OEM生产,即贴牌生产,也称为定牌生产,俗称“贴牌”,由于其英文表述为Original Equipment/Entrusted Manufacture(译为原始设备制造商或原产地委托加工),因此简称为OEM。
OEM 的特征就是:技术在外,资本在外,市场在外,只有生产在内。
ODM是英文Original Design Manufacturer (原始设计制造商)的缩写,指一家厂家根据另一家厂商的要求,为其生产产品和产品配件,亦称为定牌生产或授权贴牌生产.即可代表外委加工,也可代表转包合同加工.国内习惯称为协作生产,三来加工。
ODM的厂商设计方案分为买断或不买断的方式供应: 1.买断方式:有品牌拥有方买断ODM厂商现成的某型号产品的设计,或品牌拥有方单独要求ODM厂商为自己设计产品方案。
SOP (small-outline package,批量生产,为上市积累一定的库存)SOP =Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序OBD是英文On-Board Diagnostics的缩写,中文翻译为“车载自动诊断系统”。
常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇Passenger Vehicle 乘用车常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance)CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。
OEM生产,即贴牌生产,也称为定牌生产,俗称“贴牌”,由于其英文表述为Original Equipment/Entrusted Manufacture(译为原始设备制造商或原产地委托加工),因此简称为OEM。
OEM 的特征就是:技术在外,资本在外,市场在外,只有生产在内。
ODM是英文Original Design Manufacturer (原始设计制造商)的缩写,指一家厂家根据另一家厂商的要求,为其生产产品和产品配件,亦称为定牌生产或授权贴牌生产.即可代表外委加工,也可代表转包合同加工.国内习惯称为协作生产,三来加工。
ODM的厂商设计方案分为买断或不买断的方式供应: 1.买断方式:有品牌拥有方买断ODM厂商现成的某型号产品的设计,或品牌拥有方单独要求ODM厂商为自己设计产品方案。
SOP (small-outline package,批量生产,为上市积累一定的库存)SOP =Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序OBD是英文On-Board Diagnostics的缩写,中文翻译为“车载自动诊断系统”。
专业英语词汇之DFL专用缩略英语词汇汽车行业常用缩写AAR: Appearance Approval Report 外观批准报告A/D/V: Analysis/Development/Validation 分析/开发/验证A/D/V-DV:ADV Design Validation ADV设计验证A/D/V P&R: Analysis/Development/Validation Plan and Report. This form is used to summarize the plan and results for validation testing. Additional information can be found in the GP-11 procedure. 分析/开发/验证计划和报告A/D/V-PV: ADV Product Validation ADV 产品验证AIAG: Automotive Industries Action Group, an organization formed by General Motors, Ford and Daimler-Chrysler to develop common standards and expectations for automotive suppliers.汽车工业行动集团AP: Advance Purchasing 先期采购APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning 产品质量先期策划APQP Project Plan: A one-page summary of the SGM APQP process that describes the tasks and the timeframein which they occur. APQP 项目策划AQC: Attribute Quality Characteristic 属性质量特性ASQE: Advanced Supplier Quality Engineer 先期供应商质量工程师BIW: Body in White. Usually the bare metal shell of the body including doors and deck lid prior to paint and trim. 白车身BOM: Bill of Materials 材料清单BOP: Bill of Process 过程清单Brownfield Site: An expansion of an existing facility. 扩建场地CMM: Coordinate Measuring Machine 三坐标测试仪Cpk: Capability Index for a stabile process 过程能力指数CTC: Component Timing Chart (DRE document)零部件时间表(DRE 文件)CTS: Component Technical Specifications 零部件技术规CVER: Concept Vehicle Engineering Release 概念车工程发布DC: Design Complete 设计完成Defect outflow detection: A phrase used in the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements that refers to in-process or subsequent inspection used to detect defects in parts. 缺陷检测DFM/DFA: Design for Manufacturability / Design for Assembly 可制造性/可装配性设计DFMEA: Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. It is used to identify the potential failure modes of a part, associated with the design, and establish a priority system for design improvements.设计失效模式和后果分析DPV: Defects per vehicle 每辆车缺陷数DR: Documentation Required DR特性DRE: Design Release Engineer 设计释放工程师DV: Design Validation 设计验证E&APSP: Engineering & Advance Purchasing Sourcing Process. 工程&先期采购定点程序EP: E-Procurement 电子采购流程Error Occurrence Prevention: A phrase used in the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements that refers to poke yoke or error-proofing devices used to prevent errors in the manufacturing process from occurring. 防错FTQ: First Time Quality 一次通过质量GA: General Assembly 总装GD&T: Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 几何尺寸与公差SGM: Shanghai General Motors 通用汽车GMAP: General Motors Asian Pacific 通用汽车亚太GME: General Motors Europe 通用汽车欧洲GMNA: General Motors North American 通用汽车北美GP: General Procedure 通用程序GPDS: Global Product Description System 全球产品描述系统GPS: Global Purchasing System 全球采购系统GPSC: Global Purchasing & Supplier Chain 全球采购及供应链GR&R: Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility 检具重复性及再现性Greenfield Site: A new supplier facility that is built to support a program.GVDP: Global Vehicle Development Process 全球整车开发流程IPTV: Incidents per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车故障IVER: Integration Vehicle Engineering Release 集成车工程发布KCC: Key Control Characteristics. It is a process characteristic where variation can affect the final partand/or the performance of the part. 关键控制特性KCDS: Key Characteristic Designation System 关键特性指示系统Kick-Off Meeting: The first APQP supplier program review.启动会议(第一次APQP 供应商项目评审)KPC: Key Product Characteristic. It is a product characteristic for which reasonably anticipated variation could significantly affect safety, compliance to governmental regulations, or customer satisfaction.关键产品特性LAAM: (General Motors) Latin American, Africa & Meddle East (通用汽车)拉丁美洲、非洲及中东LCR: Lean Opacity Rate. It is the GM daily capacity requirement.正常生产能力MCR: Maximum Capacity Rate. It is the GM maximum capacity requirement. 最大生产能力MOP: Make or Purchase 制造/采购MPC: Material Production Control 物料生产控制MPCE: Material Production Control Europe 欧洲物料生产控制MRD: Material Required Date; date material must be delivered in order to allow a build event to begin. 物料需求日期MSA: Measurement Systems Analysis 测量系统分析MVBns: Manufacturing Validation Build non-saleable 非销售车制造验证MVBs: Manufacturing Validation Build saleable 销售车制造验证NBH: New Business Hold 停止新业务N.O.D.: Notice of Decision 决议通知OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer 主机客户PAD: Production Assembly Documents 生产装配文件PC&L: Production Control & Logistics 生产控制&物流PDT: Product Development Team 产品开发小组PFMEA: Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. It is used to identify potential failure modes associated with the manufacturing and assembly process.过程失效模式和后果分析PPAP: Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序Ppk: Performance index for a stable process 过程能力指数PPM: 1) Program Purchasing Manager, 2) Parts per Million (rejects and returns to suppliers) 1)项目经理2) 每百万件的产品缺陷数PPV: Product & Process Validation 产品及过程验证PQC: Product Quality Characteristic 产品质量特性PR/R: Problem Reporting & Resolution 问题报告及解决PSA: Potential Supplier Assessment, a subset of the Quality System Assessment (QSA)潜在供应商评审PV: Product Validation 产品验证QSA: Quality System Assessment 质量体系评审QSB: Quality Systems Basics 质量体系基础QTC: Quoted Tool Capacity 工装报价能力RASIC: Responsible, Approve, Support, Inform, Consult 负责、批准、支持、通知、讨论RR: Run at Rate按节拍生产RFQ: Request For Quotation 报价要求RPN: Risk Priority Number related to FMEA development 风险顺序数RPN Reduction Plan: An action plan that describes what is being done to reduce the risk priority number for items listed in the DFMEA or PFMEA.降低RPN 值计划SDE: Supplier Development Engineer 供应商开发工程师SFMEA: System Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 系统失效模式分析SMT: System Management Team 系统管理小组SOA: Start of Acceleration 加速开始SORP: Start of Regular Production 正式生产SOR: Statement of Requirements 要求声明SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制SPO: (General Motors) Service and Parts Operations (通用汽车)零件与服务分部SQ: Supplier Quality 供应商质量SQE: Supplier Quality Engineer 供应商质量工程师SQIP: Supplier Quality Improvement Process 供应商质量改进过程SSF: Start of System Fill 系统填充开始SSTS: Sub-system Technical Specifications 子系统技术规Sub-Assembly / Sub-System: An assembly of sub-components delivered to the SGM main production line for installation to the vehicle as a single unit.Subcontractor: The supplier of a sub-component to a Complex System/Subassembly supplier (Tier 2, 3, etc). 分供方SVE: Sub-System Validation Engineer 子系统验证工程师SVER: Structure Vehicle Engineering Release.结构车工程发布Team Feasibility Commitment: An AIAG APQP form that is provided with the Request for Quotation. It isthe supplier’s concerns with the feasibility of manufacturing the part as specified. 小组可行性承诺TKO: Tooling Kick-Off 模具启动会议UG: Unigraphics UG工程绘图造型系统VLE: Vehicle Line Executive 车辆平台负责人VTC: Validation Testing Complete 验证试验完成EWO: Engineering Work Order 工程工作指令。
