ansys警告和错误NO.0001、ESYS is not valid for line element.原因:是因为我使用LATT的时候,把“--”的那个不小心填成了“1”。
NO.0002、使用*TREAD的时候,有的时候明明看文件好好的,可是却出现*TREAD end-of-file in dataread.后来仔细检查,发现我TXT的数据文件里,分隔是采用TAB键分隔的。
NO.0003、Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results.这个大概是跟收敛有关,但是我找不到具体的原因。
有人知道这个信息是什么意思,怎么调试能消除吗?NO.0004、*TREAD end-of-file in data readtxt中的表格数据不完整!NO.0005、No *CREATE for *END. The *END command is ignored忘了写*END了吧,呵呵NO.0006、Keypoint 1 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connected lineset for ALcommand两条线不共点,尝试nummrg命令NO.0007、L1 is not a recognized PREP7 command, abbreviation, or macro.This command will还没有进入prep7,先:/prep7NO.0008、Keypoint 2 belongs to line 4 and cannot be moved同一位置点2已经存在了,尝试对同位置的生成新点换个编号,比如1002NO.0009、Shape testing revealed that 32 of the 640 new or modified elementsviolate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see theoutput file or issue the CHECK command.单元形状奇异,在我的模型中6面体单元的三个边长差距较大,可忽略该错误NO.0010、用命令流建模的时候遇到的The drag direction (from the keypoint on drag line 27 that is closestto a keypoint KP of the given area 95) is orthogonal to the areanormal at that KP. Area cannot be dragged by the VDRAG command.意思是拉伸源面的法向与拉伸路径垂直,不能使用VDRAG命令。
ansys常见警告和错误ansys警告和错误2010-05-03 21:471、The value of UY at node 1195 is 449810067.It is greater than the current limit of 1000000.This generally indicates rigid body motion as a result of an unconstrained model. Verify that your model si properly constrained.错误的可能:1).出现了刚体位移,要增加约束2).求解之前先merge或者压缩一下节点3).有没有接触,如果接触定义不当,也会出现这样类似的情况4)材料属性设置不对会出现这种情况,例如密度设置的太离谱;我自己遇到这种情况的解决方案一般是检查没有耦合的结点;我遇到过这种情况最后发现是密度设置离谱了;2、Large negative pivot value...May be because of a bad temperature-dependent material property used in the model.出现这个错误很可能的原因是约束不够!请仔细检查模型!还没碰到过这个问题3、开始求解后出现以下提示,Solid model data is contaminated后来终于找到原因了有限元网格里包含一些未被划分网格的线,一般来说出现在面于面之间有重合的线,导致虽然面被划分了网格,却包含未被划分网格的线。
解决办法,把模型存为.cdb格式(去掉几何信息),然后再读取,就可以求解了命令:cdwrite,db,模型名,cdb听起来不错,不过也没遇到过,一般在划分后用一下NUMMRG 命令,合并元素,以避免这种情况出现4、*** WARNING ***There are 79 small equation solver pivot terms.几个可能:1) 约束不够,但警告有79 个方程出现小主元,这一条可能性较小,但也不妨检查一下。
ANSYS警告和报错信息汇总NO.0001、ESYS is not validfor line elemen t.原因:是因为我使用LATT的时候,把“--”的那个不小心填成了“1”。
经过ANSY S的命令手册里说那是没有用的项目,但是根据我的理解,这些所谓的没有用的项目实际上都是ANSYS在为后续的版本留接口。
当我发现原因后,把1改成0——即使用全局直角坐标系,就没有WAR NING了。
NO.0002、使用*TREAD的时候,有的时候明明看文件好好的,可是却出现*TREADend-of-file in data read.后来仔细检查,发现我TXT的数据文件里,分隔是采用T AB键分隔的。
NO.0003、Coeffi cient ratioexceed s 1.0e8 - Checkresult s.这个大概是跟收敛有关,但是我找不到具体的原因。
