She finished doing all the exercises ______________________mistakes.(2)当老师开始喊我的名字时,我的心跳很快。
When the teacher started to call out my name, my heart ______________________so quickly. (3)在1968年4月4日,马丁•路德•金博士被杀害了。
On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King______________________.(4)大雨正敲打着窗子,我害怕极了。
The heavy rain was the windows, and I was afraid very much. (5)凌晨3点,当风儿逐渐减弱时,我终于睡着了。
When the wind was at around 3:00 a.m., I finally fell asleep.(6)尽管大风把许多东西弄得支离破碎,但是它让邻居们更紧密地联系在一起。
Although the wind many things , it brought neighbors closer together. (7)她一直默默地准备数学考试。
She was preparing for the math exam______________________.(8)昨晚我给你多次打电话。
你为什么没接呢?I called you many times last night. Why didn't you the phone?(9)暴风雨过后,到处都是落叶、破窗和垃圾。
After the rainstorm, leaves, window and rubbish were everywhere. (10)尽管天下着大雨,但是他仍然艰难地奔向学校。
Although his grandma died years ago, he _________ _________ _________ her at this time of year.2.数千年来,无锡以鱼米之乡著称。
Wuxi has___________ ___________ ___________its fish and rice for thousands of years.3.我们这个团队是由来自不同领域的优秀成员组成的。
Our team _____________________________________excellent members from different areas. 4. 那位已婚男子来上海两年了。
The married man ___________________________________Shanghai for two years.5.我父母去广州出差了。
My parents _____________________Guangzhou _____________. I am alone at home these days. 答案1. can’t stop missing2. been famous for3. is made up of4. has been in5. has gone to; on business(B)1.那个男孩睡着多久了?How long _____________________________________________________________?2.如今,人们习惯于通过微信来保持彼此间的联系。
Now people ___________________________________________with each other through Wechat.3.我们在看《猫和老鼠》时忍不住一直大笑。
(2016江苏扬州)七、书面表达(计30分)A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在横线上。
76. 我正在计划怎样度过这个假期。
________________________________________________________________________77. 在做这项工作前,他们有必要接受培训。
________________________________________________________________________78. 我妈妈离开家的时候忘记关灯了。
________________________________________________________________________79. 上周,他被选中在那部电影中主演一名警察。
________________________________________________________________________80. 沿着这条路走,你就会看到银行在你的左边。
________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】76. I am planning how to spend this holiday/vacation. / I am planning how I will spend this holiday/vacation.77. It is necessary for them to receive training before doing the task.78. My mother/mum/mom forgot to turn off the lights when she left home.79. Last week, he was chosen to play the lead role of a policeman in that film/movie.80. Walk along/down this road, you’ll see the bank on your left.(2016江苏苏州)第五部分句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。
八年级下册英语复习(翻译专练)Unit 1 What’s the matter?课本内容:1.怎么了?________________________________________________________ 2.我胃痛.________________________________________________________ 3.我应该做什么?________________________________________________________ 4.我应该量一下体温吗?_________________________________________________________ 5.你需要远离电脑休息一下.__________________________________________________________ 6.我觉得你应该躺下来休息一下.__________________________________________________________ 7.如果明天你的头和肚子仍然还很疼的话,那就去看医生吧.__________________________________________________________ 8.那位司机看到一位老正躺在马路的一边.__________________________________________________________ 9.他下了车,问那个女人发生了什么事情.__________________________________________________________ 10.多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命.__________________________________________________________ 11.怀特先生是一位对登山很感兴趣的美国人.__________________________________________________________ 12.作为一名登山者,怀特先生已习惯冒险.__________________________________________________________ 13.有很多次,怀特先生差点因为意外丢掉性命.__________________________________________________________ 14.然后他用左手包扎了伤口,这样不至于失血过多.__________________________________________________________ 15.在推动手臂之后,他写一本叫<生死两难>的书.__________________________________________________________ 16.他对登山极度热爱,甚至在此次断臂经历之后他仍然继续攀爬.__________________________________________________________ 课外应用17.昨天晚上你量体温了吗?__________________________________________________________ 18.出乎我们的意料,她今天早上迟到了.__________________________________________________________ 19.昨天晚上我妈妈同意带我去博物馆.__________________________________________________________ 20.他跌倒了,伤到了膝盖.__________________________________________________________ 21.由于你的帮助,我考试及格了.__________________________________________________________ 22.刚才我看到Lisa正在过马路.__________________________________________________________ 23.如果明天下雨,我们会待在家里.__________________________________________________________ 24.不要期待他给你打电话,他需要远离电脑休息一下.__________________________________________________________ 25.老师走进教室,问我们发生了什么事情.__________________________________________________________ 26.他在骑自行车时伤到了自己.__________________________________________________________ 27.他最好不要冒险.__________________________________________________________ 28.他在一次事故中被切断了手指.__________________________________________________________ 29.他从房间里出来,看到门口有一条狗.__________________________________________________________ 30.我妈妈总是为我作出决定.__________________________________________________________31.躺在床上直到你感觉好点.__________________________________________________________ 32.令我惊奇的是工作在两周之内就完成了.__________________________________________________________ 33.让我们马上就去,不然就太晚了.__________________________________________________________ 34.多亏了有个好老师,George通过了考试.__________________________________________________________ 35.让我给你量一下体温.__________________________________________________________ 36.考虑一下怎样把这个好消息告诉她.__________________________________________________________ 37.如果我们用完了水,应该怎么办?__________________________________________________________ 38.如果你不认识这个单词,可以在词典中查找它.__________________________________________________________ 39.在你的练习本上写下它们.__________________________________________________________ 40.王莹似乎改乎了很多.__________________________________________________________ 41.我们都对流行音乐感兴趣.__________________________________________________________ 42.令我惊讶的是,他赢得了演讲比赛.__________________________________________________________Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 课本内容:1.我希望能出去工作.________________________________________________________ 2.你可以帮助打扫城市公园.__________________________________________________________ 3.我想学习更多关于如何照顾动物的知识.4.当我看到动物们渐好,看到他们主人脸上高兴的表情时,我产生了那么一种强烈的满足感来.__________________________________________________________5.我想感谢你把钱给”动物助手”.__________________________________________________________6.我确定你知道这个团体是为帮助像我一样的残疾人而设立的.__________________________________________________________7.你帮助我,使我拥有Lucky成为可能.__________________________________________________________课外应用8.他正在张贴演唱会的海报.__________________________________________________________9.你们是怎样为慈善机构募集钱的?