



2015年中国社会科学院考博英语真题及详解PART Ⅰ: Vocabulary and GrammarSection A (10 points)Directions: Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.1. Even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured. Power in Washington is _____ and horizontally spread out.A. prudentB. reversibleC. diffuseD. mandatory【答案】C【解析】句意:甚至总统也不是真正的首席执行官,谁都不是。





reversible 可逆的,可撤销的。


2. In describing the Indians of the various sections of the United States at different stages in their history, some of the factors which account for their similarity amid difference can be readily accounted for, others are difficult to _____.A. refineB. discernC. embedD. cluster【答案】B【解析】句意:在描述美国历史中不同阶段不同地区的印第安人中,一些影响他们不同点之间的相似点的因素能够很容易的解释清楚,而其他的却很难看出。








参考译文:Learing is one's own business, which cannot rely upon others. It will certainly be of great help, if there are good environments, sufficient books and equipment, as well as instructions and enlightments from scholarly mentors and beneficial friends. But even if you have got all these favorabl e conditions, you cannot be sure to succeed in l earning, for not a few peopl e who have been successful in l earning are not armed with all these things. The most important factor consists in one's own effort. To l earn is rather a painstaking and persevering business. Many a man is a failure because he cannot bear such indispensabl e hardships.英译汉原题:What I wish for all stud ents is some release from the grim grip of the future. I wish them a chance to enjoy each segment of their education as an experience in itself and not as a tiresome requirement in preparation for the next step. I wish them the right to experiment, to trip and fall, to l earn that d efeat is as educational as victory and is not the end of the world.My wish, of course, is naive. One of the few rights that America d oes not proclaim is the right to fail. Achievement is the national god, worshipped in our media —the million-d ollar athlete, the wealthy executive — and gl orified in our praise of possessions. In the presence of such a potent state religion, the young are growing up old.参考译文:我希望于所有学生的是从未来的严酷无情中得到一些解脱.我希望他们有机会把他们每一阶段的教育纯粹作为一种经历来享受,而不是作为一种为下一步作准备的令人厌倦的需要.我希望他们有权利试验、跌跤,并懂得失败如同胜利一样具有教育意义,失败并不是世界的末日.当然,我的希望是天真的.在美国人不赞扬的为数不多的权利之中,有一个便是失败的权利.成就是民族之神,它在我们的媒体中受到崇拜—身价百万的运动员,富有的主管人员—在我们对财富的赞美中得到荣耀.年轻人就是在这样一种强有力的国教熏陶下长大的.。



南京大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析directions:in the following article,some sentences have been removed.for questions1-5,choose the most suitable one from the list a―g to fit into each of the numbered blank.there are two extra choices,which do not fit in any of the gaps.it seems to me there are two aspects to women.there is the demure and the dauntless.men have loved to dwell,in fiction at least,on the demure maiden whose inevitable reply is:oh,yes,if you please,kind sir!the demure maiden,the demure spounse,the demure Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi mother―this is still the ideal.a few maidens,mistresses and mothers are demure.a few pretend to be.but the vast majority are not.and they don‘t pretend to be.we don’t expect a girl skilfully driving her car to be demure,we expect her to be dauntless.what good would demure and maidenly members of parliament be,inevitably responding:oh,yes,if you please,kind sir!―though of course there are masculine members of that kidney.―and a demure telephone girl?or even a demure stenographer?demureness,to be sure,is outwardly becoming,it is an outward mark of femininity,like bobbed hair.but it goes with inward dauntlessness.1)with the two kinds of femininity go two kinds of confidence:there are the women who are cocksure,and the women who are hensure.a really up-to-date woman is a cocksure woman.she doesn‘t have adoubt nor a qualm.she is the modern type.whereas the old-fashioned demure woman was sure as a hen is sure,that is,without knowing anything about it.she went quietly and busily cluciking around,laying the eggs and mothering the chickens in a kind of anxious dream that still was full of sureness.but not mental sureness.her sureness was a physical condition,very soothing,but a condition out of which she could easily be startled or frightened.it is quite amusing to see the two kinds of sureness in chickens. the cockerel is,naturally,cocksure.he crows because he is certain it is day.,then the hen peeps out from under her wing.he marches to the door of the henhouse and pokes out his lead assertively:ah ha!daylight,of course,just as i said!―and he majestically steps down the chicken ladder towards terra firma,knowing that the hens will step cautiously after him,drawn by his confidence.so after him,cautiously,step the hens.he crows again:ha-ha!here we are!―it is indisputable,and the hens accept it entirely.he marches towards the house.from the house a person ought to appear,scattering corn. why does the person not appear?the cock will see to it.he is cocksure. he gives a loud crow in the doorway,and the person appears.the hens are suitably impressed but immediately devote all their henny consciousness to the scattered corn,pecking absorbedly,while the cock runs and fusses,cocksure that he is responsible for it all.so the day goes on.the cock finds a tit-bit,and loudly calls the hens.they scuffle up in henny surety,and gobble the tit-bit.but when they find a juicy morsel for themselves,they devour it in silence,hensure.unless,of course,there are little chicks,when they most anxiously call the brood.but in her own dim surety,the hen is really much surer than the cock,in a differenty way.she marches off to lay her egg,she secures obstinately the nest she wants,she lays her egg at last,then steps forth again with prancing confidence,and gives that most assured of all sounds,the hensure cackle of a bird who has laid her egg.the cock,who is never so sure about anything as the hen is about the egg she has laid,immediately starts to cackle like the female of his species.he is pining to be hensure,for hensure is so much surer than cocksure.nevertheless,cocksure is boss.when the chickenhawk appears in the sky,loud are the cockerel‘s calls of alarm.then the hens scuffle under the verandah,the cock ruffles his feathers on guard.the hens are numb with fear,they say:alas,there is no health in us!how wonderful to be a cock so bold!―and they huddle,numbed.but their very numbness is hensurety.just as the cock can cackle,however,as if he had laid the egg,so can the hen bird crow.she can more or less assume his cocksurensess.2)it seems to me just the same in the vast human farmyard.only nowadays all the cocks are cackling and pretending to lay eggs,and all the hens are crowing and pretending to call the sun out of bed.3)so the women step forth with a good loud cock-a-doodle-do!the tragedy about cocksure women is that they are more cocky,in their assurance,than the cock himself.they never realize that when the cock gives his loud crow in he morning,he listens acutely afterwards,to hear if some other wretch of a cock dare crow defiance,challenge.to the cock,there is always defiance,challenge,danger and death on the clear air;or the possibility thereof.but alas,when the hen crows,she listens for no defiance or challenge.when she says cock-a-doodle-do!then it is unanswerable. the cock listens for an answer,alert.but the hen knows she is unanswerable.cock-a-dooodle-do!and there it is,take it or leave it!4)it is the tragedy of the modern woman.she becomes cocksurem,she puts all her passion and energy and years of her life into some effort or assertion,without ever listening for the denial which she ought to take into count.she is cocksure,but she is a new all the time.frightened of her own henny self,she rushes to mad lengths about votes,or welfare,or sports,or business:she is marvellous,out-manning the man.but alas,it is all fundamentally disconnected. it is all an attitude,and one day the attitude will become a weird cramp,a pain,and then it will collapse.and when it has collapsed,and she looks at the eggs she has laid,votes,or miles of typewriting,years of business efficiency―suddenly,because she is a hen and not a cock,all she has done will turn into pure nothingness to her.5)[a]if women today are cocksure,men are hensure.men are timid,tremulous,rather soft and submissive,easy in their very henliketremulousness.they only want to be spoken to gently.[b]the girl who has got to make her way in life has got to be dauntless,and if she has a pretty,demure manner with it,then luck girl.she kills two birds with two stones.[c]conventional ideas about women seems pretty much cut and dried in the modern society.[d]and yet she is never so easy,cocksure,as she used to be when she was hensure.cocksure,she is cocksure,but uneasy.hensure,she trembles,but is easy.[e]and it is this that makes the cocksureness of women so dangerous,so devastating.it is really out of scheme,it is not in relation to the rest of things.so we have the tragedy of cocksure women.they find,so often,that instead of having laid an egg,they have laid a vote,or an emply ink-bootle,or some other absolutely unhatchable object,means nothing to them.[f]but the women pointed out the men had not produced anything,and the human race was pretty much starving.[g]suddenly it all falls out of relation to her basic henny self,and she realizes she has lost her life.the lovely henny surety,the hensureness which is the real bliss of every female,has been denied her:she had never had it.having lived her life with such utmost strenuousness and cocksureness,she has missed her life altogether. nothingness!答案及解析1)b.为生计所打拼的女孩子不得不勇敢无畏,如果她举止又温驯娴淑,那么她就是个幸运的女孩子。






















f ( x ) g ( x )dx M

g ( x ) dx q ,

1 1 1 ,证明 f Lp () 并且 ‖f‖ M. Lp ( ) p q
共 2 页
5. (15 分)设 X 为紧的度量空间,证明在 X 上存在 Borel 测度 使得对 X 上的任何非负连 续函数 f ,并且 f 0 ,有
Ax, x x ,
其中 , 表示 H 中的内积,证明对任何 y H ,方程
Ax y
有唯一的解. 4. (15 分)设 为 n 中的有界开集, f 为 上的 Lebesgue 可测函数,并且存在 M 0 , 使得对 上的任何有界连续函数 g ,有

其中 1 q ,

f d 0 .
6. (15 分)设 (, , ) 为正测度空间,如果存在一列可测子集 {En } 使得当 n m 时,
En Em ,并且 0 ( En ) ,证明 Banach 空间 L1 (, ) 不是自反的.

证明:⑴ f Lp (, ) ; ⑵ lim
x | f n ( x )| M
f n ( x ) dx .

f n ( x ) f ( x ) d 0 .
3. (20 分)设 H 为 Hilbert 空间, A : H H 为有界线性算子,并且存在 0 使得对任 何 x H ,有

2. (20 分)设 (, ) 为正测度空间, () ,再设 { f n } L (, ), 1 p ,满 足如下条件: (i)存在 上的可测函数 f 使得 { f n } 在 上几乎处处收敛于 f ; (ii)对任意 0 ,存在 M 0 ,使得对任何 n 有



南京大学考博英语真题2006年答案Section 1Part 11-5 AABCC 6-10 CBDDCPart 211-15 BCDDC 16-20 DDCACPart 321-25 ADAAC 26-30 CBDCD31-35 DAAAC 36-40 BBABBSection 241-45. D A C A B 46-50 B A C C C 51-55 C A B A C 56-60 B C B D DTranslationPart A放弃对于获得幸福至关重要,其重要性并不逊于努力。








Part B1.In a populous city, the idea that a man must know his neighbors has been extinct. But it is stilltrue of that in small towns and villages.2.People living as long as each other may have quite different lifestyles. Some go far away andenjoy fantastic scenery while others are incarcerated in a small room and until death does them not know how far-flung the world is.3.The biggest falsehood of humans is they take for that social and political problems are sosimple that they can be judged and solved with practical experience, instead of strict training with scientific methods. Unfortunately, it is quite contrary in the case.4.You can’t get rid of jealousness merely through being successful because there are someone inhistory who are more successful than you. Enjoy the happiness at hand and do what you are supposed to do. Don’t compare what you imagine or even entirely wrong with those who are more lucky than you. Then, you can cast off jealousness.5.So, this is the true spiritual civilization: make the most of human’s brightness and wiseness tofind truth, to control nature, to change matters for human’s use, to relieve human of needless hardships, to liberate human’s spirit from blindness and superstition.南京大学考博英语真题2007年答案Section 1Part 11-5 AAABC 6-10 BCCDAPart 211-15 ABCBA 16-20 CDCAAPart 321-25 CADBA 26-30 BAAACSection 231-34 B D B C 35-38 D A B D 39-42 B C A B 43-46 D D D C 47-50 B A C BTranslationPart A可以肯定的是,今天的人们对于成功的渴望以及其为我们带来的好处绝不亚于过去。



pterygoid process
Terra dentition index
mento-cervical angle
taste threshold
alveolar bone proper
chronic gingivitis
branchial cleft cyst
lymphoepithelial carcinoma




2015年南京大学考博英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Cloze 3. Reading Comprehension 4. English-Chinese Translation 5. Chinese-English TranslationStructure and V ocabulary1.The ambassador was accused of having______on domestic affairs.A.trespassedB.encroachedC.entrenchedD.invaded正确答案:B解析:近义词词义辨析。









2.The goal is to use crops, weeds and even animal waste______the petroleum that fuels much of American manufacturing.A.in terms ofB.in favor ofC.in spite ofD.in place of正确答案:D解析:介词词组辨析。

句中crops,weeds,animal waste与petroleum“石油”对比可知,这两组是性质不同的能源,由此可知空格处的词组应为“取代”的意思,选项中只有D表示“取代,替换”的意思。



