财产保险合同(英文) propertyinsuranceclauseswholedoc.i.thepropertyinsured thepropertyinsuredshallrefertoallpropertiesandexpensesspe- cifiedinthescheduleofthispolicy. unlessspecificallyagreeduponinwritingbetweentheinsuredandthecompanyandappraisedandvalue-establishedbyprofessionalsorassessors,thefollowingarticlesandtheexpensesrelevanttheretoshallnotbe coveredunderthispolicy:1.gold,silver,pearls,diamonds,preciousstonesandjades;2.antiques,articlesofvirtue,ancientcoins,ancientbooksand ancientpaintings;3.worksofartorpostagestamps;4.advertisements,aerials,neon,piecesofsolarenergyapparatusetc.onbuildings;putersystemrecordsoritsmakingandcopyingcosts. undernocircumstancesshallthefollowingarticlesrelevantthereto becoveredhereunder:1.guns,ammunitionorexplosives;2.banknotes,securities,bills,documents,files,accountbooksor drawings;3.animals,plantsandagriculturalcrops;4.mobilephones,portablecomputers,removablephotographapparatus orotherpreciousarticles;5.vehicleslicensedforgeneraltransportuse.ii.scopeofcover thecompanyshallindemnifytheinsuredinrespectofthephysical lossofordamagetotheinsuredpropertystatedinthescheduleduring theperiodofinsurancedirectlyarisingfromthefollowingperils: 1.fire;2.explosion; butnotincludingexplosionofaboilerorotherpressurerelief devices;3.lightning;4.hurricane,typhoonandtornado;5.storm,tempestandflood; butnotincludinglossordamagecausedbychangeinnormalwater levelorinundationfromseawaterorwaterescapeorleakagefromthe normalconfinesofanynaturalwatercourse,lakeorreservoir,canalor damaswellaslossofordamagetotheinsuredpropertycausedbystorm, tempestorfloodwhilebeingstoredintheopenorcoveredbyorundera shedthatchedwithreeds,tarpaulins,straw,asphaltfelt,plasticor nylonsheet;6.hailstorm;ndslide,rockslide,avalanche;8.volcanicexplosion;9.subsidenceofground;butnotincludinglossordamageresultingfrompiledriving, groundworkorexcavation;10.crashingaircraftandpartsorarticlesfallingfromaircraftand otherflyingobjects;11.burstingofwatertankorpipe; butnotincludingburstingofwatertankorpipeduetorust.iii.exclusionsthiscompanyshallnotbeliablefor:1.lossofordamagetotheinsuredpropertyorexpensescausedbyintentionalactorgrossnegligenceoftheinsuredorhisrepresentativ e;2.lossofordamagetotheinsuredpropertycausedandexpenses incurredbyearthquakeortsunami;3.depreciation,lossofmarket,lossofuseandotherconsequential lossesofanydescription;4.lossofordamagetotheinsuredpropertyorexpensesincurredarisingfromwar,warlikeoperation,hostilities,armedconflicts,terrorism,conspiracyinsurrection,coupdetat,strike,riot,andciv ilcommotion;5.confiscation,requisition,destructionordamagebyanyactionor orderofanygovernmentdejureordefactoorbyanypublicauthorities;6.lossofordamagetoinsuredpropertydirectlyorindirectlycausedorexpensesincurredbynuclearfission,nuclearfusion,nuclearweapo n,nuclearmaterial,nuclearradiationandradioactivecontamination;7.lossordamagecausedandexpensesincurredbypollutionofany kindordescriptionwhatsoeversuchasatmosphere,landandwater pollutionsbutthisdoesnotincludelossordamagecausedbypollution arisingfromperilsspecifiedinarticleiithepolicy;8.thedeductiblesstatedinthescheduletobebornebytheinsured;9.lossordamagearisingfromanyotherperilsnotlistedinarticle iiofthispolicy.iv.treatmentofclaim1.thecompanyshallatitsoption,indemnifytheinsuredinrespect oflossordamagefallingwithinthescopeofcoverofthepolicyby either:1.1payingtheamountoftheactualvalueofthepropertylostor damagedor;1.2payingthenecessarycostofrepairingorrestoringthedamaged propertytoitsnearestconditionimmediatelyprecedingthedamageor;1.3repairingorrestoringthedamagedpropertytoaconditionnearto otherpropertyoflikekindandquality.2.indemnityunderthispolicyshallbebaseduponthesoundmarket valueofthepropertyprevailingatthetimeofloss.ifthesoundmarket valueofthedamagedpropertyislowerthanthesuminsuredofsuch property,theclaimshallbesettledonitsmarketvalue;ifthesoundmarketvalueofthepropertyisinexcessofthesuminsured,thecompanyshallonlybeliableforsuchproportionoftheclaimasthesuminsured ofthedamagedpropertybearstoitssoundmarketvalue.iftheinsured propertyenumeratedinthescheduleismorethanoneitem,theprovision ofthisclauseshallapplytoeachthereof.3.ifaclaimforlossofordamagetotheinsureditemissettledon atotallossbasis,thesalvagevalueofsuchitemshallbedeductedfrom theindemnitypayablebythecompany.thecompanymay,atitsoption, declinetheabandonmentofanydamagedpropertybytheinsured.4.intheeventoflossofordamagetoanyequipmentiteminsured formingpartofapairorset,thecompanyshallnotbeliableinrespect ofeachofsuchitemlostordamagedformorethanitsproportionatepart ofthesuminsuredonthecompletepairorset.5.intheeventofanylossoccurrence,thecompanyshallalsopaytheinsuredfortheexpensesreasonablyincurredfortakingnecessarymeas urestominimizelossordamagetotheleastextent,butinnocaseshallsuchexpensesreferredheretoexceedthesuminsuredoftheinsuredproperty.6.uponsettlementofaclaim,anendorsementshallbeissuedbythe companytoreducethesuminsuredcorrespondingtothepropertylostor damagedbytheamountsosettledfromthedateofloss,andnopremium shallberefundedfortheamountsoreduced.ifreinstatementofthesum insuredisrequiredbytheinsureduponsettlementoftheclaim,anadditionalpremiumforthereinstatedamountshallbechargedatanagre edrate,andbecalculatedonproratadailybasisfromthedateoflossto theexpiryoftheinsurance.7.thetimeofvalidityofaclaimunderthisinsuranceshallnot exceedaperiodoftwoyearcountingfromthedateofloss.v.insuredsobligations thefollowingobligationsshallbestrictlyfulfilledbytheinsured andhisrepresentative:1.theinsuredandhisrepresentative,whenapplyingforinsuranceshallmaketrueanswersordescriptionstothequestionsintheproposal andquestionnaireortoanyotherquestionsraisedbythecompany.2.theinsuredandhisrepresentativeshallpaytothecompanyindue coursetheagreedpremiuminthemannerasprovidedinthescheduleand endorsements.3.duringtheperiodofthisinsurance,theinsuredshallathisown expensetakeallreasonableprecautions,includingpayingsufficientattentiontoandputtingintopracticethereasonablerecommendations ofthecompany,prudentlyselectingtheworkmenandemployeesandcomplyi ngwithallstatutoryregulationsandsafetyoperationprocedures.4.intheeventofanyoccurrencewhichgivesormightgiverisetoa claimunderthispolicy,theinsuredorhisrepresentativeshall:4.1notifythecompanyimmediatelyandwithinseven(7)daysoranyfurtherperiodasmaybeagreedbythecompanyinwriting,furnishawrittenreporttoindicatethecourse,probablereasonandextentoflos sordamage;4.2takeallnecessarymeasurestoavoidaggravationofthelossor damageandminimizeittotheleastextent;4.3preservethespotaffectedanddefectivepartsbeforean inspectioniscarriedoutbyarepresentativeorsurveyorfromthe company;4.4furnishallsuchinformationanddocumentaryevidenceasthe companymayrequireforsupportingtheclaim.vi.generalconditions1.policyeffect thedueobservanceandfulfilmentofthetermsandconditionsofthis policyinsofarastheyrelatetoanythingtobedoneorcompliedwithbytheinsuredshallbeaconditionprecedenttoanyliabilityofthecompan yunderthispolicy.2.policyvoidancethispolicyshallbevoidableintheeventofmisrepresentation,misdescriptionornon-disclosuremadebytheinsuredorhisrepresentativeinanymaterialparticularinrespectofthisinsurance.3.policyterminationunlessitscontinuancebeadmittedbythecompanyinwriting,thispolicyshallbeautomaticallyterminatedif:3.1theinsurableinterestoftheinsuredislost;3.2theriskoflossordamageisincreased.afterterminationofthepolicy,thepremiumshallberefundedtotheinsuredcalculatedonproratadailybasisfortheperiodfromthedateofterminationtothedateofexpiry.4.policycancellationthispolicymaybecanceledatanytimeattherequestoftheinsured inwritingorattheoptionofthecompanybygivingafifteen(15)days priornoticetotheinsured.intheformercasethecompanyshallretaina premiumcalculatedonshorttermratebasisforthetimethepolicyhas beeninforcewhileinthelattercasesuchpremiumshallbecalculatedon proratadailybasis.5.forfeitofbenefitiftheclaimisinanyrespectfraudulent,orifanyfraudulentmeans ordevicesareusedbytheinsuredorhisrepresentativetoobtainany benefitunderthispolicyorifanylossordamageisoccasionedbytheintentionalactorintheconnivanceoftheinsuredorhisrepresentativ e,theninanyofthesecases,alltherightsandbenefitsoftheinsured underthispolicyshallbeforfeited,andallconsequentlossesarising therefromincludingtheamountofclaimpaidbythecompanyshallbeindemnifiedbytheinsured.6.reasonableinspection therepresentativeofthecompanyshallatanysuitabletimebe entitledtoattendthesiteandinspectorexaminetheriskexplosureof thepropertyinsured.forthispurpose,theinsuredshallprovidefullassistanceandalldetailsandinformationrequiredbythecompanyasma ybenecessaryfortheassessmentoftherisk.theabovementioned inspectionorexaminationshallinnocircumstancesbeheldasany admissiontotheinsuredbythecompany.7.doubleinsuranceshouldanyloss,damage,expensesorliabilityrecoverableunderthe policybealsocoveredbyanyotherinsurance,thecompanyshallonlybeliabletopayorcontributehisproportionoftheclaimirrespectiveast owhethertheotherinsuranceisarrangedbytheinsuredorothersonhisbehalf,orwhetheranyindemnificationisobtainableundersuchotherinsurance.8.subrogation whereathirdpartyshallbeheldresponsibleforthelossordamagecoveredunderthispolicy,theinsuredshall,whetherbeingindemnifie dbythecompanyornot,takeallnecessarymeasurestoenforceorreservetherightofrecoveryagainstsuchthirdparty,anduponbeingindemnifiedb ythecompany,subrogatetothecompanyalltherightofrecovery,transfe rallnecessarydocumentstoandassistthecompanyinpursuingrecovery fromtheresponsibleparty.9.dispute alldisputesunderthisinsurancearisingbetweentheinsuredandthe companyshallbesettledthroughfriendlynegotiations.wherethetwopartiesfailtoreachanagreementafternegotiations,suchdisputesha llbesubmittedtoarbitrationortocourtforlegalactions.unlessotherwiseagreed,sucharbitrationorlegalactionshallbecarriedout intheplacewherethedefendantisdomiciled.vii.specialprovisionsthefollowingprovisionsshallbeappliedtoallpartsofthispolicyandshalloverridetheothertermsandconditionsofthispolicyifanyconflictarises.propertyinsurancepolicypolicyno.:whereastheinsurednamedinthescheduleheretohasmadetothe______insurancecompany(hereinaftercalled""thecompany"")awritt enproposalwhichtogetherwithanyotherstatementsmadebytheinsuredfo rthepurposeofthispolicyisdeemedtobeincorporatedhereinandhaspaidtothecompanythepremiumstatedintheschedule. nowthispolicyofinsurancewitnessesthatsubjecttothetermsandconditionscontainedhereinorendorsedhereonthecompanyshallindem nifytheinsuredforthelossordamagesustainedduringtheperiodof insurancestatedinthescheduleinthemannerandtotheextent hereinafterprovided.bythe________insurancecompany_________________________authorisedsignaturedateofissue:placeofissue:schedulepolicyno.:andaddressoftheinsured1.1theinsured:1.2address:2.locationofthepropertyinsured:3.natureoftrade:4.insureditemsandsumsinsured: insureditemssumsinsured4.1propertyinsured4.1.1building(s)(includingdecoration): 4.1.2machineryandequipment:4.1.3furnitureandfixture:(includingofficeequipmentandsupplies) 4.1.4stock:4.1.5others:4.2additionalexpenses:4.2.1removalofdebrisfees:4.2.2fireextinguishingexpenses:4.2.3professionalfees:4.2.4otherexpenses:totalsuminsured:5.deductible(anyoneaccident):6.periodofinsurance:___months.from00:00of_________to24:00hoursof______7.premiumrate:totalpremium:8.dateofpayment:9.jurisdiction: thispolicyisgovernedbylawofthepeoplesrepublicofchina.10.specialprovisions: propertyinsurancepolicysschedule_________insurancecompany。
