



AEG 和MMJ差不多的价,MMG就比较贵,因为量少。






买85/1.4,最好买8字开头的,25头也一样!”对于MMJ和MMG AEG等评论并不抱任何态度,这只是个人感觉,特别是色彩等。









很多镜头的AE 版目前已经停产,但某些镜头(MP100/2.8、D15/3.5)也只有AE版而无MM版。




硬货丨探索双高斯镜头结构一经典结构Rudolph 博士1896 年提出的6 片/4 组双高斯结构(Zeiss Planar ),是120 年以来至今仍然活跃的光学结构,是被各厂家采用最多的一种光学结构。

二经典镜头双高斯结构最适合设计35-90mm 焦段的镜头,这是最适合拍摄日常生活的焦段,除非你想拍摄野生动物或者昆虫的特写这些够不着看不清的场景,双高斯镜头是最佳的选择;这个结构已经超过百年历史,被各路天才光学设计师研究到极致,成像质量指标多次被刷新,性能达到巅峰,存在着很多经典镜头。

Leica :Summicron50mm f/2 Rigid 1956-1968 Summicron 35mm f/2 八枚玉1958-1974 Summilux-M 75mm f/1.4 1980-2007 Canon :.. EF 50mm F1.2L 2006- 至今.................................... 三发展演变1 高斯结构和双高斯结构(4 片/4 组)①1817年,德国数学家高斯(Gau p )为了消除天文望远镜的像差,提出由一片凸镜和一片凹镜两片新月型镜片的组合结构,即高斯结构(2 片/2 组)。

②1888 年,Clark 提出用两对高斯结构沿光圈对称组合的镜头结构,这就是双高斯结构(4 片/4 组)。

2 对称双高斯结构(6 片/4 组)1896 年,Rudolph 发现,4 片薄形镜片双高斯结构,正负镜片之间的较大间隔会产生明显的像差,把薄的负镜加厚,减小正负镜片之间的距离,可以降低像差;继而,将加厚的负镜用1 片正镜和1 片负镜组成的粘合负镜代替,粘合的两片镜片使用不同色散系数玻璃(折射率约相同),由4 片4 组变成6 片4 组,可以进一步消除像差,首次实现了大光圈(f/4.5 )时非常好的校正多种像差,使得大光圈镜头拥有高质量的光学表现成为现实。








喜欢的色友不妨进来多看两眼,不喜的朋友尽可以嗤之以鼻,嘟囔一句烧糊了的发烧友Y/C口单反镜头Distagon T* 25mm F2.8Distagon 取名于Distance(距离),和Gonio(角度)。

由于SLR的特有的反光镜结构,所以不得不增加法兰距离,由Erhard Glatzel博士(同时也是Hologon的设计者)设计。

在Distagon的家族里有D16,D15,D18,D21, D25, D28和D35等。

这支Distagon 25/2.8 被称为“素人好きなレンJn7;”,行家里手的最爱!那谁谁,大师寇德卡不就是就是用D25吗!D25/2.8,早在Contarex时代就存在的老设计,80度的视角,仅仅比26mm稍微大一点点。





捕捉经典 且看蔡司“十大名镜头”

捕捉经典 且看蔡司“十大名镜头”

