有人知道这个信息是什么意思,怎么调试能消除吗?NO.0004、*TREADend-of-file in data readtxt中的表格数据不完整!NO.0005、No *CREATE for *END. The *END comman d is ignore d忘了写*END了吧,呵呵NO.0006、 Keypoi nt 1 is refere ncedby only one line. Improp erlyconnec ted line set for AL comman d 两条线不共点,尝试 nummrg命令NO.0007、 L1 is not a recogn izedPREP7comman d, abbrev iatio n, or macro. This comman d will be ignore d还没有进入p rep7,先:/prep7NO.0008、Keypoi nt 2 belong s to line 4 and cannot be moved同一位置点2已经存在了,尝试对同位置的生成新点换个编号,比如1002NO.0009、Shapetestin g reveal ed that 32 of the 640 new or modifi ed elemen tsviolat e shapewarnin g limits. To review test result s, please see theoutput file or issuethe CHECKcomman d.单元形状奇异,在我的模型中6面体单元的三个边长差距较大,可忽略该错误NO.0010、用命令流建模的时候遇到的The drag direct ion (from the keypoi nt on drag line 27 that is closes tto a keypoi nt KP of the givenarea 95) is orthog onalto the areanormal at that KP. Area cannot be dragge d by the VDRAGcomman d.意思是拉伸源面的法向与拉伸路径垂直,不能使用VD RAG命令。
ANSYS软件错误集锦1 在Ansys中出现“Shape testing revealed that 450 of the 1500 new or modified elements violate shape warning limits.”,是什么原因造成的呢?单元网格质量不够好,尽量用规则化网格,或者再较为细密一点。
2 在Ansys中,用Area Fillet对两空间曲面进行倒角时出现以下错误:Area 6 offset could not fully converge to offset distance 10. Maximum error between the two surfaces is 1% of offset distance.请问这是什么错误?怎么解决?其中一个是圆柱接管表面,一个是碟形封头表面。
3 在Ansys中,出现错误“There are 21 small equati on solver pivot terms。
”,是否是在建立接触contact时出现的错误?不是建立接触对的错误,一般是单元形状质量太差(例如有接近零度的锐角或者接近180度的钝角)造成small equation solver pivot terms4 在Ansys中,出现警告“SOLID45 wedges are recommended only in regions of relatively low stress gradients.”,是什么意思?"这只是一个警告,它告诉你:推荐SOLID45单元只用在应力梯度较低的区域。
"5 ansys向adams导的过程中,出现如下问题“There is not enough memory for the Sparse Matrix Solver to proceed.Please shut down other applications that may be running or increase the virtual memory on your system and return ANSYS.Memory currently allocated for the Sparse Matrix Solver=50MB.Memory currently required for the Sparse Matrix Solver to continue=25MB”,是什么原因造成的?不清楚你ansys导入adams过程中怎么还需要使用Sparse Matrix Solver(稀疏矩阵求解器)。
ANSYS常见错误和警告及其解决方法1、some contact elements overlap with the other contact element which can cause over constraint。
2、error:element type 1 is PLANE42,which can't be used with the VMES command,meshing of volume 3 aborted。
3、error:keypoint 10 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connected line set for AL command。
4、Element type 1 is Solid95,which can not be used with the AMES command,meshing of area 2 aborted。
5、Shear modulus must be positive for material 1 in element 1。
ansys常见警告及错误A mesh could not be generated using the current meshing options and settings. Hint: The problem geometry areas might have been highlighted. Switching to wireframe mode maymake them more visible.无法使用当前网格生成网格选项和设置。
Insufficient memory was available for the solver engine to obtain a solution. Try simplifying the model to reduce problem size. Please see the Troubleshooting section of the ANSYS Workbench Help System for more information.内存不足是解算器引擎可以获得一个解决方案。
请参见故障排除部分ANSYS Workbench帮助系统的更多信息。
The detected initial penetration/gap is relatively large for certain contact pairs. This may produce inaccurate results for Bonded and No Separation contacts using formulation other than MPC. This large penetration/gap can be identified by generating the initial contact results.检测到的初始渗透/差距相对较大的某些接触对。
