
实用经贸英语口语以下是一些实用的经贸英语口语:1. 询盘和报价- May I have a price list for your products?- Could you provide me with a quotation for this item?- What is your minimum order quantity?- Do you offer any discounts for bulk orders?- How long does it take for production and delivery?2. 议价和合同- Is it possible to negotiate the price?- Can you offer a better price if I increase the order quantity?- We would like to request a 20% discount on this order.- Could you provide us with a sample agreement or contract? - What are your payment terms?3. 产品介绍和推销- This product is made of high-quality materials and is built to last.- Our company has a strong track record in deliveringreliable and efficient products.- Our product is competitively priced and offers great value for money.- We have a wide range of options available to meet your specific needs.- Our product is environmentally friendly and complies with all relevant regulations.4. 交付和运输- How do you usually ship the products?- Could you provide an estimated delivery time?- Do you offer any warranties or guarantees on your products? - Can you arrange for the products to be delivered directlyto our warehouse?- What are the shipping costs for this order?5. 客户服务和售后支持- What is your return policy?- Do you have a customer service hotline that we can contact? - Can we contact you if we encounter any technical problems with the product?- Are spare parts readily available for your products?- Can you provide on-site training for our staff on how touse your product?6. 会议和商务谈判- I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss further details.- Could you please send me an agenda for the meeting?- We would like to propose a partnership or collaboration between our companies.- I believe there is a great potential for future cooperation. - Let's explore possible ways to mutually benefit from this opportunity.以上是一些常用的经贸英语口语,希望对你有所帮助。

1. signing a contract签订合同2. import and export 进出口3. Packing包装4. circular letter通函5. specific inquiry具体询盘6.make sb. an offer for sth.向。
报盘7. favorable price优惠价格8. Enclosed please find…随附。
请查收9.R&D department 研发部门10. finance department 财务部门 11.quote sb. a price for sth. 报价 12. payment by installment 分期付款 13. irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销的信用证mercial invoice商业发票15.joint venture 合资企业16.financial position财务状况17.state/private-operated/owned enterprise国营/私营企业18.cancel an order撤销订单 19.transshipment 转载 20.standard of living生活水平 21.broker 经纪人 22.ex works cost出厂交货价 23. the country of origin 原产地国家 24.C.I.F 成本加保险费25.L/C 信用证 26. Container No.集装箱号码 27.WT(weight) 重置28.G.W.(gross weight) 毛重29.N.W.(net weight) 净重 30.P/L (packing list)装箱单1.建立贸易关系establishing business relation 2.市场营销marketing 3.潜在的客户potential customers 4.棉布cotton piece goods 5.价格单product catalogue and sample 6.外汇foreign exchang 7.早日as soon as possible 8.询盘(n.)inquiry 9.商品目录和样品product catalogue and sample 10.具体询盘specific inquiry 11. 报盘offer 12.提单the bill of lading 13.原材料raw material 14.会计学accounting 15.制造业manufacturing 16.生产成本production cost 17.半成品semi-finished product 18.信用证letter of credit 19.报价单price list 20.即期装运prompt shipment 21. 一整套a range of 22.保险单ensurance 23.折扣 discount 24.证券交易所stock exchange 25.佣金 commission 26.集装箱 container 27.批发 wholesale 28.零售 retail 29.房地产real estate 30.国际金融international finance 31 quotation行情32The commercial counsellor's office商务参赞出33sample book 样本 34quotation 报价35 export commodities 出口商品交易会36brochure pamphlet 宣传小册子37the chambers of commerce 商会38exhibition 展览39catalogue 商品目录40 business line/scope/activities 业务范围41 sample 样品42sample cutting 剪样 43 exposition 博览会44 equality and mutual benefit 平等互利 45 commodities articles 商品We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm (公司) on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.我们希望在平等互惠的基础上与你方建立业务关系。

经贸英语Unit 10

Text A: Vocabulary
commonsense 识 adj. 有常识的,明白事理的 n.常
e.g. 1. He has no commonsense, and he always does silly things. 他毫无常识,总是做些傻事。 2. It is commonsense to carry an umbrella in this weather. 这种天气带把伞是很自然的。
Text A: Useful Expressions
identify with 使等同于;认为一致 e.g. 1. Reading this book, we can identify with the main character's struggle. 读了这本书,我们会对主人翁的斗争寄予同情。 2. I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the film. 我对这部影片里的任何角色都难以认同。
Warm –up Activity
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchange that satisfy individual and organizational and objectives.
Text A • Background Information. • Vocabulary & Useful Expression. • Understanding the Text.

34.Export /import license进出口许可证
35.Special customs invoice 美国海关发票
36.Canada customs invoice 加拿大海关发票
bined certificate of value and origin 澳大利亚海关发票
60.Delivery order 提货单
61.Equipment intechange receipt 设备交接单
63.Cargo receipt 承载货物收据
64.Sea way bill海运单
65.Master air way bill航空主运单
85.Export declaration 出口申报单
86.Stores list 物料单
87.Railway consignment note 铁路托运单
88.Cargo declaration 货物申请表
89.Railway advice铁路货运通知单
90.consignment note 运单
74. Export drawback出口退税单
75.Bank statement/note/receipt 银行水单
76.Electronic bill of lading电子提单
77.Letter of indemnity保函
78.Original bill of lading正本提单
91.Bill of health 健康证书
92.Straight B/L 记名提单
93.Order B/L 指示提单
94.On-board B/L 已装船提单