Contract, also known as contract and agreement, is an agreement between equal财产保险合同英文版PROPERTY INSURANCE CLAUSESI. THE PROPERTY INSUREDThe property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses specified in the Schedule of this Policy.Unless specifically agreed upon in writing between the Insured and the Company and appraised and value-established by professionals or assessors, the following articles and the expenses relevant thereto shall not be covered under this Policy:1. Gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, precious stones and jades;2. Antiques, articles of virtue, ancient coins, ancient books and ancient paintings;3. Works of art or postage stamps;4. Advertisements, aerials, neon, pieces of solar energy apparatus etc. on buildings;5. Computer system records or its making and copying costs.Under no circumstances shall the following articles relevantthereto be covered hereunder:1. Guns, ammunition or explosives;2. Banknotes, securities, bills, documents, files, account books or drawings;3. Animals, plants and agricultural crops;4. Mobile phones, portable computers, removable photograph apparatus or other precious articles;5. Vehicles licensed for general transport use.II. SCOPE OF COVERThe Company shall indemnify the Insured in respect of the physical loss of or damage to the insured property stated in the Schedule during the period of insurance directly arising from the following perils:1. Fire;2. Explosion;but not including explosion of a boiler or other pressure relief devices;3. Lightning;4. Hurricane, typhoon and tornado;5. Storm, tempest and flood;but not including loss or damage caused by change in normal water level or inundation from sea water or water escape or leakage from the normal confines of any natural water course, lake or reservoir, canal or dam as well as loss of or damage to the insured property caused by storm, tempest or flood while being stored in the open or covered by or under a shed thatched with reeds, tarpaulins, straw, asphalt felt, plastic or nylon sheet;6. Hailstorm;7. Landslide, rockslide, avalanche;8. Volcanic explosion;9. Subsidence of ground;but not including loss or damage resulting from pile driving, groundwork or excavation;10. Crashing aircraft and parts or articles falling from aircraft and other flying objects;11. Bursting of water tank or pipe;but not including bursting of water tank or pipe due to rust.III. EXCLUSIONSThis Company shall not be liable for:1. Loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses caused by intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured or his representative;2. Loss of or damage to the insured property caused and expenses incurred by earthquake or tsunami;3. Depreciation, loss of market, loss of use and other consequential losses of any description;4. Loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses incurred arising from war, warlike operation, hostilities, armed conflicts, terrorism, conspiracy insurrection, coup d`etat, strike, riot, and civil commotion;5. Confiscation, requisition, destruction or damage by any action or order of any government de jure or de facto or by any public authorities;6. Loss of or damage to insured property directly or indirectly caused or expenses incurred by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear weapon, nuclear material, nuclear radiation and radioactive contamination;7. Loss or damage caused and expenses incurred by pollution of any kind or description whatsoever such as atmosphere, land and water pollutions but this does not include loss or damage caused by pollution arising from PERILS specified in Article II the Policy;8. The deductibles stated in the Schedule to be borne by the Insured;9. Loss or damage arising from any other perils not listed in Article II of this Policy.IV. TREATMENT OF CLAIM1. The Company shall at its option, indemnify the Insured in respect of loss or damage falling within the Scope of Cover of the Policy by either:1.1 paying the amount of the actual value of the property lost or damaged or;1.2 paying the necessary cost of repairing or restoring the damaged property to its nearest condition immediately preceding the damage or;1.3 repairing or restoring the damaged property to a condition near to other property of like kind and quality.2. Indemnity under this Policy shall be based upon the sound market value of the property prevailing at the time of loss. If the soundmarket value of the damaged property is lower than the sum insured of such property, the claim shall be settled on its market value;If the sound market value of the property is in excess of the sum insured, the Company shall only be liable for such proportion of the claim as the sum insured of the damaged property bears to its sound market value. If the insured property enumerated in the Schedule is more than one item, the provision of this clause shall apply to each thereof.3. If a claim for loss of or damage to the insured item is settled on a total loss basis, the salvage value of such item shall be deducted from the indemnity payable by the Company. The Company may, at its option, decline the abandonment of any damaged property by the Insured.4. In the event of loss of or damage to any equipment item insured forming part of a pair or set, the Company shall not be liable in respect of each of such item lost or damaged for more than its proportionate part of the sum insured on the complete pair or set.5. In the event of any loss occurrence, the Company shall also pay the Insured for the expenses reasonably incurred for taking necessary measures to minimize loss or damage to the least extent, but in no case shall such expenses referred hereto exceed the sum insured of the insured property.6. Upon settlement of a claim, an endorsement shall be issued by the Company to reduce the sum insured corresponding to the property lost or damaged by the amount so settled from the date of loss, and no premium shall be refunded for the amount so reduced. If reinstatement ofthe sum insured is required by the Insured upon settlement of the claim, an additional premium for the reinstated amount shall be charged at an agreed rate, and be calculated on pro rata daily basis from the date of loss to the expiry of the insurance.7. The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a period of two year counting from the date of loss.V. INSURED`S OBLIGATIONSThe following Obligations shall be strictly fulfilled by the Insured and his representative:1. The Insured and his representative, when applying for insurance shall make true answers or descriptions to the questions in the Proposal and Questionnaire or to any other questions raised by the Company.2. The Insured and his representative shall pay to the Company in due course the agreed premium in the manner as provided in the Schedule and Endorsements.3. During the period of this insurance, the Insured shall at his own expense take all reasonable precautions, including paying sufficient attention to and putting into practice the reasonable recommendations of the Company, prudently selecting the workmen and employees and complying with all statutory regulations and safety operation procedures.4. In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:4.1 notify the Company immediately and within seven (7)days or any further period as may be agreed by the Company in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course, probable reason and extent of loss or damage;4.2 take all necessary measures to avoid aggravation of the loss or damage and minimize it to the least extent;4.3 preserve the spot affected and defective parts before an inspection is carried out by a representative or surveyor from the Company;4.4 furnish all such information and documentary evidence as the Company may require for supporting the claim.VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS1. Policy EffectThe due observance and fulfilment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company under this Policy.2. Policy VoidanceThis Policy shall be voidable in the event ofmisrepresentation, misdescription or non-disclosure made by the Insured or his representative in any material particular in respect of this insurance.3. Policy TerminationUnless its continuance be admitted by the Company in writing, this Policy shall be automatically terminated if:3.1 the insurable interest of the Insured is lost;3.2 the risk of loss or damage is increased.After termination of the Policy, the premium shall be refunded to the Insured calculated on pro rata daily basis for the period from the date of termination to the date of expiry.4. Policy CancellationThis Policy may be canceled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing or at the option of the Company by giving a fifteen (15) days prior notice to the Insured. In the former case the Company shall retain a premium calculated on short term rate basis for the time the Policy has been in force while in the latter case such premium shall be calculated on pro rata daily basis.5. Forfeit of BenefitIf the claim is in any respect fraudulent, or if anyfraudulent means or devices are used by the Insured or his representative to obtain any benefit under this Policy or if any loss or damage is occasioned by the intentional act or in the connivance of the Insured or his representative, then in any of these cases, all the rights and benefits of the Insured under this Policy shall be forfeited, and all consequent losses arising therefrom including the amount of claim paid by the Company shall be indemnified by the Insured.6. Reasonable InspectionThe representative of the Company shall at any suitable time be entitled to attend the site and inspect or examine the risk explosure of the property insured. For this purpose, the Insured shall provide full assistance and all details and information required by the Company as may be necessary for the assessment of the risk. The above mentioned inspection or examination shall in no circumstances be held as any admission to the Insured by the Company.7. Double InsuranceShould any loss, damage, expenses or liability recoverable under the Policy be also covered by any other insurance, the Company shall only be liable to pay or contribute his proportion of the claim irrespective as to whether the other insurance is arranged by the Insured or others on his behalf, or whether any indemnification is obtainable under such other insurance.8. SubrogationWhere a third party shall be held responsible for the loss or damage covered under this Policy, the Insured shall, whether being indemnified by the Company or not, take all necessary measures to enforce or reserve the right of recovery against such third party, and upon being indemnified by the Company, subrogate to the Company all the right of recovery, transfer all necessary documents to and assist the Company in pursuing recovery from the responsible party.9. DisputeAll disputes under this insurance arising between the Insured and the Company shall be settled through friendly negotiations. Where the two parties fail to reach an agreement after negotiations, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration or to court for legal actions. Unless otherwise agreed, such arbitration or legal action shall be carried out in the place where the defendant is domiciled.VII. SPECIAL PROVISIONSThe following provisions shall be applied to all parts of this Policy and shall override the other terms and conditions of this Policy if any conflict arises.PROPERTY INSURANCE POLICYPolicy No.:WHEREAS THE INSURED named in the Schedule hereto has made to the ______ Insurance Company (hereinafter called "the Company") awritten Proposal which together with any other statements made by the insured for the purpose of this Policy is deemed to be incorporated herein and has paid to the Company the premium stated in the Schedule.NOW THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE WITNESSES that subject to the terms and conditions contained herein or endorsed hereon the Company shall indemnify the insured for the loss or damage sustained during the period of insurance stated in the Schedule in the manner and to the extent hereinafter provided.By the ________ Insurance Company_________________________ Authorised SignatureDate of Issue:Place of Issue:SCHEDULEPolicy No.:1. Name and Address of the Insured1.1 The Insured:1.2 Address:2. Location of the Property Insured:3. Nature of Trade:4. Insured Items and Sums Insured:Insured Items Sums Insured4.1 Property Insured4.1.1 Building(s)(including decoration):4.1.2 Machinery and Equipment:4.1.3 Furniture and Fixture:(including office equipment and supplies)4.1.4 Stock:4.1.5 Others:4.2 Additional Expenses:4.2.1 Removal of Debris fees:4.2.2 Fire Extinguishing Expenses:4.2.3 Professional Fees:4.2.4 Other Expenses:Total Sum Insured:5. Deductible (any one accident):6. Period of Insurance: ___ months.From 00:00 of _________ to 24:00 hours of ______7. Premium Rate:Total Premium:8. Date of Payment:9. Jurisdiction:This Policy is governed by law of the People's Republic of China.10. Special Provisions:PROPERTY INSURANCE POLICY`S SCHEDULE_________ Insurance Company。
