











































1. 什么是均衡饮食?

2. 儿童蛋白质摄入量应该是多少?


3. 为什么儿童需要钙?


4. 儿童蔬果的摄入量应该是多少?


1. 儿童每天应该进行多少时间的体育锻炼?

2. 为什么儿童需要进行体育锻炼?


3. 运动对儿童心理健康的影响是什么?


4. 儿童在运动中需要注意哪些事项?





















名词解释〔20 分〕病毒:一类构造简单、只含有一种核酸〔DNA 或 RNA〕、对抗生素不敏感、营严格寄生生活、有遗传、自我复制等生命特征的非细胞形态微生物的总称。













质粒:是核体以外的遗传物质,为环状闭合的双股 DNA,带有遗传信息,控制细菌某些特定的遗传性状,能自我复制。

类毒素:外毒素经 0.3%—0.5%甲醛 37 度处理一定时间后,毒性完全丧失,但仍保存良好的抗原性,称为类毒素。



机选择过大或起动时间过短、制动器制动力距过大,制动时间过短。 (3)机械上原因,
5. 车司机在工作完毕后应该遵守哪些规定?
答:(1)反复短时运行,JZR、JZR2系列三相异部电机基准接电持续率为25%。 (2)频繁的











儿童保健知识试题总汇及答案一、新生儿保健知识问题1:新生儿出生后的第一件事情是什么?新生儿出生后的第一件事情是什么?- a) 给与水分补充- b) 给与母乳喂养- c) 清洁婴儿的脐带- d) 睡觉休息答案:c) 清洁婴儿的脐带问题2:新生儿一般多久需要喂食一次?新生儿一般多久需要喂食一次?- a) 每小时需要喂食一次- b) 每2-3个小时需要喂食一次- c) 每4-6个小时需要喂食一次- d) 每8-10个小时需要喂食一次答案:b) 每2-3个小时需要喂食一次二、儿童疾病预防与治疗问题1:儿童接种疫苗的目的是什么?儿童接种疫苗的目的是什么?- a) 防止传染病的传播- b) 提高儿童的免疫力- c) 加强儿童的固有免疫力- d) 提供必要的营养补充答案:a) 防止传染病的传播问题2:儿童发烧时应该采取哪些措施?儿童发烧时应该采取哪些措施?- a) 给予退烧药物- b) 静养休息- c) 用冷毛巾敷在额头上- d) 给予充分饮水答案:b) 静养休息三、儿童营养健康问题1:儿童身体发育的营养需求主要包括哪些方面?儿童身体发育的营养需求主要包括哪些方面?- a) 蛋白质- b) 碳水化合物- c) 脂肪- d) 维生素、矿物质和水答案:d) 维生素、矿物质和水问题2:儿童吃什么可以帮助提高免疫力?儿童吃什么可以帮助提高免疫力?- a) 干果和坚果- b) 鱼类- c) 蔬菜和水果- d) 快餐食品答案:c) 蔬菜和水果以上是儿童保健知识试题总汇及答案。




银行会计学历年试题总汇全国2021年7月银行会计学试题一、单项选择题1.各存款单位只能在银行开立一个( ) A.一般存款账B.临时存款账户C.基本存款账户D.专用存款账户2.适用于在账页上计息的银行分户账户是( ) A.甲种账B.乙种账C.丙种账D.丁种账3.对下列银行会计业务的处理,可采用单式记账法进行核算的是( )A.对内结算事项B.贷款承诺事项C.对外结算事项D.期末调整事项4.在银行开立存款账户的法人以及其他组织之间,当具有真实的交易关系或债权、债务关系时,办理结算才能使用( )A.商业汇票结算B.支票结算C.银行汇票结算D.银行本票结算5.银行汇票签发期转存票款所使用的科目是( ) A.汇出汇款B.应解汇款及临时存款C.开出本票D.保证金6.银行计息时若采用“累计日积数法”,其计息积数是指( )A.本金×时间×利率B.本金×时间C.本金×利率D.时间×利率7.银行在每季末月20日或每月20日对贷款户结计利息的计息方式是( )A.利随本清B.随时计息C.定期计息D.积数查算表计息8.银行会计对“应收利息”的核算,在会计制度限定的时间内应记入当期损益,这充分体现了( ) A.权责发生制原则B.历史成本原则C.划分两类支出的原则D.谨慎性原则9.为了加强内控,联行凭证、联行专用章、联行密押应由( )A.一人保管B.二人保管C.三人保管D.业务主管保管10.一个商业银行系统内的清算行在总行存入备付金时,可运用的会计科目是( )A.系统内上存款项B.系统内款项存放C.存放中央银行款项D.存放同业款项11.以一定单位的本国货币作为标准,折算成一定数额的外国货币是( )A.直接标价法B.中间价C.买卖两档汇价制D.间接标价法12.银行的固定资产因出售、报废和毁损等原因转入清理时,应设置和运用的账户是( )A.“在建工程”B.“固定资产清理”C.“其他营业支出”D.“营业外支出”13.银行购买国债所取得的国债利息收入,属于( ) A.利息收入B.汇兑收益C.其他营业收入 D.投资收益14.银行的留存收益不包括...( )A.资本公积B.盈余公积C.法定公益金D.未分配利润15.出纳长款按规定的审批手续予以报损时,应确认为银行的( )A.其他营业收入B.利息收入C.营业外收入D.投资收益16.银行外汇业务在记账方法上的特点表现为主要采用| A.单式记账法B.借贷复式记账法C.外汇统账制D.外汇分账制17.能够反映商业银行一定时期财务状况增减变化过程及其原因的会计报表是( ) A.现金流量表 B.资产负债表 C.利润表 D.利润分配表18.用以反映银行短期偿债能力的指标是( ) A.资本风险比率B.流动比率C.固定资本比率D.利润率19.摊销无形资产借记的账户是( )A.“其他营业支出”B.“营业外支出”C.“营业费用”D.“手续费支出”20.能够记入“营业税金及附加”账户借方的税金是()A.房产税B.印花税C.土地使用税D.城市维护建设税二、多项选择题21.当对不计息的银行承兑汇票办理贴现时,银行对贴现利息的计算应根据( )A.汇票金额B.汇票出票日C.汇票贴现日D.汇票到期日E.贴现率22.整存整取定期储蓄存款的核算手续包括( ) A.开户的核算B.续存的核算C.到期支取的核算D.提前支取的核算 E.逾期支取的核算23.银行费用的发生将同时伴随着( ) A.资产减少B.或负债增加C.资产增加D.或负债减少E.所有者权益减少24.银行汇票的核算程序包括( ) A.签发银行汇票B.兑付银行汇票C.持票人向签发行提示付款D.结清银行汇票E.兑付行到期收款25.下列各指标中,能够反映银行盈利能力的是A.资本充足率B.成本(费用)率C.利润率D.资本金利润率E.资产利润率三、判断改错题26.银行会计的基本目标是向用户提供决策有用的信息。






