
mA 动作次数 动作次数
1 V AC/DC,0.1 20 x 106 1 x 105
动作次数 5000
/ 小时
触头材料, 3TX7 00.-...02
Ag/Ni 0.15 硬金镀层
硬金镀层功率限值,3TX7 00.-...02
• 电压
• 电流
注:如果连接感性负载,可延长接口继电器的使用寿命。 1)容性负载会导致触头出现微小熔焊。
3TX70 接口继电器
插针式 / 非插针式接口继电器
型号 通用数据
额定绝缘电压 Ui(污染等级 3) 继电耦合器安装隔离 线圈和触头之间,符合标准 EN 60947-1,附录N
短路保护,符合标准 IEC 60947-5-1 (防熔焊电流Ik ≥ 1 kA) 熔丝, gL/gG 工作等级 允许环境温度
0.7 ... 1.25 x Us 0.8 ... 1.1 x Us 0.5 W;3TX7 00.-...05:1 W,230 V DC/6 VA 或 230 V AC 时
动作时间,Us 时
- 宽 6.2
- Us = 24 V
- Us > 24 V
- 宽 12.5 mm 以上
例外:3TX7 00 .-1BF05 mA mA
连接端子 外壳
3TX7 004/3TX7 005
至 300 AC
ºC -25 ... +60

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MPM MDM 变送控制器 系列产品说明书

V2.0 MPM/MDM变送控制器系列产品说明书目录1产品概述 (1)2安全警告 (1)3性能指标 (2)4外形结构 (3)5电气连接 (8)6按键设置 (9)7安装 (11)8通信指令 (12)9责任 (13)本公司保留由于产品技术和工艺更新对本说明书的修改权。
该系列产品为全电子结构,可进行现场压力/差压/液位的测量、显示与控制,输出标准信号,同时可实现基于RS485(Modbus RTU协议)总线的网络传输与变送控制器参数远程设定与调校。
产品具有以下特点●高精度数模转换电路,微处理器处理数据●方便组网和数据传输,可实现远程调校和设定●主、副屏同时显示(484C只有主屏)●按键设置参数和调校,操作方便●同时具有输出标准模拟信号和RS485(Modbus RTU协议)通信接口●最多可提供八路控制(460系列),控制精确高●设置回差值,取消触点抖动现象,控制可靠2安全警告使用前应仔细阅读本说明书,按每款产品电气定义接线。
3性能指标测量范围:液位:0m~1m…200mHO(仅MPM460W)2压力:-100kPa…0kPa~10kPa…100MPa差压:0kPa~50kPa…3.5MPa过载压力:压力:1.5倍满量程压力或110MPa(取最小值)差压:静压≤20MPa液位:1.5倍满量程压力供电电源:220V AC或110~370V DC或24V DC输出信号:模拟量:4mA~20mADC、0mA~10/20mADC、0/1V~5/10VDC数字量:RS485接口(Modbus RTU协议)环境温度:-10℃~60℃介质温度:-10℃~80℃存储温度:-40℃~80℃(460W投入式传感器部分-20℃~80℃)相对湿度:0%~80%振动:加速度≤3g,频率0Hz~300Hz冲击:≤10g稳定性:≤±0.3%/年最大功耗:≤3.5W(460系列5~8控制点≤5W)精度:≤±0.25%FS(典型值),≤±0.5%FS(最大值)继电器负载能力:240V/3A AC或30V/3A DC触点寿命:>100000次主显示屏:0.56英寸(460系列、484C系列)或0.8英寸(484ZL系列)副显示屏:0.36英寸(460系列、484ZL系列)显示范围:-1999~9999(高亮红)数字部分:采样速度:10次/秒控制接点数:1~5点(484C系列,484ZL系列)1~8点(460系列)安装方式:垂直安装、轴向安装(MPM484ZL、MPM484C)、投入式安装防护等级:IP65:MPM460(W)与MDM460显示壳体部分IP68:MPM460W传感器部分4外形结构4.1结构材料压力接口:不锈钢感压膜片:316L不锈钢电子壳体:不锈钢密封方式:丁腈橡胶或全焊接4.2压力接口表压型:M20×1.5外螺纹差压型:G1/4内螺纹型液位(460W):传感器部分为投入式液位传感器4.3外形图a)MPM/MDM484C型系列产品外形图图b)MPM460型、MDM460型、MPM460W型外形图MPM460型压力变送控制器外形图MDM460型差压变送控制器外形图MPM460W 型变送控制器外形图MPM460WK 型变送控制器外形图c)MPM484ZL 型压力变送控制器外形图MDM484ZL 型差压变送控制器外形图(垂直安装方式)MPM484ZL 型压力变送控制器外型图(轴向安装)注:轴向安装的变送控制器和垂直安装的变送控制器的接口尺寸是一致。
PPTC自恢复保险丝MSM Series

