
第 四四 单元单元单元 单元分析单元分析序号序号 内容内容个 人人 设设 计计备课组集体讨论意见备课组集体讨论意见一单元单元教材教材 分析分析本单元教材以寻找小鸟为话题,让学生学会如何用“Where ’s …?”句型来询问地点,并会用It ’s in/on/under/behind 来回答。
二单元单元 目标目标 要求要求1、能听、说、读并拼写单词:desk ,chair ,bird ,on ,in ,under ,behind 。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Where ’s …? It ’s not here. It ’s on/in/under/behind … 。
3. 能诵读歌谣“Where ’s the bird?”4. 能发现和朗读辅音字母“d ”的发音规律”的发音规律 5、能熟练表演文中的小故事。
1.能正确地朗读相关单词能正确地朗读相关单词2. 能熟练运用本单元所学“Where ’s …?”句型来询问地点,并会用It ’s in/on/under/behind 来回答来回答3. 能诵读歌谣“Where ’s the bird?”4. 能发现和朗读辅音字母“d ”的发音规律音规律5、能熟练表演文中的小故事。
三单元单元 设计设计 意图意图通过本单元的学习,让学生学会如何用“Where ’s …?”句型来询问地点,并会用It ’s s in/on/under/behindin/on/under/behind 来回答。

Unit 4 Time第一教时一、教学内容:Unit 4 Time A 、Learn to say B、Look and learn二、教学目标:1、听懂、会说数词1—122、能听懂、会说日常交际用语What’s the time now? It’s……(o’clock)Shall we……? It’s time to…… You can ……三、教学重点:1、数词3、7、11和12的读音2、在情景中运用Shall we…? It’s time to …You can …四、教学难点:1、数词1—122、能根据实际情况运用What’s the time? It’s … Shall we …? It’s time to …You can…五、课前准备:1、教具准备:自制钟面、数字卡片、车牌、图片、录音机和磁带等2、教学准备:学生自备钟面一只。
13、板书准备:写好课题Unit 4 Time六、教学过程:2345六、 板书设计Unit 4 TimeWhat ’s the time? It ’s …(o ’clock ).It ’s time to have lunch . You can go home now.Shall we watch TV ?第二教时一、教学内容:Unit 4 Time C、Look and say D、Look,read and write二、教学目标:1、能正确地听、说、读、写字母Gg、Hh2、能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语What’s the time? It’s …(o’clock). It’s time to … Shall we…? You can …三、教学重点:正确听、说、读、写字母Gg.、Hh四、教学难点:1、Gg 、Hh的读音及其大小写字母的笔顺和笔画。
2、在情景中运用It’s time to … You can … Shall we…?五、教学准备:1、教具准备:数字卡片,字母卡片Aa—Hh, 图片若干,教具钟,录音机和磁带、自制纸手表12只。
b3 U4高中英语教案 (共78张PPT)

1. 为什么地球不同于其他星球? Why was the earth different from the other
planets? 2. 人类什么时候登月的? When did human beings land on the moon?
4. _v_io_l_e_n_c_e__ n. 暴力; 猛烈 _v_io_l_e_n_t___ adj. 暴力的; 猛烈的 _v_io_l_e_n_t_ly__ adv. 粗暴地; 猛烈地
5. _fo_u__n_d_a_ti_o_n_/_fu_n__d_a_m_e_n_t_ n. 基础 _f_u_n_d_a_m__en__ta_l__ adj. 基本的; 基础的 _fu__n_d_a_m_e_n_t_a_l_ly__ adv. 根本地; 从根本上
3. 未来人类会发生什么呢? What will happen to human beings in the
基础知识自测 重点词汇讲练 写作句型仿写
一、单词拓展 (A)单词派生 1. _s_y_s_te_m_______ n. 系统; 体系; 制度
_s_y_st_e_m__a_ti_c_(_a_l)__ adj. 系统的; 有系统的 _s_y_s_te_m__a_t_ic_a_l_ly__ adv. 系统地; 有系统地
2. _p_u_z_z_l_e___ n. 谜; 难题 v.(使)迷惑 _p_u_z_z_l_e_d___ adj. 困惑的 _p_u_z_z_l_in__g___ adj. 令人困惑的
3. _e_x_is_t_____ vi. 存在;生存 _e_x_is_t_e_n_t___ adj. 存在的;生存的 _e_x_i_s_te_n__ce___ n. 存在;生存

