
本科专业中英文对照地球科学与技术学院School of Geosciences资源勘查工程专业Resource Exploration Engineering勘查技术与工程专业Exploration Technology and Engineering测绘工程专业Surveying and Mapping Engineering地理信息系统专业Geographical Information System地质学专业Geology地球物理学专业Geophysics石油工程学院School of Petroleum Engineering石油工程专业Petroleum Engineering船舶与海洋工程专业Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering化学工程学院College of Chemical Engineering化学工程与工艺专业Chemical Engineering and Technology应用化学专业Applied Chemistry环境工程专业Environmental Engineering环保设备工程专业Material Chemistry过程装备与控制工程专业Process Equipment and Control Engineering机电工程学院College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering材料科学与工程专业Material Science and Engineering工业设计专业Industrial Design车辆工程专业V ehicle Engineering机械设计制造及其自动化专业Mechanical Design & Manufacture and Automation 材料成型及控制工程专业Material Molding and Control Engineering安全工程专业Safety Engineering信息与控制工程学院College of Information and Control Engineering自动化专业Automation电气工程及其自动化专业Electrical Engineering and Automation电子信息工程专业Electronic Information Engineering测控技术与仪器专业Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument储运与建筑工程学院College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering油气储运工程专业Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering工程力学Engineering Mechanics土木工程专业Civil Engineering热能与动力工程专业Thermal Power and Power Engineering建筑环境与设备工程专业Architectural Environment and Equipment Engineering建筑学专业Architecture计算机与通信工程学院College of Computer and Communication Engineering计算机科学与技术专业Computer Science and Technology软件工程专业Software Engineering通信工程专业Communication Engineering经济管理学院Schlool of Economics and Management工程管理专业Engineering Management信息管理与信息系统专业Information Management and Information System会计学专业Accounting财务管理专业Financial Management国际经济与贸易专业International Economy and Trade行政管理专业Administration Management经济学专业Economics市场营销专业Marketing and Sales公共事业管理专业Public Utility Management电子商务专业Electronic Commerce工商管理专业Business Administration理学院College of Science应用物理学专业Applied Physics材料物理专业Materials Physics材料化学专业Materials Chemistry信息与计算科学专业Information and Computing Science数学与应用数学专业Mathematics光信息科学与技术专业Optical Information Science and Technology文学院College of Arts英语专业English Language and Literature俄语专业Russian Language and Literature音乐学专业Musicology法学专业Science of Law艺术设计专业Art Design汉语言文学专业Chinese Language and Literature。

Electrical Engineering and Its Automation (Power System Automation)
Electrical Engineering and Its Automation (Electrical and Electronic Technology)
Network Engineering(Network and Informatics)
Electronic, Information Science and Technology
School of Electromechanical Engineering
School of Business
Electronic Commerce
Industrial and commeห้องสมุดไป่ตู้cial business management
International economy and trade
Apparel Design and Engineering(Apparel Engineering)
Apparel Design and Engineering(Fashion Design)
Apparel Design and Engineering(Image Design and Fashion Show)

建筑环境与设备工程(Architectural Environment & Equipment Engineering)专业简介本专业主要培养从事室内环境设备系统和建筑公共设施设计、安装调试、运行管理及国民经济各部门所需的特殊环境开发的高级工程技术人才。
国家级奖“人工环境工程学科奖学金”(简称“人环奖”)课程设置基础课:高等数学、英语、普通化学、建筑制图、计算机文化基础、c语言(VB)专业课:传热学Heat Transfer工程热力学Engineering Thermodynamics工程流体力学Fluid Mechanics工业通风Industry ventilates and dust removal制冷技术Refrigeration technology锅炉与锅炉房boiler and boiler room燃气输配The gas is lost and mixes the network management流体输配The fluid is lost and mixes the network management供热工程Supply heat engineering空气调节conditioning of air热质交换The principle and equipment of heat and mass电子电工学、建筑环境学、热质交换原理与设备、建筑环境测试技术、通风记空气污染控制、施工组织与经济、空气洁净技术、热泵技术、建筑设备自动化、蓄冰空调记冷藏技术,建筑给排水等。
建筑环境与设备工程专业(Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning)英语教材

Lesson 9 Boiler System (锅炉系统)I. Text[1] Boiler are used to supply steam or hot water for heating, processing, or power purposes. This chapter is primarily concerned with a description of the low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boiler used in the heating systems of residences and small buildings.[2]The basic construction of both low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boiler fired by fossil fuels consists of an insulated steel jacket enclosing a lower chamber in which the combustion process takes place; and an upper chamber containing cast-iron sections or steel tubes in which water is heated or converted to steam for circulation through the pipes of the heating system.Steam and Hot Water Boiler Similarities and Differences [3]Steam and hot-water space heating boiler are very similar physically, but there are sone important differences:Steam boiler operate only about three-fourths full of water, whereas hot-water boiler operate completely filled with water. Steam boilers in residential steam heating systems operate at 13.79 kPa pressure or slightly more, where as residentialhot-water boilers operate at approximately six times that pressure.Steam boilers are equipped with a low-water cutoff device to protect the appliance from burning out if it should run out of water. Only large hot-water space heating boilers with a capacity exceeding 422.04 MJ/h are presently required by code to be equipped with low-water cutoffs. (Note: Many HV AC contractors who install the smaller residential hot-water boilers strongly recommend the addition of a low-water cutoff device to these appliances to prevent burn out if the boiler loses its water.) Steam boilers require makeup feed to replace water lost through evaporation and the production of steam during normal operation. Hot-water boilers can operate with little or on need for makeup water under the same normal operating conditions.[4]The design and construction of the lower chamber depends upon the type of fuel used to fire the boiler. It serves as a combustion chamber for coal-fired and oil-fired boilers and as a compartment for housing the gas burner assembly on gas-fired boiler. These gas burner assemblies are commonly designed for easy removal so that they can be periodically cleaned or serviced.[5]Oil burners are externally mounted with the burner nozzle extending into the combustion chamber. This is also true of gas conversion burners. Gas burner assemblies, on the other hand, are located inside the lower chamber of the boiler.[6]The cast-iron sections or stell tubes in the upper chamber of the boiler contain water that circulates through the pipes in the heating system in the form of either steam or hot water.The heat from the combustion process in the lower chamber of the boiler is transferred through the metal surface of the cast-iron sections or steel tubes to the water contained in them, causing a rise temperature. The amount of water contained in these passages is one of the ways in which steam boilers and hot-water space heating boilers are distinguished from one another.In hot-water space heating boilers these passages are completely filled with water; whereas in low-pressure steam boilers only the lower two-thirds are filled. In steam boilers the water is heated very rapidly, causing steam to form in the upper one-third. The steam, under pressure, rises through the supply pipes connected to the top section of the boiler.[7]A boiler jacket contains a number of different openings for pipe connections and the mounting of accessories. The numberand type of openings on a specific boiler jacket depends upon the type of boiler (i.e. Steam or hot water ). Among the different openings to be found on a boiler jacket are the flue connections, water feed (supply )connection, inspection and cleanout tapping, blow down tapping, relief valve tapping, control tapping, drain tapping, expansion tank tapping, and return tapping. These are also gas and oil burner connections Fig.1 illustrates the arrangement of tapping in a Weil-McLain oil-fires boiler.[8]Most (but not all ) of the controls on low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating boilers fired by the same fuel are similar in design and function, but there are exceptions. For example, a few boiler controls and fittings are designed to be specifically used on steam boilers; other are found only on hot-water space heating boilers.Boiler Rating Method[9]The construction of low-pressure steel and cast-iron heating boilers is governed by the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This is a nationally recognized code used by boiler manufacturers, and any boiler used in a heating installation should clearly display the ASME stamp. State and local codes are usually patterned after the ASME Code.[10]The location of the identification symbols used by the ASME is specified by the code and determined by the type of boiler. For example, on a water-tube boiler, it appears in a head of the steam-outlet drum near and above the manhole opening. On vertical fire-tube boilers, the stamp bearing the identification symbol should appear on the shell above the fire door and handhole opening. Other types of boilers (e.g. Scotch marine and super heaters ) have their own specified location for the identification symbol stamp.[11] The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applies only to boiler construction, specifically to maximum allowable working pressures, not to uts heating capacity. A number of different methods are used to rate the heating or operating capacity of a boiler, the boiler manufacturers have developed their own ratings, but these are generally used along with rating methods available from several professional and trade associations. [12]The Steel Boilers Institute no longer exists, but its SBI rating is still found on many existing stell boilers. The I=B=R (or IBR ) logo was created by the now defunct Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers to indicate the gross output (s) at 100 percent firing rate for most sectional cast-iron boilers. The I=B=R rating logo is now used by the Hydronic InstituteDivision of the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (GAMA).[13]The Mechanical Contractors Association of America has devised a method for rating boilers not covered by ether the SBI or I=B=R codes. Finally, fas-fired boilers are rated in accordance with methods developed by the American Gas Association.[14]Other rating logos appearing on boilers and in their installation and operation manuals are the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and the Underwriter’s Laboratories of Canada logos.[15]In terms of its heating capacity, the rating of a boiler can be expressed on square feet of equivalent direct radiation (EDR) or thousands of Btu/h. Sometimes a boiler horsepower rating is also given, but this is has proven to be misleading.[16]For steam boilers, 0.09 m2 of equivalent direct radiation (EDR) is equal to the emission of 253.21kJ/h. For a water boiler, 0.09 m2 of EDR is considered equal to the emission of 158.26kJ/h.[17]A boiler horsepower (bhp) os the evaporation of 15.66kg of water onto dry steam from and at 100℃. For rating purposes, 1 bhp is considered as the heat equivalent of 13.02㎡of steamradiation per hour. In some cases bhp ratings are oltained by dividing steam SBI ratings by 140.[18]A boiler is rated according to its operating or heating capacity, but this rating will vary in accordance with the type of load used as the basis for the rating. The three types of connected loads used to determine the rating of a boiler are:(1)Net load(2)Design load(3)Gross load[19]Net load refers to the actual connected load of the heat-emitting units in the steam or hot-water heating system. Design load includes the met-load rating plus an allowance for piping heat loss. Finally, gross load will equal the net load and the piping heat loss, plus an additional allowance for the pickup load.Boiler Heating Surface[20]The boiler heating surface (expressed in square feet ) is that portion of the surface of the heat transfer apparatus in contact with the fluid being heated on one side and the gas or refractory being cooled in the other side. The direct or radiant hearing surface is the surface against which the fire strikes. The surface that cones in contact with the hot gases is called the indirect irconvection surface.[21]The heating capacity of any boiler is influenced by the amount and arrangement of the heating surface and the temperature on either side, the arrangement if the heating surface refers to the ratio of the diameter if each passage to its length, as well as its contour (straight or curved ), cross-sectional shape, number of passes, and other design variables.Boiler Efficiency[22]the boiler efficiency is the ratio of the heat output to the caloric value of the fuel. Boiler efficiency is determined by various factors including the type of fuel used, the method of firing, and the control settings. For example, oil-and gas-fired boilers have boiler efficiencies ranging from 70 to 80 percent. A hand-fired boiler in which anthracite coal is used will have a boiler efficiency of 60 to 75 percent.Boiler energy Efficiency[23]Two government programs have been created within the last 20 years to rate the energy efficiency of different heating appliances such as furnaces, boilers, water heaters, and heat pumps. These two programs are (1) the annual fuel utilization capacity (AFUE) programs and (2) the Energy Star Certificationprogram.[24]Annual Fuel Utilization Capacity (AFUE). The energy efficiency of an oil-, gas-, or coal-fired boiler is measured by its annual fuel utilization capacity (AFUE). The AFUE reatings for boilers manufactured today are listed in the boiler manufacturer’s literature. Look for the EnerGuide emblem for the efficiency rating of that particular model. The higher the rating, the more efficient the boiler. The government has established a minimum rating foe boilers of 78 percent. Mid-efficiency boilers have AFUE ratings ranging from 78 to 80 percent. Higher-efficiency (condensing ) boilers have AFUE ratings ranging from 88 to 97 percent. Conventional ( noncondensing ) steam and hot-water space heating boilers have AFUE ratings of approximately 60 to 65 Percent.[25]Energy Star Certification. Energy Star os an energy performance rating system created in 1992 by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to identify and certify certain energy-efficient appliances. The goal is give special recognition to companies who manufacture products that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This voluntary labeling program was expanded by 1995 to include furnaces, boiler, heat pumps, and other HV AC equipment. Both the Energy Star labeland an AFUE rating are used to identify an energy-efficient appliance.Types of Boiler[26]The boiler used in low-pressure steam and hot-water space heating systems can be classified in a number of different ways. Some of the criteria used in classifying them are:(1)Construction material(2)Construction design(3)Boiler position(4)Number of passes of the hot gases(5)Length of travel of the hot gases(6)Type of heating surface(7)Type of fuel used[27]Most boilers are constructed of either cast iron or steel. A few are constructed from nonferrous materials such as aluminum. Cast-iron boilers generally display a greater resistance to the corrosive effects of water than steel ones do, but the degree of corrosion in steel boilers can be significantly reduced by chemically treating the water. [28]The heating core of many boilers is formed by joining together a series of cast-iron sections either horizontally (so-called pancake construction ) or vertically. In the horizontalcast-iron section design, the heating surface of each cast-iron section is exposed at right angles to the rising flue gases. The water travels in a zigzag path from section to section in a manner similar to the flow of water on a steel tube boiler. [29]Steel boilers may be classified with respect to the relative position of water and hot gases in the tubular heating surface. In fire-tube boilers, for example, the hot gases pass within the boiler tube while the water being heated circulates around them. In water-tube boilers, the reverse is true. Flexible steel tubes are used in some boilers for the circulation of the water around the heat rising from the fire.[30]A hot-water (hydronic) copper-fin tube operates on a different principle from the cast-iron and steel boilers. It is designed to transfer heat almost instantly to the water. Water flows across the boiler heat exchanger, picks up heat, and then moves through the pipes to the heat convectors, radiators, or panels.Note If the water stops flowing while the burner is still running, heat will build up until the water flashes into steam and damages the boiler. This condition is similar to dry firing in cast-iron and steek boilers. It can be avoided by installing a flow switch in the path of the water. The switch turns off the burner when the waterstops flowing.[31]Boilers can also be classified according to the number of passes made by the hot gases (e.g. One pass, two passes, and three passes). The length of travel of the hot gases is another method used for classifying boilers. The efficiency of a boiler heating surface depends, in part, upon the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the passage to its length.[32]Among the various fuels used to fire boilers are oil, gas ( natural and propane),coal, and coke. Conversion kits for converting a boiler from one gas to another are available from some manufacturers. Changing from coal (or coke ) to oil or gas can be accomplished by using conversion chambers and making certain other modifications.[33]Electricity can also be used to fire boilers. One advantage in using electric-fired boilers is that the draft provisions required by boilers using combustible fuels is not necessary. Unlike the boilers fired by fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc.), electric boilers do not have an AFUE efficiency rating. They operate at almost 100 percent efficiency.[34]The classification criteria described above are selective and limited to the more common types in use. Considering the multiplicity of boiler types and designs available, it is extremelydifficult to establish a classification system suitable for all of them.。

