Type 630D Extralytic中文资料
优利德仪器 UT630 说明书
序 言尊敬的用户:您好!感谢您选购全新的优利德仪器,为了正确使用本仪器,请您在本仪器使用之前仔细阅读本说明书全文,特别有关“安全注意事项”的部分。
目 录项 目 页一、 简 介二、 开箱检查三、 概述1.概述2.技术指标3.使用注意事项四、 面板操作说明1.前面板操作说明2.后面板操作说明3.基本操作说明五、 联机功能(UT632)六、 保养与维修1.保养与维修2.保修2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 61一、简 介感谢您购买我公司的产品!为了确保您正确使用本仪器,获得最佳的测试性能,建议在使用本仪器前详细阅读本说明书。
提供标准零部件如下:UT630双路数字交流毫伏表 1台三芯电源线 1根说明本 1本保险丝0. 5A 2只Q9双夹线 2根上位机安装光碟(UT632) 1张USB标准打印机线(UT632) 2根三、概 述1.概述UT630双通道数显交流毫伏表分为 UT631、UT632 (带数据传输)两种型号,此系列毫伏表具有测量电压频率范围宽,输入阻抗高(≥10ΜΩ),电压测量范围宽,分辨率高(1μV)且测量精度高的优点。
2.技术指标1)测量电压范围:400μV~400V,分辨率1μV,四位 LCD数显,最大显示4040。
套餐二:酷睿二双核T7100 1.8G(L2=2M)、1G内存60G硬盘、无线、95新
套餐二:DELL D630(D630集成版)酷睿二双核T7100 1.8G 2M、集成X3100显卡 256M显存配置、14.1寸宽屏(1280*800)(英文键盘)
◆DVD光驱,支持 CD、VCD、DVD、读取。
Booster 430 630 30560, 30562快速充电器说明书
Manual de instruccionesDispositivo de carga rápidaBooster 430/63030560, 30562Imágenes similares, pueden variar según el modeloLea atentamente las instrucciones de funcionamiento e indicaciones de seguridad contenidas en este manual antes de usar por primera vez el dispositivo.Queda reservado el derecho a modificaciones técnicas.A través de un proceso de mejora continua, imágenes, pasos a seguir y datos técnicos pueden verse afectados y variar ligeramente.Las informaciones contenidas en este documento pueden ser en cualquier momento y sin previo avi-so modificadas. Ninguna parte de este documento puede ser, sin autorización previa y por escrito, co-piada o de otro modo reproducida. Quedan reservados todos los derechos.La empresa WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH no asume ninguna responsabilidad sobre posibles erro-res contenidos en este manual de instrucciones o en el diagrama de conexión del dispositivo.A pesar de que la empresa WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH ha realizado el mayor esfuerzo posible para asegurarse de que este manual de instrucciones sea completo, preciso y actual, no se descarta que pudieran existir errores.En el caso de que usted encontrara algún error o quisiera hacernos una sugerencia para ayudarnos a mejorar, estaremos encantados de escucharle.Envíenos un e-mail a:*******************o utilice nuestro formulario de contacto:https://www.wiltec.de/contacts/La versión actual de este manual de instrucciones disponible en varios idiomas la puede encontrar en nuestra tienda online:https://www.wiltec.de/docsearchNuestra dirección postal es:WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbHKönigsbenden 1252249 Eschweiler¿Desea hacer la recogida usted mismo? Nuestra dirección de recogida es:WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbHKönigsbenden 2852249 EschweilerPara acortar el tiempo de espera y garantizar una rápida atención in situ, le pedimos que se ponga previamente en contacto con nosotros o realice su pedido a través de la tienda online.E-Mail:*******************Tel: +49 2403 55592-0Fax: +49 2403 55592-15Para la devolución de su mercancía en caso de cambio, reparación u otros fines, utilice la siguiente dirección. ¡Atención! Para garantizar un proceso de reclamación o devolución libre de complicaciones, por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de atención al cliente antes de realizar la devolu-ción.Departamento de devolucionesWilTec Wildanger Technik GmbHKönigsbenden 2852249 EschweilerE-mail: *******************Tel: +49 2403 55592-0Fax: (+49 2403 55592-15)IntroducciónMuchas gracias por haberse decidido a comprar este producto de calidad. Para minimizar el riesgo de lesiones, le rogamos que tome algunas medidas básicas de seguridad siempre que usted utilice este dispositivo. Por favor, lea detenidamente y al completo este manual de instrucciones y asegúrese de haberlo entendido.Guarde bien este manual de instrucciones.IndicacionesPonga el dispositivo cargador en “OFF” (apagado) antes de conectar el cable de conexión a la batería para evitar chispas peligrosas.Antes de quitar las pinzas de la batería, apague el dispositivo.Durante el proceso de carga pueden formarse gases explosivos, por ello evite el fuego, las chispas, etc.La pinza roja de la batería se conecta con el polo positivo y la pinza negra con el polo negati-vo. ¡NUNCA las intercambie!No utilice NUNCA el dispositivo cargador si los cables de carga o los bornes de la batería es-tuvieran dañados. Durante la carga, no lo golpee ni lo sacuda.No intente NUNCA cargar una batería congelada.Utilice los fusibles que se incluyen en el envío. NUNCA instale fusibles mayores.Limpie cuidadosamente la batería antes de la carga y compruebe su voltaje.Tenga en cuenta que la batería conectada debe tener mín. 50 Ah y máx. 750 Ah (Boos-ter 430) ó 800 Ah (Booster 630).Manejo seguro de las baterías•¡Utilice siempre gafas de seguridad y guantes de protección al manejar la batería! El contacto de la piel, los ojos o la ropa con el ácido de la batería debe ser evitado en todo caso, ya que el ácido es altamente corrosivo. Si el ácido de la batería entrara en contacto con los ojos, es-tos deben ser enjuagados inmediatamente con abundante agua, a continuación, póngase en contacto con un médico. Las salpicaduras de ácido en la piel deben ser eliminadas al momen-to con agua y jabón. Las salpicaduras de ácido en la ropa producen agujeros.•No coloque su cargador de baterías sobre materiales inflamables durante el proceso de car-ga. Durante su funcionamiento, el dispositivo se calienta. Coloque el cargador de manera que pueda ventilar adecuadamente. ¡Nunca cubra las ranuras de ventilación! El dispositivo de car-ga solo puede ser utilizado en espacios interiores. Proteja el dispositivo de humedad y humo.Si el dispositivo se mojara, existe el riesgo de sufrir una descarga eléctrica con peligro de muerte. Al cargar la batería, se liberan pequeñas cantidades de gas del ácido que esta contie-ne. Esto es normal. El gas de la batería se nota por la formación de burbujas. Tenga cuidado con las burbujas de gas que estallan, ya que causan salpicaduras de ácido alrededor. Para conectar la unidad es imprescindible seguir las recomendaciones, de lo contrario se podrían producir chispas que causen que los gases exploten (¡gas de oxígeno!). Del mismo modo, el dispositivo cargador no debe funcionar en las proximidades de llamas vivas. ¡No fume mien-tras manipule la batería! Asegure una buena ventilación, ya que el gas que la batería contiene es explosivo.•Preste atención: Cargue solamente baterías convencionales de plomo-ácido de 12 o 24 V.No cargue baterías no recargables. Cargue solo baterías intactas. El tiempo de carga depen-de del nivel de carga de la batería. Esto puede determinarse midiendo la densidad del ácido con un densímetro o areómetro, disponible en el mercado. Si tiene una batería permanente-mente cerrada y libre de mantenimiento, esta no debe ser abierta. En este caso, no es posible o necesario comprobar o corregir el nivel de ácido. Para cargar la batería, siempre que sea posible, deben quitarse en primer lugar todas las tapas de las células, como muestra la ilus-tración. Entonces, se debe comprobar el nivel de ácido en las células de la batería. Cuando la batería se descarga, el nivel de ácido debería estar todavía, aproximadamente, 0,5–1 cm por encima de las placas de plomo de las células de la batería. Si no fuera así, rellene con aguadestilada. Bajo ninguna circunstancia utilice agua del grifo. El nivel del ácido aumenta a medi-da que el estado de carga aumenta. Para evitar que con ello se desborde la batería, el ácido no debe rellenarse al comienzo del proceso de carga hasta la marca máxima. Los tapones de cierre solo pueden ser sustituidos una vez que el proceso de carga haya finalizado. Solo asíse permite que los gases que se hayan formado durante la carga escapen. El escape de pe-queñas cantidades de ácido a través de salpicaduras durante el proceso de carga es inevita-ble.Principio de funcionamientoCuando la batería se carga, la corriente de carga depende del tipo de batería. En general, la corriente de carga se sitúa alrededor de un 10 % por encima de la corriente máxima de la batería.Tiempo de cargaEl tiempo de carga depende de la batería. Una regla general es:tiempo de carga = capacidad de la batería ÷ corriente de cargaDurante el proceso de carga la corriente de carga irá disminuyendo cada vez más, de modo que el tiempo de carga calculado será como mínimo ¼ más largo. El cargador de baterías puede cargar una o más baterías al mismo tiempo. En este último caso, se sobrentiende que el tiempo de carga serámás largo.Si desea arrancar un vehículo con el Booster tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:1.Si se trata de un motor grande, es mejor realizar una carga rápida previa de 15 min antes dellevar a cabo un intento de arranque.2.En caso de que el motor que desee arrancar se trate de un motor diesel, deje que las bujíasde encendido se precalienten antes de intentar arrancar el motor.Para cargar, conecte la pinza roja de la batería al polo positivo y la pinza negra al polo negativo. ¡No las intercambie!Conecte los cables de conexión del dispositivo cargador a la batería. Conecte el cable rojo (+) con el polo positivo de la batería (+) y el cable negro (–) con el polo negativo de la batería (–). Si la batería todavía se encuentra en el vehículo, conecte el cable negro (–) al bloque del motor para que sirva de toma a tierra. Asegúrese de que la ignición y todas las piezas de equipación eléctrica estén apaga-das. (Si el coche tuviera una toma de tierra positiva, conecte el cable rojo (+) al bloque del motor).Funcionamiento del Booster 430En primer lugar, seleccione el voltaje de batería correcto (12 V o 24 V), entonces conecte las pinzas de la batería a los polos de la batería.Ponga el interruptor 4 en “CB” (carga batería), el interruptor 2 en “Min” o “Max” y el interruptor3 en “1” (carga normal) o “2” (carga rápida).Entonces encienda el booster poniendo el interruptor 5 en “I” (encendido), el dispositivo co-mienza a cargar.Si quiere arrancar el motor de un coche con el cargador rápido, ponga el interruptor4en “Start”, ponga el interruptor 5 en “I” y cargue la batería durante 2 min. Separe entonces el booster de la batería e intente arrancar el motor durante un máximo de 4–5 s. En caso de que el motor no arranque después de 3 o 4 intentos, lleve a cabo un proceso de carga rápida transcurridos 10 min.Elementos del panel de control y sus funcionesFuncionamiento del Booster 630Seleccione en primer lugar el voltaje de batería adecuado (12 V o 24 V), entonces conecte las pinzas de la batería a los polos de la batería.Ponga el interruptor de función 1 en “1”, “2” o “3” para una carga normal rápida.En los niveles “4”, “5” y “6” la carga es controlada por tiempo. Para ello, el temporizador es ajustado al tiempo deseado.Si quiere arrancar el motor de un coche con el cargador rápido, ponga el interruptor 1 a “Start”y cargue la batería durante 2 min. Entonces separe el booster de la batería e intente arran-car el motor durante un máximo de 4 a 5 s. Si el motor no arranca después de 3–4 intentos, lleve a cabo un proceso de carga rápida de nuevo transcurridos 10 min.Elementos del panel de controlEsquema eléctricoNormativa sobre la gestión de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicosLas directrices de la Unión Europea en materia de gestión de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE, 2012/19/EU) ya se aplican a lo establecido sobre este tipo de residuos.Todos aquellos equipos y dispositivos de WilTec afectados por esta normativa han sido marcados con el símbolo de un contenedor de basura tachado. Este símbolo indica que el aparato no debe ser desechado a través de los residuos domésticos.La empresa WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH ha sido registrada bajo el número DE45283704 por el organismo competente alemán.La gestión de residuos de aparatos eléctricos yelectrónicos usados se realiza,en los países de laUnión Europea, a través de un sistema de recogidaespecial.El símbolo que usted encontrará en el producto, o ensu embalaje, señala que este no debe de ser dese-chado de manera normal a través de los residuos do-mésticos, sino que debe ser entregado para su reci-claje a través de un punto de recogida especial exis-tente para estos aparatos. A través de su contribucióncon una correcta gestión de este tipo de residuos us-ted está apoyando y favoreciendo la conservación del medio ambiente y contribuyendo a preservar la salud de sus semejantes. Precisamente, salud y medio ambiente están amenazados por una incorrec-ta gestión de los residuos.El reciclaje de materiales ayuda a reducir el consumo de materias primas.Usted puede encontrar otras informaciones relativas al reciclaje de este producto a través de puntos de información en su municipio, del organismo encargado de la gestión de residuos existente en el mismo, o de la tienda donde usted ha adquirido dicho producto.Domicilio social:WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbHKönigsbenden 12 / 28D-52249 Eschweiler AVISO IMPORTANTE:La reproducción total o parcial, así como cualquier uso comercial que se le pudiera dar a este manual, al todo o alguna de sus partes, solo mediante autorización escrita por parte de la empresa WilTec Wil-danger Technik GmbH.。