Where’s the bird?教学设计——story time第一课时一、创新整合点1.将白板作为教与学的工具、方法和手段融于教学过程之中,培养学生分析和解决问题的能力。
四、教学目标知识与技能目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说desk,chair,bird,on,in,under,behind。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Where’s …? It’s not here. It’s on/in/under/behind…。
3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,教师的引导和帮助下复述课文过程与方法目标:用竞赛和游戏的方式鼓励孩子多说英语,利用电子白板进行互动。
五、教学环境与准备*电子白板,图片,实物六、教学过程Step 1 Warm up (课前热身)1.Sing a song. (唱歌)让学生一边观看动画,一边欣赏Where’s the bird?这一歌曲,设计意图:一首欢快的英文歌曲,不仅激发了学生的兴趣,而且活跃了课堂气氛,充分营造英语氛围。
3B Unit4学教案新部编本

2.listen to the story and find the answer.
3.Watch the cartoon .
4.Read the tips.
Step2. Presentation
1.T:What’s this? Ss:It’s a cap.
2.Watch the cartoon and check.
3.Show the tБайду номын сангаасps:在树上:in the tree与on the tree.
4.T:Birds are our friends.Trees are their homes.Today let’s have a PK game between boys andgirls to win some little trees.
bird?You can ask :Where’s
the bird?It’s behind the door.
. . .
The same way with the other pictures.
Task2:Read after the tape.
Read in role.
Task3:Retell the story
Unit 4 Where’s the bird?
Where’s the bird?
in desk
It’s on (单词卡片) the图片
under chair
1.T:The bird is flying away.It’s in the classroom. Where’s the bird at last?

Unit4In the holidays
1students are able to know the vocabulary: rode a bike,had a picnic,swam in the sea,went hiking,met my friends and so on.
e simplephrases andsentences to municate with others.
Students can practice the sentence structures fluently.
(Focus on pronunciation of the words and phrases.)
Lead in
Free talk
A song about actions
Introducing the context
Display the big picture, including the Vocabulary section, in Part A.
students are able to know key words and structure;and use the simple past tense correctly.

译林版英语3BUnit4教学设计一、教学目标1、知识目标学生能够听懂、会说、认读单词:bird, dog, duck, pig 。
学生能够理解并运用句型:What’s this? It’s a 。
二、教学重难点1、教学重点掌握单词 bird, dog, duck, pig 的发音和拼写。
熟练运用句型What’s this? It’s a 进行问答。
2、教学难点单词 duck 的发音。
四、教学过程1、导入(Warming up)播放一首关于动物的英文歌曲,如“Old MacDonald Had a Farm”,让学生跟着歌曲一起唱,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围。
展示一些动物的图片,问学生:“What can you see?”引导学生用中文说出动物的名称,从而引出本节课的主题。
2、呈现(Presentation)依次展示单词bird, dog, duck, pig 的图片,并同时播放单词的录音,让学生跟读,模仿单词的发音。
重点讲解单词 duck 的发音,通过示范口型、让学生多次练习等方式,帮助学生掌握正确的发音。
例如,模仿小鸟飞翔的动作来表示 bird ,模仿小狗叫的声音来表示 dog 。
呈现句型What’s this? It’s a ,通过展示一个动物的局部图片,问学生:“What’s this?”引导学生用“It’s a”来回答。

牛津小学英语3B Unit 4 时间教案:运用多媒体教学助力孩子的英语学习随着时代的发展,现代化教育已经不再是单一的传统教学模式,而是在多种教育科技手段的应用下,进步了大步向前。
在牛津小学英语3B Unit 4 时间教学中,教师应该运用多媒体教学助力孩子的英语学习。

