首先要确认周围状况。回转作业时,对周围障碍物、地形要做到心中有数,安全操作;作业时,要确认履带的前后方向,避免造成倾翻或撞击;尽量不要把终传动面对挖掘方向,否则容易损伤行走马达或软管;作业时,要保证左右履带与地面完全接触 ,提高整机的动态稳定性。
挖掘机使用说明书--微型挖掘机 小型可牵引挖土机 轻型家用 绿化工地 拖车后挖
可牵引挖掘机安装注意事项1、 转向液压缸的安装与调试液压转向机构的正确安装极为重要。
2、大臂的固定正确安装方法 错误安装方法大臂为直径40带丝销轴,将大臂穿过后,需要将一端用螺栓紧固,并且插入开口销。
一、 目录索引1、安装主机支撑部件---------------------------------2~32、大臂安装----------------------------------------------43、斗臂安装----------------------------------------------54、挖斗安装----------------------------------------------55、高压管路与液压缸的链接-----------------------66、牵引装置安装----------------------------------------77、燃油与液压油的注入------------------------------78、维护与保养与注意事项---------------------------89、压力调节与管路安装-----------------------------910、配料清单与售后服务-----------------------------1011、需要避免会损坏机器的违规操作--------------111、安装主机支撑部件:将主机升举一定高度,然后依次按照图纸所示,插入头部挖掘固定腿和后轮固定腿(注意,后轮固定腿分左右,不得反插),插入20*100的轴销,并用“B ”型开口销锁紧。
挖掘机技术操作规程1. 前言挖掘机是一种常用的大型施工机械,用于各种土方作业、矿山开采、道路修建等领域。
2. 操作前的准备在进行挖掘机作业之前,需要做好充分的准备工作。
具体包括以下几个方面:2.1 检查挖掘机的各项参数在操作挖掘机前,需要先检查挖掘机的各项参数,包括液压油的水平、发动机油量和水温等,并进行必要的调整和加油加水。
2.2 检查周围环境及作业区域在作业前需核实周围环境和作业区域,检查是否有防护措施、检查道路是否平整、是否有危险物品等情况。
2.3 安装工作装置根据所需不同工作要求进行装卸工作装置(铲斗、打孔器、夹木等)。
3. 挖掘机的操作技巧3.1 操作杆的使用操作杆是挖掘机的核心部件,它控制着铲斗、手臂、回转和移动。
3.2 操作铲斗的技巧铲斗作为挖掘机最主要的工作部件,它的操作技巧至关重要。
在操作铲斗时应注意:•铲斗开合平稳,不宜猛拉猛推•铲斗开点与距离的协调掌握,避免过度挖掘而导致失控•尽可能使用铲斗的自重,在土方支撑条件下保证稳定性•移动铲斗时应注意规避障碍物,防止铲斗与其他工具发生碰撞,损坏周围的设备或建筑3.3 确保挖掘机的平衡在进行挖掘作业时,应确保挖掘机的平衡,防止因失衡而导致的意外伤害。
目录一、用途和特点 2二、主要技术特征 3三、结构与工作原理 4四、使用与操作15五、维护与保养17六、常见故障于排除方法19七、运输与贮存20八、易损件明细表21九、附件一、用途和特点煤矿用挖掘式装载机(以下简称装载机), 是一种连续生产的高效率出矿设备。
产品执行标准:JB/T 5503—2004《立爪挖掘装载机》;Q/3709TKY071-2010《煤矿用挖掘式装载机》1、产品使用环境条件;a)断面为2.1×2.1米以上的巷道;b)岩石的普氏硬度f小于等于12,块度小于等于500mm,松散密度不大于1.8t/m3;c)海拔高度≤1000m。
挖掘机的操作技术 作业准备工作
启机之前的检查 为了延长机器的使用寿命,在启动发动机之前,应对机器进行检查: 1、观察机器的周围和下面,看是否有障碍物、螺栓松动、油水
渗漏、零件损坏或磨损等现象。 2、检查电气系统所有开关的功能是否正常。 3、检查工作装置与液压部件的情况是否正常。 4、检查发动机油油位,冷却液液面,并查看风扇皮带是否松动
L模式:液压泵输入功率的总和约为发动机最大功率的80%, 在削坡、修平或轻负载时适用。
B模式:液压泵输入功率的总和约为发动机最大功率的70%, 在破碎器作业时适用。
一般H模式的转速在2200±50转/min左右,S模式— 2000±50 转/min左右,L模式—1900±50转/min左右,B模 式— 1800±50转/min左右。
2006年8月浙江某地,机手吴某 正在挖桥梁基座坑时,由于链轨底部 未作防滑加固措施,挖掘机滑入坑中。 再想自救时,水已经将车身淹没,电 控系统全部报废。
2002年张家口地区一铁矿内,某机手上 午完成作业后将机器停于作业现场后离开吃 饭,回来后发现矿山坍塌,将机器砸于下面, 大臂严重变形,驾驶室车架等均被砸坏。
自动怠速 SANY挖掘机启机之前会自动默认自动怠速功能,即
在显示屏上有怠速符号显示。当所有液压操作杆在中 位超过5-8秒时,EPS或EC-7控制器将自动减小发动机 油门开度,使发动机在1350转/min左右运转;当操作 任意操纵杆重新作业时,EPS或EC-7控制器立即使发动 机恢复到原设定的工作速度。 怠速取消
2、在行走前我们要确定路况,例如用铲斗做探测,行走中避免石头树桩 等凸起;
3、路上运输时,首先遵守地方法规,其次掌握拖车和挖掘机的情况,在就 是考察运输路线。在运输过程中注意停放姿势,动臂不能超过驾驶室高 度,避免运输过程中损坏动臂;
整体机构 设计
主要部件 设计
运动分配 传动型式 整体外观 位置关系
调研、分析,总结与吸收竹 根挖掘机设计与分析技术
提出轻便式竹根挖掘机 总体设计方案
技术参数设 计
虚拟样机模 型建立
作 机大 机
挖挖简 掘掘便
➢团队名称:掘根问底队 ➢参赛院校:衢州学院 ➢指导老师:邓小雷,周兆忠 ➢团队成员:杨国营,潘佳斌,许天伟 ➢参赛方向:太尔时代杯创意设计与制造综合技能
全 • 作品展示 国 • 设计理念 信 • 技术路线 息 • 实施计划
技 • 总装爆炸 术 • 创新之路
应 • 零件有限元分析
用 • 装配体设计 水 • 模具设计与数控加工
➢ 目前,我国竹根挖掘多采用人力的劳动方式, 由于竹根根须繁密,除根的工作效率十分低下。 非常需要一种可以实现快速高效实现竹根挖掘 的机器。
➢ 本作品为一种轻便式竹根挖掘机,可实现竹根 挖掘由手工作业走向机械化作业。该作品具有 占地小、重量轻、操作简单、自动化程度高等 特点,使操作工人可以脱离手工挖掘,降低了 劳动强度,极大提高了挖掘效率和竹林效益。
功能 实现
查询相关 资料
确定设计 理念
确定加工 原理
整体渲 染
运动仿 真
模具设 计
项目名称 机器最小外形尺寸(mm)
刀具直径 (mm) 发动机输出转速 (r/min) 发动机最大输出功率(KW)
CATERPILLAR 306 小型液压挖掘机 说明书
• 驾驶室能够提供高效加热和制冷控制,确保驾驶员• 的舒适性。
带有靠枕和悬浮,可全向调节的座椅可使你在工作• 中 感觉非常舒适。
• 驾驶室里安装有天线和两个扬声器,用于客户选装•收音机。
卓越的视野306 拥有优越的可视性使驾驶员能清楚的看到工作装置和机器周边环境。
气动助力使前窗容易开启• 可移动的驾驶室前端下部小窗• 雨刮器安装在驾驶室侧柱上,不阻挡驾驶员视线• 推土铲在上车架旋转到任何一个角度都可以看到,•方便作业4液压系统高效率的液压系统改进了操控性和可靠性,同时降低了使用成本。
400 mm 宽的三齿履带是机器的标准配置。
稳定的底盘 可以使机器拥有更大的举升重物的能力。
2017新款小型挖掘机225 操作手册说明书
ENGINEModelFPT F5HFL463DEmissions Certification Tier 4 FinalType Diesel 4-stroke, TurbochargedCylinders 4Bore/Stroke 3.90 x 4.33 in (99 x 110 mm)Displacement 207 in 3 (3.4 L)Fuel injection Direct, high pressure common rail – HPCRFuelDieselEngine speeds*RPM Rated speed – full load 2200 Low idle900 – 1000 High idle – no load 2330 – 2430Horsepower @ 2200 RPM: Gross74 hp (55 kW) Net w/ viscous fan** 72 hp (54 kW) Net68 hp (51 kW)Maximum torque @ 1400 RPM: Gross 233 lb·ft (316 N·m) Net w/ viscous fan 228 lb·ft (310 N·m) Net 220 lb·ft (298 N·m)Torque rise at rated speed 35% +/- 5%Radiator: Core typeSquare wave Core size area 486 in 2 (3 145 cm 2)Rows of tubes 539° fan: Style 7 blade suction Diameter 19.65 in (499 mm)Ratio 1.1:1Pump operating angle ratings:Side to side Rated 35° Fore and aft Rated 35° Oil filtration Replaceable, full flow spin onNOTE: *Meets federal emission regulations. **Viscous fan available as DIA w/ High Ambient Kit.DRIVETRAINTransmission – standard:4F-4R Power Shuttle Synchromesh Transmission manual gear shift, fully synchronized Gear ratios Forward/Reverse1st 5.603/4.643 2nd 3.481/2.884 3rd 1.584/1.313 4th0.793/0.657Travel speeds – Standard Power Shuttle Transmission Forward Reverse mph (kph) mph (kph) 1st 3.5 (5.6) 4.2 (6.8) 2nd 5.5 (8.9) 6.6 (10.6) 3rd 11.8 (19.0) 14.1 (22.7) 4th 21.3 (34.3) 25.5 (41.0)Torque converter ratio3.2Differential lock: On-the-go push-button activation Front/Rear axle (w/ 4WD 12x16.5 front tires): Differential ratio 2.2/2.75 Planetary hub ratio 6.0/6.4 Total reduction ratio 13.3/17.6Service brakes:Individually applied, power assisted,hydraulically actuated, maintenance-free, self-adjusting, outboard mounted, wet disc, 2 per side. Total disc area 384 in 2 (0.25 m 2)Parking brakes Trans Mounted spring-applied hydraulic release – SAHRNOTE: T ravel speeds at 2293 engineRPM specified: w/ 19.5 L x 24.0 tires.Speeds decrease w/ 17.5 L x 24.0 rear tires.ELECTRICALVoltage 12 Volts, negative groundAlternator 120 ampBattery850 cold-cranking ampsOptional dual batteries: 850 cold-cranking amps each Power plugs – 230 amps totalOPERATOR ENVIRONMENTROPS/FOPS certified protective canopy; Rear fenders extensions; Coat hook w/garment strap; Interior rearview convex mirror; Non-suspension seat – 180° swivel – Vinyl; 2 in (50 mm) retractable seat belt; Cup holder/ storage tray mounted on left-hand fender; Right-hand storage compartment w/ lid.Gauges:Engine water temperature; Converter oil temperature; Fuel level; Tachometer/ hourmeter; Voltmeter.Warning lights:Air cleaner restriction; Alternator; A/C high pressure; Cold start; Engine oil pressurelow; Hydraulic oil filter bypass; Parking brake engagement; Low fuel; Water in fuel.Audible alarms:Coolant temperature; Engine oil pressure; Parking brake engagement; Shuttle engagement/seat position; Backup alarm; Converter temperature.HornDual switched front and rearOPERATING WEIGHTConfiguration 1 – SAE Transport:GP Loader Bucket, 2WD, Canopy, Boom Guard, Full of Fuel, SAE Carry, Tier 4 Final Engine, Extendahoe ®, 4 Stick Mech BH,Standard Transmission, 17.5 L – 24 Rear Tires, 700 lb Front Counterweight. 15,795 lb (7 164 kg)Configuration 2 – SAE Transport:GP Loader Bucket, 4WD, 2 Door Cab, AC,Boom Guard, Full of Fuel, SAE Carry, 24 in HD BH Bucket, Tier 4 Final Engine, Pilot Controls, Standard Dipper, Manual Transmission, 19.5 – 24 Rear Tires. 15,810 lb (7 171 kg)Add-on weights: Cab-over canopy309 lb (140 kg) Fabricated stabilizer pads 141 lb (64 kg) Counterweights 700 lb (318 kg) Extendahoe ®285 lb (129 kg) 4WD w/ driveshaft guard283 lb (128 kg)580N EPBACKHOE LOADER TIER 4 FINAL CERTIFIEDPump:Parker P330 Single Section Gear PumpMain relief pressure:Standard 3,350 +/- 50 psi(231 +/- 3.5 bar) Filtration:7-micron, return line, full flow, spin on element. Oil cooler Heavy-duty Loader flow @ rated engine RPM:28.5 gpm @ 3,350 psi(108.0 L/min @ 231 bar) Loader control valve:Two or three-spool open center monoblock valve. Two and three-spool valves have a single lever manual control for lift and tilt functions. Three-spool valve uses a proportionalElectro-Hydraulic control for the auxiliary function. The lift lever has a positive hold “Float” position and a “return-to-dig” feature. Loader auxiliary hydraulics w/ proportional thumb switch w/ detent on loader control handle:0 – 28.5 gpm (0 – 108 L/min) Backhoe flow @ rated engine RPM:28.5 gpm @ 3,350 psi(108 L/min @ 231 bar) Manual backhoe control valve:Six-spool monoblock open center control valve w/ seventh and eighth spool bolt-on sections. Basic control valve has an open center parallel circuit for all functions.Pilot backhoe control valve:Six, seven or eight-spool sectional closedcenter control valve. Basic control valve isclosed center, w/ circuits in parallel w/ apost-compensated, flow sharing feature forsimultaneous operation of all circuits.1-way flow auxiliary hydraulics:1-way flow hydraulic valve is equipped w/ anadjustable LS relief valve to control attachmentpressure and a 6 position flow control selectorfor 6 detented, distinct flow settings.Actuation:Manual backhoe controls – cab floor pedalPilot controls – left-hand joystick2-way flow auxiliary hydraulics*:Actuation:Activate the 2-way flow switch located onthe rear consoleManual shift – 2-way flow linkage on far rightof backhoe towerPilot controls – left-hand joystickNOTE: *Available w/ 1-way/2-way Aux. Hyd. option.Fuel tank 30.0 gal (114.0 L)Hydraulic system:Total 106 qt (100.0 L)w/ Extendahoe®112 qt (106.0 L)Reservoir w/ filter 58 qt (55.0 L)Reservoir w/o