建筑领域英语专业词汇汇总:建筑基础、施工与工程、建筑技术与设备、环境与可持续性1.建筑基础2.三通一平:Site preparation, including water supply, electricity supply,and road access3.土方工程:Earthwork, including excavation, filling, and leveling4.给排水工程:Water supply and drainage engineering, including pipes,pumps, and reservoirs5.施工与工程6.施工组织:Construction organization, including scheduling, resourceallocation, and management7.工程管理:Project management, including cost, time, and qualitycontrol8.质量与安全:Quality and safety, including inspection, testing, and riskmanagement9.建筑技术与设备10.建筑设计软件:Building design software, such as AutoCAD, Revit, andSketchUp11.数字化技术:Digital technology, including BIM (Building InformationModeling) and CAD12.智能设备:Intelligent devices, such as robots, sensors, and monitoringsystems13.环境与可持续性14.绿色建筑:Green building, including energy-efficient design and useof sustainable materials15.可持续性设计:Sustainable design, emphasizing reduction ofenvironmental impact and use of renewable resources16.海绵城市:Sponge city, a urban planning concept that manages waterresources effectively。

创 新 教 育
Sc i e n c e画 n d Te c h n o l o g y I n n o v a t i 提 问式教学初探① ②
张喜 明 荆玲 ( 吉林建筑 工程 学院 吉林长春 1 3 0 1 1 8 )
f or Co a1 G a s i f i cat i o n R eadi ng M at eri al BH i gh Bt u Ga s i f i ca t i on Uni t .T H R EE
R eadi ng M at eri al A Li quef i ed
e t r o l e um Ga s( LPG) 已成 为建 筑 环境 与 设 备工 程 专 业 人 士 的 共 p
Rea di ng M a t er i al BCoal - r el at ed Ga s es U ni t TW O Text Re act i on K i net i cs
m Te xt Com f o rt and Di sc om0f or t
R eading M ateri al A C ei 1i ng H ea t i ng R eadi ng M at er i a1 BU nder f l oor H ea ti ng Uni t N I NE T ex tH eati ng bY St e ai n an d Hi gh—pr es s ur e H ot W a t er R ead i ng M ate ri al A R educ e Trans mi ss i on H eat l os se s t hr ough W a1 1 s R ea di ng M a t e r i a l BN o n— — me t al l i c Ho t W at er Di s t ri but i 0n Pi pi ng