以下是一些常见的经贸英语词汇:- Economy 经济- Trade 贸易- Commerce 商业- Business 商业,生意- Market 市场- Supply and demand 供求- Profit 利润- Loss 损失- Inflation 通货膨胀- Unemployment 失业- Interest rate 利率- Exchange rate 汇率- Import 进口- Export 出口- Tariff 关税- Trade deficit 贸易逆差- Trade surplus 贸易顺差- Free trade 自由贸易- Protectionism 保护主义- Globalization 全球化- International trade 国际贸易- Economic growth 经济增长- Economic development 经济发展- Economic policy 经济政策- Fiscal policy 财政政策- Monetary policy 货币政策- Capital 资本- Investment 投资- Stock market 股票市场- Bond 债券- Entrepreneur 企业家- Corporation 公司- Partnership 合伙企业- Franchise 特许经营- Small business 小企业- Startup 创业公司- Merger and acquisition (M&A) 并购- Supply chain 供应链- Logistics 物流- Distribution 分销- Wholesale 批发- Retail 零售- E-commerce 电子商务- Digital economy 数字经济- Intellectual property (IP) 知识产权- Patent 专利- Trademark 商标- Copyright 版权- Licensing 许可证- Contract 合同- Negotiation 谈判- Bid 竞标- Auction 拍卖- Deal 交易- Invoice 发票- Payment 付款- Credit 信用- Debtor 债务人- Creditor 债权人- Bankruptcy 破产- Audit 审计- Accounting 会计- Budget 预算- Finance 金融- Venture capital (VC) 风险投资- Private equity (PE) 私募股权- Angel investor 天使投资人- Stock option 股票期权- Dividend 股息- Bonus 奖金- Salary 薪水- Wage 工资- Cost 成本- Price 价格- Profit margin 利润率-Markup 加价- Discount 折扣- Marketing 营销- Advertising 广告- Brand 品牌- Customer 顾客- Sales 销售- Market research 市场调研- Product development 产品开发- Quality control 质量控制- Packaging 包装- Distribution channel 分销渠道- Supply chain management (SCM) 供应链管理- Logistics management 物流管理- Inventory management 库存管理- Just-in-time (JIT) 准时制- Lean manufacturing 精益生产- Total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理- Six Sigma 六西格玛- ISO 9000 国际标准化组织9000 系列标准- ERP 企业资源规划系统- CRM 客户关系管理系统- SCM 供应链管理系统- B2B 企业对企业电子商务- B2C 企业对消费者电子商务- C2C 消费者对消费者电子商务- Online payment 在线支付- Digital wallet 数字钱包- Cybersecurity 网络安全- Data protection 数据保护- Privacy 隐私- Encryption 加密- Cloud computing 云计算- Artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能- Blockchain 区块链- Big data 大数据- Internet of Things (IoT) 物联网- 5G 第五代移动通信技术这些只是经贸英语词汇中的一部分,经贸领域非常广泛,涉及到众多专业和行业,因此还有很多其他的词汇和术语。

下面是店铺给大家整理的经贸英语如何翻译,供大家参阅!经贸英语如何翻译economy and trade英 [iˈkɔnəmi ænd treid] 美 [ɪˈkɑnəmi ənd treid]经贸的英语例句1. All these have helped further development of Sino - US economic and trade ties.这些都有利于中美经贸关系的进一步发展.2. An international economic and trade exhibition will be held in Beijing.在北京将举行一次国际经贸展览会.3. Looking to the future, China has confidence in the development of Sino - US economic and trade co - operation.放眼未来, 中国对中美经贸合作的发展抱有信心.4. The Company international business, foreign labor service, economic and technology cooperation.公司从事贸易、对外劳务服务及经贸合作.5. At the same time, Venezuela and Cuba maintain close and trade relations.同时, 委内瑞拉同古巴保持密切的经贸关系.6. Economic and trade cooperation is another focus of our collaboration.开展经贸合作是我们合作的重要内容.7. Our close economic relationship with the Mainland dates back many years ago.香港与内地紧密的经贸关系,在很多年前就已经建立.8. They also regularly organise events to promote Hong Kong's image overseas.经贸处也定期举办活动,提高香港在海外的形象.9. High level international workshops and economic, technological, cultural and academic exchanges.将举办高层次的国际会议和经贸、科技、文化、学术交流等活动.10. Multilateral and bilateral economic and trade relations kept developing.多双边经贸关系继续发展.11. This will seriously test China - U.S. economic and trade relations.这将严重考验中美两国的经贸关系.12. They also organise events to promote Hong Kong's image.经贸办事处又定期举办活动,提高香港的形象.13. The annual Urumqi Economy & Trade Fair attracted many domestic and foreign traders.已同 100 多个国家和地区建立了经贸关系.14. Mutually Beneficial and Win - win Sino - African Economic and Trade Cooperation.互利共赢的中非经贸合作.15. Agriculture cooperation is an important part of the African trade cooperation.农业合作是中非经贸合作的重要组成部分.economy and trade的双语例句1. China's development has boosted the growth of global economy and trade.中国发展有力促进了世界经济和贸易增长.2. Technical trade barrier will have double impacts oneconomy and trade.技术性贸易壁垒对经济和贸易具有双重影响.3. Intellectual property has become a bridge linking technology, economy and trade.知识产权已成为连接技术、经济和贸易的纽带.4. English Business Correspondence is the core curriculum of International Economy and Trade major.《外贸英语函电》是国际经济与贸易专业的核心课程.5. Countries and regions are mutually complementary with each other in their economy and trade.各国和地区在经济和贸易上互相补充.6. The graduating student of 2009 studying in International Economy and Trade Major of Daqing Petroleum Institute.大庆石油学院国际经济与贸易专业09年应届毕业生.7. Shanghai is China's center of economy, finance, trade, science and technology, information and culture.上海是中国经济, 金融, 贸易, 科技, 信息,文化的中心.8. Theexchange rate of RMB an important role in our country's economy and international trade. "人民币汇率的变动对国内经济及对外贸易活动都有着重大的影响.9. Credit is the basis of trade in an economy, and it is also a social capital.信用是保证社会经济交易顺利实现的基础.信用是一种社会资本.10. Shipping industry is the basic industry of the national economy and international trade.航运业是国民经济和国际贸易的基础行业.11. She wants to create cap - and - trade mechanisms within industries rather than across the economy as a whole.她希望在企业内部建立配额交易机制而非整个经济体.12. Second, the article of trade friction on the Chineseeconomy and foreign trade development.其次, 文章分析了贸易摩擦对中国经济和外贸发展的影响.13. Network economy and exceed limit analysis, division of labor and specialization, trade charge is relevant couplet.网络经济与超边际分析、分工与专业化、交易费用相关联.14. With the development of world economy and multinational trade, the need for Business English is growing.随着世界经济和跨国贸易的发展, 社会对商务英语的需求也日益增长.15. That the Chinese economy and Sino - US bilateral and trade relations are very negative development.这对中国经济以及中美双边经贸关系的发展都十分不利.。

