生活中常见的英语缩略词Useful AbbreviationsADSL 英文Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line的缩写,又名网络快车。
APEC 英文Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation的缩写,即亚太经合组织。
AQ 英文Adversity Quotient的缩写,逆境商数,指一个人处理逆境的能力。
ATM 英文Automatic Teller machine的缩写,即自动柜员机。
BEC 英文 Business English Certificate的缩写,即商务英语证书。
BBS英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,公告牌系统或电子公告板。
BSS英文Base Station System的缩写,即基站系统,指移动通信空中接口部分。
CATV英文Cable Television的缩写,即有线电视。
CBD英文Central Business District的缩写,又称中央商务区。
CCEL英文China Certification Committee for Environment Labelling Production的缩写,即中国环境标志产品认证委员会。
CD-ROM英文Compact Disk- Read Only Memory的缩写,即光盘只读存储器,也就是人们常说的光驱。
CEO英文Chief Executive Officer的缩写,即首席执行官。
CET英文College English Test的缩写,即大学英语测试。
CFO英文Chief Finance Officer的缩写,即首席财务主管。
CGO英文Chief Government Officer的缩写,即首席沟通主管,主要负责与政府机构之间的交流与沟通。
CID英文Central Information District的缩写,即中央信息区。
CIO英文Chif Information Officer的缩写,即首席信息主管,国内某些机构也称信息中心主任。
[0.5]A.W=UQB.W=Pt C.W=UItD.W=Fs**12.电流在一段电路上做的功,决定于电路中的()。
FEMAP BASIC Scripting LanguageAPI ReferenceCopyright 1996-1999 by Enterprise Software Products, Inc.OverviewThe FEMAP BASIC Script Language provides direct access to theFEMAP Database Engine through the BASIC Intepreter built in toFEMAP.The MechanismThe FEMAP BASIC Script Language is based on Cypress Enable BASICScripting for Applications. Cypress Enable provides a the complete arrayBASIC programming functionality. Wherever possible, Cypress Enable’simplementation of BASIC follows the Microsoft Visual Basic syntax andsemantics. The Cypress Enable portion of the BASIC Scripting Languagehandles all flow of control, subroutines, and functions created in yourscript. We have added a FEMAP specific interface (the ApplicationProgramming Interface, or API) that allows your BASIC program tocustomize FEMAP. The FEMAP menu has also been extended to includethe capability to launch and run BASIC scripts from your own user-definedmenus.Details regarding the general elements of the Cypress Enable BASICScripting Language are included in the Language Reference Manual. Thisdocument covers variables, constants, control structures, subroutines andfunctions, file input/output, arrays, dialog support, etc. that will help youcraft your BASIC Scripts.Creating and Executing BASIC ScriptsThe BASIC Script files themselves are simple ASCII Text files. Everyprogram that you write must contain a main subroutine that acts as yourentire program, or calls other functions and subroutines.Sub Main ()….‘Your Program….End SubDialog boxes can be created using the dlgdsn.exe program. To launch thisprogram from the script editor use the Edit-Dialog Editor command. Thedlgdsn.exe program must be run once by itself so it can register itself in theregistry.BASIC Script files can be executed in five different ways.1.From the FEMAP Main Menu, select File Program Run Script. Youwill then be presented with the File Open Common Dialog box fromwhich you can select the script file to execute2.From the FEMAP Main Menu, select File Program Edit Script. TheScript Editor is a standard Microsoft Windows Single DocumentInterface ASCII Text Editor. Here you can open up text files, copyand paste between them, or copy and paste between other Windowsapplications, to create or edit your BASIC Script.3.Custom menus can be created and linked to FEMAP scripts or programfiles. A .esp file should be created and selected in the preferences,libraries, menu. The format of the file is similar to a window’s menuresource. An example is below.POPUP "&CustomCommands"BEGINMENUITEM "&Cut Element", "c:\Femap60\cut.bas"MENUITEM "&Radius", "c:\ Femap60\radius.bas"MENUITEM SEPARATORMENUITEM "&Group by Elem", "c:\ Femap60\group.bas"MENUITEM "Group &Elem 3", "c:\ Femap60\group3.bas"MENUITEM "Group &Node", "c:\ Femap60\grpnd.bas"MENUITEM SEPARATORMENUITEM "E&xtrude Plates", "c:\ Femap60\plex.bas"END4.Finally, FEMAP Program Files can themselves launch BASIC Scripts.A new Program File command, #RUN has been added that will run theBASIC Script File specified.5.As a command line argument when launching FEMAP, use –P and thename of the script. The script must end with the .bas extension,otherwise FEMAP will think it is a Program File.VariablesA short note on variables. Although the BASIC engine included withFEMAP can handle many variable types, to avoid problems in passing datainto and out of FEMAP you must declare all variables as the same typespecified in the arguments for the functions.Overview of FunctionalityThe FEMAP specific functions that have been added to the BASICScripting Language are described in this section, broken down by theirgeneral area of application.Output Data ManipulationThe functions concerned with the manipulation of FEMAP output data allbegin with the esp_Outp prefix. Using these functions, you can