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General Vocabulary

1.double-skinned curtain wall 双层动态节能幕墙

2.point-fixing glass wall 点支式玻璃幕墙

3.single rope net point-glass curtain wall 单层索点支式幕墙

4.rib point –glass curtain wall 肋驳接点支幕墙

5.steel structure point-glass curtain wall 钢结构点支幕墙

6.steel pull rod point-glass curtain wall 钢拉杆点支幕墙

7.double-story point-glass curtain wall 双层索点支幕墙

8.unitized curtain wall 单元式幕墙

9.stick curtain wall 框架式幕墙

10.semi-unitized curtain wall 半单元式幕墙

11.metal & glass skylight 金属及玻璃屋面

12.energy saving aluminum doors and windows 节能环保铝合金门窗

13.building maintenance units 擦窗机

14.slab 边梁


16.mullions 竖框

17.transoms 横框

18.stick 框架

19.interfaces 封修


21.installation 安装

22.performance 性能


ply with 符合

25.thermal break 断热

26.tolertances 公差

27.polyester powder coated 聚酯粉末喷涂

28.colour/texture 纹理

29.external cover cap 外扣板

30.insulated glass 中空玻璃

31.assembly 组装、装配

32.EPDM gaskets EPDM 胶条

33.panel 板


35.reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土

36.double side hung doors 平开门

37.top hung vents 上悬窗

38.top hung lights 上悬窗顶部的固定扇

39.friction stay 磨擦绞链

40.handie 执手

41.deadlock 装配死栓的锁

tch 门插销

43.lron mongery 五金件

44.finish 表面处理

45.satin stainless steel 镜面不锈钢

46.curved pressed aluminium slab edge panels 边梁处弯弧铝板

47.detailed 节点详细

48.submission 递交

49.typical plan 平面

50.section 剖面

51.elevation 立面


53.heads 顶


55.schedule 时间表、进度表

56.programme 进度表

57.subcontractor 分包商

58.main contract 总包商

59.master programme 总包商的工作计划

60.fabrication 加工

61.installation 安装

62.spare parts备件

63.dismantling 拆除

64.recycling 重复利用

65.samples 样品

66.obtain approval 获得同意


68.figures 数字

69.performance criteria 性能标准

70.wind loads 风荷载


72.dead loads 固定荷载

73.air perme ability 空气渗透性

74.fixed lights 固定扇

75.opening lights 开启扇

76.water pene tration 穿过、渗透、突破

77.wind resistance 抗风压性

78.thermal properties隔热性能

79.solar heat transmission 热传导系数

80.light transmission 透光率

81.thermal stress in glazing 玻璃的热挤压应力


83.relative humidity 湿温相对度

84.fire stopping 防火

85.opening lights 开启扇

86.multi point fastening 多点锁

mence 开工

88.aluminium extrusion铝合金、铝挤压材

89.aluminium alloy sheet 铝板

d steel 低碳钢


d steel sheet 低碳钢板

93.stainless steel sheet 不锈钢板

94.mechanical fixings 紧固



97.shear pins 销钉


99.moisture 潮湿、湿气

100. water vapour 蒸气、水蒸气

101. fixing anchors 锚固件

102. three dimensional adjustment 三维调整

103. bubbles 起泡、泡沫

104. cracks 裂缝

105. dimples波纹

106. scratches 划伤

107. infill panels 内有岩棉或填充剂的板108. gaskets 胶条
