Starwood General Audio-Visual Systems Design Guideline (Dec 2000)
IEM ( In - Ear Monitoring ) 耳内监听
IEM ( In - Ear Monitoring ) 耳內監聽吳榮宗主筆前言:在前一篇的文章裡我們提到一些迴授的因素,也簡述舞台上Wedge 的基本聆聽位置。
原則上我們要認識這IEM ( I n –E ar M onitoring ) 的系統要拜謝heavy metal bands ( 重金屬搖滾樂團)。
早在1960 ~ 1970 年代,舞台上的監聽演化裡,他們因節目內容的須要,不斷的嘗試及更改舞台上的聆聽環境。
早期由於場子不會很大,光是以PA 的泛音及樂手彼此間的距離近,尚可聆聽。
以前沒有所謂的Wedge 時,外場喇叭內緣都會適時的調整角度供舞台上的表演者聆聽,當然問題也是一堆,當時比較受矚目的披頭四在一場大型演唱會裡,他們發現很難在舞台上聽到彼此的聲音……,漸漸的Wedge 的地位形成一直在這表演領域突顯出重要性,隨著年份及節目製作的變化,表演內容愈加豐富,系統也愈多,有時一套鼓組可能在 1 M 高的檯子上,各個樂器組合的間距愈來愈大,獨立的Wedge 監聽調整也就迎應而生,匹配一套舞台上的聆聽環境是每位soundman 必經的過程,從最簡陋的系統條件到繁瑣的龐大系統,演化至今,一個小小的Pub or Club,聲音硬體系統裡最少也會擁有兩組獨立的舞台監聽模式。
專業的演唱會甚至多達12 ~ 14 組,然而人的聲音單靠那前方的幾支斜背喇叭跟本壓不過那比人還高的Marshall TM牆,一整排堆埵起來的Guitar / Bass amplifiers,對一個聲音調整的物理原則完全派不上用場,任何soundman 都會碰到“ 我的聲音再大一點“,講是容易,實際上在電器物理特性上已是沒有所謂再大一點的空間了,要知道的是沒有多少藝人是會想去瞭解什麼原因的,當然你可以再將自己的監聽喇叭增加到足量的數目,天啊!這所影響不止是舞台上,現場的擴音( FOH ) 將會因為舞台上直接音的音壓值升高而困難平衡音樂的內容,這種狀況幾乎都發生在各位的身上,尤其是室內的場子,你的House 甚至可以不用開啟Guitar or Bass 甚至是小鼓,僅以Vocal 的SPL 來匹配這些舞台上的直接噪音電平,是麼,而就成音的轉播上,過大的舞台噪音將使得Vocal 麥克風接受到更大的環境噪音值,如此的現象,最快的解釋說明就是這成音的內容將不會得到清楚的唇齒聲音。
SB LIVE!系列这是创新当年的高档产品,现在已经伦为中低端,但其品质还是不容置疑的.无论是玩游戏,看电影,听音乐还是录音,这块卡都能满足你的需要,喜欢在UC 里唱现场的朋友更是有非买不可的理由,因为这个卡能够实时的为你的歌声加上混响效果,这是其他公司的声卡所办不到的,LIVE!是一个庞大的系列,有超过20种不同型号的产品。
大体上分为以下几类:声道的LIVE!,型号以CT开头,的以SB开头,论坛上流行说的创新就是指的SB LIVE!,但是不要认为就一定比的好,看电影当然是的好,但是录音恰恰相反,很多的live!卡音质好于系列,LIVE!卡越老的版本音质越好,新出的产品都是做了简化的。
A>LIVE!标准版-------主卡型号为CT4620,镀金接口,这是最早的SB LIVE!,用料最猛,所以音质是LIVE!系列里最好的,现在已经很难买到。
B>LIVE!白金版——主卡型号CT4760, 镀金接口,功能强大,有LIVE!DRIVER 扩展,音质次于标准版。
E>LIVE!OEM版——包括CT4790〔SB PCI512〕,SB0200,其中CT4790是声道也叫PCI512,是很罕见的版本,我也收藏了一片。
附表:CT4620 - SB Live!CT4670 - SB Live! ValueCT4750 - SB 128CT4751 - SB Digital 4.1CT4760 - SB Live! ValueCT4760 - Sound Blaster Live Platinum CT4780 - SB Live! ValueCT4790 - SB 512CT4810 - SB 128 EnsoniqCT4830 - SB Live! ValueCT4831 - SB Live! 1024CT4832 - SB Value (1024)CT4870 - SB Value (1024)CT4871 - SB Live! ValueCT4872 - SB Live! seriesCT5803 - SB 128CT5880 - SB 128SB0040 - SB Live!SB0060 - SB Live! ValueSB0090 - SB AudigySB0090 - Sound Blaster AudigySB0092 - SB AudigySB0092 - Sound Blaster AudigySB0100 - SB Live! 5.1SB0101 - SB Live! ValueSB0102 - SB Live! 5.1SB0103 - SB Live! seriesSB0105 - SB Live! seriesSB0130 - SB ExtigySB0150 - SB 512SB0220 - SB Live! 5.1 digitalSB0350 - SB Audigy2 ZS考虑到许多发友还是预算有限,百元内能买到也是创新居多,没方法,虽不够hifi,但至少好过集成声卡,面对创新众多型号,本来想自已写个心得,但发现没这个帖介绍得全面,自已用过有限,有需要的朋友,进去看看吧兄弟。
事实上,能否重播好古典音乐作品,对于任何器材厂家都是最为严峻的考验循音进去一看原来是“天逸公司”的展厅,那古典音乐片段正是由那其中一对外观颇为华丽的一座地箱子发出,后来一问才知,那是天逸公司新近祭出的专为数字分频旗舰级音响量身打造的音箱TD-1!近前看一看,连接的前后级功放块头不小,前中央面板应该是银白色拉丝面板,两边黑色条形立柱结构顿显稳重大气,感叹当今国内音响企业无论是设计还是工艺方面,都有了难能可贵的长足进步!一问原来是2015年新开发的Hi-End级新旗舰AD-8PRE/AD-8PA 电子分频前、后级功放!CD机也是自家产品,外观风格与功放如出一辙。
美国百威TLS系列音箱老音箱·TLS-1两分频,连续功率70W,8欧姆,频响80Hz~17KHz,......·TLS-2两分频,连续功率150W,8欧姆,频响65Hz~17KHz,......·TLS-3两分频,连续功率75W,8欧姆,频响70Hz~17KHz,......·TLS-4两分频,连续功率250W,4欧姆,频响70Hz~17KHz,......·TLS-5两分频,连续功率150W,8欧姆,频响60Hz~17KHz,......·TLS-SUB超低音,连续功率250W,8欧姆,频响55Hz~250Hz,......·112-TLM/TLM-2返听音箱,连续功率100W,8欧姆,频响75Hz~17KHz,......·115-TLM/TLM-5返听音箱,连续功率100W,8欧姆,频响75Hz~17KHz,......·MINI-MONITOR II返听音箱,连续功率50W,16欧姆,......·115-TLS两分频,连续功率150W,8欧姆,频响60Hz~17KHz,......·1210-TLS三分频,连续功率150W,8欧姆,频响65Hz~17KHz,......·112-M返听音箱,连续功率65W,8欧姆,......·112-HS返听音箱,内置功放:75W,频响75Hz~17KHz,......·SP-1G两分频,连续功率450W,8欧姆,频响63Hz~19KHz,......·SP-2G两分频,连续功率300W,8欧姆,频响65Hz~17.5KHz,......·SP-3G三分频,连续功率350W,8欧姆,频响54Hz~17KHz,......·SP-7G两分频,连续功率600W,4欧姆,频响48Hz~18KHz,......·SP-118SUB超低音,连续功率350W,8欧姆,频响48Hz~1KHz,......·SP-218SUB超低音,连续功率700W,4欧姆,频响46Hz~1KHz,......·SP-112M返听音箱,连续功率250W,8欧姆,频响100Hz~14KHz,......·SP-115M返听音箱,连续功率250W,8欧姆,频响88Hz~14KHz,......SP-1X两分频,连续功率700W,8欧姆,频响56Hz~19KHz,......·SP-2X两分频,连续功率500W,8欧姆,频响53Hz~16KHz,......·SP-3X三分频,连续功率500W,8欧姆,频响54Hz~17KHz,......·SP-4X两分频,连续功率1000W,4欧姆,频响51Hz~16KHz,......·SP-5X两分频,连续功率350W,8欧姆,频响68Hz~16KHz,......·SP-6X两分频,连续功率250W,8欧姆,频响70Hz~15KHz,......·SP-7X两分频,连续功率1000W,4欧姆,频响50Hz~19KHz,......·SP-SUBCOM-18X超低音,连续功率500W,8欧姆,频响47Hz~190Hz,......·SP-118X-8ohm超低音,连续功率500W,8欧姆,频响48Hz~1KHz,......·SP-118X-4ohm超低音,连续功率500W,4欧姆,频响48Hz~1KHz,......·SP-218X SUB超低音,连续功率1000W,8欧姆,频响46Hz~1KHz,......·SP-112MX返听音箱,连续功率500W,8欧姆,频响120Hz~14KHz,......·SP-115MX返听音箱,连续功率500W,8欧姆,频响100Hz~14KHz,......·DJS-4DJ音箱,两分频,连续功率500W,4欧姆,频响58Hz~16KHz,...·MDJ-1150DJ音箱,三分频,连续功率150W,8欧姆,频响70Hz~20KHz,...·DTH-4115 两分频,连续功率400W ,8欧姆,频响55Hz~18KHz ,...... ·DTH-4210 两分频中高音,连续功率400W ,4欧姆,频响115Hz~16KHz ,... ·DTH-4215 两分频,连续功率600W ,4欧姆,频响50Hz~18KHz ,...... ·DTH-SM-L/R 返听音箱,连续功率400W ,8欧姆,频响68Hz~16KHz ,...... ·DTH-118B 超低音,连续功率500W ,8欧姆,频响38Hz~150Hz ,...... ·DTH-215B 超低音,连续功率700W ,4欧姆,频响45Hz~250Hz ,...... ·DTH-218B 超低音,连续功率1000W ,4欧姆,频响45Hz~250Hz ,...... ·DTH-118 SUB PROCESSORDTH 低音分音器 双路或立体声,低频30Hz~120Hz/高频120Hz~20KHz ,......·IMPULSE-100 两分频,连续功率175W ,8欧姆,频响74Hz~18KHz ,...... ·IMPULSE 200P两分频,内置功放:低音200W/高音125W ,频响60Hz~18KHz ,...·IMPULSE 200SUB 黑/白 超低音,连续功率300W ,4欧姆,频响52Hz~150Hz ,...... ·IMPULSE 500 两分频,连续功率350W ,8欧姆,频响62Hz~18KHz ,...... ·IMPULSE 500SUB 超低音,连续功率300W ,4欧姆,频响45Hz~150Hz ,...... ·IMPULSE 500P 两分频,内置功放:低音200W/高音125W ,频响56Hz~18KHz ,.... ·IMPULSE 500PSUB超低音,内置功放:325W ,频响42Hz~150Hz ,......·IMPULSE 1012-8ohm 黑/白 两分频,连续功率500W ,8欧姆,频响75Hz~18KHz ,...... ·IMPULSE 1012-4ohm两分频,连续功率700W ,4欧姆,频响724Hz~18KHz ,......·IMPULSE 1012-SUB 黑/白 超低音,连续功率500W ,4欧姆,频响52Hz~150Hz ,...... ·IMPULSE 1015-8ohm 两分频,连续功率500W ,8欧姆,频响60Hz~18KHz ,...... ·IMPULSE 1012-4ohm 两分频,连续功率700W ,4欧姆,频响58Hz~18KHz ,...... ·IMPULSE 1015-SUB 超低音,连续功率500W ,4欧姆,频响50Hz~150Hz ,...... ·IMPULSE-6黑/白 两分频,连续功率50W ,8欧姆,频响70Hz~20KHz ,...... ·IMPULSE-6T 黑/白两分频,连续功率50W ,70V 定压式,频响70Hz~20KHz ,......·IMPULSE 652S (对装) 两分频,连续功率175W ,4欧姆,频响60Hz~18KHz ,...... ·IMPULSE STEREO SUB超低音,连续功率50W ,8欧姆,频响50Hz~160Hz ,......美国百威110TLS 音箱音箱构造 一只10"低音扬声器,一只压电高音,梯形箱体频率响应 80Hz-17KHz 灵敏度 96dB(1w/lm) 承受功率连续:70W 音乐:140W峰值:280W 阻抗 8Ω 音箱外壳黑色毛毡尺寸(高×宽×深)52×39.4×28.9(厘米)重量/带包装7.98/9.93(公斤)美国百威112TCS音箱音箱构造一只12"低音扬声器,一只压电高音,梯形箱体频率响应70Hz-17KHz灵敏度95dB(1w/lm)承受功率连续:75W音乐:150W峰值:300W阻抗8Ω音箱外壳黑色毛毡尺寸(高×宽×深)68 ×43.2×29.2(厘米)重量/带包装12.16/14.29(公斤)美国百威112TLS音箱音箱构造一只12"毒蝎子低音,一只双压电高音,梯形箱体频率响应65Hz-17KHz灵敏度98dB(1w/lm)承受功率连续:150W音乐:300W峰值:600W阻抗8Ω音箱外壳黑色毛毡尺寸(高×宽×深)61.3×43.2×30.5(厘米)重量/带包装12.7/14.79(公斤)美国百威112_floormonitor音箱音箱构造一只12"低音扬声器和一只压电式高音,双6.35MM输入插孔,有电平控制器,SA-1立式支架插座频率响应100Hz-17KHz灵敏度96dB(1w/lm)承受功率连续:65W音乐:130W峰值:260W阻抗8Ω辐射角45°H×90°V分频频点2.2KHz音箱外壳黑色毛毡尺寸(高×宽×深)33 ×46.4×40.6(厘米)重量/带包装9.07(公斤)美国百威112PM音箱音箱构造一只12"低音扬声器,有四段图示均衡器频率响应75Hz-17KHz灵敏度96dB(1w/lm)承受功率连续:65W音乐:130W峰值:260W阻抗8Ω辐射角45°H×90°V音箱外壳黑色毛毡美国百威112TLM音箱音箱构造12"低音和一只22XT压缩驱动单元/CH3高频号角,全音域音箱双6.35MM大二芯输入孔频率响应75Hz-17KHz灵敏度96dB(1w/lm)承受功率连续:100W音乐:200W峰值:400W阻抗8Ω音箱外壳黑色毛毡尺寸(高×宽×深)39.4 ×57.8×43.8(厘米)重量/带包装20.77/24.09(公斤)美国百威115TLSSUB音箱音箱构造一只15"毒蝎子低音扬声器频率响应55Hz-250KHz灵敏度98dB(1w/lm)承受功率连续:250W音乐:500W峰值:1000W阻抗8Ω音箱外壳黑色毛毡尺寸(高×宽×深)53.3×63.5×52.7(厘米)重量/带包装23.59/25.81(公斤)美国百威PEAVEY>音箱类产品>美国百威PEAVEY IMPULSE100 音箱美国百威PEAVEY IMPULSE100 音箱性能指标:音箱构造:二分频,全频率便携式高性能工程音箱,拥有平滑的响应曲线,具有高的输出功率.连续:175W峰值:700WSound GuardTM II HF 保护线圈10" 长冲程低音扬声器14XTTM 1.4" 钛制驱动单元有手提式和立式有悬挂式安装孔宽频率响应您的位置:主页->我们的产品->扩声系统->PEA VEY->PV系列功放美国百威PV系列功放☉PV-2602x130W4欧姆\2x100W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护.....☉PV-5002x210W4欧姆\2x130W8欧姆,桥式:500W4欧姆\420W8欧姆DDT压缩保护..☉PV-12002x450W4欧姆\2x270W8欧姆,桥式:1200W4欧姆\850W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护.....☉PV-20002x700W4欧姆\2x400W8欧姆,桥式:1400W8欧姆,内置150Hz分频器,DDT压缩保护......☉PV-9002x300W4欧姆\2x180W8欧姆,桥式:900W4欧姆\600W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护......☉PV-15002x500W4欧姆\2x300W8欧姆,桥式:1500W4欧姆\1000W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护......☉PV-25002x900W4欧姆\2x540W8欧姆,桥式:2500W4欧姆\1700W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护.......☉ CS-200X2x85W4欧姆\2x85W8欧姆,桥式:220W4欧姆\170W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护.....☉ CS-400X2x210W4欧姆\2x130W8欧姆,桥式:600W4欧姆\420W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护.....