汉语思维负迁移 对初中生英语写作的影响及对策
二、负迁移理论Rod Ellis在Understanding Second Language Acquisition一书中提到:“学习者的母语是二语习得中一个重要的决定因素,……母语是一个知识源,学习者会有意无意地借助它来筛选外语。
[ 5 】 L e v e 1 t . 1 9 7 0 ,转 引 自B y g a t e ,M . S p e a k i n g :S e c o n d L a n g u a g e
P e d a g o g y 【 A 】 . i n S p o I s k y ,B .( e d .). C o n c i s e E n c y c 1 o p a e d i a o f E d u c a t i o n a 1 L i n g u i s t i c s [ C 】 . O x f o r d :E 1 s e v i e r , 1 9 9 9 :
情感意义、反映意义和搭配意义方面阐述汉语对英语词 汇学习的负迁移 ,并试 图寻找有 效策略 来消除汉语 负迁移对英语词
关键 词:汉语
个 问 题 。 早 期 行 为 主 义 理 论 认 为 ,母 语 干 扰 二 语 习得 的 过
语 言 是 表 达 思 想 的 工 具 , 是 思 维 的 外 在 表 现 形 式 , 因 程 , 由此 引起 语 言 错 误 。 此 思 维 方 式 会 影 响到 语 言 的 外 在 形 式 ( 邓 小 秋 ,2 0 0 6 )。 不 同 的 民族 有 着 不 同 的 思 维 方 式 和 交 流 方 式 , 学 习 者
”而在英语中,主语和谓语通常出现在句子的中间,例如:“I am going to eat dinner.” 如果汉语母语学习者没有意识到这种差异,就容易出现将英语主语或谓语放错位置的情况。
3.被动语态英语中的被动语态比汉语更为常用,例如:“The book was written by him.” 而汉语中的被动语态则较少使用。
” 而在英语中,则是通过关系词(如who、whom、whose)来引导定语从句,例如:“The book that I am reading.” 如果汉语母语学习者没有完全掌握英语的定语从句用法,就容易导致使用错误的引导词或者放错位置。
2.宾语从句宾语从句在英语中比汉语更为常见,例如:“I know that he is coming.” 在这个句子中,“that he is coming”是一个完整的宾语从句。
汉语思维负迁移 对初中生英语写作的影响及对策
汉语思维负迁移对初中生英语写作的影响及对策汉语思维负迁移(Chinese thinking transfer)是指中文在学习英语写作过程中带来的一些负面影响,这种转移可能对初中生英语写作造成困扰。
1. 语法结构:汉语和英语的语法结构存在差异。
2. 词汇运用:中文和英文的词汇使用方式有所不同。
3. 表达方式:中文和英文的表达方式差异较大。
针对以上影响,我们可以采取以下对策:1. 加强语法学习:学生需要通过学习英语的语法规则,了解英语的句子结构和用法,避免将汉语的语法结构直接应用到英语写作中。
2. 掌握正确的词汇使用方式:学生应尽量避免将中文词汇直译为英语词汇,而是要学会用英文思维去表达。
3. 培养英语思维和表达方式:学生应该通过大量的阅读和写作训练来逐渐习得英语的思维方式和表达习惯。
4. 引导学生进行对比学习:教师可以通过对比中英文的语法、词汇和表达方式,帮助学生发现两种语言之间的差异,引导学生逐渐适应英语写作的要求。
5. 提供反馈和指导:教师在批改学生的作文时,应给予具体的建议和指导,指出学生所犯的语法错误、词汇不准确和表达不清晰等问题,并提供相应的改进方法和练习材料。
中学生英语写作中汉语负迁移现象及对策探析1. 引言1.1 介绍中学生英语写作中汉语负迁移现象中学生英语写作中汉语负迁移现象是指学生在英语写作中受到汉语语言结构和表达习惯的影响,造成英语写作表达不准确、不规范的现象。
1.2 分析负迁移现象产生的原因There are several reasons contributing to the phenomenon of negative transfer of Chinese in English writing among middle school students. Firstly, the differences in grammar between Chinese and English often lead to errors in English writing. For example, Chinese sentences tend to be more concise and lack the use of articles, which can result in students omitting articles or using them incorrectly in English writing.2. 正文2.1 中学生英语写作中常见的汉语负迁移现象中学生英语写作中常见的汉语负迁移现象包括词汇错误、语法错误、逻辑错误等。
下面列举一些比较常见的汉语负迁移现象:1. 中式书面语影响:学生在英语写作中常将中式书面语习惯用于英语写作中,造成语言不自然、生疏。
2. 音译:学生在写作中会将汉语中某些常用的词语音译为英语,如“电视”译为“television”,但这种翻译很容易让读者感到困惑。
3. 语法不当:汉语中的一些语法习惯是英语中不符合语法规则的,比如“从小到大”翻译为“from small to big”,正确的应该是“from childhood to adulthood”。
4. 用词不恰当:有些学生在以前的学习中学过一些字词,但是不知道它们和其他词汇的区别,或者不知道如何灵活使用,因此在英语写作中会出现用词不恰当的现象。
二、解决汉语负迁移问题的方法1. 制定有效的学习计划:学生应该有一个明确的学习计划,在学习英语的过程中应掌握英语基础知识,熟悉英语语法,正确地理解和运用英语表达方式。
2. 多听多读、多写多说:学生需要在课余时间多进行听、读、写、说等英语学习活动,多听英语广播、看英语电影、读英语杂志、写英语作文、说英语对话等,通过这些活动的锻炼能够提高英语水平,促进英语思维的形成。
3. 关注词汇的使用:在写作中,选词是非常重要的一个环节,因此,学生需要关注学习和使用英语中的常用词汇,这些包括词语的意思、用法、时态等。
4. 注意阅读英语范文:阅读英语范文有助于学生提高自己的英语水平,特别是对于那些想写好英语作文的学生来说,读英语范文更是必不可少的。
o t s pno ( 来 表 达 思 想 这 样 一 种 现 象 。 果 母 语 的 语 去 模 仿 。 有 条 件 的 情 况 下 , 尽 可 能 让 p r hi o i i n. ×) 如 在 要
基本 的 问题 不 在于新 语 言 本身所 具 有 的
不 同 的 特 点 , 在 于 由 第 一 语 言 习 惯 所 而
形 成 的 一 整 套 特 有 的 习 俗 。” 俗 的 说 , 通 就 是 在 学 习 一 门新 的 语 言 的 过程 中 的 音 标 学 生 就 很 难 输 入 , 不 是 单 个 词 的 孤 立 的 意 义 , 有 而 如
为 主” 要 避 免学 生 出现 第 三类 错 误 , 。 教
师 在 教 授 新 单 词 时 就 要 注 意 语 言 的 整 体 必要的话 , 讲解 与其近 义的 词的 区 别, 要 如教 师可 以 把 : t n… si “hi lm… s n y” ki n 放 在一起 来理 解 。
2 词汇 方 面
其 次 学 生 在 词 汇 层 面 受 到 汉 语 负 迁
助 干 母 语 的 发 音 、 义 、 构 规 则 或 习惯 学 生 听 到 最 纯 真 的 语 音 , 他 们 去 体 会 , 词 结 让 言 规 则 和 外 语 是 一 致 的 , 么 母 语 的 规 他 们 与 英 语 本 族 人 接 触 , 味 他 们 的 发 那 体 则 迁 移 会 对 目标 语 有 积 极 的 影 响 , 被 音 。 这
1语 音方 面
在英语 发音 中 , 中英 文 发 音 相 似 的 音
节 学 生 就 容 易 掌 握 , [ u】 [] , 一 些 如 a ,s 等 而 发 好 音 , 音 标 [ : , 生 就 容 易 发 成 如 i】学 “ ”; [ 音 , 生 的 舌 头 不 知 道 该 如 何 衣 而 0】 学
1.1 直译问题在英语写作中,很多学生在表达时会直接使用汉语句式直译成英语,由于汉语与英语的语法结构和表达方式截然不同,这就导致了英语句子出现了严重的语法错误和不通顺的表达方式。
“她是我的好朋友”一句,在英语中应该是:“She is my good friend.”而不是直接译成:“She is my good friend of mine.”1.2 词汇搭配问题1.3 句型结构问题在英语写作中,学生们也容易在句型结构上受到汉语的影响,导致出现了句子不通顺、语法错误等问题。
2.1 学习方式的差异中学生在学习英语的过程中,由于传统教学方法的限制,他们往往过于注重词汇和语法知识的学习,而对语言习得和实际运用的训练不够,导致了他们在写作中无法真正理解和把握英语的表达方式和用词习惯。
2.2 母语影响母语对学习第二语言的影响是不可忽视的,很多学生在表达时会首先想到使用汉语的表达方式,然后再用英语来表达,这种思维方式会让他们丧失英语写作应有的独立性和自觉性。
2.3 学习氛围的缺失在很多中学,学生们对英语学习的兴趣和热情并不高,而且英语写作往往是在课堂上完成作业,缺少了学生们自主写作的机会,也就无法真正提高他们的英语写作水平。
3.1 提倡英语思维学校和教师应该引导学生去提倡英语思维,让学生从思维方式上就要将汉语的思维方式转化成英语的思维方式。