Diotec 电子件 - 电信产品说明书
Diotec Produktefür TelekommunikationTypische Applikationen:Mobilteile, Ladegeräte, Modems, Schnittstellen, Stromversorgung, AusrüstungMobilteile Î SMD Schottky DiodenLadegeräte Î Brückengleichrichter: MiniDIL, MicroDILDC/DC-Wandler Î Schottky Dioden, Superschnelle-/Ultraschnelle-GleichrichterSchutzelemente Î TVS-Dioden, SDA2/4AK (Low Cj), (Schnelle) BrückengleichrichterSpannungsregelung Î Zener DiodenOR-ing Dioden Î Schottky Dioden, StandardGleichrichterMobilteileSchottky Dioden als VerpolungsschutzEingesetzt zwischen dem Akku des Mobilteiles und den Kontakten zum externen Ladegerät verhindern diese ein unerwünschtes Entladen bei versehentlich kurzgeschlossenen Kontakten und bieten Schutz gegen Laden mit falscher Polarität. Der niedrige Spannungsabfall an der Schottky-Diode sorgt für niedrige Ladeverluste. Die SGL34 und SGL1 in MiniMELF zeichnen sich durch geringen Platzbedarf auf der Leiterplatte aus.Typen1SMD: SGL34-20…100, SGL1-20…100, SMS120…1100, SMS220…2100, SMS320…3100;SK12…110, SK32SMA…310SMA, SK52…510, SK82…810;(0.5 bis 8 A!)1Vorzugstypen sind fettgedruckt; Farben entsprechend dem Diotec Selection Guide. Datenblätter siehe , …Produkte“.Ladegeräte / DC-DC WandlerÜberspannungsschutz: TVS-Dioden /Zenerdioden 1TGL34-… , TGL41-…, P4SMA…, P6SMB…, 1.5SMC…; (150 bis 1500 W Impuls; bis zu 550 V!) ZMM…, ZMD…, ZMY..., SMZ1..., SZ3C…, Z1SMA…, Z2SMB…, Z3SMC…; (0.5 bis 3 W dauernd)Eingangsgleichrichtung: Brückengleichrichter 10.5 bis 2 ASMD: MYS40…380, MS40…500, S40…500, B40…500S , B 40…380F S (s c h n e l l ), CS10…50S (Schottky) Durchsteckmontage: B40…500D , B 40…380F D (s c h n e l l ), CS10…50D (Schottky), B40…500R (rund)Spannungsbegrenzung: TVS-/S c h n e l l e -Diode 1TGL34-… , TGL41-…, P4SMAJ…, P6SMBJ…, 1.5SMCJ…; (150 bis 1500 W Impuls; bis zu 550 V!) R G L 34…, R G L 1…, S A 154…160, F R 1…, F R 2…, F R 3…; (0.5 b i s 3 A )Ausgangsgleichrichtung: Schottky Dioden 1SGL34-20…100, SGL1-20…100, SMS120…1100, SMS220…2100, SMS320…3100; SK12…110, SK32SMA…310SMA, SK52…510, SK82…810; (0.5 bis 8 A!)1Vorzugstypen sind fettgedruckt ; Farben entsprechend dem Diotec Selection Guide. Datenblätter siehe ,…Produkte“. Weitere Informationen in der Applikationsschrift “Diotec Produkte für Stromversorgungen”. Neben den hier gezeigten Bauteilen in SMD-Technik (zur Platz- und Gewichtsreduzierung) sind auch äquivalente Typen in axialer Bauform erhältlich.~~Blitzstromableitung in Telekom-AnwendungenTRBrückengleichrichter sind in Telekom-Anwendungen weit verbreitet, z. B. in analogen Verbindungskarten, Endgeräten (Telefonen, Modems, Fax- und Nebenstellengeräten), sowie für die Hochgeschwindigkeits-Übertragung über ADSL, SHDSL, ISDN oder E1/T1. Sie werden als Ableitungselemente eingesetzt oder für den gemeinsamen Schutz von Mehrfachleitungen.Empfohlene Produkte1:PlatzsparendMYS40, MS40– Sparen Platz auf Karten mit Mehrfacheingängen (Gehäuse nur 3x3 mm²!)Standard BrückengleichrichterS40, B40S– Für StandardlösungenSchnelle BrückenS40F,B40F S– bieten den Vorteil einer schnelleren Erholzeit während des Einschalt-Überschwingens und reduzieren somit die durchgelassene VerlustenergieSchottky BrückenCS30S, CS50S– Schottky Brücken begrenzen mit niedrigster Durchlass-Spannung1Farben entsprechend dem Diotec Selection Guide. Datenblätter siehe , …Produkte“. Neben den hier gezeigten Bauteilen in SMD-Technik (zur Platz- und Gewichtsreduzierung) sind auch äquivalente Typen in axialer Bauform erhältlich.Schutz von DatenleitungenTVS-DiodenErhältlich in uni- und bidirektionaler Ausführung (Suffix “C” bzw. “B” bei der BZW-Reihe). Bidirektionale Typen bieten Schutz gegen positive und negative Spannungsspitzen.Dimensionierung: die maximal auftretende Signalspannung sollte die Sperrspannung V WM des Bauteils nicht überschreiten. Bei einem maximalen Strom I PPM und einer 10/1000 µs Pulsform (siehe Datenblatt) beträgt die maximale Klemmspannung V C. Die zu schützenden Ein- bzw. Ausgänge sollten mindestens diese Spannung aushalten können.Typen1Bedrahtet: BZW04-…, P4KE…, BZW06-…, P6KE…, 1.5KE… , 5KP…; (400 bis 5000 W; bis zu 520 V!) SMD:TGL34-… , SDA2/4AK, TGL41-…, P4SMA…, P6SMB…, 1.5SMC… ; (150 bis 1500 W; bis zu 550 V!)SDA2/4AK Reihe: niederkapazitiver SchutzBei den SDA2AK bzw. SDA4AK handelt es sich um spezielle Schutz-Dioden. Sie bestehen aus antiparallel geschalteten Standardgleichrichtern in einem einzelnen MELF (DO-213AB) Gehäuse (siehe unten). Hierdurch wird eine nominale Klemmspannung von 1 bzw. 2 V erreicht, bei Impulströmen von bis zu 40 A. Auf Anfrage sind auch andere Klemmspannungen erhältlich.Die resultierende Kapazität liegt im unteren pF-Bereich, was die Verwendung bei sehr hohen Signal-Frequenzen zulässt. Darüber hinaus können diese Bauteile in Reihe zu anderen Schutzelementen geschaltet werden, um deren Kapazität auf extrem niedrige Werte zu reduzieren.SDA4AK SDA2AK1Vorzugstypen sind fettgedruckt; Farben entsprechend dem Diotec Selection Guide. Datenblätter siehe , …Produkte“.SpannungsregelungZenerdioden zur einfachen SpannungsregelungEine einfache Methode um stabile Gleichspannungen aus einer ungeregelten Quelle zu erzeugen. Der Vorwiderstand muss so gewählt werden, dass der maximal zulässige Zenerstrom I Zmax (siehe Datenblatt) bei maximaler Eingngasspannung und Leerlauf am Ausgang nicht überschritten wird. Besteht dieSpannungsquelle aus einem Transformator, so ist evtl. der Serienwiderstand der Windungen ausreichend als Vorwiderstand. Sollte die Verlustleistung eines einzelnen Bauteils zu gering sein, so können zur Leistungserhöhung zwei oder mehr in Reihe geschaltet werden. Die Toleranz ist gestuft entsprechend dem E24 Standard (ungefähr +/- 5%); falls engere Grenzen benötigt werden sind auf Anfrage Bauteile mit +/- 2% Toleranz erhältlich.Typen 1Bedrahtet: ZPD…, ZPY…, ZY…, 3EZ…, 1N53..B ; (0.5 bis 5 W)SMD: BZX84C…, 2BZX84C…, ZMM…, ZMD…, ZMY..., SMZ1..., SZ3C…, Z1SMA, Z2SMB…, Z3SMC…; (0.2 bis 3 W)Zuverlässiger Betrieb auch bei Gewitter …Kleinsignal-Zenerdioden wie die ZPD/ZMM oder BZX84 sind mit kleinflächigen, planaren Chipsaufgebaut. Deren Kontaktierung erfolgt entweder durch Druckkontakt (ZPD/ZMM im Glasgehäuse) oder durch Drahtbonden (BZX84). Sie bieten eine preiswerte Möglichkeit der Spannungsstabilisierung, sind aber empfindlicher gegen Überspannungen durch Blitzschlag etc. (ein gewisser Anteil der Energie eines Blitzschlags wird immer den Primär- und Sekundärschutz überwinden!). Leistungs-Zenerdioden wie die ZY, Z1SMA, ZMD etc. sind mit robusten, nichtplanaren Zenerchips großer Fläche aufgebaut, dieKontaktierung erfolgt durch leistungsfähige Lötverbindungen. Damit sind sie die bevorzugte Lösung für hochzuverlässige Schaltungen.1Vorzugstypen sind fettgedruckt ; Farben entsprechend dem Diotec Selection Guide. Datenblätter siehe , …Produkte“.Ungeregelte Gleichspannung GeregelteGleichspannungOR-ing DiodenEntkopplung von Spannungsquellen: Standard oder Schottky Dioden Wenn die Verluste niedrig sein sollen und die Gleichspannung unter 100 V liegt können Schottky Dioden eingesetzt werden. Spezielle Dioden (auf Anfrage) bieten neben niedrigem Durchlass auch geringe Sperrströme. Standard Dioden eignen sich für höhere Spannungen, bei Hochstromanwendungen ist die Verwendung von Bauteilen im Press-fit Gehäuse zu empfehlen. Die D30V.. Reihe beinhaltet Standard-Dioden mit gemeinsamer Kathode in einem quadratischen Brückengehäuse.Types1Bedrahtet: 1N4001…7, 1N5391…99, 1N5400K…08K, 1N5400…08, BY251…55, BY550-…, P600…,P1000…, P1200…;(1 bis 12 A)SB120…1100, SB220…2100, SB320…3100, SB520…5100, SB820…8100;(1 bis 8 A) SMD: G L34…, GL1…,SM4001…7, SM5059…63, SM5400…08,S1…, S2…, S3…, S5…; (0.5 bis 5 A) SMS120…1100, SMS220…2100, SMS32…310; SK12…110, SK32SMA…310SMA, SK52…510;SK82…810 (1 bis 8 A!)Press-fit: B YP25…, BYP35…, BYP60…, KYW25…, KYW35…, KYZ25…, KYZ35…; (25 bis 60 A) Qudratisch mit Fast-on- oder Drahtanschlüssen: D30VC20…80; (2x15 A)。
德拉埃特荷尔达PQ引导SP IP65外壳 - 无显示说明书
SPECIFICATIONSvG UIDEPOWER QUALITY ANALYZERThe Best Combination of Value & Technologyin a PQ Analyzer – Safe, Powerful & Intelligent!Dranetz HDPQ® Guide SPIP65 Enclosure - No DisplayDranetz HDPQ® Guide7” Color, Touch DisplayMADE IN USAG UIDE®G UIDE SPMEASURED PARAMETERS(4) Differential Voltage: 16 bit resolution0-1000Vrms, AC/DC, ±0.1 % reading, <40V ±0.5%FSIEC 61000-4-30 Class A: 60-1000Vrms, ±0.1 % of Udin, range ofRange probe dep., AC/DC, +/- 0.1% reading +/- 0.05% FSFrequency:16-25Hz, 42.5-69Hz, +/- 0.01HzCALCULATED PARAMETERSPower/Energy - 1 Second samplingReal Power (W) - P: meets 0.2S requirements, range probe dep.Apparent Power (VA) - S: meets 0.2S requirements, range probe dep.Reactive Power (var) - Q: meets 0.2S requirements, range probe dep.Power Factor (W/VA) -”true” 1 to 0 to -1Displacement PF 1 to 0 to 1Demand (in W): meets 0.2S requirements, range probe dep.Energy (in Wh): meets 0.2S requirements, range probe dep.Distortion - 200ms, 3 sec, 10 min windowsVthd: 0-100%, +/- 5% for V>=1% Vnom,V Ind Harm: DC, 2-127, +/- 5% for V>=1% VnomIthd: 0-100%, +/- 5% for I>=1% Vnom,I Ind Harm: DC, 2-63, +/- 5% for I>=1% VnomMisc.Pst - 10 minutes: 0.2-10, +/- 0.05 @ Pst=1Plt - 2 hours: 0.2-10, +/- 0.05 @ Pst=1EASE OF USE FEATURESAutomatic SetupsPre-programmed monitoring modesAnswerModules®- Sag/Dip Directivity, PF Cap, MotorDashboards - PQ, Demand & EnergySimultaneous PQ, Demand & EnergyMini ReportSTANDARDS COMPLIANCEPower QualityIEC 61000-4-30 Class A: Edition 2 (2008)IEEE 1159: 2009STANDARDS COMPLIANCE (continued) PowerIEEE 1459: 2000HarmonicsIEC 61000-4-7 Class 1: Edition 2 (2008)IEEE 519: 2014Voltage FlickerIEC 61000-4-15: Edition 2 (2010)IEEE 1453: 2011Compliance/TestingEN 50160: 2010GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSDranetz HDPQ GuideSize: (10”w x 8”h x 2.75”d), (25.4cm x 20.3cm x 7.00cm)Weight: 4.2lbs, 2kgOperating temperature: 0 to 50 deg C (32 to 122 deg F)Storage temperature: -20 to 55 deg C (-4 to 122 deg F)Humidity: 10-90% non condensing3 hours run time on full charge, 3 hours charge timeDranetz HDPQ Guide SPSize: (11”w x 6.5”h x 2.5”d), (27.9cm x 16.5cm x 6.4cm)Weight: 3.2lbs, 1.45kgOperating temperature: -10 to 50 deg C (14 to 122 deg F)Storage temperature: -40 to 85 deg C (-40 to 185 deg F)Humidity: 0-95% non condensing15 minutes run time on full charge, 3 hours charge timeClock accuracy and resolutionInternal: +/- 1 sec/day at 25deg CNTP: +/-10 msecGPS: +/-1 msecAC Adapter: 90-264(max) 50/60HzMemory size: 4GBDisplay: 7” WVGA color graphic, Icon based touch LCD, LED Backlit(Guide only)Languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Swedish, Finn-ish, Polish, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Thai, KoreanCOMMUNICATIONSEthernet, 802.11 b/g/n WirelessUSB On the GoBluetooth via USB adapterVNC remote controlAndroid® & Apple® AppI12-RevAG UIDE SG UIDE SPEasle and Wire ManagementApplicationsWhether your applic ation requires power quality monitoring, demand/energy monitoring, or both, the powerful feature set of the Dranetz HDPQ® Guide family provides you the tools need-ed to get the job done. Dranetz HDPQ Guide instruments are perfec t for applic ations suc h as PQ surveys, fault rec ording, inrush, motor testing, harmonic analysis, advanced distortion analysis, demand/energy/load studies, and much more. The HDPQ Guide and Guide SP offer the exact same measure-ment features, but in different enc losures that c an meet the needs of a wide variety of applications and work environments. The HDPQ Guide is a portable instrument with a built in 7”, Tablet like LCD display. The same local user interface is also available remotely on a PC, Tablet or Smartphone by using the built in Ethernet or Wi-Fi c ommunic ations and Dran-View 7, or a free VNC remote control App. The HDPQ Guide SP offers the same measurement capabilities and communications, but is housed in an IP65 enclosure without an LCD display, greatly expanding applications into outdoor and harsh environments along with those where an LCD display is undesirable.Advan ced PQ & Energy Capabilities!Dranetz products have a long-standing tradition of having state of the art PQ monitoring capabilities, and the Dranetz HDPQ Guide is no exc eption. HDPQ Guide meets and exc eeds the most stringent industry monitoring standards, including:Power Quality - IEC 61000-4-30 Class A, IEEE 1159Harmonics - IEC 61000-4-7, IEEE 519Voltage Flicker - IEC 61000-4-15, IEEE 1453 – Including Pinst Advanced Energy – IEEE 1459Transient CaptureThe Dranetz