Harvard Referencing
哈佛注释法(Harvard Referencing System)是一种常见的文献引用格式,被广泛应用于学术写作中。
哈弗参考文献格式harvard referencing
Harvard referencing: a guide for SoM students IntroductionAcademic work demands that you consider the work of other writers and researchers. To use their work without acknowledgement is to steal the ideas of other people and is called plagiarism.You should acknowledge the sources which have informed your work by citing them in the text of your work, and referencing them at the end of your essay, project report, dissertation or thesis. Otherwise, you run the risk of being accused of academic misconduct.There are several widely used methods for writing references. The School of Management uses the Harvard system. If you do not use this method properly you will lose marks.What sources of information should I be reading?Before you use any document, you should consider the quality of the information it provides. Articles published in refereed academic journals are the most authoritative, because they have been through a thorough checking process known as peer review. Books may not have been checked so rigorously by their publishers. Articles in newspapers and trade magazines are not checked as carefully as those in refereed academic journals so may not be as reliable. And information found on the Internet needs to be treated with caution, as anyone can put material there, accurate or otherwise!How do I put a citation in my text?To avoid being accused of plagiarism, you need to put a citation in the text you are writing whenever you mention another person’s work. This applies whether you are summarising or paraphrasing their ideas or quoting their words directly.Basically, all you need to do is to write the author’s or editor’s surname and the year of publication like this (Hales, 1986) or like this as discussed by Hales (1986). You may sometimes have a corporate author, rather than a personal author, like this (British Retail Consortium, 2007). If you have used two documents by the same author published in the same year, distinguish them by adding a suffix like this (Lowe, 2005a; Lowe, 2005b). If there are two or more authors or editors for a document, put them all in your citation like this (Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002). If you want to cite several works together, because they all support your argument about a particular point, list them chronologically, and if there is more than one for a particular year put those in alphabetical order, like this (Hales, 1986; Wrigley and Lowe, 1996; Howard, 2001; Sigala, Lockwood and Jones, 2001; Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002; Lowe, 2005b; Key Note, 2006; Lee-Kelley, 2006; Sadler-Smith, 2006).If you are quoting another author’s words, it is important that you make this clear by using quotation marks and including the page numbers in your citation like this “Many businesses now operate in a knowledge economy that is networked, digital, virtual, fast-moving, global and uncertain.” (Sadler-Smith, 2006, p.30).How do I write a reference?The full reference for each of the documents you have cited in your text should be put in a list of references at the end of your work.For a journal article, you need to include the author or authors (surname followed by initials), the year of publication (and suffix if used) (in brackets), the title of the article (in quotation marks), the name of the journal (in italics), the volume number, the part or issue number (in brackets), and the page numbers (use p. for one page, pp. for more than one page).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.For some journals, you may have to put the date instead of the volume and part numbers.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.For a book, you need to include the authors or editors (use ed. in brackets for one editor, eds. for more than one editor), the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics), the edition (except for the 1st edition; use edn. for edition), the place of publication, and the publisher.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and foodtechnology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital:towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.For a chapter in an edited book, you need to include the author of the chapter, the date of publication, the title of the chapter (in quotation marks), the word in, the editor of the book, the title of the book (in italics), the edition, the place of publication, the publisher, and the page numbers of the chapter.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International culturaltourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.If you used an electronic version of a journal article or a book, you should also include the name of the online database (in italics), the word Online [in square brackets], the phrase Available at followed by the URL, and the word Accessed followed by the date you read the document (in brackets).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect[Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).For a web page, you need to include the author, the date of publication (or last updated), the title, the URL, and the date you read the document.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1(Accessed: 30 November 2007).What should my list of references look like?Something like this. Note that all types of publication are included in a single list, and that the list is arranged alphabetically.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International cultural tourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and food technology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.British Retail Consortium (2007) British Retail Consortium 2007. Norwich: The Stationery Office.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1 (Accessed: 30 November 2007).Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Hales, C.P. (1986) "What do managers do?: a critical review of the evidence", Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), pp.88-115.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Key Note (2006) Mobile telecommunications: market report. Hampton: Key Note. Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Lee-Kelley, E. (2006) Trust and identification in the virtual team : exploring the bases of trust and the processes of intra-group identification. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Surrey.Lowe, M.S. (2005a) "The regional shopping centre in the inner city: a study of retail-led urban regeneration", Urban Studies, 42(3), pp.449-470.Lowe, M.S. (2005b), "Revitalizing inner city retail?: the impact of the West Quay development on Southampton", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33(9), pp.658-668.Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.Riley, M., Ladkin, A. and Szivas, E. (2002) Tourism employment: analysis and planning. Clevedon: Channel View.Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).Sigala, M., Lockwood, A. and Jones, P. (2001) "Strategic implementation and IT: gaining competitive advantage from the hotel reservations process", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(7), pp.364-371.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital: towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.What do I do if there is no author?If there is no obvious personal author or corporate author, the title can be used instead, both as the citation in your text (Chef2Chef Culinary Portal, 2007) and in your reference list.Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4December 2007).What do I do if there is no date of publication?If there is no obvious date of publication, you should put (no date).Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Can I include documents in languages other than English?Yes, these should be included in their original language.Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.What about other types of publication, such as newspaper articles, company reports, and market research reports?There is a longer list of examples of references at/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/LIBRARY/FINDING/BIBREFS/HARVARD %20REFERENCING%20SOM.PDF. This covers all the types of publication that are likely to be used by management students, including custom textbooks, conference papers, law reports, and theses and dissertations. For further information, see a book by Pears and Shields (2005).Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.What is secondary referencing?There may be occasions when you want to mention someone’s work which has been referred to in a document you have read, even though you haven’t actually read the ori ginal piece of work yourself. This is known as secondary referencing.In your text you might say something like this. Barney in 1999, quoted by Sadler-Smith (2006, p.30), said that ... . In your list of references you should include Sadler-Smith but not Barney. If anyone wants to read Barney’s document, they will be able to find the details of it in Sadler-Smith’s list of references.What is a bibliography? And how does it differ from a list of references?A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all the documents published on a particular subject. The list of references that you put at the end of your academic work should only include the documents that you have read for that particular piece of work. Check that everything you have cited in your text (except secondary references) is included in your list of references, and that everything in your list of references has been cited in your text.I’m worried that I haven’t done my references properly. Do you have any further advice?The purpose of writing a reference for a document you have read is to enable someone else to find a copy of the same document. So check that the details you have given are correct and complete. In particular, double check the spelling of the author’s name and the accuracy of volume numbers, page numbers, dates and URLs. And make sure you have made a note of all the details you need for the reference, while you have the original document in front of you - if you photocopy a chapter from a book and forget to write down which book it came from, you could waste a lot of time later trying to find out which book it was!。
Harvard Referencing 和 中文的文献引用
University of Tasmania Harvard Referencing
no author, no date In-text (Anonymous n.d.)
and / & Zikmund and D’Amico (1987) stated … The …… cannot be justified in this way (Zikmund & D’Amico 1987).
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University of Tasmania Harvard Referencing
Secondary source In-text Whitely, cited in Chambers 1983, p.25 Or Whitley(cited in Chambers 1983, p.25) stated… Or Chambers(1983, p.25) gives Whiteley’s (1979)… Reference list Chambers, PK 1983, Your emotions revealed, Lacrima and Ductule, New York. Whiteley, BC 1979, ‘Emotional response’, Brain Talk, vol.2, no.12 pp. 234-5 Note: A reference list entry must be for the author who has done the citing e.g. Chamber. References can be made for both works if that is helpful to the reader.
University of Tasmania Harvard Referencing
一、MLA引用格式(Modern Language Association)MLA引用格式主要适用于人文学科,例如文学、语言学和艺术等领域的研究论文。
例如:(作者姓氏,出版年份,页码)或(作者姓氏)二、APA引用格式(American Psychological Association)APA引用格式主要用于社会科学领域,如心理学、教育学和社会学等。
例如:(作者姓氏,出版年份,页码)或(作者姓氏,出版年份)三、Chicago引用格式(Chicago Manual of Style)Chicago引用格式主要适用于历史学和人文学科等研究论文。
四、Harvard引用格式(Harvard Referencing System)Harvard引用格式广泛应用于各个学科领域,包括科学、工程、商业和法律等。
哈佛参考文献注释体系 Harvard Referencing System
STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemThis student guide presents the most commonly used aspects of the Harvard Referencing System.SourcesSnooks & Co 2002, Style manual: for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, John Wiley & Australia.Sons,American Psychological Association 2001, Publication manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation, 5th edn, APA, Washington, DC.If further information is needed, students can refer to the ‘COMPREHENSIVEGUIDE: Harvard Referencing System’ or to the above publications in the MacquarieUniversity Library. Students can also check with their departments or lecturers foron-campus Harvard referencing support.AcknowledgementA significant component of the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program is the Language for Professional Communication in Accounting Program (LPCA). The LPCA program is a collaboration of the Master of Accounting program and The Centre for Macquarie English (CME), formerly the National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (NCELTR). The LPCA program provides tailored resources for specific units, as well as providing materials for additional generic workshops. Students are able to develop a high level of communication and professional skills and, at the same time, to develop technical skills. These resources are integrated with relevant technical content and are a significant part of the teaching and learning within individual units. Communication and professional skills are assessed, often together with technical skills, in individual units. The development of these skills is essential to students’ success, not only within the units of this program, but also in an accounting career.As part of the LPCA program, resources have been made available to provide students with an understanding of the plagiarism policies of the University and the Master of Accounting program. Also referencing materials, including this Harvard referencing guide, have been developed to address the methods and style requirements necessary to cite research sources. MAcc and CME acknowledge Eugen Klissarov in collaboration with Mary Cayley, both CME-LPCA staff members, for the design and development of this Harvard referencing guide.This project was funded by the 2006 Macquarie University Flagship Grant Scheme.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemCONTENTSFAQs: referencing & plagiarism 1 Specific guidelines: in-text citations, paraphrases & direct quotations 2 Specific guidelines: reference lists 4 Examples: in-text & reference list citations 7 Sample reference list 14 Excerpts from a paper highlighting in-text citations 15STUDENT GUIDE Harvard Referencing SystemFAQsSTUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing System• When using a referencing system for in-text citations and a reference list , you must usethe appropriate formatting elements. •Formatting refers to the use of layout and punctuation, including spacing, indenting, lower and upper case letters, period or full stops, colons, semicolons, commas, brackets and italics. These formatting elements are used to clearly and consistently present in-text citations and a reference list in your written work.• The examples throughout this guide indicate the formatting you should use.IN-TEXT CITATIONSEach time you use an author's words or ideas in your writing, you must place a citation in the text. This applies to both direct quotations and paraphrases. It is important to place the in-text citation directly in, or immediately after, the sentence or clause which uses information or ideas from a source. It is not adequate to put the in-text citation at the end of the paragraph because this indicates that only the information in the last sentence belongs to the source.The basic in-text citation is very similar for all types of sources. However, the type of source being cited cannot usually be identified until the reader looks at the reference list. In-text citations in written work may appear either: a) as part of a sentence[manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.} [in-text citation ] {paraphrase } The use of [ ] and { }, above, are for explanatory purposes only, and should NEVERbe used in written assignments.In the above example, the author is a grammatical part of the sentence and, in this instance, appears at the beginning of the sentence.The above citation can also be placed in different positions in the sentence, for example: i. According to Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6), Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF)manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993. ii. Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF) manufacturers, according to Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6), have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.b) or at the end of a sentencei.Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF) manufacturers have suffered a significant loss ofdomestic market share since 1993 (Jayanthakumaran 2001, p. 6).These conventions apply to authors and authoring bodies or organizations of all types of sources.It is often useful to vary the citation styles, e.g., as part of a sentence or at the end of asentence. Varying citation styles may allow for better linking between sentences andbetween ideas. It also allows for different emphasis – either on the topic or the author. ParaphrasesParaphrases occur when you read a source and use the information in your assignment, but rephrase or write the information in your own words.i.Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6) states that Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF)manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.This example is a paraphrase and it needs to be cited.The absence of double quotation marks (“ ”) informs the reader this is a paraphrase.It is expected that you will extensively research and use information found in sources.However, it is also expected that most of the information from the sources will beparaphrased, that is, written in your own words.Direct quotationsDirect quotations are used when you want to use some words exactly as they are found in the source.If you rely on a source and use the exact words in your assignment, you must indicate this by the use of double quotation marks (“ ”). These indicate a direct quotation.Direct quotations need to be as brief as possible. They should only be used occasionally and only for good reasons, for example, when:•the author’s words convey a powerful meaning that cannot be paraphrased with the same effect•you use the author as an authoritative voice in your own writing•you introduce an author’s position which you want to discuss•you need to provide supporting points or evidence for your own position.Generally, direct quotations in the text are placed within your own sentences.i.Innes and Warburton (1998, p. 69) report that “employment in the TCF sector fell by morethan 40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001”.ii.As Innes and Warburton (1998, p. 69) report, “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than 40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001”.With direct quotations only, page numbers may also be separated and placed at the end of the direct quotation:i.Innes and Warburton (1998) report that “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001” (p. 69).ii.As Innes and Warburton (1998) report, “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001” (p. 69).Page numbers or paragraph numbers should be provided in in-text citations for bothdirect quotations and paraphrases.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemREFERENCE LISTSThe reference list is usually the last page/s of the assignment. It should begin on a new page and be simply headed References.• A reference list consolidates all the various sources in alphabetical order using either the author’s surname or the names of authoring bodies. The titles of documents (or the titles of media such as videos, CD-ROMs and radio programs) are used if the author’s name or the name of the authoring body is not known.•Numbers, letters or bullets are not used when citing sources in a Reference List.•The 2nd and subsequent lines of each entry are indented (this is called a ‘hanging indent’). •Single spacing within an entry, but 1.5 spacing between entries is used.•Alignment for the reference list page/s is ‘Align left’. ‘Justify’ should not be used for the reference list.Following are the reference list details needed for the more common source types.Although the details required for each type of source in the reference list aresignificantly different, the reference list entries for all source types, both print &electronic, are based on the entry for a print book, particularly the conventionsrelating to multiple authors and authoring bodies.BOOK, print•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of book (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of series, if applicable•description of work, if applicable•edition number, if not first edition•editor, compiler, reviser or translator, if applicable•volume number or number of volumes, if applicable•name of publisher (business identifiers such as company, Pty, Inc., Ltd, Co., Limited,plc. and Corporation not included)•place of publicationReference list:Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations, 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Pedersen, H 1937, A concise comparative Lycian grammar, monograph, Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht, Gottingen, Sweden.CHAPTER IN EDITED BOOK, print(An edited book is a collection of writings by different authors; the ‘editor’ is theperson who compiles or selects the work to be included).•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body (use the author of the chapter/ article you have read, not the editor/s of the book)•year of publication•title of chapter/article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•the word ‘in’•editor(s)’ initial(s) and surname(s) (initials precede surnames)•(ed.) or (eds)•title of edited book (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms) •edition number, if not first edition•name of publisher (business identifiers such as company, Pty, Inc., Ltd, Co., Limited, plc. and Corporation not included)•place of publicationIn-text:It is likely, as has been suggested, that cultural synergies cannot be achieved until inherent cross-cultural issues have been addressed (Adler, 1980).Reference list:Adler, NJ 1980, ‘Cultural synergy: the management of cross-cultural organizations’, in WW Burke & LD Goodstein (eds), Trends and issues in OD: current theory and practice, University Associates, San Diego.JOURNAL ARTICLE, print•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of journal (in italics; maximal capitalisation)•title of series, if applicable•issue details; may include volume no., issue no., month or season•page numbers of the whole article (these are always cited for journal articles) Reference list:Jayanthakumaran, K 2001, ‘Trade policy reform and textile clothing and footwear industries: Australia 1992/93-1996/97’, Economic Papers, vol. 20, no. 2, June, pp. 1-12. JOURNAL ARTICLE, electronic•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of journal (italics; maximal capitalisation)•title of series, if applicable•issue details; may include volume no., issue no., month or season•page numbers of the whole article (these are always cited for electronic journal articles,if available)•date article was viewed•name of databaseReference list:Waldmann, E 2000, ‘Teaching ethics in accounting: a discussion of cross-cultural factorswith a focus on Confucian and Western philosophy’, Accounting Education, vol. 9, no. 1, May, pp. 21-8, viewed 25 July 2005, EBSCOhost database.WEBSITE•author (person or organization responsible for the site)•year (year the site was created or last revised)•name & place of source sponsor (‘owner’/‘publisher’); name may be same as author•date website was viewed•domain name enclosed in angle < > bracketsReference list:St Vincent de Paul Society 1999, St Vincent de Paul Society, ACT, viewed 8 July 2005,<http:// .au>.WEBSITE DOCUMENT•author (may be person or organization responsible for the site)•year (the year the site was created or last revised)•title of document (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms) •version number, if applicable•description of document, if applicable•name & place of source sponsor (‘owner’/‘publisher’); name may be same as author•date document was viewed•complete URL for the page/section, including links, needs to be shown and is enclosed in angle < > bracketsReference list:Macquarie University 2006, What is Plagiarism?, Macquarie University, Sydney, viewed 10April 2006, <.au/plagiarism>.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemExamples of in-text & reference list citationsExamples of in-text citations for types of sources have been provided. The first example in each case is as part of the sentence, and the second example is at the end of the sentence. Examples of reference list entries have also been provided for these source types.Although the details required for each type of source in the reference list are significantly different, the reference list entries for all source types, both print & electronic, are based on the entry for a print book, particularly the conventions relating to multiple authors and authoring bodies.BOOKS , printSingle authorApplies to authors of all source types. Page no. spans 22-3, not 22-23.In-text:According to Harris (2001, pp. 22-3), the possibility that ... Statistics indicate that ... (Harris 2001, pp. 22-3).Reference list:Harris, RA 2001, The plagiarism handbook: strategies for preventing, detecting, and dealing with plagiarism, Pyrczak Publishing, Los Angeles. Single authoring body , e.g. companies, government & non-government organisations In-text:Telstra Corporation (2004) stresses the importance of ...Corporate governance is stressed due to ... (Telstra Corporation 2004). Reference list:Telstra Corporation 2004, Annual report , Telstra, Melbourne.Unknown authorUse title and italicize both in the text and in the reference list. Articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ aredisregarded when placing entry alphabetically in reference list. Page no. spans 111-2, not 111-112.In-text:The inns of court (1965, pp. 111-2) outlines ...It was thought these matters ... (The inns of court 1965, pp. 111-2).Reference list:Department of Finance and Administration 2005, Annual report 2004-05, DFA, Canberra.The inns of court 1965, Jordan & Sons, London.Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations , 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Two authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use ‘and’ when part of sentence, but ‘&’ when in brackets. Use ‘&’ in reference list.In-text:Hatim and Munday (2004, pp. 49-50) present data indicating that ... Data has been presented that ... (Hatim & Munday 2004, pp. 49-50). Reference list:Hatim, B & Munday, J 2004, Translation: an advanced resource book, Routledge, New York.Three authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use ‘and’ when part of sentence, but ‘&’ when in brackets. Use ‘&’ in reference list.In-text:May, May and Andrew (1999, pp. 31-2) provide ...Guidelines relating to ... (May, May & Andrew 1999, pp. 31-2).Reference list:May, CB, May, GS & Andrew, JD 1999, Effective writing: a handbook for finance people , Prentice Hall, New Jersey.BOOKS, print, continuedFour or more authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use, et al., when part of sentence and when in brackets. Details of all authors cited in reference list.In-text:Kotler et al. (2001, pp. 103-4) believe, however, that ...It is believed, however, that ... (Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 103-4). Reference list:Kotler, P, Brown, L, Adam, S & Armstrong, G 2001, Marketing, 5th edn, Prentice Hall, Sydney.Secondary sourceThe work of one author, Kotler et al., refers to the work of another author, Gupta. Both sources are cited in the text. Only the source that has been read, Kotler et al., is shown in the reference list.In-text:Gupta (cited in Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 11-12) claims that ... It is argued that ... (Gupta, cited in Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 11-12). Reference list:Kotler, P, Brown, L, Adam, S & Armstrong, G 2001, Marketing, 5th edn,Prentice Hall, Sydney.Chapter in edited book Specific chapter in edited book cited. Note use of, in, before names of editors in reference list. Editor’s initials precede surnames. Note use of (eds).In-text:As argued by Adler (1980), cultural synergies cannot be achieved until ... It is argued that cultural synergies cannot be achieved until ... (Adler, 1980). Reference list:Adler, NJ 1980, ‘Cultural synergy: the management of cross-culturalorganizations’, in WW Burke & LD Goodstein (eds), Trends and issues in OD: current theory and practice, University Associates, San Diego.Edited bookGeneral focus or content of edited book cited. Editor in author position. Note use of (ed.) in reference list; (eds) if more than 1 editor. In-text:Kamwangamalu’s (1998) evidence that ...There is some evidence that ... (Kamwangamalu, 1998).Reference list:Kamwangamalu, NM (ed.) 1998, Aspects of multilingualism in post-apartheid South Africa, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.2nd or later edition Note use of, edn, in reference list.In-text:Moorhead and Griffin (2001) emphasise that ...It is strongly emphasised that ... (Moorhead & Griffin, 2001).Reference list:Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations, 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Multiple works by same author published in same yearLower case letters, a,b,c, used to distinguish works. Multiple works convention applies to all source types. In-text:Nunan (1992a; 1992b; 1992c) indicates that ...A number of theories indicate that ... (Nunan 1992a; 1992b; 1992c). Reference list:Nunan D 1992a, Introducing discourse analysis, Penguin, London.Nunan D 1992b, Research methods in language learning, Cambridge University Press, New York.Nunan D 1992c, Teachers interactive decision-making, National Centre forEnglish Language Teaching and Research, Sydney.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), single authorCite author as for print book; Note translator, trans.; initial(s) precede surname, Sage.In-text:Cirlot (1971) explores the concept of alchemy by using ... The concept of alchemy is explored by using ... (Cirlot 1971).Reference list:Cirlot, JE 1971, A dictionary of symbols, 2nd edn, trans. J Sage, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), no author In-text:The Macquarie dictionary (2005) defines drafting as a process by which ... Drafting is defined as a process by which ... (The Macquarie dictionary 2005). Reference list:The Macquarie dictionary 2005, 4th edn, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW.BOOKS, electronic1.For electronic books, the conventions for multiple authors and editors are the same as for print books.2.If page numbers are not available, then paragraph numbering conventions used: para., paras or ¶, ¶¶.3.Electronic books are generally accessed online through university library databases using student access codes, but can sometimes be accessed directly via the internet.4. In relation to electronic books, date viewed and complete URL (including any links for pages/sections) enclosed by angle < > brackets or name of database must be provided.Electronic databaseIf page nos. not available, provide paragraph nos. if they can be reasonably identified. Name of database provided, URL not required. In-text:As Hofstede, Pedersen and Hofstede (2002, para. 14) acknowledge, the ...It is acknowledged that ... (Hofstede, Pedersen & Hofstede 2002, para. 14). Reference list:Hofstede, GJ, Pedersen, P & Hofstede, GH 2002, Exploring culture: exercises, stories, and synthetic cultures, Intercultural Press, Yarmouth, Maine,viewed 16 November 2005, NetLibrary database.InternetComplete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:Scott’s (1998, paras 3-4) strong support of the view that ...This view is strongly supported because ... (Scott 1998, paras 3-4). Reference list:Scott, WD 1998, Increasing human efficiency in business: a contribution to the psychology of business, viewed 17 June 2006, </ catalog/world/readfile?fk_files=38334>.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), internet Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:Online dictionary (2006) defines governance as ...Governance is defined as ... (Online dictionary 2006).Reference list:Online dictionary 2006, Merriam-Webster, USA, viewed 7 June 2006, <http:// /cgi-bin/dictionary>.PERIODICALS: JOURNALS, MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS, print & electronic1.The conventions for journal articles are the basis for magazine and newspaper article conventions.2.In relation to all print and electronic periodicals, the conventions for multiple authors are the same as forprint books.3.Electronic periodicals are generally accessed online through university library databases using studentaccess codes, but can sometimes be accessed directly via the internet.4. In relation to electronic periodicals, date viewed and complete URL (including any links for pages/sections) enclosed by angle < > brackets or name of database must be provided.Periodicals: Journal articles, print & electronicJournal article, print Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 1-12, in reference list. In-text:Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6) seems to dismiss the idea that ...The idea that ... (Jayanthakumaran 2001, p. 6).Reference list:Jayanthakumaran, K 2001, ‘Trade policy reform and the textile, clothing and footwear industry: Australia 1993-97’, Economic Papers, vol. 20, no. 2, June, pp. 1-12.Journal article, electronic databaseName of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 21-8, in reference list. Page no. spans 21-8 not 21-28. In-text:Waldmann’s (2000, p. 23) suggestion that a number of factors relating to ...A number of factors relating to ... (Waldmann 2000, p. 23).Reference list:Waldmann, E 2000, ‘Teaching ethics in accounting: a discussion of cross-cultural factors with a focus on Confucian and Western philosophy’, Accounting Education, vol. 9, no. 1, May, pp. 21-8, viewed 25 July 2005, EBSCOhost database.Periodicals: Journal articles, print & electronic, continuedJournal article, internet Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 167-78, in reference list. Page no. spans 171-2 not 171-172 & 167-78 not 167-178.In-text:Shirabe (2004, pp. 171-2) has noted that ...It has been noted that ... (Shirabe 2004, pp. 171-2).Reference list:Shirabe, M 2004, ‘Measures of performance of universities and their faculties in Japan’, Information-Knowledge-Systems Management, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.167-78, viewed 17 November 2005, </citation.cfm?id 1096329.1096334&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=63620412& CFTOKEN= 89901306>.Periodicals: Magazine articles, print & electronicMagazine article, print Note use & placement of day & month of publication in reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 33-9. Publisher & place of publication not required.In-text:Le Mesurier and Tandukar (2006, pp. 34-5) clarify this viewpoint which ... This viewpoint holds that ... (Le Mesurier & Tandukar 2006, pp. 34-5). Reference list:Le Mesurier, K & Tandukar, A 2006, ‘Conflict stirs trade fears’, BRW, 1 April, pp. 33-9.Magazine article, electronic database Name of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided in reference list, pp. 5-9. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list. In-text:Reason (2005, p. 7), on the other hand, believes that ...On the other hand, it is believed that ... (Reason 2005, p. 7).Reference list:Reason, T 2005, ‘The narrowing GAAP: the convergence of foreign anddomestic accounting rules could catch some U.S. companies by surprise’, CFO, vol. 21, no. 17, December, pp. 5-9, viewed 5 May 2006, Business Source Premier database.Magazine article, internetIf page nos. not available, use paragraph nos. (paras 2-3) if these can be reasonably identified. In-text:Wolff (2006, paras 2-3) argues that there has been a paradigm shift in ... Due to technology, one argument is that ... (Wolff 2006, paras 2-3). Reference list:Wolff, M 2006, ‘ipod, therefore, I am’, AFR Boss, 9 March, viewed 14 July 2006, <.au/edition.aspx>.Periodicals: Newspaper articles, print & electronicNewspaper article, print Day & month provided in reference list. Publisher & place of publication not required. In-text:Indeed, Baker’s (2005, p. 4) confirmation that ...Indeed, it was confirmed that ... (Baker 2005, p. 4).Reference list:Baker, J 2005, ‘No rest for credit cards’, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 December, p. 4.Newspaper article, no title, no author, printTitle of newspaper in italics used in in-text citations & reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 13-14. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list.In-text:As was noted recently in the Sydney Morning Herald (2006, p. 13), the ... The use of natural resources ... (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2006, p. 13). Reference list:The Sydney Morning Herald 2006, 15 May, pp. 13-14.Newspaper article, electronic database Name of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 11-16. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list.In-text:Austen (2005, pp. 14-15) reports that ...It is reported that ... (Austen 2005, pp. 14-15).Reference list:Austen, I 2005, ‘A patent dispute threatens to cut executives off’, The NewYork Times, 3 December, pp. 11-16, viewed 26 December 2005, Expanded Academic ASAP database.Periodicals: Newspaper articles, print & electronic, continuedNewspaper article, internetIf page nos. not available, use paragraph nos., paras 5-6, if these can be reasonably identified. In-text:Gittins (2003, paras 5-6) examines a number of possible causes for ... Several possible causes for ... are examined (Gittins 2003, paras 5-6). Reference list:Gittins, R 2003, ‘The truth of the rich-poor divide’, The Age, 4 March, viewed 22 July 2005, <.au/articles/2003/10/28/10672331 B71873.html?from=storyrhs&oneclick=true>.WEBSITES & ELECTRONIC DISCUSSION FORUMSWebsite, e.g. companies, government & non-government organisationsYear 1999, year website created or last revised; Author & publisher same entity. Domain name enclosed in < > brackets. In-text:The St Vincent de Paul Society (1999) provides information which ... Available information indicates ... (St Vincent de Paul Society 1999). Reference list:St Vincent de Paul Society 1999, St Vincent de Paul Society, ACT, viewed 8 July 2005, <.au>.Website document, authorConventions for author & title of document follow that of a print book. Year 2005 refers to year page created or last revised. Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:In discussing the accounting cycle, Ketz (2005, paras 11-12) indicates ... The accounting cycle seems to indicate that ... (Ketz 2005, paras 11-12). Reference list:Ketz, JE 2005, The accounting cycle, viewed 20 February 2006, <http:// /x50918.xml>.Website document, authoring bodyIf the authoring body uses paragraph numbering, these can be used in the in-text citations. Acronym, e.g. AASB, may be used in author position in subsequent citations, but then 2 cross-referenced entries needed in reference list. AASB may be used in ‘publisher’ position in reference list.In-text:In relation to multi-employer plans, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) (2006, paras 29-32), outlines ... orIn relation to multi-employer plans, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) (2006, pp. 22-3), outlines ...Multi-employer plans are those which ... (Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, paras 29-32). orMulti-employer plans are those which ... (Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, pp. 22-3).Reference list:AASB—see Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006.Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, AASB 119 Employee Benefits,AASB, Canberra, viewed 14 July 2006, <.au>.Website document, no dateIf there is no date, use ‘n.d.’ in place of the date. In-text:According to the Australia China Business Council (n.d.) an FTA between Australia and China would result in increased living standards in both countries.Reference list:Australia China Business Council n.d., Australia China FTA Round-up, viewed 16 July 2008, .au/.Website, PDF document .pdf in URL indicates PDF document and page numbers should be provided in in-text citations. Acronym, e.g. NAATI, may be used in author position in subsequent citations, but then 2 cross-referenced entries needed in reference list. NAATI may be used in ‘publisher’ position in reference list.In-text:According to the National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters (NAATI) (2005, p. 66), it seems that ...... (National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters 2005, p. 66).Reference list:NAATI 2005—see National Accreditation Authority for Translators &Interpreters 2005.National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters 2005, Manual for candidates 2004, rev. edn, NAATI, viewed 22 December 2005, <http:// .au/documents/manuals/manual_for_candidates.pdf>.。
哈弗参考文献格式harvard referencing
Harvard referencing: a guide for SoM students IntroductionAcademic work demands that you consider the work of other writers and researchers. To use their work without acknowledgement is to steal the ideas of other people and is called plagiarism.You should acknowledge the sources which have informed your work by citing them in the text of your work, and referencing them at the end of your essay, project report, dissertation or thesis. Otherwise, you run the risk of being accused of academic misconduct.There are several widely used methods for writing references. The School of Management uses the Harvard system. If you do not use this method properly you will lose marks.What sources of information should I be reading?Before you use any document, you should consider the quality of the information it provides. Articles published in refereed academic journals are the most authoritative, because they have been through a thorough checking process known as peer review. Books may not have been checked so rigorously by their publishers. Articles in newspapers and trade magazines are not checked as carefully as those in refereed academic journals so may not be as reliable. And information found on the Internet needs to be treated with caution, as anyone can put material there, accurate or otherwise!How do I put a citation in my text?To avoid being accused of plagiarism, you need to put a citation in the text you are writing whenever you mention another person’s work. This applies whether you are summarising or paraphrasing their ideas or quoting their words directly.Basically, all you need to do is to write the author’s or editor’s surname and the year of publication like this (Hales, 1986) or like this as discussed by Hales (1986). You may sometimes have a corporate author, rather than a personal author, like this (British Retail Consortium, 2007). If you have used two documents by the same author published in the same year, distinguish them by adding a suffix like this (Lowe, 2005a; Lowe, 2005b). If there are two or more authors or editors for a document, put them all in your citation like this (Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002). If you want to cite several works together, because they all support your argument about a particular point, list them chronologically, and if there is more than one for a particular year put those in alphabetical order, like this (Hales, 1986; Wrigley and Lowe, 1996; Howard, 2001; Sigala, Lockwood and Jones, 2001; Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002; Lowe, 2005b; Key Note, 2006; Lee-Kelley, 2006; Sadler-Smith, 2006).If you are quoting another author’s words, it is important that you make this clear by using quotation marks and including the page numbers in your citation like this “Many businesses now operate in a knowledge economy that is networked, digital, virtual, fast-moving, global and uncertain.” (Sadler-Smith, 2006, p.30).How do I write a reference?The full reference for each of the documents you have cited in your text should be put in a list of references at the end of your work.For a journal article, you need to include the author or authors (surname followed by initials), the year of publication (and suffix if used) (in brackets), the title of the article (in quotation marks), the name of the journal (in italics), the volume number, the part or issue number (in brackets), and the page numbers (use p. for one page, pp. for more than one page).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.For some journals, you may have to put the date instead of the volume and part numbers.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.For a book, you need to include the authors or editors (use ed. in brackets for one editor, eds. for more than one editor), the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics), the edition (except for the 1st edition; use edn. for edition), the place of publication, and the publisher.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and foodtechnology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital:towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.For a chapter in an edited book, you need to include the author of the chapter, the date of publication, the title of the chapter (in quotation marks), the word in, the editor of the book, the title of the book (in italics), the edition, the place of publication, the publisher, and the page numbers of the chapter.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International culturaltourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.If you used an electronic version of a journal article or a book, you should also include the name of the online database (in italics), the word Online [in square brackets], the phrase Available at followed by the URL, and the word Accessed followed by the date you read the document (in brackets).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect[Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).For a web page, you need to include the author, the date of publication (or last updated), the title, the URL, and the date you read the document.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1(Accessed: 30 November 2007).What should my list of references look like?Something like this. Note that all types of publication are included in a single list, and that the list is arranged alphabetically.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International cultural tourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and food technology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.British Retail Consortium (2007) British Retail Consortium 2007. Norwich: The Stationery Office.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1 (Accessed: 30 November 2007).Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Hales, C.P. (1986) "What do managers do?: a critical review of the evidence", Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), pp.88-115.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Key Note (2006) Mobile telecommunications: market report. Hampton: Key Note. Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Lee-Kelley, E. (2006) Trust and identification in the virtual team : exploring the bases of trust and the processes of intra-group identification. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Surrey.Lowe, M.S. (2005a) "The regional shopping centre in the inner city: a study of retail-led urban regeneration", Urban Studies, 42(3), pp.449-470.Lowe, M.S. (2005b), "Revitalizing inner city retail?: the impact of the West Quay development on Southampton", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33(9), pp.658-668.Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.Riley, M., Ladkin, A. and Szivas, E. (2002) Tourism employment: analysis and planning. Clevedon: Channel View.Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).Sigala, M., Lockwood, A. and Jones, P. (2001) "Strategic implementation and IT: gaining competitive advantage from the hotel reservations process", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(7), pp.364-371.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital: towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.What do I do if there is no author?If there is no obvious personal author or corporate author, the title can be used instead, both as the citation in your text (Chef2Chef Culinary Portal, 2007) and in your reference list.Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4December 2007).What do I do if there is no date of publication?If there is no obvious date of publication, you should put (no date).Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Can I include documents in languages other than English?Yes, these should be included in their original language.Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.What about other types of publication, such as newspaper articles, company reports, and market research reports?There is a longer list of examples of references at/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/LIBRARY/FINDING/BIBREFS/HARVARD %20REFERENCING%20SOM.PDF. This covers all the types of publication that are likely to be used by management students, including custom textbooks, conference papers, law reports, and theses and dissertations. For further information, see a book by Pears and Shields (2005).Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.What is secondary referencing?There may be occasions when you want to mention someone’s work which has been referred to in a document you have read, even though you haven’t actually read the ori ginal piece of work yourself. This is known as secondary referencing.In your text you might say something like this. Barney in 1999, quoted by Sadler-Smith (2006, p.30), said that ... . In your list of references you should include Sadler-Smith but not Barney. If anyone wants to read Barney’s document, they will be able to find the details of it in Sadler-Smith’s list of references.What is a bibliography? And how does it differ from a list of references?A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all the documents published on a particular subject. The list of references that you put at the end of your academic work should only include the documents that you have read for that particular piece of work. Check that everything you have cited in your text (except secondary references) is included in your list of references, and that everything in your list of references has been cited in your text.I’m worried that I haven’t done my references properly. Do you have any further advice?The purpose of writing a reference for a document you have read is to enable someone else to find a copy of the same document. So check that the details you have given are correct and complete. In particular, double check the spelling of the author’s name and the accuracy of volume numbers, page numbers, dates and URLs. And make sure you have made a note of all the details you need for the reference, while you have the original document in front of you - if you photocopy a chapter from a book and forget to write down which book it came from, you could waste a lot of time later trying to find out which book it was!。
Harvard referencing 写Essay的好帮手!
