肯定了以集体劳动改造自然,建立 人间乐园的社会理想。
2.欧洲近代资产阶级先 进知识分子的形象。
我要跳身进时代的奔波, 我要跳身进事变的车轮! 苦痛,欢乐,失败,成功,我都不问; 男儿的事业原本要昼夜不停。 我要在内心的自我中深深领略, 领略尽全人类所赋有的精神, 至崇高的,至深远的,我都要了解, 要把全人类的苦乐堆积在我寸心, 我的小我便扩大成全人类的大我。
所以在这儿要有环绕着的危险, 以便幼者壮者都过活着有为之年。 我愿意看见这样熙熙攘攘的人群, 在自由的土地上住着自由的国民。 我要呼唤对于这样的刹那: “你真美呀,请停留一下!” 我在地上的日子会有痕迹遗留, 它将不致永远成为乌有。—— 我在这样宏福的预感之中, 在将这最高的一刹那享受。
《浮士德》的故 事梗概 浮士德的五大追 求
浮士德精神的实 质
写作年份: 初稿浮士德:1768----1775年 浮士德片段:1788----1790年 浮士德悲剧第一部:1773----1808年 浮士德悲剧第二部:1825----1832年
1、浮士德精神首先是一种笃于实践的入世 精神。 2、“浮士德精神”还是一种不甘堕落、对 自我永不满足的追求精神。
“ 歌德在自己的作品中,对当时的德国社会 的态度是带有两重性的。有时对它是敌视 的;……有时又相反,……他亲近它,“迁就” 它……这常常不过是他的各种情绪的表现而已; 在他心中经常进行着天才诗人和法兰克福市议 员的谨慎的儿子、可敬的魏玛的枢密顾问之间 的斗争,前者厌恶周围环境的鄙俗气,而后者 却不得不对这种鄙俗气妥协,迁就。因此,歌 德有时非常伟大,有时极为渺小;有时是叛逆 的、爱嘲笑的、鄙视世界的天才,有时则是谨 小慎微、事事知足、胸襟狭隘的庸人。……他 的气质、他的精力、他的全部精神意向都把他 推向实际生活,而他所接触的实际生活却是很 可怜的。他的生活环境是他应该鄙视的,但是 他又始终被困在这个他所能活动的唯一的生活 环境里。歌德总是面临着这种进退维谷的境 地……”(恩格斯)
下面是我为你整理的歌德英语简介,盼望对你有用!约翰沃尔夫冈冯歌德人物影响Faust works with Homers epic, Dantes Divine Comedy and Shakespeares Hamlet tied for the four classic European literature, William Meister points learning era and roaming era Two.Goethe has a great influence on world literature. His work is translated into 48 languages, is an important part of the classic. Goethe knows a variety of languages, familiar with the European countries in the historical era of literary works and forms, he translated, parody or writing the style of these works. Faust is simply a collection of European literary traditions. Goethe also has a strong interest in folk songs around the world, and actively collect works outside the mainstream of Europe. He participated in the world literature is the most prominent example of the two poems Western poetry and Sino-German four seasons faint chant. The former was influenced by Persian poet Hafez, who was influenced by Chinese drama and novels. Goethe hopes to understand the culture to improve the tolerance, his world literature should be called cross-cultural communication refers to a series of global dialogueand exchange. In these dialogues and exchanges, the commonality of different cultures is becoming more and more obvious, personality has not been denied. Goethes understanding of the worlds various cultures through extensive academic reading, textual translation, and tolerance of these views, calmly accept or ignore them. Goethe agrees with Kants ideas of art and science. His scientific practice and world literature practice is to find all the living body in different manifestation of unity and harmony.Goethe works into China is probably around the Wuxu. In 1922, Guo Moruo full translation of the juvenile Witt troubles was officially published, then he gradually translated Faust. It is worth mentioning that Goethes works have played a positive role in the Chinese Enlightenment. After the founding of new China, with the development of Sino-German cultural exchanges, Goethe and his works like a flashing star, in China, the more brilliant light. Peoples Literature Publishing House published a collection of three generations of Chinese Goethe researchers and translators academic achievements of the ten volumes of Goethe Collection, a Sino-German cultural exchange in the history of a major event. In the 1930s, Faust has entered the university classroom, in some schools to open the Western classics read class was studied. To the eve of the outbreak of the war, just a dozen years, Goethes main works in addition to William Mansis roaming era and affinity two long translation,almost all have the Chinese translation. Goethes popularity in China is evident.歌德英语简介相关。
歌德英语简介Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (August 28, 1722 - March 22, 1832), was born in Frankfurt am Main, a famous German thinker, writer, scientist, he is Weimar The most famous representative of classicalism. And as a writer of poetry, drama and prose works, he is oneof the greatest German writers, but also anoutstanding figure in the field of world literature. He wrote a play in 1773, "Gertz von Bethlein", fromthe famous German literary world. 1774 published a "juvenile Witt's troubles", but also made him fame. In 1776 began to serve Weimar Principality. 1831 completed the "Faust", the following year in Weimar died.Goethe not only good painting, extensiveresearch on the natural sciences, its creationincludes lyrics, no rhyme free poetry, group poems, long narrative poems, herdsmen poems, historical poems, historical drama, tragedy, drama, novels, short stories, educational novels , Epistolary novels and autobiographical poetry, prose and other genres of literary works. The most famous is the epistolarynovel "Juvenile Witt's troubles" (1774), poetic philosophy tragedy "Faust" (1774 ~ 1831) and the novel"William Masters" (1775 ~ 1828). "Youth to maintain the trouble" because of a generation of young anti-feudal voice, by the masses warm welcome, so that Goethe from the enjoyment of the world's voice. "Faust" based on the German 16th century on the legend of Dr. Faust, to the processing and transformation. Is the rise of the European bourgeoisie bourgeois advanced people continue to explore, the pursuit ofart summary. The tragedy is not only the structure of the magnificent, colorful, into the realism, romanticism and symbolism as a whole, and let the main characters Faust and the devil Felicity of the whole words and deeds are formed good and evil, line and love, The dialectical development of relations.The brilliant achievement of Goethe's life, especially the later creation, is inseparable from his adherence to this principle of realism. Goethe had led the frantic movement in his early years and preferred romanticism. But later realized that the romantic "morbid", turned to classicalism. Goethe advocated by classicalism, in essence, is realism. Realism is a focus of Goethe's later theoretical thinking. In the historical process of the development of Western realism theory, Goethe's realist literary thought is regarded as a milestone, which has given the development of European realist literature directly。