FeaturesApplicationsSurface Mount Devices Almost anywhere there is a low voltage Lead free deivce power supply,up to DC33V and a load Size 4532mm/1812milsto be protested,including:Surface Mount packaging for automated assembly Computer mother board,Modem,USB hub Agency recognition:ULPDAs &Charger,Analog &digital line card Digital cameras,Dish drivers,CD-ROMsModelD E minmax min max minmaxmin min 4.374.733.073.410.50 1.000.300.251.000.300.25ABC4.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.50 1.004.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.501.300.300.254.374.73 3.07 3.410.50 1.000.300.25MSM050/24/30 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.40 1.800.300.25 4.374.73 3.07 3.410.40 0.900.300.254.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.40 1.300.300.25 MSM1254.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.60 1.300.300.254.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.40 1.200.300.25 MSM160 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.40 1.200.300.254.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.50 1.300.300.25 4.374.73 3.07 3.410.50 1.500.300.25Test Passive aging Humidity aging Thermal shock Resistance to solventVibrationMaximum surface of the device in the tripped state is 125℃85℃,85%℃R.H.,168hrs 85℃,to-40℃,13times ±5%typical ±5%typical ±33%typical Ambient operating confitions:-40℃to 85℃Conditions MIL-STD-202,Method 215MIL-STD-202,Method 201Resistance changeNo change No change85℃,1000hrsMSM 300 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.410.50 1.500.300.25 MSM 3504.374.733.073.410.50 1.500.300.25PPTC /M SM Ser ies01 | spsemiMSM020/60MSM075/16/24/33MSM110/16/24/33MSM150/16/24MSM200/12MSM260/13.2/16MSM010MSM014MSM030REV.2014.05.01Model Ihold Itrip Vmax Imax Pd max Current TimeRmin Rmax (A)(A)(Vdc)(A)(w)(A)(S)(Ω)(Ω)MSM0100.100.30301000.80.5 1.50.75015.000MSM0140.140.34 601000.8 6.000MSM0200.200.40301000. 5.000MSM0300.300.60301000. 3.000MSM0500.501.00151000. 1.00 241000. 1.000MSM075 0.75 1.50 13.2 1000. MSM 110 1.10 2.20 81000. 2.20 161000. 3.00 8 1000. 3.00 241000. 2.80 8 1000.88.0 1.00.0300.1302.00 4.0081000.88.0 2.00.0200.1002.60 5.00 8 1000.88.0 2.50.0150.0503.00 5.0081000.88.0 4.0 0.0120.0403.50 6.00 6 1000.88.0 4.0 0.0080.030Ihold Itrip Vmax Imax PdRmin/max R1max*CAUTIONModel—40℃—20℃0℃25℃40℃50℃60℃70℃85℃MSM0100.1600.140.1200.100.0800. 1.100.990.870.750.6300.570.490.450.35MSM110 1.60 1.45 1.28 1.100.9200.830.710.660.52MSM125 2.00 1.75 1.52 1.25 1.0000.950.900.750.53MSM150 2.302.051.771.501.2301.090.950.820.61MSM 1602.10 1.96 1.88 1.60 1.260 1.12 0.98.Maximum resistance of device at 25℃measured one hour after trippde tripping.Operation beyond the specified rating may result in damage and possible arcing.Maximum operating volatge device can withstand without damage at ratde current(imax).Maximum fault current device can withstand without damage at rated voltage(Vmax).Typical power dissipatde from device when in the tripped state in 25℃still air.Minimum/Maximum device resistance prior to tripping at 25℃.maximun ambient operating temperature(Tmao)vs.hold current(Ihold)Trip current:Minimum current at which the device will always trip in 25℃still airMaximum Time To TripResistance Hold Current:Maximum current device will not trip in 25℃still air.MSM050/30 0.50 1.00 30 100 0.8 8.0 0.15 0.150 1.000MSM110/16MSM125MSM150MSM150/24 MSM160MSM200MSM260MSM300MSM350MSM200 2.88 2.61 2.25 2.00 1.800 1.66 1.45 1.09 0.80MSM260 3.90 3.42 2.96 2.60 2.330 2.07 1.94 1.35 1.00MSM 300 4.15 3.76 3.46 3.00 2.550 2.28 2.01 1.61 1.33MSM 350 4.84 4.39 4.04 3.50 2.980 2.66 2.35 1.88 1.550.840.63PPTC /M SM Ser ies02 | spsemi0.20 0.40 60 1000.88.0 0.02 0.350 5.000MSM020/600.75 1.50 161000. 1.50 241000. 1.10 2.20 331000. 1.10 2.20 241000. 1.10 2.20 331000. 1.50 3.00161000. 4.00 121000.88.0 2.00.0200.1002.60 5.00 13.21000.88.0 2.50.0150.050MSM260/13.22.60 5.00 16 1000.88.0 2.50.0150.050MSM260/16REV.2014.05.01Terminal pad materials Tin-Plated Nickle-Copper or Gold-Plated Nickle-Copper Terminal pad solderabilityMeets EIA specification RS186-9E and ANSI/J-STD-002Category 3.Thermal Derating CurveTypical Time-To-Trip At 25°CRecommended Solder Reflow ConditionsRecommended reflow methods :IR, vapor phase oven, hot air oven.Devices are not designed to be wave soldered to the bottom side Recommended maximum paste thickness is 0.25 mm (0.010 inch).Devices can be cleaned using standard method and solvents.:If reflow temperatures exceed the recommended profile,T e m p e r a t u r e (°C )Average Time Current Curves0.0010.010.11101000.1110100Current In AmperesT i m e I n S e c o n d s0.10A0.14A 0.20A 0.30A 0.50A 0.75A 1.10A 1.25A 1.50A 2.00A 2.50A 2.60AReel:MSM010~3501500pcs /reelPPTC /M SM Ser ies03 | spsemiREV.2014.05.01。