__________________________________________________________10.总有一天我会回来的.__________________________________________________________11.我希望你的梦想能够实现.__________________________________________________________12.他们同时到达了终点线.__________________________________________________________13.老师要我们先制定计划.__________________________________________________________14.他是一个很友善的人,人人都喜欢他.__________________________________________________________15.谢谢你帮我做家务.__________________________________________________________16.莉莉说她有能力自己完成这项工作.__________________________________________________________17.他有很多业余爱好,比如画画.__________________________________________________________18.那个女士钱包丢了,她马上报了警.19.我的观点和你的相似.__________________________________________________________ 20.那们教授对我的生活产生了影响.__________________________________________________________ 21.我的能力将会使我实现梦想成为可能.__________________________________________________________ 22.我爸爸过去经常开车去上班,但现在坐公共汽车了.__________________________________________________________ 23.他看起来很仕宦.让我们高潮让他振作起来吧.__________________________________________________________ 24.昨天他们推迟会议了吗?__________________________________________________________ 25.他们同时到达了山顶.__________________________________________________________ 26.请告诉我如何解答这道数学题.__________________________________________________________ 27.请马上回答我的问题.__________________________________________________________ 28.露西已经把钱花完了.__________________________________________________________ 29.我很乐意帮你解决难题.__________________________________________________________ 30.他们可以制作一些标志张贴在学校各处.__________________________________________________________ 31.这些衣服太丑了,我想要一些漂亮的.__________________________________________________________ 32.我们的建议帮助他们解决了这个问题.__________________________________________________________ 33.宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能.__________________________________________________________Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 课本内容:1.请你扫扫地,好吗?________________________________________________________2.我能使用你的电脑吗?________________________________________________________3.你不得不打扫你的房间.________________________________________________________4.我不明白为什么一些父母让孩子在家帮助做家务.________________________________________________________5.为了取得好成绩,进入一所好大学,他们应该把他们的时间花在学业上.________________________________________________________6.我觉得对孩子们来说,学会怎样做家务以及帮助父母做家务是很重要的.________________________________________________________课外应用7.起床后,请整理床铺.________________________________________________________8.星期天你在家能帮助你妈妈做家务吗?________________________________________________________9.你能倒一下垃圾吗?________________________________________________________ 10.你想和我一起去看电影吗?________________________________________________________ 11.他们每天起床后都要扫地.________________________________________________________ 12.他没有放弃自己的梦想,结果,他成了一位知名作家.________________________________________________________ 13.昨天晚上他病例了.________________________________________________________ 14.我们是否去野餐将会由天气而定.________________________________________________________ 15.他介意关上窗户吗?________________________________________________________ 16.他的话使我觉得很生气,所以我和他吵了一架.________________________________________________________ 17.我不知道他为什么喜欢乡村音乐.________________________________________________________ 18.上个月,她花费了所有的收入买了衣服.________________________________________________________ 19.我每天帮我妈妈扫地.________________________________________________________ 20.你能把那本书递给我吗?________________________________________________________ 21.我们不能一直依靠我们的父母.________________________________________________________ 22.女孩经常把一些钱花在衣服上.________________________________________________________ 23.我给他打电话,为的是提醒他关于聚会的事情.________________________________________________________ 24.由于下雨他迟到了.________________________________________________________ 25.开始一切都是按计划进行的.________________________________________________________ 26.他把报纸读了一遍,仍找不到关于那次车祸的任何报道.________________________________________________________ 27.你书读得越多,你知道得越多.________________________________________________________ 28.不要担心我.我会照顾她自己的.________________________________________________________Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? 课本内容:1.我有太多家庭作业,所以我没有任何空闲时间做我喜欢的事情.________________________________________________________2.我真的很累,因为我昨天晚上一直学到半夜.________________________________________________________ 3.你今天晚上为什么不早点睡觉?________________________________________________________ 4.他应该给他打电话,为的是你可以道歉.________________________________________________________ 5.尽管她错了,但那没什么大不了的.________________________________________________________ 6.我觉得这不公平.________________________________________________________ 7.我没有足够的空闲时间.________________________________________________________ 8.其他人都在做运动,为的是能够参加并获胜.________________________________________________________ 9.虽然让孩子成功是很正常的,但让孩子们拥有快乐更重要.________________________________________________________ 课外应用10.我希望你能解决这个问题.________________________________________________________ 11.周末我经常和朋友闲逛.________________________________________________________ 12.昨天我哥哥和Tony打了一架.________________________________________________________ 13.我妈妈现在正在浏览报纸.________________________________________________________ 14.我弟弟拒绝和我一起玩,我很生气.________________________________________________________ 15.那个男孩直到妈妈回来才上床睡觉.________________________________________________________ 16.我妈妈允许我做我喜欢的事情.________________________________________________________ 17.老师要我删去第一段.18.我妈妈总是拿我和Lisa作比较.________________________________________________________ 19.让我们做运动吧.________________________________________________________ 20.他花太多时间玩电脑游戏.________________________________________________________ 21.我们应该互相帮助.________________________________________________________ 22.公园里有各种各样的花.________________________________________________________ 23.他努力学习,为的是能够通过考试.________________________________________________________ 24.他们成功地解决了这个问题.________________________________________________________ 25.我今天早上上课迟到了,所以老师生我的气了.________________________________________________________ 26.我姐姐正在和我妈妈用电话聊天.________________________________________________________ 27.他拒绝参加我的生日聚会.我不知道发生了什么事.________________________________________________________ 28.我会阅读更多英文报纸,为的是提高我的阅读技能.________________________________________________________ 29.迈克,你应该多做户外运动而不是整天上网聊天.________________________________________________________ 30.你哪儿不舒服?________________________________________________________ 31.我猜这个婴儿不是男孩.________________________________________________________ 32.尽管她错了,但这不是重要的事.________________________________________________________ 33.房前有一颗大树.34.我正在努力算出答案.________________________________________________________35.作为学生我们不应该互相打架.________________________________________________________36.布朗太太是一位有三个孩子的母亲.________________________________________________________37.他们十分了解语言的力量.________________________________________________________38.当韩国人初次见面时应该做什么?________________________________________________________39.你最好把那个句子删除.________________________________________________________40.在春天,周末孩子们通常放风筝.________________________________________________________41.也许你可以打份兼职工作.________________________________________________________42.别担心,他会尽快圆石煌.________________________________________________________43.安和她的同学们相处得不好.________________________________________________________44.格林太太总是抱怨做太多的家务.________________________________________________________45.我们应该将这封信和那封信比较一下.________________________________________________________Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?课本内容:1.暴风雨来的时候,那个女孩正在做什么事情?________________________________________________________2.当你打电话的时候,我正在洗沐浴。
