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Sb. spend ...on sth.
Sb. spend...in doing sth.
Sb. pay ...for sth.
Sth. cost sb. money /time/patience...
Sth.is worth...
Sth. is at the price of...
Each student spends about 120yuan a month on food/buying food.
I paid $2000 for the color TV.
He charged ¥1000 for the fridge.
It cost us thirty-six thousand francs.
It cost us a lot of work。
It takes sb....to do sth.
Sb.spend...in doing sth.
Sb spend ...on sth.
It will take time to change people’s minds.
It took courage to become a flyer because planes were small and not very strong.
Mr Wang spent much time in correcting the students’ papers.
It is said that...
...is said to do /be/have done/been...
They say that...
People say that...
It is reported that...
It is well-known that...
It is known to all that...
It is announced that...
It is said that we ’ll have a sports meeting next week.
He is said to go to Shanghai in a week.
He is said to be the tallest boy in his class.
Tom is said to have been to China three times.
It’s reported that twelve people were killed in the traffic accident yesterday.
It is well-known that Shanxi is rich in apples.
It is announced that we won’t be on holiday on May1st.
It is adj. for sb. to do sth.
It is adj. of sb. to do sth.
It is adj. that...
It is no use (no good) doing sth.
It seems impossible to solve the problem.
It happened that they were out when we called on them that evening.
It is a pity to hear that.
It’s not easy to master a foreign language.
It is a big mistake for her to have bought the clothes.
It was hard for him to support such a big family.
It is no use going there today.
It is useless keeping books without reading them.
It is true that he has passed the examination.
... think /find/consider/make/feel it adj./n.for sb.to do sth.
... think it no good /no use doing sth.
I think it necessary for him to learn a foreign language.
I think it foolish of him to believe her.
He had made it a rule never to cast his net more than four times a day.
I consider it a pity that he has given up studying English.
6. It is time for sth.
It is time for sb. to do sth.
It is time that sb. did/should do sth.
It’s time for class/breakfast.
It’s time to set out/start.
It’s time for you to go to bed.
It’s time that I were off.
It’s time I went and picked up my little girl from school.
7.It is said that...
...is said to do /be/have done/been...
They say that...
People say that...
It is reported that...
It is well-known that...
It is known to all that...
It is announced that...
It is said that we ’ll have a sports meeting next week.
He is said to go to Shanghai in a week.
He is said to be the tallest boy in his class.
Tom is said to have been to China three times.
It’s reported that twelve people were killed in the traffic accident yesterday.

It is well-known that Shanxi is rich in apples.
It is announced that we won’t be on holiday on May1st.
8. A is +比较级+than B
A is much still/yet/even/rather/far/a lot/a bit/a little/yet/hardly 比较级+than B
A is 比较级by far.
A is by far the最高级/比较级.
A is no 比较级than B
A is as 原级as B
A is not as/so 原级as B
A is the same n. as B
the more... the more...
A is the 最高级 in /among...
A is the 最高级/比较级 of 代词/数词
A is 比较级 than any other n.
A is 比较级 than usual/ever
A is 比较级than it used to be.
A is the 序数词+最高级+n.+范围.
I have many/far more books than you.
He has much/far more money/time than you.
My car is rather cheaper than yours.
She is three years older than you.
This is better by far.
This is by far the better of the two.
This is by far the best.
She is no cleverer than you.
Jane left as suddenly as she came.
Sound doesn’t travel so fast as light.
The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.
The harder you work, the more knowledge you will get.
Mary is the tallest among the girls here.
She studies (the) best in our class.
Of all the books I like this one best.
Tom is the most diligent of all the boys.
Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.
Jack runs faster than (any of) the other boys in the school.
She never spent a more worrying day.
This morning Zhang Ming got up earlier than usual/ever.
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
A is X times比较级 than B
A is X times as 原级 as B
A is X times the size( height,length,width,amount...) of B
The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times larger than it was in 1906.
Line AB is 3 times longer than Line CD.
Bob is twice as heavy as Jack.
The new building is five times the height of the old one.
I have ten times more books than you.
We have produced four times as many cars as we did last year.
10. go on to do sth./ go on doing sth. /go on with sth.
11.None of...
Neither of ...
No one...
Not all...=(All...not...)
Not every...=(Every...not...)
Not many...=(Many...not...)
Not both...=(Both...not...)
Nobody can work it out.
None of the students is from Shanghai.
All the answers arenot rignt.
Everything doesn’t go well.
12.It wasn’t long before...
It wasnot hours/years before...
Before long...
It was long before...
It was long before I went to sleep again.
It was not years before we finished the difficult task.
It won’t be long before we meet again.
Before long he was forced to leave his homeland for some political reasons.
Soon word came that our team won the football match.
as soon as...
No sooner had...than... /Hardly...when... /Scarcely had...when...
... the moment/the minute/the instant...
On doing ...
I told him the news as soon as he c

