Milgrom Relation Models for Spiral Galaxies from Two-Dimensional Velocity Maps
第27卷第1期河南大学学报(医学版)Vol .27 No .12008年2月Journal of Henan University (M edical Science )Feb .2008专家简介 陆彬,药物新剂型与新技术专家。
作为载药系统的聚合物胶束和泡囊的研究陆 彬(四川大学华西药学院,成都610041)摘 要:聚合物胶束与泡囊均系由两亲性分子在水中自组装形成的药物载体。
关键词:聚合物胶束;泡囊;表面活性剂;两亲性嵌段共聚物;聚乙二醇;聚合物泡囊;前体泡囊中图分类号:R94 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7606(2008)01-0001-07 收稿日期:2007-12-29Study on poly merso me m i celles and n i oso mes as the vehi cle of medi cati onal syste mLU B in(Huaxi Phar m acological College of S ichuan U niversity,Chengdu 610041,China )Abstract: Poly mers ome m icelles and ni os omes are the medicati on vehicle composed by a mphi philic bl ock copoly mer self -asse mbling in water .This article mainly discusses their definiti on,composing mechanis m,app licati on characteristics,carrier materials and p reparati ons,and intr oduces their latest devel opment and app licati on .Key words:Poly mers ome m icelle;N i os ome;Surface active agent;ABC;PEG;Poly mers ome ni os ome;Anteri or nis os ome2 河南大学学报(医学版),2008年,第27卷第1期 聚合物胶束与泡囊均可作为药物的载体,前者主要用于包载疏水性药物,后者主要用于包载亲水性药物,目前均为药剂学研究的热点,现将其研究概况简述如下。
Semantic relationships are the foundation of language understanding. By analyzing semantic relationships, one can understand the meaning of words and sentences, and thus comprehend the meaning of the entire text.
Detailed description
Semantic conflict refers to the situation where two concepts or entities are contradictory or mutually exclusive in meaning and nature. For example, "peace" and "war" are conflicting because they represent opposite meanings and states.
Semantic relevance
Refers to the existence or attribute of one concept or entity containing the existence or attribute of another concept or entity.
Summary word
Statistical methods
Deep learning based methods
Summary: Based on deep learning methods, neural network models are used to recognize and calculate semantic relationships by learning semantic patterns from corpora.
非均质介质等效性能的预测(刚度、热物理特性) 等效介质与非均质材料有相同的响应规律复合材料强度、断裂韧性等性能的预测 损伤演化过程结构与功能材料一体化、多场的耦合作用 陶瓷基复合材料、新型功能材料
4. Hill’s principle
effective properties
2.average fields and effective priperties
Unit 4 Organization and InstitutionText APreparatory Work(1)a. Institutionalization: refers to the process of embedding some conception (for example a belief, norm, social role, particular value or mode of behavior) within an organization, social system, or society as a whole. The term may also be used to refer to committing a particular individual or group to an institution, such as a mental or welfare institution.b. Solitary confinement: is a form of imprisonment in which an inmate is isolated from any human contact, often with the exception of members of prison staff. It is mostly employed as a form of punishment beyond incarceration for a prisoner, usually for violations of prison regulations. However, it is also used as an additional measure of protection for vulnerable inmates. In the case prisoners at high risk of suicide, it can be used to prevent access to items that could allow the prisoner to self-harm.c. Parole: is the provisional release of a prisoner who agrees to certain conditions prior to the completion of the maximum sentence period. A specific type of parole is medical parole or compassionate release which is the release of prisoners on medical or humanitarian grounds. Conditions of parole often include things such as obeying the law, refraining from drug and alcohol use, av avoidingoiding contact with the parolee’parolee’s s victims, obtaining employment, and maintaining required contacts with a parole officer.d. Rehabilitation: is the re-integration into society of a convicted person and the main objective of modern penal policy, to counter habitual offending, also known as criminal recidivism. Alternatives to imprisonment also exist, such as community service, probation orders, and others entailing guidance and aftercare towards the offender.(2)Main publications: Influencing Attitudes and Changing Behavior (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley., 1977, Psychology (3rd Edition), Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 1999, Psychology And Life, 17/e, Allyn & Bacon Publishing, 2005, The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Random House, New York, 2007Main research interests: social psychology, particularly prison study, social intensity syndrome study (related to discharged soldiers).(3)Name of experiment Description of theexperiment Relation of the experiment with the textExperiment on obedience A series of socialpsychology experimentsconducted by Y aleUniversity psychologistStanley Milgram. Theymeasured the willingness Closely related with the text since they are all about the effect of assigned roles.of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience; the experiment found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of people were prepared to obey, albeit unwillingly, even if apparently causing serious injury and distress.Small-world experiment (six degrees of separation) The small-worldexperiment comprisedseveral experimentsconducted by StanleyMilgram and otherresearchers examining theaverage path length forsocial networks of peoplein the United States. Theresearch wasgroundbreaking in that itsuggested that humansociety is asmall-world-type networkcharacterized by shortpath-lengths. Theexperiments are oftenassociated with the phrase“six degrees ofseparation”separation”, , althoughMilgram did not use thisterm himself.Not closely related withthe text since theexperiment is about socialnetworking betweenindividuals in the UnitedStates.Critical ReadingI. Understanding the text1.Part Para(s) Main ideaI. Anecdote and introduction 1-2 A case showing the necessity forprison reformII. Body3-10 (the experiment)The experiment of a mock prison with guards and prisoners were carried out and had to end earlier because of the frightening effect. III. Findings 11-13 (implication) Individual behavior is largelyunder the control of social forcesand environmental contingenciesrather than personality traits,character, willpower, or otherempirically un-validatedconstructs. IV IV. Conclusion . Conclusion14 (effects of prison) The prison situation is guaranteed to generate severe pathologicalreactions in both guards andprisoners as to debase theirhumanity, and make it difficult forthem to be part of a society outside of their prison. 2.(1) Zimbardo uses the specific example of a prisoner’s situation to plea plead for prison d for prisonreform and to justify the experiment he conducted about the bad effect of prison.(2) They conduct an experiment about the effects of prison on both guards andprisoners. (3) They want to understand what it means psychologically to be a prisoner or a prison guard.(4) The 24 participants are selected randomly from volunteer students in Palo Altocity and they were randomly assigned roles of guards and prisoners in a simulated prison. (5) At Stanford University in 1971.(6) The experiment has to be ended earlier than planned.(7) Because the effects of prison (abusing and being abused) on those beingexperimented are frightening.(8) The results show that people underestimate the power and pervasiveness ofsituational controls over behavior.(9) Individual behavior is largely under the control of social forces and environmentalcontingencies rather than personality traits, character, willpower, etc. Many people, perhaps the majority, can be made to do almost anything when put into psychologically compelling situations – regardless of their morals, ethics, values, attitudes, beliefs, or personal convictions.II. Evaluation and exploration(1)Hypothesis:the change of environment (including changed roles) affects one’s behavior (students are put into a mock prison and assigned opposite roles which areall different from their normal environment and role of being a student or citizen) Cause: prison and assigned new roles (changed environment)Effect: rational people with humanity were turned to abusers and victims Independent variable: the participants as human beings (the same human beings) (Stimulus: change of environment/roles)Dependent variable: behaviorThe experiment on the power and influence of roles assigned to ordinary individualsis basically valid and convincing, and similar experiments also prove that most people’s behavior are influenced by the social environment, particularly the new roles they are assigned. Unfortunately, the experiment cannot be confirmed due to the ethical concern (the harm caused by the experiment on the participants). And also, since the participants of a social experiment are humans, the result might not be exactly the same (unlike the natural science experiment which can be repeated with precision and same result).(2)Similarities: the two experiments are all about the effect of assigned roles and social expectations on the behavior of the human beings s.expectations on the behavior of the human beingDifferences: Zimbardo’s experiment focuses on the gradual change of behavior on those who are assigned new roles (prison effect) while Stanley’s experiment focuses on authority’s influence on individuals in normal circumstances (authority effect).(3)Power and its execution are closely related with the role assigned to the power-holder. The more important role he/she is given, the more likely he/she abuses it if there are no checks and balances from other institutions. It is very important to fight against corruption (in campaigns or through legal means), but it’s more important to set up mechanism to balance the role given to power-holders.