Multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner(霍华德·加德纳)教授提出明朗化经验(crystallizing experiences)与麻痹化经验(paralyzing experiences)的观念以说明师长的作为可以如何启发与关闭儿童的智能。明朗化与麻痹化经验是一个人智能发展的转折点,可能发生在一生中的任何时候,但通常发生在童年的早期。例如,小提琴家曼纽因(Yehudi Menuhin)在不满四岁的时候,他的父母带他去听旧金山交响乐团的演奏会,这个经历使他十分着迷,后来他向父母要求一把小提琴作为生日礼物,并要那天晚上演奏的小提琴独奏者教他演奏。这个明朗化经验开启了儿童时期曼纽因的音乐智能。相反的,麻痹化经验指的是关闭智能的过程。公开的羞辱,愤怒,恐惧等负面的情绪通常会阻碍儿童的智能发展。另外环境的因素(是否有机会接近资源或良师益友)也有可能促进或妨碍智能的发展。
5.音乐智能(Musical intelligence)
4.肢体-动作智能(Bodily- kinesthetic intelligence)
1.BackgroundHoward Earl Gardener’s work has been marked by a desire not to just describe the world but to help to create the condition to change it. The scale of his contribution can be gauged from following comments in his introduction to the tenth anniversary edition of Howard Gardener’s classic work Frames Of Mind. The theory of multiple intelligences :霍华德厄尔加德纳的研究不只是描述这个世界,而是造条件去改变它。
多元智能的理论:In the heyday of the psychometric and behaviorist eras, it was generally believed that intelligence was a single entity that was inherited; and that human beings – initially a blank slate – could be trained to learn anything, provided that it was presented in an appropriate way. Nowadays an intelligences, quite independent of each other; that each intelligence has its own strengths and constraints; that the mind is far from unencumbered at birth; and that it is unexpectedly difficult to teach things that go against early’naïve’ theories of that challenge the natural lines of force within an intelligence and its matching domains.全盛时期的心理和行为主义时代,人们普遍认为,智力是一个单一的实体,是可以继承的;而人类——最初就像一张白纸可以通过训练学习任何东西,只需要有一个适当的方式。
多元智能Multiple Intelligences.ppt
定義:乃指運用數位和推理的能力,它涉及了 對抽象關係的使用與瞭解,其核心成份 包括了覺察邏輯或數位之樣式(pattern) 的能力,以及進行廣泛的推理,或巧妙 地處理抽象分析的能力。
未來適合職業:數學家、科學家、工程師、偵探 、會計……等等。
1.音樂智能(musical intelligence) 2.肢體運作智能(bodily-kinesthetic intelligence) 3.邏輯數學智能(logical-mathematical intelligence) 4.語文智能(linguistic intelligence) 5.空間智能(spatial intellignece) 6.人際智能(interpersonal intelligence) 7.內省智能(intarpersonal intelligence) 8.自然觀察智能(naturalist intelligence)
未來適合職業: 航海員、飛行員、畫家、室內設計 師、建築師、攝影師、嚮導……等等。
定義:乃指辨識與瞭解他人的感覺、信念與意 向的能力,其核心成份包括了注意並區 辨他人的心情、性情、動機與意向,並 做出適當反應的能力。
未來適合職業:心理治療師、領導人、政治家、 推銷員、 公關……等等。
1.每一種智能代表著一種不同於其他智能的 獨特模式,然而它們卻非獨立運作的,而 是同時並存、相互補充、統合運作的。
3.多元智能論所包含的八種智能模式是暫時性 的,仍可能有其他智能存在。
课题展示:The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences 多元智能理论
intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too
limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes nine different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults.