OE 3B Unit 4 Animals in the zoo本课时教学设计说明Explanation of the lesson plan课型定位:小学三年级句型教学基于学生---根据TCLLU的教学设计策略和“五语”课堂教学设计规范,在三年级以animals in the zoo为主题的单元课时设计中通过语段,对话,游戏等多种形式完成课时任务。
第一课时,学生运用所学句型I like …s. Do you like …s? I like the ... Do you like the ...? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.表达自己喜欢的这种动物或者这只动物。
并能用已学的句式,They are … They have… Their … are …或者It’s ... It has ... Its ... is/are ...讲讲喜欢的理由。
第二课时,学生交流各自的回家作业,通过贴五角星的方式,在班级中评选出’Favourite Animals’。
在前几年的学习中,同学们已经学习了表示动物的单词,对这些单词能够做到能认能读能拼,并且能用句式They are … They have… Their … are …或者It’s ... It has ... Its ... is/are ... 对动物的特点进行描述。
3BUnit 4 Animals in the zoo这节课的语言知识点着重在于肯定句I like ... 以及Do you like …? 句型的提问和回答。
如果要表示喜欢这种事物,应用I like ...s. 如果要表示喜欢一个特定的事物,应用I like the ... 学生通过这节课的学习在语言知识方面应区分出这两者之间的区别。

3Bunit4time三年级英语教案●一teaching aims and requirements:1.能听说读写one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten , eleven , twelve.2.能综合运用数字准确说出时间●二teaching contents:unit 4 part b●三main point:to master these numbers●四difficult point:能听说读写单词"three, seven, eleven and twelve " use correct pronounce.●五teaching aids:图片幻灯●六teaching procedure:step one : greetingsstep two : warm up sing anEnglishsong: "abc song"t: guess , what's this in my bag? this is a letter, look carefully, please.s: a !t: yeah! it's a letter a. this is big a. let's read it together: a.s: a!t: now , what's this in my bag ? this is a letter ,too.s: b!t: good !let's read it together.this time, what's in my bag?s: c! t: excellent! let's sing a song :"abc song", stand up ,please! let's sing it loudy, ok? s: yes!t: ah, so dulCET!step three: free talkt: look , what's this inEnglish?s: it's a ruller.t: is this a ballpen?s: yes, it is.t: can i have a look?s: sure. here you are.t: what's that on the desk?s: it's a storybook.t: now, look carefully, what's this on the storybook?s: it's a ballpen.t: what's this in the storybook?s: it's a ruller.t: is this your ballpen?s: no , it isn't.t: is this your ruller?s: no, it isn't. ( s: yes, it is. t: oh, this is your cruller. thank you. s: that's all right.) t: i's this your storybook?s: no, it isn't.t: oh, i forgot . this is my storybook.step four : presentationt: you all did good job so , i'll give you a surprise . it's in this bag. guess , what's this ?s: it's an apple.t: yeah! this is an apple.it smells good. do you want to eat it? yes or no?s: yes!t: but there is only one! (show the card and put it up on the blackboard)s: one.t: say it one by one ,please. (the same way to teach the new words "two , three")t: who can count from 1 to 3? who can count from 3 to 1 ?s: … 2.four, five , six (the same way to teach the new words "four, five, six")t: who can count from 1 to 6? who can count from 6 to 1 ?s: …t: so clever! how many doors are there in our class? how many windows are there in our class? how many lights are there in our class? (let's count together.) (there is a red star, it's for you.)s: thank you. 3.seven , eight ,nine ,ten,eleven , twelve (the same way to teach the new words "seven , eight , nine, ten, eleven , twelve")三年级英语教案s: …t: how old are you? nine ? ten ? eleven or twelve ?s: i'm ….t: listen carefully! who can count from 1 to 12 ? now, who can count from 12 to 1? it's so difficult! let's count together at frist.s: 12, 11, 10, 9 ,…, 3, 2, 1.t: good job! who wants to try?s: …step five: practicet: let's say it one by one .one, two , three,…, unduant ?s: yes.t: this time , i say 'one', you say "two",i say "three", you say "four", ok?s: yes!t: one! three! five! eight!t: look here, read the numbers quickly , please. (show the magic box)step six: productiont: you all did good job! now, let's play a game to see , which group is the best? this is gr oup 1, this is group … and this is group … .t: look, what's this?s: it's a clock.t: what's the time?s: it's six.t: yes, it's 6 o'clock.you can take out a … and put it in the box.s: yeah!t: (act out) it's six o'clock, it's time to get up. now ,follow me, it's 6, it's time to get up. t: what's the time now ?s: it's 7 o'clock.t: good ! it's 7 o'clock, it's time to go to school. (take out a school bag.) do what i do , please.s: it's 7 o'clock, it's time to go to school.t: (ok, you can take out a … and put it on the box.) t: what's the time now?s: it's 11 o'clock.t: it's 11 o'clock , it's time to have lunch..。
牛津小学英语3B Unit4教案 教学设计