(4)Zimbardo’s statement or conclusion is based on his only experiment about humans and their environment and cannot be repeated due to ethical reasons. It is reasonable to argue that most people are influenced by the (change of) environment and adapt to it quickly, which means personal “freedom” is conditioned. However, there are exceptions, and this statement cannot explain the behavior of those heroes who stick to their principles under any circumstances and would rather die than surrender to enemy or power.(5)These exceptional examples are mostly heroes in extreme circumstances such as war or condition of life and death (Wen Tianxiang, Liu Hulan, John Brown etc.). They have to choose between life and death very quickly and sometimes they act from instinct. There are other factors that result in these exceptional cases – they all have very strong characters which have been fostered in hardship; they also have a very strong faith and are ready to die for the cause they pursue.(6)Besides the reason Zimbardo mentions (psychological factor of self-image for the donors), there are at least two more reasons. One is religious reason – most people in the West are Christians who believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and feel a duty to help the poor (in the form of material, money, or time). The other is related to the affluence of the West where the majority of people become well-off enough to give away a fraction of their wealth or money to maintain social stability. (There’re also other reasons such as tax deduction in some countries to encourage donation.)(7)Simply put, the merit of “group think group think”” is that it can mobilize a uniformed collective force to realize some goal that individuals alone cannot hope to accomplish (through teamwork and national solidarity). The demerit of “group think” is that the group leader’s view might be one leader’s view might be one-sided and flawed, and the wrong decision or policy based -sided and flawed, and the wrong decision or policy based on it could easily lead to mistakes or even disaster. Other demerits: this situation may easily result in the circumstance of strong leader/dictator vs. obedient/populist followers; and in many case followers; and in many cases the “truth” i s the “truth” i s the “truth” is not necessary in the hands of the majority. s not necessary in the hands of the majority.(8)Clinical trials are experiments done in clinical research. Such prospective biomedical or behavioral research studies on human participants are designed to answer specific questions about biomedical or behavioral interventions, including new treatments and known interventions that warrant further study and comparison. Clinical trials generate data on safety and efficacy. They are conducted only after they have receivedhealth authority/ethics committee approvalin the country where approval of the therapy is sought. These authorities are responsible for vetting the risk/benefit ratio of the trial - their approval does not mean that the therapy is 'safe' or effective, only that the trial may be conducted. Depending on product type and development stage, investigators initially enroll volunteers and/or patients into small pilot studies, and subsequently conduct progressively larger scale comparative studies. The key point here is: All participants are volunteers who choose clinical trial when other means fail. Worldwide it is estimated that the number of vertebrate animals ranges from the tens of millions to more than 100 million used in animal experiment annually. In the EU, these species represent 93% of animals used in research. If the same was true in the US then the total number of animals used in research is estimated to be between 12 and 25 million. Most animals are euthanized after being used in an experiment. Supporters of the use of animals in experiments, such as the British Royal Society, argue that virtually every medical achievement in the 20th century relied on the use of animals in some way. The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has argued that animal research cannot be replaced by even sophisticated computer models, which are unable to deal with the extremely complex interactions between molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, and the environment. Animal rights, and some animal welfare, organizations question the need for and legitimacy of animal testing, arguing that it is cruel and poorly regulated, that medical progress is actually held back by misleading animal models that cannot reliably predict effects in humans, that some of the tests are outdated, that the costs outweigh the benefits, or that animals have the intrinsic right not to be used or harmedin experimentation.Language EnhancementI. Words and phrases1.(1)C&F (2)B&C (3)E&F (4)E&F (5)A&D(6)C&E (7)A&F (8)B&F (9)D&E (10)B&C2.(1)拼图、勾画(2)构建(名词)(3)建造(动词)(4)建筑物(5)档案(6)(一列)纵队(7)(用锉刀)锉(9)提出、提交(10)呼吁、要求(11)上诉(12)情绪感染、情感诉求(13)吸引力(14)从…悬吊下来(15)停职(16)暂停(17)悬浮(18)吸引(19)雇佣(20)交战、接触(21)忙于(22)面对、触及3.(1) die away (2) need (3) call for (4) overwhelmed (5) assessed(6) result in (7) function (8) filed (9) prayed (10) predicting4.(1)served as (2)end up with (3)differentiate between (4)dissolved into(5) (5) prevent…from prevent…from(6) trade… for (6) trade… for (7) attribute to (7) attribute to (7) attribute to (8) inflicted… on (8) inflicted… on (8) inflicted… on (9) derived from (10) pass out (9) derived from (10) pass outII. Sentences and discourse1.(1) This powerful appeal for prison reform was sent to me in a secret letter from aprisoner. He cannot reveal his name because of still being rehabilitated.(2) The guards were informed of the potential seriousness and danger of the situationas well as their own weaknesses (during the experiment).(3) In less than a week, the experience of imprisonment dissolved all good things that they’ve learned in a lifetime, including human values and self they’ve learned in a lifetime, including human values and self-concepts while the -concepts while theugliest and most basic sick side of human nature came into the surface.(4) Individual behavior is largely influenced and dominated by social forces andenvironmental factors instead of by personality traits, character, willpower, or other components that cannot be proved by empirical evidences.(5) Thus w Thus we created a false belief in (personal) freedom by emphasizing individuals’ e created a false belief in (personal) freedom by emphasizing individuals’internal control (of themselves and of the environment) that actually does not exists.(6) However, since most participants in these studies do act in irrational orunreasonable ways, it can be concluded that the majority of observers would also yield to the social psychological pressure in the same situation. 2.(1) A good leader does not impose his personal will on his subordinates.(2) When rumors of bribing were out, the company immediately denied it.(3) The official was convicted of life imprisonment because of stealing and sellingstate secrets; he decided not to appeal to the higher court.(4) The purpose of setting up the fund is to rehabilitate the landmine victims.(5) This university is one of the few local higher learning institutions that can conferdoctorate degrees.(6) If you want to know more about the characteristics of the British, you have to further study the dimensions of their history and culture.(7) This company has launched a new round of publicity campaign across the country,to attract those potential customers.(8)No country should interfere in No country should interfere in any other country’s any other country’s any other country’s domestic affairs in the excuse domestic affairs in the excuse of human rights. (9) In real life, only very few people can remain independent, not succumbing to power and authority.(10) S ome people believe that in modern society we should adopt an attitude ofunderstanding and tolerance towards deviant views and behaviors. 3.个人行为在很大程度上受到社会力量和环境变化的控制,而非取决于个人特质、性格、意志力或其他未经实验证实的因素。
( 达 技 术 学 院 信 息 管 理 系 , 1永 台湾 屏 东 9 9 1 2高 雄 第 一科 技 大 学 a风 险管 理 与 保 险 系 ;b 管 理 研 究 所 , 0 4 ;. . . 台 湾 高雄 8 l3 树 德 科 技 大 学 运 筹 管 理 系 , 湾 高 雄 l ;. 台 8 4 54 台 中 技 术 学 院 财 政 税 务 系 , 湾 台 中 2 4 ;. 台 4 4 0)
( .De t fMa a e n nomainS se ,Yu gT n t ueo eh oo y & Co 1 p.o n g me tIfr t y tm o n - a Isi t fT c n lg t mmec ,Pn tn 0 4 ,Chn ; re ig u g9 9 1 i a 2 . p.o s a a e n .a De t fRikM n g me t& Is rn e . coa rga i n g me t n ua c ;b DotrlP o rm Ma e n .Nain l o s n is iest f n a t a h i gF rtUnv ri o o Ka u y S in e& T c n lg cec eh oo y,Ka h in 1 ,Chn ;3 o su g8 1 i a .De t f gsisM a g me t h - e Unvri ,Kah in 2 4 p.o it n e n ,S u T iest Lo c a y o su g8 4 5, C i ;4 hn a .De t fP bi Fn n e& T x t n,Nain l ac u g I si t fT c n lg p.o u l ia c c a ai o t a i n n t ueo eh oo y,T ih n 0 ,C n ) o T h t ac u g 4 4 ha i
目 录
摘 要 剪切流中的一维棒状液晶随机模型的分析 i 1 3 3 4 7 7 9 9
第一部分 第一章 前言
§1.1 引言 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . §1.2 问题的数学表述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 第二章 解的存在唯一性
§A.0.1 小时间的不动点结果 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 §A.0.2 大范围时间解的构造 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 附录二 参考文献
n Θj tn (yi ) − Θi,j L2 ω
第一部分中, 我们考虑剪切流中的液晶聚合物的随机模型. 液晶聚合物分子的 运动通过带有分子间相互作用 Maier-Saupe 势的非线性随机微分方程来刻画. 宏观 的应力张量来自聚合物微观构象的系综平均. 我们首先通过压缩映射方法证明非线 性的随机微分方程强解的存在唯一性, 然后针对耦合的偏微分方程 – 随机微分方程 组进行先验估计,采用 Galerkin 方法证明耦合的流体 – 聚合物方程组存在小时间 范围内的唯一解. 在考虑系统的数值离散格式的时候, 由于随机微分方程的解是一 个非线性扩散过程, 经典的蒙特卡洛方法和大数定律不再适用, 我们采用弱相互作 用的随机过程来逼近, 并且在加上针对流体计算的交错网格差分格式之后, 证明了 1 2 完整的杂交耦合格式的收敛性,收敛速度为 O(h + δt + √M ). 本文的第二部分针对复杂流体的一种特殊物理现象 – spurt 现象,总结了一维 简单剪切流的情况下 spurt 现象的理论结果, 强调 spurt 现象和非单调的应变应力 关系的重要联系.回顾和发展了当前的针对全耦合模型的数值方法.数值计算了 1 维硬棒模型、 Hookean 模型、 FENE 模型和 FENE 近似模型的应变应力的单调函数 关系, 从而否定了这些模型出现 spurt 现象的可能性. 其中针对 2 维 FENE 模型的 计算采用的数值方法包括计算 Fokker Planck 方程的谱方法和求解随机微分方程的 布朗动力学随机模拟,两种方法都得出了相同的数值结果.针对 3 维 FENE 模型 的布朗动力学随机模拟表明 1 维简单剪切流中 2 维 FENE 模型和 3 维 FENE 模 型的应变应力的函数关系基本没有区别.