LELAS头戴式电话终端TLGA VS45563 LELAS头戴式电话终端TLGA VS45563(询价:15 8 0 5 06 12 13-李工)LELAS手持电话TLG713VI美国dynisco压力变送器SPX2242EA00M14CEFFCCAZZ和SPX2242EA00M15CEFFCCAZZ美国FISHER 型号 DVC6200阀门定位器美国dynisco压力变送SPX2242SA00B21CEFFACAZZ美国dynisco压力变送器SPX2243SA25B21CEFFACAZZ美国dynisco压力变送器SPX2242EA00M14CEFFCCAZZ寿力02250125-657电磁阀ABB电到率分析仪AX410/50001ABB电导率探头AC221/211131ABB电到率分析仪AX410/50001ABB电导率探头AC221/211131美国dynisco压变送器SPX2243SA25B21CEFFACAZZ意大利ETTIMA 螺杆泵 GK47SAEB-32-T13邦纳传感器QS18VP6D 10-30VDC奥盖尔pvg100f1uvrgfk邦纳传感器QS18VP6D 10-30VDC威格士 V20F-1S13S-1C11K-22威格士MPDEL-2520V 21A 14 ICC 20 262德国盖米GEMU 1435 EPOS智能定位器美国MEDC报警按钮PBEB4B6B5DSA2000DT6R/PBEB4B6B5DSAT6Y声光报警器PBEB4B6B5DSA2000DT6R/PBEB4B6B5DSAT6Y美国GE公司PT878超声波流量计PT878威格士V20F-1S13S-1C11K-22意大利ETTIMA 螺杆泵 GK47SAEB-32-T13沃尔沃200KW 恒星(HENGXING)牌柴油发电机 HXDL200 HX-200瑞士Bieri电磁阀WV700-2-2-v0科隆KROHNE流量计 OPTIFLUX5300C-(DN150/24V陶瓷铂金防爆) OPTIFLUX4300C(150)G3CCSSP00A1AM000OPTIFLUX4300C(200)G3CCSSP00A1AM000威乐水泵 mhi1604-1/e/3-400-50-2GE 德鲁克 DRUCK PTX5072 -TB-A1-CB-H0-PN,0-35MPa 传感器英国阿尔法 NH3B1氨气传感器NH3-A1阿波罗APOLLO 烟雾探测器 PART NO:53541HONEYWELL,qa3000 010,加速传感器KISSLING 微型开关D-72215 PSI/011/204/905.15A/250V AC德国盖米GEMU 1436000Z15A010001030丹尼斯克压力传感器MDT422F-1/2-3.5C-32/46-A西门子风机2BH1810-7HH36露点仪FA300EX 德国希尔思欧力卧龙振动电机MVE-7500-15申克振动位移传感器DS-1053/03/030/010/1/9ConST211数字压力表GEMU盖米限位开关1251000Z00000GEMU盖米阀门执行器1436000Z1SA010101050NELES限开关 EN44A02DN美国VMI电磁阀V10-C3C露点仪FA300EX 德国希尔思哈威柱塞泵R5.1科隆KROHNE流量计OPTIFLUX5300C-(DN150/24V陶瓷铂金防爆)OPTIFLUX4300C(150)G3CCSSP00A1AM000OPTIFLUX4300C(200)G3CCSSP00A1AM000多林格滤芯 3001849瓦特隆watlow温度控制器DC10-24P0-0000Fisher Fieldvue DVC6010德国GEMU盖米定位器1435000Z10001-0曼牌滤芯HU12140X 、PU999/1X HU12140X PU999/1X荷兰KLAY 压力变送器 2000-4-X-I燃烧器控制系统火焰探测器 FPY_45UV5-1007-23美国VMI电磁阀V10-C3C5”寸室内吸顶扬声器BF-560T德国布赫的齿轮泵QXV83-200R密析尔露点仪MDM300-IS德国布赫的齿轮泵QXV83-200R燃油压力10MPaQXV53-040R密析尔露点仪MDM300-ISREXROTH 型号vt11012-1X 替代R900211788 VT11118-1X/ 德国福斯FUCHS AG定位器D3XNU-D23PVA-Z5TX11.1"英格索兰气动扳手(6“加长) 2190 DTI-612.1"英格索兰气动扳手 2925P3TIABB 07AI91ABB 07DI92 GJR5252400R0101ABB CP502 ISBP260171R1001ABB 07KT97H1 GJR5253000R0270KLOZURE磨辊专用油封24626-3665威创传感器5705BPSX1051DWYER MPR1-4LIFTKET 整流器SB01200004000040MVOLGEN 电源\SPN30-05S\VOLGEN电源\SPN30-24S\VOLGENVERSA VSG-4322-HCC-XISX6-D024电磁阀TRABON 控制器\WMPIII\TRABON\163-3103010ORGA "导航灯灯泡;LAMP;ATRT NO:010085;REFERENCE:ALC6SAP;12V;3A;用于导航灯/L303FM-C-G20-300;厂家:ORGA 灯泡必须附有底座!"Coleman Stearns work vest救生衣I223wabco 干燥器4324320230KEB变频器09F5B1B-3A0A美国BEI配电器(1入1出)ZNA201-PA美国BEI隔离器(1入1出)ZNA201-PACHARGER POWERNETICS LTD,ADC7283/24,230VAC,4.5A/24VDC,30A,FINLAND 华高螺栓50008-14-C5DCLIMAX 10516枪头软管总成105101HOSEMC压力表KFP-GFVal-tex 密封脂80-H-J型阀门清洗液VF-CTN注脂枪1400墨菲PVWSKF 20098本迪克斯调压阀T293975-L摩菲指针式温度开关20TE-250-10-1/2NATIONAL 油封 415867Dynisco 传感器TPT4634-35MPA-6/18-TC6Dynisco 传感器PT4624-35MPA-6/18西门子传感器7ML1201-1EK00KTA7-25H-4A KTA7-25S-1.0A CA7-37D-00 瑞典SPM 机械状态听诊器 M01STE2 F12-125-MS-SV-S-00010-10-7602 10-10-7608 10-10-7612 HT649/P1 HT649/P2 HT783 猫2SF25SEEL HVP-FC1-L32R-A-027普兰索力HP18配件KIT2025 普兰索力HP18配件KIT2031 Danfoss高压泵APPW8.2 C2433/2 CL-532HS6SE7090-0XX84-0KC0 6SE7090-0XX84-0AB0 6SE7090-0XX84-0BJ0ES7322-1BL00-0AA0 509-297-000national油封 416664 本德尔IRDH275-435 autronica 防水手动报警按钮BF-300M KFD0-CS-Ex1.51P12NN-K614-N4-B1A-TTVVYY 107AL-N12-P1-F0A-TTVVYY 121NN-K45-N4-C1 林肯压力开关234-10330-452NN-K116-S1-C1A-X4 56RN-K216-M4-C2A-TTX6 6RN-K3-M4-C2A-TTX64RN-K4-M4-C2A-TTX618345-2010261001 MVSI 15/1410 380v 50hz 3PH MVSI15/1410-S02-1500r/min-380V-4S1F/370-3-32J80/63/EA-32O63/63/EA-32J80/63/EA-32J80/63/EA-32J40/25/EA-32J40/25/EA-32J40/25 /EA-32J16/10/EA-E-1-G2 EMP31V80-G12 LPC-40 PULL滤芯 HC9100 伍尔特气动除锈机(除锈坦克)7033510意大利FLOVEX,型号BEM805-A-2 KTA7-45H-32A KTA7-25H-25A KTA7-25H-4A SKF油封 35066RHEONIK质量流量计RHE14和RHM06 SKF轴承35066 47697 控制閥用定位器ABB TZID-C 18345-2010211001VT6EMY-072-3R00-B1-NOP JABSCO 24950-2310 ICO3S YX13AA1H1B 普兰索力HP18配件KIT2029瑞典SPM 电缆故障智能分析系统E02DGC2010A ALTRONIC高压电缆点火棒593022-18 油封 47697scanwill斯堪韦尔 MP-2000-S-10 LORD CB-2205-77 FLOVEX BEM805-A-2 KTA7-25H-25AT6EDC-072-050-031-1R43-A1F0 FLOVEX BEM805-A-2P/N657169-001.SER.NO:18069,MODEL 2800D002\IP66/ExdeIICT6\380V\63A RSE2-062J15/024S-1 RSE2-062R11/024S-1KTA7-45H-32AWIKA 威卡传感器:订货号:12719260 1104AZBJ T6A3S-B CALPEDA 电机泵SCHLAGE门锁 ND50PD EV RHO 626LOHER电机DNGW 080BG 04D订货号:2341749OTECO阀总成690031 O-U5C-EEOTECO气门座690057 O-7DD-B1哈威泵 R8.3世博滤芯 01030艾利逊 5962型修理包 23019152PARKER派克电磁换向阀D1VW020HNJWMicroClipXT多功能气体探测器MC-XWHM-Y-CN-0西门子6DR5010-OEN00-OAAO六角螺钉000153x0685力士乐 A10VSO71DFR1/31L-PKC62K074NN-K4-N4-B1AEST-250/300-5/8(X)Brandt spring VSM300EK-01103美卓ND9106HU2T阀门定位器EBR1034HFB100EK-47021EK-45131英格索兰调压器651791-C4D-BX3301S4N23W2英格索兰调压器651791-C4D-B1441-PEN25-HSDAMCOS BRCF 500西门子多功能数字表PAC3200Lenze AC Tech M12250BGCC1D1441-PEN25-BATEK-36960-C-006Seatrax 20133FPENTEK1 1441-DYN25-2CEK-42119EK-44799EK-43781I旋塞阀/3"/FIG1502扣2A26611安全阀/2"/FlG1502扣2A18192 2A18796挡板式单流阀\3"\ 标流15000PSI柱塞铜套\2500型\SPM4〃P1101959AA柱塞铜套\2000型\SPM4.5〃4P100650双公活动弯头10型3"FIG1502 M×M 105MPa 2A17920直管/3″1M/1502 /105MPa M×F 40"SPM 整体直管直管/3″1.5M/1502 /105MPa M×F 60"SPM 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E27121-CTIASM传感器 WS10SG-375-420A-L10-SB0-D8 ZELISKO 电压互感器 HNP5/20 SPRECHER 交流开关 KTA3-25 16-20A SPRECHER辅助触点 140PA11AMT离心泵 4297-98SC064R泵 SCP-064R-N-DL4-L35-SOS-000博世电源开关0341003004博世电源开关0341003004古尔兹水泵 ISTIG2A4POWELL 接头 25006083-259270-000WK-259072-00083-100050-00183-100051-00106-250099-067WK-264742-00006-235348-001REPLACEMENT GAS STATION NOZZLES83-844883-000WK-220325-000CONTROL EQUIPMENTXV™ CONTROL SYSTEM (WET & DRY CHEMICAL SYSTEMS) 87-120099-00187-120099-00287-120045-00187-120045-00287-120045-00383-100034-00187-120039-00187-120039-50187-120047-00187-120058-001XV ACTUATION DELAY (DRY CHEMICAL SYSTEMS ONLY) 83-100035-001KRS-50 CONTROL BOX (WET CHEMICAL SYSTEMS ONLY) 87-120010-00160-9197227-00060-9197228-000PRESSURE SWITCHES60-9197023-00081-486536-000MECHANICAL ACTUATION COMPONENTSINELTA-0003 IMA2-LVDT-2.5-B-24V-4-20MA 放大器INELTA-0004 IMA2-LVDT 比例放大器INELTA-0005 S N:28464 放大器INELTA-0006 TVP:IMA2-LVDT/2,5B-24V-4...20m 放大器INELTA-0007 ISM-DMS 放大器INELTA-0008 信号放大器 IMA2-LVDT/5B-24V 放大器INELTA-0009 2MA2-LVDT/5D-24V 型号灯INELTA-0010 EVW-50E/6215 信号灯INELTA-0011 IMA2-LADT/2 5B-24V 4-20mA 配电器INELTA-0012 ISDT20-S-2442 传感器提供进口加拿大SEALWELD润滑脂,SEALWELD密封脂,SEALWELD清洗液,Sealweld公司建于1969年,是针对陆地和海上长输管道、炼油化工装置、油田井口装置、天然气处理装置上的阀门维修和完整保养对高合成化学物质的迫切需要应运而生的。

