甲基丙烯酸乙二醇酯的精制:取50 mL EGDMA加入质量分数10%NaOH溶液20 mL于分液漏斗中,用NaOH溶液分3次洗涤,再加入无水CaCl230 g,干过滤得精制品.偶氮二异丁腈的精制:取质量分数95%乙醇50 mL加入磨口锥形瓶中,回流加热至沸腾,加入5 g偶氮二异丁腈,振荡至AIBN溶解,抽滤热溶液,在4℃下冷却结晶后,在干燥器中干燥,成品保存于棕色试剂瓶中.超声波清洗机(SB-5200D型,宁波新芝生物科技股份有限公司);电子天平(EL104型,梅特勒-托利多仪器(上海)有限公司);调速振荡器(HY-8型,常州国华电器有限公司);数显恒温水浴锅(HH-6型,江苏省金坛市荣华仪器制造有限公司);紫外可见分光光度计(U-3010型,日本日立公司);振荡混合器(S25型,德国IKA公司);光照培养箱(YSEI型,重庆市永生实验仪器厂).2.2 实验方法2.2.1 溶剂的选择实验准确称取25 mg(为0.198 2 mmol)三聚氰胺于10 mL 比色管中,分别加入用于分子印迹聚合物合成的常见溶剂5.0 mL,在调速振荡器上振荡2 h.以三聚氰胺的溶解速度相对较快和溶解数量较多为选择依据,确定所要选定的溶剂.2.2.2 功能单体的选择实验准确称取25 mg三聚氰胺于10 mL比色管中,按照三聚氰胺∶功能单体的物质的量比为1∶4的比例加入功能单体,再分别加入选定的溶剂5.0 mL.将混合液超声振荡30 min,室温下静置24 h后,移取0.1 mL混合液,用相应溶剂稀释至10 mL,以选定的溶剂为参比,在波长为200~400 nm范围内进行紫外吸收光谱扫描.2.2.3 三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物的制备三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物的合成采用本体聚合法与沉淀聚合法,制备对应的MIP和NIP.1)本体聚合法.称取25 mg三聚氰胺于25 mL干燥的比色管中,加入10 mL优化选定的溶剂.按照三聚氰胺∶功能单体∶交联剂为1∶4∶20的物质的量比,加入功能单体和交联剂.首先加入功能单体后,超声波振荡30 min,在光照培养箱中恒温4℃预聚合24 h,再加入交联剂EGDMA和50 mg引发剂AIBN,超声波振荡15 min,通入纯氮除氧5 min,密封后于60℃恒温水浴下热聚合12 h.NIP除不加入Mel外,均按上述步骤操作.制备MIP和NIP各平行2次.将制备好的MIP与NIP于索氏提取器中除去未聚合的模板分子、功能单体、交联剂、引发剂和溶剂,以甲醇∶乙酸(体积比为9∶1)为模板分子洗脱剂,索氏提取8 h,用甲醇反复洗涤分子印迹聚合物以除去残留的乙酸,于80℃恒温干燥8 h后待用.2)沉淀聚合法.称取25 mg三聚氰胺于100 mL干燥的碘量瓶中,加入10 mL优化选定的溶剂,再加入40 mL乙腈.其它操作同本体聚合法.3)分子印迹聚合物的产率计算.用电子天平准确称量制得的分子印迹聚合物,分别按照下式计算分子印迹聚合物MIP与NIP的产率.2.2.4 三聚氰胺与功能单体的结合实验准确称取25 mg三聚氰胺于10 mL比色管中,按照功能单体∶三聚氰胺的物质的量比分别为0∶1、1∶1、2∶1、3∶1、4∶1的比例加入选定的功能单体,再分别加入选定的溶剂5.0 mL.将混合液超声振荡30 min,室温下静置24 h后,移取0.1 mL混合液,用相应溶剂稀释至10 mL,以选定的溶剂为参比,在波长为200~400 nm内进行紫外光谱扫描.3 结果与讨论3.1 溶剂的选择三聚氰胺属于三嗪类杂环化合物,呈弱碱性,在常见的有机溶剂中溶解度较小.三聚氰胺难溶于氯仿、丙酮等低极性溶剂,文献资料表明在甲醇中溶解性能较二甲基甲酰胺、二甲基亚砜等要好[14],以甲醇为溶剂可避免溶剂与三聚氰胺间形成的氢键,干扰单体与三聚氰胺的结合.以二氯甲烷、氯仿、甲醇、乙腈、丙酮、乙醇、水为溶剂进行溶解性对比实验,结果发现三聚氰胺在甲醇为溶剂中的溶解度较大,可以达到5.0 g/L,溶解速度较快,能满足分子印迹过程对模板分子溶解度的要求.实验选择甲醇为分子印迹聚合物制备过程中的溶剂和致孔剂.3.2 功能单体的选择采用紫外光谱法比较模板分子三聚氰胺与 AA、AM、MAA、OPA、MMA 5种功能单体相互结合的紫外吸光度,数据表明:三聚氰胺与AM有最大的紫外吸光度差值(见表1).