该项目8篇代表性论文共被《Nature Materials》《Physical Review Letters〉、《Progress in Materials Science等SCI重要刊物他人引用393次,引用者包括国内外科学院或工程院院士、权威杂志主编、领域知名学者等。
〔一〕现代资产组合理论 美国著名经济学家哈里·马柯维茨于1952年发表了题为?资产组合的选择?的论文, 引起了投资理论的革命,并且凭借该文获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。 该论文提出了确定最小方差资产组合集合的思想和方法,告诉投资者如何在风险 与报酬之间正确的取舍,即如何建立一个风险与报酬平衡的投资组合,开了对投 资进行整体管理的先河,奠定了投资理论开展的基石。 马柯维茨投资组合理论在研究方法上创立了衡量效用与风险程度的指标,确定了 资产组合的根本原那么,即投资者总是追求风险水平一定条件下的收益最大化或 收益一定条件下的风险最小化。 马柯维茨的资产组合理论被认为是现代资本市场理论诞生的标志。
为防止损失,做市商只有制定统一的差价,通过用于不知情交易者产生利润来弥 补与知情交易者交易的损失。
2、格罗斯滕--米尔格罗姆模型〔Glsten-Milgrom〕模型 以贝叶斯学习过程为分析工具,通过将序贯交易模型将动态因素引入信息模型, 描述了买卖报价对信息所作的动态调整过程。 3、批量交易模型
2、相对系数对证券组合风险的影响 相关系数是反映两个随机变量之间共同变动程度的相关关系数量的表示。对 证券组合来说,相关系数可以反映一组证券中,每两组证券之间的期望收益作同 方向运动或反方向运动的程度 。
现代资产组合理论的提出主要是针对化解投资风险的可能性。该理论认为,有些风 险与其他证券无关,分散投资对象可以减少个别风险,由此个别公司的信息就显得不太 重要。个别风险属于市场风险,而市场风险一般有两种:个别风险和系统风险,前者是 指围绕着个别公司的风险,是对单个公司投资回报的不确定性;后者指整个经济所生的 风险无法由分散投资来减轻。
第43卷第4期2024年4月硅㊀酸㊀盐㊀通㊀报BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol.43㊀No.4April,2024养护环境对偏高岭土基地聚物性能及微观结构的影响黄大建,王治武,唐文捷,张全超,强小虎(兰州交通大学材料科学与工程学院,兰州㊀730070)摘要:为了探究养护环境对偏高岭土基地聚物干缩开裂特性和力学性能的影响,以不同养护环境为参数,系统研究了不同养护环境对偏高岭土基地聚物性能(抗压强度㊁收缩)和微观结构的影响㊂结果表明:温度交替变化环境(冻融循环)对偏高岭土基地聚物的结构影响较大,不利于偏高岭土基地聚物材料性能的发展;低湿度环境有利于体系中水分子排出,从而使形成的凝胶相更致密,有利于抗压强度的发展,但使干缩率和孔隙率增加㊂在各种养护环境中,干燥养护(温度(20ʃ0.5)ħ,湿度(50ʃ5)%)条件下的试样28d 抗压强度达到73.94MPa,较标准养护(温度(20ʃ0.5)ħ,湿度不低于95%)条件下的试样增长了68.77%,28d 干缩率为237.5ˑ10-4,孔隙率达到最高(45.73%)㊂关键词:地聚物;养护环境;偏高岭土;孔隙率;干缩率中图分类号:TB321㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1001-1625(2024)04-1463-09Effect of Curing Environment on Properties and Microstructure of Metakaolin Based GeopolymersHUANG Dajian ,WANG Zhiwu ,TANG Wenjie ,ZHANG Quanchao ,QIANG Xiaohu (School of Materials Science and Engineering,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China)Abstract :In order to explore the influence of curing environment on the drying shrinkage-cracking characteristics and mechanical properties of metakaolin based geopolymers,the effects of different curing environments on properties (compressive strength,shrinkage)and microstructure of metakaolin based geopolymers were studied systematically.Theresults indicate that alternating temperature changes (freeze-thaw cycles)have a significant impact on the structure of metakaolin based geopolymers,which is not conducive to the development of metakaolin based geopolymer material properties.Low humidity is conducive to the elimination of water molecules in the system,thus forming a more compact gel phase,which is conducive to the development of compressive strength,but increases the drying shrinkage rate and porosity.In various curing environments,the compressive strength of specimens under dry curing (temperature (20ʃ0.5)ħ,humidity (50ʃ5)%)reaches 73.94MPa at 28d,an increase of 68.77%compared to the specimens under standard curing (temperature (20ʃ0.5)ħ,humidity not lower than 95%),and the drying shrinkage rate at 28d is 237.5ˑ10-4,with a maximum porosity of 45.73%.Key words :geopolymer;curing environment;metakaolin;porosity;drying shrinkage rate 收稿日期:2023-10-28;修订日期:2023-12-12基金项目:固体废物处理与资源化教育部重点实验室开放课题(22kfgk04)作者简介:黄大建(1979 ),男,博士,副教授㊂主要从事高分子复合材料㊁矿物材料的研究㊂E-mail:287119273@ 0㊀引㊀言地聚物是由硅铝酸盐前驱体(如偏高岭土㊁矿渣和粉煤灰等)和碱活化剂反应生成的一种胶凝材料,是一种新型绿色环保建筑材料[1],这种新型材料具有优良耐腐蚀能力[2]㊁高强度[3]和低环境负荷[4-5]等优点㊂其中偏高岭土在我国的储量最为丰富[6],能够满足大量使用的需求,因此学者在建筑学材料领域对地聚物1464㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第43卷的研究越来越多㊂但地聚物存在泛碱[7]和早期阶段易收缩㊁体积稳定性差的问题,由收缩应力引起的基体内部微裂纹的产生和扩展会降低地聚物的力学性能和耐蚀性[8]㊂这些缺陷会影响地聚物的耐久性,降低使用寿命,使地聚物在实际工程中的应用受到制约㊂在养护过程中,温度和湿度对地聚物的结构发展有较大影响[9]㊂高黎明等[10]发现养护方式(温度和湿度)会影响地聚物水化反应的程度和速率,从而引起地聚物的基体变形行为㊂何卓名等[11]发现在高温低湿的环境中养护偏高岭土基地聚物能使抗压强度提高,但使抗折强度降低㊂彭晖等[12]证明偏高岭土基地聚物在70ħ养护温度下抗压强度达到最大值㊂Yuan等[13]发现适当升高养护温度能加速偏高岭土基地聚物的快脱羟基和结构重排反应,有利于形成更致密的结构从而提高机械强度㊂Hasnaoui等[14]发现低湿度养护环境下地聚物试样中的水分严重溢出导致早期形成微裂缝,促进水分蒸发,但在凝胶相与颗粒界面处的表面张力较小,有利于后期的强度发展㊂当地聚物处于极端环境(冻融循环或极干养护)时,体系中的自由水反复收缩膨胀或迅速溢出,可能破坏建筑材料的基体结构[15]㊂高志涵等[16]发现冻融循环使建筑材料的孔隙率和孔径增大,孔隙壁变薄,材料脆性增大,力学性能下降㊂Yan等[17]发现冻融循环使偏高岭土基地聚物产生微裂纹,这些裂纹相互连接形成裂缝网,导致材料的强度下降㊂Zhao等[18]发现以偏高岭土和粉煤灰为基体的低钙地聚物孔隙率更高,因此该类地聚物的抗冻融性较差㊂Li等[19]证明在冻融循环过程中材料孔隙中的自由水形成的渗透压和膨胀压力是结构损坏的主要原因㊂综上所述,关于偏高岭土基地聚物在固定养护环境条件下的研究已取得较大进展,但在实际工程应用中养护环境的温度和湿度是复杂多变的㊂因此,对复杂养护环境中偏高岭土基地聚物的微观结构㊁孔隙率和收缩特性进行研究是非常必要的㊂本研究以西北地区环境为背景,模拟实际工程应用中的养护环境来研究养护环境对偏高岭土基地聚物力学性能㊁孔结构和开裂性能的影响㊂通过X射线衍射㊁傅里叶红外光谱㊁扫描电子显微镜和低场核磁等方法表征地聚物的微观结构和孔隙率,研究地聚物的稳定性及力学性能㊂本研究可以为解决实际工程应用中的问题提供技术支持㊂1㊀实㊀验1.1㊀原材料偏高岭土(metakaolin,MK)购自巩义市辰义耐材磨料有限公司,化学组成见表1,其中Al2O3和SiO2含量总和为91.37%(质量分数)㊂水玻璃产自甘肃倚源工贸有限公司,灰色液体,固含量为35.19%(质量分数),原始模数为3.17,室温下的密度为1.36g/mL,主要成分见表1㊂氢氧化钠为国药集团化学试剂有限公司生产的纯度不低于96.0% (质量分数)的白色粒状固体㊂用蒸馏水将氢氧化钠配制成14mol/L的溶液并冷却24h后与水玻璃混合配制成模数为1.3的碱活化剂㊂表1㊀原材料的化学组成Table1㊀Chemical composition of raw materialsMaterial Mass fraction/%SiO2Al2O3CaO Fe2O3TiO2P2O5Na2O MK47.8343.540.68 3.55 2.560.700 Raw water glass26.3020.57 5.370.05008.401.2㊀制备方法将MK和碱活化剂按1ʒ1(质量比)的比例加入搅拌机中,先低速(搅拌叶自转(140ʃ5)r/min,搅拌叶公转(62ʃ5)r/min)搅拌1min,再高速(搅拌叶自转(285ʃ10)r/min,搅拌叶公转(125ʃ10)r/min)搅拌3min至浆料呈流塑状㊂立即将浆料浇筑到尺寸为40mmˑ40mmˑ40mm和40mmˑ40mmˑ160mm的模具中,在振动台上振动3min,直至无明显气泡溢出㊂将振动结束的浆料在标准养护箱(温度(20ʃ0.5)ħ,湿度不低于95%)中养护,1d后脱模,随后移入相应养护环境中,分别在7㊁28d后进行抗压强度测试㊂试件标号及养护方式见表2㊂第4期黄大建等:养护环境对偏高岭土基地聚物性能及微观结构的影响1465㊀表2㊀试件标号及养护方式Table 2㊀Specimen