



2016年度国家技术发明奖项目名单二等奖47项(通用项目)序号编号项目名称主要完成人推荐单位(推荐专家)1F-301-2-01 良种牛羊高效克隆技术张涌(西北农林科技大学),周欢敏(内蒙古农业大学),权富生(西北农林科技大学),李光鹏(内蒙古大学),王勇胜(西北农林科技大学),刘军(西北农林科技大学)陕西省2F-301-2-02 芝麻优异种质创制与新品种选育技术及应用张海洋(河南省农业科学院芝麻研究中心),苗红梅(河南省农业科学院芝麻研究中心),魏利斌(河南省农业科学院芝麻研究中心),张体德(河南省农业科学院芝麻研究中心),李春(河南省农业科学院芝麻研究中心),刘红彦(河南省农业科学院植物保护研究所)河南省3F-301-2-03 玉米重要营养品质优良基因发掘与分子育种应用李建生(中国农业大学),严建兵(华中农业大学),杨小红(中国农业大学),胡建广(广东省农业科学院作物研究所),教育部陈绍江(中国农业大学),王国英(中国农业科学院作物科学研究所)4F-301-2-04 动物源食品中主要兽药残留物高效检测关键技术袁宗辉(华中农业大学),彭大鹏(华中农业大学),王玉莲(华中农业大学),陈冬梅(华中农业大学),陶燕飞(华中农业大学),潘源虎(华中农业大学)教育部5F-301-2-05 基于高塔熔体造粒关键技术的生产体系构建与新型肥料产品创制高进华(史丹利化肥股份有限公司),陈明良(上海化工研究院),武志杰(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所),孔亦周(宝鸡秦东流体设备制造有限公司),张英鹏(山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所),解学仕(史丹利化肥股份有限公司)山东省6F-302-2-01 骨折微创复位固定核心技术体系的创建与临床应用张英泽(河北医科大学第三医院),侯志勇(河北医科大学第三医院),陈伟(河北医科大学第三医院),张柳(华北理工大学),郑占乐(河北医科大学第三医院),王娟(河北医科大学第三医院)中华医学会7F-302-2-02 多肽化学修饰的关键技术及其在多肽新药王锐(兰州大学),甘肃省创制中的应用袁建成(深圳翰宇药业股份有限公司),方泉(兰州大学),马亚平(深圳翰宇药业股份有限公司),刘建(深圳翰宇药业股份有限公司),张邦治(兰州大学)8F-303-2-01 刘文汇(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院),金之钧(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院),秦建中(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院),徐旭辉(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院),郑伦举(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院),张志荣(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院)中国石油化工集团公司9F-303-2-02 复杂结构井特种钻井液及工业化应用蒋官澄(中国石油大学(北京)),孙金声(中国石油集团钻井工程技术研究院),蒲晓林(西南石油大学),高德利(中国石油大学(北京)),王玺(中国石油集团钻井工程技术研究院),王平全(西南石油大学)中国石油和化学工业联合会10F-303-2-03 陆域天然气水合物冷钻热采关键技术孙友宏(吉林大学),郭威(吉林大学),陈晨(吉林大学),张永勤(中国地质科学院勘探技术吉林省研究所),祝有海(中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心),高科(吉林大学)11F-303-2-04 深海高精度超短基线水声定位技术与应用孙大军(哈尔滨工程大学),郑翠娥(哈尔滨工程大学),张殿伦(哈尔滨工程大学),勇俊(哈尔滨工程大学),张居成(哈尔滨工程大学),吴永亭(国家海洋局第一海洋研究所)中国海洋工程咨询协会12F-303-2-05 深层超深层油气藏压裂酸化高效改造技术及应用赵金洲(西南石油大学),郭建春(西南石油大学),李勇明(西南石油大学),卢聪(西南石油大学),林涛(中国石油化工股份有限公司西北油田分公司),李雪(中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司)中国石油和化学工业联合会13F-304-2-01 白敏冬(大连海事大学),张芝涛(大连海事大学),黄凌风(厦门大学),白敏菂(大连海事大学),田一平(大连海事大学),张均东(大连海事大学)厦门市14F-304-2-02 复杂水工混凝土结构服役性态诊断技术与实践胡少伟(水利部交通运输部国家能源局南京水利科学研究院),顾冲时(河海大学),苏怀智(河海大学),水利部沈省三(基康仪器股份有限公司),何秀凤(河海大学),陆俊(水利部交通运输部国家能源局南京水利科学研究院)15F-305-2-01 陈文兴(浙江理工大学),金革(浙江古纤道新材料股份有限公司),严旭明(扬州惠通化工技术有限公司),刘雄(浙江古纤道新材料股份有限公司),王建辉(浙江古纤道新材料股份有限公司),张先明(浙江理工大学)浙江省16F-305-2-02 重要脂溶性营养素超微化制造关键技术创新及产业化陈志荣(浙江大学),仇丹(宁波工程学院),尹红(浙江大学),陈建峰(北京化工大学),石立芳(浙江新和成股份有限公司),李建东(浙江新和成股份有限公司)中国轻工业联合会17F-305-2-03 木质纤维生物质多级资源化利用关键技术及应用孙润仓(北京林业大学),彭万喜(中南林业科技大学),程少博(山东龙力生物科技股份有限公司),袁同琦(北京林业大学),许凤(华南理工大学),肖林(山东龙力生物科技股份有限公司)中国轻工业联合会18F-306-2-01 基于声发射监控的聚烯烃流化床反应器新技术阳永荣(浙江大学),王靖岱(浙江大学),教育部蒋斌波(浙江大学),黄正梁(浙江大学),廖祖维(浙江大学),杨宝柱(中国石油化工股份有限公司齐鲁分公司)19F-306-2-02 单晶多空心钛硅分子筛催化新材料及制备关键技术林民(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油化工科学研究院),舒兴田(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油化工科学研究院),史春风(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油化工科学研究院),李国繁(中国石化催化剂有限公司),朱斌(中国石油化工股份有限公司石油化工科学研究院),戴泳(中国石化催化剂有限公司)闵恩泽20F-306-2-03 基团功能强化的新型反应性染料创制与应用张淑芬(大连理工大学),唐炳涛(大连理工大学),马威(大连理工大学),吕荣文(大连理工大学),朱海根(浙江舜龙化工有限公司),毛志平(东华大学)中国石油和化学工业联合会21F-307-2-01 水泥基压电复合监测材料与器件成套制备技术及在混凝土工程应用程新(济南大学),黄世峰(济南大学),徐东宇(济南大学),徐跃胜(济南大学),王蕾(济南大学),秦磊(济南大学)中国建筑材料联合会22F-307-2-02 李红霞(中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司),杨彬(中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研河南省究院有限公司),刘国齐(中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司),张厚兴(濮阳濮耐高温材料(集团)股份有限公司),李亚伟(武汉科技大学),徐跃庆(河南熔金高温材料股份有限公司)23F-307-2-03 低功耗高性能软磁复合材料及关键制备技术严密(浙江大学),吴琛(浙江大学),王新华(浙江大学),何时金(横店集团东磁股份有限公司),柯昕(浙江东睦科达磁电有限公司),张瑞标(天通控股股份有限公司)浙江省24F-307-2-04 强韧与润滑一体化碳基薄膜关键技术与工程应用王立平(中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所),张俊彦(中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所),蒲吉斌(中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所),薛群基(中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所),张斌(中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所),阎兴斌(中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所)甘肃省25F-307-2-05 新型合金材料受控非平衡凝固技术及应用陈光(南京理工大学),徐锋(南京理工大学),孙国元(南京理工大学),傅恒志(西北工业大学),工业和信息化部王志华(南京理工大学),陈栋(江苏晨朗电子集团有限公司)26F-30801-2-01王树新(天津大学),王延辉(天津大学),张宏伟(天津大学),刘玉红(天津大学),孙秀军(天津大学),吴芝亮(天津大学)天津市27F-30801-2-02 复现高超声速飞行条件激波风洞实验技术姜宗林(中国科学院力学研究所),赵伟(中国科学院力学研究所),刘云峰(中国科学院力学研究所),王春(中国科学院力学研究所),李进平(中国科学院力学研究所),俞鸿儒(中国科学院力学研究所)中国科学院28F-30801-2-03 高性能轻量化构件局部加载精确塑性成形成性一体化制造技术杨合(西北工业大学),孙志超(西北工业大学),詹梅(西北工业大学),李恒(西北工业大学),樊晓光(西北工业大学),李光俊(成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司)陕西省29F-30801-2-04 多工位精锻净成形关键技术与装备王新云(华中科技大学),夏巨谌(华中科技大学),夏汉关(江苏太平洋精锻科技股份有限公司),周红祥(湖北三环锻压设备有限公司),金俊松(华中科技大学),中国机械工业联合会黄廷波(江苏飞船股份有限公司)30F-30801-2-05 灵巧假肢及其神经信息通道重建技术朱向阳(上海交通大学),姜力(哈尔滨工业大学),熊蔡华(华中科技大学),傅丹琦(丹阳假肢厂有限公司),盛鑫军(上海交通大学),刘宏(哈尔滨工业大学)上海市31F-30801-2-06 飞机复杂结构件数控加工动态特征技术及应用李迎光(南京航空航天大学),牟文平(成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司),刘长青(南京航空航天大学),楚王伟(成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司),隋少春(成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司),刘旭(南京航空航天大学)中国机械工业联合会32F-30802-2-01荣命哲(西安交通大学),吴翊(西安交通大学),杨飞(西安交通大学),纽春萍(西安交通大学),王小华(西安交通大学),朱忠建(大全集团有限公司)陕西省33F-30802-2-02 强容错宽调速永磁无刷电机关键技术及应用程明(东南大学),朱孝勇(江苏大学),花为(东南大学),全力(江苏大学),鲍文光(新大洋机电集团有限公司),曹瑞武(东南大学)中国机械工业联合会34F-30802-2-03 ±800kV特高压直流输电换流阀关键技术及应用汤广福(国网智能电网研究院),查鲲鹏(中电普瑞电力工程有限公司),邱宇峰(国网智能电网研究院),崔翔(华北电力大学),贺之渊(国网智能电网研究院),魏晓光(国网智能电网研究院)北京市35F-30802-2-04 基于燃料多样化的压燃发动机关键技术及应用黄震(上海交通大学),乔信起(上海交通大学),缪雪龙(中国第一汽车股份有限公司无锡油泵油嘴研究所),张武高(上海交通大学),俞建达(中国第一汽车股份有限公司无锡油泵油嘴研究所),朱磊(上海交通大学)上海市36F-30901-2-01 先进日盲紫外探测与应用技术张荣(南京大学),闫锋(南京大学),陈敦军(南京大学),陆海(南京大学),唐光华(中国电子科技集团公司第五十五研究所),郑有炓(南京大学)教育部37F-30901-2-02 超大型精密仪器装备气/磁阵列隔微振技术与装置谭久彬(哈尔滨工业大学),王雷(哈尔滨工业大学),崔俊宁(哈尔滨工业大学),赵勃(哈尔滨工业大学),杨文国(哈尔滨工业大学),闻荣伟(哈尔滨工业大学)教育部38F-30901-2-03 混合式光纤传感技术及其在工程安全监测刘铁根(天津大学),天津市领域中的应用江俊峰(天津大学),刘琨(天津大学),孟凡勇(北京品傲光电科技有限公司),张红霞(天津大学),张以谟(天津大学)39F-30901-2-04 广域宽带协同通信技术与应用陆建华(清华大学),朱洪波(南京邮电大学),陶晓明(清华大学),杨龙祥(南京邮电大学),冯伟(清华大学),汪园丽(上海文络电子科技有限公司)工业和信息化部40F-30901-2-05 多界面光-热耦合白光LED封装优化技术刘胜(华中科技大学),罗小兵(华中科技大学),陈明祥(华中科技大学),裴小明(深圳市瑞丰光电子股份有限公司),王恺(广东昭信企业集团有限公司),郑怀(武汉大学)工业和信息化部41F-30902-2-01 支持服务创新的可扩展路由交换关键技术、系统及产业化应用徐恪(清华大学),尹霞(清华大学),甘玉玺(中兴通讯股份有限公司),何均宏(华为技术有限公司),吴建平(清华大学),赵有健(清华大学)工业和信息化部42F-30902-2-02吕卫锋(北京航空航天大学),诸彤宇(北京航空航天大学),工业和信息化部杜博文(北京航空航天大学),李建军(北京世纪高通科技有限公司),郭胜敏(北京掌行通信息技术有限公司),于海涛(北京市交通信息中心)43F-30902-2-03谢少荣(上海大学),罗均(上海大学),彭艳(上海大学),蒲华燕(上海大学),狄伟(交通运输部东海航海保障中心上海海事测绘中心),赵建国(青岛北海船舶重工有限责任公司)上海市44F-30902-2-04 钢铁生产与物流调度关键技术及应用唐立新(东北大学),孟盈(东北大学),汪恭书(东北大学),杨阳(东北大学),郭庆新(东北大学),赵任(东北大学)教育部45F-310-2-01 王平(西南交通大学),朱颖(中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司),刘成龙(西南交通大学),陶捷(江西日月明测控科技股份有限公司),苏谦(西南交通大学),陈嵘(西南交通大学)四川省46F-310-2-02 软土地基沉降控制刚性桩复合地基新技术与应用刘汉龙(河海大学),陈永辉(河海大学),中国科协丁选明(河海大学),孔纲强(河海大学),陈育民(河海大学),陈龙(河海大学)47F-310-2-03 地铁环境保障与高效节能关键技术创新及应用李安桂(西安建筑科技大学),李国庆(北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司),潘展华(广东申菱环境系统股份有限公司),耿世彬(中国人民解放军理工大学),尹海国(西安建筑科技大学),孟鑫(北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司)住房和城乡建设部。



