Development and evaluation of a Korean Treebank and its application to NLP




一、简介:朴槿惠(韩国语:박근혜;英语:Park Geun-hye,1952年2月2日-),女,韩国前总统朴正熙的长女,韩国政治家,现任韩国总统,韩国第18任总统。




















浙江师范大学外国语学院课程大纲及教案专业名称:英语专业课程名称:《翻译》(1)主导教材:毛荣贵《新世纪大学英汉翻译教程》所属课程组:翻译组课程负责人:适用年级:英语专业本科2003级200 5 —200 6 学年第一学期翻译(1)(2)课程大纲一、课程概况课程名称:翻译课程类别:专业基础课课程编号:030903081,030903082学分:4 学时:68 开课学期:五、六二、课程教学目标和要求1、[教学目标]通过本课程的教学,帮助学生有效提高翻译实践能力和理论认识,达到高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲对其翻译能力的基本要求,即:能运用翻译理论与技巧,将英美报刊上的文章以及文学原著译成汉语,或将我国报刊、杂志上的文章和一般文学作品译成英语,译文忠实、流畅,译速每小时250-300个英文单词汉字,使之可以胜任未来的中学英语教学以及其他涉及翻译能力的工作。








Korean Language of South and North Korea

Korean Language of South and North Korea

Korean Language of South and North Korea The Korean language is a significant aspect of both South and North Korean culture, serving as a unifying force for the Korean people. However, the language has also become a point of contention and division between the two countries due to their differing dialects and vocabularies. This problem has deep historical roots and continues to impact the relationship between the two nations. In this response, we will explore the complexities of the Korean language in the context of South and North Korea, examining its role as a cultural symbol, the challenges of linguistic division, and the potential for language to serve as a bridge for reconciliation.The Korean language is an essential part of the cultural identity of both South and North Korea. It is a source of pride for many Koreans and serves as a unifying force that transcends political and geographical boundaries. The language is deeply intertwined with the history and traditions of the Korean people, and it plays a central role in shaping their collective identity. The Korean language is also a reflection of the unique cultural heritage of the Korean peninsula, with its own distinct sounds, grammar, and vocabulary.Despite its unifying role, the Korean language has also become a point of contention between South and North Korea. The division of the Korean peninsula in 1945 led to the development of different dialects and vocabularies in the two countries, creating linguistic barriers that have contributed to the estrangement between the two nations. The differences in language use have further exacerbated the political and ideological divisions, making it challenging for people from the two countries to communicate effectively and understand each other's perspectives.The linguistic division between South and North Korea has deep historical roots that date back to the division of the Korean peninsula. The political and ideological differences between the two countries have influenced their respective language policies, leading to the development of distinct linguistic norms and standards. The differences in language use have contributed to the creation of separate national identities, making it difficult for people from the two countries to relate to each other on a cultural and linguistic level.Despite the challenges posed by the linguistic division, there is also potential for the Korean language to serve as a bridge for reconciliation between South and North Korea. Language is a powerful tool for communication and understanding, and efforts to promote mutual understanding and communication through language exchange programs and cultural initiatives can help to break down the barriers created by linguistic differences. By recognizing the shared cultural heritage and linguistic roots of the Korean language, people from South and North Korea can work towards building a common ground that transcends political and ideological divisions.In conclusion, the Korean language plays a complex and multifaceted role in the context of South and North Korea. It serves as a cultural symbol that unifies the Korean people, but it has also become a point of contention and division due to the differences in dialects and vocabularies between the two countries. The linguistic division has deep historical roots and continues to impact the relationship between South and North Korea, but there is also potential for the Korean language to serve as a bridge for reconciliation. By recognizing the shared cultural heritage and linguistic roots of the Korean language, people from the two countries can work towards overcoming the barriers created by linguistic differences and fostering mutual understanding and communication.。


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Background and Objectives• • • • • • • • • •The Credit Bank System (CBS) is an open education system that recognizes diverse learning experiences gained not only in school but also out of school. When a student accumulates the necessary CBS-approved credits, that student can obtain an associate or bachelor’s degree.Background of the Credit Bank SystemPreviously, non-formal modes of higher education in Korea were not given formal recognition or credit. Education was considered as the sole domain of the formal school system. Such a belief placed inordinate demands on the university or college system and created excessive competition among students. Moreover, the value and power of non-formal education was greatly underestimated, even though it provided people with practical knowledge and skills and people were willing to pay for it.In 1995, the Presidential Commission on Education Reform (PCER), established in 1994 as a policy advising body to the President, presented an innovative vision of a new education system to promote the development of a society of open and lifelong learning. The purpose of this new education system was to give people a better opportunity to enhance their individual capabilities. The introduction of the Credit Bank System (CBS) was proposed by the PCER as a concrete way to realize this vision.On the basis of this proposal, the CBS gained government endorsement through a law, passed on January 13, 1997. The accreditation system and standardized curriculum were subsequently developed and the first applications for accreditation from educational institutions were evaluated. In March 1998, the first stage of implementation began. Objectives of the Credit Bank SystemThe CBS aims to provide all citizens with greater access to various educational opportuni-ties and to foster a lifetime of learning. The CBS seeks to in-novate, diversify, and maximize educational opportunities for students who are studying at post-secondary institutions and for adults who areseeking ad-ditional education and training. In the long term, the CBS will raise the overall standards andstatus of the non-formal education sector as a vital means for promoting educationalself-achievement and guaranteeing the global competitiveness of the Korean population. Management of the Credit Bank System••••••••••••••Students primarily acquire credits by completing programmes at educational and vocational training institutions, enrolling as part-time students in colleges or universities, acquiring various national certificates, and passing the bachelor’s degree examination programmefor the self-educated. The CBS provides associate and bachelor’s degree courses basedon the standardized curriculum andsyllabus. The standardized curriculumworks as the criterion for accreditationand credit approval.The accreditation of educational pro-grammes is approved through a set ofcriteria. If a student completes anaccredited programme, she/he is eligiblefor credit recognition. A non-formal edu-cation programme is re-accredited twicea year, and each non-formal educationinstitute has to pay a minimum com-mission for this accreditation. Administrative OrganizationThe Lifelong Learning Policy Division of the Ministry of Education formulates all policies related to the CBS, approves the educational programmes offered by education and training institutions, finalizes the standardized curriculum and awards degrees. The Ministry of Education delegates much of the developmental and administrative work to the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI).KEDI is responsible for student registration, credit approval, review and approval of degree requirements, accreditation, re-evaluation of education programmes, and managementof the Credit Bank Information Service System.The Provincial Offices of Education, which function as CBS information centres, notonly collect and forward the Learner Registration Forms and the Credit Approval Application Forms to KEDI, but they also provide students with practical informationand advice. The administrative organization is illustrated in Figure 1.The KEDI operates a committee for credit approval. The committee is composed of leadersfrom diverse social groups who screen the credits that students earn and who observethe students’ learning experiences and activities. Moreover, KEDI provides a consulting system, an online service, and other resources and information for learners and educational institutions.Administrative Organization of the Credit Bank SystemCredit approval and degree awardAnyone can benefit from the CBS, especially the following:high school graduates who were previously unable to attend post-secondary institutionscollege or university dropoutsworkers who hold professional certificates but did not acquire a university degreecollege or university graduates who wish to commence studies in a differentfieldpeople who wish to acquire formal credits for knowledge and skills gained throughself-instruction and workplace training and experiencepeople who have studied at private institutions or junior colleges and wish totransfer into the university systemOnce a student earns credits from various sources, he/she must apply to KEDI to have the credits registered and to take the necessary measures to have the degree awarded.Registration and credit approvalAnyone who has a high school diploma or an equivalent educational background canapply for registration by completing a learner registration form and a credit approval application form. Each of these forms must be submitted either directly to KEDI or througha provincial office of education.Credits may be acquired primarily through accredited educational and training institutions,part-time enrollment in university or college, certificate acquisition, or the bachelor’s degree examination. The credits from previous university education are mostly admitted regardless of what year the credits were awarded. The acceptance of credits from national technical certificates varies according to how difficult it is to obtain the credits. Someof these certificates are counted as 45 credits with the minimum calculation availablebeing 4 credits. National technical certificate credits cannot be used towards credits inthe liberal arts.In Korea, another way of getting a degree without attending university or college is through a bachelor’s degree examination programme for the self-educated. If an individualpasses four stages of the examination that person can obtain a degree. A student mayobtain a degree if that student accumulates up to 36 credits in the bachelor’s degree examination programme for the self-educated. If a student passes certain subjects without passing all stages of the examination, then the credits from the subjects passed can be obtained through the CBS. A student can accumulate up to 36 credits in the bachelor’sdegree programme and 40 credits in the junior college programme in a given year.Credits acquired from a certain educational institution cannot exceed 105 credits towardsthe bachelor’s degree programme and cannot exceed 60 credits towards the junior college programme.Degree awardAfter completing the necessary credit requirements (140 credits for a bachelor’s degree,80 credits for a two-year associate degree, and 120 credits for a three-year associate degree), candidates may submit a degree application form to either KEDI or the ProvincialOffices of Education. The ScreeningCommittee for Academic Credit Ac-creditation at KEDI reviews theapplications. Then the applications areforwarded to the Ministry of Educationfor final approval. Candidates mayobtain a degree from the Ministry ofEducation or they may receive a degreedirectly from a university or college. Inthe latter case, candidates must meetthe specific degree requirements set outby the awarding institution (e.g., over85 course credits for universities andover 50 course credits for colleges).Student support systemThe CBS does not have amentor. Instead, it has aninformation centre and on-line information servicethat provides the necessaryinformation for institutionsand students. Students caneasily access the onlinecomprehensive informationsystem which provides in-formation on the following:academic planning, meth-ods of counting credits, theaccredited institutions, thevarious subjects, mentorsand teachers, standardized curriculum and syllabus, and obtaining a degree. KEDI, the Provincial Board of Education and the accredited institutions all have information centres. Standardized Curriculum and SyllabusA standardized curriculum refers to a comprehensive learning plan customized for each subject area. It provides instructors with specific guidelines for curriculum preparation and students with a detailed description of possible ways to learn and meet educational goals. KEDI develops the standardized curriculum in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and through the consultation of relevant professionals. The curriculum is revised bi-annually according to social changes, academic and technological development, and requests from teachers and students.The standardized curriculum directly addresses educational objectives, courses and electives, subject areas for majors, graduation requirements for a bachelor’s degree, and evaluation and quality control. A standardized syllabus describes the contents that should be taughtin a given subject area. The CBS requires students to accomplish at least 70% of the courses planned for the standardized syllabus.Among the guidelines of the standardized curriculum and syllabus are:A programme in any subject area for majors is to be divided into three categories:liberal arts, major subjects and electives.At least 30 credits of liberal arts are required for a bachelor’s degree and atleast 15 credits for an associate degree.Minimum credit requirements for major subject courses are 60 credits for a bachelor’s degree and 45 credits for a two-year equivalent associate degree (54 credits fora three-year equivalent degree).Minimum credit requirements for a bachelor’s degree are 140 credits and 80credits for an associate degree (120 credits for an equivalent three-year course).The maximum credit limit per year is 36 credits for a bachelor’s programmeand 40 credits for an associate programme.Each credit is composed of more than 15 hours (a one-hour course lasts 50 minutes;a one-hour lab lasts 100 minutes) and must be spread out at least over a twoweek period.Accredited CBS institutions should provide more than 70% of the courses designedaccording to the standardized syllabus. However, university extension classesand junior college special classes can adopt their own syllabus.Credits through certificate acquisition cannot be counted as those of liberal arts.Each educational institute can submit a new standardized curriculum and syllabusto KEDI.Accreditation of educational programmesAccreditation is a formal evaluation of non-formal educational institutions and their subjects to determine whether their quality of programmes and courses can be counted as universityor college equivalent credits. Some of the accreditation criteria are as follows: Instructors must possess at least the same qualifications as a full-time professorat a junior college. There must be a sufficient number of instructors and thetotal teaching hours per instructor should not exceed 18 hours a week.Classrooms should be larger than 1.0 square metre per student and additionalfacilities should include a laboratory, administrative office, counseling office and library. Other provisions may apply, as dictated by the Ministry of Education.Offered programmes must comply with the standardized curriculum and syllabusfor each subject.The procedure of accreditation is as follows:1.The Ministry of Education develops the basic plan of accreditation twice a year.2.KEDI designs plans of action according to the Ministry of Education’s guidelines.3.The Ministry of Education and KEDI announce guidelines and directions foraccredited institutions and other possible candidate institutions through official letters and/or newspaper announcements.4.Any educational institution may apply for accreditation by submitting the necessarydocuments to KEDI.5.KEDI screens the submitted documents with the advice of specialists in eachsubject area as well as in lifelong learning.6.After evaluation of the documents, an evaluation team, including members ofKEDI, the Ministry of Education, subject specialists and administrators, undertakes an on-site evaluation of the institution.7.KEDI develops a final evaluation report and submits it to a screening committeefor academic credit accreditation at KEDI, and then forwards it to the Ministryof Education.8.The Ministry of Education makes a final approval and passes a certificate ofaccreditation to each institution.If any institution makes changes after getting a certificate of accreditation, then that institution should report the change to KEDI along with the relevant documents. For example, if the institution wishes to replace an instructor, the curriculum vita of the new instructor with the relevant documents must be sent to KEDI at least two weeks before the commencement of classes is approved.Achievements of the Credit Bank System••••••••••••••Since 1998, accredited educational institutions have implemented the CBS as a non-formal education system with various educational programmes. The CBS gives students credits for the completion of various educational programmes. The CBS also approves credits for a national certificate for special skills and the passing of the bachelor’s degree examination. Students use the accumulated credits to apply for associate and bachelor’s degrees. As the CBS provides opportunities for higher education, it establishes the foundation for a society of lifelong learning. The achievements of the CBS can be placed into three categories.First, the CBS builds the fundamental basis for realizing a society of lifelong learning and open education. The CBS encourages people to participate in lifelong education programmes by granting credits for various out-of-school learning experiences. The implementation of the CBS is a turning point in transforming a closed education systemto an open education system.Second, the CBS provides opportunities for higher education to those who have longed for degrees. Korea is a society that considers degrees as more important than abilities.If a person does not hold a degree, that person’s real ability is likely to be underestimated. The CBS is recognized as an alternative way of obtaining a degree.Third, the CBS improves the social status of educational institutions within the non-formal education system. In the past, such institutions did not gain the recognition they deserved from the public, even though they offered quality education equal to universities. The CBS allows the non-formal educational institutions to offer credits the way universities do. Consequently, the institutions are able to compete with universities and are able to make significant contributions to the improvement of the nation’s education. Guide for future practice•••••••••The purpose of the CBS is to provide all citizens with greater access to a variety of educational opportunities and to foster a society of lifelong learning. It does so in the following ways:giving students more choicesgaining solid social recognition by raising the quality of educational institutions participating in the CBSfocusing on vocational and technical areas for the 21st centuryestablishing a society of knowledgeable individualsThe CBS will guarantee each student’s right to access learning, at any time and at any place, through a variety of ways. The means of obtaining credits will be more diversified in the future. The CBS will recognize individuals’ diverse prior learning experience, many national and private certificates, and online learning. The goal of the CBS, through cooperation between diverse educational institutions, is to build a consensus regarding educational forms and outcomes, thereby maximizing the efficiency of human and educational resources.。