label and curing methodCuring condition No.Curing way Standard curingMS13S HRȡ95%,temperature (20ʃ0.5)ħDry curing MS13D HR (50ʃ5)%,temperature (20ʃ0.5)ħNatural curing MS13NNatural environment in northwest Freeze-thaw curingMS13F 12h at 20ħ,12h at -15ħExtreme dry conservation MS13ED HR (10ʃ5)%,temperature (20ʃ0.5)ħ㊀㊀Note:MK is denoted by MS in the specimen numbering,13represents the alkali exciter modulus,curing condition is abbreviated.As an example,the standard curing condition specimen is labeled MS13S,where HR is an abbreviation for relative humidity.Freeze-thaw curing way of maintenance for 12h each at 20ħand -15ħtemperature,24h as a cycle.1.3㊀测试方法将养护至28d 龄期的样品破碎㊁研磨并过0.038mm 筛(400目)得到地聚物粉体,进行XRD 和FT-IR 测试㊂XRD 数据通过BRUKER D8ADVANCE X 射线衍射仪采集,步长为0.02ʎ,扫描速度为10(ʎ)/min㊂通过Xᶄ-pert HighScore Plus 软件并结合无机晶体结构数据库(Inorganic Crystal Structure Database,ICSD)分析XRD 谱㊂采用KBr 压片法制备样品,并通过VERTEX 70红外光谱仪(分辨率为4cm -1)采集400~4000cm -1的FT-IR 光谱㊂采用ZEISS GeminiSEM 50场发射扫描电子显微镜(加速电压0.02~30kV,15kV 下分辨率可达0.5nm)观察不同养护环境下地聚物的凝胶相分布㊁气泡和微裂纹等微观结构㊂采用MacroMR12-150H-I 低场核磁共振仪获取水中浸泡24h 试样(尺寸为40mm ˑ40mm ˑ40mm)的孔隙结构,扫描频率为50Hz,扫描128次,每2秒采集一次㊂通过SP-175立式砂浆收缩膨胀仪测量干燥收缩㊂试样尺寸为40mm ˑ40mm ˑ160mm,脱模后立即测量并记录数据,前7天每24小时测量一次,随后每7天测量一次,直至28d㊂采用具有300kN 负载能力的CMT-5303型万能试验机测试抗压强度,加载速度为2.4MPa /s,试样尺寸为40mm ˑ40mm ˑ40mm,测试龄期为7和28d㊂2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀XRD分析图1㊀MK 与不同养护环境下地聚物的XRD 谱Fig.1㊀XRD patterns of MK and geopolymers under different curing environments MK 与地聚物在不同环境养护28d 的XRD 谱如图1所示㊂晶体相主要有高岭土(K)㊁石英(Q)㊁刚玉(C)和莫来石(M)以及一些赤铁矿杂质(H),它们来源于未完全反应的原料㊂K 存在表明MK 未完全煅烧㊂XRD 谱中出现了碳酸钠(S)的衍射峰,这是由前期水玻璃配制过程中发生陈化和试样在养护时与空气中CO 2接触发生碳酸化所致[20]㊂MK 的XRD 谱中0ʎ~25ʎ处的弥散峰代表了无定形相硅铝酸盐[21]㊂经碱激发后,这个弥散峰向较大角度(25ʎ~30ʎ)移动,表明发生了地聚反应[22]㊂在所有地聚物样品中,K 和Q 的衍射峰有所降低,这是由于碱活化剂的激发效应导致硅铝质矿物的解聚,溶解的矿物形成Al(OH)4-单体,在碱性条件下聚合形成无定形凝胶(N-A-S-H 凝胶)[23]㊂由于该凝胶相中未反应的MK 还存在,因此K 和Q 等矿物质仍存在于体系中并可能会生成沸石,但是由于沸石形成缓慢,在28d 内的XRD 谱中没有显示出结晶相[24]㊂沸石是在高碱性条件下OH -和硅铝组分反应形成的长链结构,类似于有机聚合物,可以与浆体中的[AlO 4]4-四面体形成1466㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第43卷化学键[25],从而使地聚物具有良好的力学性能和化学性能㊂在28d 龄期时,地聚物试样中矿物质的衍射峰弱于原材料但未消失,因此这些相在室温养护时表现出反应惰性并起填充物的作用[26]㊂此外,由于N-A-S-H 凝胶相的结构疏松,未反应的矿物质可能成为地聚物的缺陷点㊂一方面MK 吸水率较高,会吸水膨胀,而在低湿度环境中易失水,导致地聚物孔隙率增大;另一方面未反应的MK 强度较低,影响地聚物的强度发展[27]㊂通过比对MK 和不同养护条件下试样的XRD 谱,发现试样的衍射峰无明显变化,说明不同养护环境对地聚物中的晶体结构影响不大,这与Wang 等[28]和Zhang 等[29]的研究结果一致㊂2.2㊀FT-IR分析图2㊀MK 前驱体和不同养护环境下地聚物的FT-IR 谱Fig.2㊀FT-IR spectra of MK precursor and geopolymers under different curing environments 图2为MK 前驱体和不同环境下养护28d 地聚物的FT-IR 谱㊂MK 前驱体在1084cm -1处的吸收峰对应Si O T(T =Si㊁Al)键不对称拉伸振动,当加入碱活化剂时,该波段向低波数偏移,这与MK 在碱活化剂中溶解后其结构发生解聚反应以及随后形成新的凝胶相有关[30]㊂研究[31]表明以水玻璃溶液作为碱活化剂制备地聚物时会形成少量Na 2CO 3㊂因此1392cm -1处出现的峰对应Na 2CO 3中C O 键不对称拉伸振动[32],峰强度不同是由于不同养护环境下试样的开裂程度不同,湿度越低开裂越严重,基体与CO 2接触的可能性更大,因此碳化也就越严重㊂地聚物在1300~900cm -1处的吸收峰是由N A S H 凝胶相中Si O T 键不对称拉伸振动引起的[33],中心波数(1023cm -1)未发生偏移,说明养护环境不会影响地聚物凝胶相中Si O T 键的分子内部结构[31],这与XRD 分析结果一致㊂MK 前驱体在815cm -1处的Si O Al 键拉伸振动带在地聚物中消失,表明地聚物充分水化[34]㊂874cm -1附近的峰对应[SiO 4]4-单体中Si O 键不对称伸缩振动[24],717和575cm -1附近的峰对应Si O Al 键的弯曲振动和对称伸缩振动[35],455cm -1处对应Si O Si 弯曲振动带[36]㊂FT-IR 谱中还有其他特征峰,但这些峰与硅铝酸盐的结构变化无关㊂3455和1654cm -1附近的吸收峰分别对应高岭土煅烧过程中残留羟基的O H 键拉伸振动和游离水中的O H 键弯曲振动[37]㊂地聚物在这两个波数处的峰高于MK,说明MK 与碱活化剂反应生成了大量的O H [38]㊂即MK 碱活化后地聚物中结晶水含量增加,养护环境中湿度降低,结晶水含量随之减少(由3455和1654cm -1处的峰强度体现)㊂2.3㊀微观结构分析不同养护环境下地聚物的SEM 照片如图3所示㊂地聚物的微观结构主要包括未完全反应的MK 原料㊁凝胶相水化产物和裂纹等,与图1的XRD 分析结果一致㊂其中高倍数MS13S 试样的SEM 照片(见图3(f))显示地聚物的结构是疏松的,并由许多聚合物包裹前驱体组成[39]㊂由图3可知,随着环境中湿度降低,微裂纹的数量明显增多且裂纹增大,极干养护(MS13ED)试样的裂纹最大㊂这是由于未反应的MK 颗粒具有填充效应,可以填充基体中的毛细孔和孔隙,而在水化过程中MK 吸水膨胀导致孔径增大[27]㊂在养护过程中水分损失产生了非均向毛细应力,导致地聚物收缩产生裂纹并逐渐发展为大裂纹㊂同时未反应的MK 与凝胶相基体之间形成了界面过渡区(interface transition zone,ITZ),养护环境的湿度降低使界面两侧的凝胶相基体与MK 脱离[40]㊂值得注意的是干燥养护(MS13D)试样凝胶相结构最致密㊂标准养护环境中的湿度大,使体系中的水不能排出,导致凝胶相的形成缓慢,因此凝胶相不能形成较致密的结构;极干养护条件下大量的非均向毛细应力破坏了原本致密的凝胶相结构;冻融循环测试时体系中的水从液相转变为固相的过程中体积会膨胀,并且低温不利于凝胶相的形成,因此产生了较多的结构缺陷[41]㊂第4期黄大建等:养护环境对偏高岭土基地聚物性能及微观结构的影响1467㊀图3㊀不同养护环境下地聚物28d 龄期的SEM 照片Fig.3㊀SEM images of geopolymers at 28d under different curing environments 2.4㊀孔结构分析图4㊀不同养护环境下地聚物28d 龄期的T 2弛豫曲线Fig.4㊀T 2relaxation curves of geopolymers at 28d under different curing environments在不同养护环境下经过28d 后,地聚物的横向弛豫时间T 2曲线如图4所示㊂通过T 2曲线可以观察到存在三种不同的峰,第一个峰为凝胶孔峰(对应的时间为T 2b ),反映的是样品中的结构水;第二个峰为毛细孔峰(对应的时间为T 21),反映的是毛细孔内的水分子;第三个峰为宏观裂纹峰(对应的时间为T 22),反映的是裂缝中的水㊂它们代表不同的孔隙结构:凝胶孔(0<r ɤ100nm)㊁毛细孔(100nm <r <1000nm)㊁裂纹或空气空隙(r ȡ1000nm)[42],r 为孔径尺寸㊂通过曲线峰面积来反映地聚物样品的孔隙率,并研究孔结构随着不同养护环境的变化过程㊂表3显示了不同养护环境下地聚物的孔隙率及各种孔结构所占比例,虽然MS13D 试样的孔隙率最高(45.73%),但其毛细孔数量较少,因此在养护过程中毛细应力很小,不会破坏地聚物基体结构㊂表3㊀不同养护环境下地聚物孔隙率及各孔结构占比Table 3㊀Porosity of geopolymers and percentage of each pore structure under different curing environmentsNo.Porosity /%Percentage of pore structure /%Gel porosity Capillary porosity MS13S44.2638.45 5.63MS13N 44.6439.46 4.42MS13D 45.7341.25 3.80MS13ED 39.5527.028.35MS13F 44.5640.02 3.491468㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第43卷通过T 2弛豫曲线可以发现,五种样品的孔结构以凝胶孔为主,同时还存在少量毛细孔㊂由于层片状MK 能够吸附大量的结构水,因此地聚物的T 2b 峰面积较大㊂由于在不同养护环境下的环境湿度不同,凝胶孔的结构会发生一定程度的变化,随着环境湿度的降低,凝胶孔会向大孔径方向移动,凝胶孔的数量随着环境湿度的降低而增加㊂除了MS13ED 试样外,毛细孔的孔径基本保持不变,但在环境湿度降低时其数量会增加,这将导致地聚物的孔隙率增加[43]㊂引起MS13ED 