



船舶原理试题库第一部分船舶基础知识(一)单项选择题1.采用中机型船的是A. 普通货船C.集装箱船 D.油船2.油船设置纵向水密舱壁的目的是A.提高纵向强度 B.分隔舱室C.提高局部强度3. 油船结构中,应在______和______之间设隔离舱A.货油舱、机舱 B.货油舱、炉舱C. 货油舱、居住舱室4.集装箱船的机舱一般设在A. 中部 B.中尾部 C.尾部5.需设置上下边舱的船是.客船 C.油船 D.液化气体船6.装卸效率高、货运周期短、货损小、装卸作业简单的船是.杂货船 C.散货船 D.矿砂船7.何种船舶的货舱内需设加温管系A. 散货船 B.集装箱船 C.液化气体船8.在下列船舶中,哪一种船舶的货舱的双层底要求高度大A.杂货船 B.集装箱船 C.客货船9.矿砂船设置大容量压载边舱,其主要作用是A.提高总纵强度 B.提高局部强度C.减轻摇摆程度10.油船的货油舱和居住舱室之间应设置.淡水舱 C.深舱 D.杂物舱11.新型油船设置双层底的主要目的有A.提高抗沉性 B.提高强度C.作压载舱用12.抗沉性最差的船是A.客船 B.杂货船 C散货船13.横舱壁最少和纵舱壁最多的船分别是.矿砂船,集装箱船C.油船,散货船 D.客船,液化气体船14.单甲板船有A. 集装箱船,客货船,滚装船 B.干散货船,油船,客货船C.油船,普通货船,滚装船15.根据《SOLASl974》的规定,凡载客超过_____人的船舶,定义为客船A.20 B..1016.对稳性、抗沉性和快速性要求最高的船为A. 普通货船.集装箱船 D.散货船17.关于球鼻首作用的正确论述是A. 增加船首强度C.便于靠离码头 D.建造方便18.集装箱船通常用______表示其载重能力A.总载重量 B.满载排水量C.总吨位19. 油船的______前后端应设有隔离舱A. 杂物舱.压载舱 D.淡水舱20.对稳性、抗沉性要求最高的船是A. 集装箱船 B,油船 C滚装船21.常用的两种集装箱型号和标准箱分别是B.40ft集装箱、30ft集装箱C.40ft集装箱、10ft集装箱D.30ft集装箱、20ft集装箱22.集装箱船设置双层船壳的主要原因是A.提高抗沉性C.作为压载舱 D. 作为货舱23.结构简单,成本低,装卸轻杂货物作业效率高,调运过程中货物摇晃小的起货设备是.双联回转式C.单个回转式 D.双吊杆式24. 具有操作与维修保养方便、劳动强度小、作业的准备和收尾工作少,并且可以遥控操作的起货设备是.双联回转式C.单吊杆式 D.双吊杆式25.加强船舶首尾端的结构,是为了提高船舶的A.总纵强 B.扭转强度C.横向强度26. 肋板属于A. 纵向骨材C.连接件 D.A十B27. 在船体结构的构件中,属于主要构件的是:Ⅰ.强横梁;Ⅱ.肋骨;Ⅲ.主肋板;Ⅳ.甲板纵桁;Ⅴ.纵骨;Ⅵ.舷侧纵桁A.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ B.I,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ.I,Ⅲ,Ⅳ, Ⅴ28.船体受到最大总纵弯矩的部位是A.主甲板 B.船底板.离首或尾为1/4的船长处29. ______则其扭转强度越差A.船越长 B.船越宽C.船越大30.机舱内的双层底较其他货舱内双层底高的目的是A.便于检修机器 B.增加燃料舱.B+C31.船舶附体包括A.舵和螺旋桨 B.舭龙骨和减摇鳍C.尾轴架32.目前船上应用最普遍的起货设备是.双吊杆装置和双联起货机 C.双吊杆装置和单个回转式起货机 D.双吊杆装置和移动式起货机 33.首尾尖舱的舱壁是A. 防火舱壁 B.普通舱壁.槽型舱壁34.大型杂货舱的上甲板多采用纵骨架式结构的目的是A. 提高局部强度 B.提高扭转强度.提高横向强度35.如果甲板受到拉应力,而船底受到压应力时,船体发生______变形 A. 总扭转 B.中垂.A和B和C36.油船货油舱与居住舱之间应设置.淡水舱 C.深舱 D.杂物舱37.横骨架式舷侧结构中,每隔三四个助位设置一强肋骨,是为了A. 提高纵向强度 B.提高扭曲强度C.提高横向强度38.杂货船的骨架结构,一般采用A. 上下甲板都用纵骨架式结构B.上下甲板都用横骨架式结构D.上甲板用横骨架式结构,下甲板用纵骨架式结构39.油船的货油舱设置纵向舱壁的主要目的是A.分隔舱室 B.提高纵向强度C.提高局部强度40.万吨级杂货船的下甲板都采用A. 纵骨架式结构B. 双层甲板结构C.混合式结构41.在下列结构中,承受纵向强度最大的构件是A.肋板,肋骨 B.舭龙骨C.横梁和船底板42.船舶发生中垂时A.甲板受拉力,船底受压力 B.甲板和船底同时受拉力.甲板和船底同时受压力43.中尾机型船适用于A.高速定期普通货船 B.高速集装箱船.A和B都不是44.按照机舱在船长方向的位置划分船型,中机型船主要适用于B. 油船C. 集装箱船D. 散装货船45. 液舱一般都对称于船舶纵向中心线设置的原因是A. 强度需要B. 船员工作建造时方便46.舱室四周需设置隔离空舱的是A.重油舱 B.轻油舱水舱47.在单桨船上,尾轴轴隧的中心线一般是A.与船舶中心线相重合C.偏向左舷 D.B或C48.下列哪项不属于总布置图所包含的内容.表示全船侧面概貌C.螺旋桨及舵的设置情况 D.舱室划分情况49.增大船舶的舭部升高和舭部圆弧半径,则船舶的A.阻力降低 B.航速增加C.舱容减少50.属于球鼻型船艏优点的是.减小形状阻力C.B+C D.制造工艺简单51.一般商船的龙骨线是A.向尾倾斜直线 B.曲线型C.折线型52.总纵弯曲力矩沿船长方向的分布规律为A.弯曲力矩值沿首尾两端逐渐增加C.弯曲力矩值向首尾两端保持不变D.弯曲力矩值向首尾两端变化无规律53.船体强度是指船体结构抵抗______作用的能力A. 阻力 B.内力 C.外力54.不带滤网的直通污水管路,设在A. 机舱的前部C.机舱的中部 D. 机舱的左右两侧55.根据舱壁的作用分,舱壁的种类有:Ⅰ.水密舱壁Ⅱ.油密舱壁Ⅲ.防火舱壁Ⅳ.制荡舱壁Ⅴ.轻型舱壁Ⅵ.平面舱壁.Ⅰ十Ⅱ十Ⅲ十Ⅳ十ⅥC.Ⅰ十Ⅱ十Ⅲ十Ⅴ十Ⅵ D. 以上全不对56. 