2013国际春季医疗器械展览会展会日期2013-04-07 至 2013-04-09展出城市北京展出地址北京朝阳区北三环东路6号展馆名称北京中国国际展览中心主办单位中国医疗保健国际交流促进会承办单位北京世博威展览展会说明2013国际春季医疗器械展览会本信息的网址是:/show-98015.html第十四届中国(北京)国际医疗器械展览会时间:2013年4月7-9日地点:北京.中国国际展览中心批准单位:中华人民共和国商务部主办单位:中国医疗保健国际交流促进会美国国际健康产品协会中国医促会亚健康专业委员会组织单位:北京世博威国际展览有限公司官方网站:★往届回顾上届北京展会吸引了500余家企业参展,展出规模超过2.2万平方米,创下历届之最。







★ 关于展会主办方14届中国国医疗器械展是由北京世博威国际展览有限公司独家承办,2012年起,中国国际医疗器械展分为春秋两季展会。




DSP Selection Guide5/01For a complete worldwide TI authorized distributor listing go to: /sc/distribu torsIntroduction to TI DSPsIntroduction to TI DSP Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2DSP Developer’s Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3TMS320™ DSPsTMS320C6000™ DSP Platform – High Performance DSPsTMS320C64x™, TMS320C62x™, TMS320C67x™ DSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Complementary Analog Products for the TMS320C6000 DSP Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10TMS320C5000™ DSP Platform – Industry’s Best Power EfficiencyTMS320C55x™, TMS320C54x™ DSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Complementary Analog Products for the TMS320C5000 DSP Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17TMS320C2000™ DSP Platform – Most Control-Optimized DSPsTMS320C28x™, TMS320C24x™ DSPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Complementary Analog Products for the TMS320C2000 DSP Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24TMS320C3x™ DSP Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Complementary Analog Products for the TMS320C3x DSP Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29eXpressDSP™ Real-Time Software TechnologyeXpressDSP Real-Time Software Technology Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Code Composer Studio™ Integrated Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32DSP/BIOS™ Scalable Real-Time Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34TMS320™ DSP Algorithm Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35TI DSP Third-Party Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 eXpressDSP-Compliant Algorithms and Plug-Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Support ResourcesDSP Development Tools Decision Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40DSP Development Tools Feature Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Online Development Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Training Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsDSP usage has become very diver-sified—from communications infrastructure to handheld, portable appliances. TI has worked with its customers and third par-ties to deliver DSP core architec-tures that are well established and optimized for diverging combina-tions of power-performance needs. Advantages of designingwith DSPs over other microprocessors:•Single-cycle multiply-accu-mulate operations•Real-time performance, simu-lation and emulation•Flexibility•Reliability•Increased systemperformance•Reduced system cost Advantages of TMS320 DSPs over the competition:•Highest performance DSPs•Lowest power DSPs•Market leaders in compatibleanalog and mixed signalsolutions•Manufacturing strength andcommitment•Wide variety of packagingoptions•Better support from conceptto completion•Low-cost starter kits andevaluation modules•Cycle-accurate simulators•Optimizing high-levellanguage compilers•Feature-rich integrateddevelopment environment•Real-time scan-basedemulators•Application software library•Technical hotline andInternet presence•Largest Third-Party Networkin the DSP industry•eXpressDSP: Industry award-winning open softwaredevelopment environmentTexas Instruments, the DSP market leader, created the first single-chip DSP in 1982. Since then, more than 50,000 designers have turned to TI for DSPs—plus complementary technology and support—to get to market quickly with next-generation, breakthrough systems.Our TMS320C6000™ DSP platform is optimized for highest performance and ease-of-use in high-level language programming. The C6000™ fixed- and floating-point DSPs anchor multi-service broadband infrastructure like 3G wireless, DSL and cable, plus other MIPS-intensive applications such as advanced digitized imaging. The new TMS320C64x™ DSP core scales oper-ating speeds beyond 1 GHz and achieves 10×performance improvements over the TMS320C62x™ DSP.The TMS320C5000™ DSP platform is optimized for the consumer digital market—the heart of the mobile Internet—and its convergence with other consumer electronics. The new TMS320C55x™ DSP generation delivers the most power-efficient DSPs ever, with a roadmap as low as 0.05 mW/MIPS and speeds of up to 300 MHz.The C55x™ DSPs are completely software compati-ble with existing TMS320C54x™DSPs, the established industry leader in power-efficient performance.The TMS320C2000™ DSP platform provides the digital control industry with the highest level of on-chip integration and powerful computational abilities that produce unparalleled improvements in energy efficiency. The TMS320C28x™ DSP core is the highest-performance solution for digital con-trol. The TMS320C24x™ DSP generation is the foundation for this diverse platform. This generation delivers power and control advantages that allow designers to implement advanced, cost-efficient control systems.For rapid DSP product development, the TMS320 DSP family is supported by our industry award-winning eXpressDSP™ Real-Time Software Technology that includes: Code Composer Studio™ Integrated Development Environment (IDE), DSP/BIOS™ real-time software kernel, TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard and choices for reusable, modular software from the largest Third-Party Network in the industry. And because TI is the world leader in analog, we offer a range of complementary data converter and power management products to get your designs to market faster.The TMS320 DSP family offers the widest selection of DSPs available any-where, with a balance of general-purpose and application-specific processors to suit your needs.TMS320™ DSP Family OverviewIntroduction to TI DSP Solutions2For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributors3For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsD e v e l o p e r ’s K i t sTexas Instruments TMS320™ DSP-based Developer’s Kits offer complete, easy-to-use solutions that dramatically reduce development time and cost. Complete technical documentation and application software is included with each kit. Select Developer’s Kits include complete hardware tools as well.DSP Developer’s KitsTMS320C6000™ DSP Platform Developer’s KitsThe TMS320C6000 DSP-based Developer’s Kits pro-vide high-performance application designers witheasy-to-use development environments that jump start designs and get to market ahead of the plete technical documentation and application software is included in all kits so you can get started today.•TCP/IP Network Developer’s Kit (NDK): This complete software and hardware kit speeds manufacturers to market with solutions that require the connection of a TMS320C6000™ DSP to a network. The NDK can be used by manufacturers to test the function-ality and performance of TI’s TCP/IP stack, to get a head start on the software portion of their system design as well as serve as a reference platform to assist debugging applications. In addition, the TCP/IP NDK features an Ethernet daughter card with a media-access controller (MAC)/physicallayer (PHY) that eliminates the need for a host pro-cessor, thereby reducing overall unit cost by 40 per-cent. Contact your TI sales representative or autho-rized TI distributor to purchase your NDK today or visit our web site at /ndk•Imaging Developer’s Kit (IDK):A complete and easy-to-use development environment for rapid proto-typing of advanced video and imaging systems based on the C6000™ DSP platform. The IDK pro-vides real-time programmable performance to sup-port video and imaging industry trends towards high bandwidth streaming video and real-time image pro-cessing. The IDK brings together all of the hardware and software elements needed into one kit to speed new products to market and is complemented by third-party eXpressDSP™-compliant imaging algo-rithms. Contact your TI sales representative or authorized TI distributor to purchase your IDK today or visit our web site at /idk•Multi-Channel Vocoder Technology Demonstration Kit (TDK):Move into the fast track for multi-channel vocoder design with complete technical documenta-tion and application software that is ready to run on TI’s TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Kit (DSK) or TMS320C6211 DSK. To download the TDK, go to /mcvtdk–For a serious evaluation, eXpressDSP-compliant vocoders from TI’s third parties are available.These third-party vocoders are more optimized and will provide greater channel density than the examples included in the TDK from TI. These third parties also provide evaluation versions of their eXpressDSP Technology-compliant vocoders that will run on TI’s TDK platform so you can per-form your own benchmarking and determinewhich supplier best satisfies your requirements.TCP/IP Network Developer’s KitImaging Developer’s KitTo assist in the design of specific motor-control sys-tems, TI has created the first standardized Digital Motor Control (DMC) Software Library. This Library is a compilation of various DMC software modules and complete system solutions with thorough documenta-tion. These bundles of software are ready to run on TI’s TMS320LF2407 Evaluation Module (EVM).By combining these powerful software and hard-ware tools, a complete technology demonstration “kit”is formed.•DMC Software Library:A collection of DMC software modules (or functions) allows users to “build” orcustomize their own systems quickly. The Library supports the three motor types: ACI, BLDC andPMSM and comprises both peripheral-dependent (software drivers) and TMS320C24xx CPU-onlydependent modules.•System Solutions:Provide complete working refer-ence design based on a modular software approach.These solutions are offered both in Assembly and “C” source code. These are fully documented solu-tions. Example systems include:–ACI1-1, Single Phase Control with Constant V/Hz –BLDC3-2, 3-Phase Sensorless Trapezoidal Control –PMSM3-1, 3-Phase Sensored FOC–Plus others …For more information, please visit our web site at /c2000devkitThe TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Kit provides all the information necessary for application developers and system integrators to understand and utilize algorithms that are compliant to the standard.TI’s TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard is a single, standard set of coding conventions and application programming interfaces (APIs) for algorithm creators to “wrap” the algorithm for system-ready use. The standard includes algorithm programming rules that enable interoperability between different types of algorithms such as JPEG or MP3.TI also provides tools to assist the developer in cre-ating standardized algorithms.The TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Kit has everything needed to get started. It contains:•The TMS320 DSP Algorithm StandardSpecification•Application notes for both producers and users of algorithms•Example code that builds on EVMs (evaluation modules) and DSKs (starter kits)•Tools to help with creation of standard header files•Demo that illustrates the simplicity of algorithm integration•Support for C5000, C6000 and C2000 platforms To download the TMS320DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Kit, go to/algostandevkit4For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributors5For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributors6For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsSpecifications•100% code compatible DSPs:Fixed-point C62x™DSP—16-bit multiply, 32-bit instructions and Floating-point C67x™DSP—32-bit instructions, sin-gle and double precision •Four data memory access(DMA)channels with bootload-ing capability (enhanced DMA with 16 channels for C6211,C6711 and C6712)•Up to 7 Mbit on-chip memory •Two multi-channel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) (three McBSPs for C6202 and C6203)•16-bit host-port interface (HPI)(32-bit Expansion Bus for C6202, C6203 and C6204)•Two 32-bit timers•32-bit PCI interface (C6205 only)C62x™ DSP only:•Up to 2400 MIPS at 300 MHz •C6201 demonstrates typical power dissipation of 1.3 Watts (full chip at 200 MHz)C67x™ DSP only:•IEEE floating-point format •1 GFLOPS at 167 MHz•420 MFLOPS for double-preci-sion hardware supportApplications•Pooled modems•Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL)•Wireless basestations •Central office switches•Private Branch Exchange (PBX)•Digital imaging •Call processing •3D graphics•Speech recognition •Voice over PacketFeatures•C6000™ DSP Platform VelociTI™ advanced VLIW architecture•Up to eight 32-bit instructions executed each cycle•Eight independent, multi-pur-pose functional units and thir-ty-two 32-bit registers•Industry’s most advanced DSP C compiler and Assembly Optimizer maximize efficiency and performanceTMS320C62X ™ DSP Generation, Fixed Point TMS320C67X ™DSP Generation, Floating PointHigh Performance DSPsThe fixed-point C6201 DSP is pin-for-pin compatible with the floating-point C6701 DSP offering easy code transfer resulting in significant savings in development, resource and manufacturing costs. Pin compatibility between the C6202, C6203 and C6204 DSPs allow for easy migration between several memory, price and performance options. The C6205 DSP is the first TI DSPwith on-chip PCI.The C6211 and C6711 DSPs’ innovative two-level cache memory structure enables a breakthrough in system cost/performance. *The C6712 features a 16-bit EMIF and no HPI. All C6x1x devices are pin compatible.7For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsTypical ActivityRAM (bits)CycleCPU Power Total Internal Power Voltage (V)DeviceData ProgMcBSPDMACOMMHz(ns)FLOPS(mA/MIPS)(W) (Full Device Speed)Core I/OPackaging$U.S./1KU +$U.S./10KU +TMS320C6701-150512K 512K 24HPI/16150 6.7900M 0.22 1.3 1.8 3.3352 BGA, 35 mm 99.2591.94TMS320C6701-167512K 512K 24HPI/1616761G 0.22 1.4 1.9 3.3352 BGA, 35 mm 142.61132.10TMS320C6711-10032Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†HPI/1610010600M 0.220.8 1.8 3.3256 BGA, 27 mm 24.6122.80TMS320C6711-150 32Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†HPI/16150 6.7900M 0.22 1.1 1.8 3.3256 BGA, 27 mm 33.8931.39TMS320C6712-10032Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†–10010600M0. BGA, 27 mm18.0616.73*The C6711’s 576 Kbits of cache memory is comprised of 32 Kbits data cache, 32 Kbits program cache and 512 Kbits unified cache memory.