汽车行业词汇(中英).ignition system半导体辅助点火系统semi-conductor assisted ignition system触点式点火系统contact-controlled ignition systme无触点式点火系统breakless ignition system磁脉冲信号发生器magnetic pulse generator传感线圈pick-up coil光电信号发生器photoelectric signal generator点火脉冲信号放大器ignition pulse amplifieer无分电器点火系统distributorless ignition sytem离心提前机构centrifugal advance mechanism真空提前机构vacuum advance mechanism触点间隙point gap次级有效高压secondary available voltage火花塞需要电压required spark plug voltage点火电压储备ignition voltage reserve次级输出电压secondary output voltage次级电压上升时间secondary voltage rise time平均输入电流average current input峰值线圈电流peak coil current断电电流interruption current断电触点电流contacet breaker current初级供电电流primary supply voltage线圈初级感应电压coil primary induced voltage最低工作转速minimum operating speed储存能量stored energy励磁时间间隔energizing interval (dwell angle)最高连续发火转速maximum continued sparking speed 最高断火转速maximum misfire revolution发火率sparking rate点火提前角spark advance angle离心提前角centrifugal advance angle分压器voltage divider放大器amplifier储存能量stored energy火花塞spark plug冷型火花塞soft plug中型火花塞normal plug热型火花塞hard plug前置火花塞leading sparkplug后置火花塞trail spark plug长螺纹(长型)火花塞long-reach plug突出型火花塞projectred nose type spark plug 锥座型火花塞conical seat type spark plug矮型火花塞compact type spark plug抑制型火花塞seppresssed type spark plug电阻型火花塞resistor type spark plug屏蔽型火花塞screened spark plug半导体火花塞semiconductor spark plug沿面间隙火花塞surface gap spark plug热值heat rating耐冷污值cold fouling rating电火花electric spark火花间隙spark gap电极间隙electrode gap火花电压spark voltage火花电流spark current火花持续时间spark duration点火次序firing order自点火self-ignition纯燃(后燃)post-ignition高压火花点火jump-spark ignition压电点火piezoelectric ignition封闭回路式点火closed circuit ignition电子点火electronic ignition点火正时ignition timing点火调节器ignition governor过热overheating油污oiol fouling积碳carbon deposit火花间隙接通gap bridging接线杆绝缘物(胶合物)pin insulation (cement)火花塞接线杆spark plug terminal pin火花塞绝缘体spark plug insulator火花塞体环spark plug body rim火花塞外壳六角螺母spark plug bodyhexagon nut 火花塞外壳spark plug body中心电极centre electrode接地电极ground electrode火花塞螺纹spark plug thread点火迟后timing lag点火线圈ignition coil并联线圈shunt winding串联线圈series winding加速线圈acceleating winding 补偿线圈compensating widning无芯线圈air-core windingcoil case(点火)线圈绝缘体coiled insulator线圈绝缘层winding insulating layer 铁芯绝缘层core insulating tube绝缘杯core insulator磁芯magnetic core隔磁套magnetic shield胶木盖ignition coil head高压接线柱high tension terminal初级绕组primary winding次级绕组secondary wnding平衡电阻ballast resistor低压接线柱low tension ternminal 接触断电器contact breaker断电器触点臂breaker cam分电器igniton distributor集成分电器unit distributor分电器轴distributor shaft分电器外壳distributor housing分电器转子distributor rotor分电器盖distributor cap分电器盖塔distributor cap towerdistributor track电容器condenser (capacitor)高压线coil high tension cable低压线cool low tension cable高压阻尼线anti-interference igniton cable(high resistance cable) 阻尼电阻suppressor resistor定时器转子timer rotor电气元件electric elements插头plug插座socket触头contact接线柱terminal螺纹拉线柱threaded terminal片状接线柱blade terminal双极插接器double-pole connector导线conductro防水盖splash-proof cover铰接盖hinged cover锁上凸块locking lug弹性管spring tube弹性销resilient pin触角标志contact disignationsupply line电缆cable电缆颜色cable color压接电线fixed wiring内部电线internal cable外部电线external cable多芯导线multicore cable双芯电线twin-core cable单芯电线single-core cable七芯连接电缆seven-core connecting cable无屏蔽高压点火线unscreened high-tension igniton calbe 外皮sheath插片male tab插座孔socket aperture二极管diode稳压二极管zener diode变阻器varistor阻尼电阻damping resistor抑制滤波器suppression filter断开触点break contact闭合触点make contact转换触点changeover contact片式快速插接件flat quick-connect termination锁销detent自锁插座positive locking female connector无肩插座tab without shoulder有肩插座tab with shoulder卷压接头crimped termination变压器transformer整流器rectifier过载保护over-current protection保险丝fuse微型电路继电器miniature circuit breaker保险丝壳fuse holder保险丝盒fuse box片式插头blade terminal喇叭horn电喇叭electric horn盆形喇叭disc type horn(high0frequency horn) 气动多音喇叭windtorn horn(shell type horn)筒形电喇叭trumpet type horn气喇叭air horn(pneumatic horn)电控喇叭electrically controlled air horn电动气喇叭electropneumatic horn晶体管电喇叭transistor horn单音喇叭monotone horn双音喇叭bitone horn三音喇叭tritone horn扬声筒trumpet projector共鸣板resonator膜片diaphragm支架bracket喇叭继电器horn relay倒车报警器back-up buzze蜂鸣器buzzer声频特性acoustic properties声能频谱分布spectral distribution of acoustic energy 声压计sound pressure level声响讯号装置sound signalling device声级计sound level meter一音级octave半音级half-octave第三音级third-octave频带过滤器band filter无回音室anechoic room截止频率cut-off frequency拾音器microphone吸声屏absorbing screen环境噪声级ambient noise level复音声响讯号装置multi-tone sound signalling device 信噪比singla-to-noise ratio闭合比例dwell raito噪声电平noise level小功率功率电动机small power motor刮水电动机wiper motor暖风电动机heater motor冷风电动机cooling fan motor燃油泵电动机fuel pump motor摇窗机构电动机window lift motor天线电动机antenna motor(aerial motor)座椅调节电动机seat adjustment motor洗涤泵washer pump洗涤电动机washer motro润滑泵电动机lubricating motor操纵件controls方向盘steering control变速杆gear selector (transmission control) 加速踏板accelerator pedal手油门manual accelerator control离合器踏板clutch pedal行车制动器制动踏板service braking control应急制动器操纵件secondary (emergency)braking conrol 驻车制动器操纵件parking brake control发动机冷起动操纵件engine cold start control风窗玻璃刮水器操纵件windscreen wiper conrol风窗玻璃洗涤器操纵件windscreen washer control门锁操纵件door latch control门锁止操纵件door lock control门窗玻璃升降器操纵件window lift control暖风操纵件heater control空调操纵件air conditioning control点火开关ignition switch灯光总开关master lighting swithc转向指示器操纵件direction indicator control危急信号操纵件hazard warnig signal control客厢顶灯开关interior light switch音响警告(喇叭)操纵件audible wanring (horn)control座椅调节操纵件seat adjustment cntrol动力输出操纵件power-take-off control翻倾操纵件tilt control发动机罩操纵件front hood (bonnet)control行李箱盖操纵件real hood (boot )control散热器百叶窗操纵件radiator shutter control外后视镜调节操纵件outside rear-view mirror adjustment control 车灯开关lighting switch制动灯开关stop lamp switch手制动灯开关hand brake indicator switch变光开关dimmer switch转向灯开关turn signal swich倒车灯开关back-up lamp siwthc停车灯开关parking lamp swich仪表灯开关instrument lamp switch门灯开关door lamp switch阅读灯开关reading lamp switch刮水器开关wiper switch洗涤器开关washer switch暖风开关heater switch雾灯开关fog lamp swtich防空灯开关black-out lamp swtich起动开关starting switch发动机预热起动开关engine start preheating switch蓄电池总开关battery main swtich起动转换开关battery change -over switch摇压开关rocker switch按钮开关push button switch扳扭开关toggle switch顶杆开关plunger switch推拉开关push pull switch旋转开关rotary switch组合开关multi-function switch活动车顶操纵件sliding roof control自动天线操纵件automatic antenna control收音机操纵件radio receiver contols柴油机停机操纵件diesel engine cut-off control起动机操纵件startercontrol前照灯光束对光操纵件headlight beam aiming control前照灯刮水器操纵件headlight wiper control前照灯清洗器操纵件headlight cleaner control蓄电池断路器操纵件battery isolating switch control光警告操纵件optical warning control转向盘调节装置操纵件steering wheels adjustment control (下坡)缓速器操纵件retarder control附加驱动车轮的操纵件additional wheel drive control差速锁操纵件differential lock control水箱面罩操纵件radiator grill control档位变换操纵件range shift