保险合同英文说明模板Insurance Contract Explanation Template1. IntroductionThank you for choosing our insurance company for your insurance needs. We have prepared this insurance contract explanation to help you understand the terms and conditions of your insurance policy.2. Insurance CoverageIn this section, we will provide a detailed explanation of the insurance coverage provided under your policy. This includes the type and extent of coverage, as well as any limitations or exclusions that may apply. It is important to review this section carefully to understand what is covered and what is not.3. Policy TermHere, we will explain the duration of your insurance policy, including the start and end dates. We will also highlight any provisions for renewing or canceling the policy. It is essential to be aware of the policy term to ensure continuous coverage and avoid any lapses.4. Premiums and PaymentsThis section will outline the premium amount and the frequency of payments required. We will explain when and how to make payments, as well as any consequences for late or missed payments. It is crucial to understand your premium obligations to maintain your coverage without interruption.5. Claims ProcessIn this section, we will describe the procedure for filing a claim under your insurance policy. We will explain the necessary documentation and the timeframe for submitting a claim. Additionally, we will outline the steps involved in claims assessment and the payment process. Understanding the claims process will help you navigate any potential claim situations smoothly.6. Deductibles and ExcessHere, we will explain any deductibles or excess that may apply to your policy. Deductibles are the amount you have to pay before the insurance coverage kicks in, while excess is the amount you must contribute towards a claim. We will clarify the specific amounts and how they impact your coverage.7. Renewal and CancellationThis section will cover the guidelines and procedures for renewing or canceling your insurance policy. We will explain the notice period required and any conditions that may affect the renewal or cancellation process. It is important to adhere to these guidelines to ensure continuous coverage or halt insurance services if needed. 8. Termination and RefundsIn this section, we will explain the circumstances under which the insurance company may terminate your policy. We will also provide details on any refund policies applicable in case of cancellation or termination. Understanding these provisions will help you make informed decisions regarding your insurance coverage.9. Limitations and ExclusionsHere, we will outline any limitations or exclusions that may apply to your policy. These are specific situations or events that are not covered by the insurance policy. It is crucial to review this section carefully to understand the extent of coverage and to avoid filing claims that may fall under the mentioned limitations or exclusions.10. Compliance and Legal ObligationsThis section will highlight your responsibilities and obligations as the policyholder. We will explain any legal or regulatory requirements you must comply with to maintain the insurance coverage. It is essential to be aware of your obligations to avoid any issues or potential policy breaches.11. ConclusionWe hope this insurance contract explanation has clarified the terms and conditions of your insurance policy. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. We value your business and are committed to providing you with excellent insurance services.。
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什么是保险合同●保险合同(insurance contract)也称保险契约,它是保险关系双方当事人为实现保险保障目的,在自愿基础上订立的关于双方权利义务关系的法律协议。
●理解要点:1 权利义务关系2 法律协议:具有法律效力,约束法律关系(不同于商品买卖关系)。
保险英语词汇保险英语词汇Aabandonment 委付abandonment clause 委付条款accident 意外事故accounting period 结算期act of god 不可抗力actual total loss 实际全损actuarial method 精算法actuary 保险精算师additional premium 附加保险费additional risk 附加险advance profit 预期利润aggregate limit 累积限额aggregated loss 累积损失all-risks policy 一切险保单antis election 逆选择applicant 投保人application 投保单approved 承保assignment clause 转让条款average 海损、海损分摊average adjuster 海损理算人average clause 共同海损分担条款保险英语词汇Bbalance 所欠款项beneficiary 受益人binder 暂保单binding slip 暂保单breakage of packing 包装破碎险broker 经纪人保险英语词汇Ccapacity 承保能力captive 自保公司captive pools 自保组合cargo damage adjustment 货损理算cargo damage inspection 货损检验cargo damage prevention 货损预防cargo damage report 货损报告cargo damage survey 货损检查,货物损坏检验cargo insurance premium 货物保险费cargo insurance rate 货物保险费率cargo insurer 货物承保人cargo policy 货物保单,货物保险单cargo premium 货运保险费,货物保险费cargo underwriter 货物保险承保人(商),货险承保人,货物承保人cash loss 现金赔款cash value 现金价值catastrophe 巨灾catastrophe excess of loss(CXL)巨灾超赔\巨灾超赔分保categories of insurance 保险类别ceding company 分出公司ceding(insurance)company 分保公司ceding, retrocession(for reinsurance) 分保certificate of cargo damage 货损证明certificate of insurance 保险证明、保险凭证cession limit 分保限额China Insurance Clause (CIC) 中国保险条款claim 索赔claim assessor 索赔人claim settlement 理赔claim-prone 容易出险claims and arbitration 索赔与仲裁claims assistance 理赔协助clash and breakage 碰损,破碎险clean cut 结清方式coinsurance 共保co-insurance 共同保险co-insurance company 共同保险公司combined ratio 综合赔付率commencement and termination 起讫concurrent insurance 同时保险consequential loss (CL) 后果损失constructive total loss 推定全损contingent liquidity 或有流动性continued insurance 继续保险co-related risks 关联风险cover 承保、责任额cover note 保险证明书,承保单,保险证明cover note 暂保单(证明同意承保的临时文件)coverage 受保范围。
常见保险英语大全-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1常见保险英语大全air transportation risk 航空运输险average 海损actual total loss 实际全损additional premium 附加保险费additional risk 附加险aflatoxin risk 黄曲霉素险breakage of packing 包装破碎险China Insurance Clauce (CIC) 中国保险条款claim adjustment (settlement of claim) 理赔claims and arbitration 索赔与仲裁clash and breakage 碰损,破碎险co-insurance 共同保险constructive total loss 推定全损contractors all risks insurance 建筑工程一切险cover note 暂保单(证明同意承保的临时文件);cover note 承保单,保险证明damage caused by heating and sweating 受热受潮险disbursement policy (船舶)驶费保险单double insurance 双保险endowment insurance 养老保险extra premium 额外保险费extraneous risks (additional risks) 附加险failure to delivery risk 交货不到险floating policy 浮动保险单franchise (deductible) 免赔额;免赔率free from/of particular average(FPA, 平安险freight policy 运费保险单General Average .) 共同海损guarantee of insurance 保险担保书health insurance 健康保险hook damage 勾(钩)损险Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC,协会货物(保险)条款insurance 保险;保险金额insurance against air risk (air transportation insurance)航空运输保险insurance against all risks 保一切险,综合险insurance against breakage 保渗漏险insurance against extraneous(additional) risks 附加险insurance against rain or fresh water 保淡水雨淋险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工、暴动、民变险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险insurance agent(s) 保险代理,保险代理人insurance amount 保险额insurance applicant 投保人insurance broker 保险经纪人insurance business 保险业insurance certificate 保险凭证,保险证书insurance claim 保险索赔insurance clause 保险条款insurance commission 保险佣金insurance company 保险公司insurance conditions 保险条件,保险契约约定条款insurance coverage 保险范围,保额insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 保险申报单(明细表) insurance document 保险单据insurance expense 保险费用insurance industry 保险业insurance instruction 投保通知,投保须知insurance law 保险法insurance on last survivor 长寿保险insurance policy 保险单, 保单insurance premium 保险费insurance proceeds 保险赔偿金,保险赔款insurance rate 保险费率insurance slip 投保申请书,投保单insurance underwriter 保险承保人insurance value (insurance amount) 保险金额insurant 被保险人insure 保险;投保insured amount 保险金额insurer 保险人,保险商insurer (underwriter) 承保人、保险人investment insurance 投资保险land transit insurance 陆上运输保险letter of guarantee 保函,保证书life insurance 人寿保险loss (damage)cuased by breakageof packing 包装破裂险marine insurance 海运保险,水险Marine Loss 海损medical insurance 医疗保险ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款on deck risk 舱面险open policy 预约保险单open policy insurance 预约保险overland (transportation) insurance 陆上运输保险parcel post insurance 邮包运输保险partial loss 部分损失particular average .) 单独海损perils of the sea 海上风险policy 保单,保险契约policy holder 保险客户,保险单持有人policy package 承保多项内容的保险单policy proof of interest 保险单权益证明policy reserves 保险单责任准备金premium 保险费premium rate 保险费率premium rebate 保险费回扣property insurance 财产保险rejection risk 拒收险renew coverage 续保riks of non-delivery 提货不着险risk 保险,保险额risk of bad odour 恶味险,变味险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of contamination 污染险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of error 过失险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of import duty 进口关税险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of labels being washed off 标签破损险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of loss 损失险risk of mould 发霉险risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险risk of oil damage 油渍险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of rain and/or fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险risk of rust 锈蚀险risk of shortage in quantity 短量险risk of shortage in weight 短重险risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃、提货不着险risk premium 风险贴水、风险溢价sickness insurance 疾病保险social insurance 社会保险special additional risk 特别(特殊)附加险survey at jetty risk 码头检验险survey in customs risk 海关检验险the insured 受保人,被保险人the People's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery (PTND, 偷窃、提货不着险time policy 定期保险单under deck risk 舱内险underwriter 保险商(指专保水险的保险商),保险公司total loss 全部损失transportation insurance 运输保险valued policy 定值保险单voyage policy 航程保险单with particular average(WPA)水渍险,基本险,单独海损赔war risk 战争险※更多学习资料请参考:※英语口语培训英语水平测试英语培训机构英语培训。
保险合同 (中英文)
![保险合同 (中英文)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9fae7b12443610661ed9ad51f01dc281e53a5699.png)
保险合同 (中英文)保险合同 (Insurance Contract)背景介绍 (Background Introduction)该保险合同(以下简称“合同”)由以下双方于(合同签订日期)签署。
一方,保险人(以下简称“甲方”):- 公司名称:[甲方公司名称]- 注册地:[甲方注册地]- 法定代表人:[甲方法定代表人]- 联系地址:[甲方联系地址]- 联系[甲方联系电话]另一方,被保险人(以下简称“乙方”):- 姓名:[乙方姓名]- 身份证号码:[乙方身份证号码]- 地址:[乙方地址]- 联系[乙方联系电话]保险条款 (Insurance Terms)1. 保险责任1.1 本合同的保险责任范围包括但不限于以下风险:- [列举风险1]- [列举风险2]- [列举风险3]1.2 甲方将对乙方在合同期间内发生的损失承担相应的赔偿责任,具体赔偿金额和方式按照后续条款约定执行。
2. 保险费2.1 乙方应按照以下方式支付保险费:- 保险费金额:[保险费金额]- 缴费方式:[缴费方式]- 缴费期限:[缴费期限]2.2 若乙方未按时支付保险费,甲方有权暂停或终止对乙方的保险保障,并有权要求乙方补缴逾期保险费及产生的相关费用。
3. 索赔流程3.1 在发生保险事故后,乙方应立即通知甲方,并提供以下证明文件:- 保单号码- 事故经过描述- 相关损失证明材料3.2 甲方将在收到乙方的索赔通知和相关证明文件后,尽快进行核实和处理,并按照约定赔偿金额进行理赔。
合同终止本合同在以下情况下终止:- 乙方自愿解除合同- 合同期满且双方未进行续约- 因任一方违约,经书面通知后终止法律适用和争议解决本合同的解释和适用以[甲方注册地]法律为准。