2015年医学博士外语真题试卷(总分:206.00,做题时间:90分钟)1.Section A(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (分数:10.00)A.How to deal with his sleeping problem.B.The cause of his sleeping problem.C.What follows his insomnia.D.The severity of his medical problem.A.To take the medicine for a longer time.B.To discontinue the medication.C.To come to see her again.D.To switch to other medications.A.To take it easy and continue to work.B.To take a sick leave.C.To keep away from work.D.To have a follow-up.A.Fullness in the stomach.B.Occasional stomachache.C.Stomach distention.D.Frequent belches.A.Extremely severe.B.Not very severe.C.More severe than expected.D.It's hard to say.(分数:10.00)A.He has lost some weight.B.He has gained a lot.C.He needs to exercise more.D.He is still overweight.A.She is giving the man an injection.B.She is listening to the man's heart.C.She is feeling the man's pulse.D.She is helping the man stop shivering.A.In the gym.B.In the office.C.In the clinic.D.In the boat.A.Diarrhea.B.Vomiting.C.Nausea.D.A cold.A.She has developed allergies.B.She doesn't know what allergies are.C.She doesn't have any allergies.D.She has allergies treated already.(分数:10.00)A.Listen to music.B.Read magazines.C.Go play tennis.D.Stay in the house.A.She isn't feeling well.B.She is under pressure.C.She doesn't like the weather.D.She is feeling relieved.A.Michael's wife was ill.B.Michael's daughter was ill.C.Michael's daughter gave birth to twins.D.Michael was hospitalized for a check-up.A.She is absent-minded.B.She is in high spirits.C.She is indifferent.D.She is compassionate.A.Ten years ago.B.Five years ago.C.Fifteen years ago.D.Several weeks ago.2.Section B(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ (分数:10.00)A.A blood test.B.A gastroscopy.C.A chest X-ray exam.D.A barium X-ray test.A.To lose some weight.B.To take a few more tests.C.To sleep on three pillows.D.To eat smaller, lighter meals.A.Potato chips.B.Chicken.C.Cereal.D.Fish.A.Ulcer.B.Cancer.C.Depression.D.Hernia.A.He will try the diet the doctor recommended.B.He will ask for a sick leave and relax at home.C.He will take the medicine the doctor prescribed.D.He will take a few more tests to rule out cancer.(分数:10.00)A.A new concept of diabetes.B.The definition of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.C.The new management of diabetics in the hospital.D.The new development of non-perishable insulin pills.A.Because it vaporizes easily.B.Because it becomes overactive easily.C.Because it is usually in injection form.D.Because it is not stable above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.A.The diabetics can be cured without taking synthetic insulin any longer.B.The findings provide insight into how insulin works.C.Insulin can be more stable than it is now.D.Insulin can be produced naturally.A.It is stable at room temperature for several years.B.It is administered directly into the bloodstream.C.It delivers glucose from blood to the cells.D.It is more chemically complex.A.Why insulin is not stable at room temperature.B.How important it is to understand the chemical bonds of insulin.C.Why people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes don't produce enough insulin.D.What shape insulin takes when it unlocks the cells to take sugar from blood.(分数:10.00)A.Vegetative patients are more aware.B.Vegetative patients retain some control of their eye movements.C.EEG scans may help us communicate with the vegetative patients.D.We usually communicate with the brain-dead people by brain-wave.A.The left-hand side of the brain.B.The right-hand side of the brain.C.The central part of the brain.D.The front part of the brain.A.31.B.6.C.4.D.1A.The patient was brain-dead.B.The patient wasn't brain-dead.C.The patient had some control over his eye movements.D.The patient knew the movement he or she was making.A.The patient is no technically vegetative.B.The patient can communicate in some way.C.We can train the patient to speak.D.The family members and doctors can provide better care.3.Section A(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________4.Despite his doctor's note of caution, he never______from drinking and smoking.(分数:2.00)A.retainedB.dissuadedC.alleviatedD.abstained5.People with a history of recurrent infections are warned that the use of personal stereos with headsets is likelyto______their hearing.(分数:2.00)A.rehabilitateB.jeopardizeC.tranquilizeD.supplement6.Impartial observers had to acknowledge that lack of formal education did not seem to______Larry in any way in his success.(分数:2.00)A.refuteB.ratifyC.facilitateD.impede7.When the supporting finds were reduced, they should have revised their plan______.(分数:2.00)A.accordinglyB.alternativelyC.considerablyD.relatively8.It is increasingly believed among the expectant parents that prenatal education of classical music can______future adults with appreciation of music.(分数:2.00)A.acquaintB.familiarizeC.endowD.amuse9.If the gain of profit is solely due to rising energy prices, then inflation should be subsided when energy prices______. (分数:2.00)A.level outB.stand oute offD.wear off10.Heat stroke is a medical emergency that demands immediate______from qualified medical personnel.(分数:2.00)A.prescriptionB.palpationC.interventionD.interposition11.Asbestos exposure results in Mesothelioma, asbestosis and internal organ cancers, and______of these diseases is often decades after the initial exposure.(分数:2.00)A.offsetB.intakeC.outletD.onset12.Ebola, which spreads through body fluid or secretions such as urine, ______and semen, can kill up to 90% of those infected.(分数:2.00)A.salineB.salivaC.scabiesD.scrabs13.The newly designed system is______to genetic transfections, and enables an incubation period for studying various genes.(分数:2.00)parableB.transmissibleC.translatableD.amenable14.Section B(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________15.Every year more than 1, 000 patients in Britain die on transplant waiting lists, prompting scientists to consider other ways to produce organs.(分数:2.00)A.propellingB.prolongingC.puzzlingD.promising16.Improved treatment has changed the outlook of HIV patients, but there is still a serious stigma attached to AIDS. (分数:2.00)A.disgraceB.discriminationC.harassmentD.segregation17.Surviviors of the shipwreck were finally rescued after their courage of persistence lowered to zero by their physical lassitude .(分数:2.00)A.depletionB.dehydrationC.exhaustionD.handicap18.Scientists have invented a 3D scan technology to read the otherwise illegible wood-carved stone, a method that may apply to other areas such as medicine.(分数:2.00)A.negativeB.confusingC.eloquentD.indistinct19.Top athletes scrutinize both success and failure with their coach to extract lessons from them, but they are never distracted from long-term goals.(分数:2.00)A.anticipateB.clarifyC.examineD.verify20.His imperative tone of voice reveals his arrogance and arbitrariness.(分数:2.00)A.challengingB.solemnC.hostileD.demanding21.The discussion on the economic collaboration between the United States and the European Union may be eclipsed by the recent growing trade friction.(分数:2.00)A.erasedB.triggeredC.shadowedD.suspended22.Faster increases in prices foster the belief that the future increases will be also stronger, so that higher prices fuel demand rather than quench it.(分数:2.00)B.eliminateC.assimilateD.puncture23.Some recent developments in photography allow animals to be studied in previously inaccessible places and in unprecedented detail.(分数:2.00)A.unpredictableB.unconventionalC.unparalleledD.unexpected24.A veteran negotiation specialist should be skillful at manipulating touchy situation.(分数:2.00)A.estimatingB.handlingC.rectifyingD.anticipating五、PartⅢ Cloze(总题数:1,分数:20.00)A mother who is suffering from cancer can pass on the disease to her unborn child in extremely rare cases,【C1】______a new case report published in PNAS this week. According to researchers in Japan and at the Institute for Cancer Research in Sutton, UK, a Japanese mother had been diagnosed with leukemia a few weeks after giving birth,【C2】______tumors were discovered in her daughter's cheek and lung when she was 11 months old. Genetic analysis showed that the baby's cancer cells had the same mutation as the cancer cells of the mother. But the cancer cells contained no DNA whatsoever from the father,【C3】______would be expected if she had inherited the cancer from conception. That suggests the cancer cells made it into the unborn child's body across the placental barrier. The Guardian claimed this to be the first【C4】______case of cells crossing the placental barrier. But this is not the case — microchimerism,【C5】______cells are exchanged between a mother and her unborn child, is thought to be quite common, with some cells thought to pass from fetus to mother in about 50 to 75 per cent of cases and to go the other way about half【C6】______. As the BBC pointed out, the greater【C7】______in cancer transmission from mother to fetus had been how cancer cells that have slipped through the placental barrier could survive in the fetus without being killed by its immune system. The answer, in this case at least, lies in a second mutation of the cancer cells, which led to the【C8】______of the specific features that would have allowed the fetal immune system to detect the cells as foreign. As a result, no attack against the invaders was launched. 【C9】______, according to the researchers there is little reason for concern of "cancer danger". Only 17 probable cases have been reported worldwide and the combined【C10】______of cancer cells both passing the placental barrier and having the right mutation to evade the baby's immune system is extremely low.(分数:20.00)(1).【C1】(分数:2.00)A.suggestsB.suggestingC.having suggestedD.suggested(2).【C2】(分数:2.00)A.sinceB.althoughC.whereasD.when(3).【C3】(分数:2.00)A.whatB.whomD.as(4).【C4】(分数:2.00)A.predictedB.notoriousC.provenD.detailed(5).【C5】(分数:2.00)A.whereB.whenC.ifD.whatever(6).【C6】(分数:2.00)A.as manyB.as muchC.as wellD.as often(7).【C7】(分数:2.00)A.threatB.puzzleC.obstacleD.dilemma(8).【C8】(分数:2.00)A.detectionB.deletionC.amplificationD.addition(9).【C9】(分数:2.00)A.ThereforeB.FurthermoreC.NeverthelessD.Conclusively(10).【C10】(分数:2.00)A.likelihoodB.functionC.influenceD.flexibility六、PartⅣ Reading Comprehension(总题数:6,分数:60.00)The American Society of Clinical Oncology wrapped its annual conference this week, going through the usual motions of presenting a lot of drugs that offer some added quality or extension of life to those suffering from a variety of as-yet incurable diseases. But buried deep in an AP story are a couple of promising headlines that seems worthy of more thorough review, including one treatment study where 100 percent of patients saw their cancer diminish by half. First of all, it seems pharmaceutical companies are moving away from the more cost-effective one-size-fits-all approach to drug development and embracing the long tail of cancer treatments, engineering drugs that only work for a small percentage of patients but work very effectively within that group. Pfizer announced that one such drug it's pushing into late-stage testing is target for 4% of lung cancer patients. But more than 90% of that tiny cohort responded to the drug in initial tests, and nine out often is getting pretty close to the ideal ten out of ten. By gearing drugs toward more boutique treatments rather than broad umbrella pharmaceuticals that try to fit for everyone it seems cancer researchers are making some headway. But how can we close the gap on that remaining ten percent? Ask Takeda Pharmaceutical and Celgene, two drug makers who put aside competitive interests to test a novel combination of their treatments. In atest of 66 patients with the blood disease multiple myeloma, a full 100 percent of the subjects saw their cancer reduced by half. Needless to say, a 100 percent response to a cancer drug (or in this case a drug cocktail) is more or less unheard of. Moreover, this combination never would've been tried if two competing companies hadn't sat down and put their heads together. Are there more potentially effective drug combos out there separated by walls of competitive interest and proprietary information? Who's to say, but it seems like with the vast amount of money and research being pumped into cancer drug development, the odds are pretty good. And if researchers can start pushing more of their response numbers toward 100 percent, we can more easily start talking about oncology's favorite four-letter word: cure.(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?(分数:2.00)petition and CooperationB.Two Competing Pharmaceutical CompaniesC.The Promising Future of PharmaceuticalsD.Encouraging News: a 100% Response to a Cancer Drug(2).In cancer drug development, according to the passage, the pharmaceuticals now______.(分数:2.00)A.are adopting the cost-effective one-size-fits-all approachB.are moving towards individualized and targeted treatmentsC.are investing the lion's shares of their moneyD.care only about their profits(3).From the encouraging advance by the two companies, we can infer that______.(分数:2.00)A.the development can be ascribed to their joint efforts and collaborationB.it was their competition that resulted in the accomplishmentC.other pharmaceuticals will join them in the researchD.the future cancer treatment can be nothing but cocktail therapy(4).From the last paragraph it can be inferred that the answer to the question______.(分数:2.00)A.is nowhere to be foundB.can drive one crazyC.can be multipleD.is conditional(5).The tone of the author of this passage seems to be______.(分数:2.00)A.neutralB.criticalC.negativeD.optimisticLiver disease is the 12th -leading cause of death in the U. S. , chiefly because once it's determined that a patient needs a new liver it's very difficult to get one. Even in case where a suitable donor match is found, there's no guarantee a transplant will be successful. But researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have taken a huge step toward building functioning livers in the lab, successfully transplanting culture-grown livers into rats. The livers aren't grown from scratch, but rather within the infrastructure of a donor liver. The liver cells in the donor organ are washed out with a detergent that gently strips away the liver cells, leaving behind a biological scaffold of proteins and extracellular architecture that is very hard to duplicate synthetically. With all of that complicated infrastructure already in place, the researchers then seeded the scaffold (支架) with liver cells isolated from healthy livers, as well as some special endothelial cells to line the bold vessels. Once repopulated with healthy cells, these livers lived in culture for 10 days. The team also transplanted some two-day-old recellularized livers back into rats, where they continued to thrive for eight hours while connected into the rats' vascular systems. However, the current method isn't perfect and cannot seem to repopulate the blood vessels quite densely enough and the transplanted livers can't keep functioning for more than about 24 hours (hence the eight-hour maximum for the rat transplant). But the initial successes are promising, and the team thinks they can overcome the blood vessel problem and get fully functioning livers into rats within two years. It still might be a decade before the tech hits the clinic, but if nothing goes horribly wrong — and especially if stem-cell research establishes a reliable way to create healthy liver cells from the very patients who need transplants — lab-generated livers that are perfect matches for their recipients could become a reality.(分数:10.00)(1).It can be inferred from the passage that the animal model was mainly intended to______.(分数:2.00)A.investigate the possibility of growing blood vessels in the labB.explore the unknown functions of the human liverC.reduce the incidence of liver disease in the U. S.D.address the source of liver transplants(2).What does the author mean when he says that the livers aren't grown from scratch?(分数:2.00)A.The making of a biological scaffold of proteins and extracellular architecture.B.A huge step toward building functioning livers in the lab.C.The building of the infrastructure of a donor liver.D.Growing liver cells in the donor organ.(3).The biological scaffold was not put into the culture in the lab until______.(分数:2.00)A.duplicated syntheticallyB.isolated from the healthy liverC.repopulated with the healthy cellsD.the addition of some man-made blood vessels(4).What seems to be the problem in the planted liver?(分数:2.00)A.The rats as wrong recipients.B.The time point of the transplantation.C.The short period of the recellularization.D.The insufficient repopulation of the blood vessels.(5).The research team holds high hopes of______.(分数:2.00)A.creating lab-generated livers for patients within two yearsB.the timetable for generating human livers in the labC.stem-cell research as the future of medicineD.building a fully functioning liver into ratsPatients whose eyes have suffered heat or chemical burns typically experience severe damage to the cornea—the thin, transparent front of the eye that refracts light and contributes most of the eye's focusing ability. In a long-term study, Italian researchers use stem cells taken from the limbus, the border between the cornea and the white of the eye, to cultivate a graft of healthy cells in a lab to help restore vision in eyes. During the 10-years study, the researchers implanted the healthy stem cells into the damaged cornea in 113 eyes of 112 patients. The treatment was fully successful in more than 75 percent of the patients, and partially successful in 13 percent. Moreover, the restored vision remained stable over 10 years. Success was defined as an absence of all symptoms and permanent restoration of the cornea. Treatment outcome was initially assessed at one year, with up to 10 years of follow-up evaluations. The procedure was even successful in several patients whose burn injuries had occurred years earlier and who had already undergone surgery. Current treatment for burned eyes involves taking stem cells from a patient's healthy eye, or from the eyes of another person, and transferring them to the burned eye. The new procedure, however, stimulates the limbal stem cells from the patient's own eye to reproduce in a lab culture. Several types of treatments using stem cells have proven successful in restoring vision, but the long-term effectiveness shown here is significant. The treatment is only for blindness caused by damage to the cornea; it is not effective for repairing damaged retinas or optic nerves. Chemical eye burns often occur in the workplace, but can also happen due to mishaps involving household cleaning products and automobile batteries. The results of the study, based at Italy's University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, were published in the June 23 online issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.(分数:10.00)(1).What is the main idea of this passage?(分数:2.00)A.Stem cells can help restore vision in the eyes blinded by burns.B.The vision in the eyes blinded by burns for 10 years can be restored.C.The restored vision of the burned eyes treated with stem cells can last for 10 years.D.The burned eyes can only be treated with stem cells from other healthy persons.(2).The Italian technique reported in this passage______.(分数:2.00)A.can repair damaged retinasB.is able to treat damaged optic nervesC.is especially effective for burn injuries in the eyes already treated surgicallyD.shows a long-term effectiveness for blindness in vision caused by damage to cornea(3).Which of the following is NOT mentioned about eye burns?(分数:2.00)A.The places in which people work.B.The accidents that involve using household cleaning products.C.The mishaps that involve vehicles batteries.D.The disasters caused by battery explosion at home.(4).What is one of the requirements for the current approach?(分数:2.00)A.The stem cells taken from a healthy eye.B.The patient physically healthy.C.The damaged eye with partial vision.D.The blindness due to damaged optic nerves.(5).Which of the following words can best describe the author's attitude towards the new method?(分数:2.00)A.Sarcastic.B.Indifferent.C.Critical.D.Positive.Here is a shaming statistic: divide the US by race, sex and county of residence, and differences in average life expectancy across the various groups can exceed 30 years. The most disadvantaged look like denizens of a poor African country: a boy born on a Native American reservation in Jackson County, South Dakota, for example, will be lucky to reach his 60th birthday. A typical child in Senegal can expect to live longer than that. America is not alone in this respect. While the picture is extreme in other rich nations, health inequalities based on race, sex and class exist in most societies—and are only partly explained by access to healthcare. But fresh insights and solutions may soon be at hand. An innovative project in Chicago to unite sociology and biology is blazing the trail (开创), after discovering that social isolation and fear of crime can help to explain the alarmingly high death rate from breast cancer among the city's black women. Living in these conditions seems to make tumors more aggressive by changing gene activity, so that cancer cells can use nutrients more effectively. We are already familiar with the lethal effect of stress on people clinging to the bottom rungs of the societal ladder, thanks to pioneering studies of British civil servants conducted by Michael Marmot of University College London. What's exciting about the Chicago project is that it both probes the mechanisms involved in a specific disease and suggests precise remedies. There are drugs that may stave tumors of nutrients and community coordinators could be employed to help reduce social isolation. Encouraged by the US National Institutes of Health, similar projects are springing up to study other pockets of poor health in populations ranging from urban black men to white poor women in rural Appalachia. To realize the full potential of such projects, biologists and sociologists will have to start treating one other with a new respect and learn how to collaborate outside their comfort zones. Too many biomedical researchers still take the arrogant view that sociology is a "soft science" with little that's serious to say about health. And too many sociologists reject any biological angle—fearing that their expertise will be swept aside and that this approach will be used to bolster discredited theories of eugenics, or crude race-based medicine. It's time to drop these outdated attitudes and work together for the good of society's most deprived members. More important, it's time to use this fusion of biology and sociology to inform public policy. This endeavor has huge implications, not least in cutting the wide health gaps between blacks and whites, rich and poor.(分数:10.00)(1).As shown in the 1st paragraph, the shaming statistic reflects______.(分数:2.00)A.injustice everywhereB.racial discriminationC.a growing life spanD.health inequalities(2).Which of the following can have a negative impact on health according to the Chicago-based project?(分数:2.00)A.Where to live.B.Which race to belong to.C.How to adjust environmentally.D.What medical problem to suffer.(3).The Chicago-based project focuses its management on______.(分数:2.00)A.a particular medical problem and its related social issueB.racial discrimination and its related social problemsC.the social ladder and its related medical conditionsD.a specific disease and its medical treatment(4).Which of the following can most probably be neglected by sociologists?(分数:2.00)A.The racial perspective.B.The environmental aspect.C.The biological dimension.D.The psychological angel.(5).The author is a big fan of______.(分数:2.00)A.the combination of a traditional and new way of thinking in promoting healthB.the integration of biologists and sociologists to reduce health inequalitiesC.the mutual understanding and respect between racesD.public education and health promotionAmerican researchers are working on three antibodies that many mark a new step on the path toward an HIV vaccine, according to a report published online Thursday, July 8, 2010, in the journal Science. One of the antibodies suppresses 91 percent of HIV strains, more than any AIDS antibody ever discovered, according to a report on the findings published in the Wall Street Journal. The antibodies were discovered in the cells of a 60-year-old African-American gay man whose body produced them naturally. One antibody in particular is substantially different from its precursors, the Science study says. The antibodies could be tried as a treatment for people already infected with HIV, the WSJ reports. At the very least, they might boost the efficacy of current antiretroviral drugs. It is welcome news for the 33 million people the United Nations estimated were living with AIDS at the end of 2008. The WSJ outlines the painstaking method the team used to find the antibody amid the cells of the African-American man, known as Donor 45. First they designed a probe that looks just like a spot on a particular molecule on the cells that HIV infects. They used the probe to attract only the antibodies that efficiently attack that spot. They screened 25 million of Donor 45's cell to find just 12 cells that produced the antibodies. Scientists have already discovered plenty of antibodies that either don't work at all or only work on a couple of HIV strains. Last year marked the first time that researchers found "broadly neutralizing antibodies, " which knock out many HIV strains. But none of those antibodies neutralized more than about 40 percent of them, the WSJ says. The newest antibody, at 91 percent neutralization, is a marked improvement. Still, more work needs to be done to ensure the antibodies would activate the immune system to produce natural defenses against AIDS, the study authors say. They suggest three test methods that blend the three new antibodies together in raw form to prevent transmission of the virus, such as from mother to child; in a microbicide gel that women or gay men could use before sex to prevent infection; or as a treatment for HIV/AIDS, combined with antiretroviral drug. If the scientists can find the right way to stimulate production of the antibodies, they think most people could produce then, the WSJ says.(分数:10.00)(1).We can learn from the beginning of the passage that______.(分数:2.00)A.a newly discovered antibody defeats 91 % of the HIV strainsB.a new antiretroviral drug has just come on the marketC.American researchers have developed a new vaccine for HIVD.the African-American gay man was cured of his HIV infection(2).What is the implication of the antibodies discovered in the cells of the African-American gay man?(分数:2.00)A.They can cure the 33 million AIDS patients in the world.B.They may strengthen the effects of the existing antiretroviral drugs.C.They will kill all the HIV viruses.D.They will help make a quick diagnosis of an HIV infection.(3).The newest antibody found in Donor 45 reflects a dramatic advance in terms of______.(分数:2.00)A.pathologyB.pharmacologyC.HIV neutralizationD.HIV epidemiology(4).According to the study authors, the three test methods are intended to______.(分数:2.00)。