ame back.
Hardly had I left my office when it began to rain.
No sooner had I entered the entrance to the valley than I lost my way.
The moment I saw him I knew them was no hope.
On arriving there, we started to work.
14.have no choice but to do...
have nothing to do... but do sth.
have nothing but+n.
can do nothing but do sth.
There is nothing left to do but do sth.
I’ve eaten nothing but/exept bread since Sunday.
We had no choice but to wait for her.
I couldn’t do anything but/execpt sit there and hope.
15.祈使句+ and/and then +陈述句
祈使句+or/or else/otherwise+陈述句
Work hard,and you’ll succeed.
Hurry up,or /or else/otherwise you’ll be late.
16.It is one’s turn to do sth.
It comes to sb. to do sth.
Whose turn is it to do sth?
Wait until it is one’s turn.
Sb. miss his turn.
Take turns to do.../at doing...
It is your turn to clean the blackboard.
It comes to you to buy your breakfast.
Whose turn is it to be on duty today?
Tom has missed his turn to buy the ticket.
The two drivers took turns at driving the truck.
We take turns to make dinner.
17.be worth n. be worth doing...
be worthy of n. /be worthy of being done. /be worthy of to be done.
The necklace is worth three hundred francs at the most.
The book is well worth reading.
Beijing is a city worth visiting.
The film is worthy to be seen/of being seen.
It is worthwhile going there / to go there.
It is not worth your while reading this book.
18.How do you like...?
What do you think of...?
How do you find...
What do you make of...
What is sth. /sb.like?
How is sth./sb.?
What about/How about...?
What did you think of the lecture?
How did you find the film?
How was your trip?
What’s the weather like today?
What’s Tom like?
19.物+need/want/require+ doing /to be done.
The classroom needs cleaning./to be cleaned.
The text required to be recited /reciting.
20.It is +时间+since/ that/when/before...
It was seven o’clock when he went to school.
It was at seven o’clock that he went to school.
It was about 600 years ago that the first clock was made.
It is seven years since he left here.
It is years since I enjoyed myself so much.
It was the second time that I had been to Beijing.
It is time that I went to bed./I should go to bed.
It wasnot long before I left for the south.
It will be long before I leave for the south.
It will be long before he arrives.
It was for the second time that Abraham Lincoln was elected President.
21. have difficulty/trouble/problem/fun/a pleasure/ a good time/ a hard time in doing...
It is no use doing sth./of no use to do...\ doing sth.
It is no good doing sth.
It is any use doing sth.
It is a waste of time doing sth.
It is fun doing sth.
It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.
There is no need/use/harm/hurry/point(need) in doing sth.
Susan had a time trying to get the children to go to bed.
We had a hard time maki