†Enhanced DMA.+Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars and represent year 2001 suggested resale pricing.Note:All devices include two timers.Typical ActivityRAM (bits)Cycle CPU Power Total Internal Power Voltage (V)DeviceData ProgMcBSP DMACOMMHz(ns)MIPS (mA/MIPS)(W) (Full Device Speed)Core I/OPackaging$U.S./1KU +$U.S./10KU +TMS320C6201-200512K 512K 24HPI/16200516000.15 1.3 1.8 3.3352 BGA, 35/27 mm 82.7076.61TMS320C6202-2001M 2M 34Exp. Bus/32200516000.15 1.7 1.8 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 94.0387.10384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6202-2501M 2M 34Exp. Bus/32250420000.15 2.1 1.8 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 110.08101.97384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6202B-2501M 2M 34Exp. Bus/32250420000.07 1.1 1.5 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 64.7559.98384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6202B-3001M 2M 34Exp. Bus/32300 3.324000.07 1.3 1.5 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 84.1877.98384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6203-2504M 3M 34Exp. Bus/32250420000.07 1.1 1.5 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 84.1877.98384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6203-3004M 3M 34Exp. Bus/32300 3.324000.07 1.3 1.5 3.3352 BGA, 27 mm 110.08101.97384 BGA, 18 mm TMS320C6204-200512K 512K 24Exp. Bus/32200516000.070.8 1.5 3.3340 BGA, 18 mm 33.8131.32288 BGA, 16 mm 28.1826.10TMS320C6205-200512K512K24PCI/32200516000.070.8 1.5 3.3288 BGA, 16 mm 33.4731.00TMS320C6211-15032Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†HPI/16150 6.712000.150.9 1.8 3.3256 BGA, 27 mm 27.9325.87TMS320C6211-16732Kb/32Kb/512Kb*216†HPI/16167613360. BGA, 27 mm41.8938.80*The C6211’s 576 Kbits of cache memory is comprised of 32 Kbits data cache, 32 Kbits program cache and 512 Kbits unified cache memory.†Enhanced DMA.+Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars and represent year 2001 suggested resale pricing.Note:All devices include two timers.Internal RAM (bits)Typical ActivityL1 Program Cache/Enhanced Total InternalL1 Data Cache/DMA Cycle CPU Power Power (W) (Full Voltage (V)DeviceL2 Unified RAM/CacheMcBSP(Channels)COM°Timers MHz(ns)MIPS (mA/MIPS)Device Speed)Core I/OPackaging$US/1KU +‡TMS320C6414-400128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 364HPI 32/163400 2.532000.030.44 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 117.27TMS320C6414-500128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 364HPI 32/163500240000.030.55 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 179.00TMS320C6414-600128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 364HPI 32/163600 1.6748000.040.9 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 240.73TMS320C6415-400128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/163400 2.532000.030.44 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 129.00TMS320C6415-500128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/163500240000.030.55 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 196.91TMS320C6415-600128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/163600 1.6748000.040.9 1.2 3.3532BGA, 23 mm 264.80TMS320C6416-400128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/163400 2.53200**0.030.44 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 141.90TMS320C6416-500128Kb/128Kb/8Mb 2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/16350024000**0.030.55 1.2 3.3532 BGA, 23 mm 216.58TMS320C6416-600128Kb/128Kb/8Mb2+UTOPIA*64PCI/HPI 32/1636001.674800** BGA, 23 mm 291.29‡Pricing is for TMS devices only.*UTOPIA pins muxed with a third McBSP .**Plus on-chip Turbo (TCP) and Viterbi (VCP) coprocessors.†Prototype quantities are expected to be available in June 2001. Please contact your TI Field Sales Representative or preferred TI Distributor for pricing information.°HPI is selectable, 32-bit or 16-bit.+Prices are quoted in US dollars and represent 2001 suggested resale pricing.Note:Initial samples expected June 2001. Production quantities scheduled for late 1Q02.60008For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsDescriptionPart #$U.S.+TMS320™ DSP Algorithm Standard Developer’s Kit*TMDX320DAIS-07 (included with CCStudio or from web)Free C6000 Code Composer Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE)† TMDS324685C-072,995C6000 Code Composer Studio IDE 30-Day Free Evaluation Tools ‡ CD-ROMSPRC020Free§All C6000 tools support C62x™, C67x™ and C64x™ products.+Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars and represent year 2001 suggested resale pricing*The web address to access the Kit is ww w w /algostandevkit †Includes Code Composer Studio IDE, DSP/BIOS Kernel, code generation tools (C compiler/assembler/linker), XDS510 device drivers (emulation software), RTDX, simulator, target-specific device drivers and profile-based compiler.‡Includes full-featured Code Composer Studio IDE, code generation tools (C compiler/assembler/linker) and simulator all limited to 30 days.DescriptionPart #$U.S.+TMS320C6711 DSP Starter Kit (DSK)†TMDS320006711295Imaging Developer’s Kit TMDX320026711 (U.S. part number)4,500TMDX320026711E (European part number)TCP/IP Network Developer’s KitTMDX320036711 (U.S. part number)995TMDX320036711E (European part number)EVALUATION MODULES (EVMs)C62x™ EVM Bundle*TMDS3260062013,495C67x™ EVM Bundle*TMDS3260067013,495JTAG EMULATORSXDS510 Emulator for Windows™ (ISA) & JTAG CableTMDS005104,000XDS510 Emulator for UNIX® (Solaris™ and HP-UX) (SCSI) & JTAG Cable TMDS00510WS 6,000XDS510PP-Plus – Parallel Port Emulator for WindowsTMDS3P7010141,500+Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars and represent year 2001 suggested resale pricing.*Includes Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE), DSP/BIOS™ Kernel, code generation tools (C compiler/assembler/linker), RTDX™, EVM board with device drivers.†Includes Code Composer Studio IDE, DSP/BIOS Kernel, code generation tools (C compiler/assembler/linker) with limited application size, RTDX, EVM board with device drivers and profile-based compiler.TMS320C6000 Programmer’s Guide SPRU198Evaluation Module Reference GuideSPRU269C6000 Software Tools Getting Started Guide SPRU185C6000 Assembly Language Tools User’s Guide SPRU186C6000 C Compiler User’s Guide SPRU187Code Composer User’s Guide SPRU296Debugger User’s GuideSPRU188C6000 Code Composer Studio Tutorial SPRU301C6000 DSP/BIOS User’s GuideSPRU303TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard Rules and Guidelines SPRU352TMS320C6000 Free Evaluation Tools CD-ROMSPRC020eXpressDSP Real-Time Software Technology Demo CD-ROMSPRC0309For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsTMS320C6201 Data SheetSPRS051TMS320C6202/TMS320C6202B Data Sheet SPRS104TMS320C6203 Data Sheet SPRS086TMS320C6204 Data Sheet SPRS152TMS320C6205 Data SheetSPRS106TMS320C6211 Fixed-Point /TMS320C6711 Floating-Point Data Sheet SPRS073TMS320C6701 Data Sheet SPRS067TMS320C6712 Data Sheet SPRS148TMS320C6414 Data Sheet SPRS134TMS320C6415 Data Sheet SPRS146TMS320C6416 Data Sheet SPRS164TMS320C6000 Technical BriefSPRU197TMS320C6000 CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide SPRU189TMS320C6000 Peripherals Reference Guide SPRU190TMS320C6000 Programmer’s GuideSPRU198TMS320C6000 Peripheral Support Library Programmer’s Reference SPRU273TMS320C62x™ DSP Product Bulletin SPRT136TMS320C67x™ DSP Product BulletinSPRT153TMS320™ DSP Floating-Point Product Bulletin SPRT196TMS320C6000 Development Tools Product Bulletin SPRT137TMS320C64x™ DSP Technical Brief SPRT192TMS320C64x Technical OverviewSPRU395How to Begin Development Today with the TMS320C6414, C6415, and C6416 DSPsSPRA718Application Notes/c6000appnotes Benchmarks/c6000bench TMS320C6000 DSP Foundation Library /c6000dsplib TMS320C6000 DSP Chip Support Library /c6000chipsupportC62x DSP Library/c62xdsplibTCP/IP Network Developer’s Kit /ndk Imaging Developer’s Kit (IDK)/idk Multichannel Vocoder Technology Demonstration Kit/mcvtdkFree Trial of C6000 DSP Platform Software Evaluation Tools/freetools600010For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsTI is bringing DSP expertise to bear on Data Converters:•8-, 16-, 32-, 64-bit dynamic external bus interface•Upgrade path to higher resolu-tion•Reduced power consumption •Unique device flexibility •DSP-friendly interfaces•Evaluation Modules and soft-ware drivers available on the InternetPower Management ProductsSwitching Regulators•Single- and dual-channel con-trollers support more than 20 A of system current•High efficiency for excellent thermal performance•Fast transient response time Low Dropout Regulators (LDOs)•High-current LDOs available for simpler power management solutions•Feature-rich products available offering Reset, Power Good pin,and ultra-low dropout voltages •TSSOP PowerPAD™ package improves thermal performance while saving space Supply Voltage Supervisors (SVS)•Designed to protect the DSP and maintain data integrity •Dual SVSs designed to monitor both C6000 DSP core and I/O voltage rails•Small packaging saves PCB space Plug-In Power Solutions •Complete power solution •EMI and reliability testedCodec Products•TI’s Codec products are opti-mized for interfacing to TMS320™ DSPs•Offer products for a variety of applications including those optimized for audio, modem,ADSL and videoData Converters and Power Management Products for the TMS320C6000™DSP PlatformAnalog-to-Digital Converters (< 1 MSPS) for the C6000™†DSP PlatformConversion Resolution Rate Supply Parallel or No. of Power SPI Device (Bits)(kSPS)(V)Serial Inputs (mW)Compatible?TLV15431038 3.3Serial 114Yes TLV1544*10855Serial 43Yes TLV1548*10855Serial 83Yes TLV1570*1012503/5Serial 88Yes TLV1572*1012503/5Serial 18Yes TLV2543*12663.3Serial113.3Yes*Evaluation Modules available.†Compatibility analysis done using the TMS320C6201 DSP .For a complete list of data converter evaluation modules, please see our web site at /sc/docs/tools/analog/dataconverterdevelopmentboards.htmlConversion Resolution Rate Supply Parallel or No. of Power SPI Device (Bits)(MSPS)(V)Serial Inputs (mW)Compatible?TLC876*10203/5Parallel 1107No TLV5510*810 3.3Parallel 140No TLV55808803.3Parallel1270No*Evaluation Modules available.†Compatibility analysis done using the TMS320C6201 DSP .For a complete list of data converter evaluation modules, please see our web site at /sc/docs/tools/analog/dataconverterdevelopmentboards.htmlAnalog-to-Digital Converters (≥1 MSPS)for the C6000†DSP PlatformDigital-to-Analog Converters (< 10 MHz) for the C6000†DSP PlatformSettling Power Resolution Supply Parallel or Time No. of (typ)Output SPI Device (Bits)(V)Serial (µs)DACs (mW)(V or I)Compatible?TLV5604103/5Serial 3–949V Yes TLV5614123/5Serial 3–949.6V Yes TLV5616123/5Serial 3–91 2.1V Yes TLV5619123/5Parallel114.5VNo†Compatibility analysis done using the TMS320C6201 DSP .For a complete list of data converter evaluation modules, please see our web site at /sc/docs/tools/analog/dataconverterdevelopmentboards.html11For complete worldwide distributor information, go to /sc/distributorsSupply CurrentSystem Level DSP Supply Dual-Channel DSP Power 5 A <4 – 20+ A <4 – 20+ A <8 A <8A DSP Device Voltage SVS Only LDO Switching Reg.Dual-Switching Reg.Plug-In Dual Plug-In TMS320C6201 1.8V core TPS3306-18TPS70451UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT6526PT69313.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521TMS320C6202 1.8V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65263.3V I/O TPS3306-18TPS70151UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6202B 1.5V core TPS3306-15TPS767D318UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65223.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6203 1.5V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65223.3V I/O TPS3306-15TPS70448UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6204 1.5V core TPS3306-15TPS767D318UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65223.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6205 1.5V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65223.3V I/O TPS3306-15TPS767D318UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6211 1.8V core TPS3306-18TPS767D318UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65263.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6701 1.8V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT6526150-MHz version 3.3V I/O TPS3306-18TPS70351UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6701 1.9V core TPS3707-33TPS70302UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT6526167-MHz version 3.3V I/O (dual configuration)UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6711 1.8V core UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65263.3V I/O TPS3306-18TPS767D318UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C6712 1.8V core TPS3306-18TPS767D318UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT65263.3V I/O UC385-ADJ TPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931TMS320C64x 1.8V core TPS3124J12UC385-ADJ UCC3585 or TPS5120 or PT6522(@ 500 MHz)3.3V I/OTPS3801K33TPS70445UC385-ADJTPS5103TPS56300PT6521PT6931Evaluation Modules available. For more information and how to order, go to /sc/docs/tools/analog/index.htmlAnalog Digital Band Pass Filter Low Pass Sampling Rate Sin x/x Supply Supply Power Dissipation Device (3 dB)kHz Filter (3 dB) kHzMax (kSPS)Correction Voltage (V)Voltage (V)@ 5V (typ) (mW)TLC320AD50up to 9.92 9.9222.05No +5+5/+3.3120TLC320AD52up to 9.92 9.9222.05No +5+5/+3.3120TLC320AD56*up to 8.828.8222.05No +5+5/+3.3100TLC320AD535up to 4.96 4.9611.025No +5/+3.3+5/+3.3240TLC320AD545up to 4.96 4.9611.025No +5/+3.3+5/+3.3120TLV320AD543up to 4.964.9611.025No+3+390*Evaluation Modules available.For a complete list of data converter evaluation modules, please see our web site at /sc/docs/tools/analog/dataconverterdevelopmentboards.html6000。