1 在Ansys中出现“Shape testing revealed that 450 of the 1500 new or modified elements violate shape warning limits.”,是什么原因造成的呢?单元网格质量不够好,尽量用规则化网格,或者再较为细密一点。
2 在Ansys中,用Area Fillet对两空间曲面进行倒角时出现以下错误:Area 6 offset could not fully converge to offset distance 10. Maximum error between the two surfaces is 1% of offset distance.请问这是什么错误?怎么解决?其中一个是圆柱接管表面,一个是碟形封头表面。
3 在Ansys中,出现错误“There are 21 small equation solver pivot terms。
”,是否是在建立接触contact时出现的错误?不是建立接触对的错误,一般是单元形状质量太差(例如有接近零度的锐角或者接近180度的钝角)造成small equation solver pivot terms4 在Ansys中,出现警告“SOLID45 wedges are recommended only in regions of relatively low stress gradients.”,是什么意思?"这只是一个警告,它告诉你:推荐SOLID45单元只用在应力梯度较低的区域。
"5 ansys向adams导的过程中,出现如下问题“There is not enough memory for the Sparse Matrix Solver to proceed.Please shut down other applications that may be running or increase the virtual memory on your system and return ANSYS.Memory currently allocated for the Sparse Matrix Solver=50MB.Memory currently required for the Sparse Matrix Solver to continue=25MB”,是什么原因造成的?不清楚你ansys导入adams过程中怎么还需要使用Sparse Matrix Solver(稀疏矩阵求解器)。
ANSYS软件错误锦集1 在Ansys中出现“Shape testing revealed that 450 of the 1500 new or modified elements violate shape warning limits.”,是什么原因造成的呢?单元网格质量不够好,尽量用规则化网格,或者再较为细密一点。
2 在Ansys中,用Area Fillet对两空间曲面进行倒角时出现以下错误:Area 6 offset could not fully converge to offset distance 10. Maximum error between the two surfaces is 1% of offset distance.请问这是什么错误?怎么解决?其中一个是圆柱接管表面,一个是碟形封头表面。
3 在Ansys中,出现错误“There are 21 small equation solver pivot terms。
”,是否是在建立接触contact时出现的错误?不是建立接触对的错误,一般是单元形状质量太差(例如有接近零度的锐角或者接近180度的钝角)造成small equation solver pivot terms4 在Ansys中,出现警告“SOLID45 wedges are recommended only in regions of relatively low stress gradients.”,是什么意思?"这只是一个警告,它告诉你:推荐SOLID45单元只用在应力梯度较低的区域。
"5 ansys向adams导的过程中,出现如下问题“There is not enough memory for the Sparse Matrix Solver to proceed.Please shut down other applications that may be running or increase the virtual memory on your system and return ANSYS.Memory currently allocated for the Sparse Matrix Solver=50MB.Memory currently required for the Sparse Matrix Solver to continue=25MB”,是什么原因造成的?不清楚你ansys导入adams过程中怎么还需要使用Sparse Matrix Solver(稀疏矩阵求解器)。
4、在做一个轴对称分析,计算中出现错误"negative radius element ** (*为单元号)
5、There are 1 small equation solver pivot terms.
1、There are 5 small equation solver pivot terms.
[1]通常可以忽略,因为144892 很有可能是一个不需要定义材料的辅助单元。
3、Element shape checking is currently inactive. Issue SHPP,ON or SHPP,WARN to reactivate, if desired.
2、*** WARNING *** CP = 2.359 TIME= 17:35:06
Material number 7 (used by element 4352 ) should normally have at least one MP or one TB type command associated with it. Output of energy by material may not be available.