Harmonic (adj.) [乐]和声的 Tone (n.) [乐]乐音 Musicality (n.)音感 Pitch (n.)程度 Meter (n.)计量器 Melody (n.)旋律
Rhythmic (adj.)有韵律的
Sensitivity (n.)敏感
Timbre (n.)音色
Cantor (n.)指挥家
Verbal (adj.)词语的 Facility (n.)能力
Elocutionist (n.)演说家
Logical–mathematical (Reason) 逻辑数学智能
This area has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, numbers and critical thinking. This also has to do with having the capacity to understand the underlying principles of some
பைடு நூலகம்
Intelligences in the Classroom, "Inter- and Intra- personal intelligence is
bodily-kinesthetic intelligence include: athletes, dancers,
多元智能教学法Multiple Intelligences
Approach: Theory of language and language learning
• Theory of learning • The view of Gardner “contrasts markedly with the view that intelligence is based on an unitary or “general” ability for problem solving. Gardner thinks that there exists a cluster of mental abilities that are equally important, that is, the eight multiple intelligences. • Every person possesses all intelligence to some degree, and but people differ in the strengths and combinations of them, and individuals have the potential to develop a combination of eight separate of intelligences.
• • • • • • Within a classroom setting: 1. Play to strength. 2. Variety is the spice. 3. Pick a tool to suit the job. 4. All sizes fit one. 5. Me and my people.
• Roles of learners • A process of personality development beyond being successful language learners • To take an MI inventory (instrument) and to develop their own MI profiles (outline)
--Bodily/kinesthetic(Bodily smart);
--Interpersonal(People smart);
--Intrapersonal(Self smart);
--Naturalist(Nature smart).
6. Assumptions of eight native "intellegence": --linguistic(Word Smart); • the ability to use language in special and creative ways. (e.g. lawyers, writers, editors, and interpreters)
6. Assumptions of eight native "intellegence": --linguistic(Word Smart); --Logical/mathematical(Logic smart); --Spatial(Picture smart);
• the ability to form mental models of the world. (e.g. architects, decorators, sculptors, and painters)
• the
ability to be able to understand oneself and apply one's talent successfully.(e.g. people in all areas of life)
6. Assumptions of eight native "intellegence": --linguistic(Word Smart); --Logical/mathematical(Logic smart); --Spatial(Picture smart); --Musical(Music smart); --Bodily/kinesthetic(Bodily smart); --Interpersonal(People smart); --Intrapersonal(Self smart); --Naturalist(Nature smart). • the ability to understand and organize the patterns of nature.
5.音乐智能(Musical intelligence)
在世界范围内广受推崇的多元智能(Multiple Intelligence)理论,是美国哈佛大学的Howard Gardner(霍华德·加德纳)教授在上个世纪八十年代提出的。Howard Gardner(霍华德·加德纳)教授认为,每个人都具有多元智能,即八大智能,尽管每个人在这些智能上的表现各有差异,但只要通过不同的方式进行结合和运用,就能完成不同的工作及解决不同的问题。
4.肢体-动作智能(Bodily- kinesthetic intelligence)
multiple intelligences阅读理解
multiple intelligences阅读理解多智能理论是由霍华德·加德纳提出的,他认为每个人都拥有多种智能,包括语言智能、逻辑数学智能、空间智能、音乐智能、身体运动智能、人际智能、自我认知智能和自然认知智能等。
