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牛 津 高 中 英 语 ts a 块 教 学 的 研 究 k板
江 苏南通 市第一 中学( 2 0 1 沈 260 )
牛津高 中英语教材每一个单元分 为七个部分 , 每一
部分 独 立 成 篇 , 相 互 关 联 。其 中 ,ak部 分 安 排 在 第 又 t s
计, 目的在 于 让 学 生在 完 成 了前 面相 关 语 言 知 识 的输 入
不能够获得真实的反馈 。5 涉及很 多讨论 、 . 小组 活动的 环节 , 课堂管理难度加大了 。 其他单元 的 ts ak也 都有 以上 的普遍 问题 , 因此 , 教 师通常为了便 于教学和赶教学进 度 , 只选做其 中的听力
b li g 2: r a ig a CV ; S i s b i ig 3: r a iig ui n d e dn k l ul n o g nzn l d
Se .教师 自编一份关于姚 明和刘翔运动生涯 的 t 1 p
听力材料 , 因为学生对他们 比较熟悉 , 听力难 度降低 , 教
S e t p 1:fn ig a s e k rf ry u c o l t p 2:it o i dn p a e o o rs h o ;S e n r— d cn p a r t p 3:wrtn ig a hia ril. u ig a s e ke ;S e ii g a b o r p c la tce
师 也 不 需 费 很 大 力 气 进 行 听 力 背 景 的 介 绍 , 省 了 时 节
间, 教材中所要求 的对数字的听力训练也完成 了。 Se .P T上用 英文 呈现一份 招聘启 事 , tp2 P 内容是 为学校选一位教练 ( 完成 阅读招 聘启 事 的任 务 ) 。请 学
牛津版高中英语全英文说课稿《Task部分》Book 1 Unit1Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to ta lk about some of my teaching idea s.My topic is the task part of Unit 1,taken from the Ad vance with English,Student’s Book 1.My repres entation is made up of six parts:analysis of th e teaching material,analysis of the students,teaching methods,teaching procedures,blackboard de sign and teaching reflection.Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material:This is a task about how to conduct a surv ey,Learning this lesson can improve students’ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.Therefore,we should put this lesson in an imp ortant position of this unit.Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aim:(1The Ss can learn the important parts of a progamme.(2The Ss can understand the content of the task,talk about school activities and get thei r own idea about school life.2.Ability aim:(1 To develop the Ss’abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing(2 To train the Ss’abilit ies of reporting a prog ramme.3.Emotional aim:Make the Ss love school life.Part 2 Analysis of the students:1.The Ss have known something about school activitiesthrough the Internet and other ways.2.They are lack of vocabulary.3.They don’t often use English to express thems elves and communicate with others.4.Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.Part 3 My teaching theories,methods and aidsBefore dealing with this lesson,I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories:Ma k e the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director;Combin e the la nguage structures with the language functions;Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.Teaching method:Watch-and-listen activityTask-based teaching methodTeaching aids:1.a tape recorder2.multimedia3.the blackboardPart 4 Teaching proceduresNext are my teaching stepsStep 1 Lead inShow Ss a timetable of a school activity,,ask them to talk about it,and then ask Ss to t alk their own experiences in attending a school activity.Step2 ReadingAsk the Ss to read page 12,and answer some questions.Step 3 ListeningListen to a talk and fill in the timetableStep4 WritingWriting a reportStep 5 Homework,have Ss to read the chart in Part B and write a report.They can refer part A as a samplePart 5 blackboard designOn the left of the Bb,I’ll write down some five elements of a programme;on the right,I' ll draw a timetable.。
牛津高中英语模块三 unit 1 task
![牛津高中英语模块三 unit 1 task](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a6cd861e87c24028915fc368.png)
Telling a story
江苏教育学院附属高级中学 陈月琴
Skills building1: plotting a story
1. Ask the students to retell the story Fog 2. What kind of story do you like? science fiction love story detective story historical story
1.What kinds of words are the words in red and blue? 2. What is the function of them?
(make the story more interesting and lively) Skills building3: using adjectives and adverbs in stories
Possible example:
All of a sudden, a bell ringing, Sandy woke up and found Herself sitting on a chair. She could see people were leaving. To her great surprise, she saw a big , red apple in her left hand and some beautiful flowers in her right hand. She knew it was time for the museum to close and she had to leave. But her classmates and her teachers were nowhere in sight.
sound bubble
Picture 2
speech bubble
sound bubble
Suddenly, she __f_e_lt_ a tap on her shoulder. It was a man in a metal suit.
How to improve your work? We often use some adjectives and adverbs to make stories more interesting and lively.
Read the following article.Circle all the adjectives and underline all the adverbs.
start √ body
2.You need to write about the _a_m__a_z_in_g__e_x_p_e_r_ie_n_c_eof a girl.