ansys警告和错误2010-05-03 21:471、The value of UY at node 1195 is 449810067.It is greater than the current limit of 1000000.This generally indicates rigid body motion as a result of an unconstrained model. Verify that your model si properly constrained.错误的可能:1).出现了刚体位移,要增加约束2).求解之前先merge或者压缩一下节点3).有没有接触,如果接触定义不当,也会出现这样类似的情况4)材料属性设置不对会出现这种情况,例如密度设置的太离谱;我自己遇到这种情况的解决方案一般是检查没有耦合的结点;我遇到过这种情况最后发现是密度设置离谱了;2、Large negative pivot value...May be because of a bad temperature-dependent material property used in the model. 出现这个错误很可能的原因是约束不够!请仔细检查模型!还没碰到过这个问题3、开始求解后出现以下提示,Solid model data is contaminated后来终于找到原因了有限元网格里包含一些未被划分网格的线,一般来说出现在面于面之间有重合的线,导致虽然面被划分了网格,却包含未被划分网格的线。
解决办法,把模型存为.cdb格式(去掉几何信息),然后再读取,就可以求解了命令:cdwrite,db,模型名,cdb听起来不错,不过也没遇到过,一般在划分后用一下NUMMRG命令,合并元素,以避免这种情况出现4、*** WARNING ***There are 79 small equation solver pivot terms.几个可能:1) 约束不够,但警告有 79 个方程出现小主元,这一条可能性较小,但也不妨检查一下。
ansys常见警告及错误A mesh could not be generated using the current meshing options and settings. Hint: The problem geometry areas might have been highlighted. Switching to wireframe mode maymake them more visible.无法使用当前网格生成网格选项和设置。
Insufficient memory was available for the solver engine to obtain a solution. Try simplifying the model to reduce problem size. Please see the Troubleshooting section of the ANSYS Workbench Help System for more information.内存不足是解算器引擎可以获得一个解决方案。
请参见故障排除部分ANSYS Workbench帮助系统的更多信息。
The detected initial penetration/gap is relatively large for certain contact pairs. This may produce inaccurate results for Bonded and No Separation contacts using formulation other than MPC. This large penetration/gap can be identified by generating the initial contact results.检测到的初始渗透/差距相对较大的某些接触对。
ansys常见警告及错误A mesh could not be generated using the current meshing options and settings. Hint: The problem geometry areas might have been highlighted. Switching to wireframe mode maymake them more visible.无法使用当前网格生成网格选项和设置。
Insufficient memory was available for the solver engine to obtain a solution. Try simplifying the model to reduce problem size. Please see the Troubleshooting section of the ANSYS Workbench Help System for more information.内存不足是解算器引擎可以获得一个解决方案。
请参见故障排除部分ANSYS Workbench帮助系统的更多信息。
The detected initial penetration/gap is relatively large for certain contact pairs. This may produce inaccurate results for Bonded and No Separation contacts using formulation other than MPC. This large penetration/gap can be identified by generating the initial contact results.检测到的初始渗透/差距相对较大的某些接触对。
ansys警告语总结1、There are 5 small equation solver pivot terms.[1]出現的可能原因你的負載是否跟時間有關(如果有設隨時間變化的負載,那需更改成瞬态分析)單元比例差異過大造成過度畸变(試者加密關鍵區域網格)約束不足或者是做靜態非線性問題時也會出現(考量變形模式或嘗試變更合理的拘束點)通常跑3D大變形用牛頓艾佛森都有可能出現這個警語如果沒有後續說明,基本上您可以不需理會它[2]这个警告一般来说不要紧的。
2、*** WARNING *** CP = 2.359 TIME= 17:35:06Material number 7 (used by element 4352 ) should normally have at least one MP or one TB type command associated with it. Output of energy by material may not be available.[1]通常可以忽略,因为144892 很有可能是一个不需要定义材料的辅助单元。
NO.0001ESYS is not valid for line element.原因:是因为我使用LATT的时候,把“--”的那个不小心填成了“1”。
当我发现原因后,把1改成0——即使用全局直角坐标系,就没有W ARNING了。