二战前,标塔的生产量很少,最为珍贵的是为120胶卷爱克山泰66单镜头反光照相机配置的Biotar 10 cm F2镜头。

二战后,标塔只在东德耶纳生产,最著名为Biorta75mm F1.5镜头。



蔡司七剑——七个蔡司系统中各自最令人心动的一支(2012 修订版)玩器材,大致可以分为两种人一种以玩机为主,一种以玩镜为主而我绝对属于后者玩镜,日系相对简单,变焦/定焦——大口径/小口径——搞定!莱卡就要复杂一些,除了口径以外还牵扯了“代”的问题,进而引出“味道”这种永远扯不清的话题然而,这点问题和玩蔡司的复杂程度相比,实在是不值一提为什么这么说?因为蔡司的系统实在是太复杂!抛开一些非常见系统上的蔡司不提(如阿尔帕、路来双反/旁轴、诺基亚等)随随便便就能数出上十个使用蔡司镜头的系统——Y/C、G、N、T、645、ZM、ZF、ZA、哈苏、路来这么多系统,这么多蔡头,怎么玩透?怎么玩精?这里提供一个思路——一个系统选一支,组成蔡司七剑!一、康泰时Y/C系——Planar85F1.2就是入选新七种武器--仅为此头入彼门的那支“拳头”一想到这支头就想起一句俗话——老虎不发威你以为是病猫啊?85/1.4那头其实蛮厚道的,价定得比其他家都低,成像也不错可就是老有人诟病它大光圈软于是蔡司一生气,“拳头”就诞生了这回成像是挑不出毛病了,就剩下一个问题——价格我们来算笔账,85/1.4是5K“拳头”光圈大了半档,加5K这是本儿MTF显著提升,再加5K花得不冤增加了floating element提高近摄质量,加大了装配调试难度,又得5K 因此,我觉得蔡司的定价(20K)不能算贵,还白送了一个纪念版呢至于成像方面,坛子里那几个毒贩已经放得够多了,就不提啦by 锦尘二、康泰时G系——Hologon16F8市面上能买到的镜头,99.9%都是由工程师设计的只有不到0.1%的镜头才是由科学家发明的,而Hologon就是其中之一(“工程师”和“科学家”之间还有“设计”和“发明”之间的区别就不解释了)Hologon的发明类似于蔡司在1896年发明Planar,在1902年发明Tessar 不同的是,后两者已经被几乎所有的镜头设计厂家拷贝过而Hologon至今还没有第二个厂家能够复制所以说“Hologon是蔡司的一面旗帜”绝不为过它是蔡司作为一个镜头“发明”大厂区别于其他镜头“设计”厂家的标志性产品!Hologon的神奇之处在于——理论上只使用了三片镜片就解决了超广角镜头最难解决的畸变问题,而且是完美的解决是天才的光学/数学家的奇思妙想!除了零畸变以外,Hologon16F8的色彩和层次(特别是层次)也是蔡司头中顶级的(和传奇的莱卡口Hologon15比起来,Hologon16把其中的前两片分别分解为两片胶合的结构降低了生产成本,提高了解析力,最重要的是——价格合理得多)by bullcai三、康泰时N系——Tele-APOTessar400F4蔡司在长焦上标注APO是极其吝啬的即使已经达到甚至超过了日系厂家的APO标准也可能不标(比如Y/C那支100-300)而一旦标注了APO就一定具有超凡脱俗的光学素质Y/C的两支APO长焦200/2和300/2.8都是怪兽级的前者被一些香港器材店称作“镇店之宝”,售价5万左右而后者更是高达10万RMB和它们比起来,N系的APO-TeleTessar400F4简直太合算了!MTF与前两者在伯仲之间,而价格才2万多甚至,还带超声波自动对焦!(超长焦多用于生态/运动题材,自动对焦还是很有用的)四、康泰时645系——APO-MakroPlanar120F4康泰时645在产的时候,评价一直不高,在哈苏面前总是低人一头当时我觉得很奇怪,哈苏蔡头是蔡司嫁出去的姑娘,而康泰时蔡头是跟自己姓的儿子蔡司实在没有道理厚彼薄此至于价格上的差异,我更愿意相信是产地人工成本、镜间快门和直销/哈苏转销这几方面带来的随着康泰时的停产,645的价值也在越来越多地被人们认识到但直至今日仍然达不到哈苏的高度不过,康泰时645系中有一支头绝对可以让哈苏的“铁丝”哑口,这就是APO-MakroPlanar120F4这支微距,是蔡司所有微距头中迄今为止唯一的一支APO其结果是惊人的!颠覆了中幅镜头分辨率比不过135头的传统观念作为Y/C系中MTF王者的MP100,和APO-MakroPlanar120F4比起来都要汗颜考虑到后者的成像面积几乎是前者的四倍,怎能不让人吃惊!吃惊!再吃惊!曾经有康泰时N系的朋友发信给德国蔡司咨询N系MS100那支微距没想到蔡司回信说你用转接环接645那支吧,实在搞笑的很!五、哈苏系——Distagon40F4IF哈苏系选了这支没选Biogon38,可能一些老派“哈丝”要跟我玩命,呵呵确实,在广角段,Biogon结构相对Distagon有先天的优势但最终结果还取决于厂家花费心血的多少(可以参考一下我的一篇旧文——纸上谈兵之——挑战旁轴相机广角镜头先天优势说)这就像龟兔赛跑,底子再好不努力也不成Biogon38这个头可能一开始就太优秀了,没有多少改进的余地,几十年来一成不变而Distagon40F4是蔡头里很少的不断通过改款提高性能的一支这一点对于以固执著称的蔡司来说绝对难得!(可能风光是哈苏的命根子,而40是风光的黄金焦段,蔡司是被哈苏逼的吧)这种不断的改进,到了IF这一代终于由量变达到了质变,乌龟超过了睡觉的兔子从MTF来看,40已经把38甩下了半个马位,虽然后者已经足够惊人暗角无疑是Distagon的长处,而畸变依然是Biogon的绝活不过对于风光来说,畸变应该不是特别重要而单反带来的精确构图和观察滤镜效果这两大优势却是风光拍摄所看重的目前阶段,真的看不出有选38而不选40IF的道理——除了拍摄建筑六、莱卡口ZM系——Biogon25F2.8对于莱卡口的ZM镜,莱卡铁杆多少有些不以为然,“不就是我们的廉价低质替代品吗?”说“廉价”,确实是ZM镜的定位但要说“低质”,机械上也许马马虎虎说得,光学上就一定要小心了特别是碰到Biogon25F2.8和Biogon35F2的时候从这两支中选出一支作为ZM的代表,让我死了不少脑细胞最终敲定25,只是因为这个焦段的Biogon更为正宗一些25是一个蔡司偏爱的焦段,这可能是他在这支头上发力的一个原因不过我觉得更大的可能性是旁轴的取景器使然内置取景器最广用到28,再广就要改用外置式了仅仅广了3毫米,凭什么让别人选择你而承受外置取景的麻烦?在25上面不发力不行啊!(蔡司的市场部在这种问题上一直是非常精明的,Y/C系的镜头群布局可见一斑)从各种机构或个人的评测结果来看,Biogon25不仅是ZM Biogon镜头群中的佼佼者而且打败了莱卡24by Vieri七、尼康口ZF系——APO-Sonnar200(或180)F2.8这支头是我杜撰出来的,请参考拙作——预测一下蔡司ZF(ZS)的下一批镜头(YY 贴)其实ZF已经推出的镜头有几支我还是相当动心的像25,还有那两支微距不过我还在期待更加令人激动的新镜,包括这支长焦Y/C口的180俗称“奥林匹克松那”,是富有悠久历史的传奇镜头虽然它拥有迷人的散景和独特的柔和味道但严格地从光学上讲,绝不是一支牛镜期待ZF能够在不失去原有味道的基础上将它APO化这个要求会不会太过分?结束语这选自蔡司七个系统的七支镜头,基本上代表了蔡司在该系统上的殚精之作从焦段上说,基本涵盖了从超广角到超长焦的广阔焦段(从焦段出发,ZM系换成35mm就更理想了)而从镜头结构上说,涵盖了蔡司最主要的六种光学结构——Planar、Sonnar、Tessar、Distagon、Biogon和Hologon(玩蔡司不能不谈结构,请参考拙作——同焦段不同结构蔡司镜头猜图兼对比)全部玩过这蔡司七剑的人,起码可以宣称:蔡司——某某到此一游莱卡口ZM系没有写35那支头,依然觉得耿耿于怀!决定再出一个“蔡司七剑——第六剑version 2.0”个人更喜欢这个版本!六、莱卡口ZM系——Biogon35F2说莱卡口的35mmF2,必然要从莱卡说起这个焦段/规格,是莱卡的根基,是他几十年来倾注了无数心血的地方!从莱卡前后四代的光学发展历程来看,这个看似简单的规格要想做到完美却也是相当的不易八妹,光学思想来自于双高斯,但使它走上神坛的是那两片萤石如果放在今天,八妹加上最新的镀膜技术,绝对能把ASPH打翻在地,只是成本无法想象当年,也是成本的问题,八妹变成了六妹这是个可怜的孩子,分明是想告诉人们,离开萤石的双高斯在35mm是多么的无助!于是轮到了七妹哎!说什么呢?看看七妹的光学结构吧,硬生生在双高斯上打了一个补丁,打得如此难看!其结果,边角提升了,中心又恶化了,MTF变得古古怪怪最后,ASPH来了,莱卡终于放弃了双高斯,可是竟然选择了单反上迫不得已才使用的反摄远!