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目的:调查大数据背景下新入职护士的信息素养现状,并分析其影响因素㊂方法:采用一般资料调查问卷㊁新入职护士信息素养现状调查问卷㊁新入职护士网络自主学习评价量表㊁新入职护士信息需求调查问卷,对河南省某三级甲等医院符合标准的262名新入职护士进行问卷调查㊂结果:新入职护士信息素养总分为(138.16ʃ19.29)分,网络自主学习能力总分为(137.76ʃ19.62)分,信息素养总分与网络自主学习能力总分及各维度得分呈正相关(P <0.001),新入职护士网络自主学习能力㊁阅读文献时间是其信息素养的影响因素(调整后R 2=0.729,F =176.671,P <0.05)㊂结论:新入职护士的信息素养处于中等水平,护理管理人员需针对其影响因素实施相应措施,重视高百分比信息培训需求,采用多样化培训教育,加强新入职护士信息能力的培养㊂关键词 新入职护士;信息素养;大数据;影响因素;自主学习;调查研究K e yw o r d s n e w n u r s e s ;i n f o r m a t i o n l i t e r a c y ;b i g d a t a ;i n f l u e n c i n g f a c t o r s ;i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y ;i n v e s t i g a t i o n d o i :10.12104/j.i s s n .1674-4748.2024.05.039 当前我国医院信息化建设发展迅速,人民群众健康需求不断增长,为保证护理服务质量,提高病人满意度,信息素养能力成为护士基本能力之一[1]㊂信息素基金项目 河南省医学教育研究基金项目,编号:W jl x 2021419㊂作者简介 郑蕾,主管护师,硕士研究生在读,单位:450000,河南中医药大学第五临床医学院(郑州人民医院);魏万宏(通讯作者)单位:450001,郑州大学护理与健康学院;宋科㊁祖萌萌㊁何思思㊁陈艳艳单位:450000,河南中医药大学第五临床医学院(郑州人民医院)㊂引用信息 郑蕾,魏万宏,宋科,等.大数据背景下新入职护士信息素养现状及影响因素分析[J ].全科护理,2024,22(5):953-958.养,即 能够认识到什么时候需要信息,并有能力对所需信息进行检索㊁评价和有效利用 ,是综合素质能力的体现,也是评价复合型护理人才的重要指标[2]㊂新入职护士是指院校毕业后新进入护理岗位的护士,需接受为期24个月的专业培训[3]㊂临床中新入职护士普遍缺乏对信息检索㊁摄取及获得能力,不利于新入职护士的成功转型和岗位发展㊂信息素养的提升不仅有利于护理服务质量的改进,还会助力临床护理科研创新[4]㊂然而,目前对新入职护士信息素养现状及影响因素的研究较少,本研究旨在对新入职护士信息素养的现状进行调查,并分析其影响因素,以期为构建新入㊃359㊃全科护理2024年3月第22卷第5期职护士信息素养课程㊁培养新入职护士信息素养评价指标提供依据㊂1对象与方法1.1研究对象采用便利抽样法,选取2022年1月 2023年1月于河南省某三级甲等综合医院轮转的新入职护士为研究对象㊂纳入标准:1)取得护士执业资格证并已注册;2)与医院签订就业协议;3)进入规范化培训期,培训时长处于1~24个月;4)知情同意,自愿参加本次研究㊂排除标准:1)实习护士㊁进修护士;2)因病假㊁事假㊁产假或外出学习持续时间>3个月㊂样本量以条目数5~10倍为计数,假设正式调查过程存在20%无效样本,需纳入样本144~288人㊂1.2研究工具1.2.1一般资料调查问卷由研究者查阅相关资料与文献,自行设计编制,问卷内容包括性别㊁年龄㊁学历㊁工作时间㊁婚姻㊁英语水平㊁聘用方式㊁是否参加过信息培训㊁是否学习过文献检索课程㊁每周查阅期刊或文献频率㊁是否发表过期刊论文㊁每次上网查阅资料时长㊂1.2.2新入职护士网络自主学习评价量表该量表由陆冬燕等[5]编著,内容包括学习策略(6个条目)㊁学习效果(5个条目)㊁人脉资源(6个条目)㊁在线授课能力(5个条目)㊁学习动机(4个条目)㊁自我效能(4个条目)㊁在线授课意识(3个条目)㊁人际交往(3个条目)8个维度,共36个条目㊂每个条目采用L i k e r t5级计分法, 很不赞同 到 很赞同 计1~5分,分值越高说明新入职护士网络自主学习能力越强,总分36~180分㊂该量表C r o n b a c h'sα系数为0.953㊂1.2.3新入职护士信息素养现状调查问卷该问卷由和欢等[6]编写,包含信息意识(3个条目)㊁信息能力(26个条目)㊁信息安全和道德(6个条目)3个维度,共35个条目㊂每个条目采用L i k e r t5级计分法, 很不同意 到 很同意 计1~5分,分值越高说明新入职护士信息素养等级越高,总分35~175分㊂该量表C r o n b a c h'sα系数为0.974㊂1.2.4新入职护士信息需求调查问卷该调查问卷由石伟伟[7]制订,包括临床信息应用系统(9个条目)㊁网络学习平台(3个条目)和护理信息获取能力(3个条目)3个维度,共15个条目㊂采用L i k e r t5等级计分法,从 很不赞成 到 很赞成 分别计1~5分,分值越高说明新入职护士信息素养等级越高,总分为15~75分㊂该量表的信度为0.902,效度为0.932㊂1.3调查方法本研究采用问卷星制作电子问卷,反复测试并确保电子问卷与纸质版问卷内容的一致性㊂由研究者向医院护理部阐述研究目的与内容,取得支持后由主管教学负责人将电子问卷二维码发放至新入职护士专用工作群,符合要求的护士自愿填写并提交㊂问卷填写说明统一指导用语,说明调查目的㊁填写方法及注意事项,对于填写完整并提交问卷的人员视为同意参加本研究㊂每个I P地址只允许填写1次;若有遗漏,系统自动提醒,直至信息填写完整才能提交问卷,保证问卷完整性㊂本次问卷调查采用匿名填写的方式,保证调查对象不受其他因素影响㊂问卷内容最终通过系统自动生成E x c e l表格,避免人工输入存在的误差㊂数据生成后由2名研究员对数据进行逐一筛查,对答案存在明显逻辑错误㊁答题时间<3m i n㊁任意量表规律作答的异常问卷给予剔除㊂本次研究共收集问卷300份,收回有效问卷262份,有效回收率为87.3%㊂1.4统计学方法使用S P S S25.0统计软件进行分析,定性资料用频数和百分比(%)表示;符合正态分布的定量资料用均数ʃ标准差(xʃs)表示,两组比较采用两独立样本t检验,多组比较采用方差分析;采用P e a r s o n相关分析信息素养与网络自主学习能力两变量之间的关系;采用多元线性回归分析探讨分析新入职护士信息素养能力的影响因素㊂以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1新入职护士信息素养得分新入职护士信息素养总分(138.16ʃ19.29)分,各维度得分见表1㊂表1新入职护士信息素养得分(xʃs,n=262)单位:分项目总分条目均分信息素养总分138.16ʃ19.293.95ʃ4.19信息意识12.75ʃ1.844.25ʃ0.02信息能力100.60ʃ15.373.87ʃ0.20信息安全与道德24.81ʃ3.394.14ʃ0.24 2.2不同特征新入职护士信息素养的单因素分析262名新入职护士中男34人,女228人;年龄ȡ18岁;本科学历居多,占89.69%(235/262);已规范化培训时长多为3~<6个月,占40.84%(107/262);护师占18.7%(49/262);未婚占95.04%(249/262),聘用方式为人事代理占61.07%(160/262);通过英语六级考试8.40%(22/262)㊂经独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析结果显示,不同工作时间㊁文献阅读频次及每次阅读文献时间的新入职护士信息素养得分比较差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05),见表2㊂㊃459㊃C H I N E S E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E N U R S I N G M a r c h2024V o l.22N o.5表2不同特征新入职护士信息素养得分比较(xʃs,n=262)单位:分项目人数信息素养得分统计值P 性别男34142.36ʃ22.72t=1.3410.181女228137.55ʃ18.73年龄18~<21岁3113.33ʃ5.5121~<26岁235138.02ʃ19.12F=2.1210.098 26~30岁20142.40ʃ19.91>30岁4143.75ʃ23.62学历专科及以下22140.23ʃ17.67本科235137.86ʃ19.65F=0.3100.734硕士及以上5143.00ʃ4.06工作时间 <3个月62135.68ʃ19.843~<6个月107135.60ʃ18.266~<9个月10137.30ʃ23.93F=2.5290.041 9~<12个月15147.40ʃ20.4912~24个月68142.54ʃ18.57职称护士213137.13ʃ19.21t=-1.8160.071护师49142.65ʃ19.21婚姻未婚249137.88ʃ19.07t=-1.0460.297已婚13143.62ʃ23.43聘用方式合同制102136.34ʃ21.10t=-1.2180.224人事代理160139.32ʃ18.02英语水平 C E T-4136135.57ʃ17.61C E T-622140.77ʃ17.94F=2.5730.078其他104140.99ʃ21.28参加过信息培训是104140.00ʃ20.19t=1.2540.211否158136.95ʃ18.65学习过检索课程是135139.85ʃ19.54t=1.4660.144否127136.36ʃ18.95发表过期刊论文是15141.27ʃ15.36t=0.6410.522否247137.97ʃ19.52阅读文献频率 <3次/周220136.09ʃ18.643~5次/周38147.42ʃ18.97F=9.943<0.001 >5次/周4164.25ʃ16.36每次阅读文献时间 <10m i n110131.69ʃ19.65110~30m i