英国密析尔MICHELL 仪表制造商露点变送器,dewpointmeters ,冷/冷镜湿度计,相对湿度传感器,过程水分测定仪,碳氢露点分析仪,液体分析仪中的水分和氧气分析仪,是一家国际领先的高精度传感与结束在该领域有30多年的经验。
我们的产品范围的高精度电容湿度传感器,帮助客户测量微量水分,在其过程中的应用,而我们的相对湿度变送器,相对湿度和温度传感器被广泛应用于HV AC 应用,药品储存等生产流程控制的环境条件是至关重要的。
我们提供高速测量中的应用范围,包括发电站,燃烧优化控制CO 2的水平啤酒厂,清洁气体的过程,如硅片生产和纯气体生成氧气。
天然气行业和发电厂的客户节省数百万美元的维修和停机时间,通过使用我们的康达迈科Condumax II 烃露点分析仪,以确保传输的天然气质量在贸易交接,防止燃气燃烧器故障,延长寿命过程的设备。
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5.36” [136]
0.256” [6.5]
1.38” [35]
2.95” [75]
0.236” [6]
1.65” [42]
3.30” [84]
5.36” [136]
3.15” [80]
1.15” [29.2]
3.54” [90]
5.50” +0.02/ -0 [137 +0.5/ -0]
订货号 10 001 0102 10 001 0302 10 001 0502 10 001 1002
• 模拟不同范围的电导率/电阻率和温度 • 连接UniCond™电导率传感器和M300 ISM变送器 • 可溯源至NIST的校准证书 • 有效的QA程序
产品描述 ISM 电导传感器校准器
太湖西路111号 邮编:213125 电话:0519-86642040 传真:0519-86641991 E-mail: ad@
西安分公司 电话:029-87203500 传真:029-87203501
杭州分公司 电话:0571-85271808 传真:0571-85271858
pH, ORP 测量范围
-1.001 mV
0-20,000 ppb; 0-20 ppm, 0-200%空气饱和度; 分辨率 0.1 ppb
-40至200 ˚C (-40至392 ˚F); 分辨率 0.1˚
订货号 52 080 270 52 080 271 52 080 272 52 080 273 52 080 274 52 080 275 52 080 276 52 080 277 52 080 278 52 080 279

此时Im 已不可忽略,即I1与I2不再是线性的比例关系。

主控板 接口板
– 选加配置
– 1- 12块16/24 ONS CLASS板,装于通用接口模块 – 1- 12块12 ONS CLASS + 4 LS CLASS板,装于通用接口模块 – 1个双端口T1/E1 模块,或1个T1/E1 Combo 模块,装于MMC1 – 1个 4电路BRI模块, 装于MMC1 – 1个CIM端口 ,装于MMC1,可连接最大4个ASU II – 1块128信道回波取消模块,或1块4电路DSP模块, 装于MMC1/2 – 4G闪存卡用于语音信箱存储(Flash1) – 1个冗余电源模块
– 支持最大5000 IP分机, 1000 SIP分机,混合使用最大5000分机,不支持TDM设备和内置语音信箱 – 在3300 MXe 控制器平台上加装APC-MXe应用处理器卡
– Intel® Core™ Duo Pentium-M processor (2 GHz), 1 Gig RAM – 运行Linux操作系统和专用的Mitel Communication Director高新能呼叫处理软件
Mitel | Confidential
2021/3/28 slide 12
3300 ICP
– <250 模拟分机,少量IP分机需求(高级管理人员使用)
Mitel | Confidential
2021/3/28 slide 21
Mitel | Confidential
2021/3/28 slide 6
3300 ICP
——3300 MXe控制器

