澳门科技大学 西方电影赏析 复习
形式的鉴赏: 1.视觉元素的鉴赏 2.听觉元素的鉴赏 3.综合元素的鉴赏
体验与情感 理解与创造
《国王的演讲》是由汤姆· 霍伯 指导,科林· 费斯担当主演的英 国电影,整部电影以叙述故事 的形式,讲述了英国女王伊丽 莎白二世的父亲乔治六世国王 的故事。 该片在2011年第83届奥斯卡提 名名单上,《国王的演讲》获 得12项提名,并最终拿到最佳 影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角、 最佳原创剧本四项大奖。 科林· 费斯凭借本片获得金球奖 最佳戏剧片男主角。 类型:剧情/历史 时长:118分钟
(七) 节奏
1、什么是节奏: 音乐中交替出现的有规律的强弱、长短的现象。 比喻均匀的有规律的工作进程。 2、情节结构的节奏(剧作结构) 镜头内部节奏、镜头外表节奏(镜头间组接的节奏) 3、节奏的作用: 是形式美的构成要素 是影片美学风格的体现 从情绪上打动观众的手段
《耶稣受难记》是一部美国电 影。影片描述的是耶稣殉难前 最后12小时内发生的故事。最 后的晚餐结束后,耶稣(詹姆 斯· 卡维泽尔)开始祈祷,他忍 受着撒旦的诱惑。背叛了耶稣 的犹大将耶稣推向了十字架, 被拘捕的耶稣囚禁在耶路撒冷 城内。与他对立的法力赛教派 坚决要求对他审判并处以死刑。 类型:传记/剧情 片长:127分钟 语言:亚拉姆语/拉丁语/希伯来 语 导演:梅尔· 吉布森 (勇敢的心)
爱森斯坦的《战舰波将金号》1340个镜头 希区柯克的《绳索》10个镜头 蒙太奇学派: 梯摩琴柯、巴拉兹、普金、爱森斯坦、阿恩海姆
美学层面的电影则是指电影艺术。即:以电影技 术为手段,通过画面、声音媒介,在特定的放映 时间里,在银幕空间上创造形象、再现生活并表 情达意的综合性艺术活动。
Unit1 The Graduate (1968)II Questions for ThoughtsThe following answers are given only for reference, and the students are encouraged to present their own understandings of or opinions on these questions.1. How do Benjamin Braddock’s parents celebrate his returning home? Does Benlike this idea?2. Who are invited to the party? What do they think of Ben? Why?3. How does Ben behave himself at the party? Why does he finally escape to hisroom upstairs?4. Who is Mrs. Robinson? How does she persuade Ben to drive her home?5. How does Mrs. Robinson make Ben stay with her in her house? What does Benthink of her?6. How does the family celebrate Ben’s birthday? Does Ben have a good time?Why?7. Why does Ben invite Mrs. Robinson to accompany him at the hotel?8. How does Ben manage to get a room at the hotel? Is he prepared for havingan affair with Mrs. Robinson?9.How do Ben’s parents plan for his future? Do they get suspicious of his behavior?10. How would you describe the relationship between Ben and Mrs. Robinson?Why does Ben insist on starting a conversation with her while they are together in the hotel room for the second time?11. What does Mrs. Robinson say about her marriage?12. What promise does Ben make to Mrs. Robinson? Does he promise her willingly?Why?13. Does Ben keep his promise? Why?14. How does Ben behave himself on his first date with Elaine? Why does hedo so?15. How does Elaine get to know that Ben had an affair with her mother? Howdo the daughter and the mother react to the revealing the truth?16. HOW does Ben know that Elaine left for Berkeley? What does he decide todo then?17. Does Ben have a substantial conversation with Elaine after he arrivedin Berkeley? Why? What does he do then?18. Why does Elaine go to visit Ben and then ask Ben to leave her alone? Doesshe believe in Ben’s words about his relationship with her mother?19. How does Mrs. Robinson get to know the affair? What does he decide todo?20. Why does Elaine refuse Ben’s proposal?21. How does Ben get to know that Elaine is going to marry Carl?22. How does Ben find the wedding church and how does he prevent the announcementof the marriage?23. How do Ben and Elaine manage to flee from the church?24. What do you think of Mrs. Robinson? Why does she seduce a boy who is almost20 years younger than herself? And why does she try to stop Ben from seeingher daughter?25. What do you think of Ben? Why does he start an affair with his father’s parent’s wife who is almost twice his age?Ⅴ. Research ActivitiesFour basic aspects of the movie:Background: historical background, social background, the novel on which the movie is based, the author of the novel, production of the movie, etc.Themes: the main ideas that the movie intends to convey to the audience. Conflicts: conflicts within oneself, conflicts with others, conflicts with the society, conflicts between events, conflicts of ideas, etc.Performances: actor, actress, director, playwright, song, music, Academy Awards, etc.These four aspects, however, can never be clear-cut; they are often interrelated. The information provided below serves as some supplementary material only. The students are free to present any material relevant to the four aspects. Their presentations should include both factual information and their own opinions or comments.Scarborough FairBy Simon& GarfunkelAre you going to Scarborough fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thymeRemember me to one who lives there; she once was a true love of mineTell her to make me a cambric shirt, Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Without no seams or needlework, then she’ll be a true love of mineTell her to find me an acre of land, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Between the salt water and the sea strand, then she’ll be a true love of mineTell her to reap it in a sickle of leather, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme And to gather it all in a bunch of heather, then she’ll be a true love of mineAre you going to Scarborough fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thymeRemember me to one who lives there; she once was a true love of mineThe Sound of SilenceBy Paul SimonHello darkness, my old friend,I’ve come to talk with you again,Because a vision softly creeping,Left its seeds while I was sleeping,And the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin the sound of silence.In restless dreams I walked alone,Narrow streets of cobblestone,‘Neath the halo of a street lamp,I turned my collar to the cold and dampWhen my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon lightThat split the nightAnd touched the sound of silence.And in the naked light I sawTen thousand people, maybe more.People talking without speaking,People hearing without listening,People writing songs that voice never shareAnd no one dareDisturb the sound of silence.