AHU =air handling unit 空调箱air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air-side pressure.drop空气侧压降aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材as-completed drawing 修改竣工图layout 设计图brass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connection terminal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessories水冷柜机排水及配料chiller assembly水冷柜机安装工费chiller unit 水冷柜机基础clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数DCC=dry coil units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system异程式系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawn No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度entering water temp进水温度Fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管FFU=fan filter units 风扇过滤网组final 施工图flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理单元ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节HEPA=high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图leaving air temp 出风温度leaving water temp出水温度lood vacuum pump中央集尘泵NAU=make up air handling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop return valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessories 水系统辅材piping assembly 配管工费plan 平面图RAC=recirculation air cabinet unit schedule 循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制ratio gear 变速轮ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置] rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置] reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocal grate 往复炉排reciprocal motion 住复式动作reciprocal proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气]recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图d. GENERAL ROOM NAME常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING屋面及天棚f. W ALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MA TERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语【Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role职务名称】【Drafting 制图】2. STRUCTURE 结构专业a. LOAD 荷载b. GROUND BASE AND FOUNDATION 地基及基础c. REINFORCEMENT CONCRETE STRUCTURE 钢筋混凝土结构d. STEEL STRUCTURE 钢结构e. DESIGN FOR ANTISEISMIC抗震设计f. GENERAL WORDS FOR DESIGN设计常用词汇g. GENERAL WORDS FOR CONSTRUCTION 施工常用词汇1. ARCHITECTURE 建筑专业a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书planning proposals设计任务书design order标准规范standards and codes条件图information drawing设计基础资料basic data for design 工艺流程图process flowchart工程地质资料engineering geological data原始资料original data设计进度schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案scheme, draft草图sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判negotiation可行性研究feasibility study初步设计preliminary design基础设计basic design详细设计detail design询价图enquiry drawing施工图working drawing, construction drawing竣工图as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION气象条件日照sunshine风玫瑰wind rose主导风向prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity风荷载wind load最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane台风typhoon旋风cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量annual rainfall湿球温度wet bulb temperature干球温度dry bulb temperature冰冻期frost period冰冻线frost line冰冻区frost zone 室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区region with heating provision不采暖地区region without heating provision 绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure 相对湿度relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME常用房间名称办公室office服务用房service room换班室shift room休息室rest room (break room) 起居室living room浴室bathroom淋浴间shower更衣室locker room厕所lavatory门厅lobby诊室clinic工作间workshop电气开关室switchroom走廊corridor档案室archive电梯机房lift motor room车库garage清洁间cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room 会议室meeting room衣柜间ward robe暖风间H.V.A.C room饭店restaurant餐厅canteen, dining room厨房kitchen入口entrance接待处reception area会计室accountant room秘书室secretary room电气室electrical room控制室control room工长室foreman office开关柜室switch gear前室antecabinet (Ante.)生产区production area马达控制中心Mcc多功能用房utility room化验室laboratory room经理室manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING屋面及天棚女儿墙parapet雨蓬canopy屋脊roof ridge坡度slope坡跨比pitch分水线water-shed二毡三油2 layers of felt &3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡一层extra ply of felt檐口eave挑檐overhanging eave檐沟eave gutter平屋面flat roof坡屋面pitched roof雨水管downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P) 汇水面积catchment area泛水flashing内排水interior drainage外排水exterior drainage滴水drip屋面排水roof drainage找平层leveling course卷材屋面built-up roofing天棚ceiling檩条purlin 屋面板roofing board天花板ceiling board防水层water-proof course检查孔inspection hole人孔manhole吊顶suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. W ALL (CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)砖墙brick wall砌块墙block wall清水砖墙brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙rendered wall石膏板墙gypsum board, plaster board 空心砖墙hollow brick wall承重墙bearing wall非承重墙non-bearing wall纵墙longitudinal wall横墙transverse wall外墙external (exterior) wall内墙internal (interior) wall填充墙filler wall防火墙fire wall窗间墙wall between window空心墙cavity wall压顶coping圈梁gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断glazed wall防潮层damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板sunshade阳台balcony伸缩缝expansion joint沉降缝settlement joint抗震缝seismic joint复合夹心板sandwich board压型单板corrugated single steel plate 外墙板cladding panel复合板composite panel轻质隔断light-weight partition牛腿bracket砖烟囱brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH地面及地沟地坪grade地面和楼面ground and floor素土夯实rammed earth炉渣夯实tamped cinder填土filled earth回填土夯实tamped backfill垫层bedding course, blinding面层covering, finish结合层bonding (binding) course找平层leveling course素水泥浆结合层neat cement binding course混凝土地面concrete floor水泥地面cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面machine trowelled concrete floor水磨石地面terrazzo flooring马赛克地面mosaic flooring瓷砖地面ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅joist硬木毛地面hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡floor with 2% slope集水沟gully集水口gulley排水沟drainage trench沟盖板trench cover活动盖板removable cover plate集水坑sump pit孔翻边hole up stand电缆沟cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木(钢)门wooden (steel) door镶板门panelled door夹板门plywood door铝合金门aluminum alloy door卷帘门roller shutter door弹簧门swing door推拉门sliding door平开门side-hung door折叠门folding door旋转门revolving door玻璃门glazed door密闭门air-Tight door保温门thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门fire door(大门上的)小门wicket门框door frame门扇door leaf门洞door opening结构开洞structural opening单扇门single door双扇门double door疏散门emergency door纱门screen door门槛door sill门过梁door lintel上冒头top rail下冒头bottom rail门边木stile门樘侧料side jumb槽口notch木窗wooden window钢窗steel window铝合金窗aluminum alloy window百叶窗(通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗plastic steel window空腹钢窗hollow steel window固定窗fixed window平开窗side-hung window推拉窗sliding window气窗transom上悬窗top-hung window中悬窗center-pivoted window下悬窗hopper window活动百叶窗adjustable louver天窗skylight老虎窗dormer window密封双层玻璃sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁reinforced brick lintel窗扇casement sash窗台window sill窗台板window board窗中梃mullion窗横木mutin窗边木stile压缝条cover mould窗帘盒curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴pivot长脚铰链parliament hinge闭门器door closer地弹簧floor closer插销bolt门锁door lock拉手pull链条chain门钩door hanger碰球ball latch窗钩window catch暗插销insert bolt电动开关器electric opener平板玻璃plate glass夹丝玻璃wire glass透明玻璃clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃bullet-proof glass石英玻璃quartz glass吸热玻璃heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃polished glass着色玻璃pigmented glass玻璃瓦glass tile玻璃砖glass block有机玻璃organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯stair楼梯间staircase疏散梯emergency stair旋转梯spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯crane ladder直爬梯vertical ladder踏步step扇形踏步winder (wheel step)踏步板tread档步板riser踏步宽度tread width防滑条non-slip insert (strips)栏杆railing (balustrade)平台栏杆platform railing吊装孔栏杆railing around mounting hole扶手handrail梯段高度height of flight防护梯笼protecting cage (safety cage)平台landing (platform)操作平台operating platform装卸平台platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台stair landing客梯passenger lift货梯goods lift客/货两用梯goods/passenger lift液压电梯hydraulic lift自动扶梯escalator观光电梯observation elevator电梯机房lift mortar room电梯坑lift pit电梯井道lift shaftj. BUILDING MA TERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语• Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖red brick粘土砖clay brick瓷砖glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖fire brick空心砖hollow brick面砖facing brick地板砖flooring tile缸砖clinkery brick马赛克mosaic陶粒混凝土ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦glazed tile脊瓦ridge tile石棉瓦asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦corrugated asbestos cement sheet• Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏gypsum大理石marble汉白玉white marble花岗岩granite碎石crushed stone毛石rubble蛭石vermiculite珍珠岩pearlite水磨石terrazzo卵石cobble砾石gravel粗砂course sand中砂medium sand细砂fine sand• Cement, Mortar and Concrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥)Portland cement硅酸盐水泥silicate cement火山灰水泥pozzolana cement白水泥white cement水泥砂浆cement mortar石灰砂浆lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆thermal mortar防水砂浆water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆bituminous mortar纸筋灰paper strip mixed lime mortar麻刀灰hemp cut lime mortar灰缝mortar joint素混凝土plain concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete轻质混凝土lightweight concrete细石混凝土fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土foamed concrete炉渣混凝土cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石granitic plaster斩假石artificial stone刷浆lime wash可赛银casein大白浆white wash麻刀灰打底hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆cement mortar plaster sectioned板条抹灰lath and plaster• Asphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材asphalt felt沥青填料asphalt filler沥青胶泥asphalt grout冷底子油adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝bitumastic oakum石棉板asbestos sheet石棉纤维asbestos fiber• Timber 木材裂缝crack透裂split环裂shake干缩shrinkage翘曲warping原木log圆木round timber方木square timber板材plank木条batten板条lath木板board红松red pine白松white pine落叶松deciduous pine云杉spruce柏木cypress白杨white poplar桦木birch冷杉fir栎木oak榴木willow榆木elm杉木cedar柚木teak樟木camphor wood防腐处理的木材preservative-treated lumber胶合板plywood三(五)合板3(5)-plywood企口板tongued and grooved board层夹板laminated plank胶合层夹木材glue-laminated lumber纤维板fiber-board竹子bamboo• Metallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属ferrous metal圆钢steelbBar方钢square steel扁钢steel atrap型钢steel section (shape)槽钢channel角钢angle steel等边角钢equal-leg angle不等边角钢unequal-leg angle工字钢I-beam宽翼缘工字钢wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢light gauge cold-formed steel shape热轧hot-rolled冷轧cold-rolled冷拉cold-drawn冷压cold-pressed合金钢alloy steel钛合金titanium alloy不锈钢stainless steel竹节钢筋corrugated steel bar变形钢筋deformed bar光圆钢筋plain round bar钢板steel plate薄钢板thin steel plate低碳钢low carbon steel冷弯cold bending钢管steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管seamless steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe黑铁管iron pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe铸铁cast iron生铁pig iron熟铁wrought iron镀锌铁皮galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝galvanized steel wire钢丝网steel wire mesh多孔金属网expanded metal锰钢managanese steel高强度合金钢high strength alloy steel• Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金gold白金platinum铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze银silver铝aluminum铅lead• Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯polythene, polyethylene尼龙nylon聚氯乙烯PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯polycarbonate聚苯乙烯polystyrene丙烯酸树酯acrylic resin乙烯基酯vinyl ester橡胶内衬rubber lining氯丁橡胶neoprene沥青漆bitumen paint环氧树脂漆epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆zinc oxide primer防锈漆anti-rust paint耐酸漆acid-resistant paint耐碱漆alkali-resistant paint水玻璃sodium silicate树脂砂浆resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂epoxy resin• Building Hardware 建筑五金钉子nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉annular-ring gypsum board nail螺丝screws平头螺丝flat-head screw螺栓bolt普通螺栓commercial bolt高强螺栓high strength bolt预埋螺栓insert bolt胀锚螺栓cinch bolt垫片washer• Paint 油漆底漆primer防锈底漆rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆anti-corrosion paint调和漆mixed paint无光漆flat paint透明漆varnish银粉漆aluminum paint磁漆enamel paint干性油drying oil稀释剂thinner焦油tar沥青漆asphalt paint桐油tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹red lead铅油lead oil腻子puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语• Discipline 专业建筑architecture土木civil给排水water supply and drainage总图plot plan采暖通风H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning)电力供应electric power supply电气照明electric lighting电讯telecommunication仪表instrument热力供应heat power supply动力mechanical power工艺process technology管道piping• Conventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理architectonics建筑形式architectural style民用建筑civil architecture城市建筑urban architecture农村建筑rural architecture农业建筑farm building工业建筑industrial building重工业的heavy industrial轻工业的light industrial古代建筑ancient architecture现代建筑modern architecture标准化建筑standardized buildings附属建筑auxiliary buildings城市规划city planning厂区内within site厂区外offsite封闭式closed type开敞式open type半开敞式semi-open type模数制modular system单位造价unit cost 概算preliminary estimate承包商constructor, contractor 现场site扩建extension改建reconstruction防火fire-prevention防震aseismatic, quake-proof防腐anti-corrosion防潮dump-proof防水water-proof防尘dust-proof防锈rust-proof车流量traffic volume货流量freight traffic volume人流量pedestrian volume透视图perspective drawing建筑模型building model• Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明illumination照度degree of illumination亮度brightness日照sunshine天然采光natural lighting光强light intensity侧光side light顶光top light眩光glaze方位角azimuth辐射radiation对流convection传导conduction遮阳sun-shade保温thermal insulation恒温constant temperature恒湿constant humidity噪音noise隔音sound-proof吸音sound absorption露点dew point隔汽vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理project manager (PM)设计经理design manager首席建筑师principal architect总工程师chief engineer土木工程师civil engineer工艺工程师process engineer电气工程师electrical engineer机械工程师mechanical engineer计划工程师planning engineer助理工程师assistant engineer实习生probationer专家specialist, expert制图员draftsman技术员technician• Drafting 制图总说明general specification工程说明project specification采用标准规范目录list of standards and specification adopted图纸目录list of drawings平面图plan局部放大图detail with enlarged scale...平面示意图schematic plan of......平剖面图sectional plan of...留孔平面图plan of provision of holes剖面section纵剖面longitudinal section横剖面cross (transverse) section立面elevation正立面front elevation透视图perspective drawing侧立面side elevation背立面back elevation详图detail drawings典型节点typical detail节点号detail No.首页front page图纸目录及说明list of contents and description图例legend示意图diagram草图sketch荷载简图load diagram流程示意图flow diagram标准图standard drawing...布置图layout of ...地形图topographical map土方工程图earth-work drawing展开图developed drawing模板图formwork drawing配筋arrangement of reinforcement表格tables工程进度表working schedule技术经济指标technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表list of buildings and structures编号coding序列号serial No.行和栏rows and columns备注remarks等级grade直线straight Line曲线curves曲折线zigzag line虚线dotted line实线solid line影线hatching line点划线dot and dash line轴线axis等高线contour Line中心线center Line双曲线hyperbola抛物线parabola切线tangent Line尺寸线dimension Line园形round环形annular方形square矩形rectangle平行四边形parallelogram三角形triangle五角形pentagon六角形hexagon八角形octagon梯形trapezoid圆圈circle弓形sagment扇形sector球形的spherical抛物面paraboloid圆锥形cone椭圆形ellipse, oblong面积area体积volume容量capacity重量weight质量mass力force米meter厘米centimeter毫米millimeter公顷hectate牛顿/平方米Newton/square meter 千克/立方米kilogram/cubic meter 英尺foot英寸inch磅pound吨ton加仑gallon千磅kip平均尺寸average dimension变尺寸variable dimension外形尺寸overall dimension展开尺寸developed dimension内径inside diameter外径outside diameter净重net weight毛重gross weight数量quantity百分比percentage净空clearance净高headroom净距clear distance净跨clear span截面尺寸sectional dimension开间bay进深depth单跨single span双跨double span多跨multi-span标高elevation, level绝对标高absolute elevation设计标高designed elevation室外地面标高ground elevation室内地面标高floor elevation柱网column grid坐标coordinate厂区占地site area使用面积usable area辅助面积service area通道面积passage area管架pipe rack管廊pipeline gallery架空管线overhead pipeline排水沟drain ditch集水坑sump pit喷泉fountain地漏floor drain消火栓fire hydrant灭火器fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器carbon dioxide extinguisher卤代烷灭火器halon extinguisher不知道有没有人用得着这个,还有好多下次再发好讨厌的30秒和四千字作者:sea526 回复日期:2005-12-15 20:43:00 俩字:恐怖2. STRUCTURE 结构专业a. Load 荷载拔力pulling force标准值standard value残余应力residual stress冲击荷载impact load, punch load残余变形residual deflection承压bearing承载能力bearing capacity承重bearing, load bearing承重结构bearing structure脆性材料brittle material脆性破坏brittle failure抵抗力resisting power, resistance吊车荷载crane load分布荷载distributed load风荷载wind load风速wind velocity, wind speed风压wind pressure风振wind vibration浮力buoyance, floatage符号symbol, mark负弯矩negative moment, hogging moment附加荷载additional load附加应力additional stress副作用side effect, by-effect刚度rigidity刚度比ratio of rigidity刚度系数rigidity factor刚接rigid connection刚性节点rigid joint恒载dead load荷载传递transmission of load固端弯矩fixed-end moment活荷载live load积灰荷载dust load集中荷载concentrated load加载, 加荷loading剪力shear, shearing force剪切破坏shear failure剪应变shear strain剪应力shear stress简支simple support静定结构statically determinate structure截面模量modulus of section,section modulus静力static force静力分析static analysis局部压力local pressure, partial pressure局部压屈local bulkling绝对值absolute value均布荷载uniformly distributed load抗拔力pulling resistance抗剪刚度shear rigidity抗剪强度shear strength, shearing strength抗拉强度tensile strength抗扭torsion resistance抗扭刚度torsional rigidity抗弯bending resistance抗弯刚度bending rigidity抗压强度compressive strength,compression strength可靠性reliability可靠性设计reliability design拉力tensile force拉应力tensile stress, tension stress拉应变tensile strain, tension strain临界点critical point临界荷载critical load临界应力critical stress密度density离心力centrifugal force摩擦力friction force摩擦系数frictional factor挠度deflection内力internal force, inner force扭矩moment of torsion, torsional moment疲劳强度fatigue strength偏心荷载eccentric load, non-central load偏心距eccentric distance, eccentricity偏心受拉eccentric tension偏心受压eccentric compression屈服强度yield strength使用荷载working load水平力horizontal force水平推力horizontal thrust弹塑性变形elastoplastic deformation弹性elasticity, resilience, spring塑限plastic limit弹性变形elastic deformation塑性变形plastic deformation弹性模量modulus of elastic,elastic modulus体积volume, bulk, cubature, cubage土压力earth pressure, soil pressure弯矩bending moment, moment弯曲半径radius at bent, radius of curve位移displacement温度应力temperature stress温度作用temperature action系数coefficient, factor雪荷载snow load压应变compression strain压应力compression stress应力集中concentration of stress预应力prestressing force, prestress振动荷载vibrating load, racking load支座反力support reaction自重own weight作用action, effect作用点point of application,application jointb. Ground Base and Foundation地基及基础板桩sheet pile, sheeting pile板桩基础sheet pile foundation饱和粘土saturation clay冰冻线frost line, freezing level不均匀沉降unequal settlement, differential settlement残积土residual soil沉积物deposit, sediment沉降settlement沉降差difference in settlement沉降缝settlement joint沉井sinking well, sunk well沉箱caisson持力层bearing stratum冲积alluviation锤夯hammer tamping档土墙retaining wall, breast wall底板base slab, base plate, bed plate地板floor board地基ground base, ground地基承载力ground bearing capacity地基处理ground treatment, soil treatment地基稳定base stabilization地梁ground beam, ground sill地漏floor drain地下工程substructure work,understructure work地下室basement, cellar地下水ground water地下水位groundwater level, water table地下水压力ground water pressure地质报告geologic report垫层bedding, blinding独立基础isolated foundation, individual foundation端承桩end-bearing pile筏式基础raft foundation粉砂silt, rock flour粉质粘土silty clay粉质土silty soil扶壁式档土墙buttressed retaining wall腐蚀corrosion覆土earth covering刚性基础rigid foundation沟盖板trench cover固结consolidation灌注桩cast-in-place pile, cast in site pile护坡slope protection, revetment护桩guard pile环墙ring wall灰土lime earth回填backfill, backfilling回填土backfill, backfill soil混凝土找平层concrete screed火山灰水泥trass cement基槽foundation trench基础foundation, base基础底板foundation slab基础埋深embedded depth of foundation基础平面图foundation plan地基勘探site exploration, site investigation基坑foundation pit集水坑collecting sump阶形基础stepped foundation结合层binding course, bonding course井点well point井点排水well point unwatering开挖excavation, cutting勘测exploration and survey勘测资料exploration data沥青bitumen, asphalt, pitch联合基础combined foundation卵石cobble, pebble埋置embedment毛石基础rubble foundation锚筋anchor bar锚桩anchor pile密实度compactness, density, denseness摩擦桩friction pile, floating pile粘土clay粘质粉土clay silt碾压roller compaction, rolling排水drainage, dewatering排水沟drainage ditch排水孔weep hole, drain hole排水设备dewatering equipment普通硅酸盐水泥ordinary Portland cement群桩grouped piles容许沉降permissible settlement容许承载力allowable bearing软土soft soil砂垫层sand bedding course, sand cushion砂土sandy soil, sands砂质粉土sandy silt设备基础equipment foundation水泥搅拌桩cement injection素土夯实rammed earth, packed soil碎石桩stone columns弹性地基elastic foundation弹性地基梁beam on elastic foundation填方fill, filling填土earth-fill, earth filling, filling条形基础strip foundation土方工程earthwork挖方excavation work, excavation箱形基础box foundation压实compaction, compacting压实系数compacting factor验槽check of foundation subsoil预制混凝土桩precast concrete pile中砂medium sand重力式档土墙gravity retaining wall桩承台pile cap钻孔桩bored pile钻探exploration drilling, drilling,最终沉降final settlementc.Reinforcement Concrete Structure 钢筋混凝土结构板缝slab joint板厚thickness of slab板式楼梯cranked slab stairs板跨度span of slab薄壁结构thin-walled structure薄腹梁thin wedded girder保护层protective coating臂式吊车boom crane, boom hoist边梁edge beam, boundary beam变截面variable cross-section变形缝movement joint变形钢筋deformed bar初凝initial setting, pre-setting次梁secondary beam大型屋面板precast ribbed roof slab单层厂房one-storied factory单筋梁beam with single reinforcement 单跨single span单向板one-way slab垫块cushion block垫梁template beam吊车梁crane beam, crane girder顶棚抹灰ceiling plastering端跨end span, tail bay多跨连续梁multi-span beam翻边upstand反梁upstand beam分布钢筋distribution-bar封闭式箍筋closed stirrup附加钢筋additional bar刚架rigid frame, stiff frame钢筋reinforcement, steel bar, bar钢筋表Bar Schedules钢筋笼steel reinforcement cage钢筋间距spacing of bars, bar spacing 钢筋网bar-mat reinforcement,mesh reinforcement钢筋砖reinforced brick勾缝joint pointing构架frame, gallows构件member, structural member构造construction构造钢筋constructional reinforcement 构造柱onstructional column, tie column 构筑物structure箍筋hoop reinforcement, hooping箍筋间距stirrup spacing固定端fixed end, retained end固端梁fixed-end beam, fixed beam过梁lintel, breast summer混凝土强度等级grade of concrete机制砖machine-made brick剪力墙shear wall简支梁simply supported beam经济跨度economic span经济配筋率economic ratio of reinforcement劲性钢筋stiff reinforcement劲性钢筋混凝土结构steel composite construction径向钢筋radial reinforcement抗剪钢筋shear reinforcement抗拉钢筋tension reinforcement受压钢筋compression reinforcement可见裂缝visible crack刻痕钢丝indented steel wire坑pit, hollow, delve空斗墙rowlock cavity wall, rolock wall空心板hollow slab空心砖隔墙hollow tile partition跨度span框架frame框架剪力墙结构frame-shear wall structure拉接钢筋tie bar栏杆railing, banister栏杆立柱railing post老化aging累积误差accumulated error肋形楼板ribbed floor slab冷拔低碳钢丝cold-drawn low-carbon wire冷脆性cold shortness, cooling brittleness冷弯cold bending冷轧cold rolling离析segregation梁垫beam pad, template, pad梁挠度beam deflection楼梯斜梁string, stringer螺旋楼梯spiral stair, winding staircase马鞍形壳saddle shell。