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Instruction 说明书

Instruction 说明书

Follow instruction manualThe instruction manual is part of the product and an important element within the safety concept.• Read and follow instruction manual.• A lways keep instruction manual available for the product.• P ass on instruction manual to all subsequent users of the product.1. Intended useThe product is applicable for liquids with specific conductivity over 10 µS/cm. Theswitching unit can sense the resistance between probes. Conductivity measurement is suitable only for detecting the presence of liquid at a given level of the tank. This level is represented by the length of the probe. The conductive switch is suitable for fìlling or emptying control with 2 to 4 relay outputs working simultaneously or for level detection of 2-4 independent levels (in 1 or 2 tanks) with 2 independent relay outputs.2. Safety and responsibilityIn order to provide safety in the plant, the operator is responsible for the following measures:• P roducts may only be used for its intended purpose, see intended use • N ever use a damaged or defective product. Immediately sort out damaged product.• M ake sure that the piping system has been installed professionally and serviced regularly.• P roducts and equipment shall only be installed by persons who have the required training, knowledge or experience.• R egularly train personnel in all relevant questions regarding locally applicableregulations, safety at work, environmental protection especially for pressurised pipes.The personnel is responsible for the following measures:• K now, understand and follow the instruction manual and the advices therein.3. FunctionThe level switch consists of 1 or 2 switching unit and the KLN-2 type probes. Probes are to be connected to the 2281 type probe socket head that can be screwed into the tank. lf the material of the tank or its internal insulation is not conductive then a reference probe should be used in addition to the one, two, three or four probe(s), if the material of the tank is conductive, the tank can be used as a reference probe.4. Technical Data4.1 Technical Data of the switching unitProbe Voltage 5 V AC Probe current < 1 mA ACSensitivityAdjustable: 5 kΩ ... 100 kΩMax. cable capacity 4 nF Response max. 400 ms Setting accuracy (mech.)± 5 %Delay Adjustable: 0.5 ... 10 s Relay output 2x SPDTSwitching voltage 250 V AC1, 24 V DC Switching current 16A AC1Switching power 4000 vA AC1. 384 W DC Electrical strength 4 kVMechanical life-span 3 x107 switches Electrical life-span 0,7x105 switches Power supply Un 24 V AC/DCVoltage range allowed nominal voltage -15 %...+100 %Power consumption max. 2.5 VA/ W Ambient temperature -20°C ... +55°CElectrical connection max. 2.5 mm 2 / with insulation 1.5 mm 2Electrical protection Class III Ingress protection IP 20Mechanical connection DIN EN 60715 rail Mass240 g6. Installation• Mount s witching unit on DIN EN 60715 rail.• Cut the KLN-2 type probes to the length required for level detection on site. • Screw probes into the sockets.• Tighten the probe with an M6 nut.•Use separators at every 0.5 m for multiple probe devices to keep the probes apart.7. Electrical Connectionlf the wall of the tank is conductive no reference probe is needed, ln this case terminal C is to be connected to the tank. On multiple probe units E1 and E2 are marked with 1,,.4, the reference probe is marked with C. Admissible length of cable between signal processor and probes depends on cable capacity and conductivity. Make sure E1 in upper level, E2 buttom level.8. Putting into operation8.1 AdjustmentThe green LED (U n ) shows that the unit is on, the energized state of the relays areindicated by the E1 respectively E2 LEDs. Operating mode, delay ON and delay OFF can be set with the DIP switch on the front panel. tE1(s) and tE2(s) potentiometers are for adjusting the delay time. The sensitivity setting (R potentiometer) should comply with lhe conductivity of the fluid. Do not set sensitivity higher than required because the vapour precipilation may lead to operation disturbance.Selection of delay type for input E1ta: delay OFF Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd CH-8201 Schaffhausen Phone +41(0)52 631 30 26 / info.ps @georgfischer .com / GFDO 6354_4 (07.14)© Georg Fischer Rohrleitungssysteme AG CH-8201 Schaffhausen/Schweiz, 2014Printed in SwitzerlandInstruction manual2281 Conductive multipoint switch with dual channel relayGF Piping SystemsGeorg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd CH-8201 SchaffhausenPhone +41(0)52 631 30 26 / info.ps@ /GFDO 6354_4 (07.14)© Georg Fischer Rohrleitungssysteme AGCH-8201 Schaffhausen/Schweiz, 2014Printed in Switzerland8.2 Level detectionThe relay allows level detection of 2 independent levels even in one tank or in two separated tanks.8.3 State of relaysE1 E2 E1 E2 E1 E2 E1 E2Function 2xDelay type E1 taFunction 2xDelay type E1 taFunction 2xDelay type E1 taFunction 2xDelay type E1 ta1xONtbtb1xONtbtb1xONtbtb1xONtbtb8.4 Level controlSelection of contacts depends on required function.9. Maintenance, RepairThe device does not require regular maintenance. Repair within and beyond the wanantyperiod is carried out at the manufacturer‘s location.10. Storage• Ambient temperature: -30 to +70 °C• Relative humidity: max. 85%11. DisclaimerThe technical data are not binding. They neither constitute expressly warranted cha-racteristics nor guaranteed properties nor a guaranteed durability.They are subject to modification. Our General Terms of Sale apply.。



科蒂斯仪器(中国)有限公司 C URTIS I NSTRUMENT (C HINA ) C O ., L TD .P e r f o r m a n c e C o n v e n i e n c eR e l i a b i l i t y目 录应用 1特性 1型号选择 2直流接触器选择 2注意事项 2安装检查 2典型接线图 3加速器类型 4-5 故障排查 6 1311手持编程器菜单——参数类别 7-8 程序菜单 9-11 编程器故障诊断菜单及840仪表及状态显示LED故障诊断表 12-13编程器监控菜单 14应 用科蒂斯1243型他励电机速度控制器广泛应用于小型物料搬运车及低空升降平台、堆垛车、手动搬运车、小型高尔夫球车等。

特 性z刹车力度可以根据车辆负载大小进行调整(需要安装重量传感器)z可以对钥匙开关打开后的总时间及行驶时间进行记录,数据存于控制器中。

z OEM客户可以通过编程器中的维护菜单来预设车辆的操作时间和行使时间。










美国派利斯公司产品介绍—振动传感器系列美 国 派 利 斯 电 子 ( 北 京 ) 有 限 公 司北京朝阳区南磨房路37号华腾北搪商务大厦1905室邮编:100022电话:(010)5190-8800 传真:(010)5190-8761邮件: china@ 网址:1地震式探头选型指南美国派利斯公司产品介绍—振动传感器系列美 国 派 利 斯 电 子 ( 北 京 ) 有 限 公 司加速度传感器 TM0782A广泛应用于工业领域的压电晶体类型加速度传感器TM0782A-K 加速度传感器及套件由加速度探头和带5米电缆的接头组成。

TM0782A-K 加速度传感器及套件可以直接与派利斯公司的监测仪表连接,如DTM/TR 变送器、TM101变送保护表、PT580数字振动开关等,用于测量机壳振动,并输出加速度、速度、位移值。

技术参数电气指标灵敏度:100mV /g ±10%(25 oC ) 频响:0.5~10,000Hz (±3dB ) 最高振幅:50g 隔离:电路与外壳绝缘 噪声:0.0007g电源:2~10mA 恒流,18-30VDC 偏置电压:10 - 14VDC 共振频率:30kHz 最大传输距离:300米环境与物理指标温度区间:-50 oC ~+120 oC防护等级:IP67重量:90克 外壳材料:不锈钢 安装孔经:1/4-28UNF 安装力矩:29N*M 危险场合认证:ATEX : II 1 G, Ex ia IIC T4CSA : Class l, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C& D ,T4 PCEC :Ex ia IIC T4 GOST R: 0ExiallCT4X连接A :电源(红色电缆)B :公共端(白色电缆) COM :屏蔽层定货指南TM0782A-M加速度传感器(转接螺丝 1/4-28”→M6×1)TM0782A-E加速度传感器(转接螺丝 1/4-28” →1/4-28”)美国派利斯公司产品介绍—振动传感器系列美 国 派 利 斯 电 子 ( 北 京 ) 有 限 公 司北京朝阳区南磨房路37号华腾北搪商务大厦1905室邮编:100022电话:(010)5190-8800 传真:(010)5190-8761邮件: china@ 网址:3TM0782A-K-M加速度传感器套件包括: 9 TM0782A 加速度传感器 9转接螺丝(1/4-28” → M6×1) 9 TM0702-05TM0782A-K-E加速度传感器套件包括: 9 TM0782A 加速度传感器 9转接螺丝(1/4-28” →1/4-28”) 9 TM0702-05TM0782A-M-S9 加速度传感器(转接螺丝 1/4-28→M6×1) 9 本安防爆认证TM0782A-E-S9 加速度传感器(转接螺丝 1/4-28” →1/4-28”) 9 本安防爆认证TM0782A-K-M-S加速度传感器套件包括: 9 TM0782A 加速度传感器 9 转接螺丝(1/4-28″→M6×1)9TM0702-059 本安防爆认证 TM0782A-K-E-S加速度传感器套件包括: 9 TM0782A 加速度传感器9 转接螺丝(1/4-28″→1/4-28″)9TM0702-059 本安防爆认证.附件:(标准电缆长为 5 米, XX = 05) 建议选用 TM0702-XXTM0702-XX : MIL 铝插头, 带 XX 米电缆,直径7mm 。



Full Name
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Advanced Audio Coding ATM Adaptation Layer type 1 Authentication Algorithm Number Activity-Based Buggeting Activity-Based Costing Activity-Base Management Available Bit Rate Alternating Current Audio Coder-3 Accept Anisotropic Conductive Film Advanced Configuration & Power Interface AT Command Interpreter Acknowledgement SMS Access Control List Add, Compare, Select Agency Dept. Automatic data capture Absolute Dimension Measurement Administration Function at the LIAN Audio Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Adaptive Dynamic Threshold Additional Elementary Functions Association for Electric Home Appliances Advance Encryption standard Alternative Frequency List Audio Frequency Control Annual Failure Rate Access Gateway Audio Gateway Anti-Glare Advanced Global Alignment Accelerated Graphics Port、Advanced Graphics Port Assisted Global Positioning System Auto Insertion Acquisition Indicatior Acquisition Indication Channel Article Inspection report Article Inspection report ATM Line Interface Module subrack alternate lighting of surfaces Accelerated Life Test General Administration Dept.