二、多元智能理论在教育中的应用1. 了解学生:多元智能理论可以帮助教师更好地了解每个学生的特点,从而更好地因材施教。
2. 课程设计:多元智能理论为课程设计提供了新的视角,教师可以根据学生的智能特点设计不同的课程和教学活动,以激发学生的学习兴趣和潜能。
3. 评估体系:多元智能理论下的评估体系更加全面和灵活,不仅关注学生的学业成绩,还重视学生的创新能力和实践能力的评估。
三、如何培养多种智能1. 创造多元环境:为学生创造多元化的学习环境,如提供多种学习资源、开展多样化的课外活动等。
2. 鼓励创新思维:鼓励学生大胆尝试新事物,培养他们的创新思维和创新能力。
3. 培养实践能力:通过实践活动,如实验、项目合作等,帮助学生将理论知识转化为实践能力,提高他们的动手能力和问题解决能力。
4. 促进人际交往:鼓励学生参与团队合作,培养他们的沟通能力和人际交往能力。
一、关于多元智能理论多元智能理论(Multiple Intelligences)是由美国著名心理学家霍华德·加登纳(Howard Gardner)于1983年提出的。
针对学龄前儿童和小学低年级学生,1984年, 加德纳等人共同设立多彩光谱课程项目(Project Spectrum),该项目是哈佛大学“零点项目”的 一个子项目。以“光谱”为名,表示儿童的智能 宛如光谱般多彩而丰富。多彩光谱课程项目强调 每个儿童都有独特的、与众不同的能力,每个人 的智能组合不同;对儿童展示能力的努力给予肯 定,建立儿童的自我价值感。多彩光谱课程项目 根据不同的智能设计了很多活动,每一个活动都 列明自己的目标、材料和步骤等等。
舟舟现象: 武汉有个舟舟,全 名叫胡忆舟,已经24岁 了,但其智力仅相当于 三四岁儿童的智力水平。
舟舟因遗传基因变异,第二十一对染色体多 了一条,是在医学上被认为不可逆转的“先天愚 型”。他被称为弱智是一个不争的事实。但是当 有一天他站在人民大会堂舞台上,从容、潇洒、 成功地指挥一个交响乐团时,人们震惊了。在这 以前谁能相信,一首首有十几个声部、几十种乐 器、节拍复杂的交响乐曲能在一位智障残疾少年 的指挥棒下如此美妙地流淌,可是这也是一个摆 在人们面前的事实。中央电视台专门播放了60分 钟的纪录片«舟舟的世界»,在全国引起极大的反 响。
1.每一种智能代表着一种不同于其它智能的 独特模式,然而它们却非独立运作的,而 是同时并存、相互补充、统合运作的。 2.每一种智慧都包含着数种次类智慧 (sub-intelligences)。 3.多元智能论所包含的八种智能模式是暂时 性的,仍可能有其它智能存在。 4.八种智能彼此没有优劣之别,同等重要。
5.每一个正常人都具有上述的八种智能,但由于 遗传与环境因素的差异,每个人在各种智能的发 展程度上有所不同,而且也会以不同的方法来统 合这八种智能。 6.文化则是影响智能发展的重要因素,每个文化 或社会对不同型式的智能有不同的评价,使得个 体在各种智能的发展上有不同的动机 。 7.大部份的人都只能在一、二种智能上表现出优 越的能力。 8.不同族群和性别是否存在着智能差异尚待研究, 但即使发现差异真正存在,也要将之视为补救方 案的起始点,而非证明哪些群体具有某种天生的 限制。
多元智能理论对婴幼儿教育的启示作文The theory of multiple intelligences, proposed by Howard Gardner, has brought a significant impact on early childhood education. 多元智能理论是由霍华德·加德纳提出的,对婴幼儿教育产生了重要的影响。
First of all, the theory emphasizes the existence of not only linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences but also other types of intelligences. 首先,这个理论强调了不仅存在语言和逻辑-数学智能,还有其他类型的智能。
With this knowledge, educators can implement a more holistic approach to early childhood education, taking into consideration each child's unique set of intelligences. 有了这个知识,教育工作者可以实施更全面的幼儿教育方法,考虑到每个孩子独特的智力特质。
For example, a child who excels in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence may benefit from learning through physical activities and hands-on experiences. 例如,擅长体能运动智能的孩子可能会受益于通过体能活动和实践经验进行学习。
This suggests that early childhood educators should offer a diverse range of learning experiences to cater to different types of intelligences. 这表明幼儿教育工作者应该提供多样化的学习经验,以满足不同类型的智能。
6.人际智能(Interpersonal intelligence)
In the world of multiple intelligences is widely recognized (Multiple Intelligence) theory, isHarvardUniversity's Howard Gardner (Howard Gardner), Professor in the eighties of last century's.Howard Gardner (Howard Gardner), Professor, that everyone has multiple intelligences, eight intelligences that, although each person's performance on each of these differences in intelligence, but as long as different ways to combine and use, can be done different tasks and solve different problems.