ng a living.
I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.
There is no trouble in doing such a thing.
Don’t waste time explaining to him.
22.be like /look like/seem like/feel like
Jack is very much like his father about the eyes and the jaw.
It was like being on a boat.
It looks like rain.
It seems like yesterday.
I felt like a fool.
Today feels like spring.
Do you feel like a cup of tea?
I feel like seeing a film.
23. too... to.../enough...to...
The smoke from the fire was too thick for them to be able to land on the roof.
Mary is too willing to study Chinese.
Lei Feng is too ready to help others.
We are but(only/all) too glad to do so.
This lesson is not too hard to understand.
It’s never/not too late to learn.
They arrived early enough to get everything ready for the conference.
He doesn’t have enough money to travel by air.
You should write carefully enough to let others understand.
There aren’t beds enough for so many paitents in our hospital.
It is not cold enough to wear such a heavy coat.
Do you have enough time to translate this article into English?
She is so weak that wind can blow her down.
In fact, his English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised for it.
He spoke so fast that nobody could follow him.
A worker drove a small handtruck so carelessly that it hit the back of Mr King’s legs.
I made so great a mistake that Father gave me a good beating.
There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters couldn’t get close to the building.
Mary had so few friends that she felt lonely.
The fellow has so little knowledge that he couldn’t answer the question.
He was such a kind teacher that he was loved by his students.
He made such rapid progress that he began to talk freely with a foreigner.
The Frenchman caught such a bad cold that he coughed day and night.
There were such good books here that I couldn’t decide which to take.
25.be/get ready for sth.
be prepared for...
make/get sth.ready for sth.
prepare sth.
prepare for sth.
prepare to do sth.
make preparations for
be ready/prepared to do ...
prepare sb. for sth./ to do sth.
The end-term exam is coming. Please get ready for it.
We are ready for the picnic.
Have you got everything ready for the conference?
Make the room ready for the meeting.
Mother is busy preparing lunch for us.
After a short rest, they prepared to climb up the hill.
The students are preparing for the exam.
Are you prepared to answer the question?
He is always ready to help others.
The teacher prepared his students for the mid-term exam.
26.be sure/certain of n./pron./doing...
be sure/certain to do sth.
be sure/certain about...
be sure /certain +clause.
Make sure/certain that...
It is certain that...
We are sure to succeed.
You are sure to be righ

Be sure to turn off the light before you leave.
He is sure of her honesty.
I’m sure of winning the game.
I wasnot sure what I ought to do.
I was certain that she had seen me.
Please make sure /certain when the train leaves.
He explained that he wasn’t too sure about two things.
It isnot certain whether he will be sent abroad to study.
It was certain that he had stolen the bikes.
27.prevent sb./sth.(from)doing sth.
stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth.
keep sb./sth from doing sth.
The heavy rain prevent us from coming to the concert.
No one can prevent our plans from being carried out.
I’ll water them to stop the soil getting too dry.
What can keep China from developing fast?
28.prefer sth.(to sth.else)
prefer doing sth.(to doing sth. else)
prefer to do sth.
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.
prefer sb. to do sth. /would prefer sb. to do sth.
would rather do sth. than do sth.
He preferred country life to city life.
I prefer horse-riding to shooting.
The old man preferred to live alone.
He preferred to go on foot rather than go by car.
I should prefer you to come tomorrow.
He would rather stay home than go to the cinema.
We would rather die on our feet than live on our knees.
I would rather he came tomorrow.
29. would like sth.
would like to do sth.
would like sb. to do sth.
would love sb.to do sth.
would prefer sb.to do sth.
Would you like another piece of beancurd?
I’d like to study medicine and become a doctor.
I’d like you to stay here one more week.
ed to do sth.
be used to do sth.
get /be used to doing sth.
be used as /for...
I used to keep a diary of my daily activities in English.
He is not what he used to be.
He is used to getting up early.
Bamboo can be used to build houses.
The computer can be used for working out problems.
The book has been used as textbook at college.
31.主语+系动词+形容词+to do...
主语+动词+宾语+to do...
主语+动词+宾语+宾补+to do...
The question is easy to answer.
The room is comfortable to live in.
The man has a large family to support.
I found him hard to get along with.
32. as/so/too/how adj.+ a(n)+ n.
He is as good a comrade as LeiFeng.
She’s never again written so good an article as her first one.
Mary is too kind a girl to refuse.
How clever a boy he is!