filter 56 qt (53.0 L)Transmission – total system:2WD Standard 18 qt (17.0 L)2WD Powershift 23 qt (21.7 L)4WD Standard 21 qt (19.4 L)4WD Powershift 22 qt (20.7 L)Front axle:4WD Differential 5.8 qt (5.5 L)4WD Planetaries – each 0.7 qt (0.7 L)Rear axle:Differential and planetaries 14.4 qt (13.6 L)Engine oil w/ filter 8.5 qt (8.0 L)Cooling system:w/ heater 19.0 qt (18.0 L)w/o heater 18.3 qt (17.3 L)Window washer reservoir 3.0 qt (2.8 L)Front tires:2WD 11.0 L x 16.0, 10-ply rating4WD 12.0 L x 16.5, 8-ply ratingRear tires:2/4WD 19.5 L x 24.0, 10-ply rating2/4WD 17.5 L x 24.0, 10-ply ratingTurning radius: Curb to Curb:2WD:Brakes on 10 ft 8 in (3.24 m)Brakes off 12 ft 4 in (3.76 m)4WD – engaged*:Brakes on 11 ft 4 in (3.45 m)Brakes off 13 ft 10 in (4.21 m)4WD – disengaged*:Brakes on 11 ft 0 in (3.36 m)Brakes off 12 ft 3 in (3.72 m)NOTE: *Turning radius dimensions curb to curbw/ 12.0 x 16.5 front tires and 17.5 L x 24.0rear tires.Type Width Weight Struck Heaped Capacity Long Lip Bucket without bolt-on edge 82 in (2.08 m) 683 lb (310 kg) 0.88 yd3 (0.67 m3) 1.03 yd3 (0.79 m3)93 in (2.36 m) 1,188 lb* (539 kg) 1.10 yd3 (0.89 m3) 1.29 yd3 (0.99 m3) 4 IN 1® Bucket with bolt-on edge 82 in (2.08 m) 1,572 lb* (713 kg) 0.85 yd3 (0.65 m3) 1.05 yd3 (0.80 m3) NOTE: * W eight of 4 IN 1® bucket includes edges, cylinders and tube lines.Type Width Weight Heaped Capacity General Purpose Trenching Buckets 18 in (457 mm) 232 lb (105 kg) 4.70 ft3 (0.13 m3)24 in (610 mm) 272 lb (123 kg) 6.26 ft3 (0.18 m3) Universal Buckets 12 in (305 mm) 295 lb (134 kg) 3.40 ft3 (0.10 m3)18 in (457 mm) 356 lb (162 kg) 5.30 ft3 (0.15 m3)24 in (610 mm) 427 lb (194 kg) 7.70 ft3 (0.22 m3)30 in (762 mm) 489 lb (222 kg) 10.20 ft3 (0.29 m3)36 in (914 mm) 552 lb (251 kg) 12.70 ft3 (0.36 m3) High Capacity Buckets 24 in (610 mm) 447 lb (203 kg) 8.50 ft3 (0.24 m3)Long Lip Bucket 4 IN 1® Bucket A. Overall operating height – fully raised 13 ft 9 in (4.17 m) 14 ft 4 in (4.35 m)Height to:B. Bucket hinge pin fully raised 11 ft 3 in (3.41 m) 11 ft 3 in (3.41 m)C. Bucket hinge pin at SAE carry 12.8 in (326 mm)14.6 in (371 mm)D. Dump angle at full height46°46°E. Dump clearance at full height, 45° dump: Bucket 8 ft 8 in (2.63 m)8 ft 11 in (2.71 m) Clam open— 9 ft 8 in (2.93 m)F. Dump reach at full height, 45° dump – from bumper: Bucket 26.7 in (679 mm)26.2 in (666 mm) Clam open—12.6 in (321 mm)Bucket rollback:G. @ Groundline 40° 40° H. @ SAE carry 43°43°J. @ Full heightAdjustable Adjustable K. Digging depth below grade: Bucket flat7.8 in (199 mm)7.1 in (180 mm) Clam open – dozing— 4.4 in (111 mm)L. Reach from front axle centerline – bucket on ground 6 ft 10 in (2.08 m) 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m)Lift capacity to full height 6,503 lb (2 950 kg) 6,537 lb (2 965 kg)Breakout force: Lift cylinders 9,271 lb (4 124 daN) 8,904 lb (3 961 daN) Dump cylinders9,607 lb (4 273 daN)10,302 lb (4 583 daN)Bucket cutting edge width 82.5 in (2.09 m)82.0 in (2.08 m)Maximum grading angle 114° 114°Maximum clam opening — 38.3 in (972 mm)Moldboard height — 36.8 in (934 mm)Raising time to full height 3.3 sec 3.3 sec Bucket dumping time 0.8 sec 0.8 sec Lowering time: Power down 2.4 sec 2.4 sec Return-to-dig 4.4 sec4.4 sec Clam:Open time — 1.3 sec Close time—1.1 secNOTE: L oader dimensions taken with 4WD, 12.0 x 16.5 front tires and 19.5 L x 24.0 rear tires.Line drawings are for illustrative purpose only and may not be exact representation of unit.AB DJEHCNO FLMKG2WD with 19.5 L x 24.0 tires 4WD with 19.5 L x 24.0 tires M.Overall transport length:Long Lip bucket with Universal Coupler 23 ft 1 in (7.02 m) 23 ft 0 in (7.00 m)4 IN 1® bucket with Universal Coupler 22 ft 10 in (6.96 m) 22 ft 9 in (6.93 m)Long Lip bucket with Straight Links 23 ft 2 in (7.04 m) 23 ft 0 in (7.00 m)4 IN 1® bucket with Straight Links 22 ft 11 in (6.98 m) 22 ft 10 in (6.95 m) Overall transport width – rear tires 7 ft 2 in (2.17 m) 7 ft 2 in (2.17 m) Height:To top of canopy 8 ft 9 in (2.66 m) 8 ft 9 in (2.66 m) To top of cab 8 ft 11 in (2.72 m) 8 ft 11 in (2.72 m) To top of exhaust stack 8 ft 7 in (2.62 m) 8 ft 7 in (2.61 m) N.Transport - standard dipper 10 ft 10 in (3.30 m) 11 ft 1 in (3.37 m) Ground clearance at backhoe frame 15.0 in (380 mm) 15.0 in (380 mm) Angle of departure 15.3° 19.0°Front wheel tread:11.0 L x 16.0 67.5 in (1.71 m) 67.5 in (1.71 m)12.0 L x 16.5 67.7 in (1.72 m) 67.7 in (1.72 m) Rear wheel tread:17.5 L x 24.0 63.1 in (1.60 m) 63.1 in (1.60 m) 19.5 L x 24.0 61.2 in (1.55 m) 61.2 in (1.55 m) Width over tires:11.0 L x 16.0 79.3 in (2.01 m) 79.3 in (2.01 m)12.0 L x 16.5 81.1 in (2.06 m) 81.1 in (2.06 m) 17.5 L x 24.0 81.7 in (2.07 m) 81.7 in (2.07 m) 19.5 L x 24.0 81.4 in (2.07 m) 81.4 in (2.07 m) O. Wheelbase 84.0 in (2.13 m) 84.5 in (2.15 m)Bore Diameter Rod Diameter Stroke Closed Length Loader:Lift – 2 3.25 in (82.6 mm) 1.75 in (44.5 mm) 30.2 in (766.0 mm) 40.80 in (1 036.0 mm) Dump – 2 3.00 in (76.2 mm) 1.50 in (38.1 mm) 20.6 in (522.0 mm) 30.70 in (780.5 mm) 4 IN 1® clam – 2 3.00 in (76.2 mm) 1.75 in (44.5 mm) 9.18 in (230.6 mm) 19.69 in (498.3 mm) Backhoe:Boom 4.50 in (114.3 mm) 2.25 in (57.2 mm) 38.25 in (971.6 mm) 52.82 in (1 341.6 mm) Dipperstick 4.25 in (108.0 mm) 2.25 in (57.2 mm) 24.74 in (628.5 mm) 39.65 in (1 007.0 mm) Bucket 3.25 in (82.6 mm) 2.25 in (57.2 mm) 35.35 in (897.9 mm) 48.17 in (1 223.6 mm) Extendahoe® 3.00 in (76.2 mm) 1.75 in (44.5 mm) 42.05 in (1 068.0 mm) 56.22 in (1 428.0 mm) Swing – 2 3.75 in (95.3 mm) 2.00 in (50.8 mm) 11.50 in (292.0 mm) 24.44 in (620.8 mm) Stabilizer – 2 4.00 in (101.6 mm) 2.00 in (50.8 mm) 21.78 in (553.3 mm) 33.80 in (858.5 mm)Front – 2WD Rear Front – 4WD Maximum static 70,821 lb (32 124 kg) 90,145 lb (40 889 kg) 64,613 lb (29 308 kg) Dynamic operating 44,261 lb (20 076 kg) 56,200 lb (25 492 kg) 39,328 lb (17 839 kg) Static operating 17,704 lb (8 030 kg) 22,480 lb (10 197 kg) 15,732 lb (7 136 kg) Oscillation – front axle 22° total – 11° side to side — 22° total – 11° side to sideNOTE: *Dimensions taken with 2WD, 17.5 L x 24 Rear tires, Universal coupler.See page 1FPT F5HFL463D dieselFull flow engine oil filterAspirated air cleaner – replaceable dualelement dry type with radial sealFuel filter with water trapDiesel Oxidation CatalystRadiator with de-aeration bottle Antifreeze to -34° F (-37° C)Throttles, both hand rotary and footSelf adjusting beltHigh Pressure Common RailFront axle, as selected:2WD front axle with 11.0 L x 16.0 tires4WD mechanically driven front axle, with12.0 L x 16.5 tiresRear axle:2/4WD heavy-duty outboard planetarydrive, with 17.5 L x 24.0 tires4F-4R Power ShuttleSynchromesh transmissionTorque converter – 11.8 in (300 mm)On-the-go electric 4WD controlElectric F/R shuttle controlElectric differential lock control,with push-button activation on the loader control leverPark brake, spring-applied, hydraulic release – SAHR Pump:28.5 gal/min @ 3,350 psi(107.9 L/min @ 231 bar)Heavy-duty hydraulic oil cooler7-micron, spin on oil filterBucket position indicator; Lifting lugs onstandard bucket; Single lever controlwith self-leveling and return-to-dig; Handoperated clutch disconnects on loaderand shift levers, single lever 4-functionloader control: lift, dump, clutch cut-out,differential lockOver center design, Fabricated “S” boomForward tilt engine hoodReplaceable, molded front bumpersFront/Rear tie downsReflective logosSignal Lights – cab and canopy:2 rear tail/stop2 front flashers/turn2 rear flashers/turnWorking/Driving Lights – cab only:Adjustable halogen work lights – 55 W:2 front2 side – one left, one right2 rearWorking/Driving Lights – canopy only:Adjustable halogen work lights – 55 W:2 front2 rearMaster disconnect switch and remotejump-start terminalsHydrostatic steeringBackup alarmVertical spin-on engine oil, fuel andhydraulic filtersCASE SiteWatch™ Telematics – includeshardware and a 3-yr Advanceddata subscription1-Year/Unlimited-Hour Full-Coverage BaseLimited Warranty2-Year/2,000-Hour Extended Engine WarrantyAuto Ride Control – 4WD modelsStandard Ride Control – 2WD models Comfort Steering with two-speed steering pump and 3rd/4th gear cutoutROPS/FOFS certified protective cab available in LH Door or 2 door with heat,A/C, defroster, door activated dome light, 2 front, 2 rear and 2 adjustable side lights, floor mat, tinted glass, radio ready, front and rear wiper and fender extensionsTilt steering wheel – cab models Mechanical suspension seat with flip-up armrests, 180° swivel, adjustable seatand weight, backrest angle, lumbar and cushion angle – cab units cloth or vinyl, canopy units vinyl onlyAir suspension cloth seat with flip-up armrests, 180° swivel, electric height adjustment, adjustable backrest and lumbar support – cab units onlyBluetooth Radio – Communication and Media streaming, Sirius XM satellite radio ready – does not include satellite antenna, AM/FM tuner, NOAA weatherband tuner, USB input and audio Aux-in3 