下面是店铺给大家整理的经贸英语怎么翻译,供大家参阅!经贸英语怎么翻译economy and trade经贸的英语例句除了与墨西哥的经贸合作,我们正在共同努力以确保尽快的识别并制止威胁,甚至在威胁到达北美之前。
With Mexico, in addition to trade cooperation, we are working together to identify and interdictthreats at the earliest opportunity, even before they reach North America.论坛期间,中美省州长们将举行对口会见,双方还将签署涉及经贸、教育、科技等领域的多个合作协议。
During the forum, governors from both countries will hold meetings and sign several cooperationdocuments in trade, education, science and technology and other fields.你和你的同事为贵国的外贸体制的改革提出了“宏观经贸”这个重要的新概念。
You and your colleagues proposed the significant new concept of “macroeconomics and trade”for reform in your foreign trade system.中方重视同巴西的经贸合作,一贯主张通过对话与合作,寻求互利共赢解决分歧的办法。
China values its economic cooperation and trade with Brazil and pursues a mutually beneficialresolution of disputes through dialogue and cooperation.胡锦涛在官方中央电视台上表示,中国应扩大与朝鲜的经贸合作。

经贸英语词组大全trust fund信托基金trust receipt信托收据type sample标准样品ultimate consumer最后消费者unassignable letter of credit不可转让信用证unclean B/L有债务提单unconditional delivery无条件交货unconfirmed credit未确认信用证unconfirmed letter of credit未确认信用证uncontrollable costs不能控制的成本unearned income未获利润unfavorable balance of trade贸易逆差unfavorable trade balance贸易顺差unfilled orders未发货的订单unfinished work未完成的工作uniform customs and practice for documentary credits押汇信用证统一惯例实务uniform prices固定价格unilateral trade单边贸易unindorsed check未经背书的支票unit cost单位成本unload carge卸货unprecedented rise空前涨价unprecedented sales空前销售unreasonable prices不合理价格unskilled labor不熟练工人unsuccessful bidder未得标商人unused balance of letter of credit信用证未用余额upset price开拍价格,最低价格usual discount普通折扣valid period有效期限validity有效期valuable merchandise贵重品value of import输入价值variable cost可变成本variable expenses可变费用ventilated compartment通风舱verbal (oral) contract口头契约vice-general manager副总经理volume (space) tons容积吨voyage charter论次计租轮voyage policy航程保单warehouse certificate仓库凭单warehouse to warehouse clause仓库到仓库的保险条款warehouse receipt仓单,存货,仓库收据warehouse warrant仓单water stain水渍wear and tear日久耗损weekly reports周报weight list重量单weight tons重量吨weights and measures度量衡well-assorted goods各色俱全的货物wharf (pier, quay)码头wholesale business批发业wholesale dealers批发商wholesale goods批发货wholesale merchant批发商wholesale price批发价with average全损之外担保分损with recourse有追索权with particular average单独海损赔偿without recourse无追索权without return不可退货wooden case 木箱wooden case木箱working capital流动资本,资本周转金working day工作日working expenses工作费用,经营费用working hours工作时间World Bank世界银行world market世界市场world's fair万国博览会wrapping paper包装纸written agreements (contracts)书面契约written contract正式合同written document书面证明written evidence字据written permission书面许可证yearly installment按年摊付Zone Improvenment Program (ZIP)邮政编码storage charges存货费用straight bill of lading收货人抬头提单,不转让提单straight credit直接信用证straight letter of credit简明信用证strong firm有气色strong market市面旺盛subsidiary company附属公司successful bidder拍卖成交,得标商sundries (all sorts of goods)杂货superior quality优等品supervision监督superfine quality极上品supply and demand供需supply department供应部supporting document原始单据,证明文件survey method调查法surveyor's certificate鉴定证书surveyor's report验货报告书,公证人报告suspend payment停止支付suspension of business停业suspension of publication停刊synthetic industry人工合成工业table of freight charges运费表table of rates税率表tabulated quotation行情表Taiwan Supply Bureau台湾物资局Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau台湾烟酒公卖局tale quale (tel quel)现状条件tally点数,计数tally man点数人,卖赊人tally sheet计数纸tax bearer纳税人tax collection office征税局tax exemption免税tax exemption certification免税证tax evasion逃税,漏税tax free免税的tax free imports免税进口货telegraphic address电报挂号telegraphic transfer电汇telephone directory电话号码薄temporary employment短工temporary payments暂付款项temporary receipt临时收据term bill期票terms of credit信用证条件termination of contract合约终止termination of employment雇佣终止,解雇terms of sale销售条件textile factory纺织厂thanks for patronage铭谢惠顾this side up此端向上through bill of lading联运提货单tight money market银根紧的金融市场time bill期票time charter定期租船契约time deposit定期存款time draft远期汇票time letter of credit远期信用证time limits期限time of delivery交货时日tissue paper薄纸,棉纸total amount总计,总数total cost总成本total loss全部损失total