2015 年全国医学博士外语统-入学考试英语试题1 请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按”考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。


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国家医学考试中心PAPERONEPart 1 : Listening comprehension (30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation,you will hear a question about what is said,The question will be read only once, After you hear the question,read the four possibleanswers marked A, B, C, and D。

Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEETListen to the following example。

You will hear.Woman:1 fell faint.Man: No wonder You haven’t had a bite all day Question: What's the matter with the woman? You will read。



财政部财政科学研究所2015年招收攻读博士学位研究生入学考试英语试题PART ONE: Grammar (15 points)Directions: Below each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence or that best completes the sentence. Please write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree the students’potentiality is developed.A. of whichB. with whichC. in whichD. to which2. Another food crop raised by Indians strange to the European was called Indian corn.A. who wereB. that wereC. that wasD. who was3. We moved to the new house in the suburbs so that the kids would have a garden .A. in which to playB. to play withC. to playD. where to play4. There are many copper mines in the state of Arizona, contributes significantly to the state’s economy.A. a factB. which factC. whose factD. that5. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.A. so thatB. but thatC. in thatD. provided that6. Nearly all trees contains a mix of polymers that can burn like petroleum properly extracted.A. afterB. ifC. when itD. is7. The early years of the United States government were characterized by a debate concerning or individual states should have more power.A. whether the federal governmentB. either the federal governmentC. that the federal governmentD. the federal government8. Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the planets within the next 50 years.A. will have been contactedB. will have contactedC. will be contactedD. will contact9. By the year of 2025, scientists probably a cure for cancer.A. will be discoveringB. are discoveringC. will have discoveredD. have discovered10. Thomas Edison’s first patented invention was a device in Congress.A. for counting votesB. that counting votesC. counts votesD. counted votes11. Using many symbols makes to put a large amount of information on a single map.A. possibleB. it is possibleC. it possibleD. that possible12. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely to the outside world.A. being lostB. having lostC. losingD. lost13. Beef cattle of all livestock for economic growth in the certain geographicregions.A. the most are importantB. are the most importantC. is the most importantD. that are most important14. advance and retreat in their eternal rhythms, but the surface of the sea itself isnever at rest.A. Not only when the tides doB. As the tides not only doC. Not only do the tidesD. Do the tides not only15. divorce ourselves from the masses of the people.A. In no time we shouldB. In no time should weC. At no time we shouldD. At no time should wePART TWO: Reading comprehension (20 points)Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1 (5 points)The good news made headlines nationwide: Deaths from several kinds of cancer have declined significantly in recent years. But the news has to be bittersweet for many cancer patients and their families. Every year, more than 500000 people in the United States still die of cancer. In fact, more than half of all patients diagnosed with cancer will die of their disease within a few years. And while it’s true survival is longer today than in the past, thequality of life for these patients is often greatly diminished. Cancer –and many of the treatments used to fight it - causes pain, nausea, fatigue, and anxiety that routinely go undertreated or untreated.In the nation’s single-minded focus on curing cancer, we have inadvertently devalued the critical need for palliative care, which focuses on alleviating physical and psychological symptoms over the course of the disease. Nothing would have a greater impact on the daily lives of cancer patients and their families than good symptom control and supportive therapy. Yet the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the federal government’s leader in cancer research and training, spent less than one percent of its 1999 budget on any aspect of research or training in palliative care.The nation needs to get serious about reducing needless suffering. NCI should commit to and fund research aimed at improving symptom control and palliative care. NCI also could designate “centers of excellence” among the cancer centers it recognizes. To get that designation, centers would deliver innovative, top-quality palliative care to all segments of the populations the centers serve; train professionals in medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, and other disciplines to provide palliative care; and conduct research.Insurance coverage for palliative and hospice care also contributes to the problem by forcing people to choose between treatment or hospice care. This “either/or” approach does not readily allow these two types of essential care to be integrated. The Medicare hospice benefit is designed specifically for people in the final stages of illness and allows enrollment only if patients are expected to survive six months or less. The benefit excludes patients from seeking both palliative care and potentially life-extending treatment.That makes hospice enrollment an obvious deterrent for many patients. And hospices, which may have the most skilled practitioners and the most experience in administering palliative care, cannot offer their services to people who could really benefit but still are pursuing active treatment.It is innately human to comfort and provide care to those suffering from cancer, particularly those close to death. Yet what seems self-evident at an individual, personal level has not guided policy at the level of institutions in this country. Death is inevitable, but severe suffering is not. To offer hope for a long life of the highest possible quality and to deliver the best quality cancer care from diagnoses to death, our public institutions need to move toward policies that value and promote palliative care.16. Palliative care is concerned with improving patients’.A. survival ratesB. quality of lifeC. lifespansD. options for health insurance providers17. According to the author, research on palliative care for .A. is more important than research for cancer curesB. has been overlooked by researchersC. is virtually non-existentD. is regarded by researchers as a frivolous topic18. The main problem of insurance coverage for hospice care and active treatment isthat .A. it does not allow patients to seek bothB. it only covers patients whose life expectancy is less than six monthsC. it deprives patients of the right to choose between two proven treatment methodsD. hospice care is only covered when it may extend a patient’s life expectancy19. Hospices offer cancer patients .A. an alternative to palliative careB. comfort in their early stages of illnessC. skilled and experienced palliative careD. an alternative to active treatment20. This text is mainly about .A. improving cancer research in the U.SB. reforming insurance coverage for cancer patientsC. understanding different options for cancer treatment and careD. reducing the suffering of cancer patientsPassage 2 (5 points)Man and women do think differently, at least where the anatomy of the brain is concerned, according to a new study. The brain is made primarily of two different types of tissue, called gray matter and white matter. This new research reveals that men think more with their gray matter, and women think more with white. Researchers stressed that just because the two sexes think differently, this does not affect intellectual performance.Psychology professor Richard Haier of the University of California, Irvine led the research along with colleagues from the University of New Mexico. Their findings show that in general, men have nearly 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related intelligence compared with women, whereas women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence compared with men. “These findings suggested that human evolution has created two different types of brains designed for equally intelligent behavior,”said Haier, adding that, “by pinpointing these gender-based intelligence areas, the study has the potential to aid research on dementia and other cognitive-impairment diseases in the brain.The results are detailed in the online version of the journal NeuroImage. In human brains, gray matter represents information processing centers, whereas white matter works to network these processing centers. The results from this study may help explain why men and women excel at different types of tasks, said co-author and neuropsychologist Rex Jung of the University of New Mexico. For example, men tend to do better with tasks requiring more localized processing, such as mathematics, Jung said, while women are better at integrating and assimilating information from distributed gray-matter regions of the brain, which aids language skills. Scientists find it very interesting that while men and women use two very different activity centers and neurological pathways, men and women perform equally well on broad measures of cognitive ability, such as intelligence tests.This research also gives insight to why different types of head injuries are more disastrous to one sex or the other. For example, in women 84 percent of gray matter regions and 86 percent of white matter regions involved in intellectual performance were located inthe frontal lobes, whereas the percentages of these regions in a man’s frontal lobes are 45 percent and zero, respectively. This matches up well with clinical data that shows frontal lobe damage in women to be much more destructive than the same type of damage in men. Both Haier and Jung hope that this research with someday help doctors diagnose brain disorders in men and women earlier, as well as provide help designing more effective and precise treatments for brain damage.21. Which of the following statements is true, according to paragraph 1 ?A. The brain is a monolithic organ.B. Intellectual ability depends on which part of the brain is used.C. Intellectual ability varies between men and women.D. The anatomy of men’s brains and women’s brains differ.22. According to paragraph 2, this discovery is significant because .A. it is necessary to understand the anatomy of the brain when dealing with diseasesaffect thought processesB. it shows that men and women are equally intelligentC. it shows that men and women are equally intelligent overall, but specialize indifferent ways of thinkingD. many diseases of the brain are specific to gender or the other23. Which of the following statements is true about gray brain matter?A. It helps put together information from different parts of the brain.B. It is used for processing i nformation.C. There is less of it in men’s brains.D. There is a direct correlation between the amount of gray brain matter andmathematical ability.24. Which of the following statements is false about white brain matter?A. Women have more of it than men.B. It is used for putting together information from different parts of the brain.C. There is direct correlation between the amount of white brain matter and linguisticability.D. The amount of white brain matter is not directly related to overall intelligence.25. The final paragraph suggests that .A. men and women are equally intelligentB. men and women have different frontal lobesC. head injuries can have varied effects, according to whether a person is male orfemaleD. the research will be useful to other scientistsPassage 3 (5 points)So much data indicate the world’s progress towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of targets adopted by world leaders at the UN more than ten years ago. But the goal-setting exercise has further pitfalls. Too often, the goals are reduced to working out how much money is needed to meet a particular target. Yet the countries that have made most progress in cutting poverty have largely done so not by spending public money, but by encouraging faster economic growth. As Shanta Devarajan,the World Bank’s chief economist for Africa, points out, growth does not just make more money available for social spending. It also increases the demand for such things as schooling, and thus helps meet other development goals. Yet the goals, as drawn up, made no mention of economic growth.Of course growth by itself does not solve all the problems of the poor. It also clear that while money helps, how it is spent and what it is spent on are enormously important. For instances, campaigners often ask for more to be spent on primary education. But throughout the developing world teachers on the public payroll are often absent from school. Teacher-absenteeism rates are around 20% in rural Kenya, 27% in Uganda and 14% in Ecuador.In any case, money that is allocated for such services rarely reaches its intended recipients. A study found that 70% of the money allocated for drugs and supplies by the Uganda government in 2000 was lost; in Ghana, 80% was siphoned off. Money needs to be spent, therefore, not merely on building more schools or hiring more teachers, but on getting them to do what they are paid for, and preventing resources from disappearing somewhere between the central government and their supposed destination.The good news is that policy experiments carried out by governments, NGOs, academics and international institutions are slowly building up a body of evidence about methods that work. A large-scale evaluation in Andhra Pradesh in southern India was shown, for example, that performance pay for teachers is three times as effective at raising pupil’s test scores as the equivalent amount spent on school supplies.And in Uganda the government, appalled that money meant for schools was not reaching them, took to publicizing how much was being allotted, using radio and newspaper. Money wastage was dramatically reduced. The World Bank hopes to bring such innovations to the notice of other governments during the summit, if it can. For if the drive against poverty is succeed, it will owe more to such ideas and wider use than to targets set at UN-sponsored summits.26. According to the text, which of the following merits can’t we derive from economicgrowth?A. It increases other demands such as education.B. It may help the government to fulfill Millennium Development Goals.C. Faster growth will lift the poor out of poverty.D. Economic growth may solve some problems of the poor.27. Teacher-absenteeism is cited as example .A. to call for governments apply performance pay for teachersB. to underline the importance of money should be spent on where it is neededC. to state that the allocated money should get staffs to do what they are paid forD. to show that African countries have a long way to go before reaching the UN’sgoalposts28. According to the author, we should when dealing with allocated money.A. avoid the leakage of moneyB. give the anti-poverty plans the priorityC. promote education to a higher levelD. improve public infrastructure first29. On which of the following would the author most probably agree?A. Economic growth does not make more money available for social spending.B. Money leakage is a big problem that Africa encounters.C. Millennium Development Goals may involve each country’s GDP growth.D. Millennium Development Goals have come to seen as applying to each developingcountry.30.We may infer from the last paragraph that .A. the World Bank plays an important role in helping Uganda fix money leakageB. money leakage is rampantly flourishing in UgandaC. Millennium Development Goals may have failed in lifting the poor out of povertyD. innovative ideas should come before targets set by UNPassage 4 (5 points)In the 20th century, all the nightmare-novels of the future imagined that books would be burnt. In the 21th century, our dystopias imagine a world where books are forgotten. To pluck just one, Gary Steynghart’s novel Super Sad True Love Story describes a world where everybody is obsessed with their electronic Apparat – an even more omnivorous i-phone with a flickering stream of shopping and reality shows and porn – and have somehow come to believe that the few remaining unread paper books left off a rank smell. The book on the book, it suggests, is closing.The book – the physical paper book – is being circled by a shoal of sharks, with sales down 9 percent this year alone. It’s being chewed by the e-book. It’s being gored by the death of the bookshop and the library. And most importantly, the mental space it occupied is being eroded by the thousand Weapons of Mass Destruction that surround us all. It’s hard to admit, but we all sense it: it is becoming almost physically harder to read books.In his gorgeous little book The Lost Art of Reading – Why Books Matter in a Distracted Time, the critic David Ulin admits to a strange feeling. All his life, he had taken reading as for granted as eating – but then, a few years ago, he “become aware, in an apartment full of books, that I could no longer find within myself the quiet necessary to read”. He would sit down to do it at night, as he always had, and read a few paragraphs, then find his mind was wandering, imploring him to check his email, or Twitter, or Facebook. “What I’m struggling with,”he writes, “is the encroachment of the buzz, the sense that there’s something out there that merits my attention.”I think most of us have this sense today, if we are honest. If you read a book with your laptop thrumming on the other side of the room, it can be like trying to read in the middle of a party, where everybody is shouting to each other. To read, you need to slow down. You need mental silence except for the words. That’s getting harder to find.No, don’t misunderstand me. I adore the web, and they will have to wrench my Twitter feed from my cold dead hands. This isn’t going to turn into an antediluvian rant against the glories of our wired world. But there’s a reason why that word –“wired”–means both “connected to the internet” and “high, frantic, unable to concentrate”.In the age of the internet, physical paper books are a technology we need more, not less. In the 1950s, the novelist Herman Hesse wrote: “The more the need for entertainment and mainstream education can be met by new inventions, the more the book will recover itsdignity and authority. We have not yet quite reached the point where young competitors, such as radio, cinema, etc, have taken over the functions from the book it can’t afford to lose.” We have now reached that point.31.By mentioning the work of Gary Steynghart, the author intends to .A. advocate the idea that reading physical paper books is out of fashionB. introduce a brand new electronic product even omnivorous than i-phoneC. prove that books will be outweighed by reality shows and porn in the futureD. indicate that books are left out in fictions describing the future world32. The most significant reason for the falling sales of paper books is that .A. electronic books are taking over more and more market share of paper booksB. people’ minds don’t have the space for reading due to all kinds of temptationC. bookstores are out of business as people prefer to borrowing books from the libraryD. people think things on the Internet are more worthy of their attention33.According to paragraph 3, we can infer that .A. people are inclined to take reading for grantedB. people’ minds are encroached by the InternetC. it’s hard to concentrate on reading nowadaysD. David Ulin’s book gives readers a strange feeling34. The explanation of the word “wired” probably indicates that .A. people always misunderstand the functions of internetB. Internet is partly responsible for the vanishing of paper booksC. people call the internet “wired world” for a reasonD. Internet will take over the functions of paper books35. Which of the following will the author most probably agree on?A. True readers can maintain reading in all kinds of environment, including noisy one.B. The Internet should be strictly condemned for endangering physical paper books.C. Physical paper books are facing extreme danger of being replaced by other things.D. Reading books isn’t in accordance with the increasing need for entertainment. PART THREE (20 points)Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written on the Answer Sheet.When a company unexpectedly finds itself losing market share and taking a beating at the hands of its competitors, it’s a clear signal that a change is needed. For a variety of reasons, any company can suddenly lose the competitive advantage that it previously enjoyed. 36. The mark of a strong business, however, is its ability to overcome such setbacks and reclaim its positions as the front runner in its field.One of the greatest variables in the process, however, is technology, which on one hand makes business more efficient and thus profitable than previously thought possible, but changes at such a rapid pace that few businesses utilize it to its full potential. Those companies that invest heavily in the latest technology of the day may find their machines out dated and obsolete the next year, thus losing the advantage that they hoped to gain, and also a substantial amount of investment money as well. 37. Those are more cautious and buy less of the latest machine may learn that technology changes more slowly, and theircompetitors who invested more heavily now hold the upper hand. It’s a game of hit or miss.Because of the uneven and unpredictable pace of progress between technological fields, 38. companies are devoting more and more resources to not only acquiring more of the latest developments, but researching the factors that determine their production so as to position themselves better to adapt to the next change. This strategy has been producing positive results for those who employ it, but it is a massively expensive one, limiting its viability to only the largest companies, who are already enjoying many advantages in the market.Such dynamics make it increasingly difficult for new setup companies to break into established markets, lacking the funding and cash reserves necessary to play the game way as the big boy do. The same technology that keeps the large companies on top, however, can still topple them. 39. New and smaller companies have less to lose and thus can afford to gamble on new technologies that larger companies consider too risky to devote themselves to. 40. In the rare occurrences when these risky endeavors bear fruit, providing themselves to be the way of future, the rewards to those daring enough, or small enough, to invest in them prove well worth the effort.PART FOUR (20 points)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. Your translation must be written on the Answer Sheet.41.我们必须全面深化改革,以释放市场活力对冲经济下行压力。