queryoutput that has been loaded into the FEMAP database by any of thesupported FEA programs and use that output in your own calculations.You can also put output data into the FEMAP database for furthermanipulation with your own program, for graphical post-processing withinFEMAP, or for text based reporting using the FEMAP listing commandsand formatted output.Manipulation of output data is broken down into three categories, getting,putting, and manipulating.FEMAP Output DataBefore you begin crafting your own program to manipulate FEMAP outputdata, it is important that you understand some of the underlyingorganizational issues.Output SetsEvery piece of output data in a FEMAP model is linked to an Output Sets.Output Sets are analogous to distinct FEA loads and/or boundary conditionsets. For example, a FEA model that is subjected to three distinct loadingconditions will have three distinct output sets. You can manipulate theoutput data of existing output sets, create new data in existing output sets,or create your own new output set to store and partition your calculatedfrom the actual data that was returned from your finite element analysis.Output Set CreationEvery Output Set in FEMAP contains the following information that youmust provide in order to create a new output set.Item Description Possible Values Function Used toSetSet ID ID Number of the Set.Must be unique withregard to other existingoutput sets.1 to 99,999,999esp_OutpCreateSetTitle Descriptive Title of theOutput Set Maximum of 25charactersesp_OutpCreateSetProgram Analysis Program whereoutput came from.0 - Unknown1 - FEMAP2 - PAL3 - PAL24 - MSC/NASTRAN5 - ANSYSesp_OutpCreateSet6 - STARDYNE7 - COSMOS8 - PATRAN9 - FEMAP Neutral10 - ALGOR11 - SSS/NASTRAN12 - Comma Separated13 - UAI/NASTRAN14 –COSMIC/NASTRAN15 - STAAD16 - ABAQUS17 - WECAN18 - MTAB19 - CDA/Sprint20 - CAEFEMAnalysis Type Type of Analysis0 - Unknown1 - Static2 - Modes3 - Transient4 - Frequency Response5 - Response Spectrum6 - Random7 - Linear Buckling10 - Nonlinear Static11 - Nonlinear Buckling20 - Steady State Heat21 - Transient Heatesp_OutpCreateSetvalue Numerical Valueassociated with thisOutput Set. Typicalusers are the time valuefor a transient analysis,or the frequency valuefor a modal run.Real esp_OutpCreateSetExample:This example creates Output Set 1, makes the title “BASIC Script Set”,sets the from_program flag to “FEMAP”, the analysis type to NonlinearStatic, and sets the Set Value to 1.455. Notice the variable ‘j’, this scriptsuses j to determine whether or not a new output set has been created. IfOutput Set 1 already existed, esp_OutpCreateSet would have returnedFALSE (-1).Example outp_1.bas:Sub MainDim ExistFlag as LongDim j as LongDim setID as LongDim Title as String * 25Dim from_program as LongDim anal_type as LongDim setValue as DoubleDim MsgsetID = 1Title = "BASIC Script Set"from_program = FEMAPanal_type = NONLINSTATICsetValue = 1.455j = esp_OutpCreateSet( setID, from_program, anal_type,setValue, Title )If j = TRUE THENMsg = "Created Output Set " + Str(setID)ElseMsg = "Could Not Create Output Set " + Str(setID)End IfPrint MsgEnd SubOutput Data Vector NumberingFEMAP uses output vector numbers between 1 and 99,999 for standard output data that is read in from the supported FEA programs. User defined output data, such as that created using the output calculation menu commands in FEMAP, is stored in vector numbers 300,000 and greater. Output created with your own programs should be placed in this region. If you are creating or calculating output that matches similar output that is normally read in directly by FEMAP, it is strongly recommended that you follow the standard FEMAP numbering convention for consistency. Appendix A of this manual contains a list of some of the standard vector ID numbers used by FEMAP for your reference.Nodal and Elemental DataAll output data contained in the FEMAP database is either nodal or elemental. Nodal output data is just that, output data attached to nodes in the FEMAP model. Elemental data is attached to individual elements. In addition to basic data, where there is one value for each node for a nodal data vector or one value for each element in an elemental data vector, there are special cases that you should be aware of.Output Vector DescriptionIn order for FEMAP to know how to handle your output data, there issome information that must be provided for every output vector that youcreate.Item Description PossibleValuesFunction Used to SetSet ID Number The ID of the Output Set towhich this vector belongs.AnyExistingOutput Setesp_OutpCreateVectorVector ID Number The ID number of thisoutput vector.1 to99,999,999esp_OutpCreateVectorTitle Description of this OutputVectorAny Text esp_OutpCreateVectorOut_Type Type of Output Data0 - Any1 - Disp.2 - Accel.3 - Force4 - Stress5 - Strain6 - Temp.7 - Otheresp_OutpCreateVectorData_type Nodal or Elemental OutputData 7 - Nodal8 - Elem.esp_OutpCreateVectorComp_dir Component Direction Flag0 - Default value. Setduring vector creation,indicates that this datastands alone and does nothave connected componentinformation.1 - vector data, comp[0..2]of this vector contain thevector ID’s of the X, Y, Zcomponents of this vector.2 - comp[0..1] contain thevector ID’s of the EndAand EndB for the beam datacorresponding to thisvector’s centroidal data.3 - comp[0..1] contain thevector ID’s of the EndAand EndB for the beam data 0 - No1 - Yes2 - Beam3 - BeamReversedesp_OutpSetVectorComponentFlagcorresponding to thisvector’s centroidal data,where EndB is reversed insign convention fromstandard beam data.min_val Minimum value in vector Real esp_OutpVectorSetMaxMin max_val Maximum value in vector Real esp_OutpVectorSetMaxMin abs_max Maximum absolute value invectorReal esp_OutpVectorSetMaxMinid_min ID of entity where minimumvalue occurs.Long esp_OutpVectorSetMaxMinid_max ID of entity wheremaximum value occurs.Long esp_OutpVectorSetMaxMincalc_flag Flag to whether or not thisoutput data can be linearlycombined.0 - Yes1 - NoSet to a default value of 1 -No when the vector iscreated withesp_OutpCreateVector, canbe overridden withesp_OutpSetVectorCalcFlagcentroidal flag Flag indicating that this datavector contains elemental ornodal centroidal data.Usually 1 for standard nodaland elemental data, only setto 0 if this vector containselement corner data.0 - Corner1 - YesSet to a default value of 1 -Yes when the vector iscreated withesp_OutpCreateVector, canbe overridden withesp_OutpSetVectorCentroidalFlagPlain Nodal or Elemental DataThe simplest and most common type of data that will need to be loaded into and out of FEMAP is plain nodal or elemental data. By plain, we mean a single output value for each node or element of your model. The following example demonstrates opening a file on disk and reading in nodal values into a new FEMAP output vector.Example - outp_2.bas, requires outp_2.dat and a 10 x 10 plate model with nodes numbered 1 through 100.Sub Main' Output Set VariablesDim setID as LongDim Title as String * 25Dim from_program as LongDim anal_type as LongDim setValue as Double' Output Vector VariablesDim vectorID as LongDim vectorTitle as String * 25' "Global" VariablesDim MsgDim j as LongDim k as LongDim l as LongDim nodecount as LongDim nodevalue as DoubleDim nodeID as LongDim st as String' Initialize Output Set ValuessetID = 1Title = "BASIC Script Set"from_program = FEMAPanal_type = NONLINSTATICsetValue = 1.455' Initialize Output Vector ValuesvectorID = 300000vectorTitle = "Nodal Temperature Data"' First Create an Empty Output Setj = esp_OutpCreateSet( setID, from_program, anal_type, setValue, Title )If j = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Output Set " + Str(setID)ElseMsg = "Could Not Create Output Set " + Str(setID)End IfPrint Msg' Now Create an Empty Output Vectorj = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, vectorID, Temp, Node, VectorTitle )If j = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Output Vector " + Str(vectorID)ElseMsg = "Could Not Create Output Vector " + Str(vectorID)End IfPrint MsgIf j = TRUE Then' Open the data fileOpen "outp_2.dat" for Input as #1Line Input #1, stret_val = esp_MiscParseInit( st )ret_val = esp_MiscParseInt( 1, nodecount )If ret_val = TRUE ThenFor k = 1 to nodecountLine Input #1, stret_val = esp_MiscParseInit( st )ret_val = esp_MiscParseInt( 1, nodeID )ret_val = esp_MiscParseDouble( 2, nodevalue )l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, vectorID, nodeID, nodevalue ) Next kEnd Ifret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, vectorID )End IfClose #1End SubNodal Vector DataFEMAP can store and post-process vector data that is made up of three global components. With vector data, there are typically four output vectors total, the first, the vector sum of the other three components. FEMAP stores the vector containing the vector sum with pointers to the constituent individual component vectors. By doing this, it is possible in graphical post-processing to select a single vector, and be able to display on screen the direction of this vector data since FEMAP knows where the component values come from. In your programmatic access to FEMAP, you are responsible for setting up only to components vectors, and then calling a built in routine that creates the vector sum vector, and connects everything up for later graphical post-processing.The following example creates three nodal vectors, and then calls the esp_OutpCreateVectorVectorSum function to create the vector total vector.Example - outp_3.bas - requires a two node model connected by one element.Sub Main' Output Set VariablesDim setID as