☉ CS-500A2x210W4欧姆\2x130W8欧姆,桥式:600W4欧姆\420W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护......☉ CS-800X2x400W4欧姆\2x240W8欧姆,桥式:1200W4欧姆\800W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护......☉ CS-800S2x420W4欧姆\2x260W8欧姆,桥式:1200W4欧姆\840W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护......☉ CS-1000X2x525W4欧姆\2x325W8欧姆,桥式:1500W4欧姆\1000W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护......☉ CS-1800G2x600W4欧姆\2x350W8欧姆,桥式:1800W4欧姆\1200W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护.......☉ X-1CS-S系列功放专用分音模板,2路2分频或单路3分频(CS-800S)......☉ X-2CS-S系列功放专用分音模板,可调节分频点的2路分频模板(CS-800S),可调整的分频范围为80Hz-800Hz-8KHz☉ M-1CS-S系列功放专用分音模板,低噪声,高、低阻抗话筒前置放大,15V幻象电源☉GPS-9002x330W4欧姆\2x200W8欧姆,桥式:900W4欧姆\660W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护,LED 信号指示.....☉GPS-15002x550W4欧姆\2x320W8欧姆,桥式:1500W4欧姆\1100W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护,LED 信号指示.....☉GPS-26002x950W4欧姆\2x650W8欧姆,桥式:2600W4欧姆\1700W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护,LED 信号指示.....☉GPS-34002x1200W4欧姆\2x750W8欧姆,桥式:3400W4欧姆\2400W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护,LED信号指示.....☉DPC-1400X 数码功放,2x500W4欧姆\2x375W8欧姆,桥式:1400W4欧姆\1000W8欧姆,DDT压缩保护,1U机架空间......美国百威监听系列功放☉MAQ150带均衡监听功放,150W4欧姆,可调低通滤波器,DDT失真察觉仪,单15段图示均衡,FLS反馈指示灯美国百威定压系列功放☉IPA-75T Ⅱ定压式功放,75WRMS,SPS保护电路技术专利,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω☉IPA-150T Ⅱ定压式功放,150WRMS,SPS保护电路技术专利,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω☉IPA-300T定压式功放,300WRMS,SPS保护电路技术专利,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω☉MMA-875T 9通道带前置定压功放,75WRMS,8个可选模块插口,SPS保护电路技术专利,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω,2路哑音,可外接音量控制☉MMA-8150T 9通道带前置定压功放,150WRMS,8个可选模块插口,SPS保护电路技术专利,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω,2路哑音,可外接音量控制☉UM-10带前置定压功放,10W输出功率,70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω高、低音音色控制线路输入哑音选择变压平衡MIC/PAGE输入,电子平衡线路输入☉UMA-35T Ⅱ带前置定压功放,3路输入、35W功率输出,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω,信号感应输入,15V 幻像供电,高低音音色控制☉UMA-75T Ⅱ带前置定压功放,4路输入、75W功率输出,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω,信号感应输入,15V 幻像供电,高低音音色控制☉UMA-150T Ⅱ带前置定压功放,4路输入、150W功率输出,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω,信号感应输入,15V幻像供电,高低音音色控制☉IRM-81508路带前置定压功放,150W功率输出,每路3段均衡,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω......☉PZS-804分区带前置定压功放,5路输入,每分区20W功率输出,70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω,信号感应输入,平衡线路输出☉PZS-1405分区带前置定压功放,5路输入,每分区35W功率输出,70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω,信号感应输入,平衡线路输出☉WMA-758路带前置定压功放,75W功率输出,7个可选模板插口,1个专用设备程序通道,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω......☉WMA-1508路带前置定压功放,150W功率输出,7个可选模板插口,1个专用设备程序通道,100V、70V、25V或4Ω/8Ω......美国百威DJ混音台·3DMixPro 2通道+2路话筒输入,SRS立体声激励电路每通道3段均衡,CUE按钮,话筒2段均衡,LED信号显示,15V幻像电源,12位LED信号显示,双100mm滑动电位器·CD-MIX-NINE 7通道+2路话筒输入,7段图式均衡+48V幻像供电,外接效果接口,16V照明灯插口节拍指示,3路唱机/CD选择开关美国百威UNITY系列调音台·UNITY-1002-8RQ 8路输入,3段均衡,1路效果输出,1路监听输出,1组磁带输入/输出,48V 幻像电源,立体声耳机输出·UNITY-2002-12RQ 12路输入,3段均衡,2路效果输出,2路监听输出,1组磁带输入/输出,48V 幻像电源,立体声耳机输出·UNITY-2002-16RQ 16路输入,3段均衡,2路效果输出,21路监听输出,1组磁带输入/输出,48V 幻像电源,立体声耳机输出·UNITY-2002-24RQ24路输入,3段均衡,2路效果输出,2路监听输出,1组磁带输入/输出,48V幻像电源,立体声耳机输出美国百威RQ系列调音台RQ-2002路平衡+4路平衡、立体声输入,每路2段均衡3-6路同时立体声/单声道输入,电平各自控制,立体声耳机输出,幻像电源RQ-1606M监听调音台,16路话筒/14路线路输入.....RQ-23106路平衡+4路平衡、立体声输入,每路3段均衡......RQ-231410路平衡+4路平衡、立体声输入,每路3段均衡......RQ-231814路平衡+4路平衡、立体声输入,每路3段均衡......RQ-30146路平衡+4路立体声输入,每路3段均衡......RQ-433232路/4编组,每路3段均衡,带扫频,6路辅助输出.....美国百威SRC系列调音台·SRC-4018FC18路/4编组,立体声输出,6路辅助输出.....·SRC-4026FC26路/4编组,立体声输出,6路辅助输出.....·SRC-4034FC34路/4编组,立体声输出,6路辅助输出.....·SRC-602424路/6编组,6路辅助输出,每路4段均衡带扫频.....·SRC-603232路/6编组,6路辅助输出,每路4段均衡带扫频.....·RSM-406216路/4编组,机架/台式两用,1-8路可直接输出,9-16路附立体声输入...·SRM-2410监听调音台,24路平衡输入;每路有-20dB电平衰减开关.....美国百威自动调音台·AM-44路平衡/不平衡输入,输入灵敏度XLR-61dBu/Line-40dBu.....·AUTOMIX 2 8路带平衡变压器的Mic/Line输入,每路线8V幻像供电.....美国百威程控调音台·SMR-8216路话筒平衡输入(有48V幻象电源)+2路可单/双声道切换的线路输入....美国百威带功放调音台·XR-600F6路平衡+1组立体声输入,带弹簧混响,输出功率2x200W/4ohm......·XR-800D8路平衡输入,带数码效果器,2x200W/4ohm,1组录音输入/输出......·XR-800F6路平衡+3组立体声输入,带数码效果器,2x210W/4ohm,2x150W/8ohm......·XR-1600F14路平衡+3组立体声输入,带数码效果器,输出功率3x200W/4ohm......·XR-5606路输入,每路2段均衡,1组录音输入/输出,输出功率150W/4ohm......·XR-680E TB8路平衡输入,每路3段均衡,2x150W/4ohm,弹簧混响......·XR-8868路平衡+4路立体声输入,带数码效果器,2x300W/4ohm......·XR-201212路平衡+4路立体声输入,带数码效果器,2x400W/ohm......美国百威数码多功能音频信号处理器·CEX-5数码分频/均衡/延迟/限幅处理,2路平衡输入/4路平衡输出,......美国百威均衡器·CEQ-280A28段图示均衡,1/3倍频程,实时频谱分析仪,......·EQ-215双15段,2/3倍频程,+/-6dB与+/-12dB选择按钮,......·EQ-215FX双15段,2/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,可调高/低频滤波器......·EQ-31FX31段,1/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,可调高/低频滤波器......·Q-13131段,1/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,低频滤波器......·Q-215双15段,2/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,低频滤波器......·Q-231双31段,1/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,低频滤波器......·Q-215F双15段,2/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,低频滤波器......·Q-215FX双15段,2/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,低频滤波器......·Q-231FX双31段,1/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,低频滤波器......·Q-431F31段,1/3倍频程,+/-15dB范围可调,低频滤波器......·Q-431FM31段,1/3倍频程,+12dB/-18dB范围可调,低频滤波器......美国百威电子分音器·VSX立体声2路分频/单声道3路分频,(-18dB倍频)......·XD2/3/4立体声2路、3路分频/单声道4路分频,(带倒位开关),......·DSC-HDH HDH系列音箱专用分音器......·PL-150电子分频插管,分频点150Hz......·PL-250电子分频插管,分频点250Hz......·PL-800电子分频插管,分频点800Hz......·PL-800EQ带均衡电子分频插管,分频点800Hz......·PL-1200EQ带均衡电子分频插管,分频点1200Hz......·PL-2000EQ带均衡电子分频插管,分频点2000Hz......·PL-2平衡输入变压器插管,将输入信号变成真正的平衡信号输入......美国百威立体声效果器·DELTAFEX16种不同类型效果,包括:7种混响,4种延时+混响,......美国百威反馈自动检测器·MENTOR双31段,FLS反馈监测系统,双31LED指示灯,......美国百威反馈自动检测器·XG-55通道,每路有可调阈值、恢复时间、状态指示灯,......美国百威延时器·IDL-10002路输入3路输出延时,平衡输入/输出可选变压平衡输入/输出,......美国百威话筒·PV-1动圈式,心型,带开关,80HZ-12KHz,600欧姆,灵敏度:-70dB·PV-LoZ动圈式,心型,带开关,80HZ-12KHz,400欧姆,灵敏度:-68dB·PVM-22(钻石系列)动圈式,心型,50HZ-16KHz,400欧姆,灵敏度:-68dB......·PVM-38i动圈式,心型,50HZ-16KHz,400欧姆,灵敏度:-76dB,嗡声消除线圈·PVM-45i动圈式,超心型,40HZ-16KHz,300欧姆,灵敏度:-56dB,嗡声消除线圈·PVM-46(钻石系列)动圈式,心型,40HZ-16KHz,400欧姆,灵敏度:-52dB......·PVM-80动圈式,超心型,50HZ-16KHz,300欧姆,灵敏度:-52dB,钛振膜·PVM-357袖珍型驻极体电容话筒,心型,50HZ-16KHz,600欧姆,灵敏度:-51dB...·PVM-480驻极体电容话筒,超心型,40HZ-20KHz,500欧姆,灵敏度:-68dB......·PVM-520i动圈式,心型,45HZ-19KHz,400欧姆,灵敏度:-68dB,钕磁铁,钛振膜·PVM-580i动圈式,超心型,40HZ-16KHz,300欧姆,灵敏度:-52dB......·PVM-835(钻石系列)动圈式,心型,45HZ-16KHz,400欧姆,灵敏度:-52dB.....·PVM-880(钻石系列)动圈式,超心型,45HZ-16KHz,400欧姆,灵敏度:-52dB...·PSM-2背极式驻体电容话筒,半心型,50HZ-20KHz,500欧姆,灵敏度:-45dB...·VCM-2背极式驻体电容话筒,心型,50HZ-20KHz,500欧姆,灵敏度:-52dB...·PM-16S驻体电容话筒,心型,50HZ-20KHz,500欧姆,灵敏度:-52dB...美国百威音圈·HT-94D高音音圈·22XT D 高音音圈·22-XT高音驱动器·44-XT D 高音音圈·44-XT高音驱动器·2x5WD Hone 高音单元(110TLS,112TCS)·Hone Twin Drive高音单元(TLS112,115,1210)·10805低音单元(110TLS)·12054低音单元(112TLS)·PR06-1/2SP-3G中音单元·1268 MR BW音圈(IMP-200)·SP-15825 RB 毒蝎子15"纸盆·1505-8 DT 黑寡妇15"纸盆·1801-8 BW 黑寡妇18"纸盆·1888-HP黑寡妇18"纸盆·BW Mag黑寡妇单元磁钢PV-260PV-500型号PV-260PV-500 PV-1200PV-2000输出功率/桥式4Ω--------500W RMS 1200W RMS2000W RMS 输出功率/桥式8Ω-------- 420W RMS900W RMS1400W RMS 输出功率每声道2Ω不推荐使用250W RMS600W RMS 1000W RMS 输出功率每声道4Ω130W RMS 210W RMS 450W RMS 700W RMS输出功率每声道8Ω100W RMS130W RMS270W RMS400W RMS总谐波失真(4Ω)<0.1%<0.1% <0.07%<0.07%20V/usc普通20V/usc普通20V/usc普通转换速率20V/usc40V/usc桥式40V/usc桥式40V/usc桥式信噪比100dB 100dB 100dB 100dB阻尼系数>300(8Ω)>300(8Ω)>300(8Ω)>300(8Ω)扬声器保护DDT失真压缩DDT失真压缩DDT失真压缩DDT失真压缩机架空间(标准)2U 3U 3U 4UPV-1200PV-2000CS-200X CS-500A CS-800S 型号CS-200X CS-500A CS-800S CS-800X CS-1000X CS-1800G 输出功率/桥式4Ω220W RMS500W RMS1200W RMS1200W RMS1500W RMS1800W RMS 输出功率/桥式8Ω 170W RMS400W RMS800W RMS800W RMS1000W RMS1200W RMS 输出功率每声道2Ω110W RMS250W RMS600W RMS600W RMS750W RMS900W RMS 输出功率每声道4Ω85W RMS 200W RMS400W RMS400W RMS525W RMS600W RMS 输出功率每声道8Ω85W RMS130W RMS240W RMS240W RMS325W RMS350W RMS 总谐波失真<0.07%<0.03% <0.03%<0.03%<0.03% <0.04%转换速率15V/usc40V/usc40V/usc 40V/usc40V/usc40V/usc信噪比100dB100dB 100dB100dB 100dB100dB阻尼系数>200(4Ω)>200(4Ω)>300(8Ω)>200(4Ω)>200(4Ω) >300(8Ω)扬声器保护DDT失真压缩DDT失真压缩DDT失真压缩DDT失真压缩DDT失真压缩DDT失真压缩机架空间(标准)1U 