这就像19世纪要从英格兰去美国西海岸,开始觉得理所当然应该横渡大西洋可后来发现从陆地上横跨美洲实在太难,于是转而好望角——印度——洛杉矶,绕了3/4个地球不知道费尽了千辛万苦的莱卡现在看到蔡司的Biogon35F2心里会是怎样的感受?Biogon35F2并没有使用非球面或是什么特殊材料的玻璃这也是蔡司的一贯风格,就像武林宗师通常只使用一些最简单的兵器或根本不用兵器一切从结构出发,这是蔡司的座右铭把最拿手的Biogon进行了一番大改后诞生的35F2,MTF明显超越了莱卡ASPH,而畸变更是近乎于零Biogon35F2——蔡司的巴拿马运河!by yunyan下面有位同学不经意说了句——鹰眼就是低档头的代表这话深深的刺痛了我这个蔡司粉丝怀旧的心因此,决定写几篇“蔡司怀旧老剑”蔡司怀旧老剑之一——康泰时Y/C系Tessar45F2.8对事物的评判,如果不能站在特定历史的角度,往往会有失偏颇评判天塞,就必须回到上个世纪初那个还没有发明镀膜的黑暗年代现今流行的标准镜头结构——双高斯,其实早在1896年就在蔡司科学家的图纸上演算出来了然而它对像差的完美消除仅仅只能停留在理论上因为过多的玻璃/空气接触面引起的反射严重破坏了影像到了1902年,天塞诞生了,四片三组的相对简单结构降低了反射带来的影响而成像质量,达到了这个级别所能达到的极限它出色的成像很快得到了“鹰眼”的美誉,进而引发了一轮仿造的热潮据有关机构统计,天塞是迄今为止被仿造次数最多的一种光学结构而且,这个纪录恐怕很难有人能够打破了到了二十世纪中叶,随着抗反射镀膜技术的发明和不断改进,双高斯结构的理论优势终于得以发挥天塞带着曾经的光环渐渐离人们远去,再后来康泰时也将其停产不过,最执著的蔡司迷都是怀旧的,复产天塞的呼声一直没有停息蔡司终于顺应民意,再次推出了康泰时Y/C系Tessar45F2.8这是一支颇具特色的镜头虽然它四角结像不佳、虽然它收缩光圈焦点漂移、虽然它影调层次不够丰富、虽然它色彩不够浓郁但它拥有极强的线条刻画能力和极佳的空气通透感,拍出的照片给人印象深刻!由于原本空气接触面就少,再加上多层镀膜技术,T45号称不会漏过最最细微的一丝光线到了2002年,天塞百年诞辰的时候,蔡司再次推出T45的百年纪念版选用钛金属材料,配以更为严格的玻璃选材和最新的镀膜技术,而价格几乎与普通版相当!看起来蔡司是把它当作送给执著的蔡司迷的礼物不过,康泰时自己恐怕不会想到,留给它做这种厚道事的时日已经不多了(黯然神伤……)近些年,比较出名的采用天塞结构的镜头还有Nikon45、路来AFM35和莱卡50/2.8而其中在产的只有莱卡50/2.8了蔡司恐怕没有想到,替它延续这段传奇的竟是它几十年恩恩怨怨的老对手……(关于莱卡50/2.8还有一个小故事,多少又有点调侃莱卡反正该得罪的在第六剑version 2.0已经得罪了,就不管那些了!我在第一次看到莱卡50/2.8上一代产品的光学结构图时颇有些吃惊因为它的光学镜片结构与天塞一模一样,而光圈位置却从天塞的二/三组之间改到了一/二组之间难道说蔡司的设计不是最佳,莱卡又进行了优化?可是看了看莱卡那支的MTF,不如蔡司啊???带着这个疑惑四处搜索答案,最后得到的竟然是——莱卡为了避免向蔡司付专利费!!!这个情形一直延续到了大约上个世纪八十年代由于已经很少有人仿制天塞,蔡司停止了对它的专利保护之后,莱卡推出了50/2.8的现今版,光圈位置回到了天塞应有的二/三组之间表现大幅度提升,达到了天塞应有的水准)蔡司怀旧老剑之二——莱卡口ZM系Sonnar50F1.5近几十年来,随着计算机辅助设计的应用和镀膜/玻璃材料技术的发展各个镜头设计厂家的产品都取得了可喜的进步但是,消除像差,有时同时意味着“味道”的丢失事实上,各个厂家的产品正在往越来越趋同的方向发展(因此,一些玩家更乐于在一些老镜中去寻找那与众不同的特色)而这种“趋同”在大口径标准镜头系列里现得尤为明显因为大家无一例外地选用了基于双高斯原理的光学结构这一点,最近终于被蔡司发布的莱卡口ZM系Sonnar50F1.5所打破谈到这支镜头,必然要从七十年前那支传奇的Sonnar50F1.5说起让我们再次回到那个没有镀膜的黑暗年代天塞虽然结构简单,成像出色(当年),但有一个致命的弱点——无法制造出大光圈的镜头几经努力,依然无法突破F2.8的极限这对于喜欢人像和弱光摄影的人来说是远远不够的此时,所有的厂家都在绞尽脑汁,力图开发出更大口径的标头以莱卡为代表的多数派选择了双高斯之路,但依然受镜片/空气接触面反射的影响,效果不甚理想而蔡司另辟蹊径,开发出了轰动一时的Sonnar50F1.5这支镜头由七片三组构成,其中除了最前面一片独立镜片以外,后面两组都由三片镜片胶合而成这样做的目的主要就是为了将镜片/空气接触面减少到天塞的水平(六)以第二组为例,胶合的三片镜片中居中的一片由折射率很低的玻璃材料组成它替代了原本可以由空气组成的折射光路,从而消灭了两个镜片/空气接触面不过,这样带来的问题是设计的复杂程度大大增加了,在那个全凭笔纸运算的年代确实是一个挑战最终,努力没有白费Sonnar50F1.5马上成为市场上同级别镜头中的佼佼者,并获得“松纳油润”的美誉可惜的是,这种风光没能持续很久,镀膜技术的发展和单反的大行其道促进了双高斯的抢班夺权(它的后截距较短,不足以让出反光镜的空间)Sonnar50逐渐被人们遗忘……时隔半个世纪,蔡司重新打造莱卡口的Sonnar50F1.5,其用意何在?论分辨率和像场平整度比不过双高斯,还患有和天塞一样的收缩光圈焦点漂移的慢性病难道仅仅是为了缅怀历史?从蔡司发布的样照能够找到答案——Sonnar50继承了老松纳油润的色彩和双高斯无法企及的迷人散景非常适合于大光圈拍摄人像,喜欢标头视角人像效果的朋友不应该错过遗憾的是,这支新镜并没有完全复制老镜的镜组结构六片四组,把前面提到的那片低折射率镜片替换成了空气2012 修订版转眼五年过去了,ZF系依然没有推出传奇的奥林匹克松纳180的APO版本导致《蔡司七剑》一直处于不完整的状态或许Cosina认为长焦的手动定焦头没有市场,永远不会推出这支镜头了再考虑到Sonnar180已经入选了后来完成的《蔡司平民七剑》还不如另选一支ZF镜头作为代表七剑,故有了这《2012 修订版》的想法另外,原《七剑》完成后,第五剑哈苏系的代表引起了极大的争议这完全是由于当时为了凑“一个系统一支”且“一种结构一支”造成的趁这个机会,也想还哈苏蔡迷们一个公道不过,为了保持“一个系统一支”且“一种结构一支”的特色被迫调整了ZM系的代表,希望不会引来更大的争议五、哈苏系——Biogon38F4.5(2012 修订版)这是一个半个多世纪不需要修正的经典!对于它的成像似乎已无需多言(“完美”这个词用在它身上好像也并不过分)不如来谈一谈蔡司和其他日系厂家对待镜头更新的不同态度日系厂家通常每隔五六年就会更新它那些最常用的镜头每当有新品上市,很快就能看到相关的对比测试,结论往往是新一代比老一代进步如何之大回想起几年前看过的老一代对比老老一代的评测文章,不禁唏嘘不已,花姑娘转眼就成了黄脸婆而蔡司对待产品更新的态度谨慎的多经常是一个设计沿用几十年,期间所作的改动通常只是悄悄的运用上最新的镀膜技术而已是不是蔡司不求进取呢?拿一支几十年前设计但目前仍在产的蔡司镜头和一支最新设计的日系同规格镜头比一比吧蔡司通常不会输这个又有点像前文提到的工程师和科学家之间的差别对于工程师来说,60分看到的是及格,80分看到的是优秀,而且后面还有很大的提升空间而对于科学家来说,90分看到的是还有10分不完美,95分看到的是还有5分不完美但其实已经没有多大的改进余地了拿出科学家的态度来制造镜头,因此蔡司镜头不需要经常更新换代反而是造就了一个又一个的经典,Biogon38F4.5正是其中最著名的一个六、ZM系——Sonnar50F1.5(2012 修订版)把ZM系的代表换成Sonnar50完全是为了保证“一种结构一支”其实,此头的综合光学素质可能是ZM系里最弱的,选它似乎不妥但考虑到此头基本沿用了最早诞生的松纳的经典光学结构又运用了最新的玻璃材料和镀膜技术用它在拍片之余体味松纳结构的光学特点却又是非常合适的反正松纳本来就不是一种在光学上追求完美的结构具体内容详见上面的《蔡司怀旧老剑之二》七、ZF(ZE)系——Distagon21F2.8(2012 修订版)说这支镜头得从它的前身——康泰时Distagon21F2.8谈起后者的故事与其说是传奇,不如说是离奇,离奇得和梵高相似那是一支康泰时非常后期出品的镜头诞生之初,蔡司就对它寄予厚望、充满溢美之词说是革命性的产品,首次在广角镜头中运用无色差设计,堪称APO-Distagon (类似的技术后来也运用到康泰时645的35毫米和哈苏40/4IF超广角镜头中,缔造了经典)可是,令蔡司意外的是,这支镜头在康泰时用户群中只叫好不叫座原因主要有以下几点——1、胶片用家不会经常把片子放到很大来比较细节2、由于镜片数太多(15片,远大于其他定焦镜头),抗逆光性能不好,影响实拍表现3、体积庞大,甚至超过本家的100F2于是,广大康泰时用户更愿意选择旁轴G系上的21毫米镜头作为替代价格只有一半、光学素质还略优、无惧逆光、小巧后来,随着数码大潮的袭来,康泰时轰然倒地却也是数码大潮的冲刷,让人们发现了D21这块璞玉这还得感谢佳能全画幅数码单反的用户看似偶然其实必然,因为全画幅数码单反用户最想体验的就是APS画幅时被阉割的超广角这些用户很快发现(数码在电脑上100%放大看细节太方便了)佳能没有一支超广角镜头在大光圈下的边角结像能够让人满意于是他们开始打转接的主意找来找去,市面上似乎只有康泰时D21这支在大光圈下,边角与中心没什么差别佳能的用户群远远大于康泰时那个小圈子,而D21在康泰时用户群中也不多见于是发生了近乎疯狂的抢购热潮,短时间内D21的二手价格被哄抬了三倍!这个情况直到几年后ZF(ZE)系推出同样规格镜头才得以缓解值得一提的是,ZF(ZE)系的D21由于运用了最新的镀膜技术在抗逆光性能这个D21的罩门上有所进步。