What is the ZD420t?The thermal transfer ZD420t is a direct replacement for the GK420t and GT800. The ZD420t adds to the previously released ZD420c ribbon cartridge printer and offers very similar features with the notable exception that the ZD420t uses a traditional ribbon roll rather than the ribbon cartridge. ZD420t offers customers high print quality and a mid-range “better” feature set.What are the key customer benefit messages of the ZD420t?∙Easier for workers to use and IT to manage — users can instantly identify and rectify printer issues witha simple to understand LED user interface, while IT can use the capabilities of Link-OS to manage allprinters remotely through an easy to use web-based interface.∙Easier deployment, offering all the wired and wireless connection options a customer could ever need. ∙Faster and higher resolution printing offers increased application flexibility.∙Field-installable connectivity and media handling options allow the printer to be customized in the field, eliminating the need to send the printer to a service depot —maximizing printer availability and uptime. What are the target markets and applications for the ZD420t?Market ApplicationsLight Manufacturing ∙Agency labels/nameplates ∙Product labels∙Apparel tagsTransportation& Logistics∙Asset labelsHealthcare ∙Lab and specimen labels ∙Asset labels∙Blood and IV bag labels ∙Sterile servicesAre there models of the ZD420t designed for specific markets?Not yet but a healthcare model will be available in Q1, 2018. The healthcare model will include an IEC 60601-1 certified medical grade power supply and a plastic shell, that contains UV stabilizers and can be wiped down with disinfectants to destroy germs and bacteria. The high resolution 300 dpi printing option (available in both models) opens new sales opportunities in healthcare, where many small labels with 2D barcodes are required for prescriptions and specimen vials.How do the features of the ZD420t compare to the GK420t?What products does the ZD420t desktop printer replace?The ZD420t replaces the GK420t and the GT800 printers (outside of emerging regions). The ZD420t offers the Link-OS Virtual Device feature which emulates many competitor print languages and facilitatesreplacement of competitive models including Intermec, TEC, Sato, Datamax, EXD-POS, Monarch, PDF and others. Visit for more information.When should I direct my customer to buy a ZD420t in place of a GK420t or GT800?The primary reason is to take advantage of the enhanced printer management and monitoring capabilities offered by Link-OS. The ZD420t offers wireless connectivity for those customers that require wireless on a better class printer. Also, the ZD420t has a full width reflective sensor and multi-position transmissive sensor for greater media support.What are the enhanced printer management and monitoring capabilities?Printer Profile Manager Enterprise is a browser based Link-OS application that provides access to extensive printer status information for networked Zebra printers. The application includes automatic printer discovery for all printers on the network, allows printers to be assigned to logical groups to check status or send updates to the printers. Over 300 printer settings can be easily updated for ease of configuration and printer profiles can be saved to be distributed at any time.Link-OS also includes connectors for leading MDM applications including SOTI MobiControl and AirWatch.How does the ZD420t differ from my current thermal transfer GK, GT, model printer?The Link-OS enabled ZD420t is a significantly more functional thermal transfer printer with greater connectivity and integration flexibility. The specific features are discussed in the questions below.Are the ZD420t printers backwards compatible with other Zebra printers?The printer has dual resident command language. The co-existent EPL2 and ZPL allows for seamless integration into legacy and current installations. You can swap your older EPL2 or ZPL based desktop printers or add to existing applications. FeatureGK420tZD420tMaximum Print Speed 5 ips 6 ipsPrint Resolution 203 dpi203 dpi or 300 dpi Standard ConnectivityRS-232 auto-sensing serial, USB 1.1, Centronics parallel USB 2.0, USB HostField Installable ConnectivityNoneAuto-sensing, adaptive Serial or EthernetFactory Installed ConnectivityEthernet (replaces serial and parallel)Dual Wireless; 802.11 ac with Bluetooth 4.1, 10/100 Ethernet Media Handling OptionsFactory installed peelerField installable peeler or cutterMedia SensorsFixed transmissive and reflectiveFull width reflective and multi-position transmissiveCan I print in direct thermal mode with a ZD420t?Yes, the ZD420t can be configured to print in direct thermal mode.Can I add a peeler or cutter to a ZD420t desktop printer?Yes. The printer can be upgraded in the field by a partner or end-user to suit the application. This is now a simple, in-field task that only takes a matter of minutes. All upgrade kits come with the necessary Torx tool so upgrades are fast and easy. The cutter can be used with tag stock or to cut through liner material. It is not intended to cut through adhesive and should not be used with linerless labels.What connectivity options are available?The ZD420t printer comes standard with USB Host and USB. If a customer orders optional factory installed Ethernet or dual radio wireless, the printer will also have Bluetooth Low Energy. Optional user-installed Serial or 10/100 Ethernet (IPv4) can easily be added in the field. In addition, we offer a factory-installed dual wireless option which includes both Wi-Fi certified 802.11ac and MFi certified (compatible with Apple iOS devices) Bluetooth 4.1.Can I get Serial and Ethernet connectivity on the same printer as per my GT800?No. The modular connectivity on the ZD420t is singular – Serial or Ethernet. Dual wired Serial and Ethernet is available on the ZD620.Am I limited to use only one connectivity type at one time?No. The all the printer’s connectivity options can be used simultaneously.What options and accessories are available for the ZD420t?Media handling and connectivity are some of the items available. An attached power supply is also available, that attaches to the bottom of the printer and houses the power supply (brick) so it is not hanging loose outside of the printer. For a complete list of available ZD420t options and accessories, please consult the price catalog.Can I mount the printer on the wall or does it have to be positioned on a desk?The printer does have an adapter plate to wall mount it or allow it to be used in different orientations. For a complete list of available ZD420t options and accessories, please consult the price catalog.Does the ZD420t offer a 300 dpi print resolution option?Yes, this is a factory installed option. A unique feature of this class of printer is the availability of aftermarket kits to convert from 203 to 300 dpi.My 28-series/G-series only had a single LED button. What are these three new buttons?The control panel combines three function buttons; Pause, Feed and Cancel, which can be used to initiate various setup, calibration and diagnostic routines at start-up or during printer power-on. Further details on the operator controls can be found in the user guide.What are the icons on the control panel?The five status icons relate to the printer’s operating behavior in respect of its general print condition, data handling, supplies usage and network connection(s). Further details on the operator controls can be found in the user guide.Does the ZD420t have an LCD option?A color LCD option is available on the ZD620 models.What is the moveable sensor?ZD420t printers have a moveable sensor as standard. This full-width reflective sensor can be moved across the whole print width for use in detecting black mark registration marks. The multi-position transmissive sensor detects registration gaps, notches or die-cut holes in the center of the media.What is the dip switch on the rear of the printer?This is the Darkness Control Switch which allows for the operator to modify the darkness setting (adding up to 6 ZPL darkness levels) without modifying the program or driver settings. This allows the user to adjust the printer for minor variations in the supplies being used.How much memory is standard on the ZD420t printers?ry User AvailableTotal Memory User Available512 MB Flash 64 MB Flash256 MB SDRAM 8 MB SDRAMCan I get an RFID enabled ZD420t?No. The only desktop printer offered by Zebra with UHF RFID is the ZD500R. The ZD500R will remain for sale and not be included in any discontinuation schedule at this time.Does the ZD420t have the same serial port configuration as the current desktops?The adaptive auto-sensing of the printer’s serial module will ensure support of either straight through or null modem configurations. The serial interface is common to other Zebra desktop models. Serial connectivity is added to the base printer model via a field-installable module.Does the ZD420t have the same parallel port configuration as the current G-series models?The ZD420t printer does not have a parallel port option. It is advised to find a suitable third-party adapter to connect to one of the ZD420t wired connectivity options.Can I use my external ZebraNet print server on the ZD420t?No. The external print servers are not supported; however, these can still be used on parallel port enabled G-series printers.What is Print Touch?The Near Field Communication (NFC) Print Touch feature of the Link-OS enabled ZD420t allows quick access to helpful information. Print Touch supports:• Application launching on NFC-enabled mobile devices• Printer support web page launching to provide easy access to Zebra’s how-to videos and product support • Simple tap-to-pair with NFC-enabled devicesNote: Print Touch is only available on factory installed Ethernet and dual-wireless configurations of theZD420t. It is available as standard on all configurations of ZD620.Does the printer have a Real-Time Clock?The RTC feature is available on factory installed Ethernet and dual-wireless configurations of ZD420t. It is a standard feature on all ZD620 configurations.What is the difference between Bluetooth 4.1 and Bluetooth Low Energy?Bluetooth low energy is a low power wireless communication means to easily configure the printer using a setup application on a mobile device. Bluetooth 4.1 can be used to configure the printer but can also be used to transmit a much greater amount of data and can be used to download fonts, firmware, graphics and label formats to the printer.Do you have a setup utility for use with my mobile device?Yes, the Zebra Printer Setup application is available for Android devices. This utility will allow the user to view and configure printer settings and manage previously loaded Virtual Devices.Do you have a mobile print utility?Yes, additional Link-OS applications including Print Connect, Test Connect, and Print Station are available from the Zebra App Galleryat or the Google Play Store.What is the USB host used for?The USB host currently supports the USB Mirror functionality to provide an easy way to upgrade printer firmware or execute command files using a USB flash drive. Further details can be found in the ZD420 user manual.Can I connect my scanner or keyboard to the USB Host?No, however, full control of peripherals devices attached to the USB Host can be achieved via an LCD equipped ZD620.Will the Zebra Keyboard Display Unit (ZKDU) work with the ZD420t?Yes if installed, the serial port interface on the ZD420t will support both the ZKDU and legacy KDU Plus keyboard devices.What ribbons can I use in the ZD420t?The ZD420t can accept 74 M or 300 M ribbons. Ribbons used on GK420t and GT800 printers can be used in the ZD420t. A 300 M ribbon offers a 4:1 ratio for changing ribbons and media, resulting in enhanced productivity and a reduction in time spent changing ribbons.Can I use my ZD420c ribbon cartridge in the ZD420t?No. There are distinct difference between the ZD420c and ZD420t. The ZD420c is designed to be used with our ribbon-cartridge only when operating in a thermal transfer mode. The ZD420t is designed to be used with traditional ribbon rolls for a core-to-core solution.Can I use my existing media in the ZD420t?Yes. Common media handling means that your Zebra desktop media can be used in the new ZD420t model printer.Can I use fan-fold media in the ZD420t?The printer supports the use of externally fed media via way of the letterbox aperture at the back of the printer.My media roll has a 50mm core. Can I use it in the ZD420t?Yes. In addition to the standard media roll holders supporting 0.5 in and 1 in. cores, we have accessory items to support 1.5 in., 2 in., and 3 in. core sizes.Can the ZD420t printer support Asian fonts?The printer’s Unicode capabilities can be utilized for true global character printing. If however, a specific font pack such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean is required, then please refer to the printer price list for details of the available font packs. Chinese printer configurations include the Simplified Chinese SimSun font pre-installed.Can I use my 28-series or G-series power supply with the ZD420t printer?No. The ZD420 printer ships with its own 75W/24V power supply and this should be used in all cases.Why has the position of the power switch been moved?The location of the soft power button has been moved to the control panel to aid access when housed in difficult locations.The older style “rocker switch” power button was required for my kiosk solution.The ZD420t can support this feature. A power override feature on the installed connectivity modules will provide this functionality. Please refer to the printer’s associated user manual for f urther details.The printer appears to take longer to power-on compared to my G-series?The printer’s boot-up time is slightly longer; however, then printer has new Sleep mode that can be used to mitigate the boot-up cycle. Please refer to the user manual for further information.Can I reset the printer to a factory default?Yes. The printer can be reset with combinations of Pause and Feed or Cancel buttons, or there is a physical reset button on the printer’s underside. Please refer to the printer’s asso ciated user manual.Does the printer have Energy Star approval?Yes. The printer and power supply are Energy Star Certified, and meet the US Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency Level VI requirements.What service offerings are available for the ZD420t?Zebra has launched a new service offering for the ZD420 called Zebra OneCare SV (Special Value). Zebra OneCare SV acknowledges that all products don’t warrant a comprehensive service offering. Zebra OneCare SV is a 2 year support service that includes:∙Wear and Tear coverage∙Upgraded 5 Day Depot TAT∙Free return ground shipping from Depot∙Live 8x5 Technical Support AccessAddition information can be found at https:///CustomPage/View.aspx?id=42547342 Where can I find tutorial videos?Yes, the ZD420t printer “how to” support videos can be viewed online at /zd420d-info.<TBD>Which operating systems are supported?The printer’s associated software is compatible with 32 bit and 64 bit Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista,Windows 2008, Windows 7 and Windows 10. Printing from Mac, Unix and Linux systems is supported via the CUPS driver. For more information, visit the Zebra knowledge base. (https:///kb/index?page=content&id=SO7680)How do I access new or updated drivers?Why is there no Accessories CD like my previous G-series?All associated manuals, software, firmware, drivers, and tutorial information can be viewed or downloaded from the printer’s support page online at .What is included in the box?Printer, power supply, power cord, USB cable, empty ribbon take-up cores (1” and 0.5”), 300M ribbon core adapters for non-Zebra ribbon, Quick Start Guide, re。
SAP BI 学习手册 (一)— 什么是SAP SAP概要介绍

