



表格 7.1 最高温度
Motor insulation system Class A Class B Class F Class H
Maximu m temperature
根据制造商的要求,上面的测试在会造成电机绕组在表格 7.1 中所指出的绝缘等
电容永久性分离的电机测试,应该在电容正确连接在电路上或者电容短路的情况 下
进行,取决于哪种情况下获得的温度最高。 例外 1:电容作为电机一个部件的并
例外 2:带有通过 UL 810,电容器的标准的评估要求的电容器的电机,不需要 在电容短路的情况下进行测试。
T2=R2 (K% T1) & K/R1 在这里:
T2 是测试结束时以℃表示的线圈温度; R2是测试结束时线圈的电阻; R1是测试开始时线圈的电阻; 对于铜,K 取 234.5;对于导电铝导线,K 取 225;其他导线的 K 值 根 据情况确定;

远鸿电器 TM1系列热保护器 使用说明书

远鸿电器 TM1系列热保护器 使用说明书

TM1 系列热保护器  产品使用说明书中山市远鸿电器有限公司(原广州宏拓电器)Zhongshan YuanHong electrical equipment Co., LTD2004年9月TM1 系列热保护器产品使用说明书一、主要用途和适用范围TM1系列热保护器是专门设计安装在电动机内或电动机上,以防止电动机过载运 行或起动失败而引起过热的自动控制器。

该控制器承载电动机的电流,而且对电动机 的温度和电流是敏感的或仅对温度敏感。

因此,该保护器还可用作热切断器,用在家 用和类似用途电器产品上防止电器设备产生过热,避免发生危及安全的事故。


在电机 进行慢变化热过载(如稳定过载)和快变化热过载(如堵转)而脱扣时,任一被 保护部件不会达到对以后的使用有害的温度,而电机绕组的最高温度不超过最高 温度限值。

当用在家用电器和类似用途电器产品上时,保证被保护部件的最高温度不超 过最高温度限值。

2、快速动作,响应灵敏3、工作稳定,可靠性高4、接触电阻小5、体积小、安装方便6、动作特性重复性好TM1系列热保护器按照GB13232《旋转电机装入式热保护 热保护器通用规则》 和 GB/T13002《旋转电机装入式热保护 旋转电机的保护规则》标准的要求设计和制 造,并符合美国UL2111、UL873 和IEC730(EN60730)等国际标准的要求。

该系列产品适用于分马力电动机、家用和类似用途电器以及普通电气设备和器具 的过热保护。

例如:空调风扇电机、洗衣机电机、抽油烟机电机、变压器、日光灯镇 流器、电磁灶、微波炉等。



3、周围空气温度:安装地点的周围空气温度上限不超过 40℃,24h 平均值不超过35℃,下限不低于-5℃。

精创电器 TSG-10温度保护器说明书

精创电器 TSG-10温度保护器说明书

按下并松开SET键,显示设定的化霜高温保护值;按下并松开 键,显示设定的库温高温报警值;按下并松开 键,显示设定的库温低温保护值。


同时按SET键+ 键10秒以上进入菜单模式,显示第一个菜单项,同时菜单模式指示灯亮。

按 键或 键可上翻或下翻菜单项。


按 键或 键可调整参数值。












BW-9700热保护器BW-9700 Series Thermal Protector结构特点Features or structureBW-9700系列热保护器是由碟形高灵敏双金属元件、动触头、静触片、固定底座、外壳、耐温导线等组成。





BW-9700 series thermal protector consists of dish shape high sensitive bimetallic elemeng,movable contact-head,static contact-piece,soleplate,outer case,ghermal resistant lead and so on.When operation,the bimetallic element is in free state and movable contact-head and static contace-piece are closed and the circuit is on.When the electric appliance is in operation is in operation and produces heat caused by some troubles and temperature is raised to the rated action temperature of the product,the bimetallic element produces inner stuess and acts quickly and pushes the movable contact-head and make the vontact point off and the power supply is rurned off the electric appliance stop.in this way the thermal protection is made.When the temperature of electric appliance to be protected is dropped to the rated reset temperature.The bimetallic element restores to its primary state and contact point is closed .The electric appliance restores its work.The product has many advantages such as small in resistor,puick in temperature feeling,fast in action.Safe and pact and so on.Drawing for working timeClosing condition before the action Disconnecting currentcondition after the action型号说明The model number explainBW-9700ABJ:金属外壳型产品The metals outer shell type product.BW-9700ABS:塑料外壳型产品The plastics outer shell type product.金属外壳型产品其外壳为带电体,应加装绝缘外套The metals outer shell type the product outer shell take an electricity, should add to insulate a coat.BW-9700热保护器BW-9700 Series Thermal Protector应用范围Product application适用于各种家用电器和电子产品。






TP-1200微机继电保护测试仪是在参照中华人民共和国电力行业标准《继电保护微机型试验装置技术条件》(DL/T 624 ─1997)的基础上,广泛听取用户意见,总结目前国内同类产品优缺点,充分使用现代先进的微电子技术和器件实现的一种新型小型化微机继电保护测试仪.它采用可单机独立运行,亦可联接其它电脑运行的先进结构,主机内置高性能工控机和高速数字信号处理器,真16位DAC模块、新型模块式高保真大功率功放,自带TFT真彩色LCD显示器和嵌入式微机键盘。



是继保工作者得心应手的好工具.ﻬ目录第一章继电保护测试仪说明 (5)1.1主要技术特点 (5)1.2主要技术指标 (6)1.3面板说明 (9)1.4硬件结构………………………………………………………101.5仪器的操作使用 (11)1.6注意事项………………………………………………………13第二章继电保护测试仪使用方法.................................15 2.1递变试验×7 (15)2.2递变试验×12 ………………………………………………202.3状态序列 (24)2.4谐波试验 (27)2.5整组试验………………………………………………………322.6差动保护试验.........................................................37 2.7频率试验 (43)2.8同期试验 (46)2.9电流—时间特性试验…………………………………………49 2.10电压-时间特性试验…………………………………………522.11故障再现………………………………………………………552.12距离保护试验.........................................................642.13零序保护试验 (69)2.14阻抗特性试验 (73)附录1:试验方法.........................................................78附录2:差动保护知识 (87)附录3:配置清单 (9)1附录4:售后服务 (92)ﻬ第一章继电保护测试仪说明1.1 主要技术特点微机型继电保护测试仪其主要特点表现为:经典的Windows XP操作界面,人机界面友好,操作简便快捷,为了方便用户使用,定义了大量键盘快捷键,使得操作“一键到位”;●高性能的嵌入式工业控制计算机和8。



的特 性 来 改 变 导 电状 态 的保 护 器 ,而 当温 度 下 降 到 设 定 的工 作
温度 时 , 它又 能 恢 复 原 状 而重 新 接 通 电路 ; 类 是 R K 一 S Y型 双 保
险热 保 护 器 , 是 R 型热 熔 断体 和 R 它 Y S型 热 保 护 器 组 合 而 成 的
K y r ss p re tprt co , M, r e p a e AC c n t n u r n o r e e wod :u e h a oe t r P t e — h s o s a t c r t s u c I h e
热 保 护 器 又 称 过 载 保 护 器 , 冰 箱 、 调 的 压 缩 机 的过 载 、 是 空 堵转 和非 正 常 工作 而产 生 的过 热 过 程 的安 全 保 护 器 件 ,其 质 量
直接 影 响 到 整 机 的安 全 。目前 , 内 电流 型 热 保 护 器 的 检 测设 备 国 自动化 程 度 较 低 , 定 性 和 可靠 性 不 高 。 研 制 出 自动 化 程 度 高 、 稳 精度 高 的 电机 热保 护 器 检 测 设 备 具 有 比 较重 要 的实 际 意 义 。
2 自动 测试 系统 软 硬 件 设 计
IM ( tl e tP w rMo u ) 智 能 功 率 模 块 , 先 进 P I el n o e d l 即 n i g e 是
的 混 合 集 成 功 率 器 件 , 高 速 、 功 耗 的 l T芯 片 和 优 选 的 门 由 低 GB 级 驱 动 及 保 护 电路 构 成 。它 将 功率 器 件 l T全 部 集 成 在 一 个 GB 器件内 , 同时 它 对 分 立 的 驱 动 电路 进行 了优 化 , 驱 动 电路 和 保 将