LongDim Title as String * 25Dim from_program as LongDim anal_type as LongDim setValue as Double' "Global" VariablesDim MsgDim j as LongDim k as LongDim l as LongDim nodecount as LongDim nodevalue as DoubleDim nodeID as LongDim st as String' Initialize Output Set ValuessetID = 1Title = "BASIC Script Set"from_program = FEMAPanal_type = STATsetValue = 0.0' First Create an Empty Output Setj = esp_OutpCreateSet( setID, from_program, anal_type,setValue, Title )If j = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Output Set " + Str(setID)ElseMsg = "Could Not Create Output Set " + Str(setID)End IfPrint Msg' Now Create the Component Vectors' Bad programming practice, but we will assume that thecreation' will happen and not fail.j = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, 300001, Disp, Node, "X-Value")j = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, 300002, Disp, Node, "Y-Value")j = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, 300003, Disp, Node, "Z-Value")l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 300001, 1, .125 )l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 300002, 1, .25 )l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 300003, 1, .375 )l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 300001, 2, .5 )l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 300002, 2, .25 )l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 300003, 2, .375 )' Start FEMAP Internal Cleanup of Vectorsret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, 300001 )ret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, 300002 )ret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, 300003 )ret_val = esp_OutpCreateVectorVectorSum( setID, 300000,300001, 300002, 300003, Disp, Node, "Vector Sum" )End SubElemental Output DataElemental output data can be broken down into two distinct categories. Straight elemental data contains a single output value for each element in your model. The most important thing to remember about elemental output data in FEMAP, is how it used when drawing color contour plots. FEMAP must, in order to draw a color contour plot, resolve the output data to the nodes. With pure elemental data, FEMAP averages the output value reported for all elements connected to a node to determine what contour level will be drawn at that node. This process is repeated for each node of every element.Elemental Output Data with Corner DataIn line with the actual output data from several of the supported FEA programs, FEMAP can also store elemental output data that contains references to the actual corner data for each element. In this case, there is an centroidal value for each element, as well as references to other data vectors that contain actual corner values for each of the nodes connected to that elements. For example, 4-node plate output data with corners is actually made up of five output data vectors in FEMAP. The first,represents the value at the centroid of the element, and the other four represent values for that elements, for each of the four nodes. With corner data, FEMAP can create a color contour plot that is more accurate, since instead of averaging adjacent element centroidal data to determine the contour color at a node, we can use the actual corner values.The following example - outp_4.bas, creates element centroidal output data and corresponding corner data for a two element plate model.Example - outp_4.bas - requires a two element plate model, elements number 1 and 2, with nodes numbered 1 through 6.Sub Main' Output Set VariablesDim setID as LongDim Title as String * 25Dim from_program as LongDim anal_type as LongDim setValue as Double' Output Vector VariablesDim vectorID as LongDim vectorTitle as String * 25' "Global" VariablesDim MsgDim j as LongDim k as LongDim l as LongDim m as LongDim nodecount as LongDim nodevalue as DoubleDim nodeID as LongDim st as String' Initialize Output Set ValuessetID = 1Title = "BASIC Script Set"from_program = FEMAPanal_type = STATsetValue = 0.0' First Create an Empty Output Setj = esp_OutpCreateSet( setID, from_program, anal_type,setValue, Title )If j = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Output Set " + Str(setID)Print MsgElseMsg = "Could Not Create Output Set " + Str(setID)Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd If' First, we will create the element centroidal vectorj = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, 7033, Stress, Elem, "Plt. Top VonMises Stress" )If j = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Centroidal Vector"Print MsgElseMsg = "Error Creating Centroidal Vector"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd If' now create the corner vectorsj = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, 20133, Stress, Elem, "Plt. Top VonMises Str C1" )k = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, 30133, Stress, Elem, "Plt. Top VonMises Str C2" )l = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, 40133, Stress, Elem, "Plt. Top VonMises Str C3" )m = esp_OutpCreateVector( setID, 50133, Stress, Elem, "Plt. Top VonMises Str C4" )If j = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Corner 1 Vector"Print MsgElseMsg = "Error Creating Corner 1 Vector"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd IfIf k = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Corner 2 Vector"Print MsgElseMsg = "Error Creating Corner 2 Vector"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd IfIf l = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Corner 3 Vector"Print MsgElseMsg = "Error Creating Corner 3 Vector"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd IfIf m = TRUE ThenMsg = "Created Corner 4 Vector"Print MsgElseMsg = "Error Creating Corner 4 Vector"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd If' Set up Corner Pointers on Centroidal Vectorj = esp_OutpSetVectorComponent( setID, 7033, 0, 20133 )If j = FALSE ThenMsg = "Error Setting Corner Reference"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd Ifj = esp_OutpSetVectorComponent( setID, 7033, 1, 30133 )If j = FALSE ThenMsg = "Error Setting Corner Reference"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd Ifj = esp_OutpSetVectorComponent( setID, 7033, 2, 40133 )If j = FALSE ThenMsg = "Error Setting Corner Reference"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd Ifj = esp_OutpSetVectorComponent( setID, 7033, 3, 50133 )If j = FALSE ThenMsg = "Error Setting Corner Referenc e"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd If' Also need to set the Centroidal Flag to indicate that the corner' vectors contain corner data.j = esp_OutpSetVectorCentroidalFlag( setID, 20133, 0 )If j = FALSE ThenMsg = "Error Setting Centroidal Flag"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd Ifj = esp_OutpSetVectorCentroidalFlag( setID, 30133, 0 )If j = FALSE ThenMsg = "Error Setting Centroidal Flag"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd Ifj = esp_OutpSetVectorCentroidalFlag( setID, 40133, 0 )If j = FALSE ThenMsg = "Error Setting Centroidal Flag"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd Ifj = esp_OutpSetVectorCentroidalFlag( setID, 50133, 0 )If j = FALSE ThenMsg = "Error Setting Centroidal Flag"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd If' Now pump in the data,' this script assumes there are two elements, 1 and 2' and 6 nodes, 1 through 6l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 7033, 1, 600 ) ' Center, Elem 1 l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 7033, 2, 800 ) ' Center, Elem 2 l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 20133, 1, 100 ) ' C1 E1l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 30133, 1, 200 ) ' C2 E1l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 40133, 1, 500 ) ' C3 E1l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 50133, 1, 400 ) ' C4 E1l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 20133, 2, 200 ) ' C1 E2l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 30133, 2, 300 ) ' C2 E2l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 40133, 2, 600 ) ' C3 E2l = esp_OutpPutData( setID, 50133, 2, 500 ) ' C4 E2ret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, 20133 )ret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, 30133 )ret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, 40133 )ret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, 50133 )ret_val = esp_OutpVectorFinish( setID, 7033 )GoTo Success:Failed:Msg = "Error Executing Script File"Print MsgSuccess:End SubGetting Output DataGetting output data out of FEMAP is much easier to describe since it does not have the setup requirement that creating data does. The following example demonstrates getting output set data, in this case natural frequency values. It also demonstrates the OLE Automation capabilities of the FEMAP BASIC Scripting Language. In this example, the freqency values associated with the output sets of a natural frequency analysis are transferred to Microsoft Word.Example - outp_5.bas - assumes you have a model containing the results from a modal analysis.Sub Main ()' Word VariablesDim MSWord As objectDim Doc As object' Output Set VariablesDim setID as LongDim Title as String * 25Dim from_program as LongDim anal_type as LongDim setValue as Double' Global VariablesDim j as LongDim k as LongDim Msgj = esp_DBNextEntity( Existing, Out_Case, After, 0 )If j > MAX_LABEL ThenMsg = "No Output Sets Exist"Print MsgGoTo FailedEnd If' Connect to WordSet MSWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")MSWord.Application.Visible = TrueMSWord.Documents.Add' Insert into the DocumentSet