船体外板中的每块钢板的大小、厚度是标识在何种图纸上的A. 总布置图 B.横剖面图C.基本结构图57.船体发生总纵弯曲的原因是A. 由于波浪的冲击力作用C.由于惯性力作用 D. 由于推力和阻力作用58.下列哪个钢板的厚度最大,以满足总纵弯曲强度的要求A. 舭部外板C.船尾外板 D.舷侧外板59.船体结构中的实肋板是布置在A.舷侧 B.甲板下.货舱壁上60.下列哪种构件上不准开孔A.实肋板 B.舭肘板.旁底桁61.在船体结构图中的细点划线是表示.板材、骨材剖面简化线C. 不可见轮廓线D. 型线62.下列哪种构件属于船体纵向构件A. 壁肘板.肋骨 D. 肋板63.由船舶的中拱和中垂而引起的挠度一般不得大于船长的A.1/100 B.1/.1/200064. 机舱内双层底高于货舱内双层底的主要原因是A. 提高机舱的局部强度 B.提高抗沉性C.提高重心高度65.主机用的滑油循环舱,通常位于A. 机舱前壁处 B.机舱两舷侧处.货舱区域双层底内66.下列哪两种舱室之间不需要设立隔离空舱A. 不同种类的润滑油舱 B.燃油舱和滑油舱C. 油舱和淡水舱67.何种船的货舱内需设斜梯A. 集装箱舱 B.客货船C.普通货船68.首垂线是指A.过船体最前端所作的垂线C.过首柱后缘与夏季载重线的交点所作的垂线D.过上甲板与首柱前缘的交点所作的垂线69.中横剖面是指B.中线面与船体相截所得的截面C.水线面与船体相截所得的截面D.船体最大的横截面70.在船体型线图的横剖线图上,表示船体真实形状的是A. 纵剖线C.水线 D.甲板边线71.梁拱的主要作用是A.减小甲板上浪 B.提高稳性C.减小横摇72.龙骨线是指A.A.中站面与船体型表面底部的交线C.基平面与中站面的交线 D.基平面与中线面的交线73.舷弧是表示.上甲板中线的纵向曲度C.上甲板边线的横向曲度 D.上甲板中线的横向曲度74.船舶的主尺度是根据哪种规范定义的A.载重线规范 B.吨位丈量规范C.分级与破舱稳性规范75.油船的船底结构一般采用A.横骨架式结构C.混合骨架式结构 D.A、B、C均可76.船舶的首尾尖舱可作为A.主动力装置的舱室 B.载运货物的舱室C.旅客起居的舱室77.船舶最上一层连续甲板通常称为A. 驾驶甲板 B.救生甲板C.起居甲板78.组成船体纵向强度的主要构件是A.肋骨 B.肋板 C.舭肘板79.纵骨和实肋板相交时可以A. 在纵骨上开切口,让实肋板穿过C. 在实肋板、纵骨上开切口,烧焊穿过D. 在实肋板、纵骨上分段烧焊穿过80.按规范规定,要求油舱和油、水柜的溢流管截面积不小于注入管的A.1.2倍 B.1.5倍.1.6倍81.在轴隧通往机舱的舱壁上均须安装水密门,其操纵部位为A.机能侧可操纵即可 B.轴隧侧可操纵即可C. 用电动液压机构远操即可82.为满足船体结构的防火要求,在舱壁甲板以上,从每一主竖区或类似的处所,都设有_____,其中一个有连续的防火遮蔽,并能直达救生艇甲板A.一个脱险通道 B.两个脱险通道.A、B、C均可83.船舶主柴油机基座主要是由______组成A.两道纵桁 B.横隔板C.肘板及垫板84.在横骨架式双层底结构中,机舱和锅炉的底座下应在每个肋位上设置A.短底纵桁 B.内底板.强横梁85.在舷侧竖向布置的角钢构件称为A.甲板纵骨 B.甲板横梁舱壁扶强材86.外板承担船体的A.总纵弯曲强度 B.横强度C.局部强度87.下列构件中,次要构件是.甲板纵桁C.舷侧纵桁 D.强横梁和强肋骨88.机舱前后的舱壁采用_______,首尾尖舱的舱壁采用________A.水密舱壁;水密舱壁 B.防火舱壁;纵舱壁C.油密舱壁;普通舱壁89.二氧化碳灭火系统不适用于A.机舱.货舱 D.货油泵舱90. 承担主机重力作用的主要构件是主机基座中的A.三道纵桁.横隔 D.肘板91.液舱中的测深管不宜设置在A.液舱底最深处C.液舱后壁处 D.液舱前壁处92.应急消防泵应设置在A.机舱内 B.露天甲板上C.舵机房内93.船舱破损大量进水,可用于应急排水的泵有A. 舱底水泵和污水泵C.淡水冷却泵和副海水泵 D.副海水泵和扫舱泵94.甲板上货舱口角隅处产生裂缝,其原因可能是A.纵向强度不足 B.横向强度不足C. 扭转强度不足95.在露天甲板上,舱口围板的高度至少在A.0.4m以上C. 0.8m以上 D.1.0m以上96.舷墙和栏杆的高度应不小于A.0.5m B.0.97.船首尾端所受的总纵弯曲力矩____,所受的局部作用力____A. 较小,也较小 B.较大,也较大____.较大,较小98.左右两舷侧纵桁之间设有强胸横梁的有A. 机舱B. 首尖舱C. 尾尖舱99. 设置制荡舱壁的船舱有A.机舱 B货舱.B和Cl00. 钢质船舶均采用横骨架式结构的船体部分是A.机舱区域结构 B.船底结构C.甲板结构101.从机舱通往轴隧的水密门,一般是______水密门A.三级..一级 D.B和C102.加强机舱舷侧结构的措施是增设_______A.肋骨.肋板 D.横梁103.机舱振动较大,它的舷侧结构需要加强,为此该区域与其它舱室舷侧结构的主要区别在于A.仅采用波形舱壁 B.增加肋板C. 仅采用纵骨架式结构104.总布置图是由哪几组图组成的B.侧面图,甲板平面图,横剖面图,船体西装图C.横剖面图,基本结构图,肋骨型线图,机舱布置图D.纵刻面图,横剖面图,甲板平面图,舱底平面图105.比较集中地体现船舶的用途、任务和经济性能的图纸是A. 基本结构图 B.外板展开图C.线型图106.船体结构图包括A. 布置图 B.线型图C.烟囱结构图107.在外板展开图中,外板的横向尺寸和纵向尺寸B. 分别为投影长度和实际长度C.都是实际长度 D.都是投影长度108.表示板材、骨材,如:甲板、外板、纵桁等剖面的简化线是A.细实线.粗虚线 D,细虚线109.在船体结构图中,轨道线是表示A. 不可见主要构件的简化线 B.可见主要构件的简化线.可见水密板材的简化线110.中机型船比尾机型船容易调节A.载货量 B.稳性.排水量111.在主尺度相同的情况下,中机型船比尾机型船装货.多 C.一样 D.不定l12.在单桨船上,轴隧的中心线一般偏向____,轴隧强度较好的形式为_____。