体味蔡司!尼康用户必玩镜头捕捉心灵的曙光:Distagon T* 25/2.8 ZF这是一款严谨冷峻的光学产品,从2007年1月24日正式上市那一刻起他就备受敬仰,除了光学镜片之外,他由内至表处处都渗透着金属的冰冷与刚毅。

蔡司Distagon T* 25/2.8 ZF采用了10片8组的光学构成,最近对焦距离0.17m,体积65×66mm,重量为480克,使用58mm口径滤色镜片。




眼前这支专为尼康用户提供的Distagon T* 25/2.8 ZF具有不俗的近摄能力,利用F8或F11的较小光圈,通过前景聚焦与广阔的景深范围的结合,他可以营造出绝佳的视觉透视效果。



而Distagon T* 25/2.8 ZF却恰如其分地把握住了中心画质的逐次降损过程,并由此掩盖了边缘画质的松散,甚至还借助这种与生俱来的画质递减现象造就了无以伦比的视觉立体感!而那些从事人文摄影的大师们,正是利用了这种人与自然环境结合过程出现的视觉立体感,既捕捉到了那醉人的心灵曙光,同时又向世人展示了最原生态的自然风貌。

镜头点评:并不是谁都有能力把握住25mm广角的不羁与含蓄,在我们趋之若鹜去追捧Distagon T* 25/2.8 ZF之时一定要量力而行,因为这支经典手动镜头在骨子里被融入了太多的厚重、执着、与冷酷,再说其6200元的身价也不是个小数目。



转来的!康泰时蔡司镜头全系列,解毒帖!1.蔡司 T* Planar 50/1.42.蔡司 Distagon 35/1.4:3.蔡司 Planar 85/1.4 AEG4.蔡司 Distagon 28/25.蔡司 Planar 100/26.蔡司 Planar 135/27.蔡司 Distagon 21/2.88.蔡司 Makro-Planar 100/2.8 AEG 微距9.蔡司 S-Planar 60/2.8微距10.蔡司 Distagon 25/2.8 MMG11.蔡司 Tessar 45/2.8 100周年纪念版12.蔡司 T* Sonnar 180/2.8 MMG13.蔡司 T* PC-Distagon 35/2.8 移轴14.蔡司 T* Planar 85/1.215.蔡司 T* Planar 55/1.216.蔡司 T* Apo Sonnar 200/217.蔡司 T* F-Distagon 16/2.8 鱼眼镜头18.蔡司 Mirotar 500/819.蔡司 Distagon 28/2.820.蔡司 Distagon 35/2.821.蔡司 Tessar 2.8/45 T*22.蔡司 planar 1.7/50 T*23.蔡司 sonnar 85/2.8 T*24.蔡司 sonnar 100/3.5 T*25.蔡司 Makro-Planar 60/2.8C26.蔡司 Sonnar 135/2.827.蔡司Contax Distagon 15mm/3.5T*28.蔡司 Distagon T* 18mm/f429.蔡司Contax Tele-Tessar 300mm F4附:蔡司contax系列镜头大全图1.蔡司 T* Planar 50/1.4镜头简介、规格以及购买咨询,点击图片进入玩家A(casinoking):蔡司镜头是俺的最爱,也是手中焦段最齐的镜头群。

喜欢蔡司也很偶然,起初只想找一枚价廉物美的大光圈人像镜头,在论坛中潜水后选择了蔡司Planar 85/1.4,尽管需要转接环手动调焦,但优良的成像与色彩不得不令人折服,跟着又弄了Planar 50/1.4,最终一发不可收拾,几乎就奔蔡司YC的大光圈镜头而去,前后二年多也攒得七七八八了。







徕卡话说徕卡这个品牌没有建立以前在1849年,23岁的德国数学家卡尔.开尔纳(Carl Kellner)在威兹拉(Wetzlar)成立“光学协会”,开始镜头与显微镜的研发,这时徕卡的前生。

在1869年 Ernst Leitz 接管了公司并成为唯一的管理者,他以自己的名字命名公司,这就是著名的Leitz(徕兹)公司。








(呵呵,有点像我现在使用DC的原因哟)但这部使用42mm 的镜头、1/40秒的快门速度的“原型徕卡”(Ur-Leica)被改良后在世界上迅速流行起来。




最适合新手入门的CONTAX前几年我买了一颗C/Y口的Carl Zeiss 50/1.7 Planar。





最后我花了150美元买下了这颗50/1.7 Planar。





一开始我买了一台战斗成色的Yashica FX-3,是一台C/Y口的单反,机身不大,手动操作。



最重要的是机身加一颗Yashica 50mm f/2镜头一共才25美元。

仰仗着那颗镜头,我用Yashica FX-3拍的照片都还不错。




于是,Contax 167MT就这么走进了我的视线。











"50mm是博主最不擅长的一个焦段,但也是最重要的一个焦段,一是由于其视角最接近于肉眼,各种摄影需求通吃,二是技术最成熟,以前的挂机头就是50mm,三是超高性价比!!在德系老镜头中,50mm可以说是“镜”才辈出,如果单说蔡司的标头,除了这支头和它大哥Planar 50/1.4外,马马虎虎在同一级别的还有东蔡的两支头:Pancolar 50/1.8以及P版50/1.4。

博主没用过Planar 50/1.4,但东蔡的两只头都有,与这支Planar 50/1.7相比而言,Pancolar 50/1.8锐度相当,色彩真实度以及直出能力稍弱,虚化的柔和度稍弱,但也仅仅是稍弱而已。


综合下来,在二手市场的价格大概是东蔡Pancolar 50/1.8<东蔡50/1.4=康泰时50/1.7<康泰时50/1.4,博主认为是十分合理的。


博主没有用过现代的蔡司头,原因就是太!贵!了!所以就摘取了网上普遍认可的较为理性的说法:“有人可能更喜欢今天市面上很多的蔡司ZF(尼康卡口),ZA (索尼卡口)与ZE(佳能卡口的)的镜头,认为这样的镜头与机身的配合更好些。


蔡司CP2 Planar 50mm T电影镜头

蔡司CP2 Planar 50mm  T电影镜头

『速评』蔡司CP.2 Planar 50mm T2.1 T*电影镜头试用2012-01-16 08:05 来源:新摄影作者:BrickYang 网友评论11 条进入论坛Compact Prime CP.2是卡尔·蔡司公司于2010年4月发布的一个新的电影镜头系列。

该系列镜头专为HDSLR(可拍摄高清视频的数码单反)相机设计,全系列共有9支,焦距从1 8mm至100mm,包括一支50mm微距镜头。





除100mm T2.1和50mm T2.1微距稍重外,其他7支镜头重量仅相差10 0g。

在拿到这次试用的50mm T2.1(非微距)镜头后,首先给我留下深刻印象的是它那出色的质感和精致的做工。






这支50mm T2.1镜头的最近对焦距离为0.45m,对焦距离刻度的最小步长为0.01m。






光荣与梦想 ZF接口蔡司镜头全面介绍

光荣与梦想 ZF接口蔡司镜头全面介绍

上为C/Y卡口的Distagon 21mm/2.8,下为G系统的biogon 21mm/f2.8
在蔡司Distagon的家族里有D16,D15,D18,D21, D25, D28和D35等,无一不是令人痴迷的好头,不过生产出ZF接环的倒是只有Distagon T* 2.8/25,Distagon T* 2/28,Distagon T* 2/35这三支,就让我们按部就班的来从Distagon T* 2.8/25说起吧。
Planar,这是个令人激动的名字。1896年,由天才数学家Paul Rudolph博士设计, 双高斯结构,取名Planar,为平坦之意,这是镜头发展史上的一个极其重要的里程碑,它首次实现了在大光圈的时候提供无像散的像场,而且能对球面像差做出非常好的矫正的光学结构,这使得能以较大光圈拥有高质量的光学表现成为了现实,Planar也是现代标头的鼻祖,几乎每一支标头都是Planar结构的或者借鉴了Planar结构,部分Planar结构的镜头甚至被誉为人类所能达到的光学极限,从他们的表现来看,真算是实至名归。



卡尔蔡司Planar T 50mm f 1 4 ZE 网友点评优点全金属的镜身,连遮光罩都是金属的,触摸着它的胴体,你会有一种欲罢不能的感觉。

分量十足,光从外观来看跟原厂50 1.4都不是同一个档次的货,甚至超过原厂50 1.2L。







缺点感觉比较重,比佳能的50镜头总结做工严谨,成像效果也很好发表于:2011-11-10 13:49:234.0手动对焦镜头优点个头比佳能50mm f/1.4稍大,但感觉上要重很多。