control指示器indicator电流表ammeter燃油表fuel gauge(发动机)冷却液温度表coolant thermometer(发动机)机油温度表oil thermometer发动机油压表engine oil pressue indicator气制动贮气筒压力表air brake reservoir pressrue indicator车速里程表speedometer里程表odometer短程里程表trip odometer(counter)速度纪录仪tachograph转速表tachometer转速累计表total revolution counter集中润滑系统油压表cetnralized lubrication pressure indicator 自动变速器指示器automatic gearbox indicator磁感应式车速里程表magnetic inductive speedometer里程计数器mileage counter数字轮digit wheel标度盘scale(dial)调零机构null setting电子车速里程表electronic spedometer磁感应式转速表magnetic inductive tachometer电子转速表electronic tachometer油压表oil pressure gauge双金属式机油压力传感器bimetallic oil pressure snesor双金属式机油压力表bimetalic oil pressure indicator电磁式机油压力表electromagnetic oil pressure indicator 动磁式机油压力表moving magnet oil pressrue indicator 可变电阻式压力表variable reistance oil pressure sensor 波登管式压力表bourdon tube pressure gauge机油油量报警传感器oil level warning sensor压力报警传感器pressure warning sensor空气滤清器堵塞报警传感器air filter clog warning sensor温度表temperature gauge双金属式温度传感器bimetallic temperature sensor电磁式温度计electromagnetic temperature indicator 热敏电阻式温度传感器thermistor temperature sensor波登管式温度表bourdon tube temperature gauge温度报警传感器temperature warning sensor双金属式油量表bimetallic fuel indicator电磁式油量表eelctromagnetic fuel indicator动磁式油量表moving magnet fuel indicator可变电阻式燃油储量传感器variable resistance fuel level sensor燃油储量报警传感器fuel level warning sensor极化电磁式电流表polarized electromagnetic ammeter动磁式电流表moving magnet ammeter电压表voltmeter软轴flexible shaft组合仪表combination instrument气压表air pressure gauge自记式转速计tachograph发动机工作小时表engine hour meter信号装置tell-tales远光信号灯driving(upper)(high)beam tell-tale近光信号灯pasing (dipped )(low)beam tell-tale雾灯信号灯fog light tell-tale转向信号灯direction indicator tell-tale危急报警信号灯hazard warning system tell-tale行车制动系警报灯service braking system warning tell-tale 轮胎充气压力警报灯tyre inflation pressure warning tell-tale 安全带警报灯seat belt warning tell-tale门开警报灯automatic door warning tell-tale机油压力警报灯oil prssure warning tell-tale机油油面警报灯oil level warnig tell-tall温度警报灯temperature warnig tell-tale蓄电池充电状况警报灯battery charging condition tell-tale燃油油面警报fuel level tell-tale挡风玻璃电加热器信号灯windscreen eletric heater tell-tale驻车制动系警报灯parking braking sytem warning tell-tale 被动式乘员安全警报灯passive restraint tell-tale乘客与驾驶员联系信号灯passenger-driver communication tell-tale 无线电话信号灯radio communication sytem tell-tale空气滤清器警报灯air filter tell-tale机油滤清器警报灯oil filter tell-tale驾驶室锁止警告灯cab lock tell-tale灯光和照明系统light and lighting sytem通用术语general terms照明lighting灯光light光源light source灯具的几何可见度角angles of geometric visibility of a lamp外表面apparent surface基准轴线reference axis基准中心reference center发光面light-emitting surface照明装置的光照面illuminating sruface of a lighting device反射镜的光照面illuminating surface of a reflex reflextor 信号装置的光照面illuminating surface of a signalling device 灯组的调整adjustment of setting对中alignment光色特性colorimetric characteristics光度特性photometric characteristics光束亮度beam intensity光束中心beam center远光束main beam近光束dipped beam远光high beam近光lower eam对称光symmetrical beam非对称光asymmetrical beam眩目dazzle眩光glare认视距离bright viewing distance配光luminous intensity distribution透光直径transmission diameter灯光颜色lamp colr兰色blue红色redselective yellow绿色green琥珀色amber紫色purple谱值spectral valueCIE光色三角区zone of te CIE color triangle 断路break阻抗impedance短路short circuit瓦数wattage"切断"电路"off"circuit线路图wiring diagram电压波纹ripple voltage起动电流inrush currant绝缘强度dielectric strength闪频flash rate瞬间超电压强度transient overvoltage strength 通电时间current"on"time直流电direct current交流电alternating current会车光束倾斜角dipped beam inclinatin灯光明暗截止线"cut-off"lineinitial inclination封闭式灯光组sealed beam unit半封闭式灯光组semi-sealed beam unit 配光镜lens(glass lens)反射镜`reflector配光屏filament shield定焦盘prefocus plate等照度曲线isolux curve等光强曲线isocandela curve信号系统signal sytem闪光频率flash rate起动时间starting tiem光度仪器photometric device光学设备optical device校准器aimer光束轴beam axle校准屏幕aiming screen聚光装置optical block对光装置alignment device投影设备projection equipment远距离屏幕distant screen照明系统lighting systemlightig equipmetn灯具lamp等效灯具equivalent lamps成对灯具lamps constituting a pair偶数灯even number of lamps操作指示灯operational tell-tale倒车灯backup(reversing)lamp车宽示廓灯clearance lamp复合灯combined lamps内藏灯(暗灯)concealable lamp反射发光装置reflex reflexting device回射装置retro0reflecting device放电灯discharge lamp雾灯fog lamp组合灯grouped lamps危险警告灯hazard warning lamp近光前照灯lower-beam (dipped beam)headlamp 远光前照灯upper-beam(main beam headlamp) 前照灯水平调整装置headlamp levelling device识别灯identification lamp外形示廓灯end outline marker lamp牌照灯license plate lamprear registration plate lamp可伸缩灯retractable lamp封闭式灯sealed -beam lamp搜索灯search lamp侧示廓灯side marker lamp单灯single lamp专用警告灯special warning lamp制动灯stop lamp工作灯working lamp混合灯reciprocally incorporated lamp 停车灯parking lamp示廓灯position lamp转向信号灯trun signal lamp前照灯headlamp封闭式前照灯sealed beam headlamp半封闭式前照灯semi-sealed beam headlamp 外装式前照灯external mounted headlamp 内装式前照灯flush mounted headlamp辅助前照灯auxiliary headlamp组合前灯comination headlamp信号灯signal lamp(indicator)尾灯组合尾灯combination tail lamp示宽灯width lamp示高灯height lamp警告灯emergency warning lamp门灯door lock warning lamp转向指示灯turn light indicator(direction indicator lamp) 反射器reflex reflector"回路接通"指示灯"circuit closed" tell-tale信号灯pilot lamp壁灯bracket lamp顶灯ceiling lamp阅读灯reading lamp踏步灯step lamp (courtesy light)仪表板照明灯instrument panel lamp携带式手提灯portable lamp防空灯black-out lamp发动机室照明灯engine compartment lamp行李箱照明灯luggage boot lamp前照灯清洁器headlamp cleaner放电灯泡discharge bulb白炽灯泡filament bulb白炽灯filament lamp斜度计inclinometer灯泡接头bulb adaptor管状灯泡tubular bulb小型灯泡miniature bulb卤素灯泡halogen bulb石英碘灯泡quartz iodine bulb闪光器flasher电容式闪光器capacitor type flasher热丝式闪光器hot wire type flasher翼片式闪光器vane type flasher晶体管闪光器transistor flasher危险报警闪光器hazard warning signal flasher 卡口插座bayonet socket灯丝filament灯泡接电触点bulb contact灯泡灯座片bulb socket tag灯泡灯座contact holder灯座lamp seat调光座盘beam adjusting disc plate灯圈lamp ring装饰圈ornament灯壳lamp housing遮光罩light shield分流器shunt光电管photelectric cell高级轿车车身limousine body四门轿车车身sedan body,saloon body二门轿车车身coupe body活顶轿车车身cabriolet body硬顶轿车车身hardtop body活顶跑车车身roadster body, sports car body四门活顶旅游车车身phaeton body活动硬顶轿车车身hardtop -cabriolet body旅行轿车或客货两用轿车车身station wagon body, estate car body 小型货车车身pick-up body家庭用旅行车车身family wagon body整体车身unit body (unitized body)封闭式车身enclosed body折背式车身notch back body直背式车身fast back body半直背式车身semi-fast back body舱背式车身hatch bock body短背式车身cut-off type body方背式车身square back body鸭尾式车身duck tail body鱼雷形车身torpedo body结构structure楔形造型wedge style车身外壳body shell空间薄壁结构space thin0walled construction车身骨架body frame副车架subframe边框式车架perimeter frame平台式车架platform frame尾部降低式车架step-down frame车身蒙皮skin车身结构件body structural member承载式车身unitary construction body (panel structure body, unitized body, integral body)非承载式车身body chassis frame construction (separate frame construction )半承载式车身semi-integral body骨架式车身sleleton-type body半骨架式车身half-skeleton-type body无骨架式车身skeletonless body车身机构mechanical hardware of body折叠式车顶天窗车顶sunshine roof驾驶区driver's compartment乘客区passenger zone工具箱tool box蓄电池箱battery comaprtment行李架luggage rack行李架入口高rack entrance height行李梯luggage ladder座椅seat单人座椅individual seat双人座椅double seat(dual seat)长座椅bench seat高靠背座椅high back seatU型座位U-arranged seat座椅高seat height座垫seat cushion座垫静变形量amount of static cushion deformation 座垫至顶盖高height from seat to roof靠背backrest肘靠seat armrest车身裙部body skirt轮口开缝线opening line通道gangway(aisle)通道宽gangway width内饰interior trimming外饰exterior trimming车身附件body accessories浮筒式pontoon type脚部空间foot well板件panel蒙皮outer panel skin(skin)护板fender (shield)挡板baffle(guard)连接板connecting