A.10 B 12 C 15C2、在下列船舶中,()的货舱的双层底要求度大。


A总纵性 B扭转度 C局部强度C4. 如果甲板受到拉应力,而船底受到压应力时,船体发生()变形。

A总扭转 B中垂 C中拱C5、单甲板船有()。




A舭部外板B上甲板边板C舷侧外板C.9.货舱口角偶处产生裂痕;其原因可能是()A纵向强度不足B扭转强度不足C应力集中B.10.露天甲板上;舱口围板高度最少在()A 0.6米以上B 0.8米以上C1米以上C.11 .船底结构有_______A单层底B双层底 C A和BC.12.甲板厚度最大的区域是________A首端B尾端C船中C.13强力甲板板最厚的区域是________A距首尾两端大约1/4船长B船体中部0.4船长C货舱口周围C.14.全船最薄的甲板板是________A首端甲板板B甲板边板C舱口之间的甲板板B .15.用于表示船舶容积的大小,并作为船舶登记用的是________。


A客船 B杂货船 C滚装船B17、在船体型线图的横剖线图上,表示船体真实形状的是()。

A纵剖线 B横剖线 C甲板边线B18、油船的船底结构一般采用()。





[单选题] *A.Ⅰ~ⅣB.Ⅰ~ⅢC.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ(正确答案)D.Ⅱ、Ⅳ2、根据《海船船员值班规则》,下列叙述正确的是________。


[单选题] *A.Ⅰ~ⅣB.Ⅰ~ⅢC.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、ⅣD.Ⅱ~Ⅳ(正确答案)3、《海船船员值班规则》规定,所有参加值班的船员在24小时内必须有至少________的休息时间。

[单选题] *A.6小时B.8小时C.10小时(正确答案)D.12小时4、《海船船员值班规则》规定的船员休息时间允许有例外,但任何7天内的休息时间不得少于________。

[单选题] *A.70小时(正确答案)B.77小时C.65小时D.75小时5、《海船船员值班规则》规定的船员休息时间允许有例外,连续两次例外的时间间隔不得少于该例外持续时间的倍。

[单选题] *A.1B.2(正确答案)C.3D.46、我国现行《海船船员值班规则》规定,下列叙述不正确的是_____。

[单选题] * A.严禁船员酗酒B.值班人员在值班前4小时内禁止喝酒C.只要保证正常值班,值班人员在值班期间就可以喝酒(正确答案)D.严禁船员服用可能导致不能安全值班的药物7、按照我国现行船舶登记条例的规定,下列哪种船舶不能予以登记________。

[单选题] *A.主要营业所在境外的企业法人的船舶(正确答案)B.主要营业所在我国境内的企业法人的船舶C.我国政府公务船和事业法人的船舶D.在我国境内有住所的我国公民个人的船舶8、船舶所有权登记证书长期有效,除非________。





















