Crusades and Holy Land




• • • • The First Crusade : 1096 to 1099 The Second Crusade : 1147 to 1149 The Third Crusade : 1189 to 1192 The Fourth Crusade : 1201 to 1204 The Fifth Crusade : 1218 to 1221 The Sixth Crusade : 1228 to 1229 The Seventh Crusade : 1248 to 1254 The Eighth Crusade : 1270 the Children’s Crusade : 1212

• •
• First Crusade 1096 – 1099 successful in capturing Jerusalem and establishing a foothold in Palestine • Second Crusade 1147 – 1149 organized to recapture Jerusalem ended in defeat • Third Crusade 1189 – 1191 three powerful monarchs, Philip II of France, Frederick I of Germany, and Richard of England participated • Richard fought the Muslin leader Saladin to a truce • Fourth Crusade never reached the Holy Land looted and sacked the City of Constantinople • Later four more unsuccessful Crusades • Children’s Crusade 1212, 30,000 children joined, most starved, died of diseases or were enslaved


the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland---UK
为“米”字旗,由深蓝底色 和红、白色“米”字组成。 旗中带白边的红色正十字代 表英格兰守护神圣乔治,白 色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护 神圣安德鲁,红色交叉十字 代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里 克。此旗产生于1801年, 是由原英格兰的白地红色正 十旗、苏格兰的蓝地白色交 叉十字旗和爱尔兰的白地红 色交叉十字旗重叠而成。
又称索尔兹伯里石环、环状列石、太阳神庙、史前石 桌、斯通亨治石栏、斯托肯立石圈等名,是欧洲著名的 史前时代文化神庙遗址,位于英格兰威尔特郡索尔兹伯 里平原,约建于公元前4000~2000年(2008年3月至 4月,英国考古学家研究发现,巨石阵的准确建造年代 距今已经有4300年,即建于公元前2300年左右)
Early Settlement (---55 BC) 1.The first known settlers of Britain were
the Iberians,dark-haired Mediterranean race.人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比例亚人。 More dramatic monuments were the henges, the most important of which was Stonehenge in Wiltshire. 更为引人注目的是那些圆形石结构,其中最重要 的是在维尔特郡发现的巨石阵。
In 597, pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity. Augustine was remarkably successfully in converting the king and the nobility. 597年,教皇格里高利派遣圣奥古斯廷去英格兰, 使异教徒的英国人皈依基督教。在使国王和贵族 皈依基督教方面,圣奥古斯廷特别成功。






1. Ancient Civilization (古代文明)- Mesopotamia (美索不达米亚): An ancient civilization located in the Tigris-Euphrates river system, known for its invention of writing, development of urban society, and establishment of the world's earliest known legal code, the Code of Hammurabi.- Ancient Egypt (古埃及): A civilization along the Nile River known for its pyramids, pharaohs, and hieroglyphics. It developed a complex religious and funerary system and made significant contributions to mathematics, architecture, and medicine.2. Classical Antiquity (古典古代)- Ancient Greece (古希腊): The birthplace of democracy, known for its philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. It made significant contributions to literature, theater, and science. Famous city-states include Athens and Sparta.- Ancient Rome (古罗马): A civilization that expanded from a small village to a vast empire, known for its legal system, engineering marvels like the Colosseum and aqueducts, and influence on European culture.3. Middle Ages (中世纪)- Feudalism (封建制度): A social and economic system based on the exchange of land for military service and loyalty. It characterized much of Europe during the Middle Ages.- Crusades (十字军东征): Series of military expeditions by Christians from Western Europe to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control. They lasted from the 11th to the 13th century.4. Renaissance (文艺复兴)- Humanism (人文主义): An intellectual movement that emphasized the study of classical texts, the importance of human potential, and the pursuit of knowledge, art, and science.- Leonardo da Vinci (列奥纳多·达·芬奇): An Italian polymath known for his contributions in the fields of art, science, mathematics, and engineering. Best known for his paintings Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.5. Age of Exploration (探险时代)- Christopher Columbus (克里斯托弗·哥伦布): An Italian explorer who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, opening the way for widespread European exploration and the eventual colonization of the Americas.- Ferdinand Magellan (费尔南多·麦哲伦): A Portuguese explorer who led the first circumnavigation of the globe. His expedition proved that the Earth was round.6. Industrial Revolution (工业革命)- Steam engine (蒸汽机): Invented by James Watt, the steam engine was a key invention that revolutionized transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture during the Industrial Revolution.- Factory system (工厂体系): A method of manufacturing that brought workers and machinery together in one place, leading to increased efficiency and mass production.7. World Wars (世界大战)- Treaty of Versailles (凡尔赛条约): The peace treaty signed in 1919, officially marking the end of World War I. It placed full blame on Germany and imposed heavy reparations, leading to future political and economic tensions.- D-Day (诺曼底登陆): The Allied invasion of Normandy, France on June 6, 1944, during World War II. It marked a major turning point in the war and led to the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.通过了解并熟练掌握这些历史英语词汇,我们可以更深入地了解历史的各个时期和相关的事件与人物。

十字军东征简介 优质课件

十字军东征简介 优质课件
Women and children were bayoneted and
Wow, aren’t we Christians civilized?
The third Crusade is famous—Richard the Lionhearted and Frederick Barbarossa vs.
techniques • Primitive gunpowder.
This helped the Commercial Revolution that began the Renaissance.
crusades in the Holy Land.
There was improved technology in the fields of Mathematics, medicine,
and architecture.
The stunning discovery, that members of another faith (the Muslims) could be
He told the people to stop fighting amongst themselves, and instead go take Jerusalem back from the Infidels.
For those of you lost in a new-age, Tolkein, Goth, Druid, Freshman dream world, you can still buy Crusader gear
The Crusades
Long Term Causes
• Growth of Italian Trade • Advance the Church by providing a



英美文化English History中世纪(the Middle Ages)1、1066年,Normans(隶属于France)侵略英国,领导者是征服王威廉(William the Conqueror)2、1066年之后,来自于整个欧洲的很多军队(称为“十字军”the Crusades)发起很多次战争来争夺the ‘Holy Land’圣地。

其中最有名的是狮心王理查德(Richard Lion-heart,Norman king).3、King John,狮心王的弟弟,制定Magna Carta(英国大宪章)以制衡barons(贵族){贵族权利很大,和当时的教会差不多,君权收到很大的抑制}4、中世纪时期,英国和法国之间摩擦非常多,虽然英国在两次重要战役中取胜,差点彻底击败法国,但最后法国还是凭借着火枪的发明把英国人逐出了法国土地。

不过,英语还是取代了法语成为了官方语言(当然了,只是在英国社会)——百年战争,法国取胜The Sixteenth Century(Renaisense文艺复兴&Adventure on the sea航海大发现)1、Columbus哥伦布&Vasco da Gama达伽马的航海大发现,开始了欧洲对美洲的殖民扩张(the imperialist expansion)2、Henry四世的大女儿,Mary支持Catholics(天主教)而杀死成千上万的Protestants(新教徒),因而被后人称为Bloody Mary。

3、The Elizabethan age(伊丽莎白一世的时代),共有两样事,一个就是文艺复兴,一个就是航海大发现。



The Seventeenth Century(English Bourgeois Revolution资产阶级革命)1、资产阶级革命的原因:①The feudal autocracy of the Stuart Dynasty was an obstacle to the development of British capitalism.斯图亚特王朝的封建专制阻碍了英国资本主义的发展。














【2】5 Robin Hood 罗宾汉

【2】5 Robin Hood 罗宾汉

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世界古代中世纪史 英语

世界古代中世纪史 英语

世界古代中世纪史英语The ancient and medieval history of the world is a vast and complex topic that spans thousands of years and encompasses a wide range of civilizations and cultures. From the ancient empires of Mesopotamia and Egypt to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of the Byzantine Empire, the medieval period saw the development of powerful kingdoms and the spread of influential religious and political ideologies.One of the most significant developments of the ancient and medieval world was the emergence of the great Mesopotamian civilizations, including the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian empires. These civilizations, located in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, were among the earliest known human settlements and were responsible for many important technological and cultural advancements. The Sumerians, for example, are credited with the invention of writing, the wheel, and the development of the first known system of mathematics and astronomy.The ancient Egyptians, too, were a highly advanced civilization that left an indelible mark on the ancient world. The Egyptians wereknown for their impressive architectural achievements, such as the pyramids and the Great Sphinx, as well as their sophisticated system of hieroglyphic writing and their advancements in the fields of medicine and engineering. The Egyptian civilization was also deeply influenced by religious beliefs and the worship of numerous gods and goddesses.The rise of the ancient Greek civilization was another significant development in the ancient world. The Greeks were known for their contributions to philosophy, science, and the arts, and their political and cultural influence extended far beyond the boundaries of the Greek peninsula. The Greek city-states, such as Athens and Sparta, were renowned for their military prowess and their democratic and oligarchic forms of government.The Roman Empire, which emerged in the 8th century BCE, was one of the most powerful and influential civilizations of the ancient world. The Romans were known for their impressive military conquests, their sophisticated system of law and governance, and their extensive network of roads and aqueducts. The Roman Empire also played a significant role in the spread of Christianity, which would go on to become one of the dominant religions of the medieval period.The medieval period, which spanned from the 5th to the 15th century CE, was a time of great political, social, and cultural change.The collapse of the Roman Empire in the West led to the emergence of numerous smaller kingdoms and empires, including the Byzantine Empire in the East and the various kingdoms of Europe. The medieval period was also marked by the rise of the Catholic Church and the spread of Christianity throughout Europe and beyond.One of the most significant developments of the medieval period was the feudal system, which was a hierarchical system of social and political organization that dominated much of Europe during this time. Under the feudal system, the land was divided into manors, each of which was controlled by a lord who held power over the peasants and serfs who lived and worked on the land.The medieval period also saw the rise of powerful Islamic empires, such as the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, which exerted significant political and cultural influence in the Middle East and North Africa. The Islamic world was also a center of learning and scientific advancement, with scholars making important contributions to fields such as mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.The late medieval period was also marked by the Crusades, a series of military campaigns launched by European Christians against the Muslim-controlled Holy Land. The Crusades had a significant impact on the political and cultural landscape of the medieval world, leadingto increased contact and exchange between the Christian and Islamic worlds.Overall, the ancient and medieval history of the world is a rich and complex tapestry of civilizations, cultures, and political and religious movements that have shaped the course of human history. From the ancient empires of Mesopotamia and Egypt to the powerful kingdoms and empires of the medieval period, this history continues to fascinate and inspire scholars and students alike.。