HDPQ Guide goes well beyond the requirements of the PQ standards by including transient capture capabilities for voltage and current, such as: transients to 32 microseconds, peak sample transients, and advanced waveshape change tran-sients that can identify changes from cycle to cycle.AnswerModules ® – Smart & Good Looking!Only available from Dranetz, AnswerModules are algorithms that automatic ally identify power quality problems and their sourc e. These diagnostic and reporting tools are based on our decades of analytic al experienc e, benc hmarking, and troubleshooting work. The HDPQ Guide has three built in AnswerModules:Sag/Dip Directivity: Automatically identifies the source of a Sag/Dip as being up stream or downstream from the moni-toring source.Capacitor Switching: Automatically identifies transients as being Power Factor correction transients.Motor Analysis: Enables the PQ p arameters that are imp ortant to motor surveys, and provides a custom dashboard for results.G®The Best Combination of Value & Technology in a PQ Analyzer - Safe, Powerful & IntelligentPower Quality instruments are no different than anything else – you get what you pay for – you just get much more from the Dranetz HDPQ ® Guide than with any other instrument in its class!The Dranetz HDPQ ® Guide SP offers the same value, but in a hardened IP65 enclosure.Safe Remote Accessibility via Dran-View ® 7, Apps and VNCDON’T RISK YOUR SAFETY! The Dranetz HDPQ Guide comes with a standard Ethernet port, built-in Wireless, and USB Bluetooth commu-nications that allow you to easily comply with today’s arc flash and other safety standards. Simply install your HDPQ Guide, close the cabinet door, and use your Tablet, Smartphone, PC, or MAC computer to remotely control monitoring and review data. Fully control your instrument remotely, and see exactly what’s on the local 7” display by using Dranview 7 or a free VNC program or App for PC, MAC, Apple and Android devices. Or, you can also use the Dranetz HDPQ App for Apple and Android devices to remotely view a real-time dashboard, scope mode, or remotely configure the instrument using automatic setups. For local access, there’s also a built-in USB port to copy data to a USB drive or directly to your computer using a Plug-N-Play connection.Dashboard Display Demand & Energy TrendEasy to Use Intuitive User InterfaceWith their innovative packaging and 7” wide screen color touch display, the Dranetz HDPQ family of instruments are the most powerful and easiest to use power monitoring instruments available. Like your tablet computer, simply useyour finger or stylus to easily navigate the intuitive, icon-based user interface. Setting up the HDPQ Guide is made easy with automatic setups that detect the cir-cuit type, voltage, etc. and configure the instrument in seconds with typical indus-try settings. For customized setups, use the manual Wizard mode that guides you step-by-step through each setup. During monitoring, real time measurements can be viewed in many ways, including a color-coded reporting Dashboard, and meter/scope/phasor/harmonics displays. Recorded data can be viewed over time by using the timeline and event list displays, and also by using compliance reports, such as EN 50160.Demand & Energy SurveysManaging energy and reducing related expenses is always of par-amount importance, and in many cases is a corporate mandate. In addition to industry-best power quality monitoring capabilities, all of the Dranetz HDPQ family products also have extensive demand and energy monitoring capabilities for both long and short duration surveys. Unlike other lesser capable instru-ments, there’s more than enough horsepower to perform complete PQ and energy surveys simultaneously – it’s your choice to survey for PQ, Energy, or both. Seeing results is easy when using the energy and demand Dashboard reports that display real time and accumulated readings in a color-coded reporting format. There’s also a billing report that includes your energy rates, including time of use. You can also upload your data to our Dran-View 7 software for viewing, reporting, and printing via PC.Reporting & AnalysisThe Dranetz HDPQ Dashboard takes the guess work out of knowing what the instru-ment has recorded. The Dashboard is a color coded alarm panel with boxes that represent different event types (Sags, Swells, Transients, THD, etc.). Each box shows the real time me-tered values for the event type, and is color coded to indicate if events of that type have been recorded.Dran-View ® 7 is our industry leading Win-dows-based software program that enables power professionals to simply and quickly visualize and analyze power monitoring data. Dran-View enhances the Dranetz HDPQ Visa instruments with its VNC remote control, down-loading, and advanced analytical capabilities. It is successfully used by thousands of customers around the world, and has become the industry leading power management software tool. Dran-View is easy to use, yet adds tremendous value and power to our Dranetz HDPQ family of instruments. Of course Dran-View can trend and list data recorded by the instrument, but it also includes a built in report writer, allows you to embed pictures, provides mathematical analy-sis tools, and even includes a rescue kit to help correct connection mistakes.Dran-View ® 7Dranetz HDPQ Live VNC & DownloadDranetz HDPQ Guide SPIP65 Enclosure - No DisplayDranetz HDPQ GuidePortable with 7” DisplayV & I Connections• 1000V CAT III (600V CAT IV)• AC/DC Differential Voltage & Current Inputs • DRANFLEX CT’s powered by the instrumentInnovative Package & Wide Screen7” color, wide screen touch display. 40% largerthan before - the largest in the industry!G UIDE SG UIDE SP。
COM Express Type 6 PMC XMC Ultra Lite Carrier 用户指南
COM Express® PMC/XMC Ultra LiteCarrierConnect Tech Inc.Tel:519-836-129142 Arrow Road Toll:800-426-8979 (North America only)Guelph, Ontario Fax:519-836-4878N1K 1S6 Email:********************* *********************** CTIM-00431 Revision 0.06 2018-01-08Table of ContentsPreface (4)Disclaimer (4)Customer Support Overview (4)Contact Information (4)Limited Product Warranty (5)Copyright Notice (5)Trademark Acknowledgment (5)ESD Warning (6)Revision History (6)Introduction (7)Product Features and Specifications (7)Product Overview (8)Block Diagram (8)Connector Locations (9)Connector Summary (10)Jumper Summary (11)Detailed Feature Pinouts and Functional Descriptions (11)Serial/GPIO Connector (11)VGA Video Connector (12)COM Express Module Connector (12)LVDS Video Connector (13)miniPCIe/mSATA Slots (14)Dual Function miniPCIe/mSATA Slots (14)Jumper Selection (14)Half and Full Length miniPCIe/mSATA module Installation (14)External SATA Connector (16)CPU Fan (16)System and Miscellaneous Connector (17)SIM Socket (17)HD Audio Connector (18)Software Support for the CS4207 (18)USB 2.0 Connector (18)DisplayPort Connector (19)HDMI / DVI / VGA from DisplayPort++ (19)10/100/1000 Ethernet (GBE) (20)USB 3.0/2.0 Connector (20)microSD CARD Connector (21)Power Connector (21)SATA/LVDS Power Connector (22)XMC Connector (22)PMC Connector (23)Typical Hardware Installation Procedure (24)On-board Indicator LEDs (24)Jumper Settings (25)J1 Jumper – LVDS PANEL (25)J2 Jumper – RTC Battery (25)J3 Jumper – RTC Battery (25)J6 Jumper – Shutdown Battery (25)J6 Jumper – Power Control (26)J4 Jumper – mSATA/miniPCIe (26)J8 Jumper – USB (26)J7 Jumper – GPIO-V (26)Thermal & Current Consumption Details (27)Thermal Details (27)Mechanical Details (27)Cables and Cable Kit Information (28)Cable Kits (28)CKG028 –“Full” Cable Kit (28)CKG021 –“Starter” Cable Kit (28)PrefaceDisclaimerThe info rmation contained within this user’s guide, including but not limited to any productspecification, is subject to change without notice.Connect Tech assumes no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly from anytechnical or typographical errors or omissions contained herein or for discrepancies between theproduct and the user’s guide.Customer Support OverviewIf you experience difficulties after reading the manual and/or using the product, contact theConnect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties. In the event that the reseller is unable to resolveyour problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you. Our support section is available24 hours a day, 7 days a week on our website at: /support/resource-center/.See the contact information section below for more information on how to contact us directly. Our technical support is always free.Contact InformationMail/CourierConnect Tech Inc.Technical Support42 Arrow RoadGuelph, OntarioCanada N1K 1S6Email/Internet********************************************Telephone/FacsimileTechnical Support representatives are ready to answer your call Monday through Friday, from8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Our numbers for calls are:Toll Free: 800-426-8979 (North America only)Telephone: 519-836-1291 (Live assistance available 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST,Monday to Friday)Facsimile: 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)Limited Product WarrantyConnect Tech Inc. provides a two-year Warranty for the COM Express® PMC/XMC Ultra LiteCarrier. Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working orderduring the warranty period, Connect Tech Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace this product atno charge, provided that the product has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non-Connect Tech Inc. authorized modification or repair.You may obtain warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech Inc.business partner or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. Product returned toConnect Tech Inc. must be pre-authorized by Connect Tech Inc. with an RMA (Return MaterialAuthorization) number marked on the outside of the package and sent prepaid, insured andpackaged for safe shipment. Connect Tech Inc. will return this product by prepaid groundshipment service.The Connect Tech Inc. Limited Warranty is only valid over the serviceable life of the product.This is defined as the period during which all components are available. Should the product prove to be irreparable, Connect Tech Inc. reserves the right to substitute an equivalent product ifavailable or to retract the Warranty if no replacement is available.The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. Under nocircumstances will Connect Tech Inc. be liable in any way for any damages, including any lostprofits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, orinability to use, such product.Copyright NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect TechInc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages inconnection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document containsproprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of thisdocument may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the priorwritten consent of Connect Tech, Inc.Copyright 2016 by Connect Tech, Inc.Trademark AcknowledgmentConnect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners.Not listing all possible trademarks or copyright acknowledgments does not constitute a lack ofacknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in thisdocument.ESD WarningElectronic components and circuits are sensitive toElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). When handling any circuitboard assemblies including Connect Tech COM Expresscarrier assemblies, it is recommended that ESD safetyprecautions be observed. ESD safe best practices include,but are not limited to:∙Leaving circuit boards in their antistatic packaginguntil they are ready to be installed.∙Using a grounded wrist strap when handling circuitboards, at a minimum you should touch a groundedmetal object to dissipate any static charge that maybe present on you.∙Only handling circuit boards in ESD safe areas,which may include ESD floor and table mats, wriststrap stations and ESD safe lab coats.∙Avoiding handling circuit boards in carpeted areas.