一.单项选择题1. ________ any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease,or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered,the local quarantine officer must be notified immediately.A.If B.Shall C.Should D.Whether2. ________ is named as tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic.A.Typhoon B.Hurricane C.Baguio D.Willy-willy3. ________ shall be liable for loss of and damage to the vessel and/or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description,quantity,weight,measurement or contents.A.The Shipowner B.The Merchant C.The Carrier D.Both the Merchant and the Carrier4. ________ the vessel have no safety radiotelegraphy certificate at the time of her delivery,she ________ be held to be unseaworthy.A.If/may B.Will/shall C.Should/would D.Would/should5. A clause in a bill of lading stating that the carrier would not be liable for any damage unless the shipper proved negligence or lack of due diligence on the carrier's part was held to be void because ________A.it shifted the burden of proof from the carrier to the shipperB.it shifted the burden of proof from the shipper to the carrierC.it denied the burden of proofD.it did not specify the burden of proof 6. A note of protest is a declaration made by the Master of a vessel before a notary public.Its purpose is to ________ .A.protest acts of violence or misconduct by the vessel's crew.B.state that damage to cargo or vessel was caused by improper loading or pilferage by others rather than ship's personnel.C.state that the damage to ship,cargo or both was due to the perils of the sea.D.state that the perishable cargo was damaged because of negligence by port authorities or other officials7. A power-driven fishing vessel is underway on the high seas and is not engaged in fishing.Which of the following factors determines what lights she will show?A.Whether she is normally a fishing or a trawling vessel.B.Her gross tonnage.C.Her lengthD.The type of gear she carries8. All masters,owners and agents ________ that vessels when requesting Immigration and Port Health Clearance must anchor at the designated Immigration and Quarantine Anchorage and exhibit the appropriate signals.A.remind B.is reminded C.are reminded D.to remind 9. Ball bearing and glands in the socket of gooseneck to be cleaned,examined,repaired or renewed if necessary.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage plan B.Store list made by Chief Engineer C.Collision Report made by Master D.Repair List10. If you hear a continuous blast of the ship's whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds supplemented by a continuous ringing of the general alarm bells for not less than 10 seconds,you should go to your ________ .A.boat station B.fire station C.man overboard station D.collision station 11. In the event of any quarantinable diseases break out during its currency,this Certificate of Pratique shall become ________ ,and must be surrendered on demand to a quarantine officer.A.void and null B.null and void C.useless D.unusable12. One of the lifeboat's crew managed to pick up a trailing rope and with great difficulty and some damage the ship's boat was drawn from a position under the flare of the lifeboat's bow until off her starboard quarter. This means that ________ .A.the lifeboat was taken to the starboard quarter of the ship's boatB.the lifeboat is the same boat as the ship's boatC.it was very difficult to savage the boat in distress,but it was doneD.The ship's boat was assisting the life boat to survive13. The Chief and 3rd Engineers went below,changed the fuel to diesel oil and reduced the engine to slow ahead.This sentence implies all those below except that ________ .A.the Engine was not on slow ahead before Chief and 3rd Engineers went downB.the Engine was using diesel oil before Chief and 3rd Engineers went downC.the Engine was using fuel oil before Chief and 3rd Engineers went downD.the Chief and 3rd Engineers went into the Engine Room to operate the Engine14. The Coxswain made his approach from windward and one of his crew threw a line to the boat but the survivors were unable to help themselves .A.did not help each other to catch the line B.did not like to help each other to catch the lineC.could not do anything to catch the line D.had no interests to catch the line15. The declaration made by the shipper,if embodied in the bill of lading,is ________ evidence,but is not binding or conclusive on the carrier.A.absolute B.important C.decisive D.prima facie 16. The derrick to be laid down on deck,cargo blocks,span tackles,guide rollers and all moving parts of derrick to be dismantled,cleaned and greased with special grease.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage plan B.Store list made by Chief Engineer C.Collision Report made by Master D.Repair List17. The dew point of the air in the ship's hold is to:Ⅰ.Be kept below the temperature of the cargo to prevent cargo sweat.Ⅱ.Be kept above the temperature of the hull and bulkheads to prevent ship's sweat.A.Ⅰ only B.Ⅱ only C.Both Ⅰand ⅡD.Neither Ⅰ nor Ⅱ18. The Shipowner is under a duty to ________ the vessel to the port of loading even though it is impossible for her to get there by the canceling date.A.mend B.bend C.rend D.send 19. The tentative cargo plan ________ .A.eliminates confusion with the final stowage planB.shows the approximate amount of cargo to be loaded in each holdC.expedites the total operationD.requires an unproportional number of gang hours of work to discharge the cargo20. The term Away From in the preparation of stowage plan for dangerous cargoes means that ________ .A.the cargoes shall be stowed in such positions that their vertical distances be greater than 3 metersB.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartmentsC.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete compartmentD.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete hold21. Turning accessories on the posts to be dismantled,examined,cleaned,greased,repaired if necessary and refitted.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage plan B.Store list made by Chief Engineer C.Collision Report made by Master D.Repair List22. Where there has been delay in carrying goods,the measure of damages ________ generally the difference between the market value of the goods at the time when they ought to have been delivered and the time when they were in fact delivered.A.have B.has C.are D.is23. Where there has been unjustifiable deviation,the Shipowner can not claim the contractual rate of freight payable under the charter-party,but may ________ to a reasonable sum if the goods are carried to their destination safely.A.entitle B.be entitled C.be entitling D.entitles 24. ________ :The main center-line structural member,running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship,sometimes referred to as the backbone.A.Frame B.Deckbeam C.Stringer D.Keel 25. ________ means a document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier,and by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surround of the document.A.Bill of lading B.Bill of exchange C.Mate's receipt D.Manifest26. Bottom stowage on board a ship is usually given to ________ .A.dry cargoes B.heavy cargoesC.delicate cargoes D.the cargoes bound for the first port of call27. Cargo contaminated due to failure to provide clean holds prior to loading is an example of ________ .A.Lack of due diligence B.Restraint of princesC.Inherent vice D.Latent defect28. Chain slings are suitable for heavy slender articles,such as ________ .A.timber or steel rails B.locomotives or boilersC.railway passenger coaches D.motor vehicles29. Chemical Tankers are generally referred to the cargo ships constructed or adapted and used for the carriage of ________ .A.liquid chemicals in bulk B.solid chemicals in bulkC.chemicals in bulk D.cargoes in bulk30. Cross curves of stability show which of the following?A.The righting arms at various angles of inclination and displacement.B.The metacentric height at large angles of heel.C.The height of the center of buoyancy at various angles.D.The metacentric radius at various displacements31. Dangerous goods of packaged form and solid form are classified into nine classes according to their ________ .A.package forms B.natures C.physical properties D.chemical properties 32. Deadweight is ________ .A.the tonnes of the displacement of a vessel in water of a specific gravity of 1.025 at summer load water line.B.the difference in tonnes between the displacement in salt water at summer load waterline and the light weight of the vessel.C.the cargoes in tonnes that can be loaded in a vessel at summer load water line.D.the bale capacity in cubic meters of a vessel33. During loading or discharging,where the delay is due to the Shipowner's fault,or that of his servants or agents acting within their authority,the time actually delayed is to be ________ in calculating lay days.A.precluded B.included C.excluded D.diluted34. During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel________ heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course.A.moved B.labored C.drived D.went35. Even if the Shipowner is liable for the loss of or damage to the goods whilst in his custody,his ________ may have been limited by a clause in the contract or by statute,so that the owner of the cargo will be unable to recover the full amount of his loss.A.liberty B.liability C.possibility D.reasonability 36. From ________ the information concerning the tons per inch or centimeter immersion of a vessel shall be usually found.A.Stability Curve B.Deadweight ScaleC.Table of Azimuth D.Freeboard Assignment37. Goods of an inflammable,explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier,master or agent of the carrier,has not consented,with knowledge of their nature and character,may at any time before discharge,________ at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation.A.be handed B.be landed C.be mended D.be tended 38. Packages containing dangerous goods shall be durably marked with ________ .A.trade name B.conventional name C.proper shipping name D.export name 39. The cargo shall be loaded and discharged within the number of total running hours as indicated,weather permitting,Sundays and holidays excepted,unless used,in which event time actually used should count.This sentence says that ________ .A.raining hours shall be included in laytimeB.if Sundays and holidays are actually used for loading or discharging,they shall be included in laytimeC.laytime shall never include Sundays and holidaysD.on no account shall Sundays and holidays be included in laytime40. Gas Carriers are generally referred to the cargo ships constructed or adapted and used for the carriage of ________ .A.LNG in bulk B.LNG &LPG in bulkC.LPG in bulk D.LNG &LPG and other liquefied gas products41. ________ are published for correction of Admiralty Charts.