1. The T rojan war1) Ten-year war around 1,200 B.C.2) Between Greece and Troy3) According to legend, a Trojan prince kidnapped Helen, the beautiful wife of a Greek king.Greeks hid soldiers in a hollow wooden horse4) Troy destroyed5) Referred to by Homer in the Iliad2. Athenian Democracy1) Democracy: “exercise of power by the whole people”;2) Here “the whole people” meant the adult male citizens (male, 18 years old, born of citizenparents - women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded).3) Slave labor helped produce professional thinkers.3. Oedipus Complex1) Oedipus Complex is a Freudian term originating from a Greek tragedy, in which KingOedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother.2) According to Freud’s psychosexual development theory, children are born with powerfulsexual urges. From 3 to 5, they become especially aware of the differences between themselves and members the opposite sex. In this period, a child becomes a rival for the affections of the parent of the opposite sex. The boy wants to win his mother for himself, so the tends to be hostile to his father. The girl does exactly the opposite.3) However, neither the parent nor their children are aware of this. It is an unconscious process. 4.Pax Romana(罗马和平)1)In the year 27 B.C. Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the tile of Augustus.2) Two centuries later, the Roman empire reached its greatest extent in the North and East.3) The emperors mainly relied on a strong army-the famous Roman Legions and an influentialbureaucracy to exert their rules.4) Thus the Roman enjoyed a long period of peace lasting 200 years. This remarkablephenomenon in the history is know as Pax Romana.5. The Fall of the Roman Empire1)In 330, Constantine moved capital from Rome to Greek city of Byzantium, renamed itConstantinople (modern Istanbul), center of power in empire shifted from Rome to east.After 395, empire became permanently split.2)In 476, last empiror of the West Empire, a 14-year-old boy Romulus Augustulus, deposedby the Goths. Power in the western half of empire disappeared.3)East Roman Byzantine Empire collapsed when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turksin 1453.6. The T en CommandmentsTen orders given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. These commandments and the other teachings that Moses delivered to his people became the basis for the civil and religious laws of Judaism.1.No other gods;2.No idols;3.No disrespect;4.Keep Sabbath;5.Honor parents;6.No murder;7.No adultery;8.No stealing;9.No lies;10.No jealousy.7.the Middle ages(中世纪)1) In European history, the thousand-year period from the 5th century to 15th century followingthe fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages.2)The middle ages is so called because it came between ancient times and modern times.3) During the Medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The onlyorganization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church.4) Christianity took the lead in politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds of years. It shapedpeople’s lives. That is why the Middle Ages is also called the “Age of Faith”.8. Code of Chivalry (骑士制度)1) In the Middle Ages of western Europe, as a knight, he were pledged to protect the weak, tofight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and to respect women of noble birth.2) These rules were known as code of chivalry, from which the western idea of good mannersdeveloped.9.The Crusades(十字军东征)1) In 1071 Palestine fell to the armies of the Turkish Moslems who attacked the Christianpilgrims, killing many of them and sold many others as slaves.2) News of this kink roused great indignation among Christians in western Europe.3) The result was a series of holy wars called the Crusades which went on about 200 years.4) All the soldiers going to Palestine wore a red cross on the tunics as a symbol of obedience toGod.5) There were altogether eight chief Crusades from 1096 to 1291.6) Aothough the Crusades did not achieve their goal to regain the Holy land, they had animportant effect on the future of both the East and the West. They brought the East into closer contact with the West. And they greatly influenced the history of Europe. 10.Renaissance(文艺复兴)1)As a period in western civilization, generally speaking, Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th century.2) Renaissance started in Florence and V enice with the flowering of paintings, sculpture andarchitecture.3) The word “Renaissance” means revival, specifically in this period of history, revival ofinterest in ancient Greek and Roman culture.4) Renaissance, in essence, was a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers andscholars made attempts to get rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, to lift the restrictions in all areas placed by the Roman church authorities.5). During the period of Renaissance, old sciences revived and new sciences emerge, nationallanguages and national cultures free from the absolute control of the Papal authority in Rome took shape and art and literature flourished as never before.11.Humanism (人文主义)1)Humanism is the essence of Renaissance.2) Humanists in Renaissance believed that human beings had rights to pursue wealth and pleasure and they admired the beauty of human body.3) This belief ran counter to the medieval ascetical idea of poverty and stoics,, and shifted man’s interest from Christianity to humanity, from religion to philosophy, fro heaven to earth, from the beauty of God to the beauty of human in all its joys, senses and feelings.4) Theologically, the humanists were religious. But they began to look at the problems of God and Providence with a view to understanding man’s work and man’s earthly happiness.5) The philosophy of humanism is reflected in the art and literature in Italy and the rest of Europe, to pass down as the beginning of the history of modern man, who, instead of brooding about death and the other world, lives and works for the present and future progress of mankind. 12.Reformation(宗教改革)1)The Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as a socio-political movement.2)It was led by Martin Luther and wept over the whole Europe.3) This movement was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Churchand replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible.4) The Reformists believed in direct communication between the individual and God, engagedthemselves in translating the Bible into their mother tongues, urged the Church to have institutional reforms and were interested in liberation national economy and politics from the interference of the Roman Catholic Church and carrying out wars in the interests of peasants and revolution of the bourgeoisie.5) The Reformation dealt the feudal theocracy a fatal blow and shattered Medieval Church’sstifling control over man, thus paving the way for capitalism.15. Social Darwinism1) Darwin’s demonstration of evolution by natural selection made a great impression on English philosopher Spencer with unfortunate results.2) For the term” natural selection” Spencer substituted the “survival fo the fittest”.3) Spencer’s term, however, became a slogan for those who sought to apply to society theprinciple by which Darwin had shown that biological evolution had occurred.4) The result was so-called social Darwinism. This theory advocated free play for all processes involved in the struggle for existence.。