一、生长发育问题1. 根据儿童生长发育曲线,以下哪个描述是正确的?A. 儿童的体重和身高都呈持续增加的趋势;B. 儿童的体重和身高在不同年龄阶段有不同的增长速度;C. 儿童的体重和身高在一定阶段会停滞不前;D. 儿童的体重和身高是一成不变的。

答案:B. 儿童的体重和身高在不同年龄阶段有不同的增长速度。




2. 下列哪个因素对于儿童生长发育影响最大?A. 遗传因素;B. 饮食;C. 运动;D. 社交环境。

答案:A. 遗传因素。





二、营养问题1. 儿童最常见的营养缺乏症是什么?A. 维生素A缺乏症;B. 缺铁性贫血;C. 钙缺乏症;D. 蛋白质缺乏症。

答案:B. 缺铁性贫血。




2. 儿童喝牛奶的最佳时间是什么时候?A. 早上;B. 中午;C. 下午;D. 晚上。

答案:C. 下午。



试卷一一、单选1. 习近平在中共中央政治局第四次集体学习上强调,要确保审判机关、检察机关依法独立公正行使()。

A. 立法权、司法权;B.司法权、行政权;C. 审判权、检察权;D. 审判权、监督权标准答案: C2. 中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第四次全体会议指出,全面推进依法治国,总目标是()。

A. 人民当家作主;B. 社会稳定;C. 和谐发展;D. 建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家标准答案: D3. 修订后《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》规定:( )及其工作人员不得干预、阻碍人民法院受理行政案件。

A. 行政机关;B. 立法机关;C. 人民政府;D. 军事机关标准答案: A4. 根据刑事诉讼法规定,律师最早介入诉讼时间是在案件()。

A. 侦查阶段;B. 侦查终结时;C. 起诉阶段;D. 审判阶段标准答案: A5.贪污罪侵犯对象是()。

A.公民个人财物;B.公共财物;C.无主财物;D.有主财物标准答案: B6. 人民法院在审查民事起诉时,发现当事人起诉已经超过了诉讼时效,在这种情况下,人民法院应当如何处理?( )A. 通知当事人已经超过诉讼时效,不予受理;B. 裁定不予受理;C. 应予受理,审理后确认超过诉讼时效,判决驳回诉讼请求;D. 应予受理,审理后确认超过诉讼时效,裁定驳回起诉标准答案: C7. 婚姻自由内容包括()。

A. 订婚自由;B. 恋爱自由;C. 解除婚约自由;D. 结婚和离婚自由标准答案: D8. 劳动合同依法被确认无效,给对方造成损害,()应当承担赔偿责任。

A. 用人单位;B. 有过错一方;C. 劳动者;D. 工会标准答案: B9. 甲、乙二人同在出坡上放羊,乙羊混入甲羊群,甲不知,赶羊回家入圈。


A. 拾得遗失物;B. 获取不当得利;C. 无因管理;D. 侵权行为标准答案: B10. 下列哪项法律关系是民事诉讼法律关系?()A.原告及其代理人之间法律关系;B.证人及被告之间法律关系;C.原告律师及被告律师之间法律关系;D.人民法院及指定鉴定人之间法律关系标准答案:D11. 甲男及乙女于某日中午公开在某公园内发生性关系,引起游客极大愤慨,造成恶劣社会影响。