∙Try to handle the board by the edges, avoidingcontact with components.Revision HistoryIntroductionConnect Tech’s PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier is an extremely small carrier board featuringrugged, locking connectors and offers the ultimate durability. The PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier is ideal for space constrained applications, harsh environments, demanding conditions and supports extended temperature ranges of -40°C to +85°C.Product Features and SpecificationsProduct Overview Block DiagramConnector LocationsConnector SummaryJumper SummaryDetailed Feature Pinouts and Functional Descriptions Serial/GPIO ConnectorThe CCG013 allows access to the COM Express modules GPIO by routing them out to a GPIO header. Also present is a direct connected RS-232 signal that utilizes the COM Express module’s UART.VGA Video ConnectorTo allow for greater flexibility, the CCG013 provides a VGA Video output. Routed directly from the COM Express Type 6, this provides additional video output formats for operation.COM Express Module ConnectorThe processor and chipset are implemented on the CCG013s COM Express Type 6 module, whichconnects to the CCG013 Carrier Board via a Tyco fine pitch stacking connector.LVDS Video ConnectorThe CCG013 provides dual 18 or 24 bit LVDS display channels via P9, which are connected directly from the COM Express Type 6 module.Note [1]: This voltage can be selected from Jumper J2 to be +3.3V, +5V, or +12VminiPCIe/mSATA SlotsDual Function miniPCIe/mSATA SlotsThe CCG013 has two special dual purpose miniPCIe/mSATA slots. Each of these slots can accept either a miniPCIe module or an mSATA SSD module. These slots have special circuitry that allows for the selection between connecting PCIe lanes or SATA lanes.Each of these slots are also provided with a USB 2.0 in addition to the PCIe as per the mini PCIe specification, see below for a block diagram of the slots functionality.miniPCIe/mSATA Dual Functionality Diagram**Please note, a SIM card is only availabe on miniPCIe/mSATA slot 0Jumper SelectionHalf and Full Length miniPCIe/mSATA module InstallationThe CCG013 comes with dual mounting solutions to allow for the population of a half and a full length module. If you would prefer to have a single slot or both slots populated with half-length hardware at the ****************************************************************************.External SATA ConnectorThe CCG013 provides two SATA plugs that are SATA-PCIe/104 switched. Please see SATA-PCIe/104 switching description for additional details.CPU FanSystem and Miscellaneous ConnectorThe System header can be used to connect the power button, reset button, and LED’s required to monitor the module performance or state.SIM SocketHD Audio ConnectorThe CCG013s features HD Audio capabilities with the assistance of the Cirrus Logic CS4207 Codec device. From the codec, 1 microphone input and 1 headphone output are available.Software Support for the CS4207The audio codec used on the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier board is the CS4207 from Cirrus Logic.Additional drivers will be needed to properly operate audio on the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier . Some downloadable links can be found below.Windows XP Driver :/en/support/lic/lic3.html?uri=/en/pubs/software/CS4207_WinXP_1-0-0-38.zip Windows 7/8 Driver :/en/support/lic/lic3.html?uri=/en/pubs/software/CS4207_LogoedDriverPackage_6-6001-1-39.zipLinux Driver : Included in kernels 2.6.30 and up.USB 2.0 ConnectorThe CCG013 has multiple USB Ports. USB 2.0 Port 6 is sourced directly from the COM Express module. USB 2.0 Port 7 however has multiple functionality options. Using Jumper J727, Port 7 can either be a Client USB, or it can be used to connect the SD Card to the COM Express module.Note [2]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used as client USB. Simply remove the Jumper from J8A to enable Note [3]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used to enable the SD Card. Simply remove the Jumper from J8B to enableDisplayPort ConnectorTwo DisplayPort++ connections from the COM Express module are available and can be configured to output DisplayPort, or HDMI/DVI/VGA through the use of a dongle. The configuration of each interface is setup via the COM Express module’s BIOS settings. Refer to the COM Express module’s documentation for more details.Note [4]: Cable assembly must tie high (+3.3V) for adapter output (HDMI/DVI/VGA) and low (GND) for DisplayPort outputHDMI / DVI / VGA from DisplayPort++The COM Express Type 10 Mini Carrier’s DisplayPort++ connector can be used for display outputs other than DisplayPort. The use of HDMI, DVI or VGA can be done through a simple dongle or cable assembly like the ones shown below. These can be purchased from any OEM vendor (such as ) or directly through Connect Tech.10/100/1000 Ethernet (GBE)The CCG013 features dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet Ports. GBE 0 is sourced from the COM Express module. Meanwhile, GBE 1 is sourced from an Intel 82574 PCIe PHY Controller located on the CCG013 Carrier Board, connected via PCIe x1 to the COM Express module.USB 3.0/2.0 ConnectorThe CCG013 provides up to a maximum of 4 USB 3.0 Ports. The USB 3.0 signals are sourced directlyfrom the COM Express Type 6 module, and run through a Pericom Semiconductor PI3EQX7502AIZDE re-driver. Over current protection, power supply filtering and ESD protection is provided.microSD CARD ConnectorThe CCG013 provides a microSD Card Slot. This microSD can be accessed by the COM Express module[9]Note [9]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used to enable the SD Card. Simply remove the Jumper from J8B to enablePower ConnectorThe CCG013 accepts a single power input to power all on-board devices. The CCG013 accepts a wide input range of +12V to +48V for operation.SATA/LVDS Power ConnectorThe CCG013 also provides power for external SATA Hard Drives and/or LVDS screens. The power connectors can be found next the External SATA connectors.XMC ConnectorThe CCG016 allows for I/O expansion with two XMC slots, both capable of x8 PCI Express connectivity.The XMC connectors comply with the VITA 42.0/42.3 standard. +VPWR is +5V, with an option to move to +12V +VPWR power.PMC ConnectorThe CCG016 allows for I/O expansion with two PMC slots, both capable of 32bit PCI connectivity. TheTypical Hardware Installation Procedure1.Ensure all external system power supplies are OFF.2.Install the necessary cables for the application. At a minimum, this would include:a)Power cable to the input power connectorb)Connect a video display cablec)Keyboard and mouse via USBd)SATA or mSATA hard driveFor additional information on the relevant cables, please see the Cables and Interconnects section of this manual.3.Connect the power cable to power supply4.Ensure your power supply is in the range of +12V to +48V DC5.Switch ON the power supply. DO NOT power up your system by plugging in live power.On-board Indicator LEDsThe CCG013 has 10 on-board indicator LEDs.** D32 Only on when on-board NAND option is implemented.Jumper SettingsThe CCG013 utilizes jumper blocks to control various features like LVDS, mSATA/miniPCIe switching, and Client USB.J1 Jumper – LVDS PANELJ2 Jumper – RTC BatteryJ3 Jumper – RTC BatteryJ6 Jumper – Shutdown BatteryJ6 Jumper – Power ControlJ4 Jumper – mSATA/miniPCIeNote [11]: See mSATA/miniPCIe Slots for detailed description of functionalityJ8 Jumper – USBJ7 Jumper – GPIO-VThermal & Current Consumption DetailsBelow are measurements taken with the CCG013 running in various configurations. Some values will change depending on what COM Express module, and what PMC/XMC modules are installed. Please refer to the module or card m anufacturer’s manual for full details on the current consumption of the particular module or peripheral you are using.Note [12]: COM Express Type 6 Module used for measurements - 4th Gen i7-4700Thermal DetailsAll components on the CCG013 are rated to a maximum operating temperature of -40°C to +85°C. Mechanical DetailsA complete 3D STEP Model file of the carrier can be downloaded here:/ftp/3d_models/CCG013_3D_MODEL.zipCables and Cable Kit InformationCable KitsThe following tables summarize the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier’s available cable kits from Connect Tech.CKG062 –“Full” Cable KitCKG021 –“Starter” Cable Kit。
易曼特6英寸圆形下光盘 dimming 电压选项说明书
Engine / TrimSloped Ceiling example: 7925MDFrame Standard example: 6RN l BAC example: 6RN-BAC1.There is a 3000lm (30) limit with 6" (6RA) IC housings.2.Universal 120-347V is for 0-10v (Z10) dimming configurations only. For 347V non-Z10 dimming,order 347V (3) frame with (U) light engine/trim.3.Interact Pro (RADIO), Emergency (EM6) and Chicago Plenum (LC) are only available with New construction (N) installs.4.EM6 option compatible with new construction (N) frame only. Order CAEM6TSCP ceiling mounting plate accessoryfor remote mounted test switch. EM6 option not compatible with Power over Ethernet or 347V configurations.5. Integral Interact Pro RF sensor enables network lighting control; to be specified with 0-10V light engines only.6. ELV (E) dimming is only compatible with 1000 lm (10), 1500 lm (15), 2000 lm (20) configurations.Not compatible with 347V frame options.7.Specify standard UNV frame for use with 347V light engines.8.The 347V light engine voltage option is available only with Z10 dimming option.For other dimming protocols order (U) light engine and 347V (3) frame.9. Requires IRT9015 IR remote & Interact Pro App for commissioning.** F ailure to properly select the “BAC” suffix could result in you receiving product that is not BAA compliant product withno recourse for an RMA or refund. This BAC designation hereunder does not address (i) the applicability of, or availabilityof a waiver under, the Trade Agreements Act, or (ii) the “Buy America” domestic content requirements imposed onstates, localities, and other non-federal entities as a condition of receiving funds administered by the Department ofTransportation or other federal agencies.EasyLyte downlights are adaptable, and flexible for your changing project needs.EasyLyte is your best choice without sacrificing ease of installation or productquality. Ideal for use in open office, healthcare, design build, and other lightcommercial applications.Standard luminaire = Frame + Engine/Trim + Accessories (optional)Buy American Act of 1933 (BAA)** Compliant luminaire* = Frame-BAC + Engine/Trim-BAC* B AA compliance requires that BAC option be selected for each of frame and engine/trim.Frame and engine/trim will be ordered/shipped together (ex: 6RN-BAC-Z6RDL20835WOCDZ10U-BAC).Accessories (optional) are not currently BAA-compliant.Accessories(Not currently BAA-compliant - learn more on page 2)SBA I nteract Ready System Bridge Accessory with integral occupancy and daylight sensor (compatible with all 0-10V options, see SBA spec sheet)9CAEM6 Field installable Bodine BSL6 6W battery pack with self-test/self-diagnostic for use with new construction frames, 120-277VAMS ActiLume multi-sensor (optional accessory for PoE configurations)CAEM6TSCP Surface mount cover plate to remote mount test switch for EM6 frame option.ICStandard example: Z6RDL20835WOCDZ10U l BAC example: Z6RDL20935WOCDZ10U-BACFeaturesOptics- P rovides a 70° cutoff (physical and reflected)- W ide beam distribution for general illumination - S pun aluminum outer reflector with integral flange painted white- I njection molded plastic trim inserts in splay and baffle options- R eflectors available in painted clear diffuse, white, black and dark bronze Quality of light- Lumen Maintenance: L70 at 60,000 hours - Color consistency: 2 SDCM - 90 CRI minimumConstruction (New Construction)- G alvanized stamped steel for dry / plaster ceilings.- P re-installed telescoping mounting bars (13" - 24")- F rame accommodates C- channel, black iron, and3/4" EMT for mounting distances greater than 24" between joists.- M anufactured from 20 gage galvanized steel construction with rolled edge aperture to guide cutting tools for perfect hole cutting.Max ceiling thickness is 2" (51 mm). Including PoE frame 4.88" (124 mm).Patented install Mounting frame- P re-installed mounting bars allow for fast and tool-less install into T-grid and hat channel ceilings - C lose-cut aperture design eliminates an undesired gap between ceiling material and reflector.- S imple plug-and-play connection between frame and light engine from below the ceiling allows for: • Easy upgrades • Technology changes • Repairs and troubleshootingDimming120/277V- Advance 0-10V 1% dimming- Lutron Hi-lume EcoSystem H Series 1% dimming 347V- I ntegral 347V drivers available for 0-10v (Z10) light engine configurations with standard universal frames. - F or 347V and non-0-10v dimming, order (U) light engine and 347V (3) frame (includes step down transformer). Not compatible with ELV dimming.EmergencyRemote ceiling mounted test switch. Accessory ceiling mounting plate available (CAEM6TSCP) for remote mounted test switch. See Calculite-LyteProfile-EasyLyte Emergency Battery Pack specification sheet for more details.Power over EthernetPowered via Philips PoE lighting controller:complies with FCC rules per Title 47 part 15 (Class A) for EMI / RFI (conducted & radiated). PoE lighting controller accessible from below ceiling. Rated life: 60,000 hrs at 70% lumen maintenance based on IES LM-80-08 and TM-21-11.Sloped Ceiling AdapterMaterial: 16 ga. spun aluminum, matte white finish. Installation: Installs with standard recessed fixture in sloped ceilings without changing the vertical axis of the fixture or its lighting characteristics. Perforated Tabs (4): Provide temporary support for the slope ceiling adapter during installation. Locking Screws (4): Secure slope ceiling adapter to mounting frame of fixture.Support: Fixture must be supported by ceiling structure — not Slope Ceiling Adapter.Options and AccessoriesField Installed Emergency: Refer to Calculite-Lyte-Profile-EasyLyte Emergency Battery Pack specification sheet for more details.CAEM6: Field install EM6 kit with Bodine BSL6 6W battery pack with self-test/self-diagnostic, mounts to new construction frame. Includes ceiling plate for remote test switch.CAEM6TSCP: Ceiling cover plate for remote mounted EM6 test switch. 