The Eighth Crusade
Also led by King Louis IX of France
The King died of a fever. No land was won. Another failure
By 1291, the last piece of Christian land in the Holy Land was lost to the Muslims.
教皇乌尔班二世 (1088-1099在位)calls the first Crusade.
公元1095年11月,罗马教 皇乌尔班二世在法国克勒芒宗 教大会上说︰ “在东方,穆斯林占领了我们 基督教教徒的‘圣城’(耶路撒 冷),现在我代表上帝向你们下 令、恳求和号召你们,迅速行 动起来,把那邪恶的种族从我 们兄弟的土地上消灭干净!” 教皇还蛊惑人们︰“耶路 撒冷是世界的中心,它的物产 丰富无比,就像另一座天堂。 在上帝的引导下,勇敢地踏上 征途吧!”
Saladin, leader of the Muslims began retaking land won in the first Crusade.
Saladin’s Empire
Crusade of the Three Kings
红胡子巴巴罗萨, 即神圣罗马帝国施 陶芬皇朝的弗里德 里希一世皇帝
但是当时封建贵族毫无 文化又野蛮,军纪荡然无存, 沿途劫掠,进入小亚细亚苦 战数个月,占领了叙利亚首 都安条克城市,然而土耳其 随即增援二十万大军并进行 包围,城内存粮已尽且拜占 庭援军因误听十字军已败讯 息而折返,但之后发生圣矛 事件激起十字军的宗教狂热, 经过了两年的苦撑被围困的 安条克得以解围。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:四年级下册第二单元我的奇思妙想时光机英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Imaginative Time MachineHave you ever wished you could travel through time? Just think of all the amazing adventures you could have! You could go back millions of years to when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.Or you could visit the future and see what incredible technologies people will invent. Well, my mind is a time machine that lets me travel wherever and whenever I want through my imagination!If I could build a real time machine, I would first go back to ancient Egypt. I've always been fascinated by the pyramids and the powerful pharaohs who ruled that civilization. Can you imagine watching the pyramids being constructed by thousands of workers hauling massive stone blocks? I would love to see the mystical rituals the Egyptians performed to honor their gods. And maybe I could even convince them to bury me with all sorts of treasures when I die so future archaeologists can study my mummified body!From Egypt, I would travel forward a few thousand years to ancient Greece during its golden age. Athens must have been an incredible place, with talented philosophers discussing deep ideas and amazing sculptors creating exquisite marble statues of gods and heroes. I would try to meet Socrates and ask him to teach me about virtue and justice. Or perhaps I could be Aristotle's apprentice and learn all about science and logic. At the Olympic games, I could cheer on the expert athletes as they competed in events like wrestling, boxing, and chariot racing.After visiting ancient Greece, my time machine would take me to medieval England, with its looming castles, gallant knights, and epic quests. I would squire for a young knight, learning to care for horses, armor, and weapons. Then when he was old enough, I could accompany him as he was dubbed a knight in a magnificent ceremony. We could set off on crusades to the Holy Land, joining brave Crusaders as they clashed with Saracen warriors. Or we could stay in England and chivalrously compete in jousting tournaments with ladies watching from the royal box. At night we could feast on roast boar in the candlelit banquet hall as minstrels sang tales of Roland and King Arthur.The European Renaissance is another era I would love to experience. I could walk down the streets of Florence, Italy and see incredible artworks like Michelangelo's David statue or his breathtaking paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Maybe I could be an apprentice in the studio of the great Leonardo Da Vinci himself and watch him paint his famous Mona Lisa portrait. I'm also fascinated by the new scientific ideas that were being developed during this period, like the model of our solar system proposed by Galileo. I would stay up late into the night charting the movements of the planets and stars through my telescope.For one of my futuristic voyages, I would love to visit humans' first colony on Mars a few hundred years from now. Imagine stepping out of the transportation module and bouncing around in the low Martian gravity! I could explore the ruddy surface in a rover vehicle and try to spot any traces of past microbial life. Living underground in the colony modules would take some getting used to, but I bet the view of the two tiny moons through the dome windows would be incredible. I could spend my days assisting the scientists as they studied the environment and searched for ways to make Mars moreEarth-like through terra-forming. At night, I would go outside and gaze up at the vast, rust-colored sky to look for shooting stars.For a non-planetary trip to the future, I might go a thousand years ahead to whatever great civilization arises after our current one. Maybe by then humans have achieved a perfect, utopian society with highly advanced technology, end of aging and disease, and peaceful cooperation among all peoples of the world. I would be astonished by the flying vehicles, towering mega-cities, artificially intelligent robot servants, and perhaps even teleportation devices if they've figured that out. But even if their technology turns out to be fairly similar to today, it would still be endlessly fascinating to experience that culture and seehow language, customs, arts, and society have evolved over a millennium.While a working time machine seems implausible based on our current scientific understanding, my imagination allows me to travel through history and into the future whenever I want. I'll keep dreaming of these incredible journeys until some future genius kids my age grow up to make time travel a reality. Then sign me up to be one of the first time-traveling pioneers! The places I could explore and the sights I could witness would be more wondrous than anything I can imagine.篇2My Whimsical Imagination: The Time MachineImagine being able to travel through time and space, visiting any era or location you desire! That's the power of my extraordinary "Time Machine" - an invention that exists solely in the realm of my vivid imagination. Join me on this fantastic journey as I share the wondrous possibilities that my mind has conjured.If I could step into my Time Machine, the first destination I would choose is the prehistoric era. I've always been fascinated by dinosaurs and their incredible reign on Earth millions of yearsago. Can you picture me standing among towering Brachiosaurus, their long necks stretching towards the lush canopy above? Or perhaps I'd encounter a fierce T-Rex, its massive jaws agape, ready to let out a deafening roar. Of course, I'd be safely observing from within my Time Machine, marveling at these magnificent creatures before they became extinct.After exploring the prehistoric world, I could set the coordinates for ancient Egypt, an era shrouded in mystery and grandeur. Imagine witnessing the construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza, those awe-inspiring monuments that have stood the test of time. I'd love to meet the pharaohs and their royal court, learning about their rich culture and traditions firsthand. Who knows, maybe I could even decipher the secrets of hieroglyphic writing and unravel the enigma of the Sphinx!From the sands of Egypt, my Time Machine could whisk me away to the vibrant Renaissance period in Europe. I'd revel in the artistic brilliance of masters like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. Imagine walking through the streets of Florence or Venice, surrounded by the breathtaking architecture and creative energy that gave birth to some of the world's most iconic masterpieces. Perhaps I could even attend one of da Vinci'slectures or observe Michelangelo at work on the Sistine Chapel ceiling.Of course, no journey through time would be complete without a visit to the future. What wonders await us in the centuries to come? I dream of advanced technologies that could revolutionize our lives, from hover cars and teleportation devices to colonies on distant planets. Imagine stepping out of my Time Machine onto the surface of Mars or even a faraway galaxy, encountering alien civilizations and exploring new frontiers of knowledge.While these fantastical adventures may seem like mere flights of fancy, they represent the limitless potential of human imagination. Through my Time Machine, I can transcend the boundaries of reality and embark on incredible journeys that spark curiosity, ignite wonder, and inspire us to dream bigger.Yet, my imagination doesn't stop at time travel; it extends to the exploration of parallel universes and alternate realities. What if dinosaurs had never gone extinct, and we lived alongside these magnificent creatures? Or what if humans had developed the ability to breathe underwater, creating vast underwater cities and civilizations? The possibilities are endless when you let your mind wander freely.In one alternate universe, perhaps animals and humans have swapped roles, and we find ourselves being cared for by gentle, intelligent creatures. Imagine a world where dogs are our teachers, guiding us through the complexities of life with their unwavering loyalty and patience. Or perhaps cats have taken on the role of rulers, governing with their regal grace and occasional mischievousness.Another intriguing scenario could be a world where gravity is optional, and we can soar through the skies like birds, defying the laws of physics as we know them. Imagine the thrill of leaping into the air and gliding effortlessly above cities and landscapes, free from the constraints of earthly limitations.As you can see, my whimsical imagination knows no bounds. It's a realm where the extraordinary becomes ordinary, and anything is possible. Through my Time Machine and the exploration of parallel universes, I can embark on adventures that challenge our perceptions of reality and push the boundaries of what we thought was conceivable.So, the next time you find yourself lost in thought, let your imagination run wild. Dream up fantastical scenarios, invent incredible machines, or conjure alternate realities that defy logic. Embrace the power of your mind to transport you to realmsbeyond our physical limitations, and you might just discover something truly extraordinary.Remember, the greatest adventures often begin in the depths of our imagination, and who knows, perhaps one day, my Time Machine will become a reality, opening up a universe of possibilities we've only dared to dream about.篇3My Wonderful Imagination: The Time MachineDo you ever wish you could travel through time? Just imagine being able to visit any period in history or get a glimpse of the future! That's the power of having a time machine. While real time travel may still be fiction, I've created my very own incredible time machine using my imagination. Come along as I take you on a fantastical journey through the ages!Let's start our adventure by firing up the engines of my imaginary time machine. It's a sleek silvery vessel with glowing blue lights and big windows to watch the fabric of time unfold before our eyes. I've installed the most advanced chrononautics technology with turbo boosters to propel us through the space-time continuum at mind-boggling speeds.Our first stop – Ancient Egypt! I punch in the coordinates and we zip through a kaleidoscope of swirling colors until the time machine rematerializes along the banks of the Nile River around 2500 BC. The hot desert sun beats down as we step out into a world of golden sands and looming pyramids.Fanning ourselves with palm leaves, we join a crowd of laborers hauling giant stone blocks using primitive ramps and levers. The sheer manpower behind these colossal monuments is staggering. After watching in awe, we snap some pictures with pharaohs and sphinx statues for a totally awesome ancient Egyptian selfie!Next, we blast forward over 2000 years to Medieval Europe around 1200 AD. Our time machine touches down in a grassy field where an epic jousting tournament is underway. Gallant knights in shining armor charge across the field on powerful steeds, lances poised for glorious battle. One rider gets unhorsed with a resounding crash as the crowd cheers wildly.Suddenly, warning lights start flashing on the time machine console – it's overheating from our rapid chronological jumps! We urgently need to find a cooler era to give the temporal engines a break. I know just the time period - let's head to the last ice age around 20,000 BC!Within seconds, we're transported to a vast frozen tundra blanketed in snow and ice as far as the eye can see. Woolly mammoths and sabretooth tigers roam the alien landscape, their shaggy fur protects them from the bitter cold. We shiver in our parkas while admiring the beauty of this prehistoric realm before quickly retreating to the warmth of the time machine. That was an invigorating polar vortex!The engines have cooled down sufficiently, so I set new coordinates to bring us to the height of the Italian Renaissance around 1500 AD. We find ourselves in romantic Venice surrounded by magnificent marble palaces and picturesque canals. Lively street performers, traders and artisans bustle about charming piazzas while graceful gondolas glide along the waterways.Inside an artist's studio, we're amazed to catch a glimpse of the true master himself – Michelangelo Buonarroti! The gruff but brilliant sculptor wields hammer and chisel while deftly carving a heavenly figure from a solid block of pure white marble. We gaze in wonderment at Michelangelo's works of divine beauty like the Pietà and his frescoes adorning the Sistine Chapel. What a privilege to witness the Italian Renaissance with our own eyes!As enthralling as Renaissance Italy was, I'm itching to glimpse the future for our next chronological hop. Let's accelerate forward about 500 years to the 21st century around the year 2050! Emerging from the time vortex, we find ourselves in an advanced metropolis of gleaming metal and crystalline spires.Flying vehicles serenely navigate between skyscraper bridges high above the neon-lit avenues down below. Holographic billboards flicker with bizarre advertisements all around us. A group of pedestrians give us strange looks – I realize our ancient-style clothing must seem quite outdated to these ultra-modern citizens of the future!We duck inside a nearby cyber-lounge filled with virtual reality arcades and food replicators producing tasty snacks and drinks on demand with a cheerful computer voice. Absolutely mind-blowing! I could spend hours here playing incredible immersive videogames on a reality rig. But our time jump power reserves are running low, so we'd better head for home.Strapping ourselves in tightly, I initiate the return sequence punching in today's date on the chronometer. With a blinding cosmic vortex swirling around us, our little time machine rocketsback to the present – our own peaceful neighborhood in the 21st century. What an amazing journey we've had!From building pyramids to battling knights to roaming with prehistoric beasts, we've walked across centuries of human history. We gazed upon timeless masterpieces of art and caught a tantalizing preview of wonders still to come. All it took was tapping into our imagination and letting our minds soar.The time machine shudders to a halt with one final burst of exhaust. As the door swings open, I can see happy smiling parents, friends and neighbors gathered to greet our return. We were gone just a few hours but experienced a lifetime of unforgettable memories. Careening through the ages was one wild thrill ride! Thank you so much for joining me on this amazing escapade through time and space. Now, who's ready to go again?。