试样孔隙率低的原因是宏观大裂纹在浸泡水后水分流失导致低场核磁无法检测到这些孔隙结构㊂冻融循环(MS13F)试样的主峰分布在小孔隙范围内的短弛豫时间处,而凝胶孔的弛豫时间向右偏移并且峰面积增大,表明地聚物的孔体积不断增加并且孔径向较大方向扩展㊂这是由于冻融循环损坏了地聚物内部结构,导致缺陷的增加,在和其他试样对比时孔径偏大㊂2.5㊀干燥收缩分析图5为地聚物在不同养护环境下的干缩率㊂随着养护时间延长,地聚物试样的干燥收缩发展趋势相似但幅度不同,试样的干缩率随着养护环境中湿度降低而增加㊂结合图6不同养护环境下地聚物干燥收缩动力学曲线可知,试样的收缩主要发生在拆模后的第1天㊂各种孔结构中凝胶孔和毛细孔中水分蒸发产生的毛细管压力是干燥收缩的主要影响因素[44]㊂干燥养护(MS13D)㊁自然养护(MS13N)和极干养护(MS13ED)试样与标准养护(MS13S)试样相比干缩率较大(四种样品的28d 干缩率分别为237.5ˑ10-4㊁364.3ˑ10-4㊁482.6ˑ10-4㊁108.6ˑ10-4),这是因为西北地区昼夜温差大且环境湿度比标准养护低,因此MS13N 试样的干燥收缩是由温度变化导致体积变化和湿度较低导致失水两个因素引起的[45]㊂MS13D 和MS13ED 试样所处环境湿度分别为(50ʃ5)%和(10ʃ5)%,裹覆在凝胶颗粒表面的水分子在脱模移入养护环境中后迅速减少,导致表面张力增大;同时孔隙内的湿度随水分子散失而持续降低,水的解吸导致分离压力降低,会在毛细孔中引起拉应力㊂在表面张力和毛细孔拉应力作用下试样出现明显的体积变化[46]㊂Chen 等[47]发现大孔(d ȡ1000nm)中自由水产生的毛细管压力可以忽略不计,因此孔隙率与干缩率无直接关系,这与2.4节中结果一致㊂图5㊀不同养护环境下地聚物的干缩率Fig.5㊀Drying shrinkage rate of geopolymers under different curingenvironments 图6㊀不同养护环境下地聚物干燥收缩动力学曲线Fig.6㊀Kinetics curves of drying shrinkage of geopolymers under different curing environments ㊀㊀冻融循环(MS13F)试样的体积呈先收缩后膨胀的规律,这是由于温度降低使内部孔隙水发生冻结而膨胀产生膨胀应力,导致试件体积增大;温度升高时随着冰晶冻融膨胀应力衰减,试件干缩率下降㊂因此,试件的干燥收缩与所处环境的温度变化和湿度变化相关性较高㊂2.6㊀力学性能分析图7显示了地聚物在五种环境中养护7㊁28d 的抗压强度,抗压强度发展趋势基本相同㊂固化28d 后,处于干燥养护条件下的MS13D 试样抗压强度最高,其次是MS13ED㊁MS13N㊁MS13F 和MS13S 试样㊂不同养护环境的温度和湿度不同会影响地聚物的碱激发过程和水化过程,进而对抗压强度产生影响㊂随着养护环境湿度的降低,地聚物的抗压强度先增大后减小㊂在地聚物发生解聚的反应过程中,体系的结构水和温度会对解聚反应产生影响,当试样处于湿度较高(MS13S)和温度较低(MS13N㊁MS13F)的环境中时,一方面体系中多余的结构水在浆料硬化过程中无法排出,导致浆料硬化较慢且不利于凝胶相的生成;另一方面由于孔隙㊀第4期黄大建等:养护环境对偏高岭土基地聚物性能及微观结构的影响1469水较多,测试过程中外加载荷使试件内部产生较大的孔隙压力,导致地聚物的抗压强度降低㊂干燥养护环境会加速体系中的水分子排出,浆体可以快速硬化[48]㊂极干养护环境中湿度较低,试样与外界环境的水分交换较为剧烈,使表面张力和毛细孔压力急剧增大,原本致密的网状结构在两种力的作用下被破坏而产生裂纹,导致抗压强度下降㊂ITZ是地聚物结构中的薄弱区域[49],它也会影响地聚物的抗压强度㊂这与图3中SEM分析结果一致㊂因此MS13D试样的28d抗压强度最佳,为73.94MPa,较MS13S试样增长了68.77%㊂图7㊀不同养护环境下地聚物7和28d的抗压强度Fig.7㊀Compressive strength of geopolymers at7and28d under different curing environments3㊀结㊀论1)干燥养护条件下地聚物试样的28d抗压强度可达到73.94MPa,干缩率为237.5ˑ10-4,同时达到低收缩和高强的要求㊂由于地聚物体系中水分子释放速率不同,抗压强度随着养护环境湿度降低呈先上升后下降的趋势㊂2)养护温度会影响地聚物的反应速率和水分子释放速率,低温导致凝胶相形成缓慢且不利于水分子排出,使地聚物强度降低㊂3)养护湿度主要影响地聚物体系中水分子释放速率和孔结构的发展,高养护湿度对微观结构的影响呈负面效果;低养护湿度则使表面张力和毛细孔压力急剧增大,会破坏原本致密的网状结构凝胶相,而使地聚物产生开裂,强度降低㊂4)温度为20ħ㊁湿度为50%的养护环境最有利于偏高岭土基地聚物性能发展,因此在实际工程应用中应注意控制养护环境的温度和湿度㊂参考文献[1]㊀MA B,LUO Y,ZHOU L Z,et al.The influence of calcium hydroxide 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分,在测量模型即测量误差,在结构模型中为 干扰变量或残差项,表示内生变量无法被外生 变量及其他内生变量解释的部分。
ηη11== γ ξ + γ111ξ11+ ζ11 ζ1 η 1= γ11 ξ1+ γ12 ξ2 +ζ1
潜在变量:被假定为因的外因变量,以ξ(xi/ksi) 表示;假定果的内因变量以η(eta)表示。
外因变量ξ的观测指标称为X变量,内因变量η观测值 表称为Y变量。
它们之间的关系是:①ξ与Y、η与X无关②ξ的协差 阵以Φ(phi)表示③ξ与η的关系以γ表示,即内因 被外因解释的归回矩阵④ξ与X之间的关系,以Λx表 示,X的测量误差以δ表示,δ间的协方差阵以Θε表 示⑥内因潜变量η与η之间以β表示。
观察变量作为反映潜在变量的指标变量,可分为反映性指 标与形成性指标两种。
反映性指标又称为果指标,是指一个以上的潜在变量是引 起观察变量或显性变量的因,此种指标能反映其相对应的 潜在变量,此时,指标变量为果,而潜在变量为因。
相对的,形成性指标是指指标变量是成因,而潜在变量被 定义为指标变量的线性组合,因此潜在变量变成内生变量, 指标变量变为没有误差项的外生变量。
SEM融合了因子分析和路径分析两种统计技 术,可允许同时考虑许多内生变量、外生变量 与内生变量的测量误差,及潜在变量的指标变 量,可评估变量的信度、效度与误差值、整体 模型的干扰因素等。
SEM所处理的是整体模型契合度的程度,关注整体模 型的比较,因而模型参考的指标是多元的,研究者必 须参考多种不同的指标,才能对模型的是陪读做整体 的判断,个别参数显著与否并不是SEM的重点。
(b) X is the graph which is the suspension of n points and f is the suspension of a
cyclic permutation of the n points.
cylinder Mf is a CW complex. [The technique of cellular approximation described in §4.1 can be applied to show that the cellularity hypothesis can be dropped.]
3. Show that the n skeleton of the simplex ∆k has the homotopy type of a wedge
sum of
k n+1
n spheres.
Section 1.1.
1. If x0 and x1 are two points in the same path component of X , construct a bijection between the set of homotopy classes of paths from x0 to x1 and π1(X, x0) .
9. (a) Show that a finite CW complex, or more generally one with a finite 1 skeleton,
has finitely generated fundamental group.
(b) Show that a map f : X→Y with X compact and Y a CW complex cannot induce an
对于潜变量间(如工作自主权与工作满意度)的 关系,通常写成如下结构方程:
其中:B——内生潜变量间的关系(如其它内生潜 变量与工作满意度的关系);
y b0 b1x1 b2 x2
1)无法处理因变量(Y)多于一个的情况; 2)无法处理自变量(X)之间的多重共线性; 3)无法对一些不可直接测量的变量进行处理,主
要是一些主观性较强的变量进行测量。如幸福感 、组织认同感、学习能力等; 4)没有考虑变量(自变量、因变量)的测量误差 ,以及测量误差之间的关系
规范拟合指数(NFI),不规范拟合指数(NNFI ),比较拟合指数(CFI),增量拟合指数(IFI) ,拟合优度指数(GFI),调整后的拟合优度指数 (AGFI),相对拟合指数(RFI),均方根残差( RMR),近似均方根残差(RMSEA)等指标用来 衡量模型与数据的拟合程度。
学术界普遍认为在大样本情况下: NFI 、NNFI 、 CFI 、IFI 、GFI、AGFI 、RFI 大于0.9,RMR小于 0.035,RMSEA值小于0.08,表明模型与数据的拟合 程度很好。
模型修正 Mb 到 Mc
模型 Mc拟合结果
(293)= 148.61, RMSEA=.040 NNFI = 0.96, CFI = 0.97。
Q8在A负荷为 0.54,在B负荷为 -0.08 因为概念上Q8应与B成正相关,故不合理。
而且这负荷相对低,所以我们选择Mb 通常,每题只归属一个因子
17个题目: 学习态度及取向 A、B、C、D、E 4、4、3、3、3题 350个学生
Markets and Hierarchies
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corruption of the strategic decision-making process – tops managers of departments further their own goals rather than the overall goals of the organisations
Markets and Hierarchies
Apply the concepts of transaction cost economics to the understanding of efficient organisational structure.
• Effects on internal/external TC’s are industry specific but most dramatic for ‘information goods’ (books, films, music).
control – location decision-making rights within hierarchy
(Besanko et al, 1996)
Ab s t r a c t : I n t h i s p a p e r, o r t ho g on a l ba s i s f un c t i ons we r e u s e d a s t he ba s i s f un t i o ns o f me s hl e s s
网 格 Ga l e r k i n法 进 行 离散 , 构造了 加 权一 正 交 基 函 数 的 无 网 格 Ga l e r k i n法 , 通 过 对 一 维 Bu r —
g e r s 方程 进行 数值 计 算 , 并和现 有 的数值 方 法结 果进 行 比较 , 表 明 了该 方 法的有 效性.