公文写作试题与答案(免费) (1)公文写作题目集 (16)公文写作题目总汇 (22)公务员公文写作百道真题解答汇总 (149)公文写作考试试题及答案 (159)事业单位考试《公文写作》模拟题一(附答案) (174)参考答案: (177)事业单位考试《公文写作》模拟题二(附答案) (178)参考答案: (180)事业单位考试《公文写作》模拟题三(附答案) (181)参考答案: (183)公文写作试题与答案(免费)一、单项选择题1,联合行文时,作者应是( )。

A.同级机关B.同一系统的机关C.三个以上的机关D.行政主管机关与业务指导机关2.维护文件的高度严密性是指( )。

A.公文的保密性B.公文语言结构的严密c.公文行文程序的严密D.施行办法的严密3.公文中的祈使句常常依靠( )。

A.语气词表述B.惯用的句式表达c.感叹词表达D.无主句表达4.为了维护政令一致,凡下行公文( )。

A.都要向上级请示B.都要和有关机关协商c.内容涉及其他机关的职权范围时,行文前应与其协商一致D.都与有关部门联合发文5.供受文者使用的具有法定效用的正式文本,格式规范并具备各种生效标志的稿本称作( )。

A.草稿B.定稿C.正本D.副本6.公文区别于其他信息记录的特点是( )。

A.传播知识B.具备查考价值c.书面文字材料D.具备法定的权威性7.用于记载会议主要精神和议定事项的公文是( )。

A.决议B.会议记录C.会议纪要D.议案8.当问题重大,确急需直接上级和更高层次的上级机关同时了解公文内容时,可采用( )的方式。

A.越级行文B.直接行文C.多级行文D,同时行文9.公文要选择适宜的行文方式,一般不得( )。

A.逐级行文B.多级行文c.越级行文D.直接行文10.公文的形成与发挥作用须依赖于( )。

A.公文处理B.收文处理c.发文处理D.办毕公文处理11.由机关领导对发文稿批注核准发出的意见并签署姓名及日期的活动,是发文处理中的( )。







数学:1.已知函数f(x) = 2x^2 + kx + 3,若直线y = x - 1与其图像有两个交点,求k的值。



3.向量a = 3i + 4j,向量b = -2i + 5j,求向量a和向量b的数量积。




物理:1.一个物体从高处落下,通过实验测得在t秒时的速度v和位移s 的关系为v = at + b,s = ct^2 + d。


2.对于一块质量为m的物体,已知它做直线运动的力学方程为F = -cx,其中c为常数。



化学:1.将反应物A和反应物B混合反应,生成产物C和产物D,反应方程为:A + B → C + D。


2.已知一种化合物含有75%的元素A和25%的元素B,化合物的摩尔质量为100 g/mol,求元素A和元素B的原子质量。

3.某实验室通过实验证明甲醇是可燃的,其燃烧反应为2CH3OH + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 4H2O,请计算完全燃烧46 g甲醇所需的氧气质量。




《体育生理学》试题总汇(附答案)《体育生理学》试题总汇(附答案)一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 人体能量供应的主要来源是(A)A. 糖类B. 脂肪C. 蛋白质D. 无机盐答案:A2. 耐力训练的主要目的是提高(B)A. 肌肉力量B. 心肺功能C. 肌肉体积D. 爆发力答案:B3. 关于运动性蛋白尿的描述,下列哪项是正确的(C)A. 仅在剧烈运动后出现B. 总是表示肾脏损伤C. 运动后尿液中出现蛋白质,但肾功能正常D. 仅在运动员中出现答案:C4. 运动时人体散热的主要方式是(A)A. 汗液蒸发B. 皮肤的血流量增加C. 呼吸作用D. 辐射和传导答案:A5. 运动后肌肉酸痛的主要原因是(B)A. 肌肉缺氧B. 乳酸积累C. 肌肉拉伤D. 肌肉炎症答案:B6. 维生素D的主要功能是(D)A. 促进铁的吸收B. 促进钙的吸收C. 提高免疫力D. 增强骨骼强度答案:B7. 下列哪种激素能促进蛋白质合成(A)A. 睾酮B. 肾上腺素C. 皮质醇D. 生长激素答案:D8. 关于运动性贫血的描述,下列哪项是正确的(B)A. 仅在长时间剧烈运动后出现B. 运动后血红蛋白浓度降低,但不会影响运动能力C. 运动后血红蛋白浓度升高D. 仅在运动员中出现答案:B9. 人体在运动过程中,血钾浓度(C)A. 明显升高B. 明显降低C. 略有升高D. 明显下降答案:C10. 肌肉力量训练的主要方法是(A)A. 重量训练B. 间歇训练C. 有氧训练D. 拉伸训练答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 人体能量供应的主要来源是________。

