



腕管综合征的诊治进展标签:腕管综合征;诊断;治疗方法腕管综合征(Carpal tunnel syndromeCTS)是较常见的周围神经卡压综合征,以手部麻痛、桡侧三指感觉改变和鱼际肌萎缩三大症状及夜间痛醒史为典型特征,起病缓慢,易被误诊(如颈椎病、进行性肌萎缩等)为特点的一种疾病,如不及时防治可使手致残,早期诊断和治疗十分重要。

1诊断1.1 症状1.1.1感觉异常手部有蚁走感或麻刺痛,开始为间歇性,渐呈持续性且进行性加重,以夜间为甚;还常伴有烧灼痛,肿胀及紧张感。





1.1.2 肌肉无力可出现轻度拇短展肌的软弱,严重者有拇短展肌及拇对掌肌消瘦。


1.1.3 营养改变少数患者有拇指和食指的严重发绀、指尖溃疡及拇、食、中指指髓的萎缩。


1.2 体征1.2.1 感觉减退较为常见,轻则减退,重则消失。





但卢祖能[3,4]经262 例患者观察后认为CTS 病按典型正中神经分布区(桡侧3个半指)出现者较少,大多数患者为所有5个手指的不适,故认为正中神经分布区外的症状或体征为CTS的重要特点之一。


1.2.2 肌力减退一般患者肌力减退不明显,但有的重症患者可出现拇指展肌的肌力减退。



Va u f h g f e u n y u t a o n x m i a i n i l e o i h—r q e c lr s u d e a n to n
d a n ss o a p lt n e y d o e i g o i f c r a u n ls n r m

5 2・ 0
安 徽 医 药
A h i d a n h r aet a J unl 02A r1 ( ) n u Mei l dP am cui l o ra 2 1 p ;6 4 c a c
高频超声检 查对腕 管综合征 的诊断价值
陈 光, 陶仁 好 , 吴 洁, 陈 娟 , 明贞 , 范 杨 霞
( T ) M e o s T et・i t ai t 4 ie )o cncl i nsdC Sw r i ddi oer tg , t mei es g ,n C S . t d w nye h pt ns(7s s f l i l da oe T e d ie t al s e i e d t t e ad h g e d i ay g e v n y a nr a a
( 武警 安 徽 省 总 队 医 院特 检 科 , 徽 合 肥 安 2 04 ) 30 1
摘要 : 目的 探讨高频超声检查对腕管综合征( T ) C S 的诊断价值 。方法 对 2 8例( 7侧) 4 临床诊断为 C S的患者 , T 按照电生理 分期 诊断标准分为早、 晚三期 。应用高频超声检查测量三期患者正 中神 经 内径 、 肌支持带厚度 , 中、 屈 桡尺关节 、 豌豆骨 及钩骨 钩平 面正中神经截 面积 , 并与 2 (0侧 ) 0例 4 正常腕管超声结果进行对 比研究 。结果 ± .3 a .( .8- .2 m , <0 0 ] 0 0 )m 0 0 1 0 )a P - 0 .5 。结论 临床 诊断价值 较大。





结果 CTS组正中神经在豌豆骨的截面积明显大于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P【关键词】高频超声;腕管综合征;诊断腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome, CTS )是正中神经在腕管内受到嵌压而表现为支配区功能障碍的一组症状和体征,也是临床上最常见的外周神经卡压综合征之一,又称为迟发性正中神经麻痹。



1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料1.1.1 CTS组收集2010 年1 月至2012年1 月本院就诊CTS患者30例46侧,其中男14例,女16例,年龄18~52岁,平均33岁。

1.1.2 对照组选择性别、年龄与之相匹配的30例正常人作为对照组,其中男12例、女18例,年龄20~62岁,平均36岁。


1.2 仪器采用GE公司LOGIQ7型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率范围为7.5MHz~12MHz。


1.3 扫查方法手臂伸直,手心向上,充分暴露被检肢体,在腕部连续动横断面扫查,并了解正中神经的位置、形态、走向、回声的改变及其临近组织和血管的解剖关系,确定腕管入口(豌豆骨水平:腕掌侧面中间腕横纹远侧约1 cm,对向伸直小指的纵轴处为豌豆骨)及腕管出口(钩骨钩水平:豌豆骨下外侧1 cm处相当于环尺侧缘延长线为钩骨钩)位置。