什么是SAP? SAP概要介绍SAP 全称:systems applications and products in data processing 。
SAP R/3是一个基于客户/服务机结构和开放系统的、集成的企业资源计划系统。
SAP对产品线的整合策略:原有的高端产品R/3和其他应用系统形成了MY SAP 套件;中端产品mySAP All-in-One则是R/3的精简版本,而SAP推出的Business One,是主要面向中小企业的产品。
目前,SAP 在全球50多个国家拥有分支机构,并在多家证券交易所上市,包括法兰克福和纽约证交所。
SAP基本模块介绍:(1)SAP MM模块(物料管理模块),主要有采购、库房与库存管理、MRP、供应商评价等管理功能。
(2)SAP SD模块(销售与分销模块),其中包括销售计划、询价报价、订单管理、运输发货、发票等的管理,同时可对分销网络进行有效的管理。
(3)SAP AM 模块(资产管理模块),具有固定资产、技术资产、投资控制等管理功能。
(4)SAP CO模块(管理会计模块),它包括利润及成本中心、产品成本、项目会计、获利分析等功能,它不仅可以控制成本,还可以控制公司的目标,另外还提供信息以帮助高级管理人员作出决策或制定规划。

刘汉盛榜单100碟[APE](附简介)刘汉盛榜单100碟曲目:第一部分(1-18):音响二十要1 Crossover Cello金弦天碟GSCD 025-音响二十要之“音质”2 斯托科夫斯基:狂想曲集RCA 09026-61503-2-音响二十要之“音色”3 Flight of the Cosmic Hippo宇宙河马Ba Fleck&The Flecktones Warner Bros. 7599一26562一2-音响二十要之“高中低各频段量感的分布与控制力”4 布里顿:Noye's Fludde诺亚方舟布里顿亲自指挥 London 436 397一2-音响二十要之“音场表现”5 金属制品Metal lica金属制品合唱团 Vertigo 510 022一2-音响二十要之“声音的密度与重量感”6 伊莎贝尔•安蒂娜:巴黎的忧郁De L'amour et des Hommes Les Disque du Cruscule VDP一15004-音响二十要之“透明感”7 Hovhaness: Celestial Gate天国之门Rudolf Werthen 指挥 Fiamminghi Telarc CD一80392-音响二十要之“层次感”8 奇科•弗里曼(Chico Freeman):爵士使者(The Emissary) Clarity CCD一1015-音响二十要之“定位感”9 For Duke Bill Berry and his Ellington All一Stars Realtime RT1001-音响二十要之“活生感”10 Michel Jonasz: La Fabuleuse Bistoire de Mister Swing WEA 2282一42338一2-音响二十要之“结像力与形体感”11 竖琴世界(低频解析力) Marisa Rolbles,HarpDecca 433 869一2-音响二十要之“解析力”12 刘星:云南回忆(中阮协奏曲)阎惠昌指挥中央民族乐团,刘星中阮雨果HRP 737一2-音响二十要之“速度感与暂态反应”13 马勒:第六交响曲,悼亡儿之歌伯恩斯坦指挥维也纳爱乐,托马斯‘汉普森男中音DG 427 697一2-音响二十要之“强弱对比与动态对比”14 DuetsRob Wasserman与Aron Neville, Rickie Lee Jones Bobby McFerrin,Lou Reed, Jenifer Warner, Dan Hicks, Cheryl Bentyne, 5tephane Grappelli等八位合奏。
SIMATIC Sensors RFID系统 MOBY D RF300 MDS D160 操作指南说