NO.0002使用*TREAD的时候,有的时候明明看文件好好的,可是却出现*TREAD end-of-file in data read.后来仔细检查,发现我TXT的数据文件里,分隔是采用TAB键分隔的。
NO.0003Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results.这个大概是跟收敛有关,但是我找不到具体的原因。
NO.0004*TREAD end-of-file in data readtxt中的表格数据不完整!NO.0005No *CREATE for *END. The *END command is ignored忘了写*END了吧,呵呵NO.0006Keypoint 1 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connected line set for AL command两条线不共点,尝试nummrg命令。
NO.0007L1 is not a recognized PREP7 command, abbreviation, or macro. This command will be ignored还没有进入prep7,先:/prep7NO.0008Keypoint 2 belongs to line 4 and cannot be moved关键点2属于线4,移动低级体素时先移动高级体素!NO.0009Shape testing revealed that 32 of the 640 new or modified elementsviolate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see theoutput file or issue the CHECK command.单元形状奇异,在我的模型中6面体单元的三个边长差距较大,可忽略该错误NO.0010用命令流建模的时候遇到的The drag direction (from the keypoint on drag line 27 that is closestto a keypoint KP of the given area 95) is orthogonal to the areanormal at that KP. Area cannot be dragged by the VDRAG command.意思是拉伸源面的法向与拉伸路径垂直,不能使用VDRAG命令出现的环境ASEL,S,LOC,Z,143e-3VDRAG,ALL, , , , , , 27本意是按位置z=143e-3位置的面,然后沿编号27的线拉伸,出错,之前用该语句没有任何问题。
1把体用面分割的时候出现的错误提示:B ool e a n op er a t i on fa i l e d.t r y a d ju st i n g t h e t ol er a n c e v a l u e on t h e BT O L c om m m a n d t o s om e f r a ct i on of t h em i n i m u m k ey p oi n t di st a n c e.M od e l S i z e(c u r r e n t p r obl em)1.183933e+000,BT O L s et t i n g 1.000 00e-005,m i n m u m K P T di st a n c e 4.308365e-006先在要分割的地方设置一个工作平面,用布尔运算“d i v i d ed--v ol u m e byw or k i n g pl a n e”进行分割的时候,出现上述错误,主要愿意可能是设置的公差太小,当时试了几次都么有成功,最后干脆把体重新建立了一个,又画了一个很大的面,终于成功了。
Error!Element type 1 is Solid95,whichcan not be used with the AMES command, meshing of are a 2 aborted.刚开始学习的人经常出这种错误,这是因为不同单元类型对应不同的划分网格操作。
3 Meshing of volume 5 has been aborted because of a lack of memory. Closed down othe r processes and/or choose a larger element size, then try the VMESH command again. Min imum additional memory required=853MB(by kitty_zoe)说你的内存空间不够,可能因为你的计算单元太多,增加mesh尺寸,减少数量或者增加最小内存设定(a nsys10中在customization preferences菜单存储栏可以修改)你划分的网格太细了,内存不足。
1 在Ansys中出现“Shape testing revealed that 450 of the 1500 new or modified elements violate shape warning limits.”,是什么原因造成的呢?单元网格质量不够好,尽量用规则化网格,或者再较为细密一点。
2 在Ansys中,用Area Fillet对两空间曲面进行倒角时出现以下错误:Area 6 offset could not fully converge to offset distance 10. Maximum error between the two surfaces is 1% of offset distance.请问这是什么错误?怎么解决?其中一个是圆柱接管表面,一个是碟形封头表面。
3 在Ansys中,出现错误“There are 21 small equation solver pivot terms。
”,是否是在建立接触contact时出现的错误?不是建立接触对的错误,一般是单元形状质量太差(例如有接近零度的锐角或者接近180度的钝角)造成small equation solver pivot terms4 在Ansys中,出现警告“SOLID45 wedges are recommended only in regions of relatively low stress gradients.”,是什么意思?"这只是一个警告,它告诉你:推荐SOLID45单元只用在应力梯度较低的区域。
"5 ansys向adams导的过程中,出现如下问题“There is not enough memory for the Sparse Matrix Solver to proceed.Please shut down other applications that may be running or increase the virtual memory on your system and return ANSYS.Memory currently allocated for the Sparse Matrix Solver=50MB.Memory currently required for the Sparse Matrix Solver to continue=25MB”,是什么原因造成的?不清楚你ansys导入adams过程中怎么还需要使用Sparse Matrix Solver(稀疏矩阵求解器)。