in (75 mm) seat belt for mechanical andair-suspension seatAnti-vandalism cover for dash-canopy only Cold Weather Starting Aid:Dual 12 volt batteries, glow plugs, engine block heater and heated CCV hose Severe Cold Weather Starting Aid:Synthetic transmission, hydraulic and engine oil – order with cold weather starting aid Drive shaft guard – 4WD modelsAuxiliary hydraulics for loader-mountedequipment with thumb-operatedproportional controlHydraulic front quick couplerTool portfolio of additional attachmentsBuckets – see page 21-way Auxiliary backhoe hydraulics forhammers, plate compactors or similar1-way flow attachments1-way/2-way Auxiliary backhoe hydraulicsfor hammers, plate compactors or similar1-way flow attachments or switch to 2-wayflow for thumbs, augers or similar 2-wayflow attachmentsExtendahoe®Two-lever controls – backhoe or Extendahoe®Pilot operated control system:Fingertip proportional Electro-Hydraulicstabilizer controlsThumb-operated proportionalElectro-Hydraulic Extendahoe® controlThumb-operated horn buttonThumb-operated auxiliary hydraulic controlInfinitely adjustable towersIn-cab switchable “excavator to backhoe”control pattern changeFlip over stabilizer padsCemetery/Street padsCase mechanical quick couplerUniversal coupler – CAT/Deere compatiblePro Control Swing dampeningBuckets – see page 2Hydraulic thumb – Includes: 2 replaceable,high strength, bolt on tines withtwo positions for Universal or Hi-Capbuckets – meshes with Bucket teeth on18 in & 24 in BucketsFront tires:11.0 L x 16.0 10-ply or 12.0 L x 16.5 10-plyRear tires:17.5 L x 24.0 10-ply or 19.5 L x 24.0 10-plySpecial paintLights:Additional 2 front and 2 rearhalogen lights – 55 WAdjustable side work lights – canopyTool box – bolt-on, step-mountedFront counterweights:440 lb and 900 lb (200 kg and 408 kg)Rotating beaconLED Working/Driving Light Package:4 front4 rear2 sideChaff Screen – Additional fine mesh screen infront of standard grilleFront Fenders©2018 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. CASE is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital is a trademark in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. Printed in U.S.A. Contains 10% post-consumer fiber.IMPORTANT: CASE Construction Equipment Inc. reserves the rightto change these specifications without notice and without incurringany obligation relating to such change. Availability of some modelsand equipment builds vary according to the country in which theequipment is used. The illustrations and text may include optionalequipment and accessories and may not include all standardequipment. Your CASE dealer/distributor will be able to give youdetails of the products and their specifications available in your area.CASE Construction Equipment is biodiesel-friendly. NOTE: All engines meet current EPAemissions regulations. All specifications arestated in accordance with SAE Standards orRecommended Practices, where applicable.Always read the Operator’s Manual beforeoperating any equipment. Inspect equipmentuse any safety features provided.Form No. CCE201810580NEP Replaces Form No. CCE201710580NEP。
Cat 308E2 CR 微型挖掘机说明书
EngineEngine Model*Cat ®C3.3B Net Power (ISO 9249)48.5 kW65 hp*Engine meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final/EU Stage IIIB emission standards.WeightsOperating Weight with Cab 8400 kg 18,519 lb Operating Specifications Maximum Dig Depth4150 mm13'7"308E2 CRMini Hydraulic Excavator2Highperformance in a compact radius and swing boom design for greaterversatility and controllability.ContentsCompact Radius ..................................................4Operator Station ..................................................5COMPASS Control Panel ...................................6Performance and Controllability ......................8Variable Angle Boom ..........................................9Undercarriage ...................................................10Work Tools ..........................................................11Engine and Serviceability ................................12Specifi cations ....................................................14Standard Equipment .........................................17Optional Equipment...........................................18Notes . (19)The Cat 308E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator delivers high performance with the versatility of a swing boomfront linkage in a durable Compact Radius design to help you work in the tightest applications. With the COMPASS display panel, Tier 4 Final/Stage IIIB engine and High Defi nition Hydraulic (HDH) system, the308E2 CR is more productive, versatile and cost effective.3Compact RadiusWork in the tightest spaces.Compact RadiusThe compact radius design gives greater machine versatility and the capability to work within confi ned areas. The radius of the upper body stays within 280 mm (11 in) of the undercarriage providing fl exibility for different work site applications with a reduced risk of damage and less stress for the operator.This allows the operator to concentrate on the work being done without having to worry about damaging the back of the machineor other job site obstacles.45Comfortable Working EnvironmentSpacious and comfortable operator station with excellent visibility and legroom keeps the operator comfortable and helps reduce fatigue. All hydraulic functions are fully pilot operated, lowering owning and operating costs and resulting in less downtime. The operator station also features:• Heated, air suspension seat • COMPASS display panel • Ergonomic joysticks• Dynamic operator sound pressure 70 dB(A) ISO 6396• Average exterior sound pressure 99 dB(A) ISO 6395 – dynamic testOperator StationSuperior comfort to keep you productive throughout the work day.The COMPASS control panel on the Cat E2 Series mini hydraulicexcavators was specifi cally designed by Caterpillar for compactexcavators. It adds several new features to the machines increasingthe amount of customer value. All of the following features arestandard on all E2 Series models.C omplete – All of the control panel features are standard on allE2 Series modelsO peration – Simple operation of the pattern changer, hydraulic quickcoupler and fuel gauge visibility all at the push of a buttonM aintenance – Maintenance intervals, diagnostics and work hoursP erformance – Maintain optimum performance levels with adjustablework tool fl ow featuresA ndS ecurity – Anti theft device with individual user and masterpasswordsS ystem – Ergonomically designed control panelPasscode Protected Security SystemA standard anti-theft device comes on every E2 Series compactexcavator. A fi ve digit alphanumeric password is required to start themachine when the anti-theft feature is enabled. There is a masterpassword and up to fi ve user passwords can be created by theowner if desired.Keep your machine safe on a busy job site by locking it when youare not around.Adjustable Auxiliary Work Tool Flow ControlThe E2 Series machines feature simple adjustability of the fl ow goingdown the boom and stick to the work tool. Both the standard mainline and optional secondary auxiliary hydraulics can be adjustedon a scale of 1–15 through a few buttons on the control panel.Adjust the fl ow to your different tools with a simple push of a button. COMPASS Control PanelComplete, Operational, Maintenance, Performance and Security System.6Rearview CameraIncrease operator productivity and effi ciency with enhanced visibility with the rear view camera.Work more confi dently with greater visibility.Continuous FlowOnce this feature is enabled through a button on the monitor, the E2 Series machines can run in continuous fl ow mode. With the auxiliary hydraulics on the right hand joystick, just hold the roller switch at the desired fl ow rate and direction for 2.5 seconds and the machine will maintain that fl ow rate until it is turned off.Maintain hydraulic fl ow to your tools at any fl ow and in any direction with the simple push of a button.Pattern ChangerChange the operating pattern between excavator and backhoe with a simple press of a button from the comfort of the cab. (Optional in Europe)Exclusive push button pattern changer is safe and easy.Maintenance and Performance InformationEasily keep track of various maintenance and performance parameters of your machine.Reset the maintenance intervals and ensure the machine is receiving proper care maximizing the life of the machine.Site Reference SystemOutput from pitch and roll sensors aid in grading and level trenching for improved effi ciency and job site fi nishing.Finish the job faster with site information.UNLOCK the new features and experience the value of the exclusive COMPASS control panel on the Cat E2 Series compact excavators7High digging forces that provide power through even the most compacted ground, coupled with direct, smooth control through responsive hydraulics, ensure that the Cat 308E2 CR delivers the high productivity that customers demand.ControllabilityThe Cat 308E2 CR front linkage has been perfectly balanced with the hydraulics to deliver the high level of control required for fi ne grading and landscaping applications.