本文 旨在探讨汉语对 以英语 为第 二语 言的高职生所产 生的负迁移 的作用 。我 国大多高职 院校 的高职生英语基础薄弱 ,英语 学习缺乏兴 趣, 学生英语水平参差不齐 。笔者在教 学中发现 , 在英语学 习的过程中 汉语对 高职生所产 生的负迁移远 远大于正 迁移, 从而 阻碍了英语 的学 习。 笔者希望通过研究负迁移的影响 , 分析负迁移产生的原因并找到行 之有效的对策来提高学生英语水平 。 2汉语的负迁移 . 迁移 ( as r是一个 心理术语 , t nf ) r e 是指学 习者已经获得 的知识 、 技能, 甚至方法和态度对学习新知识 、 新技能的影响 。 积极的影响称为正迁移 (oiv as r消极 的影 响称为负迁 移(eav as r p si t nf ) te r e , ngt ernf ) i t e 。正迁移 对事 物起积极促进作用, 而负迁移则对事物的发展起干扰妨碍作用。就英语 学习而言 , 汉语对英语 , 对英语知识 的正负迁移并存 , 也就是说 , 汉语对 英语学习既存在着促进作用 , 又存在着 干扰或阻碍作用 。因此 , 在英语 学习中 , 我们应该尽量避免负迁移 , 积极有效地利用正迁移, 提高英语学 习的质量 、 效率 , 使英语学习事半功倍 。 3汉语对英语学习的负迁移 . 汉语对英语学习的负迁移主要体现在 以下几个方面 : 31语 音 的 负 迁 移 . 中 国的大学生在学 习英语之前 , 汉语 的语音 , 语调 已经 在他 们头脑 中根深蒂 固,因此 , 在学 习英语发音 时会不 自觉地受 汉语 的发音 的影 响, 用汉语的发音规律 , 语音语调来 发音。虽然英语 和汉语都是 使用国 际音标 , 有些元音和辅音 的发音 和汉语 有相似之处 , 但是英汉语 分别属 于两个不 同的语系 , 其差别较之属 于同一语系的语言来说又要 大些 , 按 照对 比分 析学 派的 观点 , 这将 会导 致学 习 中的母语 负迁 移 ( 留华 , 苏 2 0 :6 。主要有 以下几点 : 004 ) 有些发音汉语 中没有 , 学生会 找出相近汉语音素 的来代替 。例如 : 英语 中的一些 辅音在汉语 中没有 , , ] 3 , 如 [『和【】 汉语 中没有此音 , 很多 学生发汉语的 S 而不是[ 】汉语 的 z f, 而不是【】 5。 英语 中有辅音簇 , 出现两个 或多个辅音 连用 , 会 而汉语 中没有 , 是 声母和韵母组合 , 不会 出现多个声母连用 。因此 , 学生在发音时 , 总是习 惯 性 的在辅 音后 加元 音 。如 , et g a 常被读 成 / r t o ne 被读 成 r g e/ r g 常  ̄ i,a
语言迁移理论是20世纪50年代由美国著名的行为主义语言学家Lad o最早提出。
他《在跨文化语言学》(L in gu is ti cs Across Cultures)一书中提到:“学习第二语言和学习第一语言是完全不同的任务。
现在语言学家们普遍认为:语言迁移(language transfer)是指在第二语言学习中,学习者在使用第二语言时,借助于母语的发音、词义、结构规则或习惯来表达思想这样一种现象。
如果母语的语言规则和外语是一致的,那么母语的规则迁移会对目标语有积极的影响,这被称为正迁移(positive transfer)。
负迁移(negative transfer)则是指,如果母语的语言规则不符合外语的习惯,就会对外语学习产生消极影响。
猪肉的英文是“pork”而非“pig meat”,牛肉叫“beef”而不是“cow meat”羊肉则称之为“mutton”。
如汉语“我有很多朋友”学生常会写成“I have many friend.”Friend在这里显然是复数,需要在词尾加上“s”。
因此,在日常的教学活动中,如何有效利用母语正迁移的同时抑制母语的负迁移成为了教学活动中必须注意的问题关键词:母语迁移: 正迁移: 负迁移: 教学策略Analysis of Negative Transfer of Chinese inEnglish LearningAbstractNative Language Transfer inevitably affects more or less the Second Language Acquisition.This paper elaborates both the positive and negative transfer n SLA in terms of phonetics,vocabulary,grammar and culture.In this paper,this author carries out experiments among 40 students with the help of interviews,and questionnaire.The results show that positive and negative transfers affect the students’ acquisition of English.The implication to the foreign language teaching is that teachers should take the advantage of the positive transfer while reduce the effect of the negative oneKeywords:NLT;positive transfer;negative transfer;teaching strategies.Contents Introduction 0Chapter one Three study stages of language transfer 01.1 Contrastive Analysis 01.2 Interlanguage and Error Analysis (1)1.3 Rediscovery of Language Transfer (3)Chapter Two Negative tranfer of chinese in English learning (3)2.1 Phonetic Tranfer (3)2.1 Vocabulary Transfer (4)2.3 Grammar Transfer (5)2.4 Culture Transfer (5)Chapter Three Empirical Study (6)3.1 Introduction (6)3.2 Subjects (6)3.3 Sample Collections (7)3.3.1 Questionnaire (7)3.3.2 Interview (7)3.4 Data Analysis (7)3.4.1 Data collected from the questionnaire (7)3.4.2 Data collected from the interview (9)3.5 Summary (10)Chapter Four Solutions (10)4.1 Phonetics (10)4.2 Vocabulary (11)4.3 Grammar (11)4.4 culture (12)Chapter Five Conclusion (12)Appendix〔1〕 (15)Appendix〔2〕 (17)Acknowledgements (18).IntroductionIn foreign language study area, language transfer is the effect that native language transfer to foreign language, this kind of effect is one of important questions to linguists and psycholinguistics. America linguist Lado had taken a point in Linguistic Across Culture, in foreign language learning circumstance, learners generally rely on mastered native language, tend to transfer native language’s linguistic form, significance and culture to foreign language. Rod Ellis concludes native language transfer in four aspects in Second Language acquisition; positive transfer, negative transfer, avoidance and overuse. Negative language transfer is defined as when there are differences between native language rules and foreign language rules, learners transfer native language rules to foreign language rules, native language will disturb foreign language learning, at the moment, the influence of native language to foreign language is negativeChapter one Three study stages of language transfer1.1 Contrastive AnalysisLanguage transfer get into language teaching area during 1950s. it generally experiences three stages. In 1950s to 1960s, the phenomenon of language transfer launched in contrastive analysis area, and has an important role in second language acquisition (SLA), it has closely connection with behaviorism which takes predominant status in language learning theory at that time, and they are the foundation of contrastive analysis theory. Robert Lado, American linguist put forward the concept of language transfer at his masterpiece Linguistics Across Cultures. This masterpiece has great effect in second language acquisition. Lado points out the learners widely rely on acquainted native language and oft en transfers native language’s style and meaning and its relevant culture