摘 要 : 选 用 正 交 基 函 数 作 为 无 网 格 Ga l e r k i n法 中的 基 函数 , 成形 了正 交基 无 网格 G a l e r k i n
法. 该 方 法克服 了 当基 函数 项数较 大时方 程组 出现 病 态这 一 缺 点 , 同时使 矩 阵 计 算 变得 简单 , 提 高 了计算 效 率. 对 B u r g e r s 方 程在 时 间域上 采 用 加 权 法进 行 离散 , 空 间域 上采 用 正 交基 无
关 键词 : 无 网格 伽 辽 金 法 ;正 交 基 函数 ;形 函 数 ; 加 权 方 法 ;Bu r g e r s方 程
中图法 分类 号 : O2 4 l
文 献 标 识 码 :A
Or t ho g o na l b a s i s me s h l e s s Ga l e r ki n me t ho d f o r Bu r g e r s e qu a t i o n
a nd i m pr ov e d t he c a l c u l a t i o n e f f i c i e nc y . To Bur g e r s e qu a t i o n, t h e t e m po r a l wa s d i s c r e t i z e d by
ML百物语:格拉姆与施密特MIT的Gilbert Strang教授的线性代数课真棒!猴⼦都能学会!看到格拉姆-施密特正交化的那⼀课时,稍微有点疑惑,教授强调的更多的是格拉姆的⼯作,施密特的贡献似乎很⼩。
在李群分解中,这种⽅法被推⼴为岩泽分解(Iwasawa decomposition)。
拉普拉斯和柯西显然那不⽤介绍,也就是说差点就要被叫做拉普拉斯-柯西正交化了我们的主⾓之⼀,约尔根·佩德森·格拉姆(Jørgen Pedersen Gram)是⼀位丹麦的数学家/精算师,⼀⽣主要发表过两篇重要的论⽂,《On series expansions determined by the methods of least squares》还有《Investigations of the number of primes less than a given number》,其中格拉姆-施密特正交化就发表在前⼀篇论⽂中(除此以外还有以他的名字命名的格拉姆理论和格拉姆矩阵)。
还有就是....呃...死因是车祸,被⾃⾏车撞了约尔根·佩德森·格拉姆另⼀位主⾓是艾哈德·施密特(Erhard Schmidt),名字听起来就有德意志的味道,不过他和bf109没有什么关系就是了。
艾哈德·施密特施密特是⼀位的波罗的海德意志⼈,数学家,出⽣于⾥加省的塔尔图(现在在爱沙尼亚)红圈圈出来的地⽅就是塔尔图他师从⼤卫-希尔伯特(David Hilbert,就是希尔波尔空间的那个),在哥根廷⼤学得到博⼠学位。
6.1 基本原理
基本实体,由广义态变量(诸如无量纲数、粒子密度、晶 格缺陷密度、粒子速度、颜色、血压或动物种类等)进行 量化表述。 在每一个独立的格座,这些态变量的实际取值都是确定的。 并且认为,每一个结点代表有限个可能的离散状态中的一 个态。 通过将某些变换规则应用于每个结点状态,就会发生自动 机的演化。这些规则决定着晶格格座的状态;对于局域规 则,格座状态是其前一状态及近邻格点(座)状态的函数, 而在整体变换规则下,则为所有格座状态的函数。传统元 胞自动机大多采用局域变换规则。
确定性或概率性元胞自动机 (扩散,热传递,相变,再结晶,晶粒生长)
多态动力学波茨(Potts)模型 (相变,再结晶,晶粒生长) 几何拓扑和组分模型 (相变,再结晶,晶粒生长)
典型应用领域 中的主要介观 尺度模拟方法
拓扑网格和顶点模型 (晶界动力学,网格动力学,成核,复原,晶粒生长)
点缺陷,原子团簇,短程有序,在玻璃态和界面中的结构单元,位错 芯,裂纹尖端,原子核 失稳分解,涂层,薄膜,表面腐蚀 二嵌段共聚物,三嵌段共聚物,星形共聚物,大质量的非热变化,界 面网格,位错源,堆积效应 粒子、沉积物,枝晶,共晶,共析 微裂纹,裂纹,粉末,磁畴,内应力 堆垛层错,微带,微孪晶,位错通道 聚合物中的球晶,存在于金属、陶瓷、玻璃及聚合物中的结构畴或晶 粒团簇(对于多晶或非晶的情况) 聚合物中的构象缺陷团簇 位错,位错壁,旋错,磁壁,亚晶粒,大角晶界,界面 晶粒,剪切带,复合材料的第二相 扩散,对流,热传递,电流传输 微结构逾渗路径(断裂,再结晶,界面润湿,扩散,腐蚀,电流,布洛 赫壁) 表面,样品断面收缩,断面
其中: G 1 ~G 8 , P 1~ P 8, T 1 ~T 14 , 均为 k, , kp , k pg , ,
G 1 = A ( 1) ; G 2 = A ( 2) A ( 1) + A ( 4) C ( 1) ; G 3 = A ( 3) B ( 1) + A ( 4) C( 1) G 4 = A ( 1) [ A ( 2) A ( 2) + A ( 4) C ( 2) ] + C ( 1) [ A ( 2) A ( 4) + A ( 4) C ( 5) ] G 5 = B ( 1) [ A ( 3) B ( 3) + A ( 4) C ( 3) ] + C ( 1) [ A ( 3) B ( 4) + A ( 4) C ( 5) ] G 6 = B ( 1) [ A ( 2) A ( 3) + A ( 4) C ( 3) ] + C ( 1) [ A ( 2) A ( 4) + A ( 4) C( 4) ] G 7 = A ( 1) [ A ( 3) B ( 2) + A ( 4) C ( 2) ] + C ( 1) [ A ( 3) B ( 4) + A ( 4) C ( 4) ] G 8 = 2C ( 1) A ( 4) [ C ( 4) - C ( 5) ] 上述非线性应力应变关系式能反映两相湍流的各向异性。 此关系式不同于标准 k - -kp 模型中的线 性应力应变关系: v iv j = 2 k 3
V pi xk + ( 4)
v p iv k
Vj + v j v pk xk v iv k
V pi + v i v pk xk
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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0701535v 1 18 J a n 2007Preprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.10/09/06MILGROM RELATION MODELS FOR SPIRAL GALAXIES FROM TWO-DIMENSIONAL VELOCITY MAPSEric I.BarnesDepartment of Physics,University of Wisconsin—La Crosse,La Crosse,WI 54601Arthur KosowskyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy,University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh,PA 15260J.A.SellwoodDepartment of Physics and Astronomy,Rutgers University,Piscataway,NJ 08854ABSTRACTUsing two-dimensional velocity maps and I -band photometry,we have created mass models of 40spiral galaxies using the Milgrom relation (the basis of modified Newtonian dynamics,or MOND)to complement previous work.A Bayesian technique is employed to compare several different dark matter halo models to Milgrom and Newtonian models.Pseudo-isothermal dark matter halos provide the best statistical fits to the data in a majority of cases,while the Milgrom relation generally provides good fits as well.We also find that Milgrom models give mass-to-light ratios that roughly correlate with galaxy color,as predicted by stellar population models.A subsample of galaxies in the Hydra cluster follow a tight relation between mass-to-light and color,but one that is significantly different from relations found in previous studies.Ruling out the Milgrom relation with rotational kinematics is difficult due to systematic uncertainties in the observations as well as underlying model assumptions.We discuss in detail two galaxies for which the Milgrom relation appears to fail and find that relaxing the assumption of constant stellar mass-to-light ratio can maintain Milgrom models’viability.Subject headings:galaxies:fundamental parameters —galaxies:kinematics and dynamics —galaxies:dark matter —galaxies:stellar content1.INTRODUCTIONThe vast majority of spiral galaxy rotation curves are flatter than Newtonian predictions at large dis-tances from galactic centers (Salpeter 1978;Rubin 1979;Sancisi &Allen 1979;Krumm &Salpeter 1979;Sancisi et al.1979;van Moorsel 1982;Rohlfs et al.1986).Galaxies that do not show this behavior often show peculiar morphologies or perturbing interactions.This asymptotic flatness of rotation curves,which is not perfect (for a more in-depth discussion of this point see,e.g.,Persic et al.1996;Catinella et al.2006),disagrees with the Newtonian prediction in which the circular or-bital speed due to the gravity from a galaxy’s luminous material should decrease at distances which enclose sub-stantial fractions of a galaxy’s visible mass.This type of discrepancy is usually viewed as evidence for a non-luminous mass component,known as a dark matter halo.This picture of luminous matter embedded in dark mat-ter halos has become the paradigm of galactic structure,and recent work involving galaxy clusters (Clowe et al.2006;Bradac et al.2006)has presented strong evidence that this accurately reflects astrophysical reality.Since a precise mass distribution of the visible matter is difficult to determine directly,the dark matter distribution is also not known.Previous studies (e.g.,Blais-Ouellette et al.2001;Barnes et al.2004,hereafter BSK)have found that the choice of dark matter distribution significantly im-pacts the derived mass of the luminous material.Electronic address:barnes.eric@ Electronic address:kosowsky@Electronic address:sellwood@A different phenomenological approach to rotation curve fitting is provided by the fitting formula origi-nally proposed by Milgrom (Milgrom 1983a,b,c)which he termed MOND,for “modified Newtonian dynamics.”The original goal of MOND was to use only the lumi-nous matter to explain two widely observed properties of spiral galaxies;asymptotic flatness of galactic rota-tion curves and the well-known Tully–Fisher relation L ≃v β(Tully &Fisher 1977).A tight relation be-tween a galaxy’s luminosity L and the asymptotic value of the galaxy’s circular speed v appears to be valid for all varieties of spirals,high and low surface brightness as well as barred and unbarred galaxies (Sprayberry et al.1995;Zwaan et al.1995;Courteau &Rix 1999;Courteau 2003).McGaugh et al.(2000)has convincingly argued that luminosity is actually a stand-in for total bary-onic mass;i.e.,the same Tully–Fisher relation holds for both low and high surface brightness spirals if bary-onic mass (stars and gas)is used in place of luminosity.When this baryonic Tully-Fisher relation is examined,M baryonic ∝v 4(McGaugh 2005).These observations are built into the MOND formalism as follows.The total acceleration due to a gravitating object is given by the expressiona µ(a/a 0)=a N ,(1)which relates the total acceleration a to the Newtonianacceleration a N through a function µsatisfying the lim-iting forms µ→1when a ≫a 0and µ→a/a 0when a ≪a 0(Milgrom 1983a).The new universal constant a 0=1.2×10−10km/s 2is obtained from fits to mea-sured rotation curves and is the same for all galaxies.The exact form of the interpolating function is essentially2Barnes,Kosowsky,&Sellwood unconstrained by rotation curve data;throughout thispaper we useµ(x)=x/√a0)∇φ .(2)This modification of the gravitationalfield explicitly con-serves energy and momentum,as it is based on a La-grangian formulation.However,in the limited case ofspiral galaxies like those considered here,the force lawmodification of Equation(1)is a sufficiently accurate ap-proximation.In the inner regions of typical spiral galaxies,the char-acteristic acceleration scale a≫a0and the gravitationalforce reduces to the usual Newtonian force.In the outerregions of spiral galaxies,a≪a0(the so-called MONDregime)leading to the acceleration having a1/r depen-dence,asymptoticallyflat rotation curves,and an en-closed mass varying like theflat rotation speed to thefourth power.Assuming a constant mass-to-light ratioΥresults in the Tully–Fisher relation.A number of pre-vious studies have utilized Equation(1)to describe ro-tation curves(Kent1987;Begeman et al.1991;Sanders1996;Sanders&Verheijen1998;de Blok&McGaugh1998;Gentile et al.2004).Their success in accuratelymodeling rotation curves with one free parameter(two ifa bulge is present)rivals dark matter halo models thatrequire at least two additional parameters.The empirical accomplishments suggest that regardless of the veracityof the hypothesis that Newtonian dynamics is modified,Equation1(the Milgrom relation)is a powerful and com-pact method for characterizing the rotational kinematicsof spiral galaxies.In this work,we regard the Milgrom relation as anempiricalfitting formula for rotation curve data.In par-ticular,we make no assumptions about properties of darkmatter halos,or modifications to gravitation,from whichthe Milgrom relation might arise.But as emphasizedin McGaugh(2004),Equation(1)is the effective forcelaw for the visible matter in spiral galaxies,regardless ofwhether the force comes from a distribution of dark mat-ter or from MOND,which seems increasingly unlikely inthe face of evidence like that presented in Clowe et al.(2006);Bradac et al.