耶路撒冷与十字军 英文版

耶路撒冷与十字军 英文版

The Crusades were expeditions undertaken, in fulfilment of a solemn vow, to deliver the Holy Places from Mohammedan tyranny.The origin of the word may be traced to the cross made of cloth and worn as a badge on the outer garment of those who took part in these enterprises. Medieval writers use the terms crux (pro cruce transmarina, Charter of 1284, cited by Du Cange s.v. crux), croisement (Joinville), croiserie (Monstrelet), etc. Since the Middle Ages the meaning of the word crusade has been extended to include all wars undertaken in pursuance of a vow, and directed against infidels, i.e. against Mohammedans, pagans, heretics, or those under the ban of excommunication. The wars waged by the Spaniards against the Moors constituted a continual crusade from the eleventh to the sixteenth century; in the north of Europe crusades were organized against the Prussians and Lithuanians; the extermination of the Albigensian heresy was due to a crusade, and, in the thirteenth century the popes preached crusades against John Lackland and Frederick II. But modern literature has abused the word by applying it to all wars of a religious character, as, for instance, the expedition of Heraclius against the Persians in the seventh century and the conquest of Saxony by Charlemagne.The idea of the crusade corresponds to a political conception which was realized in Christendom only from the eleventh to the fifteenth century; this supposes a union of all peoples and sovereigns under the direction of the popes. All crusades were announced by preaching. After pronouncing a solemn vow, each warrior received a cross from the hands of the pope or his legates, and was thenceforth considered a soldier of the Church. Crusaders were also granted indulgences and temporal privileges, such as exemption from civil jurisdiction, inviolability of persons or lands, etc. Of all these wars undertaken in the name of Christendom, the most important were the Eastern Crusades, which are the only ones treated in this article.The origin of the Crusades is directly traceable to the moral and political condition of Western Christendom in the eleventh century. At that time Europe was divided into numerous states whose sovereigns were absorbed in tedious and petty territorial disputes while the emperor, in theory the temporal head of Christendom, was wasting his strength in the quarrel over Investitures. The popes alone had maintained a just estimate of Christian unity; they realized to what extent the interests of Europe were threatened by the Byzantine Empire and the Mohammedan tribes, and they alone had a foreign policy whose traditions were formed under Leo IX and Gregory VII. The reform effected in the Church and the papacy through the influence of the monks of Cluny had increased the prestige of the Roman pontiff in the eyes of all Christian nations; hence none but the pope could inaugurate the international movement that culminated in the Crusades. But despite his eminent authority the pope could never have persuaded the Western peoples to arm themselves for the conquest of the Holy Land had not the immemorial relations between Syria and the West favoured his design. Europeans listened to the voice of Urban II because their own inclination and historic traditions impelled them towards the Holy Sepulchre.From the end of the fifth century there had been no break in their intercourse with the Orient. In the early Christian period colonies of Syrians had introduced the religious ideas, art, and culture of the East into the large cities of Gaul and Italy. The Western Christians in turn journeyed in large numbers to Syria, Palestine, and Egypt, either to visit the Holy Places or to follow the ascetic life among the monks of the Thebaid or Sinai. There is still extant the itinerary of a pilgrimage fromBordeaux to Jerusalem, dated 333; in 385 St. Jerome and St. Paula founded the first Latin monasteries at Bethlehem. Even the Barbarian invasion did not seem to dampen the ardour for pilgrimages to the East. The Itinerary of St. Silvia (Etheria) shows the organization of these expeditions, which were directed by clerics and escorted by armed troops. In the year 600, St. Gregory the Great had a hospice erected in Jerusalem for the accommodation of pilgrims, sent alms to the monks of Mount Sinai ("Vita Gregorii" in "Acta SS.", March 11, 132), and, although the deplorable condition of Eastern Christendom after the Arab invasion rendered this intercourse more difficult, it did not by any means cease.As early as the eighth century Anglo-Saxons underwent the greatest hardships to visit Jerusalem. The journey of St. Willibald, Bishop of Eichstädt, took seven years (722-29) and furnishes an idea of the varied and severe trials to which pilgrims were subject (Itiner. Latina, 1, 241-283). After their conquest of the West, the Carolingians endeavoured to improve the condition of the Latins settled in the East; in 762 Pepin the Short entered into negotiations with the Caliph of Bagdad. In Rome, on 30 November, 800, the very day on which Leo III invoked the arbitration of Charlemagne, ambassadors from Haroun al-Raschid delivered to the King of the Franks the keys of the Holy Sepulchre, the banner of Jersualem, and some precious relics (Einhard, "Annales", ad an. 800, in "Mon. Germ. Hist.: Script.", I, 187); this was an acknowledgment of the Frankish protectorate over the Christians of Jerusalem. That churches and monasteries were built at Charlemagne's expense is attested by a sort of a census of the monasteries of Jerusalem dated 808 ("Commemoratio de Casis Dei" in "Itiner. Hieros.", I, 209). In 870, at the time of the pilgrimage of Bernard the Monk (Itiner. Hierosol., I, 314), these institutions were still very prosperous, and it has been abundantly proved that alms were sent regularly from the West to the Holy Land. In the tenth century, just when the political and social order of Europe was most troubled, knights, bishops, and abbots, actuated by devotion and a taste for adventure, were wont to visit Jerusalem and pray at the Holy Sepulchre without being molested by the Mohammedans. Suddenly, in 1009, Hakem, the Fatimite Caliph of Egypt, in a fit of madness ordered the destruction of the Holy Sepulchre and all the Christian establishments in Jerusalem. For years thereafter Christians were cruelly persecuted. (See the recital of an eyewitness, Iahja of Antioch, in Schlumberger's "Epopée byzantine", II, 442.) In 1027 the Frankish protectorate was overthrown and replaced by that of the Byzantine emperors, to whose diplomacy was due the reconstruction of the Holy Sepulchre. The Christian quarter was even surrounded by a wall, and some Amalfi merchants, vassals of the Greek emperors, built hospices in Jerusalem for pilgrims, e.g. the Hospital of St. John, cradle of the Order of Hospitallers.Instead of diminishing, the enthusiasm of Western Christians for the pilgrimage to Jerusalem seemed rather to increase during the eleventh century. Not only princes, bishops, and knights, but even men and women of the humbler classes undertook the holy journey (Radulphus Glaber, IV, vi). Whole armies of pilgrims traversed Europe, and in the valley of the Danube hospices were established where they could replenish their provisions. In 1026 Richard, Abbot of Saint-Vannes, led 700 pilgrims into Palestine at the expense of Richard II, Duke of Normandy. In 1065 over 12,000 Germans who had crossed Europe under the command of Günther, Bishop of Bamberg, while on their way through Palestine had to seek shelter in a ruined fortress, where they defended themselves against a troop of Bedouins (Lambert of Hersfeld, in "Mon. Germ. Hist.: Script.", V,168). Thus it is evident that at the close of the eleventh century the route to Palestine was familiar enough to Western Christians who looked upon the Holy Sepulchre as the most venerable of relics and were ready to brave any peril in order to visit it. The memory of Charlemagne's protectorate still lived, and a trace of it is to be found in the medieval legend of this emperor's journey to Palestine (Gaston Paris in "Romania", 1880, p. 23).The rise of the Seljukian Turks, however, compromised the safety of pilgrims and even threatened the independence of the Byzantine Empire and of all Christendom. In 1070 Jerusalem was taken, and in 1071 Diogenes, the Greek emperor, was defeated and made captive at Mantzikert. Asia Minor and all of Syria became the prey of the Turks. Antioch succumbed in 1084, and by 1092 not one of the great metropolitan sees of Asia remained in the possession of the Christians. Although separated from the communion of Rome since the schism of Michael Cærularius (1054), the emperors of Constantinople implored the assistance of the popes; in 1073 letters were exchanged on the subject between Michael VII and Gregory VII. The pope seriously contemplated leading a force of 50,000 men to the East in order to re-establish Christian unity, repulse the Turks, and rescue the Holy Sepulchre. But the idea of the crusade constituted only a part of this magnificent plan. (The letters of Gregory VII are in P.L., CXLVIII, 300, 325, 329, 386; cf. Riant's critical discussion in Archives de l'Orient Latin, I, 56.) The conflict over the Investitures in 1076 compelled the pope to abandon his projects; the Emperors Nicephorus Botaniates and Alexius Comnenus were unfavourable to a religious union with Rome; finally war broke out between the Byzantine Empire and the Normans of the Two Sicilies.It was Pope Urban II who took up the plans of Gregory VII and gave them more definite shape. A letter from Alexius Comnenus to Robert, Count of Flanders, recorded by the chroniclers, Guibert de Nogent ("Historiens Occidentaux des Croisades", ed. by the Académie des Inscriptions, IV, 131) and Hugues de Fleury (in "Mon. Germ. Hist.: Script.", IX, 392), seems to imply that the crusade was instigated by the Byzantine emperor, but this has been proved false (Chalandon, Essai sur le règne d'Alexis Comnène, appendix), Alexius having merely sought to enroll five hundred Flemish knights in the imperial army (Anna Comnena, Alexiad., VII, iv). The honour of initiating the crusade has also been attributed to Peter the Hermit, a recluse of Picardy, who, after a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and a vision in the church of the Holy Sepulchre, went to Urban II and was commissioned by him to preach the crusade. However, though eyewitnesses of the crusade mention his preaching, they do not ascribe to him the all-important rôle assigned him later by various chroniclers, e.g. Albert of Aix and especially William of Tyre. (See Hagenmeyer, Peter der Eremite Leipzig, 1879.) The idea of the crusade is chiefly attributed to Pope Urban II (1095), and the motives that actuated him are clearly set forth by his contemporaries: "On beholding the enormous injury that all, clergy or people, brought upon the Christian Faith . . . at the news that the Rumanian provinces had been taken from the Christians by the Turks, moved with compassion and impelled by the love of God, he crossed the mountains and descended into Gaul" (Foucher de Chartres, I, in "Histoire des Crois.", III, 321). Of course it is possible that in order to swell his forces, Alexius Comnenus solicited assistance in the West; however, it was not he but the pope who agitated the great movement which filled the Greeks with anxiety and terror.In Europe, however, the preaching of the crusade met with great opposition. Temporal princeswere strongly averse to losing jurisdiction over their subjects who took part in the crusades. Absorbed in political schemes, they were unwilling to send so far away the military forces on which they depended. As early as December, 1216, Frederick II was granted a first delay in the fulfilment of his vow. The crusade as preached in the thirteenth century was no longer the great enthusiastic movement of 1095, but rather a series of irregular and desultory enterprises. Andrew II, King of Hungary, and Casimir, Duke of Pomerania, set sail from Venice and Spalato, while an army of Scandinavians made a tour of Europe. The crusaders landed at Saint-Jean d'Acre in 1217, but confined themselves to incursions on Mussulman territory, whereupon Andrew of Hungary returned to Europe. Receiving reinforcements in the spring of 1218, John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem, resolved to make an attack on the Holy Land by way of Egypt. The crusaders accordingly landed at Damietta in May, 1218, and, after a siege marked by many deeds of heroism, took the city by storm, 5 November, 1219. Instead of profiting by this victory, they spent over a year in idle quarrels, and it was not until May 1221, that they set out for Cairo. Surrounded by the Saracens at Mansurah, 24 July, the Christian army was routed. John of Brienne was compelled to purchase a retreat by the surrender of Damietta to the Saracens. Meanwhile Emperor Frederick II, who was to be the leader of the crusade, had remained in Europe and continued to importune the pope for new postponements of his departure. On 9 November, 1225, he married Isabelle of Brienne, heiress to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the ceremony taking place at Brindisi. Completely ignoring his father-in-law, he assumed the title of King of Jerusalem. In 1227, however, he had not yet left for Palestine. Gregory IX, elected pope 19 March, 1227, summoned Frederick to fulfil his vow. Finally, 8 September, the emperor embarked but soon turned back; therefore, on 29 September, the pope excommunicated him. Nevertheless, Frederick set sail again 18 June, 1228, but instead of leading a crusade he played a game of diplomacy. He won over Malek-el-Khamil, the Sultan of Egypt, who was at war with the Prince of Damascus, and concluded a treaty with him at Jaffa, February, 1229, according to the terms of which Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Nazareth were restored to the Christians. On 18 March, 1229, without any religious ceremony, Frederick assumed the royal crown of Jerusalem in the church of the Holy Sepulchre. Returning to Europe, he became reconciled to Gregory IX, August, 1230. The pontiff ratified the Treaty of Jaffa, and Frederick sent knights into Syria to take possession of the cities and compel all feudatories to do him homage. A struggle occurred between Richard Filangieri, the emperor's marshal, and the barons of Palestine, whose leader was Jean d'Ibelin, Lord of Beirut. Filangieri vainly attempted to obtain possession of the Island of Cyprus. and, when Conrad, son of Frederick II and Isabelle of Brienne, came of age in 1243, the High Court, described above, named as regent Alix of Champagne, Queen of Cyprus. In this way German power was abolished in Palestine.In the meantime Count Thibaud IV of Champagne had been leading a fruitless crusade in Syria (1239). Similarly the Duke of Burgundy and Richard of Cornwall, brother of the King of England, who had undertaken to recover Ascalon, concluded a truce with Egypt (1241). Europe was now threatened with a most grievous disaster. After conquering Russia, the Mongols under Jenghiz Khan appeared in 1241 on the frontiers of Poland, routed the army of the Duke of Silesia at Liegnitz, annihilated that of Bela, King of Hungary, and reached the Adriatic. Palestine felt the consequences of this invasion. The Mongols had destroyed the Mussulman Empire of Kharizm in Central Asia. Fleeing before their conquerors, 10,000 Kharizmians offered their services to the Sultan of Egypt, meanwhile seizing Jerusalem as they passed by, in September, 1244. The news ofthis catastrophe created a great stir in Europe, and at the Council of Lyons (June-July, 1245) Pope Innocent IV proclaimed a crusade, but the lack of harmony between him and the Emperor Frederick II foredoomed the pontiff to disappointment. Save for Louis IX, King of France, who took the cross in December, 1244, no one showed any willingness to lead an expedition to Palestine. On being informed that the Mongols were well-disposed towards Christianity, Innocent IV sent them Giovanni di Pianocarpini, a Franciscan, and Nicolas Ascelin, a Dominican, as ambassadors. Pianocarpini was in Karakorum 8 April, 1246, the day of the election of the great khan, but nothing came of this first attempt at an alliance with the Mongols against the Mohammedans. However, when St. Louis, who left Paris 12 June, 1248, had reached the Island of Cyprus, he received there a friendly embassy from the great khan and, in return, sent him two Dominicans. Encouraged, perhaps, by this alliance, the King of France decided to attack Egypt. On 7 June, 1249, he took Damietta, but it was only six months later that he marched on Cairo. On 19 December, his advance-guard, commanded by his brother, Robert of Artois, began imprudently to fight in the streets of Mansurah and were destroyed. The king himself was cut off from communication with Damietta and made prisoner 5 April, 1250. At the same time, the Ajoubite dynasty founded by Saladin was overthrown by the Mameluke militia, whose ameers took possession of Egypt. St. Louis negotiated with the latter and was set at liberty on condition of surrendering Damietta and paying a ransom of a million gold bezants. He remained in Palestine until 1254; bargained with the Egyptian ameers for the deliverance of prisoners; improved the equipment of the strongholds of the kingdom, Saint-Jean d'Acre, Cæsarea, Jaffa, and Sidon; and sent Friar William of Rubruquis as ambassador to the great khan. Then, at the news of the death of his mother, Blanche of Castile, who had been acting as regent, he returned to France. Since the crusade against Saint-Jean d'Acre, a new Frankish state, the Kingdom of Cyprus, had been formed in the Mediterranean opposite Syria and became a valuable point of support for the crusades. By lavish distribution of lands and franchises, Guy de Lusignan succeeded in attracting to the island colonists, knights, men-at-arms, and civilians; his successors established a government modelled after that of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The king's power was restricted by that of the High Court, composed of all the knights, vassals, or under-vassals, with its seat at Nicosia. However, the fiefs were less extensive than in Palestine, and the feudatories could inherit only in a direct line. The Island of Cyprus was soon populated with French colonists who succeeded in winning over the Greeks, upon whom they even imposed their language. Churches built in the French style and fortified castles appeared on all sides. The Cathedral of St. Sophia in Nicosia, erected between 1217 and 1251, was almost a copy of a church in Champagne. Finally, commercial activity became a pronounced characteristic of the cities of Cyprus, and Famagusta developed into one of the busiest of Mediterranean ports.。



1.The Spaniards Inn, London如果你是个文学青年或者自诩为涉猎历史的读书人,那么The Spaniards Inn绝对应当是你的一号首选。


傲娇的Spaniards Inn曾经接待过好多牛逼闪闪的寻酒客,随随便便说几个都吓死你。


狄更斯更是夸张的把这个小酒吧写进了《匹克威客外传》,而据说济慈也曾在这里一边喝着小酒一边创作过流传千古的诗篇2.“Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem”-“老耶路撒冷”酒吧(位于诺丁汉Nottingham)这座酒吧可追溯到公元1189年,英格兰以勇猛著称的查理一世时期。


It would be centuries before the first recognisable pubs opened. Religious houses ran the earliest true inns to cater for pilgrims and knights on their way to the Crusades in the Holy Land. Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, whose cellars are carved from the rocks beneath Nottingham Castle, is just such an example. Established in 1189, it claims the title of the oldest pub in England and was a stopover point for forces on their way to meet with Richard the Lionheart.3.The Nutshell这件酒吧仅有一百多点儿平方英尺(15英尺X 七英尺),建于1867年。