additional factor for wind force||风力附加率additional heat loss||附加耗热量adiabatic humidification||绝热加湿A-weighted sound pressure levelA声级absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute roughness |绝对粗糙度absorbate 吸收质absorbent 吸收剂absorbent||吸声材料absorber| |吸收器absorptance for solar radiation||太阳辐射热吸收系数absorption equipment||吸收装置absorption of gas and vapor||气体吸收absorptiong refrige rationg cycle||吸收式制冷循环absorption-type refrigerating machine||吸收式制冷机access door||检查门acoustic absorptivity||吸声系数actual density||真密度actuating element||执行机构actuator||执行机构adaptive control system||自适应控制系统additional factor for exterior door||外门附加率additional factor for intermittent heating||间歇附加率additional factor for wind force||高度附加率additional heat loss||风力附加率adiabatic humidification||附加耗热量adiabatic humidiflcation||绝热加湿adsorbate||吸附质adsorbent||吸附剂adsorber||吸附装置adsorption equipment||吸附装置adsorption of gas and vapor||气体吸附aerodynamic noise||空气动力噪声aerosol||气溶胶air balance||风量平衡air changes||换气次数air channel||风道air cleanliness||空气洁净度air collector||集气罐air conditioning||空气调节air conditioning condition||空调工况air conditioning equipment||空气调节设备air conditioning machine room||空气调节机房air conditioning system||空气调节系统air conditioning system cooling load||空气调节系统冷负荷air contaminant||空气污染物air-cooled condenser||风冷式冷凝器air cooler||空气冷却器air curtain||空气幕air cushion shock absorber||空气弹簧隔振器air distribution||气流组织air distributor||空气分布器air-douche unit with water atomization||喷雾风扇air duct||风管、风道air filter||空气过滤器air handling equipment||空气调节设备air handling unit room||空气调节机房air header||集合管air humidity||空气湿度air inlet||风口air intake||进风口air manifold||集合管air opening||风口air pollutant||空气污染物air pollution||大气污染air preheater||空气预热器air return method||回风方式air return mode||回风方式air return through corridor||走廊回风air space||空气间层air supply method||送风方式air supply mode||送风方式||air supply (suction) opening with slide plate||插板式送(吸)风口||air supply volume per unit area||单位面积送风量||air temperature||空气温度air through tunnel||地道风||air-to-air total heat exchanger||全热换热器air-to-cloth ratio||气布比air velocity at work area||作业地带空气流速air velocity at work place||工作地点空气流速air vent||放气阀air-water systen||空气—水系统airborne particles||大气尘air hater||空气加热器airspace||空气间层alarm signal||报警信号ail-air system||全空气系统all-water system||全水系统allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity||室内温湿度允许波动范围ambient noise||环境噪声ammonia||氨amplification factor of centrolled plant||调节对象放大系数amplitude||振幅anergy||@||angle of repose||安息角ange of slide||滑动角angle scale||热湿比angle valve||角阀annual [value]||历年值annual coldest month||历年最冷月annual hottest month||历年最热月anticorrosive||缓蚀剂antifreeze agent||防冻剂antifreeze agent||防冻剂apparatus dew point||机器露点apparent density||堆积密度aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine||氨—水吸收式制冷机aspiation psychrometer||通风温湿度计Assmann aspiration psychrometer||通风温湿度计atmospheric condenser||淋激式冷凝器atmospheric diffusion||大气扩散atmospheric dust||大气尘atmospheric pollution||大气污染atmospheric pressure||大气压力(atmospheric stability||大气稳定度atmospheric transparency||大气透明度atmospheric turblence||大气湍流automatic control||自动控制automatic roll filter||自动卷绕式过滤器automatic vent||自动放气阀available pressure||资用压力average daily sol-air temperature||日平均综合温度axial fan||轴流式通风机azeotropic mixture refrigerant||共沸溶液制冷剂Bback-flow preventer||防回流装置back pressure of steam trap||凝结水背压力back pressure return余压回水background noise||背景噪声back plate||挡风板bag filler||袋式除尘器baghouse||袋式除尘器barometric pressure||大气压力basic heat loss||基本耗热量hend muffler||消声弯头bimetallic thermometer||双金属温度计black globe temperature||黑球温度blow off pipe||排污管blowdown||排污管boiler||锅炉boiller house||锅炉房boiler plant||锅炉房boiler room||锅炉房booster||加压泵branch||支管branch duct||(通风) 支管branch pipe||支管building envelope||围护结构building flow zones||建筑气流区building heating entry||热力入口bulk density||堆积密度bushing||补心butterfly damper||蝶阀by-pass damper||空气加热器〕旁通阀by-pass pipe||旁通管Ccanopy hood ||伞形罩capillary tube||毛细管capture velocity||控制风速capture velocity||外部吸气罩capturing hood ||卡诺循环Carnot cycle||串级调节系统cascade control system||铸铁散热器cast iron radiator||催化燃烧catalytic oxidation ||催化燃烧ceilling fan||吊扇ceiling panelheating||顶棚辐射采暖center frequency||中心频率central air conditionint system ||集中式空气调节系统central heating||集中采暖central ventilation system||新风系统centralized control||集中控制centrifugal compressor||离心式压缩机entrifugal fan||离心式通风机||check damper||(通风〕止回阀||check valve||止回阀||chilled water||冷水chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps||一、二次泵冷水系统chimney||(排气〕烟囱circuit||环路circulating fan||风扇circulating pipe||循环管circulating pump||循环泵clean room||洁净室cleaning hole||清扫孔cleaning vacuum plant||真空吸尘装置cleanout opening||清扫孔clogging capacity||容尘量close nipple||长丝closed booth||大容积密闭罩closed full flow return||闭式满管回水B-第六章制冷第一节一般术语第6.1.1条制冷refrigeration用人工方法从一物质或空间移出热量,以便为空气调节、冷藏和科学研究等提供冷源的技术。