• Automatic two speed function improves job site maneuverability by balancing high speed travel requirements and control.• Joystick mounted auxiliary control enhances machine controllability. The intuitive controls give fi ne modulation.• Auxiliary lines including quick connectors are fi tted as standard, meaning the Cat 308E2 CR comes ready to work.• Optional boom and stick lowering check valve includes integral overload warning device.High Definition Hydraulic System• Delivers fuel savings, effi ciency, controllability and precision.• Industry leading variable displacement, load sensing, fl ow sharing system.Lift CapacityTo meet the diverse needs of today’s customer, the 308E2 CR has high level lift capacity and outstanding stability – all in a compact radius design to provide on site versatility to get the job done.CounterweightAn optional rear counterweight can be added to provideadditional lift capacity and stability.Performance and ControllabilityPowerful digging combined with smooth responsive control.8Variable Angle BoomIncreased fl exibility and versatility.Durable Front LinkageUptime and service intervals are increased with durable and reliable booms, sticks and linkage pins. Each boom and stick is builtto provide superior strength to withstand any tough application. The variable angle boom option offers fl exibility and versatilityin the working envelope.With full extension, the working range offers a maximum dig depth extending to 3980 mm (157 in). The maximum reach extends760 mm (30 in) beyond the standard boom and stick confi guration to 7780 mm (306 in). The working height reaches 1360 mm (54 in) beyond the standard boom and stick confi guration to 8000 mm (315 in). When retracted, the Cat 308E2 Variable Angle BoomMini Excavator can work closer to the blade and tracks, providing increased lifting capacity while working productively inconfi ned areas.910Depending on the customers application, the Cat 308E2 CR has three different track options to choose from, allowing the correct machine confi guration to suit the job.Rubber BeltProvides the lowest ground disturbance of all track options with excellent traction in conditions that are soft underfoot. The standard track offering is 450 mm (17.7 in) width.Steel TrackGood for demolition and heavy duty applications. A triple grouser track is available in two width options: 450 mm (17.7 in) and 600 mm (23.6 in).Steel Track with Rubber PadsThe 450 mm (17.7 in) wide shoe has four holes to attach the rubber pads to the steel track shoes. This option prevents damage to paved road surfaces and minimizes noise and vibration during travel while providing maximum stability.UndercarriageExcellent stability.Blade WidthsThe dozer blade is an important and useful tool for the Hydraulic Mini Excavator used for backfi lling trenches,levelling, landscaping and site clean up. There are two blade width options available to accommodate the differences in track widths.The blade comes standard with a replaceable weld-on dozer cutting edge constructed of hardened steel for longer life.Tie Down PointsLarge oval tie down points are located in two positions on the undercarriage for easy and safe machine tie down fortransportation.11Wide Range of Work ToolsA wide range of Cat Work Tools have been designed specifi cally to get the best out of your machine and deliver excellent value through high productivity and long life.Available work tools include:• Buckets (heavy duty and heavy duty capacity)• Tilting and Swing Ditch Cleaning Buckets • Hydraulic Hammers • Augers• Vibratory Compactors • Shears • Rippers• Dual Lock Mechanical Coupler • Dual Lock Hydraulic Coupler • Tilting CouplerTo maximize performance and productivity, Cat mechanical and hydraulic quick couplers are compatible with all standard work tools, enabling the operator to simply release one work tool and pick up another.One-way fl ow (hammer) and two-way fl ow (auger) auxiliary lines with quick connectors are fi tted as standard. This allows the machine to adapt to a wide variety of applications without re-confi guring the auxiliary lines. Versatility is further enhanced with the option of a second auxiliary supply(for a rotating grapple).Work ToolsMatched to meet your application needs.Customer SupportYour Cat dealer is ready to assist you with your purchase decision and everything after.• Financing packages are fl exible to meet your needs • Unmatched parts availability keeps you working• Make comparisons of machines, with estimates of component life, preventative maintenance and cost of production• For more information on Cat products, dealer services and industry solutions, visit 12Engine and ServiceabilitySuperior power with easy access and minimal maintenance requirements keep you working.EngineThe Cat C3.3B electronic engine delivers quiet operation with superior power and fuel effi ciency while meeting Tier 4 Final/Stage IIIB emission standards.Easy ServiceConvenient service features make maintenance easy, reducing your downtime:• Lifting side hood allows access to air fi lter, main implement valve,1-way/2-way auxiliary fl ow selector, accumulator, fuel fi lter and hydraulic tank. This eliminates the need to lift the cab when maintaining and servicing the machine.• Swing open door provides access to major components and service points including engine oil check and fi ll, vertically mounted engine oil fi lter, starter motor and alternator.• S·O·S SM oil sampling valve allows easy sampling of the hydraulic fl uid for preventative maintenance.• The 308E2 CR is Product Link™ ready and the Cat Product Link system simplifi es equipment fl eet tracking. Using satellite or cellular technology, the system automatically reports information such as location, machine hours, active and logged service codes and security alarms.Power on DemandAutomatic system ensures optimal fuel effi ciency through appropriate engine rating to meet all operational requirements as needed.Auto Engine ShutdownEngaging this feature allows the operator to save fuel by powering down the machine after a designated inactive period. The operator can adjust the range from 1-15 minutes to meet their needs. The system will only shut down after the set time, provided the hydraulic lever is up. Electronics will remain powered after shutdown.13308E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator Specifications1415308E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator SpecificationsDimensionsLift Capacities at Ground Level*Lift Point Radius 4000 mm (13'1")6050 mm (19'10")Front Side Front Side Blade Down kg 365017101880920lb 8,0463,7704,1442,028Blade Upkg 18401530970820lb4,0563,3732,1381,808* The above loads are consistent with hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating standard ISO 10567:2007 and they do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. The excavator bucket weight is not included on this chart. Lifting capacities are for standard stick.Standard StickLong Stick mm ft/in mm ft/in 1Dig Depth 415013'7"469015'5" 2Vertical Wall29809'9"355011'8" 3Maximum Reach at Ground Level 682022'9"735024'1" 4Maximum Reach702023'0"754024'9" 5Maximum Dig Height664021'9"699022'11" 6Maximum Dump Clearance 467015'4"501016'5" 7Linkage In Minimum Radius 28009'2"328010'9" 8Tail SwingStandard Counterweight 14504'9"14504'9" 9Maximum Blade Height4201'5" 4201'5"10Maximum Blade Depth3201'1" 3201'1"11Boom Height in Shipping Position22807'6"22307'4"12O/A Shipping Height 25508'4"25508'4"13Swing Bearing Height 7352'5" 7352'5"14O/A Undercarriage Length 29039'6"29039'6"15O/A Shipping Length 638020'11"634020'10"16Boom Swing Right 10103'4"10103'4"17Boom Swing Left 6352'1" 6352'1"18Track Belt/Shoe Width 4501'6" 4501'6"19O/A Track Width23207'7"23207'7"1119308E2 CR Mini Hydraulic Excavator Specifications Dimensions with Variable Angle BoomStandard Stick with Angle Boom ExtendedStandard Stick with Angle Boom Retractedmm in mm in1Dig Depth398015737101462Vertical Wall382015036001423Maximum Reach at Ground Level763230063652514Maximum Reach778030665502585Maximum Dig Height800031552002056Maximum Dump Clearance608023933601327Linkage In Minimum Radius292511532351278Tail SwingStandard Counterweight1450 571450 57With Extra Counterweight1565621565629Maximum Blade Height 420 17 420 1710Maximum Blade Depth 320 13 320 1311Boom Height in Shipping Position22809022008712O/A Shipping Height2550100255010013Swing Bearing Height 735 29 735 2914O/A Undercarriage Length2903114290311415O/A Shipping Length7010276579522816Boom Swing Right10104010104017Boom Swing