一、汉译英1.长期合同a long-term contract2.短期合同a short-term contract3.完成合同Completion of Contract4.期货合同Contract for Future Delivery5.订货合同Contract for Goods6.采购合同Contract for Purchase7.劳务合同Contract for Service8.劳动合同Labor Contract9.买卖合同(证书)contract note10.仲裁合同Contract of Arbitration11.运输合同Contract of Carriage12.客运合同Passenger Carriage Contract13.货运合同Cargo Carriage Contract14.技术合同Technology Contract15.技术开发合同Technology Development Contract16.技术转让合同Technology Transfer Contract17.技术咨询合同Technical Consulting Contract18.技术服务合同Technical Service Contract19.保管合同Safekeeping Contract20.仓储合同Warehousing Contract21.委托合同Agency Appointment Contract22.-行纪合同Trading-Trust Contract23.居间合同Brokerage Contract24.-多式联运合同Multi-modal Carriage Contract25.雇佣合同Contract of Employment26.保险合同Contract of Insurance27.销售合同Contract of Sale28.买卖合同Sales Contract29.供电、水、气、热合同Contract for Supply of Power, Water, Gas , Or Heat30.赠与合同Gift Contract31.借款合同Contract for Loan of Money32.租赁合同Leasing Contract33.融资租赁合同Leasing Contract34.承揽合同Contracts of Hired Work35.建设工程合同Contracts of Hired Work二、英译汉1.contract life 合同有效期2. a nice fat contract 一个很有利的合同3.an executor contract 尚待执行的合同4. a written contract书面合同5.breach of contract违反合同6.cancellation of contract撤消合同7.contract parties合同当事人8.contract period (or contract term) 合同期限9.contract price合约价格10.contract provisions/stipulations合同规定11.contract sales订约销售12.contract terms (or contract clause) 合同条款13.contract wages合同工资14.contract合同,订立合同15.contractor订约人,承包人16.contractual claim根据合同的债权17.contractual damage合同引起的损害18.contractual dispute合同上的争议19.contractual guarantee合同规定的担保20.contractual income合同收入21.contractual liability/obligation合同规定的义务22.contractual practice/usage合同惯例23.contractual specifications合同规定24.contractual terms & conditions合同条款和条件25.contractual合同的,契约的26.contractual-joint-venture合作经营,契约式联合经营27.copies of the contract合同副本28.originals of the contract合同正本29.execution of contract/performance of contract履行合同30.expiration of contract合同期满31.interpretation of contract解释合同32.renewal of contract合同的续订33. This contract is made in two originals that should be held by each party.此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。
【2018最新】保险合同翻译-推荐word版 (15页)
![【2018最新】保险合同翻译-推荐word版 (15页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/32f2d304b90d6c85ed3ac61c.png)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==保险合同翻译篇一:英文合同英-文保险合同MASTER LEASE AGREEMENTNUMBER 12809THIS MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT is dated and effective as of_________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) , (the "Effective Date"), by and between AAA Inc., a _________ corporation, located at _________ (together with any successors or assigns, the "Lessor"), and the Lessee indicated below (the "Lessee").LESSEEFull Legal Name Trade Name BBBMailing Address City State Zip_________ _________ CITY _________ _________Type of Legal Entity State of Organization Date of Establishment CORPORATION _________ _________1. LEASE. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases fromLessor all of the tangible personal property listed on each Equipment Schedule executed from time to time pursuant to this Agreement (each, an "Equipment Schedule"). Each Equipment Schedule shall besubstantially in the form annexed hereto as Annex A, shall incorporate by reference therein all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall include such other terms and conditions upon which the parties have agreed (each Equipment Schedule, together with this Agreement as it relates to such Schedule, is referred to hereinas a "Lease"). With respect to each Lease, capitalized terms not defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings stated in the applicable Equipment Schedule.2. NET LEASE. EACH LEASE IS A NET LEASE, AND LESSEE SHALL PAY ALL COSTSAND EXPENSES OF EVERY CHARACTER, WHETHER FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN, ORDINARY OR EXTRAORDINARY, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE, POSSESSION, STORAGE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF THE EQUIPMENT. LESSEE ISUNCONDITIONALLY OBLIGATED TO PAY PERIODIC RENT AND ALL OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER EACH LEASE REGARDLESS OF ANY DEFECT IN OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT, LOSS OF POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR DESTRUCTION OF THE EQUIPMENT FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER. LESSEE'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER EACH LEASE SHALL CONTINUE UNTIL SPECIFICALLY TERMINATED AS PROVIDEDTHEREIN. LESSEE IS NOT ENTITLED TO ANY ABATEMENT, REDUCTION,RECOUPMENT, DEFENSE, OR SET-OFF AGAINST PERIODIC RENT OR OTHER AMOUNTS DUE TO LESSOR UNDER EACH LEASE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF SUCH LEASE (INCLUDING ANY BREACH, DEFAULT OR MISREPRESENTATION OF LESSOR) OR OUT OF LESSOR'S STRICT LIABILITY OR NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.3. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in effect thereafter as long as any Lease remains in effect. The term of each Lease shall commence on the LeaseCommencement Date as set forth in a Delivery and Acceptance Certificate signed by the Lessee in substantially the form annexed hereto as AnnexB (the "Lease Commencement Date") and shall continue thereafter for the lease term set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule (the "Lease Term"). Unless Lessee shall have given due notice of the exercise of one of the options available to Lessee under Section 13 hereof or shall have given Lessor written notice of noenewal at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any Lease Term, such Lease Term shall automatically renew for successive monthly periods until terminated by Lessee or Lessor upon at least 30 days prior written notice.4. RENT. Lessee agrees to pay Periodic Rent in the amount specifiedin each Equipment Schedule (the "Periodic Rent"). The initialPeriodic Rent payment for each Lease shall be due on the date the Equipment is accepted by Lessee and subsequent Periodic Rent payments shall be due as specified on the applicable Equipment Schedule. All Periodic Rent and other amounts payable under each Lease(collectively referred to herein as "Rent") shall be paid to Lessor at the address specified on the applicable Equipment Schedule or at such other address as Lessor may specify thereafter in writing. If any Periodic Rent or other Rent payment is not paid within 10 days of its due date, Lessee agrees to pay as additional Rent a late charge equal to 5% of such unpaid Rent payment plus 1 1/2% per month of any amount due and unpaid for more than 30 days, or, if less, the maximum amount permitted underapplicable law. Periodic Rent payable during any automatic renewal period described in Section 3 hereof shall be equal to the highest Periodic Rent payable during the initial Lease Term.Lessee hereby agrees that the amount of the Periodic Rent payments and Purchase Option Price under each Lease shall be adjusted to reflect any change in the Cost to Lessor set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule as a result of Equipment change orders or returns, invoicing errors or other similar events. In the event of any such adjustment, Lessor willfurnish to Lessee a written notice stating the final Cost to Lessor, Periodic Rent and Purchase Option Price.5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT: (a) EACH ITEM OF EQUIPMENT IS OF A TYPE, DESIGN, QUALITY AND MANUFACTURE SELECTED BY LESSEE, ACCEPTABLE TO LESSEE AND SUITABLE FOR LESSEE'S PURPOSES; (b) LESSOR IS NOT THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER OF THEEQU(来自: 在点网)IPMENT OR THE REPRESENTATIVE OF EITHER; (c) LESSOR IS NOT REQUIRED TO ENFORCE ANY MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES ON BEHALF OF ITSELF OR LESSEE; (d) LESSOR HAS NOT INSPECTED AND IS NOT OBLIGATED TO INSPECT THE EQUIPMENT; (e) LESSOR LEASES THE EQUIPMENT TO LESSEE AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND THE LESSOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO (i) THE TITLE, CONDITION, FITNESS FOR USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DESIGN, COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS, OPERATION, OR MERCHANTABILITY THEREOF, (ii) THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, WHETHER OR NOT DISCERNABLE, (iii) THE ABSENCE OF INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, TRADEMARK OR COPYRIGHT OR (iv) ANY OTHER MATTER WHATSOEVER, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS, AS BETWEEN THE LESSOR AND THE LESSEE, ARE TO BE BORNE BY THE LESSEE.6. USE, OPERATION AND RETURN OF EQUIPMENT.(a) Lessee agrees at its own expense to: (i) maintain the Equipment in good appearance and condition, reasonable wear and tearexcepted; and (ii) use the Equipment in the manner for which it was intended and in compliance with all applicable laws andmanufacturer requirements and recommendations.(b) Lessee agrees not to attach to the Equipment any accessory,equipment, or device not leased from Lessor unless it is easily removable without damaging the Equipment. Lessee agrees to pay all costs for parts, alterations, and additions to the Equipment (including those required by law), all of which immediately shall become the property of Lessor. Lessor and Lessee intend that the Equipment shall remain personal property to Lessor.(c) Provided that no Default, as defined herein, has occurred and iscontinuing, Lessee is authorized on behalf of Lessor to enforce inits own name (and at its own expense) any warranty, indemnity, or rights to damages relating to the Equipment which Lessor has against the supplier of such Equipment.(d) Not later than the expiration date of each Lease Term, Lesseeagrees, at its own expense and risk, to: (i) effect any repairs necessary to place the applicable Equipment in the same condition as when received by Lessee, reasonable wear and tear excepted; (ii) cause such Equipment to be disassembled and crated in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturer'srecommendations (if any); and (iii) deliver such Equipment,freight prepaid, to a carrier selected by Lessor for shipment to a location in the continental U.S. selected by Lessor."Reasonable wear and tear" does not include (i) burns, tears in material or large scratches, gouges, dents, discolorations or stains, (ii) damage to drawers, runners, or locks such that they are not in good working order or (iii) the loss of all keys for any locks.(e) If Lessee shall, for any reason whatsoever, fail to return any。
保险合同中,保险人履行赔偿或给付保险金的 义务,取决于约定的保险责任范围的不确定事 件是否发生。因此,保险合同属于典型的射幸 合同。
附合合同(Contract of adhesion)
保险合同是由双方当事人在平等自愿、协商一 致的基础上,依法建立危险损失补偿(给付)关 系,确立双方权利、义务的协议。
保险合同是最大诚信合同 保险合同是有偿合同 保险合同是射幸合同 保险合同是附合合同 保险合同是诺成合同 保险合同是双务合同
附合合同是指一方受到严格的限制而另一方不受限制 或受限制较少的合同。与之对应的是议商合同,即在 合同订立时双方平等协商而建立的合同。
保险合同是由保险人先行确定的,投保人只有是否订 立的自由,而没有对其内容进行实质性磋商的自由。 即,面对保险人事先拟就的保险合同条款(保险产 品),投保人只能作出是否同意的意思表示(买与不 买)。所以保险合同为附合合同。
有偿合同(Contract of consideration)
有偿合同是指因为享有一定的权利而必须支付 一定对价的合同。保险合同以投保人支付保险 费作为对价换取保险人对风险的保障,是当事 人双方效用均得到提高的情况下自愿交易的结 果。所以,保险合同是有偿合同。
射幸合同(Aleatory contract)
诺成合同(Promissory contract)
诺成合同是指不以交付标的物或履行其他给付 为成立要件的合同。与之对应的是实践性合同, 即以交付标的物或履行其他给付为成立要件的 合同。
2018-2019-保险合同翻译-word范文模板 (15页)