© Siemens ⓅSIMATIC SensorsRFID systems MOBY D/RF300 MDS D160Compact Operating InstructionsCharacteristicsMDS D160Characteristics Field of applicationTypical applications are, for example: ● Rented work clothing ● Hotel laundry ● Surgical textiles ● Hospital clothing ● Dirt collection mats● Clothing for nursing homes/hostels MemoryEEPROM 128 bytes gross 112 bytes net capacityRead/write range See Chapter Field data MOBY D-SLG (Page 2). Mounting on metal With spacer:Recommended distance from metal ≥ 10 mmHigh resistanceThanks to its rugged packaging, the MDS D160 is a transponder that can be used under extreme environmental conditions. It is washable, heat-resistant and resistant to all chemicals generally used in the laundry process.ISO standardISO 15693Ordering dataTable 1 Ordering data for MDS D160Order number MDS D1606GT2600-0AB10 Spacer for MDS D160 / MDS D4606GT2690-0AG00Safety instructions for the device/systemNOTICEThis device/system may only be used for the application instances that have been described in the catalog and thetechnical documentation "MOBY D System Manual (/WW/view/en/13628689/0/en )" and only in combination with third-party devices and components recommended and/or approved by Siemens.MDS D160Mounting on metalMounting option on metal with spacerK① Transponder ② Metal ③ Spacerh≥ 10 mmFigure 1Mounting of the MDS D160 on metal with spacerNoteIf the minimum guide values (h) are not observed, a reduction of the field data results.In critical applications, it is recommended that a test is performed.Flush-mountingFlush-mounting of the MDS D160 in metal is not permitted!Field dataField data MOBY D-SLGTable 2 Field data MDS D160 - MOBY D-SLGSLG D10/ D10S ANT D5SLG D10/ D10S ANT D6SLG D10/ D10S ANT D10SLG D11/ D11S ANT D5SLG D12/ D12SOperating distance (S a )0 ... 1200 ... 120 0 ... 120 0 ... 65 0 (45)Limit distance (S g ) 160 160 160 90 65Trans-mission window Lx/Ly or diameter Ø 300480/380 1000/30Ø 280 120/60Minimum distance from MDS to MDS≥ 800 ≥ 1200 ≥ 1800 ≥ 800 ≥ 300All values are in mmField data RF300 readerTable 3 Field data MDS D422 - RF300 readerRF 310RRF 340RRF 350R / ANT1 RF350R /ANT12 RF 350R / ANT18 RF 350R / ANT30 RF 380ROperating distance (S a ) 2 ... 25 2 ... 35 2 ...35 0 ... 8 0 ...18 0 ... 25 0 ... 64 Limit distance (S g ) 37606015273080Transmis sion window (L x /L y )∅ 30 ∅ 50 ∅ 50 ∅ 15 ∅ 20 ∅ 25 40/80Minimum distance from MDS to MDS>120 >150 >150 >30 >50 >60 >300All values are in mmTechnical specifications Memory size 128 bytes Memory configuration●Serial number●Configuration memory ●Application memory ●8 bytes (fixed code) ●8 bytes●112 bytesStorage technology EEPROMMemory organization EEPROM 128 bytes gross112 bytes net capacityOnly for the RF300:When using the OPT area,16 bytes of it must besubtracted in 4 byte blocks Protocol According to ISO 15693 Data retention (at +55 °C) 10 yearsMTBF (at +40 °C) 2 x 10 6 hoursBulk detection/multitagcapabilityYesData retention 10 yearsRead cycles UnlimitedWrite cycles at + 40 °C,typical1 000 000Write cycles, min. 100 000Read/write distance (S g) See Chapter Field dataMOBY D-SLG (Page 2) Distance from metal Min. 25 mm (approx. 30%reduction of the field data) Power supply Inductive powertransmission(without battery)Degree of protection to EN60529IP68 (24 hours, 2 m, +20 °C)Shock, tested in accordance with IEC 68-2-27 40 g(18 ms; 6 axes; 2000 repeats/h)Vibration, tested in accordance with IEC 68-2-6 10 g(10 to 2000 Hz; 3 axes;2.5 h)Torsion and bending load Not permissible Mechanical strength●Isostatic pressure ●Axial pressure●Radial pressure ●300 bar for 5 min ●1000 N for 10 s ●1000 N for 10 sResistance to chemicals All chemicals normally usedin the washing process MDS lifespan At least 100 wash cyclesMechanical design●Color●Material●Dimensions (D x H) inmm●White●PPS, pressed, impact-resistant plastic●16 (±0.2) x 3.0 (±0.2) MDS fixing Patch, sew, glue-25 °C to +85°CPermanent+125 °C for 1000hours(20%reduction inthe limitdistance)+175 °C 1)500 x for 10minutesDuringoperation+220 °C 1) 1 x for 30seconds AmbienttemperatureTransportand storage-25 °C to +100°CWeight, approx. 1 g1)No processing possible from +140 °C upwardsNote●Regeneration time for the MDS D160 between washcycles must be at least 24 hours●It is recommended that a test is performed in criticalapplications.MDS D160MDS D160Dimension drawingsDimensional drawing of MDS D160Dimensions in mm Figure 2Dimensional drawing of MDS D160Dimensional drawing of spacer'LVWDQFH IURP PHWDO ,QVWDOODWLRQ KHLJKWDimensions in mm Figure 3 Dimensional drawing of spacerService & supportTechnical SupportYou can access technical support for all IA/DT projects via the following:● Phone: + 49 (0) 911 895 7222 ● Fax: + 49 (0) 911 895 7223● E-mail (mailto:******************************) ● Internet: Online support request form:(/automation/support-request )Service & support at IA/DTSupport homepage(/automation/service&support ) RFID homepageFor general information about our identification systems, visit RFID homepage (/simatic-sensors/rf ).Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERG MDS D160。

手册编码:32020085,版本:V1.1,归档:2016年7月22日安全上的注意事项 (在使用前请务必阅读)本手册中,安全注意事项分为“危险”、“注意”两个等级,如下表所示。
1 伺服驱动器与电机1.1 伺服驱动器列表最大电流 通用型智能型运动控制型 10A GSD300-S10□○ ISD300-S10□○ MSD300-S10□○ 15A GSD300-S15□○ ISD300-S15□○ MSD300-S15□○ 20A GSD300-S20□○ ISD300-S20□○ MSD300-S20□○ 25A GSD300-S25□○ ISD300-S25□○ MSD300-S25□○ 35A GSD300-S35□○ ISD300-S35□○ MSD300-S35□○ 50A GSD300-S50□○ ISD300-S50□○ MSD300-S50□○ 100AGSD300-SA0□○ISD300-SA0□○MSD300-SA0□○注:伺服驱动器中的□是编码器类型标识,○是非标或特殊型号标识(标准型号为缺省),详见选型手册。
1.2 伺服驱动器各部分名称控制电源端子安装孔(2处)DBUS IBUS伺服驱动器的面板分为显示部分(5位7段LED)和操作部分(4个按钮),可进行伺服驱动器的状态显示、报警和参数设定。
1.3 伺服驱动器尺寸与重量最大电流A(mm) B(mm) C(mm) D(mm) E(mm) 重量(kg) 10-20A 173 45 170 163 27.5 1.5 25A-50A 173 65 180 163 47.5 2 100A 212 82 202 202 64.5 2.9注:图示仅用于说明安装尺寸,实际外观,请参照实际购买的产品。

• 多种采样 MDM300 现有4种以上的不同采样系统配 置,从简易的低压测量用的固定气孔一直到 专用于天然气和其他高要求过程环境,耐压 最高40MPa的高质量采样系统。可满足不同 的要求。
采样的多样化和灵活性提供给用户更经济和 便携的采样装置。
这样又进一步确保测量的准确性,并保护传 感器以利于长期稳定和使用寿命。
• 压缩空气干燥机或注塑机的监控 • 高压开关保护气体的微水含量测量 • 天然气、过程处理和管线的露点 • 工业气体 • 医疗气体质量检测 • 冶金行业的露点测量
Portable Instruments
Michell MDM300 高速露点仪
露点测量、压力或温度传感器很容易就能连 上 MDM300。通过采用分离采样系统或直接 插入传感器的方式,可简化采样工作。另
• 外部传感器连接
MDM300 采用密析尔的陶瓷阻抗传感器,包含了 最先进的厚薄膜技术。传感器的测量取决 于“三明治“结构中,陶瓷基底上面一对导电 层之间的感湿层 对水气的吸附。传感器的感湿 元件非常薄--“三明治“结构总共不到1微米, 另外允许水气自由进出的顶部多孔导电层更不 足1纳米。
因此,该传感器对湿度变化的响应非常快速, 无论是变潮还是变干。该传感器也经久耐用, 具备 1°C 露点精度外,还保证优异的长期重 复性和稳定性。
验,深知用户在选择便携式露点仪时的要求。我 用。
们确信MDM300已经包含所有期望的特色和功能。 该仪表不仅具备超快的响应时间和优异的精度、 稳定性,而且简单易用、带数据采集、内置标配 的采样元件,并提供包括独立采样系统和专用工
IS300系列伺服驱动器 说明书

