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6.pressure n._______;_______;_______

【考点】underpressure 在压力下blood pressure 血压

put pressureonsb 给---施加压力

7. in place 在适当的位置;适当位置不对;不得体,不适当【拓展】

①(be)inplace ofsb./ sth. =take theplace of sb./ take one’sp lace =replacesb./sth.

代替; 取代------

② be in/outof order 有条理/ 无条理;坏了be in/out ofcontrol 正常/ 失控

be in / outof danger 有危险/脱离危险


①I like to haveeverything .我喜欢所有的东西都摆好。

②You may read anybook ontheshelf on conditionthat youpromise

to putthebook.只要你保证把书放回原处,书架上的书你可以随意看。

③I think it’squite to visit him atthe moment.我觉得这个时候去看望他不妥当。

④Sending email has almost____________writing letters.

8.fall ill生病eg:The students fall ill whenthe flub reaksout.。

【拓展:】fall asleep入睡;fall off掉下;跌落;fall down摔倒fallbehind落后fallinlove with--- 爱上-------

9. makea difference区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用

【考点】make no / somedifference ( to sb/sth) 对---不起作用/ 起一些作用

eg: A knowledge offirstaid can makeareal difference. 急救知识的确能发挥重要作用


1.When wefound him,he wasalready dead.Hehad_______ to death.

A.blood B. blooding C. bled D.bleeding

2.He wentto theAmerican Embassy many timesto apply ____his visa.

A. with B. in C. forD.at

3. —Whatshould Ido?

—Clean the wound and ________ the medicine to it.


B.devote C.pourD.squeeze

4. Fruit juice can be ha rmful_______children’s teeth.

A.for B. toward C. with D. to

5. The most _______pain in the worldwastobeparted in life,a nd separated by death.

A. unbelievable

B. unbearable C.unableD. unbroken

6. Thefellowfelt ratherashe was the only person thatwore sportswear attheparty.

A.in place B. outof place C. bytheway D.in the way

7.My chest _____ when Itakeadeep breath,doctor.

A.hurts B. wounds C. harms D. injure

8. To win thecompetition, our company hopesto _____those small firms by loweringourprices.

A.leave outﻩB. squeeze out C. act outﻩﻩﻩD. squeeze in

9.He is not used to keepingsome medicine athome,sowhen he fallsi

ll, he can’t________ any.

A. keep hishandin

B.throwhis hand inC.puthis hands onD.turn his hand to

10.As a result ofdestroying the forests, alarge _____of desert ____covered the land.

A. number; hasB.quantity;has C. number; have D. quantity; have

11.The number ofpeople invited____fifty, but anumber of them ____absentfor different reason.

A. were; was B.was; was C.was; were D.were; were

12.Although her relatives didn’t think she could live forthree months,the olddoctor finally ________her ofherdisease.

A.cured B.operated C.treated D.served

13.The smoke almost ________me.


B. choked

C. chopped D.clapped

14. Sugaris not an importantelement in bread, butflour is_______.

A. unique ﻩ B.essential C. natural D.adequate

15.Thegoodthing about children isthat they_____ veryeasily to new environments.

A.adapt B.appeal C.attach D.apply(2009浙江卷)

16. His effortsto raise moneyforhis programwere because no one sho

wed any intention to take a cent out of theirpockets.