1" (25mm) hole, 4 ⅜" (109mm) x 2 ⅝" (69mm) rectangular. Includes two mounting screws.ENERGY STAR ® exceptions- 500lm configurations - Black & Dark bronze finishes - P ower Over Ethernet driversLabels and Listings- c ULus listed for wet location -E NERGY STAR ® certified - R oHS certifiedWarranty5 year limited warrantyV isit /warrantiesfor more information on Signify's standard 5- year limited warranty on complete luminaire systems.FinishesWhiteBrightest aperture when illuminated and provides the smoothest transition to most ceilings when off(only available with a white flange).BlackSpecular finish that provides the lowest aperture brightness possible and reduces source identification in a ceiling significantly.Dark BronzeSpecular finish that provides the lowest aperture brightness possible and reduces source identification in a ceiling significantly.Clear diffuseSlightly diffuse clear finish that softens the light and reduces the mirror image effect with traditional aluminum specular finishes(only available witha white flange).Wireless Controls OptionsInteract Pro scalable sensor(System Bridge Accessory with -CS option):• CS is a connected sensor with integral occupancy and daylight sensing and supports wireless mesh connectivity.• The sensor works in the Foundation mode (similar to SpaceWise) when configured without a gateway or in an Interact Pro Advanced or Enterprise mode if a compatible gateway is used.• Interact Pro includes an App, a portal and a broad portfolio of wireless luminaires, lamps and retrofit kits all working on the same system.• Startup is implemented via Interact Pro App (Android or iPhone) & BlueTooth connectivity. The App provides flexibility to choose between a gateway or non gateway mode for setup.• Setup with the gateway requires wired internet access to the gateway. It is possible to add a gateway at a later point.• Prepare project configuration steps remotely and use IRT9015 remote onsite to identify and group devices together.• Compatible with:- SWS200 wireless scene switch- Battery powered IP42 presence sensor OCCsensor IA CM WH 10/1- Battery powered IP42 presence & daylightsensor OCC-DL sensor IA CM IP42 WH- Battery powered IP65 presence sensor OCCsensor IA CM IP65 WH- Battery powered IP65 presence & daylightsensor OCC-DL sensor IA CM IP65 WH• For more information on Interact Pro visit: / interactproscalablesystem.Interact Pro Enterprise(System Bridge Accessory with -SB option):• A wireless IoT connected lighting solution forlarge enterprises that span across multiplefloors, buildings and require multiple gateways.• View all your projects under one dashboard andeasily compare insights from multiple projectsin one view.• Compatible with SWS200 wireless sceneswitch, wireless Occ sensor (OCC SENSORIA CM IP42 WH 10/1) and wireless Day/Occsensor (OCC MULTI SENSOR IA CM WH 10/1) andwireless Occupancy or Daylight & Occupancysensors available.• Use Interact software and insights to increasebuilding efficiency, achieve building wideintegration and optimize space throughoccupancy analytics.• SB option in addition to occupancy and daylightsensing supports advanced IoT capabilitiessuch as people estimation analysis, desklevel temperature & humidity sensing, noiseclassification, and BLE beacon.• Requires compatible Gateway and internetconnectivity for commissioning.• For more information, visit:/office or/systems/system-areas/offices.Emergency Options (ER100)(System Bridge Accessory with -ER100 option):• Power Sensing (Factory default) –Recommended UL924 option requiresunswitched power sense line, absence ofvoltage on the normal circuit triggers luminaireto 100% output• Power Interruption Detection (Field option) –Detects AC power interruption >30ms triggers90 minute emergency mode with luminaire at100% outputRadio only sensor (RADIO):• Integral RADIO only sensor simply enableswireless mesh connectivity to the luminairewithout any occupancy or daylight sensing.• Ideal for applications where sensingfunctionality is managed by other Interactdevices and the luminaire only needs to havewireless connectivity.Wired Controls OptionsInteract Office Wired (PoE):• PoE based IoT connected lighting solution for large enterprises that span across multiple floors, buildings and require multiple gateways.• Use Interact Office software and insights to increase building efficiency, achieve building wide integration and optimize space through occupancy analytics.• Supports advanced IoT Apps on Personal Control, Space Management, wayfinding, room/ desk reservation and offers open APIs for light control and data exchange.• PoE lighting controller is accessible from below.• Integral sensor option for occupancy sensing (PIR) and/or daylight harvesting available for additional energy savings. • Optional integral emergency controller andbattery pack provides 600lm nominal output.• Test switch and indicator light mounted on sideof chassis on one end.• Emergency battery has a 3 month pre-installedshelf life, and must be stored and installedin environments of 20C to 30C (-4F to 86F)ambient, and 45-85% relative humidity.• For more information on Interact Office Wired,visit: /office or/systems/system-areas/offices.Interact Office Wired (PoE), Static White:• A wireless IoT connected lighting solution forlarge enterprises that span across multiplefloors, buildings and require multiple gateways.• View all your projects under one dashboard andeasily compare insights from multiple projectsin one view.• Compatible Zigbee Green Power wall dimmer andwireless Occupancy or Daylight & Occupancysensors available.• Use Interact Office software and insights toincrease building efficiency, achieve buildingwide integration and optimize space throughoccupancy analytics.• Supports advanced IoT Apps on wayfinding,room/desk reservation and offers open APIs• Requires compatible Interact Office Gatewayand internet connectivity for commissioning.• For more information on Interact OfficeWireless, visit: /office or /systems/system-areas/offices.Standard CRI 80 Good color renderingand high efficacyStandard CRI 90Better color renderingand low efficacyAccuRenderBest color rendering,color preference and high efficacyEnjoy design flexibility Full range of products and options:• Available soon in acrossLightolier portfolio for application flexibility• Multiple color temperatures (CCTs) and lumen packages offeredLED Color RecipesShow your true colorsHigh color rendering:• True to life colors to helpenergize your environment andrender better flesh tones criticalfor healthcare hospitality andretail applications.• R a up to 94 CRIR9 up to 67 CRIG a up to 99 CRIC9 up to 94 CRIPromote savingsHigh efficacy, with no penalty:• Energy efficacy compareswell to conventional 80 CRI• Up to 25% more energysavings vs competitor 90 CRI 1• Helps meet Title 24 requirementsAchieve color balanceBest in class color consistency:• Promote aesthetic harmonyin your space with ≤ 2 SDCM• R f up to 92 TM-30R f,h1 up to 91 TM-30R9 up to 100 TM-30R cs,h1up to -5% TM-30Skin & Cosmetics(R9/R13/R15)(Textile)Naturalness(Ra)Color Saturation(Ga)Crisp WhiteDial-up the drama of your display.Highlight the variances in whitetones, add contrast to blacks andcreate a real pleasing sparkleeffect while retaining warmskin tones.Premium WhiteThe new benchmark for retailfashion. Delivering strongerand brighter whites via the bestlighting technology on the marketwith minimal compromise toenergy savings.Premium ColorEnhance the contrast betweencolors and whites to achievenew depths of color renderingfor a vibrant saturated fashion-forward visual experience thatwon't affect the atmosphereand will have a positive effecton energy efficiency.Standard ColorStandard CRI 90AccuRender Technology (CRI 90+)The right light brings colors to life. Our new AccuRender technology helps ensure colors arerendered more accurately and consistently, while doing so as efficiently as CRI 80 products.Photometry2. Wattage: controlled to within 5%3. Correlated Color Temperature: within specs as defined in ANSI_NEMA_ANSLG C78.377-2008: Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting Products.。
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+15V_ALW +5V_ALW power plane +3.3V_ALW +3.3V_RTC_LDO +5V_SUS +3.3V_SUS +1.8V_SUS +5V_RUN +3.3V_RUN +2.5V_RUN +1.8V_RUN +1.5V_RUN +VCC_+1P2V_GPU_CORE +0.9V_DDR_VTT State +GPU_CORE +VCC_CORE +1.05V_VCCP S0 S3 S5 S4/AC S5 S4/AC don't exist ON ON ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF +3.3V_M +1.25V_M +1.25V_M +3.3V_M +1.05V_M +1.05V_M (M-OFF)
Dell Latitude D630 D630c 说明书
Dell™ Latitude™ D630/D630c用户指南型号:PP18Lw w w.d e l l.c o m|s u p p o r t.d e l l.c o m注、注意和警告注:“注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
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©2007–2008Dell Inc.。
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Eaton Moeller EASY I O 扩展设备 产品说明书
Eaton 197224Eaton Moeller® series EASY I/O expansion, For use with easyE4, 24 V DC, Inputs expansion (number) analog: 4, screw terminal EASY-E4-DC-4PE1Spécifications généralesEaton Moeller® series EASY I/O expansion197224401508089285458 mm 90 mm 36 mm 0.1 kg IEC/EN 61000-6-3 IEC 60068-2-30 CULus per UL 61010 IEC/EN 61131-2 IEC 60068-2-6 IEC 60068-2-27 IEC/EN 61000-6-2 EN 61010 EN 50178CSA-C22.2 No. 61010 IEC 60664 IEC/EN 61000-4-2 UL ListedUL Category Control No.: NRAQ, NRAQ7UL File No.: E205091 DNV GL CEEASY-E4-DC-4PE1Product NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model CodeAdditional measurement aids: Filtering (software), smoothing of analog input signal (PT1 behavior), only with set sampling time, selectable per sensor: yesExpandableExpansion deviceMeasuring principle: Two or three wire per sensor, selectable by connection of sensorCard diagnosticDiagnostics below lower measurement range IP20According to EN 50178, EN 61010-2-201, UL61010-2-201, CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-2-201Rail mounting possibleTop-hat rail fixing (according to IEC/EN 60715, 35 mm)Wall mounting/direct mountingScrew fixing using fixing brackets ZB4-101-GF1 (accessories) Front build in possibleIII2Control relays easyE4TCP/IPMODBUS≤ 5 %12 Bit (0- 4095, digital, scaling per sensor)EASYSOFT-SWLIC/easySoft7easyE4 extensionDC50 mm Drop height, Drop to IEC/EN 60068-2-31 0.3 m 795 - 1080 hPa (operation) -25 °CFeatures Functions Degree of protection Insulation resistance Mounting methodOvervoltage category Pollution degree Product category ProtocolResidual ripple ResolutionSoftwareTypeVoltage typeDrop and toppleHeight of fall (IEC/EN 60068-2-32) - max Air pressureAmbient operating temperature - minHorizontalVertical15 g, Mechanical, according to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 18 Impacts57 - 150 Hz, 2 g constant acceleration10 - 57 Hz, 0.15 mm constant amplitudeAccording to IEC/EN 60068-2-655 °C-40 °C70 °CCondensation: prevent with appropriate measuresClearance in air and creepage distances according to EN 50178, EN 61010-2-201, UL61010-2-201, CSA-C22.2 NO. 61010-2-2015 - 95 % (IEC 60068-2-30, IEC 60068-2-78)8 kV2 kV, Signal cableAccording to IEC/EN 61000-4-42 kV, Supply cable6 kV10 V/m at 0.8 - 1.0 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)1 V/m at 2.0 - 2.7 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)3 V/m at 1.4 - 2 GHz (according to IEC EN 61000-4-3)10 V (according to IEC/EN 61000-4-6)Class B (EN 61000-6-3)According to IEC/EN 61000-4-5, power pulses (Surge), EMC 0.5 kV, Supply cables, symmetrical, EASY…DC, power pulses (Surge), EMC1 kV, Supply cables, asymmetrical, power pulses (Surge), EMC20 ms≤ 10 ms, Bridging voltage dips 0.2 - 2.5 mm² (22 - 12 AWG), flexible with ferrule 0.2 - 4 mm² (AWG 22 - 12), solid3.5 x 0.8 mm, Terminal screw0.6 Nm, Screw terminals3.4 W (at 24 V DC)12.5 A (for 6 ms)1 W1 W24 V DC (-15 %/+ 20 % - power supply)20.4 - 28.8 V DC0 VACMounting position Shock resistance Vibration resistance Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Environmental