2U3U3U3U2UCS-800X CS-1000X CS-1800GSP series(移动鼠标查看音箱型号)型号高/低音单元频响范围灵敏度音乐功率最大功率阻抗辐射角重量(kg)SP-1G 44XT/15"blackwidow62Hz-18KHz99dB(1w/1m)900W 1800W8Ω 75°H×64°V 43.1 SP-2G 22XT/15"blackwidow65Hz-17.5KHz100dB(1w/1m)600W 1200W 8Ω84°H×59°V 37.6 SP-3G 22XT/15"blackwidow 54Hz-17KHz99dB(1w/1m)700W 1400W8Ω96°H×95°V 43.1 SP-4G 22XT/双15"blackwidow50Hz-17.5KHz 100dB(1w/1m)1200W2400W 4Ω87°H×60°V61.2 SP-5G22XT/15"scorpion70Hz-15KHz99dB(1w/1m)500W 1000W 8Ω94°H×76°V 32.7 SP-6G 22XT/12"sheffield 70Hz-15KHz 97dB(1w/1m)400W 800W 8Ω94°H×77°V 28.2 SP-7G 44XT/blackwidow 48Hz-18KHz 99dB(1w/1m)1200W 2400W 4Ω80°H×60°V 34.0 SP-115M22XT/15"blackwidow88Hz-14KHz101dB(1w/1m)500W1000W8Ω90°H×54°V24.0SP-112M22XT/15"blackwidow100Hz-14KHz101dB(1w/1m)500W1000W 8Ω90°H×54°V 22.2 SP-118sub18"blackwidow42Hz-1KHz100dB(1w/1m)700W1400W4Ω------------45.4SP x series型号高/低音单元频响范围灵敏度音乐功率最大功率阻抗辐射角重量(kg)SP-1X44XT/15"blackwidow62Hz-18KHz 99dB(1w/1m)1400W 2800W8Ω75°H×64°V43.1 SP-2X 22XT/15"blackwidow65Hz-17.5KHz100dB(1w/1m)1000W 2000W8Ω84°H×59°V37.6 SP-3X22XT/15"blackwidow54Hz-17KHz99dB(1w/1m) 1000W 2000W8Ω96°H×95°V43.1 SP-4X 22XT/双15"blackwidow50Hz-17.5KHz 100dB(1w/1m)2000W4000W 4Ω87°H×60°V61.2 SP-5X22XT/15"scorpion70Hz-15KHz99dB(1w/1m)700W 1400W 8Ω94°H×76°V 32.7 SP-6X22XT/12"sheffield70Hz-15KHz 97dB(1w/1m)500W 1000W 8Ω94°H×77°V 28.2 SP-7X 44XT/blackwidow 48Hz-18KHz99dB(1w/1m) 2000W 4000W 4Ω80°H×60°V34.0 SP-115MX22XT/15"blackwidow88Hz-17KHz101dB(1w/1m)1000W2000W 8Ω90°H×54°V 27.9 SP-112MX22XT/15"blackwidow100Hz-14KHz 101dB(1w/1m)1000W 2000W 8Ω90°H×54°V 24.0 SP-118X 18"blackwidow48Hz-1KHz 99dB(1w/1m) 1000W 2000W 4Ω------------ 22.2。
标准答案:正确15. 按照JIT 哲理,凡是不增加价值的活动都是浪费。
标准答案:正确16. 运作、营销和财务三大职能在大多数组织中都经不相干地运作。
标准答案:错误17. 我们通常所说的“某企业年产电视机多少台” ,是按假定产品。
标准答案:正确18 固定位置布置适合标准产品的生产。
标准答案:错误19 基于时间竞争策略的焦点在缩短对顾客需求的响应时间上。
标准答案:正确20 服务业生产率的测量要比制造业容易。
标准答案:错误21 在产品或服务的开发方面,只有做领导者才是正确的策略。
标准答案:错误22 按产品布置的生产系统具有高可靠性。
标准答案:正确23 库存控制的目标只是要降低维持库存费。
Audio research (ARC,美国)建厂于1970年,以产品的声音素质、制作水准和精密设计著称于世,尤以制作电子管机驰名世界。
HR070 Series Remote Control Programming Guide
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the other components you want to control. For future reference, write down each working component code below:
HR Series Remote Control Programming
Assigned Push-button Component Program Code
Push-buttons available for Programming
Flashes during Programming
Used to activate Programming Mode
with the most popular code first. If the component
responds, go to step 7.
6. If the component does not respond, press LEVEL+
Push-button and the Remote Control will test
The HR70 Series Remote Controls have stored in permanent memory the necessary information to send the correct commands to the component to be controlled. By entering a five digit numeric code the commands for controlling the component is activated.
S70S70采用了ESS MAESTROⅡ(ESS1968)芯片,虽然只能算是帝盟的低端产品(信噪比等指标不是很好),但音质相当出色,支持2声道(附带SPK OUT和LINE OUT双立体声输出),最大支持4MB GM,并且支持A3D 1.0 EAX 1.0/2.0。
S90S90使用的是Aureal Vortex AU8820芯片,分为A、B两种版本(卡上均有标明),A版比B 版好一点,但是A版在市面上几乎看不到,即使是B版现在也非常少见。
需要和大家说明的是采用Aureal Vortex AU8820芯片的不一定就是S90,很多别的厂商的声卡都使用过这种型号的芯片(并且还有许多是刻意模仿S90的板形来制造的,其中最最有名的就是由Aureal自己生产的V1)。
AU8820芯片现在只有Win98的驱动了,在Win2000和WinXP下可以用Wind ows自带驱动,但效果无疑要大打折扣。
拉森·迪斯 SoundExpert LxT 声音级别仪说明书
Advanced Test Equipment Corp. 800-404-ATEC (2832)SOUNDEXPERT®SOUND LEVEL METER2HIGHLIGHTS■Class 1 Sound Level Meter■Random Incidence (RI) or Free Field (FF) microphones■30 hours of operations using AA lithium batteries■Rugged, compact, lightweightOPTIONS■Tripod (TRP001)■Class 1 Calibrator (CAL200)■Rugged Outdoor Case (EPS042)INCLUDED FEATURES & CAPABILITIES■Real-Time Octave Band Analysis (1/1 & 1/3)■Time History Logging■Community Noise Metrics ■2GB Internal Memory■Measurement HistoryStandard 1/2 inch Free Field or Random Incidence Microphone Integrated Preamplifier Collar to Eliminate ReflectionsLarge HighResolution Display Reset/Clear Memory Recessed On/Off ButtonDual Purpose Start/Stop Display Navigation USB Host(Thumb Drive Storage)Headphone JackUSB and PowerOne-button Access to Measurement Set-upThe Larson Davis SoundExpert ® LxT Sound Level Meter is a full-featured meter designed for general product evaluation and noise monitoring applications. SoundExpert LxT comes with a graphic display and a fixed set of firmware options applicable for these applications. It is available as a general hand-held meter or data acquisition tool and also in a short-term noise monitoring kit. The meter expands upon the Larson Davis tradition of delivering value, innovation and function in a rugged, single-handed package, and is backed by our 2-year factory warranty, 24-hour application support, and accredited factory service/calibration.SOUNDEXPERT LXT SOUND LEVELMETER■Product Noise Evaluation ■Production Line Acoustic Testing■Site Assessment■Attended Noise Measuring■Environmental Noise MonitoringSOUNDEXPERT LXTMODELS LXT1-SE-FF OR LXT1-SE-RI3HIGHLIGHTS■Complete noise measuring system■Weatherpoof, lightweight, compact case (EPS042)■Up to 300 hours of operations with a D-cell battery pack (BAT015)■Ideal to deploy, measure, download, then analyze■Includes SoundExpert LxTOPTIONS■Tripod (TRP001)■Class 1 calibrator (CAL200) ■DNA analysis software (SWW-DNA)■LxT driver for DNA (SWW-DNA-LXT)SOUNDEXPERT LXT OUTDOOR NOISEMONITORING KIT■Mining Operations ■Construction Site Noise ■Wind Tubine Noise■Motorsports■Entertainment Events ■Industrial Operations■Unattended Noise MonitoringIn addition to the SoundExpert ® LxT meter, this kit includes the EPS042 protection case and D-cell battery pack, the EPS2116 microphone protection shroud, and EXC010 10 ft. cable. Using D-cell alkaline batteries, allows the noise monitor to be smaller and lighter; avoid the expense of shipping heavy lead acid batteries and the hassle of recharging. You can transport it easily to your site, deploy it, measure data, retrieve your system, download the data, and issue your report.NOISE MONITORING KITMODELS NMS-SE-FF OR NMS-SE-RI4The SoundExpert ® LxT was specifically designed to provide a simple, easy-to-use meter to provide professional measurements to support your Product Engineering or Basic Noise Monitoring needs. It comes configured with a fixed set of firmware options that will typically meet the needs of the professional engineer or consultant.APPLICATION SOLUTIONSATTENDED NOISE MEASURINGThe SoundExpert LxT is your professional tool for hand-held or attended noise monitoring projects. It comes loaded with the firmware you need for logging, metrics, and octave band analysis and 2GB internal memory is standard. It’s perfect for site assessments, compliance evaluations, and root cause investigations.SHORT TERM MONITORING PROJECTSWhen you need a simple and affordable noise monitoring solution for periods less than two weeks, the SoundExpert LxT, battery powered, monitoring kit is the perfect fit. It’s small, lightweight, and easy to transport with a basic D-cell battery pack. Optional tripods and analysis software are available. Deploy it, measure it, retrieve, download your data, and issue the report!NOISE MONITORING■Vehicle NVH Analysis ■Traffic■Industrial Assessments■Wind Turbine■Construction Sites ■Public Venues■Code EnforcementPRODUCT NOISE EVALUATIONThe SoundExpert LxT provides the functions, metrics, and accessories needed to help you develop quieter products. This instrument is well suited for acoustic development in the automotive, motorcycle, appliance, turbine, and speaker industries. Available with free field or random incidence microphones and with a detachable preamplifier and microphone that comes with extension cable options from 6 to 200 feet, this device makes noise measurement and recording simple and portable.PRODUCTION LINE ACOUSTIC TESTINGProduction line acoustic testing is necessary for qualifying and inspecting a wide range of products and sub-assemblies. The SoundExpert