A mesh could not be generated using the current meshing options and settings. Hint: The problem geometry areas might have been highlighted. Switching to wireframe mode may make them more visible. 无法使用当前网格生成网格选项和设置。
Insufficient memory was available for the solver engine to obtain a solution. Try simplifying the model to reduce problem size. Please see the Troubleshooting section of the ANSYS Workbench Help System for more information.存不足是解算器引擎可以获得一个解决方案。
请参见故障排除部分ANSYS Workbench帮助系统的更多信息。
The detected initial penetration/gap is relatively large for certain contact pairs. This may produce inaccurate results for Bonded and No Separation contacts using formulation other than MPC. This large penetration/gap can be identified by generating the initial contact results.检测到的初始渗透/差距相对较大的某些接触对。
ANSYS警告、错误104问NO.0001ESYS is not valid for line element.原因:是因为我使用LATT的时候,把“--”的那个不小心填成了“1”。
NO.0002使用*TREAD的时候,有的时候明明看文件好好的,可是却出现 *TREAD end-of-filein data read.后来仔细检查,发现我TXT的数据文件里,分隔是采用TAB键分隔的。
NO.0003Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results. 这个大概是跟收敛有关,但是我找不到具体的原因。
NO.0004*TREAD end-of-file in data read txt中的表格数据不完整! NO.0005No *CREATE for *END. The *END command is ignored 忘了写*END了吧,呵呵NO.0006Keypoint 1 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connected lineset for AL command两条线不共点,尝试 nummrg命令。
NO.0007L1 is not a recognized PREP7 command, abbreviation, or macro. This command will be ignored还没有进入prep7,先:/prep7 NO.0008Keypoint 2 belongs to line 4 and cannot be moved 关键点2属于线4,移动低级体素时先移动高级体素! NO.0009Shape testing revealed that 32 of the 640 new or modified elements violate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see theoutput file or issue the CHECK command.单元形状奇异,在我的模型中6面体单元的三个边长差距较大,可忽略该错误NO.0010用命令流建模的时候遇到的The drag direction (from the keypoint on drag line 27 that is closestto a keypoint KP of the given area 95) is orthogonal to the areanormal at that KP. Area cannot be dragged by the VDRAG command. 意思是拉伸源面的法向与拉伸路径垂直,不能使用VDRAG命令出现的环境ASEL,S,LOC,Z,143e-3VDRAG,ALL, , , , , , 27本意是按位置z=143e-3位置的面,然后沿编号27的线拉伸,出错,之前用该语句没有任何问题。
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ANSYS警告汇总NO.0001、ESYS is not valid for line element.原因:是因为我使用LATT的时候,把“--”的那个不小心填成了“1”。
经过ANSYS的命令手册里说那是没有用的项目,但是根据我的理解,这些所谓的没有用的项目实际上都是ANSYS 在为后续的版本留接口。
当我发现原因后,把1改成0——即使用全局直角坐标系,就没有W ARNING了。
NO.0002、使用*TREAD的时候,有的时候明明看文件好好的,可是却出现*TREAD end-of-file in data read.后来仔细检查,发现我TXT的数据文件里,分隔是采用TAB键分隔的。
NO.0003、Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results.这个大概是跟收敛有关,但是我找不到具体的原因。
有人知道这个信息是什么意思,怎么调试能消除吗?NO.0004、*TREAD end-of-file in data readtxt中的表格数据不完整!NO.0005、No *CREA TE for *END. The *END command is ignored忘了写*END了吧,呵呵NO.0006、Keypoint 1 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connected line set for AL command两条线不共点,尝试nummrg命令NO.0007、L1 is not a recognized PREP7 command, abbreviation, or macro. This command will be ignored还没有进入prep7,先:/prep7NO.0008、Keypoint 2 belongs to line 4 and cannot be moved同一位置点2已经存在了,尝试对同位置的生成新点换个编号,比如1002NO.0009、Shape testing revealed that 32 of the 640 new or modified elementsviolate shape warning limits. To review test results, please see theoutput file or issue the CHECK command.