“Fools” said I, “You do not knowSilence like a cancer grows.Hear my words that I might teach you,Take my arms that I might reach you.”But my words like silent raindrops fell,And echoedIn the wells of silenceAnd the people bowed and prayedTo the neon god they made.And the sign flashed out its warning,In the words that it was forming.And the sign said, “The words of the prophetsAre written on the subway wallsAnd tenement halls.”And whispered in the sound of silence.Unit 2 Kramer vs. KramerⅡ.Questions for ThoughtsThe following answers are given only for reference, and the students are encouraged to present their own understandings of or opinions on these questions.1. Why does Joanna looks so sad while she is kissing her son good night? Whathas she decided to do?2. Is Ted prepared for this? Why is he so insensitive?3. What does Margaret tell Ted about Joanna? Has Ted become aware of the problem?Why or why not?4. How does Ted cook breakfast for Billy and himself for the first time? Whydoes Ted talk so much while cooking?5. Who is Mr. O’Conner? What is his attitude when he hears about Ted’s problem?6. When and how does Joanna explain her leaving to Billy?7. When Ted reads Joanna’s letter to Billy, how does Ted feel and how does Billyunderstand it?8. How is it for Ted to be a father and a mother at the same time? What doeshe do to make Billy happy?9. How does Ted explain to Billy one evening that Joanna’s leaving is his fault,not Billy’s?10. Does the family problem affect Ted’s work in the company? How doesMr. O’Conner treat Ted at his difficult time?11. Why does Joanna come back to New York? Where has she been? What hasshe been doing?12. How does Ted react when Joanna brings up the problem of the custodyof Billy? Why does Ted disagree to give the custody to Joanna?13. According to the family law attorney, what are the things that Ted should getprepared for if he decides to retain the custody? What kind of a pros-and-cons list does Ted work out?14. How does Joanna explain to the court why she wants to leave her husbandand son in the first place?15. In what way does Joanna believe that her experience in California helpsto regain her self-esteem?16. At the court, how does Ted argue for his right in his son’s life?17. Has Ted really changed as Margaret says?18. In what way does the legal battle make things rather tough and bitterfor both Joanna and Ted?19. What is the final verdict? Why doesn’t Ted appeal?20. How does Ted explain the court’s decision to Billy? How does the boy take it?21. Why does Joanna change her idea of taking Billy away from Ted?22. What does the director intend to convey in the movie?Answer to this question may vary.ⅴ. Research ActivitiesFour Basic Aspect of the MovieBackground: historical background, social background, the novel on which the movie is based, the author of the novel, production of the movie,etc.Themes: the main ideas that the movie intends to convey to the audience. Conflicts: conflicts within oneself, conflicts with others, conflicts with the society, conflicts between events, conflicts of ideas, etc.Performances:actor, actress, director, playwright, song, music, Academy Awards, etc.These four aspects, however, can never be clear-cut; they are often interrelated. The information provided below serves as some supplementary material only. The students are free to present any material relevant to the four aspects. Their presentations should include both factual information and their own opinions or comments.Unit 3 Splendor in the Grass (1961)II. Questions for ThoughtsThe following answers are given only for reference, and the students are encouraged to present their own understandings of or opinions on these questions.1. What’s the relationship between Deanie and Bud? In what way are they attractiveto each other?2. What is troubling Bud while being together with Deanie?3. What is Deanie’s confusion about love?4. What does Deanie’s mother, Mrs. Loomis, say about sex and virginity? How doesher advice Deanie to behave in front of boys?5. How does Bud’s father, Mr. Stamper, deal with his son’s romance with Deanie?6. What future does Bud’s father design for Bud? What does Bud himself like todo? Does his father listen to him? Why?7. What does Bud’s sister Ginny do that makes her become the talk of the town?8. According to Bud’s father, there are two kinds of girls—nice girls and badgirls. Do Deanie and Ginny represent these two kinds? Please give your comments.Answer to this question may vary.9. How does Ginny’s tragedy affect Bud? Why does Bud suddenly stop seeing Deanie?10. What happens to Deanie when she is asked by the teacher to explain the poem by William Wordsworth?Why does she feel so strongly about the poem?What is her interpretation of the lines?11. What is Mrs. Loomis suspicious of when she finds Deanie trying miserably to relax herself in the bathtub? How does Deanie react to her mother’s suspicious? Why does Deanie shout repeatedly to her mother that she is not spoiled?12. How does Deanie show up at the Bon Voyage Grads dance?Why does she do so?13. Why does Bud refuse Deanie at the parking lot? How does Deanie take his denial? What drives her to commit suicide?14. How does Bud feel when he sees Deanie lying in the hospital bed murmuring his name? Is Bud the cause of Deanie’s insanity? Why or why not?Answers to these questions may vary.15. How does Bud spend his time at Tale University? What does he do to disappoint his father?16. Why does Mr. Tamper commit suicide?17. Who does Deanie meet at the Wichita hospital? How does Deanie gradually get recovered?18. Why does Deanie decide to marry Johnnie Masterson when she leaves the hospital? What does her doctor suggest her to do when she goes back home? Why?19. Has Deanie’s mother reflected on her way of raising Deanie? How does she explain this to her daughter?20. when Deanie decides to see Bud, who tells her where he is, why does Deanie kiss her father?21. How does Deanie feel when she sees the changes in Bud’s life?