• 此后,浮士德继续得到梅菲斯特的帮助,从个人的小世界投身 社会的大世界:开始他接触政治生活,希求功名,向皇帝倡议 大量发行钞票,解救了财政危机,却被昏庸的皇帝视作浅陋的 魔法师。 • 于是,他又在瓦格纳的“人造人”帮助下,穿越时空,追求古 希腊的美女海伦,并与海伦结婚生子,儿子欧福里翁无限制的 追求高飞,却坠地身亡,海伦也悲痛离去。 • 回到现实后,浮士德帮助国王平息了叛乱,得到一块赏地,他 决定筑堤拦海,改造自然,却间接害死了无辜百姓。在这过程 中,他双目失明了,听到为他掘墓的声音,却以为是大堤将成 的信号,激动的他由衷盼望时间为之停留,随即颓然倒地。 • 按照赌约,他的灵魂将归魔鬼所有。但天使及时到来拯救了他, 他进入天国见到了圣母与格蕾琴。
一出悲剧,即浮士德的人生悲剧; 两次赌赛,即梅非斯特与天帝;与浮士德的打赌; 五种追求,指浮士德先后对知识、爱情、政治、权 势、 艺术美和对为人类造福事业的追求。
1.两个赌局 上帝和魔鬼梅菲斯特
在天上争论人的善恶, 以下界的浮士德博士打 赌。魔鬼认为人是情欲 的奴隶,要将他引入邪 路;上帝则相信一个善 人在他摸索中终会觉悟, 回归正途。
• 浮士德的性格也是充满矛盾的,体现在小我与大我之间。 也是一种灵与肉的矛盾,实际上是理智与情欲、进步与 停滞,上升与沉沦的矛盾,是上升时期资产阶级两重性 的表现,也是歌德眼中至善至恶矛盾在具体事物运动中 的反映。
•歌德一生曲折而漫长,他有一种强烈的求实探索 精神,永不满足,好学不倦,所以直到晚年都能 与时俱进,保持朝气 •歌德的思想始终充满矛盾。 诗人-官僚,叛逆-妥协, 超拔-鄙俗,扩展自我-收缩自我
German poet, novelist, playwright, courtier, and natural philosopher, one of the greatest figures in Western literature. Throughout his life Goethe was interested in a variety of studies and pursuits. He made important discoveries in connection with plant and animal life, and evolved a non-Newtonian theory of the character of light, which was viewed with suspicion by scientists. In literature he gained fame early with The Sorrows of Young Werther(1774), but his most famous work was the poetic drama in two parts, FAUST.Noble be man,Helpful and good!For that aloneSets him apartFrom every other creatureOn earth.(from The Divine, 1783)Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in Frankfurt am Main, the first child of a lawyer Johann Caspar Goethe, and Katherine Elisabeth Textor, the daughter of the mayor of Frankfurt. Goethe had a comfortable childhood and he was greatly influenced by his mother, who encouraged his literary aspirations. After troubles at school, he received at home an exceptionally wide education. At the age of 16, Goethe began to study law at Leipzig University (1765-68), and he also studied drawing with Adam Oeser. An unhappy love affair inspired Goethe's first play, The Lover's Caprice (1767). After a period of illness, resumed his studies in Strasbourg (1770-71). Some biographers have speculated that Goethe had contracted syphilis - at least his relationships with women were years apart. Goethe practised law in Frankfurt (1771-72) and Wetzlar (1772). He contributed to Frankfurter Gelehrte Anzeigen (1772-73), and in 1774 he published his first novel, self-revelatory DIE LEIDEN DES JUNGEN WERTHERS. It depicted Werther's hopeless affair with Lotte Buff, the fiancée of a colleague. In the end the melancholic Werther romantically commits suicide, becoming the prototype of the Romantic hero.Goethe's youth was emotionally hectic to the point that he sometimes feared for his reason. He was recognized as a leading figure in the Sturm und Drang, which celebrated the energetic Promethean quality of the individual as opposed to the rational idealistic ideal of the Enlightenment. Goethe's poem 'Prometheus', with its insistence that man must believe not in gods but in himself, might be seen as a motto for the whole movement. After a relaxing trip to Switzerland, Goethe made a decisive break with his past. In 1775 he was welcomed by Duke Karl Augustinto the small court of Weimar, where he worked in several governmental offices. Occasionally he read aloud his texts to a selected group of persons - among them the Duke and the two Duchesses. To his disappointment a dog-trainer was also allowed to amuse in the court theatre."What you don't feel, you will not grasp by art,Unless it wells out of your soulAnd with sheer pleasure takes control,Compelling every listener's heart.But sit - and sit, and patch and knead,Cook a ragout, reheat your hashes,Blow at the sparks and try to breedA fire out of piles of ashes!Children and apes may think it great,If that should titillate your gum,But from heart to heart you will never create.If from your heart it does not come."(from Faust I)During this period Goethe did not have much time to publish fiction. He was a council member and member of the war commission, director of roads and services, and managed the financial affairs of the court. His great love in this period was Charlotte von Stein, an older married woman, but the relationship was platonic. However, Goethe's scientific researches were more successful. He discovered the human intermaxilarry bone (1784), and formulated a vertebral theory of the skull. In 1786-88 he made a journey to Italy."In Rome I have found myself for the first time," Goethe wrote. He drew statues and ruins, collected antique and botanical samples, and was shocked by the primitive power of an ancient Greek temple - Renaissance art did not interest him. The journey ended Goethe's celibacy and inspired his play IPHIGENIE AUF TAURIS, and RÖMISHE ELEGIEN, sensuous poems relating partly to Christiane Vulpius, who became Goethe's mistress in 1789. The ancient monuments he saw in Italy significantly influenced his growing commitment to a classical view of art. His emotional dependence on Charlotte ended, and in spite of public pressure, he continued to live happily unmarried with Christiane. Goethe was released from day-to-day governmental duties to concentrate on writing, although he was still general supervisor for arts and sciences, and director of the court theatres (1791-1817)."Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot;that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed." (from ElectiveAffinities, 1808)In the 1790s Goethe contributed to Friedrich von Schiller´s journal Die Horen, published WILHELM MEISTERS LEHRJAHRE (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship) in 1795-96, and continued his writings on the ideals of arts and literature in his own journal Propyläen. (Note: Goethe was buried near Schiller in the ducal vault at Weimar.) Wilhelm Meister's story had preoccupied the author for many years. Wilhelm is disillusioned by love, he starts actively to seek out other values, and becomes an actor and playwright. Whereas Werther's life ended in despair, Meister has a more optimistic spirit. At the end he says: "... I know I have attained a happiness which I have not deserved, and which I would not change with anything in life." Wim Wenders and Peter Handke made in 1974 a modernized film adaptation of the book, Wrong Movement, in which Meister's journey has a sad, lonely note. "If only politics and poetry could be united," he says to his friend Laertes, who answers: "That would be the end of longing and the end of the world."During the French Revolution Goethe reported in letters to his family his inconveniences, when he was forced to leave his home and dear garden after the French army attacked Prussia. He also saw killings and looted villages, and wrote in the middle of cannon fire. Although Goethe supported freedom and progress, he wanted to preserve the bourgeois or hisartistic-individualistic way of life. The majority of the German intelligentsia greeted with enthusiasm the goals of the revolution, including Kant, Schiller, and Friedrich Schlegel. Goethe remained creative during his last period. He married in 1806 Christiane Vulpius, with whom he had lived nearly 18 years, wrote his autobiography, Poetry and Truth (1811-1833), and completed the novel WILHELM MEISTERS WANDERJAHRE (1821-9).The first part of his masterwork, Faust, appeared in 1808, and the second part in 1832. Goethe had worked for most of his life on this drama. It was based on Christopher Marlowe's Faus t, and depicted a disillusioned scholar, who makes a pact with Satan. The original figure in the Faust legend was Gregorius Faustus (or Gregorius Sabellicus, Faustus Junior, c 1480-1510/1), a seeker of forbidden knowledge. His true identity is not known, but he claimed to be an astrologer, expert in magic, and an alchemist. This legend attracted Christoper Marlowe, who offered in his play a psychological study of the battle between good and evil. Marlowe's play ends with the protagonist's damnation. Goethe's story created a new persona for the Devil - Mephistopheles was a gentleman, who had adopted the manners of a courtier. Faust's lust for knowledge is limitless and he makes a contract with Mephistopheles: he will die at the moment he declares himself satisfied. In the first part Faust loses Margaret, an innocent girl, who is condemned to death for murdering her illegitimatechild by Faust. In the philosophical second part Faust marries Helen of Troy and creates a happy community. Faust is finally satisfied, but Mephistopheles loses his victory, when angels take Faust to heaven.From 1791 to 1817 Goethe was the director of the court theatres. He advised Duke Carl August on mining and Jena University, which for a short time attracted the most prominent figures in German philosophy, including Hegel and Fichte. He edited Kunst and Altertum (1816-32) and Zur Naturwissenschaft (1817-24). In 1812 Goethe met the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven in Teplitz. Beethoven had admired Goethe already in his youth, although he considered Goethe's attitude toward the nobility too servile. Beethoven composed several music pieces based on the author's texts, among them Egmont. Franz Schubert's (1797-1828) first Lieder masterpiece, 'Gretchen am Spinnrade', took the words from Faust, but Goethe did not much appreciate Schubert's musical attempts.At the age of 74 Goethe fell in love with the 19-year old Ulrike von Levetzow. He followed her with high hopes from Marienbad to Karlsbad, and then returned disappointed to Weimar. There he wrote The Marienbad elegy, the most personal poem of his later years. Goethe died in Weimar on March 22, 1832. He and Schiller, who died over a quarter of a century earlier, are buried together, in a mausoleum in the ducal cemetery. The Goethe House and Schiller House stand in the town, and the two statues of these literary giants are outside the National Theatre.For further reading: Goethe: The Poet and the Age. Vol. II.by Nicholas Boyle(2000); Unterirdische Gänge. Goethe, Freimaurerei und Politik by W. Daniel Wilson(1999); Das Goethe-Tabu by