into second language acquisitionThe contrastive analysis hypothesis which Lado put forward is “the native language is the main obstacle, the differences between native language and target language and the difficult that the disparity has caused are proportional. mean〞difference=difficulty〞The bigger the difference, the greater the difficulty. Quantity of research opens up at the.foundation of contrastive analysis. Deliberate the relation between difference and difficulty from all the level of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. Most of them confirmed Lado’s theory. Contrastive analysis scholars consider we can find the disparity between native language and target language based on analysis and comparation, predict the difficulties and possible errors in learning process, and clear up the time when the fault appears. In the process of foreign language teaching, We can determine what items should carry on special treatment in foreign language lesson and teaching materials, to this special items .we can use reinforcement (repeat and practice)to overcome the disturb of native language.The psychology basement of contrastive analysis are “stimulus-response〞theory and〞associative theory〞of behaviorism psychology. Behaviorism language acquisition claim “language is behavior. the process of language learning is the forming process of man’s behavior. While the forming process of man’s behavior is the result which people get response to external ceaseless stimulation Therefore, external environment of language learning is the key point of language acquisition. Only have lots of exercise. Learners can master the target language.Because of the influence of the theory, the audio-lingual method is prevailing at that time. The audio-lingual method has great effect on Chinese foreign language teaching, especially in 70s and the early years of 80s the effects still exist.1.2 Interlanguage and Error AnalysisIn the last 60s and 70s, according to language acquisition and universal grammar of Chomsky, many linguists put forward different points about contrastive analysis hypothesis and language transfer. First ,the psychology and linguistics of the two theory, Chomsky thinks when human being are born, the universal grammar are existing, and they have the ability learning language by natural. This ability comes from people’s brain, is not the result of external influence. hence, the second language acquisition is not only rely on “imitate〞and 〞strengthen〞, its acquisition is constructed actively in the foundation of dual effect of human brain mechanisms of language acquisition and actual language contact.Secondly, contrastive analysis has doubt in learner’s false prediction ability. Contrastive analysis theory equals difference with difficulty. But, experiment shows, the expected difficulty through contractive analysis are not always the acquainted language items. Learners are always make fault at similar place in superficial between native language and target language, learners’ native language are different, when they learn the same language, they have the similar fault. Difference is not equal with difficulty. Some difference may rise learners’ interest, and make them master new knowledge more quickly. Criticizes point out “difference is in language form, but difficult is a kind of language psychology process, there no any psychology theory equal the two concept .by the effect of cognitive psychology, pragmatics and language teaching are tend to the study of language acquisition process.As the Inter language and error analysis prevail, contrastive analysis is deserted. Linguists realize put the research point of SLA on the relation and disparity between native language and second language is unduly simplified. Only regard the learner language as relatively independent phenomenon, can we really clear the second language acquisition process. According to Selinker(1972)inter language theory, can’t simply regard inter language as mixed language system which is produced by target language plus native language’s disturb. The learners’ target language knowledge is a process of gradually accumulating and consummating. All process is non-individual body. Every 〞marketing timing〞in the non –individual body create a system, has its special feature. As time flies and learners’ hard work, inter language is gradually close to target language. This is called “foreign language learning progress period〞. In this period, learners actively enrich and adjust their own knowledge system from the beginning to the end Error analysis theory is a