n123140.52ʃ16.80F=17.233<0.001 >30m i n29152.69ʃ18.172.3新入职护士网络自主学习能力得分以及与信息素养的相关性分析自主学习能力总分为(137.76ʃ19.62)分,各维度得分见表3;P e r s o n相关分析显示,新入职护士网络自主学习能力与信息素养呈正相关(r=0.851,P< 0.001)㊂见表4㊂表3新入职护士网络自主学习能力得分(xʃs,n=262)单位:分项目得分学习策略18.96ʃ3.09学习效果19.63ʃ3.07人脉资源24.23ʃ3.46在线教学能力18.85ʃ3.29学习动机15.74ʃ2.51自我效能感15.15ʃ2.64在线教学意识11.23ʃ1.97人际交往10.32ʃ2.32总分137.76ʃ19.62表4新入职护士网络自主学习能力与信息素养的相关性分析(r值)项目信息素养学习策略0.754学习效果0.807人脉资源0.782在线教学能力0.684学习动机0.691自我效能感0.733在线教学意识0.698人际交往0.614总分0.851注:P均<0.001㊂2.4新入职护士信息培训需求本研究结果显示,92.0%的新入职护士需要培训传染病管理系统,91.6%的新入职护士需要培训输血管理系统,89.7%的新入职护士需要培训数据统计分析能力,详见表5㊂㊃559㊃全科护理2024年3月第22卷第5期表5新入职护士信息培训需求(n=262)项目人数百分比(%)传染病管理系统24192.0输血管理系统24091.6数据统计分析能力23589.7院感消毒供应系统23489.3病案管理系统23288.5不良事件上报系统23288.5医院信息平台23288.5办公自动化(O A)系统23087.8文献检索能力22987.4网络培训考试系统22887.0重症监护管理系统22786.6数据查询能力22786.6电子签名系统21782.8住院护士工作站21080.2护理病历系统21080.2 2.5新入职护士信息素养影响因素的多元线性回归分析以新入职护士的信息素养总分为因变量,将单因素分析中有统计学意义的变量及网络自主学习能力作为自变量进行多元线性回归分析,结果表明网络自主学习能力和阅读文献时间为新入职护士信息素养的影响因素(P<0.05)㊂自变量赋值见表6,新入职护士信息素养影响因素多元线性回归分析见表7㊂表6自变量赋值情况变量赋值工作时间<3个月=1;3~<6个月=2;6~<9个月=3;9~<12个月=4;12~24个月=5阅读文献频率<3次/周=1;3~5次/周=2;>5次/周=3每次阅读文献时间<10m i n=1;10~30m i n=2;>30m i n=3网络自主学习能力原值输入表7新入职护士信息素养影响因素的多元线性回归分析项目回归系数标准误标准化回归系数t值P 常量21.0564.4804.700<0.001工作时间0.4720.4100.0381.1520.250阅读文献频率1.6111.6030.0351.0050.316阅读文献时间2.1741.0360.0742.0990.037网络自主学习能力0.8000.0340.81423.585<0.001注:R=0.856,R2=0.733,调整后R2=0.729,F=176.671,P<0.05㊂3讨论3.1新入职护士信息素养现状随着信息技术的不断发展,互联网时代已经到来,计算机技术已广泛应用于护理领域,以此来提升护理工作效率㊂信息素养能力已成为护士应具备的基本能力之一[1],利用信息技术可简化护理工作流程,提升临床护理质量,促进护理专业的内涵建设与发展㊂本研究结果表明,262名新入职护士信息素养的总分为(138.16ʃ19.29)分,各条目均分为(3.95ʃ4.19)分,处于中等偏上水平,比梁瑞晨等[8]对手术室护士的调查结果有所提高,但仍需进一步提高㊂从各维度来看,新入职护士的信息意识维度条目得分最高,信息能力维度条目得分最低,这与赵佳等[9-10]的研究结果一致㊂信息意识是培养信息素养的基础和前提,新入职护士年龄普遍偏小,本科学历的占89.69%,学习过信息检索课程的占51.53%(135/262),她们认为信息素养是学习的必备技能之一,信息对于护理实践和研究具有重要作用,而信息查找是解决问题的重要途径之一,因此具有较高水平的信息意识㊂信息能力是信息素养培养的关键环节,是指信息获取能力㊁检索能力㊁整合能力和分析能力以及对信息资源的合理利用能力[11]㊂本次调查中有60.31%(158/262)的新入职护士未参加过信息培训,83.97%(220/262)的新入职护士每周阅读文献频率低于3次,所以信息能力水平较低㊂新入职护士的信息能力还需进一步加强,护理管理者应重视新入职护士的信息培训工作,开展文献检索课程培训;定期进行文献分享活动,培养新入职护士养成阅读文献资料的良好习惯,提升新入职护士评判性思维;科室适当增加对文献内容考核工作,从而夯实信息能力提升的基础[12]㊂3.2新入职护士信息培训需求多样信息培训是提升新入职护士信息能力的基本途径,了解掌握新入职护士的信息需求是做好培训的前提[13]㊂本调查结果显示92.0%的新入职护士需要培训传染病管理系统,91.6%的新入职护士需要培训输血管理系统㊂究其原因,新入职护士临床实践经验不足,对临床上遇到的传染病病人管理及输血管理缺乏实战的操作机会,因此对此方面的需求较高㊂89.7%㊃659㊃C H I N E S E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E N U R S I N G M a r c h2024V o l.22N o.5的新入职护士需要培训数据统计分析能力,主要是因为94.27%(247/262)的新入职护士未发表过期刊论文,未对数据进行系统处理与分析,缺乏此方面的操作分析能力,因此对此方面的培训需求较高㊂作为护理管理者,要在掌握新入职护士培训需求的基础上,在培训过程中做好培训质量和效果的考核,进而提升新入职护士的知识储备和信息素养方面的综合能力,统筹设计新入职护士的信息化培训课程[9]㊂新入职护士信息培训需求是课程培训设计的前提和基础,信息化培训课程的设计是提升新入职护士信息素养的关键和核心[14]㊂新入职护士信息素养的提升可以通过信息化培训逐步提升,也可以使信息素养与循证护理实践相结合进行㊂G r o l l e r等[15]采用将信息素养和循证实践能力相结合的形式纳入本科生研究课程,使学生对护理研究有了更深层次的理解,提高文献检索能力,增强对护理研究进行客观评价的信心,促进学生信息素养和循证实践能力的个人成长,该课程可以延伸到课堂之外,也可能影响护理质量[16]㊂医院可以从新入职护士信息素养㊁循证能力方面开展系列培训,增强信息素养和循证能力对护士创新行为的影响,进一步提升新入职护士的创新行为[17]㊂3.3新入职护士信息素养水平受多种因素影响3.3.1网络自主学习能力本研究与李靖等[2]研究结果一致,新入职护士的信息素养与网络自主学习能力呈正相关㊂表明新入职护士的信息素养水平与自主学习能力有密不可分的联系,两者相互促进㊁相得益彰㊂其中,人脉资源条目均分得分最高,说明新入职护士可通过多种渠道获取资源信息,且网络学习及培训形式丰富㊁多元化,为新入职护士信息素养的提升提供基础和有力保障[3]㊂具有较强自主学习能力的人通过学习和实践两种方式快速获取信息和知识,进而提升自己的信息素养水平[18]㊂自主学习能力强的新入职护士具备良好的学习策略和学习动机,能去伪存真,正确检索㊁识别㊁筛选和获取信息知识;能对文献质量进行筛选和评价;能有效利用信息知识,具有更强的目标性和针对性;获取信息知识的途径更加便捷和高效;信息素养各方面能力相对较高[19]㊂研究表明,正念能动性和心理弹性与自我调节学习呈正相关[20]㊂因此,护理管理者应激发新入职护士自主学习动机,利用现代化的信息素养教育模式建立符合新入职护士学习需求的个性化学习策略,加强网络自主学习的过程监管,追踪网络自主学习效果,通过正念能动性和心理弹性来提高新入职护士的自我调节学习能力,以此提升新入职护士的信息素养水平㊂3.3.2阅读文献时间本研究结果表明,新入职护士阅读文献的时间越长,信息素养得分越高㊂长期阅读文献的人能从文献中抓住前沿知识,了解某一专业所需的信息,从而快速准确地检索信息,提高自己的信息素养能力,也有助于树立终身学习㊁不断更新医学知识的意识和决心,这是获取信息的基本途径和重要途径[21]㊂新入职护士的临床经验相对不足,在与临床护理实践相结合的过程中需要大量捕捉专业信息,从文献中总结㊁凝练出丰富的理论指导临床实践工作㊂新入职护士信息素养的提升需要通过不断地阅读文献进行历练,阅读文献时间长的人对文献的质量㊁价值及意义评估更全面,看待㊁思考问题的立场会更加科学,长期阅读文献会逐步培养良好的科研思维模式及方法,会运用批判性的思维去评价文献的质量,能熟练甄别㊁获取有价值的文献信息㊂因此,在新入职护士信息素养培训的过程中应重视阅读文献时长的重要性,从阅读时长方面培养新入职护士捕捉护理信息的能力和兴趣,激发内在学习动力,逐步提升信息素养能力㊂4小结本研究结果显示,新入职护士信息素养处于中等偏上水平,网络自主学习能力与阅读文献时间均是信息素养的影响因素,且新入职护士对信息培训要求多样㊂护理管理者应当给予关注,采取针对性措施,提升新入职护士职业认同感和岗位胜任能力㊂同时,该研究样本量较少,仅来自1所三级甲等医院,今后的研究将扩大样本量,继续对新入职护士的信息素养现状及其影响因素进行不同等级医院的探索,为新入职护士培训课程的进一步建设提供参考依据㊂参考文献:[1] 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for science and math has decreased, while the amount of lessons to cover has remained the same changes to the college entrance exams have limited high school students’ motivation to learn diverse subjects indepth within science and math the study of mathematics or other subjects is not compulsory throughout high school
Sourse: Oh (2012)
Korea ·Attitudes