2021-2022学年八年级下学期英语期中复习题型专练(牛津译林版) 专练04 完成句子(句子翻译)(含解析)一、汉译英01句子翻译:1.正如谚语所说,活到老学到老。
(can't stop doing...)_____________________________________________________________3.在一天的辛苦工作后,我筋疲力尽了。
(be tired out...)_____________________________________________________________4.澳大利亚的季节与我们的相反。
(take action to...)_____________________________________________________________.二、汉译英02将下列句子译成英语。
5.你能通过进行一次在线旅行来实现你的梦想吗?6. 你曾经梦想过拥有你自己的网站吗?7. 昨天对那名网球运动员的采访很成功。
8. 我爸爸去成都出差已有三天。
9. 苏州中学自从很多年前就很有名了。
10. 那个法国作家的经历感动了我们11. 那个著名的法国作家去世三年多了。
12. 你曾经梦想过没有护照就出国吗?13. 当你到北京时,请和我保持联系。
14. 当妈妈离开时,我禁不住哭了。
15. 读书能够帮我们开启一个全新的世界。
参考答案1.He hasn’t decided how to deal with the screen yet.2.This old European country is world-famous for its palaces and castles.3.My parents have been married for ten years.4.When the childre n saw the cartoon characters parade, they couldn’t stop shouting and laughing.5.Can you realize your dream by having an online trip/traveling.6.Have you ever dreamt of owning your own website?7.Yesterday the interview with that tennis player was a great success.8. My father has been in Chengdu on business for three days.9. Jingfan Middle School has been famous since many years ago.10. The French writer’s experience(s) touched us.11. That famous French writer has been dead for more than three years.12. Have you ever dreamed of going abroad without a passport?13. Please keep in touch with me when you get to Beijing .14. I couldn’t stop crying when my mother left.15. Reading can help us open up a new world.16. I have lived in the city since I was born.17. How long has the teacher been away from here?18. Were all the volunteers too tired to walk on yesterday?19. The young man is always dreaming of / about being able to make a lot of money.20. Finally they managed to get to the top of the hill/ mountain.21. She has been away from her hometown since she got married to that writer.22. I think spring is the best time to climb hills.23. Do you keep in touch with each other by e-mail?24. Suzhou has changed a lot over the years.25. When I thought of the difficult problem, I didn’t know who to ask for help.26. His daughter has been away from her hometown for m any years.27. How do you keep in touch with your friends?28. Let us relax ourselves after a busy day.29. It is a good habit to say goodbye to your parents when leaving home.30. Though he was tired out, he managed to finish the work on time.31. How long have you had your watch?32. My mother has to work at weekends from time to time.33. Our class is made up of nineteen girls and twenty-five boys.34. Some children just don’t know to remember new words.35. He borrowed my bicycle yesterday, but hasn’t returned it to me (yet).36. 81. We couldn’t stop laughing when we heard such an interesting story.37. The couple have lived here since they got married.38. --How do you keep in touch with each other? -- We mainly communicate by email.39. Has the teacher told us when to hand in our homework?40. He dreams of travelling around the world without a passport.。
八年级下期汉译英专项练习将下列汉语翻译成英语,注意运用英语的五个基本句型(包括there be 句型)。
1. 不要在学校上课的晚上外出。
2. 会议将持续两个小时。
3. 十年前,在海边的村子里有一位老太太。
4. Mary把钱包给警察了。
5. 每天早晨我们都能听到他朗读英语。
6. 这些是我家的一些照片。
7. 五年前我住在北京。
8. 我父亲已经给我买了一辆自行车。
9. 现在只有28美元了。
10. 他请我们加入到做游戏当中。
11. 你应当努力学习。
12. Lana很生她妹妹的气。
13. 他想让你把原因告诉他。
14. 办公室里肯定有人。
15. Marcia会带一些小吃给她的朋友们。
16. 昨天晚上九点钟他在和他的朋友们讨论他们的计划。
17. 早上门铃响了5分钟。
18. 英语老师教了我们一首英文歌。
19. 她很健康。
20. 今天早上,有一名警察在我的车旁边。
21. 他十五岁就成了一名有名的钢琴家。
22. 这个学期我应经给父母写过三封信了。
23. 我们要使学校变得更美丽。
24. 从那时起我一直在等。
25. 这个城市有欧洲文化的影响。
26. 这件毛衣很新颖。
27. 你应该给他写一封电子邮件。
28. 昨天下午Erin游泳游了两个小时。
29. Eve总是认真地做家庭作业。
30. 河里有三个孩子在游泳。
31. 天气正变得越来越热。
132. 谁知道答案?33. 昨天下午公园里有一场时装秀。
34. 将来我们会飞往月球。
35. 上周六我爸爸给我买了一辆自行车。
36. 每天八点开始上课。
37. 那个时候房里没人。
38. 请把那本字典递给我,好吗?39. Lana昨天很生她朋友的气。
40. 老师让朋友们停止讲话。
41. 明天在我们学校有一场足球比赛。
42. 昨天下午他看见两个男孩在操场上踢足球。
43. 她昨天回家很晚。
44. 奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。
45. 职业运动员也会遇到很多问题。
46. 我父亲在1988年成为了一名医生。
翻译填空(第二期)1、(2016•苏州)As the saying goes,"God helps those who helpthemselves (他们自己)."【考点】翻译填空.【分析】俗话说,"自助者天助之."【解答】答案:themselves 根据题干As the saying goes,"God helps those who help___ (他们自己)."可知句意为:俗话说,"自助者天祝之."themselves,他们自己,反身代词.作help的宾语.故填:themselves.2、(2016•苏州)The artist always expresses (表达) his world view in his works.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】这位艺术家总是在他的作品中表达自己的世界观.【解答】答案:expresses 根据题干The artist always_____ (表达) his world view in his works.可知句意为:这位艺术家总是在他的作品中表达自己的世界观.根据句意和always,可知应该用一般现在时态.express,表达,动词.主语是The artist,第三人称单数.所以谓语动词也应该用第三人称单数形式.故填:expresses.3、(2016•苏州)Although you are young,you can still (仍然) make the world more beautiful in your own way.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】虽然你还年轻,但你仍然可以用自己的方式让世界变得更美丽.【解答】答案:still 根据题干Although you are young,you can_____ (仍然) make the world more beautiful in your own way.可知句意为:虽然你还年轻,但你仍然可以用自己的方式让世界变得更美丽.修饰动词make,应该用副词.still,仍然,副词.故填:still.4、(2016•苏州)Our government has made laws to limit (限制) air and water pollution.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】我国政府已经制定了限制空气和水污染的法律.【解答】答案:limit 根据题干Our government has made laws to_____ (限制) air and water pollution.可知句意为:我国政府已经制定了限制空气和水污染的法律.to+动词原形.limit,限制,动词.故填:limit.5、(2016•青岛)In the USA,people eat with knives (刀) and forks.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】在美国,人们用刀叉吃饭.【解答】答案:knives.并列连词and意为"和,又",表示并列关系,常用来连接表示相同成分的单词、短语或者句子.根据空格后面的单词是forks,是复数名词,所有空格处也需要用复数名词来填空.又根据汉语提示"刀",所以要用knife的复数形式knives来填空.故填knives6、(2016•青岛)I left my book at home.May I borrow yours (你的)?【考点】翻译填空.【分析】我把书忘在家里了.我可以用一下你的书吗?【解答】答案:yours.名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词+名词.因为我的书忘在家里,所以需要借用你的书.空格处需要用一个词来填空,其后不跟名词,所以要用名词性物主代词yours来代替your book.故填yours.7、(2016•安徽)Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to nature (自然).【考点】翻译填空.【分析】玛丽通过接近大自然形成了一种新的生活方式.【解答】答案:nature.句中的get close to表示接近…,to是介词,后加名词代词或动名词,自然nature名词,故答案是nature.8、(2016•安徽)The little girl kisses(亲吻)her mum good night before she goes to bed.