Installation ManualFloor heating systemContentsImportant Safeguards and Warnings (3)1 General Information (3)1.1 Use of the Manual (3)1.2 Safety Guidelines (3)1.3 Remember to measure resistance (3)1.4 25-year Limited Warranty (3)2 Heat Cable System (4)2.1 Specifications (4)3 Floor Heating Design and Product Selection (4)3.1 Design the Installation (4)3.2 Cable Selection (5)4 Installation (6)5. Resistance Test (9)5.1 Insulation Resistance Test (9)5.2 Heating Cable Resistance Test (9)5.3 Sensor Resistance Test (9)6 Troubleshooting (10)EXTENDED WARRANTY (10)23Important Safeguards and WarningsWARNING: Shock and fire hazardIf the Heat Cable System is damaged or not installed properly, fire or shock could occur resulting in serious personal injuries or damage to property. You must carefully follow the warnings and instructions contained in this manual.· A qualified thermostat must be used.· It is important that this equipment is installed only by qualified electricians who are familiar with the proper sizing, installation, construction and operation of floor warming system and the hazards involved. The installation must comply with all national and local electrical codes. If you are unfamiliar with these requirements, contact an electrician.· The heating cable is designed for under floor heating purposes only. Be sure that the floor is not penetrated by nails, screws, or similar devices that can cause damage on first installation or during subsequent floor repairs in the future.· If the Heat Cable System is damaged, it must be replaced. Do not attempt to splice or repair any part of the system1 General Information1.1 Use of the ManualThis manual describes the Heat Cable floor heating system — how to design the room, select the product, and install the system. It is important to thoroughly review this manual and the following document prior to installation.Dr. Heater Thermostat Installation and Operation Manual1.2 Safety GuidelinesThe safety and reliability of any floor heating system depends on proper design, installation, and testing. Incorrect installation or mishandling of the product can cause damage to the heating cable, system components and property, and can create a risk of fire or shock. The guidelines and instructions contained in this guide are important. Follow them carefully to minimize these risks and to ensure that the Heat Cable system performs reliably.Pay special attention to the following: ·Instructions marked Important ·Safety warnings identified as WARNING1.3 Remember to measure resistanceThe resistance should be measured between the two conductors, white and black. Compare this resistance reading to the resistance specified in the Product Selection “Table 1 or Table 2”. The value should be within ±10%.Also, measure the resistance between the white, black and shielding/ground wire. Both should read infinity.Please refer to “5 Commissioning ” for instructions on how to measure the resistance.Important: measure the resistance four times during the installation process Remember to always measure, verify and record the actual resistance throughout the installation process (out of the box, after installation, after thin set cement or self-leveler application and after installation of floor tiles).1.4 25-year Limited WarrantyFor a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date of purchase Dr. Heater warrants that the heating cable is free from defects in material, design and workmanship. The warranty is only valid if the warranty certificate has been properly completed and mailed, and the installation is in accordance with the installation instructions.2 Heat Cable SystemImportant· Read the instructions carefully before installing Heat Cable system.· Remember to measure the resistance four times.· Do not install Heat Cable in walls or ceilings.· The cable must be embedded in mortar, thinset, concrete or similar material.· The minimum installation temperature is 40℉(5℃).· The heating cable cannot be cut to length, crossed over itself, or installed too close.· It is recommended to use copper wire only.· Remember to check that the supply voltage matches the voltage of the Heat Cable.· Remember to place the labels as written in this instruction.· Only for indoor installation.· Metal structures or materials used for the support of or on which the Heat Cable is installed must be grounded in accordance with CSA Standard C22.1, section 10 and the NEC.Please consult the factory for any other questions or advice.3 Floor Heating Design and Product Selection3.1 Design the InstallationStep 1: Measure the heated areaDetermine the heated area of the floor where there are no permanent fixtures or furniture such as showers, toilets, vanities, or cabinets. Measure the heated area of the floor.For example, in Figure 3, the area of the bathroom is 96 ft2. When you subtract the area of the vanity, shower and toilet, the total heated area is only 74 ft2.Step 2: Determine the power supply voltageThe available supply voltages include 120 V, 208 V or 240 V.ImportantOperating the 240V cable at 208V reduces the power output to approximately 2.25W/ft. (25% reduction) Step 3: Plan the designDetermine the optimum floor heating Cable layout for your heated area to ensure coverage. Select a spot for the thermostat in the wall above the heated area where it can be reached by the 10-foot cold lead on the Heat Cable, and the 10-foot floor temperature sensor. Please refer to Figure 4.ImportantThe predetermined Heat Cable spacing must be maintained to ensure proper floor heating. Do not change the heating cable spacing when you lay out the cable or the floor may have cold spots.453.2 Cable SelectionSelect an appropriate length of cable. The cable’s standard heating area (see table below) must be smaller than the actual area to be heated. Example: if the area to be heated is 74 ft 2, select the 70 ft 2 Heat Cable system.Table 1: 120V Product SelectionFigure 3: Measure and design the heated areaFigure 4: Typical cold lead and floor temperature sensor6Table 2: 240V Product Selection4 InstallationImportant: Tools and materials requiredYou will require the following items to install and test the floor heating system:·Scissors ·Utility knife ·Wire strippers ·Nail Plate ·Membrane or Metal strapping ·Tape measure ·Screwdriver ·MultimeterYou will also need the appropriate tools and materials to install your particular floor. These will likely include products like self-leveling mortar, thin-set mortar, backer board, tile, a notched trowel, and any other tools for your specific floor.Follow these steps to ensure a successful Heat Cable installation.Install with Membrane:Use a membrane like Schluter DITRA Membrane, Prodeso Heat Membrane, Warmup DCM membrane or other equivalent membranes.Schluter DITRA Membrane Prodeso Membrane Warmup Membrane7Step 1: PLAN LAYOUTMake a sketch layout or a floor plan of the room; include all permanent furnishings such as toilets, bathtubs, appliances, cabinetry, etc. Indicate all dimensions required to determine the available floor area and the position of the Dr. Heater thermostat. ImportantDr. Heater recommends that the installation is documented with photos to note the location of connections and the sensor.Step 2: TRANSFER LAYOUT TO FLOORDraw an outline of the layout on the room floor including a foot print of all furnishings that are not yet installed.Step 3: PREPARE SUBFLOOR SURFACEClean and vacuum the floor thoroughly and remove dust and debris from the floor that may damage the heating cable. Ensure that the subfloor is secure and stable. Carefully fill in all cracks to prevent any potential damage to the new tiles resulting from shifts in the subfloor.Step 4: LAYER THE MEMBRANEApply a compatible adhesive to the substrate using a suitable trowel. Cut the membrane for suitable size and uncoupling it. Lay the membrane on the adhesive. Press the membrane evenly with a roller or a plastic flat trowel. Check coverage of membrane, in case of partial coverage increase the amount of adhesive or its fluidity. Then lay the next sheet of membrane, making sure to align it with the previous one without overlapping. Align the square reliefs to facilitate the installation of the heating cables.Warning:If heavy mechanical loads are foreseen (frequent passages), it is recommended to protect the laid membrane with wooden planks to ensure proper bonding.Step 5: MEASURE THE RESISTANCE (THE FIRST TIME)Use a digital ohm meter to measure the resistance of the Heat Cable and compare it to “Table1 or Table 2”. Record the measured resistance on the warranty card. Documenting the resistance at each stage of installation is required for warranty purposes. Also, measure the resistance between the white, black and shielding/ground wire. Both should read infinity.Please refer to “5 Commissioning” for instructions on how to measure the resistance.Step 6: Start LAYING THE HEAT CABLEDO NOT RUN THE HEATING CABLES UNDER WALLS, CABINETS, FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES!8Place the cable so that the connection point and the temperature sensor are in their intended positions and bring the power lead cable to the thermostat or connection box.Begin laying the Heat Cable heating cable on membrane according to the layout developed in Step 1.DO NOT CUT OR SHORTEN THE HEATING CABLE!Do not expose it to any mechanical stress. Avoid walking on the heating cable. Wear only shoes with soft soles.Be careful not to damage the cables, particularly during installation.It is highly recommended to take photographs of the installed Heat Cable before installing the flooring. NEVER exceed 15 watts per square foot. NEVER cross heating cables.Step 7: LAYING THE SENSORInstall the floor temperature sensors exactly in the center between two cables and at a distance of at least 2 ft (60cm) from the wall.Do not cross sensor cables with heating cables.It is recommended to install a second temperature sensor as a backup in case the primary fails throughout the life of the installation. Record the exact position of the sensors.Step 8: MEASURE THE RESISTANCE (THE SECOND TIME) Please refer to Step 5.Step 9: Embed the floor heating cable in mortar For tiling applications, proceed with the installation of the tiles by covering the heating cables with a layer of thinnest cement as directed by the tile manufacturer. Ensure that the thinnest mortar covers the entire heating cable as the tiles are installed.For engineered wood or laminate floor coverings, it is recommended to consult the flooring manufacturer for maximum temperature allowance (use a thermostat with a floor temperature limiter).Ensure that all moisture in the self-leveling cement has been fully eliminated in accordance with the drying times recommended by the cementmanufacturer (consult the manufacturer for exact drying time). If using Heat Cable in wet places, waterproofing is necessary. ImportantThe system must not be turned on until the thinnest cement has fully dried. A minimum of two weeks is recommended.Step 10: MEASURE THE RESISTANCE (THE THIRD TIME) Please refer to Step 5. Step 11: Install the tileTo install the tile, apply a layer of acrylic or latex modified thin-set using the ridged side of your trowel. Tile and grout the floor using best industry practices and in accordance with instructions provided bythe9manufacturer of the tile.Step 12: CONNECT POWER SUPPLY AND THERMOSTATThe connection of the power supply and the JH thermostat must be done by a qualified electrician in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). The electrician should connect the floor sensor to the thermostat, take the final resistance reading and record it on the warranty card, see Step 13.Note: You need to mark the appropriate circuit breaker reference label indicating which branch circuit supplies the circuits to those electric space heating cables.Step 13: MEASURE THE RESISTANCE (THE FOURTH TIME) Please refer to Step 5.Step 14: RECORD INFORMATION AND AFFIX LABELSIt is important for the homeowner to mail in the certificate immediately after installing the system (cable and thermostat). Failure to do so could void the manufacturer's warranty. The warranty is subject to the guarantee conditions listed on the warranty certificate. Keep a copy of the warranty card for your reference.Step 15: ENJOY THE COMFORT OF Dr. Heater Heat CableThe Heat Cable heating system is now ready to use. Increase the floor temperature gradually and adjust it until it reaches a comfortable level depending on the type of room and your personal preferences.5. Resistance TestImportantFor the extended 25-year limited warranty to apply, you must perform these tests, record the results on the warranty card, and retain a copy of the record.You must perform the Insulation Resistance Test, the Heating Cable Resistance Test, and the Sensor Resistance Test four times (Please refer to 4 installation) during the installation process. 5.1 Insulation Resistance TestThis test ensures that the insulating jackets of the cable are not damaged. A low value indicates the cable has been damaged and must be replaced. 1. Connect the ground wire to the black lead andboth power wires to the red lead of the multimeter.2. Make sure the meter reads “Open” or “OL.”If you get a different reading, contact Dr. Heater at 1-800-317-1688.3. Record these readings on the warranty card. 5.2 Heating Cable Resistance Test This test measures the resistance of the Heat Cable and is used to determine circuit integrity. 1. Set your multimeter to the 200 or 2000 ohm range. 2. Connect the multimeter leads to the black andwhite cold lead wires.3. Compare this resistance reading to theresistance specified in the Product Selection “Table 1 or Table 2”. The value should be within ±10%. If you get adifferent reading, contact Dr. Heater at 1-800-317-1688. 4. Record these readings on the warranty card. 5.3 Sensor Resistance TestThis test measures the resistance of the floor sensor and is used to verify the sensor integrity. 1. Set your multimeter to the 200K ohm range.102. Connect the multimeter leads to the redandgreen lead wires.3. Make sure the meter reads between 9-25Kohms. If you get a different reading, contact Dr. Heater at 1-800-317-1688. 4. Record these readings on the warrantycard.6 TroubleshootingEXTENDED WARRANTYFor a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date of purchase Dr. Heater warrants that the Heat Cable heating cable is free from defects in material, design and workmanship. The extended warranty is only valid if the warranty certificate has been properly completed and mailed, and the installation is in accordance with the installation instructions.The defective heating cable has to be inspected by or submitted to Dr. Heater or an authorized Heat Cable dealer. Failure to comply with all of the foregoing will void this extended warranty. Dr. Heater will, when the customer has documented that a defect in the Heat Cable was present at the date of delivery, repair or supplya new Heat Cable at Dr. Heater’ option. All claims shall be made within the extended warranty period. Dr. Heater shall not be liable for any claims made later than ten years from date of purchase.Dr. Heater shall not be liable for any consequential and secondary costs or damages linked to the defect or replacement of the Heat Cable. Dr. Heater will be liable for any costs related to the dismantling of defective product and the installation of a new product; however, such liability is limited to the amount of five (5) times the initial product costs for each damage/case.THE FOREGOING W ARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ON THE PART OF DR. HEATER. DR. HEATER DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DR. HEATER NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY OTHER PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH SALE OR PRODUCT. DR. HEATER SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO PERSON OR PROPERTY, CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSSES ON GOODS IN STORE, OR THE LIKE WHICH MIGHT ARISE OUT OF THE FAILURE OF THE EQUIPMENT DELIVERED, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE CAUSE (INCLUDING FAULTY MANUFACTURE).How to claim this warrantyContact the company's Customer Service department and provide the following information:1) Nature of the manufacturing defect2) Date of purchase and, if already installed, date of installation3) If installed, name of electrician and flooring installer4) Resistance readings taken by installer5) Proof of purchase and serial number from product labelOur Customer Service department will provide you with an authorization number and advise you on the next steps to complete your warranty claim.Disclaimer:This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have some legal rights which may vary from state to state or province to province. Dr. Heater hereby disclaims, and it is as a condition of the sale, that there are no implied warranties. Some states and provinces do not allow limitations on an implied warranty so the above limitation may not apply to you.Dr. Heater can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures, other printed materials, and website information. Dr. Heater reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alteration can be made without subsequent changes being necessary in specifications already agreed upon. All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. All rights reserved.11WARRANTY CARDElectric Floor HeatingDate of Purchase Supplier Name Date of InstallationAddress of InstallationInsulation ResistanceTestHeating CableResistance TestSensor ResistanceTestOut of BoxAfter Installation-Before Final SurfaceAfter Thin-SetCement or Self-Leveler ApplicationAfter Final InstallationElectrician DetailsNameSignatureDr. Heater accepts no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures, other printed materials, and website information. Dr. Heater reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alteration can be made without subsequent changes being necessary in specifications already.12Floor LayoutRegister your product at our website:Or visit /register-your-heaterFeedbackLove it? Help us make the product more for you.Let us know with a customer review.Please visit: https:///review/review-your-purchases#At Dr. Heater USA, we are committed to bringing top quality alternative & supplemental heating products to our customers.For additional information regarding any aspect of the Heat Cable System, contact:Dr. Infrared Heater860 Mahler RoadBurlingame, CA 94010Tel: 1-800-317-1688EMAIL: ***********************Dr Heater USA@DrHeaterUSADr. Heater USADr. Heater USA。



