《数字电子技术(第二版)》习题册部分参考答案课题一认识数字电路任务一认识数制与数制转换一、填空题1.时间数值 1 02.1 8 153.1 128 2554.75.96.16二、选择题1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D三、判断题1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.× 7.√ 8.√ 9.×四、问答题1.答:数字电路中的信号为高电平或低电平两种状态,它正好与二进制的1和0相对应,因此,采用二进制更加方便和实用。
五、计算题1.(1)7 (2)15 (3)31 (4)2132.(1)[1010]2 (2)[1 0000]2(3)[100 0000 0000]2 (4)[100 0000 0110]23.(1)[27]8(2)[35]8(3)[650]8(4)[3153]84.(1)[010 111]2(2)[001 101 110]2(3)[010 000 000]2(4)[001 110 101 101]25.(1)0FH (2)1FH(3)36H (4)0AE63H6.(1)0001 0110 B (2)0010 1010 1110 B(3)1011 1000 1111 1100B (4)0011 1111 1101 0101B任务二学习二进制数算术运算一、填空题1.加减乘除2.0+0=0 0+1=1 1+0=1 1+1=103.0-0=0 1-0=1 1-1=0 10-1=14.0×0=0 0×1=0 1×0=0 1×1=15.1 06.最高正负原码7.字节8.半字节9.字二、选择题1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.C三、判断题1.√ 2.× 3.× 4.√四、问答题1.答:将二进制数0011移位至0110,是向左移动一位,应做乘2运算。
数字集成电路考试 知识点
![数字集成电路考试 知识点](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c930ecb448649b6648d7c1c708a1284ac9500548.png)
1. 数制与编码。
- 二进制、十进制、十六进制的相互转换。
- 常用编码,如BCD码(8421码、余3码等)。
2. 逻辑代数基础。
- 基本逻辑运算(与、或、非)及其符号表示、真值表和逻辑表达式。
- 复合逻辑运算(与非、或非、异或、同或)。
- 逻辑代数的基本定理和规则,如代入规则、反演规则、对偶规则。
- 逻辑函数的化简,包括公式化简法和卡诺图化简法。
1. 基本门电路。
- 与门、或门、非门的电路结构(以CMOS和TTL电路为例)、电气特性(如输入输出电平、噪声容限等)。
- 门电路的传输延迟时间,它反映了门电路的工作速度,从输入信号变化到输出信号稳定所需要的时间。
2. 复合门电路。
- 与非门、或非门、异或门等复合门电路的逻辑功能和实现方式。
1. 组合逻辑电路的分析与设计。
- 组合逻辑电路的分析方法:根据给定的逻辑电路写出逻辑表达式,化简表达式,列出真值表,分析逻辑功能。
- 组合逻辑电路的设计方法:根据逻辑功能要求列出真值表,写出逻辑表达式,化简表达式,画出逻辑电路图。
2. 常用组合逻辑电路。
图5.21(pp 152),一般取4
画出IV图,标出工作区,图3.24(pp 74)
数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题 第六章 CMOS组合逻辑门的设计
![数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题 第六章 CMOS组合逻辑门的设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3d4f8ef4f61fb7360b4c658f.png)
Chapter 6 Problem Set
Chapter 6 PROBLEMS
1. [E, None, 4.2] Implement the equation X = ((A + B) (C + D + E) + F) G using complementary CMOS. Size the devices so that the output resistance is the same as that of an inverter with an NMOS W/L = 2 and PMOS W/L = 6. Which input pattern(s) would give the worst and best equivalent pull-up or pull-down resistance? Implement the following expression in a full static CMOS logic fashion using no more than 10 transistors: Y = (A ⋅ B) + (A ⋅ C ⋅ E) + (D ⋅ E) + (D ⋅ C ⋅ B) 3. Consider the circuit of Figure 6.1.
VDD E 6 A A 6 B 6 C 6 D 6 E F A B C D 4 4 4 4 E 1 A B C D 4 4 4 4 E 1 6 F 6 B 6 C 6 D
Chapter 6 Problem Set
Circuit A
Circuit B
Figure 6.2 Two static CMOS gates.
1. 课程设计题目
2. 软件工具
【精品】数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题第六章CMOS组合逻辑门的设计第六章 CMOS组合逻辑门的设计1.为什么CMOS电路逻辑门的输入端和输出端都要连接到电源电压?CMOS电路采用了MOSFET(金属氧化物半导体场效应管)作为开关元件,其中N沟道MOSFET(NMOS)和P沟道MOSFET(PMOS)分别用于实现逻辑门的输入和输出。
数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第⼆版)课后练习题第六.Digital Integrated Circuits - 2nd Ed 11 DESIGN PROJECT Design, lay out, and simulate a CMOS four-input XOR gate in the standard 0.25 micron CMOS process. You can choose any logic circuit style, and you are free to choose how many stages of logic to use: you could use one large logic gate or a combination of smaller logic gates. The supply voltage is set at 2.5 V! Your circuit must drive an external 20 fF load in addition to whatever internal parasitics are present in your circuit. The primary design objective is to minimize the propagation delay of the worst-case transition for your circuit. The secondary objective is to minimize the area of the layout. At the very worst, your design must have a propagation delay of no more than 0.5 ns and occupy an area of no more than 500 square microns, but the faster and smaller your circuit, the better. Be aware that, when using dynamic logic, the precharge time should be made part of the delay. The design will be graded on themagnitude of A × tp2, the product of the area of your design and the square of the delay for the worst-case transition.。
数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题-第四章 导线-Chapter 4 The Wire
![数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题-第四章 导线-Chapter 4 The Wire](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/87e08efbfab069dc5022018a.png)
1Chapter 4 Problem SetChapter 4Problems1.[M, None, 4.x] Figure 0.1 shows a clock-distribution network. Each segment of the clock net-work (between the nodes) is 5 mm long, 3 μm wide, and is implemented in polysilicon. Ateach of the terminal nodes (such as R ) resides a load capacitance of 100 fF.a.Determine the average current of the clock driver, given a voltage swing on the clock linesof 5 V and a maximum delay of 5 nsec between clock source and destination node R . Forthis part, you may ignore the resistance and inductance of the networkb.Unfortunately the resistance of the polysilicon cannot be ignored. Assume that eachstraight segment of the network can be modeled as a Π-network. Draw the equivalent cir-cuit and annotate the values of resistors and capacitors.c.Determine the dominant time-constant of the clock response at node R .2.