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】小女孩上床睡觉前亲吻妈妈说晚安.【解答】答案:kisses.结合句意是说小女孩上床睡觉前亲吻妈妈说晚安.说的是客观事实,用一般现在时,亲吻kiss,动词,主语是the little girl三单,故用kisses,故答案是kisses.9、(2016•安徽)I'm sure(确信的)that our dreams will come true through our efforts.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】我确信通过我们的努力梦想一定会实现.【解答】答案:sure.结合中文意,和前面的be动词,这里用形容词sure确信的,后接that引导的宾语从句.故答案是sure.10、(2016•包头)Their situations are similar to(与…相似)ours,but not exactly the same.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】他们的情况和我们的相似,但不完全相同.【解答】答案:are similar to.这里是说客观事实用一般现在时,表示与…相似用be similiar to,主语是复数Their situations故用are,故答案是are similar to.11、(2016•安徽)This Chinese painting is the greatest work of art(艺术)I have ever seen.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】中国画是我见过的最好的艺术作品.【解答】答案:art.句中of是介词,表示所有格,后加名词代词或动名词,艺术art是名词为不可数名词,故答案是art.12、(2016•包头)Instead ofgiving up(放弃),Stephen Hawking worked even harder to realize his dream.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】斯蒂芬霍金工作更努力去实现梦想,而不是放弃.【解答】答案:giving up.结合前面的instead of表示代替,而不是…of是介词,后加名词代词或动名词,放弃用动词短语give up,give的动名词是giving,故答案是giving up.13、(2016•包头)Everyone can make a difference(产生影响)to the environmental protection in their daily life.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】每个人在日常生活中都会对环境保护产生影响.【解答】答案:make a difference.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"每个人在日常生活中都会对环境保护产生影响.",由设空处放在情态动词can后面判断设空处应填动词原形,提示词"产生影响"是make a difference,所以答案是:make a difference14、(2016•安徽)Frank,take off your wet(湿的)jacket so you don't catch a cold.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】弗兰克,脱下你湿的夹克,那样你不会感冒.【解答】答案:wet.句中的jacket是名词夹克,前面用形容词来修饰,湿的wet形容词,故答案是wet15、(2016•桂林)Give me apencil(铅笔),please.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】请给我一支铅笔.【解答】答案:pencil.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"请给我一支铅笔.",由设空处前面的不定冠词a判断设空处应填名词,提示词"铅笔"是 pencil,且根据设空处前面有不定冠词a判断用名词单数形式.所以答案是:pencil16、(2016•连云港)-Why didn't you finish the project on time?-I'm sorry.Searching the Internet for some information took up (占用)the whole afternoon.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】--你为什么没有按时完成那项课题?--抱歉,上网搜索一些信息占用了整个下午的时间.【解答】答案:took up.根据提示汉语结合语境推测答语的句意是"抱歉,上网搜索一些信息占用了整个下午的时间.",提示词"占用"是take up,且根据问句中的didn't判断句子表述的是过去的事情判断用一般过去时时,谓语动词用过去式;故答案是:took up17、(2016•连云港)In order to provide/To provide(为了提供) passengers with better service,about 300trains in China started free Wi-Fi service this year.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】为了提供给乘客更加优质的服务,今年中国大约300辆火车开始提供免费的无线上网服务.【解答】答案:In order to provide/To provide.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"为了提供给乘客更加优质的服务,今年中国大约300辆火车开始提供免费的无线上网服务.",由设空处表示目的判断用动词不定式或短语in order to do,根据设空处后面的介词with判断"提供"是provide,所以答案是:In order to provide/To provide18、(2016•连云港)Lisa,pay attention to the instructions,please!This sweater should be washed(应该被洗)by hand in cold water.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】Lisa,请注意说明书,这件毛衣应该放在凉水中用手洗.【解答】答案:should be washed.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"Lisa,请注意说明书,这件毛衣应该放在凉水中用手洗.",主语 This sweater是动作wash 的承受者,所以用被动语态,情态动词"应该"是should,含有情态动词的被动语态的构成是:主语+情态动词+be+动词的过去分成,故答案是:should be washed19、(2016•连云港)-I know Jack has already collected thousands of stamps(成千上万的邮票).-Yes,he's crazy about it.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】--我知道Jack已经收集了成千上万的邮票.--是的,他对此很着迷.【解答】答案:thousands of stamps.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我知道Jack已经收集了成千上万的邮票.",设空处短语"成千上万的"表示一个不确定的数目,用thousands of,名词"邮票"为stamp,是可数名词,由于放在短语thousands of 后面所以用复数形式,故案是:thousands of stamps 20、2016•连云港)-To my surprise(让我惊讶的是),that robot can drive a car.-I've never seen such a wonderful robot,either.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】--让我感到惊讶的是,那台机器人会开车.--我也从未见过这么棒的机器人.【解答】答案:To my surprise.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"让我感到惊讶的是,那台机器人会开车.",短语"让某人感到惊讶的是"为to one's surprise,所以本题中提示词"让我感到惊讶的是"是 to my surprise,注意第一个单词的首字母大写,故答案是:To my surprise21、(2016•南充)You can't get to school on time unless(除非)you get up early.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】除非你早起,否则你不能按时到学校,【解答】答案:unless 根据题干You can't get to school on time___(除非)you get up early.可知句意为:你不能按时到学校,除非你早起.unless,除非,连词,引导条件状语从句.故填:unless.22、(2016•南充)There is amedical(医学的)college in Nanchong.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】在南充有一个医学院.【解答】答案:medical 根据题干There is a__(医学的)college in Nanchong.可知句意为:在南充有一个医学院.修饰名词college,应该用形容词.medical,医学的,形容词.故填:medical.23、(2016•南充)Our English teacher alwaysencourages(鼓励)us to practice English as often as possible.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】我们的英语老师总是鼓励我们尽可能多地练习英语.【解答】答案:encourages 根据题干Our English teacher always___(鼓励)us to practice English as often as possible.可知句意为:我们的英语老师总是鼓励我们尽可能多地练习英语.根据句意,可知说的是老师经常鼓励的话,应该用一般现在时态.encourage,鼓励,动词.主语是Our English teacher,第三人称单数,故填:encourages.24、(2016•南充)A bigmuseum(博物馆)will be built in Nanchong next year.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】明年将在南充建一个大博物馆.【解答】答案:museum 根据题干A big___(博物馆)will be built in Nanchong next year.可知句意为:明年将在南充建一个大博物馆.不定冠词a+名词单数.museum,博物馆,名词.故填:museum25、(2016•南充)Tom is a good friend of mine(我的).【考点】翻译填空.【分析】汤姆是我的一个好朋友.【解答】答案:mine 根据题干Tom is a good friend of___(我的).可知句意为:汤姆是我的一个好朋友.of+名词性物主代词,双重所有格.mine,我的,名词性物主代词.故填:mine26、(2016•云南)Scott and his wife usually look through morning newspapers before breakfast.(浏览)【考点】翻译填空.【分析】Scott和他的妻子通常在早饭前浏览早报.【解答】答案:look through;依据汉语提示,"浏览"翻译为:look through;该句为一般现在时态,主语Scott and his wife是复数形式;故填:look through27、(2016•云南)Country music brings us back to the"good old days"when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.(乡村音乐)【考点】翻译填空.【分析】当人们彼此友爱,彼此信任时,乡村音乐把我们带回了"过去的美好时光".【解答】答案:Country music;依据汉语提示,"乡村音乐"翻译为:Country music,country 为名词作定语修饰music,句首字母要大写;故填Country music.28、(2016•荆门)Doctors say that too much pressure is not good for a child's development(发展).【考点】翻译填空.【分析】医生说太多的压力不利于儿童的发展.【解答】答案:development.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"医生说太多的压力不利于儿童的发展.",设空处前面有名词所有格,所以用名词,提示词"发展"是 development,且 development 是一个不可数名词,所以答案是:development29、(2016•云南)The old man is used to playing Chinese chess with his friends in the afternoon.(中国象棋)【考点】翻译填空.【分析】那位老人习惯于在下午和他的朋友们下象棋.【解答】答案:Chinese chess;依据汉语提示,"中国象棋"翻译为名词短语:Chinese chess;故填:Chinese chess.30、(2016•荆门)With the spread of Chinese culture,Chinese is widely(广泛地)used in the world.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】随着中国文化的传播,汉语在世界上被广泛地应用.【解答】答案:widely.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是:随着中国文化的传播,汉语在世界上被广泛地应用.由于设空处单词修饰后面的动词use,所以用副词,表达副词"广泛地"用widely,所以答案是:widely31、(2016•荆门)I've finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea andcollecting (收集)tea sets.