Sb. spend ...on sth.
Sb. spend...on doing sth.
Sb. pay ...for sth.
Sth. cost sb. money /time/patience...
Sth.is worth...
Sth. is at the price of...
Each student spends about 120yuan a month on food/buying food.
I paid $2000 for the color TV.
It cost us thirty-six thousand francs.
It cost us a lot of work.

It takes sb....to do sth.
Sb.spend...in doing sth.
Sb spend ...on sth.
It will take time to change people’s minds.
It took courage to become a flyer because planes were small and not very strong.
Mr Wang spent much time in correcting the s

tudents’ papers.

It is (was)+被强调部分+that...
It is (was)+被强调的人+who...
Sb. do (did/does) do sth.
It was I who met your sister in the park yesterday.
It was your sister who I met in the park yesterday.
It was in the park that I met your sister yesterday.
It was yesterday that I met your sister in the park.
I did meet your sister in the park yesterday.

It is adj. for(of) sb. to do sth.
It is adj. that...
It is no use (no good) doing sth.
It seems impossible to solve the problem.
It happened that they were out when we called on them that evening.
It is a pity to hear that.
It’s not easy to master a foreign language.
It is a big mistake for her to have bought the clothes.
It was hard for him to support such a big family.
It is no use going there today.
It is useless keeping books without reading them.
It is true that he has passed the examination.

... think /find/consider/make/feel it adj./n.for sb.to do sth.
... think it no good /no use doing sth.
I think it necessary for him to learn a foreign language.
I think it foolish of him to believe her.
He had made it a rule never to cast his net more than four times a day.
I consider it a pity that he has given up studying English.

6.It is time for sth.
It is time for sb. to do sth.
It is time that sb. did/should do sth.
It’s time for class/breakfast.
It’s time to set out/start.
It’s time for you to go to bed.
It’s time that I were off.
It’s time I went and picked up my little girl from school.

7.It is said that...
...is said to do /be/have done/been...
They say that...
People say that...
It is reported that...
It is well-known that...
It is known to all that...
It is announced that...
It is said that we ’ll have a sports meeting next week.
He is said to go to Shanghai in a week.
He is said to be the tallest boy in his class.
Tom is said to have been to China three times.
It’s reported that twelve people were killed in the traffic accident yesterday.
It is well-known that Shanxi is rich in apples.
It is announced that we won’t be on holiday on May1st.

8.A is +比较级+than B
A is much still/yet/even/rather/far/a lot/a bit/a little/yet/hardly 比较级+than B
A is 比较级by far.
A is by far the最高级/比较级.
A is no 比较级than B
A is as 原级as B
A is not as/so 原级as B
A is the same n. as B
the more... the more...
A is the 最高级 in /among...
A is the 最高级/比较级 of 代词/数词
A is 比较级 than any other n.
A is 比较级 than usual/ever
A is 比较级than it used to be.
A is the 序数词+最高级+n.+范围.
I have many/far more books than you.
He has much/far more money/time than you.
My car is rather cheaper than yours.
She is three years older than you.
This is better by far.
This is by far the better of the two.
This is by far the best.
She is no clev

erer than you.
Jane left as suddenly as she came.
Sound doesn’t travel so fast as light.
The more you listen to English,the easier it becomes.
The harder you work,the more knowledge you will get.
Mary is the tallest among the girls here.
She studies (the) best in our class.
Of all the books I like this one best.
Tom is the most diligent of all the boys.
Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.
Jack runs faster than (any of) the other boys in the school.
She never spent a more worrying day.
This morning ZhangMing got up ealier than usual/ever.
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.

9. A is X times比较级 than B
A is X times as 原级 as B
A is X times the size( height,length,width,amount...) of B
The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times larger than it was in 1906.
Line AB is 3 times longer than Line CD.
Bob is twice as heavy as Jack.
The new building is five times the height of the old one.
I have ten times more books than you.
We have produced four times as many cars as we did last year.

10. go on to do sth./ go on doing sth. /go on with sth.
keep on doing sth. /keep doing sth.
continut to do sth. /continue doing sth.
Once you begin, you must go on.
After a little pause he went on with his speech.
After the rain stopped,they went ahead with their word.
We go on working after dark by the lights of tractors.
Let’s go on to read Lesson56.
Do’t keep on asking silly questions.
People kept on seeing the old man in hospital.
He kept speaking for one hour.
The student kept sleeping for a whole class.
They continued to work /working in the fields in spite of the rain.