[C, SPICE, 4.x] You are designing a clock distribution network in which it is critical to mini-mize skew between local clocks (CLK 1, CLK 2, and CLK 3). You have extracted the RC net-work of F igure 0.2, which models the routing parasitics of your clock line. Initially, you notice that the path to CLK 3 is shorter than to CLK 1 or CLK 2. In order to compensate for this imbalance, you insert a transmission gate in the path of CLK 3 to eliminate the skew.a.Write expressions for the time-constants associated with nodes CLK 1,CLK 2 and CLK 3.Assume the transmission gate can be modeled as a resistance R 3.b.If R 1 = R 2 = R 4 = R 5 = R and C 1 = C 2 = C 3 = C 4 = C 5 = C , what value of R 3 is required to balance the delays to CLK 1, CLK 2, and CLK 3?c.For R =750Ω and C =200fF, what (W /L )’s are required in the transmission gate to elimi-nate skew? Determine the value of the propagation delay.d.Simulate the network using SPICE, and compare the obtained results with the manually obtained numbers.3.[M, None, 4.x]Consider a CMOS inverter followed by a wire of length L . Assume that in thereference design, inverter and wire contribute equally to the total propagation delay t pref . Youmay assume that the transistors are velocity-saturated. The wire is scaled in line with the idealwire scaling model . Assume initially that the wire is a local wire .a.Determine the new (total) propagation delay as a a function of t p ref , assuming that technol-ogy and supply voltage scale with a factor 2. Consider only first-order effects.b.Perform the same analysis, assuming now that the wire scales a global wire , and the wire length scales inversely proportional to the technology.Figure 0.1Clock-distribution network.SR2Chapter 4 Problem Setc.Repeat b, but assume now that the wire is scaled along the constant resistance model. You may ignore the effect of the fringing capacitance.d.Repeat b, but assume that the new technology uses a better wiring material that reduces the resistivity by half, and a dielectric with a 25% smaller permittivity.e.Discuss the energy dissipation of part a. as a function of the energy dissipation of the orig-inal design E ref .f.Determine for each of the statements below if it is true, false, or undefined, and explain in one line your answer. - When driving a small fan-out, increasing the driver transistor sizes raises the short-circuit power dissipation. - Reducing the supply voltage, while keeping the threshold voltage constant decreases the short-circuit power dissipation.- Moving to Copper wires on a chip will enable us to build faster adders.- Making a wire wider helps to reduce its RC delay.- Going to dielectrics with a lower permittivity will make RC wire delay more impor-tant.4.[M, None, 4.x] A two-stage buffer is used to drive a metal wire of 1 cm. The first inverter is of minimum size with an input capacitance Ci=10 fF and an internal propagation delay t p0=50 ps and load dependent delay of 5ps/fF. The width of the metal wire is 3.6 μm. The sheet resis-tance of the metal is 0.08 Ω/, the capacitance value is 0.03 fF/μm 2and the fringing field capacitance is 0.04fF/μm.a.What is the propagation delay of the metal wire?pute the optimal size of the second inverter. What is the minimum delay through the buffer?c.If the input to the first inverter has 25% chance of making a 0-to-1 transition, and the whole chip is running at 20MHz with a 2.5 supply voltage, then what’s the power con-sumed by the metal wire?5.[M, None, 4.x]To connect a processor to an external memory an off -chip connection is neces-sary. The copper wire on the board is 15 cm long and acts as a transmission line with a charac-teristic impedance of 100Ω.(See F igure 0.3). The memory input pins present a very highimpedance which can be considered infinite. The bus driver is a CMOS inverter consisting ofvery large devices: (50/0.25) for the NMOS and (150/0.25) for the PMOS, where all sizes areClock CLK 1CLK 2CLK 3R 1R 2R 5R 4R 3Model as:Figure 0.2RC clock-distribution network.driver C 1C 3C 4C 5C 2Digital Integrated Circuits - 2nd Ed3 in μm. The minimum size device, (0.25/0.25) for NMOS and (0.75/0.25) for PMOS, has theon resistance 35 kΩ.a.Determine the time it takes for a change in the signal to propagate from source to destina-tion (time of flight). The wire inductance per unit length equals 75*10-8 H/m.b.Determine how long it will take the output signal to stay within 10% of its final value. Youcan model the driver as a voltage source with the driving device acting as a series resis-tance. Assume a supply and step voltage of 2.5V. Hint: draw the lattice diagram for thetransmission line.c.Resize the dimensions of the driver to minimize the total delay.L=15cmMemoryZ=100ΩFigure 0.3The driver, the connecting copper wire and thememory block being accessed.6.