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总:always(总是), usually(通常)等


有:sometimes (记住,‚有‛不是have,而是‚有时‛)

每:every week/month/year 等(每一个……)


复星周:on Mondays(在每一个星期一)on Tuesdays(在每个周二)等2.一般过去时:‚昨天上个XX(读作叉叉)前,in加年份when字连‛

昨天:yesterday,后面可以加morning, afternoon,evening等

上个:last,后面可以加week, month,year等

XX前:ago,前面可以加three weeks/months/years ago

in加年份:in 2009/2008/1986/1220等

when字连:when(当……的时候)I was a child等, when字后面都是过去时,与其相连的另一个句子也要用一般过去时。

例如:When I was a child,I could(can的过去式)ride a bike.

可以说成:I could(can的过去式)ride a bike when I was a child.


明天:tomorrow,后面可以加morning, afternoon,evening


XX后:after和in,后面可以加three weeks/months/years

这里要注意一下,after后加时间点才表示将来,如after 3 o‘clock 。

加时间段表示过去,如after 2 hours 表示过去。in后加时间段表将来,如in two years。


现在:now, at present, at the moment等

时刻:It’s ten o‘clock. I’m beating Xiaoqiang.

看和听:Look! Listen!后面一般都用现在进行时。

最近:What are you doing recently/these days?

在哪:Where is Xiao Z? Xiao Z is beating Xiaoqiang.

请安静:Be quiet!/Don‘t make any noise!/Stop making noise! Xiaoqiang is sleeping.


1. How old ___(be) he?

2. He often ___(play) chess with Tom.

3. Watching Tv ___(be) very interesting.

4. They can ____(swim) now.

5. Lucy ___(visit) the zoo last week.

6. _____(do) Lily enjoy the trip last year?

7. Which ___(be) your favourite colours?

8. There ____(be) much water on the ground.

9. The workers ___(be) _____(listen) to the manager.

10. Do you like__(play) football?

11. Why not__(take) a rest?

12. Would you like__(have) some tea?

13.What__ (do) he usually__ (do) after school?

14.I_______________(talk).You__________________(listen)to me now.

15.He______________(study) English very hard.

16.----What are you doing? ----I_______________(do) my homework.

17.Today is a sunny day. We ___________________ (have) a picnic this afternoon.

18. It’s Friday today. What _____she _________ (do) this weekend? She ______________ (watch) TV and _____________ (catch) insects.

19. It ______ (be) there just now, but it isn’t there now.

20.Yang Ling ______ at home now. But she ______ at school yestda.(be)

21. Where ______ (be) you just now? I _______ (be) in the classroom.

22.He _________(get) up at six o’clock.

23.He __________ back a month ago. (come)

24.Now it’s a beautiful day.Let’s __________(go) to the park.

25.I want__________(drink)some colas,please.

26.Who can __________(help)the girl?She can’t________(carry) everything.

27.He is trying __________(get) off the bus.

28.But look at the balloons.They_______(say),”Happy Birthday,Daming!”

29.In this photo,the ducks __________(eat)our picnic.

30.It __________(sunny)in Harbin tomorrow.

31.I’m going to __________(go) to the park __________(play).

32.Go to bed and __________(say) goodnight.

33.Look!It __________(rain) soon.

34.A:In this photo,the sun shining.

B:The birds __________(sing) in the trees.

35.Let's go out.It__________ (not/rain)now.


1.Do you often play football after school? (用yesterday替换often改


2.Nancy doesn’t run fast。(将一般现在时的句子改写为现在进行时的句子)

3.he;look;out of the window;(用现在进行时连写句子)

4.He is going to listen to music after school.(将一般将来时的句子改写为一般现在时的句子)

5.Where are you now? (用just now代替now)