11.None of...
Neither of ...
No one...
Not all...=(All...not...)
Not every...=(Every...not...)
Not many...=(Many...not...)
Not both...=(Both...not...)
Nobody can work it out.
None of the students is from Shanghai.
All the answers arenot rignt.
Everything doesn’t go well.

12.It wasn’t long before...
It wasnot hours/years before...
Before long...
It was long before...
It was long before I went to sleep again.
I wasnot years before we finished the difficult task.
It won’t be long before we meet again.
Before long he was forced to leave his homeland for some political reasons.
Soon word came that our team won the football match.

as soon as...
No sooner had...than... /Hardly...when... /Scarcely had...when...
... the moment/the minute/the instant...
On doing ...
I told him the news as soon as he came back.
Hardly had I left my office when it began to rain.
No sooner had I entered the entrance to the valley than I lost my way.
The moment I saw him I knew them was no hope.
On arriving there, we started to work.

14.have no choice but to do...
have nothing to do... but do sth.
have nothing but+n.
can do nothing

but do sth.
There is nothing left to do but do sth.
I’ve eaten nothing but/exept bread since Sunday.
We had no choice but to wait for her.
I couldn’t do anything but/execpt sit there and hope.

15.祈使句+ and/and then +陈述句
祈使句+or/or else/otherwise+陈述句
Work hard,and you’ll succeed.
Hurry up,or /or else/otherwise you’ll be late.

16.It is one’s turn to do sth.
It comes to sb. to do sth.
Whose turn is it to do sth?
Wait until it is one’s turn.
Sb. miss his turn.
Take turns to do.../at doing...
It is your turn to clean the blackboard.
It comes to you to buy your breakfast.
Whose turn is it to be on duty today?
Tom has missed his turn to buy the ticket.
The two drivers took turns at driving the truck.
We take turns to make dinner.

17.be worth n. be worth doing...
be worthy of n. /be worthy of being done. /be worthy of to be done.
The necklace is worth three hundred francs at the most.
The book is well worth reading.
Beijing is a city worth visiting.
The film is worthy to be seen/of being seen.
It is worthwhile going there / to go there.
It is not worth your while reading this book.
18.How do you like...?
What do you think of...?
How do you find...
What do you make of...
What is sth. /sb.like?
How is sth./sb.?
What about/How about...?
What did you think of the lecture?
How did you find the film?
How was your trip?
What’s the weather like today?
What’s Tom like?

19.物+need/want/require+ doing /to be done.
The classroom needs cleaning./to be cleaned.
The text required to be recited /reciting.

20.It is +时间+since/ that/when/before...
It was seven o’clock when he went to school.
It was at seven o’clock that he went to school.
It was about 600 years ago that the first clock was made.
It is seven years since he left here.
It is years since I enjoyed myself so much.
It was the second time that I had been to Beijing.
It is time that I went to bed./I should go to bed.
It wasnot long before I left for the south.
It will be long before I leave for the south.
It will be long before he arrives.
It was for the second time that Abraham Lincoln was elected President.

21. have difficulty/trouble/problem/fun/a pleasure/ a good time/ a hard time in doing...
It is no use doing sth./of no use to do...\ doing sth.
It is no good doing sth.
It is any use doing sth.
It is a waste of time doing sth.
It is fun doing sth.
It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.
There is no need/use/harm/hurry/point(need) in doing sth.
Susan had a time trying to get the children to go to bed.
We had a hard time making a living.
I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.
There is no trouble in doing such a thing.
Don’t waste time explaining to him.

22.be like /look like/seem like/feel like
Jack is very much like his father about the eyes and the jaw.
It was like being on a boat.

It looks like rain.
It seems like yesterday.
I felt like a fool.
Today feels like spring.
Do you feel like a cup of tea?
I feel like seeing a film.