price总价total value总值trade acceptance商业承兑汇票transit clause运输条款type of merchandize货物种类type of payment付款类别trade center贸易中心trade channel贸易途径trade discount商业折扣trade disputes商业纠纷trade mark商标trade promotion division贸易推广部trade zone贸易地区trade secret商业机密trading corporation贸易各公司tranship goods转口货travel allowance旅行津贴traveller's check旅行支票traveller's letter of credit旅行信用证treasury bill财政部证券treaty obligation条约义务trial balance电子表格trial order试订单trial sale试销trucking expenses卡车运费sell well好卖,畅销seller's market卖方市场(求过于供) selling agent销售代理商selling cost销售成本selling at half price半价出售selling at less than cost蚀本出售selling expenses销货费用selling price售价selling profit销售利润selling rate卖价,卖出比率semi-finished goods半成品semi-manufactured goods半成品service business服务业service department服务部settle a claim (bill)解决赔偿settle account结帐,清算,支付settlement of exchange结汇share holder股东shares of stock股份ship (discharge) the cargo装(卸)货shipped on board B/L装运提单shipping advice货运通知shipping agent货运代理人shipping business航运业shipping company航运公司shipping documents装运单据shipping expenses装货费用shipping note装货通知单shipping order发货单shipping receipt装货收条shipping sample装船货样shipping space舱位shipping ton装载吨shipping weight (intake weight)装船货物重量shipment sample装运货物样本shop keeper老板,店主shopping center市场,购物中心short bill短期汇票short contract空头short credit短期信用short form bill of lading简式提单short tons短吨shortage in weight重量不足shut out退关,轧出shut the book停止交易signing of contract签约sight bill即期汇票sight draft即期汇票sight letter of credit即期信用证silver coin银币simple contract简约skyrocketing price飞涨价格slack season (off season)淡季slip system传票制度small change零钱small quantity小量smuggled goods走私货sole agents包销,独家经理人special clause特别条款special column专栏special discount特别折扣special expenses特别开支special order特别订货special price特价special tax特种营业税special value特别价值speculative business投机事业spot delivery当场交付spot goods现货spot sales当场买卖stale bill of lading失效提单stamp duty印花税stamp tax印花税standard标准,准则standard of living生活标准standard sample标准样品standardization标准化stand-by letter of credit备用信用证state enterprise政府企业state monopoly国营专卖statement表,报表,报告书,清单statement of assets and statement of loss and profit损益表sterling area英镑区sterling bloc英镑集团stock in hand有现货stock keeper货物管理人stock market股票市场stock on hand存货,存货目录stop payment止付stop work停工storage (godown rent)仓租,保管费recipient of goods受货人reciprocal buying互相购买reciprocal demand相互需求reciprocal purchase相互购买reciprocity clause互惠条款red bill of lading红色提货单reduce the price减价refined salt精盐reflation通货再膨胀registered挂号的,登记过的registered capital注册资本registered letters (post)挂号信registered mail挂号邮件registered trade mark登记商标regular members普通会员regular price正常价格regular procedure正规手续regular service定期服务regular subscriber常年订阅者reinsurance policy再保险单reminder letter催函remit money划拨款项remittance permit汇款核准书renminbi (RMB.人民币repeat offer重复发价(发盘) report form报告格式request notes申请单restraint of trade贸易约束restriction of import进口限制resume business复业retail business小买卖,小生意retail dealer零售商retail price零售价retail store零售店retail trader零售商return cargo回头货returned goods退货revision of treaty修正条约right of priority优先权risk plan basis实际危险制risk of breakage破损险risk of hook damage钩损险risk of leakage漏损险risk of non-delivery遗失险risk of oil damage油污险risk of sling damage吊索损险risk of sweat damage潮腐险risk of theft and/or pilferage盗窃险risk of warehouse to warehouse仓库至仓库险rise in price涨价rival commodities竞争商品rival firms竞争公司rock bottom price最低价rough estimate概算round voyage全航程sales allowance销货折让sale book销货簿sale by brand and/or description凭厂牌和说明售货sale by bulk批发sale by description and/or brand货物分类出售sale by inspection看货买卖sale by sample凭样本买卖sale by specification凭规格买卖,凭说明书买卖sale by standard凭标准买卖sale by confirmation售货确认书sale contract售货合同sales invoice销货发票sales letters销货信件sales manager营业主任,销售经理sales potential推销潜力sale tax销售税sales promotion促进销售sales quotas销货配额sales system销售制度sales tax销售税sales territory销售区域sales woman女推销员,女店员sample card货样卡sample of goods货样sample room样品间savings bank储蓄银行sea damage海损sea risk海险secondhand goods旧货secondhand wooden case旧木箱second party乙方selected quality上选品质selection选择品,精选品sell goods销货,行销sell on credit赊销sell out卖完。