panel导流板flowguide(air deflector) 衬板patch加强件reinforcement (stiffenner) 固定件stay (retainer)支承件brace装饰件trimming (garnish)密封件weather strip(sealing)支架support(bracket)衬垫扶手assist grip(hnadrail)扶手空间handrail space铰链hinge立柱pillar梁rail(beam)罩housing盖lid(cap)槽guide(groove)前围FRONT WALL前围骨架front wall frame前围立柱front wall pillar前围搁梁front wall shelf beam前围裙边梁front skirt rail前围蒙皮front wall outer panel前围护板(栏)front wall inner shield前面罩radiator grille风窗框架windshield frame风窗中立柱windshield central post风窗框上横梁windshield header crossbar 风窗框下横梁windshield cross sill风窗玻璃windscreen (windshield)三角窗quarter window仪表板instrument panel(dash board) 副仪表板auxiliary fascia console仪表板护面dash board facing气囊air bag保险杠bumper刮水器wiper风窗洗涤器washer后视镜rear view mirror电子后视镜electronic mirror防眩后视镜glare-proof mirror遮阳板(帘)sun visor烟灰盒ash try(ash pan)点烟器cigar lighter除霜器defroster防雾装置demister发动机罩engine hood后围back wall后围骨架rear wall frame后围立柱rear wall pillar后围搁梁rear wall shelf rail后围裙边梁rear skirt rail后围蒙皮rear wall outer panel后围护板rear wall inner shield后窗框架rear window frame后窗中立柱rear window central pillar后窗框上横梁rear window header crossbar后窗框下横梁rear window cross sill后窗玻璃rear window glass助力撑杆power-assisted brace gas spring 侧围side wall侧围骨架side wall frame侧围立柱side wall pillar侧窗立柱side window pillar腰立柱waist pillar门立柱side wall outer panel侧围护板side wall inner shield侧窗side window侧窗锁sidewindow lock上边梁roof side rail(cantrail)腰梁waist rail侧围搁梁side wall sheilf rail侧围裙边梁side skirt rail斜撑bracing piece轮罩wheelhouse(wheel arch)翼板wing(fender)挡泥板madguard(fender apron)踏步板step plate一级踏步高first step height踏步深step depth流水槽roof drip驾驶员门driver door乘客门净宽service door clear width安全门emergency door发动机舱门engine compartment door 行李舱门luggage compartment door 蓄电池箱门battery compartment door 售票台conductor table售票员座椅conductor seat乘客座椅passenger seat导游座椅guide seat加座additional seat9folding seat) 衬靠armrst安全带seat belt(safety belt)门锁door lock门内手柄indide door handle玻璃升降器window regulator(window lifter) 压条trim strip压条封盖trim strip cap顶盖roof顶盖骨架roof frame顶盖纵梁roof rai顶盖横梁roof crossrail顶盖蒙皮roof outer panel顶盖护板roof inner shield顶窗sky-light window地板floor地板护面floor carpet底架foundation空调装置air conditiner暖风装置heater冷气装置cooler除霜装置defroster通风装置ventilator自动调温装置automatic temperature control 吸入节流阀suction throttling valve吸进口suction side排放口discharge side蒸发器evaporator蒸发分离器vapor seperator蒸发气体回收管vapor return line标牌name plate路牌guide board伸缩蓬telescopic tarpaulin中间框架central frame梭梁stabilizing beam蓬杆tarpaulin rod驾驶室cab平头驾驶室forward control cab(cab over engine) 长头驾驶室conventional cab侧置驾驶室offset cab双排座驾驶室crew cab (double cab)有卧铺的驾驶室SLLEPER CAB翻转式驾驶室tilt cab右侧驾驶right-hand drive左侧驾驶left-hand drive角撑件guesset筋rib杂物箱glove box内锁手柄inside door knob汽车商标emblem (mark)货箱cargo body厢式货箱van body低台货箱low deck body高栏板货箱high gate cargo body货箱底板cargo floor梁sill纵梁main sill纵梁垫木wood filler block靠枕head rest底板边梁floor frame底板面板floor board底板压条floor strip绳钩rope hook货架front guard frame货架边柱guard frame ouside post货架横梁guard frame rail货架上角板guard frame upper gusset货加立柱guard frame inside post货架横挡guard frame horizontal cleat货架立挡guard frame vertical clear边柱上挡guard fame upper side stopper 边柱下角板guard frame lower gusset plate 前板header board包边board edge iron货箱栏板gate栏板上梁gate top rial栏板下梁gate bottom rial栏板铰链gate hinge栏板立柱support post边板side gate后板rear gate后板侧柱rear gate side post栏板链条gate chain护套sleeve缓冲垫cushion rubber板件pressing panel骨架件ember发动机罩安全拉钩hood safety lock背门back door地板通道floor tunnel保险杠防撞块bumper guard保险杠托架bumper stay脚凳foot rest车轮装饰罩wheel disc (rim embelisher)轮毂装饰罩hub embelisher车身设计body design车身总布置图body layout车身主模型master model车身主图板full scale draft油泥模型clay model (plasticine model)全尺寸造型模型full scale styling representation mock-up造型styling原型车prototype vehicle彩色效果图color picture黑板图black-board draft车身制图body drawing车身制表面body surface development样板template车身分块body division车身坐标轴线body coordinate axis三向坐标测量装置three coordinates measuring equipment非接触仿形测量non-contact copying measurement计算机辅助几何设计computer aided geometric design(CAGD)车身机助设计制造一体化computer aided design/computer aided manufacture (CAD/CAM) 计算机辅助工程computer aided engineering (CAE)贝齐尔曲线bezier curve高光线high-light line通用驾驶室系统versatile cab system有限元法finite-element method(FEM) 模态分析法modal analysis method车身制造body manufacturing车身装焊流水线body assembly line车身主装配台main assembling jig of body 大型装焊架large-scale jig低溶点合金模low melting point alloy die 经济模economic die临时冲模temporary die拉深drawing拉深系数drawing coefficient电泳涂漆elecrophoretic coating静电喷漆electrostatic spray paining 脱式浸涂slipper dip全浸涂full dip转动浸涂rotodip车身油漆body paint车身表面处理body surface treatment磷化处理phosphating远红外线烘干far-infrared ays drying白车身body in white剥裂试验peel test屈强比yield limit/strength limit定制车身custom-built body回弹rebound冲模的楔形机构wedged mechanism of die二氧化碳气体保护焊CO2 gas shield welding车身试验body test车身寿命(疲劳)试验body durability test车身密封试验body sealing test淋雨试验rain test粉尘试验dust test车身振动试验body vibration test空调试验air conditioning test热线风速计hot wire anemometer车身表面压力分布试验body surface pressure distribution test 风洞试验wind tunnel test整车风洞或全尺寸风洞full scale wind tunnel开式风洞open wind turnnel闭式风洞closed wind tunnel阻塞效应blockage effect阻塞面积比blockage area ratio表面丝线法surface tuft method流线图flow pattern颜料流线paint streaming车身材料body materials高强度低合金钢high strength low alloy steel (HSLA)镀锌钢板zinc coating steel plate密封剂和粘接剂sealer and adhesive模压塑料板材sheet moulding compound (SMC)纤维fiber填料filler聚氨脂泡沫(塑料)polyurethane foam (urethane foam)安全玻璃safety glass后窗玻璃(后挡玻璃)backlight(backlite)防弹玻璃bullet0resisting glass复合曲面玻璃complex-curved glass单曲面玻璃cylindrically curved glass(single curved glass) 双层中空玻璃bouble glazed unit电热安全玻璃electric heating safety glass增反射安全玻璃enhanced reflecting safety glazing material玻璃-塑料安全材料glass-plastic glazing material屏显风窗玻璃head-up display windscreen夹层玻璃laminated-glassA类夹层玻璃laminated-glass AB类夹层玻璃laminated-glass B安全玻璃材料safety glazing material侧窗玻璃side window glass钢化玻璃tempered glass前风窗玻璃(前风挡玻璃) windscreen无雨刷玻璃wipeless windscreen区域钢化玻璃zone-tempered glass钢化彩虹trising from tempering float glass 缺角broken corner胶合层气泡bubble in the interlayer爆边chip粗磨边rude edge-arrissing吻合度curvature tolerance深弯deep bending脱胶delamination胶合层变色discoloration细磨边smoothed edge-arrissing胶合层杂质interlayer dirt节瘤knot绒毛fine hair叠差dislocation模具痕迹mold mark划伤scratch浅弯shallow bending磨边残留edge-arrissing residue 挂钩印迹tong mark波筋wave发霉weathering视区vision area光学偏移optical deviation不平行度wedge平行度parallelism透光率light transmittance副像secondary image光学畸变optical distortion钢球冲击试验ball impact test淬火钢球hardened steel ball支承夹具supporting fixture耐磨试验abrasion test磨损仪ab。
汽车行业常用英文术语缩写汽车行业常用英文术语缩写词与中文解释1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产4S Sale, Spare part零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈ABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会Benchmark Data 样件资料CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change Cutoff 设计变更冻结Characteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance) CPO Complementary Parts OrderCUV Car-Based Utility VehicleERP Enterprise Resource PlanningIPO Individual Parts OrderISIR Initial Sample Inspection ReportJIT Just In TimeKO Kick-offLP-Lean Production 精益生产LS Launch SupportMPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle 多用途汽车MTP- Make to print supplier 照图加工供应商N/A- Not ApplicableNDA Non Disclosure Agreement 保密协定onetime adj.过去的,从前的PA Program ApprovalPassenger Vehicle 乘用车PPSR Production Preparation Status ReportPQA Process Quality AssurancePR Program ReadinessPre-Launch 试生产price-driven costing 价格引导成本Production Trial Run 试生产Prototype 样件QR- Quality Reject 质量拒收QS Quality StandardPPAP- Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序RFQ Request For Quotation询价SOP Start Of ProductionOTS Off T ooling Samples译为“工程样件”即全工装状态下非节拍生产条件下制造出来的样件.用于验证产品的设计能力。