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】我最后终于意识到我的爷爷为什么喜欢喝茶,收集茶具了.【解答】答案:collecting.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我最后终于意识到我的爷爷为什么喜欢喝茶,收集茶具了.",由设空处后面有宾语tea sets 判断设空处应填动词,提示词"收集"用动词 collect,本题中,由于设空处单词放在love后面,和前面的drinking是并列关系,构成句式"love doing",所以要填动词的-ing形式,故答案是:collecting32、(2016•鄂州)I think health is a kind ofwealth(财富).【考点】翻译填空.【分析】我认为健康是一种财富.【解答】答案:wealth.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我认为健康是一种财富.",由设空处前面有短语a kind of 判断设空处应填名词,提示词"财富"是 wealth,并且wealth是一个不可数名词,所以答案是:wealth33、(2016•鄂州)Tom went to basketball practice withcourage (勇气) rather than fear in his heart.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】汤姆心中怀着勇气而不是恐惧参加了篮球训练.【解答】答案:courage.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"汤姆心中怀着勇气而不是恐惧参加了篮球训练.",由设空处单词放在介词with后面再结合后面的名词fear 判断设空处应填名词,提示词"勇气"是courage,并且是一个不可数名词,所以答案是:courage34、(2016•鄂州)Thekey(关键) to success is to learn from mistakes and never give up.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】成功的关键是从错误中吸取教训并且永不放弃.【解答】答案:key.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"成功的关键是从错误中吸取教训并且永不放弃.",根据设空处单词放在定冠词the后面和后面的to success构成短语"成功的关键"判断设空处应填名词,提示词"关键"是 key,所以答案是:key35、(2016•铜仁市)根据括号里所给的汉语写出英语单词Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help you safe (安全的)in the earthquake.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】了解一些保护自己的方法,将会帮助你在地震中(保持)安全.【解答】答案:safe 根据题干Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help yousafe (安全的)in the earthquake.可知句意为:了解一些保护自己的方法,将会帮助你在地震中(保持)安全.safe,安全的,形容词,作宾补.故填:safe.36、(2016•绥化)The basketball match is worth(值得)watching.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】那场篮球赛值得观看.【解答】答案:worth;根据汉语提示,"值得"翻译为:worth;形容词;be worth doing sth 是固定用法;故填:worth.37、2016•宁夏)They always support/supported (支持)each other in their work.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】他们总是在工作中互相支持.【解答】答案:support/supported;根据汉语提示,"支持"翻译为:support,动词;根据句意,该句用一般现在时或一般过去时都可以;故填:support/supported.38、(2016•聊城)Please pass(传递)the ball to me.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】请把那个球传给我.【解答】答案:pass.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"请把那个球传给我.",由设空处后面有宾语the ball 判断设空处应填动词,提示词"传递"用pass,并且根据设空处前面的Please(即:这是一个祈使句)判断应填动词原形,所以答案是:pass39、(2016•聊城)I think both(两者都)of you are right.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】我认为你们两个都是对的.【解答】答案:both.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我认为你们两个都是对的.",由设空处后面的of判断设空处应填代词,提示词"两者都"用 both,所以答案是:both40、(2016•镇江)Paul is an excellent student at school.His performance always satisfies(使…满意)us.【考点】翻译填空.【分析】Paul在学校是一位优秀的学生.他的表现总是令我们满意.【解答】答案:satisfies通过观察句子结构可知该空处在句中作谓语,应填入动词正确形式,结合汉语意思"使…满意"其英文表达为动词satisfy,再根据句中的时间状语为always可知句子描述的是经常性、习惯性的动作,故确定为一般现在时态,又知主语His performance 为第三人称单数形式,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故答案为satisfies。
Unit 3完成句子专项练习-八年级英语下期中复习专项练习(江苏专用)
Unit 3 完成句子专项练习根据中文完成句子1.新年前夕几千人在这里聚集。
here on New Year's Eve.2.会议到此结束!让我们放松一下吧。
meeting! Let's relax ourselves.3.继续往下,你可以在本页面的底部预订宾馆和门票。
of the page,you can book hotels and tickets.4.你下班后常在电脑上看电影吗?Do you often after work?5.布朗先生将参加一个重要的国际会议。
Mr Brown is going to___________________________.6.点击一下这个图标,那么你就可以在八小时以内环游世界了。
Click_______the icon,____________________________.7.自10世纪起,苏州就以丝织业闻名。
Suzhou____________its silk industry_______________________.8.纽约时报广场是另一个参观的好去处。
Times Square in New York is______________. Many people gather here______________on New Year's Eve.9.中央公园是个在辛苦工作了一天之后放松的好地方。
Central Park is a good place_____________________________.10.这个城市位于岛屿的南端。
The city is_____________the island. I______________for two days.11.我们可以在这个网站上进行一次韩国在线游。
We can______________________Korea on this website.12.我父亲喜欢在网上查找信息。
八年级英语下册期中总复习——句子翻译Part one1.这家老电影院已经变成了一家大型超市。
________________________________________________________________________________ 2.旅途愉快,请与我们保持联系。
________________________________________________________________________________ 3.过去,工人们常常把废弃物倒进河里。
________________________________________________________________________________ 4.我家乡周围的河比以前干净多了。
________________________________________________________________________________ 5.我希望你能认识到你的错误,并尽快改正。
________________________________________________________________________________ 6.这个贫穷国家的局势使许多人担心。
________________________________________________________________________________ 7.据说在过去的两年里,那个男人已经换了10份工作。
________________________________________________________________________________ 8.布朗小姐喜欢下国际象棋,而且她很擅长下国际象棋。
________________________________________________________________________________ 9.李雷决定更加努力地提高他的英语口语。
2. 他不确定该和谁分享这个秘密。
3. 你表哥加入那个俱乐部多久了?4. 苏州公园是人们辛苦工作一天后放松的好去处。
5. 孩子们观看海豚表演时忍不住尖叫。
答案:1.It’s impolite to cut in other’s words.2.He wasn’t sure who to share the secret with.3.How long has your cousin been in that club?4.Suzhou park is a good place for people to relax after a hard day’s work.5.The children couldn’t stop screaming while watching the dolphin show.七、句子翻译:(每句3分,共15分)70. 他们过去常常通过写信保持联系。
____________________________________________________________________________ 71. 看完这本书,我不像过去那么害羞了。
____________________________________________________________________________ 72. 现在,学生们想知道什么时候上交读书报告。
____________________________________________________________________________ 73. 苏州向来以它的园林而闻名天下。
____________________________________________________________________________ 74. 在游了很久之后,他筋疲力尽了。
八年级下册英语期中考试作文常考加翻意全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Thoughts on the Midterm Exam in Eighth GradeHi everyone! I just finished my midterm exam in English, and I want to share my thoughts with you all. So, here it goes!The exam was pretty tough, I must say. There were a lot of questions that required us to write essays and answer comprehension questions. But you know what? I tried my best and I think I did pretty well overall.One thing that always trips me up in exams is grammar. Ugh, I always mix up the tenses and forget where to put the commas. But this time, I made sure to double-check my work and I think I got most of them right. Yay me!The reading section was not bad either. There were a few tricky passages, but I was able to understand them and answer the questions correctly. Phew, I was relieved when I finished that part.Of course, there were also vocabulary questions. Some words were easy, but others were really hard. I had to guess on a few of them, but I hope I got them right. Cross your fingers for me, guys!Overall, I feel pretty good about how I did on the midterm exam. I studied hard and tried my best, so I think I deserve a pat on the back. Now all that's left to do is wait for the results and hope for the best.Well, that's all for now. Wish me luck, and I'll update you all on how I did. Thanks for listening, guys!