经贸英语单词第一课听写词汇1、foreign exchange 外汇2、unit cost 单位成本3、standard contract terms 标准合同条款4、commodity exchange 商品交易所5、forward delivery 远期交货6、future contract 期货合同7、cost of financing 融资费用8、firm price 实盘价9、commission 佣金10、 closed indent 闭口订货单11、open indent 开口订货单12、clearing agent 报关代理行13、forwarding agent 运输代理行14、hedging operation 套头保值交易15、place an order 下订单,订货16、price list 价格表17、violent fluctuations 剧烈波动18、make an offer 发盘,报价19、business cycle 经济循环20、prosperity, recession, depression, recovery 繁荣,衰退,萧条,复苏(经济循环的四个周期)第二课听写词语1、 standard of living 生活水平2、 physical volume 实际产量3、 raw material 原材料4、 primary goods 初级产品5、 wholesale trade 批发贸易6、 retail trade 零售贸易7、 real estate 房地产8、 gross domestic product 国内生产总值9、 World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织10、 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税与贸易总协定11、 structure of production 产业结构12、 policy coordination 政策协调13、 economic prosperity 经济繁荣14、 manufactured products 制成品15、 trade in service 服务贸易16、 capital goods 资本货物17、 regions’ export 区域性出口18、 commercial services 商业服务19、 invisible trade 无形贸易20、 information flow 信息交流《经贸英语》第三课听写词汇1. letter of credit 信用证2. bank instrument 银行票据3. in favor of 以、、、、、、为受益人4. original bill of lading 正本提单5. certificate of origin 原产地证书6. packing list 装箱单7. inspection certificate 检验证书8. marine insurance policy 海运保单9. weight list 重量单10. full set 全套11. on board 已装船12. to order shipper 按托运人指令13. blank endorsed 空白背书14. consignee, consignor 收货人,发货人15. negotiable instrument 可流通票据16. drawn on 以、、、、、、为付款人17. the issuing bank 开证行18. discrepancy 差异,不符点19. sight draft 即期汇票20. delivery date 交货日期经贸英语听写词汇表(4)1. global scale 全球规模2. CEO(Chief Executive Officer) 首席执行官、总裁、总经理3. IPO(Initial Public Offering)首次公开发行4. bull market 牛市5. inventory control 库存控制6. chief strategist 首席战略家7. the network communication 网络通讯业8. enormous application of technology 技术的极大应用9. at the helm of 掌管,执掌10. swallow up 吞并,全部买下11. merger,合并 consolidation,合并 acquisition兼并,收购12. roaring economy 经济迅猛发展13. surging revenue growth 销售收入的激增14. the Internet explosion 因特网迅猛发展15. returns on assets and equity 资产和股本产生的利润16. defining trend 具有特征的趋势17. infrastructure tool 基础工具18. competitive advantage 竞争优势19. financial service 金融服务20. restrained cost 成本的控制《经贸英语》听写词汇表五1. overseas assets 海外资产2. basic economic model 基本经济模式3. factor endowment 要素禀赋4. shift resource 资源转换5. co-ordinating production 统筹生产6. FDI =foreign direct investment 外国直接投资7. equity relationship 产权关系8. technological expertise 技术专长9. transnational corporation 跨国公司10. economic activities 经济活动11. statistical data 统计数据12. center of strategic decision making 战略决策中心13. dominant force 主导力量14. annual sales 年销售额15. foreign affiliate 海外分支机构16. take advantage of 利用17. out of proportion to 与、、、、、、不成比例18. extent of transnationality 跨国程度19. external market prices 外部市场价格20. intra-firm trade 公司内贸易经贸英语第六课听写词汇表1. par value 平价2. intervention point 干预点3. fixed exchange rate 固定汇率4. floating exchange rate 浮动汇率5. the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织6. the Bretton Woods Agreement 布雷顿森林协定7. gold reserve 黄金储备8. gold standard 金本位制9. market mechanism 市场机制10. interfere with 干预11. convertible, inconvertible 可转换的,不可转换的12. foreign exchange market 外汇市场13. foreign exchange control 外汇管制14. devalue, revalue 贬值,升值15. in terms of 依据16. unprecedented turbulence 空前的大混乱17. foreign exchange broker 外汇经纪人18. spectacular 投机商19. snake currency 蛇体系货币20. Common market 共同市场经贸英语第七课词汇表1. cooperative management 合作管理2. long-term loan 长期贷款3. short-term credit 短期信贷4. float bond 发行债券5. proceeds 收益6. go sour 出问题7. minimum life standard 最低生活标准8. automatic mechanism 自动机制9. deflate, inflate 紧缩通货,通货膨胀10. trade surplus 贸易盈余11.financial deficits 财政赤字12.Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) 石油输出国组织13.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) 经合组织14.Special Drawing Rights(SDRS) 特别提款权15.Gross National product 国民生产总值16.spread over 由、、、平摊17.subscribe to(toward) 认捐18.be squarely behind 完全支持19. managed floating-exchange rate 管理浮动汇率20. Long-term borrowing 长期借贷《经贸英语》第七课听写词汇表1. SDRs=special drawing rights 特别提款权2. managed floating-exchange rates 管理浮动汇率3. deflate,通货紧缩 inflate 使通货膨胀4. short-term credit 短期贷款5. long-term credit 长期贷款6. capital stock 资金储备7. private loan 私人贷款8. float bonds 发行债券9. proceed 盈利,收入10. premium 保险费,奖金11. debtor country 债务国12. credit country 债权国13. subscribe to 认捐,应募14. the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴与开发银行15. long-term borrowing 长期借贷16. pegged exchange rate 固定汇率制17. payment surplus 收支盈余18. payment deficit 收支赤字19. cooperative management 合作管理20. make loan 实施贷款。
经贸英语Unit 7