汽车行业英语词汇汇总汽车行车英车车车车车first gear 一档second gear 二档reverse 倒车档two-stroke engine 二程车车机冲diesel 柴油机limousine 豪车车车drop head 活车车汽车篷racing car 车车saloon 车车roadster 敞蓬车notchback 客车用车两four-wheel drive 四车车车front-wheel drive 前车车车trailer 拖车station wagon 小旅行车truck 车卡compact car 小型汽车light-van 小型车车garbage truck 车垃圾automobile carrier 车车运卡fire engine 消防车tractor 车引车ambulance 救车车taxi 出租车~车程车trailer truck 拖车sports car 车跑formula car 方程式车车~方程式汽车mail car 车车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血车车bumper car 撞用汽车碰camper 露车车police car 警车wrecker 障车清ambulance 急救车汽车外车front wheel 前车rear wheel 后车tread 车距chassis 底车bodywork~body 车身rear window 后璃窗玻windscreen 车车璃玻windscreen wiper 雨刮器fender~wing~mudguard 车泥板radiator grille 水箱wing mirror 后车车bonnet 车车机盖boot 行李箱roof rack~luggage rack 行李架license plate~number plate 车牌号wing 前翼子板hubcap 车车罩bumper 保车杠front blinker 前信号灯taillight~tail lamp 尾灯backup light~reversing light 倒车灯stoplight~stop lamp 刹车灯rear blinker 车指示弯灯trunk~boot 行李箱bumper 保车杠tailpipe 排管气汽车部内back seat~rear seat 后座driver''s seat~driving seat 车车席passenger seat 旅客席steering wheel~wheel 方向车rear-view mirror~driving mirror 后车车horn~hooter 喇叭choke 熄火置装gear stick~gear change 车速杆gearbox 车速箱starter~self-starter 起车器~起车车brake pedal 刹车踏板clutch pedal 合器踏板离hand brake 手制车器foot brake 脚制车器dashboard 车表板milometer 里程表speedometer~clock 速度表transmission 车车piston 活塞radiator 散车器fan belt 车扇皮车shaft 车车车inner tube 胎内drain tap 排车车气silencer 消音器tank 油箱overflow 溢流孔valve 车车exhaust pipe 排管气spare wheel 车胎~车用车胎carburetor 汽化器pinion gear 行星车车carrier case 主速器减壳side gear 半车车车differential case 半车车车bearing cap 车承盖ring gear 被车车车differential 差速器rear drive axle 后车车车。
常用汽车行业英语缩写AAR 外观件批准报告 ADV 分析/开发/验证 ADV P&R ADV计划和报告 ADV-DV ADV设计验证 ADV-PV ADV产品验证 AIAG 汽车工业行为集团 AP 先期采购 APO 亚太分部 APQP 产品质量先期策划 ASQE 先期供应商质量工程师 BOM 材料清单 BOP 过程清单 Brownfield Site 扩建场地 CMM 三坐标测试仪 CPK 过程能力指数 CTS 零件技术规范 Defect outflow detection 缺陷检测 DFM/DFA 可制造性/可装配性设计 DPV 每辆车缺陷数 DRE 设计发放工程师 EQPE 工程质量规划工程师 Error Occurrence Prevention 设计发放工程师 EWO 工程更改指令 FE1,2,3 1,2,3功能评估 FMEA 失效模式和后果分析 GD&T 几何公差&尺寸 GM 通用汽车公司 GME 通用汽车工期欧洲分部 GP 总体步骤 GP-4 生产件批准程序 GP-5 供应商质量过程和测量(问题回复及解决) GP-8 持续改进 GP-9 按节拍生产 GP-10 试验室认可程序 GP-11 样件批准 GP-12 早期生产遏制 GPDS 全球产品描述系统 GPS 全球采购系统 GQTS 全球质量跟踪系统 GR&R 量具的重复性与再现性 Greenfield Site 新建工厂 GVDP 全球车辆开发过程 IPTV 每千辆车缺陷数 KCC 关键控制特性 KCDS 关键特性指示系统Kick-off Meeting 启动会议 KPC 关键产品特性 LAO 拉丁美洲分部 Layered Process Audit 分层审核 L CR 最低生产能力 Mcomplex system/subassembly M复杂系统/分总成 MCR 最大生产能力 MOP 制造/采购 MPC 物料生产控制 MPCE 欧洲物料生产控制 MRD 物料需求日期(交样完成日期) MSA 测量系统分析 MVBns(原:NS) 非销售车制造验证 MVBs(原:S) 销售车制造验证 N.O.D. 决议通知 NAO 北美分部 NBH 停止新业务 OEM 主机客户 PAD 生产装配文件 PC&L 生产控制&物流 PDT 产品开发小组 FMEA 潜在失效模式分析 PPAP 生产件批准程序 PPK 过程能力指数 PPM (1)项目采购经理(2)每百万件的产品缺陷数 PPO 样车试制工程 PQC 产品质量特性 PR/R 问题报告及解决 PSA 潜在供应商评审 PTR 零件试生产 QSA 质量系统评审 QTC 工装报价能力 RASIC 负责,批准,支持,通知,讨论 RFQ 报价要求 RPN 风险顺序数 RPN reduction plan 降低RPN值计划 S.T.E.P 采购定点小组评估过程 SDE 供应商开发工程师 SFMEA 系统失效模式分析 SMT 系统管理小组 SOA 加速开始 SO P 正式生产 SOR 供应商质量要求声明 SPC 统计过程控制 SPO 零件与服务分部SQ 供应商质量 SQE 供应商质量工程师 SQIP 供应商质量改进过程 SSF 系统填充开始 SSTS 分系统技术规范 Team feasibility commitment UG UG工程绘图造型系统 VAP 每辆车开发过程 VLE 车辆平台负责人 WWP 全球采购旧称呼IV2 新称呼OTS 旧称呼MC1 新称呼FE2 旧称呼MC2 新称呼FE3 旧称呼MCB 新称呼FE1 旧称呼PVV 新称呼Trgout小组可行性承诺三亿文库包含各类专业文献、应用写作文书、文学作品欣赏、行业资料、生活休闲娱乐、高等教育、外语学习资料、中学教育、各类资格考试、专业论文、78通过汽车英语缩写等内容。
汽车行业的英文缩写(中文含义)对应表 APQP 产品先期质量策划 Quattro-全时四轮驱动系统 Tiptronic-轻触子-自动变速器Multitronic-多极子-无级自动变速器 ABC-车身主动控制系统 DSC-车身稳定控制系统 VSC-车身稳定控制系统 TRC-牵引力控制系统 TCS-牵引力控制系统 ABS-防抱死制动系统 ASR-加速防滑系统 BAS-制动辅助系统 DCS-车身动态控制系统 EBA-紧急制动辅助系统 EBD-电子制动力分配系统 EDS-电子差速锁ESP-电子稳定程序系统 HBA-液压刹车辅助系统 HDC-坡道控制系统 HAC-坡道起车控制系统 DAC-下坡行车辅助控制系统 A-TRC--车身主动循迹控制系统 SRS-双安全气囊 SAHR-主动性头枕GPS-车载卫星定位导航系统 i-Drive--智能集成化操作系统 Dynamic.Drive-主动式稳定杆 R-直列多缸排列发动机 V-V 型汽缸排列发动机B-水平对置式排列多缸发动机 WA-汪克尔转子发动机 W-W 型汽缸排列发动机 Fi-前置发动机(纵向) Fq-前置发动机(横向) Mi-中置发动机(纵向) Mq-中置发动机(横向) Hi-后置发动机(纵向) Hq-后置发动机(横向) OHV-顶置气门,侧置凸轮轴 OHC-顶置气门,上置凸轮轴 DOHC-顶置气门,双上置凸轮轴 CVTC-连续可变气门正时机构 VVT-i--气门正时机构Un Re gi st er edVVTL-i--气门正时机构 V-化油器ES-单点喷射汽油发动机 EM-多点喷射汽油发动机SDi-自然吸气式超柴油发动机 TDi-Turbo 直喷式柴油发动机 ED-缸内直喷式汽油发动机 PD-泵喷嘴D-柴油发动机(共轨) DD-缸内直喷式柴油发动机 TA-Turbo(涡轮增压) NOS-氧化氮气增压系统 MA-机械增压 FF-前轮驱动 FR-后轮驱动 Ap-恒时全轮驱动 Az-接通式全轮驱动 ASM 动态稳定系统 AYC 主动偏行系统 ST-无级自动变速器 AS-转向臂 QL-横向摆臂 DQL-双横向摆臂 LL-纵向摆臂 SL-斜置摆臂 ML-多导向轴 SA-整体式车桥DD-德迪戎式独立悬架后桥 VL-复合稳定杆式悬架后桥 FB-弹性支柱DB-减震器支柱 BF-钢板弹簧悬挂 SF-螺旋弹簧悬挂 DS-扭力杆GF-橡胶弹簧悬挂 LF-空气弹簧悬挂 HP-液气悬架阻尼 HF-液压悬架 QS-横向稳定杆 S-盘式制动Si-内通风盘式制动 T-鼓式制动Un Re gi st er edSFI-连续多点燃油喷射发动机 FSI-直喷式汽油发动机 PCM - 动力控制模块~ EGR -废气循环再利用 BCM - 车身控制模块~ ICM - 点火控制模块~ MAP - 空气流量计 ST-无级自动变速器FF-“前置引擎前轮驱动” FR-“前置引擎后轮驱动” RR-“后置引擎后轮驱动”AAE American Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会 AB air bag 安全气囊ABS anti-lock brake system 防抱死制动系统 AC alternating current 交流电 air conditioner 空调器 automobile club 汽车俱乐部ADL automatic door clock 自动门锁AEC automobile emission control 汽车排放控制AIME American institute of mechanical engineers 美国机械工程师协会 AIAE American institute of automobile engineers 美国汽车工程师协会 A/M automatic/manual 自动/手动AMT automatic machincal transmission 机械式自动变速器 APC automatic performance control 爆震自动控制系统 ASC anti-slip control 驱动防滑控制系统 AT automatic transmission 自动变速器 ATA anti-thief alarm 防盗报警ATC automatic temperature control 自动温度控制 ATS anti-thief system 防盗系统 AWD all-wheel drive 全轮驱动AWS all-wheel steering 全轮转向 BWI body in white 白车身CAD computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计 CAM computer-aided management 计算机辅助设计 CAN controller area network 控制器区域网络 CCS cruise control system 巡航控制系统 CNG compressed natural gas 压缩天然气CIM computer-integrated manufacturing system 计算机集成制造系统 CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission (带式)无级变速器 CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle(本田)舒适休闲车 DC drag coefficient 风阻系数 digital control 数字控制l direct current 直流电Un Re gi st er edDCI direct cylinder injection 直接喷入汽缸 DCS deceleration control system 减速控制系统DEFI digital electronic fuel injection 数字式电子控制燃油喷射 D-EFI 压力计量空气流量的电控燃油系统 DFI digital fuel injection 数字式燃油喷射 Direct fuel injection 直接燃油喷射 DCM diagnostic control mode 诊断控制模块 DI direct injection 直接喷射 DI diesel engine 直喷式柴油发动机 DI gasoline engine 直喷式汽油发动机 DOHC double overhead camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴 DPB dual power brake 双回路助力制动 DTC diagnostic trouble code 诊断故障码EAT electronic automatic transmission 电控自动变速器 EAS electronic (control) air suspension 电子控制空气悬架 EBS electronic brake system 电子制动系EBTC electronic brake and traction control 制动和牵引力电子控制 ECD electronic control diesel 电子控制柴油机 ECI electronic control injection 电子控制喷射ECI-turbo electronic control injection turbo 电子控制燃油喷射涡轮增压发动机 ECS Engine Control System 发动机控制系统Electronic control suspension 电子控制悬架 Electronic Control System 电子控制系统 ECU electronic control unit 电子控制模块EFI electronic fuel injection 电子控制燃油喷射 EGR exhaust-gas recirculation 废气再循环EHPS electronic hydrostatic power steering 电子液压蛀力转向 EHV electric and hybrid vehicle 电动和混合动力汽车ECVT eletro-continuously variable (belt) transmission 电子控制(带式)无级变速器EGI electronic gasoline injection 电子汽油喷射 EPI electronic petrol injection 电子汽油喷射 ESC electronic spark control 电子点火控制electric suspension control system 电子控制悬架电子控制悬架 ESP electronic stability program 电子稳定程序ESCS electronic suspension control system 电子悬架控制系统 ETC electronic