缺点手动对焦镜头,使用上要比自动对焦镜头麻烦一些总结除了手动对焦在对焦速度上迟缓一些,手持拍摄时对焦成功率不如自动对焦镜头,并没有其它麻烦----- 尖叫不呐喊对卡尔·蔡司Planar T* 50mm f/1.4 ZE的点评发表于:2011-03-14 09:57:054.0暗处有点蔡司的味道优点该头在光线较暗处有点蔡司的味道,强光下无特色。

卡尔 蔡司Planar T 50mm f 1 4 ZE 网友点评

卡尔 蔡司Planar T  50mm f 1 4 ZE 网友点评

卡尔蔡司Planar T 50mm f 1 4 ZE 网友点评优点全金属的镜身,连遮光罩都是金属的,触摸着它的胴体,你会有一种欲罢不能的感觉。

分量十足,光从外观来看跟原厂50 1.4都不是同一个档次的货,甚至超过原厂50 1.2L。







缺点感觉比较重,比佳能的50镜头总结做工严谨,成像效果也很好发表于:2011-11-10 13:49:234.0手动对焦镜头优点个头比佳能50mm f/1.4稍大,但感觉上要重很多。


缺点手动对焦镜头,使用上要比自动对焦镜头麻烦一些总结除了手动对焦在对焦速度上迟缓一些,手持拍摄时对焦成功率不如自动对焦镜头,并没有其它麻烦----- 尖叫不呐喊对卡尔·蔡司Planar T* 50mm f/1.4 ZE的点评发表于:2011-03-14 09:57:054.0暗处有点蔡司的味道优点该头在光线较暗处有点蔡司的味道,强光下无特色。

Planar T 85mmF1.4镜头

Planar T 85mmF1.4镜头

克制的美: Planar T* 85mmF1.4Zeiss/PlanarT*85mm/1.4为高斯结构的6群7枚结构,经过历代的改进成为高素质的象征, 作为标准镜头获得了很高的评价. 如果用一句话来评价它的话,那就是它具有超过了人肉眼的描写能力. Planar所纪录的影像的特征在于, 人眼所无法扑捉的影像暗部的层次, 那种黑中的黑, 到影像的高光部的细微层次, 那种光的影调很完美地记录在胶片上. Planar的描写力还在于, 对决定光的存在要素的空气感, 立体感, 质感的鲜锐而直接的表达. 它的清晰而适当的色彩还原是它的魅力所在说到菜斯镜头光圈开放附近的迷糊和柔和一点不假, 说的好听是很柔和, 说的不好听是找不到焦点. 老海鸥一针见血地指出这一点.通常人们都很直接地,不加思索表露出对"锐利"的强烈愿望,至于如何理解这样的大光圈下的"锐利"的负面,却考虑不多.其实,通常意义上的光圈开放附近眼感上的"锐利"大都是由于画面对线条表现强化所造成的. 这样性格的镜头取决于设计思想,乃设计师的的圈套.镜头设计上首要问题就是设计师必须选择何种球差修正模式:是追求大光圈下的表现?还是追求收缩光圈后的高解像力和高反差?因为在球差修正上这两者往往是无法调和的矛盾.前者注重大光圈下的反差和使用性能,但由于缺乏底力,在收缩光圈后解像力和反差几乎没有太大提高;而后者注重光圈收缩后高解像力和反差的峰值出现,具有很强的后劲,你会为之吃惊前者注重大光圈下反差和使用性能的例子乃Contax/G系列的Sonnar 90mm/2.8,后者注重光圈收缩后高解像力和反差的典型代表就是PlanarT*85mm/1.4.两者性格不同,表现不同,使用场合也不同.开放的"锐利"画质的设计思想其实在过去的镜头设计中也被采用的, 只不过没有那么普遍罢了. 最近开始抬头甚至于有成为主流的趋势.究其原因尚不明白, 不过从其他领域里的潮流多少能有一点启示. 如今的社会好像没有冲击力的东西就不能刺激我们的神经, 追求高反差, 追求强烈压缩感, 追求超广角效果等等是乎成为影像不可缺少的味精. 可以说我们的感觉已经迟钝下来. 这方面的例子不少别小看注重光圈收缩后高解像力和反差的PlanarT*85mm/1.4.当你用放大镜观察照片上的聚焦区域内的每一个细节, 它们依然保持着足够高的清晰度. 但是当你观赏整个照片的全部, 总有一种蒙上一层薄雾的柔和感,以至于想伸手撩开它. 但是,这与那些低劣的狗头有着本质不同.这就是问题的所在: 由于画面内的景物或者色彩的对比度较弱,使得给人的感觉不那么"锐利", 但是别低估了这张照片(底片)的放大能力.人们会说, 我喜欢锐利而清晰的图像. 是的, 如果你将这类镜头光圈收缩1至2档, 会发现照片的"锐度"将有很大的改善, 有时对比度提高的程度令你很吃惊, 很难相信这幅清晰锐利的画面是来至于刚才你手上的打不起精神的那只镜头. 注意到这种画质变化是一个很重要的预示, 它标志体验镜头乐趣的开始通常具有光圈开放附近的柔和与光圈收缩以后的锐利双重性格的镜头我个人比较喜欢, 它给于我摄影的更多表现和乐趣. 也是我比较喜欢大口径镜头PlanarT*85mm/1.4的原因. 这一类镜头在解像力方面的特性也很有意思,它们大都在光圈收到3档到4档时画面中心的解像力达到最高水平, 这不仅仅是该镜头的最佳指标, 而且是一般135镜头的最高指标.需要说明的是, 那些注重大光圈下表现的大多数镜头却不具有这种双重性格. 虽然它们在光圈全开时也有很好的对比度和解析力特性, 但是贫于变化的特性对于摄影来说总觉的缺点什么. Planar不同于Distagon,没有那么浓烈的色泽;Planar也不同于Biogon,没有高原天空般的通透感;Planar也不同于Sonnar,没有那么温厚;如果打算体验蔡斯的话,请从Planar开始.细腻而精巧的堆积,丰富的层次,空气感的传递,克制的色彩,自然柔和的背景成像.这些都可以垂手可得!然而,如果注重清晰,流丽,精致的影像,请别走进Planar世界,因为那将会是一场恶梦CZ85/1.4 日制与德制的光圈叶片安装也不同,收最小光圈后,从镜头前往里看,德制的光圈叶片是平整的,没有叶片的尾巴,而日制的则不平整而有尾巴;从镜头后往里看,情形又相反。