腕管综合征的超声定量检测发表时间:2019-08-06T15:02:13.577Z 来源:《生活与健康》2019年第06期作者:谭春梅[导读] 腕管综合征是临床表现上最常见的一种周围神经卡压型疾患,在周围神经压迫性疾病中占第一位。

合江县人民医院四川泸州 646200腕管综合征是临床表现上最常见的一种周围神经卡压型疾患,在周围神经压迫性疾病中占第一位。
















录 在 子 宫 内 膜异 位 症 发 病 中 的 作 用 [ J ] . 中 国 免疫 学 杂 志 , 2 0 0 5 ,
2 1: 7 0 5 .
[ 5 ] 陆 品红 , 刘嘉茵. 子 宫 内 膜 异 位 症 患 者 腹 腔 液 TNF — a 、 s I ’ NF R 的 检测E J ] . 哈尔滨医药 , 2 0 0 5 , 2 5 ( 5 ) : 5 . [ 6 ] 李建霞 , 戴淑真 , 刘 红 . 子 宫 内 膜 异 位 症 患 者 辅 助 性 T 细 胞 亚
李 丹
( 长 春 市 中一 t l , 医院 电诊科 , 吉林 长春 1 3 0 0 5 1 )
腕 管综合 征 ( C a r p a l T u n n e l S y n d r o me ) 又称 腕 管狭 窄症 , 是 正 中神 经在 腕 管 内受 压 而 表 现 出 的一
经周期 , 可溶 性肿瘤 坏 死 因子 受体 Ⅱ的水 平也 在 发 生改变 , 在月 经 的增 殖 期水 平 要 高 于 分泌 期 。可 溶
性肿瘤 坏死 因子 受体 Ⅱ大部 分是在 子宫 内膜 的的腺 细胞 中 , 所 以其水 平 随之升 高 。 本 文 结 果显 示 , 观 察组 患 者 血清 可溶 性 肿 瘤坏
死 因子受体 Ⅱ之 间失衡 可 能参与 子宫 内膜异 位症 的
发病 。
( 收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3 0 2 1 4 )
文章编号 : 1 0 0 7 —4 2 8 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 1 —2 0 4 2 —0 2
高频 超 声诊 断腕 管 综合 征 的应 用 价值
组症状 和体 征 , 是 周 围神 经卡 压 性 疾 患 。多种 原 因



dan s f aplu nly do eC S a dt l kf a al D aya cc t a n igot re a M ehd i oio ra tn e sn rm (T ) n o r l be i nmi re ddanscc tr . g s c , oo ov u d i r a i i i i to s
LU amig XU La g AO ig u , ta.D p r n fDig ot tao n ,Ha gh u FrtP o l s i l I Xio n , in ,B Ln y n e 1 e at me t a n s cUl su d o i r n z o i e peSHopt , s a
Th ry- wo p te t t a a u e y r me c n r d b lc r my g a h n t it s mptma i c nto s we e it t ai n swi c r lt nn ls nd o o f me y ee to o r p y a d h ry a y h p i o tc o r l r
i cu e n t e su y a d u d r e th g - e o u in u r s n g a h ft e w ss T e a c r c ft e u r s n g a h c n l d d i t d n n e w n i h r s l t h a o o r p y o r t. h c u a y o h a o o r p i h o h i h
Ha g h u 3 0 0 , h n n z o 0 6 C ia 1
[ src] Obet e oea a es nf ac f hao orpi qa tai einnremesrm ns nte Abt t a jc v T v u t t i icneo u rsn gahc u n t v m da e aue e ti i l eh g i ite v h