Doc = MSWord.ActiveDocumentDoc.Content.InsertAfter "Natural Frequencies"Doc.Content.InsertParagraphAfterDoc.Content.InsertParagraphAfterWhile j < MAX_LABEL' Walk through all the Output Setsk = esp_OutpGetSet( j, from_program, anal_type, setValue,Title )If k = TRUE ThenIf anal_type = MODES ThenMsg = " Output Set " + Str(j) + ": Frequency = " + Str(setValue) + " Hz."Doc.Content.InsertAfter MsgDoc.Content.InsertParagraphAfterEnd IfEnd Ifj = esp_DBNextEntity( Existing, Out_Case, After, j )WendDoc.Content.InsertParagraphAfterDoc.Content.InsertParagraphAfter' Format the TitleDoc.Paragraphs(1).Range.Bold = TrueDoc.Paragraphs(1) = "Arial"Doc.Paragraphs(1).Range.Font.Size = 24GoTo SuccessFailed:Success:End SubFunction DefinitionsAll functions return TRUE if successful, FALSE is the action requested is not possible, unless otherwise noted.Declare Function esp_OutpGetSet App ( ByVal setID as Long, ByRef program as Long, ByRef anal_type as Long, ByRef value as Double, ByVal Title asString ) as LongGets information about the Output Set defined by setID. Fills program, anal_type, value, and Title with the corresponding information from inside of FEMAP.Declare Function esp_OutpGetVector App ( ByVal setID as Long, ByVal vectorID as Long, ByRef out_type as Long, ByRef data_type as Long, ByVal Title asString ) as LongGets information about the Output Vector defined by vectorID in setID. Fills out_type, data_type, and Title with the corresponding information from inside of FEMAP. Declare Function esp_OutpGetVectorComponentFlag App ( ByVal setID as Long, ByVal vectorID as Long, ByRef flag as Long ) as LongGets the Vector Component Flag from Output Vector vectorID in Output Set setID, and fills flag with its value, TRUE or FALSE.Declare Function esp_OutpGetVectorCalcFlag App ( ByVal setID as Long, ByVal vectorID as Long, ByRef flag as Long ) as LongGets the Calculation Flag information for Output Vector vectorID in Output Set setID, and returns this flag in flag, TRUE or FALSE.Declare Function esp_OutpGetVectorCentroidalFlag App ( ByVal setID as Long, ByVal vectorID as Long, ByRef flag as Long ) as LongGets the Centroidal Flag information for Output Vector vectorID in Output Set setID, and returns this flag in flag, TRUE or FALSE.Declare Function esp_OutpGetVectorMaxMinData App ( ByVal setID as Long, ByVal vectorID as Long, ByRef absmax as Double, ByRef max as Double,ByRef min as Double, ByRef maxID as Long, ByRef minID as Long ) asLongRetrieves the max/min data for Output Vector vectorID in Output Set setID, and fills in the appropriate absmax, max, min, maxID, and minID values.Declare Function esp_OutpGetVectorComponent App ( ByVal setID as Long, ByVal vectorID as Long, ByVal index as Long, ByRef comp as Long ) asLongRetrieves the component ID number for the Output Vector vectorID in Output Set setID, at the Index value index, and fills this value into comp.Declare Function esp_OutpGetData App ( ByVal setID as Long, ByVal vectorID as Long, ByVal ID as Long, ByRef value as Double ) as LongRetrieves the output data value for entity ID from the Output Vector vectorID in the。
Windows Vista运行 Vista wtp.bat
Windows 7/Windows 8运行 Win7 wtp.bat
Windows XP运行 XP wtp.bat
5.12.14键盘测试:选择键盘语言然后按确认,大陆出货机台请选择“美国” 请按键盘上所有按键。
如果[Fn]键在右,请按[Fn]和[Ins]点击Line 1 Set,从左到右依次按键设置完后再点击Line 1 Set
退出(在右边还有些空白的不用管)。点击Line 2Set,从左到右依次按键设置完后再点击Line 2Set
5.12.19 ODD测试
Clear Config Request:WTP接收到一个Configuration
Request,必须产生一个对应的Clear Configuration Response。
WTP Event:WTP发送一个WTP Event Request,用于发送一些消息给AC。 然后,WTP接收到来自AC的WTP Event Response。
接收到下面任何一个DTLS通告:DTLSAborted,DTLSReassemblyFailure, 或者 DTLSPeerDisconnect。
AC: 当AC接收到来自WTP的Change State Event Request message时发生。然后,AC回应一个Change State Event Response message。此时, AC必须开启DataCheckTimer定 时器,关闭ChangeStatePendingTimer定时器。
WTP Event:AC接收到一个来自WTP的WTP Event Request,需要回应一个 对应的WTP Event Response。
Data Transfer:AC发送Data Transfer Request或者Data Transfer Response。AC接收到Data Transfer Request或者Data Transfer Response。
DTLS to CAPWAP Notifications
DTLSPeerAuthorize DTLS会话建立过程中,通知CAPWAP模块来认证会话。 DTLSEstablished 通知CAPWAP模块DTLS会话已经成功建立 DTLSEstablishFail DTLS会话建立失败 DTLSAuthenticateFail DTLS会话建立过程由于认证失败而终止。 DTLSAborted 通知CAPWAP模块它要求的DTLS会话建立过程已经终 DTLSReassemblyFailure 通知CAPWAP模块DTLS分片组装失败 DTLSDecapFailure 通知CAPWAP模块发生了一个解码错误 DTLSPeerDisconnect 通知CAPWAP模块DTLS会话已经关闭
首先,人们的WTP 可能受到诸多因素的影响,如个人收入、财富、偏好以及市场供求情况等。
★下面介绍一下WTPWTP这是一个重量级的J2EE插件,WTP是一个开源的J2EE插件,用于开发web应用程序、EJBs、和Web service等。
WTP的当前稳定版本是1.5.1,它提供了一个向导和工具来创建EJBs、Web components(如 servlets、JSPs及Web services)。
它也提供了source editors(HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSP, SQL, XML, DTD, XSD,和WSDL); graphical editors(XSD, WSDL, J2EE project builders, models,和J2EE navigator)和Web service 向导等内容。
在打开JSP时,它能解释里面的JAVA,HTML,CSS,JS,TLD的编辑器,并且支持JAVA 里的CTRL+鼠标单击打开相应类,鼠标停住显示JAVADOC的编辑器。
◆下面谈一下如何使用Eclipse WTP来开发和部署一个JSP应用程序。