32 Harvard Referencing 2006Note: this page is only an introduction to the Harvard referencing system. Curtin Library & Information Service provides a modified version of the author-date system presented in:Snooks & Co. 2002, Style manual: For authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons Australia, n.p.For referencing electronic sources, refer to the American Psychological Association's Publication manual: American Psychological Association 2001, Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edn, APA, Washington, DC.Note: A modified APA style is used for electronic sources to fit in with the Harvard referencing styleprovided by Curtin Library & Information Service as the Style manual does not cover this area fully.The information and examples contained on this page are chiefly derived from the above publications.It is very important that you check your department or school's assignment guide as some details, eg.punctuation, may vary from the guidelines on this page. You may be penalised for not conforming to your school's requirements.What is Referencing?Referencing is a standardised method of acknowledging sources of information and ideas that you have used in your assignment in a way that uniquely identifies their source. Direct quotations, facts and figures, as well as ideas and theories, from both published and unpublished works must be referenced.There are many acceptable forms of referencing. This information sheet provides a brief guide to the Harvard referencing style. Within the text of the assignment the author’s name is given first, followed by the publication date. A reference list at the end of the assignment contains the full details of all the in-text citations.Why Reference?Referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations, and to enable readers to follow-up and read more fully the cited author’s arguments.Steps Involved in Referencing1. Note down the full bibliographic details including the page number(s) from which the information is taken.In the case of a book, ‘bibliographical details’ refers to: author/editor, year of publication, title, edition, volume number, place of publication and publisher as found on the front and back of the title page. (Not all of thesedetails will necessarily be applicable).In the case of a journal article, the details required include: author of the article, year of publication, title of the article, title of the journal, volume and issue number of the journal, and page numbers.For all electronic information, in addition to the above you should note the date that you accessed theinformation, and database name or web address (URL).2. Insert the citation at the appropriate place within the text of the document (see examples below).3. Provide a reference list at the end of the document (see examples below).In-Text CitationsUse the name of the author, followed by the year of publication when citing references within the text of an assignment. Where authors of different references have the same family name, include the author’s initials in the in-text citation i.e. (Hamilton, CL 1994) or CL Hamilton (1994). If two or more authors are cited at the same point in the text then they are included in the same in-text citation, separated by a semicolon e.g. (Brown 1991; Smith 2003). They are presented alphabetically by author.When directly quoting from another source, the relevant page number must be given and quotation marks placed around the quote. When paraphrasing or referring to an idea from another source which is a book or lengthy text, include the relevant page number, as this might be useful to the reader.In general, page numbers should be included in all in-text citations, as many schools insist on this practice. How to Create a Reference ListA reference list only includes books, articles etc that are cited in the text. A bibliography is a list containing the sources used in developing a publication and other sources the author considers might be of use or interest to the reader.The reference list is arranged alphabetically by author. Where an item has no author it is cited by its title, and ordered in the reference list or bibliography alphabetically by the first significant word of the title.The Harvard style requires the second and subsequent lines of the reference to be indented, as shown in the examples below, to highlight the alphabetical order2 of 11Semester 1 2006Examples of referencing:Books In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Single author ‘The theory was first propounded in1993’ (Comfort 1997, p. 58)OR‘Comfort (1997, p. 58) claimedthat…’ Comfort, A 1997, A good age, Mitchell Beazley,London.Book2 or3 authors (Madden & Hogan 1997, p. 45)ORMadden and Hogan (1997, p. 45)discuss this idea… Madden, R & Hogan, T 1997, The definition ofdisability in Australia: moving towards nationalconsistency, Australian Institute of Health andWelfare, Canberra.Book4 or more authors (Leeder et al. 1996, p. 69) Leeder, SR, Dobson, AJ, Gibbers, RW, Patel, NK,Mathews, PS, Williams, DW & Mariot, DL 1996,The Australian film industry, Dominion Press,Adelaide.BookNo author ‘This was apparently not the casebefore about 1995’ (Advertising inthe Western Cape 1990, p. 14)…OR‘In Advertising in the Western Cape(1990, p. 14) it was claimed that…’ Advertising in the Western Cape 1990, ABCPublishers, Cape Town.BookMultiple works by same author ‘University research (Brown 1982,1988) has indicated that…’Brown, P 1982, Corals in the Capricorn group, CentralQueensland University, Rockhampton.Brown, P 1988, The effects of anchor on corals,Central Queensland University, Rockhampton.Order chronologically in the reference list.Book3of11 Semester12006Multiple works published in the same year by the same author ‘In recent reports (Napier 1993a,1993b)…’Use a/b etc. to differentiatebetween works in same year.Napier, A 1993a, Fatal storm, Allen & Unwin, Sydney.Napier, A 1993b, Survival at sea, Allen & Unwin,Sydney.Order alphabetically by title in the reference list.BookEditor (Kastenbaum 1993, p. 78) Kastenbaum, R (ed.) 1993, Encyclopedia of adultdevelopment, Oryx Press, Phoenix.Edited BookDifferent Editions Renton (2004, p. 5) suggests that… Renton, N 2004, Compendium of good writing, 3rdedn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton.An edition number is placed after the title of thework - this is not necessary for a first edition.BookEncyclopedia or Dictionary The new Grove dictionary of musicand musicians (1980, p. 85)defined it as...Sadie, S (ed.) 1980, The new Grove dictionary ofmusic and musicians, 6th edn, Macmillan,London.Edited BookArticle or chapter in a book As discussed by Blaxter (1976, p.101)…Blaxter, M 1976, ‘Social class and health inequalities’,in C Carter & J Peel (eds), Equalities andinequalities in health, Academic Press, London,pp. 120-135.Book SectionArticle or chapter in a book – no author (Solving the Y2K problem 1997, p.23).‘Solving the Y2K problem’ 1997, in D Bowd (ed.),Technology today and tomorrow, Van NostrandReinhold, New York, p. 27.Book SectionYou will need to edit the in-text citation forit to appear in italics.Brochure (Research and Training Centre1993, p. 2) Research and Training Centre on Independent Living1993, Guidelines for reporting and writing aboutpeople with disabilities [Brochure], 4th edn,Research and Training Centre, Lawrence, KS.The publisher’s name may be abbreviated if it isalso the author.BookYou will need to type [Brochure] manuallyafter the title.4of11 Semester12006E-book (Pettinger 2002) Pettinger, R 2002, Global organizations, CapstonePublishing, Oxford. Retrieved September 28,2004, from NetLibrary database. Electronic Book(put September 28, 2004 in the Date Accessed field, NetLibrary in Name of Database)Thesis (Jones 1998, p. 89) Jones, F 1998, ‘The mechanism of Bayer residueflocculation’, PhD Thesis, Curtin University ofTechnology. Retrieved December 21, 2005, fromCurtin University of Technology Digital Theses. Thesis(put PhD in Thesis Type,December 21, 2005 in Access Date, Curtin University of Technology Digital Theses in URL.)Conference Proceeding (Debono 2000) Debono, C 2000, ‘The National Trust into the newmillennium’, Proceedings of the ninth meeting ofthe International National Trust, AustralianCouncil of National Trusts, Alice Springs, NT, pp.44-6. Retrieved January 20, 2006, from InformitOnline database.Conference Proceeding(put The National trust into the newmillennium in Title, Proceedings of theninth meeting of the International NationalTrust in Conference Name, AustralianCouncil of National Trusts in Publisher,Alice Springs, NT in Conference Location, January 20, 2006 in Access Date,Informit Online in Name of Database.)Annual report of an organisation (Department of Transport andRegional Services 2001)ORBillabong’s annual report (2005)Department of Transport and Regional Services 2001,Annual report 2001-2002, Canberra.ORBillabong International Ltd. 2005, Annual report 2005 –brands. Retrieved January 27, 2006, from Connect4database.ReportImage in a book The poster ‘Buy Australian Apples’(Cowle & Walker 2005, p. 65) Cowle, C & Walker, D 2005, The art of apple branding, Apples from Oz, Hobart.BookPrint Journals In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Article As mentioned by Wharton (1996, p.8)… Wharton, N 1996, ‘Health and safety in outdoor activitycentres’, Journal of Adventure Education andOutdoor Leadership, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 8-9.Journal Article5of11 Semester12006Article – no author ‘It’s a growing problem in the U.K.’(Anorexia nervosa 1969, p. 530)… ‘Anorexia nervosa’ 1969, British Medical Journal, vol.1, pp. 529-30.Journal ArticleYou will need to edit the in-textcitation for it to appear in italics.Newspaper/Magazine article (Towers 2000) Towers, K 2000, 'Doctor not at fault: coroner',Australian, 18 January, p. 3.Newspaper ArticleNewspaper article – no author .....in the Sydney Morning Herald(24 January 2000, p. 12)Provide all the details in the in-text citation – noneed for an entry in the reference list.Press release (Watersmith 2000) Watersmith, C 2000, BHP enters new era, mediarelease, BHP Limited, Melbourne, 1 March.Report(put media release in the AccessionNumber field, BHP Limited in Institution, 1March in Report Number)Electronic Journals In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Full text from an electronic database (Madden 2002) Madden, G 2002, ‘Internet economics and policy: anAustralian perspective’, Economic Record, vol.78, no. 242, pp. 343-58. Retrieved October 16,2002, from ABI/INFORM Global database.Journal Article(put October 16, 2002 in the Access Datefield, ABI/INFORM database in Name ofDatabase.Full text from an electronic database – no author ‘The internet has had a hugeimpact on the Australian economy’(Internet economics and policy2002, p. 350)'Internet economics and policy: an Australianperspective' 2002, Economic Record, vol. 78, no.242, pp. 343-58. Retrieved October 16, 2002,from ABI/INFORM Global database.Journal Article(put October 16, 2002 in the Access Datefield, ABI/INFORM Global database inName of Database)You will need to edit the in-textcitation for it to appear in italics.6of11 Semester12006Full text newspaper, newswire or magazine from an electronic database – no author (WA packed with overseas appeal2004)‘WA packed with overseas appeal’ 2004, WestAustralian, 12 November, p. 47. RetrievedNovember 13, 2004, from Factiva database.Newspaper Article(put November 13, 2004 in the AccessDate field, Factiva database in Name ofDatabase)You will need to edit the in-text citationfor it to appear in italicsFull text from the internet It was proposed by Byrne (2004)that…Byrne, A 2004, 'The end of history: censorship andlibraries', The Australian Library Journal, vol. 53,no. 2. Retrieved November 16, 2004, from.au/publishing/alj/53.2/full.text/byrne.htmlJournal Article(put November 16, 2004 in the AccessDate field,.au/publishing/alj/53.2/full.text/byrne.html in Database)Article from Curtin E-Reserve (Davidhizar & Dowd 1997, p. 29) Davidhizar, R & Dowd, SB 1997, ‘The art of giving aneffective presentation’, Health Care Supervisor,vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 25-31. Retrieved October 16,2002, from Curtin University Library & InformationService E-Reserve.Journal Article(put October 16, 2002 in the Access Datefield, Curtin University Library &Information Service E-Reserve inDatabase)Article from database on CD-ROM (BPO) (La Rosa 1992, p. 58) La Rosa, SM 1992, 'Marketing slays the downsizingdragon', Information Today, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 58-9. Retrieved October 16, 2002, from UMIBusiness Periodicals Ondisc database.Journal Article(put October 16, 2002 in the Access Datefield, UMI Business Periodicals Ondisc inName of Database)Secondary Sources In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Book ‘Including neuralgia’ (Carini andHogan, cited in Thibodeau & Patton2002, p. 45)ORCarini and Hogan (cited inThibodeau & Patton 2002, p. 45)… Thibodeau, GA & Patton, KT (eds.) 2002. The humanbody in health and disease, Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.Record the book that you actually sourced.BookYou will need to type Carini and Hoganmanually in the in-text citation.7of11 Semester12006Journal Article ‘…origins of neuralgia’ (Carini andHogan, cited in Patton 2002, p.2154)ORCarini and Hogan (cited in Patton2002) Patton, KT 2002, ‘Neuralgia and headaches’, Science,vol. 4, pp. 2153-55.Record the journal that you actually sourced.Journal ArticleYou will need to type Carini and Hoganmanually in the in-text citation.World Wide Web In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Document on WWW ‘It’s essential you learn how toreference’ (Dawson et al. 2002). Dawson, J, Smith, L, Deubert, K & Grey-Smith, S2002, ‘S’ Trek 6: referencing, not plagiarism.Retrieved October 31, 2002, from.au/Electronic Source(use Access Date & URL for retrievedstatement.)Document on WWW – No author (Leafy seadragons and weedyseadragons 2001)Leafy seadragons and weedy seadragons 2001.Retrieved November 13, 2002, from.au/~jenny/seadragons/Electronic Source(use Access Date & URL for retrievedstatement.)Document on WWW – No date (Royal Institute of British Architectsn.d.)Royal Institute of British Architects n.d., Shaping thefuture: careers in architecture. Retrieved May 31,2005, from /Electronic Source(put Royal Institute of British Architects inthe Author field, n.d. in Year, useAccess Date & URL for retrievedstatement.)Image on the web The image of the bleached coral(Coral bleaching and massbleaching events 2002) Coral bleaching and mass bleaching events [Image]2002. Retrieved September 2, 2005 from.au/corp_site/info_services/science/bleachingElectronic Source(type [Image] manually after the title of theimage)8of11 Semester12006GovernmentPublicationsIn-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Act of Parliament The Commonwealth’s CopyrightAct 1968...[future references do not includedate] Legislation is included in a list of references only ifit is important to an understanding of the work. Setthe list apart from the main body of the referenceunder the subheading 'Legislation'.Essential elements: Short title Date (Jurisdiction)eg. Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth).If legislation is obtained from an electronicdatabase, add a retrieved statement as forelectronic journal articles.Enter in-text citation manually.Cases The State of New South Wales v.The Commonwealth (1915) 20 CLR54 Legal authorities are included in a list ofreferences only if they are important to anunderstanding of the work. Set the list apart fromthe main body of the reference under thesubheading 'Legal Authorities'.CaseYou will need to edit the in-text citation forit to appear in italics and add the caseabbreviationAustralian Bureau of Statistics Bulletin (Australian Bureau of Statistics1999)Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999, Disability, ageingand carers: summary of findings, cat. no. 4430.0,ABS, Canberra.Report(put cat. no. 4430.0 in the AccessionNumber field, ABS in Institution)Australian Bureau of Statistics from AusStats (Australian Bureau of Statistics1999)Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999, Disability, ageingand carers: summary of findings, cat. no. 4430.0,ABS, Canberra. Retrieved October 14, 2002, fromAusStats database.Report(put cat. no. 4430.0 in the AccessionNumber field, October 14, 2002 in AccessDate, AusStats in Name of Database.)Census Information (Australian Bureau of Statistics2001) Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001, Census ofpopulation and housing: B01 selectedcharacteristics (First release processing) postalarea 6050. Retrieved November 20, 2002, fromAusStats database.Report(use Access Date & Name of Databasefor retrieved statement.)Government Report (Resource AssessmentCommission 1991) Resource Assessment Commission 1991, Forest andtimber inquiry: draft report, vol. 1, AustralianGovernment Publishing Service, Canberra.Report(put vol. 1 in the Accession Number field,Australian Government PublishingService in Institution.)9of11 Semester12006Patent U.S. Patent No. 4554399 (1985) Cookson, AH 1985, Particle trap for compressed gasinsulated transmission systems, U.S. Patent4554399. Patent(put Cookson, AH in Inventor, U.S. Patent 4554399 in Patent Number.)Standard (Standards Australia 1997) Standards Australia 1997, Size coding scheme forinfants’ and children’s clothing – underwear andouterwear, AS 1182-1997. Retrieved January 10,2006, from Standards Australia Online database. Report(put AS 1182-1997 in the Accession Number field, January 10, 2006 in Access Date, Standards Australia Online in Name of Database.)Other Sources In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Personal communication, e-mail and discussion lists with no web archive. ‘It was confirmed that an outbreakoccurred in London’ (S Savieri1999, pers. comm., 24 April).Not included in reference list as they cannot betraced by the reader.Enter in-text citation manually.Films and videorecordings, (Grumpy meets the orchestra 1992) Grumpy meets the orchestra 1992, videorecording,Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney.Featuring the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.Any special information may be noted after thecitation.Film or Broadcast(put videorecording in the Format field,Featuring the Sydney SymphonyOrchestra in Credits.)Television and radio programmes (What are we going to do with themoney? 1997)What are we going to do with the money? 1997,television programme, SBS Television, Sydney, 8August.Film or Broadcast(put television programme in the FormatField, SBS Television in Distributor,Sydney in Country.)Podcasts (The wings of a butterfly – children,teenagers and anxiety 2005) The wings of a butterfly - children, teenagers andanxiety 2005, podcast radio programme, ABCRadio National, Sydney, 10 September.Retrieved September 16, 2005, from.au/podcast/default.htm#mindFilm or Broadcast(put podcast radio programme in theFormat field, ABC Radio National inDistributor, Sydney in Country, 10September in Date Released,September 28, 2005 in Access Date,.au/podcast/default.htm#mind in URL.)10of11 Semester12006CD-ROMS (Dr Brain thinking games 1998) Dr Brain thinking games 1998, CD-ROM, KnowledgeAdventure Inc., Torrance, California.Computer ProgramERIC document (microfiche) Davis and Lombardi (1996) putforward the proposal that…Davis, RK & Lombardi, TP 1996, 'The quality of life ofrural high school special education graduates', inRural goals 2000: Building programs that work.ERIC Document No. 394765, microfiche.Generic(put Rural goals 2000: Building programsthat work in the Secondary Title field,ERIC Document No. ED394765 inPublisher, microfiche in Type of Work)E-mail discussion list – web archive (Little 2002) Little, L 2002, 'Two new policy briefs', ECPOLICYdiscussion list, 16 April. Retrieved November 13,2002 from /VirtualListserv_Archives/ECPOLICY/2002/Apr_2002/Msg00003.htmlNewspaper Article(put Little, L in the Reporter field,ECPOLICY in Newspaper, discussion listin Section, November 13, 2002 in Notes,/VirtualListserv_Archives/ECPOLICY/2002/Apr_2002/Msg00003.html in Type ofArticle)It is very important that you check your department's or school's assignment guide as some details, e.g. punctuation, may vary from the guidelines on this page. You may be penalised for not conforming to your school's requirements.11of11 Semester12006。