性 及 特异 性 。结 果
1 . m , 0 4m 超声诊 断 C S的敏感性和特异性分别为 7 %和 6 % , N S的敏感性为 8% , T 6 4 而 C 1 特异性为 8 %。超声检 4 查和 N S的敏感性相似 ( 0 5 ) 而特异性 比 N S显著降低 ( 0 0 ) C P= .9 , C P= . 3 。结论 在诊 断 C S方面 , T 超声与 N S C
确定 正 中神 经边缘 。
I 2 3 N S 采用 丹 麦 产 D ni K y o t 肌 电 . . C a t eP i 型 c n
考标准 , 对超声检查和 N S的诊断价值进行 比较。 C
1 资料 与方 法
1 1 临床 资料 .
选择 2 6例 ( 1 ) T 4 手 C S患者 , 4 男
腕管综 合征 ( T ) 由于正 中神 经在腕 管 内受 CS 是
司 比性 。
到嵌 压而 引起 的 , 最 常 见 的周 围神 经 病之 一 。神 是
12 方法 .
经传导检查 ( C ) N S 用于 C S T 诊断的特异性达 9% , 5 敏 感性 为 4 % ~8% … , 存 在 漏诊 、 诊 。据 报 9 8 仍 误
C S的一 种 可 选 方 法 。然 T
而, 大多数 研究是 用 N S结果作 为参 考标 准 对超 声 C 和 N S进行 比较 , C 并不 能准确反 映超声对 C S的诊 T
仪, 探头频率 5~1 z 检 查 条 件设 为 肌 肉骨骼 。 2MH ,
断 价值 。2 1 00年 1~ 4月 , 们 将 临 床诊 断作 为参 我
C S组在 腕管 入 口的 C A较 对 照 组 显 著 增 大 ( 0 0 ) 以腕 管 入 口 C A的 最 佳 截 断 值 为 T S P< . 1 。 S





01历史 1913年,法国学者Marie和Foix医生首次报道了低位正中神经卡压症状患者的神经病理检查结果,并提出如果早期诊断并切开腕横韧带,或许可以避免出现神经的病变。




















拇指不灵活,患手握力减弱,握物端物时, 偶有突然失手的情况,到了晚期,症状进 一步加重,大鱼际萎缩,手指运动和感觉 障碍。出现精细动作受限,如拿硬币、系 纽扣困难。病程长者,可有皮肤干燥、脱 屑、指甲脆变等现象。
1、有外伤史或长期手工劳动史,多发于 中年女性,40--60岁好发。
2、拇、食、中指及环指桡侧疼痛和麻 木,夜间加重。
3、腕管掌侧有明显压痛,或有条索状硬 块。早期可发现桡侧三指感觉过敏,其余 两指正常,病程长者,两手对比侧面观, 患手大鱼际萎缩,拇指无力。
4、叩诊试验阳性:轻叩腕管近端正中 部位(桡侧腕屈肌腱与掌长肌腱之间), 患者正中神经分布的手指有放射性触电样 刺痛感。
6、X线检查:腕关节可无异常发现,某 些病例有骨质增生、陈旧性骨折影等,个 别患者可有腕横韧带的钙化影。
7、MRI检查 8、腕管内压力测定 9、超声检查--超声测量正中神经的截面
1、颈椎病:神经根型颈椎病C6神经根受 压,临床表现容易与腕管综合征相混淆。 但臂丛牵拉试验、压顶、叩顶试验阳性, 屈腕试验则为阴性。
振感检查:用256频率的音叉击打坚硬物后, 用音叉的尖端置于检查指指尖,双手同指对照, 观察感觉变化。
5、肌电图检查: 肌电图检查对腕管综合征的辅助诊断具
有重要意义。在近侧腕横纹正中神经部位, 置一双极电极,测定拇对掌肌或拇短展肌 处的运动纤维传导时间。正常短于5毫秒, 本症患者测定可长达20毫秒。








[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to explore the application value of combined use of ultrasound and electroacupuncture in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods A total of 100 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome treated in this hospital from December 2015 to April 2017 were convenient divided into the observation group and the control group,with 50 cases in each group according to the voluntary principle. Ultrasound combined with electroacupuncture and electroacupuncture alone were the treatment methods for the observation group and the control group respectively. Results The total effective rate was 96% in the observation group,significantly higher than the control group of 88%(P<0.05). The satisfaction rate of the observation group was 100%,higher than that of the control group of 80%(P<0.05). The score of the index was lower than that of the observation group(P<0.05). Conclusion The patients with carpal tunnel syndrome treated by ultrasonic combined with electroacupuncture can effectively improve the treatment effect,improve the quality of life of patients,and increase their satisfaction with nursing work.[Key words] Ultrasound;Electroacupuncture;Carpal tunnel syndrome;Clinical effect腕管綜合征是外科常见病,该病属于周围神经卡压性疾患,在女性及中老年人群中,该病的发病率较高。