LxT meter provides an affordable method to measure noise for pass/fail assessments and for archiving for future traceability. This data can identify alignment errors, missing components, cracks, defects, and other anomalies. Octave band analysis can be used to get immediate diagnostic feedback as to what has failed on the component that can help root cause the concern and eliminate warranty costs. This data can also be used to predict subjective customer perceptions and to set quality standards that drive product acceptance and differentiation.PRODUCT ENGINEERING■Vehicle NVH Analysis■Acoustic Target Setting and Evaluation■Appliance Noise Testing■Speaker Evaluation■Production Line Acoustic Testing5G4 LD UTILITYThe G4 LD Utility program is included with your SoundExpert LxT and is an easy-to-use utility for managing and providing configuration set-up and data download. The Screengrabber feature emulates the SLM screen on your PC, convenient for presenting data stored on the SoundExpert LxT or for teaching classes. Measurement set-ups can be stored on the PC and exchanged with one or more sound level meters. Data can be downloaded into a PC and easily exported to Excel ® for further analysis.DATA NAVIGATION AND ANALYSIS SOFTWARE (SWW-DNA)Data Navigation and Analysis Software (SWW-DNA) is designed to analyze and report environmental noise, factory noise and product noise with an interactive graphical interface. DNA and the SoundExpert LxT can be used in two ways: DNA retrieves files from the SoundExpert LxT or DNA uses the SoundExpert LxT as a data acquisition front-end.■Interactive graphs with data zoom, evaluate processing for events with linked cursors over several graphs■Reprocess time history data to remove unwanted noise■Customizable template-based operationA major differentiating concept of DNA is the principle of separation of data and graphical layout. This allows for drag and drop functionality of new data in the same layout. With many environmental studies being similar in nature, this feature allows for quick, professional looking reports.SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT (831-SDK)The Software Development Kit for the SoundExpert LxT interfaces smoothly and directly with the Microsoft ® programming environment, either for Excel ® VBA or Visual C++ programming. The SDK consists of two main parts, the SLM Server and the SLM Translator.The SLM Translator is the library that allows for the reading of data files. The SLM Server provides on-line SLM access and control. The SDK integrates completely and seamlessly into the Microsoft ® programming environment with the included files and interfaces.The SDK is ideal for those who want to integrate a SoundExpert LxT into their system.SOFTWARESOLUTIONSThe SoundExpert ® LxT has numerous on-board capabilities, yet often further processing, visualization or reporting needs exist. For this purpose the SoundExpert LxT can be used as a portable instrument and retrieve the data, work as a data acquisition front-end, or incombination.67LXT FAMILY OF PRODUCTSSOUNDEXPERT ® LXT■Product Noise Evaluation ■Product Line Acoustic Testing ■Site Assessment■Attended Noise Monitoring■Environmental Noise MonitoringSOUNDTRACK LXT1-QPR■Firearms Acoustic Analysis■Shooting Ranges Noise Assessment ■Impulsive Noise MeasuringSOUNDTRACK LXT N/FORCER■Community Noise Standards and Code Enforcement ■Nuisance Noise Complaint■Traffic Noise and ‘Boom Cars’■Evidential DataSOUNDTRACK LXT■Workplace Noise Exposure Assessment ■Plant Noise Surveys■Hearing Protection Analysis。
六、Tannoy 天朗英国1926年,塔尔萨米尔制造公司(Tulsemere Manufacturing Company)在伦敦成立。
1932年3月,公司的创始人Guy R Fountain将“天朗”注册为商标。
“天朗”(Tannoy)是“钽合金”(tantalum alloy)的缩写词。
著名的天朗旗舰西敏寺音箱二十世纪40年代后期,与Fountain一起工作的一位名叫Ronnie Hastings Rackham的工程师研发出天朗的第一个同轴驱动单体,它的高频声压单元通过一个大低音锥盘的中心扩散。
“人们认为是Decca购买了最初的6个同轴驱动单体音箱,用作录音棚的监听音箱,” 天朗家用音箱营销副总裁Tim Lount说,“众所周知,天朗接着利用最初的同轴驱动单体的变型生产了全系列的家用音箱,其中许多型号使用了折叠号筒音箱的设计,能够摆放在听音室的角落里。
有许多经典的型号,如Ascot, Buckingham, the GRF(最初创意来自Guy Fountain),Lancaster以及Windsor等等,其中有一些至今还在使用。
效果器是用于添加特殊效果的一种工具,如混响、延迟、合唱等。在调音过程中,适当 应用效果器可以增强音频的表现力和艺术感。
在日高k550调音系统中,效果器通常有多种类型和参数可选,如混响时间、延迟时间、 反馈等。根据不同的需求和场景,选择合适的效果器和参数可以创造出不同的音效。
采用简洁、直观的界面设计,方便用户快速找 到所需功能。
简化操作步骤,提供一键式操作,提高用户操 作效率。
提供故障诊断工具,快速定位问题所在,便 于维修人员快速修复。
定期发布软件更新,修复已知的BUG和漏洞, 提高系统稳定性。
05 系统优化
根据实际需求,升级CPU、内存、 硬盘等硬件设备,提高系统整体 性能。
定期清理系统垃圾文件,禁用不 必要的启动项,以提高系统运行 速度。
使用系统优化软件,如 Windows Defender、 CCleaner等,进行全面优化。
在复杂的现场环境中,日高k550能够 有效地抑制噪音和干扰,确保采集到 的音频信号纯净、无杂质。
通过调整音频频段的增益, 可以改善音频信号的频率 响应,使声音更加平衡、 和谐。
STARWOODHOTEL & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, INC.喜达屋酒店及度假村管理集团公司ASIA-PACIFIC DIVISION亚太分部MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS STANDARDS机械和电气系统标准CONFIDENTIAL(机密)—————————————————————————————————————Sheraton Hotels & Resorts Worldwide,Inc.© 2002 Asia-Pacific Division— 1 —This Sheraton Hotel Mechanical & Electrical Systems Standards and all materials, procedures and systems herein contained or depicted have been developed by and are the sole and exclusive property of:该喜来登酒店机械和电气系统标准以及本文中包含的或描述的所有材料、过程和系统都是下面这家公司所开发,并是该公司的独有的和排他性的财产:Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide,Inc.(“Starwood”)喜达屋酒店及度假村管理集团公司(“Starwood”)Asia-Pacific Division亚太分部6 Temasek Boulevard,#40-01Suntec Tower Four,Singapore 038986The contents contain proprietary trade secrets that are the private and confidential property of Starwood. Unauthorized use, disclosure, or reproduction of any material contained in this manual is expressly prohibited. The Architecture & Construction Standards are to be returned immediately upon the termination of any relationship or agreement giving user authorization to possess or use such information or materials. Any unauthorized or illegal use shall subject the user to all remedies, both legal and equitable, available to Starwood.其内容包含专有的商业秘密,这是Starwood拥有的机密财产。
Hi - Fi 音箱厂家至少有上百家,不过这其中能自己设计并生产扬声器单元的厂家却很少。
最负盛名的扬声器单元厂家是丹拿( Dynaudio )、绅士宝( Scan-speak )、福柯( Focal )、傲的诗( Audax )、西雅士( Seas )、魔雷( Morel )、 ETON 和 JBL 。
此外, KEF , Diatone,B & W , Altec ,LPG , Visaton , Thiel , Elac , MB 等厂家也出产优秀的单元。
(一)挪威名厂 Seas (上)西雅士厂址在挪威首都奥斯陆附近。
建厂五十余年,亨誉全球,目前该厂共生产 55 个型号的单元,口径从 19mm 到 250mm ,很多厂家都乐于采用西雅士的单元,或委托其定做单元。
计有尊宝的旷世系列,雨后初晴( Harbeth ),贵族( ProAc ),世霸( Sonus Faber ),飞声( Audio Physic ),雅龙( Alon ),维也纳( Vienna ), Westlake , MBL , Audio Vector , Diapason 等等。
H149 ( 11F - GM )世霸的 Minima ,贵族的 Tablette III ,晋扬歌剧系列,阿里的波音 727 ,澳洲 AXIS 旗舰 LS-88 ,法国 Audio Vector 的 3a 这几对音箱都采用了 H149 这个单元。
H149 的优秀程度不言而喻。
H149 是西雅士精心制造的一款口径仅 110mm 的靓声小扬声器。
H149 的音圈直径是 26mm 。
采用超大直径的锶铁氧体磁路,锶铁氧体能胜任在低温下工作,且磁能积较大,不过成本高, H149 的磁通密度达到了12500 高斯以上。
有些CD碟提供了测试信号,如著名的“雨果发烧碟(一)”、“My Disk”等,《无线电》也曾推出音频测试CD。
这里将向大家连续介绍三个软件:RMAA,Adobe Audition(原CoolEdit)和Spectra,它们各有长处,优势互补,也可以互相参考。
Audition侧重波形生成和编辑处理, Spectra侧重图示分析,而RMAA则方便快捷测试全面。
RMAA的全名是“Right Mark Audio Analyzer”,是由俄罗斯硬件资讯网站开发的音频硬件测试软件,最新版本5.2,2003年12月8日才发布,大家可以到其官方网站自由下载:。
上海XXXX酒店影音系统所需建筑、装修、灯光配套要求影音系统所需机电、IT、暖通、弱电等专业配套要求日期:二零一七年五月十一日Date:11th, May. 2017Version 4.0影音系统所需建筑、装修、灯光配套要求影音系统所需机电、IT、暖通、弱电等专业配套要求1.会议、宴会区域使用之投影幕前的灯光建议作为独立回路控制;在投影放映时可单独调光或关闭,以保证投影效果。
3.会议室内投影机吊架预留开孔尺寸800x800mm,开孔上空需至少有960mm 高度空间供投影机吊架安装,且此空间内不能有其他管路穿过,以免影响吊架安装。
天音音频 Galaxy Trek Violin Mic System GT-INST-6 使用指南说