W. Daniel Wilson (1999); Christiane un Goethe bySigrid Damm (1999); Goethes "Werther": Kritik und Forschung by Peter HansHerrmann (1994); Goethe: The Poet and the Age. Vol. I. by Nicholas Boyle (1991);Wilhelm Meister: Das Ende der Kunst und die Wiederkehr des Mythos by HanneloreSchlaffer (1989); "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by Martin Swales (1987); Goethe'sFaust: A Critical Reading by L. Dieckmann (1972); Goethe's Novels by Hans Reiss(1969); Goethe's "Die Wahlverwandtschaften": A Literary Interpretation by HarryGeorge Barnes (1967);Goethe: A Critical Introduction by H. Hatfield (1963);Goethe: A Psychoanalytic Study by Kurt Eissler (1963); Goethe-Bibliographie (1955-,serial); Goethe's "Wilhelm Meister" by Karl Schlechta (1953); Goethe, The History ofa Man, 1749-1832by E.Ludwig (1928); T he Life and Works of Goethe by G.H.Lewes (1855); Gespräche mit Goethe by Johann Eckermann (1836)- Museums:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's House (Goethehaus), Am Frauenplan 1. Goethe livedthere for fifty years. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Summerhouse, im Park an derIlm. Goethe started there Iphigènie - In Weimar is a copy of Goethe's Gartenhaus;also the furniture and other details follow the original. - Suomeksi on julkaistu myösmm. Torquato Tasso(1913) Juhani Siljo n suomentamana, kaksi laitosta Valittujateoksia, ensimmäinen 1932 (8 osaa) ja toinen 1956 (3 osaa) sekä Goethen elämäkertaV.A. Koskenniemen kirjoittamana.Faust - first part published 1808, the second 1832. - In Heaven Mephistophelesobtains permission to try to effect the ruin of the soul of Faust, an old scholar who isdisillusioned with the world. Faust enters into a compact to become Mephistopheles'sservant if he should exclaim, 'Stay, thou art so fair.' Faust seduces a young girl,Margaret (in German, Margarete, or its diminutive, Gretchen). When she asks Faust,"Do you believe in God?", he answers: "Does not the heaven vault above? / Is theearth not firmly based down here? / And do not, friendly, / Eternal stars arise? /Do we not look into each other's eyes, / And all in you is surging, / To your headand heart, / And weaves in timeless mystery, / Unseeable, yet seen, around you?"She brings him a child, but panics and drowns it, and in the end waits for herexecution for the crime, refusing to flee with Faust. The second part is extremelycomplex. Helen, symbolizing perfect beauty, is recalled from Hades. Faust attemptsto justify his existence by reclaiming land from the sea in order to found an idealsociety, but his plan fails. Faust's soul is finally rescued by a angels. - Faust versions:Gotthold Lessing's (1729-1781) lost play Faust, Don Juan/Don Giovanni(perhapsbest known from the Opera by Lorenzo Ponte and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart),Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorothy L. Sayers's play The Devilto Pay(1939), Thomas Mann's novel Doctor Faustus (1947). - Film adaptations:1926, dir. by F.W. Murnau; film All That Money Can Buy,1941, dir. by WilliamDieterle, based on Stephen Vincent Benét work; 1949, dir by René Clair (La Beautédu Diable); 1974, dir. by Brian DePalma (Phantom of the Paradise, based loosely onGaston Leroux's novel Phantom of the Opera).- Opera: Gounod's Faust(1859),Buïto's Mefistotele (1866), Berlioz's La Damnation de Faust (1893), Busoni's DoktorFaust (1925) - Animation: 1994, dir.by Jan Svankmaijer - English translations ofFaust among others by Isaiah BerlinSelected works:•GÖTZ UND BERLICHINGEN, 1773 - Iron Hand - suom. - (transl. among others by W.Scott)•DIE LEIDEN DES JUNGEN WERTHERS, 1774 - The Sorrows of Young Werther - Nuoren Wertherin kärsimykset, suom. V olter Kilpi (1904)•IPHIGENIE AUF TAURIS, 1787 - Iphigenia in Tauris - Iphigenia Tauriissa, suom. Eino Leino 1910•EGMONT, 1788 - trans. - suom. J.A.Hollo•RÖMISHE ELEGIEN, 1790 - Roman Elegies•FAUST, EIN FRAGMENT, 1790•TORQUATO TASSO, 1790 - suom. - (see the myth that Tasso was imprisoned because of his love for Duke Alfonso's sister Leonoro)•WILHELM MEISTERS LEHRJAHRE, 1796 - Wilhelm Meister´s Apprenticeship (Thomas Carlyle's translation in 1824) - Wilhelm Meisterin oppivuodet - film Wrong Movement (1974), dir. by Wim Wenders, screrenplay by Peter Handke, starring Rüdiger Vogler, Hanna Schygulla, Hans Christian Blech, Peter Kern•HERMANN UND DOROTHEA, 1797 - Herman ja Dorothea•FAUST I, 1808 - trans. - suom. Valter Juva (1916), Otto Manninen (1936)•DER W AHLVERW ANDTSCHAFTEN, 1809 - Elective Affinities - Vaaliheimolaiset, suom. J.A. Hollo•ZUR FARBENLEHRE, 1810•ITALIANISCHE REISE I-II, 1816-17 - The Italian Journey•WEST-ÖSTLICHER DIV AN, 1819 - Divan of West and East•WILHELM MEISTERS W ANDERJAHRE, 1821 - Wilhelm Meister´s Travels •FAUST II, 1832 - trans. - suom. Otto Manninen•AUS MEINEM LEBEN. DICHTUNG UND WAHRHEIT, 1811-33 - Poetry and Truth - Tarua ja totta elämästäni, suom. J.A. Hollo•Collected works editions: WERKE (1887-1919, 143 vols.); WERKE (1948-64, 14 vols.);GEDENKAUSGABE DER WERKE, BRIEFE UND GESPRÄCHE (1948-71, 27 vols.);COLLECTED WORKS (1983-89, 12 vols.); SÄMTLICHE WERKE (1986-, in progress)。
歌德简介资料歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)被公认为德国文学的巨人,是18世纪和19世纪最重要的文学家之一。
“在我的心中啊, 盘踞着两种精神, 这一个想和那一个离分! 一个沉溺在强烈的爱欲当中, 以固执的官能紧贴凡尘; 一个则强要脱离尘世, 飞向崇高的先人的灵境。 哦,如果空中真有精灵, 上天入地纵横飞行, 就请从祥云瑞霭中降临, 引我向那新鲜而绚烂的生命!