(Answers to this question may vary.)22. Who should be blamed for the painful shattering of Deanie and Bud’s intense, youthful first love?Answers to this question may vary.23. What does the movie’s title imply?Answers to this question may vary.v. Research ActivitiesFour basic aspects of the movieBackground: historical background, social background, the novel on which the movie is based, the author of the novel, production of the movie, etc. Theme: the main ideas that the movie intends to convey to the audience. Conflict: conflicts within oneself, conflicts with others, conflicts with the society, conflicts between events, conflicts of ideas, etc. Performances: actor, actress, director, playwright, song, music, Academy Awards, etc.There four aspects, however, can never be clear-cut; they are ofteninterrelated. The information provided below serves as somesupplementary material only. The students are free to present anymaterial relevant to the four aspects. Their presentation shouldinclude both factual information and their own opinions or comments.Unit 4 Dead Poets SocietyII. Questions for ThoughtsThe following answers are given only for reference, and the students are encouraged to present their own understanding of or opinions on these questions1. Why do parents try to send their sons to the Welton Academy? What are the four pillars of the Academy?2. Who is introduced at the school opening ceremony as a new teacher?3. Why does Mr. Perry ask his son Neil Perry to drop some of the extracurricular activities? What tone does he when talking to his son? Why?4. What suggestions do the other boys put forward then? How does Neil act on it?5. What is the general classroom teaching at Welton like? Are the students attracted and stimulated by their teachers? Why or why not?6. In Mr. Keating’s first class, what teaching approach does he apply? What message does he try to convey to the boys? How do the boys like it?7. How would the boys address Mr. Keating if they are more daring? What is the sentiment of Carpe Diame?8. In his second class, which part of the literature textbook does Mr. Keating ask the boys to rip out? Why?9. Why are the romanticism and poems worth learning? How does Mr. Keating explain to the boys?10. What is Dead Poets Society according to Mr. Keating11. How is Neil Perry stimulated and what is he going to do?12. In Mr. Keating’s next class, what dose he intend to convey to the boys by standing on his desk?13. On anther day, why does Mr. Keating ask his boys to read aloud a famous line of a poem before they kick the soccer ball on the field?14. One day in a courtyard, why does Mr. Keating ask the boys to walk differently? What does he say to them about the importance of their own stride?15. How does the school authority respond to Mr. Keating’s way of teaching? What does the school master suggest him to do? What is Mr. Keating’s argument?16. Todd is a quiet and shy boy. How does Mr. Keating stimulate him to contribute his own verse in the classroom?17. Why do Todd’s parents send their son a study board as the birthday gift, the same birthday gift as last year? Why does Todd feel so depressed about it? What does he do with the study board at last? What does that indicate?18. Why is Neil so excited about being able to play a role in the play? Does he worry about his father’s certain objection?19. Does Neil’s father find out about his son’s decision later? What does Neil’s father force him to do?20. Why does Neil go to Mr. Keating’s room the night before the play? What does Mr. Keating suggest Neil to do? Does Neil act on the teacher’s suggestion? Why or why not?21. Neil’s performance a success? How is he welcomed and appreciated by the peer performers and the audience? How does his father feel instead? What does he say to Neil?22. why does Neil commit suicide? Who should be blamed, his father, Mr. Keating, the school, or Neil himself? Please comment on it.23. what happens to Mr. Keating after the incident? Should the school authority put the blame on Mr. Keating? why or why not?Answers to the last two questions may vary.24. How does Todd show his protest of Mr. Keating’s dismissal? Do the other boys follow suit? What gives them the courage to do so?25. What the essence of Mr. Keating’s teaching? Do the boys seize it?Answers to these questions may vary.Unit 5 Philadelphia (1993)II. Questions for ThoughtsThe following answers are given only for reference, and the students are encouraged to present there own understandings of or opinions on these questions.1. Why does Andrew go to the hospital for a blood test? What seems to be his problem?2. Why does the law firm Wyant Wheeler give the High Line case to Andrew?3. When shaking hands with Andrew, Walter Kenton notices the lesion on Andrew’s face. How does he react? Does Andrew tell him what it is? Why?4. Why does the High Line complaint suddenly vanish during Andre’s leave? Doesthis happen accidently? Why?5. What is the relationship between Andrew and Miguel? How can you tell?6. For what reason is Andrew fired by the firm? What does Andrew think is the realreason the firm fires him? What does he decide to do?7. When Andrew comes to Joe, asking for help, does Joe agree to accept his client?Why? What kind of opinion does Joe hold toward homosexuals and people who are infected with AIDS?8. Why does Andrew go to the library? Why does the librarian suggest Andrew usethe private research room? How does Andrew react to his suggestion?9. Joe happens to be in the library that evening. Why does Joe later decide torepresent Andrew in his suit against Wyant Wheeler?10. What do the family members say about Andrew’s decision to go to the trial?11. What are the points Joe presents to the jury in his opening speech at the court?How does Belinda, the defendant lawyer, refute his points?12. How does Joe examine Mr. Laird about his comments on Andrew’s working ability? What is he trying to prove?13. What is the public opinion toward homosexuality? How does Joe reply to thequestion raised by a lady reporter regarding the special treatment for homosexuals?Does he personally believe what he says?14. How do Joe’s colleagues look at Joe after he takes the case for Andrew? Howdoes Joe resist to the pressure of such opinion?15. Maria Torres, a witness who used to be infected with AIDS through bloodtransfusion. How does she get