[M, None, 4.x] A two stage buffer is used to drive a metal wire of 1 cm. The first inverter is aminimum size with an input capacitance C i=10 fF and a propagation delay t p0=175 ps whenloaded with an identical gate. The width of the metal wire is 3.6 μm. The sheet resistance ofthe metal is 0.08 Ω/, the capacitance value is 0.03 fF/μm2 and the fringing field capacitanceis 0.04 fF/μm.a.What is the propagation delay of the metal wire?pute the optimal size of the second inverter. What is the minimum delay through thebuffer?7.[M, None, 4.x] For the RC tree given in Figure 0.4 calculate the Elmore delay from node A tonode B using the values for the resistors and capacitors given in the below in Table 0.1.Figure 0.4RC tree for calculating the delay4Chapter 4 Problem SetTable 0.1Values of the components in the RC tree of Figure 0.4Resistor Value(Ω)Capacitor Value(fF)R10.25C1250R20.25C2750R30.50C3250R4100C4250R50.25C51000R6 1.00C6250R70.75C7500R81000C82508.[M, SPICE, 4.x] In this problem the various wire models and their respective accuracies willbe studied.pute the 0%-50% delay of a 500um x 0.5um wire with resistance of 0.08 Ω/,witharea capacitance of 30aF/um2, and fringing capacitance of 40aF/um. Assume the driverhas a 100Ω resistance and negligible output capacitance.•Using a lumped model for the wire.•Using a PI model for the wire, and the Elmore equations to find tau. (see Chapter 4, figure4.26).•Using the distributed RC line equations from Chapter 4, section 4.4.4.pare your results in part a. using spice (be sure to include the source resistance). Foreach simulation, measure the 0%-50% time for the output•First, simulate a step input to a lumped R-C circuit.•Next, simulate a step input to your wire as a PI model.•Unfortunately, our version of SPICE does not support the distributed RC model as described in your book (Chapter 4, section 4.5.1). Instead, simulate a step input to yourwire using a PI3 distributed RC model.9.[M, None, 4.x] A standard CMOS inverter drives an aluminum wire on the first metal layer.Assume Rn=4kΩ, Rp=6kΩ. Also, assume that the output capacitance of the inverter is negli-gible in comparison with the wire capacitance. The wire is .5um wide, and the resistivity is0.08 Ω/..a.What is the "critical length" of the wire?b.What is the equivalent capacitance of a wire of this length? (For your capacitance calcula-tions, use Table 4.2 of your book , assume there’s field oxide underneath and nothingabove the aluminum wire)Digital Integrated Circuits - 2nd Ed510.[M, None, 4.x] A 10cm long lossless transmission line on a PC board (relative dielectric con-stant = 9, relative permeability = 1) with characteristic impedance of 50Ω is driven by a 2.5Vpulse coming from a source with 150Ω resistance.a.If the load resistance is infinite, determine the time it takes for a change at the source toreach the load (time of flight).Now a 200Ω load is attached at the end of the transmission line.b.What is the voltage at the load at t = 3ns?c.Draw lattice diagram and sketch the voltage at the load as a function of time. Determinehow long does it take for the output to be within 1 percent of its final value.11.[C, SPICE, 4.x] Assume V DD =1.5V . Also, use short-channel transistor models forhand analy-sis.a.The Figure 0.5 shows an output driver feeding a 0.2 pF effective fan-out of CMOS gates through a transmission line. Size the two transistors of the driver to optimize the delay.Sketch waveforms of V S and V L , assuming a square wave input. Label critical voltages and times.b.Size down the transistors by m times (m is to be treated as a parameter). Derive a first order expression for the time it takes for V L to settle down within 10% of its final voltage pare the obtained result with the case where no inductance is associated with the wire.Please draw the waveforms of V L for both cases, and comment.e the transistors as in part a). Suppose C L is changed to 20pF. Sketch waveforms of V S and V L , assuming a square wave input. Label critical voltages and instants.d.Assume now that the transmission line is lossy. Perform Hspice simulation for three cases:R=100 Ω/cm; R=2.5 Ω/cm; R=0.5 Ω/cm. Get the waveforms of V S , V L and the middle point of the line. Discuss the results.12.[M, None, 4.x] Consider an isolated 2mm long and 1μm wide M1(Metal1)wire over a silicon substrate driven by an inverter that has zero resistance and parasitic output capccitance. How will the wire delay change for the following cases? Explain your reasoning in each case.a.If the wire width is doubled.b.If the wire length is halved.c.If the wire thickness is doubled.d.If thickness of the oxide between the M1 and the substrate is doubled.13.[E, None, 4.x] In an ideal scaling model, where all dimensions and voltages scale with a fac-tor of S >1 :L=350nH/m 10cm C=150pF/m inV DDV DD V S V LC L =0.2pF Figure 0.5Transmission line between two inverters6Chapter 4 Problem Seta.How does the delay of an inverter scale?b.If a chip is scaled from one technology to another where all wire dimensions,including thevertical one and spacing, scale with a factor of S, how does the wire delayscale? How doesthe overall operating frequency of a chip scale?c.Repeat b) for the case where everything scales, except the vertical dimension of wires (itstays constant).。