1. admire her dedication to the job.
2. His talent and dedication will insure his success. 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。
Text A: Vocabulary
Warm –up Activity
encouraging graduates from institutions of higher learning to start their own businesses or to get employment in a flexible way.
Unit Seven
➢Warm –up ➢Text A ➢Business English Translation ➢Extended Knowledge
Warm –up Activity
Some Questions: 1. How is entrepreneurship education going on in the
Text A: Vocabulary
subscribe vt. 签署,预订,赞成 e.g. 1. Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state
of the economy? 你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法?
The government also offers them tax breaks, small loans
and training for businesses; has established and improved

经贸英语——考试题库及答案.docxThe cost of packing is the mode of packing, distance of tr ansportation and the price terms.收藏A.responsible forB.subject toC.available toD.paid by回答错误!正确答案:BWe d like to a sole agency agreement with you yo ur cotton goods for a period of three years.收藏A.assign ??- forB.sign ??- onC.come to ??- inD.reach ??- at回答错误!正确答案:BWe have the pleasure to inform you that the shipment has gone for ward per s.s. East Wind and hope that it will arrive at the in perfect condition.收藏A. aimB.destinationC.purposeD.goal回答错误!正确答案:BWe have numerous connections throughout the country and there a re good of a very profitable market for your manufactures.收藏A.illusionsB.prospectsC.wishesD.aspectsPlease that we would do what we can to support you as f ar as your sales territory is concerned.收藏A.assureB.be assuredC.assure usD.be sure回答错误!正确答案:BOur best offer is given below to our final confirmation.收藏A.to subjectB.subjectC.subjectingD.subjectedWe hope you will double your efforts to build a large turnover s to a closer arrangement like sole agency.收藏A.allowB.grantC.modifyD.justify回答错误!正确答案:DPlease let us have details of your machine tools, your est delivery.收藏A.give usB.giving usC.given usD.to give us so a earliAs the time for shipment is now considerably , we should be obliged if you would inform us, by return of post, of the reason for the delay.收藏A.overdueB.overdoneC.overchargedD.due回答错误!正确答案:AWe offer you the following items your reply reaching here by 3 p.m. April 12, our time.收藏A.subjects toB.subject toC.subjecting toD.to subject to回答错误!正确答案:BWe have come to learn your name through the US Embassyin Beiji ng importers of plastic products.收藏A.withB.inC.forD.as回答错误!正确答案:DA survey report is enclosed and your early settlement is re quested.收藏A.in your referenceB.in your contrastC.in your comparisonD.。

短语部分:1.market distortion 市场扭曲2.trade barrier 贸易壁垒3.tariff barriers 关税壁垒——diminution 关税减让——quota 关税配额——union 关税同盟——value 关税价格——war 关税战4.farm subsidy 农产品补贴petive price 有竞争力的价格cut throat——低的赔上血本的价格Precipitous——骤然下跌的价格Soaring——飙升的价格Prevailing——现行价格V olatile——波动的价格Stable——稳定的价格 importer 净进口国7.Income effect 收入效应8.Price effect 价格效应9.Crony capitalism 裙带资本主义10.Leve participant 杠杆参与者11.Securitized lending 信贷证券化12.Thinly capitalized 资本较少的13.Better capitalized 资本较充裕的14.Down payment 首付,定金15.Balance sheet 资产负债表16.Economic policy 经济政策17.The great depression 大萧条18.The global financial crisis 全球金融危机19.Beggar-thy-neigh Bour policy 以邻为壑的政策20.Anti -dumping 反倾销21.Real exchange rate 实际汇率22.exchange rate 汇率Foreign ——外汇Stock——证券交易所——control 外汇管制——dealer 外汇交易商——dealings 外汇买卖23.restrictive trade measures 限制性贸易措施24.Merchandise made 货物贸易25.Financial contagion 金融危机蔓延26.Grow in real terms 实际增长Returm in real terms 实际收益27.developed economies 发达国家经济体28.Developing economies 发展中国家经济体29.Global supply chains 全球供应链30.Basket of currencies 一揽子货币31.Stock market 股票市场The financial——金融市场Buyers——买方市场Black——黑市Labor——劳动力市场Flea——跳蚤市场32.at the market 照市价In the——想买进某物Out of the——与市场不相符33.The risk in your portfolio 投资组合中心风险34.Cyclical bull market 周期性牛市35.Buy-and-hold investors 买入并持有的投资者36.Preferential tariff 优惠关税37.Economic integration 经济一体化38.Bretton woodstock system 布雷顿森林体系39.Go down in history 被载入历史40.Voluntary accumulation plan 自愿储蓄计划——auction 任意性拍卖——bankruptcy 自愿申请破产——conveyance 无偿转让——export quote 自愿出口配额——restraint of export 自动出口限制——sanction 自愿性制裁——trust 自愿信托——transfer 自动转让41.stand-alone programme 独立程序42.Special one-off prices 一次性特价One-off deal 一次性交易A one-off rebate of taxes 一次性退税43.Oil reserve 石油储备Assets——资产储备Foreign currency 外汇储备Reserve fund 储备金——policy 储备金政策——rate 储备率——for issuance 发行准备金——price 最低接受价格44.hedge fund 对冲基金45.Equity investor 股本投资者——market 股票市场——fund 股票投资基金——capital 普通股股本、股权——earnings 普通股收益46.Oil-price shocks 石油价格冲击47.Terms of trade 贸易条件48.Trade volumes 贸易量——value 贸易值——amount 贸易额49.capital gains 资本收益——account 资本账户——markets 资本市场——assets 资本资产——bonus 资本红利——equipment 资本设备——goods 资本货物——levy 资本税——reconstruction 资产重组——reorganization 资本重组——reserves 资本准备金——shares 资本股票50.a floating exchange rate 浮动汇率51.A silver bullet 银弹52.Public spending 公共支出53.Market economy status 市场经济地位54.Early harvest programme 早期收获方案55.Trade imbalance 贸易不平衡56.Current-account surplus 经常项目盈余57.Running out of steam 精疲力尽58.Duty clause 关税条款——free certificate 免税证明——on value added 增税值——paid proof 完税凭证——quotas关税配额——rate 税率59.run ones course 自然地发展60.Global recession 全球性经济衰退61.Current account 经常项目62.Current account balance sheet 经常项目平衡表63.Current account deficit 经常项目逆差64.Current account surplus 顺差65.Disposable income 可支配项目66.Dollar-based 以美元为基础67.Terms of payment 支付条件68.Terms and conditions 条款e to terms 达成协议70.Strong dollar 强势美元的政策71.Least of all 最不72.With respect to 涉及73.Annual interest 年利息74.Pay-as-we-go 当场付款75.Emerging economies 新兴经济体76.Opportunity cost 机会成本77.Rock-bottom price 最低价Average——平均价Bargain——廉价Spot(forward)——现货价Opening(closeed)——开盘价Ceiling(floor)——最高价Current(ruling)——现行价Competitive——具有竞争力的价格78.price curve 价格曲线——gap 价格缺口——index 价格指数——margin 销货毛利79.rate in foreign money 外币汇率——of advance 前进速度——of discount 贴现率——of economic groeth 经济增长率——of exchange 汇率——of inflation 通货膨胀率Interest of margin 利率——of margin 毛利率——of return 回报率——of tax 税率——sheet 利率表Savings 储蓄率80.better off 境况较好81.-not the lack of them82.Securitized financial market 证券化的金融市场83.Borrower of last resort 最后的借款人84.A secular bear 长期熊市85.In any event 无论如何86.Bind oneself to(do)答应87.Over time 随着时间的推移。