Families: Overall, families in Korea appear to have generally positive attitudes toward STEM, but this can differ by children’s gender and their choices for college entrance exams. (Lee & Chun, 2012). would rather encourage daughters to choose different fields (Lee, W. et al., 2011).
Korea ·Labor market

Females in labor market women participating in economic activities after graduating from science and engineering majors accounted for 61.4% in 2010, which was lower than that of males at 91.4%, and even that of women overall, at 62.8%. More than half of them work in temporary jobs (a report by MEST&WISET, 2012)

美国媒体对中国的“刻板印象” 中英文

美国媒体对中国的“刻板印象” 中英文





A year ago, in the United States, Virginia campus shootings touched the hearts of many Chinese people, not only because it is a bloody murder, but also because the incident soon, the United States, "Chicago Sun-Times" called "killer may come from China. " That night, many Chinese could not sleep. Soon, as the killer get to the bottom, identified as a Korean student. A Chinese home and told me that the kind of false reports, especially reports of Chinese people that is so hateful stereotypes, and make him feel useless and frustration at heart.如果说那仅仅是一家小报犯的低级错误尚可原谅,那么近些年美国等西方国家媒体在报道中国时不断出现的偏颇甚至是歪曲事实的现象,尤其是最近西方主流媒体在3·14西藏问题上的态度和在北京奥运火炬在旧金山传递时美国有线电视新闻网主持人攻击中国的言论,中国人对西方媒体的傲慢无理就无论如何也不能忍耐了。



中国校外教育2023年10月第05期Oct.2023 No.05AFTERSCHOOL EDUCATION IN CHINA韩国青少年数字公民类型及其与网络伦理的关系:对批判型数字公民教育的启示*崔木森 朴亨俊 著吴碧宇 史湘琳 范家尧 孙 辉 吴扬北 译摘 要:通过对来自韩国455名初中生和高中生的调查数据进行潜在剖面分析,从而确定青少年的数字公民类型,探讨数字公民类型与网络伦理之间的关系。



关键词:数字公民;网络伦理;潜在剖面分析;批判型数字公民教育中图分类号: G775 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-8502(2023)05-0110-19译者简介:吴碧宇,上海理工大学外语学院教授,研究方向为语言对比与翻译;史湘琳,江西财经大学外国语学院副教授,研究方向为汉英对比与翻译;范家尧,上海外国语大学在读研究生,研究方向为翻译学;孙辉,上海电子信息职业技术学院副教授,研究方向为英汉对比与翻译;吴扬北,抚州幼儿师范高等专科学校教师,研究方向为幼儿教育。


一方面,* 原文信息:Moonsun Choi, Hyung-Joon Park. Korean adolescents’ profiles of digital citizenship and its relations to Internet ethics: implications for critical digital citizenship education[J]. Cambridge Journal of Education, 2023(02).版权声明:本刊转载部分文章的著作权使用费已按法律规定交由中国文字著作权协会转付,敬请作者与该协会联系领取。






量表分类一致性信度系数:观察一致率P o、Kappa系数K分别为0.73〜0.95和0.43〜0.88,量表S-CVI和I-CVI均为10$DSMB-O量表和糖尿病患者自我管理行为量表5个维度和总分数的相关性呈正相关(9$0.01)$结论中文版老年糖尿病患者自我管理行为量表具有良好的信效度,适合中国文化背景下对老年糖尿病患者自我管理行为的评估$关键词老年患者;2型糖尿病;自我管理行为;量表汉化;信度;效度Sinicization and reliability and validity evaluation of selfmanagement behavior scale for elderly diabetic patientsLiang Wei1,Zhao Huihua2,Huang Huiqun2,Bian Hua2(1.Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University,Shanghai200032;2.School of Nursing,Fudan University,Shanghai200032)Abstract Obj#ctiv#Tosinicizateandevaluatethereliabilityandvalidityoftheself-managementbehaviorscale for elderly diabetic patients(DSMB-O).Methods The original scale was translated,retranslated,checked and cross-culturaladjustedtoformtheChineseversionofthescale272elderlypatientswithdiabetesme l itusinourbospitol from MaytoJuly2018wereconvenientlyselectedtocompletethereliabilityandvalidityevaluationofthescale R#sults Therewere7dimensionsand14itemsintheChineseversionoftheself-managementbehaviorscaleforelder-ly diabetic patients.Coefficient of classification consistency:The observation consistency rates of Po and Kappa coef­ficients K were0.73〜0.95and0.43〜0.88,respectively.Both S-CVI and I-CVI were10.There was a positive correlation between DSMB-O scale and5dimensions and total score of self-management behavior scale for diabetic patients(9$0.01).Conclusion The Chinese version of the self-management behavior scale for elderly diabetic pa-tientshasgoodreliabilityandvalidity"whichissuitablefortheevaluationofself-managementbehaviorofelderlydi-abeticpatientsinthecontextofChineseculture.Keywords Older;Type2diabetes mellitus;Self-management behaviors;Scale sinicization;Reliability;Validity中图分类号:R473.58文献标识码:A DOI:10.16821/ki.hsjx.2019.12.004糖尿病是一种无法根治、终身伴随的慢性病,近年来糖尿病的发病率在全球呈上升趋势2013年调查⑵显示,中国60岁及以上老年人群中,糖尿病患病率达20.2%。