A thermodynamic system is a region in space or a quantity of matter bounded by a closed surface. The surroundings include everything external to the system, and the system is separated from the surroundings by the system boundaries. These boundaries can be movable or fixed, real or imaginary.一个热力学系统是一个在空间或有事项的数量由一个封闭的表面范围内的区域。
The concepts that operate in any thermodynamic system are entropy and energy. Entropy measures the molecular disorder of a system. The more mixed a system, the greater its entropy; conversely, an orderly or unmixed configuration is one of low entropy. Energy has the capacity for producing an effect and can be categorized into either stored or transient forms as described in the following sections.熵和能量的概念,在任何热力学系统操作。

各专业英汉对照表机械与汽车工程学院College of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 1.热能与动力工程Thermal Energy and Power Engineering2.工业工程Industrial Engineering3.车辆工程Vehicle Engineering4.机械设计制造及其自动化Mechanical design, Manufacture and its Automation电气与信息工程学院College of Electrical and Information Engineering1.测控技术与仪表Technology and Instrument of Detecting and Control2.电子信息工程Electric and Information Engineering3. 电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and its Automation4. 自动化Automation计算机与通信学院School of Computer and Communication1.计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology2.通信工程Communication Engineering3.信息安全Information Security化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering1.化学Chemistry2.应用化学Applied Chemistry3.化工工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technology4.生物技术Biotechnology应用物理系Department of Applied Physics1.应用物理Applied Physics2.电子科学与技术Electronic Science and Technology材料科学与工程学院College of Material Science and Engineering1.材料成型及控制工程Material Molding and Control Engineering2.材料科学与工程Material Science and Engineering外国语学院College of Foreign Languages1.日语Japanese2. 英语English土木工程学院College of Civil Engineering1.给水排水工程Water Supply and Drainage Engineering2.工程管理Engineering Management3.建筑环境与设备工程Building Environment and Equipment4.土木工程Civil Engineering建筑学院College of Architecture1.建筑学Architecture2.城市规划Urban Planning3.艺术设计Art Design (环境艺术方向Specialty of Environmental Art)环境科学与工程学院College of Environmental Science and Engineering 1.环境工程Environmental Engineering2.环境科学Environmental Science设计艺术学院School of Design (College of Art Design)1.工业设计Industrial Design2.艺术设计(工业造型)Art Design (Industrial Modeling)3.艺术设计(视觉传达设计)Art Design (Visual Communication Design)工商管理学院College of Business Administration1.电子商务Electronic Commerce2.工商管理Business Administration3.市场营销Marketing工程力学系Department of Engineering Mechanics1.工程力学Engineering Mechanics广播影视艺术学院College of Broadcasting, Film & Television Arts 1.播音与主持艺术Broadcasting and Hosting Arts2.广播电视编导Television Writing and Directing3. 表演Acting新闻与传播学院College of Journalism and Communication1.新闻学Journalism2. 广告学Advertising政治与公共管理学院College of Political Science and Public Administration 1.政治学与行政学Political science and Public Administration2.行政管理Public Administration中国语言文学学院College of Chinese Language and Literature1.汉语语言文学Chinese Language and Literature统计学College of Statistics1. 统计学Statistics法学院College of Law1. 法学Law经济与贸易学院College of Economics and Trade1.国际经济与贸易International Economics and Trade2.经济学Economics体育学院College of Physical Education1. 社会体育Social Sports软件学院College of Software1.软件工程Software Engineering数学与计量经济学院College of Mathematics and Econometrics1.数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics2.信息与计算机科学Information and computational Science会计学院College of Accounting1.财务管理Financial management2.财政学Public Finance3.会计学Accounting4.信息管理与信息系统Information Management and Information System金融学院College of Finance1.金融学Finance2.保险Insurance。