reflection that cognitive psychology affects in language acquisition,. According to cognitivism theory, learners’ fault proves that learner is a flexible decides that have distinguish ability and judgment ability. In the process of learning and communication, they are good at constantly judge their target and relevant methods. Based on the research of error analysis, all the learners’ fault in language learning, approximately only 25% are caused by native language transfer there are various.reasons about fault, some is caused by the wrong use of cognitive strategy, for instance, analogy, summarization, etc, and some is caused by the learners’ ignorance of second language rule, and the disturb of foreign language learners learn previously. As the appearance of SLA, people regard language is a process of language acquisition. But a significative factor. So, the involved language transfer theory loses its original status.1.3 Rediscovery of Language TransferIn the last years of 70s and the early of 80s, language transfer became a hot topic again. The linguists began to scan and evaluate the great contribution of contrastive analysis in language study and foreign language learning. Explore the new area of contrastive analysis, researchers’ view have made radical change about the effect of native and SLA. Not just briefly analyze the difference and disparity, primitively regard language transfer as mechanical behavior transfer process. They don’t deny the importance of the relation between native language and second language, but only observe and study its original character of language is not enough. The linguists deliberate the important effect of language transfer in SLA from the aspect of psychology, language and society. It’s treated as a important strategy. It is a techs of the whole language acquisition in which learners are involved, active and creative. It is a cognitive process complex and restricted by many factors. Up to now, many factors are still unrealized.Chapter Two Negative tranfer of chinese in English learning In English learning, we can analyze negative and positive transfer of language from all levels, Such as phonetics, grammar, vocabulary. culture and so on. All levels are not isolated, but influence each other.2.1 Phonetic TranferEnglish and Chinese belong to different language system. English belongs to Indo-European, Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan system, they have great disparity in phoneme, tonality system, rhythm rule and sentence link. Although the transfer Chinese to English is not incompletely show in specific acknowledge, show in transfer of Chinese pronounce habit and points of articulation, this is a transfer of articulatory skill. The generality of language makes learners have chance to find similarity of different language.in phonetic. For example, initial consonant of a Chinese syllable has many similarities with English phonetics consonants in pronunciation. So, most of Chinese feel easy when they learn following phoneme: / p / 、/ b / 、/ t/ 、/ d / 、/ k / 、/ g / and / f /,this is because they can find similar pronunciation and be in favor of transfer of phonetic. However, English is a kind of intonation language which distinguish sentence by intonation. And Chinese is a kind of tone language which distinguishes words with tone. English words have partition of stress and secondary accent, the sentence have partition of rising tune and failing tune,. In English learning, fresh of learners can’t distinguish rising tune and failing tune, and they are hardly speak simon-pure English, at the same time, they lose aroma of English. In English, there are many pronunciations that the Chinese do not exist, and the Chinese learners have adapted to Chinese pronunciation rules. So, they always replace these English pronunciations with similar Chinese intonation, for example, fresh of learners read /θ/as /s/. in addition, influenced by pronunciation habit of native language, they always add vowel in the English words that ending with consonant, for example, great reads as /greit/, like reads as / laik /2.1 Vocabulary TransferV ocabulary is the basement of language study. English and Chinese have generality in vocabulary, for example, in part of speech; they are corresponding and include nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, conjunction, prepositions and so on. So, the English learners can form a kind of vocabulary system to study relying on previous Chinese system in part-of-speech collocation. This is positive effect in vocabulary study and is in favor of vocabulary positive transfer. However, the negative transfer of vocabulary reflected in meaning and collocation of word, there are some problems in learning vocabulary, such as apply mechanically, simple corresponding, take the words too literally, parts of speech confusion, misuse of parts of speech and so on. For example, many students translate “study hard and make progress everyday〞into “good good study , day day up〞. And translate black tea into red tea. This is because the words in Chinese are not always existed in target language, so, this kind of translation must make some express mistake. For example, When English learners express the following Chinese words ‘watch TV〞,.