USER’S MANUALWARRANTY Information can be viewed online athttps:///support/warrantyTHREE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYV20190429 1-800-369-7768 Specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice.© Copyright Galaxy Audio 2019Printed in China /support/warrantyTransmitter Receiver Galaxy Trek Violin Mic System GT-INST-6GT-INST-6Galaxy Trek Violin Mic System GT-INST-61. Put the receiver into the 1/8" (3.5 mm) Mic input of an amplifier, powered speaker, or other audio device or use the included 1/4" (6.5 mm) adapter for 1/4" inputs. For Apple or Android phones, use the included phone adapter cables.2. Attach rubber bracket with mic onto the Violin, and included Belt Clip onto the Transmitter.3. On the Receiver, move the Power switch to On. The LED will beginflashing.4. On the Transmitter, move the Power switch to On. The LED will briefly flash until the Transmitter and Receiver automatically pair. The LED will then remain on.5. Adjust the volume to a suitable level. It is ready for use.CautionThe LED will turn red when power is low, and will turn off whenless than 10%. The LED will also turn red when charging.Store in a dry location away from moisture. Avoid excessive heat.For repair services, please contact Galaxy Audio. Do not attemptopen or repair it. Doing so will void warranty.System Specifications:Frequency Range: 2.4GHz Frequency Hopping Frequency Response: 20Hz-20KHz Pairing: Auto-Match Violin Microphone:Mic Diameter: 0.1" x 0.24" (2.7 x 6 mm) (LxDia.)Polar Pattern: Omni-Directional Sensitivity: -46dB ±2dB Frequency Response: 196Hz - 12kHz Standard Operating Voltage: 2.0V - 10V.DC Signal to Noise Ratio: >58dB Impedance: ≤680ΩTransmitter:Battery: Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Input: Mini USB Charging Indicators: Power and Pairing LED Receiver:Controls: On-Off Power switch Battery: Lithium Ion Input: Mini USB charging Output: 3.5mm stereo output plug Indicators: Power and Pairing LED Included Accessories:Rubber Bracket Detachable Belt Clip Cell Phone Adapter Cables (Red for most Android, Black for most Apple)1/8 inch to 1/4 inch Adapter USB Charging Cable 19.7 inch Female to Male Extension Cable Windscreen。
When it comes to the best cinema experience,several factors contribute to making a movie theater stand out from the rest.Here are some key aspects that define the best cinemas:1.StateoftheArt Technology:The best cinemas boast the latest projection technology, ensuring that every frame of the film is displayed in the highest quality.This includes4K resolution,3D capabilities,and IMAX screens that offer an immersive viewing experience.fortable Seating:Comfort is paramount when youre sitting through a twohour or longer movie.The best cinemas offer spacious,cushioned seats with ample legroom and reclining options,ensuring that every guest is comfortable throughout the film.3.Acoustic Excellence:Superior sound systems are a must for a topnotch cinema.Dolby Atmos or similar surround sound technologies provide a rich,immersive audio experience that complements the visual spectacle on screen.4.Cleanliness and Maintenance:A wellmaintained cinema with clean screens,floors,and restrooms reflects a commitment to providing an enjoyable experience for all patrons.5.Customer Service:Friendly and attentive staff can make a significant difference in a moviegoers experience.The best cinemas train their staff to be helpful and responsive to the needs of their guests.6.Food and Beverage Options:While the main attraction is the movie,the best cinemas offer a variety of food and drink options that go beyond the standard popcorn and soda. From gourmet snacks to a full bar,these options can enhance the overall experience.7.Accessibility:The best cinemas are accessible to all guests,including those with disabilities.This includes ramps,elevators,and designated seating for wheelchair users.8.Location and Ambiance:A convenient location with ample parking or public transportation options is a plus.Additionally,the cinemas interior design and ambiance can contribute to the overall mood and enjoyment of the visit.9.Value for Money:While the experience is important,the best cinemas also offer reasonable ticket prices and special deals or loyalty programs that reward regular customers.10.Special Events and Screenings:Offering unique events such as film festivals,specialscreenings,or QA sessions with filmmakers can set a cinema apart and attract a diverse audience.In conclusion,the best cinema is one that combines cuttingedge technology with a focus on customer comfort and service,providing an unforgettable moviewatching experience.。
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AUDIO-VISUAL SYSTEMS DESIGN GUIDELINEINTRODUCTIONThis document is intended to serve as a guide in the design of Audio-Visual (AV) facilities for both new-build and refurbishment projects within the Starwood Asia Pacific Division.While there are differences in specific requirements of the AV systems for the various Starwood Brands, the main focus of this document is to list out the core-standards in AV systems design which are application to all the brands.It should be reiterated that it is not the intention of this Design Guideline to replace the design of the AV facilities by a professionally qualified and Starwood-approved Audio-Visual Consultant. ACCEPTABLE DESIGN AND DOCUMENTATION SOFTWAREFor the purpose of compatibility between the AV Consultant and the Owner’s Project Team, the following list of application software is recommended for the design of systems:•Autodesk AutoCAD for layouts and System Schematics•Microsoft Office Excel for equipment, cabling, power and other schedules•Microsoft Office Word for written documents and reports•Microsoft Office PowerPoint for presentations and concept design•Microsoft Office Project for project management software•Adobe Acrobat for issue of drawings to all project team members (Note: All drawings shall always include PDF-format, even if AutoCAD drawings are also issued)•EASE, or similar application software, for simulation and analysis of loudspeaker performance in demanding venuesDOCUMENTATION STANDARDSAll drawings, documents, schedules, and presentations shall be numbered as follows:•Project Name and Reference Number• Document Number•Revision Number•Revision Date (very important)QUALIFICATION OF AV CONSULTANTAll Audio-Visual Consultant must be qualified and approved by Starwood Design & Technical Services Department and shall posses the relevant professional qualifications and suitably certified by the AV industry.The AV Consultant must be highly knowledgeable of the latest trend and requirements of the hospitality industry and should be able to provide the most current and up-to-date AV design for the hotels as directed by Starwood and the Owners.THE DESIGN PROCESSThere shall be a structured approach to the design, tendering, and realization of the AV facilities for the hotel. The following structured design stages shall be followed:CONCEPTUAL PHASE STAGE•Obtain a detailed brief on the operations, functional and systems requirement from the Starwood and client•Arrange for AV systems design team to visit the site•Arrange meeting and design workshop with Interior designer, architects, other consultants and introduce the AV systems, and list out potential interfacing/coordination requirements with the rest of the design team•Establish the quality and cost expectations of the client•Provide Overall budget of systems proposed, summarised by areas of the hotel•Provide a description of systems function by areas, based on the layout plan of the hotel •Presentation of concept design to Starwood and the client•Revised the design as necessary•Obtain approval from Starwood and the client on the concept designDETAILED DESIGN STAGE•Provide coordination to Interior designer, E&M consultant, ELV consultant and other relevant consultant/designer as necessary•Provide detail budget for the entire AV system in the form of BOQ complete with unit pricing, specification, manufacturer, model number etc, generalised Schedule of Rates (SOR) or Bill Of Quantities (BOQ) is unacceptable•Provide detail equipment layout drawings based on interior designer’s layout drawings, reflected ceiling plan (preferably with lighting layout)•Provide E&M requirement schedules (including power requirement, IPTV, CATV, VOICE/DATA, technical earth)•Provide any structural loading requirement to structural consultant•Provide