23. too... to.../enough...to...
The smoke from the fire was too thick for them to be able to land on the roof.
Mary is too willing to study Chinese.
Lei Feng is too ready to help others.
We are but(only/all) too glad to do so.
This lesson is not too hard to understand.
It’s never/not too late to learn.
They arrived early enough to get everything ready for the conference.
He doesn’t have enough money to travel by air.
You should write carefully enough to let others understand.
There aren’t beds enough for so many paitents in our hospital.
It is not cold enough to wear such a heavy coat.
Do you have enough time to translate this article into English?

She is so weak that wind can blow her down.
In fact, his English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised for it.
He spoke so fast that nobody could follow him.
A worker drove a small handtruck so carelessly that it hit the back of Mr King’s legs.
I made so great a mistake that Father gave me a good beating.
There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters couldn’t get close to the building.
Mary had so few friends that she felt lonely.
The fellow has so little knowledge that he couldn’t answer the question.
He was such a kind teacher that he was loved by his students.
He made such rapid progress that he began to talk freely with a foreigner.
The Frenchman caught such a bad cold that he coughed day and night.
There were such good books here that I couldn’t decide which to take.

25.be/get ready for sth.
be prepared for...
make/get sth.ready for sth.
prepare sth.
prepare for sth.
prepare to do sth.
make preparations for
be ready/prepared to do ...
prepare sb. for sth./ to do sth.
The end-term exam is coming. Please get ready for it.
We are ready for the picnic.
Have you got everything ready for the conference?
Make the room ready for the meeting.
Mother is busy preparing lunch for us.
After a short rest, they prepared to climb up the hill.
The students are preparing for the exam.
Are you prepared to answer the question?
He is always ready to help others.
The teacher prepared his students for the mid-term exam.

26.be sure/certain of n./pron./doing...
be sure/certain to do sth.
be sure/certain about...
be sure /certain +clause.
Make sure/certain that...
It is certain that...
We are sure to succeed.
You are sure to be right.
Be sure to turn off the light before you leave.
He is sure of her honesty.
I’m sure of winning the game.
I wasnot sure what I ought to do.
I was certain that she had seen me.
Please make sure /certain when the train leaves.
He explained that he wasn’t too sure about two things.

It isnot certain whether he will be sent abroad to study.
It was certain that he had stolen the bikes.

27.prevent sb./sth.(from)doing sth.
stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth.
keep sb./sth from doing sth.
The heavy rain prevent us from coming to the concert.
No one can prevent our plans from being carried out.
I’ll water them to stop the soil getting too dry.
What can keep China from developing fast?

28.prefer sth.(to sth.else)
prefer doing sth.(to doing sth. else)
prefer to do sth.
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.
prefer sb. to do sth. /would prefer sb. to do sth.
would rather do sth. than do sth.
He preferred country life to city life.
I prefer horse-riding to shooting.
The old man preferred to live alone.
He preferred to go on foot rather than go by car.
I should prefer you to come tomorrow.
He would rather stay home than go to the cinema.
We would rather die on our feet than live on our knees.
I would rather he came tomorrow.

29. would like sth.
would like to do sth.
would like sb. to do sth.
would love sb.to do sth.
would prefer sb.to do sth.
Would you like another piece of beancurd?
I’d like to study medicine and become a doctor.
I’d like you to stay here one more week.

ed to do sth.
be used to do sth.
get /be used to doing sth.
be used as /for...
I used to keep a diary of my daily activities in English.
He is not what he used to be.
He is used to getting up early.
Bamboo can be used to build houses.
The computer can be used for working out problems.
The book has been used as textbook at college.

31.主语+系动词+形容词+to do...
主语+动词+宾语+to do...
主语+动词+宾语+宾补+to do...
The question is easy to answer.
The room is comfortable to live in.
The man has a large family to support.
I found him hard to get along with.

32. as/so/too/how adj.+ a(n)+ n.
He is as good a comrade as LeiFeng.
She’s never again written so good an article as her first one.
Mary is too kind a girl to refuse.
How clever a boy he is!