单元形状奇异,在我的模型中6面体单元的三个边长差距较大,可忽略该错误NO.0010、用命令流建模的时候遇到的The drag direction (from the keypoint on drag line 27 that is closestto a keypoint KP of the given area 95) is orthogonal to the areanormal at that KP. Area cannot be dragged by the VDRAG command.意思是拉伸源面的法向与拉伸路径垂直,不能使用VDRAG命令。
出现的环境ASEL,S,LOC,Z,143e-3VDRAG,ALL, , , , , , 27本意是按位置z=143e-3位置的面,然后沿编号27的线拉伸,出错,之前用该语句没有任何问题检查发现选面的命令多选了一些面,把挨着要选择面的一些面选进来了将该语句修改后没有问题ASEL,S,LOC,Z,143e-3,144e-3位置的最大最小值可能需要根据具体的模型调整NO.0011、我在计算三维的时候出现一个error,如图所示,不知道代表什么意思啊?是说我的内存不足么?请问各位大侠,碰到这种问题应该怎么解决呢?当选择自由划分网格的时候,怎么样能使默认最小的网格更小呢?error:Meshing of volume 5 has been aborted because of a lack of memory. Closed down other processes and/or choose a larger element size, then try the VMESH command again. Minimum additional memory required=853MB你划分的网格太细了,内存不足。
建议将模型划分为几个部分,分部分进行划分,可以减少内存使用,试一下!NO.0012、ring model建立时候遇到的。
请指教!Brick element 4731 has an aspect ratio of 1000, which exceeds thewarning limit of 20.aspect ratio(方向率)是表征单元形状好坏的一个参数。
如果aspect ratio 过大或者过小都表示单元形状很差。
NO.0013、CLEAR, SELECT, and MESH boundary condition commands are not possibleafter MODMSH.这个信息说的很明确,那就是在你定义过有限元模型与实体模型的关系后(具体命令为MODMSH),不能再进行清除,选择或者划分边界条件的操作。
NO.0014、说下我最近碰到的一个小粗心引起的ERR,就是在MAC文件中中文的注释前的感叹号必须是英文格式下输入的,如果是中文格式的,宏文件运行会出错,希望大家引以为戒,不要出现类似错误NO.0015、clear is not a recognized GEGIN command,abbreviation,or macro.this command will be ingored.那是因为打开了前处理,求解或者后处理,先用FINISH命令,再用CLEAR就可以了NO.0016、solid model data is contaminated实体模型被污染了(布尔操作中经常出现)原因就是布尔操作中出现运算错误,实体模型被污染。
3、还有一种方法是将模型用write命令写出来,然后用read 命令读进去就好了NO.0017、Mid-nodes of some elements have been modified to lie on straight edgesbecause of distortion with the original mid-nodes. This condition issometimes eliminated by tetrahedron element improvement when enabled.Issue ESEL,,STRAIGHTENED to select such elements for listing orplotting.这是我遇到的一个警告,不知道什么意思,对我的后处理有影响吗,该如何处理,谢谢了警告的意思:有些单元的中间节点被修改了,修改后位于直的单元边界上,这是由于单元发生扭曲。
NO.0018、*** FATAL *** CP = 169.906 TIME= 15:50:03Insufficient memory error during solution. Please reduce your problemsize or increase your system swapped space (refer to the BasicAnalysis Procedures Guide, Ch. 19). *** FATAL *** CP = 172.344 TIME= 15:50:24This model requires more scratch space than available, currently8026545 words ( 31 MB). ANSYS was not able to allocate more memory toproceed. Please shut down other applications that may be running orincrease the virtual memory on your system and rerun ANSYS. Problemterminated. ********************************************************************* The above error is non-recoverable by ANSYSANSYS run terminated by the indicated errorCurrent data base saved if possible.*********************************************************************我在计算过程中碰到过几次这样的错误,计算被迫中断。
NO.0019、Keypoint 1 is referenced by only one line. Improperly connected lineset for AL command原因是:使用AL命令时,你的所有线没有闭合。
NO 、0020说说我遇到的问题吧~~,总结一些供大家分享,由于都是比较早的,所以英文原文的error,都不在了,所以我就顺便说一下英文意思就可以了,附上解决方法。