宏观环境(大尺度环境)Macro-environment区域环境(中尺度环境)Meso-environment太阳辐射Solar radiation直射direct散射(总辐射)scattering(global radiation)反射reflected太阳高度角Solar altitude太阳方位角Azimuth地理经度纬度Geography longitude/latitude海拔高度altitude云量cloud coverage大气透明度atmospheric transparency风Wind速度velocity方向direction季候风monsoon大气环流atmospheric circulation地势Terrain表面覆盖物surface cover热岛heat island风玫瑰图Breeze rose diagram室外环境(小尺度环境)Outdoor environment(micro-environment)温度(干球温度,湿球温度,露点温度)Temperature(dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature)湿度(含湿量,相对湿度)humidity(absolute, relative)结露dew降水 precipitation焓Enthalpy熵entropy火用exergy火无anergy室内热环境Indoor thermal environment围护结构Envelop保温隔热insulation代谢Metabolism蒸发evaporation辐射radiation对流convection活动量Movement衣着情况clothes年龄age热舒适Thermal comfort有效温度effective temperature预测平均评价predicted mean vote预期不满意百分率predicted percentage dissatisfaction热感觉尺度(冷,凉,微凉,适中,微暖,暖,热)Thermal sensation scale(cold, cool, slight cool, neutral, slight warm, warm, hot)室内声环境Indoor acoustic environment噪声Noise声功率sound power隔声sound insulation室内光环境Indoor visual environment视觉Visual电磁波谱electromagnetic spectrum光通量(流明)luminous flux发光强度(坎德拉)luminous intensity照度illuminance亮度luminance天然光源Daylight人工光源artificial lighting室内空气品质Indoor air qualitySARS Severe acute respiratory syndromes H1N1,微生物,真菌,病毒,悬浮颗粒,甲醛,挥发性有机化合物, swine flu, micro-organism, fungus, virus, suspended particles, formaldehyde, volatile organic compoundsß供暖系统:热源+热媒输配+散热设备Heating system: heat source+distribution(piping system)+heat abstractor ß集中供暖系统,区域供暖系统,局部供暖系统Centralized, district, localß锅炉——散热设备——供水管——回水管——水泵,膨胀水箱Boiler——heating appliance——supply——return——pump, expansion tankß立管,主管,支管Riser, main, branchß自然循环系统,机械循环系统Natural circulation system, mechanic circulationß单管,双管Single pipe, dual pipeß低温水,高温水Low temperature hot water, high temperature hot waterß上供下回,下供下回Up-feed down-return, down-feed down-returnß串联式,跨越式,水平式,垂直式Series, leaping, horizontal, verticalß垂直失调,异程式,同程式Vertical imbalance, direct return system, reverse return systemß蒸汽供暖系统Steam heating systemß重力回水低压蒸汽供暖系统Gravity circulation systemß高压蒸汽供暖系统High pressure steam heating systemß传热系数,热阻率,导热系数,换热器,热对流,热传导,热辐射,对流传热Heat-transfer coefficient, heat resistivity, heat conductivity, heat exchanger, heating convection, heat conduction, heat radiation, heat convection exchangeß疏水器,排气阀,补偿器,泄水口,温控阀,热计量,集水器,分水器,集气罐,卧式,立式,明装,暗装Steam trap, exhaust valve, compensator, drain hole, temperature control valve, heat metering, return header, supply header, air collector, horizontal, vertical, exposed, concealedß供热负荷,设计负荷Heating load, design loadß平面图,剖面图,立面图,大样,比例尺,侧面,正面,背面ßPlan, section, elevation, detail, scale, side, front, rearß层流,紊流(湍流),涡旋,旋涡,粘度ßLaminar, turbulent, eddy, vortex, viscosityß风压,迎风面,背风面,上风,静压,动压,全压,热压ßWind pressure, against the wind, leeward, windward, static pressure, dynamic pressure, overall pressure, thermal pressureß主导风,进风口,排风口,风口,工作区,倒灌,风帽,挡风板ßPrevailing wind, inlet, outlet, vent, operating zone, backward flowing, cap, wind boardß天窗,通风窗,老虎窗,百叶窗,软百叶窗ßSkylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian blindsß自然通风,机械通风,混合通风ßNatural ventilation, mechanic ventilation, hybrid ventilationß全面通风,局部通风,岗位送风,气流组织,送风,排风ßGeneral ventilation, local ventilation, task air supply, air distribution, air supply, exhaustß风机,轴流式,离心式,贯流式ßFan, axial fan, centrifugal fan, cross flow/tangential fanß空气净化,排风罩,密闭罩,外部吸气罩,接受式排风罩,伞形罩,侧吸罩ßAir purification, exhaust hood, enclosed hood, capturing hood, receiving hood, canopy hood, side hoodß叶轮,叶片,机轴,扩压器ßRotor, blade, shaft, diffuserAir conditioning/cooling空调/供冷空调区,非空调区,输配系统,处理设备,冷热源,自动控制系统ßConditioned zone, unconditioned zone, distribution system, air handling equipment, heat/cold source, auto-control systemß显热,潜热ßSensible heat, latent heatß风机,水泵,风道,水管,风口ßFan, pump, air duct, water pipe, ventß加热,冷却,加湿,除湿,净化ßHeating, cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, purifyingß锅炉,冷水机组ßBoiler, chillerß阀门,截止阀,闸阀,旋塞阀,球阀,蝶阀,止回阀,弯头,软管,三通,旁通ßValve, stop valve, gate valve, cock valve, ball valve, butterfly valve, check valve, elbow/bend, hose, tee, by-passß工艺性空调,舒适性空调,集中式空调,半集中式空调,分散式空调ßTechnological air-conditioning, comfort air-conditioning, central air-conditioning, semi-central air-conditioning, decentralized air-conditioning ß制冷机房,蒸发器,冷凝器,压缩机,节流阀,制冷剂,载冷剂ßRefrigerating station, evaporator, condenser, compressor, throttle, refrigerant, coolantß冷冻水泵,冷却水泵,热水泵,冷水管,热水管,换热器,锅炉,锅炉房,送风管,排风,回风,新风,冷却塔,烟囱,烟气,冷凝水ßCold water pump, cooling water pump, hot water pump, cold water pipe, hot water pipe, heat exchanger, boiler, boiler plant, air supply duct, exhaust, return air, fresh air, cooling tower, chimney, fume, condensing waterß全空气系统,空气——水系统,一次回风,二次回风,风机盘管ßAll-air system, air-to-water system, primary return air, secondary return air, fan coilß水冷式,风冷式,热泵式,窗式,壁挂式,立柜式ßWater-cooled, air-cooled, heat pump, window conditioner, wall mounted, verticalß开式,封闭式,半封闭式ßOpen, hermetic, semi-hermeticß格栅,散流器,孔板送风口,喷射式送风口ßGrille, diffuser, orifice vent, jet ventß消声器ßMuffler综合分析判断comprehensive analysis and judgement 变压器transformer 抽芯loose core 过道aisle 三相电容three phase capacitance 芯棒core rod 都市规划与土地开发Urban g and Land Development 社区开发及工业区开发Community Development and Industry Park Development 开发许可申请Development Permit 土地使用变更计划Land Use Rezoning Plan 主要计划及细部计划Master Plan and Detail Plan 都市计划更新计划Urban Renewal Plan 都市设施Urban Design 建筑设施Architecture Design大地工程Geotechnical Engineering 工址调查Site Investigation 现地试验与室内试验In-Situ and Laboratory Test 基础工程Foundation Design 深开挖工程及建物保护Deep Excavation and Building Protection 新生地及软弱地层改良Reclamation and Soft Ground Improvement 山坡地开发与水土保持Slope land Development, Soil and Water Conservation 潜盾隧道与岩石隧道Shield Tunnel and Rock Tunnel 大地工程施工顾问Geotechnical Construction Consultant 土壤材料试验Soil and Material 结构工程Structural Engineering 各类钢筋混凝土、预力混凝土、钢结构及钢骨钢筋混凝土结构 Structures of R.C., Prestressed Concrete, Steel, and SRC 桥梁、高层建筑、地下结构物、隧道、深开挖挡土结构 Bridges, High-Rise Buildings, Underground Structures, Tunnels, Retaining Structures for Deep Excavations 桥梁安全检测、评估及维修补强 Bridge Inspection, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 钢结构细部设计及制造图Steel Structural Detail Design and Shop Drawings 厂房工程Industrial Plant 工业厂房-石化工厂、钢厂、电厂、气体厂、科技工业厂房、一般性厂房 Industrial Plants--Petroleum and Chemical, Steel, Power, Gas, High-Technical and General Plants环保设施工厂-垃圾焚化厂、垃圾掩埋场、污水处理厂及相关管线 Environment Protecting Plants--Incineration Plants, Garbage Disposal Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants and Piping System 设备支撑结构、管架、操作平台 Equipment Supporting Structures, Pipe Racks, Operating Platforms设备基础Equipment Foundations 厂区一般土木及公共设施General Civil Works and Utilities of Plants 运输工程Transportation Engineering 运输规划Transportation Planning 停车场设施工程规划、设计 Engineering Planning & Design for Parking Facilities 建筑交通维持计划Traffic Control & Management during Construction 水利及港湾工程Hydraulic and Harbor Engineering 营建管理Construction Management 估价及工程预算制作Estimates and Engineering Budget Works 营建管理Construction Management 工程监造Construction Supervision 施工计划Construction Plan 工程进度控管Schedule Control during Construction 施工规划Construction Specifications 环境工程Environmental Engineering 环境影响评估Environment Impact Assessment 环境监测Environmental Monitoring 地下水监测系统Groundwater Monitoring污水处理厂Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水下水道Sewage System 噪音振动防治Noise and Vibration 垃圾焚化厂兴建工程Waste Incinerator 废弃物处理系统工程Waste Treatment & Disposal 共同管道Common Ducts 管道及附属设施之规划设计 Planning and Design of Common Ducts Structures and Subsidiary Facilities 经济效益分析Economic and Efficiency Analysis 财务评估Financial Evaluation 管理维护办法及组织订定 Regulation for the Management, Maintenance and Organization 送气air supply 电流衰减装置current attenuation 气体延时保护装置time delay 熄弧quenching of arc 成型molding 钢印代号steel seal 质量分析quality analysis 负责人principal 审批examine and approve 补焊工艺repair welding 压缩机compression pump 平焊法兰welded flange 测试流程图test flow chart 加固措施reinforcement measure 校验verify 升压boost pressure 读数off scale reading 满刻度值full-scale value 盲板blind plate 压力表pressure meter 强度intensity 目测eye survey, visiual inspection 半径radius 公式formula 管路pipeline 严密性leakproofness 导电膏conductive paste 压接compression joint 地上连接overground 埋深buried depth 接地线earth wire 说明description 分线盒junction box接地装置earthing deivce 交叉across 塑料保护管protection tube 塑料带plastic tape 防腐处理preservative treatment 接地极earthing pole 接地电阻测试earth resistance 防雷接地lightning protection 遵守comply with 避雷网lightning conduction 引下线down lead 搭接焊overlap welding 避雷针lightning rod 镀锌制品zinc coating 断接卡breaking of contact 电阻resistance 配电装置power distribution equipment 集中接地装置centralized 串联cascade connection 干线联接main line 并列paratactic 单独solely 机组machine set 电力复合脂electric force compounded grease 电缆敷设cable laying 电缆槽架cable channel 主干线trunk line 弯头angle fitting 剥落处exfoliation 银粉aluminum powder 支持点support point 拆装disassembly and assembly 畅通smooth 电压等级electric pressure 通断实验onoff 终端头terminals 余度remaining 标记牌notice plate 表册statistical forms 电缆桥架cable testing bridge 电机electric machine 相对湿度relative humidity 杂物sundries 耐压试验withstand voltage test照明器具ligthing paraphernalia 铭牌nameplate 验收规范acceptance specification 接线wire splice 试运test run 进线口incoming line 带电electrified 盘车转子jigger rotor 二次回路secondary circuit 中心线center line 触头contactor 配电power distribution 成套whole set 楼板floor slab 备件duplicate part, spare part 包装packing 器材equipment 导线conducting wire 脱落fall off 规范specification 电器electrical appliance 断路器line breaker 机械联锁mechanical interlocking 碰撞collision 轻便 portable充水试验filling water test 错边量unfitness of butt joint 底圈foundation ring 真空度检漏vacuum degree leak test 丁字焊缝tee welding 渗透探伤oil whiting test 充水试验filling water test 内侧角焊缝接头interior angle welding line joint 基础沉降foundation settlement 测量基准点datum mark 稳定性试验stability test 排气阀outlet valve 角钢angle steel 构件component part 机械损伤mechanical damage 缩孔shrinkage cavity 折迭enfoldment 碳钢管carbon steel tube 公称直径nominal diameter预埋件embedded part 轴测图axonometric drawing 布置图arrangement diagram 氧乙炔气割oxyacetylene gas cutting 低合金钢管low alloy steel 热影响区heat affected area 修磨polish 砂轮片grinding wheel 等离子plasma panel 重皮coldlap 凹凸unevenness 缩口necking down 端面head face 倾斜偏差dip deviation 外径external diameter 砂轮grinding wheel 管件pipe casting 单线图single line drawing 平齐parallel and level 两端two terminals 满扣buckle 螺栓紧固bolton 周边periphery 附加应力additional stress 同轴度axiality 平行度parallelism 随机stochastic 允许偏差allowable variation 重直度verticality 水平度levelness 隔离盲板blind plate 氩弧焊argon arc welding 压盖螺栓gland bolt 间距spacing 有效期period of validity 担任take charge of undertake 焊条welding rod 碳钢焊条carbon steel 焊丝welding wire 熔化焊melting 钢丝steel wire 气体保护焊gas shielded arc welding 烘干drying 清洗ablution制度s ystem 焊接工艺welding procedure 相应corresponding 手工电弧焊manual electric arc welding 手工钨极manual tungsten electrode 打底render 电源power source 交流alternating current 焊件weldment 管壁厚度pipe thickness 对接焊缝butt weld 工件壁厚workpiece 飞溅物splash 沾污smirch 油污oil stain 细锉smooth file 铣刀milling cutter 氧化膜oxide film 脱脂处理ungrease treatment] 棉质纤维cotton fibre 丙酮acetone 硫sulfur 焊剂welding flux 钢板steel plate 纵向焊缝longitudinal weld longitudinal seam 筒节shell ring 封头end socket 卷管reelpipe 强度试验strength test 起弧arc starting 穿堂风draught 熔合fusion 反面reverse side 整体integral 封堵block up 焊口weld bond 医用胶布medical proof fabric 高频high frequency 焊炬welding torch。

Requirements: Grammar and syntax relevant to technical
and scientific writing is covered. In addition, the course stresses oral skill and written skill will be touched.
The net change of entropy of any refrigerant in any cycle is always zero. In Example 1, the change in entropy of the refrigerated space is ΔSR = −125/250 = −0.5 kJ/K and that of the atmosphere is ΔSo = 125/250 = 0.5 kJ/K. The net change in entropy of the isolated system is ΔStotal= ΔSR + ΔSo = 0.
The Carnot cycle in the figure below shows a process in which heat is added and rejected at constant pressure in the two-phase region of a refrigerant. Saturated liquid at state 3 expands isentropically to the low temperature and pressure of the cycle at state d. Heat is added isothermally and isobarically by evaporating the liquid-phase refrigerant from state d to state 1. The cold saturated vapor at state 1 is compressed isentropically to the high temperature in the cycle at state b. However, the pressure at state b is below the saturation pressure corresponding to the high temperature in the cycle The compression process is completed by an isothermal compression process from state b to state c.