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多样的文明国度历史英语作文The Tapestry of Civilizations: Exploring the Diversity of Human History.Throughout the annals of time, human civilization has flourished in a kaleidoscope of forms. From the ancient pyramids of Giza to the sprawling metropolis of Tokyo, each civilization has left an enduring imprint on the fabric of our collective history. The diversity of these civilizations, their unique contributions, and their interconnectedness form a rich tapestry that illuminates the boundless potential of human ingenuity and resilience.Ancient Egypt: Architectural Marvels and Hieroglyphic Wisdom.Along the fertile banks of the Nile River, ancient Egypt emerged as one of the most advanced civilizations of antiquity. Their monumental pyramids, tombs, and temples, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, showcase theirunparalleled architectural prowess. Egyptian society was highly stratified, with the pharaoh at its apex as both a political and religious leader. The development of hieroglyphic writing allowed them to record their history, mythology, and scientific observations, providinginvaluable insights into their worldview.Mesopotamia: Cradle of Civilization and Cuneiform Script.In the fertile plains between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Mesopotamia witnessed the birth of civilization.The Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians left a profound legacy of innovation. They invented the wheel, the plow,and one of the earliest known systems of writing, cuneiform. Their vast empires fostered advancements in astronomy, mathematics, and law, laying the foundation for many future civilizations.Indus Valley Civilization: Lost and Found.Along the banks of the Indus River, the Indus ValleyCivilization flourished from around 2600 to 1900 BCE. With its sophisticated urban planning, advanced sanitation systems, and impressive public baths, this civilization demonstrated a remarkable level of technological andsocietal development. However, the reasons for its decline remain shrouded in mystery, leaving it as an enigmatic and fascinating chapter in human history.Greece: Home of Philosophy and Democracy.In the sun-drenched lands of ancient Greece, the seedsof Western civilization were sown. From the city-states of Athens and Sparta to the teachings of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, Greece became a crucible of intellectual and political thought. The concept of democracy, the pursuit of philosophical inquiry, and the development of drama and literature shaped the fabric of Western society forcenturies to come.Roman Empire: A Vast and Enduring Empire.Born out of a small city-state on the Italian peninsula,the Roman Empire grew to encompass vast territories across Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Its military might, political organization, and legal system established a lasting legacy that influenced numerous civilizations. Roman roads, aqueducts, and amphitheaters remain testament to their engineering prowess and cultural achievements.China: Celestial Empire and Technological Innovation.On the eastern shores of Asia, China's civilization flourished over millennia. Its contributions to human knowledge are vast, including the invention of paper, printing, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass. The teachings of Confucius and Lao Tzu shaped Chinese thought for centuries, emphasizing harmony, filial piety, and the pursuit of virtue. The Great Wall of China, one of the world's most iconic structures, stands as a symbol of China's resilience and ambition.Medieval Europe: Feudalism and the Rise of the Church.After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe entered atumultuous period marked by feudalism and religious fervor. The rise of the Christian Church played a dominant role in society, shaping politics, art, and education. The Middle Ages witnessed the construction of magnificent cathedrals, the emergence of chivalry, and the birth of universities. The Crusades, a series of Christian expeditions to the Holy Land, had a profound impact on European and Middle Eastern relations.Renaissance and Reformation: A Time of Cultural and Religious Upheaval.The Renaissance, beginning in the 14th century, brought a renewed interest in classical learning, art, and humanism. Humanists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and William Shakespeare made significant contributions to art, science, and literature. The Protestant Reformation,sparked by Martin Luther's challenge to the Catholic Church, led to religious wars and political upheaval. The Renaissance and Reformation shaped the intellectual and religious landscape of Europe for centuries.Exploration and Colonialism: Global Connections and Cultural Exchange.The Age of Exploration witnessed European nations embark on daring voyages to discover new lands andestablish colonies overseas. The Columbian Exchange, the transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas, Europe, and Africa, had a profound impact on the ecosystems and cultures of both hemispheres. Colonialism brought wealth and power to European nations but also resulted in the displacement and exploitation of indigenous populations.Modernity and Globalization: The Interconnected World.The advent of industrialization, technological advancements, and the rise of capitalism transformed human civilization in unprecedented ways. The 20th century witnessed two world wars, the Cold War, and the rise of global superpowers. The internet and digital technologies have accelerated globalization, connecting people and cultures across borders. Modernity presents bothopportunities and challenges as humanity grapples with social inequality, environmental degradation, and the pursuit of peace and sustainability.Conclusion.The diversity of human civilizations is a testament to the ingenuity, adaptability, and resilience of the human spirit. From the pyramids of Egypt to the skyscrapers of modern cities, each civilization has contributed its unique tapestry to the fabric of human history. The study of these civilizations not only expands our knowledge but also deepens our appreciation for the richness and complexity of our shared human experience. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the present, it is through understanding the past that we can forge a brighter future for all.。



中世纪战争的介绍英语作文During the Middle Ages, warfare was a common occurrence throughout Europe. Armies were often made up of knights and soldiers who fought on horseback or on foot. The use of weapons such as swords, spears, and bows and arrows was prevalent during this time.Castles played a significant role in medieval warfare, serving as fortresses for protection and as bases for launching attacks. These massive stone structures were often surrounded by moats and walls, making them difficult to breach. Siege warfare was a common tactic used to conquer enemy castles, involving the use of battering rams, catapults, and siege towers.One of the most famous battles of the Middle Ages was the Battle of Agincourt, which took place in 1415 during the Hundred Years' War between England and France. The English army, led by King Henry V, achieved a decisive victory over the larger French army, despite being heavilyoutnumbered. The battle is remembered for the use of longbows by the English archers, who rained arrows down on the French forces.Knights were an integral part of medieval warfare, known for their chivalry and prowess on the battlefield. Clad in armor and wielding swords and lances, knightsfought in tournaments and battles to prove their valor and honor. Jousting, a popular form of combat between knightson horseback, was a common spectacle during the Middle Ages.The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land during the Middle Ages. These conflicts were fueled by religiousfervor and a desire to reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim control. The Crusades had a lasting impact on European society, leading to the spread of new ideas, technologies, and cultural exchange.。






十字军东征游戏英文介绍The Crusades were a series of military conflicts of a religious character waged by Christians during 1095–1291, most of which were sanctioned by the Pope in the name of Christendom.[1] The Crusades originally had the goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the sacred "Holy Land" from Muslim rule and were originally launched in response to a call from the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire for help against the expansion of the Muslim Seljuq dynasty into Anatolia.[2][3]The term is also used to describe contemporaneous and subsequent campaigns conducted through to the 16th century in territories outside the Levant[4], usually against pagans, those considered by the Catholic Church to be heretics, and peoples under the ban of excommunication[2] for a mixture of religious, economic, and political reasons.[5] Rivalries among both Christian and Muslim powers led also to alliances between religious factions against their opponents, such as the Christian alliance with the Sultanate of Rum during the Fifth Crusade. The traditional numbering scheme for the Crusades includes the nine major expeditions to the Holy Land during the 11th to 13th centuries. Other unnumbered "crusades" continued into the 16th century, lasting until the political and religious climate of Europe was significantly changed during the Renaissance and Reformation.The Children's Crusade was not a military campaign, but probably a popular uprising in France and/or Germany, possibly with the intention of reaching the Holy Land in order to convert Muslims there peacefully to Christianity.The Crusades had far-reaching political, economic, and social impacts, some of which have lasted into contemporary times. Because of internal conflicts among Christian kingdoms and political powers, some of the crusade expeditions (such as the Fourth Crusade) were diverted from their original aim and resulted in the sack of a Christian city, Constantinople, and the partition of the Byzantine Empire between Venice and the Crusaders. The Sixth Crusade was the first crusade to set sail without the official blessing of the Church, establishing the precedent that rulers other than the Pope could initiate a crusade.。