involved in this case? How does her previous employer, one of the board members at Wyant Wheeler now, threat her at that time?16. Why does Joe invite African American Anthea Burton at Wyant Wheeler to the courtas a witness?17. Why does Joe suddenly ask witness Jamey Collins the question whether he is agay? What seems to be the other issue that is actually being discussed at the court besides AIDS?18. How does Joe attack Walter Kenton at the court regarding the issue homosexuality?19. Does the deadly disease scare Andrew? How hard does he fight for the justiceof the law?How hard does he fight for the justice of the law?20. Why do Andrew and Miguel hold a gay party one evening before the final trialon Monday?21. What opera does Andrew listen to when he is with Joe alone after the party? Whydoes he love to listen to this opera? Is Joe impressed somehow by the opera? Why?22. What does Andrew love the law the most according to his answer to Joe at thecourt?23. What is the final verdict? What does the director intend to tell in his movie?V. Research ActivitiesFour basic aspects of the movieBackground: historical background, social background, the novel on which the movie is based, the author of the novel, production of the movie, etc.Themes: the main ideas that the movie intends to convey to the audience. Conflicts: conflicts within oneself, conflicts with others, conflicts with the society, conflicts between events, conflicts of ideas, etc.Performances: actor, actress, director, playwright, song, music, Academy Awards, etc.These four aspects, however, can never be clear-cut; they are often interrelated. The information provided below serves as some supplementary material only. The students are free to present any material relevant to the four aspects. Their presentations should include both factual information and their own opinions or comments.Unit 6 American BeautyⅡ. Questions for ThoughtsThe following answers are given only for reference, and the students are encouraged to present their own understandings of or opinions on these questions.1.Is the Burnham’s family a typical American middle-class family? How can you tell?2. What kind of life does Lester think he is living? What problems is Lesterfaced with in his career and family?3. Is Carolyn satisfied with her life? What is her idea of success?4. Why does Jane feel bitter about her life?5. Who is Angela? How are Jane and Angela different from each other inappearance and in personality? How can these two girls keep a friendship?6. How does Lester get to know Angela? What does she say one day that seemsto help him get back his vitality he has lost for long? What does he do to regain his vitality?7. Where does Lester meet Ricky, his new neighbor? Why does he think Ricky ishis personal hero?8. Why does Lester finally quit his job with the magazine and takes a job at a fastfood restaurant?9. What does Carolyn do to get herself out of the deep disappointment with her life?10. What has Carolyn found out from her close relationship with King? Is he reallyas successful in his life and career as she expects?11. Why does Ricky become so obsessed with his video camera? Why does that flyingwhile plastic bag attract him? What is beauty in his eyes?12. How do Ricky and Jane gradually become friends? How does Ricky help Jane outof her bitterness?13. Who is Colonel Fits? Why does he collect guns and keep a plate with a swastika?14. In what way does Colonel Fits treat his son, Ricky? Is Ricky obedient to hisfather?15. What attitude does Colonel Fits hold toward the gay neighbors? Why?16. What does Colonel Fits suspect about the relationship between his son and Lester?17. Why does Colonel Fits go to Lester’s garage on that storming night?18. Why does Angela feel hurt when Ricky says she is just ordinary?19. Why is Lester surprised when Angela says this is her first time?20. Can you explain the two sentences by Lester “You are beautiful. You are sobeautiful”?21. Who kills Lester? Why?22. What does the title “American Beauty” refer to?23. What does the color of rose symbolize in this film?Unit 7 The Shawshank RedemptionⅡ.Questions for ThoughtsThe following answers are given only for reference, and the students are encouraged to present their own understandings of or opinions on these questions.1. Who is Andy? Why is he brought to the court? How does Andy defend for himself?How does the court rule his case?2. Who is Red? How does he describe Andy at his first sight at him in ShawshankPrison? How does Andy impress Red later? How unusual is this new guy in Red’s eye?3. After 20 years’service in prison, Red is brought to a parole hearing. What question is raised? How does he answer the question? Why is his application rejected?4.What hardships has Andy experienced during his first two years in Shawshank? Why does he remain silent to the unfair verdict by the government and the abuses by the inmates?5. Why does Andy walk to the chief prison guard giving him advice on the tax matter at the risk of his life? What does the beautiful smile on his face tell when he is watching his fellow inmates drinking the beer earned by hum?6. Why does Warden Norton offer Andy a better job, working in the prison library?7. After 50 years in prison, old Brooks is finally on parole. However, is he happy with the life outside? Why does he commit suicide at the halfway house?8. what does Andy do to build up the library? Why is he so developed to it?9. why does Andy venture to the guard office and broadcast Mozart all over the prison? How does the music affect the prisoners?10.how is Andy punished for playing Mozart’s music、what supports him during the punishment?11. why is red rejected again at the parole hearing after 30 years service? Why does Andy buy him a harmonica as a gift?12.What program does Norton put on this year to impress the public that he is a caring and democratic warden? What dirty deals does he make behind the scenes?13 .How does Andy help Norton accumulate the filthy wealth arousing