typical installation drawings for coordination with interior designer•Provide Specification of equipment Present the Detailed Design to the client, for approval •Make final Amendments to the designs and budgets•Obtain approval from Starwood and the client on the detail design, and budget•Provide technical portion of the tender document, these includes at least the following: o Description of AV systems by areaso Detailed Bill of Quantityo Detailed Systems designo Detailed Equipment layout drawingso Technical requirement of systems to be achieved, and appropriate clauses and conditions regarding the performance and contractual restraints on the contractors, tobe incorporated into a tender package (Contract Terms and conditions by others) •Assist with Tender Interviews and final recommendation. Lead the Tender interviews for the technical part, ensuring that the bidders:•Submit Tender Analysis Report, highlighting:o Bid amounts and % of bids relevant to the lowest (except where the Owner/QS withholds financial data)o Very high and very low pricing (as neither is desirable and is indicative of either error or equipment substitution)o Summary of Maintenance Support and Site-Response from the bidderso Comments on Equipment substitutions, with “Accepted”/”Rejected” commentso Comments on Company experience and Team structureo Comments on submitted Project ScheduleCONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIONAfter appointment of a contractor to undertake the necessary works:•Hold briefing meeting with awarded AV Contractor, thoroughly review the design and ensure their full understanding•Periodically visit the site to inspect the ongoing works; review workmanship, progress, and outstanding works•Inspect and sign-off the Shop Drawings by the AV Contractor, with “Accepted”, or “Rejected”, along with comments/feedback•Review proposed Touch-screen and other User-interfaces with the Contractor, and feedback •Co-ordinate with the contractor on-site for final testing and commissioning witnessing and client training. At a minimum, the following shall be tested:o Operation and Equalisation of the sound systems using a real-time Analyser (RTA)o Testing of Audio Tielines for Short-circuit, open-circuit, earthing, and cross-wiringo Testing of Video Tielines for Signal ground/chassis earth isolation, and correct performanceo Testing of UTP Tielines for correct wiring, and crossed pairso Inspection of certification of fibre Tielineso Full-System Testing, including all aspects of Touch-screen and other User-interfaces•Review the System Schematics, Layouts, schedules, User-interface documentation for correct and adequate standards. All cable identity numbers shall be shown on the system schematics.Panels and equipment shall be cross-referenced between the schematics and the layouts •Review the ‘operations manual’ prepared by the contractor to prior to presentation to the client, •Recommendation for practical completion, work in defects liability periodThere will also be other aspects of the work, including the following:•Liaison with the architect and other consultants as necessary•Liaison with the E and M consultants to include proper interfacing between the emergency paging system (provided by others) and the A/V systems•Liaison with the E and M consultants to ensure co-ordinated design of the conduit work, and power distribution system (provided by others)THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESSSELECTION OF AV CONTRACTORThe Audio-Visual Consultant shall recommend ideally 5 local AV Contractors with good reputation and the preferred AV contractors shall ideally be a Certified Audio-Visual Solutions Provider (CAVSP). AV companies not located in the country shall have a base in the same city or in collaboration with a local AV systems provider.The Ballroom and Meeting Rooms in particular are demanding systems, and essential to the effective operation of the Hotel; the Tendering AV Contractors therefore need to be experienced already in Audio-, Video-, and Control Systems, as well as in the implementation of these kind of large and demanding systems.SCOPE OF AV CONTRACTORUpon appointment, the AV Consultant shall provide a detailed briefing to the AV Contractor. The AV Contractors scope is as follows:SHOP DRAWINGS PRODUCTIONA full set of detailed system schematics, layouts, specifications and schedules shall be issued to the AV Contractor, who shall provide immediately for comment and sign-off by the AV Consultant the following:•Detailed system schematic drawings including cable numbering•Layout drawings with setting-out in plan and elevation of all AV Equipment•Containment requirements – trunking, conduit, flexible conduit drops (Supply and installation of conduit normally by the Electrical Contractor)•Installation shop drawings as required•Detailed Cable schedules• Power requirementsSOFTWARE DOCUMENTATIONAs the project develops, the AV Contractor shall also provide for comment and sign-off:•Any touch panel layouts and description•Any Push Button layouts and description•Any screen layouts for control system / DSP etc, and description•Algorithms for Control systems / DSP programming etc•Testing and Commissioning Documentation for approval by AV consultant•Training documents for approval by AV consultantTEST DOCUMENTATIONAt least 4 weeks before commencement of Test and Commissioning (T&C), the AV Contractor shall submit for approval the T&C Documentation. This shall include at least:•Method Statement for the T&C process•Sign-off sheets listing out all:o Equipment Lists (Contract BOQ/SOR) organized into areas, and sub-divided into site- and AV Rack-/Control Room, for convenience of checkingo Areas, with functional tests of all facilitieso Audio Zoneso Tielines and Connections, with checkbox for each connectiono Software-based systems – Touch-screens, pushbutton panels, computer-based interfaces, etc•Test Data, including certification of any optical fibre connections•Preliminary Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual•Preliminary as-builts – hand-marked-up system schematics, layouts, schedulesTRAININGThe AV Contractor shall co-operate with the Hotel Management to allow engineering and banquet department personnel and other relevant persons to witness installation work/commissioning, for their better understanding and handling of the systems once handed over. Training shall be provided prior to opening, and also upon handover, for at least:•System Users - This shall be less technical, and focus on the setting up and use of the systems. For complex areas such as the Ballroom and Meeting Rooms, the users shall be encouraged to carry out set-ups; it is not enough to provide classroom lecture only•System Maintenance Personnel. This shall focus on the technical aspects, although necessarily must include training in use of the systems too•There will be several such trainings, since the hotel operates shifts, and all related persons must be trained•The Maintenance period/Defects Liability Period (DLP) shall include the responsibility to provide additional training sessions quarterly for all shifts of User- and Technical staff. This is because of the high initial staff turnover.FINAL DOCUMENTATIONWithin 2 weeks of the T&C inspection by the AV Consultant, submit at least 3 sets of:• As-Built documentation• O&M Manual• Product Manuals• Test Results•Compileable source code for all AMX, Crestron, DSP, and other customized software for the project. This is to be regarded as an essential part of the deliverables for the ProjectHANDOVERThe system shall be deemed as handed-over once the following have been achieved: •All defects successfully corrected•All As-built documentation signed off•All software source code submitted•Training carried outSYSTEM SPECIFICATIONSAUDIO SYSTEMREQUIREMENT1. GENERALThe