traction control 电子牵引力控制装置 ETS exhaust-gas-turbo-supercharger 废气涡轮增压器 Euro 2 欧洲第二阶段排放限制标准EEC European economic community 欧共体ETCC European touring car championship 欧洲房(旅游、高性能)车锦标赛 F1 Formula 1 一级方程式(汽车赛)FES Federal emission standard (美)联邦排放标准 FF front front(发动机)前置前驱动Un Re gi st er edFMS flexible manufacturing system 柔性制造系统 FR front rear(发动机)前置后驱动 FWD four wheel drive 四轮驱动 Front wheel drive 前轮驱动 FWS four-wheel steering 四轮转向GT grand touring(轿车分类)高性能类,房车类,旅游类 GTCC German touring car championship 德国房车冠军赛 GPS global positioning system 全球卫星定位系统 HTV hybrid test vehicle 混合动力试验车HUD head up display 抬头显示,前窗玻璃映像显示 HV hybrid vehicle 混合动力车 HC hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物ICE internal combustion engine 内燃机 ICS intercooler system 中冷系统IDI indirect fuel injection 间接燃油喷射IEEE institute of electrical and electronics engineers(美)电气与电子工程师学会IFS independent front suspension 前轮独立悬架 INFLATABLE RESTRAINT (仪表板字符)安全气囊指示灯ISO international standard organization 国际标准化组织 LAN local area network 局域网LCD liquid crystal display 液晶显示 LNG liquefied natural gas 液化天然气 LPG liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气 LMG liquefied mathane gas 液化甲烷气 MAN manual 手动的MT manual transmission 手动变速器MIL malfunction indicator lamp 故障指示灯 MPFI multi port fuel injection 多点燃油喷射 MPI multi point injection 多点喷射 MPV multipurpose vehicle 多用途车NCAP new car assessment program 新型汽车鉴定程序 NG netural gas 天然气NOX nitrogen oxide 氮氧化和物OBD system on-board diagnostic system 车载诊断装置 PCV positive crankcase ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风 PS power steering 动力转向PUC pickup car 客货两用小汽车,皮卡 PU foam polyurethane foam 聚氨酯泡沫塑料 PVC polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯RC engine rotary combustion engine 转子发动机 RR rear rear(发动机)后置后驱动 RV recreational vehicle 休闲车 RWD rear-wheel drive 后轮驱动Un Re gi st er edSAE society of automotive engineers,Inc. (美)汽车工程师学会 SAMT semi-automatical transmission 半自动机械式变速器 SFI sequential fuel injection 顺序式燃油喷射SEPFI sequential electronic port fuel injection 顺序电子燃油喷射 SLV sport luxury vehicle 运动型豪华多用途车 SLS sport luxury sedan 运动型豪华轿车 ST sport touring car 运动型旅行车SUV sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车 SRD spin resistant differential 防滑差速器SRS supplemental restraint system 辅助约束装置(又称安全气囊) SRT street racing technology 公路赛车技术TBI throttle body fuel injection 节气门体燃油喷射 TC technical center 技术中心 Traffic control 交通控制 Turbo charger 涡轮增压器Turbocharged coupe 涡轮增压双门跑车TCC transaxle converter clutch 变矩器离合器,变速驱动桥 TCCS Toyota computer controlled system 丰田计算机控制系统 TCS traction control system 牵引力控制系统 TD turbo diesel 涡轮增压柴油机 TDI turbo-DI 涡轮增压柴油机TFT thin film transistor 薄膜液晶管TUV Toyota universal vehicle 丰田多用途车T-VIS Toyota variable induction system 丰田可变进气系统 TWC three-way catalyst 三元催化转换器 TWD two-wheel drive 两轮驱动UTCS urban traffic control system 城市公交管理系统 VSC vehicle speed control 车辆速度控制Vehicle stability control 车辆稳定控制装置VTSS vehicle theft security system 车辆防盗安全系统 VIVT variable inlet-valve timing 可变进气门正时V-TCS viscous traction control system 粘性牵引力控制系统 ABSanti-lock brake system 防抱死制动系统 ASRacceleration slip regulation 加速防滑转调节(控制)系统AT(ATM)automatic transmission 自动变速器Un Re gi st er edABVair bypass valve 旁通空气阀 CCScruise control switch(system) 巡航控制开关(系统) CDMchassis dynamometer 底盘测功仪 CKPcrankshaft position 曲轴位置 CMPcamshaft position sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器 CCMcentral control module 中央控制模块 EBDelectronic brake(force)distribution 电子控制的制动力分配(系统) ECMengine control module 发动机控制模块ECTSengine coolant temperature 发动机冷却液温度传感器 ECUelectronic control unit 电子控制单元 EGRexhaust gas recirculation 废气再循环Un Re gi st er edEFIelectronic fuel injection 电子控制燃油喷射 EPIelectronic petrol injection 电子控制汽油喷射EVAPevaporative emission control system 燃油蒸发排放控制系统 ESPelectronic stability program 电控稳定系统EVAP-CPCSEVAP-canister purge control solenoid EVAP 碳罐净化控制电磁阀EVAP-TPCVEVAP-tank pressure control valve EVAP 油箱压力控制阀 FPRfuel pump relay 燃油泵继电器HO2Sheated oxygen sensor 加热型氧传感器 IACidle air control 怠速空气控制 IDLidle throttle position sensor 怠速节气门位置传感器 IGTignitor(primary frigger) 点火装置(初级触发器)Un Re gi st er edISCidle speed control 怠速控制 IATintake air temperature 进气温度 KNKknock sensor 爆震传感器 MAFmass air flow 质量空气流量 MAPmanifold absolute pressure 进气歧管绝对压力 MATmanifold air temperature 进气歧管空气温度 MFImultiport fuel injection 多点燃油喷射 PCVpositive crankcase ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风 PFIport fuel injected(system)进气道燃油喷射系统(即多点喷射) PSPpower steering pressure 动力转向压力 P/Spower steering 动力转向Un Re gi st er edSPDvehicle speed sensor 车速传感器 SIRsupplemental inflatable restraint 辅助充气式气囊保护(约束)装置 TCStraction control system 牵引力控制系统TP(TPS)throttle position (sensor) 节气门位置(传感器) TVVthermal vacuum valve 热力真空阀 THAintake air temperature sensor 进气温度传感器 THWcoolant temperature sensor 冷却水温度传感器 TBIthrottle body fuel injection 节气门体燃油喷射(单点喷射) TWCthree way catalyst converter 三元催化转换器 VSVvacuum solenoid valve 真空电磁阀 VCVvaccum control valve 真空控制阀Un Re gi st er edVTAthrottle position sensor 节气门位置传感器 VSSvehicle speed sensor 车速传感器变速器M(Manual):手动变速器A(Automatic):自动变速器A4:四速自动变速器发动机LLengtn:气缸排列法,代表直列。
常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance)CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。
1.行业相关词汇(部分):2.公司概况company profile3.主要/主营业务main business4.业务范围business scope5.核心价值core value6.核心竞争力core competence/competitiveness7.核心应用系统core application system8.成功案例success story/case9.典型案例typical case10.案例研究/分析case study11.汽车配件/备件/零件automotive (spare)parts12.汽车附件automotive accessories13.部件/元件/组件components14.汽车后市场aftermarket15.配件市场parts market16.经销商管理系统Dealer Management System(DMS)17.经销商协同管理系统Dealer Collaboration Management System (INFODCS)18.整车销售管理系统Vehicle Sales Management System (INFOVSM)19.配件运作管理系统Spare/Service Parts Management System (INFOSPM)20.索赔管理系统Warranty Management System (INFOWS)21.技术资料发布系统Technical –data Viewer ((INFOTDV)22.英孚商用数据交换平台(INFOX) B2B Data Exchange Platform23.经销商订单管理系统dealer order management system24.售后配件管理系统Spare/Service Parts management system(SPM)25.集成管理系统integrated management system26.数据分析系统data analysis system27.销售配额sales quota28.配额管理quota management29.配额式订单管理系统quota-based order management system30.配额式订单管理模式quota-based order management mode31.主数据管理master data management(MDM)32.操作系统operating system (OS)33.应用系统application system34.实施服务implementation service35.一站式服务one-stop shop/one-stop services36.综合性的一揽子服务(方案) a comprehensive package of services37.现场服务on-site service38.现场培训on-site training39.现场实施on-site implementation40.现场分析on-site analysis41.现场管理field/on-site management42.车厂/主机厂/整车制造商/车辆制造厂OEM/automaker43.整车物流(finished) vehicle logistics (FVL)/outbound logistics(注:整车以后可以一致翻为vehicle,如前加finished也可以)44.先进的整车物流advanced (finished) vehicle logistics(AFVL)45.整车配送vehicle delivery46.整车/车辆匹配vehicle matching47.4S-整车销售(Sale),零配件(Spare part),售后服务(Service),信息反馈等(Survey)48.线上车辆状态跟踪online vehicle status tracking49.线上预配车模块online vehicle pre-allocation module50.车辆滞留时间vehicle holdup period51.配车冻结vehicle allocation freezing52.生产冻结期production freezing time53.提前分销/分配pre-distribution54.生产周排产计划weekly production schedule55.管线内车辆vehicles in the pipeline56.(车辆)下线时间offline time/ off-production-line time57.(车辆)上线时间online time58.系统上线system go-live59.资源配置/分配resources allocation/distribution60.产品推广products deployment(注:本行业产品推广一般是系统推广部署之意,区别与一般产品的推广促销products promotion)61.业务流程business process62.持续支持on-going/continuous support63.