![2018-2019-保险合同翻译-word范文模板 (15页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8f18ba26f78a6529657d5314.png)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==保险合同翻译篇一:英文合同英-文保险合同MASTER LEASE AGREEMENTNUMBER 12809THIS MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT is dated and effective as of_________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) , (the "Effective Date"), by and between AAA Inc., a _________ corporation, located at _________ (together with any successors or assigns, the "Lessor"), and the Lessee indicated below (the "Lessee").LESSEEFull Legal Name Trade Name BBBMailing Address City State Zip_________ _________ CITY _________ _________Type of Legal Entity State of Organization Date of Establishment CORPORATION _________ _________1. LEASE. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases fromLessor all of the tangible personal property listed on each Equipment Schedule executed from time to time pursuant to this Agreement (each, an "Equipment Schedule"). Each Equipment Schedule shall besubstantially in the form annexed hereto as Annex A, shall incorporate by reference therein all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall include such other terms and conditions upon which the parties have agreed (each Equipment Schedule, together with this Agreement as it relates to such Schedule, is referred to hereinas a "Lease"). With respect to each Lease, capitalized terms not defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings stated in the applicable Equipment Schedule.2. NET LEASE. EACH LEASE IS A NET LEASE, AND LESSEE SHALL PAY ALL COSTSAND EXPENSES OF EVERY CHARACTER, WHETHER FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN, ORDINARY OR EXTRAORDINARY, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE, POSSESSION, STORAGE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF THE EQUIPMENT. LESSEE ISUNCONDITIONALLY OBLIGATED TO PAY PERIODIC RENT AND ALL OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER EACH LEASE REGARDLESS OF ANY DEFECT IN OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT, LOSS OF POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR DESTRUCTION OF THE EQUIPMENT FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER. LESSEE'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER EACH LEASE SHALL CONTINUE UNTIL SPECIFICALLY TERMINATED AS PROVIDEDTHEREIN. LESSEE IS NOT ENTITLED TO ANY ABATEMENT, REDUCTION,RECOUPMENT, DEFENSE, OR SET-OFF AGAINST PERIODIC RENT OR OTHER AMOUNTS DUE TO LESSOR UNDER EACH LEASE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF SUCH LEASE (INCLUDING ANY BREACH, DEFAULT OR MISREPRESENTATION OF LESSOR) OR OUT OF LESSOR'S STRICT LIABILITY OR NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.3. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in effect thereafter as long as any Lease remains in effect. The term of each Lease shall commence on the LeaseCommencement Date as set forth in a Delivery and Acceptance Certificate signed by the Lessee in substantially the form annexed hereto as AnnexB (the "Lease Commencement Date") and shall continue thereafter for the lease term set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule (the "Lease Term"). Unless Lessee shall have given due notice of the exercise of one of the options available to Lessee under Section 13 hereof or shall have given Lessor written notice of noenewal at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any Lease Term, such Lease Term shall automatically renew for successive monthly periods until terminated by Lessee or Lessor upon at least 30 days prior written notice.4. RENT. Lessee agrees to pay Periodic Rent in the amount specifiedin each Equipment Schedule (the "Periodic Rent"). The initialPeriodic Rent payment for each Lease shall be due on the date the Equipment is accepted by Lessee and subsequent Periodic Rent payments shall be due as specified on the applicable Equipment Schedule. All Periodic Rent and other amounts payable under each Lease(collectively referred to herein as "Rent") shall be paid to Lessor at the address specified on the applicable Equipment Schedule or at such other address as Lessor may specify thereafter in writing. If any Periodic Rent or other Rent payment is not paid within 10 days of its due date, Lessee agrees to pay as additional Rent a late charge equal to 5% of such unpaid Rent payment plus 1 1/2% per month of any amount due and unpaid for more than 30 days, or, if less, the maximum amount permitted underapplicable law. Periodic Rent payable during any automatic renewal period described in Section 3 hereof shall be equal to the highest Periodic Rent payable during the initial Lease Term.Lessee hereby agrees that the amount of the Periodic Rent payments and Purchase Option Price under each Lease shall be adjusted to reflect any change in the Cost to Lessor set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule as a result of Equipment change orders or returns, invoicing errors or other similar events. In the event of any such adjustment, Lessor willfurnish to Lessee a written notice stating the final Cost to Lessor, Periodic Rent and Purchase Option Price.5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT: (a) EACH ITEM OF EQUIPMENT IS OF A TYPE, DESIGN, QUALITY AND MANUFACTURE SELECTED BY LESSEE, ACCEPTABLE TO LESSEE AND SUITABLE FOR LESSEE'S PURPOSES; (b) LESSOR IS NOT THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER OF THEEQU(来自: 在点网)IPMENT OR THE REPRESENTATIVE OF EITHER; (c) LESSOR IS NOT REQUIRED TO ENFORCE ANY MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES ON BEHALF OF ITSELF OR LESSEE; (d) LESSOR HAS NOT INSPECTED AND IS NOT OBLIGATED TO INSPECT THE EQUIPMENT; (e) LESSOR LEASES THE EQUIPMENT TO LESSEE AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND THE LESSOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO (i) THE TITLE, CONDITION, FITNESS FOR USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DESIGN, COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS, OPERATION, OR MERCHANTABILITY THEREOF, (ii) THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, WHETHER OR NOT DISCERNABLE, (iii) THE ABSENCE OF INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, TRADEMARK OR COPYRIGHT OR (iv) ANY OTHER MATTER WHATSOEVER, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS, AS BETWEEN THE LESSOR AND THE LESSEE, ARE TO BE BORNE BY THE LESSEE.6. USE, OPERATION AND RETURN OF EQUIPMENT.(a) Lessee agrees at its own expense to: (i) maintain the Equipment in good appearance and condition, reasonable wear and tearexcepted; and (ii) use the Equipment in the manner for which it was intended and in compliance with all applicable laws andmanufacturer requirements and recommendations.(b) Lessee agrees not to attach to the Equipment any accessory,equipment, or device not leased from Lessor unless it is easily removable without damaging the Equipment. Lessee agrees to pay all costs for parts, alterations, and additions to the Equipment (including those required by law), all of which immediately shall become the property of Lessor. Lessor and Lessee intend that the Equipment shall remain personal property to Lessor.(c) Provided that no Default, as defined herein, has occurred and iscontinuing, Lessee is authorized on behalf of Lessor to enforce inits own name (and at its own expense) any warranty, indemnity, or rights to damages relating to the Equipment which Lessor has against the supplier of such Equipment.(d) Not later than the expiration date of each Lease Term, Lesseeagrees, at its own expense and risk, to: (i) effect any repairs necessary to place the applicable Equipment in the same condition as when received by Lessee, reasonable wear and tear excepted; (ii) cause such Equipment to be disassembled and crated in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturer'srecommendations (if any); and (iii) deliver such Equipment,freight prepaid, to a carrier selected by Lessor for shipment to a location in the continental U.S. selected by Lessor."Reasonable wear and tear" does not include (i) burns, tears in material or large scratches, gouges, dents, discolorations or stains, (ii) damage to drawers, runners, or locks such that they are not in good working order or (iii) the loss of all keys for any locks.(e) If Lessee shall, for any reason whatsoever, fail to return any。
2018-2019-保险合同翻译-word范文模板 (15页)
![2018-2019-保险合同翻译-word范文模板 (15页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8f18ba26f78a6529657d5314.png)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==保险合同翻译篇一:英文合同英-文保险合同MASTER LEASE AGREEMENTNUMBER 12809THIS MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT is dated and effective as of_________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) , (the "Effective Date"), by and between AAA Inc., a _________ corporation, located at _________ (together with any successors or assigns, the "Lessor"), and the Lessee indicated below (the "Lessee").LESSEEFull Legal Name Trade Name BBBMailing Address City State Zip_________ _________ CITY _________ _________Type of Legal Entity State of Organization Date of Establishment CORPORATION _________ _________1. LEASE. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases fromLessor all of the tangible personal property listed on each Equipment Schedule executed from time to time pursuant to this Agreement (each, an "Equipment Schedule"). Each Equipment Schedule shall besubstantially in the form annexed hereto as Annex A, shall incorporate by reference therein all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall include such other terms and conditions upon which the parties have agreed (each Equipment Schedule, together with this Agreement as it relates to such Schedule, is referred to hereinas a "Lease"). With respect to each Lease, capitalized terms not defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings stated in the applicable Equipment Schedule.2. NET LEASE. EACH LEASE IS A NET LEASE, AND LESSEE SHALL PAY ALL COSTSAND EXPENSES OF EVERY CHARACTER, WHETHER FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN, ORDINARY OR EXTRAORDINARY, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE, POSSESSION, STORAGE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF THE EQUIPMENT. LESSEE ISUNCONDITIONALLY OBLIGATED TO PAY PERIODIC RENT AND ALL OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER EACH LEASE REGARDLESS OF ANY DEFECT IN OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT, LOSS OF POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR DESTRUCTION OF THE EQUIPMENT FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER. LESSEE'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER EACH LEASE SHALL CONTINUE UNTIL SPECIFICALLY TERMINATED AS PROVIDEDTHEREIN. LESSEE IS NOT ENTITLED TO ANY ABATEMENT, REDUCTION,RECOUPMENT, DEFENSE, OR SET-OFF AGAINST PERIODIC RENT OR OTHER AMOUNTS DUE TO LESSOR UNDER EACH LEASE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF SUCH LEASE (INCLUDING ANY BREACH, DEFAULT OR MISREPRESENTATION OF LESSOR) OR OUT OF LESSOR'S STRICT LIABILITY OR NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.3. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in effect thereafter as long as any Lease remains in effect. The term of each Lease shall commence on the LeaseCommencement Date as set forth in a Delivery and Acceptance Certificate signed by the Lessee in substantially the form annexed hereto as AnnexB (the "Lease Commencement Date") and shall continue thereafter for the lease term set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule (the "Lease Term"). Unless Lessee shall have given due notice of the exercise of one of the options available to Lessee under Section 13 hereof or shall have given Lessor written notice of noenewal at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any Lease Term, such Lease Term shall automatically renew for successive monthly periods until terminated by Lessee or Lessor upon at least 30 days prior written notice.4. RENT. Lessee agrees to pay Periodic Rent in the amount specifiedin each Equipment Schedule (the "Periodic Rent"). The initialPeriodic Rent payment for each Lease shall be due on the date the Equipment is accepted by Lessee and subsequent Periodic Rent payments shall be due as specified on the applicable Equipment Schedule. All Periodic Rent and other amounts payable under each Lease(collectively referred to herein as "Rent") shall be paid to Lessor at the address specified on the applicable Equipment Schedule or at such other address as Lessor may specify thereafter in writing. If any Periodic Rent or other Rent payment is not paid within 10 days of its due date, Lessee agrees to pay as additional Rent a late charge equal to 5% of such unpaid Rent payment plus 1 1/2% per month of any amount due and unpaid for more than 30 days, or, if less, the maximum amount permitted underapplicable law. Periodic Rent payable during any automatic renewal period described in Section 3 hereof shall be equal to the highest Periodic Rent payable during the initial Lease Term.Lessee hereby agrees that the amount of the Periodic Rent payments and Purchase Option Price under each Lease shall be adjusted to reflect any change in the Cost to Lessor set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule as a result of Equipment change orders or returns, invoicing errors or other similar events. In the event of any such adjustment, Lessor willfurnish to Lessee a written notice stating the final Cost to Lessor, Periodic Rent and Purchase Option Price.5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT: (a) EACH ITEM OF EQUIPMENT IS OF A TYPE, DESIGN, QUALITY AND MANUFACTURE SELECTED BY LESSEE, ACCEPTABLE TO LESSEE AND SUITABLE FOR LESSEE'S PURPOSES; (b) LESSOR IS NOT THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER OF THEEQU(来自: 在点网)IPMENT OR THE REPRESENTATIVE OF EITHER; (c) LESSOR IS NOT REQUIRED TO ENFORCE ANY MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES ON BEHALF OF ITSELF OR LESSEE; (d) LESSOR HAS NOT INSPECTED AND IS NOT OBLIGATED TO INSPECT THE EQUIPMENT; (e) LESSOR LEASES THE EQUIPMENT TO LESSEE AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND THE LESSOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO (i) THE TITLE, CONDITION, FITNESS FOR USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DESIGN, COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS, OPERATION, OR MERCHANTABILITY THEREOF, (ii) THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, WHETHER OR NOT DISCERNABLE, (iii) THE ABSENCE OF INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, TRADEMARK OR COPYRIGHT OR (iv) ANY OTHER MATTER WHATSOEVER, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS, AS BETWEEN THE LESSOR AND THE LESSEE, ARE TO BE BORNE BY THE LESSEE.6. USE, OPERATION AND RETURN OF EQUIPMENT.