中国民康 医学
Me ia o r a fC ie eP o l at dcl u n lo hn s e pesHe l J h
Aug 2 1 . 01
第2 3卷
第1 6期
V 12 S o. 3 HM No 1 .6
胞磷 胆碱为核苷衍 生 物 , 注入本 品可 迅速 进人 血流 , 并
义 , 表 3 见 。
3 讨 论
病 例组 患侧 上
肢桡 、 尺动脉 V a 、 I D与对 照组 比较 差异 无统计 学 意 m xR 及
表 3 两组桡 、 尺动脉 V a 、 I D比较 ( mx R 及 ±s )
( 下转第 23 02页 )
1 9 98
21 0 1年 8 月
病例组 C A增 大 , S 与对
12 仪器 .
探 头。
照组相 比差异有 统计 学 意义 。病 例组 E MR增大 , 两组 差 异
有 统计 学意义 。研究组 D ML延长与对 照组差别有 显著统计
学 意 义 , 表 2 见 。 表 2 两组 C A E S 、 MR及 D ML比较 ( ± ) s
张 志涛 周艳 玲’潘 , ,
(. 1吉林 市中心医院电诊科 , 吉林 吉林
丽 张铁 山 ,
12 1 ;. 3 0 12 北华大学附属 医院电诊科 )
【 关键词 】 高分辨力超声; 腕管综合征; 尺动脉 桡、
d i1 .9 9 ji n 17 0 6 .0 .6 0 0 o:0 3 6/.s .6 2— 39 2 1 1 .2 s 1
表面积 ( .2- .4 m 。其 中, 17 t 1 ) - O 右腕 2 6例 , 腕 1 , 侧 左 4例 双

















标签:腕管综合征;超声;诊断腕管综合征(Carpal tunnel syndrome,CTS)是一类由于正中神经在腕部发生卡压所致的疾病。




常规超声诊断CTS的方法主要为测量神经横截面积(Cross-sectional area,CSA)、或者是分析正中神经及腕横韧带的形态结构[1]。











高频超声在腕管综合征患者诊断中的应用研究潘建春1,曾艾1,赛青2(1.新疆医科大学第六附属医院超声一科,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000;2.新疆医科大学第六附属医院功能科,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000)摘要:目的观察并探讨高频超声在腕管综合征(CTS)患者诊断中的临床应用效果。







关键词:腕管综合征;高频超声;临床诊断中图分类号:R688 文献标识码:B DOI: 10.19613/ki.1671-3141.2018.69.121本文引用格式:潘建春,曾艾,赛青.高频超声在腕管综合征患者诊断中的应用研究[J].世界最新医学信息文摘,2018,18(69):158,162.0 引言应用效果腕管综合征(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, CTS)是由多种因素引起腕管内压力升高而导致正中神经被挤压,造成手部正中神经支配区疼痛、麻木等感觉异常和大鱼际肌萎缩、肌力异常的综合征,是人体最常见的嵌压性神经病,也是最常见的周围神经病之一,重复性手工劳动者的发病率偏高,有研究表明女性较男性患病率高[1]。