audio system is to provide a comfortable listening ambient for the hotel Background music, based on the different venues of the hotel. The selected loudspeaker needs to meet the requirement of the music consultant.The AV consultant needs to recommend to Starwood and the client on the latest technology to be used in the property. Where possible, Audio DSP should be used, and Audio Streaming (such as Cobranet) should be deployed to minimized cabling installation cost and improved the quality of the audio system. The used of Audio transmission via twisted pair technology is accepted for some cases and for certain of our hotel brands.MUSIC2. BACKGROUND•Starwood uses the DMX Profusion music server for all its hotels. The current DMX server is a Computer based system, each with 4 channels of audio output. The BGM system should allow for integration of the DMX music server, and distribute its to all public area / F&B outlets / Meeting space of the hotel•Other Audio Source such as MP3 player/CD-player/AM-FM Tuner to be installed only if requested during initial design brief•Computer Based Music Server to be provided for SPA area (in some cases DMX music server can also be used, depending on the availability of the music selection at the time)ZONING3. AUDIO•70V / 100V Line system to be deploy for General Front of House area•Low impedance for ballroom, cabinet loudspeakers and subwoofer•Zone segregation to depend on ceiling heights / and other interior design issues•All Volume control panel to be installed at BOH area or areas where is not accessible by the hotel guest (like at back of bar counter or behind the reception desk)4. TYPE OF SIGNAL PROCESSING•DSP should be used for most areas of the hotel•Where there is a live performance venue, manual EQ / Compressor should be added5. TYPES OF LOUDSPEAKERSLoudspeakers specified, and any substitutes accepted during the Tender Process, shall have capability to produce the Sound Pressure levels and Frequency Ranges specified in this document. However, the loudspeakers shall also be of pleasing or unobtrusive appearance, and shall be accepted by the Interior Designer (concealment of the loudspeakers is crucial to preserve the décor and look and feel of the various event venues)The drawings issued by the AV Consultant shall include specification of the transformer tapping required for high-voltage loudspeakers. Where low-impedance drive is used, this shall also be made clear in the drawings.6. EVACUATION OVERRIDE OF LOUDSPEAKERSIn all cases, the design shall allow for cut-off of loudspeakers during any emergency announcement, by means of connection to the override relay of the building life-safety systems. Such interface shall be simple and in the form of either dry-contact closure or 24VDC signal from the Emergency Paging Announcement (EPA) system, wired by the EPA Contractor to an interface box adjacent to the AV Rack serving those loudspeakers. The design of the AV System shall always include a relay operated by the signal, and the contact closure then either open-circuit the loudspeakers, or else mute the controlling circuits.We do not recommend using changeover methods, i.e. sharing the AV Systems loudspeakers with the EPA amplifiers. AV systems loudspeakers and the EPA systems loudspeakers should be separated into different groupings.7. FLUSH CEILING LOUDSPEAKERSFlush ceiling loudspeakers shall not use screws for grill-fixings, except for large format ones, for example in the Ballroom. In all cases, secondary safety fixings shall be used and connected to the ceiling slab or other safe fixing point within the ceiling void. Under no circumstances shall any loudspeaker rely only upon the structural integrity of the false ceiling for its fixing.Where cabinet-type loudspeakers are flush-mounted into a ceiling, a means shall be devised for invisible, yet maintainable fixing. For cabinet sub-woofers, matching trims to the down-lights shall be employed, as a finishing effect.Where the Interior Designer requests it, the Tender process shall include the specific requirement for re-finishing or painting of loudspeakers, and the AV Contractor shall be required to submit a finished sample for acceptance by the Interior Designer, at an appropriate time.8. SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS & FREQUENCY RESPONSEThe Hotel Audio Systems shall be capable of operating at normal levels 24 hours, 7 days a week for 10 years or more without degradation due to stress or overload. For areas such as Ballrooms and Meeting Rooms, the Audio Systems shall be capable of higher sound levels for special events and presentations, without distortion; these areas will typically also have Front-of-House (FOH) loudspeakers for presentation (and not speech) use. The achieved SPL at listening level and frequency response for normal operation is recommended to be as follows (unless otherwise specified by the AV Consultant):AREA NORMALOPERATIONALSPL ATLISTENINGLEVELMAXIMUM SPLAT LISTENINGLEVELFREQUENCYRESPONSE ATLISTENINGLEVEL(-3db)Speciality F&B Outlet 70-80dB 90dB 70Hz – 20KHz*All-Day Dining 70-80dB 90dB 70Hz – 20KHz*Lobby Lounge Ceiling 70-80dB 90dB 90Hz – 16KHzLobby Lounge Stage 70-80dB 100dB 50Hz – 20KHz*Lobby 70-80dB 90dB 70Hz – 20KHzGym 80-90dB 100dB 70Hz – 20KHz Aerobics 90-100dB 105dB 70Hz – 20KHzHealth Club Wet Areas/Changing 70-80dB 80dB 90Hz-16KHz SPA – Public areas 60-70dB 80dB 70Hz – 20KHzSPA – Treatment Rooms 55-65dB 75dB 40Hz-20KHz Circulation Corridors 60-70dB 70dB 90Hz-16KHz Washrooms 60-70dB 70dB 90Hz-16KHz Bar Ceiling 70-90dB 100dB 70Hz – 20KHzBar FOH 70-90dB 100dB 40Hz-20KHz*Meeting Rooms/Function Rooms70-80dB 100dB 70Hz – 20KHzCeiling Loudspeakers70-80dB 100dB 50Hz-20KHz* Meeting Rooms/Function Rooms FOHLoudspeakersBallroom Ceiling Loudspeakers 70-90dB 105dB 50Hz – 20KHz** Ballroom FOH Loudspeakers 80-90dB 105dB 50Hz-20KHz** where applicable, Good quality sub-woofer should be installed**Due to high ceilings, care to be taken in specifying loudspeakers with high-ceiling performance capability, ensuring even frequency coverage between loudspeakersSYSTEM9. VIDEOAs the Video system is undergoing a migration from Standard video definition to the High definition standard, it is the responsibility of the AV consultant to recommend to Starwood and the client onthe appropriate standard to be adapted for the property.One main obstacle to satisfactory video display is the size of the image, and for projection, achieved contrast ratio, that is, the ratio of brightest displayed image, to the brightness of the screen without projection (ie “black” projection, or brightness of the screen due to ambient light). Ina Ballroom, the other risk is obstruction by chandeliers of the projected image, or of the visibility ofthe image by the guests. Again, the Consultant needs must co-ordinate and negotiated sufficiently with the Interior Designer, in particular, during the design process, to achieve a workable design.SIZE10. IMAGEAs a rule of thumb (and unless otherwise specified by the AV Consultant) the image size is based roughly on the following quick calculation:Ballroom:Minimum image height>= Maximum normal Viewing Distance / 8Meeting Rooms and Boardrooms:Minimum image height>= Maximum normal Viewing Distance / 6This may need compromise according to details of the space, but every effort shall be made to achieve this.RATIO11. ASPECTThe industry is changing to 16:9 for most sources, and Starwood requires hotels of the appropriate grade to have 16:9 ratio image display, whether flat panel or projected. Due to costs presently, large format Ballroom projection is expensive, and some of our hotel brands will continue to use4:3 in the Ballrooms. AV Consultant will specify screen and projector to suit the hotel needs.RATIO/BRIGHTNESS12. CONTRASTExcept for outdoor displays, flat panel displays of >20” will have acceptable contrast ratio. For projection, the following is to be achieved, based upon new lamps, and 100% white projection, (Projector Lumens/Image Area = Lux).Ballroom:Minimum 500 lux at screen, or (500x Width x Height) Lumens from the projector Meeting Rooms and Boardrooms:Minimum 1000 lux at screen, or (1000x Width x Height) Lumens from the projectorLighting dimming shall be co-ordinated to ensure the following lux levels for front-projection presentation is achieved:Ballroom:Ambient light at screen <=50luxTask Lighting (ambient at viewers) >=160lux (PC presentation)Task Lighting (ambient at viewers) >=50lux (Video Entertainment presentation) Meeting and Function Rooms:Ambient light at screen <=100luxTask Lighting (ambient at viewers) >=160lux (PC presentation)Task Lighting (ambient at viewers) >=50lux (Video Entertainment presentation)13. TYPE OF VIDEO DISTRIBUTIONDepending on the Video standard and budget, the AV Consultant shall recommend the type of video transmission technology to be deployed.