常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
一、 概述 i. 组成部分………………………………………………….…3 ii. 技术特点………………………………………………….…3
二、 硬件系统…………………………………………………………4 三、 软件系统…………………………………………………………9 四、 操作流程………………………………………………………. 21 五、 质量保证………………………………………………………..24 六、 联系方式………………………………………………………..24
电话(微信): 013915838598 传真: 0519-83751601 QQ: 228154900
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
三、 软件系统
1. 软件的安装
入”013915838598”,如图 2。
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常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备 F ). 烘箱
烘箱根据空气流体原理进行设计,侧面加热,下面鼓风,采用 双电机,内腔的热保护器工作面的四角误差不大于±1℃。加热功率 2000W,全速加热升温速度为 10—15 度/分钟。
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电话(微信): 013915838598 传真: 0519-83751601 QQ: 228154900
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备

YTC402 三相热继电器测试仪 用户操作手册说明书

YTC402 三相热继电器测试仪 用户操作手册说明书





























YTC402三相热继电器测试仪 湖北仪天成电力设备有限公司在有可疑的故障时,请勿操作。


5600 系列机械式热探测器安装手册说明书

5600 系列机械式热探测器安装手册说明书

Before InstallingThis detector must be installed in compliance with the con-trol panel installation manual and meet the requirements of NFPA 72, and/or the local authority having jurisdiction. Read this manual carefully before using the detector. This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equip-ment.General DescriptionThe 5600 series mechanical heat detector is intended for use in property protection applications, or for non-life-safety installations where smoke detection is not practi-cal or appropriate.in lieu of, or in addition to mechanical heat detectors. The 5600 series consists of both single- and dual-circuit heat detectors featuring fixed temperature thermal sensors or combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise sensors, with temperature ratings of 135ºF (57ºC) or 194ºF (90ºC).Markings on the exterior of the detector indicate the spe-cific activation method and temperature rating. All models are identified as either 135ºF/57ºC or 194ºF/90ºC. Models equipped with combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise sensors are marked FX/ROR. Fixed temperature only mod-els are marked FX.NOTE: Refer to NFPA72 guidelines for spacing reductions when ceiling heights exceed 10 feet.Non-Resettable Fixed Temperature SensorThe fixed temperature element reacts to heat by respond-ing to a specific temperature setting (135ºF or 194ºF). The detection method is based on the spring action of a metal contact, held to the metal chamber by a fusible alloy. When the temperature reaches the alloy’s melting point, the metal contact will depress the diaphragm, causing the electrical contact to close the circuit. The circular external heat collector is released from the detector to visually indi-cate that the detector has been activated.NOTE: 5600 series Fixed T emperature models (5603, 5604, 5623, and 5624) are non-resettable, and cannot be tested.Self-Restoring Rate-of-Rise (ROR) SensorThe rate-of-rise element responds to a rapid rise of temper-ature, approximately 15ºF (8.3ºC) per minute. As the tem-perature rises, the air within the sealed chamber expands. Should the chamber air expand faster than it can escape through the calibrated vent, the diaphragm is depressed, and the electrical contact closes the circuit.NOTE: Only the ROR element of 5600 series combination fixed temperature/ROR models (5601, 5602, 5621, and 5622) are self-restoring, and may be tested using a hair dryer or heat gun. When testing the ROR element, to pre-vent the activation of the fixed temperature element, the heat source must not exceed the fixed temperature rating of the detector.Mounting BracketAll 5600 series detectors are equipped with a mounting bracket that includes mounting slots to accommodate single-gang, 31⁄2″ octagonal, and 4″ octagonal electrical boxes, as well as 4″ square boxes equipped with a plas-ter ring (Figure 1). The mounting bracket is reversible to accommodate flush-mount and surface–mount installa-tions (Figure 2).INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 601741-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-64955600 SeriesMechanical Heat DetectorSingle Circuit: 5601, 5602, 5603, 5604Dual Circuit: 5621, 5622, 5623, 5624Table 1. 5600 Series Mechanical Heat Detectors Figure 1. Bracket Mounting LocationsA= 31⁄2″ Octagonal boxB= 4″ Octagonal box C= Single gang box and 4″ square with plaster ringD= Directly to Wall/CeilingS T R IP G A U G EBCDDAABCModel No.CircuitTemperatureRatingThermal SensorUL Maximum Spacing(10-foot ceiling)5601Single 135ºF (57ºC)Fixed T emperature/Rate of Rise 50-feet x 50-feet 5602Single 194ºF (90ºC)Fixed T emperature/Rate of Rise 50-feet x 50-feet 5603Single 135ºF (57ºC)Fixed T emperature 25-feet x 25-feet 5604Single 194ºF (90ºC)Fixed T emperature 25-feet x 25-feet 5621Dual 135ºF (57ºC)Fixed T emperature/Rate of Rise 50-feet x 50-feet 5622Dual 194ºF (90ºC)Fixed T emperature/Rate of Rise 50-feet x 50-feet5623Dual 135ºF (57ºC)Fixed T emperature 25-feet x 25-feet 5624Dual194ºF (90ºC)Fixed T emperature25-feet x 25-feetWiring Installation GuidelinesAll wiring must be installed in compliance with the National Electrical Code, applicable state and local codes, and any special requirements of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. Proper wire gauges should be used. The conductors used to connect heat detectors to the alarm control panel and accessory devices should be color-coded to reduce the likelihood of wiring errors. Improper connec-tions can prevent a system from responding properly in the event of a fire.The non-polarized screw terminals on the back of the detector will accept 14–22 A WG wire. For best system performance, all wiring should be installed in separate grounded conduit; do not mix fire alarm system wiring in the same conduit as any other electrical wiring. T wisted pair may be used to provide additional protection against extraneous electrical interference.Wire connections are made by stripping approximately 1⁄4″ of the insulation from the end of the feed wire, inserting it into the proper base terminal, and tightening the screw to secure the wire in place.InstallationRemove power from the alarm control unit or initiating device circuits before installing detectors.1. Detach the detector from the mounting bracket byrotating the detector 1⁄4 turn counter-clockwise.2. Orient the mounting bracket properly for either aflush- or surface-mount installation (Figure 2).3. Select the pair of mounting holes suitable for the junc- tion box, (figure 1) and secure the bracket to the box.4. Connect the wires to the detector per Figure 3 orFigure 4, as applicable.5. Place the detector onto the mounting bracket by rotat- ing clockwise. The detector will lock into place with a “click”.6. After all detectors have been installed, apply power to the alarm control unit.7. T est each detector as described in Testing.8. Reset all the detectors at the alarm control unit.9. Notify the proper authorities that the system is in oper- ation.Figure 3. Wiring Diagram – Single Circuit ModelsFigure 4. Wiring Diagram – Dual Circuit Models Testing/MaintenanceThe rate-of-rise mechanism may be subject to reduced sen-sitivity over time. Annual testing of the rate-of-rise opera-tion is therefore recommened.Before testing, notify the proper authorities that mainte-nance is being performed and the system will be temporar-ily out of service. Disable the zone or system undergoing maintenance to prevent any unwanted alarms.Only the ROR element of 5600 series combination fixed temperature/ROR models (5601, 5602, 5621, and 5622) are self-restoring, and may be tested using a hair dryer or heat gun.Figure 2. Reversible Mounting BracketEOLControlSurface–mountFlush–mountControlEOLWhen testing the ROR element, to prevent the activation of the fixed temperature element, the heat source must not exceed the fixed temperature rating of the detector.5600 series fixed(5603, 5604, 5623, and 5624) are non-resettable, and cannot be tested.Specifications:Operating Voltage /Contact Ratings 6 – 125 V AC / 3A (Resistive) 6 – 28 VDC / 1A 125 VDC / 0.3A 250 VDC / 0.1A Maximum InstallationT emperature Models 5601, 5603, 5621, and 5623: 100°F (38°C) Models 5602, 5604, 5622, and 5624:150°F (65.6°C)Alarm T emperature Models 5601, 5603, 5621, and 5623: 135°F (57°C) Models 5602, 5604, 5622, and 5624: 194°F (90°C)Rate-of-Rise Threshold 15°F (8.3°C) per minute(models 5601, 5602, 5621, and 5622 only) Operating HumidityRange 5 to 95% RH non-condensing Input T erminals 14 - 22 A WG Back Box Mounting 31⁄2″ octagonal 4″ octagonal Single gang4″ square with a square to round plaster ring Dimensions withmounting bracket Diameter: 4.57 inches (11.6cm) Height: 1.69 inches (4.3cm)Weight 6 oz. (170 grams)Please refer to insert for the Limitations of Fire Alarm SystemsSystem Sensor warrants its enclosed module to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of three years from date of manufacture. System Sensor makes no other express warranty for this module. No agent, representative, dealer, or employee of the Company has the authority to increase or alter the obligations or limitations of this Warranty. The Company’s obli-gation of this Warranty shall be limited to the replacement of any part of the module which is found to be defective in materials or workmanship under normal use and service during the three year period commencing with the date of manufacture. After phoning System Sensor’s toll free number 800-SENSOR2 (736-7672) for a Return Authorization number, send defective units postage prepaid to: System Sensor, Repair Department, RA #__________, 3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174.FCC StatementThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. – Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Please include a note describing the malfunction and suspected cause of failure. The Company shall not be obligated to replace units which are found to be defective because of damage, unreasonable use, modifications, or alterations occurring after the date of manufacture. In no case shall the Company be liable for any consequen-tial or incidental damages for breach of this or any other Warranty, expressed or implied whatsoever, even if the loss or damage is caused by the Company’s negli-gence or fault. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Three-Year Limited Warranty。