“思想的线索而今业已寸断, 一切的学问久已使我恶心, 让我在这感官的世界的深处, 聊慰我这燃烧着的一片热情! 在那颠扑不破的魔术被覆之中, 我希望有奇妙的光景已经预订, 我要跳身进时代的奔波 我要跳身进事变的车轮, 苦痛、欢乐、失败、成功,我都不问, 男儿的事业原本要昼夜不停。
“你听呀! 快乐不是我所贪图。 我要献身于酩酊, 于最苦的欢情, 于失恋的憎恨, 于爽心的沉沦。 我的胸心, 已经解除了智的烦闷, 无论有怎样的苦痛它都欢迎。
调的美好日子,想到了后来的暗淡时日,想起了最 终的不快和失望,以及……我在房里来回急走。心 紧迫得几至于窒息。”
• 真情实感、强烈的时代精神、 高度的艺术性,三者和在一
起,赋予了《维特》以震撼 人心的巨大力量。
《浮士德》是歌德以毕生心血完成的一部 杰作。它是歌德的代表作,也是当时欧洲 文学的最高成就。它与古希腊的“荷马史 诗”、但丁的《神曲》、莎士比亚的戏剧 齐名。是欧洲文学史上的第四座里程碑。 被文学史家认为是史诗性的巨著,在世界 文学史上享有崇高的声誉。
“我求求你……你听我说吧,我这个人完了,再也 忍受不住了!今天我坐在她房里……我坐着,她弹 着琴,弹了各式各样的曲子,可支支曲子全都触动 了我的心事!全都!全都!……你看怎么办?…… 她的小妹妹在我怀里打扮布娃娃。热泪涌进我的眼 眶。我低下头,目光落在她的结婚戒指上……我的 泪水滚落下来……这当儿,她突然弹起那支熟悉而 美妙的曲调,我的灵魂顿时感到极大的安慰,往事 立刻一件件浮上心头,我回忆起了初次听见这支曲
作文素材:德国作家歌德的个人介绍_3000字作文初中作文高中作文小学作文作文网约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,1749年8月28日—1832年3月22日),出生于美因河畔法兰克福,德国著名思想家、作家、科学家,他是魏玛的古典主义最著名的代表。
《少年维特之烦恼》-歌德简介:《少年维特的烦恼》(英语:The Sorrows of Young Werther)是第一部让歌德在德国几乎一夜成名的小说。
——歌德《少年维特之烦恼》2.I will no longer, as has ever been my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation which fortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shall be for me the past.我绝不会再像以前一样,把命运加给我们的一点儿不幸拿来反复咀嚼(念念不忘);我要享受现时,过去的事就让它过去吧。
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer, scientist, and philosopher. Goethe was born in Frankfurt am Main ,Germany. Goets of poetry, drama, literature, theology, humanism, science, and painting.
Every day serves as a torturous reminder that Lotte will never be able to requite his love. Out of pity for her friend and respect for her husband, Lotte comes to the decision that Werther must not visit her so frequently. He visits her one final time, and there, both overcome with emotion after Werther’s recitation of a portion of Ossian(奥西恩,传 说3世纪爱尔兰英雄和吟游诗人), they kiss. Werther had realized even before this incident that one of them--Lotte, Albert, or Werther himself--must die. Unable to hurt anyone else, Werther sees no other choice but to take his own life. After composing a farewell letter (to be found after he commits suicide), he writes to Albert asking for two pistols, under a pretence that he is going hunting. Lotte receives the request with great emotion and sends the pistols, despite understanding what he will do with them. Werther then shoots himself.
歌德传记英语作文Title: Biography of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe。
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a towering figure in German literature and culture, left an indelible mark on the world through his literary works, philosophical insights, and scientific pursuits. Born on August 28, 1749, in Frankfurt, Germany, Goethe's life journey was marked by remarkable achievements and profound influence across various disciplines.Goethe's literary prowess manifested early in his life, with his debut novel, "The Sorrows of Young Werther," published in 1774. This epistolary novel, exploring themesof love, despair, and existential crisis, catapulted Goethe to literary fame across Europe. Its immense popularity not only established Goethe as a leading figure in the Sturmund Drang movement but also sparked a wave of Werther fever, inspiring countless imitations and even leading to afashion craze.Following the success of "The Sorrows of Young Werther," Goethe embarked on a prolific literary career, producing a diverse array of works spanning poetry, drama, and prose. His masterpiece, "Faust," a tragic play exploring the eternal struggle between good and evil, remains one of the most celebrated works in world literature. Through the character of Faust, Goethe delved into profound philosophical inquiries, grappling with the complexities of human existence and the pursuit of knowledge.Beyond his contributions to literature, Goethe's intellectual curiosity extended to the realms of science and philosophy. His studies in anatomy, botany, and geology laid the groundwork for his seminal work, "Theory of Colors," wherein he explored the psychological and symbolic significance of color perception. Additionally, Goethe's scientific observations and theories on morphology and metamorphosis influenced generations of naturalists and scientists.As a statesman and cultural steward, Goethe played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural landscape of his time. Serving as an advisor to the Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Goethe contributed to various administrative and cultural reforms, promoting education, the arts, and scientific inquiry. His efforts to establish the Weimar Classicism movement, characterized by a synthesis of classical ideals and Romantic sensibilities, solidified his legacy as a central figure in German intellectual history.Throughout his life, Goethe remained deeply engaged with the philosophical currents of his era, engaging in correspondence with leading thinkers such as Friedrich Schiller and Johann Gottfried Herder. His philosophical reflections, articulated in works like "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship" and "Maxims and Reflections," continue to resonate with readers seeking insights into the human condition and the nature of existence.In his later years, Goethe's creative energy continued unabated, as evidenced by his poetic cycle, "West-Eastern Divan," inspired by the poetry of the Persian mystic Hafez.This collection, infused with themes of love, longing, and cultural exchange, reflects Goethe's enduring fascination with the diversity of human experience and his belief in the universality of artistic expression.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe passed away on March 22, 1832, leaving behind a rich and multifaceted legacy that transcends national boundaries and temporal constraints. His literary, philosophical, and scientific contributions continue to inspire and enrich the lives of countless individuals around the world, reaffirming his status as one of the preeminent figures of Western civilization.In conclusion, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's life and works embody the spirit of intellectual inquiry, artistic innovation, and cultural stewardship. His enduring legacy serves as a testament to the transformative power of literature, philosophy, and scientific inquiry in shaping our understanding of the world and ourselves.。
二、《浮士德》( Faust):哲学的心灵剧
歌德说过“德意志民 族的任务是在精神领 域里征服世界”,他 和康德、费希特、黑 格尔、马克思、恩格 斯、贝多芬等人实现 了这种征服。
“近代人失去希腊文化中人与宇宙的协和,又失 去了基督教对上帝虔诚的信仰,人类精神上获 得了解放,得到了自由,但也就同时失所依傍, 彷徨、摸索、苦闷、追求,欲在生活本身的努 力中寻得人生的意义与价值,歌德是这时代精 神的伟大的代表。……歌德与其替身浮士德一 生生活的内容,就是尽量体验近代人生特殊的 精神意义,了解其悲剧而努力,以求解决其问 题,指出解决之道。所以有人称他的《浮士德 》是近代人的圣经。”(宗白华)
英国戏剧家马洛写的《浮士德博士的悲剧历史 》
当他在斯特拉斯堡求学时就萌生了写作《浮士 德》的计划。①1773-1775年间,他写就了 《浮士德片断》。②1797年他开始重写《浮士 德》③1806年,完成了《浮士德》的第一部; ④而第二部则在1832年完成。
1、浮士德身上体现出了高度的历史概括性。歌 德通过浮士德一生的发展,概括了从宗教改 革或文艺复兴到19世纪初三百年来西欧资产 阶级上升时期进步人士不断追求知识、探索 真理的精神发展过程。因此,浮士德既是人 类积极精神的象征,也是当时欧洲先进知识 分子的艺术象征。
1. 爱情的烦恼
维特的烦恼: 2.事业的烦恼
作者自况说:认为维特是歌德本身的缩影, 歌德在自身经历的基础上创作了这个悲剧;
社会缩影说:认为维特的自杀跟当时的德 国的时代背景有着密切的关系;
作文素材:德国作家歌德的个人介绍-作文素材:德国作家歌德的个人介绍 作文素材-
作文素材:德国作家歌德的个人介绍|作文素材:德国作家歌德的个人介绍作文素材-作文初中作文高中作文小学作文作文网约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,1749年8月28日—1832年3月22日),出生于美因河畔法兰克福,德国著名思想家、作家、科学家,他是魏玛的古典主义最著名的代表。
1749年8月28日出生于法兰克福镇的一个富裕的市民家庭, 曾先后在莱比锡大学和斯特拉斯堡大学学习法律,也曾 短时期当过律师。但他的主要志趣在文
学创作方面。1775--1786年他为改良现实社会,应聘到魏 玛公国做官,但一事无成。1786年6月他0前往意大利, 专心研究自然科学,从事绘画
和文学创作。1788年回到魏玛后任剧院监督。 歌德是德国狂飙突进运动的主将。他的作品充满了狂飙 突进运动的反叛精神,在诗歌、戏剧、散文等
格尼亚》取材于希腊神话,主人公伊菲格尼亚身处异国, 却能以完美的品行、博爱的胸怀感动国王,改变了那里 野蛮的风俗,建立人道和公正的准则。
歌德晚年的创作极其丰富 ,重要的如自传性作品 《诗与 真》、《意大利游记》、长篇小说《亲和力》和《威 廉· 麦斯特的漫游时代》,抒情诗集《西方
和东方的合集》,逝世前不久,又完成了《浮士德》第 二部。这些作品表现了歌德重视实践、肯定为人类幸福 而劳动的思想,说明他思想中的积极因素比前一时
《普罗米修斯》是歌德取材于古代希腊神话的一部诗剧, 剧本虽然没有写完,的普罗米修斯否认 宙斯的权利,反对宙斯的专横跋扈,并且要创造和他一 样蔑视宙斯的新的人类。维特身上所缺乏的那种坚
韧的性格,在这个神话人物身上得到了体现。 歌德在魏玛市的最初十年,歌德埋头事务,很少创作。 到意大利后,他陆续完成了早已开始的一些作
德病逝。歌德是德国民族文学的最杰出的代表,他的创作把德国 文学提高到全欧的先进水平,并对欧洲文学的发展作出了巨大的 贡献。 德国著名作家歌
德的长篇小说《少年维特之烦恼》,是世界文学宝库中 的一粒小珍珠,曾为不同国度不同民族的青年人而喜爱。 明白这部小说的创作缘由,会使人更加喜爱这部
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
• 歌德是德国民族文学的最杰出代表,一个 伟大的诗人,思想家,小说家,戏剧家。 • 天性活跃,求知欲极强。他的智慧,他的 勤奋,他的执着,和他的长寿让他得以实 现自己的梦想。 • 缺少革命精神,太过于温雅。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
大科夫塔》(喜剧),1792年 《平民将军》(喜剧),1793年 《列那狐》(动物叙事诗),1794年 《在所有美好的时刻》(共机会分会会歌),1775年 《德意志逃亡者讲述的故事集》(框形结构小说),1795年 《威廉·迈斯特的学习年代》,1795年/1796年原文 《克塞尼恩》(《赠辞》)(诗歌,和席勒合作完成),1796年 《浮士德 一部悲剧》(符合《浮士德》的第一部分),始于1797年,1808年第一次以此题目付印 《邦弗尼托·切利尼(Benvenuto Cellini)的人生》(文章),1797年 《中篇小说》,始于1797年 《赫尔曼与窦绿苔》(以六音部诗行写成的牧歌),1798年 《私生女》(悲剧),1804年 《威廉·迈斯特的漫游年代》(小说),始于1807年,1821年付印,增订版1829年原文 《潘多拉》(为节日创作的戏剧),作于1807年/1808年,1817年付印 《亲和力》,1809年原文 《论色彩学》(科学论文),1810年 《我的生平 诗与真》(自传作品,4卷本),1811年至1833年 《关于歌手人们有很多可说》(为感谢歌手而作的共济会的诗歌),1815年 《当回报最亲爱者的时候》 (为保守秘密而作的共济会的诗歌),1816年 《意大利游记》,1816年/1817年 《好女人》,1817年 《论艺术和古代》 (6卷本,和梅耶(Johann Heinrich Meyer)合作),1816年至1832年 《庄严的教团节日:“50年已经过去”》(对于授予他参加共济会50周年荣誉证书的诗歌形式的谢辞), 1820年 《西东诗集》(诗歌),1819年 《悼词起首》 对已故共济会里德尔(Ridel)分会长的悼词,1821年 《法国的政治运动》(报告),1822年 《讲话:对于维兰特(Wieland)兄弟般的纪念》 (共济会悼词), 1830年2月8日歌德致悼词 《浮士德 II》(《浮士德Ⅰ》的第二部分),1833年(遗作) 《箴言和沉思》,1833年(遗作)