总目录第一章公司简介 (2)第二章公司产品 (3)微区取样仪MICRODRILL SAMPLING (3)RELIOTRON阴极发光仪 (6)阴极发光辅助能谱系统 (8)台式扫描JCM-6000电子显微镜 (10)JSM-6510钨灯丝电子镜 (12)三维成像及反卷积 (13)冷热台 (15)NIKON光学显微镜 (16)偏光显微镜ECLISPE LV100POL/CiPOL/E200POL (16)Polarizing/Dispersion microscope ECLIPSE LV100-UDM-POL/DS (16)体式显微镜 (16)多功能变焦显微镜 (20)超分辨率显微镜N-SIM (20)共聚焦显微镜系统 (21)显微镜数码成像系统 (22)成像软件NIS-Elements (24)金相显微镜 (25)MiniScope MS400顺磁共振波谱仪 (27)GeoSpec2核磁共振仪 (28)显微分光光度计 (29)裂变径迹系统 (30)地址:北京市西城区广安门内大街311号祥龙商务大厦1022室邮编:100053第一章公司简介北京美嘉图科技有限公司是一家以科技创新为主,具有高新技术根基的专业公司,是欧洲、美国、日本等多家厂商的仪器、仪表生产商在中国大陆地区的代理。







DS-TMG022 Vehicle Detector User Manual
Regulatory Information
FCC Information
Please take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: 2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: Industry Canada ICES-003 Compliance This device meets the CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) standards requirements.

Eaton 电路保护器 Series G 目录说明书

Eaton 电路保护器 Series G 目录说明书

2Catalog Number SelectionThis information is presented only as an aid to understanding catalog numbers. It is not to be used to build catalog numbers for circuit breakers or trip units.Series G—EG-Frame (15–125 Amperes)Notes1Cannot be UL rated.2Available only as 125 and 160A sizes.Terminations/Hardware Terminals Mounting Hardware M = Metric end caps E = Imperial end caps G = Line/load standard B = Bolt-on Metric Imperial Metric —FrameEPerformance 600Y/347480415240B —181825E 18252535S 22354085H 256570100C 35100100200KMolded case switch2Standard/Application G = IEC/CE/UL/CSAAmperes016 1015020025030032 1035040045050060063 1070080090100110125160 1Number of Poles1 = One2 = Two3 = Three4 = Four—neutral 0% protected 7 = Four—neutral 100% protectedTrip Unit FF = Fixed fixedAF = Adjustable thermal fixed magnetic KS = Molded case switchE G H 3 015 FF Ge s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2Product SelectionComplete Breaker (Includes Frame, Trip Unit, Standard Terminals and Mounting Hardware) IC Rating at 415/480 VoltsEG-Frame—18/18Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1 Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2 Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2 Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGB1015FFG EGB2015FFG EGB3015FFG —EGB4015FFG —16EGB1016FFG EGB2016FFG EGB3016FFG —EGB4016FFG —20EGB1020FFG EGB2020FFG EGB3020FFG —EGB4020FFG EGB4020AFG25EGB1025FFG EGB2025FFG EGB3025FFG EGB3025AFG EGB4025FFG EGB4025AFG 30EGB1030FFG EGB2030FFG EGB3030FFG —EGB4030FFG —32EGB1032FFG EGB2032FFG EGB3032FFG EGB3032AFG EGB4032FFG EGB4032AFG 35EGB1035FFG EGB2035FFG EGB3035FFG —EGB4035FFG —40EGB1040FFG EGB2040FFG EGB3040FFG EGB3040AFG EGB4040FFG EGB4040AFG 45EGB1045FFG EGB2045FFG EGB3045FFG —EGB4045FFG —50EGB1050FFG EGB2050FFG EGB3050FFG EGB3050AFG EGB4050FFG EGB4050AFG 60EGB1060FFG EGB2060FFG EGB3060FFG —EGB4060FFG —63EGB1063FFG EGB2063FFG EGB3063FFG EGB3063AFG EGB4063FFG EGB4063AFG 70EGB1070FFG EGB2070FFG EGB3070FFG —EGB4070FFG —80EGB1080FFG EGB2080FFG EGB3080FFG EGB3080AFG EGB4080FFG EGB4080AFG 90EGB1090FFG EGB2090FFG EGB3090FFG —EGB4090FFG —100EGB1100FFG EGB2100FFG EGB3100FFG EGB3100AFG EGB4100FFG EGB4100AFG 125EGB1125FFG EGB2125FFG EGB3125FFG EGB3125AFG EGB4125FFG EGB4125AFG 160——EGB3160FFGEGB3160AFGEGB4160FFGEGB4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2EG-Frame—25/25 Single-Pole UnavailableEG-Frame—25/25Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1 Two-Pole Three-PoleFour-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed MagneticFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal,Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGE2015FFG EGE3015FFG —EGE4015FFG —16EGE2016FFG EGE3016FFG —EGE4016FFG —20EGE2020FFG EGE3020FFG —EGE4020FFG EGE4020AFG 25EGE2025FFG EGE3025FFGEGE3025AFG EGE4025FFG EGE4025AFG 30EGE2030FFG EGE3030FFG —EGE4030FFG —32EGE2032FFG EGE3032FFG EGE3032AFG EGE4032FFG EGE4032AFG 35EGE2035FFG EGE3035FFG —EGE4035FFG —40EGE2040FFG EGE3040FFG EGE3040AFG EGE4040FFG EGE4040AFG 45EGE2045FFG EGE3045FFG EGE3050AFG EGE4045FFG —50EGE2050FFG EGE3050FFG —EGE4050FFG EGE4050AFG 60EGE2060FFG EGE3060FFG —EGE4060FFG —63EGE2063FFG EGE3063FFG EGE3063AFG EGE4063FFG EGE4063AFG 70EGE2070FFG EGE3070FFG —EGE4070FFG —80EGE2080FFG EGE3080FFG EGE3080AFG EGE4080FFG EGE4080AFG 90EGE2090FFG EGE3090FFG —EGE4090FFG —100EGE2100FFG EGE3100FFG EGE3100AFG EGE4100FFG EGE4100AFG 125EGE2125FFG EGE3125FFG EGE3125AFG EGE4125FFG EGE4125AFG 160—EGE3160FFGEGE3160AFGEGE4160FFG EGE4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w22.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—40/35Notes1 16, 32, 63 and 160A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGS1015FFG EGS2015FFG EGS3015FFG —EGS4015FFG —16EGS1016FFG EGS2016FFG EGS3016FFG —EGS4016FFG —20EGS1020FFG EGS2020FFG EGS3020FFG —EGS4020FFGEGS4020AFG 25EGS1025FFG EGS2025FFG EGS3025FFG EGS3025AFG EGS4025FFG EGS4025AFG 30EGS1030FFG EGS2030FFG EGS3030FFG —EGS4030FFG —32EGS1032FFG EGS2032FFG EGS3032FFG EGS3032AFG EGS4032FFG EGS4032AFG 35EGS1035FFG EGS2035FFG EGS3035FFG —EGS4035FFG —40EGS1040FFG EGS2040FFG EGS3040FFG EGS3040AFG EGS4040FFG EGS4040AFG 45EGS1045FFG EGS2045FFG EGS3045FFG —EGS4045FFG —50EGS1050FFG EGS2050FFG EGS3050FFG EGS3050AFG EGS4050FFG EGS4050AFG 60EGS1060FFG EGS2060FFG EGS3060FFG —EGS4060FFG —63EGS1063FFG EGS2063FFG EGS3063FFG EGS3063AFG EGS4063FFG EGS4063AFG 70EGS1070FFG EGS2070FFG EGS3070FFG —EGS4070FFG —80EGS1080FFG EGS2080FFG EGS3080FFG EGS3080AFG EGS4080FFG EGS4080AFG 90EGS1090FFG EGS2090FFG EGS3090FFG —EGS4090FFG —100EGS1100FFG EGS2100FFG EGS3100FFG EGS3100AFG EGS4100FFG EGS4100AFG 125EGS1125FFG EGS2125FFG EGS3125FFG EGS3125AFG EGS4125FFG EGS4125AFG 160——EGS3160FFGEGS3160AFGEGS4160FFGEGS4160AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2 2.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—70/65Notes1 16, 32, 63A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal are not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on the LH side.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Single-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGH1015FFG EGH2015FFG EGH3015FFG —EGH4015FFG —16EGH1016FFG EGH2016FFG EGH3016FFG —EGH4016FFG —20EGH1020FFG EGH2020FFG EGH3020FFG EGH3020AFGEGH4020FFG EGH4020AFG 25EGH1025FFG EGH2025FFG EGH3025FFG EGH3025AFG EGH4025FFG EGH4025AFG 30EGH1030FFG EGH2030FFG EGH3030FFG —EGH4030FFG —32EGH1032FFG EGH2032FFG EGH3032FFG EGH3032AFG EGH4032FFG EGH4032AFG 35EGH1035FFG EGH2035FFG EGH3035FFG —EGH4035FFG —40EGH1040FFG EGH2040FFG EGH3040FFG EGH3040AFG EGH4040FFG EGH4040AFG 45EGH1045FFG EGH2045FFG EGH3045FFG —EGH4045FFG EGH4050AFG 50EGH1050FFG EGH2050FFG EGH3050FFG EGH3050AFG EGH4050FFG —60EGH1060FFG EGH2060FFG EGH3060FFG —EGH4060FFG —63EGH1063FFG EGH2063FFG EGH3063FFG EGH3063AFG EGH4063FFG EGH4063AFG 70EGH1070FFG EGH2070FFG EGH3070FFG —EGH4070FFG —80EGH1080FFG EGH2080FFG EGH3080FFG EGH3080AFG EGH4080FFG EGH4080AFG 90EGH1090FFG EGH2090FFG EGH3090FFG —EGH4090FFG —100EGH1100FFG EGH2100FFG EGH3100FFG EGH3100AFG EGH4100FFG EGH4100AFG 125EGH1125FFGEGH2125FFGEGH3125FFGEGH3125AFGEGH4125FFGEGH4125AFGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2EG-Frame—100/100 Current Limiting (Single-Pole and Two-Pole Unavailable)EG-Frame—100/100Molded Case Switches4Notes1 16, 32, 63A are not UL listed ratings.2 Adjustable thermal is not UL listed.3 Change the fourth digit to 7 for 100% neutral protection. Neutral is on LH side.4 Molded case switches may open above 1250A.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C 1Three-Pole Four-Pole 0% Protected Neutral 3Fixed Thermal, Fixed MagneticAdjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Adjustable 2Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number 15EGC3015FFG —EGC7015FFG —16EGC3016FFG —EGC7016FFG —20EGC3020FFG EGC3020AFG EGC7020FFG EGC7020AFG 25EGC3025FFG EGC3025AFG EGC7025FFG EGC7025AFG 30EGC3030FFG —EGC7030FFG —32EGC3032FFG EGC3032AFG EGC7032FFG EGC7032AFG 35EGC3035FFG —EGC7035FFG —40EGC3040FFG EGC3040AFG EGC7040FFG EGC7040AFG 45EGC3045FFG —EGC7045FFG —50EGC3050FFG EGC3050AFG EGC7050FFG EGC7050AFG 60EGC3060FFG —EGC7060FFG —63EGC3063FFG EGC3063AFG EGC7063FFG EGC7063AFG 70EGC3070FFG —EGC7070FFG —80EGC3080FFG EGC3080AFG EGC7080FFG EGC7080AFG 90EGC3090FFG —EGC7090FFG —100EGC3100FFG EGC3100AFG EGC7100FFG EGC7100AFG 125EGC3125FFGEGC3125AFGEGC7125FFGEGC7125AFGCatalog Number EGK3125KSG EGK7125KSG EGK3160KSG EGK7160KSGEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2EG Bolt-On Complete Breaker (Includes Frame, Trip Unit and Mounting Hardware)EG-Frame—18 kAIC at 480 VacEG-Frame—35 kAIC at 480 VacNotes1 For bulk pack 24, add suffix BP24 and order quantities of 24.2 For bulk pack 12, add suffix BP12 and order quantities of 12.3 For bulk pack 8, add suffix BP8 and order quantities of 8.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGB1015FFB EGB2015FFB EGB3015FFB 20EGB1020FFB EGB2020FFB EGB3020FFB 25EGB1025FFB EGB2025FFB EGB3025FFB 30EGB1030FFB EGB2030FFB EGB3030FFB 35EGB1035FFB EGB2035FFB EGB3035FFB 40EGB1040FFB EGB2040FFB EGB3040FFB 45EGB1045FFB EGB2045FFB EGB3045FFB 50EGB1050FFB EGB2050FFB EGB3050FFB 60EGB1060FFBEGB2060FFB EGB3060FFB 70EGB1070FFB EGB2070FFBEGB3070FFB 80EGB1080FFB EGB2080FFB EGB3080FFB 90EGB1090FFB EGB2090FFB EGB3090FFB 100EGB1100FFB EGB2100FFB EGB3100FFB 110EGB1110FFB EGB2110FFB EGB3110FFB 125EGB1125FFBEGB2125FFBEGB3125FFBMaximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGS1015FFB EGS2015FFB EGS3015FFB 20EGS1020FFB EGS2020FFB EGS3020FFB 25EGS1025FFB EGS2025FFB EGS3025FFB 30EGS1030FFB EGS2030FFB EGS3030FFB 35EGS1035FFB EGS2035FFB EGS3035FFB 40EGS1040FFB EGS2040FFB EGS3040FFB 45EGS1045FFB EGS2045FFB EGS3045FFB 50EGS1050FFB EGS2050FFB EGS3050FFB 60EGS1060FFB EGS2060FFB EGS3060FFB 70EGS1070FFB EGS2070FFB EGS3070FFB 80EGS1080FFB EGS2080FFB EGS3080FFB 90EGS1090FFB EGS2090FFB EGS3090FFB 100EGS1100FFB EGS2100FFB EGS3100FFB 110EGS1110FFB EGS2110FFB EGS3110FFB 125EGS1125FFBEGS2125FFBEGS3125FFBEG-FrameEG-Frame e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w22.2Molded Case Circuit BreakersSeries GEG-Frame—65 kAIC at 480 VacLoad T erminalsNotes1 For bulk pack 24, add suffix BP24 and order quantities of 24.2 For bulk pack 12, add suffix BP12 and order quantities of 12.3 For bulk pack 8, add suffix BP8 and order quantities of 8.Maximum Continuous Amps at 40°C Single-PoleTwo-PoleThree-PoleFixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Fixed Thermal, Fixed Magnetic Catalog Number 1Catalog Number 2Catalog Number 315EGH1015FFB EGH2015FFB EGH3015FFB 20EGH1020FFB EGH2020FFB EGH3020FFB 25EGH1025FFB EGH2025FFB EGH3025FFB 30EGH1030FFB EGH2030FFB EGH3030FFB 35EGH1035FFB EGH2035FFB EGH3035FFB 40EGH1040FFBEGH2040FFB EGH3040FFB 45EGH1045FFB EGH2045FFB EGH3045FFB 50EGH1050FFB EGH2050FFB EGH3050FFB 60EGH1060FFB EGH2060FFB EGH3060FFB 70EGH1070FFB EGH2070FFB EGH3070FFB 80EGH1080FFB EGH2080FFB EGH3080FFB 90EGH1090FFB EGH2090FFB EGH3090FFB 100EGH1100FFB EGH2100FFB EGH3100FFB 110EGH1110FFB EGH2110FFB EGH3110FFB 125EGH1125FFBEGH2125FFBEGH3125FFBMaximum Breaker AmpsTerminal, Body MaterialWire TypeMetric Wire Range mm 2AWG Wire Range(Package of Three Terminals)Catalog NumberStandard Cu/Al Pressure T ype T erminals 15–50Aluminum Cu/Al 2.5–50#14–1/03TA125EF 60–125AluminumCu/Al16–70#6–3/03TA150EFEG-Framee s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m2Accessories Selection Guide and Ordering InformationEG-FrameLine and Load T erminalsEG-Frame circuit breakers and molded case switches have line and load terminals as standard equipment.Insert collar enclosing conductor as shown. Locate nut on top of conductor and tighten securely with screw and washer.Caution : Collar must surround conductor.Insert collar enclosing conductor and center on extrusion. Tighten securely with screw and washer. Endcap kits are used on the E-Frame breaker line side to connect busbar or similar electrical connections. Includes hardware.Notes1Standard line and load terminals.2Four-pole kit with four terminals.3T125EF3TA125EF 3TA150EF 3TA160EFKEF2RTWK, Two-Pole–Metric EF3RTWK, Three-Pole–Metric EF4RTWK, Four-Pole–Metric EF2RTDK, Two-Pole–Imperial EF3RTDK, Three-Pole–Imperial EF4RTDK, Four-Pole–ImperialControl Wire Terminal Kit GCWTKMultiwire ConnectorsMaximum Breaker AmpsTerminal Body MaterialWire TypeMetric Wire Range mm 2AWG Wire Range(Package of Three Terminals)Catalog NumberStandard Cu/Al Pressure T ype T erminals 125Steel Al 4–6#12-103T125EF 1125Steel Cu 2.5–95#14-3/03T125EF 1125Aluminum Cu/Al 2.5–50#14-1/03TA125EF 160Aluminum Cu/Al 16–70#6-3/03TA150EF 160Aluminum Cu/Al 35–120#3-2503TA160EFK 160AluminumCu/Al35–120#3-2504TA160EFK2e s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w2Control Wire T erminal KitFor use with steel or stainless steel standard line and load terminals only.Interphase BarriersThe interphase barrier is available for extended insulationbetween circuit breaker poles. Specify quantity when ordering.Base Mounting Hardware—DIN Rail MountingMetric base mounting hardware is included with a circuit breaker or molded case switch. (Included with breaker.) If required separately, order S/N 8703C80G08.Note: English mounting hardware kit can be supplied separate. Catalog number is BMHE #6–32 x 3 inches for two-, three- and four-pole. Single-pole mounting hardware metric order 8703C80G11. English hardware 8703C80G12. Both sold in quantities of 100.Terminal ShieldsThe terminal shield is available for line terminal areas in three- and four-pole circuit breakers. Special terminal shields are also available for use when an electrical (solenoid) operator ismounted on the circuit breaker. The standard style number by pole for each terminal shield is for a package of 10 and is priced per each package. Special terminal shields are packaged individually.T erminal Shields—IP30 ProtectionTerminal End Covers (Gas Barrier)The terminal end cover is available for three-pole circuit breakers only. Two conductor opening sizes are available. Specify quantity (one per circuit breaker) when ordering.T erminal End CoversMultiwire ConnectorsField-installed multiwire connectors for the load side (OFF) end terminals. They are used to distribute the load from the circuit breaker to multiple devices without the use of separate distribution terminal blocks.Multiwire lug kits include mounting hardware, terminal shield insulators and tin-plated aluminum connectors to replace three mechanical load lugs. UL listed as used on the load side (OFF) end.EG-Frame Multiwire Connectors Ordering Information (Package of 3) 1Note1For four-pole kit, change “3” at beginning of catalog number to “4.”Catalog NumberControl wire terminal kit 5652B38G01Package of 12—priced individuallyCatalog NumberInterphase barriersEIPBKPackage of 12—priced individuallyCatalog NumberDIN rail adapter—single-pole EF1DIN DIN rail adapter—two-pole EGDIN DIN rail adapter—three- or four-poleEF34DINNumber of Poles Catalog Number 3EFTS3K 4EFTS4KConductor Opening Diameter Inches (mm) Catalog Number 6.35 (0.25)EEC3K 10.41 (0.41)EEC4KMaximum Amperes Wires per Terminal Wire SizeRange AWG Cu Kit Catalog Number 125314–23TA125E3K 125614–63TA125E6Ke s y of C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wV4-T2-26Volume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April 2AccessoriesAllowable Accessory CombinationsDifferent combinations of accessories can be supplied, depending on the types of accessories and the number of poles in the circuit breaker.EG-Frame AccessoriesLegend■ Applicable in indicated pole position❏ May be mounted on left or right pole—not both ● Accessory available/modification availableReference PageSingle-Pole Two-Pole Three-Pole Four-Pole DescriptionCenterLeftRightLeftCenterRightLeftCenterRightNeutralInternal Accessories(Only one internal accessory per pole)Alarm lockout (Make/Break)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Alarm lockout (2Make/2Break)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch (1A, 1B)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch (2A, 2B)V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Auxiliary switch and alarm switch combination V4-T2-104——■——■——■—Shunt trip—standardV4-T2-104———■——■———Undervoltage release mechanism V4-T2-105———■——■———External Accessories End cap kitV4-T2-25—●●●●●●●●●Control wire terminal kit V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Multiwire connectors V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Base mounting hardware V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Terminal shields V4-T2-25●●●●●●●●●●Terminal end covers V4-T2-25———●●●————Interphase barriersV4-T2-25—●●●●●●●●●Non-padlockable handle block V4-T2-102■■——■——■——Snap-on padlockable handle lock hasp V4-T2-102■■——■——■——Padlockable handle lock haspV4-T2-102——■❏—❏❏—❏—Walking beam interlock—requires two breakers V4-T2-102———●●●●●●●Plug-in adapters V4-T2-102—●●●●●●●●●Electrical operator V4-T2-102———●●●————Handle mechanismsV4-T2-407———●●●————Modifications (Refer to Eaton)Moisture fungus treatment V4-T2-100●●●●●●●●●●Freeze-tested circuit breakers—●●●●●●●●●●Marine/naval application, UL 489 Supplement SA and SB—●●●●●●●●●●C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wVolume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April V4-T2-272Technical Data and SpecificationsUL 489/IEC 60947-2 Interrupting Capacity (Symmetrical Amperes) (kA) RatingsDimensions and WeightsApproximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)EG-FrameEG-FrameApproximate Shipping Weight in Lbs (kg)EG-FrameNotes1DC ratings apply to substantially non-inductive circuits.2IEC only.3Two-pole circuit breaker, or two poles of three-pole circuit breaker.4Time constant is 3 milliseconds minimum at 10 kA and 8 milliseconds minimum at 42 kA.5Current limiting per UL 489.Circuit Breaker Type Number of Poles Volts AC (50/60 Hz)Volts DC 1120220–240277347380–415480600Y/ 347690 2125250 34I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs I cu I cs EGB125135252518———————1010——2, 3, 4—2525——181818—————1010EGE1252, 3, 4—3535——25252518————1010EGS125110085433522——————3535——2, 3, 4—8543——40303522————3535EGH1251200100506530——————4242——2, 3, 4—10050——70356525————4242EGC125 53, 4—200200——10010010035————4242EGB160 23, 4—2525——181818—————1010EGE160 23, 4—3535——25252518————1010EGS160 23, 4—8543——40303522————3535Number of Poles Width Height Depth 1 1.00 (25.4) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)2 2.00 (50.8) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)3 3.00 (76.2) 5.50 (139.7) 2.99 (75.9)44.00 (101.6)5.50 (139.7)2.99 (75.9)Breaker Type Number of Poles 1234Breaker Type Number of Poles 34EGB125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGB160 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGC125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGE160 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGE125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGS1603.0 (1.36)4.9 (1.82)EGH125 1.5 (0.68) 2.0 (0.91) 3.0 (1.36) 4.9 (1.82)EGS1251.5 (0.68)2.0 (0.91)3.0 (1.36)4.9 (1.82)Front View Three-PoleFront Cover CutoutSide View(33.0)C LC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w wV4-T2-28Volume 4—Circuit Protection CA08100005E—April 2EG-Frame With Earth Leakage ModuleEG-Frame With Current Limiter ModuleC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w。