(a) Lessee agrees at its own expense to: (i) maintain the Equipment in good appearance and condition, reasonable wear and tearexcepted; and (ii) use the Equipment in the manner for which it was intended and in compliance with all applicable laws andmanufacturer requirements and recommendations.(b) Lessee agrees not to attach to the Equipment any accessory,equipment, or device not leased from Lessor unless it is easily removable without damaging the Equipment. Lessee agrees to pay all costs for parts, alterations, and additions to the Equipment (including those required by law), all of which immediately shall become the property of Lessor. Lessor and Lessee intend that the Equipment shall remain personal property to Lessor.(c) Provided that no Default, as defined herein, has occurred and iscontinuing, Lessee is authorized on behalf of Lessor to enforce inits own name (and at its own expense) any warranty, indemnity, or rights to damages relating to the Equipment which Lessor has against the supplier of such Equipment.(d) Not later than the expiration date of each Lease Term, Lesseeagrees, at its own expense and risk, to: (i) effect any repairs necessary to place the applicable Equipment in the same condition as when received by Lessee, reasonable wear and tear excepted; (ii) cause such Equipment to be disassembled and crated in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturer'srecommendations (if any); and (iii) deliver such Equipment,freight prepaid, to a carrier selected by Lessor for shipment to a location in the continental U.S. selected by Lessor."Reasonable wear and tear" does not include (i) burns, tears in material or large scratches, gouges, dents, discolorations or stains, (ii) damage to drawers, runners, or locks such that they are not in good working order or (iii) the loss of all keys for any locks.(e) If Lessee shall, for any reason whatsoever, fail to return anyEquipment at the time required by the applicable Lease, theobligations of Lessee as provided in such Lease shall continue in effect with respect to such Equipment until such Equipment isreturned to the Lessor, and the amount of each Periodic Rent payment shall be equal to the highest Periodic Rent payment during the Lease Term of such Lease. However, this Section 6(e) shall not be construed as permitting Lessee to fail to meet itsobligation to return the Equipment in accordance with therequirements of the applicable Lease or constitute waiver of any Default.7. LOSS OR DAMAGE. Lessee shall bear the risk of any disappearance of, damage to or loss of any item of Equipment from any cause whatsoever (a "Casualty Occurrence"). Lessee shall promptly notify Lessor in writing of any Casualty Occurrence. Upon a Casualty Occurrence: (a)if the affected Equipment is repairable, Lessee shall, at Lessee's expense, promptly restore the Equipment to good repair, condition and working order in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and to the reasonable satisfaction of Lessor; or (b) if the affected Equipment is an actual or constructive total loss or otherwise is not repairable, Lessee shall pay to Lessor on or before the next Periodic Rent Payment Date (such payment date, the "Casualty Payment Date") an amount equal to the sum of (i) all amounts due and unpaid under the applicable Lease as of the Casualty Payment Date (including all Periodic Rent payments in respect of such Equipment, which shall be pro rated to the Casualty Payment Date, and any indemnity obligations), plus (ii) the present value of all future Periodic Rent payments forsuch Equipment, discounted on an annual basis at a discount rateequal to the ask yield to maturity of the U.S. Treasury Bill issue maturing in 180 days (or the issue maturing closest thereto), as published in the Wall Street Journal for the immediately preceding Rent Payment Date (or the next preceding business day if such date is not a business day), which Lessee agrees is a commercially reasonable rate (the "Discount Rate") from the scheduled payment dates to the Casualty Payment Date, plus (iii) the present value of the greater of (x) the anticipated residual value of the affected Equipment at the end of the relevant Lease Term, as determined by the Lessor for purposes of calculating the relevant Periodic Rent and PurchaseOption Price or (y) the then expected fair market value of theaffected Equipment at the end of the relevant Lease Term, in eachcase discounted on an annual basis at the Discount Rate from the expiration of the Lease Term to the Casualty Payment Date; provided, that if the Purchase Option Price is a fixed amount, the value calculated pursuant to the foregoing clause (iii) shall not exceed the present value of such fixed Purchase Option Price, discounted on an annual basis at the Discount Rate from the expiration date of the relevant Lease term to the Casualty Payment Date. If Lessee is required to repair the affected Equipment pursuant to clause (a) of the foregoing sentence, the insurance proceeds actually received by Lessor, if any, pursuant to Section 8 hereof shall be applied first to pay any amounts then due under this Agreement or any Lease and then shall be paid to Lessee upon proof satisfactory to Lessor that such repair has been completed as required herein. In the event Lessee is obligated to pay to Lessor the amounts set forth in clause (b) of the foregoing sentence, Lessee shall be entitled to a credit against such amounts equal to the amount of insurance proceeds actually received by Lessor, if any, pursuant to Section 8 hereof on account of such Equipment and upon payment in full of all amounts set forth in such clause (b), Lessor shall assign to Lessee and Lessee's insurers, as their interests may appear, all of Lessor's interest in such Equipment on an as is, where is basis, without representation or warranty, express or implied, and the Lease in respect of such Equipment shall terminate.8. INSURANCE. Lessee agrees, at its own expense, to keep the Equipment insured with companies acceptable to Lessor and to maintain primary coverage consisting of (a) actual cash value all risk insurance on the Equipment, naming Lessor and Lessee as sole loss payees, as their interests may appear, and (b) combined limit public liability and property damage insurance of not less than $,_________ per occurrence篇二:英语合同翻译一般货物出口合同格式(附英文)合同号:日期:订单号:买方:卖方:买卖双方签订本合同并同意按下列条款进行交易:(1)品名及规格(2)数量(3)单价(4)金额合计允许溢短装__%(5)包装:(6)装运口岸:(7)目的口岸:(8)装船标记:(9)装运期限:收到可以转船及分批装运之信用证__天内装出。
【 A 】Abandonment 见"委付"Actual Total Loss 见"实际全损"All Risks 见"一切险"Annuities Insurance 见"年金保险" Applicant 见"投保人"Application 见"投保单"Automatic Premium Loan 见"自动垫交保险费贷款"Approved 见"承保"安装工程一切险(Erection All Risks Ins urance)【 B 】Beneficiary 见"受益人"Binder, Binding Slip 见"暂保单"保险(Insurance)保险法(Law of Insurance)保险基金(Insurance Fond)保险保障基金(Insurance Protection Fon d)保险公司(Insurance Company)保险合同(Insurance Contract)保险单(Policy)保险凭证(Insurance Certificate)保险条款(Insurance Clauses)保险标的(Insurance Subject)保险金额(Insured Amount)保险价值(Insured value)保险期限(Insurance Period)保险费(Insurance Premium)保险费率(Premium Rate)保险人(Insurer)保险代理人(Insurance Agent)保险经纪人(Insurance Broker)保险公估人(Insurance Assessor)补偿原则(Principle of Compensation)被保险人(Insured)不定值保险(Unvalued Insurance)【 C 】Cash Loss 见"现金赔款"Cash value 见"现金价值"Claim Settlement 见"理赔"Co-insurance 见"共同保险" Constructive Total Loss 见"推定全损" 超率赔款再保险(Excess of Loss Ratio R einsurance)超额赔款再保险(Excess of Loss Reinsur ance)纯粹危险(Pure Risk)重复保险(Multiple Insurance)重置价值保险(Reinstatement value Insu rance)偿付能力(Solvency)承保(Approved,To Cover)船舶保险(Hull Insurance)财产保险(Property Insurance)产品质量保证保险(Product Quality Bond Insurance)产品责任保险(Product Liability Insura nce【 D 】Dividend System 见"红利制度"Dual Valuation Clause 见"双重价值条款"大数法则(Law of Large Numbers)代位求偿权(Subrogation Right)定值保险(valued Insurance)第一损失保险(First Loss Insurance)盗窃保险(theft insurance)定期寿险(Term Insurance)定期生存保险(Pure Endowments)【 E 】Endowment Assurance 见"生死两全保险" Endorsement 见"批单"Extraneous Risks 见"附加险"Erection All Risks Insurance 见"安装工程一切险"Excess of Loss Ratio Reinsurance 见"超率赔款再保险"Excess of Loss Reinsurance 见"超额赔款再保险"Extra Charges 见"额外费用"额外费用(Extra Charges)【 F 】Facultative Reinsurance 见"临时再保险"Fidelity Bond 见"忠诚保证保险"Fire Insurance 见"火灾保险"First Loss Insurance 见"第一损失保险" Free from Particular Average 见"平安险"Freight Insurance 见"运费保险"附加险(Extraneous Risks)飞机保险(Aircraft insurance)复效(Reinstate)【 G 】Grace Period 见"宽限期"Group Life Accident Insurance 见"团体人身意外伤害保险"Group Life Insurance 见"团体人身保险" 共同保险(Co-insurance)过失责任(fault liability)公众责任保险(Public Liability Insuran ce)【 H 】Hazard 见"危险因素"Health Insurance 见"疾病保险"Hull Insurance 见"船舶保险"海上保险(Marine Insurance)火灾保险(Fire Insurance)红利制度(Dividend System)【 I 】Increased value Clause见“增值条款”Increased value Insurance见“增值保险”Inherent Vice见“内在缺陷”Insurance见“保险”Insurance Agent见“保险代理人”Insurance Amount见“保险金额”Insurance Broker见“保险经纪人”Insurance Certificate见“保险凭证”Insurance Clauses见“保险条款”Insurance Company见“保险公司”Insurance Contract见“保险合同”Insurance Fund见“保险基金”Insurance Period见“保险期限”Insurance Premium见“保险费”Insurance Subject见“保险标的”Insured见“被保险人”Insurer见“保险人”【 J 】Joint Life Insurance见“联合人寿保险”近因(Proximate Cause)救助费用(Salvage Charge)家庭财产保险(Property Insurance for H ome)绝对责任(absolute liability)疾病保险(Health Insurance)均衡纯保费(Level Premium)【 K 】宽限期(Grace Period)【 L 】理赔(Claim Settlement)劳合社(Lloyd's)利润损失险(Profit Loss Insurance)劳工保险和雇主责任保险(Workers Compen sation and Employer Liability Insuran ce)联合人寿保险(Joint Life Insurance)【 M 】Marine Insurance见“海上保险”Multiple Insurance见“重复保险”【 N 】Natural Premium见“自然纯保费”内在缺陷(Inherent Vice)年金保险(Annuities Insurance)【 O 】Outstanding Loss Reserve见“未决赔款准备金”【 P 】Peril见“危险事故”Personal Pension Annuities见“退休年金保险”Personal Insurance见“人身保险”Premium Rate见“保险费率”Policy见“保险单”Principle of Compensation见“补偿原则”Product Liability Insurance见“产品责任保险”Professional Liability Insurance见“职业责任保险”Profit Loss Insurance见“利润损失险”Property Insurance见“财产保险”Property Insurance for Enterprises见“企业财产保险”Property Insurance for Home见“家庭财产保险”Proximate Cause见“近因”Public Liability Insurance见“公众责任保险”Protection and Indemnity Insurance见“保障与赔偿责任保险”Pure Endowments见“定期生存保险”Pure Risk见“纯粹危险”批单(Endorsement)平均余命(Life Expectancy)平安险(Free from Particular Average)【 Q 】弃权与禁止反言(Waiver and Estelle)企业财产保险( Enterprise Property Ins urance )【 R 】Reinstate见“复效”Reinstatement value Insurance见“重置价值保险”Reinsurance见“再保险”Risk Management见“危险管理”Risk Unit见“危险单位”人身保险(Personal Insurance)人寿保险(Life Insurance)人身意外伤害保险(Life Accident Insura nce)人寿保险精算师(Life Insurance Actuar y)人寿保险责任准备金(Life Insurance Res erve)【 S 】双重价值条款(Dual Valuation Clause)受益人(Beneficiary)损失率(Loss Ratio)索赔(Claim)实际全损(Actual Total Loss)施救费用(Sue and Labor Expenses)生死两全保险(Endowment Assurance)生命表(Life Table)【 T 】Term Insurance见“定期寿险”To Cancel见“退保”投保单(Application)投保人(Applicant)退保(To Cancel)推定全损(Constructive Total Loss)退休年金保险(Personal Pension Annuiti es)团体人身保险(Group Life Insurance)团体人身意外伤害保险(Group Life Accid ent Insurance)【 U 】Unearned Premium Reserve见“未到期责任准备金”Unvalued Insurance见“不定值保”Utmost Good Faith见“最大诚信”【 V 】valued Insurance见“定值保险”【 W 】Waiver and Estelle见“弃权与禁止反言”Whole Life Insurance见“终身寿险”Workers Compensation and Employer Lia bility Insurance见“劳工保险和雇主责任保险”【 X 】信用保险(Credit Insurance)现金价值(Cash value)现金赔款(Cash Loss)【 Y 】一切险(all risks)运费保险(Freight Insurance)【 Z 】暂保单(Binder,Binding Slip)最大诚信(Utmost Good Faith)忠诚保证保险(Fidelity Bond)责任保险(Liability Insurance)增值条款(increased value clause)增值保险(Increased value Insurance) 职业责任保险(Professional Liability I nsurance)终身寿险(Whole Life Insurance)主险(main risks)自然纯保费(Natural Premium)自动垫交保险费贷款(Automatic Premium Loan)自杀条款(Suicide Clauses)再保险( Reinsurance)。