any suspicion?Why does Andy do so?14. What is the astonishing news that Tommy, the new comer, breaks to Andy? Is Nortonwilling to help Andy find out the real killer of his wife? Why?15. Why does Andy continue to work for Norton after he is released from the solitaryconfinement?16. Where is Zihuatanejo? Why does Andy dream for the place? What does Red thinkof his idea of living in Zihuatanejo?17. What does Red promise Andy to do if someday he gets out of Shawshank?18. Why do Red and some other inmates feel that Andy is a bit strange that day? Whydoes Red say that storming night is the longest night of his life?19. What surprises Norton and the guards the next morning? What do they find in Andy’s cell?20. How does Andy escape the night? What is it that supports him to strive?.21 how does Andy take revenge against Norton? What happens to Norton at last?22. Where is Andy heading for after he finishes his prison journey?23. At the third parole hearing after 40 years` service, Red`s application is approved. Why?24. Why doesn`t Red enjoy his life out of Shawshank? What is the one thing that stopshim from committing suicide?25. What is written in the letter Andy leaves for Red in the secret hole in thehayfield? Why does Andy make such an arrangement?26. What does Andy mean by saying that “I guess it comes down to a simple choice,really. Get busy living or get busy dying?”Answers to this question may vary.V.Research ActivitiesFour basic aspects of the movieBackground: historical background, social background, the novel on which the movie is based, the author of the novel, production of the movie, etc.Themes: the main ideas that the movie intends to convey to the audience. Conflicts: conflicts within oneself, conflicts with others, conflicts with the society, conflicts between events, conflicts of ideas, etc.Performances: actor, actress, director, playwright, song, music Academy Awards, etc.These four aspects, however, can never be clear-cut; they are often interrelated. The information provided below serves as some supplementary material only. Thestudents are free to present any material relevant to the four aspects. Their presentations should include both factual information and their own opinions or comments.Unit 9 Jungle Fever (1991)Ⅱ.Questions for ThoughtsThe following answers are given only for reference, and the students are encouraged to present their own understandings of or opinions on these questions.1. Who is Flipper?2. Does he have a happy family? How does he get along with his wife and his daughter?3. What kind of neighborhood does Flipper come from? How do his parents impress you?4. Who is Angie? What kind of family and neighborhood does she come from?5. How does Flipper feel when he is introduced to his new secretary Angie in the office? Why?6. How does Flipper get along with Angie? What happens between them one evening after dinner in the office? Why does it happen?7. How does Flipper do in his company? How do the heads of the company respondto his application for the promotion? What might be the reason for the refusal?8. What plan does Flipper have for his future? Does his best friend Cyrusbelieve it’s wise for him to quit? Why?9. What does Flipper confide to Cyrus one day? What is Cyrus’s response?10.What does Cyrus mean by saying that both Flipper and Angie get a “Jungle Fever?”11.How do Angie’s two girl friends react when she confides to them about the affairshe has with Flipper? How do they regard the interracial affair?12.How does Drew, Flipper’s wife, react when she learns about her husband’s affairwith the white secretary? What makes her so furious, the affair itself or any other factor as well?13.What are the attitudes of Drew’s black girl friends towards the interracialaffair?14.How do Flipper’s parents regard his affair? What does Flipper’s father do?15.When word gets to Angie’s neighborhood about her romance with Flipper, whatdoes her father do to her and what do the neighbors think of her? Why are they so enraged?16.Why do the policemen come when Flipper and Angie are teasing each other in thestreet of the white neighborhood?17.Is the relationship between Flipper and Angie flowering? Are they stillattractive to each other as much as before?18.Why does Flipper say that he will never have any child with Angie?19.Why does Flipper decide to break up with Angie? How does he explain to her? Howdoes Angie take it?。
1、简答(5,10分)2、论述(1, 20分)3、写作评论30分一.简答。
4、电影运镜方式主要有哪几种?推镜头、拉镜头、移镜头、摇镜头、跟镜头5、在电影作品中主要有哪几种景别?远景、全景、中景、近景、特写6、什么是镜头?镜头(the shot:影视画面表达意念的最基本单位,指一段影片或录相带,其上所摄录的景物在空间或时间上没有切断的痕迹。
第一章:电影类型的分类1.1 剧情片:这类电影主要讲述故事和角色的发展,通常深入挖掘人性和情感。
1.2 动作片:动作片以惊险刺激和高能场面为卖点,注重打斗和追逐场面。
1.3 喜剧片:喜剧片以幽默搞笑的元素吸引观众,旨在带给观众欢乐和轻松。
1.4 科幻片:科幻片通过未来世界或未知的科技元素来构建故事,探索人类的未来。
1.5 恐怖片:恐怖片以恐怖和惊悚的元素吸引观众,想要引起观众的紧张和害怕。
1.6 纪录片:纪录片主要通过真实的记录和访谈来展现特定的主题和现象。
1.7 动画片:动画片以动画的形式呈现,适合各个年龄段的观众。
第二章:电影的构成要素2.1 剧本:剧本是电影的基础,它包含了影片的故事情节、角色对白和台词等。
2.2 导演:导演是电影的创作核心,负责指导演员表演、布局镜头和控制整个电影的艺术风格。
2.3 摄影:摄影师通过运用光线、摄影机技术和镜头语言来创造影片的视觉效果。
2.4 音乐:音乐是电影中非常重要的一部分,它能够增强情感、烘托氛围,使观众更好地投入到故事中。
2.5 剪辑:剪辑师负责将拍摄好的镜头进行剪辑和组合,使得故事更加连贯流畅。
2.6 服装和道具:服装和道具能够帮助观众更好地理解故事背景、角色特点和时代背景。
第三章:电影艺术的表现手法3.1 镜头语言:电影中的镜头语言是指通过镜头的移动、切换和角度等方式来表达故事中的情感和思想。
3.2 色彩运用:电影中的色彩不仅仅是为了美观,还能够传达情绪和氛围,帮助观众更好地理解故事。
3.3 照明技巧:照明是电影艺术中至关重要的一环,通过灯光的运用,可以烘托出不同的情绪和氛围。
3.4 音效和配乐:电影中的音效和配乐可以增加观众的情感共鸣,使得观影体验更加丰富和感人。
经典好莱坞的电影就是叙述性的 经典好莱坞电影的意识形态财产、事业和进取心这是美国价值观的核心崇尚工作经典好莱坞赞赏“辛勤耕耘”,对游手好闲持怀疑态度;这一时期认为工作可以积极地消耗性欲。
一、影视鉴赏的基础知识1. 影视的定义和分类影视是利用影像、声音等手段来进行艺术表达和传播的一种艺术形式。
2. 影视的发展历史影视的发展可以追溯到19世纪末,当时人们通过摄影机和投影机的发明,首次实现了影像的记录和播放。
3. 影视鉴赏的重要性影视作为一种文化传播和艺术表达的方式,对于人们的审美情趣和文化修养具有重要影响。
二、影视鉴赏的基本方法1. 影视作品的分析方法影视作品的分析方法可以分为两个层面,即艺术层面和技术层面。
2. 影视作品的评价标准要进行影视鉴赏,就需要有一定的评价标准。
3. 影视作品的历史和背景知识在进行影视鉴赏时,要对影视作品的历史和背景有一定的了解。
1. 人物塑造人物是影视作品中的灵魂,一个成功的影视作品必须有鲜活、立体的人物形象。
090411123,090418132,100108-112,100413-423,100501-507,100510-515 在教B203教室参加考试。
第五大题为1个英语论述题(essay question)(字数不得少于150个英语单词)。