表1 三聚氰胺与功能单体结合的紫外吸光度Table 1 UV adsorption degreebetween Mel and different functional monomers谱图名称Mel-MAAMet MAAMet+Mel-Met Mel-OPAMet OPAMet+Mel-Met Mel-AMMet AMMet+Mel-Met Mel-AAMet AAMet+Mel-Met Mel-MMAMet MMAMet+Mel-Met Abs 0.523 0.086 0.464 0.473 1.241 0.489 0.026 0.464 2.100 2.274△A 0.24 0.009 0.752 0.438 0.174分析Mel与AM相互作用的紫外吸收光谱图,可以得知:三聚氰胺的最大吸收峰在222 nm处,功能单体的最大紫外吸收波长在230 nm,丙烯酰胺与三聚氰胺的最大紫外吸收波长相接近.丙烯酰胺与三聚氰胺混合后的紫外光谱扫描曲线表明,最大紫外吸收波长在236 nm,紫外吸光度与混合前相比较发生了很大改变.Mel-AM-Met 的紫外吸光度远大于AM-Met与Mel-Met紫外光谱相叠加的紫外吸光度,表明2种溶液混合后的紫外吸光度不是两者的简单叠加,而是2种溶液经分子间的自组装作用形成了新物质分子的紫外光谱.功能单体与模板分子间,当两者最大紫外吸光度相差越大,说明功能单体与模板分子的作用越强[15-16],从表 1 中可以得出,与 AA、MAA、OPA、MMA相比较,丙烯酰胺与三聚氰胺的相互作用更强,用于合成三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物,理论上分析AM是较为理想的功能单体.所以,实验选择AM为合适的功能单体.3.3 分子印迹聚合物的产率计算以选择的溶剂和功能单体,交联剂选择二甲基丙烯酸乙二醇酯,引发剂选择偶氮二异丁腈,合成了三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物,其产率计算见表2.从表2可以得出,本体聚合法的分子印迹聚合物产率普遍高于沉淀聚合法.沉淀聚合法的MIP与NIP分子印迹聚合物产率的平均值分别为57.48%和58.85%,本体聚合法的MIP与NIP产率平均值分别为91.35%和92.71%.但是本体聚合制得大块状分子印迹聚合物,需要经过粉碎、研磨、筛分、反复沉降处理制得一定颗粒直径的粉末材料,过程繁琐,得率较低,所以一般采用沉淀聚合法制备分子印迹聚合物.2种聚合法所得到的MIP聚合物产率的平均值都略低于NIP,从分子印迹聚合物合成上分析,可能是聚合物经过索氏提取洗涤时间充分,将MIP中游离的Mel、AM等完全洗脱去除有关.表2 三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物的产率计算Table 2 The calculation of productive rate for MIP and NIP of Mel聚合批次聚合组别 Mel/g AM/g EGDMA/g AIBN/g 聚合物质量/g 聚合物产率/%沉淀1MIP 0.025 1 0.056 3 0.785 7 0.050 1 0.492 4 53.69沉淀2MIP 0.025 2 0.056 5 0.786 8 0.050 5 0.546 6 59.48本体1MIP 0.025 2 0.056 4 0.786 8 0.050 0 0.853 0 92.88本体2MIP 0.025 1 0.056 3 0.788 9 0.049 7 0.861 2 93.61第一批沉淀1NIP 0.000 0 0.056 4 0.787 8 0.050 1 0.543 1 60.73沉淀2NIP 0.000 0 0.056 4 0.787 8 0.050 8 0.536 2 59.91本体1NIP 0.000 0 0.056 5 0.787 8 0.050 3 0.856 0 95.69本体2NIP 0.000 0 0.056 5 0.787 8 0.050 2 0.830 1 92.80沉淀1MIP 0.025 1 0.056 3 0.785 7 0.050 2 0.543 8 59.28第二批本体1MIP 0.025 20.056 5 0.788 9 0.050 3 0.806 3 87.56沉淀1NIP 0.000 0 0.056 4 0.791 0 0.050 1 0.501 8 55.91本体1NIP 0.000 0 0.056 4 0.789 9 0.049 8 0.803 2 89.63表3 三聚氰胺与丙烯酰胺的分子结合比例研究数据Table 3 The recognition mechanism data between Mel and AM moleculesMel∶AM [AM]/(mol/L)△A △A/[AM]/(L/mol)△A/[AM]2/(L/mol)2△A/[AM]3/(L/mol)3△A/[AM]4/(L/mol)4 1∶1 0.004 0 0.019 5 4.918 5 1 240.796 3 313 016.2 78 964 739.7610 1∶2 0.007 9 0.185 4 23.381 3 2 949.206 2 371 998.8 46 922 144.802 0 1∶3 0.011 9 0.364 7 30.670 1 2 579.483 5 216 945.6 18 246 057.778 6 1∶4 0.015 9 0.431 2 27.185 8 1 714.111 8 108 077.7 6 814 480.955 7 1∶5 0.019 8 0.559 0 28.202 2 1 422.914 7 71 791.863 622 192.845 3 1∶6 0.023 8 0.696 9 29.304 8 1 232.327 7 51 822.02 2 179 227.1350表4 三聚氰胺与丙烯酰胺的分子结合比例与结合常数Table 4 The molecular binding ratio and constant between Mel and AM molecules分子结合比例1∶1 1∶2 1∶3 1∶4拟合斜率k 3.13×10 -9.39×102 -4.93×105 -1.0×108结合常数K -3.13×10 9.39×102 4.93×105 1.0×108相关系数R 0.799 7 0.314 8 0.910 6 0.93883.4 三聚氰胺与功能单体的结合模板分子三聚氰胺与功能单体丙烯酰胺的结合机理通过差示紫外光谱进行研究,可以得知三聚氰胺与丙烯酰胺的分子结合比例以及分子间反应的结合常数.由于AM的浓度b0即[AM],远大于三聚氰胺的浓度a0,根据文献[17],Mel与AM的结合反应公式可推导和整理得如下表达式:△A=-K△A+K△ξcla0,式中△A为差示吸光度;K表示Mel与AM结合反应的结合常数;△ξcla0为结合物的组成;n为Mel与AM的分子结合比例,取正整数.用表3中的数据以对Δ A作图,得到图1、图2和表4.结果发现,当n=3时,其回归方程为=-492 780△A+374 290 R=0.910 6,可得到=-K△A+K△ξcla0.式中的拟合斜率k和结合常数K的绝对值都为4.93×105,三聚氰胺与丙烯酰胺主要以氢键结合,三聚氰胺与丙烯酰胺的分子结合比例为1∶3.n=4时,可由图2求得拟合斜率k 和结合常数K的绝对值都为1.0×108,虽然结合常数K值较大,但从分子结构上进行分析,三聚氰胺分子结构中—NH2上N—H键的H可与丙烯酰胺中的氨基氮和羰基氧以氢键结合,形成3个很稳定的6元环,如图3所示.从分子结构上看这种结合方式最为稳定,可推测三聚氰胺和丙烯酰胺之间通过氢键形成了1∶3型的结合物.以分子结合比例研究和分子结构分析2种方法均得到三聚氰胺与丙烯酰胺之间分子结合比例都为1∶3的结论,正是三聚氰胺在其分子印迹聚合物中的选择性分子识别机理.4 结论以三聚氰胺为模板分子,实验选择甲醇作为溶剂和致孔剂、丙烯酰胺作为功能单体.采用沉淀聚合法和本体聚合法制备了三聚氰胺分子印迹聚合物,本体聚合法制备所得MIP与NIP聚合物产率的平均值高于沉淀聚合法,但沉淀聚合法制备的分子印迹聚合物易分离,无须碾磨过筛,吸附性能较好,因此,选择沉淀聚合法为较优合成方法.三聚氰胺与丙烯酰胺之间主要以氢键形成1∶3型结合物,产生特异性的选择性分子识别,结合常数K达到4.93×105,表明分子印迹聚合物结构稳定.参考文献[1]黄春丽,黄和,刘文侠,等.三聚氰胺的毒性残留及检测方法研究进展[J].南方水产科学,2011,7(3):76-80.[2]王雪.食品中三聚氰胺检测方法的研究进展[J].广州化工,2011,39(22):25-26,29.[3]王延吉.化工原料[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2004:727-728.[4] Brown C A,Jeong K S,Poppenga R H,et a1.0utbreaks of renal failure associated with melamine and cyanuric acid in dogs and cats in 2004 and 2007[J].J Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,2007,19(5):525-531. 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