EN ELECTRIC WATER HEATER USER MANUAL 1. PARTS IDENTIFICATION1. Front Cover2. LED Indicatorsi) Earth LED Indicatorii) Power/ELCB LED Indicator 3. Test / Reset Button 4. Face Panel 5. Pump Button*6. Temperature Control Knob7. 3 in 1 Stop Valve i) Stop Valve Leverii) Flow Regulator Valve Adjustmentiii) Built-in-Filter 8. Mesh Filter9. Rail Support 10. Handshower11. Adjustable Shower Holder 12. Slider Rail 13. PVC Hose 14. Soap Tray 15. Heater Base 16. Terminal Block17. Thermostat (Double-Action)18. Heater Tank19. PCB Board (Test & Reset)20. VR Board21. Main/ELCB Board**22. Water Outlet Connection 23. AC Pump* 24. TRIAC25. Reed Switch Assy ***26. Water Inlet Connection ***27. SMPS PCB Board 28. D.C. Silent Pump*29. Rating Label 30. Pump Board31 Shower Bracket Holder2. SAFETY INFORMATION2.1 Products manufactured by Electrolux are safe provided they are installed, used and maintained in good working order in accordance with our instructions and recommendations. Always refer to this manual if you have any doubt.2.2 The Electric Water Heater must be earthed. Improper grounding could cause electrical shock.2.3 If any of the following conditions occur asshown below, immediately switch off the power supply and contact the Electrolux Consumer 2.6When the Electric Water Heater is used by someone such as child, elderly person, sick person and physically handicapped person, the personconcerned is kindly requested to pay attention and check the showertemperature by hand from time to time.2.7During lightning/thunder, switch off the powersupply to the Electric Water Heater in advance to protect the Electric Water Heater against possible damage.2.8 The earth continuity conductor of the electrical installation must be effectively connected to all exposed metal parts of other appliances and services in the room, which in the Electric Water Heater is to be installed to conform to localregulations and ensure proper earthing/grounding for ELCB to be effective.NOTE : When removing the Electric Water Heater from package, a small amount of water may be found inside. This is normal as the Electric Water Heater is tested during manufacturing process.WARNING !.....If the Electric Water Heater begins to make an odd noise, smell or smoke.If ELCB trips and Electric Water Heater Indicator does not light up.Water temperature cannot be controlled.If the Electric Water Heater shows signs of adistinct change in performance.If water leaks from inside.2.10Installation must be carried out by a quali fied personnel and in compliance local 2.11 T his Electric Water Heater must bepermanently connected to the direct main line supply. A plug and socket is not recommended to be used.2.12For the correct size of wire conductor corresponding to different electrical loadings, 2.13T his Electric Water Heater operates at a minimum water flow rate of 2.0 litre/minand maximum working 2.14T he Electric Water Heater will not function if there is insuf ficient water flow (min 2.0 litre/min2.15T he built-in ELCB will automatically cut off the power supply in case there is a current 2.16 T he thermostat will automatically cut off thepower supply if it has sensed an abnormal rise in water temperature.CAUTION !authority regulations.please refer to Table 1.pressure of 6 bars. For direct connection from the water tank, the Electric Water Heater must have an installation minimum 1.0m below the water tank.leakage over 15mA.Care Center. Never attempt to repair the Electric Water Heater yourself:2.5 For Pump Model, it is highly recommended to connect the Water Inlet Connection to tank storage supply, otherwise it may cause damage to the Pump Motor.User is advised to test and adjust the water temperature before using.2.9 WARNING : Metallic / chromed hose and conductive control valve shall not be used.3.ELECTRIC WATER HEATER UNIT INSTALLATION3.1 Select a suitable position in the bathroom.3.2 Remove the screw (A) at the bottom of the Electric Water Heater . (Fig. 2)3.3 Remove the Front Cover from the bottom and then lift up the front cover.3.4 Mark 3 Screw points of the Heater Base on the wall. The Electric Water Heater position should be 1.5m above the bathroom floor. (Fig. 2)3.6 Use 6mm diameter drill and make the wall plug holes in depth of 34mm ,for mount the Electric Water Heater.3.7 Insert the wall plugs and mount the Electric Water Heater firmly in position with the screws provided.3.8 Insert the Shower Holder and Soap Tray into the Slider Rail. 3.9 Insert the Rail Bracket to both end of the Slider Rail Bar.3.10 Remove the cap from the Rail Bracket and screw the Bracket to marked position. Replace the cap. (Fig. 3)IMPORTANTWARNING!5. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONWARNING!PROCEDURE :5.7 Connect the cable as following: (Fig. 5)BROWN or RED --LIVE (L)BLUE or BLACK --NEUTRAL (N)GREEN or GREEN/YELLOW --EARTH ( )Technician need to confirm the wire before installation.CHECK IF THE WIRING CONNECTION IS CORRECT and replace the cover.5.9 When putting back the Front Cover,please take note of the procedure shown below :-Ensure the position is correct, turn the Temperature Control Knob Insert to OFFposition as shown in Fig.A (At the Heater Base)-Install the Front Cover,turn the Temperature Control Knob to OFF position to align with the VR shaft as shown in Fig.B (At the Front Cover)5.10 Fix the Temperature Control Knob and screw ‘A’ (Fig. 2).5.1 This Electric Water Heater must beearthed. Improper grounding could cause electrical shock.5.2 Remember to SWITCH OFF the power supply before carrying out any electrical work.5.3 Refer to TABLE 1 for the correct cable size.5.4 Use double insulation cable of over 2.5mm²for 2.4kW, 3.5kW 3.8kW, 4.5kW 4.8kW models and 4mm² for 3.6kW and6.0kW model. 5.5 Lead the power cable from MCB to a“ON/OFF’’ double pole Linked Switch having a contact separation of at least 3mm in all poles outside the bathroom, then lead a cable to the terminal block inside the Electric Water Heater. (Fig. 4)5.6 Insert the wall embedded cable through Side Entry ‘A’ by cutting a hole at the source cord rubber holder and lead the cable to Cable Bracket ‘B’. (Fig. 6)Always KEEP the water supply to the Electric Water Heater free from mud and dirt at all time during usage. Inlet with washer. Use correct tools to tighten and be careful not to over tighten and damage the plastic nut.4.2 Connect the incoming water piping to the 3 in 1 Stop Valve (1/2” BSP).Make sure to put the Mesh Filter between 3 in 1 Stop Valve and incoming water piping.4.3 If in any case, the 3 in 1 Stop Valve is not use or omitted, make sure to put the Mesh Filter between the Electric Water Heater inlet pipe and incoming water pipe.4.4 Turn on the water mains to drain out all plumbing dirts before connecting the water supply to the Electric Water Heater, the water supply to the Electric Water Heater must be free from mud and dirt.4.6 Hook the Handshower to the Slider Rail Shower Holder and adjust to your ideal position.4.7 Check if any water leakage.4.8 Do not use sealing tape during piping installation.THE HEATER TANK MUST BE FILLED UP WITH WATER BEFORE TURNING ON THE POWERSUPPLY TO PREVENT ANY DRY BURNT DAMAGE TO THE HEATING ELEMENT.4.5 Connect the Hose and Handshower to the outlet of Electric Water Heater, be sure to put in the Washer in between the connection. (Fig. 2)4.10 DO NOT APPLY PLUMBING CEMENT ON CONNECTION. WHENEVER NECESSARY, USE ONLY THREAD OR SEALING TAPE.4.9 THE WATER INLET AND OUTLET MUST BE INSTALLED CORRECTLY , OTHERWISE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER WILL NOT FUNCTION.5. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION (CONT’D)6. TABLE 1 - CABLE SIZE TABLE12345(2.2 ℓ/Min for 4.8kW & 2.5 ℓ/min for 6.0kW model only)/ 2.2 ℓ/Min for 4.8kW & 2.5 ℓ/min for 6.0kW model only) to trigger the flow switch.REV 13.5. Slider Bar Accessories : Mark 2 screw points of the Slider Rail beside the Electric Water Heater. It is recommended that the top of the portion is in level with the top of Electric Water Heater. (Fig. 3 & 3a)Bracket Accessories : Open the Shower Holder cover, mark 2 screw point of the Shower Holder beside the Electric Water Heater. It is recommended that the top of the portion is in level the top Electric Water Heater. After screw the Shower Holder, put back the shower holder cover. (Fig. 3b)EWE361KA-DWG6EWE381KX-DWG6EWE481KX-DWG6EWE601KX1DWG6EWE351KX-DWX6EWE361KA-DWP6EWE451KX-DWB2EWE241KX-DWB6EWE351KX-DWB6EWE451KX-DWB6EWE361KA-DWB6EWE361KX-DWB5EWE361KX-DWX52.4 If the Red (POWER) Indicator does not go offwhen you turn off the water, switch OFF themains supply and contact Electrolux Consumer Care Centre for repair service.Special skill is required for repairing.NEVER try to repair the unit by yourself.Fig 1.Slide Bar Accessories (Vietnam only)Slide Bar Accessories (Single Spray – Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia pump model)Bracket Accessories (Single Spray – Malaysia standard model)7.TEST RUN7.1 Turn on the water supply and 3 in 1 Stop Valve, the water will flow through the Handshower.7.2 Switch on the power supply. The 3LED Indicator light shall run ON/OFF 3times in sequences to indicate the set areself checking.If the Electric Water Heater is not earthed properly, the Earth Led indicator light will OFF, during usage or standby. Earth Led indicator light also OFF if Live & Neutral reverse connection.7.4 The Electric Water Heater might not be hot enough even at the ‘MAX’ position if incoming water supply from the mains is too cold or the pressure of water is too high. In this case, you may adjust the 3 in 1 Stop Valve to reduce the water inflow in order to get the desired showering temperature.7.5 Check the Built-in ELCB as following:- Press the “TEST” Button, the Built-in ELCB should trip and cut off the power supply,ELCB and Power Indicators should light off.-Press the “RESET” Button, the 3 LED Indicator light shall run ON/OFF 3 times in sequences to indicate self checking as in 7.2 above and the Electric Water Heater should resume normal function, the Green LED Indicator should light on. If procedures stated above prevailed, the ELCB is functioning in normal condition.7.6 The height and direction of Shower Holder are adjustable by releasing the shower holder knob clockwise and anticlockwise.7.7 Move the Handshower to the desired angle. A ratchet mechanism in the Shower Holder will hold the Handshower in selected position.7.8 It is unnecessary to turn the Temperature Control Knob to “OFF” position when the Instant Hot Shower is not in use.7.9 Switch OFF the power supply after shower.(Recommended flow rate of below 6litre/min)8.HANDSHOWER SPRAYThis Innovative adjustable Handshower has 5 different spray patterns (STANDARD, JUMBO, SOOTHE, MIX9.MAINTENANCEClean the Handshower Head holes by using the soft brush from time to time.(Recommended once a week)Note: Take care not to damage the holes of the Handshower Head during cleaning.9.1 TEST THE ‘ELCB’ REGULARLY(This procedure is highly recommended test atleast once a month)9.2 CLEAN THE FILTER REGULARLYClean the Mesh Filter regularly to preventblockage (Fig. 8) . Remove the Built-in Filter byturning its cap anticlockwise. Whenever needRead the section ‘ SAFETY INFORMATION ’ first.WARNING!9.3 If the Red (POWER) Indicator does notgo off when you press the ELCB Test Button,switch OFF the mains supply and contactElectrolux Consumer Care Centre for repairservice. Special skill is required for repairing.NEVER try to repair the unit by yourself.9.4 CLEANING PRECAUTION !Do not use thinner,alcohol,petrol or any otherorganic solutions to clean the set. Use onlydamped cloth with mild detergent.flush the internal stainer with water to removeany trapped sediments. Whenever fixing backthe Built-In Filter, beware of the alignment ofInternal Strainer. Use the protruded guidelinewithin Stop Valve to position the InternalStrainer.10.WIRING DIAGRAM11.correct at the time of printing and may be subjected to change without prior notice.* Thermostat Manual Reset (90° C Thermostat)For Models rated 4.8kW and below, thermostat is manually resetable.For models rated 6.0kW and above, thermostat needed to be replaced once permanently tripped.10.WIRING DIAGRAM (CON’D)CONSUMER CAREIndonesiaHotlineservice************PT. Electrolux IndonesiaElectrolux BuildingJl.Abdul Muis No.34, Petojo Selatan,Gambir Jakarta Pusat 10160Email:**************************.idSMS & WA : 0812.8088.8863MalaysiaConsumer Care Center Tel: 1300-88-11-22Electrolux Home Appliances Sdn. Bhd.Corporate Office Address: Unit T2-7, 7th Floor, Tower 2 ,Jaya33 Hyperoffice, No. 3, Jalan Semangat, Seksyen 13,46100 Petaling Jaya, SelangorOffice Tel : (+60 3) 7843 5999Office Fax : (+60 3) 7955 5511Consumer Care Center Address: Lot C6, No. 28,Jalan 15/22, Taman Perindustrain Tiong Nam,40200 Shah Alam, SelangorConsumer Care Center Fax : (+60 3) 5524 2521Email:************************************PhilippinesConsumer Care Center Toll Free : 1-800-10-845-CARE 2273Consumer Care Hotline : (+63 2) 845 CARE 2273Electrolux Philippines, Inc.10th Floor. W5th Avenue Building5th Avenue Corner 32nd StreetBonifacio Global City,Taguig Philippines 1634Trunkline: +63 2 737- 4756Website : .phEmail:*********************SingaporeConsumer Care Center Tel: (+65) 6727 3699Electrolux S.E.A. Pte Ltd.1 Fusionopolis Place,#07-10 Galaxis, West LobbySingapore 138522.Office Fax : (+65) 6727 3611Email:********************************ThailandConsumer Care Tel : (+66 2) 725 9000Electrolux Thailand Co., Ltd.Electrolux Building 14th Floor1910 New Phetchaburi Road,Bangkapi, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310Office Tel : (+66 2) 7259100Office Fax : (+66 2) 7259299Email:*******************************VietnamConsumer Care Center Toll Free : 1800-58-88-99Tel : (+84 8) 3910 5465Electrolux Vietnam Ltd.Floor 9th, A&B Tower76 Le Lai street - Ben Thanh Ward - District 1Ho Chi Minh City ,VietnamOffice Tel : (+84 8) 3910 5465Office Fax : (+84 8) 3910 5470Email:*********************HongkongTel: (+852) 8203 0298Dah Chong Hong, Ltd. - Service Centre8/F., Yee Lim Godown Block C2-28 Kwai Lok Street, Kwai Chung, N.T.6789107.10 For Pump model:The pump will auto ON when power ON and3 in 1 stop valve open (and there is water supply)flow rate.7.11 Booster Pump Function:After incoming power supply is ON, and watersupply flow through 3 in 1 stop valve while openposition but the water flow rate is not sufficient toactivate the flow sensor, Booster Pump Functioncan be useful to help to increase the incoming waterPress the pump button to activate the boosterpump function. The booster pump function will be ON toincrease the incoming water flow rate. While the BoosterPump Function is working and the incoming water flowrate can be maintained above flow sensor activation level,the Electric Water Heater will be resumed workingcontinuously as normally. If the incoming flow rate cannot be maintained above flow sensor activation level,the Booster Pump Function will be auto OFF and theElectric Water Heater will not be able to function normallydue to incoming flow rate is too low. (Advisable to avoidapplying Booster Pump Function to increase the incomingwater flow rate more than 3 times of each showering).7.3 Turn the T emperature Control Knob to‘ON’, the Red indicator light (HEATER POWER)will turn on, (ELCB/Power Led indication arecombine Led indicator light- ELCB is GREEN& Power is RED)hot water will flow out withina few seconds.The more T emperature ControlKnob being turned in clockwise direction, thehotter is the water.Turn on the p ower supply and water supply, bothRed (HE ATER) and Green (ELCB) Indicators willlight up if the T emperature Control Knob is in ‘ON’position. Press the ELCB T est Button, bothHEATER and ELCB Indicators should go off.Press the Reset Button to resume the powersupply.WE’RE THINKING OF YOUThank you for purchasing an Electrolux appliance. You’ve chosen a product that brings withit decades of professional experience and innovation. In genious and stylish, it has beendesigned with you in mind. So whenever you use it, you can be safe in knowledge thatyou’ll get great results every time. Welcome to Electrolux.Visit our website to:Get usage advice, brochures, trouble shooter, service information:Register your product for better service:Buy Accessories, Consumables and Original spare parts for your appliance:/shopCONSUMER CARE AND SERVICEWe recommend the use of original spare parts.When contacting Service, ensure that you have the following data available.The information can be found on the rating plate. Model, PNC, Serial Number.(Right side of unit).Warning/ Caution-Safety information.General information and tips.Environmental information.Subject to change without notice.。