篇2Hi guys! Today I'm going to talk about the common topics in the mid-term English exam for eighth grade.First of all, let's talk about the topic of "My Favorite Book". You need to write about a book you really like and explain why you like it. Remember to include details, such as the plot, characters, and your favorite part of the book. Don't forget to use descriptive words to make your writing more interesting!Next, let's talk about the topic of "My Dream Vacation". In this topic, you need to describe your dream vacation destinationand explain why you want to go there. You can talk about the sights you want to see, the activities you want to do, and the food you want to try. Be creative and use your imagination to make your writing stand out!Another common topic is "The Importance of Education". In this topic, you need to discuss why education is important and how it can help you achieve your goals. You can talk about the skills you learn in school, the opportunities education provides, and the impact it can have on your future. Remember to support your ideas with examples and reasons to make your writing more persuasive!I hope these tips help you prepare for your mid-term English exam. Remember to practice your writing skills and work on your grammar and vocabulary. Good luck!篇3Hey guys, I'm gonna tell you about the common topics in our English midterm exam. So listen up and pay attention!First off, we always have to write an essay. It's super important to practice our writing skills. The topics can be about our hobbies, our favorite vacation, or even our dreams for thefuture. Remember to use good grammar and vocabulary to impress the teacher.Next, we have to read a passage and answer questions about it. Sometimes it's about a famous person or a historical event. Make sure to read carefully and understand the main ideas.Then, we have to listen to a recording and answer questions. It can be a conversation between two people or even a news report. Stay focused and try to catch all the details.After that, we have to speak in front of the class. It's a bit scary, but we can talk about our favorite book, movie, or even our last weekend. Don't be shy and just go for it!Last but not least, we have a grammar and vocabulary section. We need to know our tenses, articles, and prepositions. Study hard and practice every day.Alright, that's all for the common topics in our English midterm exam. Good luck everyone! Let's ace that test!篇4Oh no, it's time for the mid-term exam again! I always get so nervous before exams, but this time I'm determined to do mybest. I want to share with you some common topics that are often tested in the eighth grade English exam.One of the topics that always comes up is writing about your favorite hobby. I love to talk about my hobbies, whether it's playing soccer, painting, or reading books. I always make sure to include details about why I enjoy that hobby and how it makes me feel.Another popular topic is describing your dream vacation. I always dream about going to Paris and seeing the Eiffel Tower or going to Japan and trying all the delicious food. I make sure to describe all the sights, sounds, and smells of my dream vacation in detail.One more common topic is discussing a book or movie that has inspired you. I love to talk about my favorite books and movies, whether it's Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. I always explain why that book or movie is important to me and how it has impacted my life.I hope these tips help you prepare for your mid-term exam. Remember to practice writing essays on these common topics so you'll be ready for anything that comes up. Good luck!篇5Hello everyone, my name is Lily and today I want to share with you some tips on how to do well on the midterm exam in English class.First of all, make sure you review all the material that you have learned in class. It's important to go over your notes and textbooks so you can remember all the important information. Don't wait until the last minute to study because cramming doesn't work very well.Secondly, practice your English skills every day. You can read English books, watch English movies, or even just chat with your friends in English. The more you practice, the better you will get.Next, don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't understand something. Your teacher is there to help you, so don't be shy about asking questions. It's better to ask for help and understand the material than to struggle on your own.Also, make sure to get plenty of rest the night before the exam. You want to be well-rested and alert so you can perform your best on the test. And don't forget to eat a good breakfast before the exam to fuel your brain.Lastly, stay positive and believe in yourself. You have worked hard all semester, so trust in your abilities and do your best.Remember, you are capable of achieving great things if you put your mind to it.Good luck on your midterm exam, everyone! I know you can do it! Let's all ace this test together!篇6Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the English midterm exam that we always have in the second semester of the eighth grade. This exam is super important because it tests everything we learned throughout the year.First of all, the exam usually has four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening part is always a bit tricky because we have to listen to a recording and answer questions about it. I always try to practice my listening skills by watching English movies and listening to English songs.The reading part is next, and it usually has a few passages for us to read and answer questions about. I make sure to read a lot of English books and articles to improve my reading comprehension skills.After that, we have the writing part where we have to write an essay or a letter. I always practice writing in English by keeping a diary or writing stories in English.Lastly, the speaking part is when we have to talk about a topic for a few minutes. I like to practice speaking with my friends or even in front of a mirror to get better at speaking fluently.Overall, preparing for the English midterm exam can be tough, but if we study hard and practice regularly, we can do well.I always try my best and remember that practice makes perfect! Good luck to everyone on the exam!