(2006)(but see also Angus et al.2006).This paper remains agnostic about the ontolog-ical status of the Milgrom force law.However,we notethat if galactic dark matter is taken as a certainty,thenthe success of the Milgrom relation in predicting spiralgalaxy rotation curves reflects an underlying dynamicalprocess in galaxy formation which is not well understoodand is deserving of further scrutiny.In this work,we areinterested in determining i)the extent to which this dy-namical relation holds and ii)specific situations in whichthe relation might not hold.This paper performs Milgromfits to the same sample ofspiral galaxies considered in BSK,and provides a statis-tical comparison with the dark matter halofits.The haloprofiles considered in BSK are the familiar Navarro et al.(1996,hereafter NFW)ρNFW(r)=ρs r3s1+(r/r c)2,(4)with central densityρ0and core radius r c;and a simplepower lawρ(r)=ρ0 rMilgrom Models3contribution will cause our stars-only Milgrom models to describe the data worse than other models simply be-cause we are not including all relevant information;i.e., our Milgrom models are born at a disadvantage.How-ever,our Milgrom models do not show any systematic trends indicating that large amounts of gas would im-prove the models;the Milgrom models do not systemati-cally underpredict the rotation speeds at the edge of the kinematic data.We discuss the impact of this omission in more detail for two interesting galaxies in§6.The disk-bulge mass model determines the Newtonian circular speed v c(θ)as a function of angular separation from the center of the galaxy.This is converted to a cir-cular speed v c(r)as a function of distance from the center of the galaxy,using the angular diameter distance to the galaxy given by the Hubble distance(systematic errors associated with this simple distance assumption are dis-cussed in Sec.5.1).Equation1converts this Newtonian circular velocity to a Milgrom-relation circular velocity. The Newtonian disk-bulge mass model is also combined with the standard dark matter halo models(Eqs.34, and5)to give the total rotation curves in these cases. The rotation curve inferred from the model mass dis-tribution is compared with the actual galaxy rotation as measured by the Fabry-Perot maps.Throughout this paper,wefix the position angleφ0,inclination angle i, and systemic velocity v s of each galaxy at the values deduced from earlierfits of axisymmetricflow patterns to our kinematic data(Barnes&Sellwood2003).We have found the values of these parameters that mini-mizeχ2between the two-dimensional velocity map and a planar axisymmetricflow pattern.Thefit therefore yields a set of mean orbital speeds,and their uncertain-ties,at equally-spaced radii which we show as the“data”in subsequentfigures illustrating rotation curves.Since wefit axisymmetric mass models,we could,in principle,fit only this one-dimentional rotation curve,which rep-resents the speed averaged in annular bins,provided the weights are computed correctly.However,the full two-dimensional maps have several important advantages,in-cluding clear identification of outlying pixels and identi-fication of non-axisymmetric velocity patterns(usually bars or spirals)which cause systematic errors in rotation curves obtained from one-dimensional velocity measure-ments.Of course,identifying non-axisymmetric patterns is only half the battle.We are looking towards collecting data for a sample chosen with minimal spiral and/or bar structures that will involve fewer systematic effects and will allow better model discrimination.GROM FITSThe mass model incorporating disk and bulge compo-nents gives a Newtonian circular velocity v c(r)and accel-eration a N(r).Equation1then gives a total acceleration a(r);equating these accelerations with centripetal accel-erations give us the Milgrom circular speeds.Note that for the galaxies considered here,the simple acceleration approximation in Eq.1gives essentially the same an-swer as the physically more realistic Poisson-like Eq.2 which is numerically more challenging to ing previously determined projection angles and systemic ve-locities(Barnes&Sellwood2003),which are heldfixed, we project a one-dimensional speed profile into a two-dimensional velocity map.This model velocity map is compared to the data velocity map,pixel by pixel.A small number of pixels exhibit what are clearly anomalous inferred velocities;these are almost all iso-lated pixels in outer regions of galaxies,where the ve-locity is much different than the smooth velocityfield defined by the surrounding pixels.These points are due to imperfectfiltering of cosmic rays and unmodelled line emission in the data analysis pipeline,which spuriously fits the pixels as having high velocity and low dispersion. To reduce the influence of these non-normal errors,we find the best-fit values forΥD,I andΥB,I by minimizing the Tukey biweight parameter(Press et al.1992),χ2b=1c2+z6i3otherwise,(6)where z i≡(D i−M i)/σi,D i and M i are the respective measured and mass-model velocities in pixel i,σi is the measurement standard error on D i,c is a constant,and N is the number of data points.Note that in the limit c→∞,this reduces to the usual expression for reduced chi-squaredχ2r=1/N N i=1(D i−M i)2/σ2i.While data values that differ from the model prediction by cσi/2 contribute toχ2b almost exactly as for the conventional χ2r,the contribution from data values that are farther from the model prediction by cσi does not change as the parameters are adjusted,and outlying data therefore do not influence the resulting parameter values.Press et al. (1992)recommend c=6,but non-circularflow patterns in our galaxies suggest that a larger value would be more appropriate;after some experimentation wefind c=10 eliminates the influence of the extreme outlying veloc-ities while allowing the great majority of the pixels to contribute to thefit with almost full weight.Only a handful of pixels per galaxy image are ignored using this procedure.3.1.Parameter Values and Rotation CurvesThe best-fitχ2b,ΥD,I andΥB,I parameters,statisti-cal uncertainties(σ),and systematic uncertainties(s) for the Milgrom mass models are given in Table1.We also include the ratio of the distance to the edge of the kinematic data R k,max to the disk scalelength r d for each galaxy.On average,the kinematic data extends to≈4.5r d and covers the visible disk.The uncertainty calculations are discussed in the next paragraph.The av-erageΥD,I is1.9and the averageΥB,I is2.9,with wide variation in both values.Generally,the Milgrom model values are lower than the Newtonian stars-only values; the ratio ofΥbetween the Milgrom models described here and the Newtonian stars-only models of BSK are 0.6and0.5for the disk and bulge components,respec-tively.Statistical uncertainties have been calculated using Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)techniques(e.g., Christensen et al.2001;Kosowsky et al.2002)to map out allowed regions of parameter space.Projections of the boundary which encloses the most likely68%of the models then provide the statistical uncertainties.The average statistical uncertainties are0.08forΥD,I and 0.3forΥB,I.The quoted systematic uncertainties in thefittedΥI values are due to the uncertainties in the galaxy’s inclination and position angle.A previous pa-4Barnes,Kosowsky,&Sellwoodper (Barnes &Sellwood 2003)estimated systematic un-certainties in inclination and position angles caused by spirals and other nonaxisymmetric structure in the galax-ies.The best-fit value plus the estimated high and low limits for each of the two projection angles yield nine different combinations of inclination and position angle which give nine separate estimates for ΥI values.We take the systematic uncertainty in a ΥI value to be half the range of these nine ΥI values.As in BSK,the sys-tematic uncertainties dwarf the statistical ones with an average s ΥD,I of 0.5and an average s ΥB,I of 0.8.Figure 1illustrates the rotation curves of six galax-ies (assuming fixed Hubble distances).The best-fit Mil-grom models (solid lines)are shown along with the data points derived from velocity maps.For comparison,we also show the PI halo models (dot-dashed lines)from BSK.The top two panels are for galaxies in which the Milgrom fit is favored over the various BSK halo models.The middle set of panels show fits to galaxies with non-axisymmetric structure in which the Milgrom fit is less favored than the other BSK models.The bottom pan-els show curves for axisymmetric galaxies in which the Milgrom fit is less favored than the BSK models.These galaxies will be discussed in more detail in §6.One of the most striking things about this figure is the close similar-ity bewteen the Milgrom and halo curves;the differences in circular speeds between the models shown are rarely much larger than 10km/rge differences in likeli-hoods between the models are due to small variations in model velocities over very large numbers of pixels in the two-dimensional velocity maps.3.2.Color-ΥrelationsStellar population synthesis models predict correla-tions between galaxy color and ΥD,I value,with red galaxies having larger ΥD,I values than blue galaxies (e.g.,Bell &de Jong 2001;Bell et al.2003).As in BSK,we have created galaxy colors obtained from the ESO-LV aperture magnitudes,as recorded in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED).In principle,we should compare the ΥD,I with the color of the disk alone,but NED gives magnitudes of the disk and bulge combined.The bulge light in our mostly late-type galaxies is a small fraction,typically ≤10%,of the total in the I -band,so any correction for the bulge to the total color is likely to be small.We have corrected the NED magnitudes for galactic extinction using values from Schlegel et al.(1998)and for internal extinction using the prescriptions of Tully et al.(1998).We estimate errors in our colors to be around 0.15mag.In BSK,we found that the model Υvalues for the galaxies in this sample did not have any trend,and in-stead follow a flat distribution,albeit with large scatter.We present here the color-ΥD,I relation for the Milgrom models for these same galaxies.Figure 2shows the ΥD,I value of each galaxy plotted versus its dereddened color for Newtonian stars-only models (top frame)and Mil-grom models (bottom frame).The error bars reflect the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadra-ture.Galaxies marked by squares have no bulge compo-nents.The solid lines in each frame represent the correla-tion given in Bell et al.