2015南京师范大学考博英语真题阅读理解精练Every living thing has an inner biological clock that controls behavior.The clock works all the time;even when there are no outside signs to mark the passing of time.The biological clock tells plants when to form flowers and when the flowers should open.It tells insects when to leave the protective cocoon and fly a way.And it tells animals when to eat,sleep and wake.It controls body temperature,the release of some hormones and even dreams.These natural daily events are circadian rhythms.Man has known about them for thousands of years.But the first scientific observation of circadian rhythms was not made until1729. In that year French astronomer,Jean-Jacques d“Ortous de Mairan,noted that one of his plants opened it s leaves at the same time every morning,and closed them at the same time every night.The plant did this even when he kept it in a dark place all the ter scientists wondered about circadian rhythms in humans.They learned that man”s biological clock actually keeps time with a day of a little less than 25hours instead of the24hours on a man-made clock.About four years ago an American doctor,Eliot Weitzman,established a laboratory to study how our biological clock works.The people in his experiments are shut off from the outside world.They are free to listen to and live by their circadian rhythms.Dr.Weitzman hopes his research will lead to effective treatments for common sleep problems and sleep disorders caused by ageing and mental illness.The laboratory is inthe Monteflore Hospital in New York City.It has two living areas with three small rooms in each.The windows are covered,so no sunlight o r moonlight comes in.There are no radios or television receivers. There is a control room between the living areas.It contains computers,one-way cameras and other electronic devices for observing the person in the living area.The instruments measure heartbeat,body temperature,hormones in the blood,other substances in the urine and brain waves during sleep.A doctor or medical technician is on duty in the control room24hours a day during an experiment.They do not work the same time each day and are not permitted to wear watches,so the person in the experiment has no idea what time it is.In the first four years of research,Dr Weitzman and his assistant have observed16men between the ages of21and80. The men remained in the laboratory for as long as six st month,a science reporter for“The New York Times”newspaper,Dava Sobol,became the first woman to take part in the experiment.She entered the laboratory on June13th and stayed for25days.Miss Sobol wrote reports about the experiment during that time,which were published in the newspaper.(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-l iu jiu qi ba QQ:si jiu san san qi yi liu er liu)1、The biological clock is believed to play an essential role in ____.A、the regulation of body temperatureB、the secretion of hormonesC、animal reproductionD、many aspects of plant and animal physiology2、In his observation,the French scientist noticed that the leaves of a certain plant maintained its opening-and-closing cycles ____.A、even when it was kept in a murky place all dayB、even if it was placed in the moonlightC、even when he was observing it from a dark placeD、even during the night time3、The sentence“They are free to listen to and live by their circadian rhythms.”(In Paragraph4)probably means____.A、They can lead their daily lives according to their biological clocks,without referring to a man-made clock.B、They can listen to the wonderful rhythms of the biological clock and live close to them.C、They can live by regulating their own circadian rhythms.D、They are free from the annoying rhythms of everyday life.4、In the experiment conducted by Mr.Weitzman,the doctor who is on duty does not work the same time each day____.A、insgroupsto observe the abnormal behavior of the people at different timesB、so as not to be recognized by the peopleC、so as to avoid indicating to the people what time it is whenhe starts workD、so as to leave the people“s circadian rhythms in disorder5、Miss Sobol left the laboratory____.A、on June13thB、on June25thC、at the end of JuneD、on July7thKeys to PassageD A A C D本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。



南京大学考博英语模拟试题解析SectionⅠUse of EnglishDirections:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET1(10points)The human nose is an underrated tool.Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals,1this is largely because,2animals,we stand upright.This means that our noses are 3to perceiving those smells which float through the air,4the Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi huo kao bo fu dao ti yan qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi majority of smells which stick to surfaces.In fact 5,we are extremely sensitive to smells,6we do not generally realize it.Our noses are capable of7human smells even when these are8to far below one part in one million.Strangely,some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another,9others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate10smell receptors in the nose.These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send11to the brain.However,it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell12can suddenly become sensitive to it when13to it often enough.The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it14to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can15new receptors if necessary.This may16explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be.We are not17of the usual smell of our own house but we18new smells when we visit someone else's.The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors19for unfamiliar and emergency signals20the smell of smoke,which might indicate the danger of fire.1.[A]although[B]as[C]but[D]while2.[A]above[B]unlike[C]excluding[D]besides3.[A]limited[B]committed[C]dedicated[D]confined4.[A]catching[B]ignoring[C]missing[D]tracking5.[A]anyway[B]though[C]instead[D]therefore6.[A]even if[B]if only[C]only if[D]as if7.[A]distinguishing[B]discovering[C]determining[D]detecting8.[A]diluted[B]dissolved[C]determining[D]diffused9.[A]when[B]since[C]for[D]whereas10.[A]unusual[B]particular[C]unique[D]typical11.[A]signs[B]stimuli[C]messages[D]impulses12.[A]at first[B]at all[C]at larg[D]at times13.[A]subjected[B]left[C]drawn[D]exposed14.[A]ineffective[B]incompetent[C]inefficient[D]insufficient15.[A]introduce[B]summon[C]trigger[D]create16.[A]still[B]also[C]otherwise[D]nevertheless17.[A]sure[B]sick[C]aware[D]tired18.[A]tolerate[B]repel[C]neglect[D]notice19.[A]availabe[B]reliable[C]identifiable[D]suitable20.[A]similar to[B]such as[C]along with[D]aside fromSectionⅡReading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1(40points)Text1Everybody loves a fat pay rise.Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one.Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking,you might even be outraged.Such behaviour is regarded as“all too human”,with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta,Georgia,which has just been published in Nature,suggests that it all too monkey,as well.The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys.They look cute.They are good-natured,co-operative creatures,and they share their food tardily.Above all,like their female human counterparts,they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of“goods and services”than males.Such characteristicsmake them perfect candidates for Dr.Brosnan's and Dr.de waal's;study.The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food.Normally,the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber.However,when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers,so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock,their became markedly different.In the world of capuchins grapes are luxury goods(and much preferable to cucumbers)So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token,the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber.And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all,the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber,or refused to;accept the slice of cucumber Indeed,the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber(without an actual monkey to eat it)was enough to reduce resentment in a female capuchin.The researches suggest that capuchin monkeys,like humans,are guided by social emotions,in the wild,they are a co-operative, groupliving species,Such co-operation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated.Feelings of righteous indignation,it seems,are not the preserve of people alone,Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group.However,whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans,or whether it stemsform the common ancestor that the species had35million years ago, is,as yet,an unanswered question.21.In the opening paragraph,the author introduces his topic byA.posing a contrast.B.justifying an assumption.C.making a comparison.D.explaining a phenomenon.22.The statement“it is all too monkey”(Last line,paragraph l)implies thatA.monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals.B.resenting unfairness is also monkeys'nature.C.monkeys,like humans,tend to be jealous of each other.D.no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions.23.Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because they areA.more inclined to weigh what they get.B.attentive to researchers'instructions.C.nice in both appearance and temperament.D.more generous than their male companions24.Dr.Brosnan and Dr.de Waal have eventually found in their study that the monkeysA.prefer grapes to cucumbers.B.can be taught to exchange things.C.will not be co-operative if feeling cheated.D.are unhappy when separated from others.25.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions.B.Human indignation evolved from an uncertain source.C.Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do.D.Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild.Text2Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure?That the evidence was inconclusive,the science uncertain?That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way?Lots of Americans bought that nonsense,and over three decades,some10million smokers went to early graves.There are upsetting parallels today,as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences,enlisted by the White House,to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves.The president of the National Academy,Bruce Alberts,added this keypoint in te preface to the panel's repor“Science never h all the answers But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that out nation and the world base importantpolicies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.”Just as on smoking voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete,that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.this is a dangerous game:by the100percent of the evidence is in,it may be too late.With the risks obvious and growing,a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.Fortunately,the White House is starting to pay attention.But it's obvious that a majority of the president's advisers still don't take global warming seriously.Instead of a plan of action,they continue to press for more research-a classic case of“paralysis by analysis”.To serve as responsible stewards of the planet,we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research But research alone is inadequate.If the Administration won't take the legislative initiative,Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry is a promising start Many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs.If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere,it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.26.An argument made by supporters of smoking was thatA.there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death.B.the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades was insignificant.C.people had the freedom to choose their own way of life.D.antismoking people were usually talking nonsense.27.According to Bruce Alberts,science can serve asA.a protector.B.a judge.C.a critic.D.a guide.28.What does the author mean by“paralysis by analysis”(Last line,paragraph4)A.Endless studies kill action.B.Careful investigation reveals truth.C.prudent planning hinders.D.Extensive research helps decision-making.29.According to the author,what should the Administration do aboutA.Offer aid to build cleaner power plants.B.Raise public awareness of conservation.C.Press for further scientific research.D.Take some legislative measures.30.The author associates the issue of global warming with thatof smoking becauseA.they both suffered from the government's negligence.B.a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former.C.the outcome of the latter aggravates the former.D.both of them have turned from bad to worse.Text3Of all the components of a good night's sleep,dreams seem to be least within our control.In dreams,a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak.A century ago,Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears,by the late1970s. neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just“mental noise”the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep.Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind's emotional thermostat,regulating moods while the brainis“off-line”And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control,to help us sleep and feel better,“It's your dream”says Rosalind Cartwright,chair of psychology at Chicago's Medical Center.“If you don't like it,change it.”Evidence from brain imaging supports this view.The brain is as active during REM(rapid eye movement)sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fully awake,says Dr,Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh.But not all parts of the brain are equallyinvolved,the limbic system(the“emotional brain”)is especially active,while the prefrontal cortex(the center of intellect and reasoning)is relatively quiet.“We wake up from dreams happy of depressed,and those feelings can stay with us all day”says Stanford sleep researcher Dr,William Dement.And this process need not be left to the unconscious.Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams As soon as you awaken,identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead,the next time is occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course.With much practice people can learn to,literally,do it in their sleep.At the end of the day,there's probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping of“we wake u in a panic,”Cartwright says Terrorism,economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased people's anxiety.Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist For the rest of us,the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings.Sleep-or rather dream-on it and you'll feel better in the morning.31.Researchers have come to believe that dreamsA.can be modified in their courses.B.are susceptible to emotional changes.C.reflect our innermost desires and fears.D.are a random outcome of neural repairs.中国考博辅导首选学校32.By referring to the limbic system,the author intends to showA.its function in our dreams.B.the mechanism of REM sleep.C.the relation of dreams to emotions.D.its difference from the prefrontal cortex.33.The negative feelings generated during the day tend toA.aggravate in our unconscious mind.B.develop into happy dreams.C.persist till the time we fall asleep.D.show up in dreams early at night.34.Cartwright seems to suggest thatA.waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams.B.visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under con troll.C.dreams should be left to their natural progression.D.dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious.本文由“育明考博”整理编辑。