▲首先我们需要安装如下软件:1. J2SE 5.0 JRE: /j2se2. WTP1.5.x: /webtools3. Tomcat 5.0.x及以上版本: /tomcat/一、JDK 5.0的下载及安装注:JDK的下载及安装过程由于比较简单在此就省略其安装过程了。
登录Eclipse官方网站(),如图一所示,点击Eclipse is used for EnterpriseDevelopment 图标,进入下一页面如图二所示。
生活中常见的英语缩略词Useful AbbreviationsADSL 英文Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line的缩写,又名网络快车。
APEC英文Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation的缩写,即亚太经济合作组织。
AQ英文Adversity Quotient的缩写,逆境商数,指一个人处理逆境的能力。
ATM英文Automatic Teller mACHINE的缩写,即自动柜员机,又称自动取款机。
BBS英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,公告牌系统或电子公告板。
BSS英文Base Station System的缩写,即基站系统,指移动通信中的空中接口部分。
CARM英文Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine的缩写,即中国康复医学会。
CATV英文Cable Television的缩写,即有线电视。
CBD英文Central Business District的缩写,又称中央商务区。
CCEL英文China Certification Committee for Environment Labelling Production 的缩写,即中国环境标志产品认证委员会。
CD-ROM英文Compact Cisk- Read Only Memory的缩写,即光盘只读存储器,也就是人们常说的光驱。
CEO英文Chief Enective Officer的缩写,即首席执行官。
CET英文College English Test的缩写,即大学英语测试。
CFO英文Chief Finance Officer的缩写,即首席财务主管。
CGFNS英文Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nuring Schools的缩写,即外国护士毕业生委员会。
CGO英文Chief Government Officer的缩写,即首席沟通主管,主要负责与政府机构之间的交流与沟通。
言归正传,所谓临时工作签证,就是TWP(Temporary Work Permit 临时工作许可),TWP是尼国为那些他国技术人员短期在尼安装、调试培训等,该签证用于为某一特定目的而入境,如机器安装、设备维修、商务处理等。
所有这才有我与TWP 的亲密接触了。
在你去尼日利亚驻中国大使馆/领事馆之前,你必须持以下资料(请参考尼日利亚领事馆网站: /en/visa.php#)1. Formalinvitation letter (original)(正本的邀请函,当然是要有尼方公司抬头,带公章和签字的那种。
上面要注明使领馆地址,邀请人名单,护照号码,在尼停留时间,住宿地址,外方承担移民责任等)2. Copy of inviter's CompanyRegistration in Nigeria(尼方公司的营业执照复印件)3. Copy of inviter'spassport/resident permit(尼方邀请人的护照,具体来讲应该是邀请函上签字的那个人的护照复印件)4. Original DispatchingLetter(自己公司的派遣函,有模板的,还是上面那个链接上可以找到的)5. Bank Statement of theDispatching Company(自己公司近三个月的银行对账单,一定要带银行正本章的那种)6. Copy of Applicant'sInternational Passport Data Page(赴尼人员护照页复印件,新一代护照签字在个人信息页上,老版的在最后一面,所以得复印两面,个人信息页和签名页)7. Online Visa Application Form(with one recent passport photograph)(尼国所有签证申请都在网上先把赴尼人员信息登记上去,网址稍后在申办流程里细讲)8. Documentary evidence ofonline payment(同上)9. Possession of return airtickets / itinerary(来回机票,得是英文版的)10. Evidence of hotel reservation / Accomodation.(宾馆预定/住宿证明,这个其实在尼方的邀请函上注明他们提供住宿,并注明住宿地址就好了)11. Original & copy of telegraphic advise issued by theComptroller General of immigration(尼方移民局签发的临时工作许可,稍后细讲)12. 申请人近期2张白底2寸照片(这是我加上去的,一张是贴在签证申请表上的,每次我们只是用曲形针夹两张照片到申请表上)下面再来讲一下流程:一、首先,我方得确定赴尼人员名单,把所有人员的护照个人信息页发给尼方客户,客户凭借这些信息到尼日利亚移民局去申请TWP,移民局在首都阿布贾,一般得差不多两个礼拜才能申请下来。
1.1.4Abort PDU
Abort Type:终止类型
Abort reason:终止原因
Provider abort reason
WSP User abort reason
1.1.5Segmented Invoke PDU
Class 2
Class 1
Invoke message
Hold on acknowledgement
Result message
Last acknowledgement
1、WAP PUSH业务,这种业务可通过推送代理发送或“推送”给基于服务器应用的多种设备,这尤其适合股票价格变更等实时信息的传送;
2、UAProf,UAProf是一种标准的手机终端能力报告机制。通过该机制,CP/SP可以了解到访问终端的物理特性(如屏幕尺寸、分辨率、多媒体支持程度等)和软件功能(如是否支持MMS、支持Java、支持WAP Push等),从而有针对性地返回恰当的内容,以真正体现个性化的服务;
PDU Type
PDU Code
一、WTP技术简介WTP即Web Tools Platform,是基于Eclipse平台开发的一款集成开发环境,它为Java web应用程序提供了一套完整的开发解决方案。
WTP技术具有以下四个核心组件:Web工具、服务器工具、Java EE工具和Web Services工具。
Java EE工具:提供了创建和管理EJB、JSP和Servlet等Java EE组件的工具。
Web Services工具:提供了创建和部署Web Services的工具。
本文将从WAP技术的发展背景、基本原理和应用领域等方面进行探讨,帮助读者进一步理解WAP 技术及其对现代通信产业的影响。
其基本原理包括以下几个方面:1. 无线传输协议WAP技术使用无线传输协议(Wireless Transport Protocol,简称WTP)来传输数据。
2. 压缩与编码技术由于移动设备的带宽有限,WAP技术采用了压缩和编码技术来减小数据量,提高传输效率。
3. WML语言WAP技术使用无线标记语言(Wireless Markup Language,简称WML)来描述移动设备上的网页内容。
4. WAP网关为了实现WAP技术的应用,需要在移动通信网络与互联网之间建立一个中间层,即WAP网关。
三、WAP技术的应用领域WAP技术的应用可以涵盖各个领域,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 移动互联网浏览通过WAP技术,用户可以在移动设备上访问互联网,浏览网页、查找资讯等。
1.WTO及其中与纺织有关的主要规则第一讲世界贸易组织(WTO)简介 [J], 王介生
2.世界贸易组织简介 [J], 《中国洗涤用品工业》编辑部
3.从“专家组”一词误译说起——世界贸易组织争端解决程序中文简介 [J], 胡加祥
4.从"专家组"一词误译说起--世界贸易组织争端解决程序中文简介 [J], 胡加祥
5.《世界贸易组织动态与研究》主要栏目及2013年热点选题简介 [J],
最大支付意愿的补偿标准是利用实地调查获得的各类受水区最大支付意愿与该区人口相乘得到,估算公式为:P=WTP u×POP式中:P为补偿的数值,WTP为最大支付意愿, POP 为各类人口, u表示各类受水区。
公式为: P=(G O -G)*N。
式中:P为补偿金额(万元/年);G0为参照地区的人均GDP(元/人);G为保护区人均GDP(元/人);N 为保护区的总人口(万人)。
或者:P=(R O -R)*N t+(S O -S)*N f。
式中:p为补偿金额(万元/年);R0为参照地区城镇居民人均纯收入(元/人);R为保护区城镇居民人均纯收入(元/人);N t为保护区城镇居民人口(万人);S0为参照地区农民人均纯收入(元/人);S为保护区农民人均纯收入(元/人);N f为保护区农业人口(万人)。
对于WTP和WTA的流域生态补偿标准的分析研究对于WTP和WTA的流域生态补偿标准的分析研究对于WTP和WTA 的流域生态补偿标准的分析研究对于WTP和WTA的流域生态补偿标准的分析研究文章来自教育网1 引言随着人类社会经济的快速发展,人类生产、生活活动对资源特别是水资源的需求不断增加。
2 文献综述我国对生态补偿的研究始于20世纪90年代中后期,以理论探索性研究为主。
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1 对 电 网 c 中 有 很 大 的提 高 ; 据 水 电部 、 , 0S 根 国家 物 价 局 会 同 以 ( 3 水 电财 字 第 2 5号 文 件 颁 发 的 “ 8) 1 功 率 因 数 调 整 电 费办 法 ” 的规 定 , 0 越 高则 电 价 越 c S
相 关 参 数 ,以达 到最 佳 补 偿 效 果 , 得 系 统 无 环 流 , 使 损 耗降到最小 ; ( ) 有 故 障保 护 、 相 及 故 障 自动 退 相 、 电 5具 缺 断 自动 联 锁 跳 闸 , 护 电 机 ; 保
( ) 于 采 用 两 台 接 触 器 转 换 , 以 在 不 停 机 的 6由 可
低 , 样 有 利 于 节 约 电费 以及 罚 款 。 这
率 的 附 加 电 势来 影 响 定 子 的 电流 与 电压 的 相 位 ,降
低 的损 耗 是从 电 机 定 子 绕 组 到 电 网 电源 之 间 ,效 果
比较 显 著 , 是 它 的缺 点 是 故 障率 高 , 环 、 刷 定 但 滑 碳
14 对 设 备 及 电 网 的 影 响 .