中世纪2城市中英文对照条顿的Aarhus}奥尔胡斯{Abo}阿博{Agder}阿格德{Agder_Region}阿格德地区{Akershus}阿克什胡斯{Arensburg}阿伦斯伯格{Arensburg_Region}阿伦斯伯格地区{Baranavichy}巴拉诺维奇{Baranavichy_Region}巴拉诺维奇地区{Bialystok}比亚韦斯托克{Bialystok_Region}比亚韦斯托克地区{Bohemia}波希米亚{Central_Sweden}瑞典中部{Chernigov}切尔尼戈夫{Chernigov_Region}切尔尼戈夫地区{Chornobyl}切尔诺贝利{Chornobyl_Region}切尔诺贝利地区{Corland}克兰德{Cracow}克拉科夫{Czestochowa}琴斯托霍瓦{Czestochowa_Region}琴斯托霍瓦地区{Danzig}但泽{Denmark_Region}丹麦地区{Dokshitsy}多克西泽{Dokshitsy_Region}多克西泽地区{Dunaburg}多瑙堡{Finland_Region}芬兰地区{Gorlitz}格尔利茨{Gorlitz_Region}格尔利茨地区{Goteborg}哥德堡{Gotland}哥特兰{Halmstad}哈尔姆斯塔德{Halmstad_Region}哈尔姆斯塔德地区{Hamburg}汉堡{Hannover}汉诺威{Hannover_Region}汉诺威地区{Hassleholm}海斯勒霍尔姆{Hassleholm_Region}海斯勒霍尔姆地区{Hof}霍夫{Hof_Region}霍夫地区{Homyel}戈梅利{Homyel_Region}戈梅利地区{Hrodna}格罗德诺{Hrodna_Region}格罗德诺地区{Jazdow}贾兹都{Kalmar}卡尔马{Kalmar_Region}卡尔马地区{Kaunus}考纳斯{Kaunus_Region}考纳斯地区{Kholm}霍尔姆{Kholm_Region}霍尔姆地区{Kiev}基辅{Kiev_Region}基辅地区{Klodzko}克沃兹科{Klodzko_Region}克沃兹科地区{Konigsberg_Region}柯尼希堡地区{Konisberg}柯尼希堡{Koszalin}科沙林{Koszalin_Region}科沙林地区{L_vov}利沃夫{L_vov_Region}利沃夫地区{Lida}利达{Lida_Region}利达地区{Lithuania}立陶宛{Liuboml}琉博莫{Liuboml_Region}琉博莫地区{Livonia}立窝尼亚{Magdeburg}马格德堡{Magdeburg_Region}马格德堡地区{Marienburg}马林堡{Marienburg_Region}马林堡地区{Masovia}马素比亚{Mglin}姆格林{Mglin_Region}姆格林地区{Minsk}明斯克{Minsk_Region}明斯克地区{Mstislavl}姆斯季斯拉夫尔{Mstislavl_Region}姆斯季斯拉夫尔地区{Narva}纳尔瓦{Narva_Region}纳尔瓦地区{Neustettin}新斯德丁{Neustettin_Region}新斯德丁地区{North_Pskov_Region}普斯科夫北部{Northern_Germany}德意志北部{Norway_Region}挪威地区{Novgorod}诺夫哥罗德{Novgorod_Region}诺夫哥罗德地区{Olysta}奥里斯塔{Olysta_Region}奥里斯塔地区{Palanga}帕兰加{Palanga_Region}帕兰加地区{Panevezys}帕涅韦日斯{Panevezys_Region}帕涅韦日斯地区{Parnu_Region}派尔努地区{Pernau}波尔瑙{Pinsk}平斯克{Pinsk_Region}平斯克地区{Plock}普沃茨克{Plock_Region}普沃茨克地区{Pomerania}波美拉尼亚{Potsdam}波茨坦{Potsdam_Region}波茨坦地区{Poznan}波兹南{Prague}布拉格{Przeworsk}普热沃斯克{Przeworsk_Region}普热沃斯克地区{Pskov}普斯科夫{Reval}雷瓦尔{Reval_Region}雷瓦尔地区{Riga}里加{Roskilde}罗斯基勒{Siauliai}希奥利艾{Siauliai_Region}希奥利艾地区{Skara}斯卡拉{Skara_Region}斯卡拉地区{Smolensk}斯摩棱斯克{Southern_Poland}波兰南部{Southern_Sweden}瑞典南部{Stettin}斯德丁{Stralsund}施特拉尔松德{Stralsund_Region}施特拉尔松德地区{Thorn}索恩{Thorn_Region}索恩地区{Tingvalla}廷韦拉{Tingvalla_Region}廷韦拉地区{Tosno}托斯诺{Tosno_Region}托斯诺地区{Turov}图罗夫{Turov_Region}图罗夫地区{Uelzen}于尔岑{Uelzen_Region}于尔岑地区{Uppsala}乌普萨拉2008-3-28 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回复急风影剑2位粉丝2楼{Velikiye_Luki}大卢基{Velikiye_Luki_Region}大卢基地区{Vilnius}维尔纽斯{Visby}维斯比{Vitebsk}维捷布斯克{West_Poland}波兰西部{West_Pomerania}波美拉尼亚西部{Windau}温道{Windau_Region}温道地区{Zealand}西兰{Zhytomyr}日托米尔{Zhytomyr_Region}日托米尔地区{Zubstov}泽布斯托夫{Zubstov_Region}泽布斯托夫地区美洲的{Aguapalam}阿瓜帕拉姆{Aguapalam_r}阿瓜帕拉姆地区{Ahuacatlan}阿瓦卡特兰{Ahuacatlan_r}阿瓦卡特兰地区{Alibamu}阿里巴姆{Alibamu_Region}阿里巴姆地区{Althun_Ha}阿顿哈{Althun_Ha_r}阿顿哈地区{Apache_Camp}阿帕奇{Apache_r}阿帕奇地区{Apatzignan}阿帕钦甘{Apatzignan_r}阿帕钦甘地区{Caddo}卡多{Caddo_r}卡多地区{Calusa}卡卢萨{Calusa_r}卡卢萨地区{Canpech}坎佩克{Canpech_r}坎佩克地区{Chetumal}切图马尔{Chetumal_r}切图马尔地区{Chichen_Itza}奇琴伊察{Chichen_Itza_r}奇琴伊察地区{Chickasaw}奇克索{Chickasaw_Region}奇克索地区{Chihuahua}奇瓦瓦{Chihuahua_r}奇瓦瓦地区{Choctaw}乔克托{Choctaw_r}乔克托地区{Cholula}乔鲁拉{Cholula_r}乔鲁拉地区{Coahulia}科阿韦拉{Coahulia_r}科阿韦拉地区{Coatzalcoalcos}夸赛夸尔科斯{Coatzalcoalcos_r}夸赛夸尔科斯地区{Cochimi}科奇米{Cochimi_r}科奇米地区{Colotan}科洛坦{Colotan_r}科洛坦地区{Comanche}科曼奇{Comanche_r}科曼奇地区{Cuahtemoc}夸特莫克{Cuahtemoc_r}夸特莫克地区{Cuba}古巴{Culiacan}库利亚坎{Culiacan_r}库利亚坎地区{Danipaguache}塔尼切卡奇{Danipaguache_r}塔尼切卡奇地区{Havana}哈瓦纳{Huaxtepec}瓦斯特佩克{Huaxtepec_r}瓦斯特佩克地区{Miccosoukee}密克苏基{Miccosoukee_r}密克苏基地区{Mitla}米克特兰{Mitla_r}米克特兰地区{Navojoa}纳瓦霍{Navojoa_Region}纳瓦霍地区{Ocotlan}奥科特兰{Ocotlan_r}奥科特兰地区{Pitic}皮蒂科{Pitic_r}皮蒂科地区{Potochan}波顿昌{Potochan_r}波顿昌地区{Quezaltenango}希拉杰{Quezaltenango_r}希拉杰地区{Quirigua}基里瓜{Quirigua_r}基里瓜地区{Tecoman}特科曼{Tecoman_r}特科曼地区{Tegucigalpa}特拉科奇卡潘{Tegucigalpa_r}特拉科奇卡潘地区{Tehuacan}特瓦坎{Tehuacan_r}特瓦坎地区{Tehuantepec}特宽特佩克{Tehuantepec_r}特宽特佩克地区{Tenochtitlan}特诺奇蒂特兰{Tenochtitlan_r}特诺奇蒂特兰地区{Tequesta}特奇斯塔{Tequesta_Region}特奇斯塔地区{Tikal}蒂卡尔{Tikal_r}蒂卡尔地区{Tixta_r}蒂科斯特拉地区{Tixtla}蒂科斯特拉{Tlaxcala}特拉斯卡拉{Tlaxcala_r}特拉斯卡拉地区{Toluca}托洛坎{Toluca_r}托洛坎地区{Tongva}通瓦{Tongva_Region}通瓦地区{Trujillo}特鲁希略{Trujillo_r}特鲁希略地区{Tula}托兰{Tula_r}托兰地区{Tututepec}托托特佩克{Tututepec_r}托托特佩克地区{Tuxpan}托奇潘{Tuxpan_r}托奇潘地区{Tuxtla}托奇特兰{Tuxtla_r}托奇特兰地区{Uxmal}乌斯马尔{Uxmal_r}乌斯马尔地区{VeraCruz_r}韦拉克鲁斯地区{Vera_Cruz}韦拉克鲁斯{Xicalango}希拉兰科{Xicalango_r}希拉兰科地区{Yamacraws}亚马科洛{Yamacraws_Region}亚马科洛地区{Yaxchilan}雅克奇兰{Yaxchilan_r}雅克奇兰地区{Zacapu}萨卡普{Zacapu_r}萨卡普地区{Zacatecas}萨卡特卡斯{Zacatecas_r}萨卡特卡斯地区英伦的{Aberdeen}阿伯丁{Aberdeen_Region}阿伯丁郡{Argyle_and_Bute}阿盖尔-比特{Arran}阿伦{Arundel}阿伦德尔{Athenry}阿森莱{Caernarvon}卡纳封{Caithness_and_Sutherland_Regions}凯斯内斯-萨瑟兰郡2008-3-28 