电机的过热保护UL 2111内容前言说明1范围2测量单位3术语4使用要求第一部分所有电机5一般要求第二部分阻抗保护型电机结构6一般要求性能7堵转温度测试8绝缘介质耐电压测试9堵转耐久性测试第三部分热装置保护型电机结构10一般要求11电气间隙性能12一般要求13运转发热温度测试14堵转温度测试15绝缘介质耐电压测试16堵转耐久性测试第四部分热保护器结构17一般要求性能18限制性短路测试19保护器绝缘测试第五部分电机制造和生产线测试20绝缘介质耐电压测试第六部分标志21阻抗保护型电机(第一部分)22热装置保护型电机(第二部分)23热保护器(第三部分)附录A零部件标准前言A 本标准提供了UL 所覆盖产品的基本要求。

UL 的跟踪服务在以下所给出的有限责任范围和本标准的范围部分之内。



B 本标准要求的惯例是制造商产品持续监督的一种情况。

C 符合本标准文章要求的产品未必就判定符合本标准。


D 产品引进的材料或者其它结构形式跟本标准所指定的不一样时,可以根据本标准要求的意图进行测试和检验,如果它被证明可以充分等效的,那么可以判定符合本标准的要求。

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高低温交变湿热试验箱使用说明书目录一、性能规格二、系统结构三、工作原理四、机器要求设备五、机器安装场所及安装方法六、机器电源方案及安装方法七、使用前注意事项八、运转程序九、保养注意事项十、运转注意事项十一、随机配件十二、故障实例十三、质量保证十四、本机基本参数一.性能规格:1.机器型号:GDJS-10002.温度范围:-40℃-- 150℃3.湿度范围:30 —98 %RH*注意:请参考湿度使用范围!4.温湿度控制精度:±0.5℃;±2.5%RH.*注意:以上#2~4项之性能保证,需于温度感测稳定30分钟后测量!5.温湿度分布均匀:±2.0℃;±3.0%R.H.*注意:以上#5项之性能保证,需距测试区每一壁面1/6位置测量,且需于温湿度稳定30分钟后测量!6.加温时间:从室温至100℃时,在30分钟以内(空载时)。

7.降温时间:从室温至-40℃时,在70分钟以内(空载时)8.内箱尺寸:100×100×100cm(W×H×D)9.外箱尺寸:152×210×150cm(W×H×D)10.设备安置空间:至少150×200×150cm(W×H×D)11.电源:AC 3 Ø 380V 50Hz MAX 25 A12.温湿范围图:二. 系统结构1、冷冻系统:多段自动负载容量调整技术。

a. 压缩机:法国原装进口“泰康”全密闭式高效率压缩机b. 冷媒:环保冷媒R404Ac. 冷凝器:风冷式冷凝器d. 蒸发器:鳍片式自动负载容量调整e. 附件:干燥剂,冷媒流量窗口,修理伐,高压保护开关f. 膨胀系统:毛细管容量控制之冷冻系统g. 制冷辅助件:电磁阀(日本“鹭宫”);过滤器(DANFOSS);压力控制器(DANFOSS);截止阀(意大利CASTEL);油份离器(欧美ALCO)等制冷配件均采用进口件。














































JJJJ K16 系列 PTC 温度系数自动断路器说明书

JJJJ K16 系列 PTC 温度系数自动断路器说明书

Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) Features■Radial leaded devices.■ Over-current protection■Faster tripping, typical application in micro-motors for automobiles.■Flame retardant epoxy polymer insulating material meets UL94 V-0 requirement.■Available in lead-free version.■Meets MSL level 1, per J-STD-020Dimensions (Unit: mm)PartNumberA B C D EFMax. Max. ±0.6 Max. Typ. Min.JK16-300 9.0 12.0 5.1 3.1 0.8 7.6 JK16-400 10.0 13.0 5.1 3.1 0.8 7.6JK16-500 10.7 15.0 5.1 3.1 0.8 7.6 JK16-600 13.5 15.0 5.1 3.1 0.8 7.6JK16-700 13.5 18.0 5.1 3.1 0.8 7.6 JK16-800 14.5 20.0 5.1 3.1 0.8 7.6JK16-900 15.0 23.0 5.1 3.1 0.8 7.6 JK16-1000 18.0 24.5 10.5 3.1 0.8 7.6JK16-1100 18.0 24.5 10.5 3.1 0.8 7.6 JK16-1200 22.5 25.0 10.5 3.1 0.8 7.6JK16-1400 24.0 28.0 10.5 3.1 0.8 7.6K16 SERIESElectrical CharacteristicsPart NumberI H I T V MAX I MAX R MAX RMINPd typ.(A) (A) (V DC) (A) (Ω) (Ω) (W)JK16-300 3.0 6.0 16 100 0.072 0.020 2.3 JK16-400 4.0 8.0 16 100 0.043 0.018 2.4JK16-500 5.0 10.0 16 100 0.030 0.014 2.6 JK16-600 6.0 12.0 16 100 0.025 0.009 2.8JK16-700 7.0 14.0 16 100 0.019 0.008 3.0 JK16-800 8.0 16.0 16 100 0.0145 0.006 3.0JK16-900 9.0 18.0 16 100 0.012 0.004 3.3 JK16-1000 10.0 20.0 16 100 0.011 0.004 3.7JK16-1100 11.0 22.0 16 100 0.010 0.003 3.7 JK16-1200 12.0 24.0 16 100 0.009 0.003 4.2JK16-1400 14.0 28.0 16 100 0.008 0.003 4.2 ·I H = Hold current: maximum current device will pass without tripping in 25℃ still air.·I T = Trip current: minimum current at which the device will trip in 25℃ still air.·V MAX = Maximum voltage device can withstand without damage at rated current.·I MAX = Maximum fault current device can withstand without damage at rated voltage.·R MAX = Maximum resistance of device in initial (un-soldered) state.·R MIN = Minimum resistance of device in initial (un-soldered) state.·Pd typ. = Typical power dissipation from device when in the tripped state at 25℃ still air.Thermal Derating Chart – I H (A)Part Number Maximum Ambient Operating Temperatures ()℃-20 0 25 30 40 50 60 70 85JK16-300 3.96 3.60 3.00 2.88 2.64 2.40 2.13 1.83 1.56 JK16-400 5.28 4.80 4.00 3.84 3.52 3.20 2.84 2.44 2.08JK16-500 6.60 6.00 5.00 4.80 4.40 4.00 3.55 3.05 2.60 JK16-600 7.92 7.20 6.00 5.76 5.28 4.80 4.26 3.66 3.12JK16-700 9.24 8.40 7.00 6.72 6.16 5.60 4.97 4.27 3.64 JK16-800 10.56 9.60 8.00 7.68 7.04 6.40 5.68 4.88 4.16JK16-900 11.88 10.80 9.00 8.64 7.92 7.20 6.39 5.49 4.68 JK16-1000 13.20 12.00 10.00 9.60 8.80 8.00 7.10 6.10 5.20JK16-1100 14.52 13.20 11.00 10.56 9.68 8.80 7.81 6.71 5.72 JK16-1200 15.84 14.40 12.00 11.52 10.56 9.60 8.52 7.32 6.24K16 SERIESTest Procedures and RequirementItems Test ConditionsAccept/Reject CriteriaResistance In still air @25℃R min≤R ≤ RmaxTime to Trip Specified current, V max , 25℃T ≤ max. Time to trip (T trip )Hold Current 30 min, at IHNotripTrip Cycle LifeV max, I max , 100 cyclesNo arcing or burningTrip EnduranceVmax , 24hoursNo arcing or burningTypical Time-to-Trip Charts @25℃Ti meto Trip(s)Storage Recommendations■ Storage Temperature: -10~+40℃℃ ■ Relative Humidity: ≤80%RH■ Keep away from corrosive atmosphere and sunlight. ■ Period of Storage: 1 year.K16 SERIESWave Soldering Recommendation Parameters50050150Time (s)100150200250100200300250Items ConditionsPre-Heating Zone Refer to the condition recommended by the flux manufacturer. Maximum ramping rate should not exceed 4/sec.℃ Soldering Zone Maximum solder temperature should not exceed 260℃ Cooling ZoneForced coolingManual Soldering Recommendation ParametersItemsConditionsSoldering condition The highest power of the manual soldering iron should be 30W or less, soldering temperature should not be higher than 280℃.Soldering time The soldering time should be kept within 3 seconds, otherwise it might causeinsulation layer cracking, and increased part resistance.Soldering positionThe distance on the leads between the soldering point and bottom of the PPTC body should be equal or greater than 4mm.OtherThe soldering iron should not contact the PPTC body except the leads. If the soldering conditions are kept to lower temperature, less time and larger distance, the outcome of the soldering will be better.Notes: 1. Before using the device must be stored in the original bags, if the storage conditions do not guarantee,the device may not be able to meet the given value.2. The devices can’t used for reflow soldering.K16 SERIESMechanical CharacteristicsItems Specifications Test Conditions/Methods Tensile strength No visible damage 1.0Kgf, 10 seconds Bending strengthNo visible damage 0.5Kgf, 90°, 3 timesVibrationNo visible damageFreq: 10-55Hz, Amp: 0.75mm, 1minReliability TestItems SpecificationsTest Conditions/MethodsSolder ability No visible damage ,Solder OK, Solder area ≥95% 245±5℃, 2±1s, dipping depth=0.5inch max from the body Resistance to soldering heat No visible damage,Electrical OK, │△R/R0│≦50% 260±5℃, 10+2/-0sDamp heat, steady state No visible damage, Electrical OK,│△R/R0│≦20% 40±2℃, 90~95 % RH, total 48Hrs, after 4Hrs test electrical parameterTemperature cyclingNo visible damage, Electrical OK,│△R/R0│≦20%Ta =-10+0/-1℃ 30min, Ta =70+1/-0℃ 30min, 5cycles, after 1hr test electrical parameterK16 SERIES。