答案:糖类2. 运动性蛋白尿是指________。

答案:运动后尿液中出现蛋白质,但肾功能正常3. 维生素D的主要功能是________。

答案:增强骨骼强度4. 运动性贫血是指________。

答案:运动后血红蛋白浓度降低,但不会影响运动能力5. 肌肉力量训练的主要方法是________。

















青马班入学试题总汇(1)一、选择题(每题2分,共计20分)1. 青马班的寓意是()A. 青年马克思主义者培训班B. 青年马克思主义者培养计划C. 青年马克思主义者学习班D. 青年马克思主义者研究班2. 我国社会主义初级阶段开始于()A. 1949年新中国成立B. 1956年社会主义改造完成C. 1978年改革开放D. 2002年加入世界贸易组织3. 马克思主义认为,人类社会发展的最终动力是()A. 科学技术进步B. 生产力发展C. 社会制度变革D. 人类自身需求4. 新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党的基本路线是()A. 反帝反封建B. 反对帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义C. 建立民主联合政府D. 实现国家独立和人民解放5. 我国现行宪法是在()年通过的。

A. 1954年B. 1975年C. 1978年D. 1982年二、简答题(每题10分,共计30分)1. 简述马克思主义的基本观点。

2. 请简要介绍我国社会主义初级阶段的含义及其基本特征。

3. 请阐述新民主主义革命的总路线和基本纲领。

三、论述题(每题20分,共计40分)1. 论述我国改革开放以来取得伟大成就的根本原因。

2. 结合实际,谈谈你对社会主义核心价值观的理解和认识。





1. 请分析该地政府在推进供给侧结构性改革过程中所面临的矛盾和问题。

2. 请从政府的角度来看,谈谈如何更好地解决失业问题。

3. 请从企业的角度来看,谈谈如何应对供给侧结构性改革带来的挑战。

4. 请从员工的角度来看,谈谈如何在供给侧结构性改革中实现自我发展和价值体现。






1. 体重和身高测量

2. 视力检查

3. 听力测试

4. 牙齿检查

5. 思维能力评估

6. 社交和情绪评估










以下是一些关于饮食健康的问题及答案:1. 儿童吃什么样的食物最健康?答案:儿童的饮食应该均衡且多样化,包括蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪、维生素和矿物质等。


2. 儿童应该如何正确挑选食物?答案:儿童应该学会辨认食物的优劣,选择新鲜、天然、营养丰富的食物。



以下是一些关于运动健康的问题及答案:1. 儿童每天应该进行多少分钟的体育锻炼?答案:根据世界卫生组织的建议,儿童每天应进行60分钟以上的中等强度体育锻炼,例如快步走、跑步、游泳、跳舞等。

2. 儿童参加体育活动的好处有哪些?答案:适度的体育锻炼可以增强儿童的心肺功能、肌肉力量和骨骼健康。



以下是一些关于睡眠健康的问题及答案:1. 儿童每天应该有多少小时的睡眠时间?答案:根据美国儿科学会的建议,3-5岁的儿童每天应该有10-13小时的睡眠时间,6-12岁的儿童每天应该有9-12小时的睡眠时间。