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of SignalsC.Mariner's Handbook D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners42. ________ are to be used for dunnage if you load rice.A.Wooden planks B.Rush mats C.Steel bars D.Wooden planks and rush mats 43. ________ at 53N3 127E4 moving ely 12 kts with cold front from center passing 51N3 126E1 to 51N2 125E4 and warm front from 46N1 128E2 passing 40N2 125E2.A.Low 1002 HPA B.Low 1045 HPA C.High 1002 HPA D.High 1045 HPA44. ________ causes strong winds and rough sea at northwest Bay of Biscay.A.Strong low pressure B.Strong high pressureC.Steep pressure gradient D.Steep gradient pressure中国海事服务中心试卷25904 第3页共5页45. ________ is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure.A.Barometer B.Thermometer C.Chronometer D.Speedometer46. SWEEP INT on radar panel is the abbreviation of ________ .A.sweep introduction B.sweep interest C.sweep intention D.sweep intensity 47. Uncharted lights and radar beacon transmissions may be ________ near the station.A.encountered B.met C.contacted D.seen48. If a void occurs in the cargo hold,it is better to ________ to control the broken stowage.A.brace it with dunnage B.cover it with large piecesC.fill it with small pieces D.leave it as it is49. If obliged to cross traffic lanes,a vessel shall do so on a heading as nearly as practicable________ to the general direction of traffic flow.A.at small angle B.at large angleC.at right angle D.in same direction as50. If the acquisition symbol flashes three times when acquisition is attempted,it may be possible that the acquisition symbol ________ over the navigation mark.A.is not positioned properly B.is not a fixed positionC.is not at a position fixed D.is a wrong position51. If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot's actions,or intentions,he should________ .A.notify the Captain late B.seek clarification from the pilotC.take action by his own judgment D.cease the duty of pilot's at once52. If you hear a continuous blast of the ship's whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds supplemented by a continuous ringing of the general alarm bells for not less than 10 seconds,you should go to your ________ .A.boat station B.fire stationC.man overboard station D.collision station53. In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be over-taken has to take action to permit safe passing,the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding appropriate signal.This means that ________ .A.the vessel to be overtaken shall sound appropriate signal firstB.the overtaking vessel shall sound appropriate signal firstC.the overtaking vessel shall take action to permit safe passingD.the vessel to be overtaken shall take action to permit safe passing before hearing appropriate signal 54. In a weather report GMT stands for ________ .A.Greenwich Mean Time B.Local Mean TimeC.General Cargo D.General Average55. In anchoring orders,Up and down means ________ .A.the chain is not upright B.the chain is tightC.the chain is upright D.the chain is slack56. In Beaufort Scale,the wind force 7 with speed of 28-33 knots is defined as ________ .A.Moderate gale B.Near gale C.Strong gale D.Whole gale 57. In dense fog a vessel without operational radar may not be justified ________ at all but should anchor if it is safe and practicable for her to do so.A.to be underway B.on under way conditionC.to stop engine D.in being under way58. In determining a safe speed ________ shall not be among those taken into account.A.the state of visibility B.the power of the vesselC.the traffic density D.the maneuverability of the vessel59. In determining if risk of collision exists,such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident,particularly when approaching ________ .A.very large vessel B.a long tow C.a vessel at close range D.all A,B and C 60. In radar plotting CPA is the abbreviation of ________ .A.closest point to approach B.close point to approachC.crossing point to approach D.coming point to approach61. In restricted visibility the speed of a vessel without operational radar may be ________ enable effective avoiding action to be taken on sighting another ship.A.too low to B.too high to C.too high for D.too low for62. In revised editions of Admiralty charts the ________ are corrected first.A.smaller scales B.larger scales C.smaller scales and larger scales D.moderate scales63. INTERTROPICAL CONVERGENCE ZONE OVER SOUTH PHILIPPINE PASSING OVER MINDANAO NORTHERN SULU AND PALAWAN.This paragraph is likely to be under the heading of ________ .A.GALE WARNING B.24 HRS FORECAST C.SYNOPSIS D.STORM WARNING64. It is essential for ________ to give a complete description of damage and shortage in the discharging report.A.the office staff B.the terminal staff C.the ship's crew D.the insurance company65. Keep ________ between the passing vessels.A.well areas B.good clear C.water spaces D.ample room66. Large vessel leaving.Keep clear ________ approach channel.A.off B.reach C.from D.of67. Making water rapidly in all holds,all passengers and crew were ordered on deck________ and all boats were lowered to rail.A.in life jackets B.with life jackets C.with life jackets on D.putting on life jackets68. Midships refers to rudder to be held ________ .A.in position to starboard B.in position to portC.in position to anywhere D.in position fore and aft二.关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:If,by reason of or in compliance with any such directions or recommendations,the vessel does not proceed to the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which she may have been ordered pursuant thereto,the Vessel may proceed to any port as directed or recommended or to any safe port which the Owners in their discretion may decide on and there discharge the cargo.Such discharge shall be deemed to be due fulfillment of the contract of affreightment and the Owners shall be entitled to freight as if discharge had been effected at the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which the Vessel may have been ordered pursuant thereto.69. If the vessel does not, under the directions of the Charterer, proceed to the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which she may have been ordered pursuant thereto to, she may proceed to all the following ports except ______ .A.any port as directedB.any port as recommendedC.any safe port which the Owners in their discretion may decide onD.the port or ports of origin70. At the substituted port, the carrier is entitled to ______ freight if he had dilivered full cargo there.A.full freightB. half freightC. no freightD. reasonable freight71. The contract of affreightment is referred to ______ .A. a contract of carriage by which the carrier is entitled to carry certain amount of cargo in aspecified time by any vessel or vessels either belonging to himself or to othersB. a contract of carriage, such as GenconC. a contract of tradeD. a contract of sales72. This is a ______ .A. a clause of a contractB. an explanation of a clause in a contractC. a requirement from a governmentD. an article of an international convention第二组:What advantages does the eye have over the radar ?The eye has the following advantages:ReliableSensitive to colorCan assess headingCan identify small targetsCan see light configurationsCan assess ship typesCan identify conspicuous marksCan identify flashing lightsHas better discriminationCan see changing weather patternsCan see effect of sea on vesselNot affected by blind arcs (if observer moves).73. BLIND ARCS mean ______ .A. the arcs from which one can not see certain objectsB. the arcs which are blindC. the black arcsD. the arcs from which one can see certain objects74. DISCRIMINATION means the ______ .A. provisionB. dimensionC. distinctionD. permission75. The eye is more ______ than radar.A. distinguishableB. reasonableC. controllableD. reliable76. This paragraph is a ______ .A. a clause of a contractB. an explanation of advantage of eyes over radarC. a requirement from a governmentD. an article of Colreg三.中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77.先生们:兹告知,我轮无线电发射机因损坏而需修理。

