“read a book〞, “see a film〞“visit a friend〞with English they sometimes simply translate the Chinese word “看〞into “look〞or “see〞, and not care English habits collocation, this kind of misuse is effected by native language, and lad to the appearance of mistake.2.3 Grammar TransferEnglish and Chinese belong to different language family and language form, they have great disparity in grammar system. However, Chinese and English sentence pattern system has similarity and correspondence, for example, their sentence structure has “subject +predicate +object〞“subject+ predicate+ predicative〞and so on. This is benefit for learners to master English sentence structure, and form positive transfer. In English sentence, the finite verb only has one. If some verbs appearance, we should link them with conjunction, comma, nonfinite forms and so on.For exampleHe came in and sat down.He went to see the doctor.But in Chinese, we don’t need conjunction when there are some verbs.Now, let’s look at the students’ writing in English sentence.I just had five days stayed at home 〔我只有五天呆在家里〕;Do you think students use electronic dictionary good or bad 〔你认为学生使用电子词典是好还是坏〕These two sentences are disturbed obviously by Chinese language grammar, this is negative transfer, and in addition, English predicate verb has some marked form, grammatical person tense, voice and toneNon-predicate has three forms: infinitive, -ing and –ed. However, Chinese predicate verb has no any form mark, and all non-predicates are verb prototype; Chinese has modal particle, but English has not. And so on these differences make learners’ Chinese have negative transfer to English. For example:He likes swimming. some Chinese students will write〞He like swimming〞2.4 Culture TransferLanguage is carrier of culture. Every language will reflect national culture, history.and spirit, and every culture is unique. Although the Chinese and English have difference in thinking mode and living habits, but some vocabulary cultural meaning is identical. For example, fox is the symbol of tricky and duplicity no matter in Chinese and English.However, the reason of negative language transfer is that language learners know enough about target language, therefore, in language learning process, we tend to measure other people words and deeds with our own language, when we express our though, we apply native language culture to target language, and ignore target language’s culture connotation. The fault caused by lack of acknowledge to English daily life reflected in pragmatics. For example, if you encounter acquaintance i n Chinese you will ask “where do you go?〞“how old are you ?〞these question involved in other people privacy is natural. But, for western people, these questions involved in other people secret, it is impolite. If learners ignore these culture disparities, they will lead to the failure of communicationChapter Three Empirical Study3.1 IntroductionIn this chapter,in order to elaborate the influence of NLT on SLA,an empirical study will be undertaken to collect data.The author designs the questionnaire and interviews over 100 students from both Senior 1and 2.The study aims to find out:whether there exists NLT in Chinese high school learners of English;to what extent NLT occurs in their learning;in what aspects NLT occurs in these students English learning;How NLT influences the students’ English learning effectiveness and what implications the students suggest for English teaching;do positive transfer and negative transfer together influence the students English learning.According to the purposes,this study is exploratory in nature.It mainly evaluate and explores feelings,thoughts,opinions and views on impact of NLT on their English learning3.2 SubjectsThe subjects in the study included two groups of students,who were randomly chosen from Senior 1 and Senior 2 of Cangnan Middle School, Qingdao,Shandong,an ordinary high school in