• 多普勒超声:应用多普勒效应原理,实时监测血流速度和方向,提高血管疾病的 诊断准确性。 • 高频超声:利用高频探头提供更高分辨率的图像,精细观察微小结构,增强病变 识别能力。 • 剪切波弹性成像:通过测量组织硬度,非侵入性地评估组织弹性,辅助鉴别良恶 性肿瘤及纤维化程度。
• 超声的实时成像: 提供腕管结构的动态视图,显示神经及Байду номын сангаас围组织的解剖关系,有 助于识别压迫点。 • 肌电图的功能性监测: 通过记录肌肉电活动,评估神经传导功能,检测神经损伤程 度及分布,为诊断提供量化依据。 • 联合应用的优势: 超声定位病变位置,肌电图评估神经功能,两者结合可提高诊断 准确性,指导个性化治疗方案。
Step 04
Thank you!
Step 01
• 超声成像精度提升:研发高分 辨率超声设备,以更精细地观察 腕管内部结构,提高诊断准确性。
Step 03
• 超声与其他成像技术的结合应 用:研究超声与 MRI、CT 等成 像技术的互补作用,为复杂病例
Step 02
• 超声引导下的微创手术创新: 探索超声实时监测下的精准手术 技术,减少手术创伤,加快恢复 过程。
• 微创手术优势: 通过小切口进行,减少组织损伤,缩短恢复时间,降低感染风险。 • 开放手术适用场景: 当病变复杂或需广泛切除时,开放手术提供更直观的视野和操 作空间。 • 患者个体差异: 考虑患者的整体健康状况、病变的具体情况及个人偏好,选择最适 合的手术方法。
高频线阵超声探头, 频率为(5 -12)MHz,受试者取坐位,上肢平放于诊床上,小臂呈 900角,腕部放松,掌心朝上,五指微张。将超声探头缓慢且小心地置于受试者的手腕处, 并以腕关节为起点,以肘为终点,依次进行连续扫描。主要对正中神经进行纵、横断面 检查,以判断有无变形或肿胀、神经的束膜、外膜和神经内的回声,并用描迹法测量 其横截面积。









1927年和1929年,Mayo Clinic的外科医生Meyerding和Learmonth开始对创伤后及关节炎所造成的腕管综合征患者进行正中神经松解术。



腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome,CTS)是由于正中神经在腕管内受压而造成大鱼际肌无力和正中神经支配区的疼痛、麻木及进行性鱼际肌萎缩。
























结果在豌豆骨平面和钩骨钩平面手术与超声测得的正中神经扁平率和腕横韧带厚度差异均无统计学意义(P >0.05),在豌豆骨平面和钩骨钩平面上,患侧手腕正中神经扁平率和腕横韧带厚度均显著高于对照组(P <0.05)。


%Objective To investigate the value of ultrasound in assessment of symptom and without symptom in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods Both carpal canals of patients were diagnosed by ultrasound to measure the anteroposterion diameter and transverse diameter of the median nerve, and to measure the thickness of the transverse carpal ligament on pisiform bone and hamate bone planes. Then vernier caliper was used to measure the data during operations. The flat rate of nerve and the transverse ligament thickness of wrist were compared. Results The flat rate of nerve and the transverse ligament thickness of wrist had no significant difference between ultrasound and operation with the two ways (P > 0.05). The flat rate ofnerve and the transverse ligament thickness of wrist had a significant difference between the two wrists (P < 0.05). Conclusion Ultrasound can be diagnostic criteria for carpal tunnel syndrome.【总页数】4页(P149-151,182)【作者】施杨;徐金锋;刘慧玉;华琪;邓克如【作者单位】深圳市人民医院超声科,广东深圳518000;深圳市人民医院超声科,广东深圳 518000;深圳市人民医院超声科,广东深圳 518000;深圳市人民医院超声科,广东深圳 518000;深圳市人民医院超声科,广东深圳 518000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R658.2【相关文献】1.高频超声在无症状型系统性硬化病患者腕管综合征早期诊断的应用 [J], 李园;宋烨;陆雯;王培军2.腕管综合征患者手指伸展/弯曲时正中神经位置和横截面面积变化情况的评估研究 [J], 邓永上;张云帆;谭耀灵3.超声诊断单侧尺神经病变:利用无症状侧尺神经横截面积作为参考值评估患侧病变的可靠性研究 [J], 胡培;朱昱亭;李治峰;郑光美;胡天鑫;曾小军;王云甫4.扩张型心肌病患者的无症状亲属接受超声心动图评估揭示临床前期病变 [J], Mahon N. G.;Murphy R. T.;MacRae C.A .;W. J. McKenna;韩瑞娟5.腕管综合征患者口服及局部注射类固醇疗效的临床和神经超声评估研究 [J], 朱明珍;初红;卢祖能因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


