哈佛文献引用标注harvard referencing
Harvard referencing guideHSL-DVC1A bibliographical reference should contain sufficient information for someone else or yourself to trace the item in a library. It is very important to be consistent and accurate when citing references. The same set of rules should be followed every time you cite a reference. Citations in the text should give the author's name with the year of publication and then all references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper/dissertation.This guide aims to outline how to reference using the Harvard method. The Harvard method is not the only standard of referencing and you should consult with your lecturers which they recommend. For a more interactive tutorial on how to reference correctly refer to the …Tutorials by department‟ tab on the Information Skills Resource website.Harvard method of citation in the textAll statements, opinions, conclusions etc. taken from another writer's work should be acknowledged, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised. In the Harvard System cited publications are referred to in one of the forms shown below:Single author:-In a study by Seedhouse (1997) coping with illness was investigated ....In a study (Seedhouse,1997) coping with illness was investigated ....When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year these are distinguished by adding lower case letters after the year within the brackets. Burnard (1992a) wrote about communication for health professionals that ....Two authors :-In the book by Basford and Slevin (1995) .....More than two authors:-Benner et al (1996) conclude that ....If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following form, by date and then alphabetically:-There are indications that passive smoking is potentially threatening to the health.......... ( Francome and Marks, 1996; Bunton, 1995; Lupton, 1995)Harvard method of quoting in the textWhen quoting directly in the text use quotation marks as well as acknowledging the author's name, year of publication and page number of the quote in brackets.Short quotations e.g. up to 2 lines can be included in the body of the text:-Weir (1995) states that "defining roles and their remits is not simple"(p.10).Longer quotations should be indented in a separate paragraph:-Thomas and Ingham (1995) in discussing staff development state that: "Development is infectious, and staff who previously have recoiled from undertaking a degree or conversion course have been encouraged by the success of others"(p.33).If part of the quotation is omitted then this can be indicated using three dots:-Weir and Kendrick (1995) state that "networking is no longer solely within the male domain . . ."(p.88).Secondary referencingSecondary referencing is when one author is referring to the work of another and the primary source is not available. You should cite the primary source and the source you have read e.g. (Fiedler and Chemers, 1974, cited in Douglass, 1996). Secondary referencing should be avoided if at all possible.Harvard method of listing references at the end of the textReferences should be listed in alphabetical order by author's name and then by date (earliest first), and then if more than one item has been published during a specific year by letter (1995a, 1995b etc). Whenever possible details should be taken from the title page of a publication and not from the front cover, which may be different. Each reference should include the elements and punctuation given in the examples below. Authors' forenames can be included if given on the title page but they are notrequired to be. The title of the publication should either be in italics or underlined. The examples given are in italics:A book by a single author:Seedhouse, D. (1997) Health promotion: philosophy, prejudice and practice. Chichester, John Wiley.A book by two authors:Burns, Nancy and Grove, Susan K. (1997) The practice of nursing research: conduct, critique & utilization. 3rd edition. London, Saunders.A book by more than two authors:Mares, Penny et al. (1995) Health care in multiracial Britain. Cambridge, Health Education Council.A book by a corporate author (e.g. a government department or other organisation):Health Visitors' Association (1992) Principles into practice : an HVA position statement on health visiting and school nursing. London, Health Visitors' Association.An edited book:Basford, Lynn and Slevin, Oliver (eds) (1995) Theory and practice of nursing: an integrated approach to patient care. Edinburgh, Campion.A chapter in a book:Weir, Pauline (1995) Clinical practice development role: a personal reflection. In: K. Kendrick et al. (eds) Innovations in nursing practice. London, Edward Arnold. p. 5- 22.An article in a journal:Allen, A. (1993) Changing theory in nursing practice. Senior Nurse, 13(1), 43-5.An article in a newspaper:White, M. (1998) £68m to cut NHS waiting lists. Guardian, Monday May 18 1998, p.8. If no author name is given then anon should be used instead.Anon (1998) Schemes to boost dental care. Guardian, Monday May 18 1998, p.8. Government publicationsIn broad terms White Papers contain statements of Government policy while Green Papers put forward proposals for consideration and public discussion. They are cited in the same way.A White paper:Department of Health (1996) Choice and opportunity: primary care: the future.Cm.3390. London, Stationery Office.A Green paper:Department of Health (1998) Our Healthier Nation: a contract for health. Cm 3854. London, Stationery Office.An Act of Parliament:Great Britain (1990) National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990. Chapter 19. London, HMSO.Conference proceedings:Published conference proceedings with author or editor(s):Banks, S. et al (1998) Networked Lifelong Learning: innovative approaches to education and training through the Internet: Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference held at the University of Sheffield. Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Paper from published conference proceedings with author or editor(s):Proctor, P. (1998) The tutorial: combining asynchronous and synchronous learning. In: Banks, S. et al. Networked Lifelong Learning: innovativeA thesis or dissertation:Stones, Marian (1995) Women, nurses, education: an oral history taking technique. Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Sheffield.A secondary reference:Fiedler, F. and Chemers, M. (1974) Leadership and effective management. Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foresman & Co. Cited in: Douglass, Laura Mae (1996) The effective nurse: leader and manager. 5th edition. St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby. Acknowledgements:The following documents have been used in the compilation of this guide and further information can be obtained from them.Bournemouth University. Academic Services Group. Library and Information Services.(1996) Harvard System. [online] Bournemouth, Bournemouth University. [Accessed 9th June 1996].British Standards Institution (1989) BS Recommendations for references to published materials. BS.1629:1989. London, BSI.Citing electronic sources of informationThere is a separate guide giving details of how to cite electronic sources of information: “Citing electronic sources of information”.Citing online and audio visual sources ofinformationHSL-DVC2Data is available in various formats apart from printed documents such as books and journals. Increasingly information is becoming available electronically. This guidesets out to provide examples of how to cite these electronic sources of information in the Harvard style. There is a separate document outlining how to cite printed material. The standard copyright law applies equally to electronic sources and any referenceto other people's work should be acknowledged with citations in your text and inclusion in your reference list.The Information Skills Resource includes interactive tutorials on how to reference correctly. Select the ‘Tutorials by department’ tab for tutorials tailored for your subject area. Always check which referencing method your department recommends before submitting finished work.INTERNET SOURCESIndividual worksAuthor/editor surname, Initial. (Year) Title [online].Edition. Place of publication, Publisher. Available from: URL[Accessed date].Example:Marieb.E. (2000) Essentials of Human anatomy and Physiology: AWL Companion Web Site.[online]. 6th edition. San Francisco, Benjamin Cummings. Available from: /bookbind/pubbooks/marieb-essentials/ [Accessed 4th July 2001].Include the year of publication in brackets. Most Web pages are updated on a regular basis. Date of publication is the date the pages were last updated. If you are not sure of the date click on View and page source to check when last modified. If no publication date is given write (No date).Only mention an edition statement if the document clearly states that the pages have been rewritten rather than just updated.The accessed date is when you viewed, downloaded or printed the Web page. This statement is necessary to allow for any subsequent changes which may be made to the page or if the page is no longer available.The term publisher is used here to cover both the traditional idea of publisher of printed sources, as well as organisations responsible for maintaining sites on the Internet, such as the University of Sheffield. If the place of publication is not stated and cannot be ascertained then leave out.Often information is put on the Internet by organisations without citing a specificauthor. In such cases, ascribe authorship to the smallest identifiable organisational unit (this is similar to the standard method of citing works produced by a corporate body) or start with the title.Example:The University of Sheffield Library (2001) Nursing and Midwifery in the Library and on the Internet. [online]. Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Available from:/library/subjects/subnurse.html [Accessed 4th July 2001]. Citing electronic journalsAuthor surname, Initial. (Year) Title of article. Journal title[online], Volume (part), location within the host. Available from:URL [Accessed date].The "location within host" is the equivalent of page numbering used with printed sources. If the document does not include pagination an alternative may be used eg date, labelled part, or the the total number of lines, paragraphs or screens. Example of an article from a journal available in print and electronic form: Handwashing Liaison Group (1999) Hand washing. BMJ[online], 318 (7185),686. Available from: /cgi/content/full/318/7185/686 [Accessed 4th July 2001].Examples of articles from journals only available online:Snyder, M. (2001) Overview and Summary of Complementary Therapies: Are TheseReally Nursing? Online Journal of Issues in Nursing [online], 6(2), 31st May 2001. Available from: http://www.nursingworld/ojin/topic15/tpc15ntr.htm [Accessed 4th July 2001.Peterson, M. (1997) Skills to enhance problem-based learning. Medical Education Online [online], 2,3. Available from: http://www.med-ed-/f0000009.htm#reference [Accessed 4th July 2001].Citing a full text item from an online bibliographical databaseAuthor surname, Initial. (Year) Title of article. Journal title.Volume (part), pages. Full-text [online]. Online database name on host [Accessed date].Example of full text article from CINAHL via the Ovid online service:Newens, Andrew J. et al (1997). Changes in reported dietary habit and exercise levels after an uncomplicated first myocardial infarction in middle-aged men. Journal of Clinical Nursing 6(2), 153-160. Full-text [online]. CINAHL, Ovid Technologies Inc.[Accessed 28th May 1998].Citing an abstract from an online bibliographical databaseAn abstract should only be cited if it has proved impossible to obtain the full text of the article and it is essential to your work to do so.Author surname, Initial. (Year). Title of article. Journal title. Volume (part), pages. Abstract [online]. Online database name on host [Accessed date].Example of abstract from CINAHL via the Ovid online service:Redman, G. M. (1997). LPN-BSN: education for a reformed healthcare system. Journal of Nursing Education 36(3), 121-7. Abstract [online]. CINAHL, Ovid Technologies Inc. [Accessed 28thMay 1998].Citation from a database that includes citation instructionsSometimes the database instructs you on how to cite references. This might be at the end of the article. You must cite the reference as they state. Put in brackets at the end of the citation that this is the case.Example of such a citation:Renfrew MJ and Lang S. Early initiation of breastfeeding. (Cochrane Review) In: the Cochrane Library, issue 2. Oxford:Update Software;1998. Updated quarterly. (Citation as instructed)JISCmail/Listserv email listsThese discussion lists generate email messages which are sent directly to the subscriber. Many lists will archive the messages sent. References to these messages should be treated in a similar fashion to journal references; using the list name in place of the journal title and the subject line of the message in place of the article title.For "Available from" use the email address of the list administrator. These details,together with the author, will appear in the message header.Author, (Day Month Year). Subject of message. Discussion list [online]. Available from: JISCmail/Listserv email address [Accessed date].Examples:Nott, A.J. (26 Jan 2000) Integrated care pathways. Psychiatric- nursing [online]. Available from: /lists/psychiatric-nursing.html [Accessed 5th July 2001].Sandall, J. (24 May 2001) Free web-based virtual midwifery library. Midwifery-research [online]. Available from: /lists/midwifery-research.html [Accessed 5th July 2001].Please note that items may only be archived on discussion group servers for up to a year. A local copy could be kept by the recipient, who is giving the citation, but a note should be given to this effect. It is also in your interest to print a copy of potentially temporary sources in case you need to prove a source after it has beendeleted/moved/changed.Usenet newsgroups/Bulletinboards/BlogsUsenet newsgroups allow people with similar interests to read and post messages in a common location on the Internet.Author (Day Month Year). Subject heading of message. Newsgroup [online].Available from: Name of Usenet newsgroup [Access date].Clark, D. & Young, J. (8 June 2001) Substance Misuse resource. Uk.sci.med.nursing [online]. Available from: news:uk.sc.med.nursing [Accessed 5th July 2001].If the author's name and initial is not given, use the email/username.Example:news@ (7 June 2001) UK Learning Difficulty Website. Uk.sci.med.nursing [online]. Available from: news:uk.sc.med.nursing [Accessed 5th July 2001]. Example:Doctorow, C. (17 Jan 2010) Britain’s Business Secretary wants to turn the nation’s back on basic science [online]. Available from:/2010/01/17/britains-business-se.html [Accessed 19th January 2010].Personal emailIf you wish to make reference to personal email messages then the following format is recommended. You should get a sender's permission to quote a message especially if you quote their email address.Sender (Sender's Email address) (Day Month Year). Subject of Message. Email to recipient (Recipient's Email address).Example:McConnell, D. (D.McConnell@) (28th November 1997) Follow up to your interview. Personal email to L.Parker (l.a.parker@).Audio visual materialsAudiocassettes, CD-ROMs, film, microform, radio broadcasts,television, and videos When citing one of the above items information about the nature of the item should be given where necessary after the title.Example:Peters, T. (1991) Tom Peters Live. [Audiocassette]. Boulder,USA, CareerTrack Publications.Many CD-ROMs, films, videos and broadcasts are the co-operative work of many individuals. These should either be cited with the title as the first element, or if there is an individual with clear responsibility for the intellectual content his name should be used e.g. the director.Examples:Pride and Prejudice. [Video]. (1997) London, BBC.Encarta 98 Encyclopaedia. [CD-ROM]. (1998) New York, Microsoft Ltd. Henderson, David. (1985) Reith Lectures. BBC Radio 3 and 4. Nov - Dec 1985. Individual items within a programme should be cited as contributions.Example:Thatcher, Margaret. (1986) Interview. In: Six O'Clock , BBC 1. 1986 Jan 29.18.00hrs.。
harvard reference引用中文文章
对于写作,哈佛引用格式(Harvard referencing)是学术界广泛使用的一种引用风格。
1. 文内引用:在文章中引用他人观点或研究成果时,需要在引用处给出作者尊称和出版年份。
例如:Smith (2010)指出……2. 直接引用:如果是直接引用他人的文字,需要在引用处加上页码。
例如:Smith (2010, p. 25)指出……3. 多作者引用:当引用的文献有多位作者时,需要根据文献的作者顺序给出相应的引用信息。
例如:Smith and Johnson (2010)指出……4. 多篇文献引用:在文章中引用多篇文献时,需要按照作者姓氏字母顺序给出相应的引用信息。
例如:(Smith, 2010; Johnson, 2011)5. 文献综述:在文章的结尾部分,需要给出详细的文献综述,包括作者尊称、文章题目、出版地点等。
以下是一些常见的引用规范:1. 作者尊称的书写方式:在引用中,需要按照作者尊称的姓氏字母顺序排列,并且尊称之间用逗号隔开。
例如:Smith, J., Johnson, M.2. 出版年份的书写方式:在引用中,需要给出文献的出版年份,如果是多篇文献引用,年份之间用分号隔开。
例如:(Smith, 2010; Johnson, 2011)3. 文献综述的书写方式:在文章的结尾部分,需要按照文献的作者姓氏字母顺序给出详细的引用信息。
例如:Smith, J. (2010). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages.哈佛引用格式是一种十分严谨的引用风格,它要求作者在文章中引用他人观点或研究成果时,必须给出详细的引用信息。
哈佛大学文献标注方法(Harvard referencing system)外国的老师很看重学生参考文献的引用,这个也是占分数的。
(一)文中不出现作者姓名如果引用作者的某句话或者某个观点,就在这句话的末尾加(),()内要标注作者的姓名和该文章出版的年份,如(Author 2005)。
如:Making reference to published work appears to be characteristic of writing for a professional audience (Cormack 1994).如:(Jones 1946; Smith 1948)如:Recent research has found that the majority of……(Green et al 1995)(二)文中出现作者姓名如果正文中出现了作者的姓名,如xxx said/ concluded/ suggests….则在姓名后面加(),()内只要标注年份即可,如(2005)。
如:Cormack (1994, p.32-33) states that 'when writing for a professional readership, writers invariably make reference to already published works'.如:Jones (1946) and Smith (1948)have both shown……如:Green et al (1995) found that the majority ……(三) 其他情况如果一个作者同年出版了两本书,如2005年,要这样标:(Author 2005a) 或(Author 2005b);如果在一篇文章中引用多篇报纸文章,要表明这篇报纸文章的具体日期,如(The Guardian, October 18, 2005)。
What information do you need to cite a Webpage?