牛津小学英语3B Unit4教案教学设计牛津学校英语3B Unit4教案教学设计Unit 4 Time教材简析:本单元由五部分组成:A Learn to say ,B Look and learn ,C Look and say ,DLook ,read and rite ,E Fun house .本单元Learn to say 围绕“询问时间”这一功能项目根据时间挨次创设了一个个真实自然的场景,并由此绽开了数词1-12的教学。
本单元除要求同学比较娴熟地把握时刻表达法What’s the time? It's …o’ clock以及数词1-12外,还消失了常用句型Shall e …? It’s time to …,You can …在加上Let’s …的复现,学问点较多,任务较重。
教学目的:1、能正确地听、说、读,写字母Gg 和H h.2、能听懂、会说数词1-12。
应特殊留意正确把握数词3,7,11和12 的发音。
3、能听懂、会说以下交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s …. ,Shall e atch TV? It's time to …,You can …”并能敏捷自如的运用于实际生活中去。
4、能背诵歌谣Jack has a clock .教学重点:1、能正确地听、说、读、写字母Gg 和Hh .2、能听懂、会说数词1-12。
应特殊留意正确把握数词3,7,11和12 的发音。
3、能听懂、会说以下交际用语“What’s the time ? It’s …. ,Shall e atch TV? It's time to …,You can …”并能敏捷自如的运用于实际生活中去。
应特殊留意把握数词3,7,11,和12 的读音。
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Unit 4 Where’s the bird?【单元教材分析】本单元主要围绕寻找小鸟的过程学习under、on、in、behind、bird、desk、chair的英语单词,通过复习以前学过的单词in引入到本单元story time。
【单元教学目标】1.能听懂、会说日常用语与句型Where’s...? It’s in/on/behind/under the...2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇beautiful, tree, guess, one, two, three, oh, wow。
3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇bird, under, desk, behind, on, chair。
5会唱歌曲Where’s the bird?6.能听懂、会说、发音准确字母d在单词中的读音。
【教学重点】1.能听懂、会说日常交际用语Where’s...? It’s in/on/behind/under the...2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇bird, desk, chair, on, under, behind, beautiful, one, two, three。
【教学难点】1.句型:Where’s ...?的正确使用。
2.词汇:beautiful, behind, chair, one, two, three的读音和用法。
【课时安排】四课时【教学内容】Story time Song time【教学目标】1. 能听懂、会读、会说desk,chair,bird,on,in,under,behind。
2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Where’s …? It’s not here. It’s on/in/under/behind… 。
3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。
4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论东西的位置。
5. 能正确演唱歌曲。
【教学过程】Step 1 Greeting &Warm up1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, May.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.2. Sing a songT: Do you like singing?S: Yes.T: I like singing very much. Let’s learn to sing a new song. OK?S: OK.T: First, listen and watch carefully. You may follow it if you want.(播放歌曲一遍)T: Do you like the song?Now follow me. (老师带着学生用手势表示歌词内容,学生边唱边学做动作)T: This time, let’s try to sing and do some actions together.(再次播放歌曲,学生加上动作一起唱)(播放课文动画核对答案)Step 2 PresentationPlay a game and learn the new wordsT: (手中拿着一只折起来的小鸟) Now boys and girls, look, what’s in my hand now? Guess! S: …Look, where’s the bird? (把小鸟放在书上)S: It’s on the book.T: Wh ere’s the bird now? (把小鸟放在书下)S: It’s under the book.T: Good! And where is it now? (把小鸟放在书里)S: It’s in the book.T: Now let’s play a game with this bird. (老师让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放进课桌里) Where’s