conditionsRelative humidityAir dischargeBurst impulseContact dischargeElectromagnetic fieldsImmunity to line-conducted interference Radio interference classSurge ratingVoltage dips Terminal capacityScrewdriver sizeTightening torqueHeat dissipationInrush currentPower consumptionPower lossRated operational voltage Supply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - min0 VAC20.4 VDC28.8 VDC≥ 1A (T), Fuse, Power supplyScrew terminal≤ 30 m, unscreened, Analog inputs temperature resistance Pt100 or Ni1000 sensors Input type resistance sensor: Platinum sensor Pt100 (according to DIN EN 60751, IEC 751)Input type resistance sensor: Nickel sensor Ni1000 (according to DIN 43760)40 mA4NoneBetween Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and Power supply: no Between Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and expansion units: yesBetween Analog inputs PT100 or Ni1000 and Inputs: noYes, for supply voltage (Siemens MPI optional)0 W 0 W 0 W 0 ASupply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - maxSupply voltage at DC - minSupply voltage at DC - maxShort-circuit protectionConnection typeCable length InputInput currentNumber of inputs (analog)Number of inputs (digital)Number of outputs (analog)Number of outputs (digital)Explosion safety category for gas Potential isolationProtection against polarity reversal Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent PvidRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent PvsNone1 WMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Explosion safety category for dust 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation 10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies 10.4 Clearances and creepage distances 10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections 10.8 Connections for external conductors 10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength 10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tous droits réservés.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners./socialmediaIs the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.DA-CE-ETN.EASY-E4-DC-4PE1DA-MN-h1430de MZ049014EN Video easy E4 control relay IL050021ZU DA-CS-dc_4pe1DA-CD-dc_4pe1TT-197224_EASY-E4-DC-4PE1-de_DE eaton-modular-plc-easy-i-o-expansion-dimensions-002.eps eaton-modular-plc-easy-i-o-expansion-3d-drawing-002.eps10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical functioneCAD modelGuide utilisateur Installation videosInstructions d'installationmCAD model Notes de venteSchémas。
Rotel RCD-630 Stereo Compact Disc Player 使用说明书
RCD-630 Stereo Compact Disc Player立体声CD播放机Owner’s Manual使用说明书IMPORTANT FOR LASER PRODUCT 1. CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT2. DANGER : Visible laser radiation when open and interlock failed or bypassed. Avoid direct exposure to beam.3. CAUTION : Do not open the top cover. There are no user serviceable parts inside the player; leave all servicing to qualified service personnel.WARNING!To reduce the risk of electrical shock, fires, etc.: 1. Do not remove screws, covers or cabinet. 2. Do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.3. Do not touch the power cord or plug with wet hands.Rotel products are designed to comply with international directives on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) in electrical and electronic equipment and the disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The crossed wheelie bin symbol indicates compliance and that the products mustbe appropriately recycled or processed in accordance with these directives.This symbol means that this unit is double insulated. An earth connection is not required.CLASS 1LASER PRODUCTWARNING: There are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose the unit to moisture or water. Do not expose the unit to dripping or splashing. Do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the unit. Do not allow foreign objects to get into the enclosure. If the unit is exposed to moisture, or a foreign object gets into the enclosure, immediately disconnect the power cord from the wall. Take the unit to a qualified service person for inspection and necessary repairs.Read these instructions.Keep these instructions.Heed all warnings.Follow all instructions.Do not use this apparatus near water.Clean only with dry cloth.Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.efer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.The apparatus should be used in non tropical climate.You must allow a minimum 10 cm or 4 inches of unobstructed clearance around the unit. WARNING: The rear panel power cord connector is the mains power disconnect device. The device must be located in an open area that allows access to the cord connector.The unit must be connected to a power supply only of the type and voltage specified on the rear panel. (USA: 120 V/60Hz, EC: 230V/50Hz)Connect the component to the power outlet only with the supplied power supply cable or an exact equivalent. Do not modify the supplied cable. Do not use extension cords.The mains plug is the disconnect of the unit. In order to completely disconnect the unit from the supply mains, remove the main plug from the unit and the AC power outlet. This is the only way to completely remove mains power from the unit.The batteries in the remote control should not be exposed to excessive temperature such as sunshine, fire or other heat sources. Batteries should be recycled or disposed as per state and local guidelines.Important Safety InstructionsNoticeThe rear mini USB connection should be handled by authorized persons only.FCC InformationThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.(TV, radio, etc.)• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment to an outlet on circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for additional help.CautionThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following to conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE TO CATV SYSTEM INSTALLER: Call the CATV system or antenna installer’s attention to Article820-40 of the NEC. This provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of cable entry as practical. See installation diagram.Figure 1: C ontrols and ConnectionsFigure 2: RR-D98 Remote ControlFigure 3: C onnectionsCD Player RCD-630About RotelOur story began over 50 years ago. Over the decades, we have received hundreds of awards for our products and satisfied hundreds of thousands of people who take their entertainment seriously – like you! Rotel was founded by a family whose passionate interest in music led them to manufacture high-fidelity components of uncompromising quality. Through the years, that passion has remained undiminished and the family goal of providing exceptional value for audiophiles and music lovers, regardless of their budget, is shared by all Rotel employees. Rotel’s engineers work as a close team, listening to, and fine tuning, each new product until it reaches their exacting musical standards. They are free to choose components from around the world in order to make that product the best they can. You are likely to find capacitors from the United Kingdom and Germany, semiconductors from Japan or the United States, while toroidal power transformers are manufactured in Rotel’s own factory.We all have concerns about our environment. And, as more and more electronics are produced it is especially important for a manufacturer to do all it can to engineer products that have a minimum impact on the environment. At Rotel, we are proud to do our part. We have reduced the lead content in our products by using special lead-free ROHS solder and components. Our engineers continually strive to improve power supply efficiency without compromise to quality. When in standby mode Rotel products use minimal power to meet global Standby Power Consumption requirements. The Rotel factory is also doing their part to help the environment through constant improvements to product assembly methods for a cleaner and greener manufacturing processes.All of us at Rotel thank you for buying this product. We are sure it will bring you many years of enjoyment.About the RCD-630Simply stated, the RCD-630 is designed to do one thing—deliver the most detailed, nuanced sound from every disc. Whether it is a conventional CD, or an MP3 or WMA encoded disc, the RCD-630 will faithfully reproduce allthat is recorded on the disc. While the RCD-630 was under development. The design team went far beyond the usual measurable technical performance characteristics. Listening panels spent hundreds of hours fine tuning the audio performance, choosing the components that produced the best sound, that would “release the emotion in the music”. Whatever the artist and recording engineers put on the disc, the RCD-630 will deliver.That said, the RCD-630 does feature some impressive hardware. The digital-to-analogue converter is a state of the art DAC from the world renowned British manufacturer, Wolfson. This very high performance stereo DAC is specifically designed for audio applications such as CD, DVD, and home theatre systems. All this, combined with Rotel’s Balanced Design, ensures the RCD-630 will deliver the highest level of audio performance. When used in a high-quality audio system, your Rotel CD player will provide years of enjoyment.Contents Important Safety Instructions ..........................................3Figure 1: C ontrols and Connections 4Figure 2: Remote Control RR-D98 4Figure 3: C onnections 5About Rotel .......................................................6About the RCD-630.................................................6Getting Started ....................................................7A Few Precautions 7Placement 7Control Identification 7AC Power and Control ...............................................7AC Power Input e 7Power Switch 1A and POWER Indicator 2 7Output Connections .................................................7Analog Outputs - 7Digital Output = 7OPERATION ......................................................8Infrared Remote Control 3 8Display 5 8Disc Loader Slot 4 8Transport Control Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8EJECT Button 6M 8PLAY Button 7F 8STOP Button 8C 8PAUSE Button 9N 8TRACK Buttons 0E 8DIRECT ACCESS Buttons O 8SEARCH Button G 9 Additional Features .................................................9Rotel Link q ....................................................1012V Trigger Connection w ..........................................10Remote Control Advanced Buttons ......................................10SETUP Button D 10DIM Button H 10UPGRADE USB mini socket r 10Troubleshooting ...................................................11Power Indicator Is Not Illuminated 11Fuse Replacement 11NO SOUND 11Specifications .. (11)Getting StartedA Few PrecautionsWARNING: To avoid potential damage to your system, turn off ALL the components in the system when connecting or disconnecting the loudspeakers or any associated components. Do not turn the system components back on until you are sure all the connections are correct and secure.Please read this manual carefully. In addition to installation and operating instructions, it provides valuable information on various RCD-630 system configurations as well as general information that will help you get optimum performance from your system. Please contact your authorized Rotel dealer for answers to any questions you might have. In addition, all of us at Rotel welcome your questions and comments.Save the RCD-630 shipping carton and all enclosed packing material for future use. Shipping or moving the RCD-630 in anything other than the original packing material may result in severe damage that is not covered by the warranty.If included in the box please fill out and send in the owner's registration card. Also be sure to keep the original sales receipt. It is your best record of the date of purchase, which you will need in the event warranty service is required.PlacementUse common sense when placing the RCD-630 in a cabinet or when stacking other equipment. Make sure that the shelf or cabinet can support its weight. Do not stack heavy components on top of the RCD-630. Avoid placing the unit where it may be subject to excessive heat such as on top of a large power amplifier or near a heat register. For best performance, avoid placing the unit where it may be subject to vibration, such as near a speaker. Control IdentificationThis manual shows illustrations of the front and rear panels and the RR-D98 remote control. Each item in the illustrations is identified with a call out in a grey box. Through out this manual the items referred to in the text are identified by the corresponding call out. The items on the front and rear