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Title:What drives continued knowledge sharing? An investigation of knowledge-contribution and -seeking beliefs



Knowledge management (KM) research has yielded extensive explanations regarding the individual's motivation to share knowledge, each with different sets of factors. Yet the study of continued knowledge sharing is rare. There has been little research investigating this issue from contributing and seeking perspectives—the two distinct, but closely interrelated, facets of continued knowledge sharing. We propose that knowledge management system (KMS) users' beliefs are contextually differentiated, and thus a distinction between knowledge-contribution and knowledge-seeking behaviors and an adequate emphasis on their variance in terms of user belief is needed. By incorporating the knowledge-contribution and knowledge-seeking perspectives in a single study, we model and examine the differences among driving factors in two behavioral contexts, provide the conceptual comparisons and preliminary discussions, and thus advance our understanding of continued knowledge sharing via the KMS.



6. Discussion

6.1. Discussion of the empirical results

Our findings provide strong support for the proposed KMS continuance model. In agreement with other scholars [10],we find that habit exhibits a strong moderating effect on the relationship between intention and behavior in both contexts. Thus, this study is the first to test the role of user habit in knowledge-sharing settings. The significant result regarding facilitating conditions recon firms the conclusions found in prior studies of knowledge sharing [7,38] , that facilitating conditions matter in knowledge-seeking behavior. Notably, our analysis reveals that organizational resources and facilitating conditions are also very important, and probably more important, for continued knowledge-contribution behaviors. In particular, we find that the explanatory power of the facilitating conditions is slightly weakened in the seeking perspective. One plausible reason is that in the need-driven behaviors such as knowledge seeking, intention is still the main causal mechanism used to explain why people continue or discontinue using an IS.


我们的研究结果对KMS继续模型提供了强有力的支持。与其他学者[ 10 ] 达成一致,我们发现,在这两种情况下的意图和行为之间的关系,习惯具有很强的调节作用。因此,这项研究是首次测试用户习惯在知识共享环境中的作用。关于促进条件侦察公司在知识共享[ 7,38 ]之前研究发现的结论的重要结果是:促进条件在知识寻求行为上有很大的关系。值得注意的是,我们的分析表明,组织的资源和便利的条件也很重要,也许更重要的是,持续的知识贡献行为。特别是,我们发现在寻求的角度来看,提供便利条件的解释力略有减弱。我们发现解释力的便利条件稍微削弱在寻求视角。一个可能的原因是:需要驱动的行为如知识寻求,意图仍是主要用来解释人们为什么继续或中止使用IS的因果机制。

Social relationship is found to represent a significant aspect of the KMS user's belief in both contexts. It has been widely realized that social relationship can affect an individual's attitude toward knowledge sharing (e.g.,[8,13,57] . Our study not only echoes the findings of prior studies but also highlights the importance of social relationship in knowledge-seeking scenarios, thus advancing the understanding of how social relationship, one of the most significant aspects of user belief, affects KMS users' attitude and intention, and eventually determines the KMS continuance behavior.


Contrary to the commonly held notion, a seeker's knowledge growth shows to be a nonsignificant factor in forming the seeking belief for KMS usage, a finding that is both surprising and interesting. The research subjects included in a prior study by Bock et al. [7], where a significant relationship between knowledge growth and EKR usage was found, were MBA students in a large university. Student goals are by definition aligned with knowledge growth. Our results imply that corporate employees' intrinsic motivation for seeking knowledge for the sake of growing knowledge may not be as salient as that of students in the educational setting. Indeed, in a study of 182 sales teams in a management consulting company, Haas and Hansen[29] found that

sharing codified knowledge in the form of electronic documents can save time during the task, but does not necessarily improve the individual's competence. Likewise, Kane and Alavi [36] argued that using the electronic knowledge repositories seldom contributes to the seeker's knowledge growth or long-term learning. Based on our results, we maintain that in the context of a corporate environment, the ultimate goal for employees to use a KMS is not to learn new things, but rather to perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively. The current study thus extends the prior research by further investigating the knowledge growth–KMS usage behavior linkage in a broader task context.