1.Author’s name. If there is no author, use the page title.
2.Webpage last update year if available. If no date is available, write n.d.
Australian Government: Cultural Portal 2008, The Dreaming. Available from: <.au /articles/indigenous/dreamtime/>. [15 February 2009].
2. 2008
3. The Dreaming
4. http://www.cultureandrec .au/articles/in
5. February 15, 2010
NoRwefeirtenisceyLoistuErnttruyrfonr.a WFeoblploagweing this
3.Article title
5.Date accessed
. au/articles/indigenous/dreamtime//
Referencing a Webpage
1. Australian Government: Cultural Portal
2. Initial of
first name
6. Editor(s) name(s) ed=editor eds=editors
7. Publisher
8. Place (city)
your answer
Western, M & Baxter, J 2007, ‘Class and inequality in Australia’ in Public sociology: an introduction to Australian society, eds J Germov & M Poole, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, pp. 215-238.
Let’s put the information we have collected together. Look at this example
3. Year of publication
4. Title of the Article in ‘single quotation marks’. Notice that only the first letter of the first word and proper names are capitalized in the article title
2. Initial of first name
6. Editor(s) name(s) ed=editor eds=editors
7. Publisher
8. Place (city) of publication
9. Page Range
For Example: If the author has a middle name on the publication, include the first John George Smart initial of their middle name after the initial of JG first name Smart, their
What information is required from the TOC? 1. Author(s) name(s) 2. Name of the Article 3. The page range of the article Write down this information: 1. Mark Western and Janeen Baxter
What information do you need from an edited book’s cover? 1.The Editor’s Name (or Editors’ Names) 2.The title of the book
3.The place (city) of publication
Write down this information. 1.2007 2. Allen & Unwin 3.Crows Nest
Table of Contents Information
MODULE 3 SOCIAL DIFFERENCES AND INEQUALITIES 11 Class and inequality in Australia Mark Western and Janeen Baxter 12 The gender order Grazyna Zadjow 13 Ethnicity and belonging Ziatko Skrbis 14 Race and reconciliation in Australia Meredith Green and Sherry Saggers 15 Deviance, crime and social control Sharyn Roach Anleu 16 The social basis of health and illness Neil Burdess 213 215 239 259 281 301 321
哈佛文献引用标注harvard referencing
Harvard referencing guideHSL-DVC1A bibliographical reference should contain sufficient information for someone else or yourself to trace the item in a library. It is very important to be consistent and accurate when citing references. The same set of rules should be followed every time you cite a reference. Citations in the text should give the author's name with the year of publication and then all references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper/dissertation.This guide aims to outline how to reference using the Harvard method. The Harvard method is not the only standard of referencing and you should consult with your lecturers which they recommend. For a more interactive tutorial on how to reference correctly refer to the …Tutorials by department‟ tab on the Information Skills Resource website.Harvard method of citation in the textAll statements, opinions, conclusions etc. taken from another writer's work should be acknowledged, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised. In the Harvard System cited publications are referred to in one of the forms shown below:Single author:-In a study by Seedhouse (1997) coping with illness was investigated ....In a study (Seedhouse,1997) coping with illness was investigated ....When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year these are distinguished by adding lower case letters after the year within the brackets. Burnard (1992a) wrote about communication for health professionals that ....Two authors :-In the book by Basford and Slevin (1995) .....More than two authors:-Benner et al (1996) conclude that ....If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following form, by date and then alphabetically:-There are indications that passive smoking is potentially threatening to the health.......... ( Francome and Marks, 1996; Bunton, 1995; Lupton, 1995)Harvard method of quoting in the textWhen quoting directly in the text use quotation marks as well as acknowledging the author's name, year of publication and page number of the quote in brackets.Short quotations e.g. up to 2 lines can be included in the body of the text:-Weir (1995) states that "defining roles and their remits is not simple"(p.10).Longer quotations should be indented in a separate paragraph:-Thomas and Ingham (1995) in discussing staff development state that: "Development is infectious, and staff who previously have recoiled from undertaking a degree or conversion course have been encouraged by the success of others"(p.33).If part of the quotation is omitted then this can be indicated using three dots:-Weir and Kendrick (1995) state that "networking is no longer solely within the male domain . . ."(p.88).Secondary referencingSecondary referencing is when one author is referring to the work of another and the primary source is not available. You should cite the primary source and the source you have read e.g. (Fiedler and Chemers, 1974, cited in Douglass, 1996). Secondary referencing should be avoided if at all possible.Harvard method of listing references at the end of the textReferences should be listed in alphabetical order by author's name and then by date (earliest first), and then if more than one item has been published during a specific year by letter (1995a, 1995b etc). Whenever possible details should be taken from the title page of a publication and not from the front cover, which may be different. Each reference should include the elements and punctuation given in the examples below. Authors' forenames can be included if given on the title page but they are notrequired to be. The title of the publication should either be in italics or underlined. The examples given are in italics:A book by a single author:Seedhouse, D. (1997) Health promotion: philosophy, prejudice and practice. Chichester, John Wiley.A book by two authors:Burns, Nancy and Grove, Susan K. (1997) The practice of nursing research: conduct, critique & utilization. 3rd edition. London, Saunders.A book by more than two authors:Mares, Penny et al. (1995) Health care in multiracial Britain. Cambridge, Health Education Council.A book by a corporate author (e.g. a government department or other organisation):Health Visitors' Association (1992) Principles into practice : an HVA position statement on health visiting and school nursing. London, Health Visitors' Association.An edited book:Basford, Lynn and Slevin, Oliver (eds) (1995) Theory and practice of nursing: an integrated approach to patient care. Edinburgh, Campion.A chapter in a book:Weir, Pauline (1995) Clinical practice development role: a personal reflection. In: K. Kendrick et al. (eds) Innovations in nursing practice. London, Edward Arnold. p. 5- 22.An article in a journal:Allen, A. (1993) Changing theory in nursing practice. Senior Nurse, 13(1), 43-5.An article in a newspaper:White, M. (1998) £68m to cut NHS waiting lists. Guardian, Monday May 18 1998, p.8. If no author name is given then anon should be used instead.Anon (1998) Schemes to boost dental care. Guardian, Monday May 18 1998, p.8. Government publicationsIn broad terms White Papers contain statements of Government policy while Green Papers put forward proposals for consideration and public discussion. They are cited in the same way.A White paper:Department of Health (1996) Choice and opportunity: primary care: the future.Cm.3390. London, Stationery Office.A Green paper:Department of Health (1998) Our Healthier Nation: a contract for health. Cm 3854. London, Stationery Office.An Act of Parliament:Great Britain (1990) National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990. Chapter 19. London, HMSO.Conference proceedings:Published conference proceedings with author or editor(s):Banks, S. et al (1998) Networked Lifelong Learning: innovative approaches to education and training through the Internet: Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference held at the University of Sheffield. Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Paper from published conference proceedings with author or editor(s):Proctor, P. (1998) The tutorial: combining asynchronous and synchronous learning. In: Banks, S. et al. Networked Lifelong Learning: innovativeA thesis or dissertation:Stones, Marian (1995) Women, nurses, education: an oral history taking technique. Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Sheffield.A secondary reference:Fiedler, F. and Chemers, M. (1974) Leadership and effective management. Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foresman & Co. Cited in: Douglass, Laura Mae (1996) The effective nurse: leader and manager. 5th edition. St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby. Acknowledgements:The following documents have been used in the compilation of this guide and further information can be obtained from them.Bournemouth University. Academic Services Group. Library and Information Services.(1996) Harvard System. [online] Bournemouth, Bournemouth University. [Accessed 9th June 1996].British Standards Institution (1989) BS Recommendations for references to published materials. BS.1629:1989. London, BSI.Citing electronic sources of informationThere is a separate guide giving details of how to cite electronic sources of information: “Citing electronic sources of information”.Citing online and audio visual sources ofinformationHSL-DVC2Data is available in various formats apart from printed documents such as books and journals. Increasingly information is becoming available electronically. This guidesets out to provide examples of how to cite these electronic sources of information in the Harvard style. There is a separate document outlining how to cite printed material. The standard copyright law applies equally to electronic sources and any referenceto other people's work should be acknowledged with citations in your text and inclusion in your reference list.The Information Skills Resource includes interactive tutorials on how to reference correctly. Select the ‘Tutorials by department’ tab for tutorials tailored for your subject area. Always check which referencing method your department recommends before submitting finished work.INTERNET SOURCESIndividual worksAuthor/editor surname, Initial. (Year) Title [online].Edition. Place of publication, Publisher. Available from: URL[Accessed date].Example:Marieb.E. (2000) Essentials of Human anatomy and Physiology: AWL Companion Web Site.[online]. 6th edition. San Francisco, Benjamin Cummings. Available from: /bookbind/pubbooks/marieb-essentials/ [Accessed 4th July 2001].Include the year of publication in brackets. Most Web pages are updated on a regular basis. Date of publication is the date the pages were last updated. If you are not sure of the date click on View and page source to check when last modified. If no publication date is given write (No date).Only mention an edition statement if the document clearly states that the pages have been rewritten rather than just updated.The accessed date is when you viewed, downloaded or printed the Web page. This statement is necessary to allow for any subsequent changes which may be made to the page or if the page is no longer available.The term publisher is used here to cover both the traditional idea of publisher of printed sources, as well as organisations responsible for maintaining sites on the Internet, such as the University of Sheffield. If the place of publication is not stated and cannot be ascertained then leave out.Often information is put on the Internet by organisations without citing a specificauthor. In such cases, ascribe authorship to the smallest identifiable organisational unit (this is similar to the standard method of citing works produced by a corporate body) or start with the title.Example:The University of Sheffield Library (2001) Nursing and Midwifery in the Library and on the Internet. [online]. Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Available from:/library/subjects/subnurse.html [Accessed 4th July 2001]. Citing electronic journalsAuthor surname, Initial. (Year) Title of article. Journal title[online], Volume (part), location within the host. Available from:URL [Accessed date].The "location within host" is the equivalent of page numbering used with printed sources. If the document does not include pagination an alternative may be used eg date, labelled part, or the the total number of lines, paragraphs or screens. Example of an article from a journal available in print and electronic form: Handwashing Liaison Group (1999) Hand washing. BMJ[online], 318 (7185),686. Available from: /cgi/content/full/318/7185/686 [Accessed 4th July 2001].Examples of articles from journals only available online:Snyder, M. (2001) Overview and Summary of Complementary Therapies: Are TheseReally Nursing? Online Journal of Issues in Nursing [online], 6(2), 31st May 2001. Available from: http://www.nursingworld/ojin/topic15/tpc15ntr.htm [Accessed 4th July 2001.Peterson, M. (1997) Skills to enhance problem-based learning. Medical Education Online [online], 2,3. Available from: http://www.med-ed-/f0000009.htm#reference [Accessed 4th July 2001].Citing a full text item from an online bibliographical databaseAuthor surname, Initial. (Year) Title of article. Journal title.Volume (part), pages. Full-text [online]. Online database name on host [Accessed date].Example of full text article from CINAHL via the Ovid online service:Newens, Andrew J. et al (1997). Changes in reported dietary habit and exercise levels after an uncomplicated first myocardial infarction in middle-aged men. Journal of Clinical Nursing 6(2), 153-160. Full-text [online]. CINAHL, Ovid Technologies Inc.[Accessed 28th May 1998].Citing an abstract from an online bibliographical databaseAn abstract should only be cited if it has proved impossible to obtain the full text of the article and it is essential to your work to do so.Author surname, Initial. (Year). Title of article. Journal title. Volume (part), pages. Abstract [online]. Online database name on host [Accessed date].Example of abstract from CINAHL via the Ovid online service:Redman, G. M. (1997). LPN-BSN: education for a reformed healthcare system. Journal of Nursing Education 36(3), 121-7. Abstract [online]. CINAHL, Ovid Technologies Inc. [Accessed 28thMay 1998].Citation from a database that includes citation instructionsSometimes the database instructs you on how to cite references. This might be at the end of the article. You must cite the reference as they state. Put in brackets at the end of the citation that this is the case.Example of such a citation:Renfrew MJ and Lang S. Early initiation of breastfeeding. (Cochrane Review) In: the Cochrane Library, issue 2. Oxford:Update Software;1998. Updated quarterly. (Citation as instructed)JISCmail/Listserv email listsThese discussion lists generate email messages which are sent directly to the subscriber. Many lists will archive the messages sent. References to these messages should be treated in a similar fashion to journal references; using the list name in place of the journal title and the subject line of the message in place of the article title.For "Available from" use the email address of the list administrator. These details,together with the author, will appear in the message header.Author, (Day Month Year). Subject of message. Discussion list [online]. Available from: JISCmail/Listserv email address [Accessed date].Examples:Nott, A.J. (26 Jan 2000) Integrated care pathways. Psychiatric- nursing [online]. Available from: /lists/psychiatric-nursing.html [Accessed 5th July 2001].Sandall, J. (24 May 2001) Free web-based virtual midwifery library. Midwifery-research [online]. Available from: /lists/midwifery-research.html [Accessed 5th July 2001].Please note that items may only be archived on discussion group servers for up to a year. A local copy could be kept by the recipient, who is giving the citation, but a note should be given to this effect. It is also in your interest to print a copy of potentially temporary sources in case you need to prove a source after it has beendeleted/moved/changed.Usenet newsgroups/Bulletinboards/BlogsUsenet newsgroups allow people with similar interests to read and post messages in a common location on the Internet.Author (Day Month Year). Subject heading of message. Newsgroup [online].Available from: Name of Usenet newsgroup [Access date].Clark, D. & Young, J. (8 June 2001) Substance Misuse resource. Uk.sci.med.nursing [online]. Available from: news:uk.sc.med.nursing [Accessed 5th July 2001].If the author's name and initial is not given, use the email/username.Example:news@ (7 June 2001) UK Learning Difficulty Website. Uk.sci.med.nursing [online]. Available from: news:uk.sc.med.nursing [Accessed 5th July 2001]. Example:Doctorow, C. (17 Jan 2010) Britain’s Business Secretary wants to turn the nation’s back on basic science [online]. Available from:/2010/01/17/britains-business-se.html [Accessed 19th January 2010].Personal emailIf you wish to make reference to personal email messages then the following format is recommended. You should get a sender's permission to quote a message especially if you quote their email address.Sender (Sender's Email address) (Day Month Year). Subject of Message. Email to recipient (Recipient's Email address).Example:McConnell, D. (D.McConnell@) (28th November 1997) Follow up to your interview. Personal email to L.Parker (l.a.parker@).Audio visual materialsAudiocassettes, CD-ROMs, film, microform, radio broadcasts,television, and videos When citing one of the above items information about the nature of the item should be given where necessary after the title.Example:Peters, T. (1991) Tom Peters Live. [Audiocassette]. Boulder,USA, CareerTrack Publications.Many CD-ROMs, films, videos and broadcasts are the co-operative work of many individuals. These should either be cited with the title as the first element, or if there is an individual with clear responsibility for the intellectual content his name should be used e.g. the director.Examples:Pride and Prejudice. [Video]. (1997) London, BBC.Encarta 98 Encyclopaedia. [CD-ROM]. (1998) New York, Microsoft Ltd. Henderson, David. (1985) Reith Lectures. BBC Radio 3 and 4. Nov - Dec 1985. Individual items within a programme should be cited as contributions.Example:Thatcher, Margaret. (1986) Interview. In: Six O'Clock , BBC 1. 1986 Jan 29.18.00hrs.。