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SCIENTIFIC ARTICLEUltrasound features of carpal tunnel syndrome:a prospective case-control studyRenato A.Sernik&Claudia A.Abicalaf&Benedito F.Pimentel&Andresa Braga-Baiak&Larissa Braga&Giovanni Guido CerriReceived:19December2006/Revised:14July2007/Accepted:7August2007/Published online:8November2007 #ISS2007AbstractPurpose The purpose of the study was to examine the most adequate cut-off point for median nerve cross-sectional area and additional ultrasound features supporting the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS).Material and methods Forty wrists from31CTS patients and63wrists from37asymptomatic volunteers were evaluated by ultrasound.All patients were women.The mean age was49.1years(range:29–78)in the symptomatic and45.1years(range24–82)in the asymptomatic group. Median nerve cross-sectional area was obtained using direct (DT)and indirect(IT)techniques.Median nerve echoge-nicity,mobility,flexor retinaculum measurement and the anteroposterior(AP)carpal tunnel distance were assessed. This study was IRB-approved and all patients gave informed consent prior to examination.Results In CTS the median nerve cross-sectional area was increased compared with the control group.Median nerve cross-sectional area of10mm2(DT)and9mm2(IT)had high sensitivity(85%and88.5%,respectively),specificity (92.1%and82.5%)and accuracy(89.3%and82.5%)in the diagnosis of CTS.CTS patients had an increased carpal tunnel AP diameter,flexor retinaculum thickening,reduced median nerve mobility and decreased median nerve echogenicity.Conclusion Ultrasound assists in the diagnosis of CTS using the median nerve diameter cut-off point of10mm2 (DT)and9mm2(IT)and several additional findings. Keywords Case-control.Ultrasound.Carpal tunnel syndrome.Median nerveIntroductionCarpal tunnel syndrome(CTS)is a common entrapment neuropathy of the median nerve.CTS is characterised by pain and sensory disturbance along the distribution of the median nerve,as well as thenar muscle atrophy in the advanced stages.The diagnosis may be made clinically[1] and with electromyography(EMG)[2].Ultrasound may also be valuable in the diagnosis of CTS[3].Several studies[2,4–6]have demonstrated that the combination of carpal tunnel ultrasound in combination with clinical features and EMG were more sensitive and specific than clinical evaluation or EMG in isolation.Ultrasound has proved to be able to depict normal and pathologic nerves, including anatomical variants[7,8]and abnormalities associated with CTS[9].Prior studies[10–12]have attempted to establish cut-off values for the median nerve cross-sectional area and haveSkeletal Radiol(2008)37:49–53DOI10.1007/s00256-007-0372-9R.A.Sernik(*):C.A.AbicalafDepartment of Radiology,University of São Paulo, Avenida Dr.Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar647,São Paulo,Brazil05403-900e-mail:Rasernik@.brB.F.PimentelDepartment of Orthopedics,University of Taubate, Sao Paulo,BrazilA.Braga-BaiakPost Graduation Program,Department of Radiology, University of Sao Paulo,Sao Paulo,BrazilL.BragaUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center,Omaha,NE,USAG.G.CerriDepartment of Radiology,University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo,Brazildescribed ultrasound features such as median nerve echo-genicity,mobility and flexor retinaculum bulging that can be useful in the diagnosis of patients with CTS.However,there is a lack of consensus in the medical literature regarding some of these topics,mainly the median nerve cut-off point.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the best cut-off value for the cross-sectional area of the median nerve and to describe additional ultrasound features that may assist in the diagnosis of CTS.Material and methods Study populationThis is a prospective case-control study comprising of 68participants and 103wrists that was carried out between September 1999and October 2000.All participants were women.The patients ’mean age was 49.1years (range:29–78)and that of the controls 45.1years (range:24–82).The 40CTS were diagnosed clinically and with EMG.They were considered to be candidates for surgery.There were 21right and 19left wrists.Of the 63asymptomatic wrists,30were on the right and 33on the left.All patients had been referred by the hospital ’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in a non-consecutive fashion.Participants were eliminated from the study if they had a history of underlying diseases (such as gout,rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus),pregnancy,previously