3.The story must end with _______.
something happy
something sad
As we stared out at the sea…
The sea became very rough …
Suddenly, the lightning came …
Practice Decide which part each paragraph belongs to.(Page13, Part B)
总而言之, 在 新 教 材 的推 行 过 程 中 , 总会 遇 到 各 种各样 的问题 , 需要教 师与学生的共 同努力 , 解决 困 难, 促 进 教 学的顺 利进行 。
f J J 周 尔飞. 牛 津高 中 英语 T a s k 板块教 学策略分析 中学教 学 参考, 2 0 1 3  ̄ . 武剑 蓉, 以语篇 为核 心,以图 示为 支架——牛 津高 中英语 T a s k板决教学策略初探【 j 】 . 新校 园( 学习 1 。 2 0 1 2  ̄ . f 3 J 胡方 强. 牛; 聿 版 高 中英 语新教材 下 s j 【 板块教 学探 微 读写算 育 教学 研 究) 。 2 0 1 2 ( 7 2 ) .
1 . 牛津 高 中英语 中的 T a s k板 块 1 . 1 概 念
T a s k 板块是牛津高 中英语独有 的教学板块 , 是在 单 元 话 题 进 行 整 合 的基 础 上 , 对学生听、 说、 读、 写 能 力进行全面培养 的教 学板块 , 可以对单元教学 的话题 进 行 深化 , 以话题 为 主 线 , 通过 相 应 的 活动形 式 , 对 话 题、 功能、 任务 、 结构进行有机结合 , 以提 高学生的英 语 语 言应用 能力。 1 . 2 特 点 T a s k 板块 的主要特 点包括 : ( 1 ) 操 作 性强 T a s k板块注重对于学生综合语言应用 能力 的培 养, 是一个系统性的教 学过程 , 可 以通过相应 的教 学 活动, 使得学生通过相互配合, 共 同完成教 学任务 , 从 而提高语言的实际运用能力。 ( 2 ) 实用性强 T a s k板块设计 的题材和 内容 十分广泛 ,包括广 告、 书信、 通知等, 不仅可 以作为现 实生活 中的交流工 具, 更是 当前形势下高考英语 的热点。 因此, T a s k板块 具有 良好的实用性。 ( 3 ) 与单元主题一致 T a s k 板块 的内容 , 始终与单元的主题保持着高度 的一致性, 两者是相互促进 , 相 互深化的关系。 1 - 3 教 学难点 结合 当前 的教 学现状 , T a s k 板块教学的难点包括 两个 方面 : 首先 ,为 了突 出实用 性 , T a s k板 块 中设 计 的话 题 往 往 比较 新 颖 , 会 出现 大 量 的 陌生 词 汇 , 对 于基 础 能 力较弱的学生而言, 会感到难 以理解 ; 其次 , 板块 中提 供 的听力训练材料 , 往往篇幅较长 , 要求 学生长期保 持注意力的高度集 中, 客观上增加 了学 习的困难。然 后, T a s k 板块教学 中, 对学生的互动意识、 团队合作精 神和表达能力都有着较高的要求,相对 一般教材 而 言, 更加 困难 , 容易引发 学生的焦虑情绪和厌烦心理 , 影响教学效率。 2 . T a s k板块 的有效 教学 策 略 2 . 1 更新教学 理念 在对 T a s k 板块进行教 学时, 要转变传统的教学理 念, 做 到以人为本 , 从教师和学生两个方面进行教 学。 首先 , 必须坚持学生在教学中的主体地位, 教学 的中心 应该 围绕学生展开, 改变传统填鸭式的教学方式, 营造
课程内容六要素整合理念下优化Task板块教学——以《牛津高中英语》M4U1 Task为例
![课程内容六要素整合理念下优化Task板块教学——以《牛津高中英语》M4U1 Task为例](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/79be39af690203d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d2662e.png)
852019年33期总第473期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS课程内容六要素整合理念下优化Task 板块教学——以《牛津高中英语》M4U1 Task 为例文/朱雅红主学习能力。
学生通过reading部分的学习对相关知识具备一定的认知,但是要完成“Writing an ad”这个比较陌生的写作任务还是有一定难度,需要老师循序渐进的指导,通过一系列的铺垫训练,学生才有可能较好地完成写作任务。
本节课的核心任务是“writing an ad”。
根据此任务,重新审视skill building中的学习内容,发现其中的内在联系,对教材内容重新进行取舍优化,形成清晰的活动主线“promote Chocoloco Bar”,引导学生围绕核心任务展开听、说、读活动,最后以广告海报的形式外显思维成果。
根据理出的活动主线,设计丰富的情境,让各个活动的导入与衔接自然流畅:Step1. Lead in1) Play a video about the ads for chocolate.2) How many of you like chocolate/ love Kisses/ prefer M&M?设计说明:用巧克力广告图片为素材制作的音乐短片作为导入,气氛轻松自然,并点出“advertisement”这个主题语境。
牛津版高二英语unit2 task
![牛津版高二英语unit2 task](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1d789bfceff9aef8951e064c.png)
people want help but not judgement of their previous behavior.
give examples
mention a similar situation where your advice works.