The CD22103A is an LSI SOS integrated circuit which performs the HDB3 transmission coding and reception decoding functions with error detection. It is used in 2.048Mb/s and 8.448Mb/s transmission applications. The CD22103A performs HDB3 coding and decoding for data rates from 50Kb/s to 10Mb/s in a manner consistent with CCITT G703 recommendations.
The CD22103A operates with a 5V ±10% power supply voltage over the full military temperature range at data rates from 50Kb/s up to 10Mb/s.
Block Diagram
• HDB3/AMI Transmission Coding/Reception Decoding with Code Error Detection is Performed in Independent Coder and Decoder Sections


ICN6201 Specification V0.8
ICN6201 Specification
Revision 0.8
This design and all of its related documentation constitutes valuable and confidential property of Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. It is licensed for use as expressly stated in the written license Agreement between Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd and its customers. Any other use or redistribution of this design and all related documentation is expressly prohibited. This design and all related documentation have been released by Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd to its customers under a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Disclosure of this design outside of this agreement is expressly prohibited.



8 ]2018 8 月机械设计与制造Machinery Design&Manufacture 45转鼓试验台路面模拟凸块研究李艾静,王天利,朱志强,陈双(辽宁工业大学汽车与交通工程学院,辽宁锦州121001)摘要:凸块是转鼓试验台中重要的零部件之一,由于不同轮廓路面会对汽车产生不同的激励,因此,需要通过在转鼓上 加装形状不同的凸块,使转鼓表面的轮廓形状接近实际路面轮廓形状,模拟汽车在不同路面上行驶。

以某汽车试验场波 浪路面为例,介绍其几何构造特点及构建转鼓波浪路面凸块的方法,并利用M ATLAB 实现了凸块轮廓设计,提高了路面 复现精度。


关键词%转鼓试验台;路面模拟;凸块设计;MATLAB 中图分类号:TH 16;U 467.1+2文献标识码:A文章编号% 1001-3997(2018)08-0045-04The Road Simulation Block Research on Drum Test RigLI Ai-jing,WANG Tian-li,ZHU Zhi-qiang,CHEN Shuang(Liaoning University of Technology,College of Automobile and Transportation Engineering,Liaoning Jinzhou 121001,China )Abstractis one o f the im p o rta n t pa rts o f d ru m test rig . D iffe re n t co n to u r pa vem en t can produce d iffe re n t incen tives f o rc a r ,th e re fo re ,need to pass on the d ru m w ith d iffe re n t shapes of convex b lo c k ,make the d ru m surface co n to u r shape is close to the a ctu a l road surface co n to u r sh a p e ,s im u la ting the c a r that runs on d iffe re n t road surface . I t on a pa vem en t test waves as an e xa m p le ,introduces the geom etric structure cha racte ristics and co n stru ctio n o f d ru m w avem ethod ofpavem ent convex block ,and m a k in g use o f the MATLAB to designconvex b lo ck co n to u r ^im p ro vin g the p re c is io n o f p a vem en t re p e titio n.In this m e th o d ,the m o tion law o f the ty p ic a l co m b in a tio n o f convex b lo ck can realize a va rie ty o f surface con tour .Key Words :DrumTestRig ; RoadSimulation ; ConvexBlockDesignation ; MATLABl 引言转鼓试验台采用结构简单的两转鼓形式,试验台系统主要 由驱动电机、减速器、电机联轴器、转鼓辐板、路面凸块、传动轴联 轴器,传动轴、试验台底座等部件构成,其三维模型,如图1所示。



doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-3114.2023.04.013引用格式:朱承浩.通信感知一体化混合波束赋形技术[J].无线电通信技术,2023,49(4):689-695.[ZHU Chenghao.Hybrid Beamforming for Integrated Sensing and Communication [J].Radio Communications Technology,2023,49(4):689-695.]通信感知一体化混合波束赋形技术朱承浩(东南大学吴健雄学院,江苏南京210096)摘㊀要:为解决无线通信与感知的性能日益强大而带来的频谱资源紧缺的问题,通信感知一体化(Integrated Sens-ing and Communication,ISAC)技术逐渐开始受到重视㊂在目前最有发展潜力的毫米波(millimeter Wave,mmWave)多输入输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)混合波束赋形系统基础上,提出了一种通信感知一体化的波束赋形算法㊂使用均方误差(Mean Square Error,MSE)衡量该系统的通信和雷达的性能,通过引入权重因子将通信与雷达的性能指标综合考虑,得到通感一体化波束赋形系统的最优解㊂针对求解过程中的非凸优化问题,提出了基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法对问题进行求解㊂针对不同权重因子,对通信的频谱效率和雷达的波束方向图进行了仿真,仿真结果验证了所提方案可以实现通信感知一体化系统下通信与感知性能的折中㊂关键词:通感一体化;毫米波;多输入输出;混合波束赋形;坐标迭代优化法中图分类号:TN929.5㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文章编号:1003-3114(2023)04-0689-07Hybrid Beamforming for Integrated Sensing and CommunicationZHU Chenghao(Chien-Shiung Wu College,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China)Abstract :In order to solve the shortage of spectrum resources caused by the increasingly powerful performance of wireless commu-nication and sensing,the technology of Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC)has gradually begun to receive attention.On thebasis of hybrid beamforming system for the millimeter Wave (mmWave)Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)technology which hasthe most development potential at present,a beamforming algorithm of ISAC in this system is proposed.The Mean Square Error (MSE)is used to measure the performance of communication and radar in this system,and the weight factor is introduced to comprehensively consider the performance of communication and radar,to achieve the optimal solution of the beamforming system for integrated sensingand communication.To overcome the non-convex optimization problem in the process of solving,an alternative optimization algorithm based on coordinate iterative method is proposed.The spectrum efficiency of communication and the beam pattern of radar with differentweight factors are simulated.Through the simulation results,it is verified that the scheme can achieve the compromise between commu-nication and sensing performance in the integrated sensing and communication system.Keywords :ISAC;mmWave;MIMO;hybrid beamforming;coordinate iterative optimization收稿日期:2023-03-250 引言车联网㊁人机交互等应用场景对无线通信和雷达感知均提出了很高的要求[1]㊂随着无线通信技术和雷达感知技术的不断发展,通信与雷达感知这两个原本较为独立的领域展现出越来越多的联系和共同性㊂未来移动通信关键技术之一通信感知一体化(Integrated Sensing and Communication,ISAC)技术,即将无线通信和雷达感知在同一系统中进行联合设计与优化,从而提升资源利用率,降低硬件成本,实现高性能通信和高精度感知[2]㊂通信感知一体化在实现通信传输的同时,还能通过分析无线点的反射㊁散射等特性,对目标信息进行定位和识别[3]㊂通信与感知的融合可以让二者实现技术共享,在满足高性能通信的同时满足复杂多样的感知需求[4]㊂该技术具有超越传统移动通信网络连接的潜力,可以开辟民用无人机㊁智慧交通等全新业务,因此受到了学界的广泛关注[5]㊂波束赋形技术是通信感知一体化的关键技术之一㊂文献[6]提出了通信感知一体化的波束赋形方案,在通信目标信噪比的约束下以目标估计误差为优化目标㊂文献[7]在相同的约束条件下使发射矩阵接近理想的雷达方向图来提高雷达感知的性能㊂为了解决射频资源紧缺的问题,5G将毫米波(millimeter Wave,mmWave)频段写入标准,用于提升传输速率㊂毫米波通信一般使用大规模多输入多输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)技术来增大信号强度[8]㊂随着天线阵列规模的增加,传统的全数字结构成本已经难以承担,因此毫米波通信使用将数字与模拟波束赋形结合起来的混合波束赋形技术㊂基于毫米波频段的通感一体化波束赋形技术也得到了广泛的关注㊂文献[9]提出了通信感知一体化系统的混合波束赋形方案,在满足雷达方向图的条件下,使混合波束赋形矩阵接近理想通信矩阵㊂该方案具有较低的复杂度,且雷达性能较高㊂但是在此方案下通信性能受到抑制,无法实现通信和感知性能的权衡㊂文献[10]采用正交匹配追踪算法得到最优波束赋形矩阵,该算法迭代速度较快,然而在大数据量情况下复杂度较高,且迭代过程中会产生累积误差并影响最终结果㊂现有的研究大多将优化算法的目标设计为使混合波束赋形矩阵逼近全数字波束赋形矩阵,并且通常会在约束通信或感知一者的前提下优化另一者的性能㊂这样做的缺点在于性能上会有所损失,最终求出的结果也不会是最优的㊂因此,针对毫米波MIMO下通感一体化的性能要求,本文提出了基于最小均方误差(Mean Square Error,MSE)准则设计的混合波束赋形算法㊂通过在均方误差指标中引入因子使得优化算法与信道噪声能量相关联,使设计更加准确,同时简化了求解过程㊂通过引入辅助酉矩阵使理想雷达发射矩阵与一体化下的雷达发射矩阵维度相同,可以直接进行均方误差的计算㊂优化的目标函数含有多个待优化变量,难以直接求解,因此本文提出了交替迭代优化算法㊂在假设其他优化目标为最优解的情况下单独优化一个目标,通过不断交替循环实现系统的最优解㊂在求解模拟波束赋形矩阵时,相移器阵列受恒模约束的影响,该问题是非凸优化问题㊂针对该问题,本文提出了坐标迭代优化法来求出该优化问题的最优解㊂仿真结果表明该算法较好地兼顾了通信与感知的性能,实现了二者的融合㊂1㊀毫米波通信感知一体化系统理论基础1.1㊀毫米波大规模MIMO技术5G及今后技术的发展离不开通信速率的不断提高㊂由奈奎斯特第一准则可知,通信速率与信号的带宽成正比㊂4G技术所使用的频段较低,缺乏足够的频带资源继续拓展带宽㊂因此,为了继续提高通信速率,需要利用更高频段的毫米波段㊂相比于中低频段,毫米波段拥有数十倍以上的广阔频段,可以解决带宽资源的紧张问题[11],在毫米波段下的通信与感知性能也能得到极大的提高[12]㊂然而,毫米波也有着不容忽视的缺点,根据弗里斯传输公式[13],接收功率与波长成正比,毫米波更短的波长意味着更大的传输损耗㊂为了弥补这种损耗,在应用中多采用大规模MIMO技术对其进行补偿㊂以一维均匀排布的天线阵列为例,其天线间隔应大于半波长㊂毫米波的波长极短,因此天线间隔在毫米波段下极小,可以实现大规模MIMO传输㊂1.2㊀混合波束赋形系统在传统的全数字波束赋形系统下,每根天线都必须配备一条可以任意改变信号幅度和相位的射频链路㊂然而在大规模MIMO系统中,天线的数量激增,已无法负担为每根天线加装射频链路的巨大成本[14]㊂因此,有研究者提出了使用混合波束赋形技术㊂从图1可以看出,混合波束赋形系统的特点在于使用数个相移器构成模拟波束赋形矩阵[15],减少了数字波束赋形矩阵中射频链路的数量,在很大程度上降低了建设成本㊂其中,传输信号维度为N s,使用了N RF条射频链路,发送天线数量为N t,满足关系N sɤN RF≪N t㊂图1㊀毫米波MIMO系统混合波束赋形方案Fig.1㊀Hybrid beamforming scheme formmWave MIMO system1.3㊀通信感知一体化波束赋形技术在通信感知一体化系统中,同一种波形被同时运用于通信传输和雷达感知,这二者的功能都能通过MIMO混合波束赋形系统实现㊂因此,在求解相应的波束赋形矩阵时,可以做到同时优化通信和感知的性能,这实现了通信与感知性能的兼顾与折中,与一体化的思想一致㊂2㊀基于最小MSE准则的一体化波束赋形设计2.1㊀通信模型在混合波束赋形系统中,用户接收到的信号yɪC N sˑ1可以表示为:y=W H HF RF F BB s+W H n,(1)式中:sɪC N sˑ1为发送的数据信号向量,满足关系E(ss H)=I N s,F BBɪC N RFˑN s为数字波束赋形矩阵, F RFɪC N tˑN RF为模拟波束赋形矩阵,该矩阵仅提供相位变化,因此所有元素的模为1㊂HɪC N rˑN t为信道矩阵,N r为接收端的天线数量,WɪC N rˑN s为接收端的全数字波束赋形矩阵,nɪC N rˑ1为信道噪声矢量,服从均值为0㊁方差为σ2的复高斯分布㊂对于均匀线阵,其阵列响应矢量为:a(θ)=1㊀N[1,e j kd sin(θ),e j2kd sin(θ), ,e j(N-1)kd sin(θ)]T,(2)式中:k=2πλ,d为阵元间隔,通常取d=λ/2,N为天线数,θ为到达角或离开角㊂在毫米波频段下,信道矩阵为Saleh-Valenzuela 模型[16],可以表示为:H=㊀NtN rLðL l=1αl a r(θr,l)a H t(θt,l),(3)式中:L为多径数,αl为第l条传输路径的信道增益,服从标准复高斯分布,θr,l为第l条传输路径的到达角,θt,l为第l条传输路径的离开角㊂2.2㊀感知模型MIMO的雷达发射波束方向图为[17]:P(θ)=a H t(θ)R s a t(θ),(4)式中:R sɪC N tˑN t为发射信号的协方差矩阵,可以表示为:Rs=E(F RF F BB ss H F H BB F H RF)=F RF F BB E(ss H)F H BB F H RF=F RF F BB F H BB F H RF㊂(5)假设雷达感知的目标数量为K,相对于基站的离开角为{θt,1,θt,2, ,θt,K}㊂由式(3)可知,信道矩阵表示为L个不同离开角和到达角的散射路径的求和㊂信道的前K个散射路径即为雷达感知K个目标的路径㊂因此信道前K个路径的离开角应为雷达感知的离开角,即为{θt,1,θt,2, ,θt,K},剩下的L-K个离开角和L个到达角均服从[-π/2,π/2]的均匀分布㊂2.3㊀通信感知一体化的最小MSE模型在一体化系统的设计过程中,衡量通信系统性能的主要标准为误比特率(Bit Error Ratio,BER)等㊂在传统波束赋形设计中,通常通过降低MSE来达到降低误比特率的目的㊂本文将这一指标运用到一体化混合波束赋形的应用范围内,目的也是通过降低通信和雷达感知的均方误差来优化通信和感知的各项性能㊂通信性能的MSE定义为接收信号与原始信号的均方误差:MSE c=E( β-1y-s 2F)=E( β-1(W H HF RF F BB s+W H n)-s 2F)= tr(β-2W H HF RF F BB F H BB F H RF H H W-β-1W H HF RF F BB-β-1F H BB F H RF H H W+σ2β-2W H W+I Ns)(6)式中:引入的β因子可以将之后在功率约束下的优化求解问题大大简化,变成以β为优化目标的子问题㊂由雷达感知的波束图公式可知,雷达的波束设计等价于设计雷达的协方差矩阵㊂理想的全数字雷达发射矩阵F radɪC N tˑK为:F rad =[a t (θt ,1),a t (θt ,2), ,a t (θt ,K )]㊂(7)然而,混合波束赋形系统中的雷达发射矩阵为F RF F BB ɪCN t ˑN s,与理想的发射矩阵维度不一致,因此二者不能直接进行MSE 的计算㊂为使二者维度一致,可以引入一个辅助酉矩阵F u ɪC K ˑN s,其满足关系F u F H u =I K ,这样,理想雷达的发射矩阵可以表示为F r =F rad F u ɪCN t ˑN s㊂可以看到,引入辅助酉矩阵后,理想雷达的发射矩阵与混合波束赋形中的发射矩阵维度一致,并且原来理想雷达的方向没有改变,维持了原始的性能㊂辅助酉矩阵可以通过以下的优化问题解出:min F uF c -F rad F u 2Fs.t.