(2003).The dashed lines are the best-fit linear fits to the data.Contrary to the findings of BSK,we see a trend in the Milgrom color-Υplane sim-ilar to that expected by stellar population models.The slopes of these lines show some discrepancy but there is still a large scatter in our points.This sample of 40galaxies contains 8which belong to the Hydra cluster.The color-ΥD,I plot of these galaxies is shown in Figure 3.As before,the Bell et al.(2003)cor-relation is shown as a solid line,while the best linear fit to the data (marked by diamonds)is the dashed line.This linear fit appears to accurately describe the correlation present in the data with little scatter.The large offset between the two lines is surprising since McGaugh (2004)found that MOND ΥD values matched the Bell et al.(2003)line remarkably well.There are a number of pos-sible explanations of the discrepancy between the Hydra galaxies and the Bell et al.(2003)correlation.One possi-bility is that the offset is due to errors in the adopted dis-tances to these galaxies (see §5for a detailed discussion of the impact of distance on MOND Υvalues).How-ever,Hudson et al.(1997)give a Fundamental Plane-based,Malmquist bias corrected distance to the Hydra cluster of 52.6±2.5Mpc and the galaxies in this plot have adopted distances that average to 52.6±4.2Mpc.Metallicities and initial mass functions of galaxies have also been shown to strongly impact the slope and inter-cept of the color-ΥD,I correlation (Bell &de Jong 2001);these possibilities would require further observations to explore in more detail.4.MODEL COMPARISONSPrevious studies have rarely attempted direct compar-isons between Milgrom fits and halo model fits.Here we compare the Bayesian probabilities of halo models to Milgrom models,taking into account the differing num-ber of free parameters in the models.A brief summary of the necessary Bayesian probability theory is given in the Appendix.The model comparisons here are based on statistical fits only.Evaluation of some systematic sources of error and their potential impact on straight-forward statistical model comparison are considered in the following sections.We are considering several different models with dif-ferent numbers of parameters and we would like to know which provides the most economical description of the data.Specifically,we have compared our Milgrom fits to various halo fits (PI,NFW,and power law halos),along with Newtonian stars-only fits for illustration (for a full discussion of the various halo models,see BSK).We have used the following parameter ranges for (uniform)prior probability values:(PI)∆ρ0=2M ⊙/pc 3,∆r c =20kpc;(NFW)∆c =20,∆v 200=300km/s;(power law)∆v 0=300km/s,∆α=2.Altering the priors will change a given model’s probability,but other sensible choices do not change our basic results.Table 2lists the logarithms of the probability ratios λof the BSK models to Milgrom fits.λvalues <0indicate that the Milgrom model is pre-ferred.The large ratios between some halo and Milgrom models are due to the large numbers of data points in the two-dimensional velocity data,resulting in very small statistical error bars and large likelihood ratios between models with similar rotation curves.A simpler model comparison test based on Bayesian information criteria (BIC)(Liddle 2004)agrees with the results we present here.Surprisingly,the Newtonian stars-only model isMilgrom Models5strongly favored over Milgrom for nine galaxies,and the models are comparable for two others(ESO317g41and 445g39).In fact,the Newtonian stars-only model is pre-ferred over all other models for ESO438g08and382g06. Of these11galaxies,5have substantial bars,3have no-ticeable spirals,and1has a close,possibly interacting, companion(ESO438g08).Since it is possible that these circumstances introduce a bias into the model compari-son,we do not focus our attention on these galaxies.The two remaining galaxies(ESO323g42and382g06)appear axisymmetric(no large bars or strong spiral structure). These galaxies are discussed in detail in§6.For three galaxies,Milgrom models are preferred or are comparable to all other models:ESO322g76,ESO 445g15,and ESO501g68.ESO445g15and ESO501g68 have bars while ESO322g76has moderately strong spi-ral structure.All3have velocity maps that extend at least2.5disk scalelengths and their rotation curves have flattened by the last data point.Of the40galaxies an-alyzed,these are the only galaxies for which Milgrom is preferred over the PI grom models are pre-ferred over NFW halos in7cases.These results suggest that,in general,the simplicity(fewer free parameters) of Milgrom models does not statistically outweigh the ability of halo models to provide betterfits.Due to its poor performance relative to the halo mod-els,it is tempting to conclude immediately that the Mil-grom relation describes galaxy rotation curves only by accident,undermining the strongest reason for consider-ing MOND as a modification of gravity.However,this conclusion would be premature without detailed consid-eration of systematic uncertainties.It is dfficult tofind cases where the poorerfit of the Milgrom model cannot be accounted for by reasonable known systematic errors. Milgrom models are highly constrained,and we have made several implicit assumptions which have substan-tial effects on the rotation curves:1)all stellar motions are circular;2)the visible stellar light accounts for all of the mass in the galactic disk(neglecting,in particu-lar,any gas,which is known to be non-negligible in some galaxies);3)the mass-light ratio is constant throughout the galaxy;4)the adopted inclination angle is correct; and5)the galaxy distance is given by the Hubble dis-tance.Not one of these assumptions are exactly true, and in many galaxies these assumptions are known to be incorrect at levels which would change the rotation curve by an amount significantly larger than the statis-tical errors.The sample considered here,in particular, was chosen to probe large-scale velocities in the local uni-verse,not because of its particular suitability for galaxy dynamics;we have analyzed it because of its large sample of high-quality two-dimensional velocity measurements. Milgrom models have essentially no ability to compen-sate for any failure of these assumptions as they are de-termined completely by the distribution of visible matter. Halo models,by contrast,have two degrees of freedom which are unconnected to the distribution of visible mat-ter and otherwise unconstrained by direct observation, and can therefore compensate to some degree for any in-correct assumptions about the visible matter.In other words,beyond the fact that halo models will generically provide betterfits because they have more parameters, they are also moreflexible in compensating for system-atic errors,which is not reflected in purely statistical comparisons.In the remainder of this paper,we consider in more de-tail some of the important systematic errors which might affect the analysis presented here.We then focus on two sample cases for which Newtonianfits are statistically superior to either Milgrom or dark halofits,and discuss which possible explanations for the discrepancy are rea-sonable.5.SYSTEMATIC EFFECTS5.1.DistancesA substantial source of uncertainty is the adopted dis-tance to a galaxy.Υvalues are inversely proportional to distance in both Newtonian and Milgrom mass mod-els.Unfortunately,a significant fraction(≈50%)of the galaxies in this sample were originally observed to study peculiar velocities in the region toward the“Great At-tractor”and may therefore have larger-than-usual pecu-liar velocities and distance uncertainties.Bothun et al. (1992)used the Tully–Fisher relation to estimate dis-tances to this subsample of galaxies,finding differences between redshift distance and Tully–Fisher distance of typically about25%.While for Newtonian(stars-only and halo)fits this simply introduces a scale uncertainty inΥvalues,Milgromfits are subject to a further dis-tance dependence,since they depend on the dimensional parameter a0.Changing the distance to a galaxy changes the acceleration scale at a given angular separation from the galaxy center,and thus changes the inferred radius at which the non-Newtonian behavior sets in.For exam-ple,suppose the distance to a galaxy has been adopted at half its actual distance.Given angular separations now correspond to physical distances that are half the ac-tual values.Since the accelerations are inversely related to physical distances,the accelerations increase.These increases then push the location where acceleration be-comes comparable to a0farther out in the disk.Mov-ing a galaxy closer forces the Milgromfit to be closer to Newtonian,while adopting a distance larger than the actual value increases the discrepancy between Milgrom and Newtonianfits.While Milgromfits are fairly sensitive to the adopted distance scale,this fact can be exploited as a method for determining distances.As related in Sanders&McGaugh(2002),changing the adopted dis-tance to a galaxy until a satisfactory Milgromfit is ob-tained gives an independent distance measurement that is often in accordance with Tully–Fisher distances(which is not surprising,as the Tully–Fisher relation is implied by the Milgrom relation).We have investigated this pos-sibility by including the distance to galaxies as another free parameter in Milgromfits.For our data set,mostfits of this kind are unstable,leading to models with galax-ies unreasonably nearby or far away.Part of the reason for this behavior is due to bars and spirals.Nonaxisym-metric features tend to lower rotational velocities,mak-ing axisymmetric models overshoot the data,especially in central regions.In such a case,thefitting routine can better match the data by moving the galaxy far-ther away,thereby lowering theΥvalues,making the baryonic component insignificant,and allowing the non-Newtonian MOND behavior to dominate.This is sim-ilar to the behavior of some galaxies that are bestfit with a halo alone,as noted in BSK.One of our galax-。