the bird? Guess!S: …T: Look, it’s in the desk. (板书desk,贴图,带读in the desk 并示意)Now let’s play this game again. (老师再次让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放到一把椅子上) Where’s the bird? Guess!S: …T: Look, it’s on the chair. (板书chair,贴图,带读on the chair 并示意)Step 3 Story time1. Listen and chooseT: (老师再让学生闭上眼睛,然后把小鸟藏起来) Where is the bird now? Is it in the park? In the classroom? In the tree? Here is a story about the bird. Please listen carefully, and then choose the right answer.(播放课文录音)T: Where is the bird?S: It’s in the tree.T: Is it in the tree? Let’s watch the cartoon and check your answer.T: Is the bird in the tree?S: Yes!2. Listen and stickT: The bird stops in many places. Look, it’s here and here. (PPT 红圈显示1、7 两幅图中鸟的位置) But look, in some of the pictures, we cannot see it. (小鸟分别飞到了哪些地方呢?请你们来贴一贴。
) Now, please take out your working sheet. Let’s listen and stick the birds on the paper. Please work in pairs.(播放课文录音, 学生两人合作完成)T: Let’s watch the cartoon again.(播放课文动画,在每个需要完成的画面上暂停核对)3. Read the storyT: Finished? Now boys and girls, check your pictures. Let’s read the sto ry together, OK? (出第一幅图) Picture1. Let’s read it together.S1&S2: …T: (出示小提示:注意读出故事中人物的情绪) Let’s try again.T: And Picture 2, look, where’s the bird?S: It’s under the desk.T: Yes. It’s under the desk. (PPT出现单词卡under,读under)Now who can read this? (PPT中出现对话)S1: Where’s the bird?S2: It’s under the desk.(继续每一幅图逐图教学:第二幅图教under,第三幅图教behind,第四幅图教It’s not here.,第五幅图教on,第六、七两幅图教in)T: OK. Now we have read the story together. Now open your books, turn to Page 13, and read the story by yourselves. (请打开书,同桌合作读一读全文)4. Tell the storyT: You did a good job. Now, look at the blackboard. (拿出小鸟的图片) Look! A bird! S: How beautiful!(老师把小鸟放在黑板上不同位置,带领学生一起复述)T: Where’s the bird?S: It’s under the d esk.T: Now, it’s …S: Behind the door.T: Oh, It’s not here. It’s …S: On the chair.T: Where’s the bird now?S: It’s in the desk.T: Oh, look, now it’s ….S: In the tree.T: It’s your turn now. Can you tell the story like this? You can work in p airs. (老师让同桌学生之间根据图片复述课文,请1至2组学生到黑板前复述)Step 4 Sing a song1. Say a rhymeT: (拿出另外两只小鸟放在黑板的树上) Look, how many birds are there in the tree now? S: Three.T: Yes. They are her friends. Try to say this rhyme. First read it in two.(把歌词变为韵律诗,学生互相说一说)T: Let’s try to say it together.(教 little和all)T: Say it all together again.2. Sing the songT: This is a nice song. Let’s listen to it.(播放歌曲动画)(学生跟唱)T: Good! Let’s sing it with some actions.(老师带学生边做动作边唱)Step 5 Homework1. 听磁带,读故事5遍。
2. 用Where is …?It’s … 的句型来说说物品的位置。
3. 搜集一些on,in,behind,under这样的介词短语,说一说。
【板书设计】Unit4 Where’s the bird?Is this…? Is that…?Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.【教学内容】Fun time Sound time【教学目标】1. 能熟练运用句型Where’s …? It’s on/in/under/behind… 进行对话。