热断路器温控器 R 系列说明书

热断路器温控器 R 系列说明书

Thermal cut-out thermostat Automatic or manual resetJ J High current and high temperatures J J Low tolerances up to ±3K J J various attachments J J Low hysteresis up to 10K JJ Up to 100,000 circuitsBenefitsJ J Cooking devices J J Electric grillJ J Heaters and heating Elements J J AntifreezeJJ Diesel preheating (automobile)ApplicationsR25263536DescriptionTechnical dataSwitches of the R series are extremely robust switches with universal characteristics: they can be used as temperature monitors and controllers, current-capable up to 16 A, specifically adjustable hysteresis and low tolerances up to ± 3K.The plastic housing, the floor and the fastening are tension-free. The heat is applied directly to the thermo-bimetallic snap-disc via the contact surface (bottom), and thus allows a very rapid reaction. The connections vary in dimensions and mounting angles (0 - 90°).Types R25 and R26 are automatically resetting, whereas types R35 and R36 are manual-resetting switches.Delivery quantities from 2,000 pcs.ratingstypeR25AR26AR35AR36Aresetautomaticmanualcontact versionnormally closedVDErated current at 250V AC10 A 16 A 16 A 16 A switching cycles100,00030,00010,00010,000max. temperature range T A (steps in 5 K)0°C ... 150°C0°C ... 210°C45°C ... 150°C45°C ... 180°CULrated current at 250V AC16 A 10 A 10 A 10 A switching cycles6,000100,0006,0006,000max. temperature range T A (steps in 5 K)0°C ... 160°C0°C ... 230°C45°C ... 150°C45°C ... 180°Ctolerance± 3 K (< 130°C) ± 5 K (< 210°C)± 3 K (45°C ... 95°C) ± 4 K (96°C ... 150°C)feature of automatic action 1.C2.B1.Bcontact resistance< 30 m Ωhysteresis 0°C ... 130°C 10K 131°C ... 159°C 15K 160°C ... 190°C 15K 191°C ... 230°C 15K10K ±5 K 15K ±5 K 15K ±7 K 15K ±10 K---suitable for use in protection classI, IIapprovalsVDEEN60730-1 / -2-9UL60730-1, UL60730-2-9, UL873, CAN/CSA-E60730-1, CAN/CSA-E730-2-2 / -2-9UL CQCGB14536.1 / GB14536.10---------Versionscodeillustrationdrawing dimension ( mm )technical descriptionR25A 121 B14 H131243,44,41214,2O 33,315,8O 6,3terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm,aluminium cap, standard bracket (loose)R25A 121 B14 H21123,830,86,314,2O 33,3123,6O terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm,aluminium cap, standard bracket (loose)R26A 121 B14 H131243,44,41214,2O 33,315,8O 6,3ceramic switch, terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm,aluminium cap, standard bracket (loose)R25A 121 A21116O 5,22353,430°+1214,2O 33,36,3terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm,fixed, raised bracket in aluminium,fixed at ±30° resp. ±45°R25A 321 D4317SW 4M 5,533,313,64,8terminals 4.8 x 0.8 mm,screwed connections M4 x 5.5 mm,brassR25A 111 B14 H13112c a . 2114,2O 243,44,415,8O 6,315,9bent terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm,aluminium cap, standard bracket (loose)R35A 121 B3415,9O 126,333,314,2O 18,8manual reset,terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm, steel cup for low temperaturesR35A 321 A21114,2O 16O 5,21233,318,84,83,252330°+manual reset,terminals 4.8 x 0.8 mm,fixed, raised bracket in aluminium,fixed at ±30° resp. ±45°R35A 111 B14 H13115,914,2O 121,220,9243,4,4,46,30,88815,8O manual reset,bent terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm,aluminium cap, standard bracket (loose)R36A 121 B14 H13114,2O 12,233,315,8O 6,3243,44,418,8manual reset, ceramic housing, terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm,aluminium cap, standard bracket (loose)Please contact us for the combination of various executions with regard to terminals and fixations.R25A tye R25 normally closed (UL, CQC, VDE)12005response temperature (120°C), tolerance (± 5K)036date of manufacture (May 2016)or:R25A type R25 normally closed (VDE, UL, CQC)--123drawing number (range 001 to 999)036date of manufacture (June 2016)R25A12003121 B14 H131Microtherm typetype of contact temperature tolerance terminal / cap / fixing Ordering exampleMarkingT äschenwaldstr. 3 75181 Pforzheim DeutschlandTel.: +49 7231 787-0 Fax: +49 7231 787-155******************www.microtherm.deMicrotherm GmbH05/2017-Technical subject to change without notice。















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No.D-※S-OMS0002-BHeat Resistant Solid State Auto SwitchD-M9#J# SeriesSafety Instructions 2 Model Indication and How to Order 8 Summary of Product parts 8 Definition and terminology 9 Mounting and Installation 10 Installation 10 Maintenance 12 Troubleshooting 13 Specification 17 Specifications 17 Dimensions 18Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of "Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety.etc.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, couldresult in minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided,could result in death or serious injury.Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, willresult in death or serious injury.Warning1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs theequipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of theperson who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure whenconfiguring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety isconfirmed.1. The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures toprevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2. When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above areimplemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if theproduct is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a placeexposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping,vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring specialsafety analysis.4. Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by usinga mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.Safety InstructionsCaution1.The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchangespecifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following "Limited warranty and Disclaimer" and "Compliance Requirements".Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1. The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product isdelivered,whichever is first.*2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts.Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly ourresponsibility, a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any otherdamage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms anddisclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.*2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of thevacuum pad or failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons ofmass destruction (WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are govemed by therelevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules goveming that export are known and followed.∙Follow the instructions given below when designing, selecting and handling the product. ■The instructions on design and selection (installation, wiring, environment, adjustment, operation, maintenance, etc.) described below must also be followed.♦Product specifications•DC power supply to be used together must be UL 1310 class 2 power supply unit or UL recognized power supply with UL 1585 class 2 transformer. •Use the specified voltage.Otherwise failure or malfunction can result.•Do not place two or more actuators close together.When using two or more actuators closely in parallel, keep a distance of at least 40 mm between the actuator tubes to prevent magnetic interference from affecting the product, which can cause malfunction. (If the distance is specified for the actuator, use that value.)•Detection by an Auto switch mounted in a mid-stroke position depends on the piston speed. Conditions must satisfy the equation below.Wherein;Maximum detectable piston speed = V [mm/s]1000×[ms]load of time Operating [mm]switch Auto of range Operating [mm/s]V =•Design the product to prevent reverse current when the circuit is opened or the product is forced to operate for operational check.Reverse current can cause malfunction or damage to the product.•Reserve a space for maintenance.Allow sufficient space for maintenance when designing the system.■Product handling♦Installation•Tighten to the specified tightening torque.If the tightening torque is exceeded the mounting screws and brackets may be broken. If the tightening torque is insufficient, the product can be displaced. (Refer to "Mounting and Installation".)•Be sure to ground terminal FG when using a commercially available switch-mode power supply. •Never mount an actuator equipped with Auto switch in a location that will be used as a foothold.The product may be damaged if excessive force is applied by stepping or climbing onto it.•Do not drop, hit or apply excessive shock to the Auto switch.Otherwise damage to the internal parts can result, causing malfunction.♦Wiring•Do not pull hard on the lead wire. In particular, never lift an Auto switch actuator by holding the lead wires.Otherwise damage to the internal parts can result, causing malfunction.•Avoid repeatedly bending or stretching the lead wire, or placing heavy load on them.Repetitive bending stress or tensile stress can cause the sheath of the wire to peel off, or breakage of the wire.If the lead wire can move, fix it near the body of the product.•Wire correctly.Incorrect wiring can break the product.•Do not perform wiring while the power is on.Otherwise damage to the internal parts can result, causing malfunction.•Do not route wires and cables together with power or high voltage cables.Otherwise the product can malfunction due to interference of noise and surge voltage from power and high voltage cables to the signal line. Route the wires (piping) of the product separately from power or high voltage cables. •Confirm proper insulation of wiring.Poor insulation (interference from another circuit, poor insulation between terminals, etc.) can lead to excess voltage or current being applied to the product, causing damage.•Design the system to prevent reverse current when the product is forced to operate for operational check.Depending on the circuit used, insulation may not be maintained when operation is forced, allowing reverse current to flow, which can cause malfunction and damage the product.•Keep wiring as short as possible to prevent interference from electromagnetic noise and surge voltage.Do not use a cable longer than 100 m.•Do not cut the lead wire between the sensor and amplifier.It may malfunction after connecting it again.♦Environment•Pay attention to use the product in an atmosphere with accumulation of iron waste or close contact with magnetic substances.When a large amount of iron waste such as machining chips or spatter has accumulated, or a magnetic substance (something attracted by a magnet) is brought into close proximity with the actuator, it may cause the Auto switch to malfunction due to weakening.•Do not use the product in an environment that is constantly exposed to the splash of water.This can cause insulation failure or malfunction due to swelling of the potting resin.•Do not use in a place where the product could be splashed by oil or chemicals.If the product is to be used in an environment containing oils or chemicals such as coolant or cleaning solvent, even for a short time, it may be adversely affected. (insulation failure, malfunction due to swelling of the potting resin, or hardening of the potting resin, or hardening of the lead wires)•Do not use the product in an environment where corrosive gases or fluids could be splashed.Otherwise damage to the product and malfunction can result.•Do not use in an area where surges are generated.If there is equipment which generates a large amount of surge (solenoid type lifter, high frequency induction furnace, motor, etc.) close to the actuator, this may cause deterioration or breakage of the internal circuit of the Auto switch. Avoid sources of surge generation and crossed lines.•Do not use a load which generates surge voltage.When a surge-generating load such as a relay or solenoid is driven directly, use an Auto switch with a built-in surge absorbing element.•The product is CE marked, but not immune to lightning strikes. Take measures against lightning strikes in the system.•Mount the product in a place that is not exposed to vibration or impact.Otherwise failure or malfunction can result.•Do not use the product in an environment that is exposed to temperature cycle.Heat cycles other than ordinary changes in temperature can adversely affect the inside of the product.•Do not expose the product to direct sunlight.If using in a location directly exposed to sunlight, shade the product from the sunlight.Otherwise failure or malfunction can result.•Keep within the specified ambient temperature range.Otherwise malfunction can result.•Do not operate close to a heat source, or in a location exposed to radiant heat.Otherwise malfunction can result.♦Adjustment and Operation•Adjust the Auto switch in the middle of the operating range and then fix it.Adjust the position of the Auto switch so that the piston stops in the middle of the operating area (where Auto switch is in ON status).Mounting the Auto switch close to the edge of the operating range can cause operation to be unstable.•Turn the power on after connecting a load.If switched on with no load, excess current may flow, causing the product to break instantly.♦Maintenance•Turn off the power supply, stop the supplied air, exhaust the residual pressure and verify the release of air before performing maintenance.There is a risk of unexpected malfunction.•Perform regular maintenance and inspections.There is a risk of unexpected malfunction.•Do not touch the terminals while the power is on.Otherwise malfunction and damage to the product can result.•Do not use solvents such as benzene, thinner etc. to clean the Auto switch.They could damage the surface of the body and erase the markings on the body.Use a soft cloth to remove stains.For heavy stains, use a cloth soaked with diluted neutral detergent and fully squeezed, then wipe up the stains again with a dry cloth.♦Other•Contact SMC for information regarding water resistance, lead wire bend resistance.•Contact SMC if there is a problem with the product's ON/OFF positions (hysteresis).Hysteresis•The resin housing can be discolored due to the operating environment.Due to the characteristics of the material used, the resin housing can be discolored by sunlight, but there is no effect in strength and other characteristics.D -•Names of productsJ■Definition and terminologyTerm Meaning22-color indication Display method in which a red LED turns on when it is in the operating position, and a green LED turns on when it is in the optimum operating range.C Current leakage The current flowing to the load when the Auto switch turns off. HHysteresis The difference between the points when the Auto switch turns on and off, which is provided to prevent chattering.IInternal voltage drop The voltage applied between the COM and signal line when the Auto switch turns on.L Load current The current flowing to the load when the Auto switch turns on.MMost sensitive position The center position of the sensor unit (which gets the strongest reaction of the sensor unit), which means the center position of an operating range as well.NNon-polarity A 2-wire type of connection which do not need care for polarity.Like 2-wire connection, it is necessary to put a load to either of (+) or (-).SSequence controller(PLC) The device to perform sequence control, which performs controlling such as receipt of inputs from the Auto switch along with programming and sending of the output to other machines.Solid state Auto switch Auto switch which generates on and off outputs with or without mechanical contact such as a transistor.■InstallationWhen mounting the Auto switch to the actuator, the appropriate mounting bracket should be used. "How to mount" depends on the actuator type and bore size.Please refer to the actuator catalogue.For new Auto switch applications, confirm that the actuator includes a magnet before assembling the Auto switch and bracket.○Sensor unit•Tightening torqueUse a watchmaker driver whose grip diameter is 5 to 6 mm when tightening the mounting screw.M2.5 mount screw tightening torque shall be 0.05 to 0.15 Nm.•Setting the detecti on positionPosition the actuator at the end of the stroke.Set the Auto switch in the center of position where the Auto switch green light is ON.(Detecting actuator end)Based on A and B dimensions in the actuator catalogue, set the Auto switch position.During installation, perform adjustment while checking the operating conditions of the Auto switch.○Amplifier unitIt needs for DIN terminal when mount to the Auto switch amplifier unit.•How to mount DIN terminalAs described below, hand the hook on the bottom of the body on DIN rail, and then push and hold them along with arrow mark.For removal, pull them along with arrow mark by standard driver.Remove Mount•Internal circuitD-M9NJ# D-M9PJ#[Note] Please contact SMC if using AND connection.How to reset the product for power loss or forcible de-energizingRegarding set up, contents of the program may be maintained by customer's application systems. Be sure to confirm safety when returning operation of the actuator because it could have been stopped in an unstable condition.When the Auto switch in operation, identify the trouble with the following flow chart.A failure of the Auto switch might depend on the operating environment (application etc.) and needs to be given a test by contacting to us separately.■Dimensions4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL https://Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.。