Left 635 25 635 2518Track Belt/Shoe Width 450 18 450 1819O/A Track Width232091232091Lift Capacities at Ground Level with Variable Angle BoomVariable Angle Boom Minimum*Variable Angle Boom Maximum*Lift Point Radius5000 mm (16'5")5500 mm (18'1")5000 mm (16'5")6800 mm (22'4")Front Side Front Side Front Side Front Side Blade Down kg2354107090290224799451451575lb5,1912,3591,9891,9895,4662,0843,1991,268 Blade Up kg129410709029021164945714575lb2,8532,3591,9891,9892,5672,0841,5741,268 * The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating standard ISO 10567:2007 and they do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. The excavator bucket weight is not included on this chart. Lifting capacities are for standard stick.16308E2 CR Standard EquipmentENGINE• Cat C3.3B diesel engine (meets Tier 4 Final/ Stage IIIB emission standards)• Automatic engine idle• Automatic engine shut-off• Automatic two speed travel• Diesel Particulate Filter(North America only)• Diesel Oxidation Catalyst(North America only)• Fuel and water separator• Power on demandHYDRAULIC SYSTEM• 1-way and 2-way (combined function)• Accumulator• Automatic swing parking brake• Auxiliary hydraulic lines• Adjustable auxiliary relief• Auxiliary line quick disconnects• Cat interlock system: hydraulic lockout • Continuous auxiliary fl ow• Ecology drain• Hydraulic oil cooler• High defi nition hydraulics• Load sensing/fl ow sharing OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT• 100% pilot control ergonomic joysticks• Adjustable armrests• Air conditioning/heat• COMPASS: complete, operation,maintenance, performance andsecurity system–Multiple languages• Cup holder• High back suspension seat, heated• Hydraulic neutral lockout bar• Interior light• Literature holder• Pattern changer (optional in Europe)• Radio (optional in Europe)• Site reference system: leveling• Tool storage area• Travel control pedals with hand levers• Washable fl oor mat• Windshield wiperUNDERCARRIAGE• Dozer blade with fl oat function• Track, rubber belt, 450 mm (18 in) width• Tie down eyes on track frame• Towing eye on base frameFRONT LINKAGE• 180 degree bucket rotation• Certifi ed lifting eye on bucket linkage(optional in Europe)• Front shovel capable• Thumb ready stickELECTRICAL• 12 volt electrical system• 60 ampere alternator• 650 CCA maintenance free battery• Fuse box• Ignition key start/stop switch• Slow blow fuse• Warning hornLIGHTS AND MIRRORS• Cab and boom light with time delaycapability• Mirror, rear view, cab leftSAFETY AND SECURITY• Anti-theft system (COMPASS)• Caterpillar Corporate “One Key” System• Door locks• Lockable fuel cap• Rearview camera• Retractable seat belt• Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS)(ISO 12117-2)• Tip Over Protective Structure (TOPS)(ISO 12117)• Top guard – ISO 10262 (Level II)• Travel alarm (optional in Europe)Standard EquipmentStandard equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.17308E2 CR Optional EquipmentENGINE• Engine block heater HYDRAULIC SYSTEM• Quick coupler lines• Boom lowering check valve*• Stick lowering check valve*• Secondary auxiliary hydraulic lines* *Standard on V AB confi guration.UNDERCARRIAGE• Blade, weld on• Track, triple grouser (steel), 450 mm (18 in)• Track, triple grouser (steel) with rubber pad,450 mm (18 in)• Track, triple grouser (steel), 600 mm (24 in)FRONT LINKAGE• Quick coupler: manual or hydraulic• Thumb• Buckets• Full range of performance matchedwork tools–Auger, hammer, shear, ripperLIGHTS AND MIRRORS• Mirror, cab rearSAFETY AND SECURITY• Battery disconnect• Front wire mesh guard• Front steel plate guard• Rain guardTECHNOLOGY• Product LinkOTHER ATTACHMENTS• Counterweight, extra, 1121 kg (2,493 lb)*Optional EquipmentOptional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.18Notes19AEHQ7916 (08-2016) For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the webat © 2016 CaterpillarAll rights reservedMaterials and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may includeadditional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, , their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge”trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and maynot be used without permission.。
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空调制冷效果提升25%左右空调制冷效果对比密封性升级40%左右单位:m ³/h驾驶室密封性升级对比外部和内部大量使用加强钢板,保证了工作装置可以适应各种恶劣工况。
卡特305 CR迷你挖掘机说明书
F eatures:The Cat® 305 CR Mini Excavator delivers power and performancein a compact size to help you work in a wide range of applications.ALL DAY COMFORTChoose either a canopy or a sealed and pressurized cab which can be equipped with air conditioning, adjustable wrist rests, and a suspension seat to help keep you working comfortably all day long.EASY TO OPERATEControls are easy to use and the intuitive Next Generation LCD monitor provides easy to read machine information. An advanced touchscreen monitor can also be equipped as an upgrade option.STICK STEER TRAVEL MODEMoving around the job site is even easier with the Cat Stick Steer option. Easily switch from traditional travel controls with levers and pedals to joystick controls to move the machine and to operate the blade. The benefit of less effort and improved control is in your hands!BIG PERFORMANCE IN A COMPACT DESIGNStrong lift and dig performance helps you get the job done faster. The compact radius design lets you access and work in the tightest areas. Dozer float allows for easy clean up. An angle blade is also an option for finished grading and easier backfilling applications.SAFETY ON THE JOB SITEYour safety is our top priority. The Cat mini excavator is designed to help keep you safe on the job. Courtesy work lights and a fluorescent retractable seat belt are just a couple of the safety features we’ve built into the machine.SIMPLE SERVICE FOR LESS DOWNTIMEMaintenance is quick and easy on the Cat mini excavator. Routine check points are easy to access at ground level through the side doors.LOWER OPERATING COSTSEquipped with features such as auto idle, auto engine shutdown,and efficient hydraulics with a variable displacement pump, theCat mini excavator was designed with reducing your operating costs in mind.UNMATCHED DEALER SUPPORTYour Cat dealer is here to help you reach your business goals.From providing equipment solutions to operator training to service needs and beyond, your Cat dealer is ready to help. Cat®305 CRM ini E xcavatorEngineEngine Model C1.7 TurboNet Power @ 2,400 rpmISO 9249, 80/1269/EEC 33.6 kW 45.0 hp Gross Power @ 2,400 rpmSAE J1995:2014 36.1 kW 48.4 hp Bore 84.0 mm 3.3 in Stroke 100.0 mm 3.9 in Displacement 1.662 L 101 in3• Meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final emission standards.• N et power advertised is the power available at the flywheel when the engine is at rated speed and rated power when the engineis installed with the factory configured fan, air intake system, exhaust system, and alternator with a minimum alternator load.WeightsMinimum Operating Weight with Canopy* 4996 kg 11,016 lb Maximum Operating Weight with Canopy** 5655 kg 12,469 lb Minimum Operating Weight with Cab* 5095 kg 11,234 lb Maximum Operating Weight with Cab** 5754 kg 12,688 lb* M inimum Weight is based on rubber tracks, operator, full fuel tank, standard stick, straight blade, no bucket and no extra counterweight. ** M aximum Weight is based on steel tracks with pads, operator, full fuel tank, long stick, straight blade, extra counterweight and no bucket.Specifications305 CR Mini ExcavatorWeight Increase from Minimum Configuration Counterweight 242 kg 534 lb Long Stick 34 kg 75 lb Steel Tracks with Pads 375 kg 827 lb Angle Blade 102 kg 225 lbTravel SystemTravel Speed – High 5.0 km/h 3.1 mph Travel Speed – Low 2.8 km/h 1.7 mph Maximum Traction Force – High Speed 24.7 kN 5,553 lbf Maximum Traction Force – Low Speed 50.5 kN 11,353 lbf Ground Pressure – Minimum Weight 27.3 kPa 4.0 psi Ground Pressure – Maximum Weight 32.2 kPa 4.7 psi Gradeability (maximum) 30 degreesService Refill CapacitiesCooling System 11.0 L 2.9 gal Engine Oil 6.0 L 1.6 gal Fuel Tank 63.0 L 17.0 gal Hydraulic Tank 60.0 L 16.0 gal Hydraulic System 75.0 L 20.0 galHydraulic SystemLoad Sensing Hydraulics with Variable Displacement Piston Pump Pump Flow @ 2,400 rpm 133 L/min 35 gal/min Operating Pressure – Equipment 265 bar 3,843 psi Operating Pressure – Travel 265 bar 3,843 psi Operating Pressure – Swing 200 bar 2,901 psi Auxiliary Circuit – PrimaryFlow* 80 L/min 21 gal/min Pressure* 265 bar 3,843 psi Auxiliary Circuit – SecondaryFlow* 28 L/min 7.0 gal/min Pressure* 265 bar 3,843 psi Digging Force – Stick (standard) 28.3 kN 6,362 lbf Digging Force – Stick (long) 25.2 kN 5,665 lbf Digging Force – Bucket 49.2 kN 11,061 lbf * F low and pressure are not combinable. Under load, as flow rises pressure goes down.Swing SystemMachine Swing Speed 9.0 rpmBoom Swing – Left 72 DegreesBoom Swing – Right 