长期支持long-term support64.订单查询order inquiry/query(注:前者一般电话查询等,后者一般网上查询)65.签收•sign-in66.软件外包software outsourcing67.服务站service station68.服务中心service centre69.功能模块function/functional module70.召回recall71.无缝连接seamless connection/joint72.J2EE架构J2EE architecture73.J2EE 框架J2EE framework74.展厅管理showroom management75.备件库存spare parts inventory/stock76.物料出入库material issuing and receiving77.出库/仓库交货goods issuing/delivery/ex-warehouse78.叉车厂forklift truck works79.库存深度stock depth80.库存积压/压库overstock81.汽车配件厂auto parts plant82.汽车维修厂automotive service shop83.汽车修理厂automotive repair shop84.汽车维修工程有限公司Auto maintenance engineering Co. Ltd85.汽车养护有限公司car maintenance Co. Ltd86.汽车美容护理中心Auto care centre87.大客户销售经理Fleet Sales/Key Account Manager88.订单处理order processing/handling89.延期交货订单/欠货订单back order90.实时客户订单real-time customer order91.客户名单customer list92.客户跟进customer follow-up93.潜在客户potential customer/prospect94.客户服务满意(度)customer service satisfaction95.客户满意度(指标)customer satisfaction index (CSI)96.客户关怀customer care97.客户忠诚度customer loyalty98.授权及审批authorization and approval99.保修/索赔申请warranty claim100.回运件/返修件/旧件return parts101.最佳实践best practice102.同步传输synchronous transmission103.异步传输asynchronous transmission104.消息组播message multicast105.安全密码认证Security Password Authentication106.日志管理log management107.多重组网domain based routing rules \108.批量数据上传batch data upload109.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)110.数据库连接池database pool111..数据源data source\112.线形图linear chart113.柱形/条形图/直方图bar chart/histogram114.饼图pie chart115.托管/寄存服务hosting service116.绩效考核指标体系设计performance index design117.绩效评价体系设计performance evaluation system design 118.绩效管理体系performance management system119.关键业绩指标key performance index (KPI)120.应用编程接口application programming interface (API)121.系统部署system deployment122.试运行pilot/ trial/test running(注:本行业常用pilot)123.集中培训centralized training124.系统切换system cutover125.无线接入wireless access126.办公自动化office automation (OA)127.虚拟专用网virtual private network(VPN)128.故障管理fault management(FM)129.故障模式与结果分析Fault Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) 130.故障率Failure Rate131.故障记录Failure Record132.三包服务three-guarantee service/sanbao service133.集中构架技术integrated architecture technology134.分布式构架技术distributed architecture technology135.集中式服务组合centralized architecture136.分布式服务组合decentralized architecture137.国际商用机器公司International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) 138.硬件及安全网络中心system support and network security centre 139.物流规划logistics planning140.数据转换data conversion141.数据移植/迁移data migration142.双边/双方承诺bilateral /mutual commitment143.项目启动会project kickoff meeting144.售后服务after-sale service(ASS)/after service/service145.质控quality control (QC)146.质量保证quality assurance (QA)147.价格管理pricing management148.终端市场end-market149.横向协作horizontal collaboration150.纵向支持vertical support151.综合实力comprehensive strength152.良性循环benign/virtuous cycle/circulation153.前后台运作front and back-end operation154.大/关键客户销售经理: Fleet Sales/Key Account Manager155.产品责任product liability156.订单完成率order fulfillment/completion rate157.汇报会report/review meeting158.双周总结/汇报会bi-weekly review meeting159.根源分析root cause analysis160.滚动需求rolling demand161.产供销链production, supply & sales chain162.供应链战略supply chain strategy163.供应链管理supply chain management164.连锁店管理chain store management165.经销商销售预测dealer sales forecast166.销售支持与费用结算sales support & expense settlement167.订单交付Order to Delivery (OTD)168.刚性生产计划rigid production plan169.订单管理流程order management process170.营销总部sales & marketing headquarter171.量化管理quantitative management172.项目管理办公室project management office (PMO)173.灾难恢复计划disaster recovery plan(DRP)174.电子配件目录electronic parts catalogue(EPC)175.企业资源计/规划enterprise resource Planning (ERP)176.客户关系管理customer relationship management (CRM)177.业务流程重组/再造Business Process Reengineering(BPR)178.战略业务单元/战略性事业单位/策略性事业单位strategic business unit (SBU)。
汽车行业英语专业词汇1. Automobile industry - 汽车行业2. Automotive - 汽车的,汽车工业的3. Vehicle - 车辆4. Car - 汽车5. Truck - 卡车/载货车6. SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) - 运动型多功能车7. Sedan - 轿车8. Hatchback -掀背车/斜背车9. Electric vehicle (EV) - 电动车10. Hybrid vehicle - 混合动力车11. Autonomous vehicle - 自动驾驶车辆12. Fuel efficiency - 燃油效率13. Emissions - 排放物14. Curb weight - 空车重量15. Horsepower (hp) - 马力16. Torque - 扭矩17. Engine - 发动机18. Transmission - 变速器19. Suspension - 悬挂系统20. Steering wheel - 方向盘21. Acceleration - 加速22. Braking system - 制动系统23. Exhaust system - 排气系统24. Fuel tank - 燃油箱25. Battery - 电池26. Tire - 轮胎27. Chassis - 底盘28. Bodywork - 车身29. Assembly line - 流水线30. Manufacturing - 制造业31. Production - 生产32. Quality control - 质量控制33. Supplier - 供应商34. Distribution - 分销35. Sales - 销售36. Marketing - 市场营销37. After-sale service - 售后服务38. Maintenance - 维修保养39. Dealership - 经销商40. Customer - 客户41. Consumer - 消费者42. Market share - 市场份额43. Competitive advantage - 竞争优势44. Brand - 品牌45. Model - 型号46. Price - 价格47. Promotion - 推广48. Advertisement - 广告49. Innovation - 创新50. Research and development - 研发。
汽车行业字母简介大全ABS----(Antilock Braking System),汽车防抱死制动系统。
AT----(AT:Automatic Transmission),代表自动挡。
MT----(MT:Manual Transmission),代表手动挡。
AMT----(Automated Mechanical Transmission),是指机械式自动变速器。
ASR----(Acceleration Slip Regulation),驱动(轮)防滑系统。
DC/DC模块电源----输入直流(标称输入:3.3V\5V\9V\12V\15V\24V\48V等), 输出直流(标称输出:3.3V\5V\9V\12V\15V\24V\48V等)。
CAN----(CAN-CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK),控制器局部网是BOSCH公司为现代汽车应用领先推出的一种多主机局部网。
ECU----(Electronic Control Unit),电子控制单元,又称“行车电脑”、“车载电脑”。
EBD----(Electronic Brake-Force Distribution),电子刹车力分配系统。
ESP---- (Electronic Stability Program),车身电子稳定系统。
ECAS----(Electronically Controlled Air Suspension),电子控制空气悬架系统。
HEV----(Hybrid Electric Vehicle),即混合动力汽车。
MCU----(Micro Controller Unit),即微控制器。
OEM生产,即贴牌生产,也称为定牌生产,俗称“贴牌”,由于其英文表述为Original Equipment/Entrusted Manufacture(译为原始设备制造商或原产地委托加工),因此简称为OEM。
ODM是英文Original Design Manufacturer (原始设计制造商)的缩写,指一家厂家根据另一家厂商的要求,为其生产产品和产品配件,亦称为定牌生产或授权贴牌生产.即可代表外委加工,也可代表转包合同加工.国内习惯称为协作生产,三来加工。
SOP (small-outline package,批量生产,为上市积累一定的库存)SOP =Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序OBD是英文On-Board Diagnostics的缩写,中文翻译为“车载自动诊断系统”。
当系统出现故障时,故障(MIL)灯或检查发动机(Check Engine)警告灯亮,同时动力总成控制模块(PCM)将故障信息存入存储器,通过一定的程序可以将故障码从PCM中读出。
常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇Passenger Vehicle 乘用车常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance)CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。