考文垂大学哈佛索引格式Harvard referencing
Coventry UniversityHarvard ReferenceStyle GuideThis Guide shows you how to write in-text citations and aList of References in the CU Harvard Reference StyleFor more information and the latest version of this Guide:/cawThis Guide is updated annually. Version 3.0.1 Sept2009.© Deane, M. (2006) Coventry University Harvard Reference Style Guide.Unpublished booklet. Coventry:Coventry University.Produced in collaboration with Ray Summers (Illustrations),Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams (editorial assistance), and Catalina Neculai,Erik Borg (Editors), with input from the Coventry University Harvard Reference Style Working Party.Table of contentsForeword to the Coventry University Harvard Reference Style Guide (3)Introduction (4)I Can’t Find an Example of My Source! (4)Part One: In-text citations (8)I. In-text Citations: Frequently Asked Questions (8)1. What should I do if I can’t find the date on a web site? (8)2. How should I cite an author’s name? (8)3. What should I do if I cannot find the author of a source? (8)4. Where in the sentence should I put in-text citations? (9)5. Can I cite lots of sources in the same sentence? (9)6. How do I cite a single source with multiple authors using ‘et al.’? (9)7. Does the full stop go before or after in-text citations? (9)8. When should I use italics? (9)9. When should I give page numbers? (10)10. When should I omit page numbers? (10)II. In-text Citations: Numerical Data (10)III. In-text Citations: Printed Written Sources (10)1. A whole book (10)2. A chapter or essay by a particular author in an edited collection of essays (11)3. Multiple authors (11)4. A corporate author (11)5. A journal article (11)6. Personal communication (11)7. A book in the Bible or the Koran (11)8. A Government Bill (11)9. Hansard official report of a Parliamentary debate (12)IV. In-text Citations: Electronic Written Sources (12)1. Electronic texts (12)2. A website (12)3. An online discussion forum/mailing list (JISCMAIL or Listserv) (12)4. A blog (12)V. In-text Citations: Electronic Visual or Audio Sources (12)1. A video film or a sound recording accessed electronically (DVD, CD, streamlined) (13)2. A broadcast or a podcast (13)3. A programme video recording (from TV) (13)4. A recorded radio broadcast (13)VI. In-text-Citations: Printed or Exhibited Visual Sources (13)1. An image or an art figure in a book, magazine or catalogue (14)2. An advertisement (14)3. An exhibition stand or an item in an exhibition (14)4. A map (14)VII. In-text Citations: Spoken Sources (15)1. A Lecture (15)2. An interview you have conducted (15)VIII. In-text Citations: Secondary Sources (15)Part Two: The List of References (16)I. List of References: Frequently Asked Questions (16)1. What should I do if I list more than one source by the same author? (16)2. How do I find the date in a book? (16)3. How should I reference a first, second, etc. or revised edition? (17)4. How do I find the place of publication in a book? (17)5. Where should I put an editor or the editors? (17)6. What do I do if I have both an editor and an author? (17)7. Where should I put a translator? (17)8. What should I do if I cannot find an author in a printed source? (17)9. How should I reference a book written in a foreign language? (17)II. List of References: Numerical Data (18)III. List of References: Printed Written Sources (18)1. A whole book (18)2. A book produced by an organisation (a corporate author) (18)3. A book with multiple authors (18)4. A chapter or essay by a particular author in an edited collection of essays (18)5. A printed journal article (18)6. A report (19)7. An unpublished booklet or departmental handbook (19)8. A leaflet (19)9. A newspaper article (19)10. A conference paper within conference proceedings (19)11. Conference proceedings (19)12. A thesis or dissertation (20)13. A UK patent (20)14. An international patent (20)15. A standard (20)16. A Statutory Instrument (20)17. A technical paper (20)18. A personal communication or letter (20)19. An encyclopaedia entry (21)20. A dictionary (21)21. The Bible or other sacred text (21)22. A House of Commons / Lords Report (21)23. A Government Bill (21)24. An Act of Parliament (21)25. A Government Green or White Paper (22)26. Hansard official report of a Parliamentary debate (22)27. An official report of a Parliamentary debate in a Standing Committee (22)28. A music score (22)IV. List of References: Electronic Written Sources (22)1. An electronic journal article (22)2. A web site (or other online media) (23)3. An electronic book (23)4. Electronic Newspaper Article (23)5. Electronic lecture notes or transcript (24)6. Personal communication: an email (24)7. Online discussion forum/mailing list (JISCMAIL or Listserv) (24)8. A report accessed electronically (24)9. A thesis or a dissertation online (24)10. A blog (25)11. Computer Software (25)V. List of References: Electronic Visual and Audio Sources (25)1. An image, a video film or a sound recording accessed electronically (DVD, CD, streamlined) (25)2. A broadcast or a podcast (25)3. A programme video recording (from TV) (26)4. A Lecture: audio recording (26)5. An advertisement in a magazine or newspaper accessed (26)electronically (26)6. An artwork or image in a magazine accessed electronically (26)VI. List of References: Printed or Exhibited Visual Sources (27)1. An image or an art figure in a magazine (27)2. A work of art, photograph, illustration or item in an exhibition or exhibition stand (27)3. An exhibition catalogue or an art book (27)4. An advertisement in a printed magazine or newspaper (27)5. A map (28)6. An Ordnance Survey map (28)7. An exhibition stand (28)VII. List of References: Spoken Sources (28)1. A Lecture: students’ written notes (28)2. An interview you have conducted (28)3. An interview in an edited book or collection (28)VIII. List of References: Secondary Sources (29)1. A secondary reference in a book (29)2. A secondary reference in a journal (29)List of FiguresFigure 1. The two elements in a sample paper (5)Figure 2. In-text citations (6)Figure 3. The List of References (7)Figure 4. In-text citation of numerical data (10)Figure 5. In-text citation of an image accessed electronically (13)Figure 6. In-text citation of a printed image (14)Foreword to the Coventry University HarvardReference Style GuideThe Coventry University Harvard Reference Style is a customisation of an author-date or Harvard referencing system. Our version, created by the Centre for Academic Writing, provides a stable instrument with which to refer to sources in academic writing. By providing a common version, Coventry University’s academic community will have a shared system that will allow readers to exchange new ideas and access the sources that form the basis for these ideas in a simple and consistent manner.Explicit indication of the sources of information and ideas is one of the characteristics of academic writing in Britain and in many other countries, but not all. Explicit referencing of sources distinguishes academic writing from other types of writing, including newspapers, novels, and much workplace writing. Academic writers show where they got the information or ideas for their texts through referencing systems, such as Coventry University’s Harvard Reference Style (CU Harvard). They do this for a number of reasons:•To respect intellectual property;•To strengthen arguments by indicating the source of ideas;•To demonstrate knowledge of the field in which you are writing;•To establish your own voice in your academic writing;•To meet marking criteria;•To avoid accusations of plagiarism.By using the CU Harvard Reference Style, you will join an academic conversation maintained through our written texts.The CU Harvard Reference Style Guide is organised into two parts. Part One deals with in-text citations, the indication in your text that you are referring to a source. Part Two deals with the List of References, which is where you provide all the information a reader needs to find the source. Any written assignment that refers to sources must contain both in-text references as they occur in the body of the text and an alphabetic list of the sources you have used at the end. Each part of the guide has a group of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’, followed by source types: printed or electronic, written, spoken/audio, and visual. The Guide is accompanied by a Glossary that defines the most useful terms used in referencing.A brief word about referencing software tools:Software tools can simplify the process of accurately referring to sources and including appropriate references in your List of References. Coventry University supports RefWorks, a referencing software programme that allows a writer to enter the information needed for a full reference only once, and then simply and easily add citations to that source. The programme will format and alphabetise the list of references in CU Harvard Reference Style. Microsoft Word 2007 includes a referencing facility that will format references in APA style, another author-date style. References formatted this way will need a limited amount of manual change to conform to CU Harvard Reference Style. At an even simpler level, the “sort” function in Microsoft Word can be used to alphabetise the List of References after it has been manually entered.IntroductionWhenever you borrow information, ideas, images, or numerical data from other sources you must document the source in two ways:• Provide an in-text citation of the source in the main body of your writing: give the author’s surname or the corporate author, the year of publication, and page number if you quote or paraphrase, or if you summarise information on a specific page of thesource.•Enter the source in the List of References at the end of your document: give all the publication or internet details in the correct format (see the Contents Page of thisGuide for details).It is important that there is a link between these two elements, as illustrated in Figure 1, which shows that the author and date given in your in-text citation must correspond to the author and date given at the start of your List of References entry.I Can’t Find an Example of My Source!The purpose of this Guide is to help you become a confident and independent writer and researcher, so do not be afraid to use your own judgement if you encounter an unusual source. In this Guide a balance has been struck between listing every possible type of source and keeping the guidelines concise and reader friendly. Therefore, on rare occasions you may need to cite and reference an unusual type of source that is not included in this Guide (a jam jar label for instance). Do not panic if you cannot find precise guidelines in such a case, but consider these tips:In-text citations are easy because you just give the author or corporate author and the date (plus page numbers if relevant). See the Introduction to Part One of this Guidefor a list of all the pieces of information you should include in an in-text citation inwhich order, and adapt these principles if necessary.•The List of References entry is also simple when you know how! See the Introduction to Part Two of this Guide for a list of all the pieces of information youshould include in a List of References entry, in which order, and adapt theseprinciples if necessary.• Follow the ARC of Successful Citing and Referencing:How do I integrate research sources into my writing?For guidance on how to quote, paraphrase, and summarise, see the Coventry University Harvard Reference Style website and Glossary at: /caw.The relationship between in-text citations and the List of ReferencesAn in-text citation gives formal recognition of a source you have used. To ‘cite’ means to refer to a source in the main body of your academic paper. An ‘academic paper’ is the scholarly term for an essay, assignment or other document. The List of References provides sufficient information for readers to locate each source you have cited. To ‘reference’ means to enter full details of a source in this list that goes on a separate page at the end of your academic paper.The List of References is organised alphabetically according to the surname of the author or corporate author. Every line after the first should be indented so that author stands out. There is a line of space between each entry.Figure 1 shows a sample page from an academic paper with the List of References page superimposed. This figure shows that these two elements are linked, and that they each start with the same author or corporate author and date. A source should only appear once in the List of References even if there are many in-text citations for that source in your paper.Figure 1. The two elements in a sample paperAn example of in-text citationsFigure 2 shows in-text citations in the main body of an academic paper. This sample paper is about Queen Elizabeth I, who ruled England during the second half of the sixteenth century. You must give in-text citations each time you borrow ideas, information, images, or numerical data from a source in order to display intellectual honesty about the sources you have used.Figure 2. In-text citationsThis writer has undertaken independent research and learnt how to cite and reference with skill. By marshalling evidence from other sources, you can advance your own original argument in a convincing way to become a scholarly and authoritative writer. Make sure you credit the intellectual property of other scholars.An example of the List of ReferencesFigure 3 shows a sample List of References. It demonstrates that sources are referenced differently depending on the type, and there is a special format for books, journal articles, online journal articles, web sites, etc. See the Contents Page of this Guide for a list of different types.The List of References is organised alphabetically according to the surname of the author or corporate author. Every line after the first should be indented so that author stands out. There is a line of space between each entry.Make just one list and do not divide the entries into separate categories. There is no full stop at the end of each entry. Put the List of References on a separate page at the end of your paper, but, if you include an Appendix, this goes after the List of References.Figure 3. The List of ReferencesPart One: In-text citationsThis section of the Guide explains how to write in-text citations. The basic principle is to give the surname of the author or the corporate author and the year of publication in brackets (author date), plus the page number if you quote or paraphrase, or if you summarise information on a specific page of the source.•Example of citing a quote or paraphrase: Higgins argues that land fill sites are ‘not cost efficient’ (2005: 68).• Example of summarising an entire book or article: A recent study reveals new information about child health (Wikes 2006).