在经济学领域中,常见的词汇有inflation(通货膨胀)、deflation(通货紧缩)、GDP(国内生产总值)等;在贸易学领域中,常见的词汇有balance of trade(贸易平衡)、trade deficit(贸易逆差)、export-oriented economy(出口型经济)等。

foreign exchange(外汇)、commodity market(商品市场)、depreciation(折旧)等,这些术语在经济和贸易领域中被广泛使用。
一些固定的表达方式和句型也很常见,比如用于描述趋势的句型“the trend is upward/downward”、“there has been a noticeable increase/decrease in”,用于比较的句型“in comparison with”、“in contrast to”等。

经贸英语(Business English)是一个涵盖广泛领域的学科,主要涉及国际商务和贸易的各个方面。


词汇互译1.financial markets 金融市场2.the distribution of income 收入分配ernment spending 政府支出4.budget deficits 预算赤字ernment policies 政府政策6.patterns of trade 贸易模式7.trade barriers 贸易壁垒8.developing countries 发展中国家9.the Great Depression 大萧条10.statistical analyses 统计分析11.The Post Hoc Fallacy 后此谬误12.business expansions 经济扩张itary spending 军事支出14.The Fallacy of Composition 合成谬误15.zero-sum game 零和博弈16.GNP:Gross National Product 国民生产总值17.GDP:Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值18.nominal and real GNP 名义和实际国民生产总值19.disposable income 可支配收入20.retained earnings 留存盈余21.aggregate demand 总需求22.aggregate supply 总供给23.Macroeconomic Policy Levers 宏观政策工具24.monetary policy 货币政策25.fiscal policy 财政政策26.federal reserve system 联邦储备系统27.transfer outlays 转移支付28.open market operation 公开市场操作29.reserve requirements 法定准备金率30.discount rates 贴现率31.free trade 自由贸易32.actual inflation 实际通货膨胀率33.exchange rate 汇率34.free exchange rate 浮动汇率35.fixed exchange rate 固定汇率36.international trade 国际贸易parative advantage 比较优势38.absolute advantage 绝对优势39.opportunity cost 机会成本40.product possibility frontier 生产可能性边界41.central bank 中央银行42.year terms 连任43.federal judges 联邦法官44.The Federal Open Market Committee联邦公开市场委员会ernment bones 国债46.short-run trade off 短期交替47.demand deposits 活期存款48.T-account T型账户49.the medium of exchange 交易手段50.the money multiplier 货币乘数51.excess reserve 超额准备金52.legal contract 法律合同53.long-odds bet 人寿保险54.speculative risk 投机风险55.one-sides process 单方过程56.nonrenewable energy 不能再生能源57.Industrial Revolution 工业革命58.quality inspectors 质检员59.insider trading 内幕交易60.managerial functions 管理职责61.managerial roles 管理角色62.interpersonal roles 人际关系角色rmation roles 信息角色64.decisional roles 决策角色65.nonprofit organization 非盈利机构66.exposure to loss 饱受损失67.art museum 艺术博物馆68.accounting firm 会计师事务所69.financial statements 财务报表70.annual reports 年度报告71.rental services 租赁服务72.target markets 目标市场73.market segments 市场细分74.on the basis of income level 以收入水平为基础的75.acceptable accuracy 可接受的准确性76.brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度77.market potential 市场潜力78.operating system 操作系统79.clinical study 临床研究、80.natural disaster 自然灾害81.plunge right in 有的放矢82.job interview 面试简答1.Economics:Economics is the study of how societies use scare resources to product valuablecommodities and distribute them among different people.经济学研究的是社会如何利用稀缺的资源以生产有价值的商品,并将它们分配给不同的人。
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第一课听写词汇1、foreign exchange 外汇2、unit cost 单位成本3、standard contract terms 标准合同条款4、commodity exchange 商品交易所5、forward delivery 远期交货6、future contract 期货合同7、cost of financing 融资费用8、firm price 实盘价9、commission 佣金10、closed indent 闭口订货单11、open indent 开口订货单12、clearing agent 报关代理行13、forwarding agent 运输代理行14、hedging operation 套头保值交易15、place an order 下订单,订货16、price list 价格表17、violent fluctuations 剧烈波动18、make an offer 发盘,报价19、business cycle 经济循环20、prosperity, recession, depression, recovery 繁荣,衰退,萧条,复苏(经济循环的四个周期)第二课听写词语1、standard of living 生活水平2、physical volume 实际产量3、raw material 原材料4、primary goods 初级产品5、wholesale trade 批发贸易6、retail trade 零售贸易7、real estate 房地产8、gross domestic product 国内生产总值9、World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织10、General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税与贸易总协定11、structure of