an ordinary Chinese county.As far as the reliability of the study.is.concerned,these students,wit a Certain command of English,mostly coming from towns or villages,can be representative of most high school English learners in China.3.3 Samples Collections3.3.1 QuestionnaireStudents were required to complete a questionnaire independently, The questionnaire will be presented in Chinese,consisted of two major parts.The first part involved some background information about the students learning English,and their understanding about NLT,while the second part was a quiz composed of translation,multiple choices,and judgment of the statements3.3.2 InterviewIn addition to the questionnaire,interviews were also conducted.The advantages of interviewing are various.It can elicit information which is impossible to obtain by other data.collection techniques.For example,we cannot observe feelings,thoughts,and intention cannot observe situations that took place at some point in the past.We have to ask people questions about those things.Thus the purpose of interviewing is to allow US to enter into other person perspective.The interviews in this study were conducted individually.The interviewees were asked a series questions on the influence of Chinese mandarin on English learning.It took each students about 20 minutes to finish the interview.3.4 Data Analysis3.4.1 Data collected from the questionnaireFrom the study,we find that most of the students get to know English at the secondary school;some in the primary school and very few in the kindergarten.Most of their teachers are local teachers,who mostly conduct their lessons in their mother tongue.Even if they teach the class in English,they will turn to Chinese when necessary.According to them,there is no one who teaches class entirely in English.100%of the students think that the mother tongue affects their English learning and 70%of them think that the mother tongue greatly affects their English learning.90 students think that if the word order in an English sentence is similar to that in a corresponding Chinese sentence of the same meaning,it will be easier for them to grasp it.All of these show that NLT has certain effect on English learning.Here comes another question:Does language transfer affect students learning both positively and negatively? In order to find answers to this question,I designed the corresponding exercises in the second part of the questionnaire.Evidence that shows that there is positive transfer in English learning is given in Table2.The error rate of Question (l) is only 2%,and that of Question(3)is 0%,surely because that the word order of the English sentence to be constructed is identical to that of its Chinese equivalent and it is the same case with Question I(3).Negative transfer can be shown in the students’performance in the second exercise.Most of the students failed this question.When asked to find the equivalent of “锻炼身体〞,only 40%can make the correct choice“build up your health〞.Most of the students chose“build up your body〞.As to the question“学知识〞,100%students chose“learn knowledge〞instead of“acquire knowledge〞.All of these show that when using English,thc students unconsciously translate their mother tongue into English instead of thinking in the same way the native speakers do.Also,because there are no articles or tenses in Chinese,they often omit the article or use the wrong tense in their exercises.Besides,affected by the fact that lots of Chinese sentences are topic-prominent 64%of the students when translating sentence“中国发生了很多变化〞,chose“China has taken place many changes〞instead of“Many changes have taken place in China.’’3.4.2 Data collected from the interviewAll of the interviewees indicated that NLT did exist,more or less,in their English learning quarter of the interviewees thought that native language had positive transfer on English learning while most of them thought that Chinese had both positive and negative transfer on English learning but the influence of negative transfer is greater than that of positive transfer.As for the extent and the aspects of the impact from native language on their English learning, the results were indicated in the following tableWith regard to how to solve the problem of negative transfer’s impact on languagelearning most of the students(about 95%)hope that the teacher will play a more active role.They suggest that teachers should improve their teaching strategies,clearly point out those confusing issues,a correct them more frequently.In addition,85%of the students held that both Chinese and English should be used