《数字集成电路设计》复习提纲(1-7,10,11章)2011-121. 数字集成电路的成本包括哪几部分?2. 数字门的传播延时是如何定义的?3. 集成电路的设计规则(design rule)有什么作用?4. 什么是MOS晶体管的体效应?什么是沟道长度调制效应?5. 写出一个NMOS晶体管处于截止区、线性区、饱和区的判断条件,以及各工作区的源漏电流表达式(考虑短沟效应即沟道长度调制效应,不考虑速度饱和效应)注:NMOS晶体管的栅、源、漏、衬底分别用G、S、D、B表示。
6. MOS晶体管的本征电容有哪些来源?7. 对于一个CMOS反相器的电压传输特性,请标出A、B、C三点处NMOS管和PMOS管各自处于什么工作区?Vin=0、VDD、VM时,两个管子什么区?V DD8. 在CMOS 反相器中,NMOS 管的平均导通电阻为R eqn ,PMOS 管的平均导通电阻为R eqp ,请写出该反相器的总传播延时定义。
9. 减小一个数字门的延迟的方法有哪些?列出三种,并解释可能存在的弊端。
10. CMOS 电路的功耗有哪三类?这三类功耗分别由什么引起的?11. 同步寄存器的建立时间、维持时间、传播延时的含义是什么?V outV in0.511.522.512. 以下三级反相器链,请问使得总延迟最小的每级反相器的f 是多少?最小的总延迟是多少?假设标准反相器的延迟为t p0。
1C L = 8 C13.(1)用静态互补CMOS 门实现如下功能,画出电路连接图。
反相器尺寸:NMOS 管=1,PMOS 管=2。
14. 分析下列动态电路的功能。
OutClkClkAB CM pM e15. 下面的电路是什么功能?16.描述超前进位加法器的基本原理。
目录1.数字电路基础知识 1.1 数字电路的基本概念 1.2 二进制系统与数制转换 1.3 逻辑运算与布尔代数2.逻辑门电路 2.1 与门、或门、非门 2.2 与非门、或非门、异或门 2.3 多输入门电路的设计方法3.组合逻辑电路 3.1 组合逻辑电路的基本原理 3.2 组合逻辑电路的设计方法 3.3 编码器和译码器4.时序逻辑电路 4.1 时序逻辑电路的基本原理 4.2 同步时序电路的设计方法 4.3 异步时序电路的设计方法5.存储器电路 5.1 存储器的基本概念 5.2 可读写存储器的设计方法 5.3 只读存储器的设计方法6.程序控制电路 6.1 程序控制电路的基本概念 6.2 程序控制电路的设计方法 6.3 微程序控制器的设计方法内容概述1. 数字电路基础知识本章主要介绍数字电路的基本概念,包括数字电路与模拟电路的区别、数字信号的表示方法以及数制转换等内容。
2. 逻辑门电路逻辑门电路是数字电路中的基本组成单元,本章主要介绍了与门、或门、非门以及与非门、或非门、异或门等逻辑门的基本原理和组成。
3. 组合逻辑电路组合逻辑电路是由逻辑门电路组成的,本章主要介绍了组合逻辑电路的基本原理和设计方法。
4. 时序逻辑电路时序逻辑电路是在组合逻辑电路的基础上引入了时序元件并进行时序控制的电路。
《集成电路原理与设计》重点内容总结引言集成电路(Integrated Circuit, IC)作为现代电子工程的核心,其设计和制造技术的发展极大地推动了信息技术的进步。
第一部分:集成电路基础1.1 集成电路概述集成电路是将大量电子元件(如晶体管、电阻、电容等)集成在一块半导体材料(通常是硅)上的微型电子器件。
1.2 半导体物理基础半导体物理是IC设计的基础。
1.3 晶体管原理晶体管是IC中最基本的放大和开关元件。
第二部分:集成电路设计2.1 设计流程IC设计包括前端设计和后端设计两个主要阶段。
2.2 设计工具和方法IC设计涉及多种计算机辅助设计(CAD)工具和方法。
2.3 工艺技术IC的制造工艺对设计有重要影响。
第三部分:集成电路应用3.1 数字集成电路数字IC是实现数字逻辑功能的核心。
3.2 模拟集成电路模拟IC用于处理模拟信号。
Contamination and Propagation Delays
Settle to a final value
Begin to change
Settle to a final value
Begin to change as the last time D begins to change
Settle to a final value as the last time D settles to a final value
Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective
Chapter10: Timing Issues
Timing Issues
Timing Issues
10.1 Timing Classification
10.2 Synchronous Design
Datapath Structure with Feedback
- Routing the clock so that only negative skew occurs is not feasible
- Design of a low-skew clock network is essential
10.2.5 Clock Distribution Techniques
10.3 Summary
Timing Issues
Sequencing Methods
2-Phase Latches
Timing Issues
Timing Diagrams
第一章 数字集成电路介绍第一个晶体管,Bell 实验室,1947第一个集成电路,Jack Kilby ,德州仪器,1958 摩尔定律:1965年,Gordon Moore 预言单个芯片上晶体管的数目每18到24个月翻一番。
(随时间呈指数增长)抽象层次:器件、电路、门、功能模块和系统 抽象即在每一个设计层次上,一个复杂模块的内部细节可以被抽象化并用一个黑匣子或模型来代替。
可变成本 (重复性费用)与产品的产量成正比;直接用于制造产品的费用;包括产品所用部件的成本、组装费用以及测试费用。
一个门对噪声的灵敏度是由噪声容限NM L (低电平噪声容限)和NM H (高电平噪声容限)来度量的。
NM H = V OH - V IH NM L = V IL - V OL 再生性保证一个受干扰的信号在通过若干逻辑级后逐渐收敛回到额定电平中的一个。
一个门的VTC 应当具有一个增益绝对值大于1的过渡区(即不确定区),该过渡区以两个有效的区域为界,合法区域的增益应当小于1。
理想数字门 特性:在过渡区有无限大的增益;门的阈值位于逻辑摆幅的中点;高电平和低电平噪声容限均等于这一摆幅的一半;输入和输出阻抗分别为无穷大和零。
传播延时、上升和下降时间的定义传播延时tp 定义了它对输入端信号变化的响应有多快。
数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题 第五章 CMOS反相器
![数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题 第五章 CMOS反相器](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e49cba84ec3a87c24028c496.png)
C H A P T E R5T H E C M O S I N V E R T E R Quantification of integrity,performance,and energy metrics of an inverterOptimization of an inverter design5.1Exercises and Design Problems5.2The Static CMOS Inverter—An IntuitivePerspective5.3Evaluating the Robustness of the CMOSInverter:The Static Behavior5.3.1Switching Threshold5.3.2Noise Margins5.3.3Robustness Revisited5.4Performance of CMOS Inverter:The DynamicBehavior5.4.1Computing the Capacitances5.4.2Propagation Delay:First-OrderAnalysis5.4.3Propagation Delay from a DesignPerspective5.5Power,Energy,and Energy-Delay5.5.1Dynamic Power Consumption5.5.2Static Consumption5.5.3Putting It All Together5.5.4Analyzing Power Consumption UsingSPICE5.6Perspective:Technology Scaling and itsImpact on the Inverter Metrics180Section 5.1Exercises and Design Problems 1815.1Exercises and Design Problems1.[M,SPICE,3.3.2]The layout of a static CMOS inverter is given in Figure 5.1.(λ=0.125µm).a.Determine the sizes of the NMOS and PMOS transistors.b.Plot the VTC (using HSPICE)and derive its parameters (V OH ,V OL ,V M ,V IH ,and V IL ).c.Is the VTC affected when the output of the gates is connected to the inputs of 4similargates?.d.Resize the inverter to achieve a switching threshold of approximately 0.75V .Do not lay-out the new inverter,use HSPICE for your simulations.How are the noise margins affected by this modification?2.Figure 5.2shows a piecewise linear approximation for the VTC.The transition region isapproximated by a straight line with a slope equal to the inverter gain at V M .The intersectionof this line with the V OH and the V OL lines defines V IH and V IL .a.The noise margins of a CMOS inverter are highly dependent on the sizing ratio,r =k p /k n ,of the NMOS and PMOS e HSPICE with V Tn =|V Tp |to determine the valueof r that results in equal noise margins?Give a