核武器英语单词Nuclear weapons are a type of explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions. These reactions release a tremendous amount of energy, creating a devastating blast, heat, and radiation. The development and proliferation of nuclear weapons have been a major concern for global security since their introduction in the mid-20th century.The use of nuclear weapons in warfare has only occurred twice in history, during the closing days of World War II when the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The devastating impact of these bombings led to a reevaluation of the role of nuclear weapons in international relations and sparked efforts to prevent their further use.In the decades following World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a nuclear arms race, developing increasingly powerful and sophisticated nuclear weapons. Other countries, including the United Kingdom, France, China, and later India, Pakistan, and North Korea, also developed and tested their own nuclear weapons.The possession of nuclear weapons has been a source of significant international tension and conflict. The concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) emerged during the Cold War, illustrating the belief that the presence of large nuclear arsenals would deter both sides frominitiating a nuclear conflict. However, the potential for accidental or unauthorized use of nuclear weapons, as well as the threat of nuclear terrorism, has created ongoing concern about the risks associated with these weapons.Efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and promote disarmament have been ongoing for decades. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which entered into force in 1970, aims to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The treaty has been signed by the majority of countries in the world, with the notable exceptions of India, Israel, and Pakistan, which are known to possess nuclear weapons, and North Korea, which withdrew from the treaty in 2003.In recent years, there has been growing concern about the potential for the use of nuclear weapons in regionalconflicts, particularly in areas of geopolitical tension such as the Korean Peninsula and the Middle East. The development of new nuclear capabilities, including smaller, more tactical weapons, has raised questions about the potential for their use in modern warfare.Efforts to address the risks associated with nuclear weapons have included arms control agreements, such as the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) between the United States and Russia, as well as diplomatic efforts to prevent the further proliferation of nuclear weapons. However, the continued presence of nuclear weapons remains a significant challenge for global security.核武器是一种从核反应中获得破坏力的爆炸装置。



学科探素Disciplines Exploration 民族院校朝鲜语专业复合型人才培养模式的构建与实践-----以大连民族大学朝鲜语专业为例陈楠楠尹敬爱关B杰(大连民族大学外国语学院辽宁•大连116605)摘要本着"高起点、高质量、高目标”的专业建设理念,朝鲜语专业在原有国际化办学成果的基础上,结合社会对复合型外语人才的需求,构建鲜明的"朝鲜语+专业”的复合型人才培养模式,坚持“厚基础、重实践、国际化”的专业发展特色,取得了一些成效,对复合型人才培养体系的建立有一定的启示。

关键词民族院校朝鲜语专业复合型人才中图分类号:G752文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/ki.kjdks.2020.12.030The Construction and Practice of the Cultivation Model of Compound Talents in Korean Language Majors in Ethnic Universities------Taking Korean major in Dalian Minzu University as an exampleCHEN Nannan,YIN Jingai,ZHENG Jie(College of Foreign Languages,Dalian Minzu University,Dalian,Liaoning116605)Abstract In line with the concept of"high starting point,high quality and high goal",the Korean major,on the basis of the original international school running achievements and in combination with the social demand for compound foreign language talents,has constructed a distinctive"Korean+major"interdisciplinary talent training mode,adhering to the professional de­velopment characteristics of"thick foundation,emphasizing practice and internationalization",and has made some achiev­ements,and it has some enlightenment on the establishment of talent training system.Keywords ethnic universities;Korean major;compound talents1朝鲜语专业复合型人才培养模式的构建1.1构建具有特色的专业人才培养模式朝鲜语专业依据学校的办学指导思想和宗旨,结合社会需求,坚持知识、能力和素质的统一,通过周密地制定并执行专业培养方案,突出对学生创新精神和实践能力的培养,以实现复合型应用型外语人才培养为目标,构建了比较合理的朝鲜语专业人才培养模式。




方法:以“关苍术” “化学成分” “药理作用”“Atractylodes japonica”“Chemical constituents”“Pharmacological effects”等中英文为关键词,利用中国知网、PubMed、ScienceDirect全文文献数据库,对1983-2017年发表的相关文献进行检索,对关苍术的化学成分和药理作用进行论述。





ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for development and application of Korean medicine Atractylodes japonica. METHODS:Using “Guancangsu” “Huaxue chengfen” “Yaoli zuoyong” “Atractylodes japonica” “Chemical constituents”“Pharmacological effects” as Chinese and English key words,relevant literatures published during 1983-2017 were retrieved from CNKI,PubMed,ScienceDirect full-text database,the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of A. japonica were reviewed. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:As of June 21,2017,a total of 226 literatures were collected,including 43 valid literatures. A. japonica mainly contains terpenoids,aliphatic,aromatic in volatile oil,glycosides active constituents in roots,and shows anti-inflammatory and analgesic,cardio cerebral vascular protection,contianaphylaxis,antibacterial,antiviral and anti-ulcer effects. Currently,the research of A. japonica on the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects has achieved initial results,however,reports of its toxicity are rare. Therefore,the safety evaluation should be taken into account in the study of its pharmacological effects.KEYWORDS Atractylodes japonica;Chemical constituents;Pharmacological effects.朝藥关苍术(Atractylodes japonica Koidz. ex Kitam)为菊科苍术属多年生草本植物,别名关东苍术、枪头菜,其主要的药用部位是根和茎,主产于我国黑龙江、吉林、辽宁3省。



英文介绍韩国政治和经济Korean Politics and EconomyPolitics in Korea is a complex blend of traditional values and modern institutions. The country is a presidential republic, with the President serving as the head of state and the government. The political system is based on a multi-party framework, ensuring diverse political voices and fostering healthy debates on national issues. The National Assembly, consisting of elected representatives, plays a crucial role in legislating and overseeing the executive branch.The Constitution of Korea guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms to its citizens, including freedom of expression, religion, and assembly. The judiciary is independent and ensures the fair administration of justice. Political participation is widespread, with regular elections held to elect representatives at all levels of government.On the economic front, Korea has transformed itself into a global economic powerhouse. It boasts a dynamic and innovative economy, with a focus on technology, manufacturing, and services. Major industries includeautomobiles, electronics, and shipbuilding, which have positioned Korea as a key player in the global supply chain.The government has played a pivotal role in fostering economic growth through strategic investments, regulatory reforms, and trade agreements. Korea's membership in organizations like the World Trade Organization and its free trade agreements with various countries have opened up new markets and opportunities for its businesses.In recent years, Korea has also made significant strides in developing its digital economy, with a strong focus on areas like artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things. This has created new jobs, spurred innovation, and boosted overall economic growth.However, Korea's economy is not without challenges. Issues like income inequality, high youth unemployment, and the need for structural reforms persist. The government is actively addressing these issues through policies aimed at promoting inclusive growth and enhancing the competitiveness of the economy.Overall, Korea's political stability and robust economy have laid the foundation for its remarkable development andglobal influence. The country continues to evolve and adapt to the changing global landscape, ensuring a bright future for its citizens and the world at large.。



非洲猪瘟荧光定量pcr检测原理非洲猪瘟(African swine fever, ASF)是一种严重的猪类传染性疾病,其病毒属于病毒超科阿斯法瑞毒科(Asfarviridae),感染后会导致高死亡率的猪群流行,并对猪类养殖业造成巨大损失。

为了及时、准确地检测非洲猪瘟病毒,荧光定量PCR (qPCR)技术被广泛应用。


非洲猪瘟荧光定量PCR检测原理如下:1. 样品制备:从猪体组织或血液样品中提取总RNA或DNA,并进行纯化处理,以去除潜在的抑制性物质。

2. 反转录(RT)过程:如果使用RNA作为样品,需要首先将RNA转录成相应的cDNA。



3. 目标基因扩增:设计引物和荧光探针,使其与非洲猪瘟病毒的特定序列互补。



4. 荧光信号检测:荧光信号检测系统包括荧光DNA探针、荧光素酶等。



5. 数据分析:荧光强度与扩增的目标DNA数量成正比,可以根据标准曲线或特定算法计算出非洲猪瘟病毒的总量。



参考文献:1. Yanez RJ, Rodriguez JM, Nogal ML, et al. Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence of African swine fever virus. Virology. 1995;208(1):249-278.2.서성배, 박성진, & 김연희. (2017). 동물마약물검사증탁-polymerase chain reaction 적용미국합동작전편성부대의비구루비르스검출률나타내기 / Evaluation of Bovine viral diarrhea virus detection rate in thiacloprid-polymerase chain reaction applied combined force conducting animal narcotics test. Korean Journal of Veterinary Research, 57(3), 163-168.3. Gallardo C, Nieto R, Soler A, et al. Experimental Transmissionof African Swine Fever (ASF) Low Virulent Isolate NH/P68 by Surviving Pigs. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2013.4. Zhang Z, Geng G, Wang N, et al. Development of a TaqMan-Based Real-Time PCR Assay for Rapid and Specific Detection of Nigerian Isolate of African Swine Fever Virus. J Sci Food Agric. 2016;97(12):3986-3991.5.Zhai S, Zou J, Wang L, et al. Comparative transcriptome analysis shows that the extracellular matrix receptor interaction contributesto the venous metastases of hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2020;17(3):297-311.。