因 采 用 就 地 补 偿 设 备 后 , 电 机 定 子 电 流 下 降
情 况 下 检 修 设 备 。它 的原 理 如 图 1 。
厂—、厂—] . 、一
2 2 第5 四 川水 泥 0 流 减 小 , 损 耗 降 低 , 应 电 则 相
电耗 下 降 , 约 电 能 。 节
组的温度 ;
1 3 增 加供 电功 率 和减 少 电气 投资 .
采 用 就 地 补 偿 后 , 0S 上 升 电流 下 降 , 降 低 c 则 了对 绕 组 的 要求 及 相 应 用 电贴 费 , 同时 降低 了 电机
控 制 器 的 自动 跟 踪 处 理 , 通 过 单 片 机 控 制 品 闸管 , 再 把 5H 0 Z交 流 电 通 过 交 一交 变 频 ,给 转 子 附 加 一 个
的视 在 功 率 ,如 视 在 功 率 S= , △ S=S 一S = :
U 2 U U( 2 , ) I一 I= , 一 1。
( ) 由于 采 用 交 一 交 变 频 及 单 片 机 跟 踪 控 制技 4
术 , 自动 跟 踪 电机 运 行 色 镜 状 态 的 变 化 , 可 自动 调 整
2 就 地 补 偿 的 种 类 及 特 点
2 1 种 类 .
() 1 电容 器 补偿 : 是 七 十 年 代 普 遍 采 用 的一 种 它 功 率 因 数 补偿 装 置 ,但 是 它 的补 偿 是 靠 电 容 吸 收 电 机 的无 功 功 率 , 只 降 低 了线 路 上 的损 耗 , 电机 本 它 对 身没有 直接改善。 () 转式进 相机 : 是八 十年代推出的一种 自 2旋 它
激 式 旋转 进 相 机 ,它 的原 理 是 向转 子 施 加 一 个 同 频
前 大 多 企 业 均 采 用 就 地 无 功 功 率 补 偿 以 提 高 用 电质
量 、 少 电能浪费 、 减 以此 降 低 水 泥 生 产 成 本 。
1 就 地 补 偿 的 作 用
1 1 改 善 功 率 因 数 及 减 少 电 费 .
目前 , 水 泥 企 业 中 , 磨 机 的用 电 量 约 占企 业 在 球 总用 电 量 的 7 % , 异 步 电机 的无 功 功 率 一 般 都 在 0 而
1 % 以 上 ,功率 因 数 在 0 8 0 . 0~0 8 ,所 以 它 的 用 电 .5
质 量 直 接 影 响到 企 业 的 电耗 ,因 此 对 于 异 步 电机 目
电 机 起 动 时 KM1吸 合 , 电 机 转 子 接 人 起 动 器
内 , 机 正 常 起 动 , 电机 起 动 完 毕 星 点 接 触 器 短 接 电 当 后 方 能 进 相 ,进 相 接 触 器 把 转 子 切 换 到 变频 器输 出
端 , 过 转 子 电流 传 感 器 检 测转 子 电 流 的变 化 , 过 通 经
WP型 静 止 式 进 相 器 的 分 析 应 用
杜 屹 湖北 襄 樊 万 州 电气 制 造 有 限 公 司
1 % ~2 % ,则 电 机 温 升 下 降 1 % ~2 % ,对 线 路 0 0 0 0
及 电机 内绕 组 的绝 缘 影 响变 小 , 长 电机 使 用 寿命 , 延 同 时 变 相 增 加 了变 压 器 的容 量 及 变 压 器 的 损 耗 。
期 要 更 换 , 灰 尘 , 有 自动 跟 踪 检 测 。 怕 没 ( ) 止 式 进 相 器 : 是 九 十年 代 开 发 并 已 在 市 3静 它 场 上 推 广 使用 的新 一 代 智 能 化 的高 新 技 术 产 品 。
12 减 少 电能 损耗 .
电 能 损 耗 主要 有 线 路 损 耗 和 电机 损 耗 ,电 机 损 耗 主要 有 铜 损 、 损 , 这 些 损 耗 都 与 电 流 的 二 次 方 铁 而 有正 比的关 系: 线 损 P l L见 L=, 1 电 机 损 耗 ∑ P=P + 2 l 凡 +P +P c 1 + +P 2 n △ 铜损 P =3 oR 1 I 铁 损 P ,=P +P =3oR r l 1
2 2 静 止 式 进 相 器 的 特 点 .
( ) 怕 灰 尘 , 数 易 调 节 , 易 损 件 , 障 率 1不 参 无 故 低 , 服了旋转机的缺点 , 护费用低 ; 克 维 ( ) 率 因数 能 提 高 到 0 9 2功 . 5~1 电 流 下 降 1 % , 0
2% , 效降低损耗 ; 5 有 ( ) 接 改 善 电机 的运 行 状 况 , 著 降 低 电机 绕 3直 显