•Raw Video Signal• Twisted Pairo Computer display signal (VGA or above) to be converted to Twisted pair signal prior to transmissiono All Twisted Pair Product needs to have SKEW adjustment• Matrix, streaming• Wireless14. CONFERENCING SYSTEM / SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATIONSYSTEM / CONGRESS SYSTEMThe needs for these systems varies based on different countries, and the market positioning of the hotel and the AV Consultant shall recommend the appropriate systems to match the needs of the or to specify the cable and infrastructural provision only for such systems15 AV CONTROL SYSTEM•AMX or Crestron-equivalent•Wall mount touch-panel for Ballroom•Wall mount removable wireless touch-panel for Meeting space•Wall mount removable wireless touch-panel / table top touch-panel for meeting room / boardroom with fixed conference table•Central Processing unit, with either touch-panel / Computer based User interface•Central Processing Unit is required to control all AV equipments, and interface to lighting systems, curtain, etc16 TIE-LINESYSTEMThe Tie-line systems are divided into the Internal Ballroom Tie-line system and the External Tie-line systems.The Ballroom Internal Tie-line systems link all AV Panel signals from within the ballroom and the ballroom pre-function area back to the Ballroom AV control room.The External Tie-line systems link the Ballroom AV control room to all other meeting spaces. Any linkage to F&B outlets will depend on the need of the particular property.There shall also be an IP65-rated Outside Broadcast Cabinet located within easy reach of the TV and Radio Company vans, for connection to the Ballroom AV Control Room. As a minimum, 6 x HD-SDI coax, 6 x SD coax, 6 x audio mic-level-capable, 6 x UTP connections shall be provided. For properties using fibre tie-lines to the Ballroom, 2 x 6-core multi-core terminated in ST-connectors shall be provided.The AV Consultant shall recommend the means of transmission, either the traditional point to point transmission, the current networked transmission based on TCP/IP protocol, or a hybrid system.17 STAGE LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR BALLROOM•At least 60 channels of 10A per ballroom•500W PAR Fixture•Fresnel and Profile Spot Fixtures•Cycloramas for backdrop illumination•DMX or Ethernet control DMX•DMX Patching system•Bank of 6 channels of 10A per outlet location18 EFFECTS LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR BALLROOM•Moving head lighting where appropriate•Computer based lighting control system, 1 universe per partition19 ITEMS TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS FOR THE AV SYSTEMS •Emergency Paging system interface• SMATV, IPTV• Voice Data•Environmental control ( Air-conditional, Humidity control, work light)• Hanging System•Fixed Rigging System•Hanging Bars 500Kg point-load minimum•Hoisting point with portable motorized chain hoist (Property-dependant)•Hanging point with 3-4m grid at ceiling level, each capable of at least 500Kg point load •Linear hanging system around whole perimeter of Ballroom for curtaining/backdrop etc (semi-flush, powder-coated Unistrut type)• E&M Requirement• Power Requirement•Independent earthing point for Main AV rack for ballroom•Interface to Fire service PA system ( relay change-over)•Voice / Data Requirement•IPTV / SMATV Requirement•Interface to IT backbone system20 SYSTEMS REQUIREMENT BY AREA:PUBLIC AREA / WASHROOM / CIRCULATION AREA / LIFT CAR / LANDSCAPE / GARDEN•BGM sharing the same DMX music server music source as the Main lobby•Emergency Paging override•Ceiling loudspeakers to be used with ceiling height of less than 6m•Any area with ceiling height higher than 6m, wall mount / column mount loudspeakers can be considered•Weatherized loudspeaker to be used for outdoor area•Depending on the interior design, some venues will need to have independent volume control, located either at the equipment rack or locallyF&B OUTLETS / EXECUTIVE LOUNGES•BGM from DMX music server•Emergency Paging override•Each outlet will have its own system with local amplifiers and processors•Audio DSP to be deployed for area where high grade sound system is required•Ceiling loudspeaker system divided into zones, depending on layout and interior design of each outlet•Better quality ceiling loudspeakers / cabinet loudspeakers with Sub-woofer can be used where better and full-range sound is required•Independent volume control for different zone, Private dining, outdoor area•Local Audio input to be provided•Local MP3 Player ( such as ipod) or CD-player to be deployed for special events •Weatherized loudspeakers to be used for outdoor area•Where there is a Video Screen, the sound must be connected to the local sound system•All AV signals to LCD screen should be control at the local AV rack•TV Tuner / IPTV decoder to be provided by ELV contractor•Routing of SMATV / IPTV signal to be via the AV equipment rack, unless otherwise specified •DVD player should be installed if specified•PDR – independent Volume Control and Local Audio Input panelMEETING ROOM / BOARDROOM (WITH FIXED CONFERENCE TABLE )• Audioo Ceiling loudspeakerso Front of house loudspeakerso Audio Mixing / Matrixo Table top microphone for conferencing systemo Emergency Paging override• Videoo Video matrix / routingo Wall mount LCD TVo Projection screen ( size depending on room size)o Ceiling mount Video projectoro Video Project Lifto Either 4:3 or 16:9 Video formato Table top video input panel (with audio)o Skirting video input panel (with audio)• Conferencing systemso Table Top (fixed or portable) conferencing system for large meeting room with 16 seats or moreo Audio Conferencingo Video Conferencing systems, fixed or portable systems• Control systemo Audio DSPo Video Matrix / streamingo Dimmer / effect lighting / LED lighting system where applicableo Motorized Curtain where applicableo Video Projection screeno Video Projector lifto Partition wall sensing•AV Tie-lines to BallroomFUNCTION ROOM / MEETING ROOM (WITHOUT FIX TABLE)• Audioo Ceiling loudspeaker audio systemo 2 wireless microphone per roomo 2 wired microphone per roomo Front of house Audio system ( portable or fix installed)o Audio Mixing amplifier / DSP / analogue processoro Audio DSP for partitioning for high profile function rooms with partitioning requirementso Relay type Partitioning switch for simpler Function with partitioning requirementso Emergency Paging override• Videoo Video matrix / routingo Wall mount LCD TVo Projection screen ( size depending on room size)o Ceiling mount Video projectoro Video Project Lifto Either 4:3 or 16:9 Video formato Table top video input panel (with audio)o Skirting video input panel (with audio)o LCD screen when required, at least 50” or above for Function room。