本科专业中英文对照地球科学与技术学院School of Geosciences资源勘查工程专业Resource Exploration Engineering勘查技术与工程专业Exploration Technology and Engineering测绘工程专业Surveying and Mapping Engineering地理信息系统专业Geographical Information System地质学专业Geology地球物理学专业Geophysics石油工程学院School of Petroleum Engineering石油工程专业Petroleum Engineering船舶与海洋工程专业Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering化学工程学院College of Chemical Engineering化学工程与工艺专业Chemical Engineering and Technology应用化学专业Applied Chemistry环境工程专业Environmental Engineering环保设备工程专业Material Chemistry过程装备与控制工程专业Process Equipment and Control Engineering机电工程学院College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering材料科学与工程专业Material Science and Engineering工业设计专业Industrial Design车辆工程专业Vehicle Engineering机械设计制造及其自动化专业Mechanical Design & Manufacture and Automation 材料成型及控制工程专业Material Molding and Control Engineering安全工程专业Safety Engineering信息与控制工程学院College of Information and Control Engineering自动化专业Automation电气工程及其自动化专业Electrical Engineering and Automation电子信息工程专业Electronic Information Engineering测控技术与仪器专业Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument储运与建筑工程学院College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering油气储运工程专业Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering工程力学Engineering Mechanics土木工程专业Civil Engineering热能与动力工程专业Thermal Power and Power Engineering建筑环境与设备工程专业Architectural Environment and Equipment Engineering建筑学专业Architecture计算机与通信工程学院College of Computer and Communication Engineering计算机科学与技术专业Computer Science and Technology软件工程专业Software Engineering通信工程专业Communication Engineering经济管理学院Schlool of Economics and Management工程管理专业Engineering Management信息管理与信息系统专业Information Management and Information System会计学专业Accounting财务管理专业Financial Management国际经济与贸易专业International Economy and Trade行政管理专业Administration Management经济学专业Economics市场营销专业Marketing and Sales公共事业管理专业Public Utility Management电子商务专业Electronic Commerce工商管理专业Business Administration理学院College of Science应用物理学专业Applied Physics材料物理专业Materials Physics材料化学专业Materials Chemistry信息与计算科学专业Information and Computing Science数学与应用数学专业Mathematics光信息科学与技术专业Optical Information Science and Technology文学院College of Arts英语专业English Language and Literature俄语专业Russian Language and Literature音乐学专业Musicology法学专业Science of Law艺术设计专业Art Design汉语言文学专业Chinese Language and Literature。

AHU =air handling unit 空调箱air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air-side pressure.drop空气侧压降aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材as-completed drawing 修改竣工图layout 设计图brass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connection terminal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessories水冷柜机排水及配料chiller assembly水冷柜机安装工费chiller unit 水冷柜机基础clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数DCC=dry coil units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system异程式系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawn No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度entering water temp进水温度Fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管FFU=fan filter units 风扇过滤网组final 施工图flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理单元ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节HEPA=high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图leaving air temp 出风温度leaving water temp出水温度lood vacuum pump中央集尘泵NAU=make up air handling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop return valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessories 水系统辅材piping assembly 配管工费plan 平面图RAC=recirculation air cabinet unit schedule 循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制ratio gear 变速轮ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置] rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置] reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocal grate 往复炉排reciprocal motion 住复式动作reciprocal proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气]recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图。

Vo1 7, No .2 .1
j n a y,2 0 aur 01
建 筑 环 境 与 设 备 工 程 专 业 英 语 教 学 初 探
李 娇
( 安徽工业 大学 建筑工 程学 院 , 安徽 马鞍 山 2 3 0 ) 4 0 2
水平 。 关 键 词 : 筑环 境 专 业 ; 业 英语 ; 学 改 革 建 专 教
中图 分 类 号 : l H3 9 文献标识码 : A 文 章编 号 : 6 t9 4 ( 0 0 0 -0 5 0 1 7 - 2 7 2 1 ) l0 9 — 2
要 : 建 筑 环 境专 业 英 语 教 学 中 , 优 化 教 学 内 容 , 强 对 学 生 听 、 、 的 训 练 , 在 应 加 说 写 切实 提 高 学 生 的 专 业 英 语
据 统 计 , 界 上 有 8 的科 技 资料 是 以 书籍 、 世 5 期 刊、 内部 技 术 报 告 和 专 利 、 明 书 等形 式 用 英 语 出 版 说 的。 ] [ 因此 , 语成 为对外交 流中必不 可少的重要工 具 。 1 英 对于建筑 环境 与设 备 工程 专 业 来说 , 国外 著 名 企 业 如 T A 、 Q R NE Mc UAY、 NE WE L等早 已进 驻 我 国 , HO Y L 国内企业 如海 尔 、 力 等 经过 不 断努 力 也 已登 上 国 际 格 舞 台。在 工程 设计 领域 国 内外 的 交流 合 作 日益 频 繁 , 然而审视 目前 学 生 的专 业 英 语水 平 , 发 现 相 当 一部 会 分学生 听 、 、 、 、 说 读 写 译能力较 差 , 水平 与基本 教学 目 其 标仍有 相 当大 的差距 。 于此 , 人探 讨 专业 英 语教 I鉴 : 深 学 中存在 的问题 , 寻找 相应 的解 决方案 , 高专 业 英语 提 的教学效 果 已迫 在眉睫 。

Definition and characteristics
The Importance of Building Environment and Equipment Engineering
Energy Efficiency: Properly designed and maintained building systems can significantly reduce energy usage and green house gas emissions, contributing to a more sustainable build environment
Understand and be able to use vocabulary related to environmental protection and energy-saving technologies, such as "recycling", "waste treatment", "green building", as well as relevant policies, regulations, and standards in this field, such as "Environmental Protection Law", "Energy Conservation Law", etc.
Detailed description
Master professional English vocabulary related to fire protection systems, be able to accurately describe and communicate the composition, function, and working principle of the system.