额定输出电流 75A
13A 17A 25A 32A 37A 45A 60A
91A 112A 150A 176A 210A 253A 304A
1.2 IS300伺服驱动器系列
带CAN通讯, C 电机温度过热保
1.3 IS300伺服驱动器制动组件选型表
伺服驱动器型号 IS300T005-C IS300T010-C IS300T015-C IS300T020-C IS300T030-C IS300T035-C IS300T040-C IS300T050-C IS300T070-C IS300T080-C IS300T100-C IS300T140-C IS300T170-C IS300T210-C IS300T250-C IS300T300-C
1.5 产品外型及安装尺寸图
IS300T005-C IS300T010-C IS300T015-C IS300T020-C IS300T030-C IS300T035-C IS300T040-C IS300T050-C IS300T070-C IS300T080-C IS300T100-C IS300T140-C IS300T170-C IS300T210-C IS300T250-C IS300T300-C

接线盒在左侧 ,风机在右侧
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MDM300-EXT-PRES-02 外置压力传感器,带2m电缆
MDM300-EXT-PRES-05 外置压力传感器,带5m电缆
EA2-TX-100-HD 普通型用外置露点变送器
EA2-TX-100-SS 本安型用外置露点变送器
测量技术 密析尔陶瓷传感器
精度 ± 1°C 在 -60 ~ +20°C露点范围内
± 2°C 在 -100 ~ -60°C露点范围内
± 0.2 温度
量程 校验范围 –100/+20°C 露点
读数显示到 +30°C 露点
测量单位 °C, °F, K 露点
ppm, ppm 空气, N , H , CO , SF6
通讯 (无线) 蓝牙TM 范围最大 5m
语言 English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German
外观尺寸 25cm x 20cm x 10cm
重量 1.3kg
电池类型 NimH 4.8V
电池工作时间 一次充电后, 大于48 小时
电池安装 内置
仪表稳定性 0.1°C
灵敏度 优于0.01°C
外部输入 4-20mA 外部输入信号,可以选择露点、温度或压力
300BarG 工作压力范围
密封方式 高质抗冲击尼龙密封
气路连接 1/8" NPT f ( 提供其他选择 )
工作环境 户外 0 ~ +100% RH 冷凝
备件 内置传感器部件
MDM300-SEN-X 内置传感器部件更换
MDM300-CHR-STD 普通型充电器
MDM300-CHR-IS 本安型充电器
MDM300-BAT-STD 普通型电池包
MDM300-BAT-IS 本安型电池包
MDM-300-O-RING O型圈
MDM300-IS 高速露点仪是一台体积轻巧的本安型便携式露点仪 ,可以在露点或水分含量的测量中,提供极其快速的现场测试。
工作温度 -20 ~ +50°C
储存/运输温度 -40 ~ +70°C
传感器流量 0.2 ~ 1.2 Nlmin-1, 最大 2l min-1
过滤 进气口 20 微米不锈钢烧结 ( 提供其他选择 )
气路材质 316 不锈钢
数据采集 8 MB; 采样间隔: 5 ~ 60 秒; 每个文件: 最多 10,0000 条
充电器 智能充电 ( 提供 )
电磁兼容性 EMC Directive 89/336/EC, EN61326:1997 +A1:1998
EN61000-3-2:2000 & EN61000-3-3:1995 +A1:2001
产品安全 EN61010-1:2001
机械强度 运输: EN60068-2-27:1993 震动试验,原包装可保护仪表承受正常的运输状况。
v w 2 2 2
气体温度, %RH, gm-3, gkg-1
可选项: 压力 (BarA/G, psi/g, MPa, KPa)
显示分辨率 0.1 所有的露点转换单位,也可根据情况自动变换,如 ppm
测量分辨率 0.01°C 露点
响应时间 T95 ≤10 分钟,当-70°C 时
仪表重复性 优于 0.1°C
FLO-IND 流量计,带 1/8NPT m 接口
MDM300-ORI-L 大孔接头,带过滤器和O型圈
MDM300-ORI-S 小孔接头,带过滤器和O型圈
MDM300-2PK-FIT-A 一对,1/8 NTP 转 1/8 Swagelok 卡套
MDM300-2PK-FIT-B 一对,1/8 NTP 转 1/4 Swagelok 卡套
MDM300-2PK-FIT-C 一对,1/8 NTP 转 6mm Swagelok 卡套
MDM300-2PK-FIT-D 一对, 1/8 NTP 转快速接头
MDM300-DP-CAB-02 外置露点变送器用电缆,2m
MDM300-DP-CAB-05 外置露点变送器用电缆,5m
MDM300-EXT-TEMP-02 外置温度传感器,带2m电缆
订货代码 描述
仪表主机 MDM300 新型露点仪,普通型
MDM300 新型露点仪, I.S. 本安型
附件 普通型便携包
MDM300-IS-BAG 本安型便携包
MET-VAL 带转接的计量阀,常压或带压测量用
无线蓝牙连接MDM300-IS 采用最先进的蓝牙科技,作为仪表的无线通讯方式,进行参数设置和数据采集下载。无线使远程连接更简洁,同时节约了用户的时间和金钱。
外部传感器选项 MDM300-IS 可以接收来自外部露点传感器的信号或是外部压力及温度传感器的信号。
多种采样 MDM300 现有4种以上的不同采样系统配置,从简易的低压测量用的固定气孔一直到专用于天然气和其他高要求过程环境,耐压最高40MPa的高质量采样系统。可满足不同的要求。采样的多样化和灵活性提供给用户更经济和便携的采样装置。这样又进一步确保测量的准确性,并保护传感器以利于长期稳定和使用寿命。
外部传感器连接露点测量、压力或温度传感器很容易就能连上 MDM300。通过采用分离采样系统或直接插入传感器的方式,可简化采样工作。另外,MDM300还可以用来测试和校验Easidew 露点变送器,减少停工时间,降低校验费用。外部传感器可用来测量和显示压力及温度。这些参数是作压力及温度补偿用的,可提高准确度并提供给用户更多的测量参数选择。
MDM300 -IS采用密析尔的陶瓷阻抗传感器,包含了最先进的厚薄膜技术。传感器的测量取决于“三明治“结构中,陶瓷基底上面一对导电层之间的感湿层 对水气的吸附。传感器的感湿元件非常薄--“三明治“结构总共不到1微米,另外允许水气自由进出的顶部多孔导电层更不足1纳米。因此,该传感器对湿度变化的响应非常快速,无论是变潮还是变干。该传感器也经久耐用,具备 1°C 露点精度外,还保证优异的长期重复性和稳定性。