南京大学考博英语阅读理解及其解析A.Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented opportunities—as well as new and si gnificant risks.Civil right activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks,Hispanics and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is th at they lack of access to the sizable orders and subcontracts tha t are generated by large companies.Now Congress,in apparent agr eement,has required by law that businesses awarded federal contr acts of more than$500,000do their best to find minority subcon tractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with th e government.Indeed,some federal and local agencies have gone s o far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises.Corporate response appears to have been substantial.Accordin g to figures collected in1977,the total of corporate contracts Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu sa n qi with minority businesses rose from$77million in1972to 1. 1billion in1977.The projected total of corporate contracts wit h minority businesses for the early1980's is estimated to be ove r$3billion per year with no letup anticipated in the next decad e.Promising as it is for minority businesses,this increased pa tronage poses dangers for them,too.First,minority firms risk e xpanding too fast and overextending themselves financially,since most are small concerns and,unlike large businesses,they often need to make substantial investment in new plants,staff,equipm ent and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them. If,thereafter,their subcontracts are for some reason reduced,s uch firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses.The worl d of corporate purchasing can be frustrating for small entreprene urs who get requests for elaborate formal estimates and bids.Bot h consume valuable time and resources,and a small company's effo rts must soon result in orders,or both the morale and the financ ial health of the business will suffer.A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionment through formation of joint ven tures with minority-owned concerns.Of course,in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures;clearly,White a nd minority enterprises can team up to acquire business that neit her could acquire alone.But civil right groups and minority busi ness owners have complained to Congress about minorities being se t up as“fronts”with White backing,rather than being accepted as full partners in legitimate joint ventures.Third,a minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often runs the danger of becoming and remaining dependent.Even in the best of circumstances,fierce com petition from larger,more established companies makes it difficu lt for small concerns to broaden their customer bases;when such firms have nearly guaranteed orders from a single corporate benef actor,they may truly have to struggle against complacency arisin g from their current success.(469words)Notes:civil rights activists公民权利激进分子。




例如: She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising.她闻到有东西在燃烧并看到有烟升起来了。

I watched them rehearsing the play.我看他们排演戏。

I could feel the wind blowing on my face.我能感觉到风在我脸上吹过。


例如:I caught them stealing my apples.我抓住他们偷我的苹果。

If she catches me reading her diary,she’ll be furious.如果她抓住我偷看她的日记,她会愤怒的。

We found him waiting to receive us.我们发现他正等着接待我们。

(3)go +现在分词表示“从事…”之意,这时现在分词做主语补语。


如:jogging慢跑,fishing钓鱼,dancing跳舞,skating溜冰,bowling 打保龄球,shopping 购物,sightseeing游览,camping露营。

I’ll go camping tomorrow.我明天去露营。

I’ll go shopping.我去商店。

Would you like to go skating with me?你想和我去溜冰吗?(4)be busy + v-ing(现在分词)忙着做…I am busy writing my thesis.我正忙着写论文。



2015年博士生入学考试外语真题中国社会科学院研究生院2015年攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试卷英语2015年3月14 日8:30 – 11:30PART I: Vocabulary and GrammarSection A (10 points)Directions: Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.1. Even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured. Power in Washington is ______________ and horizontally spread out.a. prudentb. reversiblec. diffused. mandatory2. In describing the Indians of the various sections of the United States at different stages in their history, some of the factors which account for their similarity amid difference can be readily accounted for, others are difficult to _______________.a. refineb. discernc. embedd. cluster3. The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster, implemented by T ony Blair, wasdesigned to give the other members of the club a bigger ______________ and to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.a. sayb. transmissionc. decayd. contention4. It can hardly be denied the proliferation of so-called dirty books and films has, to date, reached almost a saturation point. People do not acknowledge the _______________ fact that children are bound to be exposed to ―dirty words‖in a myriad of ways other than through the public airwaves.a.i rrefutableb. concretec. inevitabled. haphazard5. A condition is an essential term of the contract. If a contract is not performed, it may constitute a substantial breach of contract and allow the other party to _______________ the contract, that is, treat the contract as discharged or terminated.a. repudiateb. spurnc. declined. halt6. Each of us shares with the community in which we live a store of words as well as agreed conventions ______________ these words should be arranged to convey a particular message. a. as the way by which b. by the way in whichc. as to the way in whichd. in the way of which7. Rarely ______________ a technological development _______________ an impact on many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development as greatly as the growth of electronics.a. has… hadb. had…hadc. has…hasd. have…had8. If early humans ______________ as much as they did, they probably ______________ to evolve into different species.a. did not move and intermingle…would continueb. would not move and intermingle…had continuedc. had not moved and intermingled…would have continuedd. were not to move and intermingle…could have continued9. It was ______________ the last time around the track ______________ I really kicked itin--passing the gossiping girlfriends, blocking out the whistles of boys who had already completed their run and now were hanging out on the grassy hill, I ran--pushing hard, breathing shallowly, knowing full well that I was going to have to hear about it from my disapproving friends for the next few days.a. not until…whenb. not until…thatc. until…whend. until…that10.One impediment ______________ the general use of a standard in pronunciation is the fact ______________ pronunciation is learnt naturally and unconsciously, while orthography is learnt deliberately and consciously.a. in…whichb. of …in whichc. on…thatd. to…thatSection B (5 points)Directions: Choose the word that is the closest in meaning with the underlined word.11. It is some 15 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims swept up in a tumultuous shuffle of citizensbetween India and Pakistan after the partition of the subcontinent in 1947.a. divisionb. turmoilc. fusiond. consolidation12. Concerning speculation, philosophy looks upon things from the broadest possible perspective;for criticism, it has the twofold role of questioning and judging everything that pertains either to the foundations or to the superstructure of human thinking.a. inebriatesb. forsakesc. relatesd. emaciates13. Meeting is, in fact, a necessary though not necessarily productive psychological side show.Perhaps it is our civilized way to moderating,if not preventing, change.a. promotingb. impedingc. temperingd. arresting14. The truth about alliances and their merit probably lies somewhere between the travel utopiapresented by the players and the evil empires portrayed bytheir critics.a. collaborationb. worthc. triumphd. defect15. But Naifeh and Smith reveal a keen intellect, an avid reader and a passionate observer of otherartists’ work who progressed from labored figure studies to inspir ed outbursts of creative energy.Far from an artistic flash in the pan, he pursued his calling with dogged determination against nearly insurmountable odds.a. insuperableb. unsurpassablec. uncountabled. invaluableSection C (5 points)Directions: Choose the letter that indicates the error in the sentence.16.One of the most important non-legislative functions of the U.S. Congress is the power toinvestigate, which is usually delegated to committees—either standing committees, specialA Bcommittees set for a specific purpose, or joint committees consisting of members of bothC Dhouses.17.One of the important corollaries to the investigative power is the power to publicizeinvestigations and their results. Most committee hearings areopen to public and are reportedA Bwidely in the mass media. Congressional investigations thus represent one important toolCavailable to lawmakers to inform the citizenry and to arouse public interest in national issues.D18.It is not a voice we recognize at once, whereas our own handwriting is something which weA Balmost always know. We begin the natural learning of pronunciation long before we start Clearning to read or write, and in our early years we go on unconsciously imitating andDpracticing the pronunciation of those around us for many hours everyday.19. It had happened too often that the farmers sold their wheat soon after harvest when farm debtsAwere coming due, only to see prices rising and speculators getting rich. On various occasions,Bproducer groups, asked firmer control, but the government had no wish to become involved, atCleast not until wartime when wheat prices threatened to run wild.D20.Detailed studies of the tribe by the food scientists at the University of London showed thatAgathering is a more productive source of food than is hunting. An hour of hunting yields onB Caverage about 100 edible calories as an hour of gathering produces 240.DPART II: Reading comprehension (30 points)Directions: Choose the best answers based on the information in the passages below. Passage 1Plato’s Republic has been the source of great consternation, especially in literary circles, for itsattack on the poets. Socrates in fact asserts that they should have no place in the ideal state. Eric Havelock suggests that there are several misunderstandings in this regard, and in his Preface to Plato he identifies the issues, explains the historical context.Havelock opens his discussion by suggesting that the very title of the Republic is the source of much confusion. The book is commonly understood to be a treatise on the ideal political entity, but even a casual analysis will show that only one-third of the text is concerned with statecraft. The other two-thirds cover a variety of su bjects, but the thrust of Plato’s argument amounts to an attack on the traditional Greek approach to education.The educational methods still in use in the 4th century BC had their origins in what has been called the Greek Dark Age beginning around 1200 BC when the Mycenaean era collapsed. Very little is known about the whys and wherefores of this collapse, but it wasn’t until around 700 BC that the Phoenicianalphabet began to be adapted and used in the Greek-speaking world. During the intervening centuries, all knowledge concerning Greek history, culture, mores and laws were orally transmitted down through the generations. The most effective device in aid of memorizing vast amounts of information was rhyme. The epic form we see in Homer’s Iliad grew out of the need to preserve the Greek cultural memory. Havelock takes the reader through Book 1 of The Iliad and dissects it in detail to show how this cultural, historical and ethical heritage was conveyed. The Iliad takes on new and significant meaning to the reader of this minute examination.The Iliad and presumably other poetic vehicles were taught to children from an early age. The whole of the Greek-speaking world was immersed in the project of memorizing, and out of the masses arose those individuals with superior memories and theatrical skills who became the next generation of minstrels and teachers. Education was thus comprised of memorization and rote learning, and the people enjoyed constant reminders through public readings and festivals.Plato’s focus in the Republic and elsewhere is on Homer and Hesiod and to some extent the dramatists which at the time were the centerpieces of the educational regime. Their works presented gods and heroes as fundamentally immoral and thus bad examples for youth. The overall result is that the Greek adolescent is continually conditioned to an attitude which at bottom is cynical. It is more important to keep up appearances than to practice the reality. Decorum and decent behavior are not obviously violated, but the inner principle of morality is. Once the Republic is viewed as a critique of the educational regime, Havelock says that the logic of its total organization becomesclear.What Pl ato was railing against was an ―oral state of mind‖ which seems to have persisted even though the alphabet and written documentation had been in use for three centuries. Illiteracy was thus stil l a widespread problem in Plato’s time, and the poetic state of mind was the main obstacle to scientific rationalism and analysis. This is why Plato regarded the poetic or oral state of mind as the arch-enemy. In his teachings he did the opposite. He ask ed his students to ―think about what they were sa ying instead of just saying it.‖The epic had become, in Plato’s view, not ―an act of creation bu t an act of reminder and recall‖ and cont ributed to what Havelock terms ―the Homeric state of mind.‖It was So crates’project (and by extension Plato’s) to reform Greek education to encourage thinking and analysis. Thus all the ranting and railing about the ―poets‖ in Plato’s Republic was limited basically to Homer and Hesiod because of what he viewed as a wholly inadequate approach to education of which these particular poets were an integral part.Unfortunately, Western culture has misconstrued wh at Plato and Socrates meant by ―the poets.‖And because we view poetry as a highly creative and elevated form of expression, our critics have failed to recognize that Plato’s diatribe had a very specific and limited target which had nothing to do with high-minded creativity, of which there is plenty, by the way, in the proscribed poet s. It wasn’t really the poets who were the problem; it was the use of them that was deemed unacceptable.Post-Havelock, we can now read the Republic with the scales lifted from our eyes and see it for what it really was: an indictment of an antiquated educational regime which had no place in a democratic society.Comprehension Questions:21. The mistaken understanding of Plato's Republic consists in the widespread belief that it consistsof _______________.a.literary criticismb. a treatise on the ideal polityc. a critique of rationalismd. an indictment of an obsolete pedagogy22. According to Havelock, Plato’s anger with the poets arose from:I: Their representation of gods and heroes as fundamentally immoral and thus bad examples for youth.II: Their transmission of culture, mores and laws.a. I.b. II.c. Both I and II.d. Neither I nor II.23. Prior to the 4th century BC, recitation was considered the best educational method because______________.a.poetry was seen as a highly creative and elevated form of expressionb.rhyme was the most effective device in aid of memorizing vast amounts of informationc.there was no writing systemd.the people enjoyed constant reminders through public readings and festivals24. In Plato's diatribe the poetic or oral state of mind is the arch-enemy of _______________.a.democratic societyb. the Mycenaean Republicc .the Phoenicians d. literacy25. A common critique of the present-day Chinese educational system resembles the educationalsystem that Plato fulminated against in that it often _______________.a.asks students to think about what they were saying instead of just saying it/doc/8e18884558.htmlprises of memorization and rote learningc.has a very specific and limited targetd.encourages thinking and analysisPassage 2To govern is to choose how the revenue raised from taxes is spent. So far so good, or bad. But some people earn more money than others. Should they pay proportionately more money to the government than those who earn less? And if they do pay more money are they entitled to more services than those who pay less or those who pay nothing at all? And should those who pay nothing at all because they have nothing get anything? These matters are of irritable concern to ourrulers, and of some poignancy to the rest.Although the equality of each citizen before the law is the rock upon which the American Constitution rests, economic equality has never been an American ideal. In fact, it is the one unmentionable subject in our politics, as the senator from South Dakota recently discovered when he came up with a few quasi-egalitarian tax reforms. The furious and enduring terror of Communism in America is not entirely the work of those early cold warriors Truman and Acheson.A dislike of economic equality is something deep-grained in the American Protestant character. After all, given a rich empty continent for vigorous Europeans to exploit (the Indians were simply a disagreeable part of the emptiness, like chiggers), any man of gumption could make himself a good living. With extra hard work, any man could make himself a fortune, proving that he was a better man than the rest. Long before Darwin the American ethos was Darwinian.The vision of the rich empty continent is still a part of the American unconscious in spite of the Great Crowding and its attendant miseries; and this lingering belief in the heaven any man can make for himself through hard work and clean living is a key to the majority’s prevailing and apparently unalterable hatred of the poor, kept out of sight at home, out of mind abroad.Yet there has been, from the beginning, a significant division in our ruling class. The early Thomas Jefferson had a dream: a society of honest yeomen, engaged in agricultural pursuits, without large cities, heavy industry, banks, military pretensions. The early (and the late) Alexander Hamilton wanted industry, banks, cities, and a military force capable of making itself felt in world politics. It is a nice irony that so many of toda y’s laissez-faire conservatives think that they descend from Hamilton, the proponent of a strong federal government, and that so many liberals believe themselves to be the heirs of the early Jefferson, who wanted little more than a police force and a judiciary. Always practical, Jefferson knew that certain men would rise through their own good efforts while, sadly, others would fall. Government would do no more than observe this Darwinian spectacle benignly, and provide no succor.In 1800 the Hamiltonian view was rejected by the people andtheir new President Thomas Jefferson. Four years later, the Hamiltonian view had prevailed and was endorsed by the reelected Jefferson. Between 1800 and 1805 Jefferson had seen to it that an empire in posse had become an empire in esse. The difference between Jefferson I and Jefferson II is reflected in the two inaugural addresses.It is significant that nothing more elevated than greed changed the Dr. Jekyll of Jefferson I into the Mr. Hyde of Jefferson II. Like his less thoughtful countrymen, Jefferson could not resist a deal. Subverting the Constitution he had helped create, Jefferson bought Louisiana from Napoleon, acquiring its citizens without their consents. The author of the Declaration of Independence was quite able to forget the unalienable rights of anyone whose property he thought should be joined to our empire—a word which crops up frequently and unselfconsciously in his correspondence.In the course of land-grabbing, Jefferson II managed to get himself into hot water with France, England, and Spain simultaneously, a fairly astonishing thing to do considering the state of politics in Napoleonic Europe.Comprehension Questions:26. The author believes that Americans ________________.a. still believe America to be largely unpopulatedb. largely believe in lower taxationc. are in favor of taxation without representationd. should reconsider the Louisiana purchase27. From the passage, we may assume that the senator from South Dakota _______________.a. opposed tax reformb. was Thomas Jeffersonc. failed in his attempt to reform tax lawd. was Alexander Hamilton28. Jefferson made it possible for ________________.a. a potential empire to become a real oneb. tax laws to reflect the will of the peoplec. France, England, and Spain to simultaneously vacillate upon their mutual feelings towardsthe United States.d. Darwinian social theories to be accepted without question29. Jefferson’s early political writings espoused what would today b e called _______________.a. collectivismb. libertarianismc. socialismd. liberalism30. The author holds that Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana territories _______________.a. may be seen as a hypocritical actb. rigorously held with his previous views of inalienable rightsc. cannot be seen as an act of empire-expansiond. was an act meant to lower taxes and improve the wealth of the nationPassage 3If, besides the accomplishments of being witty and ill-natured, a man is vicious into the bargain, he is one of the most mischievous creatures that can enter into a civil society. His satire will then chiefly fall upon those who ought to be the most exempt from it. Virtue, merit, and everything that is praiseworthy, will be made the subject of ridicule and buffoonery. It is impossible to enumerate the evils which arise from these arrowsthat fly in the dark; and I know no other excuse that is or can be made for them, than that the wounds they give are only imaginary, and produce nothing more than a secret shame or sorrow in the mind of the suffering person. It must indeed be confessed that a lampoon or a satire do not carry in them robbery or murder; but at the same time, how many are there that would not rather lose a considerable sum of money, or even life itself, than be set up as a mark of infamy and derision? And in this case a man should consider that an injury is not to be measured by the notions of him that gives, but of him that receives it. Those who can put the best countenance upon the outrages of this nature which are offered them, are not without their secret anguish. I have often observed a passage in Socrates’ behavio r at his death in a light wherein none of the critics have considered it. That excellent man entertaining his friends a little before he drank the bowl of poison, with a discourse on the immortality of the soul, at his entering upon it says that he does not believe any the most comic genius can censure him for talking upon such a subject at such at a time. This passage, I think, evidently glances upon Aristophanes, who write a comedy on purpose to ridicule the discourses of that divine philosopher. It has been observed by many writers that Socrates was so little moved at this piece of buffoonery, that he was several times present at its being acted upon the stage, and never expressed the least resentment of it. But, with submission, I think the remark I have here made shows us that this unworthy treatment made an impression uponhis mind, though he had been too wise to discover it. When Julius Caesar was lampooned by Catullus, he invited him to a supper, and treated him with such a generous civility, that hemade the poet his friend ever after. Cardinal Mazarine gave the same kind of treatment to the learned Quillet, who had reflected upon his eminence in a famous Latin poem. The cardinal sent for him, and, after some kind expostulations upon what he had written, assured him of his esteem, and dismissed him with a promise of the next good abbey that should fall, which he accordingly conferred upon him in a few months after. This had so good an effect upon the author, that he dedicated the second edition of his book to the cardinal, after having expunged the passages which had given him offence. Though in the various examples which I have here drawn together, these several great men behaved themselves very differently towards the wits of the age who had reproached them, they all of them plainly showed that they were very sensible of their reproaches, and consequently that they received them as very great injuries. For my own part, I would never trust a man that I thought was capable of giving these secret wounds; and cannot but think that he would hurt the person, whose reputation he thus assaults, in his body or in his fortune, could he do it with the same security. There is indeed something very barbarous and inhuman in the ordinary scribblers of lampoons. I have indeed heard of heedless, inconsiderate writers that, without any malice, have sacrificed the reputation of their friends and acquaintance to a certain levity of temper, and a silly ambition of distinguishing themselves by a spirit of raillery and satire; as if it were not infinitely more honourable to be a good-natured man than a wit. Where there is this little petulant humor in an author, he is often very mischievous without designing to be so.Comprehension Questions:31. According to the author, those who want to trivializesatire tend to suggest that_______________.a. the damage is immaterialb. the effect is mere buffooneryc. wit is a streak of geniusd. the mischief must be taken in a spirit of raillery32. What would be the best strategy for the object of satire to adopt, according to the author?a. To take no heed.b. To placate the author.c. To take offence.d. To suffer the consequences.33. The main purpose of this article is ________________.a. the derision of the perpetrators of satireb. a warning against mischievous scribblersc. creating understanding of the genred. reproaching fellow satirists34. When the author speaks of ―this little petulant humor‖it is evident that he means________________.a. good-natured witb. the choleric temperc. a silly ambitiond. submission35. In view of the opinion of the author, it is unlikely that the author is a ________________.a. man of lettersb. satiristc. witd. a good-natured man Passage 4Alexander the Great’s conquests in the Eastern Mediterranean initiated a series of profound cultural transformations in the ancient centers of urban civilization of the Fertile Crescent. The final destruction of native rule and the imposition of an alien elite culture instigated a cultural discourse—Hellenism—which irrevocably marked all participants, both conquerors and conquered. This discourse was particularly characterized by a transformation of indigenous cultural traditions, necessitated by their need to negotiate their place in a new social order. As Bowerstock has argued, the process of Hellenization did not accomplish the wholesale replacement of indigenous cultural traditions with Greek civilization. Instead, it provided a new cultural vocabulary through which much pre-existing cultural tradition was often able to find new expression. This phenomenon is especially intriguing as it relates to language and literacy. The ancient civilizations of the Syro-Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultural spheres were, of course, literate, possessing indigenous literary traditions already of great antiquity at the time of the Macedonian conquests. The disenfranchisement of traditional elites by the imposition of Greek rule had the related effect of displacing many of the traditional social structures where in indigenous literacy functioned and was taught—in particular, the institutions of the palace and the temple. A new language of power, Greek, replaced the traditional language of these institutions. This had the unavoidable effect of displacing the traditional writing systems associated with these indigenous languages. Traditional literacy’s longstanding association with the centers of social and political authority began to be eroded.Naturally, the eclipse of traditional, indigenous literacy did not occur overnight. The decline of Cuneiform and Hieroglyphicliteracies was a lengthy process. Nor was the nature of their respective declines identical. Akkadian, the ancient language of Mesopotamian court and temple culture, vanished forever, along with cuneiform writing, in the first century CE. Egyptian lived on beyond the disappearance of hieroglyphic in the fourth century CE in the guise of Coptic, to succumb as a living, spoken language of daily social intercourse only after the Islamic conquest of Egypt. Even then, Coptic survives to this day as the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church. This latter point draws attention to an aspect of the decline of these indigenous literacies worthy of note: it is in the sphere of religion that these literacies are often preserved longest, after they have been superseded in palace circles—the last dated cuneiform text we have is an astrological text; the last dated hieroglyphic text a votive graffito. This should cause little surprise. The sphere of religion is generally one of the most conservative of cultural subsystems. The local need to negotiate the necessities of daily life and individual and collective identity embodied in traditional religious structures is slow to change and exists in ongoing dialogue with the more readily changeable royal and/or state ideologies that bind various locales together in an institutional framework.The process of ―Hellenization‖ of the an cient cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean provides us, then, with an opportunity to observe the on-going effect on traditional, indigenous literacy of the imposition of a new status language possessed of its own distinct writing system. The cultural politics of written and spoken language-use in such contexts has been much discussed and it is clear that the processes leading to the adoption of a new language—in written form, or spoken form, or both—in some cultural spheres and the retention of traditional languages inothers are complex. Factors including the imposition of a new language from above, adoption of a new language of social prestige from below, as well as preservation of older idioms of traditional statusin core cultural institutions, must have affected different sectors of a conquered society in different fashions and at different rates.Comprehension Questions:36. The languages that have to some extent managed to survive Hellenization did so in what area?a. In palace circles.b. In governmental institutions.c. In the religious sphere.d. In philological circles.37. Which aspect of society, according to the passage, is one of the most resistant to change?a. Monarchical institutions.b. Religious institutions.c. Linguistic norms.d. State ideologies.38. In the first paragraph, you saw the underlined word disenfranchisement. Choose, among thefollowing expressions, the closest in similar meaning.a. the removal of power, right and/or privilegeb. a strong sense of disappointmentc. the prohibition of the right to conduct businessd. the loss of social position39. Who was the leader of the Macedonian Conquest?a. King Philip of Macedon.b. Pericles of Athens.。