1. Multiple choice questions1.1. History of filmThe history of film is simplified by its shortness. In the case of Hollywood, it is enough to talk about three major historical periods---those of early cinema, classical Hollywood cinema, and post-classical Hollywood cinema.好莱坞的电影历史主要分成三个时期:早期电影、经典好莱坞电影和后经典好莱坞电影。
此类电影多集中观照富有深度人文思潮的主题, 可以折射社会思潮的变化。
三、教学内容及要求(―)教学内容第一章导言:西方电影简史及其美学意义第二章路易•德H克的纯电影理论与电影先锋派第一节电影先锋派的理论背景(重点)第二节先锋派电影鉴赏第三章超现实主义电影、表现主义电影第一节超现实主义、表现主义理论解析(重点、难点)第二节电影案例分析第四章印彖派电影第一节背景及发展第二节印象派电影与印象派绘価鉴赏笫五章卢米埃尔和格里菲斯的真实影像系统笫一节真实影像系统与电影的“真实性”第二节电彩史上关于“真实性”的人讨论(重点)第六章梅里爱的神话影像系统和维尔托夫电影眼睛派笫一节神话影响系统(难点)第二节电彩眼睛派(难点)第七章蒙太奇电影手法第一节爱森斯坦的蒙太奇理论、普多夫金的蒙太奇理论(难点)第二节电影蒙太奇手法集锦第八章意大利新现实主义电影笫一节新现实主义的涵义及其表征(重点)第二节经典案例解析与讨论第九章法国新浪潮电影运动第一节法国新浪潮运动对其电影的影响(重点)第二节案例解析第十章新德国电影运动第一节徳国Z “新”与电影Z “新”笫二节案例分析及讨论第I•一章战后日木电影的发展第一-节战后H本电彩概况及原因第二节经典案例解析少讨论第十二章新好莱坞电彩及具审美特征第一节新好莱坞电影发展简况及美学分析(重点、难点)第二节经典案例分析与讨论笫十三章精神分析电影分析笫一节精神分析电影与精神分析学派(难点、重点)第二节经典案例解析第十四章女权主义电影分析第一节女权主义电影及女权主义笫二节经典女权主义电影鉴赏第十五章西方纪录电影概览第一节纪录电影的源起与发展笫二节经典案例分析与讨论(二)基本要求第一章导言基本要求:了解西方电影发展的简史,掌握西方电影的经典流派的要义。
以好莱坞电影来说,主要分三个历史时期—早期电影(early cinema)、经典好莱坞电影(classic Hollywood cinema)、和后经典好莱坞电影(post-classic Hollywood cinema)。
另外一个突破性发明是美国的爱迪生(Edison)和法国的吕米埃克兄弟(Lumiere brothers 法国人)分别发明的可以拍摄连续活动的摄像机,于1895年拍摄了世界上第一部电影(《火车进站》),这标志着美国电影史的开端。
早期电影的制作基本是依靠“摄影师制度”(cameraman system),即每部电影都是由个人(摄影师)制作,这个人负责策划、编剧、摄影和剪辑。
这时的电影业被两个公司垄断:爱迪生和贝尔格拉夫(Edison and Biograph)公司,两家公司合办了电影专利公司MPPC(Motion Pictures Patents Company)。
从美学角度看,早期电影最显著的特点是倾向于记录和重视现实生活的某些方面,这种“真实摄影”(actually filming)是对单个人,名人或运动员,地点(风景区)或者行动(日常生活或新闻事件)进行长距离的连续拍摄。
澳门科技大学 西方电影赏析 复习
![澳门科技大学 西方电影赏析 复习](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0ea3d81c650e52ea551898e0.png)
西方电影赏析1.Important figures in the early history of film development (including their main contributionof film):[1] Lumiere brothers;(French) used the “cinematograph” to both record and show films; Held the first public motion picture screening in Paris, 1895.[2] Edison;1887: 1st patent for motion picture camera; 1891: invented kinetograph (early film camera) &kinetoscope (single viewer projection). Vitascope; Sandow-1894; Bike-1899; Kiss-1900; Eggs-1902; School-1904.[3] George Melies;A French surrealist - magician and filmmaker; The inventor of special effects, esp. in sci-fi films; Opened first theater in France, (1896); A popular film about space travel:Trip to the Moon, (1902).[4] Edwin S. Porter;Shot America’s first narrative films, The Great Train Robbery(1903), Life of an American Fireman (1903); Shot scenes out of order -- later edit in sequence; Shot first close-up (特寫鏡頭).[5] Sergei Eisentein;a revolutionary Russian film director and theorist; known for his silent films including Strike, October and his most notable being Battleship Potemkin.; the use of montage.[6] D. W. Griffith;American; He was one of the first directors to play around with the raw elements of moviemaking, such as lighting, continuity, editing and acting; His most notable production was “Birth of a Nation” made in 1915.[7] Robert Flaherty;an American filmmaker; directed and produced the first commercially successful feature length documentary film, Nanook of the North (1922).2. Three basic economic divisions of the movie industry.PRODUCTION: camera and projector technology, scripting, filming; DISTRIBUTION: marketing and delivering films into theaters; EXHIBITION: the theater industry that delivers movies to the public.3.The first sound film.The Jazz Singer4. The three most influential comedians of Silent Era in Hollywood.Harold Lloyd , Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton5. The “ big five ” and the “ little three ” (their names and some famous films related).The “Big Five” or the Majors:---Warner Brothers(became prominent by 1927 due to its introduction of talkies (The Jazz Singer 1927), and early 30s gangster films; it was known as the "Depression studio"; in the 40s, it specialized in Bugs Bunny animations and other cartoons.) --Paramount; --20th Century Fox; --Loew's (MGM) (Gone With the Wind); --RKO (owned by RCA)(musicals in the 30s, King Kong (1933), and Citizen Kane (1941))The “Little Three” or the Minors: --United Artists; --Columbia(established prominence with It happened one night (1934), Rita Hayworth films, Lost Horizon (1937) The Jolson Story (1946), and Batman serials.); --Universal.(its first successes were W.C. Fields and Abbott and Costello comedies, the FlashGordon serial, and Woody Woodpecker cartoons.)6. The first sound animated sound cartoon.Steamboat Willie7. The period of New Hollywood (famous movies and directors mentioned &characteristics ). New Hollywoodrefers to the time from roughly the mid-1960s (Bonnie and Clyde, The Graduate) to the early 1980s (Heaven's Gate, One from the Heart)Jaws (1975) and Star Wars (1977) marked the beginning of the end for the New Hollywood era.导演:Steven Spielberg and George Lucas;8. Blockbusters vs. independent films.Blockbusters: ---Enormous budget; ---Emphasizing spectacle, star power and high production value; Independent films: ---Made with small budgets, and independent of the studio corporation; ---Emphasizing high professional quality, creativity and innovation.9. Definition and essential elements of “action genre films”.Definition: Action films usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights, escapes, destructive crises (floods, explosions, natural disasters, fires, etc.), non-stop motion, spectacular rhythm and pacing, and adventurous, often two-dimensional 'good-guy' heroes (or recently, heroines) battling 'bad guys' - all designed for pure audience escapism.Two Essential Elements: Violence & Death.10. Subgenres of Action films and representative films[1] Action dramaCarol Reed's The Third Man; Luc Besson’s The Professional[2] Buddy copMajor examples are Rush Hour, Bad Boys, 48 Hrs., Lethal Weapon and Tango & Cash.[3] Action comedysuch as 48 Hrs.and Beverly Hills Cop. Bad Boys, Rush Hour and Midnight Run are other examples.[4] Action thrillerLethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon 2,3, and 4; Nighthawks. The Bourne Identity (2002), The Bourne Supremacy (2004),and The Bourne Ultimatum (2007).