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回复急风影剑2位粉丝3楼{Canterbury}坎特伯雷{Cardiff}加的夫{Carlisle}卡莱尔{Castle_Town}卡斯尔顿{Cheshire_Region}柴郡{Chester}切斯特{Connaught_Region}康诺特郡{Cork}科克{Cornwall_Region}康沃尔郡{Cumberland_Region}坎伯兰郡{Deheubarth_Principality}德赫巴思公国{Derry}德里{Dorsetshire_Region}多塞特郡{Down_Region}唐郡{Downpatrick}唐帕特里克{Dublin}都柏林{Dumfries}邓弗里斯{Dumfries_Region}邓弗里斯郡{Dunstaffnage}邓斯代夫纳奇{East_Anglia}东盎格鲁{Edinburgh}爱丁堡{Glasgow}格拉斯哥{Gloucester}格洛斯特{Gwynedd_Principality}格温内斯公国{Hampshire_Region}汉普郡{Highlands_Region}高地地区{Inverlochly}因弗洛克莱{Inverness}因弗内斯{Isle_of_Arran}阿伦岛{Isle_of_Islay}艾莱岛{Isle_of_Islay_Region}艾莱岛地区{Isle_of_Man}曼岛{Isle_of_Mull}马尔岛{Isle_of_Skye_Region}斯凯岛地区{Kent_Region}肯特郡{Kirkwall}柯克沃尔{Lanark_Region}拉纳克郡{Lancashire}兰开夏郡{Lancaster}兰开斯特{Launceston}朗塞斯顿{Leinster_Region}伦斯特郡{Lewis}斯托诺韦{Lifford}利福德{Lincoln}林肯{Lincolnshire}林肯郡{London}伦敦{London_Region}伦敦地区{Lothian_Region}洛锡安地区{Meath_Region}米斯郡{Montgomery}蒙哥马利{Morgannwg_Principality}摩根维格公国{Mull}马尔{Munster_Region}芒斯特地区{Newcastle_Upon_Tyne}泰恩-纽卡斯尔{Northumberland}诺森伯兰{Norwich}诺里奇{Nottingham}诺丁汉{Nottinghamshire}诺丁汉郡{Orkney_Region}奥克尼郡{Outer_Hebrides}外赫布里底群岛{Oxford}牛津{Oxford_Region}牛津地区{Pembroke}彭布罗克{Perth}珀斯{Perth_Region}珀斯郡{Powys_Principality}波厄斯公国{Shaftsbury}沙夫茨伯里{Shrewsbury}什鲁斯伯里{Shropshire_Region}什罗普郡{Skye}斯凯{Stirling}斯特林{Stirling_Region}斯特林郡{Surry_and_Sussex_Regions}萨里-萨塞克斯郡{Thomond_Region}托蒙德郡{Tipperary}蒂珀雷里{Trim}特里姆{Tyrconnel_Region}泰孔内尔地区{Ulster_Province}阿尔斯特郡{West_Country}韦斯特郡{West_Highlands}西高地地区{Wick}威克{Winchester}温切斯特{York}约克{Yorkshire}约克郡天国的{Abydos}阿拜多斯{Abydos_Region}阿拜多斯地区{Acre}阿克里{Acre_Province}阿克里地区{Adana}阿达纳{Adana_Province}阿达纳地区{Al_Basrah}巴士拉{Al_Suways}苏伊士{Alanya}阿兰亚{Alanya_Region}阿兰亚地区{Aleppo}阿勒颇{Aleppo_Province}阿勒颇地区{Alexandria}亚历山大利亚{Alexandria_Province}亚历山大利亚地区{Alia}阿利耶{Alia_Region}阿利耶地区{Amorium}阿摩利阿姆{Amorium_Region}阿摩利阿姆地区{Ankara}安卡拉{Ankara_Region}安卡拉地区{Antioch}安条克{Antioch_Province}安条克地区{Arab_Camp_2}贝尼海尔拉营地{Arab_Camp_3}贝尼哈立德营地{Arab_Camp_6}贝尼苏雷姆营地{Arsuf}阿苏夫{Arsuf_Region}阿苏夫地区{Ascalon}阿什凯隆{Ascalon_Region}阿什凯隆地区{Attaleia}阿塔雷亚{Attaleia_Region}阿塔雷亚地区{Baalbek_Region}巴勒贝克{Ballbek}巴勒贝克{Baghdad}巴格达{Baghdad_Province}巴格达地区{Banyas}班亚斯{Banyas_Region}班亚斯地区{Basra_Region}巴士拉地区{Caesarea}凯撒里亚{Caesarea_Province}凯撒里亚地区{Cairo}开罗{Cairo_Province}开罗地区{Constantinople}君士坦丁堡{Constantinople_Province}君士坦丁堡地区{Corum}乔鲁姆{Corum_Region}乔鲁姆地区{Damascus}大马士革2008-3-28 13:26 回复急风影剑2位粉丝4楼{Damascus_Province}大马士革地区{Diyabakir}迪亚巴克{Diyabakir_Region}迪亚巴克地区{Doryleum}多利留姆{Doryleum_Region}多利留姆地区{Dumyat}杜姆亚特{Dumyat_Region}杜姆亚特地区{Edessa}埃德萨{Edessa_Province}埃德萨地区{Heraclea}赫拉克利亚{Heraclea_Region}赫拉克利亚地区{Homs}霍姆斯{Homs_Region}霍姆斯地区{Iconium}伊康{Iconium_Province}伊康地区{Iraklion}伊拉克吕翁{Isle_of_Crete}克里特岛{Isle_of_Rhodes}罗德岛{Jedda}苏莱曼东北营地{Jedda_Province}贝尼苏莱曼部落{Jerusalem}耶路撒冷{Jerusalem_Province}耶路撒冷地区{Kerak}卡拉克{Kerak_Region}卡拉克地区{Kermanshah}克尔曼沙阿{Kermanshah_Region}克尔曼沙阿地区{Kirkuk}基尔库克{Kirkuk_Region}基尔库克地区{Kirsehir}克尔谢希尔{Kirsehir_Region}克尔谢希尔地区{Krak_de_Chavliers_Region}骑士堡地区{Krak_de_Chevaliers}骑士堡{Kufa}库法{Kufa_Region}库法地区{Laodicea_Region}莱迪西亚地区{Laodiciea}莱迪西亚{Limassol}利马索尔{Malatya}马拉蒂亚{Malatya_Region}马拉蒂亚地区{Mosul}摩苏尔{Mosul_Province}摩苏尔地区{Nicaea}尼西亚{Nicaea_Province}尼西亚地区{Nicosia}尼科西亚{Northern_Cyprus}尼科西亚地区{Palaeokastron}帕拉伊奥卡斯通{Palaeokastron_Region}帕拉伊奥卡斯通地区{Qarisiya}克瑞西亚{Qarisiya_Region}克瑞西亚地区{Raqqa}拉卡{Raqqa_Region}拉卡地区{Rhodes}罗德{Sebastea}塞巴斯蒂亚{Sebastea_Region}塞巴斯蒂亚地区{Sinope}锡诺普{Sinope_Region}锡诺普地区{Siwa}锡瓦{Siwa_Region}锡瓦地区{Smyrna}士麦那{Smyrna_Province}士麦那{Southern_Cyprus}利马索尔{Suways_Region}苏伊士地区{Tabriz}大不里士{Tabriz_Region}大不里士地区{Takrit}塔克利特{Takrit_Region}塔克利特地区{Tanta}坦塔{Tanta_Region}坦塔地区{Tbilisi}第比利斯{Tbilisi_Province}第比利斯地区{Theodoiopolis_Region}塞奥多西奥波利斯地区{Theodosiopolis}塞奥多西奥波利斯{Trebizond}特拉布宗{Trebizond_Province}特拉布宗地区{Tribelands2}贝尼海尔拉部落{Tribelands3}贝尼哈立德部落{Tribelands6}贝尼苏雷姆部落{Tripoli}的黎波里{Tripoli_Province}的黎波里地区{Tyre}提尔{Tyre_Region}提尔地区{Van}凡城{Van_Region}凡城地区{Yerevan}埃里温{Yerevan_Province}埃里温地区。