50 DegreesBladeWidth (Straight) 1980 mm 78.0 in Height (Straight) 390 mm 15.4 in Width (Angle) 1980 mm 78.0 in Height (Angle) 400 mm 15.7 in Angle Blade – Left 25 degreesAngle Blade – Right 25 degreesCertification – Cab and CanopyRoll Over Protective Structure (ROPS) ISO 12117-2:2008Tip Over Protective Structure (TOPS) ISO 12117:1997Top Guard ISO 10262:1998 Level I SoundOperator Sound Pressure Level 76 dB(A)(ISO 6396:2008)Exterior Sound Power Level 97 dB(A)(ISO 6395:2008)• E uropean Union Directive “2000/14/EC”512346789101112131421151617181920DimensionsStandard Stick Long Stick1Dig Depth3420 mm (134.6 in)3670 mm (144.5 in) 2Vertical Wall2335 mm (91.9 in)2560 mm (100.8 in) 3Maximum Reachat Ground Level5590 mm (220.1 in)5835 mm (229.7 in) 4Maximum Reach5755 mm (226.6 in)5990 mm (235.8 in) 5Maximum Dig Height5215 mm (205.3 in)5355 mm (210.8 in) 6Maximum Dump Clearance3700 mm (145.7 in)3845 mm (151.4 in) 7Boom in Reach2570 mm (101.2 in)2580 mm (101.6 in) 8Tail Swingwithout Counterweight1095 mm (43.1 in)1095 mm (43.1 in)with Counterweight1200 mm (47.2 in)1200 mm (47.2 in) 9Maximum Blade Height385 mm (15.2 in)385 mm (15.2 in) 10Maximum Blade Depth595 mm (23.4 in)595 mm (23.4 in) 11Boom Height inShipping Position1820 mm (71.7 in)1895 mm (74.6 in) 12Overall Shipping Height2550 mm (100.4 in)2550 mm (100.4 in) 13Swing Bearing Height619 mm (24.4 in)619 mm (24.4 in) 14Overall Undercarriage Length2580 mm (101.6 in)2580 mm (101.6 in) 15Overall Shipping Length†5305 mm (208.9 in)5340 mm (210.2 in) 16Boom Swing Right865 mm (34.1 in)865 mm (34.1 in) 17Boom Swing Left615 mm (24.2 in)615 mm (24.2 in) 18Track Belt/Shoe Width400 mm (15.7 in)400 mm (15.7 in) 19Track Width1980 mm (78.0 in)1980 mm (78.0 in) 20Ground Clearance335 mm (13.2 in)335 mm (13.2 in) 21Stick Length1351 mm (53.2 in)1601 mm (63.0 in)†O verall Shipping Length depends on blade position during shipment.305 CR Mini Excavator CabCanopy* T he above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity rating standard ISO 10567:2007 and they do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity. The excavator bucket weight is not included on this chart.305 CR Mini ExcavatorStandard and Optional EquipmentStandard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.Standard Optional Canopy or Cab✓Cab with Air Conditioning ✓Cab with Heater✓Top Guard ISO 10262:1998 Level I✓ROPS – ISO 12117-2:2008✓TOPS – ISO 12117:1997✓Stick Steer Mode✓Travel Cruise Control✓Control Pattern Changer (optional in some regions)✓Adjustable Wrist Rests✓Washable Floor Mat✓Travel Pedals and Hand Levers✓No Travel Pedals and Hand Levers (optional in some regions)✓Machine Security✓Standard Key with Pass Code✓Push to Start with Key Fob/Pass Code✓Fabric Suspension Seat (Cab only)✓Vinyl Suspension Seat (Canopy only)✓Hydraulic Lockout – All Controls✓Retractable High Visibility Seat Belt (75 mm/3 in)✓Coat Hook✓Cup Holder✓Storage Pocket✓Skylight✓Mounting Bosses for Front ✓Signaling/Warning Horn✓Interior Light (Cab only)✓Boom Light, Halogen (not available in all regions)✓LED Front Lights✓LED Front and Rear Lights✓LED Boom Light✓Utility Space for Mobile Phone✓Mirrors, Left, Right and Rear✓Camera✓Radio – Bluetooth®, Auxiliary, Microphone, USB (charging only) (Cab only)✓Standard OptionalBio Oil Capable✓Eco Drain✓Water Jacket Heater✓Counterweight (242 kg/534 lb)✓AEHQ8376-01 (03-2022)Replaces AEHQ8376Build Number: 07A(North America)For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2022 CaterpillarAll rights reservedMaterials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, LET’S DO THE WORK, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Corporate Yellow,” the “Power Edge”and Cat “Modern Hex” trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar。
SpringerMAX-PRO 小型挖掘机使用说明书
Mini digger SpringerMAX-PROINSTRUCTIONContact:P.H.U. ELGO-PLUSul. Przemysłowa 187-880 Brześć Kujawski POLANDTel.: +48 602 841 094www.elgoplus.ple-mail: *******************1.INTRODUCTIONThis instruction contains basic informations of usage and terms of use mini digger SpringerMAX-PRO. Proper maintenance and the correct way to use the machine condition the safe and reliable operation. The procedures described in this manual are the optimal methods of working with the machine and perform maintenance. In order to reduce the likelihood of an accident and prevention of incidents as a result of which the machine could be damaged or cause to make it dangerous to be thoroughly familiar with the content of warnings and comments given in the instructions for the machinery.Operators should carefully read all of this manual and observe all its recommendations.Failure to follow these recommendations could be the basis for the withdrawal of the manufacturer's warranty for the product.This manual must be readily available and always kept near the mini digger!ELGO-PLUS reserves the right to change specifications, construction, instruction, and extension or modernization of the product without prior notice. ELGO-PLUS Company is not obligated to make such changes to previously manufactured machines.Description of signs used in instruction:2.MACHINE FEATURES2.1.General descriptionThe machine is designed for earthworks carried out in normal daylight conditions. If the machine is to be used for other purposes or have to work in a potentially hazardous environment, then follow the special safety regulations, and the machine itself should be equipped according to the working conditions. For further information, please contact the manufacturer.KJPIC.2.1 General construction2.2.Technical dataPIC.2.MACHINES DIMENSIONS2.4.Removable equipmentPIC. 2.3 NAME PLATE3.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe mini diggers user duties are knowledge of and compliance with applicable laws, therefore, included safety instructions are only recommendations.•The operator must be healthy and be at least 18 years of age.•Mini digger must be maintained in good condition.•Inspection and repairs can be carried out only after the machine is turned off•It is forbidden to make unauthorized modifications to the machine without the manufacturer's consent•It is forbidden to work the machine in explosive atmospheres and confined spaces without adequate ventilation•Mini digger is not intended for public roads, it can only moves beyond them.•It is forbidden to smoking and approaching other sources of ignition while refueling.•The operator should exercise extreme caution when working, all people nearby mini digger should still be within his sight.•Do not fill fuel other than what is recommended for the engine. Detailed recommendations are contained in the engine manual.•Mini digger can be operated at the appropriate level of engine and hydraulic oil.•Mini digger is designed to work in the daytime, in the case of work in conditions of limited visibility, it should be provided appropriate lighting equipment to the work area on Your own.•It is forbidden to use the machine in clothing unsuitable for this or another that can cause danger (eg. long dangling pieces of clothing).•It is forbidden to use the machine if the operator contamination with substances such as oil, grease, etc. that may cause a slip hazard.•The contents of this chapter contains instructions and precautions that must be followed to ensure proper and safe operation and maintenance.These rules do not exempt the operator from the obligation to comply with the law or other applicable rules regarding safety and health.Users dutiesThe user is obliged to pay attention to the specific requirements and hazards during work as well as personal safety. This is necessary to prevent serious injury or damage, and even deaths Responsibility for otherIt should work with the machine so as to avoid the risk of accidents and injuries. You have the right and obligation to prevent this. No one is allowed to enter the working area of the machine during its operation without prior notice to the operator. If someone must enter into the working area of the machine to perform a specific job, that person must exercise extreme caution and without the need not to move from the back of the machine or remain in a dangerous areaIf someone is in the area of machine operation the operator must keep extra care. The operator can operate the machine only when you see this person, or if this person comprehensible signals to the operator, where it is locatedDamagesUser duty is to report any damage or wear that could affect safety. During the inspection, maintenance and repairs, on-site operator allowed to stay only person with the required knowledge of operating the machine and knowledge of controls.Safety information when using and operating the batteryWhile use battery, observe the safety instructions and relevant national regulations. Before carrying out any battery operation (including battery charging and starter battery use), you should familiarize yourself with safe methods for working with batteries with an electrolyte.Description of the marks on the machine4.STEERING ELEMENTSPIC.4.1 STEERING ELEMENTSLeft track steering ( A, Pic.4.1)1N2Right track steering ( B, Rys.4.1)1N2Moving forwardPush forward both steering levers (A and B, Pic.4.1), machine will go forward.Moving backwardPull back both steering levers (A and B, Pic.4.1), machine will go backward.Turning leftPush forward the right steering lever (B, Pic.4.1), the right track starts to move forward, the machine will go forward turning left.Or:Pull back left steering lever (A, Pic.4.1) the left track starts to move backward, the machine will go back turning to the left.Turning rightPush forward the left steering lever (A, Pic.4.1), the left track starts to move forward, the machine will go forward turning right. Or :Pull back right steering lever (B, Pic.4.1) the right track starts to move backwards, the machine will go back turning to the right.Support position steering ( C, Pic.4.1)Arm position steering ( D, Pic.4.1)NN 12341 2Jib position steering ( E, Pic.4.1)Hydraulic hammer starting ( F, PIC.4.1)5. USAGE5.1. Before workingN 2341N 1- Before starting the mini digger familiar with the contents of this manual.