performed wrist surgery or fracture,expansive lesions within the carpal tunnel and variants of the carpal tunnel (such as accessory muscles,bifid median nerve and persistent median artery).Among the originally evaluated 125wrists 22were excluded due to anatomical variations.Institutional Review Boardapproval was obtained for this rmed consent was provided by all participants prior to examination.Ultrasound imagingStudies were done using a Logic-700(General Electric,Milwaukee,WI,USA)with a linear array transducer ranging from 9to13MHz.A board certified radiologist (RAS)with expertise in musculoskeletal imaging and 6years of practical experience performed all examinations.Participants were seated with the forearm lying on a table,wrist in supination and extended fingers during the examination.Axial and transverse images were obtained at the proximal and distal carpal tunnel.All examinations followed the same protocol:a quick overview of the volar side was performed to rule out expansive lesions and anatomical variations.Subsequently,a detailed evaluation of the carpal tunnel was performed.Within the carpal tunnel,the median nerve was identified as a rounded hypoechoic structure with hyperechoic dots inside.The median nerve was qualitatively assessed considering its echogenicity.Meanwhile,the quantitative evaluation assessed median nerve cross-sectional area,flexor retinac-ulum thickness,median nerve mobility,and carpal tunnel anteroposterior (AP)distance.The median nerve cross-sectional area was obtained at the level of the pisiform bone using the direct (DT)and indirect (IT)technique.The DT was defined by tracing a continuous line around the inner hyperechoic rim of the median nerve with electronic calipers [4](Fig.1);and it was performed in all symptomatic (40out of 40)and asymptomatic wrists (63out of 63).Meanwhile,the IT resulted from the AP measurement (D1)and transverse distance (D2)of the inner median nerve calculated through the ellipsoid formula πD1ÂD2ðÞ=4½ [5](Fig.2).The IT was performed in 65%of symptomatic wrists (26out of40)Fig.1Ultrasound demonstrates the median nerve area calculated by the direct technique in a patient without carpal tunnel syndrome.A continuous line is traced around the inner hyperechoic rim of the median nerve with electronic calipers.(Median nerve cross-sectional area=0.07cm 2)Fig.2Ultrasound shows the AP and transverse distances to calculate the median nerve area using the indirect technique through the ellipsoid formula πD1ÂD2ðÞ=4½ ,in a patient without carpal tunnel syndrome.(Median nerve cross-sectional area=0.062cm 2)and 100%of asymptomatic wrists (63out of 63).The radiologist obtained three measurements of the median nerve for each technique.The mean value was used for statistical analysis.Median nerve mobility was calculated by measuring the distance between the radial margin of the median nerve and the radial margin of the ulnar artery,with and without passive flexion of the fingers (Fig.3).Median nerve mobility was assessed in 65%of the symptomatic (26out of 40)and 100%of the asymptomatic wrists (63out of 63).In addition,the AP distance of the flexor retinaculum (arched hyperechoic strip anterior to the median nerve)and the AP diameter of carpal tunnel (between the cortical bone of the capitate and the external border of the flexor retinaculum)were obtained during examinations (Fig.4).Statistical analysisThe cross-sectional area of the median nerve,thickness of the flexor retinaculum and AP diameter of the carpal tunnel of symptomatic and asymptomatic wrists were compared using a Mann –Whitney test.An unpaired Student ’s t test was used for comparing the mobility of the median nerve.The echogenicity of median nerve and the cut-off value established by DT and IT were evaluated with a Fisher ’s statistic test.Sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value (PPV),negative predictive value (NPV)and accuracy demonstrated the efficacy of the IT values,using 15mm 2as the cut-off value [2].The coefficient of correlation was used to evaluate the relationship between DT and IT measurements.Various cut-off values were calculated to determine the best median nerve cross-sectional area.A significance level of 0.05wasused.Fig.3A 52-year-old woman with a clinical and electromyographic diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.Median nerve mobility was calculated by measuring the distance between the radial margin of the median nerve and the radial margin of the ulnar artery,a with and b without passive flexion of the fingers.Measurements acquired were 0.69cm