保险英语词汇(已排版)保险英语词汇Aabandonment 委付abandonment clause 委付条款accident 意外事故accounting period 结算期act of god 不可抗力actual total loss 实际全损actuarial method 精算法actuary 保险精算师additional premium 附加保险费additional risk 附加险advance profit 预期利润aggregate limit 累积限额aggregated loss 累积损失all-risks policy 一切险保单antis election 逆选择applicant 投保人application 投保单approved 承保assignment clause 转让条款average 海损、海损分摊average adjuster 海损理算人average clause 共同海损分担条款保险英语词汇Bbalance 所欠款项beneficiary 受益人binder 暂保单binding slip 暂保单breakage of packing 包装破碎险保险英语词汇Cbroker 经纪人capacity 承保能力captive 自保公司captive pools 自保组合cargo damage adjustment 货损理算cargo damage inspection 货损检验cargo damage prevention 货损预防cargo damage report 货损报告cargo damage survey 货损检查,货物损坏检验cargo insurance premium 货物保险费cargo insurance rate 货物保险费率cargo insurer 货物承保人cargo policy 货物保单,货物保险单cargo premium 货运保险费,货物保险费cargo underwriter 货物保险承保人(商),货险承保人,货物承保人cash loss 现金赔款cash value 现金价值catastrophe 巨灾catastrophe excess of loss(CXL)巨灾超赔\巨灾超赔分保categories of insurance 保险类别ceding company 分出公司ceding(insurance)company 分保公司ceding, retrocession(for reinsurance) 分保certificate of cargo damage 货损证明certificate of insurance 保险证明、保险凭证- 1 -cession limit 分保限额China Insurance Clause (CIC) 中国保险条款claim 索赔claim assessor 索赔人claim settlement 理赔claim-prone 容易出险claims and arbitration 索赔与仲裁claims assistance 理赔协助clash and breakage 碰损,破碎险clean cut 结清方式coinsurance 共保co-insurance 共同保险co-insurance company 共同保险公司combined ratio 综合赔付率commencement and termination 起讫concurrent insurance 同时保险consequential loss (CL) 后果损失constructive total loss 推定全损contingent liquidity 或有流动性continued insurance 继续保险co-related risks 关联风险cover 承保、责任额cover note 保险证明书,承保单,保险证明cover note 暂保单(证明同意承保的临时文件)coverage 受保范围保险英语词汇Ddamage 损坏赔偿金damage cargo clerk 理残员,货损管理员damage cargo list 货损单,残货单damage certificate 损坏证明书damage claim 损坏索赔damaged by other cargo 由其他货物损害damaged cargo list 受损货物单damaged cargo report 受损货物报告书,货物损害报告deductibles 免赔额deposit premium 预付保费destroyed 毁坏disbursement policy (船舶)驶费保险单dividend system 红利制度double insurance 双保险dual valuation clause 双重价值条款保险英语词汇Eemployer 业主Endorsement 批单endorsement: 签注endowment insurance 养老保险endowment policy 人寿定期保险单event limit 事件限额ex gratia payments 通融赔款excess loss 超额赔款excess of loss cover 超额赔偿excess of loss(XL) 超赔分保exclusion 除外责任EXL protection 超赔保障exposed areas 风险承受区域- 2 -exposure rating 风险评估extended-term insurance 过期保险extra charges 额外费用extra premium 额外保险费extraneous risks (additional risks) 附加险保险英语词汇Ffacultative business 临分保facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault liability 过失责任financial quota shares 成数分保fine print 细则finite risk 有限制的风险finite risk transfer 有限风险转移floating policy 浮动保险单franchise (deductible) 免赔额;免赔率free of all average (FAA) 全损赔偿freight insurance 运费保险freight policy 运费保险单full coverage 全额承保full insurance 全额保险full insurance value 足额保险价值full liability 全部责任保险英语词汇Ggeneral average(GA)共同海损grace period 宽限期gross net premium income(GNPI)总净保费收入group insurance 团体保险guarantee of insurance 保险担保书保险英语词汇Hhazard 危险因素health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险heavy damage 严重破坏holistic risk transfer 整体风险转移hook damage 勾(钩)损险hour clause 小时条款保险英语词汇IIBRN reserve 已发生但未报的损失储备金,IBRN储备金import cargo insurance 进口货物保险increased value clause 增值条款increased value insurance 增值保险increasing coverage, extending coverage 加保Incurred but not reported losses(IBRN) 已发生但未报的损失indemnity limit 赔偿期限indemnity period 赔偿期individual losses 单一损失industrial insurance 产业保险inflated claim 超额索赔inherent nature of cargo 货物的固有性inherent vice 内在缺陷inherent vice of cargo 货物固有缺陷inspection of cargo 积货鉴定,货物检验,检查货物- 3 -inspection of cargo GA or PA 海损(单独海损或共同海损)鉴定inspection on damaged cargo 货物残损检验installment insurance 分期付款保险Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC,I.C.C.) 协会货物(保险)条款insurability 可保性insurance 保险,保险费,保险金额insurance act 保险条例insurance against risk 保险insurance agent(s) 保险代理,保险代理人insurance amount 保险金额\保险额insurance applicant 投保人insurance assessor 保险公估人insurance broker 保险经纪人insurance business 保险企业\保险业insurance capacity 承保能力insurance certificate 保险凭证\保险证书insurance claim 保险索赔insurance clause 保险条款insurance commission 保险佣金insurance company 保险公司insurance conditions 保险条件\保险契约约定条款insurance contract 保险合同insurance corporation 保险公司insurance coverage 保险范围,保额insurance declaration sheet(bordereau) 保险申报单(明细表) insurance division 保险部insurance document 保险单据insurance expense 保险费insurance fond 保险基金insurance industry 保险业insurance instruction 投保通知,投保须知insurance law 保险法insurance on last survivor 长寿保险insurance period 保险期限insurance policy 保险单\保单insurance premium 保险费insurance proceeds 保险金(保险收入),保险赔偿金,保险赔款insurance rate 保险费率表insurance securitization 保险证券化insurance slip 投保单\投保申请书insurance subject 保险标的insurance treaty 保险合同insurance underwriter 保险承保人insurance value(insurance amount) 保险金额insurant 被保险人,受保人insure 保险、投保、保证insured 被保险人insured amount 保险金额insured loss 保险损失insured property 参保物业Insured Value 保险价值insurer 保险人、保险公司,保险商insurer (underwriter) 承保人、保险人investment insurance 投资保险保险英语词汇J-LJjettison 投弃- 4 -Llaw of insurance 保险法law of large numbers 大数法则leaflet 说明书less exposed 损失可能性小letter of guarantee 保函,保证书liability 责任liability insurance 责任保险license bond 执照保险life assured 人寿保险投保人life expectancy 平均余命life fund 人寿保险基金life insurance 人寿保险life insurance actuary 人寿保险精算师life insurance reserve 人寿保险责任准备金life Table 生命表light damage 轻度破坏limits 投保限额line slips 分保条liquidity support 提供流动资金Lloyd 劳合社loading 附加费loading 人寿保险附加费loss adjuster 损失理算人loss occurrence 损失发生loss occurring basis 损失发生基础loss of profit 利损险loss participation 分担损失loss ratio 损失率loss ratio 赔付率loss settlement 损失赔付保险英语词汇Mmail contractor 承包商main risks 主险maintenance 保证期malicious damage 恶意损害marine insurance 海上运输保险,水险marine losses 海损medical insurance 医疗保险mortality tables 死亡率表(用于计算保险风险)multiple claim 多次(重复)索赔multiple insurance 重复保险mutual insurance 相互保险mutual insurance company 相互保险公司保险英语词汇NNatCat pooling 自然灾害共保natural catastrophe(NatCat)自然灾害natural premium 自然纯保费net retained lines 净自留额net retained losses 损失净自赔额no profit commission 无纯益风险no-claims bonus 无索偿奖金non-life 非寿险non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险notification 告知- 5 -保险英语词汇Oobject 标的obligatory reinsurance 固定分保ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款on deck risk 舱面险open policy 预约保险单open policy insurance 预约保险original deductibles 原始免赔额original rate 原始费率over insurance 超额保险overland (transportation)insurance 陆上运输保险保险英语词汇Pparcel post insurance 邮包运输保险partial loss 部分损失particular average (PA) 单独海损peril 危险、危险事故perils of the sea 海上风险permit bond 许可证保险placement 安排policy 保单、保险单、保险契约policy holder 保险客户\保险单持有人policy package 承保多项内容的保险单policy proof of interest 保险单权益证明policy reserves 保险单责任准备金policy-holder 保险客户policyholder 保单持有者policy-holder 保险客户pool 共保组合、合保pool 联营pool administrator 共保组合管理人portfolio entry 未满期责任的出帐portfolio outgo 未满期责任的入帐possible maximum loss(PML)可能最大损失post-financing 后融资post-funding 后融资pre-financing 先融资pre-funding 先融资premium 保险费premium rate 保险费率premium rebate 保险费回扣previous losses 既往损失primary insurance company 原保公司、主保险商principal 业主principle of compensation 补偿原则priority 分保自留额、自付责任priority (deductible) 优先(免赔额)proceeds 收益professional 专业险profit margin 利润边际property 财产险property covered 受保财产property insurance 财产保险proportional cover 比例分保proportional reinsurance 比例再保险proximate cause 近因- 6 -punitive damage 惩罚性损害pure endowments 定期生存保险pure risk 纯粹危险保险英语词汇Rrain insurance 雨水保险rainstorm 雨暴rate 费率rating 费率recovery 追偿金reinstate 复效reinstated 继单reinstatement 恢复保额reinstatement value insurance 重置价值保险reinsurance 分保、再保险、转保reinsured 分出公司reinsurer 分保人(分保公司)、再保险人rejection risk 拒收险renew coverage 续保renewal 续保;延期renewal premium 续保费renewing coverage 续保reserve 准备金retention 自留、自留额return period 重现期revoke license 吊销营业执照riot insurance 骚乱保险risk 险别、风险、保险,保险额risk carrier 风险承担人risk covered 承保险项risk insured 承保险项risk management 危险管理risk premium 风险保费\风险贴水、风险溢价risk unit 危险单位risks covered 保险范围保险英语词汇Ssalvage charge 救助费用salvage value 残值,获救货物或船舶的价值second event cover 第二事件承保set-off 抵销settlement of claim 理赔sickness insurance 疾病保险social insurance 社会保险solvency 偿付能力solvency margin 赔偿能力spread loss 分散风险standing charges 维持费用stop loss 赔付率超赔sub-contractor 分承包商subject insured 风险标的subrogation center 代位求偿权sue and labor expenses 施救费用suicide clauses 自杀条款sum insured 保险金额、保额surplus insurance 盈余保险- 7 -survey at jetty risk 码头检验险survey in customs risk 海关检验险保险英语词汇Ttariff 费率表tariff zone 险区term insurance 定期保险TG 拐点周期the insured 被保险人,受保人time policy 定期保险单topographic map 地形图total loss 全部损失total sum insured 总保额treaties business 合同分保treaty reinsurance 合约再保险treaty-limits 合约限额turnover 营业额保险英语词汇Uunder insurance 低额保险underwriters 保险商(指专保水险的保险商)、保险承运人、保险公司underwriting 承保underwriting policy 承保政策unvalued insurance 不定值保险unvalued policy 不定值保单utmost good faith 最大诚信保险英语词汇V-ZVvalued insurance 定值保险voluntary insurance 自动保险Wwaiver and estelle 弃权与禁止反言windstorm 风暴working cost 营业费用working expenses 营业费用writing 承保written premiums 承保保费保险英语缩写语1ALOPAdvance Loss Profits预期利润损失险,利损险ARTAlternative Risk Transfer新型风险转移BIBusiness Interruption Insurance 营业中断险CARconstruction all risks建筑工程一切险(建工险)CICChina Insurance Clause中国保险条款CLConsequential Loss 后果损失CXLcatastrophe excess of loss巨灾超赔分保EARErection All Risks 安装工程一切险(安工险)EEI Electronic Equipment Insurance电子设备险F.A.A.free of all average一切海损不赔险\全损赔偿f.g.a./faafree of general average共同海损不赔险F.O.D.free of damage损坏不赔F.P.A./FPAinsurance free of (from) particular average平安险(单独海损不赔)- 8 -F.R.E.C.Fire Risk Extension Clause For Storage of Cargo at Destination HongKong, Including Kowloon ,or Macao出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款F.W.R.D.rain fresh water damage Risk淡水雨淋险FCSR & CCfree of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions 掳获,捕捉,暴动和内乱不赔险FPAfree from particular average 平安险G.A./GAgeneral average共同海损(保)G.A.A.general average agreement (bond)共同海损协议(合同)G.A.C.general average contribution共同海损分摊额(保)GNPIGross Net Premium Income总净保费收入I.P.A.including particular average包括单独海损(保)IBRNIncurred but not reported losses已发生但未报的损失ICCInstitute Cargo Clauses, London伦敦协会货物条款(保险) IWLinstitute warranty limits (伦敦保险人)协会保证航行范围l.& d.loss and damage损失与残损L/ALloyd's agent劳埃德保险公司代理人,劳埃德船级社代理人Lkg/Bkgleakage & breakage漏损与破损LOIletter of indemnity保函,也称损害赔偿保证书mscamissing cargo灭失货物NatCatNatural Catastrophe自然灾害保险英语缩写语2O.R.owner's risk船舶所有人或货主承担风险O.R.B.owner's risk of breakage破损风险由货主承担O.R.D.owner's risk of damage损失风险由货主承担O.R.F.owner's risk of fire火灾风险由货主承担P. chgsparticular charges特别费用(保)P.& I. clauseprotection and indemnity clause保护和赔偿条款P.& I. club Protection and Indemnity club (Association)船东保赔协会P.L.partial loss部分损失(保)PAparticular average单独海损Pandi clubProtection and Indemnity club船东保赔协会payt.payment支付,赔偿PICCPeople's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司PICC RePeople's Insurance Company of China Re中国人民保险公司再保险公司PMLpossible maximum loss可能最大损失PTLpartial total loss部分和全部损失PTND,P.T.N.D.theft, pilferage and non-delivery偷窃、提货不着险S.P.A.subject to particular average平均分担单独海损SRCC/ S.R.C.C.insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion 罢工,暴动,民变险TG 拐点周期TLO/T.L.O.insurance against total loss only 全损险TPLThird Party Liability第三者责任险TRNDrisk of theft, pilferage and non-delivery 盗窃提货不着险U/wunderwriter保险人WA, WPAinsurance with particular average水渍险/一切险(承保单独海损)XLexcess of loss 超赔分保保险英语短语"major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险Alternative Risk Transfer(ART) 新型风险转移American cargo war risk reinsurance exchange 美国货物战争险再保兑换Amount for General Average Sacrifice of Cargo 货物共同海损牺牲金额Automatic Premium Loan 自动垫交保险费贷款Broken and Damaged Cargo List 货物残损单- 9 -Cargo Loss Prevention Committee 货物损失保险委员会cargo proportion of general average 共同海损货物分摊额certificate on damaged cargo 验残证书,残损货物检验证书Commencement and Termination of Cargo Insurance 货物保险期限Contributory Value of Cargo 货物共同海损分摊价值covering all eventual risks 投保一切以外风险covering all marine risks 投保一切海运风险Exclusive Liability of Cargo Transportation Insurance 货物运输保险除外责任free of particular average (FPA) 单独海损不赔General Average Contribution Due to Cargo 货物共同海损分摊金额General Average Sacrifice of Cargo 货物共同海损牺牲Incurred but not reported losses(IBRN)已发生但未报的损失Inspection Certificate of Cargo GA or PA 海损鉴定证书inspection certificate on damaged cargo 残损货物检验证书Insurance Protection Fond 保险保障基金outstanding claim reserve 未决索赔准备金Outstanding Loss Reserve 未决赔款准备金report of cargo damage survey 货物损害鉴定书susceptibility of goods to water 易受水浸性the People's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司the stipulations for insurance 保险条款To Cancel 退保To Cover 承保to cover (effect, arrange, take out) insurance 投保to have a health insurance policy 购买健康保险to provide the insurance 为…提供保险to purchase health insurance 购买健康保险Unearned Premium Reserve 未到期责任准备金保险英语句子1(1)Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People' Insurance Company of China.张先生在中国人民保险公司的办公室接待了威廉先生。