panels are identified with a number call out, such a 1. The items on the remote control are labeled with a letter call out, such as A.AC Power and ControlAC Power Input eYour RCD-630 is configured at the factory for the proper AC voltage in the country where you purchased it (either 120 volts or 230 volts). The AC line configuration is noted on a decal on the back panel.NOTE: Should you move your CD player to another country, it may be possible to reconfigure it for use on a different line voltage. Do not attempt to perform this conversion yourself. Opening the enclosure of the RCD-630 exposes you to dangerous voltages. Consult a qualified service person or the Rotel factory service department for information.NOTE: Some products are intended for sale in more than one country and as such are supplied with more than one AC cord. Please use only the cord appropriate for your country/region.The RCD-630 should be plugged directly into a 2-pin polarized wall outlet or into the switched outlet on another component in your audio system. Do not use an extension cord.Be sure the power switch on the front panel of the RCD-630 is turned off (in the “out” position). Then, connect the supplied power cord to the AC power receptacle on the rear of the unit and the AC power outlet.If you are going to be away from home for an extended period of time such as a month-long vacation, it is a sensible precaution to unplug your CD player (as well as other audio and video components) while you are away. Power Switch 1A and POWER Indicator 2Press the front panel Power Switch button1 to turn the unit on. The Power Indicator light 2 is illuminated when the unit is on. Press Power Switch button again to turn the unit off.When the power switch is in the ON position, the remote control ON and OFF buttons may be used to activate the RCD-630. In Standby mode the power LED remains illuminated, but the display is turned off.Output ConnectionsThe RCD-630 gives you a choice of two different kinds of output connections — an analog output signal from the built-in D/A converter for use with conventional analog audio components and a coax digital output which provides an unprocessed digital data signal for use with outboard D/A converters or digital processors.NOTE: To prevent loud noises that neither you nor your speakers will appreciate, make sure the CD player is turned off when you make any signal connections.Analog Outputs -See Figure 3A pair of standard RCA jacks supplies an analog output signal from the RCD-630 to the source inputs of an audio preamplifier, integrated amplifier, or receiver.Select high quality audio interconnect cables. Connect the left channel output of the RCD-630 to the left channel source input on the preamplifier or other component. Connect the right output of the RCD-630 to the right channel source input on the preamplifier or other component.Digital Output =See Figure 3If you are using an outboard D/A converter or other digital processor, you will need an unprocessed digital data stream from the RCD-630, taken before the built-in D/A converter. This signal is supplied by The RCD-630’s back panel digital output jack. Using a standard 75 ohm coax digital cable, connect the RCD-630’s coax digital output to the coax digital input connector on the outboard D/A converter.NOTE: When playing CD-DA, MP3 and WMA discs, the Digital Output provides a PCM data stream.OPERATIONThe RCD-630 can be operated using its front panel buttons or from corresponding buttons on the supplied infrared remote control. Specific instructions for each of these controls are detailed below. Most of the buttons are duplicated on the front panel and on the IR remote control. However, there are a few exceptions where the buttons are only available on one or the other. These exceptions are noted in the instructions.Infrared Remote Control 3Before using the IR remote control, it is necessary to install two “UM-4/ AAA” batteries (supplied). Remove the plastic cover on the back of the IR remote, install the batteries (observing the + and – polarity indications), and reinstall the cover.To use the IR remote control, aim it at the IR sensor 3 located on the front panel of the RCD-630.Display 5A lighted Display on the front panel of the RCD-630 provides useful information about the status of the unit, activation of special features, and track/time information for the disc being played. Each of these indicatorsa compact disc. Place the compact disc into the slot, label-side up. Make sure the disc is properly centered before loading. The disc can be ejected by pressing the eject button as explained below.Transport Control ButtonsThese buttons provide basic control functions for the disc transport mechanism. Except where noted, all functions are available on the RCD-630 front panel and the IR remote control.EJECT Button 6MWhen a disc is inserted into the front panel Disc Slot it is pulled into the disc transport. To eject the disc press the EJECT button on the front panel or the remote control. If you accidentally press either of these buttons, press the button again to re-load the disc.When the EJECT button is pressed, the Display will read “EJECT”. Once the disc is completely ejected, the display will read “NO DISC”. When a disc is loaded, the Display will indicate the number of tracks on the disc and the total time of the disc in minutes and seconds.PLAY Button 7FAfter the disc is loaded, press the PLAY button u to start playing the disc. The number of the track being played and the elapsed time will be shown in the display, along with the PLAY indicator. Normally, the disc will start playing with the first track. However, you can select a different track using the TRACK buttons or the DIRECT ACCESS buttons (see below) before pressing the PLAY button u to start playing a different selection.STOP Button 8CPress the STOP button once to stop disc play. Press the PLAY button u to resume disc play where it was stopped. If the STOP button is pressed twice, disc play stops, the display shows STOP and programmed selections are deleted (see below). When the PLAY button u is pressed after pressing the STOP button twice, the disc begins playing from the first track. PAUSE Button 9NThis button is used to temporarily suspend play. The disc continues to spin and play will be resumed from the current position. The PAUSE indicator will light in the Display. To resume playing the disc, press the PAUSE button again or press the PLAY button u.TRACK Buttons 0EThese buttons are used to select tracks on the disc. When a disc is playing, pressing the right TRACK button advances to the beginning of the next track. Pressing the left TRACK button returns to the beginning of the previous track. The new track number appears in the Display.These buttons are also used to select a track before pressing the PLAY button u or when memorizing tracks for the PROGRAM play mode (see below). These selections are made by continuously pressing the TRACK buttons until the desired track is reached.In PROGRAM mode, the TRACK buttons advance or reverse to the next track in the memorized selection list.DIRECT ACCESS Buttons ORemote OnlyThese eleven numeric buttons (labelled 1 through 0 and >10) are used to directly access a track from the IR remote control instead of stepping through the tracks using the TRACK buttons.The first ten tracks on a disc can be selected by pressing the corresponding button. For example, to play the third track, press the 3 button on the remote control.When accessing track numbers greater than 10, press the >10 button followed by the track number. For example, to select track 12, press the >10 button followed by the 1 button and then the 2 button.The number of the selected track will appear in the main numeric area at the center of the Display.The DIRECT ACCESS buttons may also be used to memorize tracks in PROGRAM mode (see below).REVIEW Button JRemote OnlyThis button is used to review the memorized tracks in PROGRAM mode. Press the button and the first memorized track number will appear in order in the Display, for approximately five seconds. Pressing the REV button again while the track number is displayed will continue the review sequence, showing the next memorized track. Continue pressing the REV button to see the complete memorized track list.If you do not press the REV button while the track number is displayed, the review process is terminated and the unit resumes whatever mode it was in before you started to review.Note that you may remove a selection from the play list during the review procedure using the CLEAR button, as described below.CLEAR Button QRemote OnlyThis button allows you to remove a track selection from the memorized program play list during the review procedure described above. Follow the review procedure until the desired track number is displayed. Then, instead of pressing the REVIEW button to continue, remove the displayed track by pressing the CLEAR button while the number is still showing. You may then continue the review procedure.RANDOM Button BRemote OnlyThis instructs the CD player to play tracks from the entire disc in random order. Once all of the selections have been played once, the disc will stop playing, unless the REPEAT Button (see below) has been engaged, in whichcase the random play will continue until the STOP button is pressed. When REPEAT Button KRemote OnlyThis button allows you to repeat the current track or the entire disc continuously until the feature is cancelled by disengaging the REPEAT button or pressing STOP . The REPEAT button steps sequentially through the available options. Press the button once and the RCD-630 will repeat just the current track, displaying the icon in the Display. Press the button a second time and the RCD-630 will repeat the entire disc, displaying in the Display. Press the button a third time to cancel the REPEAT function.As noted above, REPEAT can be used in conjunction with the RANDOM play feature.NOTE: The REPEAT function is automatically cancelled when the disc is ejected.SCAN Button LRemote OnlyThis feature automatically plays the first ten seconds of each track on the press the PLAY button.SEARCH Button GRemote Only These buttons / fast forward or fast reverse through the currently playing disc. One press of these buttons will fast forward or fast reverse at 2X normal speed. Press these buttons repeatedly will fast forward or fast reverse at 4X, then 8X, 16X, and 32X normal speed. One more press of these buttons, or by pressing PLAY button returns the player to normal speed. While the buttons are pressed, you will hear high-speed audio.Additional FeaturesThese convenience features add extra functionality to the RCD-630, including the ability to memorize a group of tracks to be played, to repeat a disc, program, or track over and over, to play the tracks on a disc in random order, to automatically play the first 10 seconds of each track, and to select from several available time displays.PROGRAM Button IRemote OnlyThis button, labeled PROG, allows you to memorize as many as 20 tracks on the current disc for playback in a specific order. For example, you could instruct the RCD-630 to play track 5,followed by track 3, followed by track 8.NOTE: Programmed play lists cannot be set up with MP3 and WMA discs.To begin a program:1. Insert a disc into the slot loader. The RCD-630 will read the contents of the disc.2. Press the PROG button on the remote control. The PROGRAM indicator will light up in the Display, along with “P-00” indicating that the unit is waiting for the first track to be memorized.3. Enter the first track number using the DIRECT ACCESS buttons. Your selection will be memorized automatically and the Display indicator will change to “P-01”, indicating that one track has been memorized. Continue entering the rest of your selections using the DIRECT ACCESS buttons. Note that there is no need to press the PROG button as each selection is memorized as it is entered. Once you have memorized a play list, the RCD-630 remains in PROGRAM mode until you eject the disc or press the STOP button twice in succession. If you press the PLAY button u , the memorized program will play instead of the entire disc, starting with the first selection in the memorized list.When a PROGRAM has been memorized, most functions that would normally affect the entire disc operate on just the memorized program. For example, the TRACK buttons advance to the next track in the memorized program, not the next track on the disc. Likewise, the REPEAT button (see below) continuously plays the memorized program, not the entire disc.NOTE: The Random Play feature can not be used when using the Programmed Play feature.TIME Button PRemote OnlyNormally, the RCD-630 displays the elapsed time of the currently playing track. The TIME button allows you to step through two alternative time displays. Pressing the button once displays the time remaining in the current track, which counts down as the track continues playing. Pressing the button a second time displays the time remaining on the entire disc (or memorizedthe Display in front of the time.NOTE: When playing MP3 and WMA discs, only the regular elapsed time and the time remaining in the current track can be displayed.Rotel Link qThis 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack (labeled ROTEL LINK IN) can optionally attach to Rotel network enabled products with ROTEL LINK OUT connections. This allows the attached Rotel products to communicate with each other and be controlled via the Rotel Remote App (available for download on the iTunes® store).12V Trigger Connection wThe RCD-630 can be activated by a 12 volt trigger signal from a Rotel preamplifier. The trigger input accepts any control signal (AC or DC) ranging from 3 volts to 30 volts. When a cable is connected to the input and a trigger signal is present, the CD Player is activated.When the trigger signal is interrupted, the unit goes into standby mode. The front panel indicator light remains lit , but the display goes dark and the unit will not operate. NOTE: When using the 12V Trigger feature, leave the POWER button in the ON position.NOTE: If you are using other units in the series with Rotel link, please use the Rotel Link connection to turn the units on or off. Do not connect both the Rotel Link and 12V trigger cables. The 12V trigger’s power on or off features will override the Rotel Link features.Remote Control Advanced ButtonsSETUP Button DRemote OnlyBy pressing the SETUP button, you can enter the following setup menu:• DIMMER: Changes the display brightness.NOTE: This setting is stored permanently even after the RCD-630 is powered off.