[5] Caper/ heistYou Only Live Once (1937); The Italian Job, Heat, and Ocean’s 11,12,13.[6] Die hard scenarioUnder Siege (魔鬼戰將);John Q(迫在眉梢), Executive Decision(最高危機), Air Force One(空軍一號), Speed(生死時速)[7] Sci-fi (science fiction) actionThe Star Wars; The Fifth Element, The Matrix,[8] Action horrorAliens (異型2)[9] Girls with gunsKill Bill[10] Hong Kong Action filmsdramatic themes such asbrotherhood, duty, honor, redemption and violence.11. Charlie Chaplin and his famous works.The Tramp <1915>, The Gold Rush <1925> City Lights < 1931> and Modern Times <1936>talkies:The Great Dictator <1940> Limelight <1952>12. Characteristics of Buster Keaton.His trademark was physical comedy with a stoic, deadpan expression on his face, earning him the nickname "T he Great Stone Face”13. Features of Harold Lloyd and his “Safety Last”.Harold Lloyd films frequently contained "thrill sequences" of extended chase scenes and daredevil physical feats, for which he is best remembered today. Lloyd hanging from the hands of a clock high above the street in Safety Last is one of the most enduring images in all of cinema.14. Comedian teams: Laurel & Hardy, the Marx Brothers.Laurel and Hardyfamous for:(1)contrasting, disparate physical differences; (2) classic gestures.The Marx Brothers: popular team of sibling comedians (Anarchy and Surrealism): Duck Soup(1933), A Night At The Opera(1935).A mixture of slapstick and sophisticated verbal comedy.15. Slapstick & Screwball comedies (characteristics & famous films).These films combine farce(滑稽戏) , slapstick and the witty dialogue of more sophisticated films, commonly focusing on a battle of sexes in which both co-protagonists try to outwit each other.It Happened One Night (1934), Bringing Up Baby(1938), I Was a Male War Bride (1949)16. Some famous black comedies.Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949), TheLadykillers (1955), Dr. Strangelove (1964)17. Billy Wilder and his famous comedies.Billy Wilder (Bittersweet Farce): Sabrina(1954), Seven-Year Itch (1955), Some Like It Hot(1959), The Apartment (1960)18. Mel Brooks and his famous comedies.The Producers, Young Frankenstein, High Anxiety;19. Woody Allen and his famous comedies.Take the Money and Run, Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex, Annie Hall etc. 20. Some famous British comedies.(1)Post-War Ealing Comedies:Kind Hearts and Coronets(1949), Lady-Killers(1955), Carry On series (1958-1978); (2) The Monty Python Comedies:And Now for Something Completely Different(1971), Monty Python’s Meaning of Life(1983), Time Bandits(1981); (3) Contemporary Development:A Fish Called Wanda (1988), Four Weddings and a Funeral(1994), The Full Monty(1997)21. Some famous romance films.Pretty Woman, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Notting Hill, Run-Away Bride, Green Card, Sleepless in Seattle, Forget Paris22.Some important shots (camera distance & camera angle).Some of the most important kinds of shots are:[1] Establishing shot; [2]The long shot; [3] Medium shot; [4] The close-up; [5] Extreme close-up; [6] Point-of-view shot; [7] two-shot; [8] aerial shot; [9] over the shoulder shot; Camera angle: [1] high angle; [2] low angle; [3] eye level shot; [4] canted angle (Dutch angle/Oblique angle)。
(4) 审美功能:在电影的创作和放映过程中,一方面,人们通过创作来表现和传达自己的审美感受和审美理想;另一方面,观众通过欣赏电影而获得美感和精神的享受。
《Holy Bible》圣经《King Arthur》亚瑟王《Greek Myths》希腊神话判断、简答题1.五大电影公司:Warner Brothers; Loew's-MGM;Fox;Radio—Keith—Orpheum (RKO);Paramount三小电影公司:Columbia;Universal;United Artists2。
Sound and ColorSound–was introduced by Warner Brothers in Don Juan。
在华纳公司的《唐璜》中引进Color–was initially limited by its expense and crudity;yet by the 1930s the quality had improved.最初受制于费用而且生硬,但到了1930年代质量得到了改善.3.角色The main character is the most important character in a film, and the character of greatest interest。
Usually the main character is also the “protagonist", the character whose actions trigger the chain of causes and effects that drive the plot forward。
Secondary characters are those who interact with the protagonist and have significant impact on the development of the narrative. They can often be divided into three main functions: the opposition character,the mirror character, and the romance character。
若干个镜头构成一个段落或场面, 若干个段落或场面构成一部影片。
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西方电影赏析1.Important figures in the early history of film development (including their main contributionof film):[1] Lumiere brothers;(French) used the “cinematograph” to both record and show films; Held the first public motion picture screening in Paris, 1895.[2] Edison;1887: 1st patent for motion picture camera; 1891: invented kinetograph (early film camera) &kinetoscope (single viewer projection). Vitascope; Sandow-1894; Bike-1899; Kiss-1900; Eggs-1902; School-1904.[3] George Melies;A French surrealist - magician and filmmaker; The inventor of special effects, esp. in sci-fi films; Opened first theater in France, (1896); A popular film about space travel:Trip to the Moon, (1902).[4] Edwin S. Porter;Shot America’s first narrative films, The Great Train Robbery(1903), Life of an American Fireman (1903); Shot scenes out of order -- later edit in sequence; Shot first close-up (特寫鏡頭).[5] Sergei Eisentein;a revolutionary Russian film director and theorist; known for his silent films including Strike, October and his most notable being Battleship Potemkin.; the use of montage.[6] D. W. Griffith;American; He was one of the first directors to play around with the raw elements of moviemaking, such as lighting, continuity, editing and acting; His most notable production was “Birth of a Nation” made in 1915.