介绍歌德的特点英语作文Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a towering figure in German literature and a prominent thinker of the Enlightenment era, possessed a multitude of distinctive characteristics that shaped his legacy. Here, we delve into some of the key features that defined his persona and work.1. Versatility and Multifaceted Talent:Goethe's versatility spanned across various domainsof art and knowledge. He excelled not only in literaturebut also in science, philosophy, and visual arts. Hisliterary works ranged from poetry, drama, novels to essays, showcasing his remarkable versatility as a writer. Furthermore, his scientific pursuits, particularly in optics, botany, and anatomy, demonstrated his keenintellect and curiosity about the natural world.2. Intellectual Depth and Enlightenment Ideals:Deeply influenced by Enlightenment ideals, Goethe's works often reflected his profound intellectual depth and commitment to rational inquiry. He was fascinated by the pursuit of knowledge and sought to explore complex philosophical and scientific concepts in his writings. Themes of reason, self-discovery, and the human condition permeate his oeuvre, reflecting his engagement with the philosophical currents of his time.3. Emotional Sensibility and Romanticism:Despite his rationalist leanings, Goethe was also deeply attuned to the realm of emotions and romantic sensibilities. His works, particularly his poetry and novels, often explored themes of love, longing, and existential angst with a depth of emotional insight. Through vivid imagery and lyrical language, he captured the nuances of human experience, resonating deeply with the Romantic movement that followed.4. Faustian Ambition and Striving for Excellence:Perhaps Goethe's most iconic work, "Faust," embodies his fascination with the human pursuit of knowledge and ambition. The character of Faust symbolizes the eternal quest for truth, wisdom, and fulfillment, even at the costof one's soul. This theme of relentless striving for excellence and the Faustian bargain has become synonymous with Goethe's ethos, reflecting his own insatiable thirstfor knowledge and experience.5. Cultural Legacy and Influence:Beyond his literary contributions, Goethe left an indelible mark on European culture and intellectual history. His works have been translated into numerous languages and continue to be studied and admired worldwide. Moreover, his role as a statesman and cultural figure in Weimar Germany solidified his legacy as a central figure of the German literary canon and a symbol of cultural excellence.In conclusion, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's legacy is characterized by his unparalleled versatility, intellectual depth, emotional sensibility, Faustian ambition, andenduring cultural influence. His works continue to inspire and resonate with audiences, making him one of the most revered figures in the history of Western literature and thought.。
all the pain left to you, please aftertaste it carefully! as soon as suffering goes by, it becomes sweet.2、读一本好书,就是和许多高尚的人谈话。
reading a good book is talking to many noble people.3、如果是玫瑰,它总会开花的。
if it is a rose, it will always blossom.4、我年轻时领略过一种高尚的情操,我至今不能忘掉,这是我的烦恼。
i experienced a noble sentiment when i was young. i can't forget it till now. it's my trouble.5、世界上有许多既美好又出类拔萃的事物,可是他们却各不相依。
there are many wonderful and outstanding things in the world, but they are not dependent on each other.6、始终不渝地忠实于自己和别人,就能具备最伟大才华的最高贵品质。
to be faithful to oneself and others, one can possess the noblest qualities of the greatest talents.7、这世界要是没有爱情,它在我们心中还会有什么意义!这就如一盏没有亮光的走马灯。
if there is no love in the world, what will it mean in our hearts? it's like a street lamp without light.8、人变得真正低劣时,除了高兴别人的不幸外,已无其他乐趣可言。
We love the things we love for what they are.
歌德在法兰克福的 故居,成为人们瞻仰的圣
We love the things we love for what they are.
歌 德 与 席 勒
We love the things we love for what they are.
We love the things we love for what they are.