qualitative explanation.b.Section 5.3.2of the text uses this piecewise linear approximation to derive simplifiedexpressions for NM H and NM L in terms of the inverter gain.The derivation of the gain isbased on the assumption that both the NMOS and the PMOS devices are velocity saturatedat V M .For what range of r is this assumption valid?What is the resulting range of V M ?c.Derive expressions for the inverter gain at V M for the cases when the sizing ratio is justabove and just below the limits of the range where both devices are velocity saturated.What are the operating regions of the NMOS and the PMOS for each case?Consider theeffect of channel-length modulation by using the following expression for the small-signalresistance in the saturation region:r o,sat =1/(λI D ).Figure 5.1CMOS inverter layout.InOutGND V DD =2.5V.Poly Metal1NMOSPMOSPolyMetal12λ182THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter 53.[M,SPICE,3.3.2]Figure 5.3shows an NMOS inverter with resistive load.a.Qualitatively discuss why this circuit behaves as an inverter.b.Find V OH and V OL calculate V IH and V IL .c.Find NM L and NM H ,and plot the VTC using HSPICE.d.Compute the average power dissipation for:(i)V in =0V and (ii)V in =2.5Ve HSPICE to sketch the VTCs for R L =37k,75k,and 150k on a single graph.ment on the relationship between the critical VTC voltages (i.e.,V OL ,V OH ,V IL ,V IH )and the load resistance,R L .g.Do high or low impedance loads seem to produce more ideal inverter characteristics?4.[E,None,3.3.3]For the inverter of Figure 5.3and an output load of 3pF:a.Calculate t plh ,t phl ,and t p .b.Are the rising and falling delays equal?Why or why not?pute the static and dynamic power dissipation assuming the gate is clocked as fast as possible.5.The next figure shows two implementations of MOS inverters.The first inverter uses onlyNMOS transistors.V OH V OL inV outFigure 5.2A different approach to derive V IL and V IH .V outV in M 1W/L =1.5/0.5+2.5VFigure 5.3Resistive-load inverterR L =75k ΩSection 5.1Exercises and Design Problems183a.Calculate V OH ,V OL ,V M for each case.e HSPICE to obtain the two VTCs.You must assume certain values for the source/drain areas and perimeters since there is no layout.For our scalable CMOS process,λ =0.125μm,and the source/drain extensions are 5λfor the PMOS;for the NMOS the source/drain contact regions are 5λx5λ.c.Find V IH ,V IL ,NM L and NM H for each inverter and comment on the results.How can you increase the noise margins and reduce the undefined region?ment on the differences in the VTCs,robustness and regeneration of each inverter.6.Consider the following NMOS inverter.Assume that the bulk terminals of all NMOS deviceare connected to GND.Assume that the input IN has a 0V to 2.5V swing.a.Set up the equation(s)to compute the voltage on node x .Assume γ=0.5.b.What are the modes of operation of device M2?Assume γ=0.c.What is the value on the output node OUT for the case when IN =0V?Assume γ=0.d.Assuming γ=0,derive an expression for the switching threshold (V M )of the inverter.Recall that the switching threshold is the point where V IN =V OUT .Assume that the devicesizes for M1,M2and M3are (W/L)1,(W/L)2,and (W/L)3respectively.What are the limitson the switching threshold?For this,consider two cases:i)(W/L)1>>(W/L)2V DD =2.5V V IN V OUTV DD =2.5V V IN V OUT M 2M 1M 4M 3W/L=0.375/0.25W/L=0.75/0.25W/L=0.375/0.25W/L=0.75/0.25Figure 5.4Inverter ImplementationsV DD =2.5V OUTM1IN M2M3V DD =2.5Vx184THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter 5ii)(W/L)2>>(W/L)17.Consider the circuit in Figure 5.5.Device M1is a standard NMOS device.Device M2has allthe same properties as M1,except that its device threshold voltage is negative and has a valueof -0.4V.Assume that all the current equations and inequality equations (to determine themode of operation)for the depletion device M2are the same as a regular NMOS.Assume thatthe input IN has a 0V to 2.5V swing.a.Device M2has its gate terminal connected to its source terminal.If V IN =0V ,what is the output voltage?In steady state,what is the mode of operation of device M2for this input?pute the output voltage for V IN =2.5V .You may assume that V OUT is small to simplify your calculation.In steady state,what is the mode of operation of device M2for this input?c.Assuming Pr (IN =0)=0.3,what is the static power dissipation of this circuit?8.