[7] Robert Flaherty;an American filmmaker; directed and produced the first commercially successful feature length documentary film, Nanook of the North (1922).2. Three basic economic divisions of the movie industry.PRODUCTION: camera and projector technology, scripting, filming; DISTRIBUTION: marketing and delivering films into theaters; EXHIBITION: the theater industry that delivers movies to the public.3.The first sound film.The Jazz Singer4. The three most influential comedians of Silent Era in Hollywood.Harold Lloyd , Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton5. The “ big five ” and the “ little three ” (their names and some famous films related).The “Big Five” or the Majors:---Warner Brothers(became prominent by 1927 due to its introduction of talkies (The Jazz Singer 1927), and early 30s gangster films; it was known as the "Depression studio"; in the 40s, it specialized in Bugs Bunny animations and other cartoons.) --Paramount; --20th Century Fox; --Loew's (MGM) (Gone With the Wind); --RKO (owned by RCA)(musicals in the 30s, King Kong (1933), and Citizen Kane (1941))The “Little Three” or the Minors: --United Artists; --Columbia(established prominence with It happened one night (1934), Rita Hayworth films, Lost Horizon (1937) The Jolson Story (1946), and Batman serials.); --Universal.(its first successes were W.C. Fields and Abbott and Costello comedies, the FlashGordon serial, and Woody Woodpecker cartoons.)6. The first sound animated sound cartoon.Steamboat Willie7. The period of New Hollywood (famous movies and directors mentioned &characteristics ). New Hollywoodrefers to the time from roughly the mid-1960s (Bonnie and Clyde, The Graduate) to the early 1980s (Heaven's Gate, One from the Heart)Jaws (1975) and Star Wars (1977) marked the beginning of the end for the New Hollywood era.导演:Steven Spielberg and George Lucas;8. Blockbusters vs. independent films.Blockbusters: ---Enormous budget; ---Emphasizing spectacle, star power and high production value; Independent films: ---Made with small budgets, and independent of the studio corporation; ---Emphasizing high professional quality, creativity and innovation.9. Definition and essential elements of “action genre films”.Definition: Action films usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights, escapes, destructive crises (floods, explosions, natural disasters, fires, etc.), non-stop motion, spectacular rhythm and pacing, and adventurous, often two-dimensional 'good-guy' heroes (or recently, heroines) battling 'bad guys' - all designed for pure audience escapism.Two Essential Elements: Violence & Death.10. Subgenres of Action films and representative films[1] Action dramaCarol Reed's The Third Man; Luc Besson’s The Professional[2] Buddy copMajor examples are Rush Hour, Bad Boys, 48 Hrs., Lethal Weapon and Tango & Cash.[3] Action comedysuch as 48 Hrs.and Beverly Hills Cop. Bad Boys, Rush Hour and Midnight Run are other examples.[4] Action thrillerLethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon 2,3, and 4; Nighthawks. The Bourne Identity (2002), The Bourne Supremacy (2004),and The Bourne Ultimatum (2007).[5] Caper/ heistYou Only Live Once (1937); The Italian Job, Heat, and Ocean’s 11,12,13.[6] Die hard scenarioUnder Siege (魔鬼戰將);John Q(迫在眉梢), Executive Decision(最高危機), Air Force One(空軍一號), Speed(生死時速)[7] Sci-fi (science fiction) actionThe Star Wars; The Fifth Element, The Matrix,[8] Action horrorAliens (異型2)[9] Girls with gunsKill Bill[10] Hong Kong Action filmsdramatic themes such asbrotherhood, duty, honor, redemption and violence.11. Charlie Chaplin and his famous works.The Tramp <1915>, The Gold Rush <1925> City Lights < 1931> and Modern Times <1936>talkies:The Great Dictator <1940> Limelight <1952>12. Characteristics of Buster Keaton.His trademark was physical comedy with a stoic, deadpan expression on his face, earning him the nickname "T he Great Stone Face”13. Features of Harold Lloyd and his “Safety Last”.Harold Lloyd films frequently contained "thrill sequences" of extended chase scenes and daredevil physical feats, for which he is best remembered today. Lloyd hanging from the hands of a clock high above the street in Safety Last is one of the most enduring images in all of cinema.14. Comedian teams: Laurel & Hardy, the Marx Brothers.Laurel and Hardyfamous for:(1)contrasting, disparate physical differences; (2) classic gestures.The Marx Brothers: popular team of sibling comedians (Anarchy and Surrealism): Duck Soup(1933), A Night At The Opera(1935).A mixture of slapstick and sophisticated verbal comedy.15. Slapstick & Screwball comedies (characteristics & famous films).These films combine farce(滑稽戏) , slapstick and the witty dialogue of more sophisticated films, commonly focusing on a battle of sexes in which both co-protagonists try to outwit each other.It Happened One Night (1934), Bringing Up Baby(1938), I Was a Male War Bride (1949)16. Some famous black comedies.Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949), TheLadykillers (1955), Dr. Strangelove (1964)17. Billy Wilder and his famous comedies.Billy Wilder (Bittersweet Farce): Sabrina(1954), Seven-Year Itch (1955), Some Like It Hot(1959), The Apartment (1960)18. Mel Brooks and his famous comedies.The Producers, Young Frankenstein, High Anxiety;19. Woody Allen and his famous comedies.Take the Money and Run, Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex, Annie Hall etc. 20. Some famous British comedies.(1)Post-War Ealing Comedies:Kind Hearts and Coronets(1949), Lady-Killers(1955), Carry On series (1958-1978); (2) The Monty Python Comedies:And Now for Something Completely Different(1971), Monty Python’s Meaning of Life(1983), Time Bandits(1981); (3) Contemporary Development:A Fish Called Wanda (1988), Four Weddings and a Funeral(1994), The Full Monty(1997)21. Some famous romance films.Pretty Woman, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Notting Hill, Run-Away Bride, Green Card, Sleepless in Seattle, Forget Paris22.Some important shots (camera distance & camera angle).Some of the most important kinds of shots are:[1] Establishing shot; [2]The long shot; [3] Medium shot; [4] The close-up; [5] Extreme close-up; [6] Point-of-view shot; [7] two-shot; [8] aerial shot; [9] over the shoulder shot; Camera angle: [1] high angle; [2] low angle; [3] eye level shot; [4] canted angle (Dutch angle/Oblique angle)。