【推荐】保险合同翻译word版本 (15页)
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本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==保险合同翻译篇一:英文合同英-文保险合同MASTER LEASE AGREEMENTNUMBER 12809THIS MASTER LEASE AGREEMENT is dated and effective as of_________,_________,_________(M,D,Y) , (the "Effective Date"), by and between AAA Inc., a _________ corporation, located at _________ (together with any successors or assigns, the "Lessor"), and the Lessee indicated below (the "Lessee").LESSEEFull Legal Name Trade Name BBBMailing Address City State Zip_________ _________ CITY _________ _________Type of Legal Entity State of Organization Date of Establishment CORPORATION _________ _________1. LEASE. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby leases fromLessor all of the tangible personal property listed on each Equipment Schedule executed from time to time pursuant to this Agreement (each, an "Equipment Schedule"). Each Equipment Schedule shall besubstantially in the form annexed hereto as Annex A, shall incorporate by reference therein all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall include such other terms and conditions upon which the parties have agreed (each Equipment Schedule, together with this Agreement as it relates to such Schedule, is referred to hereinas a "Lease"). With respect to each Lease, capitalized terms not defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings stated in the applicable Equipment Schedule.2. NET LEASE. EACH LEASE IS A NET LEASE, AND LESSEE SHALL PAY ALL COSTSAND EXPENSES OF EVERY CHARACTER, WHETHER FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN, ORDINARY OR EXTRAORDINARY, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE, POSSESSION, STORAGE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF THE EQUIPMENT. LESSEE ISUNCONDITIONALLY OBLIGATED TO PAY PERIODIC RENT AND ALL OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER EACH LEASE REGARDLESS OF ANY DEFECT IN OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT, LOSS OF POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR DESTRUCTION OF THE EQUIPMENT FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER. LESSEE'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER EACH LEASE SHALL CONTINUE UNTIL SPECIFICALLY TERMINATED AS PROVIDEDTHEREIN. LESSEE IS NOT ENTITLED TO ANY ABATEMENT, REDUCTION,RECOUPMENT, DEFENSE, OR SET-OFF AGAINST PERIODIC RENT OR OTHER AMOUNTS DUE TO LESSOR UNDER EACH LEASE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF SUCH LEASE (INCLUDING ANY BREACH, DEFAULT OR MISREPRESENTATION OF LESSOR) OR OUT OF LESSOR'S STRICT LIABILITY OR NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.3. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in effect thereafter as long as any Lease remains in effect. The term of each Lease shall commence on the LeaseCommencement Date as set forth in a Delivery and Acceptance Certificate signed by the Lessee in substantially the form annexed hereto as AnnexB (the "Lease Commencement Date") and shall continue thereafter for the lease term set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule (the "Lease Term"). Unless Lessee shall have given due notice of the exercise of one of the options available to Lessee under Section 13 hereof or shall have given Lessor written notice of noenewal at least 30 days prior to the expiration of any Lease Term, such Lease Term shall automatically renew for successive monthly periods until terminated by Lessee or Lessor upon at least 30 days prior written notice.4. RENT. Lessee agrees to pay Periodic Rent in the amount specifiedin each Equipment Schedule (the "Periodic Rent"). The initialPeriodic Rent payment for each Lease shall be due on the date the Equipment is accepted by Lessee and subsequent Periodic Rent payments shall be due as specified on the applicable Equipment Schedule. All Periodic Rent and other amounts payable under each Lease(collectively referred to herein as "Rent") shall be paid to Lessor at the address specified on the applicable Equipment Schedule or at such other address as Lessor may specify thereafter in writing. If any Periodic Rent or other Rent payment is not paid within 10 days of its due date, Lessee agrees to pay as additional Rent a late charge equal to 5% of such unpaid Rent payment plus 1 1/2% per month of any amount due and unpaid for more than 30 days, or, if less, the maximum amount permitted underapplicable law. Periodic Rent payable during any automatic renewal period described in Section 3 hereof shall be equal to the highest Periodic Rent payable during the initial Lease Term.Lessee hereby agrees that the amount of the Periodic Rent payments and Purchase Option Price under each Lease shall be adjusted to reflect any change in the Cost to Lessor set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule as a result of Equipment change orders or returns, invoicing errors or other similar events. In the event of any such adjustment, Lessor willfurnish to Lessee a written notice stating the final Cost to Lessor, Periodic Rent and Purchase Option Price.5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT: (a) EACH ITEM OF EQUIPMENT IS OF A TYPE, DESIGN, QUALITY AND MANUFACTURE SELECTED BY LESSEE, ACCEPTABLE TO LESSEE AND SUITABLE FOR LESSEE'S PURPOSES; (b) LESSOR IS NOT THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER OF THEEQU(来自: 在点网)IPMENT OR THE REPRESENTATIVE OF EITHER; (c) LESSOR IS NOT REQUIRED TO ENFORCE ANY MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES ON BEHALF OF ITSELF OR LESSEE; (d) LESSOR HAS NOT INSPECTED AND IS NOT OBLIGATED TO INSPECT THE EQUIPMENT; (e) LESSOR LEASES THE EQUIPMENT TO LESSEE AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND THE LESSOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO (i) THE TITLE, CONDITION, FITNESS FOR USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DESIGN, COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS, OPERATION, OR MERCHANTABILITY THEREOF, (ii) THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, WHETHER OR NOT DISCERNABLE, (iii) THE ABSENCE OF INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, TRADEMARK OR COPYRIGHT OR (iv) ANY OTHER MATTER WHATSOEVER, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS, AS BETWEEN THE LESSOR AND THE LESSEE, ARE TO BE BORNE BY THE LESSEE.6. USE, OPERATION AND RETURN OF EQUIPMENT.(a) Lessee agrees at its own expense to: (i) maintain the Equipment in good appearance and condition, reasonable wear and tearexcepted; and (ii) use the Equipment in the manner for which it was intended and in compliance with all applicable laws andmanufacturer requirements and recommendations.(b) Lessee agrees not to attach to the Equipment any accessory,equipment, or device not leased from Lessor unless it is easily removable without damaging the Equipment. Lessee agrees to pay all costs for parts, alterations, and additions to the Equipment (including those required by law), all of which immediately shall become the property of Lessor. Lessor and Lessee intend that the Equipment shall remain personal property to Lessor.(c) Provided that no Default, as defined herein, has occurred and iscontinuing, Lessee is authorized on behalf of Lessor to enforce inits own name (and at its own expense) any warranty, indemnity, or rights to damages relating to the Equipment which Lessor has against the supplier of such Equipment.(d) Not later than the expiration date of each Lease Term, Lesseeagrees, at its own expense and risk, to: (i) effect any repairs necessary to place the applicable Equipment in the same condition as when received by Lessee, reasonable wear and tear excepted; (ii) cause such Equipment to be disassembled and crated in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturer'srecommendations (if any); and (iii) deliver such Equipment,freight prepaid, to a carrier selected by Lessor for shipment to a location in the continental U.S. selected by Lessor."Reasonable wear and tear" does not include (i) burns, tears in material or large scratches, gouges, dents, discolorations or stains, (ii) damage to drawers, runners, or locks such that they are not in good working order or (iii) the loss of all keys for any locks.(e) If Lessee shall, for any reason whatsoever, fail to return any。
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No.: 2004-141000-Y21-00036859-9
Applicant: Zhou Yaqing
Name of Insured: Zhou Yaqing
Issuing Organization: Lin Fen Branch of China Life Insurance
Date of Issue: 24/07/2004 Signature of General Manager: Yang Yanlong
Insurance Piece
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No.: 2002-1410033-S42-000003718-9
Applicant: Zhou Yaqing
Name of Insured: Zhou Yaqing
Issuing Organization: Lin Fen Branch of China Life Insurance
Date of Issue: 24/07/2004 Signature of General Manager: Yang Yanlong
Insurance Piece
Insurance Contract of China Life Insurance Company Limited
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No.: 2004-141000-S42 -00036858-9
Applicant: Wei Yun
Name of Insured: Wei Yun
Issuing Organization: Lin Fen Branch of China Life Insurance
Date of Issue: 24/07/2004 Signature of General Manager: Yang Yanlong
Insurance Piece
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No.: 2004-141000-S77-00019401-0
Applicant: Wei Yun
Name of Insured: Zhou Rui
Issuing Organization: Lin Fen Branch of China Life Insurance
Date of Issue:06/04/2004 Signature of General Manager: Yang Yanlong
Insurance Piece
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No.: 2004-141000-S77-00019401-0
Applicant: Wei Yun
Name of Insured: Zhou Rui
Issuing Organization: Lin Fen Branch of China Life Insurance
Date of Issue:06/04/2004 Signature of General Manager: Yang Yanlong
Insurance Piece
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No.: 2004-141000-412-01501769-8
Applicant: Wei Yun
Name of Insured: Zhou Rui
Issuing Organization: Lin Fen Branch of China Life Insurance
Date of Issue: 03/01/2008 Signature of General Manager: Zhao Liye
Insurance Piece
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contract No.: 2004-141000-S43-00019520-7
Applicant: Wei Yun
Name of Insured: Zhou Rui
Issuing Organization: Lin Fen Branch of China Life Insurance
Date of Issue: 05/04/2004 Signature of General Manager: Yang Yanlong
Insurance Piece。