[M,None,3.3.3]An NMOS transistor is used to charge a large capacitor,as shown in Figure5.6.a.Determine the t pLH of this circuit,assuming an ideal step from 0to 2.5V at the input node.b.Assume that a resistor R S of 5k Ωis used to discharge the capacitance to ground.Deter-mine t pHL .c.Determine how much energy is taken from the supply during the charging of the capacitor.How much of this is dissipated in M1.How much is dissipated in the pull-down resistanceduring discharge?How does this change when R S is reduced to 1k Ω.d.The NMOS transistor is replaced by a PMOS device,sized so that k p is equal to the k n ofthe original NMOS.Will the resulting structure be faster?Explain why or why not.9.The circuit in Figure 5.7is known as the source follower configuration.It achieves a DC levelshift between the input and the output.The value of this shift is determined by the current I 0.Assume x d =0,γ=0.4,2|φf |=0.6V ,V T 0=0.43V ,k n ’=115μA/V 2and λ=0.V DD =2.5VOUTM1(4μm/1μm)IN M2(2μm/1μm),V Tn =-0.4VFigure 5.5A depletion load NMOSinverterV DD =2.5VOutFigure 5.6Circuit diagram with annotated W/L ratios=5pFSection 5.1Exercises and Design Problems 185a.Suppose we want the nominal level shift between V i and V o to be 0.6V in the circuit in Figure 5.7(a).Neglecting the backgate effect,calculate the width of M2to provide this level shift (Hint:first relate V i to V o in terms of I o ).b.Now assume that an ideal current source replaces M2(Figure 5.7(b)).The NMOS transis-tor M1experiences a shift in V T due to the backgate effect.Find V T as a function of V o for V o ranging from 0to 2.5V with 0.5V intervals.Plot V T vs.V oc.Plot V o vs.V i as V o varies from 0to 2.5V with 0.5V intervals.Plot two curves:one neglecting the body effect and one accounting for it.How does the body effect influence the operation of the level converter?d.At V o (with body effect)=2.5V,find V o (ideal)and thus determine the maximum error introduced by the body effect.10.For this problem assume:V DD =2.5V ,W P /L =1.25/0.25,W N /L =0.375/0.25,L =L eff =0.25μm (i.e.x d =0μm),C L =C inv-gate ,k n ’=115μA/V 2,k p ’=-30μA/V 2,V tn0=|V tp0|=0.4V,λ =0V -1, γ=0.4,2|φf |=0.6V ,and t ox =e the HSPICE model parameters for parasitic capacitance given below (i.e.C gd0,C j ,C jsw ),and assume that V SB =0V for all problems except part (e).Figure 5.7NMOS source follower configuration V DD =2.5V V iV oV DD =2.5VV i V oV bias =(a)(b)I o1um/0.25um M1186THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter 5##Parasitic Capacitance Parameters (F/m)##NMOS:CGDO=3.11x10-10,CGSO=3.11x10-10,CJ=2.02x10-3,CJSW=2.75x10-10PMOS:CGDO=2.68x10-10,CGSO=2.68x10-10,CJ=1.93x10-3,CJSW=2.23x10-10a.What is the V m for this inverter?b.What is the effective load capacitance C Leff of this inverter?(include parasitic capacitance,refer to the text for K eq and m .)Hint:You must assume certain values for the source/drain areas and perimeters since there is no layout.For our scalable CMOS process,λ =0.125μm,and the source/drain extensions are 5λfor the PMOS;for the NMOS the source/drain contact regions are 5λx5λ.c.Calculate t PHL ,t PLH assuming the result of (b)is ‘C Leff =6.5fF’.(Assume an ideal step input,i.e.t rise =t fall =0.Do this part by computing the average current used to charge/dis-charge C Leff .)d.Find (W p /W n )such that t PHL =t PLH .e.Suppose we increase the width of the transistors to reduce the t PHL ,t PLH .Do we get a pro-portional decrease in the delay times?Justify your answer.f.Suppose V SB =1V,what is the value of V tn ,V tp ,V m ?How does this qualitatively affect C Leff ?ing Hspice answer the following questions.a.Simulate the circuit in Problem 10and measure t P and the average power for input V in :pulse(0V DD 5n 0.1n 0.1n 9n 20n),as V DD varies from 1V -2.5V with a 0.25V interval.[t P =(t PHL +t PLH )/2].Using this data,plot ‘t P vs.V DD ’,and ‘Power vs.V DD ’.Specify AS,AD,PS,PD in your spice deck,and manually add C L =6.5fF.Set V SB =0Vfor this problem.b.For Vdd equal to 2.5V determine the maximum fan-out of identical inverters this gate candrive before its delay becomes larger than 2ns.c.Simulate the same circuit for a set of ‘pulse’inputs with rise and fall times of t in_rise,fall =1ns,2ns,5ns,10ns,20ns.For each input,measure (1)the rise and fall times t out_rise andV DD =2.5VV IN V OUTC L =C inv-gateL =L P =L N =0.25μmV SB-+(W p /W n =1.25/0.375)Figure 5.8CMOS inverter with capacitiveSection 5.1Exercises and Design Problems 187t out_fall of the inverter output,(2)the total energy lost E total ,and (3)the energy lost due to short circuit current E short .Using this data,prepare a plot of (1)(t out_rise +t out_fall )/2vs.t in_rise,fall ,(2)E total vs.t in_rise,fall ,(3)E short vs.t in_rise,fall and (4)E short /E total vs.t in_rise,fall.d.Provide simple explanations for:(i)Why the slope for (1)is less than 1?(ii)Why E short increases with t in_rise,fall ?