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《Holy Bible》圣经《King Arthur》亚瑟王《Greek Myths》希腊神话



Warner Brothers; Loew’s-MGM; Fox; Radio-Keith-Orpheum (RKO); Paramount


Columbia; Universal; United Artists

2.Sound and Color

Sound–was introduced by Warner Brothers in Don Juan.


Color–was initially limited by its expense and crudity; yet by the 1930s the quality had improved.



The main character is the most important character in a film, and the character of greatest interest. Usually the main character is also the “protagonist”, the character whose actions trigger the chain of causes and effects that drive the plot forward.


Secondary characters are those who interact with the protagonist and have significant impact on the development of the narrative. They can often be divided into three main functions: the opposition character, the mirror character, and the romance character.


The mirror character also known as the “support”is the character most clearly aligned with, and supportive of the protagonist. Mirror characters offer support to the protagonist through the difficulties he encounters, often because they share with him certain beliefs and attitudes. They have important dramatic function of engaging in regular dialogue with the protagonist, helping him to formulate his goals and at the same

time helping the audience to better understand the protagonist’s character and situation.



Narrative refers to the way that a story is told. It is principally concerned with the way that events are organized in time and space –the way in which the scriptwriter and director take the raw elements of a story and arrange them in the most attractive and interesting way.

Narrative–a chain of events in cause-effect relationships occurring in time and space. 叙述是指讲述一个故事的方式。它主要关注的是事件在时间和空间上的组织方式- 编剧和导演以最有吸引力和最有趣的方式安排故事的原始元素。



Achilles, Candide, Cinderella, Circe, Faust, Orpheus, Romeo and Juliet, Tristan, and the Wandering Jew.



Stated simply, the theme of a film is its main point; it is what the scriptwriter and director want to tell us. In more precise terms, theme is the controlling idea of the film.

In addition to constituting a general comment about life, the theme is also the central and controlling idea. It is that center of gravity around which all the other elements of the film (genre, character, narrative, style) imperceptibly revolve. It would be wrong to assume that there is only one theme in every film. It is quite possible that scriptwriter/director has intentionally allowed for the coexistence of more than one theme.