船舶驾驶与管理试卷(4)1. 舵角的大小,影响舵效,一般来说, 舵效越好。

[单选题] *A. 舵角越大B. 舵角越小C. 舵角在某个极限值内,舵角越大(正确答案)D. 舵角达到90度时2. 船舶旋回运动中,船舶重心处的反移量达到船宽。

[单选题] *A. 1∕3B. 1∕2(正确答案)C. 3∕4D. 1倍3. 船舶装载不合理,重物装在高处时,将使初稳性高度(GM) ,在旋回运动中 [单选题] *A. 增大∕加大B. 增大∕减小C. 减小∕加大(正确答案)D. 减小∕减小4. 船舶在深水航道中航行的停车冲程在浅水航道中航行的停车冲程。

[单选题] *A. 大于(正确答案)B. 小于C. 等于D. 有时大于,有时小于5. 船舶逆流回转的纵距静水回转的纵距。

[单选题] *A. 等于B. 小于(正确答案)C. 大于D. 有时小于,有时大于6. 船在浅水区中航行,下述不正确的是。

[单选题] *A. 船速下降B. 船体下沉和纵倾C. 舵效差,转向不灵D. 首向浅水一侧偏转(正确答案)7. 两船并列行驶时,船吸作用影响是。

[单选题] *A. 船速越高越明显(正确答案)B. 两船吃水越大影响越小C. 两船速度差越小影响越小D. 船速越慢越明显8. 单锚泊时,锚的总抓力是:①锚爪抓力②卧底锚链与河床底的摩擦力③悬垂锚链的重力④锚爪的重量 [单选题] *A. ①B. ①+②(正确答案)C. ①+②+③D. ①+②+③+④9. 在风、流影响相互不一致时,船舶抛锚时应。

[单选题] *A. 主要服从于流B. 主要服从于风C. 结合本船情况,考虑影响较大的一方(正确答案)D. 按无风、流的情况处理10. 减少单锚泊偏荡的最有效、最常用的方法是。

[单选题] *A. 松长锚链B. 抛止荡锚(正确答案)C. 增加尾倾D. 采用车舵11. 河床底质不良,不能充分发挥锚的抓力,是引起走锚的主要原因之一。

锚地最佳底质为: [单选题] *A. 泥沙底(正确答案)B. 软乱石底C. 卵石底D. 石底12. 若发现本船在走锚,首先应。





























A.平面舱壁和槽形舱壁 B.横骨架式和纵骨架式C.水密和非水密 D.平面轻舱壁和压筋围壁答案:D10.首端受力主要有。


A.500mm B.600mm C.650mm D.700mm答案:B12.为减小首尖舱内压载水的晃动,设置。







海员模拟驾驶考试题及答案一、单选题1. 船舶在航行中遇到紧急情况需要立即停车时,应如何操作?A. 立即全速倒车B. 逐渐降低速度C. 立即使用紧急停车按钮D. 立即关闭发动机答案:C2. 根据国际海事组织规定,船舶在海上航行时,应保持多少海里以上的安全距离?A. 1海里B. 2海里C. 3海里D. 4海里答案:B3. 船舶在夜间航行时,应使用什么颜色的灯光?A. 白色B. 红色C. 绿色D. 黄色答案:A二、多选题4. 船舶在海上遇到恶劣天气时,应采取哪些措施?A. 减速航行B. 改变航线C. 增加船员值班D. 立即靠岸答案:A, B, C5. 船舶在进行货物装卸作业时,需要注意哪些事项?A. 确保货物平衡B. 遵守装卸作业规程C. 检查货物的绑扎情况D. 随时准备应急措施答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题6. 船舶在航行中,船长有权根据情况决定是否进行紧急避让。

答案:正确7. 船舶在海上发生碰撞事故后,应立即向最近的海事局报告。

答案:正确8. 船舶在夜间航行时,可以使用任何颜色的灯光。

答案:错误四、简答题9. 请简述船舶在海上遇到火灾时的应急程序。


10. 船舶在航行中如何避免与其他船舶发生碰撞?答案:船舶在航行中应保持高度警觉,使用雷达和视觉观察来监测周围水域,遵守国际海上避碰规则,与其他船舶保持安全距离,必要时进行避让操作,确保航行安全。



















1. 在船舶上发生火灾时,船员的首要任务是什么?