小学英语教材教法复习题及答案11、Language learning process is a _(socializing)_process. Therefore (interaction)_and _(experimenting)_with the language in communication are very important factors for language development.2、Imitation and repetition are the main ways for children acquire their mother tongue except these please give another two ways_(sing songs)_and (telling stories).3、TPR is the abbreviation(缩写)of _(Total Physical Response).4、Howard Gardener has proposed the theory of _(multiple intelligences)_.5、内省智能(intra-personal) 音乐智(musical intelligences)人际交往智能(interpersonal intelligences)_6、In some occasions ,meaning can be understood with _(limited)_language. Such as when we praise the children: “you did a very good job!” you can only say “good” with your thumb raised.7、When we teach children English ,maybe the students will not understand your instructions. the best way we can use _(body)_language and _(gestures)_、facial expressions and so on.8、A good primary English teacher need to develop competence in at least three areas: the English language, the _(understanding)_of children and the _(techniques)_and _(methods)_for teaching children.9、We can change seating _(arrangement)_once in a while that could add some _(freshness)_in the We classroom.10、As a qualified English teacher, first you should have good (pronunciation)_ and _(intonation)_.判断题11 ( T ) It is necessary to establish a classroom routine from the beginning.12 ( F )The target language should be used as much as possible even with beginners. 13( F ) In language teaching classroom ,the primary concern is to let the students sit well and listen to teacher carefully. 14( F ) Good language learner is that he should look up every word that he doesn’t know.15( T ) We should treat children as human being.16( F ) On the whole, men are better at language.17( F ) Children pay more attention to form while adults pay more attention to meaning.18 ( F )If we take humanistic education we could solve all the problems in teaching.19( F ) children have a clear purpose for learning.20( T ) children can acquire their mother tongue by watching TV and listening to stories.二简答题(3*10=30 分)1、如何理解教师会教和乐教?答:一、教师会教的含义,会教的教师通过“教”使自己得以全面发展,会教的教师通过“教”实现学生的全面发展,教师会教的实现加强学习科学管理争取支持积极合作全力投入二、教师乐教的含义以教为乐――把教育教学看成是快乐的事情。
加德纳(Howard Gardner)的多元智力(智能)理论与光谱方案
德纳(Howard Gardner)的多元智力(智能)理论与光谱方案第一节多元智力理论的产生背景与主要依据美国哈佛大学教授、发展心理学家加德纳(Howard Gardner)的多元智力理论(The Theory of Multiple Intelligences)在当前美国教育教学改革中产生了广泛的积极影响,并且已经成为许多西方国家90年代以来教育教学改革的重要指导思想。
据称,美国已有上百所学校自称为多元智力学校,还有数不胜数的教师以多元智力理论为指导思想进行教育教学改革并取得了显著的成绩(Kornhaber & Krechevsky,1995; Krechevsky, M.1998)。
从因为受到苏联第一颗人造地球卫星的发射的刺激而颁布《国防教育法》起,美国的教育改革就一直以提高教育质量为中心,如60年代的以科南特(James B. Connant)为首的新传统派运动和以布鲁纳(Jerome Bruner)为代表的结构主义运动乃至70年代“回到基础”运动,都是在作加强学术、重视智力训练以提高教育质量的努力。
多元智能英语作文Title: Embracing Multiple Intelligences in English Writing。
In today's interconnected world, proficiency in English writing is increasingly vital. However, the traditional approach often focuses solely on linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences, neglecting other forms of intelligence. In this essay, we will explore the concept of multiple intelligences and how they can enhance English writing skills.Firstly, let's understand what multiple intelligences entail. Coined by Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences theory suggests that intelligence is not a singular entity but a diverse set of abilities that individuals possess to varying degrees. Gardner identified eight intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.Now, let's delve into how these multiple intelligences can be integrated into English writing:1. Linguistic Intelligence: This is the most obvious intelligence associated with English writing. It involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals. Writers with high linguistic intelligence excel in vocabulary usage, sentence structure, and storytelling techniques.2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: While seemingly unrelated to writing, logical-mathematical intelligence plays a crucial role in organizing thoughts, structuring arguments, and analyzing information. Writers with this intelligence excel in constructing logical outlines, making connections between ideas, and presenting information coherently.3. Spatial Intelligence: Spatial intelligence involves the ability to perceive the visual world accurately and toperform transformations on those perceptions. In English writing, this intelligence aids in creating vivid descriptions, crafting imagery, and organizing information spatially, such as in diagrams, charts, or mind maps.4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: This intelligence relates to physical movement and the ability to controlone's body movements skillfully. While it may seem unconventional, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can