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修回日期:2018-03-09 ),男,湖南常德人,硕士研究生。研究方向:导弹发射理论与技术。 ),男,山东临沂人,教授。研究方向:导弹发射理论与技术。
(总第 44-0483)
目前,有关弹射装置内弹道性能的研究多集中 在燃气弹射方式上,李仁凤⑴等建立初容室二次燃 烧流动模型,研究了燃烧产物特性对燃气弹射内弹 道的影响;王天辉等对燃气发生器进行了装药设 计,分析了装药增面比对内弹道性能的影响;空气 弹射方面,芮守祯①对不同弹射动力方式的内弹道 特性进行了分析比较,得出高压空气弹射温度、压 强变化更平稳;杨风波⑹等针对气缸式弹射器,构 建了考虑真实气体效应的弹射内弹道数学模型,论 证了真实气体效应研究的必要性⑺。
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn. 1002-0640.2019.03.021
垂直弹射技术被广泛应用于防空武器系统中, 与自力弹射相比,它具有结构简单、发射时间短、能
量利用率高等优点⑴。在弹射过程中,对导弹运动 规律、气体流动规律及弹射装置高 、低压室压力变 化规律等内弹道特性的研究十分重要,尤其是对于 其影响因素作用规律的分析⑵。
收稿日期:2018-01-13 作者简介:谢磊(1992-
Analysis of Factors to Compressed Air Ejection Interior Ballistic Based on FLUENT
XIE Lei,GAO Qin-he,SHAO Ya-jun
(Rocket Force University of Engineering, Xi" an 710025, China )
Abstract: Aiming at the situation that there exist many factors affecting the interior ballistic characteristics of a straight -cylinder high -pressure -air device when it works, to improve the interior ballistic characteristics and enhance ejection performances of the ejector effectively, studying the law on interior ballistic characteristics is indispensable. After establishing the simplified model of the compressed air ejector in FLUENT and finishing the grid independence verification, a grid model of suitable gird numbers is chosen; by setting appropriate parameters and applying the dynamic mesh technique to simulate, different change laws of inner ballistic characteristics under different control valve's diameters,tube diameters and the initial temperature are received. Because the research object is a straight -cylinder ejector on which the research is less, the results could offer references for the further study of inner ballistic characteristics in the compressed air ejection process.
Vol. 44,No. 3 Mar, 2019
文章编号:1002-0640( 2019 )03-0116-04
火力与指挥控制 Fire Control & Command Control
第44卷第3期 2019年3月
谢磊,高钦和,邵亚军 (火箭军工程大学,西安710025)
Key words: compressed air ejection, grid independence, numerical simulation, factors analysis Citation format:XIE L,GAO Q H,SHA0 Y J.Analysis of factors to the compressed air ejection interior ballistic based on FLUENT]J].Fire Control & Command Control, 2019,44( 3 ): 116-119.
摘要:针对某直筒式压缩空气弹射装置工作过程中存在诸多因素影响其内弹道特性的问题 ,为有效改善内弹
筒径及初始温度3个因素作为分析重点展开研究。在计算流体动力学软件FLUENT中建立压缩空气弹射装置简化 模型,通过网格无关性验证,选择了网格数合适的网格模型;设置合理参数,运用动网格技术进行计算仿真,得出不
修回日期:2018-03-09 ),男,湖南常德人,硕士研究生。研究方向:导弹发射理论与技术。 ),男,山东临沂人,教授。研究方向:导弹发射理论与技术。
(总第 44-0483)
目前,有关弹射装置内弹道性能的研究多集中 在燃气弹射方式上,李仁凤⑴等建立初容室二次燃 烧流动模型,研究了燃烧产物特性对燃气弹射内弹 道的影响;王天辉等对燃气发生器进行了装药设 计,分析了装药增面比对内弹道性能的影响;空气 弹射方面,芮守祯①对不同弹射动力方式的内弹道 特性进行了分析比较,得出高压空气弹射温度、压 强变化更平稳;杨风波⑹等针对气缸式弹射器,构 建了考虑真实气体效应的弹射内弹道数学模型,论 证了真实气体效应研究的必要性⑺。
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn. 1002-0640.2019.03.021
垂直弹射技术被广泛应用于防空武器系统中, 与自力弹射相比,它具有结构简单、发射时间短、能
量利用率高等优点⑴。在弹射过程中,对导弹运动 规律、气体流动规律及弹射装置高 、低压室压力变 化规律等内弹道特性的研究十分重要,尤其是对于 其影响因素作用规律的分析⑵。
收稿日期:2018-01-13 作者简介:谢磊(1992-
Analysis of Factors to Compressed Air Ejection Interior Ballistic Based on FLUENT
XIE Lei,GAO Qin-he,SHAO Ya-jun
(Rocket Force University of Engineering, Xi" an 710025, China )
Abstract: Aiming at the situation that there exist many factors affecting the interior ballistic characteristics of a straight -cylinder high -pressure -air device when it works, to improve the interior ballistic characteristics and enhance ejection performances of the ejector effectively, studying the law on interior ballistic characteristics is indispensable. After establishing the simplified model of the compressed air ejector in FLUENT and finishing the grid independence verification, a grid model of suitable gird numbers is chosen; by setting appropriate parameters and applying the dynamic mesh technique to simulate, different change laws of inner ballistic characteristics under different control valve's diameters,tube diameters and the initial temperature are received. Because the research object is a straight -cylinder ejector on which the research is less, the results could offer references for the further study of inner ballistic characteristics in the compressed air ejection process.
Vol. 44,No. 3 Mar, 2019
文章编号:1002-0640( 2019 )03-0116-04
火力与指挥控制 Fire Control & Command Control
第44卷第3期 2019年3月
谢磊,高钦和,邵亚军 (火箭军工程大学,西安710025)
Key words: compressed air ejection, grid independence, numerical simulation, factors analysis Citation format:XIE L,GAO Q H,SHA0 Y J.Analysis of factors to the compressed air ejection interior ballistic based on FLUENT]J].Fire Control & Command Control, 2019,44( 3 ): 116-119.
摘要:针对某直筒式压缩空气弹射装置工作过程中存在诸多因素影响其内弹道特性的问题 ,为有效改善内弹
筒径及初始温度3个因素作为分析重点展开研究。在计算流体动力学软件FLUENT中建立压缩空气弹射装置简化 模型,通过网格无关性验证,选择了网格数合适的网格模型;设置合理参数,运用动网格技术进行计算仿真,得出不