in classroom teaching.But when talking about, Some complex grammatical points ,native language was preferred than English.3.5 SummaryIn this chapter,the author mainly focused on data collection and data analysis.From the date, we gained here,we know that all the participants think that there exists NL transfer in their English learning.Most of the participants confirm that Mandarin has great effect on their English learning The influence of NL transfer manifests in many aspects such as phonetics,intonation structure,grammar,writing,listening and speaking,translation,and culture.In order to reduce negative transfer of NL,the students offer much advice.Students met with many problems in the English learning,including negative transfer of NL.Therefore,their learning effectiveness of English is affected,too.In order to improve English teaching and learning effectiveness,put forward many suggestions which are worth our consideration.In the next chapter,the author will discuss the relevant teaching strategies for teachers.Chapter Four SolutionsAim to the impact of negative transfer of Chinese to English learning, who can take the following teaching methods.4.1 PhoneticsThe teachers should stress particularly English pronunciation rule, avoid transferring Chinese pronunciation to English. In teaching practice, strengthen the importance of English phonetic and pronunciation, make students spell English words and sentences again and again, at the same time, focus on the difference between English phonetic symbol and Chinese Pinyin, English intonation and Chinese intimation, master essentials of pronunciation, grasp the basic law of English read, make students eliminate the disturbthat Chinese Pinyin to English phonetic learning.4.2 VocabularyExpand vocabulary exercising, imitate authentic English vocabulary to construct English sentences is the basic of forming conversation. Before we grasp English, we should have enough vocabulary numbers; this is the indispensable requirement of learning English, we should pay more attention to this point. There are differences between English vocabulary and Chinese, although some words have similar meaning, its have disparity, broad and narrow; connotation and extension, collocation and usage is different. When learners learn vocabulary, they always make some faults, for example ,separate vocabulary memory with usag e, remember word’ individual meaning, but ignore its abundant connotative meaning, so ,when students use these words ,it will lead to use words hard and inappropriately when students learn English words, In addition to know the basic meaning, the students should learn to use words correctly in context, when meet polysemy or synonyms situations, learners should pay attention to its usage similarities and differences, through consulting dictionary learning example, enhance understanding. At the same time, learners should note the difference between the word group and paraphrase, make out its meaning and exercise repeatedly, aim to master its meaning, utilize correctly and flexibly. When we saw the word "better", it is natural to associate with English "good" or "well", but we also should study its deep meaning, this is that, in a particular context , the word "good", its implications and usage, Such as: "花好月圆" elixir of Love, "好好先生" a yes-person, and leaner can not use “good〞or “well〞blindly and rigidly, thus, avoid the derivative of Chinese-English vocabulary.4.3 GrammarEmphasis on grammar training, get rid of the fetter of Chinese.Grammar is the basic rules to make a sentence, there are great differences between English grammar and Chinese grammar. In En glish sentences, English sentences’ position is more flexible than Chinese, especially adverbial attributives position. But, for Chinese learners, due to the fetter of Chinese grammar, it is easy to make mistake in using English, This is really a noticeable problem. When learners make these mistakes, it does not meanthat students have not mastered English grammar rules, they have learn many basic grammar knowledge, but in the very great degree, they do not know how to use or they can't use proficiently, there are many mistake in writing. To some grammar knowledge, before they master thoroughly,learners should exercise repeatedly, from input into understandable output. Factual proof, only in this way, can learners deepen the understanding of the knowledge of learned grammar,draw inferences about other cases from one instance,use flexibly, overcome Chinglish4.4 cultureThe goal of language is communication. The purpose of learning English