南京大学考博英语-5(总分78,考试时间90分钟)Part Ⅰ V ocabularyPart A1. The editorial described drug abuse as the greatest calamity of our age.A. catalystB. disasterC. casualtyD. retaliation2. Scientific evidence from different disciplines demonstrates that in most humans the left half of the brain controls language.A. fields of studyB. groups of expertsC. seminarsD. regulations3. The new administration will adopt a policy of laissez-faire toward industry.A. encouragementB. limitationC. noninterferenceD. interference4. Even after ten years her name conjures up such beautiful memories.A. covers upB. revealsC. brings to mindD. makes up5. The conquerors stole not only the gold and silver that were needed to replenish the badly depleted treasure but also the supplies that were vital to the nation.A. substituteB. recollectC. restockD. resume6. The Chisos Mountains in Big Bend National Park in Texas were created by volcanic eruptions that occurred ______.A. the area in which dinosaurs roamedB. when dinosaurs roamed the areaC. did dinosaurs roam the areaD. dinosaurs roaming the area7. Until she was 11 years old, Elizabeth Barrett Browning was confined to her home by her tyrannical father.A. constrictedB. drawnC. tiedD. restricted8. ______ three times in a row, the boxer decided to give up fighting.A. Because having been defeatedB. Because being defeatedC. Having been defeatedD. Having defeated9. ______ initial recognition while still quite young.A. Most famous scientists achievedB. That most famous scientists schievedC. Most famous scientists who achievedD. For most famous scientists to achieve10. Human population growth is a menace to nonhuman life forms on our planet.A. hindranceB. misfortuneC. catastropheD. threatPart B1. Geologists (at) the Hawaiian V olcano Observatory (rely on) (a number of) instruments to (studying) the volcanoes in Hawaii.A. atB. rely onC. a number ofD. studying2. (Depictions) of animals and hunting scenes (can found) (in) the prehistoric cave paintings of (nearly every) continent.A. DepictionsB. can foundC. inD. nearly every3. Dams vary (in size) (from small rock barriers to) concrete structures (many feet) (height).A. in sizeB. from small rock barriers toC. many feetD. height4. (After having studied) (so hard) for more than two months, he (felt confidently) of (success).A. After having studiedB. so hardC. felt confidentlyD. success5. Dams vary (in size) (from small rock barriers to) concrete structures (many feet) (height).A. in sizeB. from small rock barriers toC. many feetD. height6. (Depictions) of animals and hunting scenes (can found) (in) the prehistoric cave paintings of (nearly every) continent.A. DepictionsB. can foundC. inD. nearly every7. Some (research) suggests (what) there is a (link between) the body"s calcium balance (and) tooth decay.A. researchB. whatC. link betweenD. and8. Dams vary (in size) (from small rock barriers to) concrete structures (many feet) (height).A. in sizeB. from small rock barriers toC. many feetD. height9. Perhaps the most typically American (types) of feature movie, the western, (has been) a resurgence (in) popularity (in recent years).A. typesB. has beenC. inD. in recent years10. Crustaceans, (alike) insects, are invertebrate animals (that) (possess) external (skeletons).A. alikeB. thatC. possessD. skeletonsPart Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionAs a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone. But an increasing number of Europeans are choosing to be so at an ever earlier age. This isn"t the stuff of gloomy philosophicalcontemplations, but a fact of Europe"s new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists, real-estate developers and ad executives alike. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the "irresistible momentum of individualism" over the last century. **munications revolution, the shift from a business culture of stability to one of mobility and the mass entry of women into the workforce have greatly wreaked havoc on Europeans" private byes.Europe"s new economic climate has largely fosterd the trend toward independence, the current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe"s shift from social democracy to the sharper, more individualistic climate of American-style capitalism. Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice, today"s tech-savvy workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics. Modern Europeans are rich enough to afford to live alone, and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so.Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage-twentysometing professionals or widowed senior citizens, while pensioners, particularly elderly women, make up a large proportion of those living alone, the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a lifestyle choice. Living alone was conceived to be negative-dark and cold, while being together suggested warmth and light. But then came along the idea of singles. They were young, beautiful, strong! Now, young people want to live alone.The booming economy means people are working harder than ever. And that doesn"t leave much room for relationships. Pirnpi Arroyo, a 35-year-**poser who lives alone in a house in Paris, says he hasn"t got time to get lonely becanse he has too much work. "I have deadlines which would make life with someone else fairly difficult. Only an Iddeal Woman would make him change his lifestyle," he says. Kaufmann, author of a recent book called "The Single Woman and Prince Charming", thinks this fierce new individualism means that people expext morn and more of mates, so relationships don"t last long--if they start at all. Eppendorf, a blond Berliner with a deep tan, teaches grade school in the mornings. In the afternoon she sunbarthes or sleeps, resting up for going dancing. Just shy of 50, she says she"d never have wanted to do what her mother did--give up a career to raise a family. Instead, "I"ve always done what I wanted to do: live a self-determined life."1. More and more young Europeans remain single because ______.A. they have entered the workforce at a much earlier ageB. they are pessimistic about their economic futureC. they have embraced a business culture of stabilityD. they are driven by an overwhelming sense of individualism2. What is said about Europan society in the passage?A. It is getting closer to American-style capitalismB. It has limited consumer"s choice despite a free marketC. It is being threatened by irresistible privatizationD. It has fostered the trend towards small families3. According to Paragraph 3, the newest group of singles are ______.A. negative and gloomyB. on either side of marriageC. healthy and wealthyD. warm and lighthearted4. The author quotes Eppendorf to show that ______.A. some modern women prefer a life of individual freedomB. most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptableC. some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonelyD. the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day, Europe5. What is the author"s purpose in writing the passage?A. To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualismB. To examine the trend of young people living aloneC. To stress the rebuilding of personal relationshipsD. To review the impact of women becoming high earnersIs language, like food, a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of life can be starved and damaged? Judging from the drastic experiment of Frederick II in the thirteenth century, it may be hoping to discover what language a child would speak if he heard no mother tongue, he told the nurses to keep silent.All the infants died before the first year. But clearly there was more than lack of language here. What was missing was good mothering. Without good mothering, in the first year of life especially, the capacity to survive is seriously affected.Today no such severe lack exists as that ordered by Frederick. Nevertheless, some children are still backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ. At twelve weeks a baby smiles and makes vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he can speak simple words and understand **mands; at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of three to fifty words. At three he knows about 1 000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four his language differs from that of his parents in style rather than grammar.Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak. What is special about man"s brain, compared with that of the monkey, is **plex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a toy bear with the sound pattern "toy-bear". And even more incredible is the young brain"s ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him, to analyze, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways.But speech has to be induced, and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, where the mother recognizes the signals in the child"s babbling, grasping and smiling, and responds to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dulls the interaction because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity to the child"s non-verbal signals is essential to the growth and development of language.6. The purpose of Frederick II"s experiment was______A. to prove that children are born with the ability to speakB. to discover what language a child would speak without hearing any human speechC. to find out what role careful nursing would play in teaching a child to speakD. to prove that a child could be damaged without learning a language7. The reason some children are backward in speaking is most probably that______A. they are incapable of learning language rapidlyB. they are exposed to too much language at onceC. their mothers respond inadequately to their attempts to speakD. their mothers are not intelligent enough to help them8. Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage?A. The faculty of speech is inborn in manB. Encouragement is anything but essential to a child in language learningC. Human brain is capable of language analysis at very early ageD. Most children learn their language in definite stages9. If a child starts to speak later than others, he will ______ in the future.A. have a high IQB. be insensitive to verbal signalsC. be less intelligentD. not necessarily be backwardThe growth of cell-phone users in the U.S. has tapered off from the breakneck pace of 50% annually in the late 1990s to what analysts project will be a 15% to 20% rise in 2002, and no more than that in 2003. To some extent, numerous surveys have found, slower growth in demand reflects consumer disillusionment with just about every aspect of cell-phone service—its reliability, quality, and notorious customer service.The cooling off in demand threatens to cascade through the industry: The big four U.S. cell-phone carders—Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, AT&T Wireless, Sprint imperil their timetables for becoming profitable, not to mention their efforts to whittle down their mountains of debt. As the carders have begun to cut costs, wireless- equipment **panies such as Lucent, Nokia, and Ericsson—have been left with a market that"s bound to be smaller than they had anticipated. Handset makers have been insulated so far, but they, too, face a nagging uncertainty. They"ll soon introduce advanced phones to the U.S. market that will run on the new networks the carders are starting up over the next year or two. But the question then will be: Will Americans embrace these snazzy data features—and their higher costs—with the wild enthusiasm that Europeans and Asians have?Long before the outcome in clear, the industry will have to adopt a new mind-set. "In the old days, it was all about connectivity." says Andrew Cole, an analyst with wireless consultancy Adventis. Build the network, and customers **e. From now on, the stakes will be higher. The new mantra: Please customers, or you may not survive.To work their way out of this box, the carders are spending huge sums to address the problem. Much of Sprint PCS"s $ 3.4 billion in capital outlays this year will be for new stations. And in fact, the new high-speed, high-capacity nationwide networks due to roll out later this year should help ease the calling-capacity crunch that has caused many **plaints. In the meantime, **panies are using better training and organization to keep customers happy.The nation"s largest rural operator, Alltel (AT), recently reorganized its call centers so that a customer"s query goes to the first operator who"s available anywhere in the country, instead of the first one available in the customer"s home area. That should cut waiting time to one minute from three to five minutes previously.10. What is the text mainly about?A. The bad service in the UB. The crisis in the UC. The conflicts among cell-**panies in the UD. The price of the U11. The growth of cell-phone users declines because______.A. cell-phones are unreliableB. cell-phones usually have poor qualityC. the customer service is badD. customers are not satisfied with cell-phone service12. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that______.A. the price war will reverse the present situationB. the wireless equipment makers will try to improve the original networksC. the handset makers will produce new phones with high technologyD. the Europeans are enthusiastic about the new advanced cell-phones13. According to the author, the cell-phone industry must adopt a mind-set in order to______.A. have better training and organizationB. become an indispensable part in people"s lifeC. build more advanced and efficient networksD. help customers to choose proper service14. In order to work their way out of the box, Sprint PCS and Alttel are taking measures to______.A. design new advanced cell-phones in attractive formB. reduce costs and improve the efficiency of networksC. offer the customers better services and satisfy their needsD. arrange the call centers to reduce the customer"s waiting timeAsk an American schoolchild what he or she is learning in school these days and you might even get a reply, provided you ask it in Spanish. But don"t bother, here"s the answer: Americans nowadays are not learning any of the things that we learned in our day, like reading and writing. Apparently these are considered fusty old subjects, invented by white males to oppress women and minorities.What are they learning? In a Vermont college town I found the answer sitting in a toy store book rack, next to typical kids" books like "Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy Is Dysfunctional." It"s a teacher"s guide called "Happy To Be Me", subtitled "Building Self-Esteem."Self-esteem, as it turns out, is a big subject in American classrooms. Many American schools see building it as important as teaching reading and writing. They call it "whole language" teaching borrowing terminology from the granola people to compete in the education marketplace.No one ever spent a moment building my self-esteem when ! was in school. In fact, from the day I first stepped inside a classroom my self-esteem was one big demolition site. All that mattered was "the subject," be it geography, history, or mathematics. I was praised when I remembered that "near", "fit", "friendly", "pleasing", "like" and their opposites took the dative case in Latin. I was reviled when I forgot what a cosine was good for. Generally I lived my school years beneath a torrent of castigation so consistent I eventually ceased to hear it, as people who live near the sea eventually stop hearing the waves.Schools have changed. Reviling is out. For one thing more important, subjects have changed.Whereas I learned English, modem kids learn something called "language skills". Whereas I learned writing, modem kids learn something called "communication". Communication, the book tells us, is seven per cent words, 23 per cent facial expression, 20 per cent tone of voice, and 50 per cent body language. So this column, with its carefully chosen words, would earn me at most a grade of seven per cent. That is, if the school even gave out something as oppressive and demanding as grades.The result is that, in place of English classes, American children are getting a course in How to Win Friends and Influence People. Consider the new attitude toward journal writing: I remember one high school English class when we were required to keep a journal. The idea was to emulate those great writers who confided in diaries searching their souls and honing their critical thinking on paper."Happy To Be Me" states that journals are a great way for students to get in touch with their feelings. Tell students they can write one sentence or a whole page. Reassure them that no one, not even you, will read what they write. After the unit, hopefully all students will be feeling good about themselves and will want to share some of their entries with the class.There was a time when no self-respecting book for English teachers would use "great" or "hopefully" that way. Moreover, back then the purpose of English courses (an antique term for "unit") was not to help students "feel good about themselves," which is good, because all that reviling didn"t make me feel particularly good about anything.15. which of the following does the writer imply in paragraph 5 (starting with "Schools have changed.")?A. Self-criticism has gone too farB. Communication is a **prehensive category than language skillsC. Evaluating criteria are inappropriate nowadaysD. This column does not meet the demanding evaluating criteria of today16. Which of the following does the writer suggest in this passage?A. Grades should not be used to discourage studentsB. Reviling does not inevitably result in low self-esteemC. School subjects are treated more seriously todayD. Kids nowadays are encouraged to be self-critical17. How would you describe the writer"s attitude towards the new idea about journal writing?A. ApprovingB. IndifferentC. SarcasticD. Curious18. The writer"s intention in writing the passage is to______A. criticize the lowering educational requirements on kids todayB. introduce the educational reforms in the past generationC. make a comparison of the old curriculum and the new oneD. commend the progress achieved in school educationPerhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful, or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values that we unquestionably accept are false. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions ofscience; A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley, and people were aware of famine before Swift. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of expression, the satire method, that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are morally wholesome or ethically instructive. They are stimulating and refreshing because **monsense briskness they brush away illusions and secondhand opinions. With spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into **bination, and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.Satire exists because there is need for it. It has lived because the readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus, an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth, though rarely to any action on behalf of truth. Satire tends to remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in popular media is hypocritical, sentimental, and only partially true. Life resembles in only a slight degree the popular image of it. Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to them, nor do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unselfish service of humanity. Intelligent people know these things but tend to forget them when they do not hear them expressed.19. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Difficulties of writing satiric literatureB. Popular topics of satireC. New philosophies emerging from satiric literatureD. Reasons for the popularity of satire20. Why does the author mention Don Quixote, Brave New World and A Modest proposal in the first paragraph?A. They are famous examples of satiric literatureB. They **monsense solutions to problemsC. They are appropriate for readers of all agesD. They are books with similar stories21. Which of the following can be found in satiric literature?A. Newly emerging philosophiesB. **bination of objects and ideasC. Abstract discussion of morals and ethicsD. Wholesome characters who are unselfish22. According to the passage, there is a need for satire because people need to be______A. informed about new scientific developmentB. exposed to original philosophies when they are formulatedC. reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurateD. told how they can be of service to **munitiesPart Ⅲ TranslationPart A1. Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and what it can do for us now than formerly. Summer homes, European vacations, travel, BMW"s -- such items do not seem less in demand than they did a decade or two years ago. What has happened is that people cannot admit their dreams as easily and openly as they once could, lest they be thought of as pushing, acquisitive, and vulgar. For such people and many more perhaps not so outstanding, the proper action seems to be, "Succeed at all costs but refrain from appearing ambitious." The attacks on ambition are many **e from various angles, while its public defenders are few and ineffective. As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and cultivated in the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States. This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its urges, but only that since it is no longer openly honored, it is therefore less often openly professed. Consequences follow from this, of course, some of which are that ambition is driven underground or made devious.Part B1. 当时我们所面临的最关键的问题是熟练劳动力的缺乏,用以培训这种劳动力的大学师资不足,以及我们的大学中由于用于教育和科研的师资和现代化设备短缺造成和研究能力衰退。