- Defects and damages that affect safety must be removed before use.- Do not operate the machine while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants. - Dress in appropriate clothing that allows for safe operation.- To increase the safety of the head is recommended to use a protective helmet.- Adjust the seat.- Do not overload the machine. Overloading adversely affect safety.- Before starting the mini see if there is someone in her immediate vicinity.- Check for leaks.- Check for damaged or loose parts that could cause damage.- Check if there is fuel in the tank.- Check the hydraulic oil tank.- Check engine oil level.- Before driving check that the machine is not near other people.- When it is very cold do not direct the machine to work hard after starting.- Check battery mounting.- Check the battery cables mounting.- Check the fuel tank for leaks or cracks.5.2Starting and shutting down the machineMini digger can be started by pulling a starting rope or by a starter with key located next to the engine.Before starting, unlock the fuel / ignition lever and unlock key.To turn off the machine lock the ignition key.RYS.5.1 ENGINEBAPIC.5.2 KEY STARTER5.2.DrivingWhen driving on flat ground, set back attachments and lift it off the ground to avoid knocked out of the terrain elements.When driving on uneven terrain shoul d move the machine so as not tilted to one side more than 10⁰. Riding uphillIf the tracks are sliding on the slope, push the bucket into the ground and pull the arm backwards to facilitate the uphill drive.Riding downhillIn case of downhill riding, drive the mini digger as slow as possible.5.3.StoppingTo park the machine choose flat terrain1. Set steering levers in neutral position2. Lower the bucket to the ground, keeping the bottom of the bucket parallel to the ground5.4.ParkingPay attention to weather conditions and take necessary steps to ensure that the machine is not frozen to the ground, plunged into it, or suffered other consequences.Long-term parkingFollow the instructions for parking and in addition:-check the machine for leaks and if there is no damage to the working system and tracks.-remove form the track accumulated soil-recure the machine against the corrosion and thoroughly lubricate-fill the fuel tank and oil to the maximum-shut off the fuel supply to the engine, according to the recommendations in the engine manual5.5.Bucket workingMini digger is a multi-purpose machine that can be equipped with a variety of specialized work equipment in order to perform many types of work. Below are described some operations5.5.1.Digging ditchesInstall a appropriate bucket for this kind of work. To work effectively set tracks in accordance with the direction of the ditch.In the case of a broad ditches first dig on both sides of the trench, and then select the material from the central area..5.5.2.Loading worksIn order to increase the effectiveness of the trolley set it in order to obtain a small angle of the mini diggers arm and good visibility for the operator.5.6.TransportWhile transporting the machine, follow the existing rules on weight, width, height, length and anchoring loads.Remove grease, oil, mud, ice, etc., from ramps or platform surface to prevent slipping off the machine.5.7.Loading1. Turn on brakes of transporting vehicle2. Put blocks under the wheels of transporting vehicle3. Secure the ramps- check the strength, width, length and thickness of the plank ramps is sufficiently safe for loading, - pay attention to the angle of ramps was 15 ⁰ or less.4. Check that the left and right ramp are the same height.5. Ride slowly to the ramps.6. Load the machine on a vehicle properly and ensure its secured7. Turn off the engine.8. After loading, put blocks under tracks and attached machine using transport belts5.8.Equipment changing1. Place the machine on a flat, sturdy and level ground.2. Lower the light fixture to touch the ground.3. Stop the engine.4. Remove the bolts securing the mounting equipment to the jib and the jib cylinder.5. Remove the bolts and remove the equipment.6. Set the jib that the mounting holes are concentrically positioned fixture with jib holes / arm and the hydraulic cylinder.7.Lubricate the inner surface8. Put pins9. Tighten the screw bolts.B DCARYS.5.2 BUCKET CHANGING5.9.1 FITTING AND OPERATION OF HYDRAULIC HAMMER5.9.1. The hydraulic hammer Atlas Copco SB52 is mounted in place of the bucket (pic.5.9.1)PIC. To use the hydraulic breaker, connect the hydraulic hoses and connect with quick couplings (PIC 5.9.2 - A,B).ABPIC Operation of the hydraulic hammer1. Before start using the hydraulic hammer machine need to run for around 15 minutes to let the hydraulic oil takes the right temperature.2. Hydraulic hummer need to be lubricated before and during using.3. To start working by hammer the tip must be pressed into the breaking material and then hammers is start running by pushing the lever (F, PIC.4.1) to the left.4. Continuous operation of the hammer cannot be longer than 15 seconds, when the material does not want to break, change the place of impact.ALL DETAILED INFORMATION ARE INCLUDED IN HYDRAULIC HAMMER OWNERS MANUAL6.SERVICE6.1.Service positionBefore working by the machine:1. Set the machine on a flat, sturdy and level ground.2. Working system should rest on the ground.3. Allow machine to coolPIC.6.1 POINTS OF LUBRICATION AND OIL REPLENISHMENT6.2.Hydraulic oil replenishmentTake care of proper hydraulic oil level. The tank is located under the driver's seat and has got 24 liters of hydraulic oil.PIC.6.2 HYDRAULIC OIL REPLENISHMENTA BThe hydraulic oil level is checked with a bayonet placed under the oil fill cap6.3.Hydraulic oil changingIt is recommended that the oil and oil filter were changed once a year, assuming that the machine is working 8 hours a day. In justified cases, the exchange should be carried out frequently. The oil filter is located under the oil tank cap B (Pic.6.2).Recommended hydraulic oil is AGIP ARNICA 46 or other with the same parameters (norm ISO L-HV and DIN 51524 t.3 HVLP).6.4.Hydraulic cylinders and pins lubcricationAll points where parts are in move must be properly lubricated. Below there is exepmplary lubrication point, All these points are equipped with grease nipples.APIC.6.4 POINT OF LUBRICATION6.5.Hydraulic pressure controlPIC.6.5 HYDRAULIC PRESSURE CONTROL6.6.Tracks tension regulationIn case of too low tracks tension it is necessary to adjust it by using the adjustment screws on both sides of the mini digger. To tension rubber tracks, first loosen support screws on sides of bracket (A), than regulate the tension by regulation screws (B).BBRYS.6.6 TRACKS TENSION REGULATION6.7.Brass pins changingIn the case of use of the brass pins, replace them with new ones. Knock out the pins out of the nest and embed new.APIC.6.7 BRASS PINS6.8.Hydraulic oli tank valveThe hydraulic oil tank is equipped with shut-off valve. The valve is used when operating the hydraulic pump and preventing oil spills after disconnecting the hydraulic hose.APIC.6.8 TANK VALVE6.9.Battery changingBattery is mounted next to gasoline engine, under the operators seat.The replacement should begin with the disconnection of the black (-) mass lead. Then disconnect the positive (+) cable in red.Loosen the wing screws and remove the retaining plate. After this, you can remove the used battery. Install the new battery in reverse order, paying particular attention to its secure mounting.PIC.6.9 BATTERYAB BCCD6.10.Machine maintenance tableX(1) Empty the tank, when the oil filter is not heavily soiled, you can use it again Mini digger