2. 船舶在航行过程中发生无线电通信故障时,应该采取哪些措施?

3. 恶劣的天气和海况下,船舶如何保持稳定?

4. 船舶突遇海难时,船员应该怎样进行求生行动?

1. 火灾发生时,船员的首要任务是立即向船长报告,并启动火警应急程序。

2. 在航行过程中发生无线电通信故障时,应该尽快报告船长,并按照船舶通信故障应急程序进行处理。

3. 恶劣的天气和海况下,船舶应调整舵角和船速,保持稳定的航行姿态。

4. 船舶突遇海难时,船员应该佩戴救生衣,尽快登上救生艇,并按照救生艇使用手册进行操作。

100. 题目100的答案。




船舶管理模拟考试考卷2013.0061.船舶报警系统包括:①警钟铃组系统;②自动监测系统;③火灾报警系统(答案:D)A.① B .② C .③ D.①②③2.警钟安装地点和数量应该是:(答案:D)A.使旅客能听到钟声 B .使机舱人员能听到钟声 C .使客舱及机组人员能听到钟声 D.使全船凡是人所能到达的地方能听到钟声3.通常情况下,表示船舶载货重量能力大小的指标是:(答案:A)A.净载重量NDW B .满载排水量 C .总吨位GT D.总载重量DW4.以下有关船舶载货能力说法,正确的是:①船舶载货能力是指具体航次所能装载货物重量的最大限额;②船舶载货能力是指在具体航次所能承担运输货物的品种和数量;③船舶载货能力是指具体航次装载货物的可能条件和数量的最大限额(答案:D)A.① B .② C .③ D.②或③5.红丹是一种______ ,属铅氧化物的碱性颜料。

(答案:A)A.桔红色的粉末 B .暗红色的粉末 C .暗红色的粉末 D.红褐色的粉末6.在船上沥青漆多用于涂刷:①货舱;②锚;③锚链;④烟囱;⑤锚链舱;⑥锚机(答案:C )A.①②③④ B .①③④⑤ C .①②③⑤ D.②③⑤⑥7.积载工作好坏会关系到:①船体强度;②船舶性能;③货物损坏;④合理的装载程序;⑤堆装工艺。

(答案:C )A.①②③④ B .①②④⑤ C .①②③④⑤ D.①③④⑤8.船舶装货时,应合理安排货物配舱的先后顺序:(答案:C )A.先近港后远港,先底舱后二层舱 B .先远港后近港,先二舱后底层舱 C .先远港后近港,先底舱后二层舱 D.先近港后远港,先二舱后底层舱9.船舶在纠正导致海事管理机构采取____处理措施之一的缺陷后,应当向海事管理机构申请复查。

①滞留②限制船舶操作③驱逐船舶出港④禁止船舶进港(答案:B )A.①②③ B .①②③④ C .①③④ D.①③④10.经海事管理机构检查的中国籍船舶,自检查完毕之日起六个月内不再进行检查,但下列船舶除外:①客货船②油船③新发现存在若干缺陷的船舶④依选船标准核算具有较高安全风险指数的船舶(答案:A)A.②③④ B .①②③ C .①③④ D.①②③④11.依据《船舶安全检查规则》,下列哪些船舶不受6 个月不再检查的限制?①新发现存在若干缺陷的船舶②被举报低于标准的船舶③油船④内河客船(答案:B )A.①~④ B .①~③ C .①③④ D.①②④12.执行进水抢险工作人员,由______ 指定,不必全体船员参加。



中华人民共和国海事局2000年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第25期)科目:航海英语试卷代号:905适用对象:沿海航区船舶二、三副(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B 铅笔涂黑。


一.单项选择题二.关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:The steering system works on the principle of a control system. When steady the system is stableWhen the helmsman puts on,say,10 degree of starboard rudder the signal is sent to the steering gear and to an additional piece of equipment called the hunting gear.This detects when the rudder is situated 10 degree to starboard and feeds back this information to thesteering motor which stops turning the rudder. Without the feedback or corrective mechanism provided by the hunting gear the rudder would be uncontrollable.69. The steering system works on the principle of ______ .A. a mechanismB. a steering motorC. a controlsystem D. a hunting gear70. With the feedback mechanism provided by the hunting gear the rudder is ______ .A. controllableB. uncontrollableC. stableD. additional71. When steady the system is ______ .A. stableB. uncontrolableC. additionalD. controllable72. This passage is about ______ .A. seamanshipB. the control of steering gearC. nautical informationD. the navigation第二组:What advantages does the eye have over the radar ?The eye has the following advantages:ReliableCan assess ship typesCan identify conspicuous marksCan identify flashing lightsHas better discriminationCan see changing weather patternsCan see effect of sea on vesselNot affected by blind arcs (if observer moves).73. BLIND ARCS mean ______ .A. the arcs from which one can not see certain objectsB. the arcs which are blindC. the arcs from which one can see certain objectsD. the black arcs74. WEATHER means “ ______ “.A. ifB. providedC. climateD. fine and clear75. The eye is more ______ than radar.A. distinguishableB. reasonableC.controllable D. reliable76. This paragraph is ______ .A. a clause of a contractB. an explanation of advantage of eyes over radarC. a requirement from a governmentD. an article of Colreg三.中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77. 船舶不得在分道通航制区域内抛锚。