2. 如何帮助儿童获得良好的睡眠?答案:建立规律的睡眠习惯是帮助儿童获得良好睡眠的关键。


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1. The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a _______forgery.A. man-madeB. naturalC. crudeD. real2. I couldn’t sleep last night because the tap in the bathroom was_________.A. drainingB. droppingC. spillingD. dripping3. The ________driver thinks accidents only happen to other people.A. averageB. commonC. usualD. normal4. The________ ticket taker at the football game tore the tickets ________.A. in halfB. by halfC. in halvesD. at half5._______, I’ll marry him all the same.A. Was he rich or poorB. Whether rich or poorC. Were he rich or poorD. Be he rich or poor6. .The scientists have made an____ study of the viruses that cause the disease.A. exhaustedB. exhaustingC. exhaustiveD. exhaustion7. In his plays Shakespeare ______his characters live through their language.A. wouldB. had makeC. madeD. makes8. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language?A. Arbitrariness.任意性B. Productivity.丰富性C. Cultural transmission.文化传播性D. Finiteness.局限性9. The original inhabitants of Australia were______.A. the Red IndiansB. the EskimosC. the AboriginesD. the Maoris10. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast U.S.?______A. Huston.B. Boston.C. Baltimore.D. Philadelphia11. What does “He wisely refused to spend his money” mean?______A. It was wise of him to refuse to spend his money.B. He refused to spend his money in a wise manner.C. He was short of money and didn’t want to buy anythingD. He refused, in a wise manner, to spend his money.12. During the famine, many people were ____ to going without food for days.A. sunkB. reducedC. forcedD. declined13. Men differ from animals____ they can think and speak.A. for whichB. for thatC. in thatD. in which14.____ both sides accept the agreement ____ a lasting peace be established in this region.A. Only if, willB. If only, wouldC. Should, willD. Unless, would15. Mary hopes to be ____ from hospital next week.A. dismissedB. dischargedC. expelledD. resigned16.Professor Johnson’s retirement____ form next January.A. carries into effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. puts into effect17. The party’s reduced vote was ____ of lack of support for its policies.A. indicativeB. positiveC. revealingD. evident18 .The old couple will never _____ the loss of their son..A. get overB. get awayC. get offD. get across19. We were filled with ____ about flying in such bad weather.A. troublesB. obscurityC. ignoranceD. misgivings20. Aren’t you tired ? I ____ you had done enough for today.A. should have thoughtB. must have thoughtC. might have thoughtD. could have though1~5CDAAD 6~10CDDCA11~15ABCAB 11~20BAADA1. Although ____ Spanish,he attended the course.A. he was knowing B . he is knowingC.having a knowledge of D . knows2. Bread and butter ____ liked by Westerners.A. is B . are C . were D . be3. My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room,for the first man Imet asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”A. must be B . must have been C . had been D . had to be4. While driving along the treacherous road, ____ .A. my right rear tyre blew outB. my right rear tyre had a blowoutC.I had a blownout on my right rear tyreD. I had my right rear tyre blowout5. Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro Americanpoetry is his insistence that it ____ in a religious,as well asworldly,frame of referenceA. is to be analysed B . has been analysedC. be analysed D . should have been analysed10It’s not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and ____yourwife and children.A. take it out onB. take out it onC. take out onD. take on it with7. It was dark in the cave so she ____a match.A. struckB. hitC. firedD. burned8. Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is ____witha cold.A. laid outB. laid upC. laid byD. laid down9. My grandfather accidentally ____ fire to the house.A.putB. tookC.setD. got10. Hydrogen is one of the most important element in the universe____it provides the building blocks from which the other elements areproduced.A.so thatB. but thatC. provided thatD. in that11. ____ there is little we can do to modify the weather,we can atleast know what kind of weather to expect.A. Since B .When C .While D . Unless12. After ____ seemed an endless wait,it was her turn to step intothe doctor’s office.A. it B .that C .what D. which13. But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfarebrought them ____ suffering and poverty.A. anything butB. nothing butC. none other than D . no more than14. It was requested that all of the equipment ____in the agreed time.A. erectedB. would be erectedC. be erectedD. will beerected15. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if ____ something pleasant in the past.A. to rememberB. rememberedC. having been rememberedD. remembering16. My cat is a fussy eater, but my dog is so ____that she’ll swallow down anything that is put in front of her.A. indiscriminateB. choosyC. indefiniteD. picky17. “This house is more ____than the federal government!” Mac complained to his parents. “You have rules for everything.”A. systematicB. democraticC. bureaucraticD. public18. The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours ____last night.A. at lengthB. in fullC. on endD. in time19. A highly organized system of irrigation is ____Chinese agriculture.A. typical ofB. consistent withC. famous forD. subject to20. Most importantly, such an experience helps ____ a heightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of one’s own culture as well.A. coachB. forsakeC. fosterD.censor答案1—5CABCD 6—10AABCD 11—15CCBCA 16—20ACCAC1. You should know better than ____ your little sister at home by herself.A. to leaveB. leavingC. to have leftD. left2. It is ____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.A. in her honorB. on her honorC. a point of honorD. an honor3. This house will probably come on the ____ next month.A. fairB. marketC. shopD. store4. Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.A. adverseB. anonymousC. indifferentD. casual5. I ____ with the Browns during my stay in New York City.A. put inB. put downC. put onD. put up6. Codes are a way of writing something in secret; ________, anyonewho doesn’t know the code will not be able to read it.A) that is B) worse still C) in short D) on the other hand7. Our house is about a mile from the station and there are not manyhouses ________.A) in between B) among them C) far apart D) from eachother8. Professor Smith and Professor Brown will ________ in giving theclass lectures.A) alter B) change C) alternate D) differ9. Children are ________ to have some accidents as they grow up.A) obvious B) indispensable C) Bound D) doubtless10. The mother didn’t know who ________ for the broken glass.A) will blame B) to blame C) blamed D) blames11. After _ __ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel manager’s office.A. thatB. whatC. thereD. it12. The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighbouring country, ____ by the police each time.A. had been capturedB. being always capturedC. only to be capturedD. unfortunately captured13. Professor Johnson is said ____some significant advance in his research in the past year.A. having madeB. makingC. to have madeD. to make14. Fat cannot change into muscle _ __ muscle changes into fat.A. any more thanB. no less thanC. no more thanD. much more than15 He ___ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.A. may have actedB. must have actedC. should actD. would act16. People’s status in society is frequently ____by how much they own.A. measuredB. examinedC. testedD. questioned17. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he _____ able to adviseyou much better than I can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were18. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will haveto install _____ solar heating device in our home.A. some type ofB. some types of aC. some type of aD. some types of19. Do you know Tim’s brother? He is ______ than Tim.A. much more sportsmanB. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsmanD. more a sportsman20. That was not the first time he _____ us. I think it’s high time we________ strong actions against him.A. betrayed…takeB. had betrayed…tookC. has betrayed…tookD. has betrayed…ta keACBCD AACCB BCCAA AAABC1.I stood still gazing out over the limitless _of the desert.(B)A.spaceB.expanseC.stretchnd2.It’s not_much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand.(C)A.thatB.asC.soD.very3. It’s not common for there _problems of communication between the old and the young (D)A.beingB.would beC.beD.to be4. The bar in the club is for the _use of its members. (B)A.extensiveB.exclusiveC.inclusiveprehensive5. _at in his way,the situation doesn’t seem so desperate. (B)A.looking B,looked C.being looked D.to look6. I was very interested in____she told me. (C)A. all whatB. all whichC. all thatD. that7. ____ you____further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice. (C)A.If, hadB. Have, hadC. Should, haveD. In case, had8. Man differ from animals____they can speak and think. (C)A. for whichB. for thatC. in thatD. in which9. There are only ten apples left in the basket, ____the spoilt ones. (A)A. not countingB. not to countC. do not countD. having not counted10. A new laptop costs about____of a second-hand one. (B)A. the price of three timeB. the three times the priceC. as much as the three times priceD. three times more than the price11.The head of the museum was___and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.(D)A.promisingB. agreeingC. pleasingD. obliging12.The neighbors do not consider him quite___as most evenings he awakens them with his drunken singing.(A)A. respectfulB. respectedC. respectiveD. respectable13.The tenant left nothing behind except some___of paper , cloth , etc.(B)A. sheetsB. scrapsC. pagesD. slices14. That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness___by his lack of talent.(A)A. so much asB. rather thanC. asD. than15.If not___with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.(B)A. being treatedB. treatedC. be treatedD. having been treated16.We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible, but they seemed to__sincerity.(D)A lack ofB be lack ofC lack inD be lacking in17.When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts went __their way to entertain the guests.(C)A in forB overC out ofD back on18.The motorist had to __to avoid knocking the old woman down inthe middle of the road.(A)A swerveB twistC departD swing19.As the director can’t come to the reception, I’m representing the company__.(B)A on his accountB on his behalfC for his partD in his interest20.Fat cannot change into muscle__muscle changes into fat.(A)A any more thanB no more thanC no less thanD much more thanB 1.It’s high time we ___ cutting down the rainforests.A. stoppedB. have to stop C .shall stop D. stopA 2.Loudspeahers are fixed in the hall so that everyone ____an opportunity to hear the speech.A. ought to haveB. must haveC. may haveD. should haveB 3.During the famine, many people were ____to going without food for days.A, sunk B. reduced C. forced D. declinedB 4. The computer can be programmed to ____ a whole variety of tasks.A. assignB. tackleC. realizeD. solveB 5.The flats I have looked at so far were too expensive. So I'm better off ___ where I am.A. stayB. stayingC. to stayD. stayedC 6. _____, we must remain cheerfulA. What may comeB. May what comeC. Come what mayD. Come whatever mayC 7.It is_____ of him to put everything in disorder in the room. He is so peculiar.A. unconscious b. aware c. typical unkindA 8. He keeps all his documents in a ________ box.A. strong, black, metalB. metal, strong, blackC. strong, metal, blackD. black, strong, metalB 9.Tony does not dare to leave the house in case____. .A. he will be recognizedB. he should be recognizedC. he is recognizedD. he recognizesC 10. I would have come sooner but I______ that you were waiting.A. haven’t knownB. hadn’t knownC. didn’t knowD. haveknownB 11. Seventy percent ____ illiterate in that area.A. isB. areC. is to beD. can haveA 12. The surroundings of his office building______ far from clean.A. areB. isC. has beenD. doB 13. All that___ not gold.A. glitter areB. glitters isC. glittering areD. glittered isA 14.All but Sam and me ______ going to the exhibition this evening.A. areB. isC. amD. beA 15. No single woman could have done that, ______?A. did itB. didn’t itC. do itD. does itC 16. No single woman could have done that, _____?A. could theyB. couldn’t t heyC. could sheD. couldn’t sheA17. The team’s efforts to score were _______by the opposing goalkeeper.A. frustratedB. preventedC. discouragedD. accomplishedA18. The Information Technology Revolution, _______possible through the introduction of computers in every field of human activity, has completely altered our approach to life.A. madeB. made itC. which madeD. to be madeC19.There is _____on your nose.A, an egg B. the egg C. egg D, eggsA20.He was ______to tell the truth.A. too much of a cowardB. too much cowardC. a coward enoughD. enough of coward1. For some time now, world leaders out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.A. had been pointingB. have been pointingC. were pointingD. pointed2. “ What courses are you going to do next semester?”