enhance English writing through activities like gesture-supported storytelling, role-playing characters to understand their perspectives better, or even through activities like dance or physical exercise to stimulate creativity.5. Musical Intelligence: Musical intelligence involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. In English writing, this intelligence can enhance rhythm, pacing, and tone. Writers with musical intelligence may find it easier to create engaging prose or poetry with rhythmic patterns and melodic cadences.6. Interpersonal Intelligence: This intelligencepertains to understanding and interacting effectively with others. In English writing, interpersonal intelligence can be utilized to create authentic dialogue, develop complex characters, and explore social dynamics within narratives.7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Intrapersonal intelligence involves self-awareness and the ability to understand one's own emotions, motivations, and goals. Writers with high intrapersonal intelligence can draw from personal experiences, introspection, and reflection to add depth and authenticity to their writing.8. Naturalistic Intelligence: This intelligence involves sensitivity to and appreciation for the natural world. While it may not seem directly relevant to English writing, naturalistic intelligence can inspire descriptive imagery, metaphors, and themes drawn from nature.In conclusion, embracing multiple intelligences can significantly enrich English writing. By recognizing and harnessing the diverse strengths of each intelligence, writers can develop a more holistic and nuanced approach totheir craft. From linguistic precision to spatial creativity, from musical rhythm to interpersonal insight, each intelligence offers unique avenues for expression and communication in the realm of English writing.。
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others. They have many friends, empathy with others. They can be taught through group activities dialogues.
1.What is Multiple intelligences
• Bodily: This type of people usually know how to use the body effectively, they
enjoy all type of sports and physicals. They can use body language to communicate with people. minerals, including a control of classify. And they are aware of specie such as the flora and fauna around them.
• Logical: This type of people refers to the ability to do thing with data
• Visual: This type of people think in terms of physical space. This type of
musical pitches, timbre, rhythm, tones and the capability to compose music. They love music and they also sensitive to sound in their environment.
1.What is Multiple intelligences
2.My own style
3.How to this style to study
• 1.Planning: Through your self-mastery, you can build a vision of
and stick with it. involved in it. you learning experience
Multiple intelligences
Name : Tim 2014/11/17
• • • • •
1.What is Multiple intelligences 2.My own style 3.How to this style to study 4.Summary
https:///tag/mult iple-inteiple intelligences
• Verbal/linguistic: Using words effectively, these learners have highly
• 1./index.php?title=Multiple_Intelligences_and_L
earning_Styles • 2. https:///tag/multipleintelligence/ • 3./brain-compatibleclassroom/multiple-intelligences/ • If you want to know more about Multiple intelligences you can go to: /watch?v=Juih6pY2DoY
• Intrapersonal: these type of people have ability to know oneself, it is an
internalized version interpersonal intelligence. These people have one’s own goals, they will follow their feelings.
• Naturalistic: This type of people can recognizes and classifies plants, animals and
• Musical Intelligence: refers to the ability to understand, create and interpret
• 4.journaling: keeping track of
your thoughts and feelings as you approach classes can serve as a tool as you progress through school. make sure that they support your learning objects.
1.What is Multiple intelligences
Eight parts
Howard Gardner’s use psychology anthropology and sociology theory to explain the human intelligence. He established eight parts for separate intelligences.
• 2.Active learning: Rather than simply reading, you will recall your lesson by being • 3.relating: you will be interested in your lesson if
you feel a connection to it by sharpening your mind and deepening your understanding through tying new material to familiar topics. Can establish a rewarding learning through common ground with stories and metaphors.
developed auditory skills and often think in words. This type of people like reading, playing word games ,watching movies… collect, organize, analyze, conclude and predict. They like try to solve hard problem and ask cosmic question. people aware of their environment. They often make day dream and usually use art to show their feel.