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温度曲线: 以曲线的方式显示实时温度,直观地发现温度误差的大小。
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常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备 测试参数的建立和修改: 设置自动测试时保护器的参数值,如图五所示。参数保存后可以立即进行自 动测试。四个烘箱可以设置不同的参数,也就是说,4 个烘箱可以同时测试 不同的产品。
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常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备 e) PCB 板接线
1 PT100 传感器:从左到右,依次编号为 4,3,2,1。G 表示公共端, R 表示独立端。
2 加热模块: SSR+接模块的正极,SSR+接模块的负极。 3 485 接口: AB 分别接 RS232-RS485 转换器的 AB 端。 4 自动开关门: 同时提供一对常开常闭继电器接口。 5 电源: 为了系统可靠,提供完全隔离的 5V,12V 电源。
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备 从最小值开始
d) 控制箱温度表菜单设置
编号 SV 窗口 PV 窗口 PV 默认值
2 Nr
0001--0099 0001
-99.9 ~ 99.9 各表不一样
-99.9 ~ 99.9 各表不一样
5 AH
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
485 通信接口
128 路温度保护器接口
c) 控制箱面板说明 ① PV 显示器(红)
显示测量温度或根据仪表状态显示参数值 ② SV 显示器(绿)
显示设定温度或仪表状态提示符 ③ 指示灯
AT 自整定指示灯(绿),开始自整定时闪烁 OUT 加热指示灯(绿),工作时亮 AL 报警灯(红),温度超出测量范围,或者高于告警温度(AH)时亮,蜂鸣器响。 TEST 系统进入自动测试状态时,此灯闪烁。 ④按键
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
一、 概述 i. 组成部分………………………………………………….…3 ii. 技术特点………………………………………………….…3
二、 硬件系统…………………………………………………………4 三、 软件系统…………………………………………………………9 四、 操作流程………………………………………………………. 21 五、 质量保证………………………………………………………..24 六、 联系方式………………………………………………………..24
如果低规格动作温度的正负偏差都设置为 0,则在生产时跳过此规格,拔 板时也不判断此规格。
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常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
每次停止测试后: 烘箱门保持开还是关
安装成功后,在桌面上会出现如 可以运行软件了。
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常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
电话(微信): 013915838598 传真: 0519-83751601 QQ: 228154900
共有 3 个按键 设置键。按此键进入设置菜单,可以查看参数,也可以修改参数 移位键。按此键选择需要修改的数字,被选中的会不断闪烁 增量键。按此键对选中的数字加一,如果此数字已经到了最大值,就再
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电话(微信): 013915838598 传真: 0519-83751601 QQ: 228154900
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
三、 软件系统
1. 软件的安装
入”013915838598”,如图 2。
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
4 路温度显示区
PID 温 度 , 是实 际 记录的测试温度
温度保护器类型 自动测试/中止切换 生产信息提示区
选择闪动测试的 时间间隔
拔板按钮,自动 测试结束后有效
图三 一台计算机最多可以控制 4 台烘箱,在程序界面上分在 4 个部分。每个烘箱
6 Sv
10 T
11 ECD
12 AT
说明 进入设置必须输入密码”135” 控制箱的编号
温度表 0 度修正值 温度表 200 度修正值 仪表告警温度, 此温度表无效 目标温度 PID 控制的 P 值 PID 控制的 I 值 PID 控制的 D 值 PID 控制的 时间周期 PID 控制的 过冲抑制比 如果要进入 PID 整定,必须要输入此密码
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常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
PID 温度显示
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10ms,20ms,30ms,40ms,50ms 或不测; 保护器状态显示和控制箱上的一致,保护器闭合的时候亮(红色),打开的时 候暗(灰色); 自动测试按钮按下后,软件会显示本次测试的保护器参数,如图四.选择“确 定”后,如果烘箱控制器做出了正确响应,系统就进入自动测试状态,此时按 钮上的文字改为” 终止自动测试”,允许用户在特殊情况下强行终止测试。
电话(微信): 013915838598 传真: 0519-83751601 QQ: 228154900
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
二、 硬件系统 a) 组成框图
RS232-RS485 转换器
烘箱及温度保 护器接口板
烘箱及温度保 护器接口板
有 4 个控制页面

电话(微信): 013915838598 传真: 0519-83751601 QQ: 228154900
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
实时显示 4 路温度
,显示 PID 温度
温度是 4 路温度的平均值,也是测试过程中实际记录的温度);
温度保护器的类型可以选择常开或常闭;来自烘箱及温度保 护器接口板
烘箱及温度保 护器接口板
b) 控制板 采用高容量,高速度单周期的 CPU,其运行速度为 16M,是普通同频率 51 单 片机的 12 倍,轻松完成温度采集和开关量测试。 温度采集使用 4 路独立的 16bits Sigma-Delta A/D,每秒采集 2 次,抗干扰能力 强。采样电阻是台湾产的金属膜电阻,温飘低,线性好,整机修正误差小。 RS485 采用了防雷和防净电处理,通信更加稳定可靠,维修率大大下降。 温度采集和开关量测试使用独立电源,更加稳定可靠。
同时测量 96 个双路 KSD,各种异形规格 本公司首创
100%检出合格品温度范围内的不同步 品,速度是传统反复开关门测复闪的 2 倍以上。
专门用于测量内含 PTC 的热保护器, 也可用于常规型
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电话(微信): 013915838598 传真: 0519-83751601 QQ: 228154900
常州市润邦电子科技有限公司 专业生产热保护器测试设备
一、 概述 a) 组成部分 系统由计算机,RS232-485 中转器,控制箱和烘箱等几部分组成。 1. 计算机用于运行集控软件,采集、保存各个烘箱的温度和各个温度保 护器的开关状态。配置温度保护器的生产参数。 2. RS232-485 中转器用于联系计算机和控制箱,保证一台计算机可以控 制多台烘箱。 3. 控制箱直接测量烘箱的温度,采集温度保护器的开关状态。 b) 技术特点 1. 采用高速大容量的 CPU,将温度表和开关量采集模块集成于一块 PCB 上,系统非常精简。 2. 温度仪表采用进口元件国内组装的 A 级 PT100,具有良好的线性。温 度采集电路采用台湾产的精密金属膜电阻,温度系数为 50PPM(0.005%),线 性为 0.5%。 0 度和 200 度的未修正时的平均误差不大于 2℃,修正以后可以达到 0.2%FS 的仪表要求。 3. 四路温度采样全部采用独立的 Sigma-Delta 16 位 A/D,每秒钟采集二次。 4. 温度误差的修正不需要借助第三方的温度表,可以独立进行恒温修正, 也就是说,烘箱上不需要第三方的恒温仪表,可以节约费用。计算机软件系 统已经集成了修正程序。 5. RS485 进行防雷,防静电处理,系统运行更可靠。