production 产业结构12、policy coordination 政策协调13、economic prosperity 经济繁荣14、manufactured products 制成品15、trade in service 服务贸易16、capital goods 资本货物17、regions’ export 区域性出口18、commercial services 商业服务19、invisible trade 无形贸易20、information flow 信息交流《经贸英语》第三课听写词汇1. letter of credit 信用证2. bank instrument 银行票据3. in favor of 以、、、、、、为受益人4. original bill of lading 正本提单5. certificate of origin 原产地证书6. packing list 装箱单7. inspection certificate 检验证书8. marine insurance policy 海运保单9. weight list 重量单10. full set 全套11. on board 已装船12. to order shipper 按托运人指令13. blank endorsed 空白背书14. consignee,consignor 收货人,发货人15. negotiable instrument 可流通票据16. drawn on 以、、、、、、为付款人17. the issuing bank 开证行18. discrepancy 差异,不符点19. sight draft 即期汇票20. delivery date 交货日期经贸英语听写词汇表(4)1. global scale 全球规模2. CEO(Chief Executive Officer) 首席执行官、总裁、总经理3. IPO(Initial Public Offering)首次公开发行4. bull market 牛市5. inventory control 库存控制6. chief strategist 首席战略家7. the network communication 网络通讯业8. enormous application of technology 技术的极大应用9. at the helm of 掌管,执掌10. swallow up 吞并,全部买下11. merger,合并consolidation,合并acquisition兼并,收购12. roaring economy 经济迅猛发展13. surging revenue growth 销售收入的激增14. the Internet explosion 因特网迅猛发展15. returns on assets and equity 资产和股本产生的利润16. defining trend 具有特征的趋势17. infrastructure tool 基础工具18. competitive advantage 竞争优势19. financial service 金融服务20. restrained cost 成本的控制《经贸英语》听写词汇表五1. overseas assets 海外资产2. basic economic model 基本经济模式3. factor endowment 要素禀赋4. shift resource 资源转换5. co-ordinating production 统筹生产6. FDI =foreign direct investment 外国直接投资7. equity relationship 产权关系8. technological expertise 技术专长9. transnational corporation 跨国公司10. economic activities 经济活动11. statistical data 统计数据12. center of strategic decision making 战略决策中心13. dominant force 主导力量14. annual sales 年销售额15. foreign affiliate 海外分支机构16. take advantage of 利用17. out of proportion to 与、、、、、、不成比例18. extent of transnationality 跨国程度19. external market prices 外部市场价格20. intra-firm trade 公司内贸易经贸英语第六课听写词汇表1. par value 平价2. intervention point 干预点3. fixed exchange rate 固定汇率4. floating exchange rate 浮动汇率5. the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织6. the Bretton Woods Agreement 布雷顿森林协定7. gold reserve 黄金储备8. gold standard 金本位制9. market mechanism 市场机制10. interfere with 干预11. convertible, inconvertible 可转换的,不可转换的12. foreign exchange market 外汇市场13. foreign exchange control 外汇管制14. devalue, revalue 贬值,升值15. in terms of 依据16. unprecedented turbulence 空前的大混乱17. foreign exchange broker 外汇经纪人18. spectacular 投机商19. snake currency 蛇体系货币20. Common market 共同市场经贸英语第七课词汇表1.cooperative management 合作管理2.long-term loan 长期贷款3.short-term credit 短期信贷4.float bond 发行债券5.proceeds 收益6.go sour 出问题7.minimum life standard 最低生活标准8.automatic mechanism 自动机制9.deflate,inflate 紧缩通货,通货膨胀10.trade surplus 贸易盈余11.financial deficits 财政赤字12.Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) 石油输出国组织13.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) 经合组织14.Special Drawing Rights(SDRS) 特别提款权15.Gross National product 国民生产总值16.spread over 由、、、平摊17.subscribe to(toward) 认捐18.be squarely behind 完全支持19.managed floating-exchange rate 管理浮动汇率20.Long-term borrowing 长期借贷《经贸英语》第七课听写词汇表1. SDRs=special drawing rights 特别提款权2. managed floating-exchange rates 管理浮动汇率3. deflate,通货紧缩inflate 使通货膨胀4. short-term credit 短期贷款5. long-term credit 长期贷款6. capital stock 资金储备7. private loan 私人贷款8. float bonds 发行债券9. proceed 盈利,收入10. premium 保险费,奖金11. debtor country 债务国12. credit country 债权国13. subscribe to 认捐,应募14. the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴与开发银行15. long-term borrowing 长期借贷16. pegged exchange rate 固定汇率制17. payment surplus 收支盈余18. payment deficit 收支赤字19. cooperative management 合作管理20. make loan 实施贷款。