志愿军观后感英文As the credits rolled at the end of "The Volunteer," a profound sense of admiration and reflection washed over me. The film, set against the backdrop of the Korean War, tells the story of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and their heroic efforts to support the Korean people against an invasion.The cinematography was nothing short of breathtaking, capturing the harsh and unforgiving landscapes that the soldiers had to traverse. The director's use of color and light brought a stark realism to the battlefield, making the viewer feel as though they were right there in the midst of the conflict.The performances were equally compelling. The actors portrayed their characters with a depth and humanity that made the audience feel a deep connection to each soldier. Their camaraderie, courage, and the sacrifices they made were depicted with a raw authenticity that was both moving and inspiring.One of the most striking aspects of the film was its portrayal of the volunteer soldiers' resilience and spirit. Despite being vastly outnumbered and facing insurmountable odds, their unwavering determination to protect their comrades and fulfill their mission was truly inspiring. The film did an excellent job of highlighting the individualstories within the larger narrative, showing that eachsoldier's contribution mattered.The film also served as a poignant reminder of the cost of war. It was a stark depiction of the sacrifices made by those who serve, not just in terms of their own lives but also the impact on their families and loved ones. The emotional weight of these sacrifices was palpable and left a lasting impression."The Volunteer" is not just a war film; it is a tribute to the spirit of those who volunteer to serve in the face of adversity. It is a story of brotherhood, bravery, and the indomitable human spirit. It is a film that resonates with audiences long after the final scene, prompting a reevaluation of the true meaning of heroism and the importance of remembering history.In conclusion, "The Volunteer" is a powerful and evocative film that deserves to be seen. It is a testament to the power of cinema to educate, inspire, and move us. It is a film that will stay with me for a long time, reminding me of the bravery and selflessness of those who have served and the importance of peace.。



毕业论文韩国英文媒体有关美国政府制裁抖音报道的内容分析学号姓名学院专业导师时间An analysis of the Korean English-language media's reportAcknowledgementsI owe debts of gratitude to Professor ***, my advisor, who guides me to read academic works and urges me to clarify my thoughts. Without his support and encouragement, this thesis would not have taken the shape as it is now. Besides, the teaching of many teachers including *** in School of International Studies, the help to refine the language from my dear American friends *** and ***, and the resources of school’s library are all indispensable for the completion of the thesis and the author would like to extend the heartfelt thanks here.摘要2020年是就非常具有魔幻色彩的一年。








评委英语说法judgeJury评委的相关短语评委组成 Jury Composition各位评委Committee members will review ; You and the judges ; Jury Members担任评委 chair the Jury ; As the judge ; Serve as judges外籍评委 External Reviewer评委介绍 JURY ; Participants评委名单 Jury Overview评委会 Juries ; Jury ; Judging Panel ; The Committee考核评委 committee of the adjudicators评委点评 Whole Lotta Love ; Slow Ride评委的英语例句1. The judges could not decide which category it belonged in.评委们无法判定它属于哪一类。

2. I don't like relying on the judges' decisions.我不认为应该依赖评委的决定。

3. He was asked to judge at the art exhibition.他被邀请当画展的评委.4. We would like to thank all the judges who gave so generously of their time.我们感谢所有的评委如此慷慨地付出了他们的时间。

5. The examiners put a premium on rational argument.评委们对以理服人的论据给以高度评价.6. Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.她姿色迷人,因而评委都偏向她.7. The judges agreed on his unfitness for the appointment.评委们就他不适合那项任命的意见达成了一致.8. His handsome appearance and cool dancing won praise from the KOREAN judges.他帅气的外表和激动地舞蹈赢得了韩国评委的赞同.9. A panel of 13 jurors select the awards in 14 categories.由13位评委组成的评审团评出了14个奖项.10. You have now gathered Appraisers together to reveal the surprise to them.你召集评委一起,给他们展露这一惊奇.11. Evaluation can be done by oneself, by confreres, by the experts appraisers.说课的评价方法是:自评、同行评定、专家评定、评委评定、书面评定.12. Clearly, Shun - law unparalleled advantage has been all the judges and player recognition.显而易见, 顺位法无可比拟的优势已经得到了所有评委及选手的认可.13. Good morning, judges. I'm. 18 contestant. The article I'll recite is youth.各位评委老师上午好, 我是第18号选手, 我将背诵的篇目是“青春”.14. The five judges as English teachers, reward the top ten.五位英语老师担任评委, 奖励前十名.15. The site tests in quality fixed attention listens attentively to commissioners.在素质测试现场,评委们凝神倾听.关于评委的句子:《美国偶像》评委的损人语录it sounded like cats jumping off the empire state building.听上去像一只猫从帝国大厦跳下来。