“ I don’t know. But its about time on something.”A. I’d decideB. I decidedC. I decideD. I’m deciding3. The police have offered a large for information leading to the robbers arrest.A. awardB. compensationC. prizeD. reward4. There has been a lack of communication between the union and the management.A. regretfulB. regrettableC. regrettingD. regretted5. The old couple will never the loss of their son.A. get overB. get awayC. get offD. get across6. He would try to ingratiate himself his clients in order to earn more money.A. intoB. withC. forD. from7 Here is one of the most interesting novels that been published _____ the war.A. has ... afterB. have ... afterC. have ... sinceD. has ... since8. How close parents are to their children a strong influence on the character of the children.A. hasB. haveC. havingD. to have9. I always what I have said.A. get toB. see toC. lead toD. hold to10. I am not used to like that.A. to being spokenB. to speakC. being spokenD. to speaking11. I didn't say anything like that at all. You are purposely __ __ my idea to prove your point.A. revisingB. contradictingC. distortingD. distracting12. I have the honor of introducing to you Mr. Alan, who will __ you on his recent tour abroad.A. addressB. speakC. talkD. converse13. Once a picture is proved to be a forgery, it becomes quite _____ .A. invaluableB. pricelessC. unworthyD. worthless14. The heat in summer is no less here in this mountain region.A. concentratedB. extensiveC. intenseD. intensive15. Everyone who has visited the city agrees that it is with life.A. vibrantB.violentC. energeticD. full16. Many people nowadays save money to for their old age.A. caterB. supplyC. provideD. equip17. In the present economic we can make even greater progress than previously.A. airB. moodC. areaD. climate18. In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to with some of her most treasured possessions.A. divideB. separateC. partD. abandon19. .Although he has become rich, he is still very of his money.A. economicB. thriftyC. frugalD. careful20.I did not expect that he like that.A should have behaved Bshould behaveCwould behave Dwould be behaved1. B2. B3. D4. B 5 A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10 A 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15 A 16. C 17. D 18. C 19. C 20 A1.We mustn't relax our vigilance___.A in the leastB at leastC at mostD in the end2. During the reading lesson, the teacher asked the students to read a few __ from the novel.A piecesB essaysC fragmentsD extracts3. But they aslo __ beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a whole.A passB reachC goD set4. How human beings and their environment act __ each other.A uponB forC asD to5. The mere fact __ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.A whatB whichC thatD why答案:1-5ADCAC1. I have no doubt that __ all of these people were taught in school that the earth revolves around the sun.A virtuallyB remarkablyC ideallyD preferably2. The story that follows__ two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.A concernsB statesC proclaimsD relates3. Tom__ better than to ask Dick for help.A shall knowB shouldn’t knowC has knownD should have known4. The schoolmaster __ the girl’s bravery in his opening speech.A applaudedB enhancedC elevatedD clapped5. The head of the Museum was __ and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.A promisingB agreeingC pleasingD obliging答案:1-5 AADAD1. The political future of the president is now hanging by a __.A threadB cordC stringD rope2. The question is still__ discussion.A inB byC forD under3. We managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to __.A ascendB descendC declineD plunge4. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must__ the qualities and varieties of products we make to theworld-market demand.A improveB enhanceC guaranteeD gear5. There has been a __ lack of communication between the union and the management.A regretfulB regrettableC regrettingD regretted答案:1-5ADBDB1.She managed to save__ she could out of her wages to help her brother.A how little moneyB so little moneyC such little moneyD what little money2. The statue would be perfect but for a few small__ in its base.A mistakesB weaknessC flawsD errors3. The morning news says a school bus__ with a train at the junction and a group of policmen were sent there immediately.A bumpedB collidedC crashedD struck4. The screaming of a woman____ our attention back_____ the TV program.A paid...atB got...onC called...toD drew...over5. This typerwriter is____ your service.A atB inC onD under答案:DCBCA1.The police have offered a large __for information leading to therobber’s arrest.[A]award [B]compensation [C]prize [D]reward2.The head of the Museum was __and let us actually examine theancient manuscripts.[A]promisng [B]agreeing [C]pleasing [D]obliging3.Who __was coming to see me in my office this afternoon?[A]you said [B]did you say [C]did you say that [D]you did say4.With __exceptions,the former president does not appear in publicnow.[A]rare [B]unusual [C]extraordinary [D]unique5.He burned all the important documents for fear that they __into theenemy’s hands.[A]should fall [B]fell [C]would fall [D]will fall6.A system of strict discipline has a(n) __effect on conduct.[A]beneficial [B]profitable [C]agenda [D]project7.The additional work put a great __on him though he has been hand-working all his life.[A]tension [B]pressure [C]strain [D]nervousness8.We were filled with __about flying in such bad weather.[A]troubles [B]obscurity [C]ignorance [D]misgivings9.Nuttier,Charles Louis Etienne,French writer of music,was custodian of the __of the Paris Opera.