How can I improve my grades?第十四页,共38页。ample questions:
1.What subjects do you find hard and need to improve on? 2.What is your problem in these subjects?
5.What are your short-term and long-term goals in these subjects? Have you set proper goals?
Step 2: discussing solutions
Practise asking questions and discussing solutions. Work in pairs to discuss Ma Jie's problems. Try to divide the big question into smaller ones 'What do you think of
1. sad
3. play well 5. falling behind
7. basketball 9.willing
13.Yao Ming
15.business world
2.make mistakes
课程教育 研究
C o u r s e E d u c a t i 0 n R e s e a r c h
2 0 1 3 年6 月 上旬 刊
浅谈 牛津 高中英语 T a s k任务设计 策略
以模 块二 第二 单 元 T a s 大 苏州 附 中英语 组 江 苏 苏 州 2 1 5 0 0 0 )
【 文章编号】 2 0 9 5 — 3 0 8 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 6 — 0 1 1 4 — 0 2
教 材 分 析 生说 . 我有 一个朋友 叫玛丽 , 她 刚 刚 去 了欧 洲 , 你 们 想 听 听 她 牛 津高 中英语的 T a s k是 一 个 单 元 中 阅 读 与 语 法 之 后 的 的 旅 游 经 历 吗 ? 自然地 过 渡 到 T a s k的 第 一 部 分 , 听 录 音 并 完 个 综 合 板 块 。要 求 学 生 在课 堂 内进 行 开放 性 的 听说 读 写 的 成 书 本 上 的任 务 任 务 型 活动 . 目的 是 引导 学 生在 完成 任 务 的 过 程 中 学 习 英语 . f 教 学效 果1 : 这 一 大 块 从 导 入 到 练 习提 问技 巧 再 到 听 力 , 使 用英 语 。模 块 二 第二 单 元 的 T a s k主 要 任 务 是 为 家 里筹 划 一 都 是 围绕 一 个 主题 :分 享旅 游 经 历 。学 生 学 习 了 两 个 语 言 技 个 旅 游 计 划 巧, 一 是提 问 的技 巧 , 二 是 听 力 中识 别 时 间 与地 点 的技 巧 。 Ta s k 2. Co l l e c t i n g i nf or ma t i o n 二、 教 学 目标 本 节 课 的 目标 是 通 过 一 系列 的 活 动 为 学 生提 供 机 会 , 让 Te l l t h e s t u d e n t s t o d a y we a r e g o i n g t o p l a n a h o l i d a y f o r ou r f a mi l y . 他 们 在 听说 读 写 中学 习和 训 练 他 们 的语 言技 巧 。在 本 课 结 束 y 后, 1 ) 学 生 能 够 学会 在 听 中 关 注 时 间和 地 点 ; 2 ) 能 够 有 效 阅 读 I n o r de r t o pl a n a h ol i d a y or f t he f a mi l y,f ir s t you n e e d t O: Co l l e c t i n f o r ma t i o n ; B. c h o o s e a d e s t i n a t i o n .As k t h e s t u d e n t s : 英 文 的 旅 游 小册 子 ; 3 ) 能 够 学会 如 何 提 问题 。通 过 三 大 活 动 , A. 学 生 可 以学 会 解 决他 们 日常 生 活 中的 实际 问题— — 如 何 为 家 How c a n y o u g e t t h e t r a v e l i n g i n or f ma t i o n ? / W h a t a r e t h e s o u r c e s 人 制 定 一 份 旅 游 计 划 c a n y o u u s e t o c o l l e c t i n f o r ma t i o n ? ( Tr a v e l a g e n c y ,i n t e me t ,
Task Writing a letter to a friend
Skills building 1: Writing down the answerporter of your school newspaper and going to have a interview with your headmaster next week, what should you do? • Turn to page 12 and find some guidelines
3. Feelings about the problem:
4. Teen Talk’s advice:
5. Planned actions to overcome the problem:
Write a letter, ask friends to meet at their favourite cafe on Saturday; talk and get to know each other better.
• If you disagree with someone you should express your opinions politely ______. Others will take your opinions seriously if you state them more _______ calmly _____and politely.