Makro-Planar T f 2.8 - 60 mm 专用逼近镜头说明书

 Makro-Planar T f 2.8 - 60 mm 专用逼近镜头说明书

Makro-Planar® T*f/2.8 - 60 mmThe 60 mm Makro-Planar® f/2.8 lens is a speciallens, the correction of which is optimized for closerange, whereas lenses for general photography areoptimized for long object distances. The design ofthis lens corresponds to that of an almostsymmetrical Planar® lens, the correction of which isremarkably steady with changes of the image scale.If it is stopped down slightly more than normaltaking lenses with similar focal lengths, it can alsobe used for long-range photography withsatisfactory results.The helical focusing mount of the lens permits theimage scale to be continuously varied from 1:∞ to1:1. The focusing scale goes down to engraving0.27 m which corresponds to an image scale of1:2. A second scale on the main mount permits thereading of the image scale down to 1:1.The 60 mm Makro-Planar® f/2.8 lens can berecommended especially for the photographer whohas to change very often between overall shots anddetail photography. In animal and plantphotography as well as in industrial photographythe Makro-Planar® lens - thanks to its extremelylarge focusing range - ensures smoothphotographic work even in rapidly changingsituations.Cat. No. of lens:10 77 86Weight:approx. 570 gNumber of elements:6Focusing range:1:∞ to 1:1Number of groups:4Entrance pupil:Max. aperture:f/2.8 (at image scale 1:∞)Position*:24.2 mm behind the first lens vertex Focal length:61.7 mm Diameter:21.2 mmNegative size:24 x 36 mm Exit pupil:Angular field 2w*:39º diagonal Position*:22.9 mm in front of the last lens vertex Mount:focusing mount with bayonet;Diameter:21.9 mmcoupling system for automatic Position of principal planes:diaphragm function; TTL metering H:25.2 mm behind the first lens vertexeither at full aperture or in H':21.8 mm in front of the last lens vertexstopped-down position.Back focal distance*:39.9 mmAperture scale: 2.8 - 4 - 5.6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22Distance between firstFilter connection:clip-on filter, diameter 70 mm and last lens vertex:38.0 mmscrew-in filter, thread M 67 x 0.75 mm*for 1:∞Performance data:Makro-Planar® T* f/2.8 - 60 mm Cat. No. 10 77 861. MTF DiagramsThe image height u - calculated from the image center - is entered in mm on the horizontal axis of the graph. The modulation transfer T (MTF = Modulation Transfer Factor) is entered on the vertical axis. Parameters of the graph are the spatial frequencies R in cycles (line pairs)per mm given at the top of this page.The lowest spatial frequency correspondsto the upper pair of curves, the highest spatial frequency to the lower pair. Above each graph, the f-number k is given for which the measurement was made. "White" light means that the measurement was made with a subject illumination having the approximate spectral distribution of daylight.Unless otherwise indicated, the performance data refer to large object distances, for which normal photographic lenses are primarily used.2. Relative illuminanceIn this diagram the horizontal axis givesthe image height u in mm and the vertical axis the relative illuminance E, both for full aperture and a moderately stopped-down lens. The values for E are determinedtaking into account vignetting and natural light decrease.3. DistortionHere again the image height u is enteredon the horizontal axis in mm. The vertical axis gives the distortion V in % of the relevant image height. A positive value forV means that the actual image point is further from the image center than with perfectly distortion-free imaging (pincushion distortion); a negative V indicates barrel distortion.Carl ZeissPhotoobjektiveD-73446 OberkochenTelephone (07364) 20-6175Fax (07364) 20-4045eMail:**************http://www.zeiss.deSubject to change.。



百年鹰眼:蔡司 Tessar 结构,一般指 50mm F2.8 这颗。 神眼:Schneider Kreuznach C-Curtagon 35mm F2.8,又称 Baby-C。 众神的珠戒:Voigtlaender Skoparex 35mm F3.4,传世经典之一。 霹雳马:Meyer Primoplan 结构。 太阳神:苏俄 Helios 40 85mm F1.5。 八羽怪:苏俄 Helios 44 58mm F2。 辐射镜头:泛指大姑妈 50mm F1.4 这类含有稀土放射元素「钍」的镜头,辐射量并不大, 不会让摄影者变白痴。 斑马:泛指对焦环或光圈环为黑白相间样式的镜头。 镧系玻璃:高级老镜都会使用的高透光镜片,会随着时间黄化。 蔡司红:蔡司镜头对正红色的渲染,一般形容暗部的红色,关键词为「华丽」。 海尔蓝:Steinheil 镜头对正蓝色的渲染,不是暗部的蓝,关键词为「优雅」。 大姑妈黄:大姑妈镜头对正黄色的渲染,非指拍人会有肝病色,关键词为「温馨」。 妈咪呀绿:Mamiya 镜头对正绿色的渲染,不过似乎大部分人不在乎绿色,关键词为「恬静」。 施耐德紫:Schneider 镜头对紫色的渲染,在数位机上也有很好的表现,关键词为「高贵」。 磨镜:了解镜头特性的磨合过程。 蔡味:蓝色暗部配合纯色渲染的色彩表现,以蔡司为代表,不过大部分高级德头都能表现出 来。 大姑妈味:偏黄暖调配合极度细腻但不是太锐的高层次成像风格,通常出现在大姑妈镜头上, 现代 Pentax 三公主也有。 路过的熊:SDF 深藏不露的的老镜拍妹高手,性温和,不喜劝败;但身怀大量昂贵稀有老镜, 周身是毒,生人勿近。 暂时只想到这些,有想到其他再补充吧… — 在与某魔人的闲聊中讲到,改镜头也属于转接的一种,并且我觉得在这边出没的人们应该也 是对蔡头比较有兴趣,因此我就来补充一些改镜头的资讯了。 其实 …. 本来不想这么早写这段的…. 因为很怕到时候一堆人跟我抢镜头…. 请注意,改镜都有其必然的风险存在。可能拆开了装不回去、可能拆开的时候因为镜片黏在 镜身上而导致裂开、几乎一定会在改镜过程中入尘、可能弄了半天弄好了装上机身结果反光 镜打镜身 or 最后一片镜片、可能装上去因为镜组保留调整位置不够而无限远无法对焦、可 能该镜头组里面有特殊机关(尤其是浮动镜组)而导致改完之后成像异常…. 等不一而足。 所以,要走上改镜这条路,建议您有以下的想法再来改:改镜应该是觉得该镜头真的值得改, 这个镜头目前放在那就不能用,而您想让它浴火重生,让它再次成为可以陪您上山下海、与 您共度摄影生涯的朋友。如果您只是想看看这个镜头在您相机上的表现、只想改来玩玩、之 后就转手卖掉,那么建议您不要改镜。 恩,还要记住浴火之后不一定是重生,就此成灰的可能性也不低。 看了以上描述之后,如果您还是决定要改、执意要改,那么希望以 下讲的个人经验,能让一 些初次接触老镜改接的人们少一些走错路的机率。 接下来的内容,以转到 alpha 接环上的考虑为主,改镜后能手动对焦、手动调整光圈、转接 上后能连续拍照为预设立场。能转接的就不列入考虑了。 首先;建议对改镜头到 alpha mount 上有兴趣的人,先到网路上找有关于该接环镜后距。其 中镜后距离以底片时代来说,是镜头定位点到底片的距离。由于 alpha 接环这个距离是 44.5mm,所以;只要您想动刀的镜头的镜后距=> 44.5mm,那恭喜您,该镜头有很高的机率








PROTAR:Paul Rodulph为ZEISS设计的第一支镜头,此镜后半部被用在ZEISS旧商标上,同时也是TESSAR的前身。



SONNAR:Ludwig Jakob Bertele设计的名镜,是以ERNOSTAR为模板改良的。



PLANAR:Paul Rodulph另一个有名的设计,命名原意为“平坦”。







蔡司 Makro-Planar T* 100mmF2 ZF.2 微距(尼康AF卡口)







Makro-Planar T* 2/100的最近对焦距离只有44cm,最大放大倍率也可以达到1:2,长焦距、大光圈加之1:2的放大倍率,是一款非常值得期待的多用途镜头。