一、选择题1. 在排水量相同的条件下,船舶采用巡洋舰尾的优点是:( )。

A. 保护桨和舵B. 提高稳性C. 提高推进效率D. 改善快速性2. 侧推器的使用是海船动力装置的发展趋势之一,船上设侧推器不能起到的作用是: ( )。

A. 可减少主机起动次数B. 可减少主机换向次数C. 延长主机寿命D. 提高动力装置的经济性3.( )是属于按推进器型式分类的船舶。

A. 帆船B. 水翼船C. 渡船D. 明轮4. 保证船体横向强度的构件是:( )。

A. 肋骨,肋板,横梁B. 强力甲板,龙骨和舭肘板C. 舭龙骨,舭肋骨D. 船底板,纵骨和横梁5. 船体强度包括:( )。

Ⅰ、纵向强度Ⅱ、横向强度Ⅲ、局部强度Ⅳ、扭转强度Ⅴ、中垂强度Ⅵ、中拱强度A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣB. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+ⅥC. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅵ6. 在横骨架式舷侧结构中装设强肋骨是为了:( )。

A. 提高总纵强度B. 提高扭转强度C. 保证横向强度D. 局部加强7. 船体中拱时,甲板受到______,船底受到______( )。

A. 拉应力/拉应力B. 压应力/压应力C. 拉应力/压应力D. 压应力/拉应力8. 中机型货船满载航行遇到波浪时,最可能会发生:( )。

A. 中拱弯曲变形B. 中垂弯曲变形C. 扭曲变形D. 严重振动9. 船舶在海上遇到“标准波”时,当船舶处于( )状态时,浮力的分布对船体总纵强度是最不利的。

A. 船中位于波峰B. 船中位于波谷C. 波峰位于1/4船长处D. 船中位于波峰或船中位于波谷10. 以下关于船的总纵弯曲力矩、剪力的说法中,不正确的是: ( )。

A. 在船的最大弯曲力矩处其剪力值等于零B. 每一条船舶有一个可以确定的最大弯曲力矩值和剪力值C. 船体总纵弯曲应力的大小沿着船长方向是成线性分布的D. 最大的剪力位于距首尾两端大约1/4船长附近11.甲板所受的总纵弯曲应力比船底所受的弯曲应力: ( )。

A. 大B. 小C. 一样D. 大小不定12.手动滑动门属___水密门,当船舶正浮时,用手动将其关闭所需时间应不超过____秒。



船舶驾驶与管理试题1. 同一满载船舶,下列情况下舵效最好。

[单选题] *A. 平吃水B. 适当首倾C. 适当尾倾(正确答案)D. 横倾2. 船舶旋回运动的三个阶段是。

[单选题] *A. 机动阶段、渐变阶段和稳定阶段(正确答案)B. 机动阶段、转舵阶段和定常旋回阶段C. 机动阶段、变化阶段或过渡阶段D. 机动阶段、圆航阶段或定常旋回阶段3. 船舶装载不合理,重物装在高处时,将使初稳性高度(GM) ,在旋回运动中 [单选题] *A. 增大∕加大B. 增大∕减小C. 减小∕加大(正确答案)D. 减小∕减小4. 船舶由全速前进改为全速倒车时的船舶的冲程,称为 ,它是操纵船舶的重要数据。

[单选题] *A. 停车冲程B. 倒车冲程C. 最短停船距离D. 最小冲程(正确答案)5. 船舶在顺流航行时,船舶冲程静水时的冲程,因此停船时应停车。

[单选题] *A. 小于,延迟B. 小于,提前C. 大于,提前(正确答案)D. 大于,延迟6. 浅水对船舶操纵性能的影响表现为。

[单选题] *A. 旋回性变好、航向稳定性变差B. 旋回性变好、航向稳定性变好C. 旋回性变差、航向稳定性变好(正确答案)D. 旋回性变差、航向稳定性变差7. 会直接产生船吸作用的两船间距。

[单选题] *A. 两船船长之和的一半B. 小于两船船长之和(正确答案)C. 小于两船船长之和的2倍D. 小于两船船长之和的3倍8. 单锚泊时,锚的总抓力是:①锚爪抓力②卧底锚链与河床底的摩擦力③悬垂锚链的重力④锚爪的重量 [单选题] *A. ①B. ①+②(正确答案)C. ①+②+③D. ①+②+③+④9. 绞锚过程中,负荷加大, 时,应特别注意放慢绞进速度。

[单选题] *A. 刚开始B. 锚链刚拉直C. 锚链刚垂直(正确答案)D. 锚离底10. 在大风浪中的锚泊船,船舶偏荡运动速度和摆幅大的船是。

①空载船②满载船③驾驶台在船首或船中的船④驾驶台在船尾的船 [单选题] *A. ①③(正确答案)B. ①④C. ②③D. ②④11. 抛出一定链长的单锚泊船,当外力增大时,该船的锚泊力将。



中华人民共和国海事局2000年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第25期)科目:航海气象学与海洋学(93) 试卷代号:932适用对象:无限航区3000总吨及以上船舶二副/三副(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应的位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。



A.绝对稳定B.绝对不稳定C.条件性不稳定 D. ABC都错2.统计表明,我国沿海地区年平均大风(≥8级)日数。

A. 东海沿岸最少B.南海沿岸次之C. 黄、渤海沿岸最多D. ABC都错3.锋面雾产生的典型部位是。

A. 暖锋前B. 暖锋后C. 第一型冷锋前D. 第二型冷锋后4.JMH西北太平洋海浪分析图的图名标题为。

A. TWASB. FUASC. AWPND. FWPN5.850hPa等压面的平均高度约为。

A. 1500mB. 3000mC. 5500mD. 7000m6.在无流海域风速为10m/s时,冰山的移速约为。

A.0.2m/s B.2.0m/s C.5.0m/s D.10.0m/s7.当高潮发生后,海面有一段时间停止升降的现象称为。


A. 北半球: 冰洋气团、极地气团、热带气团、赤道气团B. 南半球: 赤道气团、热带气团、极地气团、冰洋气团C. AB都对D. AB都错9.北半球当暖锋过境时,通常真风向将由。

A.东~东南风转南~西南风 B. 南~西南风转北~西北风C. 北~西北风转南~西南风D. 东~东北风转北~西北风10.波浪分析图上的等波高线是指。


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