is filled up with hydraulic oil AGIP (ENI) ARNICA 46.To next fill up it is recommended the same oil or other with the same parameters: ISO L-HV and DIN 51524 t.3 HVLP6.11.Pressure throttlingThe pressure in the hydraulic system can be throttled by a throttle valve (at hydraulic distributor).A21PIC.6.9 THROTTLING VALVE7.SPARE PARTSWhen ordering spare parts, always state the information on the name plate of the machine or enter the symbol of the part.WARRANTY CARD1. Warranty for smooth operation of the device is granted for a period of 24 months from the date of purchase for private users and 12 months for companies. Warranty does not cover consumable parts subject to normal use (replace parts).2. The manufacturer provides free repair, in case of under warranty against manufacturing defects.3. The manufacturer provides to resolve the complaint within 30 days from the date of notification.4. The buyer loses all rights guarantees in the event of unauthorized changes in construction or operation contrary to the instructions.5. Any damage caused by improper transportation or storage device, its improper operation, maintenance and other reasons not caused by the manufacturer - can be removed only at the expense of the user.6. If the above mentioned causes have caused permanent changes in the quality unit granted the guarantee expires.7. Machine repairing made during the warranty period by persons not authorized by the manufacturer will void the warranty.8. Warranty does not cover direct and indirect losses caused by defective machine.9. The warranty card is not valid without the date stamp and signature, as well as amendments and deletions made by unauthorized persons.10. In matters not covered by these warranty conditions apply to the Civil Code.11. The buyer pays the transportation cost for the mini digger to and from the service point or cover the travel cost for a service technician to the service point.Mini digger SpringerMAX-PROPurchase date:…………………………………..Serial number:…………………………….Sellers stamp and signature:……………………………….SERVICEDeclaration of conformity WEFor the purposes of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II, 1.AProducer:PHU ELGO-PLUSPrzemysłowa 1, 87-880 Brześć Kujawski POLANDA person domiciled or resident in the community authorized to compile the technical file: Owner Andrzej ZielińskiThe undersigned hereby declares that the product::TRADE MARK: MINI DIGGER SpringerMAX-PROFUNCTION: MULTIFUNCTIONAL MINI DIGGERTYPE/MODEL: SpringerMAX-PROcomplies with the following European directives:•machinery directive 2006/42/WE of 17.05.2006 (Dz.U. L 157 z 9.06.2006 page 24) and its amendment 2009/127/WE of 21.10.2009 (Dz.U. L 310 z 25.11.2009 page 29).Andrzej ZielińskiOwner。
挖掘机技术操作规程范文一、操作前准备1. 确保挖掘机安装完善,机件无松动、磨损等异常情况。
2. 检查挖掘机液压系统,确保液压油位正常,无泄漏现象。
3. 检查挖掘机电气系统,确保电源连接良好,无电路短路等问题。
4. 确保挖掘机周围无障碍物,操作区域清晰可见。
二、挖掘机的起动与停机1. 打开挖掘机的驾驶室门窗,确保换气通畅。
2. 检查发动机油压,确认正常后,启动挖掘机。
3. 启动后,观察仪表板各指示灯,确保无任何异常。
4. 挖掘机停机前,先将作业部位清理干净,停放时选择平坦地面。
三、挖掘机的基本操作1. 左手放在挖掘机方向盘上,右手放在挖掘机传动杆上。
2. 按下刹车踏板,控制挖掘机的行走方向。
3. 按下挖掘机的加速踏板,控制挖掘机的行走速度。
4. 按下挖掘机的油门杆,控制挖掘机的加速度。
5. 按下挖掘机的转向杆,控制挖掘机的转向角度。
四、挖掘机的动作操作1. 按下挖斗控制杆,控制挖斗的升降。
2. 按下铲斗控制杆,控制铲斗的升降。
3. 按下铲斗旋转杆,控制铲斗的旋转角度。
4. 同时操作挖斗和铲斗,实现挖掘和装载工作。
五、挖掘机的安全操作1. 挖掘机驾驶员应保持冷静,专注于操作。
2. 操作前应先观察周围环境,确保安全。
3. 挖掘机作业时,禁止站在挖斗或铲斗上。
4. 挖掘机转弯时,应先发出警示信号。
5. 操作中发现异常时,应立即停机检查。
六、挖掘机的日常维护1. 每天使用后,及时清理挖掘机外部的灰尘、泥沙等杂物。
2. 定期检查挖掘机各部件的润滑情况,并及时添加润滑油。
3. 定期检查挖掘机的轮胎、履带等悬挂系统,确保正常运行。
4. 定期清洗挖掘机散热器,保持散热效果良好。
5. 挖掘机长时间不使用时,应避免长时间暴露在阳光下,要做好防腐处理。
七、挖掘机的异常处理1. 挖掘机出现异常噪音时,应立即停机检查,确保机件无松动。
2. 挖掘机行走异常时,应检查轮胎或履带是否有异常情况。
3. 挖掘机液压系统异常时,应及时检查油压、油位等情况。
一、挖掘机的基本操作1.1 挖掘机的启动和停止- 启动挖掘机前,要检查液压油、燃油和润滑油的量是否充足,确保机器正常运行。
- 停止挖掘机时,应先将工作装置放置在安全位置,然后关闭发动机。
1.2 挖掘机的行走操作- 行走操作前,要确保周围没有人员和障碍物,并选择合适的行走速度。
- 在行走过程中,要注意观察前方道路状况,及时调整行走方向和速度。
1.3 挖掘机的工作装置操作- 在进行挖掘作业前,要先确认工作区域的地质情况和承载能力,确保挖掘机的安全稳定。
- 操作挖掘机的工作装置时,要根据实际情况选择合适的挖掘深度和角度,并注意控制挖掘速度,避免过度挖掘或损坏设备。
二、安全注意事项2.1 安全帽和防护装备的佩戴- 操作挖掘机时,必须佩戴安全帽和防护装备,保护头部和身体免受伤害。
- 特别是在高温、低温、噪音和尘埃等恶劣环境下,应佩戴相应的防护装备。
2.2 挖掘机的稳定性控制- 在进行挖掘作业时,要保持挖掘机的稳定性,避免因不平衡或过度倾斜而导致翻车事故。
- 在工作过程中,要根据需要使用支腿或防滑垫,确保挖掘机的稳定性。
2.3 挖掘机的周围环境检查- 在开始作业前,要仔细检查作业区域的地下管线、电缆和其他隐患,确保挖掘机的安全运行。
- 在作业过程中,要随时注意周围环境的变化,避免与其他机械设备或人员发生碰撞。
三、作业技巧3.1 挖掘机的挖掘技巧- 在进行挖掘作业时,要根据地质情况和挖掘目标,选择合适的挖掘方式和工作装置。
- 在挖掘过程中,要注意控制挖掘深度和角度,避免挖掘过度或不足。
3.2 挖掘机的装载技巧- 在进行装载作业时,要根据货物的性质和重量,选择合适的铲斗容量和装载方式。
ALWAYS READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USINGRL4257" Angle Sander34513536373839 4041 42434449 4546477965211615141312101135017181920213332302928292324222548262027Item#1235679 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Part #Description Qty.Air InletExhaust BushingMotor HousingHandle CoverLeverThrottle Lever PinThrottle Valve BushingValve StemO-RingSpringAir RegulatorO-RingO-RingValve ScrewGasketBearing CapRetainer RingBall BearingRear End PlateRotor BladeRotorDowel PinCylinder11111111111111111214111Item#26272829303233343536373839404142434445464748495051Part #Description Qty.RS71626RS71627RS71628RS21109RS71630RS71632RS71633RS71634RS71635RS71636RS71637RS71638RS71639RS71640RS71641RS71642RS71643RS71644RS71645RS71646RS71647RS71648RS71649RS71650RS71651RS71601RS71602RS71603RS71605RS71606RS71607RS71609RS71610RS71611RS71612RS71613RS71614RS71615RS71616RS71617RS71618RS71619RS21417RS71621RS71622RS71623RS71624RS71625Front End PlateClamp NutSpacerBall BearingBevel Gear ShaftAllen Cap ScrewDead handleHousing-AngleNeedle BearingRetainer RingWave WasherBevel GearBearing BushingBall BearingWoodruff KeyGear ShaftGasketAngle Housing CoverScrew with Lock WasherSander PadRetaining NutO-RingStop SpannerRubberBearing Plate1112141111111111114111111Tools of this class operate on a wide range of airpressures. It is recommended that air pressure of these tools measure 90 PSI at the tool while running free.Higher pressure and unclean air will shorten the tool’s life because of faster wear and may create a hazardous condition.Water in the air line will cause damage to the tool.Drain the air tank daily. Clean the air inlet filterscreen on at least a weekly schedule. The recommended hook-up procedure can be viewed in Figure 2.The air inlet, Figure 1, used for connecting air supply, has standard 1/4" NPT American Thread.Line pressure should be increased to compensate for unusually long air hoses (over 25 feet). Minimum hose diameter should be 3/8" I.D. and fittings should have the same inside dimensionsAIR SUPPLYBefore operating this sander, it is important to ensure that the sanding pad is secure. To do this, hold the stop spanner on the gear shaft and turn the pad clockwise until tight.Note: Make sure dead handle is installed on appropriate side of sander for positive grip while operating tool.To change sanding discs: Remove retaining nut , place abrasive disk on sanding pad, then replace retaining nut. Again, make sure pad is tightened securely.Let the sander do the work. The normal weight of the machine is sufficient for efficient sanding. Do not put excessive pressure on the machine. This will only slow down the speed of the pad, reduce sanding efficiency and put an additional burden on the motor. Start the sander off the work, set it down on the work evenly and move it slowly back and forth in wide, overlapping areas. When finished sanding, lift it off the work before stopping the motor.OPERATIONTROUBLESHOOTINGLUBRICATION & MAINTENANCEWARRANTYLubricate the tool daily with a good grade of air tool oil. If no air line oiler is used, run a teaspoon of oil through the tool. The oil can be squirted into the tool air inlet, Figure 1, or into the hose at the nearest connection to the air supply, then run the tool. A rust inhibitive oil is acceptable for air tools.Matco warrants its air tools for a period of 1 year to the consumer. We will repair any air tool covered under this warranty which proves to be defective in material or workmanship during the warranty period.In order to have your tool repaired, return the tool to any Matco Authorized Warranty Center, freight prepaid. Please include a copy of your proof of purchase and a brief description of the problem. The tool will be inspected and if any part or parts are found to be defective in material or workmanship,they will be repaired free of charge and the repaired tool will be returned to you freight prepaid.This warranty gives you specific rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.The foregoing obligation is Matco's sole liability under this or any implied warranty and under no circumstances shall Matco be liable for any incidental or consequential damages.Note: Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.Figure 1Figure 2Air Inlet。
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1951 年,第一台全液压反铲挖掘机由位于法国的 Poclain( 波克兰 ) 工厂推出,从而在挖掘机的技术发展领域开创了全新空间,20世纪50年代初期和中期相继研制出拖式全回转液压挖掘机和履带式全液压挖掘机。
三.制作材料 序号 材料 数量 备注
1 塑料板 1 长*宽=400*500(mm )
2 20ml 注射器 8
3 输液器 2
4 铁丝 若干 作为连接轴
5 502胶水 1 6
1---大臂液压手柄 2---小臂液压手柄 3---铲斗液压手柄 4---转向液压手柄