is to master knowledge and basic skills and use English to communicate. The language environment restricts the term to a great degree, thus, learners need to understand the western culture and local conditions and customs, understand the different culture between Chinese and western, and its different turn of expression. Due to the Chinese students learning English is in unnatural language situation, Chinese and its culture have great effect on English learning. So, when we use English communication correctly, not only should we master the language knowledge and skills, we must know the social culture and customs, habits, communication occasions and the specific identity of object and social and psychological factors of target language country. Who understand society, culture, history, geography and customs and other aspects of English-speaking country through reading, so as to understand the connotation of the cultural meaning further, cultivate correct, fluent expression ability and the language feeling ability. Really know and master English language rule and its the expression custom, improve language ability, aim to avoid the appearance of ChinglishChapter Five ConclusionWe can get a view from the above analysis, in English learning process, the appearance of “negative transfer of Chinese〞is inevitable. According to Jean Piaget “the basic principle of genetic epistemology〞, Human understanding is a process that assimilation and adaptation, alternating to maintain a balance as well as English learning. Thus, it is a inevitable problem in English teaching, as a English teacher, we can get rid of。
汉语思维负迁移 对初中生英语写作的影响及对策
1. 语法错误
2. 词汇选择
3. 句式表达
4. 多角度比较
5. 鼓励练习
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尤金·奈达在Tanslating Meaning中概括为:汉语为意合(Parata-xis)为主,而英语以形合(Hypotaxis)为主(参见Nada Eugene A,The theory and practice of translation.leiden:E.J.Brill,1982)迁移是个心理学术语,早期仅指先前的学习对后续学习的影响,现在一般认为是一种学习对另一种学习的影响。
著名的二语习得者Odlin总结了二语习得领域数十年来的语言迁移现象研究,给语言迁移下了一个简明而精确的定义:Transfer is the in fluence resulting from similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously(and perhaps in-perfectly)acquianted.(由于目的语和其他任何已经习得的或尚未完全习得的语言之间存在若性和差异,由此而造成的影响被称为迁移)。
Rod Ellis认为在学习过程中,学习者的母语有时会带来负面影响,由此而造成的影响被称为负迁移(negative transfer)。
受汉语负迁移的影响,中国学生就容易出现 a news/coffee/bread/water式英语。
比如,此次戏剧比赛《借书》中有句台词学生说:Bring me a water!应为:Bring me a glass of wat-er!英语冠词的使用令许多中国学生头痛,有的学生把“我是学生”说成“I’m student.”比如,此次戏剧比赛《猪八戒背媳妇》中,唐僧师徒路过一户人家,扮演孙悟空的学生说:“Look I There is ho-use!”这显然是受到汉语负迁移的影响。
“There is a house.”才是正确的表达方式又比如在戏剧《白雪公主》中有演员说:“I want to eat apple.”正确表达替代是“I want to eat an apple.”究其原因,主要是受汉语负迁移的影响。
如:Though hewas born in China.he can’t speak Chinese.因此,要避免汉语负迁移的影响,训练用西方人的思维习惯去思维是非常有必要的。
而有些动词确实起负迁移作用,如发生happen,或take place,出现appear等,汉语中他们常常作为及物动词来用,而英语却是不及物动词。
在学生作业中曾出现过这样的句子:By the time you get back,great changes will have been taken place in this area.正确句子应删掉been发生这个单词在英语中无被动语态。
再比如英汉词汇增删情况也需要引起注意,如英语中人称代词使用频繁:wash my face,put up your hands,do my home work等,这些在汉语中却只说洗脸、举手、做作业等。
”或“不,我是!”这种前后不一致的表达方式,而英语却必须用“Yse!I am!”“No!I am not!”这种前后一致的方式。
孙悟空说到“It isn’t cold today,is it?”而猪八戒觉得天气很冷。
反驳到:“Not It is.”这样根据中国人的思维来回答就大错特错了。
正确的回答应该是“Yes!It is!”由此看出,回答一定要和实际情况相符合,“是”就是‘是’,“不是”就“不是”。
比如,在戏剧《小老师》中,有句台词” think you ha-yen’t realized the importance of educa-tion.”(我认为你还没有认识到教育的重要性)正确的表达方式应为”I don’t think you have realized the importance of educa-tion.”我们可以得出这样的结论,将think,believe,suppose,expect,fancy,im-agine”等动词后面宾语从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。
如:I don’t remember having seen such a man.(我记得从未见过这样的人)。
It’s not a place where anyone expect to see strange char-actors on the street。
The ant is not gathering this for itself alone(蚂蚁不止为自己采食)。
He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so(他并不认为亚里士多得说过如何如何。
蔡基刚(2001)指出,英语属于主语突出(Subject Prominent)语言,要求句中必须有明确的主语,而汉语则属于主题突出(Topic Prominent),因此学生往往会省略主语。
如此次戏剧《大话西游》中有一句台词:But on the other hand also have some people oppose it.应改为:However,some people oppose it.语中名词短语、动词短语、介词短语、形容词、时间状语、地点状语、表条件的短语都可以充当主语,因此。
学生常说:“I want to earn a lot of and go abroad.”(我要赚很多钱出国)而英语中宾语money不能省略。
正确句应为I want to cain a lot of money and go abroad.2、一直,现代英语属于综合分析语,英语属于典型的分析语,因此英语有形态变化,而汉语没有严格意义上的形态变化。
学生在作业中通常会出现这样的错误:It don’t have its mind。
应改为:It dosen’t have its mind.英语中的代词在人称上要和先行词保持一致,但有的学生在这方面也会出错。
如:Even some pe-ople think we Can get organs from the clo-ne people.其中we应改为they。
一句台词:why you come back?应改为Why do you come back?学生有时会生搬汉语词序,生成英语中不会存在的,如:It will make the people fra-id.应改为:It will frighten some people.4、被动句。
有的学生在作文中写道:Most money from parents.应改为:Most money is obtained fro mparents.5、流水句。