其他方面,Makro-Planar T* 2/100采用金属材质制造,它的体积为76×89mm,滤镜口径为67mm,重660g。

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From the Series of Articles on LensNames:PlanarbyH. H. NassePlanar – The history and features of one of photography's most important high performance lensesPlanar is not only a registered trade name for specific ZEISS lenses, but at the same time, it is also a general term used by experts for a classic anastigmatic lens design. This is because Planar lenses have been used in the lion's share of high quality cameras for decades. A 50mm lens with that layout was sold as a standard lens with SLR cameras for a long time, until it was gradually replaced by zoom lenses. The Planar design has been installed in countless variations by a large number of manufacturers, and new designs are constantly entering the market.The first Planar lens was registered for patent by its inventor Paul Rudolph at Carl Zeiss in Jena, Germany at the end of 1896 and was added to the Carl Zeiss product range in various focal lengths as early as 1897. In other words, it is even a few years older than the Tessar lens.The lens developed by Rudolph had a strict symmetrical design comprising six lens elements assembled in four groups, featuring a pair of meniscus shaped cemented elements in front and behind the aperture. (In optics, meniscus refers to a lens on which the centers of curvature of both surfaces are on the same side).Due to this lens arrangement, Planar lenses also have another name: as each lens half resembles a telescope lens invented by the famous mathematician Carl-Friedrich Gauss in 1817 long before photography was invented, people also call Planar lenses double Gauss lenses or simply the Gauss lens. Such original four-element lenses entered the market around 1880. Much later starting in 1933, Carl Zeiss offered a wide-angle lens called the Topogon, which closely resembled a pairof Gauss telescope lenses, aside from the fact that its lenses had a stronger curvature. It was a standard in aerial photography for a long time, and there was also a 4/25 version for the Contax35mm camera.Lens section of the Topogon 4/25 lensPaul Rudolph, however, strongly modified the original design by increasing the thickness of the inner meniscuses and constructing them out of two different types of glass. They had the same refractive indices, but different dispersion properties. This allowed him to influence the color correction at will without changing the monochromatic correction by selecting the right radius for the cemented surface.Superior image sharpness for conditions back thenAs a result, the Planar lens delivered superior image definition with an unusually wide aperture for that time. In particular, the field curvature was very low. In other words, the image was very "plane" or flat – which is precisely whatthe name "Planar" was supposed to suggest.A catalog from 1897 stated the following:"When working with the Planar, keep in mind that slight overexposures can easily result from the high speed of the lens. The precise design of the Planar lens surpasses the anastigmaticdouble lenses introduced until now. Above all,it is especially suitable for all kinds ofreproductions and yields excellent results."And since chromatic aberrations tend tobe more noticeable with line originals, i.e.,where the contrast between black andwhite is high, other models soon incorporated the same design, but featured even better chromatic correctionthanks to the use of special types of glass.Despite all of these favorable features, thePlanar lens enjoyed only marginal successin the beginning. Although the older doubleanastigmatic lenses (later: Protar) were notquite as good, they were slightly more versatile, because the front and rear lens halves could be used alone, therefore allowing three focal lengths with a single lens. This was not possible with the Planar.The Tessar lens, which was offered starting in 1902, achieved very good results in practice and was less expensive. Above all, it was considerably lighter.In particular, the Planar lens was considerably more sensitive to bright light sources in the image due to its eight glass-to-air surfaces and unfavorable curvature. Antireflective lens coatings had not yet been invented. This meant thatunwanted optical paths of severalreflections in the lens created ghosts and glare in the image, because each glass-to-air surface reflected around 4% of the incident light.It was not until the 1920s that optic designers resumed efforts to advancethe double Gauss lens. Their primary objective was to increase its speed. In 1927, for example, Willy Merté at Carl Zeiss in Jena designed an entire seriesof lenses for 35mm cameras and 16mm movie film with a maximum aperture of f/2 and f/1.4. These new designs entered the market under the name Biotar . Its design was very similar to the original Planar lens, but it abandoned the strict symmetryapproach for the radii of curvature of the surfaces and the refractive indices of the glass materials and therefore achieved additional correction parameters.Virtually all of today's fast lenses are based on the Biotar designNearly all of today's high-speed lenses with a medium field angle (50-100mm focal length with 35mm SLR cameras) are successors to the Biotar design. The number of variations is virtually endless. To achieve maximum apertures, one or two lenses were added to the classic 6-element lens. The elements were combined into cemented components at a wide range of positions. Despite looking similar on the outside, there aremajor differences in performancebetween today's models and theirpredecessors, improvements which arelargely attributable to the development ofnew glass materials.The Planar 2/50 ZM – a modern double Gauss lens for a 35mm rangefinder camera.While the highest refractive index with the Biotar design was 1.673 in 1927, 40 years later designers could use glass with index 1.8 or even 1.9. A very high refractive index means that a lens can be given the same refractive power with flatter surface curvatures, reducing the aberrations caused by the spherical shape. It is easyto imagine that this would be a desirable feature for designing high-speed lenses. However, extremely high-index glass materials alone do not solve every problem. As a matter of fact, they actually create some drawbacks of its own, as they display high dispersion. This is why the development of lanthanum glass in the late 1950s laid an important foundation for continued progress. With medium refractive indices, they offer favorable dispersion properties and are ideal partners for high-index glass materials. As with all other lenses, Planar lenses also reaped the benefits of the advancements made in glass technology, which, in turn, kept an old idea young at heart.The Gauss models designed at Carl Zeiss Oberkochen never used the Biotar name, but kept the older Planar brand name for historical and political reasons. As a resultof World War II, the Carl Zeiss company was divided into an eastern part (Jena) and a western part (Oberkochen). The two companies manufactured similar products and were embroiled in legal conflicts about the use of trademarks that spanned several years. And since Carl Zeiss Jena lodged a claim to use the brand name Biotar, Oberkochen used the name Planar. Both lens names can be found on the twin-lens Rolleiflex cameras made in the early 1950s, as lenses for these cameras were delivered from the east and the west back then.At Carl Zeiss Oberkochen, Planar was also a 5-element Gauss model, which, thanks to advancements in glass technology, was invented to simplify the design without compromising performance. In Jena, this type of lens was called Biometar. Design of the 5-element Gauss model Planar 2,8/80 (left) and 3.5/75 for the 6x6 format.This 5-element Planar model enjoyed notable success in various camera formats, from the wide angle 3.5/35 for the Contax rangefinder camera to the 3.5/135 for the 9x12 large format field camera. In particular, a number of exceptional pictures were taken with these optics during the heyday of the twin-lens SLR camera. It is also a wonderful example demonstrating that image quality is not merely produced by the number of lens elements: in fact, there was also a 7-element Planar model for the 6x6 format, yet it was not better. In fact, more optical efforts are needed, as the design conditions for a camera with a swing-up mirror are slightly more unfavorable than those for a rangefinder or large format view camera that permit shorter back focal lengths, i.e., the distances of the rear lens element from the image plane.The success behind Paul Rudolph's invention was slow in comingLooking back, you could say that the success of Paul Rudolph's invention was slow in the making. In the 1930s, the Sonnar was considered the first really suitable high-speed standard lens for 35mm photography, which was still in its infancy. This was not entirely the case for Gauss models, but we will have a closer look at this later.However, after Alexander Smakula invented antireflective lens coatings at Carl Zeiss in Jena in 1935 and their broad usage after the end of World War II, it was possible to tap into the full potential of the double Gauss lens without any negative "side effects", and outstanding lenses were created for a wide range of applications.Planar 0,7/50 – famous for its speed,turned into a movie star thanks to Stanley KubrickThe Planar 0,7/50 from the 1960s is a famous example of the possibilities of this lens type to gain speed and it holds a world record in photography. The lens delivered an image that was four times brighter than with today's standard 1.4/50 lens. It was originally developed on behalf of NASA to take pictures of the dark side of the moon. Its fame skyrocketed when the legendary director Stanley Kubrick pushed the envelope on his quest to give his film "Barry Lyndon" a unique look by insisting on filming several scenes in candlelight. In 2011, one of these lenses was auctioned off for 90,000 euros. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to adapt this "dream lens" to an SLR camera. It had an image circle diameter of 27mm, making it almost an APS-C, a diameter of around 90mm and weighed in at 1850 grams. And the large lens element diameters had to come very close to the film plane: the distance to the last lens vertex was only 5.3mm. It was therefore fitted with a central shutter for large-format camera optics and was precisely adjusted to a modified HASSELBLAD body.Design and front lens of the world's fastest camera lens, the Planar 0.7/50 There were also more ‘earthly’ tasks outside of normal photography, which focused on other properties than speed, e.g., uniform definition and the total absence of distortion throughout the image field in microfilm documentation.S-Orthoplanar for documentation on microfilm in 32x45mm format; MTF for spatial frequencies of 25, 50 and 100 Lp/mm. The radial distortion is less than 0.1%.While these lenses are also excellently suited for macrophotography, this is less the case for other members of the Planar family, which frequently can be found in second-hand markets, e.g., the S-Planar 1,1/42: This is a lens from the early daysof microlithography in the semiconductor industry, corrected for the wavelength 436nm only and therefore has a resolving power of much more than 1000Lp/mm with a depth of focus of 1.2 µm.In other words, it is the wrong choice and practically useless for everyday photography.The patent from 1896 and the basis for emerging models over the decades.The "family picture" includes:Planar 3,5/135 for Linhof 9x12 aerial camerasPlanar 2/120 for Rolleiflex SL66 (no volume production)Planar 1,2/85 for Contax SLRMakro-Planar 5,6/135, lens for Hasselblad bellow unitsPlanar 5,6/210 for 13x18 large format cameras(Horizontal) S-Planar 1.2/42, lens for copying 16mm film on magnetic tapePlanar 3,5/100 for Hasselblad camera, in NASA version, without lubricant, vacuum-capable Makro-Planar 4/120 for Rollei 6000Planar 50mm T1.3 for 16mm movie camera ArriflexMakro-Planar 2/100 ZEPlanar 3,5/35 for Contax rangefinder cameraPlanar 2/35 for Contax-G autofocus rangefinder cameraPlanar 1,4/55 for Contarex SLRPlanar 2/50 ZM for M-mount rangefinder cameraS-Orthoplanar 5,6/105 for micro documentation on 70mm filmS-Planar 5,6/32Planar 2,8/80 C for Hasselblad 500Planar 2/110 for Hasselblad 200S-Planar and Makro-PlanarAfter our short excursion through the history of Planar lenses, it is now time to focus on some technical features that you should know. Now, after reading the name S-Planar on the preceding pages, it is time to ask what this particular name means. And how well "flattened" is the image from a Planar lens? We all know that most aberrations cannot be completely rectified, but generally only marginalized to an acceptable extent.In most classic camera lenses featuring a fixed lens element system, the ability to correct aberrations varies with the distance or the reproduction scale, some more than others. This also holds true for the Planar lenses and it usually increases the higher the speed of the lens. Lenses optimized for large camera-to-subject distances no longer deliver the best possible image quality in the macro area. Special lenses were therefore developed for such applications. Unlike normal lenses, they were optimized for shorter distances to the subject and offered in that range the best quality in terms of definition, edge definition and distortion. On the other hand, however, they displayed certain drawbacks when they were used at large distances. Zeiss distinguished such lenses that were optimized for close-ups with the letter "S" in front of their type designation.A head-to-head comparison of two macro lensesLet us now compare two such lenses, named A and B, and discover how differently flattened lenses can be. They are both 6-element Gauss lenses with a 60mm focal length and maximum aperture of 2.8.MTF curves of lens A for large distances, above at full aperture 2.8, below with aperture of 5.6In the center of the image, this lens is sharp and rich in contrast already at full aperture. With larger image heights, i.e., in the peripheral areas of the image (24x36mm), the image contrast is also good and the curves for 10 Lp/mm are above 80% everywhere. However, the curves for the higher frequencies (40 LP/mm) drop severely. Therefore, the definition there is not so good. You can expect a good image at lower magnifications, but the definition is clearly not sufficient for large magnifications, even when we stop down to 5.6.Later we will see more precisely just what property lies behind this loss in performance in the MTF diagram, but let us first look at model B:MTF curves of lens B for large distances, above at full aperture 2.8, below with apertureof 5.6This lens is even better in the center of the image, but at full aperture it delivers considerably less contrast at the edge of the image. Here, you can see that the sagittal MTF curve for 10 Lp/mm drops to nearly 60% while the curves of the higher frequencies remain relatively high. With such data, you have to expect considerable flare at high contrast edges. When stopped down to 5.6, type B is clearly the best of the two – at least from this point of view. At full aperture, the image's final magnification and the image content (i.e. whether contrast or edge definition is more important) determine to some extent which of the two is preferred. What does that mean when taking pictures of three dimensional subjects? Now, we want to understand why the curves of type A are so poor even at an aperture of 5.6. We also want to consider what that means for capturing three dimensional subjects:For the following graph, we measured the MTF curves in the lab in a different manner than usual. Instead of measuring in a fixed plane perpendicular to the optical axis at various distances from the center of the image, we varied the focus at each spot. As a result, we recorded how the contrast transfer of the lens varies in the longitudinal direction in the image space.Focus MTF curves for lens A at an aperture of 5.6, black curve in the image center, red and blue curve measured at an image height of 15mm (tangential and sagittal)Focus MTF curves for lens B at an aperture of 5.6, black curve in the image center, red and blue curve measured at an image height of 15mm (tangential and sagittal)We come to the surprising conclusion that the maximum MTF values of the colored curves, meaning the maximum definition close to the image edge, is the same in both lenses. With lens A, the curves are only shifted more to the left, while they are nicely coincident in type B. A has a larger field curvature compared to type B. If we want to understand what that means in practical terms, we have to look at the curve with the black dots in the graph above. It establishes the relationship with the object space distances. We can see that lens A deliversideal definition at the image edge at approx. 4m if you focus in the center to 5 meters.If we take a picture of an attractive house with an inviting street café in front of it, this curvature can be beneficial, since the foreground is captured with greater definition. If we only want to take a picture of the facade, for example, similar to reproducing a flat image, type B would be the better choice. We would then need to stop down type A to 8 or 11 if we know its properties.Since the world in front of the camera is largely three dimensional, i.e., it has depth, the perfect flattening of lenses is not necessarily always the best solution, especially since the effort required to correct the field curvature, which is limited by volume and cost, must be weighed against other abberations.For example, it often helps to leave the curvature slightly undercorrected to correct the spherical abberation and astigmatism. We see this as a trade-off between the various strengths and weaknesses of our two examples. Comparing both lenses in close-up range with a scale of 1:10To complete the assessment of the two lenses, we will now compare them in the close-up range at a scale of 1:10. Afterwards, it will be more difficult to determine which lens is "better":MTF curves of lens A in close-up range with a reproduction scale of 1:10, aperture 2.8 (above) and aperture 5.6MTF curves of lens B in close-up range with a reproduction scale of 1:10, aperture 2.8 (above) and aperture 5.6Now, lens A at full aperture in the entire image field is considerably better and the curvature has disappeared. When slightly stopped down, lens B also achieves a good result, but type A has nearly ideal curves.With this comparison, we see that two different Planar lenses with the same focal length and aperture can be differently well flattened, and that in practice, the lens with less successfully flattened lens is not necessarily the less favorable choice. It can even offer advantages.In addition, we now see the limited value of the popular lens tests that examine each lens type in a repro application with a relatively small object field and suggest to us that the result is a measure of image quality in all photography situations. Of course, this also holds true for our datasheets. They cannot replace advice provided by our experts, because you cannot translate all properties of an optical system into a half page of numbers.Both examples clearly show us how difficult it can be to achieve excellent image quality at distances ranging from far away to up close. Both lenses are macro lenses in which the scale sensitivity is reduced by a slightly more modest maximum aperture, but you still have to make compromises.With our modern Makro-Planar T* 2/50 and T* 2/100 lenses, we largely avoid these compromises, as the lens system's key parameters are automatically changed when focusing.Makro-Planar T* 2/100 features automatic correction; top: lens position when focusing to infinity; bottom: with a scale of 1:4.Makro-Planar lenses allow you to focus very close up and also render excellent image quality. Unlike their older predecessors with "S-" in their names, they are not specialty models designed for close-ups. Instead, they are universal lenses that capture excellent images of close and distant subjects with no compromises.MTF data of the Makro-Planar T* 2/50at infinity, scale 1:10 and 1:4 (from top to bottom), apertures 5.6 (top) and 4.Useful Makro accessories: close-up lens, close-up achromats and extension ringsAnyone wanting to take close-up shots with his camera for the first time can also capture images below the close-up limits of his lens with the help of affordable accessories. Close-up lenses or achromats, which are screwed into the filter thread and more or less serve the function of eyeglasses for close-up, are the best space-saving accessories and often the best choice for moderate close-ups. With standard lenses with 50mm focal length, they compensate increasing barrel-shaped distortion at short distance. If the close-up lens has a very strong refractive power, however, the system displays a significant amount of blur and flare caused by spherical aberration. This disappears once you stop down, but means you have to adjust your focus. The most reliable option is to focus with a working aperture using Life View.Extension rings are the accessories which allow you to dive considerably deeper into the close-up range. Here, however, you cannot expect all lenses that are corrected for larger distances to render particularly good image definition with long extensions. Since in macro photography, you normally stop down the aperture further due to desired depth of focus, the definition in the center is sufficient for many subjects, but the corners are not yet really sharp with an aperture of 11.This is why it pays to buy a modern macro lens if you want to take a lot of pictures at a scale of 1:10 or closer. Once you have enjoyed outstanding ease of use and image quality, you will no longer want to do without this versatile tool ever again.Photography of a banknote, left: an image corner with a Planar T* 1,4/50 lens and 14mm high extension ring, right: with a Makro-Planar T* 2/100 ZF.2, both images were taken at f/4.。