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• Jerusalem is a holy city to the three major Abrahamic religions——Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
• In Judaism, Jerusalem has been the holiest city since, according to the Torah(圣经旧约), King David of Israel first established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel in c. 1000 BCE, and his son Solomon commissioned the building of the First Temple in the city.
• In Christianity, Jerusalem has been a holy city since, according to the New Testament(新约全书), Jesus was crucified in c. 30 CE and 300 years later Saint Helena (the mother of Emperor Constantine I )found the True Cross in the city.
• The first Crusade was preached by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095.
Urban promised indulgence to any Christian who took the Crusader vow and set off for Jerusalem. The resulting fervour that swept through Europe mobilized tens of thousands of people from all levels of society, and resulted in the capture of Jerusalem in 1099 as well as other regions .
Sites of Key Religious Importance
• • • • the Temple Mount the Western Wall the Church of the Holy Sepulchre the Dome of the Rock
The Temple Mount (圣殿山)
Crusades and Holy Land
The Crusades were holy wars or armed pilgrimages intended to liberate Jerusalem from Muslim control.
Jerusalem was part of the Muslim possessions won during a rapid military expansion in the 7th century through the Near East, Northern Africa, and Anatolia(安 纳托利亚) (in modern Turkey).
• Known also as Mount Moriah
The Western Wall (哭墙)
• also Wailing Wall • Located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount.
• on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem
Hale Waihona Puke • In Sunni Islam, Jerusalem is the thirdholiest city. It became the first Qibla, the focal point for Muslim prayer (Salah) in 610 CE, and, according to Islamic tradition, Muhammad made his Night Journey there ten years later.
The routes of crusades
Reason for Crusades
• to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Land
The Holy Land
• The Levant (pronoun ced /lə’vænt/) is a term used for geographic identification of Asia in France in the Middle Ages.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (圣墓教堂)
• also called the Church of the Resurrection • a church within the walled Old City of Jerusalem
The Dome of the Rock (圆顶清真寺)