南京大学考博英语-2(总分100,考试时间90分钟)Section Ⅰ Structure and V ocabularyPart ADirections: In questions 1-15, each sentence has an underlined word. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best matches the underlined word. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. Hitler sought to annihilate resistance movements throughout Europe.A. exterminateB. exceedC. excludeD. expel2. The young man was so bashful that he did not speak to the pretty girl.A. haughtyB. shyC. indifferentD. upset3. Mrs. Mary wore a string of beads around her neck.A. small pieces of goldB. small balls of precious stonesC. small pieces of woodD. small balls of glass4. I didn't stop at John's house because he had visitors, and I didn't want to butt in.A. intrudeB. incurC. inferD. intercept5. John's ideas about how to solve the problem were so cogent that I had to agree with him.A. chronicB. cavernousC. convincingD. choral6. He has got too much ______to worry about your problem.A. on his mindB. out of mindC. off his mindD. to his mind7. You are too rigid: you must learn to change your plans when the situation it.A. calls onB. calls forC. calls forthD. calls in8. If your expenses ______your income, you will be in debt.A. surpassB. exceedC. surviveD. pass9. You can ______your story by leaving out some unimportant details.A. abridgeB. rewriteC. revealD. change10. Could you please give me a hand? Let's______ the bookcase into place.A. shootB. shoveC. containD. indicatePart BDirections: In questions 16-30, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C, and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that mast be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.11. All of (the) performers in the play did (well). The (audience) applauded the (actors) excellent performance.A. theB. wellC. audienceD. actors12. (That) the woman (was saying) was so important that I asked everyone (to stop) talking and (listen).A. ThatB. was sayingC. to stopD. listen13. This is the (longest) flight I (have ever taken). By the time we get to Los Angeles, we (had flown) (for) 9 hours.A. longestB. have ever takenC. had flownD. for14. To control (quality) and (making) decisions (about) production are among the many responsibilities of an (industrial) engineer.A. qualityB. makingC. aboutD. industrial15. If one does not pick up (his) dry-cleaning (within) thirty days, the management is not (obligated) to return it (back).A. hisB. withinC. obligatedD. back16. His recommendation that Air Force (investigates) the UFO sighting (was) approved (by **mission) and referred (to) the appropriate.A. investigatesB. wasC. by **missionD. to17. (Electronic) mail to describe an upcoming workshop (should use) only (if) potential participants use this form of communication (regularly).A. ElectronicB. should useC. ifD. regularly18. Confucius— a statesman, scholar, and (educator) of (great skill) and reputation—is generally held to be China's (greatest) and most (influence) philosopher.A. educatorB. great skillC. greatestD. influence19. (The first) electric lamp had two carbon rods (from which) vapor (served) to conduct the current (across) the gap.A. The firstB. from whichC. servedD. across20. (It is said) that Einstein felt (very) (badly) about the application of his theories (to) the creation of weapons of war.A. It is saidB. veryC. badlyD. toPart CDirections: For each blank for questions 31-40 in the following passage, choose the best answer from the choices given following the passage. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.Humans not only love eating ice cream, they enjoy (21) it to their pets. Market studies show that two thirds of all dog owners give ice cream to the dogs. (22) , says William Tyznik, an expert in animal nutrition at Ohio State University, "ice cream is not good for dogs. It has milk sugar in it," he says, "which dogs cannot (23) very well."(24) by that knowledge but aware of the desire of dog owners to (25) **panions, Tyznik invented a new frozen treat for dogs that, he says, is more nutritious than ice cream-and as much (26) to eat. The product, called Frosty Paws, is made of a liquid by-product of cheese and milk with the sugar (27) . Frosty Paws also contains refined soy flour, water, vegetable oil, vitamins and minerals. It (28) Tyznik, who has also invented a horse feed (called Tizwhiz) and (29) dog food (named Tizbits), three years to (30) the Frosty Paws formulas, and two (31) to commercialize it. After losing $25,000 trying to market the invention himself, Tyznik sold the rights to Associated Ice Cream of Westerville, Ohio, which makes the product and (32) it in cups.Tyznik claims that Frosty Paws has been tested (33) and that "dogs love it". Of 1,400 dogs that have been (34) the product, he says, 89 percent took it on the first (35) . Three out of four (36) it to Milk-Bone or sausages. The product, which will be (37) in the ice-cream section of supermarkets, comes in (38) of three or four cups, costing about $1.79.What would happen (39) a human should mistake Frosty Paws for real ice cream? "Nothing," says Tyznik. "It's (40) , but frankly, it won't taste very good. \21. A. giving B. feeding C. sharing D. buying22. A. Surprisingly B. Unfortunately C. Therefore D. Initially23. A. swallow B. consume C. digest D. exude24. A. Bothered B. Impelled C. Annoyed D. Stimulated25. A. please B. raise C. train D. comfort26. A. contentment B. satisfaction C. fun D. luxury27. A. included B. including C. removed D. removing28. A. cost B. spent C. needed D. took29. A. one B. other C. a D. another30. A. perfect B. superb C. excellent D. top31. A. temptations B. attempts C. temperance D. temps32. A. assembles B. attaches C. packages D. labels33. A. extensively B. faithfully C. delicately D. intensively34. A. received B. accepted C. treated D. offered35. A. trial B. try C. test D. practice36. A. preferred B. compared C. attributed D. related37. A. bargained B. negotiable C. available D. displayed38. A. bundles B. parcels C. packets D. packs39. A. provided B. when C. though D. if40. A. harmful B. harmless C. effective D. ineffectiveSection Ⅱ Reading ComperehensionDirections: In this section you will read four passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. For questions 41-70, you are to choose the one best answer A, B, C, or D to each question. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheer.Passage OneIn a recent book entitled The Psychic Life of Insects, Professor Bouvier says that we must be careful not to credit the little winged fellows with intelligence when they behave in what seems like an intelligent manner. They may be only reacting. I would like to confront the professor with an instance of reasoning power on the part of an insect which cannot be explained away in any other manner.During the summer of 1899, while I was at work on my doctoral thesis, we kept a female wasp at our cottage. It was more like a child of our own than a Wasp, except that it looked more like a wasp than a child of our own. That was one of the ways we told the difference.It was still a young wasp when we got it (thirteen or fourteen years old) and for some time we could not get it to eat or drink, it was so shy. Since it was a female we decided to call it Miriam, but soon the children's nickname for it— "Pudge" —became a fixture, and "Pudge" it was from that time on.One evening I had been working late in my laboratory fooling around with some gin and other chemicals, and in leaving the room I tripped over a nine of diamonds which someone had left lying on the floor and knocked over my card index which contained the names and addresses of all the larvae worth knowing in North America. The cards went everywhere.I was too tired to stop to pick them up that night, and went sobbing to bed, just as mad as I could be. As I went, however, I noticed the wasp was flying about in circles over the scattered cards. "Maybe Pudge will pick them up," I said half laughingly to myself, never thinking for one moment that such would be the case.When I came down the next morning Pudge was still asleep in her box, evidently tired out. And well she might have been. For there on the floor lay the cards scattered all about just as I had left them the night before. The faithful little insect had buzzed about all night trying to come to some decision about picking them up and arranging them in the boxes for me, and then had figured out for herself that, as she knew practically nothing of larvae of any sort except wasp larvae, she would probably make more of a mess of rearranging them than if she had left them on the floor for me to fix. It was just too much for her to tackle, and, discouraged, she went over and lay down in her box, where she cried herself to sleep.If this is not an answer to Professor Bouvier's statement, I do not know what is.41. Professor Bouvier believes that insects______.A. do not have intelligenceB. behave in an intelligent wayC. are capable of reasoningD. are more intelligent than we thought42. On the evening the author fell over, someone______.A. had moved his card indexB. had been playing card gamesC. had knocked over his boxes containing cardsD. had looked at his collection of diamonds43. When he came to the laboratory the next morning, the author______.A. saw that his cards had already been rearrangedB. realized that the wasp had been trying to helpC. found evidence of the wasp's intelligenceD. found his index cards still scattered about the room44. The author's account of his wasp's intelligence______.A. is imaginaryB. is convincingC. firmly proves his point of viewD. is valuable for insect study45. The purpose of this article is to______.A. oppose Professor Bouvier's point of viewB. support Professor Bouvier with his own experienceC. further discuss whether insects are intelligentD. illustrate the working theory behind the author's thesisPassage TwoModem technology and science have produced a wealth of new materials and new ways of using old materials. For the artist this means wider opportunities. There is no doubt that the limitations of materials and nature of tools both restrict and shape a man's work. Observe how the development of plastics and light metals along with new methods of welding has changed the direction of sculpture. Transparent plastic materials allow one to look through an object, to see its various sides superimposed on each other (as in Cubism or in an X-ray). Today, welding is as prevalent as casting was in the past. This new method encourages open designs, where surrounding and intervening space becomes as important as form itself.More ambiguous than other scientific inventions familiar to modem artists, but no less influential, are the psychoanalytic studies of Freud and his followers, discoveries that have infiltrated recent art, especially Surrealism. The Surrealists, in their struggle to escape the monotony and frustrations of everyday life, claimed that dreams were the only hope. Turning to the irrational world of their unconscious, they banished all time barriers and moral judgments to combine disconnected dream experiences from the past, present and intervening psychological states. The Surrealists were concerned with overlapping emotions more than with overlapping forms. Their paintings often become segmented capsules of associative experiences. For them, obsessive and often unrelated images replaced the direct emotional message of expressionism. They did not need to smash paint and canvas; they went beyond this to smash the whole continuity of logical thought.There is little doubt that contemporary art has taken much from contemporary life. In a period when science has made revolutionary strides, artists in their studios have not been unaware of scientists in their laboratories. But this has rarely been a one-way street. Painters and sculptors, though admittedly influenced by modern science, have also molded and changed our world. If breakup has been a vital part of their expression, it has not always been a symbol of destruction. Quite the contrary: it has been used to examine more fully, to penetrate more deeply, to analyze more thoroughly, to enlarge, isolate and make more familiar certain aspects of life that earlier we were apt to neglect. In addition, it sometimes provides rich multiple experiences so organized asnot merely to reflect our world, but in fact to interpret it.46. The welding techniques______.A. can cause a lot of changes in sculpture artsB. permit details of an object to be seen clearlyC. can superimpose multiple sides of sculptor's designsD. can make artists adaptable to be surroundings47. We can learn from the text that Freud's studies______.A. are more ambiguous than any other scientific inventionB. have influenced other scientific inventionsC. cause SurrealismD. have infiltrated Surrealism48. Which of the following is true about Surrealists?A. They diminished all time barriers and moral judgments to combine disconnected dream experiences.B. They tried to express their subconscious world.C. They could transform real existence into incoherent dreams.D. They wanted to substitute direct expressions for fragmented images.49. According to the passage, it is true that______.A. artistic creations seem to be the reproductions of modern technologyB. artistic creations have made great strides scientificallyC. artistic creations appear to be incapable of ignoring material advancesD. artistic creations are the reflection of the material world50. The sentence "But this has rarely been a one-way street" in the last paragraph means that______.A. contemporary art has been nourished by modern scienceB. modern science has been nourished by artC. artists can become scientists and scientists can become artistsD. the impacts of modern art and science are actually mutualPassage ThreeWhen I was a child in Sunday school, I would ask searching questions like "Angels can fly up in heaven, but how do clouds hold up pianos?" and get the same puzzling response about how that was not important, what was important was that Jesus died for our sins and if we accepted him as our savior, when we died, we would go to heaven, where we'd get everything we wanted. Some children in my class wondered why anyone would hang on a cross with nails stuck through his hands to help anyone else; I wondered how Santa Claus knew what I wanted for Christmas, even though I never wrote him a letter. Maybe he had a tape recorder hidden in every chimney in the world.This literal-mindedness has stuck with me; one result of it is that I am unable to believe in God.Most of the other atheists I know seem to feel freed or proud of their unbelief, as if they have cleverly refused to be sold snake oil. My husband, who was reared in a devout Catholic family, has served as an altar boy. So other than baptizing our son to reassure our families, we've skated over the issue of faith.Some people believe faith is a gift; it's a choice, a matter of spiritual discipline. I have a friend who was reared to believe, and he does. But his faith has wavered. He has struggled to hang onto it and to pass it along to his children. Another friend of mine never goes to church because she's a single mother who doesn't have the gas money. But she once told me a day when she was washing oranges as the sun streamed onto them. As she peeled one, the smell rose to her face, and she felt she received the Holy Spirit. "He sank into my bones," she recounted. "I lifted my palms upward, feeling filled with love."Being no theologian, and not even a believer, I am not in a position to offer up theories, but mine is this: people who receive faith directly, as a **bustion of the soul, have fewer questions. They have been sparked with a faith that is more unshakable than that of those who have been taught.51. From the first paragraph of the passage we know that______.A. the author was a Sunday school boyB. the author used to be puzzled at many thingsC. the school didn't teach the children enough knowledgeD. tape recorders were popular in daily life52. The word "his" in "a cross with nails stuck through his hands" (Line 6, Para.1) refers to______.A. Jesus'B. a child'sC. anyone'sD. Santa Claus'53. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that______.A. the author believes in GodB. most people are atheistsC. most American families baptize their babiesD. the author hasn't a religious family background54. In the third paragraph the author uses the example of the single mother to indicate that faith______.A. is a giftB. is a choiceC. can be easily waveredD. is a spontaneous impulse55. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?A. The Issue of Faith.B. A Child's Fancy.C. The Belief in God.D. The Combustion of Soul.Passage FourThe growth of cell-phone users in the U.S. has tapered off from the breakneck pace of 50% annually in the late 1990s to what analysts project will be a 15% to 20% rise in 2002, and no morethan that in 2003. To some extent, numerous surveys have found, slower growth in demand reflects consumer disillusionment with just about every aspect of cell-phone service—its reliability, quality, and notorious customer service.The cooling off in demand threatens to cascade through the industry: The big four U.S. cell-phone carders—Verizon Wireless, Cingular Wireless, AT&T Wireless, Sprint imperil their timetables for becoming profitable, not to mention their efforts to whittle down their mountains of debt. As the carders have begun to cut costs, wireless- equipment **panies such as Lucent, Nokia, and Ericsson—have been left with a market that's bound to be smaller than they had anticipated. Handset makers have been insulated so far, but they, too, face a nagging uncertainty. They'll soon introduce advanced phones to the U.S. market that will run on the new networks the carders are starting up over the next year or two. But the question then will be: Will Americans embrace these snazzy data features—and their higher costs—with the wild enthusiasm that Europeans and Asians have?Long before the outcome in clear, the industry will have to adopt a new mind-set. "In the old days, it was all about connectivity." says Andrew Cole, an analyst with wireless consultancy Adventis. Build the network, and customers **e. From now on, the stakes will be higher. The new mantra: Please customers, or you may not survive.To work their way out of this box, the carders are spending huge sums to address the problem. Much of Sprint PCS's $ 3.4 billion in capital outlays this year will be for new stations. And in fact, the new high-speed, high-capacity nationwide networks due to roll out later this year should help ease the calling-capacity crunch that has caused many **plaints. In the meantime, **panies are using better training and organization to keep customers happy.The nation's largest rural operator, Alltel (AT), recently reorganized its call centers so that a customer's query goes to the first operator who's available anywhere in the country, instead of the first one available in the customer's home area. That should cut waiting time to one minute from three to five minutes previously.56. What is the text mainly about?A. The bad service in the U.S. cell-phone industry.B. The crisis in the U.S. cell-phone industry.C. The conflicts among cell-**panies in the U.S.D. The price of the U.S. cell-phone industry.57. The growth of cell-phone users declines because______.A. cell-phones are unreliableB. cell-phones usually have poor qualityC. the customer service is badD. customers are not satisfied with cell-phone service58. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that______.A. the price war will reverse the present situationB. the wireless equipment makers will try to improve the original networksC. the handset makers will produce new phones with high technologyD. the Europeans are enthusiastic about the new advanced cell-phones59. According to the author, the cell-phone industry must adopt a mind-set in order to______.A. have better training and organizationB. become an indispensable part in people's lifeC. build more advanced and efficient networksD. help customers to choose proper service60. In order to work their way out of the box, Sprint PCS and Alttel are taking measures to______.A. design new advanced cell-phones in attractive formB. reduce costs and improve the efficiency of networksC. offer the customers better services and satisfy their needsD. arrange the call centers to reduce the customer's waiting timeSectiion Ⅲ TranlationPart ADirections: Put the following passages into Chinese.1. I think most of us would agree that the world is a shrinking place. On the one hand, this shrinking is highly beneficial. People around the world now enjoy economic, cultural and recreational opportunities which were previously not accessible. On the other hand, the rapid mobility of people, money, information, ideas **modities generally has provided new opportunities for crime, and new challenges for law enforcement agencies. This will require unprecedented cooperation between nations, and will inevitably generate tensions arising from differences in national values, even within nations, tensions between such values, as privacy and the imperatives of law enforcement will be high in the public agenda. Most probably new organizational forms will emerge to combat new manifestations of criminality.2. Viruses have been around longer than PCs, and are not without a certain mathematical and scientific interest. Indeed, not all viruses are malignant. Used properly, viral techniques are a valuable programming tool. Used improperly, they are pestilentially destructive. There's no perfect cure. Like the flu, computer viruses evolve. Last year's immunization isn't any good for this year's disease because every time someone invents a new medication, someone else invents a malady. Nonetheless, a few simple precautions will buffer you against all but the cleverest hacker.Part BDirections: Put the following sentences into English.1. 那位富有的女土再三要求签订婚前协议,令其未婚夫自尊心大大受损,结果以拒婚告终。