[A]archives [B]archetype [C]archdiocese [D]contrivance10.I shall __him with forgery and theft.[A]accuse [B]blame [C]curse [D]charge11.Radiation from the sun is __by the Earth’s atmosphere.[A]pricked [B]distended [C]attenuated [D]oxidized12.Sit down, straighten your legs and__your feet.[A]suffocate [B]flex [C]inflate [D]affront13.All the prisoners have fetters on.[A]watches [B]uniforms [C]chains [D]marks14.I can’t write with this pencil stub.[A]sharpener [B]mark [C]stump [D]eraser15.A gust of wind swirled bits of paper down the street.[A]whirled [B]scatter [C]drove [D]chased16.The old couple lived in abject poverty.[A]honest [B]financial [C]complete [D]noble17.The hunter kept the lion’s skin and head as__.[A]trophies [B]fillet [C]tulip [D]clown18.Facing everyone to vote for the dictator __the very idea of democracy.[A]perverts [B]masses [C]legislates [D]inoculates19.The soldier was seriously maimed in the war.[A]cripped [B]abandoned [C]expanded [D]intended20.The girls braided their hair with flowers.[A]plaited [B]comed [C]decorated [D]dressedKEY:1-10 DDBAA ACDAD CBCCA CAAAA1.After working for the firm for ten years , he finally _____ the rank ofdeputy director.A. achievedB. approachedC. attainedD. acquired2. It was strange that she would _____ such an absurd idea.A. allowB. stickC. takeD. entertain3. The person he interviewed was ____ his former schoolmate.A. no other thanB. no more thanC. none other thanD. none the less4. Linda was ____ the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.A. to startB. to have startedC. to be startingD. to have been starting5. The job of a student accommodation officer ____ a great many visits to landladies.A. concernsB. offersC. asksD. involves6. Unless ____ by credit card, please pay in cash.A. payB. is paidC. payingD. paid7. As the mountains were covered with a ____ of cloud, we couldn’t see their tops.A. coatingB. filmC. veilD. shade8. The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how espensive the freight ____ are.A. paymentsB. chargesC. fundsD. prices9. The old lady has developed a___ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.A. perpetualB. permanentC. chronicD. sustained10. It is difficult to ____ of a plan to end poverty.A. ponderB. reckonC. speculateD. conceive11.If you explained the situation to your solicitor , he _____ able to advise you much better than I can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were12. His remarks were _____ annoy everybody at the meeting.A. so as toB. such as toC. such toD. as much as to13. _____ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen..A.I was and always will beB.I have to be and always will beC.I had been and always will beD.I have been and always will be14. I went there in 1984 , and that was the only occasion when I ____ the journey in exactly two days.A. must makeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could make15. Do you know Tim’s brother? He’s _____ than Tim.A. much more sportsmanB. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsmanD. more a sportsman16. What’s the chance of ____ a general election this year?A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there going to be17. The meeting was put off because we ____ a meeting without John.A. objected havingB. were objected to havingC. objected to haveD. objected to having18. Children who stay away from school do ____ for different reasons/A. thenB. /C. itD. the19. Why are you staring?I’ve never seen ____ tree before.A. kind ofB. that kind ofC. such kindD. such20. Professor Johnson’s retirement ____ from next January.A. carries in effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. pits into effect答案1-5 CDCBD 6-10 CCBCD 11-15 ABDCB 16-20ADCBB1.That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness ____ by his lack of talent.A. so much asB. rather thanC. asD. than2.____, I’ll marry him all the same.A. Was he rich or poorB. Whethere rich or poorC. Were he rich or poorD. Be he rich or poor3.The government has promised to do ____ lies in its power to ease the hardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area.A. howeverB. whicheverC. whateverD. wherever4.____ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?A. Would you be surprisedB. Were you surprisedC. Had you been surprisedD. Would you have been surprised5.If not ____ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets veryill-tempered and grumbles all the time.A. being treatedB. treatedC. be treatedD. having been treated6.It is imperative that students ____ their term papers on time.A. hand inB. would hand inC. have to hand inD. handed in7.The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of afully-loaded truck, ____ to the truck.A. the greater stress isB. greater is the stressC. the stress is greaterD. the greater the stress8.The Minister of Finance is believed ____ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.A. that he is thinkingB. to be thinkingC. that he is to thinkD. to think9.Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are ____ conventional concerns in planning marketing strategies.A. these of the mostB. most of thoseC. among the mostD. among the many of10.____ both sides accept the agreement ____ a lasting peace be established in this region.A. Only if, willB. If only, wouldC. Should, willD. Unless, would11.Mr Wells, together with all the members of his family, ____ for Europe this afternoon.A. are to leaveB. are leavingC. is leavingD. leave12.It was suggested that all government ministers should ____ information on their financial interests.A. discoverB. uncoverC. tellD. disclose13.As my exams are coming next week, I’ll take advantage of the weekend to ____ on some reading.A. catch upB. clear upC. make upD. pick up14.I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms. It’s not like either of them to bear a ____.A. disgustB. curseC. grudgeD. hatred15.Mary hopes to be ____ from hospital next week.A. dismissedB. dischargedC.expelledD. resigned16.Once a picture is proved to be a forgery, it becomes quite ____.A. invaluableB. pricelessC. unworthyD.worthless17.Jimmy earns his living by ____ works of art in the museum.A. recoveringB. restoringC. renewingD. reviving18.I couldn’t sleep last night because the tap in the bathroom was ____.A. drainingB. droppingC. spillingD. dripping。