建筑环境与设备工程专业(燃气方向)培养计划(080704)Building Environment and Equipment Engineering一、培养目标本专业培养适应21世纪我国社会主义现代化建设需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,面向基层和生产一线,基础扎实、知识面宽、素质高、能力强、具有创新精神的建筑环境与设备工程专业应用型高级技术人才。
三、主干学科及专业方向土木工程,建筑环境与设备工程四、学制四年五、授予学位工学学士六、学位课程(共96.5学分)马克思主义基本原理;毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想;大学英语;高等数学;大学物理;物理实验;线性代数;概率论与数理统计;Visual basic程序设计;流体力学及流体输配管网;传热学;工程热力学;建筑环境学;传质过程及设备;燃气气源;燃气输配。
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AHU =air handling unit 空调箱air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air-side pressure.drop空气侧压降aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材as-completed drawing 修改竣工图layout 设计图brass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connection terminal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessories水冷柜机排水及配料chiller assembly水冷柜机安装工费chiller unit 水冷柜机基础clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数DCC=dry coil units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system异程式系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawn No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度entering water temp进水温度Fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管FFU=fan filter units 风扇过滤网组final 施工图flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理单元ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节HEPA=high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图leaving air temp 出风温度leaving water temp出水温度lood vacuum pump中央集尘泵NAU=make up air handling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop return valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessories 水系统辅材piping assembly 配管工费plan 平面图RAC=recirculation air cabinet unit schedule 循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制ratio gear 变速轮ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置] rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置] reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocal grate 往复炉排reciprocal motion 住复式动作reciprocal proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气]recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图d. GENERAL ROOM NAME常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语【 Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦】【Lime, Sand and Stone灰、砂和石】【Cement, Mortar and Concrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】【Conventional Terms一般通用名词】【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role职务名称】【Drafting 制图】2. STRUCTURE 结构专业a. LOAD 荷载b. GROUND BASE AND FOUNDATION 地基及基础c. REINFORCEMENT CONCRETE STRUCTURE 钢筋混凝土结构d. STEEL STRUCTURE 钢结构e. DESIGN FOR ANTISEISMIC抗震设计f. GENERAL WORDS FOR DESIGN设计常用词汇g. GENERAL WORDS FOR CONSTRUCTION 施工常用词汇1. ARCHITECTURE 建筑专业a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design 工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing,construction drawing竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction 最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning 飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone 室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区region with heating provision不采暖地区region without heating provision 绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 H.V.A.C room饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 control room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室 antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心 Mcc多功能用房 utility room化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油2 layers of felt &3 coats of bitumastic附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶suspended ceiling, false ceiling檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙brick wall without plastering抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙gypsum board, plaster board空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steelplate外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面machine trowelled concrete floor水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅 joist硬木毛地面hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门 panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木 mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage)平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台 stair landing客梯 passenger lift货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift液压电梯 hydraulic lift自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语• Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile缸砖 clinkery brick马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦corrugated asbestos cement sheet• Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sand• Cement, Morta r and Concrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥)Portland cement硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰paper strip mixed lime mortar麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆cement mortar plaster sectioned板条抹灰 lath and plaster• Asphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiber• Timber 木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材glue-laminated lumber纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bamboo• Metallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢 steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel atrap型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢light gauge cold-formed steel shape热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloy不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel• Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 lead• Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂 epoxy resin• Building Hardware 建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉annular-ring gypsum board nail螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt高强螺栓 high strength bolt预埋螺栓 insert bolt胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt垫片 washer• Paint 油漆底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint调和漆 mixed paint无光漆 flat paint透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint磁漆 enamel paint干性油 drying oil稀释剂 thinner焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹 red lead铅油 lead oil腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语• Discipline 专业建筑 architecture土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage总图 plot plan采暖通风H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning) 电力供应 electric power supply电气照明 electric lighting电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply动力 mechanical power工艺 process technology管道 piping• Conventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics建筑形式 architectural style民用建筑 civil architecture城市建筑 urban architecture农村建筑 rural architecture农业建筑 farm building 工业建筑 industrial building重工业的 heavy industrial轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings 附属建筑 auxiliary buildings城市规划 city planning厂区内 within site厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type模数制 modular system单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate承包商 constructor, contractor现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof防腐 anti-corrosion防潮 dump-proof防水 water-proof防尘 dust-proof防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume人流量 pedestrian volume透视图 perspective drawing建筑模型 building model• Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination亮度 brightness日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting光强 light intensity侧光 side light顶光 top light眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth辐射 radiation对流 convection传导 conduction遮阳 sun-shade保温 thermal insulation恒温 constant temperature恒湿 constant humidity噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption露点 dew point隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM)设计经理 design manager首席建筑师 principal architect总工程师 chief engineer土木工程师 civil engineer工艺工程师 process engineer电气工程师 electrical engineer机械工程师 mechanical engineer计划工程师 planning engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer实习生 probationer专家 specialist, expert制图员 draftsman技术员 technician• Drafting 制图总说明 general specification工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted图纸目录 list of drawings平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale...平面示意图 schematic plan of......平剖面图 sectional plan of...留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing侧立面 side elevation背立面 back elevation详图 detail drawings典型节点 typical detail节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明list of contents and description图例 legend示意图 diagram草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram流程示意图 flow diagram标准图 standard drawing...布置图 layout of ...地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing展开图 developed drawing模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表list of buildings and structures编号 coding序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns备注 remarks等级 grade直线 straight Line曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line虚线 dotted line实线 solid line影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line轴线 axis等高线 contour Line中心线 center Line双曲线 hyperbola抛物线 parabola切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line园形 round环形 annular方形 square矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram三角形 triangle五角形 pentagon六角形 hexagon八角形 octagon梯形 trapezoid圆圈 circle弓形 sagment扇形 sector球形的 spherical抛物面 paraboloid圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong面积 area体积 volume容量 capacity重量 weight质量 mass力 force米 meter厘米 centimeter毫米 millimeter公顷 hectate牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter 千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot英寸 inch磅 pound 吨 ton加仑 gallon千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension变尺寸 variable dimension外形尺寸 overall dimension展开尺寸 developed dimension内径 inside diameter外径 outside diameter净重 net weight毛重 gross weight数量 quantity百分比 percentage净空 clearance净高 headroom净距 clear distance净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension开间 bay进深 depth单跨 single span双跨 double span多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation设计标高 designed elevation室外地面标高 ground elevation室内地面标高 floor elevation柱网 column grid坐标 coordinate厂区占地 site area使用面积 usable area辅助面积 service area通道面积 passage area管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline排水沟 drain ditch集水坑 sump pit喷泉 fountain地漏 floor drain消火栓 fire hydrant灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器carbon dioxideextinguisher卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguisher不知道有没有人用得着这个,还有好多下次再发好讨厌的30秒和四千字作者:sea526 回复日期:2005-12-15 20:43:00俩字:恐怖2. STRUCTURE 结构专业a. Load 荷载拔力 pulling force标准值 standard value残余应力 residual stress冲击荷载 impact load, punch load残余变形 residual deflection承压 bearing承载能力 bearing capacity承重 bearing, load bearing承重结构 bearing structure脆性材料 brittle material脆性破坏 brittle failure抵抗力 resisting power, resistance吊车荷载 crane load分布荷载 distributed load风荷载 wind load风速 wind velocity, wind speed风压 wind pressure风振 wind vibration浮力 buoyance, floatage符号 symbol, mark负弯矩negative moment, hogging moment附加荷载 additional load附加应力 additional stress副作用 side effect, by-effect刚度 rigidity刚度比 ratio of rigidity刚度系数 rigidity factor刚接 rigid connection刚性节点 rigid joint恒载 dead load荷载传递 transmission of load固端弯矩 fixed-end moment活荷载 live load积灰荷载 dust load集中荷载 concentrated load加载, 加荷 loading剪力 shear, shearing force剪切破坏 shear failure剪应变 shear strain剪应力 shear stress简支 simple support静定结构statically determinate structure截面模量 modulus of section,section modulus静力 static force静力分析 static analysis局部压力 local pressure, partial pressure局部压屈 local bulkling绝对值 absolute value均布荷载uniformly distributed load抗拔力 pulling resistance抗剪刚度 shear rigidity抗剪强度 shear strength, shearing strength抗拉强度 tensile strength抗扭 torsion resistance抗扭刚度 torsional rigidity抗弯 bending resistance抗弯刚度 bending rigidity抗压强度 compressive strength,compression strength可靠性 reliability可靠性设计 reliability design拉力 tensile force拉应力tensile stress, tension stress拉应变tensile strain, tension strain临界点 critical point临界荷载 critical load临界应力 critical stress密度 density离心力 centrifugal force摩擦力 friction force摩擦系数 frictional factor挠度 deflection内力 internal force, inner force扭矩 moment of torsion, torsional moment疲劳强度 fatigue strength偏心荷载eccentric load, non-central load偏心距eccentric distance, eccentricity偏心受拉 eccentric tension偏心受压 eccentric compression屈服强度 yield strength使用荷载 working load水平力 horizontal force水平推力 horizontal thrust弹塑性变形elastoplastic deformation弹性elasticity, resilience, spring塑限 plastic limit弹性变形 elastic deformation塑性变形 plastic deformation弹性模量 modulus of elastic,elastic modulus体积 volume, bulk, cubature, cubage土压力earth pressure, soil pressure弯矩 bending moment, moment弯曲半径 radius at bent, radius of curve位移 displacement温度应力 temperature stress温度作用 temperature action系数 coefficient, factor雪荷载 snow load压应变 compression strain压应力 compression stress应力集中 concentration of stress 预应力prestressing force, prestress振动荷载 vibrating load, racking load支座反力 support reaction自重 own weight作用 action, effect作用点point of application,application jointb. Ground Base and Foundation地基及基础板桩 sheet pile, sheeting pile板桩基础 sheet pile foundation饱和粘土 saturation clay冰冻线 frost line, freezing level不均匀沉降unequal settlement, differential settlement残积土 residual soil沉积物 deposit, sediment沉降 settlement沉降差 difference in settlement沉降缝 settlement joint沉井 sinking well, sunk well沉箱 caisson持力层 bearing stratum冲积 alluviation锤夯 hammer tamping档土墙 retaining wall, breast wall底板base slab, base plate, bedplate地板 floor board地基 ground base, ground地基承载力 ground bearing capacity地基处理ground treatment, soil treatment地基稳定 base stabilization地梁 ground beam, ground sill地漏 floor drain地下工程 substructure work,understructure work地下室 basement, cellar地下水 ground water地下水位 groundwater level, water table地下水压力 ground water pressure地质报告 geologic report垫层 bedding, blinding独立基础isolated foundation, individual foundation端承桩 end-bearing pile筏式基础 raft foundation粉砂 silt, rock flour粉质粘土 silty clay粉质土 silty soil扶壁式档土墙 buttressed retaining wall腐蚀 corrosion覆土 earth covering刚性基础 rigid foundation沟盖板 trench cover固结 consolidation灌注桩 cast-in-place pile, cast in site pile护坡 slope protection, revetment护桩 guard pile环墙 ring wall灰土 lime earth回填 backfill, backfilling回填土 backfill, backfill soil混凝土找平层 concrete screed火山灰水泥 trass cement基槽 foundation trench基础 foundation, base基础底板 foundation slab基础埋深embedded depth of foundation基础平面图 foundation plan地基勘探site exploration, site investigation基坑 foundation pit集水坑 collecting sump阶形基础 stepped foundation结合层binding course, bonding course井点 well point井点排水 well point unwatering开挖 excavation, cutting勘测 exploration and survey勘测资料 exploration data沥青 bitumen, asphalt, pitch联合基础 combined foundation卵石 cobble, pebble埋置 embedment毛石基础 rubble foundation锚筋 anchor bar锚桩 anchor pile密实度compactness, density, denseness摩擦桩 friction pile, floating pile粘土 clay粘质粉土 clay silt碾压 roller compaction, rolling排水 drainage, dewatering排水沟 drainage ditch排水孔 weep hole, drain hole排水设备 dewatering equipment普通硅酸盐水泥 ordinary Portland cement群桩 grouped piles容许沉降 permissible settlement容许承载力 allowable bearing软土 soft soil砂垫层 sand bedding course, sand cushion砂土 sandy soil, sands砂质粉土 sandy silt设备基础 equipment foundation水泥搅拌桩 cement injection素土夯实 rammed earth, packed soil碎石桩 stone columns弹性地基 elastic foundation弹性地基梁beam on elastic foundation填方 fill, filling填土earth-fill, earth filling, filling条形基础 strip foundation土方工程 earthwork挖方 excavation work, excavation箱形基础 box foundation压实 compaction, compacting压实系数 compacting factor验槽 check of foundation subsoil预制混凝土桩 precast concrete pile中砂 medium sand重力式档土墙gravity retaining wall桩承台 pile cap钻孔桩 bored pile钻探exploration drilling, drilling,最终沉降 final settlementc.Reinforcement Concrete Structure 钢筋混凝土结构板缝 slab joint板厚 thickness of slab板式楼梯 cranked slab stairs板跨度 span of slab薄壁结构 thin-walled structure薄腹梁 thin wedded girder保护层 protective coating臂式吊车 boom crane, boom hoist边梁 edge beam, boundary beam变截面 variable cross-section变形缝 movement joint变形钢筋 deformed bar初凝 initial setting, pre-setting次梁 secondary beam大型屋面板 precast ribbed roof slab单层厂房 one-storied factory单筋梁beam with single reinforcement单跨 single span单向板 one-way slab垫块 cushion block垫梁 template beam吊车梁 crane beam, crane girder顶棚抹灰 ceiling plastering端跨 end span, tail bay多跨连续梁 multi-span beam翻边 upstand反梁 upstand beam分布钢筋 distribution-bar封闭式箍筋 closed stirrup附加钢筋 additional bar刚架 rigid frame, stiff frame钢筋 reinforcement, steel bar, bar钢筋表 Bar Schedules钢筋笼 steel reinforcement cage钢筋间距spacing of bars, bar spacing钢筋网 bar-mat reinforcement,mesh reinforcement钢筋砖 reinforced brick勾缝 joint pointing构架 frame, gallows构件 member, structural member构造 construction构造钢筋constructional reinforcement构造柱 onstructional column, tie column构筑物 structure箍筋 hoop reinforcement, hooping箍筋间距 stirrup spacing固定端 fixed end, retained end固端梁 fixed-end beam, fixed beam。