• F ACTORY DEFAULT: Resets to factory default. Select <YES> and press PLAY to confirm.• VERSION: Shows the current software version.• DISPLAY CONTRAST: Changes the front panel display contrast between the back light and the actual characters.NOTE: This setting is stored permanently even after the RCD-630 is powered off.• A UTO POWER OFF: The RCD-630 can be configured to automatically power off if unused for a specified period. If the CD is paused or stopped for the specified “Auto Power Off” timer the unit will automatically go to STANDBY mode. The Auto Power Off timer will be restarted if the CD starts to play. The default for Auto Power Off is set to DISABLE.Valid settings include: DISABLE, 30 mins, 60 mins, 90 mins.• EXIT: Exits this SETUP menu.From the remote control, press the STOP/PAUSE/TRACK keys to change the contents of the menu, press PLAY to enter the setting or confirm. NOTE: You can also access the SETUP menu without the remote control. Press the STOP key on the front panel for 5 seconds. Press the TRACK buttons to change the contents of the menu and press STOP to enter the settings or confirm.DIM Button HRemote OnlyPress the DIM key sequentially to change the DISPLAY brightness.NOTE: Adjustments made using the H button are temporary only and not saved after powering off the RCD-630.UPGRADE USB mini socket rThis socket is reserved for future software upgrades when necessary.。
Philips D630 无线电话说明书
PhilipsCordless phone4.6cm/ 1.8" TFT color displayHandset speakerphoneD6301WBold sophisticationExquisite design meets high performance in the Philips D630 Cordless Phone, featuring a large full-color display, privacy settings, baby monitor, and much more. HQ-Sound ensures stunning sound reproduction for clear conversations – always.Experience true convenience•High contrast, 4.6cm (1.8"), TFT color display•Black list, anonymous call, silence mode, call barring•Baby monitor alerts you when baby needs your attention •Assign ringtone to a specific contact•Three-field entries for assigning 3 numbers to one contact •Up to 18 hours of talk time on a single charge •Caller ID – so you always know who is calling*Exceptional sound•HQ-Sound: high quality acoustic engineering for superb sound •MySound profiles to match your sound preference•Freestanding handset with a speaker for easy handsfree calls Eco-conscious product•Low radiation (ECO and ECO+ modes) and power consumptionHighlights4.6cm (1.8") TFT color displayHigh contrast, 4.6cm (1.8"), TFT color displayBaby monitor functionReceive an alert when your baby needs you. Just place the DECT handset in the baby room and receive an alert on your base or on another DECT phone (i.e.. another landline number) or mobile phone (when you're out) when the baby starts to cry.Caller ID*Sometimes it is good to know who is calling before you answer. And our Caller ID lets you keep track of who is on the other end of the line.Eco-conscious model with ECO+Philips phones are energy efficient anddesigned to be respectful to the environment. When ECO mode is activated the emitted radiation is reduced by up to 60%, and up to 95% when the phone is charging. Whith ECO+ mode activation the radiation drops to zero.Extended privacy settings Black list restricts receiving calls from specific numbers or starting with certain digits, keeping you away from unwanted calls. You can block 4 sets of numbers. Anonymous call restricts incoming calls with hidden numbers,sometimes used by the telemarketers. The phone will also not ring such that you are not disturbed. With silence mode you can disable the ringtones for specific times to enjoy peace and silence. Thanks to Call barring you can avoid expensive phone bill surprises byblocking calls to specific numbers starting with certain digits (for example pay per call numbers).Handset speakerphoneHandsfree mode uses a built-in loud speaker to amplify the voice of the caller, allowing you to speak and listen during a call without holding the phone to your ear. This is especially useful if you want to share the call with others or simply multitask.HQ-SoundPhilips cordless phones with HQ-Sound: build upon decades of experience and breakthrough innovations in developing Hi-Fi audio products and high-end headphones to deliver excellent voice clarity on our DECT phones. When it comes to improving sound quality, our acoustics engineers and architects have thought of everything – high qualitycomponents, digital signal processing, precise acoustic design, advanced testing and fine-tuning. The result is sound that is crisp, clear and authentic. Sound so good and natural, it is almost like being there in person.MySound profilesSound perception is subjective, and everyone has their own listening preference. MySound brings personality back to every conversation by allowing you to choose the audio profile that best matches your sound preferences: Clear – to make voices sound crisper and clearer; Soft – for friendly, softer tones; Warm – to make voices sound welcoming and warm.Issue date 2022-06-22 Version: 4.0.412 NC: 8670 001 30185 EAN: 48 95229 10696 3© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsConvenience•Menu structure in the handset: Icon Menu •Speakerphone - talk handsfree •Personalization: Silent mode•Call barring: Restrict the phone from making specific outgoing calls•Signal strength indicator: 3-bar indicator •Battery level indicator: 3-bar battery icon •Room monitoring•Date/Time display•Alarm Clock•Event light on the handset•Programmable hot keys: Keys 1 to 9•Call Management: Call Waiting*, Caller ID*, Microphone mute, Missed Calls, Received Calls, Dialed calls•Keypad lock•Key tone on/off•Auto Registration•Auto hang up•Number of keys: 22•Backlit keypad: White•Illuminated keypad•Enlarge dialing digit•Base Station keys: Paging key•Up to 18 hrs talk time•Up to 250 hrs standby time•Charge time: 8 hours•Line cord length: 1.8m•Power cord length: 1.8m•Range: Open field <300m; indoor <50m •Block callers/ Blacklist*: Restrict the phone from ringing on specific incoming numbers•Event notifications: for voice message, missed call & mute on•Non-slip grip: Ripple•Visual ringer•Call block: Anonymous call, Black listSound•Sound Profile: MySound•Volume control on handset•Ringtones on handset: 10 HQ ringtones•HQ-Sound Picture/Display•Display size: 4.6cm / 1.8"•Display type: TFT color 262K•Backlight:Yes•Backlight color: WhiteMemory Capacity•VIP Caller Identification•Phonebook: 100 names and numbers•Redial List Capacity: 20 last numbers•Call log entries: 50 entries•Phonebook store in the base•Multiple phonebook entries: up to 3 numbersPower•Battery Capacity: 650mAh•Battery type: AAA NiMH Rechargeable•Mains power: AC 100-240V ~50/60Hz•Power Consumption: <0.7WSecurity•Transmission encryption : YesNetwork Features•Compatible:GAPSAR Value•Philips handsets: <0.1 W/kgEco Design•EcoMode: automatic & manual•Eco+Packaging dimensions•Packaging type: Carton•Number of products included: 1•Type of shelf placement: Laying•Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):18.4 x 13.5 x 5.9 cm•Gross weight: 0.3628 kg•Nett weight: 0.2853 kg•Tare weight: 0.0775 kg•EAN: 48 95229 10696 3**This feature requires additional subscription of Caller ID service.Please check with your local network operator for details.。
Dell Latitude ATG D630 使用者指南说明书
Dell™ Latitude™ ATG D630使用者指南PP18L 型w w w.d e l l.c o m|s u p p o r t.d e l l.c o m註、注意事項和警示註:「註」表示可以幫助您更有效地使用電腦的重要資訊。
如果您購買的是 Dell™ n Series 電腦,則本文件中關於 Microsoft® Windows®作業系統的所有參考均不適用。
©2007–2008Dell Inc.版權所有,翻印必究。
本文中使用的商標:Dell、DELL徽標、Latitude、ExpressCharge、TravelLite、Strike Zone 和 Wi-Fi Catcher 是 Dell Inc. 的商標;Core是 Intel Corporation 的商標;Intel是 Intel Corporation 的註冊商標;Windows Vista、Microsoft、Outlook 和Windows是Microsoft Corporation 的註冊商標;藍芽是 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 擁有的註冊商標,並授權給 Dell 使用;TouchStrip是 UPEK, Inc. 的商標;EMC是 EMC Corporation 的註冊商標;能源之星是美國環保組織的註冊商標。
作為能源之星的一員,Dell Inc. 已確定本產品符合能源之星的能源效率規範;Blu-ray Disc是 Blu-ray Disc 協會的商標。
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EA630 工规行动电脑 快速设定手册说明书
-EA630工规行动电脑PDA-Quick Start Guide快速设定手册Product View 产品功能说明Product View 产品功能说明产品内容物:EA630包装含有以下品项,如有任何东西遗失或损坏,请与unitech 精联电子人员联系。
标准包装内容:⏹EA630Terminal /EA630主机⏹Battery /电池⏹USB Type C Cable /USB Type C 线材⏹Quick Start Guide /快速设定手册⏹Regulatory Compliance Statements /法规声明书选配包装配件:⏹Terminal Power Adapter (with US or EU plug)/国际充电座⏹Hand Strap /手握带⏹Cradle &Cradle Power Adapter /充电座&充电座变压器⏹1-slot Terminal &Battery Charging Cradle /单槽主机&电池充电座⏹1-slot Ethernet &Battery Cradle/单槽主机网络传输&电池充电座⏹1-slot USB &Battery Cradle/单槽主机USB 传输&电池充电座⏹Glass Screen Protector /荧幕保护贴听筒LED 状态指示灯功能按键闪光灯喇叭后镜头手握带Pogo pin/扩充模块电池背盖音量调整按键扫描按键电源键功能键扫描按键扫描视窗USB/Type C 孔扫描按键NFC 感应区1.旋转旋钮以解锁电池盖四分之一转(90°)。
01 规格参数
03 多媒体娱乐
02 基本功能 04 络与数据传输
重 量 :未知 屏幕参数:彩色屏幕; WAP上:支持飞笺 上市时间: 2007年 标准配置:锂电池,充电器
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Type 630D Extralytic®
Vishay Sprague
Aluminum Capacitors
• Designed for use in critical long-interval timing circuits • Exceptionally high capacitance stability • Excellent shelf and life characteristics • All terminal connections welded, eliminating possibility of "open" or intermittent contacts encountered in pressure connections • Outer plastic-film insulation and polymer-coated end seals eliminate possible problems with solvent cleaning • Standard inventoried product • Sizes subject to change without notice
1.25 [31.75] Min.
1.25 [31.75] Min.
Tinned Copper Leads 0.032" [.813] Dia. (No. 20 AWG)
Polymer-Coated End Seal
CAPACITANCE (µF) 10 25 50 100 250 500
WVDC 25 25 25 25 25 25
DxL .270 x .812 [6.858 x 20.625] .332 x .812 [8.433 x 20.625] .332 x .937 [8.433 x 23.800] .395 x 1.062 [10.033 x 26.975] .395 x 1.625 [10.033 x 41.275] .505 x 1.875 [12.827 x 47.625]
0.90 - 55 - 50
- 25
0 + 25 + 50 + 75 + 100 TEMPERATURE IN3; 125
STANDARD RATINGS and DIMENSIONAL CONFIGURATIONS [Numbers in brackets indicate millimeters]
Leakage Current: Maximum DC leakage current @ + 25°C: 10µF capacitors, 1µA; 25µF capacitors, 1.2µA; 50µF capacitors, 1.5µA; 100µF capacitors, 2µA; 250µF capacitors, 3µA; 500µF capacitors, 5µA. Equivalent Series Resistance: .3 ohm to 13.3 ohm maximum @ 120Hz and + 25°C. Life Validation Test: Capacitors are capable of withstanding a 2000 hour life test at rated voltage and + 85°C. After test, capacitance value shall not be changed by more than ± 20%, the equivalent series resistance shall not exceed 150% of initial requirement and the leakage current shall not have exceeded initial requirement. Shelf Test: After storage for 500 hours @ + 85°C with no voltage applied, the capacitance and equivalent series resistance shall meet initial requirements and the DC leakage current shall not exceed 300% of the initial requirements.
PART NUMBER 630D100 630D101 630D102 630D103 630D104 630D105
Document Number: 42043 Revision 22-Sep-00
Operating Temperature: - 55°C to + 125°C. Capacitance Tolerance: ± 10%.