(Johann wolfgang von goethe)
歌德(1749—1832 )不仅是迄今为止德国最杰 出的作家和思想家,而且也 是世界最伟大的作家和思想 家之一。同时,他还是画家 、自然科学家、物理学家、 美学家、政治家、教育家, 并且他长年担任过魏玛宫廷 剧院的经理。他多才多艺, 是一位真正的天才。
浮士德的典型意义:浮士德是资本主义上升时 期新兴资产阶级的巨人典型,他所体现的自强不息、 永远探索、永不满足的进取精神在今天仍是应该肯 定的。这是浮士德的需要结构给我们的启迪和人物 的典型意义之所在。
魔鬼靡非斯特是浮士德的对立人物,又是独 特的社会势力的代表。
1. 靡非斯特的精神特征:否定精神。本质是 “作恶”,具有“造善”的作用。他从作恶的动 机出发,诱惑浮士德沉沦,实际上却推动浮士德 向上。因此,他是“作恶造善的力之一体”。
典文学。 是指18世纪末席勒 与歌德在魏玛携手进行文学 创作,使德国文学达到了前 所未有的高峰。
诗剧《浮士德》第一部 (1808出版)
4、晚期创作(1805— 1832)
自传《诗与真》和《意大 利游记》
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歌德英语简介文档3篇Introduction to Goethe English歌德英语简介文档3篇前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。
下面是小泰为你整理的歌德英语简介,希望对你有用!篇章1:约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德简介文档Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (August 28, 1722 - March 22, 1832), was born in Frankfurt am Main, a famous German thinker, writer, scientist, he is Weimar The most famous representative of classicalism. And as a writer of poetry, drama and prose works, he is one of the greatest German writers, but also an outstanding figure in the field of world literature. He wrote a play in 1773, "Gertz von Bethlein", from the famous German literary world. 1774 published a "juvenile Witt's troubles", but also made him fame. In 1776 began to serve Weimar Principality. 1831 completed the "Faust", the following year in Weimar died.篇章2:约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德写作特点文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Goethe not only good painting, extensive research on the natural sciences, its creation includes lyrics, no rhyme free poetry, group poems, long narrative poems, herdsmen poems, historical poems, historical drama, tragedy, drama, novels, short stories,educational novels , Epistolary novels and autobiographical poetry, prose and other genres of literary works. The most famous is the epistolary novel "Juvenile Witt's troubles" (1774), poetic philosophy tragedy "Faust" (1774 ~ 1831) and the novel "William Masters" (1775 ~ 1828). "Youth to maintain the trouble" because of a generation of young anti-feudal voice, by the masses warm welcome, so that Goethe from the enjoyment of the world's voice. "Faust" based on the German 16th century on the legend of Dr. Faust, to the processing and transformation. Is the rise of the European bourgeoisie bourgeois advanced people continue to explore, the pursuit ofart summary. The tragedy is not only the structure of the magnificent, colorful, into the realism, romanticism and symbolism as a whole, and let the main characters Faust and the devil Felicity of the whole words and deeds are formed good and evil, line and love, The dialectical development of relations.The brilliant achievement of Goethe's life, especially the later creation, is inseparable from his adherence to this principle of realism. Goethe had led the frantic movement in his early years and preferred romanticism. But later realized that the romantic "morbid", turned to classicalism. Goethe advocated by classicalism, in essence, is realism. Realism is a focus of Goethe's later theoretical thinking. In the historical process of the development of Western realism theory, Goethe's realist literary thought is regarded as a milestone, which has given the development of European realist literature directly and forcefully. The European critique of the realist literary movement, which emerged in the 1930s and 1930s, was clearly influenced by the profound literary and artistic thoughts of Goethe.He does not attempt to "embody something of abstraction" in his work, but merely "sensible, vivid, lovable, colorful", "impression", "artistic" Processing, through the "vivid description" to provideto people. Goethe here does not specify the source of "impression", but the content of the whole paragraphis not difficult to understand, the so-called "impression" is not anything else, and it is the objective reality of life in the writer's subjective consciousness Writers in the social practice of a "view" of objective life. Because he thinks this is the real basis and basis of literary creation.Goethe talked with Ekman about the creation of Faust, who, on the one hand, admitted that "there is no line of poems without a clear and in-depth study of the world and life of the clear signs", on the other hand he said: "I If you do not put the world in the heart, I will turn a blind eye, ... ... we are surrounded by light and color, but our eyes if thereis no light and color, also can not see the outside of light and color. He said the "premonition" and the eyes of the "light and color", that is, the writer can dynamically stimulate and predict the psychological conditions of life, or the creation of the main bodyshould have a harsh, spiritual, Psychological form. From this can be read out of such a meaning: literary creators of the specific things outside the feelings and grasp, depending on the corresponding subject conditions, if you do not have this condition, the objective existence of things even if it does not become meaningful Object, and thus can not lead to his creative impulse.篇章3:约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德人物影响文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】"Faust" works with Homer's epic, Dante's "Divine Comedy" and Shakespeare's "Hamlet" tied for the four classic European literature, "William Meister" points "learning era" and "roaming era" Two.Goethe has a great influence on world literature. His work is translated into 48 languages, is an important part of the classic. Goethe knows a variety of languages, familiar with the European countries in the historical era of literary works and forms, he translated, parody or writing the style of these works."Faust" is simply a collection of European literary traditions. Goethe also has a strong interest in folk songs around the world, and actively collect works outside the mainstream of Europe. He participated in the "world literature" is the most prominent example of the two poems "Western poetry" and "Sino-German four seasons faint chant." The former was influenced by Persian poet Hafez, who was influenced by Chinese drama and novels. Goethe hopes to understand the culture to improve the tolerance, his "world literature" should be called "cross-cultural communication" refers to a series of global dialogue and exchange. In these dialogues and exchanges, the commonality of different cultures is becoming more and more obvious, personality has not been denied.Goethe's understanding of the world's various cultures through extensive academic reading, textual translation, and tolerance of these views, calmly accept or ignore them. Goethe agrees with Kant's ideas of art and science. His scientific practice and "worldliterature" practice is to find all the living body in different manifestation of unity and harmony.Goethe works into China is probably around the Wuxu. In 1922, Guo Moruo full translation of the "juvenile Witt troubles" was officially published, then he gradually translated "Faust". It is worth mentioning that Goethe's works have played a positive role in the Chinese Enlightenment. After the founding of new China, with the development of Sino-German cultural exchanges, Goethe and his works like a flashing star, in China, the more brilliant light. People's Literature Publishing House published a collection of three generations of Chinese Goethe researchers and translators academic achievements of the ten volumes of "Goethe Collection", a Sino-German cultural exchange in the history of a major event. In the 1930s, "Faust" has entered the university classroom, in some schools to open the "Western classics read" class was studied. To the eve of the outbreak of the war, just a dozen years, Goethe's mainworks in addition to "William Mansi's roaming era" and "affinity" two long translation, almost all have the Chinese translation. Goethe's popularity in China is evident.-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------。