篇7Title: My Tips for the Midterm English ExamHey guys! I'm here to share some tips with you on how to ace the midterm English exam. English is a fun subject, so let's make studying for the exam fun too!First things first, make sure to review all the material from the past semester. That includes grammar rules, vocabulary words, and any notes you took in class. It's important to have a strong foundation before tackling the exam.Next, practice, practice, practice! One great way to study for the exam is to do practice tests or questions. This will help you get familiar with the format of the exam and also improve your time management skills.Don't forget to read. Reading is a great way to improve your English skills. Whether it's a book, a magazine, or even an online article, reading will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your comprehension skills.Another tip is to watch English movies or TV shows. This will help you get used to hearing English spoken fluently and will also improve your listening skills.Lastly, don't stress too much about the exam. Just do your best and remember that it's okay to make mistakes. Learning from your mistakes is an important part of the learning process.So there you have it, my tips for the midterm English exam. Study hard, stay positive, and you'll do great! Good luck, everyone!篇8Title: My Thoughts on the Midterm Exam in Eighth GradeHey everyone! Today I want to talk about the midterm exam in eighth grade English. It's a test that we take halfway through the year to see how well we've been learning. I know it can be stressful, but I have some tips to share with you to help you do your best!First of all, make sure to study every day leading up to the exam. Review your notes, read your textbook, and practice with some old tests. It's important to be prepared, so don't leave it all until the last minute!Secondly, try to stay calm during the exam. Take deep breaths, read the questions carefully, and don't rush through it. It's better to take your time and think things through than to answer quickly and make mistakes.Also, don't be afraid to ask your teacher for help if there's something you don't understand. They are there to support you and want to see you succeed. Plus, asking questions shows that you're engaged in your learning, which is always a good thing!Lastly, remember to believe in yourself. You've been working hard all year, so trust in your abilities and do your best. No matter what the results are, as long as you've tried your hardest, that's what really matters.So, my fellow classmates, let's tackle this midterm exam together and show everyone what we're capable of! Good luck to all of you, and may the English exam be in your favor!篇9My English Midterm ExamHello, everyone! I want to share with you some common topics that always appear in my English midterm exams in eighth grade. These topics are super important, so pay attention!1. My Daily RoutineIn this topic, you need to talk about what you do every day from the moment you wake up until you go to bed. You can talk about your morning routine, school activities, hobbies, and evening activities.2. My Favorite HobbyYou have to write about your favorite hobby and explain why you enjoy it. Whether it's playing sports, drawing, or playing video games, make sure to describe what you do and why you love it.3. My Best FriendDescribe your best friend. Talk about how you met, what you like to do together, and why you consider them your best friend. Remember to use adjectives to describe their personality and qualities.4. My Dream VacationWrite about your dream vacation destination and the activities you would like to do there. Whether it's going to a tropical beach, exploring a new city, or hiking in the mountains, make sure to paint a vivid picture with your words.5. A Memorable EventChoose a memorable event in your life and describe it in detail. It could be a birthday party, a school trip, or a family celebration. Share the emotions you felt during that event and why it was special to you.These topics are always on my English midterm exams, so make sure to practice writing about them. Good luck with your exams, everyone!篇10Hey guys! Today I want to talk to you about the common topics that may come up in our eighth grade mid-term Englishexam. These topics are always tested, so let's take a look at them and make sure we're prepared!One of the most common topics is writing a story. The exam may ask you to write a story about a memorable experience, a famous person, or a special place. Remember to include details like who, what, when, where, and why to make your story interesting. Don't forget to use descriptive language and be creative!Another common topic is writing a persuasive essay. You may need to write about why it's important to protect the environment, why students should have homework, or why reading is important. Make sure to state your opinion clearly, provide reasons to support your opinion, and give examples to back up your points.A third common topic is writing a letter. You may be asked to write a letter to a pen pal, a friend, or a teacher. Remember to include the date, a greeting, the body of the letter, and a closing. You should also use proper language and express your thoughts clearly.In addition to these topics, you may also be asked to write a summary, a report, or a review. Whatever the topic may be, makesure to plan your writing, organize your ideas, and revise your work for grammar and spelling mistakes.So, let's review the common topics for our mid-term English exam and start practicing writing essays on these topics. Remember to be creative, use proper language, and express your thoughts clearly. Good luck on the exam, everyone! Let's do our best!。
八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 (新版)人教新目标版
期中复习翻译句子专练Unit 11. —你怎么啦?—没什么大事。
_____________________________2. 如果你讲太多,就会喉咙痛。
__________________________________3. 如果我切伤了自己,我会敷药在伤口上。
_____________________________4. 不要长时间不休息地一直坐在电脑前面。
______________________________________5. 他看到地上躺着一只钱包。
_____________________________________6. 不要在司机还没把车停下就下车。
_____________________________________7. 让我吃惊的是,大家对这个让人惊讶的消息都不感到吃惊。
________________________________________________________________8. 当你陷入困境,你需要向他人求助。
_______________________________________9. 当你切到你的手指,首先放在水下冲洗,然后敷药在上面,接下来用绑带缠起来。
______________________________________10. 他过去常常睡懒觉,现在他已经习惯早起了。
_____________________________________11. 我们对这部有趣的电影很感兴趣。
_____________________________________12. 汤姆总是乐于助人。
_____________________________________13. The bag is too heavy for her to carry. (用so…that 改为同意句)_____________________________________14. 露西盼望她爸爸戒烟。
绝密★启用前八年级下册英语翻译题专项复习试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明试卷第2页,总23页第II 卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II 卷的文字说明一、汉译英:单词/短语 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。