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2015年南京大学考博英语真题及详解Part I Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D respectively. Choose the ONE thatbest complete the sentences. Then blacken your answer in thecorresponding letter on your Answer Sheet with a single line through thecenter.1. The ambassador was accused of having _____ on domestic affairs.A. trespassedB. encroachedC. entrenchedD. invaded【答案】A【解析】句意:大使被指控干涉国内事务。






2. The goal is to use crops, weeds, and even animal waste _____ the petroleum that fuels much of American manufacturing.A. in terms ofB. in favor ofC. in spite ofD. in place of【答案】D【解析】句意:目标是使用农作物、杂草甚至动物粪便来代替石油为美国制造业提供能源。

in place of“代替,取代”,符合题意。

3. As computer security systems become even more advanced,_____ the methods of those who try to break into them illegally.A. so much doB. so too doC. as much asD. as well as【答案】B【解析】句意:电脑安全系统更加先进,而非法入侵电脑安全系统的方法也变得更加先进了。



4. Parents with only one child tend to have higher academic _____ for their child.A. ambitionsB. intentionsC. propositionsD. aspirations【答案】D【解析】句意:独生子女的父母对孩子的学术期望更高。




5. A series of attempts _____ made, he came to realize that he had underestimated the enormity of the task.A. wereB. to beC. had beenD. having been【答案】D【解析】句意:在做了一系列的尝试以后,他开始意识到他低估了任务的艰巨性。



6. Manufacturing is China's most important economic activity, _____ over 30 percentof the workforce.A. includingB. engagingC. approximatingD. accounting【答案】B【解析】句意:制造业是中国最重要的经济活动,雇佣了超过30%的劳动力。



account for 说明(原因、理由等);(在数量、比例上)占;对……负责。

7. The writer seems to _____ between approving of Collin's actions and finding them disgusting.A. alterB. transformC. vacillateD. vibrate【答案】C【解析】句意:作家似乎在支持科林的行动和反感其行动之间游移不定。

vacillate between…and…在……之间犹豫不决。

8. A lie is as much a lie, when it is whispered, as when it is _____ at the market cross.A. proclaimedB. reclaimedC. acclaimedD. claimed【答案】A【解析】句意:不管是小声低语还是在市场门口大声叫喊,谎言终归是谎言。



reclaim 取回;开拓,开垦。



9. The _____ of computer technology has led to major changes in our social and family life.A. fraudulenceB. arrivalC. dawnD. advent【答案】D【解析】句意:计算机技术的来临导致了社会和家庭生活的巨大改变。

the advent of…“……的到来,伴随着……的出现”,符合题意。

10. Teenage children began to assert their independence and this can lead to agood deal of_____ in the family.A. controversyB. frictionC. restrictionD. contradiction 【答案】B【解析】句意:青少年开始宣称独立,这导致了许多家庭矛盾的产生。


11. Their reflexive mindset tells scientists that all claims, ____ political, moral, orreligious, are open to examination and critique.A. be theyB. however they areC. no matter they areD. whether they be【答案】A【解析】句意:他们的反思性思维告诉科学家,所有断言,无论是政治、道德还是宗教,都应该接受检查和批评。

A项为省略whether,且be动词提前的结构,相当于whether they are…,符合题干意思和语法结构。

C项应该为no matter whether they are…12. The development of the English language falls into three reasonably __ periods:Old English, Middle English, and Modern English.A. cuttingB. rationalC. distinctD. disputable 【答案】C【解析】句意:英语的发展明显可分为三个不同的时期:古英语、中古英语和现代英语。



rational 合理的,理性的。


13. The death of his father gave him a whole new __ on life; now he spends moretime with his family.A. perspectiveB. euphemismC. conformationD. providence【答案】A【解析】句意:他父亲的死完全改变了他对生活的看法,现在他会花更多时间陪伴家人。





14. As the leaves turn yellow and fall, you can feel the __ of winter.A. approachB. effectC. surroundingD. specimen【答案】A【解析】句意:树叶变黄,开始掉落,你能感觉到冬天的来临。




15. The teacher's role is not simply to __ knowledge to students; he should also set agood example for them.A. provideB. impartC. shareD. stretch【答案】B【解析】句意:教师的责任不仅仅是传授知识,还应该给学生们树立好的榜样。

impart 传授;给予;告知,透露。

16. Thomas Leech _____ a very successful career as a photographer.A. built upB. carved outC. fought forD. stumbled on【答案】B【解析】句意:Thomas Leech成功开辟出了自己的摄影事业。

carve out雕刻出……;用辛勤的劳动创造出……。