(iii)Why E total increases with t in_rise,fall ?12.Consider the low swing driver of Figure 5.9:a.What is the voltage swing on the output node (V out )?Assume γ=0.b.Estimate (i)the energy drawn from the supply and (ii)energy dissipated for a 0V to 2.5V transition at the input.Assume that the rise and fall times at the input are 0.Repeat the analysis for a 2.5V to 0V transition at the input.pute t pLH (i.e.the time to transition from V OL to (V OH +V OL )/2).Assume the input rise time to be 0.V OL is the output voltage with the input at 0V and V OH is the output volt-age with the input at 2.5V .pute V OH taking into account body effect.Assume γ =0.5V 1/2for both NMOS and PMOS.13.Consider the following low swing driver consisting of NMOS devices M1and M2.Assumean NWELL implementation.Assume that the inputs IN and IN have a 0V to 2.5V swing andthat V IN =0V when V IN =2.5V and vice-versa.Also assume that there is no skew between INand IN (i.e.,the inverter delay to derive IN from IN is zero).a.What voltage is the bulk terminal of M2connected to?V in V out V DD =2.5V W L 3μm 0.25μm =p 2.5V0V C L =100fFW L 1.5μm 0.25μm=n Figure 5.9Low Swing DriverV LOW =0.5VOutM1ININ M225μm/0.25μm 25μm/0.25μmC L =1pFFigure 5.10Low Swing Driver188THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter 5b.What is the voltage swing on the output node as the inputs swing from 0V to 2.5V .Showthe low value and the high value.c.Assume that the inputs IN and IN have zero rise and fall times.Assume a zero skewbetween IN and IN.Determine the low to high propagation delay for charging the outputnode measured from the the 50%point of the input to the 50%point of the output.Assumethat the total load capacitance is 1pF,including the transistor parasitics.d.Assume that,instead of the 1pF load,the low swing driver drives a non-linear capacitor,whose capacitance vs.voltage is plotted pute the energy drawn from the lowsupply for charging up the load capacitor.Ignore the parasitic capacitance of the driver cir-cuit itself.14.The inverter below operates with V DD =0.4V and is composed of |V t |=0.5V devices.Thedevices have identical I 0and n.a.Calculate the switching threshold (V M )of this inverter.b.Calculate V IL and V IH of the inverter.15.Sizing a chain of inverters.a.In order to drive a large capacitance (C L =20pF)from a minimum size gate (with inputcapacitance C i =10fF),you decide to introduce a two-staged buffer as shown in Figure5.12.Assume that the propagation delay of a minimum size inverter is 70ps.Also assumeV DD =0.4VV IN V OUTFigure 5.11Inverter in Weak Inversion RegimeSection 5.1Exercises and Design Problems 189that the input capacitance of a gate is proportional to its size.Determine the sizing of thetwo additional buffer stages that will minimize the propagation delay.b.If you could add any number of stages to achieve the minimum delay,how many stages would you insert?What is the propagation delay in this case?c.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the methods shown in (a)and (b).d.Determine a closed form expression for the power consumption in the circuit.Consider only gate capacitances in your analysis.What is the power consumption for a supply volt-age of 2.5V and an activity factor of 1?16.[M,None,3.3.5]Consider scaling a CMOS technology by S >1.In order to maintain compat-ibility with existing system components,you decide to use constant voltage scaling.a.In traditional constant voltage scaling,transistor widths scale inversely with S,W ∝1/S.To avoid the power increases associated with constant voltage scaling,however,youdecide to change the scaling factor for W .What should this new scaling factor be to main-tain approximately constant power.Assume long-channel devices (i.e.,neglect velocitysaturation).b.How does delay scale under this new methodology?c.Assuming short-channel devices (i.e.,velocity saturation),how would transistor widthshave to scale to maintain the constant power requirement?1InAdded Buffer StageOUTC L =20pF C i =10fF‘1’is the minimum size inverter.??Figure 5.12Buffer insertion for driving large loads.190THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter5DESIGN PROBLEMUsing the0.25μm CMOS introduced in Chapter2,design a static CMOSinverter that meets the following requirements:1.Matched pull-up and pull-down times(i.e.,t pHL=t pLH).2.t p=5nsec(±0.1nsec).The load capacitance connected to the output is equal to4pF.Notice that thiscapacitance is substantially larger than the internal capacitances of the gate.Determine the W and L of the transistors.To reduce the parasitics,useminimal lengths(L=0.25μm)for all transistors.Verify and optimize the designusing SPICE after proposing a first design using manual -pute also the energy consumed per transition.If you have a layout editor(suchas MAGIC)available,perform the physical design,extract the real circuitparameters,and compare the simulated results with the ones obtained earlier.。
数集复习笔记By 潇然2018.6.29名词解释专项摩尔定律:一个芯片上的晶体管数目大约每十八个月增长一倍。
传播延时:一个门的传播延时t p定义了它对输入端信号变化的响应有多快。
t pLH定义为这个门的输出由低至高翻转的响应时间,而t pHL则为输出由高至低翻转的响应时间。
传播延时t p定义为这两个时间的平均值:t p=(t pLH+t pHL)/2。
速度饱和效应:对于长沟MOS管,载流子满足公式:υ = -μξ(x)。
这一模型可以用许多不同的方式来说明,如状态转移图、状态图、电路图、布尔表达式、真值表或HDL 描述。
一个门对噪声的灵敏度是由低电平噪声容限NM L 和高电平噪声容限NM H来度量的,它们分别量化了合法的“0”和“1”的范围,并确定了噪声的最大固定阈值:NM L =V IL - V OLNM H =V OH - V IH沟道长度调制:在理想情况下,处于饱和区的晶体管的漏端与源端的电流是恒定的,并且独立于在这两个端口上外加的电压。
第一章 数字集成电路介绍第一个晶体管,Bell 实验室,1947第一个集成电路,Jack Kilby ,德州仪器,1958 摩尔定律:1965年,Gordon Moore 预言单个芯片上晶体管的数目每18到24个月翻一番。
(随时间呈指数增长)抽象层次:器件、电路、门、功能模块和系统 抽象即在每一个设计层次上,一个复杂模块的内部细节可以被抽象化并用一个黑匣子或模型来代替。
可变成本 (重复性费用)与产品的产量成正比;直接用于制造产品的费用;包括产品所用部件的成本、组装费用以及测试费用。
一个门对噪声的灵敏度是由噪声容限NM L (低电平噪声容限)和NM H (高电平噪声容限)来度量的。