_______ _______ _______ _______,there lived an old man who had two beautiful daughters.2.他们把所有的东西据为己有。
They______everything______ ______. 3.酒后驾车是多么危险啊! ____ ____it is to drive after drinking! 4.这条河不深,我们可以穿过去。
The river is not deep ,we can____ ____it. 5.汤姆今天早晨直到他妈妈回来才起床。
Tom_______ _______ _____ ________his mother_______ _______this morning. 6.丈夫一醒来,妻子马上准备早餐。
_______ _______ _______the______ ______up, the______will begin to prepare breakfast.7.根据汉语意思翻译句子 从前,山上有一座庙宇。
________ ________ ________ ________,there was a temple on the mountam . 8.(题文)(2014江苏宿迁)根据汉语提示完成句子 这些T 恤衫是棉制的,穿着很舒服。
These T -shirts________________cotton .They are comfortable to wear . 9.他们那时正在购物。
八年级下册 Unit 4 单元复习 翻译句子专项训练
八年级下册Unit 4 单元复习翻译句子专项训练一、句子翻译1. 这位学生突然灵感枯竭, 但设法在最后时刻交了读书报告。
The student suddenly didn’t get any ideas, but he __________________ his book report in the last minute.2. 别忘了准时还书。
Don’t forget __________________ .3. 这个女孩已经决定在网上续借书。
The girl has decided __________________ .4. 迄今为止, 我的老师们已经给了我一些关于书的建议。
So far, my teachers __________________ books.5. 这本小说已经被翻译成了大约70种语言。
The novel __________________ about 70 languages.6. 这个年轻的医生不能决定如何处理这位病人的断指。
The young doctor can’t decide __________________ the sick man’s broken finger.7. 他们不懂我, 我也不知道说什么。
They couldn’t understand me, I didn’t know __________________ .8. 我的胳膊、腿, 还有头发都被绑到了地上。
My arms, legs and hair __________________ .9. 在我们的船撞到了岩石上之后, 我尽可能地游快一点。
After our ship __________________ , I swam __________________ .10. 他只有我的小手指那么大。
He is just __________________ .11. 在汤姆抵达终点的那一刻, 他筋疲力尽。
It’s a good habit to get to school in time every day .2.他们正在组织一场才艺表演为慈善事业筹款。
They’re organizing a talent show to raise money for charity .3.我们得尽力使他振作起来。
We should try to cheer him up .4.你知道在哪买这种邮票吗?Do you know where to buy this kind of stamp ?5.你认为他会把钱花光吗?Do you think that he will run out of all the money ?6. 她昨天头痛得厉害。
She had a lot of headaches yesterday .7. 你嗓子痛还是头痛?Do you have a sore throat or a headache ?8. 使我惊讶的是,她同意了我的意见。
To my surprise , she agreed with me .9. 雷锋总是埏别人,不考虑自己。
Lei Feng always thinks about others , and never thinks about himself .10. 昨天他踢足球时摔倒了。
He fell down when he played soccer yesterday .11. You should lie down (躺下)and have a rest .12. 我认为这不是个好主意。
I don’t think it is a good idea .13. 他什么话也没说就出去了。
He went out without saying anything .14. 她看见一个陌生人从车里走出来。
八下期中汉译英练习1 多亏我所有的朋友,当我在困境中从不感到悲伤(thanks to )Thanks to all my friends,I never feel sad when I am in trouble.2 . 不吃早饭去上学对你的健康有害(without)It’s bad for your health to go to school without having breakfast.3.如果你想要保护眼睛,你需要远离电脑休息一下(take breaks)If you want to protect your eyes, you need to take breaks away from the computer.4.令我惊讶的是,那天一个陌生人进到我的房间,我非常害怕(to one’s surprise)To my surprise, a stranger appeared in my room that day and I was very afraid.5.当李明没有通过考试的时候,他老师告诉他不要放弃希望(give up)When Li Ming didn’t pass the exam,his teacher told him not to give up hope.6.我妈妈给我测体温因为我好像发烧了(take one’s temperature)My mother took my temperature because I felt like I had a fever7.他吃太多了,所以他太胖了(too much)He eats too much,so he is much too fat.8.如果他从自行车上摔下来,他会伤的很重(fall off)If he falls off the bike,he will hurt himself seriously9.玛丽得了很重的感冒,所以她在床上躺下并努力喝很多的水(lie down)Mary had a bad cold, so she lay down on the bed and tried to drink too much water.10.他过去住在小城镇,但现在他习惯住在大城市(be used to)He used to live in a small village,but now he is used to living in a big city.11.为了让他不放弃拯救自己,老师给了他很多帮助(so that)His teacher helped him a lot so that he wouldn’t give up saving himself.12.他母亲的去世让他十分伤心,但他仍然坚持努力工作(keep on)His mother’s death made him sad,but he kept on working hard.13.这本书告诉我们做明智决定和掌控自己生活的重要性(be in control of)The book tells us the importance of making good decisions and of being in control of our own lives.14.我朋友汤姆正处在困境中,所以我会努力帮助他摆脱(get out of)My friend Tom is in a difficult situation, so I will try to help him get out of it.15.艾伦带了一些水,但是五天后他就用光了(run out of)Aron took some water, but he ran out of it five days later.16.如果你呼吸困难,就打开窗户让新鲜空气进来。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
6. 你曾经梦想过拥有你自己的网站吗?
7. 昨天对那名网球运动员的采访很成功。
8. 我爸爸去成都出差已有三天。
10. 那个法国作家的经历感动了我们
11. 那个著名的法国作家去世三年多了。
12. 你曾经梦想过没有护照就出国吗?
13. 当你到北京时,请和我保持联系。
14. 当妈妈离开时,我禁不住哭了。
15. 读书能够帮我们开启一个全新的世界。
1.He hasn’t decided how to deal with the screen yet.
2.This old European country is world-famous for its palaces and castles.
3.My parents have been married for ten years.
4.When the children saw the cartoon characters parade, they couldn’t stop shouting and
5.Can you realize your dream by having an online trip/traveling.
6.Have you ever dreamt of owning your own website?
7.Yesterday the interview with that tennis player was a great success.
8. My father has been in Chengdu on business for three days.
9. Jingfan Middle School has been famous since many years ago.
10. The French writer’s experience(s) touched us.
11. That famous French writer has been dead for more than three years.
12.Have you ever dreamed of goingabroad without a passport?
13. Please keep in touch with me when you get to Beijing.
14. I couldn’tstop crying when my mother left.
15. Reading can help us open up a new world.
16. I have lived in the city since I was born.
17. How long has the teacher been away from here?
18. Were all the volunteers too tired to walk on yesterday?
19. The young man is always dreaming of / about being able to make a lot of money.
20. Finally they managed to get to the top of the hill/ mountain.
21. She has been away from her hometown since she got married to that writer.
22. I think spring is the best time to climb hills.
23. Do you keep in touch with each other by e-mail?
24. Suzhou has changed a lot over the years.
25. When I thought of the diffic ult problem, I didn’t know who to ask for help.
26. His daughter has been away from her hometown for m any years.
27. How do you keep in touch with your friends?
28. Let us relax ourselves after a busy day.
29. It is a good habit to say goodbye to your parents when leaving home.
30. Though he was tired out, he managed to finish the work on time.
31. How long have you had your watch?
32. My mother has to work at weekends from time to time.
33. Our class is made up of nineteen girls and twenty-five boys.
34. Some children just don’t know to remember new words.
35. He borrowed my bicycle yesterday, but hasn’t returned it to me (yet).
36. 81. We couldn’t stop laughing when we heard such an interesting story.
37. The couple have lived here since they got married.
38. --How do you keep in touch with each other? -- We mainly communicate by email.
39. Has the teacher told us when to hand in our homework?
40. He dreams of travelling around the world without a passport.。