and 0.62cm respectively.MN median nerve,A ulnararteryFig.4Same patient as in Fig.3,demonstrating the AP distance of carpal tunnel measured between the capitate cortex and the external border of the flexor retinaculum.C capitate,FR flexorretinaculumFig.5A 47-year-old woman with symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and a positive electromyography test.Ultrasound demon-strated a hypoechogenic median nerve,with a mean cross-sectional area of 0.215cm 2ResultsThere was a statistically significant difference between the DT(15.1±7.3mm2in symptomatic and8.1mm2±1.6in asymptomatic patients;p value=0.001;Fig.5)and IT (15.51mm2±9.89in symptomatic and8.04mm2±1.50 patients;p value=0.001).The correlation between DT and IT was strong(r=0.99).Using a cut-off value of15mm2 for IT resulted in a sensitivity of34.6%,specificity of 100%,PPV of100%,NPV of78.8%and accuracy of80.9% in diagnosing CTS.With a cut-off value of9mm2for IT, the corresponding results were88.5%,82.5%,67.7%, 94.6%and82.5%respectively.With a cut-off value of 10mm2for DT the values were85.0%,92.1%,87.2%, 90.6%and89.3%respectively.In32of the40symptomatic wrists(80%)the median nerve was hypoechoic(p=0.001and p=0.004for DT and IT respectively).In addition,a statistically significant difference was found for the AP distance of the carpal tunnel(CTS=1.28±0.18cm,control=1.18±0.1cm;p=0.003),the flexor retinaculum thickness(CTS=0.88±0.23mm,control= 0.75±0.1mm;p=0.018),and mobility of the median nerve (CTS=0.96±0.66mm,range:0.07–3.1mm;control=1.29±0.7mm,range:0.13–3mm;p=0.041).DiscussionThis study demonstrates that a median nerve cross-sectional area of more than10mm2(DT),and more than9mm2(IT) are both sensitive and specific in diagnosing CTS. Furthermore,symptomatic wrists had a thicker flexor retinaculum,an increased AP diameter of the carpal tunnel, and reduced echogenicity and mobility of the median nerve, compared with the asymptomatic group.The cross-sectional area of the median nerve(DT and IT) at the pisiform bone level was higher in symptomatic wrists compared with the asymptomatic group.These findings concur with previous studies[2,4,5].In the present study both DT and IT were demonstrated to be accurate in diagnosing CTS,contrary to Duncan et al.[4]who reported that the DT had more accurate results than the IT. Moreover,a high correlation(r=0.99)between the areas calculated through DT and IT,in symptomatic and asymptomatic wrists,was found in our analysis.Kamolz et al.stressed the need for standardisation of median nerve cross-sectional area cut-offs[13].The majority of previously published studies addressed values ranging from9mm2to12mm2[3,4,6,10–12,14–17]. Our results demonstrated that10mm2(DT)is the most adequate cut-off value(specificity=92.1)this corroborates previous findings[10,15].In addition,our study demon-strated that decreased echogenicity of the median nerve was found in80%of symptomatic wrists.Only a few authors have considered qualitative changes of median nerve as a diagnostic criterion,mainly because the changes in the median nerve echogenicity are prone to angle beam artifacts,are operator-and equipment-dependent,and may be too subtle to be detected by all readers[2,4,18].We believe that such changes should be included in the diagnosis of CTS.To the best of our knowledge,this is the first series to demonstrate a difference in flexor retinaculum thickness and AP diameter of the carpal tunnel in symptomatic and asymptomatic wrists.Lee and colleagues[2]reported flexor retinaculum thickness and AP carpal tunnel distance measurements.However,they only reported values for asymptomatic wrists.Nakamichi and Tachibana[19]described patients with CTS having decreased median nerve transverse sliding compared with the control group,indicating that there is a restricted physiological motion of the nerve.The results from our study concur with this finding.We recognise some of the limitations of this study.First, it was a single institution study with a relatively small sample size.Second,ultrasound examinations were per-formed by a single radiologist and inter-observer agreement of the ultrasound findings was not attempted.Finally,our sample was composed solely of female participants. However,previous studies did not demonstrate gender-related differences in the ultrasound cross-sectional area among male and female CTS patients[4,11].In conclusion,ultrasound assists in the diagnosis of CTS using the median nerve diameter(cut-off point of10mm2 [DT]and9mm2[IT])and several additional findings. 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