NM H = V OH - V IH NM L = V IL - V OL 再生性保证一个受干扰的信号在通过若干逻辑级后逐渐收敛回到额定电平中的一个。
一个门的VTC 应当具有一个增益绝对值大于1的过渡区(即不确定区),该过渡区以两个有效的区域为界,合法区域的增益应当小于1。
理想数字门 特性:在过渡区有无限大的增益;门的阈值位于逻辑摆幅的中点;高电平和低电平噪声容限均等于这一摆幅的一半;输入和输出阻抗分别为无穷大和零。
传播延时、上升和下降时间的定义传播延时tp 定义了它对输入端信号变化的响应有多快。
数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题 第六章 CMOS组合逻辑门的设计-Chapter 6 Designing
![数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题 第六章 CMOS组合逻辑门的设计-Chapter 6 Designing](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e7539629915f804d2b16c196.png)
Chapter 6 Problem Set
Figure 6.6 Two-input complex logic gate.
Design and simulate a circuit that generates an optimal differential signal as shown in Figure 6.7. Make sure the rise and fall times are equal.
VDD E 6 A A 6 B 6 C 6 D 6 F A B C D 4 4 4 4 E 1 A B C D E 4 4 4 4 E 1 6 F 6 B 6 C 6 D
Chapter 6 Problem SetVDD 6Circ来自it ACircuit B
Figure 6.2 Two static CMOS gates.
Digital Integrated Circuits - 2nd Ed
2.5 V
M2 W/L = 0.5μm/0.25μm Vout Vin M1 W/L = 4μm/0.25μm NMOS Figure 6.4 Pseudo-NMOS inverter.
a. What is the output voltage if only one input is high? If all four inputs are high? b. What is the average static power consumption if, at any time, each input turns on with an (independent) probability of 0.5? 0.1? c. Compare your analytically obtained results to a SPICE simulation.
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第一章 数字集成电路介绍第一个晶体管,Bell 实验室,1947第一个集成电路,Jack Kilby ,德州仪器,1958 摩尔定律:1965年,Gordon Moore 预言单个芯片上晶体管的数目每18到24个月翻一番。
(随时间呈指数增长)抽象层次:器件、电路、门、功能模块和系统 抽象即在每一个设计层次上,一个复杂模块的内部细节可以被抽象化并用一个黑匣子或模型来代替。
可变成本 (重复性费用)与产品的产量成正比;直接用于制造产品的费用;包括产品所用部件的成本、组装费用以及测试费用。
一个门对噪声的灵敏度是由噪声容限NM L (低电平噪声容限)和NM H (高电平噪声容限)来度量的。
NM H = V OH - V IH NM L = V IL - V OL 再生性保证一个受干扰的信号在通过若干逻辑级后逐渐收敛回到额定电平中的一个。
一个门的VTC 应当具有一个增益绝对值大于1的过渡区(即不确定区),该过渡区以两个有效的区域为界,合法区域的增益应当小于1。
理想数字门 特性:在过渡区有无限大的增益;门的阈值位于逻辑摆幅的中点;高电平和低电平噪声容限均等于这一摆幅的一半;输入和输出阻抗分别为无穷大和零。
传播延时、上升和下降时间的定义传播延时tp 定义了它对输入端信号变化的响应有多快。
能量-延时积(EDP) = 功耗-延时积2。
第三章、第四章CMOS 器件 手工分析模型()0 12'2min min ≥⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=GT DS GT D V V V V V LW K I 若+-λ()DSAT DS GT V V V V ,,m in min =寄生简化:当导线很短,导线的截面很大时或当所采用的互连材料电阻率很低时,电感的影响可以忽略:如果导线的电阻很大(例如截面很小的长铝导线的情形);外加信号的上升和下降时间很慢。
例4.5与4.8表格 电压范围 集总RC 网络 分布RC 网络 0 → 50%(t p) 0.69 RC 0.38 RC0 → 63%(τ) RC 0.5 RC 10% → 90%(t r) 2.2 RC 0.9 RC0 → 90% 2.3 RC 1.0 RC例4.1 金属导线电容考虑一条布置在第一层铝上的10cm 长,1μm 宽的铝线,计算总的电容值。
平面(平行板)电容: ( 0.1×106μm2 )×30aF/μm2 = 3pF 边缘电容:2×( 0.1×106μm )×40aF/μm = 8pF 总电容: 11pF 现假设第二条导线布置在第一条旁边,它们之间只相隔最小允许的距离,计算其耦合电容。
耦合电容: C inter = ( 0.1×106μm )×95 aF/μm2 = 9.5pF材料选择:对于长互连线,铝是优先考虑的材料;多晶应当只用于局部互连;避免采用扩散导线;先进的工艺也提供硅化的多晶和扩散层接触电阻:布线层之间的转接将给导线带来额外的电阻。
采电流集聚限制R C , (最小尺寸):金属或多晶至n+、p+以及金属至多晶为 5 ~ 20 Ω ;通孔(金属至金属接触)为1 ~ 5 Ω 。
例4.2 金属线的电阻考虑一条布置在第一层铝上的10cm 长,1μm 宽的铝线。
假设铝层的薄层电阻为0.075Ω/□,计算导线的总电阻:R wire =0.075Ω/□⨯(0.1⨯106μm)/(1μm)=7.5k Ω 例4.5 导线的集总电容模型假设电源内阻为10k Ω的一个驱动器,用来驱动一条10cm 长,1μm 宽的Al1导线。
电压范围 集总RC 网络 分布RC 网络 0 → 50%(t p) 0.69 RC 0.38 RC0 → 63%(τ) RC 0.5 RC10% → 90%(t r) 2.2 RC 0.9 RC0 → 90% 2.3 RC 1.0 RC使用集总电容模型,源电阻R Driver =10 k Ω,总的集总电容C lumped =11 pFt 50% = 0.69 ⨯ 10 k Ω ⨯ 11pF = 76 ns t 90% = 2.2 ⨯ 10 k Ω ⨯ 11pF = 242 ns 例4.6 树结构网络的RC 延时节点i 的Elmore 延时: τDi = R 1C 1 + R 1C 2 + (R 1+R 3) C 3 + (R 1+R 3) C 4 + (R 1+R 3+R i ) C i 例4.7 电阻-电容导线的时间常数 总长为L 的导线被分隔成完全相同的N 段,每段的长度为L/N 。
因此每段的电阻和电容分别为rL/N 和cL/N R (= rL) 和C (= cL) 是这条导线总的集总电阻和电容()()()N N RC N N N rcL Nrc rc rc N L DN 2121 (22)22+=+=+++⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=τ 结论:当N 值很大时,该模型趋于分布式rc 线;一条导线的延时是它长度L 的二次函数;分布rc 线的延时是按集总RC 模型预测的延时的一半.2rcL 22=RC DN =τ例4.8 铝线的RC 延时.考虑长10cm 宽、1μm 的Al1导线,使用分布RC 模型,c = 110 aF/μm 和r = 0.075 Ω/μm t p = 0.38⨯RC = 0.38 ⨯ (0.075 Ω/μm) ⨯ (110 aF/μm)⨯ (105 μm)2= 31.4 ns Poly :t p = 0.38 ⨯ (150 Ω/μm) ⨯ (88+2⨯54 aF/μm)⨯ (105 μm)2= 112 μsAl5: t p = 0.38 ⨯ (0.0375 Ω/μm) ⨯ (5.2+2⨯12aF/μm) ⨯ (105 μm)2= 4.2 ns 例4.9 RC 与集总C假设驱动门被模拟成一个电压源,它具有一定大小的电源内阻R s 。
应用Elmore 公式,总传播延时:τD = R s C w + (R w C w )/2 = R s C w + 0.5r w c w L 2 及 t p = 0.69 R s C w + 0.38 R w C w 其中,R w = r w L ,C w = c w L假设一个电源内阻为1k Ω的驱动器驱动一条1μm 宽的Al1导线,此时L crit 为2.67cm第五章CMOS 反相器 静态CMOS 的重要特性:电压摆幅等于电源电压 → 高噪声容限。
逻辑电平与器件的相对尺寸无关 → 晶体管可以采用最小尺寸 → 无比逻辑。
稳态时在输出和V dd 或GND 之间总存在一条具有有限电阻的通路 → 低输出阻抗 (k Ω) 。
输入阻抗较高 (MOS 管的栅实际上是一个完全的绝缘体) → 稳态输入电流几乎为0。
在稳态工作情况下电源线和地线之间没有直接的通路(即此时输入和输出保持不变) → 没有静态功率。
门的响应时间是由通过电阻R p 充电电容C L (电阻R n 放电电容C L )所需要的时间决定的 。
开关阈值V M 定义为V in = V out 的点(在此区域由于V DS = V GS ,PMOS 和NMOS 总是饱和的)r 是什么:开关阈值取决于比值r ,它是PMOS 和NMOS 管相对驱动强度的比DSATnn DSATp p DD M V k V k VV =,r r 1r +≈ 一般希望V M = V DD /2 (可以使高低噪声容限具有相近的值),为此要求 r ≈ 1例5.1 CMOS 反相器的开关阈值 通用0.25μm CMOS 工艺实现的一个CMOS 反相器的开关阈值处于电源电压的中点处。
假设V DD = 2.5V ,最小尺寸器件的宽长比(W/L)n 为1.5()()()()()()()()V V L W V V V V k V V V V k L W L W M p DSATp Tp M DSATp p DSATn Tn M DSATn n n p⨯==----⨯-⨯⨯⨯----=---= 分析: V M 对于器件比值的变化相对来说是不敏感的。
将比值设为3、2.5和2,产生的V M 分别为1.22V 、1.18V 和 1.13V ,因此使PMOS 管的宽度小于完全对称所要求的值是可以接受的。
增加PMOS 或NMOS 宽度使V M 移向V DD 或GND 。
噪声容限:根据定义,V IH 和V IL 是dV out /dV in = -1(= 增益)时反相器的工作点 逐段线性近似V IH = V M - V M /g V IL = V M + (V DD - V M )/g 过渡区可以近似为一段直线,其增益等于在开关阈值V M 处的增益g 。