• Example of summarising a point made on two consecutive pages of a book or article: The book provides examples of how the eating habits of parents directlyinfluence children (Wikes 2006: 19-20).I. In-text Citations: Frequently Asked Questions1. What should I do if I can’t find the date on a web site?For the purpose of accuracy, if you can’t find the date, it is best to write ‘n.d.’, which means ‘no date’. Example:Students are gaining increasingly high grades (National Student Forum n.d.).2. How should I cite an author’s name?You have two options, and you may vary the practice throughout your academic paper. Option 1If you mention the author’s name in your own writing, just give the date (and page number if you quote, paraphrase, or summarise specific information) in your in-text citation. Example: Shah (2005: 66) maintains that in recent years Coventry has become Britain’s most important industrial city.Option 2If you do not mention the author’s name in your writing, give the author’s surname and date (and the page number if you quote, paraphrase, or summarise specific information) in your in-text citation. Example:Wavelets are an effective means of disease detection (Qureshi 2006: 95).3. What should I do if I cannot find the author of a source?If the source is anonymous, you can write ‘Anon.’ instead of the author. Example:At the turn of the twentieth century, research in biology was influenced by scientific positivism (Anon. 1900).4. Where in the sentence should I put in-text citations?You can either place in-text citations near the start of your sentences, or near the end. Be aware that writers in different disciplines follow different practices in this regard.5. Can I cite lots of sources in the same sentence?Readers need to know exactly who made each point you have borrowed as you advance your own argument, so only cite more than one author in the same sentence if they make similar points or use similar methods or evidence. Example:Shaw (2001: 15) argues that therapists are losing their skills. Similarly, Higgins (2004: 72) maintains that there has been a decrease in skills development.If you cannot avoid citing more than one source because various authors all argue the same point, put the sources in alphabetical order and separate each one with a comma. Example: Health informatics will radically change the nature of the National Health Service by the year 2010 (Brown 2002: 3, Lee 2006: 44 and Padda 2005: 14).6. How do I cite a single source with multiple authors using ‘et al.’? For up to three authors, give all the authors’ surnames in your in-text citation. Example: Cox, Patel, and Pavliotis (2004) discuss Britain’s future adoption of the euro.However, if there are more than three authors use ‘et al.’ which is short for ‘et alii’ meaning‘and others’ in Latin. Note that there is a full stop after ‘al.’ because it is an abbreviation (a shortened form of the original word). Remember that although only one surname is given, you are referring to multiple authors, so the next verb in your sentence must agree in the plural rather than the singular. Example:Fletcher et al. (2006: 88) suggest that in this century global climate change has caused billions of dollars worth of damage.7. Does the full stop go before or after in-text citations?Even when quoting, do not use a full stop until AFTER your in-text citation in brackets because the in-text citation is part of your sentence. Example:Anderson posits that vitamin E has ‘life-changing effects’ (2006: 8).8. When should I use italics?•Put the title of a print publication in italics (do not use bold or underline). The titles of all the main documents must be italicised, such as titles of books, titles ofjournals, titles of websites etc. so that readers can see at a glance which physicalsources you have cited. Example: Dickens wrote many novels, but Hard Times(Jones 2004: 16) is the most interesting from a philosophical perspective.•Put all foreign words in italics, including et al.•Do not use italics for the title of journal articles or book chapters. Instead use single quotation marks. The title of any sub-document or sub-section of a maindocument, such as the article or chapter that sits within a publication, must sit withinsingle quotation marks. Example: Peterson’s recent article on oncology entitled‘Meningioma Detection’ (2006) makes a real contribution to cancer research.•Do not use italics when quoting. Instead, use either double or single quotation marks, and whichever you choose, be consistent throughout your document.Example: Although there are many approaches to disaster planning, the Smartsonmodel ensures both ‘effectiveness and efficiency’ (Smartson 2004: 65).9. When should I give page numbers?Give a page number in your in-text citation when you QUOTE or PARAPHRASE a source because this enables readers to locate the exact passage you have cited for their own use, or to check that you have quoted or re-phrased the source accurately. Also give page numbers when you SUMMARISE a point that appears on a specific page or pages of a source. Example of a quote: Crude oil price rises have been ‘alarming’ (Brown 2006: 5).10. When should I omit page numbers?If you are summarising what an author has argued in a book or article, you do not need to give page numbers. Example: McArthurs has undertaken new research into alternative therapies (McArthurs 2006).II. In-text Citations: Numerical DataEvery time you borrow a date, statistic or other numerical data from a source, give an in-text citation. Example: The number of heart attacks has risen dramatically in recent years and there has been an increase of 10% since 1992 (Department of Health 2005: 65).If you present numerical data visually, label it as a figure or table and include a List of Figures or Tables in your Contents Page. If the figure is from a paginated source, you must give the page number in your in-text citation. In your own writing, explain who compiled the data because the in-text citation only tells readers your source. Give the figure a title and an in-text citation with the author or corporate author and date of the source in brackets. Discuss the significance of the data in full.Example of how to cite a Figure in your paper:Figure 4. In-text citation of numerical dataIII. In-text Citations: Printed Written Sources1. A whole bookGive the author’s surname and the year of publication in brackets. Example:Applied research has boosted pedagogical practice (Anderson 2006).2. A chapter or essay by a particular author in an edited collection of essaysIf your source is just one chapter within a collection of essays by various different authors, give an in-text citation for the author of the chapter you want to cite, and the date of the edited book. Example:Recent developments in the field of pedagogical research have revolutionised teaching practice (Taylor 2006: 47).3. Multiple authorsFor up to three authors, give all the authors’ surnames in your in-text citation. Example: Cox, Patel, and Pavliotis (2004) discuss Britain’s future adoption of the euro.However, if there are more than three authors use ‘et al.’ which is short for ‘et alii’meaning‘and others’ in Latin. Note that there is a full stop after ‘al.’ because it is an abbreviation (a shortened form of the original word). Remember that although only one surname is given, you are referring to multiple authors, so the next verb in your sentence must agree in the plural rather than the singular. Example:Fletcher et al. (2006: 88) suggest that in this century global climate change has caused billions of dollars worth of damage.4. A corporate authorSometimes sources are produced by an organisation, not individuals. This is known as a corporate author. Give an in-text citation as usual but cite the organisation as the author. Example:It is essential to plan for emergencies (Disaster Agency 2006).5. A journal articleGive the surname of the author of the article and the year the journal was published in brackets. Example:Evidence-based practice has many positive effects (Smithson 2006).6. Personal communicationGive the surname of the person you are citing and the date in brackets. In your own writing give the full name of the person you are citing. Example:In a personal communication, Androulla Athanasiou explained that she is ‘completely against’ recent moves to erect a new football stadium in Coventry (Athanasiou 2006).7. A book in the Bible or the KoranWithin brackets give the title of the chapter in place of the author, then give the chapter number (for the Bible), add a colon, then give the verse number. Example:David was a mighty warrior (2 Kings 10:3).As the chapter, ‘The Star’ shows, the cosmic universe has a powerful symbolism for Arabic people. (The Star: 1)8. A Government BillIn your own writing within brackets write ‘HC Bill’ or ‘HL Bill’ and in new brackets give the Parliamentary Session, then give the Bill serial number in square brackets. Note that every time a Bill passes through Parliament, it is re-numbered. Give an in-text citation within brackets with ‘HC’ for House of Commons or ‘HL’ for House of Lords then the date and page number if appropriate. Example:It was revealed today in the House of Commons (HC Bill (2000-1) [30]) that housing tax is likely to be revised (HC 2001: 56).9. Hansard official report of a Parliamentary debateIn your own writing within brackets write ‘HC Deb.’ or ‘HL Deb.’ and in new brackets give the Parliamentary Session, then outside these brackets give the volume number, add a comma, then write ‘col.’ for the column number, and state the column number. Give an in-text citation within brackets with ‘HC’ for House of Commons or ‘HL’ for House of Lords then the date and page number if appropriate. Example:Pattern hounded the Prime Minister (HC Deb. (2000-1) 203, col. 346) over international debt (HC 2001: 42).IV. In-text Citations: Electronic Written SourcesFollow the same practice as when you cite printed sources by giving the author and date, but no page number is required for online sources.1. Electronic textsFor any source accessed online including an electronic journal article, electronic book, electronic lecture notes, etc. give the author’s surname or the corporate author and the date in brackets. Example:White noise has been under-researched (Wallace 2006).2. A websiteGive the corporate author and the date in brackets. DO NOT give the full web address (called the URL) in your in-text citation because this goes in the List of References. Example:There are many software packages for detecting plagiarism (Referencing 2006).If you cannot find the date, for the purpose of accuracy, it is best to write ‘n.d.’, which means ‘no date’. Students are gaining increasingly high grades (National Student Forum n.d.).Note: If the website has both a copyright and a ‘last updated’ date, then give the ‘last updated’ date in brackets!3. An online discussion forum/mailing list (JISCMAIL or Listserv) Give the surname of the author of the email you wish to cite and the date of the email in brackets. Example:Neurological rehabilitation has been under-funded for years (Lango 2005).4. A blogGive the surname of the author of the blog and the date it was written. Example:Chaos theory has impacted seriously on literature as well as science (Richards 2006). V. In-text Citations: Electronic Visual or Audio SourcesEvery time you borrow a picture, painting, photograph, diagram, or other image from a source, give an in-text citation. Label it as a figure and include a List of Figures in your Contents Page. If the figure is originally from a printed source you can give the page number in your in-text citation. In your own writing, explain who the artist is, because the in-text citation only tells readers your source. Give the figure a title and an in-text citation with the author or corporate author and date of the source in brackets. Discuss the significance of the figure in full.Example of how to cite a Figure when the source is accessed online:Figure 5. In-text citation of an image accessed electronically1. A video film or a sound recording accessed electronically (DVD, CD, streamlined)Give the director’s or the producer’s surname as the author, or the corporate author if no other information is available, then the date in brackets. Example:Dance is an effective form of therapy (Anderson 2006).2. A broadcast or a podcastGive the title of the broadcast in italics and the date in brackets. Example:Contemporary politicians are more image-conscious than ever (Have I Got News for You 2005).3. A programme video recording (from TV)Give the title of the programme in italics and the date in brackets. Example:Farmers are required to diversify in order to survive (Farming Today 2005).4. A recorded radio broadcastGive the title of the programme as the author in italics and the date in brackets. Example: Political life has changed since the election of New Labour (Radio4 News 2005).VI. In-text-Citations: Printed or Exhibited Visual Sources。
两人的哈佛 引用格式
哈佛引用格式(Harvard Referencing Style)是一种广泛应用
于人文科学领域的引用格式,适用于哈佛引用格式(Harvard Referencing Style)是一种广泛应用于人文科学领域的引用格式,适用于各种文献类型,如书籍、期刊、报纸、网站、会议论文和报告等。
例如:Ortega, SH. 2001 a; Ortega, SH. 2001 b0
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Harvard Referencing
1.Article: Periodical - journal has a volume number and an issue number
Author. Date. Title of article. Title of journal, volume of journal (number of issue):page reference, date of issue.
2.Article: Periodical - journal has a seasonal date
Author. Date. Title of article. Title of journal, volume or number of issue: page reference, Season.
3.Article: Magazine (magazine = popular literature)
Author. Date. Title of article. Title of journal, volume or number of issue: page reference.
4.Article: Newspaper - Author (name of reporter/author is known)
Author. Date. Title of article. Title of newspaper: page reference, Month and day.
5.Article: Newspaper - anonymous (no name of reporter/author)
Title of article. Date. Title of newspaper: page reference, Month and day.
6.Book: Corporate author
Author. Date. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher.
7.Book: Multiple authors
Authors. Date. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher.
8.Book: Single author
Author. Date. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher.
9.Book: Multiple authors
Authors. Date. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher.
10.Book: No author
Title. Date. Place: Publisher.
11.Book: Chapter from a book with different contributors
Authors. Date. Title: subtitle of the chapter. (In Editors of book (eds.), Title of book. Place: Publisher. Page references.)
12.Book: Edition other than the first
Authors. Date. Title: subtitle. Edition. Place: Publisher.
13.Book: Editors (or compilers)
Authors. Date. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher.
14.Book: Review - Anonymous (no author)
Anon. Date. Title of the book being reviewed, Author of book. Reviewed in: Title of journal review is published in, Issue:Page reference, Date of issue.
15.Book: Review - Author of review indicated
Author of the review. Date. Title of the book being reviewed, Author of book. Reviewed in: Title of journal review is published in,
Issue:Page reference, Date of issue.
16.Book: Two items by same author in the same year
Authors. Date(a). Title, Place: Publisher. (Qualification).
Name of organisation that produced the brochure. Date. Title of brochure. edition. [Brochure]. Author.
18.Conference proceedings
Author. Date. Title of paper. Title of published document, Place and date of conference, page reference(s), Place (of publication):
Author of the letter. Date. Description of the type of correspondence, Date of correspondence. [Note of location of the original document]
20.Course notes
Author. Date. Title: sub-title. Place: Name of Institution. [Indicate that these are course notes]
21.Database abstract
Author. Date. Title of article in the journal. Title of journal, volume (number of issue): page reference. [name of database and reference number of abstract]
Title: subtitle. Edition. Date. Place: Publisher.
23.Encyclopaedia - Author indicated
Author. Date. Title article. Title of encyclopaedia, volume of encyclopaedia, page reference.
24.Encyclopaedia - Author not indicated
Anon. Date. Title article. Title of encyclopaedia, volume of encyclopaedia, page reference.
ernment publications:
Correct name of country. Name of department. Date. Title. Place: Publisher.
Author. Date (last updated). Title of website. [Online]. Available: URL (Internet address). [Date you accessed the site].
Name of person interviewed. Date. Description of interview with day, month and year. [format]
ernment Publications:
Name of country (jurisdiction). Date. Author. Date. Title of act. Place: Publisher. [Laws.]
29.Legal cases
30.Publisher: Society.
Author. Date. Title:sub-title. Place: Publisher.
31.Secondary source (one source cited in another source)
Author. Date. Title: Sub-title. Journal Title, Volume: Page references.
32.Telephone conversation
33.Television broadcast
Name of producer. (Title of producer). Date. Title programme. Place: Broadcast service. Month and day.
34.Theses and dissertations
Author. Date. Title of article. Title: subtitle. Place: Academic institution. Degree. [format if other than print]
Title: subtitle. Date. Place: Publisher. [format]。