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Development and Evaluation of a Korean Treebank and its Application to NLPChung-hye Han ,Na-Rare Han ,Eon-Suk Ko ,Martha PalmerDept.of Linguistics Simon Fraser University 8888University Drive Burnaby BC V5A 1S6, Dept.of Linguistics University of Pennsylvania619Williams HallPhiladelphia,PA 19104,USAnrh,esko @ Dept.of Computer Information and ScienceUniversity of Pennsylvania256Moore SchoolPhiladephia,PA 19104,USA mpalmer@AbstractThis paper discusses issues in building a 54-thousand-word Korean Treebank using a phrase structure annotation,along with developing annotation guidelines based on the morpho-syntactic phenomena represented in the corpus.Various methods that were employed for quality control are presented.The evaluation on the quality of the Treebank and some of the NLP applications under development using the Treebank are also presented.1.IntroductionWith growing interest in Korean language processing,numerous natural language processing (NLP)tools for Ko-rean,such as part-of-speech (POS )taggers,morphological analyzers and parsers,have been developed.This progress was possible through the availability of large-scale raw text corpora and POS tagged corpora (ETRI,1999;Yoon and Choi,1999a;Yoon and Choi,1999b).However,no large-scale bracketed corpora are currently available to the pub-lic,although efforts have been made to develop guidelines for syntactic annotation (Lee et al.,1996;Lee et al.,1997).As a step towards addressing this issue,we built a 54-thousand-word 1Korean Treebank using a phrase structure annotation at the University of Pennsylvania,creating the Penn Korean Treebank.At the same time,we also devel-oped annotation guidelines based on the morpho-syntactic phenomena represented in the corpus,over the period of Jan.2000and April 2001.The corpus that we used for the Korean Treebank consists of texts from military language training manuals.These texts contain information about various aspects of the military,such as troop movement,intelligence gathering,and equipment supplies,among oth-ers.This corpus is part of a Korean/English bilingual cor-pora that was used for a domain specific Korean/English machine translation project at the University of Pennsylva-nia.One of the main reasons for annotating this corpus was to train taggers and parsers that can be used for the MT1This word count is computed on tokenized texts and includes symbols.project.In this paper,we first discuss some issues in develop-ing the annotation guidelines for POS tagging and syntactic bracketing.We then detail the annotation process in 3.,including various methods we used to detect and correct annotation errors. 4.presents some statistics on the size of the corpus. 5.discusses the results of the evaluation on the Treebank,and 6.presents some of the NLP applications we did so far using the Treebank.2.Guideline developmentThe guiding principles employed in developing the an-notation guidelines were theory-neutralness (whenever pos-sible),descriptive accuracy and consistency.To this end,various existing knowledge sources were consulted,includ-ing theoretical linguistic literature on Korean,publications on Korean descriptive grammar,as well as research works on building tagged Korean copora by such institutions as KAIST and ETRI (ETRI,1999;Lee et al.,1996;Lee et al.,1997;Yoon and Choi,1999a;Yoon and Choi,1999b).Ide-ally,complete guidelines should be available to the anno-tators before annotation begins.However,linguistic prob-lems posed by corpora are much more diverse and com-plicated than those discussed in theoretical linguistics or grammar books,and new problems surface as we annotate more data.Hence,our guidelines were revised,updated and enriched incrementally as the annotation process pro-gressed.In cases where no agreement could be reached among several alternatives,the one most consistent with the overall guidelines was chosen,with the considerationProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 2002 (LREC-2002).that the annotated corpus may be converted to accommo-date other alternatives when needed.In the next two sub-sections,we describe in more detail the main points of the POS tagging guidelines and syntactic bracketing guidelines.2.1.POS tagging and morphological analysis Korean is an agglutinative language with a very produc-tive inflectional system.Inflections include postpositions,suffixes and prefixes on nouns,and tense morphemes,hon-orifics and other endings on verbs and adjectives.For this reason,a fully inflected lexical form in Korean has often been called a WORD -PHRASE(‘’).To accurately de-scribe this characteristic of Korean morphology,each word-phrase is not only assigned with a POS tag,but also anno-tated for morphological analysis.Our Treebank uses two major types of POS tags:14content tags and 15function tags.For each word-phrase,the base form (stem)is given a content tag,and its inflections are each given a function tag.Word phrases are separated by a space,and within a word-phrase,the base form and inflections are separated by a plus sign (+).In addition to POS tags,the tagset also consists of 5punctuation tags.An example of a tagged sentence is given in (1).2(1)a.Rawtext:frequently comnet-Acc .operate-Decl ‘(We)operate communications network fre-quently.’b.Taggedtext:/ADV/NNC+/PCA/NNC+/XSV+/EFN ./SFNThe main criterion for tagging and also for resolvingambiguity is syntactic distribution:i.e.,a word may receive different tags depending on the syntactic context in which it occurs.For example,‘’(some time ago )is tagged as a common noun (NNC)if it modifies another noun,and is tagged as an adverb (ADV)if it modifies a verb.(2)a./ADV/VV+/EPF+/EFN some time ago go-Past-Declb./NNC+/PCA /NNC some time ago-Gen promiseOne important decision we had to make was whether to treat case postpositions and verbal endings as a bound morpheme or as a separate word.The decision we make on this issue would have consequences on syntactic bracket-ing as well.If we were to annotate them as separate words,it would be only natural to bracket them as independent syntactic units,which project their own functional syntactic nodes.Although some may favor this approach as theoreti-cally more sound,from a descriptive point of view,they are2NNC and NNX are noun tags,PAD,PCA and PAU are noun inflectional tags,ADV is an adverb tag,XSV is a verbalizing suf-fix tag,EFN is a sentence final ending tag,and SFN is a punctu-ation tag.For a detailed description of the tagset,see (Han and Han,2001).more like bound morphemes,in that they are rarely sep-arated from stems in written form,and native speakers of Korean share the intuition that they can never stand alone meaningfully in both written and spoken form.To reflect this intuition,we have chosen to annotate the inflections as bound morphemes assigning them each a function tag.2.2.Syntactic bracketingThe Penn Korean Treebank uses phrase structure an-notation for syntactic bracketing.Similar phrase structure annotation schemes were also used by the Penn English Treebank (Marcus et al.,1993;Bies et al.,1995),the Penn Middle English Treebank (Kroch and Taylor,1995)and the Penn Chinese Treebank,(Xia et al.,2000b).This annota-tion is preferable to a pure dependency annotation because it can encode richer structural information.For instance,some of the structural information that a phrase structure annotation readily encodes,which dependency annotations typically do not,are (i)phrasal level node labels such as VP and NP;(ii)explicit representation of empty arguments;(iii)distinction between complementation and adjunction;and (iv)use of traces for displaced constituents.Although having traces and empty arguments may be controversial,it has been shown in (Collins,1997;Collins et al.,1999)that such rich structural annotation is cru-cial in improving the efficiency of stochastic parsers that are trained on Treebanks.Moreover,it has been shown in (Rambow and Joshi,1997)that a complete mapping from dependency structure to phrase structure cannot be done,although the other direction is possible.This means that a phrase structure Treebank can always be converted to a dependency Treebank if necessary,but not the other way around.The bracketing tagset of our Treebank can be divided into four types:(i)POS tags for head-level annotation (e.g.,NNC,VV ,ADV);(ii)syntactic tags for phrase-level anno-tation (e.g.,NP,VP,ADVP);(iii)function tags for gram-matical function annotation (e.g.,-SBJ for subject,-OBJ for object,-ADV for adjunct);and (iv)empty category tags for dropped arguments (*pro*),traces (*T*),and so on.In addition to using function tags,arguments and ad-juncts are distinguished structurally as well.If YP is an internal argument of X,then YP is in sister relation with X,as represented in (3a).If YP is an adjunct of X,then YP adjoins onto XP,a projection of X,as in (3b).(3)XP XP X(a)Argument(b)AdjunctThe syntactic bracketing of example (1)is given in the first tree of Figure 1.This example contains an empty sub-ject,which is annotated as (NP-SBJ *pro*).The object NP‘/NNC+/PCA’is assigned the -OBJ function tag,and since it is an argument of the verb,it is structurally a sister of the verb.The adverb‘’is an adjunct of the verb,and so it is adjoined to the VP,the phrasal projection of the verb.(S (NP-SBJ *pro*)(VP(ADVP /ADV)(VP(NP-OBJ/NNC+/PCA)(VV/NNC+/XSV+/EFN))))./SFN)(S(NP-OBJ-1/NNC+/PCA)(S(NP-SBJ/NPN+/PCA)(VP (VP (NP-OBJ*T*-1)/VV+/EAU)/VX+/EFN))?/SFN)Figure 1:Examples of syntactic bracketingAn example sentence with a displaced constituent is given in (4).In this example,the object NP‘’ap-pears before the subject,while its canonical position is af-ter the subject.Displacement of argument NPs is called SCRAMBLING .(4)authority-Accwho-Nomhave ?be‘Who has the authority?’In our annotation in the second tree of Figure 1,the ob-ject is adjoined to the main clause (S),and leaves a trace (*T*)in its original position which is coindexed with it.A potential cause for inconsistency is making argu-ment/adjunct distinction.To ensure consistency in this task,we extracted all the verbs and adjectives from the corpus,and created what we call a PREDICATE -ARGUMENT LEX -ICON ,based on Korean dictionaries,usages in the corpus and our own intuition.This lexicon lists verbs and adjec-tives with their subcategorization frames.For instance,theverb‘’(operate )is listed as a transitive verb requir-ing a subject and object obligatory arguments.We also have a notation for optional arguments for some verbs.For in-stance,in (5),it is not clear whether‘’(to school )isan argument or an adjunct,whereas‘’(yesterday )and‘’(we )seem to offer clear intuition as to their ad-junct and argument status,respectively.This is resolved by listing such categories as a locative optional argument for‘’(to go )in the predicate-argument lexicon.(5)we-Topyesterdayschool-to .go-Past-Decl ‘We went to school yesterday.’In syntactic bracketing,while obligatory arguments are annotated with -SBJ or -OBJ function tag,if a sentence con-tains an optional argument,it is annotated with a -COMP function tag.Moreover,a missing obligatory argument is annotated as an empty argument,but a missing optional ar-gument does not count as an empty argument.Another potential cause for inconsistency is handling syntactically ambiguous sentences.To avoid such incon-sistencies,we have classified the types of ambiguities,andspecified the treatment of each type in the bracketing guide-lines.For example,a subset of Korean adverbs can oc-cur either before or after the subject.When the subject is phonologically empty,in principle,the empty subject can be marked either before or after the adverb without differ-ence in meaning if there is no syntactic/contextual evidence for favoring one analysis over the other.In this case,to avoid any unnecessary inconsistencies,a ‘default’position for the subject is specified and the empty subject is required to be put before the adverb.An example annotation is al-ready given in Figure 1.33.Annotation processThe annotation proceeded in three phases:the first phase was devoted to morphological analysis and POS tag-ging,the second phase to syntactic bracketing and the third phase to quality control.3.1.Phase I:morphological analysis and POS tagging We used an off-the-shelf Korean morphological ana-lyzer (Yoon et al.,1999)to facilitate the POS tagging and morphological analysis.We ran the entire corpus through this morphological analyzer and then automatically con-verted the output POS tags to the set of POS tags we had defined.We then hand-corrected the errors in two passes.The first pass took roughly two months to complete by two annotators.During this period,various morphological is-sues from the corpus were discussed in weekly meetings and guidelines for annotating them were decided and docu-mented.In the second pass,which was undertaken in about a month from the completion of the first phase,each anno-tator double-checked and corrected the files annotated by the other annotator.3.2.Phase II:Syntactic bracketingThe syntactic bracketing also went through two passes.The first pass took about 6months to complete by three annotators,and the second pass took about 4months to complete by two annotators.In the second pass,the an-notators double-checked and corrected the bracketing done during the first pass.Phase II took much longer than Phase I because all the syntactic bracketing had to be done from scratch.Moreover,there were far more syntactic issues to be resolved than morphological issues.As in Phase I,weekly meetings were held to discuss and investigate the syntactic issues from the corpus and annotation guidelines were decided and documented accordingly.The bracket-ing was done using the already existing emacs-based inter-face developed for Penn English Treebanking (described in (Marcus et al.,1993)),which we customized for Korean ing this interface helped to avoid bracket-ing mismatches and errors in syntactic tag labeling.3.3.Phase III:Quality controlIn order to ensure accuracy and