5. To make true friends, you should a. Help them when you are free b. always be there for them √ c. always be happy before them d. listen to what they have to say √ e. be honest about yourself and your √ feelings
❖Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
❖shan’t ❖havn`t
牛 津 版 必 修 五Unit Task
Skills building 1: Writing 牛津版必修五UnitTask down the answers
Skills building 3: checking your work
Facts: make sure the facts are accurate. Grammar: Check that you have used the correct
tenses, parts of speech, sentence structures, etc. Make sure the verb agrees with the subject. Handwriting: Make sure your handwriting is clear. Punctuation: Check that all punctuation marks are used correctly and that none are missing. Vocabulary: Check that you have used the right words. Spelling: Look out for spelling mistakes. Style(formal/informal): Check that the choice of vocabulary and sentence structure is of the right degree of formality.
Unit 1 Task Writing a review of a book
or story
Skill building 1: listening for key words
Listen to this paragraph and summarize in your own words. Pay attention to the key words.
Listen to the recording and write down the key words.
Para. 1 author, title, category, setting Para. 2 plot, characters,
character development
trouble exists from beginning to end
during our lifetime. Students may fail in
their exams, scientists may fail in their
experiments, and players may be
defeated in their matches.
important words to pay attention to?
Why do you think so?
Read the guideline and answer. 1. What are the key words?
Key words are the most important words in a sentence or paragraph.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
A CV includes:
Identification: name, address, contact information Objective: the job you want to get Education: the most recent school comes first, the names of the schools and graduation dates
1. Kinds of figures
◎ Cardinal numbers
◎ Ordinal numbers
◎ Plural form of numbers
(1) Cardinal and Ordinal numbers:
Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers first (1st) one second (2nd) two third (3rd) three fifth (5th) five eighth (8th) eight seventeenth (17th) seventeen fortieth (40th) forty ninety second (92nd) ninety two
Skills building 2: reading a CV
1. What is a CV? A CV is an introduction of your work skills and education. 2. When is a CV used? When you want to get a job, your CV will be presented to the employer. So a CV is very important if you want to get a job.
Step 1: finding a speaker for your school A Your headmaster has asked you to help find a person to speak to your schoolmates. Listen to his requirements and fill in the note below.
street number Ye Ping lives at 798 Jiangsu Road. time Ivy is playing tennis at six o’clock this evening.
Listen to an interview to Steve Fossett and fill in the numbers. In 2002, Steve Fossett became the _____ first person to fly around the world alone in a balloon without stopping. He had to try six times before he finally succeeded. ____ Steve was in his late _____ fifties when he circled the world in a balloon.
(2) Plural form:
in the twenties in the thirties in the forties in the fifties in his sixties in her seventies
in the 20s (20’s) in the 30s (30’s) in the 40s (40’s) in the 50s (50’s) in his 60s (60’s) in her 70s (70’s)
Ask Ss: Do you think the person is fit for the principal’s requirements? Why?
introducing a speaker
1. Name: _________ Gao Jian Flat D, 9407 Zhongshan Road, 2. Home: _________________________ Nanjing, China ______________ 3. Male/Female: _______ Female 4. Age:_____ 29 Chinese (native); 5. Language spoken: _______________ English (fluent) ______________
B Your have drafted an advertisement for a speaker. Complete it with the information above. Answer to Part B:
(1) (your school name) (2) June (3) 18 (4) Nanjing (5) English (6) Chinese (7) friendly
Requirements for speaker:
1. Must be older than 18 but younger than ____. 35 2. Experience as a speaker would be ________. helpful 3. Must be able to speak _______ English and Chinese. 4. Must live in or near ________. Nanjing
He set ____ 116 world records in his life. In 2004, he and his team set a world record by sailing around the world in 58 ____ days. sadly, in 2007 _____, he was flying a plane alone when the plane disappeared. the plane and his body were not discovered until one year later.
Experience: your past jobs, company names, location and position held for past jobs References: names of the persons who once worked or studied together with you and their contact information Other: honours you have got, hobbies and interests
1,234,567,890 one billion, two hundred and thirty-four million, five hundred and sixtyseven thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine
Modifier of numbers We can use certain words and phrases to express an approximate number or to modify a number. about, or so, around, more than, over, less than, under, below, at most, at least, more or less
one hundred and thirty-four
one thousand, nine hundred and forty-nine 23,876 twenty three thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six
two million, two hundred and thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixtyseven
ninety Revisionninteen & Lead -in two In 1992, the population of Shanghai was 1,12, 835, 432. We use We use “million” “thousand”
one billion, twelve million, eight hundred and thirty-five thousand, four hundred and thirty-two
Step 2: introducing a speaker
Tell the Ss: Western people usually use Mandarin instead of Putonghua when referring to the Chinese language. Take notes from the CV individually, and then check the answers with the whole class.
Figures can refer to
age Susan will be 16 next month. date Tom was born on 17 December 1988. percentage Anna scored 90 per cent in her English test. price Susan bought a T-shirt for $ 20.
注意: When we talk about the date or when we want to talk about something in order, we use ordinal numbers. 当我们谈论日期或当我们按顺序谈论事 情时,我们使用序数词。
How to read cardinal numbers?