㊀F u F Hu=I K{,(8)式中:F c 为理想的通信全数字波束赋形矩阵㊂对信道矩阵进行奇异值分解:H =U V H ㊂(9)取V 的前N s 列即为通信全数字波束赋形矩阵F c ㊂该优化问题表明构造辅助酉矩阵应尽可能减小全数字波束赋形下通信与雷达感知的差异,提高一体化的性能㊂该问题类似于正交普鲁克问题,可以求得F u的闭式解为[18]:F u =U 1CV H 1,(10)式中:U 1和V 1来自于F H rad F c 的奇异值分解F Hrad F c=U 11V H 1,C =[I K ,O K ˑ(N s -K )]㊂由此,雷达感知的MSE 可以定义为:MSE r = F RF F BB -F r 2F =tr(F RF F BB F H BB F H RF -F RF F BB F H r -F r F H BB F H RF +F r F Hr )㊂(11)在一体化的混合波束赋形设计中,需要同时以通信和雷达的性能作为优化对象,因此优化问题的目标函数应同时包含二者的均方误差㊂通感一体化下的混合波束赋形优化问题可以表示为:min W ,F RF ,F BB ,βρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE r s.t.㊀(F RF )ij =1,∀i ,j F RF F BB 2FɤP ìîíïïïï,(12)式中:ρɪ[0,1]为一权重因子,代表通信性能在优化中所占的比重㊂该优化问题需要考虑模拟波束赋形矩阵的恒模约束和混合波束赋形矩阵的功率约束㊂3㊀基于交替迭代优化算法求解波束赋形设计3.1㊀基于坐标迭代的交替优化上文中通感一体化下的混合波束赋形优化问题涉及到4个待优化变量,难以直接求解㊂因此,可以每次在固定其他变量的条件下交替优化一个变量,通过多轮这样的迭代优化使目标函数最终落入目标区间内㊂①关于W 的子问题可以表示为:min W MSE c ㊂(13)将目标函数MSE c 对W 求偏导并使结果等于零可以得到W 的闭式解为:W =(HF RF F BB F H BB F H RF H H +σ2β-2I N r)-1ˑβ-1HF RF F BB ㊂(14)②关于β的子问题,由于存在发射功率的限制,只有在发射功率达到最大时β才能达到最优值㊂令F bb =β-1F BB 以简化表达,可以得到在发射功率最大时的β值为:β=P -12(tr(F RF F bb F HbbF H RF))-12㊂(15)从求解过程可以看出,若按照未引入β因子的传统MSE 标准来优化,则需要引入拉格朗日乘子将功率约束条件利用起来再进行复杂的求解,但在引入β因子后,就可以将功率约束分解为β的子问题求得闭式解,这无疑大大简化了算法流程㊂③关于F BB 的子问题可以表示为:min F BBρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE r ㊂(16)将目标函数对F BB 求偏导并使结果等于零可以得到F BB 的闭式解为:F BB =(ρβ-2F H RF H H WW H HF RF +(1-ρ)F HRF F RF )-1ˑ(ρβ-1F H RF H H W +(1-ρ)F HRF F r )㊂(17)④关于F RF 的子问题可以表示为:min FRFρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE rs.t.㊀(F RF )ij =1,∀i ,j{㊂(18)约束条件(F RF )ij =1,∀i ,j 使得上述优化问题是非凸的,这使得问题的理论求解十分困难㊂本文针对该问题提出坐标迭代优化法对其进行求解㊂F RF 的优化问题可以表示为:J (F RF )=ρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE r =ρtr(β-2W H HF RF F BB F H BB F H RF H H W -β-1W HHF RF F BB -β-1F H BB F H RF H H W +σ2β-2W H W +I N s)+(1-ρ)tr(F RF F BB F H BB F H RF -F RF F BB F H r -F r F H BB F HRF +F r F H r )=ρtr(A l )+(1-ρ)tr(B l )+ρtr(β-2W H HV RF V BB V H BB V H RF H H W -2β-1W H HV RF V BB )+(1-ρ)tr(V RF V BB V H BB V H RF -2V RF V BB F H r ),(19)式中:A l =β-2W H HF -l RF F -l BB (F -l BB )H (F -l RF )H H H W -β-1W H HF -l RF F -l BB-β-1(F -l BB )H (F -l RF )H H H W +σ2β-2W H W +I Ns,(20)B l =F -l RF F -l BB (F -l BB )H (F -l RF )H -F -l RF F -l BB F Hr -F r (F -l BB )H (F -l RF )H +F r F H r,(21)式中:F -l RF 为矩阵F RF 移除第l 列后的子矩阵,F -l BB 为矩阵F BB 移除第l 行后的子矩阵,V RF 为矩阵F RF第l 列的矢量,V BB 为矩阵F BB 第l 行的矢量㊂固定矩阵F RF 其他列不变,将第l 列的矢量V RF单独作为变量优化,原优化问题可以转化为:min F RFρtr(β-2W H HV RF V BB V H BB V H RF H H W -2β-1W HHV RF V BB )+(1-ρ)tr(V RF V BB V HBBV H RF-2V RF V BB F H r)s.t.㊀(V RF )n =1,∀n ㊂(22)该优化问题同样可以用类似方法处理,每次固定V RF ,其他元素不变,将第n 个元素V RF (n )作为变量求最优解㊂令H w =W H H ,F v =V BB F H r ,由于模拟波束赋形矩阵仅有相移的功能,可令V RF (n )=e j θn ,则目标函数中与V RF (n )有关的项为:J (θn )=ρðN sm =1[β-2H w (m ,n )V BB (m )2ej2θn-2β-1H w (m ,n )ˑV BB (m )e j θn]+(1-ρ)ðN s m =1V BB (m )2e j2θn-2(1-ρ)F v (n )e j θn ㊂(23)令:X n =ðN sm =1H w (m ,n )V BB (m )2,(24)Y n =ðN s m =1H w (m ,n )V BB (m )㊂(25)求J (θn )关于θn 的偏导,使其等于零,可以求得V RF (n )的最优解为:V RF (n )=ej θn=ρβ-1Y n +(1-ρ)F v (n )ρβ-2X n +(1-ρ) V BB 2F㊂(26)对F RF 中的每个元素依次使用上述算法,即可求得当前条件下F RF 的最优解㊂基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法的详细步骤如算法1所示㊂算法1㊀交替优化算法输入:输入:H ,N s ,N RF ,N t ,N r ,P ,σ2,ρ,I max ,S min输出:F BB ,F RF ,W ,β1.㊀在约束条件(F RF )ij =1,∀i ,j 下随机初始化矩阵F RF2.根据式(9)得到通信全数字波束赋形矩阵F c ,初始化F BB =F -1RF F c3.初始化β=P -1/2(tr(F RF F BB F H BB F H RF ))-1/24.for i =1,2, ,I max do5.㊀㊀根据式(15)更新β6.㊀㊀根据式(14)更新W7.㊀㊀根据式(26)用坐标迭代优化法更新F RF 8.㊀㊀根据式(17)更新F BB9.㊀㊀根据式(6)和式(11)计算MSE c 和MSE r10.㊀㊀if ρMSE c +(1-ρ)MSE r <S min then11.㊀㊀㊀结束循环12.㊀㊀end if13.end for3.2㊀仿真分析本节通过仿真结果来分析使用基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法求解的一体化混合波束赋形系统的性能㊂仿真中,发射天线数N t =64,接收天线数N r =8,N RF =N s =4,将每条射频链路使用的发射功率归一化为1,则总系统的归一化发射功率P =4,毫米波信道多径数L =10[19],雷达检测目标K =3,离开角分别为[-45ʎ,0ʎ,45ʎ],信道中其余离开角和到达角均服从[-π/2,π/2]的均匀分布㊂图2为不同权重因子ρ下频谱效率随信噪比变化的曲线㊂可以看出,随着通信性能权重ρ的增大,混合波束赋形的频谱效率也在增大,且越来越接近全数字波束赋形下的频谱效率㊂当ρ=1时,混合波束赋形系统只考虑通信的性能,此时的频谱效率与全数字状态非常接近㊂因此可以看出,权重因子ρ的大小在优化过程中会影响一体化系统的通信性能㊂图2㊀不同权重下频谱效率随信噪比的变化曲线Fig.2㊀Curve of spectral efficiency versus signal-to-noise ratio with different weights图3为不同权重下雷达波束图与理想全数字雷达波束图的比较㊂由于ρ值越小代表雷达性能在优化中占比越大,可以看到,随着ρ值的不断下降,一体化系统下的雷达波束图与全数字下的波束图越来越接近㊂在ρ=0.7时,雷达波束存在较大的旁瓣,这会较大地干扰正确的检测目标;ρ=0.5时,旁瓣干扰仍然存在,但此时主瓣强度明显高于旁瓣,可以进行有效的检测;ρ=0.3时,旁瓣强度被显著抑制,这时的旁瓣干扰很小,主瓣方向的波束容易分辨,雷达感知的精度较高,能够准确地识别目标方位㊂由上述分析可知,本文提出的基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法在保障通信性能的同时可以实现较高的雷达感知精度,且可以通过改变权重ρ值灵活地调整通信与感知性能的占比,实现二者的权衡,达到通感一体化的效果㊂图3㊀不同权重时的雷达波束方向图Fig.3㊀Radar beam patterns with different weight factors4 结论本文使用了毫米波信道下的混合波束赋形技术实现通信感知一体化㊂通过引入因子β导出基于最小均方误差准则的通信性能优化问题,并引入辅助酉矩阵,让理想雷达发射矩阵与混合波束赋形矩阵保持维度相同,得到了基于雷达感知性能的优化问题㊂接着利用权重因子ρ结合两方面性能提出了通感一体化下的混合波束赋形优化问题㊂针对非凸优化问题提出了基于坐标迭代的交替优化算法,完成了对波束赋形优化问题的求解㊂仿真结果表明,该算法能够很好地实现通信与感知性能的折中,即在不同权重下通信与感知的性能都能有所保证,实现了通信感知一体化的效果㊂参考文献[1]㊀LIU F,CUI Y,MASOUROS C,et al.Integrated Sensingand Communications:Towards Dual-functional WirelessNetworks for 6G and Beyond[J].IEEE Journal on Select-ed Areas in Communications,2022,40(6):1728-1767.[2]㊀吴晓文,焦侦丰,刘冰,等.面向6G 的卫星通感一体化[J].移动通信,2022,46(10):2-11.[3]㊀LIU Y J,LIAO G S,XU J W,et al.Adaptive OFDM Inte-grated Radar and 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OM Health Service
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Web Host (w3wp.exe)
Injector Collector IIS
APM Service
Controller Dispatcher
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应用错误 性能 运行信息 系统失败
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Windows OS Java EE Application Server JEE Application Server (JBOSS, Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic) JEE Application Server (JBOSS, Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic)
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第一次安装,IIS需要重 新启动
APM Service
Web Host (w3wp.exe) Interceptors Data Producer Dispatcher
OM Health Service Workflows
APM Module
Request Configuration File
Web Application服务器
Data 服务器
应用程序监控 (.NET, J2E)
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Synthetic Transaction
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interceptor读取到配置 IIS
APM Service
Controller Dispatcher
APM service处理异常事件及性 能数据
OM Health Service Workflows APM Module
Web Host (w3wp.exe)
Interceptors Data Producer
APM Service
Controller Dispatcher
Web Host (w3wp.exe)
Injector 页面返回请求值 Collector IIS
APM Service
Controller Dispatcher
页面加载时间及响应时间 发送至CSM收集器
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定义应用程序 监控
应用程序通过 管理包发现监 控项
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“服务器运 行正常”
“我的应用程 序运行相当慢”
“网络正常 ”
“所有代码都 通过测试”
“服务器运 行正常” 应用程序的性能监控可以正确指出问题,这 样可以减少解决问题的时间
(known issues & quick start guide)
Supported Java EE Application Servers
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