consistency of the cor-pus,the entire third phase of the project was devoted to quality control.During this period,several full-scale ex-aminations on the whole corpus were conducted,checking3See (Han et al.,2001)for the documentation of our syntactic bracketing guidelines.for inconsistent POS tags and illegal syntactic bracketings.LexTract was used to detect formatting errors (Xia et al.,2000a).3.3.1.Correcting POS tagging errorsErrors in POS tagging can be classified into three types:(a)assignment of an impossible tag to a morpheme (b)un-grammatical sequence of tags assigned to a word-phrase,and (c)wrong choice of a tag (sequence)candidate in the presence of multiple tag (sequence)candidates.Type (a)was treated by compiling a tag dictionary for the entire list of morphemes occurring in the corpus.For closed lexical categories such as verbal endings,postpo-sition markers and derivational suffixes,all of them were examined to ensure that they are assigned with correct tags.For open-set categories such as nouns,adverbs,verbs and so on,only those word-tag combinations exhibiting a low frequency count were individually checked.Treating type (b)required knowledge of Korean mor-phosyntax.First,a table of all tag sequences and their fre-quencies in the corpus was compiled,as shown in Table 1.Those tag sequences found less than 3times were all manually checked for their grammaticality,and corrected if found illegal.As a next step,a set of hand-crafted morpho-tactic rules were created in the form of regular expressions.Starting from the most rigorous patterns,we checked the tag sequences against the patterns already incorporated in the set of grammatical morphotactic rules,expanding the set as needed or invalidating a tag sequence according to the outcome.Type (c),assignment of a wrong tag in the case of am-biguity,cannot be handled by looking at the morphemes by themselves,but the syntactic context must be considered:therefore this type of problem was treated along with other illegal syntactic structures.3.3.2.Correcting illegal syntactic structuresTo correct errors in syntactic bracketing,we targeted each local tree structure (parent node +daughter nodes).To do this,all local tree structures were extracted in the form of context-free rules (Table 2).For local trees with a lexi-cal daughter node,the lexical information was ignored and only POS information on the node was listed in the rule.The next step taken was to define the set of context-free rules for Korean.For each possible intermediate node label (phrasal categories as S,NP,VP and a few lexical cat-egories such as VV and VJ)on the lefthand side of the rule,its possible descendant node configuration was defined as a regular expression,as seen in (6):(6)a.VP (shown in part):(NP-OBJ(-LV)?NP-COMP(-LV)?S-COMP S-OBJ )+VV S*b.VV:NNC(+XSF)?+XSVˆVV S*VV S*$(VV )*(ADCP )?VVExample (6a)shows that a local tree with VP as the parent node can have as its daughter nodes any numbers of NP-OBJ,NP-COMP,S-COMP or S-OBJ nodes followed by a VV node,which is the head.As with the case of word-internal tag sequences,the most frequent context-free rules were examined and incor-porated into the set of rules first,and this set gradually grew as more and more rules were examined and decided to be included in the rule set or rejected to be corrected later.As a result,a large number of illegal syntactic bracketings were identified and corrected.Particularly frequent types of syntactic tagging errors were:(a)redundant phrasal pro-jections (i.e.VPVP),(b)missing phrasal projections,and (c)misplaced or ill-scoped modifying elements such as relative clauses and adverbial phrases/clauses.3.3.3.Corpus searchWe compiled a list of error-prone or difficult syntactic constructions that had been observed to be troublesome and confusing to annotators,and used corpus search tools (Ran-dall,2000)to extract sentence structures containing each of them from the Treebank.Each set of extracted structures were then examined and corrected.The list of construc-tions we looked at in detail include relative clauses,com-plex noun phrases,light verb constructions,complex verbs,and coordinate structures.By doing a construction by con-struction check of the annotation,we were able to not only correct errors but also enhance the consistency of our anno-tation.4.Statistics on the size of the corpusIn this section,we present some quantitative aspects of the Penn Korean Treebank corpus.The corpus is a rela-tively small one with 54,528words and 5,083sentences,averaging 9.158words per sentence.A total of 10,068word types are found in the corpus,therefore the measured type/token ratio (TTR)is rather high at 0.185.However,for languages with rich agglutinative morphology such as Ko-rean,even higher type/token ratios are not uncommon.For comparison,a comparably sized portion (54,547words)of the ETRI corpus,an annotated corpus with POS tags,was selected and analyzed.4This set contained 19,889word types,almost double the size of that of the Penn Korean Treebank,as shown in Table 3.word token type type/token ratio Treebank54,52810,0680.185ETRI54,54719,8890.364morpheme token type type/token ratio Treebank 93,1483,5550.038ETRI101,1008,7340.086Table 3:Type/token ratios of two corporaTaking individual morphemes,rather than words in their fully inflected forms,as the evaluation unit,the ratio be-comes much smaller:the Penn Korean Treebank yields a4Total of 12files:essay01.txt,expl10.txt,expl34.txt,news02.txt,newsp05.txt,newsp12.txt,newsp15.txt,newsp16.txt,novel03.txt,novel13.txt,novel15.txt and novel19.txt.For fair comparison,the POS annotated text was re-tokenized to suit the Penn Korean Treebank standards.RankCount Count%Total%Entry 1864715.8515.85NNC2560610.2826.14NNC+PCA 350839.3235.46SFN ...............22110.0099.99NNC+XSF+CO+EPF+ENM 22110.00100NNC+XSV+EPF+EFN+PCATable 1:Frequency of tag sequencesRankCount Count%Total%Entry 159937.727.72S NP-SBJ VP 24079 5.2612.98NP-SBJ *pro*32425 3.1216.11ADVP ADV ...............139410.0099.99ADJP VJ+EPF+EFN+PAU 139410.00100ADJP S NP-ADV ADVP ADJPTable 2:Frequency of context-free rulesmorpheme type/token ratio of 0.038(93,148tokens and3,555types).Compared to the same portion of the ETRI corpus,we can see that the Penn Korean Treebank still shows a lower ratio:the ETRI corpus showed a morpheme type/token ratio of 0.086(101,100morpheme tokens and 8,734unique morpheme types).These results suggest that the Penn Korean Treebank,as a domain-specific corpus in the military domain,is highly homogeneous and low in complexity at least in terms of its lexical content.The ETRI corpus,on the other hand,con-sists of texts from different genres including novels,news articles and academic writings,hence the higher counts of lexical entries per word token.In our future work,we hope to expand the Treebank corpus in order to achieve a broader and more general coverage.5.EvaluationFor evaluating the consistency and accuracy of the Tree-bank,we used Evalb software that produces three met-rics,bracketing precision,bracketing recall and numbers of crossing brackets,as well as tagging accuracy.For the purposes of evaluation,we randomly selected 10%of the sentences from the corpus in the beginning of the project and saved them to a file.These sentences were then POS tagged and bracketed just like any other sentences in the corpus.After the first pass of syntactic bracketing,however,they were double annotated by two different an-notators.We also constructed a Gold Standard annotation for these test sentences.We then ran Evalb on the two anno-tated files produced by the two different annotators to mea-sure the inter-annotator consistency.Evalb was also run on the Gold Standard and the annotation file of the 1st anno-tator,and on the Gold Standard and the annotation file of the 2nd annotator to measure the individual annotator accu-racy.Table 4shows the accuracy of each annotator com-pared to the Gold Standard under 1st/gold and 2nd/gold column headings,and the inter-annotator consistency un-der 1st/2nd column heading.It shows that all the measuresare well over 95%,tagging accuracy reaching almost 100%.These measures indicate that the quality of the Treebank is more than satisfactory.Consistency Accuracy1st/2nd 1st/gold 2nd/gold Recall96.6097.6998.84Precision 97.9798.8998.84No Crossing 95.8997.5797.53Tagging99.7299.9999.77Table 4:Inter-annotator consistency and accuracy of the TreebankMost of the inter-annotator inconsistencies belonged to one of the followingtypes:In coordinated sentences with an empty subject and an empty object,whether the level of coordination is VV ,VP orS;Whether a sentence has an empty object argument ornot;Whether a noun modified by a clause is a relative clause construction or a complexNP;Whether a verb is a light verb or a regularverb;In a complex sentence in which the subject of the ma-trix clause and the subordinate clause are coreferential,whether a topic marked NP is the subject of the matrix clause or the subordinateclause;In a sentence with a topic marked object NP and an empty subject,whether the object NP has undergone scrambling over the empty subject or not;For an NP with an adverbial postposition5,whether itis an argument or anadjunct;When an adverb precedes another adverb which inturn precedes a verb,whether thefirst adverb modi-fies the adverb or the verb.After the evaluation was done,as afinal cleanup of theTreebank,using corpus search tools,we extracted and cor-rected structures that belong to those that may potentiallylead to the types of inconsistencies described above.6.Applications of the Treebank6.1.Morphological taggerWe trained a morphological tagger on91%of the54KKorean Treebank and tested it on9%of the Treebank(Han,2002).The tagger/analyzer takes raw text as input andreturns a lemmatized disambiguated output in which foreach word,the lemma is labeled with a POS tag and theinflections are labeled with inflectional tags.This systemis based on a simple statistical model combined with acorpus-driven rule-based approach,comprising a trigram-based tagging component and a morphological rule appli-cation component.The tagset consists of possible tag sequences(e.g.,NNC+PCA,VV+EPF+EFN)extracted from the Treebank.Given an input sentence,each word isfirst tagged with a tagsequence.Tags for unknown words are then updated usinginflectional templates extracted from the Treebank.A fewexample templates are listed in Table5.VV+EPF+EFNVV+EPF+ECSVV+EPF+ENMVV+EPF+ECSVV+EPF+ECSVV+EPF+ECSTable5:Example of Inflectional TemplatesUsing an inflection dictionary and a stem dictionary ex-tracted from the Treebank,the lemma and the inflectionsare then identified,splitting the inflected form of the wordinto its constituent stem and affixes.This approach yielded95.01%/95.30%recall/precision on the test data.An exam-ple input and output are shown below.The morphologicaltagger assigns POS tags and also splits the inflected form ofthe word into its constituent stem and inflections.(7) a.Input:.b.Output:/NPN+/PCA/NNC/NNC+/PCA/VV+/EPF+/EFN./SFN5Adverbial postpositions correspond to English prepositions infunction,e.g.,‘-’(to),‘-’(from),‘-’(in),etc.6.2.ParserThe Treebank has been used to train a statistical parserusing a probabilistic Tree Adjoining Grammar(TAG)model(Sarkar,2002).The parser uses,as training data,TAG derivations automatically extracted from the Treebankwith Xia’s(Xia et al.,2000a)LexTract.In a probabilistic TAG(Schabes,1992;Resnik,1992),each word in the input sentence is assigned a set of trees,called elementary trees that it has selected in the train-ing data.Each elementary tree has some word(called theANCHOR)in the input sentence as a node on the frontier.A derivation proceeds as follows:one elementary tree ispicked to be the start of the derivation.Elementary treesare then added to this derivation using the operations ofsubstitution and adjunction.Each tree added in this stepcan be recursively modified via subsequent operations ofsubstitution and adjunction.Once all the words in the inputsentence have been recognized,the derivation is complete.The parser outputs a derivation tree,a record of how el-ementary trees are combined to generate a sentence,andalso a derived tree(read off from the derivation tree)whichcorresonds to the bracketed structure of a sentence.The parser is interfaced to the morphological tagger de-scribed in avoid the sparse data problems likely tobe caused by the highly agglutinative nature of words inKorean.The parser is able to use information from compo-nent parts of the words that the morphological tagger pro-vides.With this method,we achieved75.7%accuracy ofTAG derivation dependencies on the test set from the Tree-bank.An example parser output of a derivation is givenin Figure2.The index numbers in thefirst column,andthe last column of the table represent the dependencies be-tween words.For instance,‘(motun)’has index0and it is dependent on the word indexed with2‘+(tayho+nun)’.‘+(pakwi+key)’is the root of thederivation,marked by TOP.The morpheme boundaries inthe words in the2nd column are marked with+sign.The3rd column contains the tag sequence of the word,and the4th column lists the names of the elementary tree anchoredby the word.7.ConclusionWe have described in detail the annotation process aswell as the methods we used to ensure inter-annotator con-sistency and annotation accuracy in creating a54K wordKorean Treebank.6We have also discussed the major prin-ciples employed in developing POS tagging and syntacticbracketing guidelines.Despite the small size of the Tree-bank,we were able to successfully train a morphologi-cal tagger(95.78%/95.39%precision/recall)and a parser(73.45%dependency accuracy)using the data from theTreebank.They were incorporated into a Korean/Englishmachine translation system which was jointly developed bythe University of Pennsylvania and CoGenTex(Han et al.,2000;Palmer et al.,2002).6Information on our Penn Korean Treebank can be foundin /˜xtag/koreantag/,includingPOS tagging and syntactic bracketing guidelines as well as a sam-ple bracketedfile.。