汽车行业专用英语词汇及常用缩写专业英语词汇之DFL专用缩略英语词汇汽车行业常用缩写AAR: Appearance Approval Report 外观批准报告A/D/V: Analysis/Development/Validation 分析/开发/验证A/D/V–DV: ADV Design Validation ADV设计验证A/D/V P&R: Analysis/Development/Validation Plan and Report. This form is used to summarize the plan and results for validation testing. Additional information can be found in the GP-11 procedure.分析/开发/验证计划和报告A/D/V–PV: ADV Product Validation ADV产品验证AIAG: Automotive Industries Action Group, an organization formed by General Motors, Ford and Daimler-Chrysler to develop common standards and expectations for automotive suppliers. 汽车工业行动集团AP: Advance Purchasing 先期采购APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning 产品质量先期策划APQP Project Plan: A one-page summary of the SGM APQP process that describes the tasks and the timeframe in which they occur. APQP项目策划AQC:Attribute Quality Characteristic 属性质量特性ASQE: Advanced Supplier Quality Engineer 先期供应商质量工程师BIW: Body in White. Usually the bare metal shell of the body including doors and deck lid prior to paint and trim. 白车身BOM: Bill of Materials 材料清单BOP:Bill of Process 过程清单Brownfield Site: An expansion of an existing facility. 扩建场地CMM: Coordinate Measuring Machine 三坐标测试仪Cpk: Capability Index for a stabile process 过程能力指数CTC: Component Timing Chart (DRE document) 零部件时间表(DRE文件)CTS: Component T echnical Specifications 零部件技术规范CVER: Concept Vehicle Engineering Release 概念车工程发布DC: Design Complete 设计完成Defect outflow detection: A phrase used in the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements that refers to in-process or subsequent inspection used to detect defects in parts. 缺陷检测DFM/DFA: Design for Manufacturability / Design for Assembly 可制造性/可装配性设计DFMEA: Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. It is used to identify the potential failure modes of a part, associated with the design, and establish a priority system for design improvements. 设计失效模式和后果分析DPV: Defects per vehicle 每辆车缺陷数DR: Documentation Required DR特性DRE: Design Release Engineer 设计释放工程师DV: Design Validation 设计验证E&APSP: Engineering & Advance Purchasing Sourcing Process. 工程&先期采购定点程序EP: E-Procurement 电子采购流程Error Occurrence Prevention: A phrase used in the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements that refers to poke yoke or error-proofing devices used to prevent errors in the manufacturing process from occurring. 防错FTQ: First Time Quality 一次通过质量GA: General Assembly 总装GD&T: Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 几何尺寸与公差SGM: Shanghai General Motors 上海通用汽车GMAP: General Motors Asian Pacific 通用汽车亚太GME: General Motors Europe 通用汽车欧洲GMNA: General Motors North American 通用汽车北美GP: General Procedure 通用程序GPDS: Global Product Description System 全球产品描述系统GPS: Global Purchasing System 全球采购系统GPSC: Global Purchasing & Supplier Chain 全球采购及供应链GR&R: Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility 检具重复性及再现性Greenfield Site: A new supplier facility that is built to support a program.GVDP: Global Vehicle Development Process 全球整车开发流程IPTV: Incidents per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车故障IVER: Integration Vehicle Engineering Release 集成车工程发布KCC: Key Control Characteristics. It is a process characteristic where variation can affect the final part and/or the performance of the part. 关键控制特性KCDS: Key Characteristic Designation System 关键特性指示系统Kick-Off Meeting: The first APQP supplier program review. 启动会议(第一次APQP供应商项目评审)KPC: Key Product Characteristic. It is a product characteristic for which reasonably anticipated variation could significantly affect safety, compliance to governmental regulations, or customer satisfaction. 关键产品特性LAAM: (General Motors) Latin American, Africa & Meddle East (通用汽车)拉丁美洲、非洲及中东LCR: Lean Capacity Rate. It is the GM daily capacity requirement. 正常生产能力MCR: Maximum Capacity Rate. It is the GM maximum capacity requirement. 最大生产能力MOP: Make or Purchase 制造/采购MPC: Material Production Control 物料生产控制MPCE: Material Production Control Europe 欧洲物料生产控制MRD: Material Required Date; date material must be delivered in order to allow a build event to begin. 物料需求日期MSA: Measurement Systems Analysis 测量系统分析MVBns: Manufacturing Validation Build non-saleable 非销售车制造验证MVBs: Manufacturing Validation Build saleable 销售车制造验证NBH: New Business Hold 停止新业务N.O.D.: Notice of Decision 决议通知OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer 主机客户PAD: Production Assembly Documents 生产装配文件PC&L: Production Control & Logistics 生产控制&物流PDT: Product Development Team 产品开发小组PFMEA: Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. It is used to identify potential failure modes associated with the manufacturing and assembly process. 过程失效模式和后果分析PPAP: Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序Ppk: Performance index for a stable process 过程能力指数PPM: 1) Program Purchasing Manager, 2) Parts per Million (rejects and returns to suppliers) 1)项目经理2)每百万件的产品缺陷数PPV: Product & Process Validation 产品及过程验证PQC: Product Quality Characteristic 产品质量特性PR/R: Problem Reporting & Resolution 问题报告及解决PSA: Potential Supplier Assessment, a subset of the Quality System Assessment (QSA) 潜在供应商评审PV: Product Validation 产品验证QSA: Quality System Assessment 质量体系评审QSB: Quality Systems Basics 质量体系基础QTC: Quoted Tool Capacity 工装报价能力RASIC: Responsible, Approve, Support, Inform, Consult 负责、批准、支持、通知、讨论R@R: Run at Rate 按节拍生产RFQ: Request For Quotation 报价要求RPN: Risk Priority Number related to FMEA development 风险顺序数RPN Reduction Plan: An action plan that describes what is being done to reduce the risk priority number for items listed in the DFMEA or PFMEA.降低RPN值计划SDE: Supplier Development Engineer 供应商开发工程师SFMEA: System Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 系统失效模式分析SMT: System Management Team 系统管理小组SOA: Start of Acceleration 加速开始SORP: Start of Regular Production 正式生产SOR: Statement of Requirements 要求声明SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制SPO: (General Motors) Service and Parts Operations (通用汽车)零件与服务分部SQ: Supplier Quality 供应商质量SQE: Supplier Quality Engineer 供应商质量工程师SQIP: Supplier Quality Improvement Process 供应商质量改进过程SSF: Start of System Fill 系统填充开始SSTS: Sub-system Technical Specifications 子系统技术规范Sub-Assembly/ Sub-System: An assembly of sub-components delivered to the SGM main production line for installation to the vehicle as a single unit.Subcontractor: The supplier of a sub-component to a Complex System/Subassembly supplier (Tier 2, 3, etc). 分供方SVE: Sub-System Validation Engineer 子系统验证工程师SVER: Structure Vehicle Engineering Release. 结构车工程发布Team Feasibility Commitment: An AIAG APQP form that is provided with the Request for Quotatio n. It is the supplier’sconcerns with the feasibility of manufacturing the part as specified.小组可行性承诺TKO: Tooling Kick-Off 模具启动会议UG: Unigraphics UG工程绘图造型系统VLE: Vehicle Line Executive 车辆平台负责人VTC: Validation Testing Complete 验证试验完成EWO: Engineering Work Order 工程工作指令。
常用汽车行业英文缩写与词汇(总15页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇;PassengerVehicle乘用车;常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇;1PP-FirstPhaseofProducti;3CCustomer(顾客导向)、Compe ti;4SSale,Sparepart零配件,Serv;5S整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养;8D-8Discipline;ABSAnti-lockBrakingSyste;常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇Passenger Vehicle 乘用车常用汽车行业英文缩写及词汇1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksCertified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance) CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams 跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。
汽车行业字母简介大全ABS----(Antilock Braking System),汽车防抱死制动系统。
AT----(AT:Automatic Transmission),代表自动挡。
MT----(MT:Manual Transmission),代表手动挡。
AMT----(Automated Mechanical Transmission),是指机械式自动变速器。
ASR----(Acceleration Slip Regulation),驱动(轮)防滑系统。
DC/DC模块电源----输入直流(标称输入:3.3V\5V\9V\12V\15V\24V\48V等), 输出直流(标称输出:3.3V\5V\9V\12V\15V\24V\48V等)。
CAN----(CAN-CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK),控制器局部网是BOSCH公司为现代汽车应用领先推出的一种多主机局部网。
ECU----(Electronic Control Unit),电子控制单元,又称“行车电脑”、“车载电脑”。
EBD----(Electronic Brake-Force Distribution),电子刹车力分配系统。
ESP---- (Electronic Stability Program),车身电子稳定系统。
ECAS----(Electronically Controlled Air Suspension),电子控制空气悬架系统。
HEV----(Hybrid Electric Vehicle),即混合动力汽车。
MCU----(Micro Controller Unit),即微控制器。
汽车行业总结以及英文缩写第一篇:汽车行业总结以及英文缩写五大工具: MSA、APQP、SPC、FMEA、PPAP*项目、技术、质量类:1.CFT: cross function team 跨功能小组2.APQP: Advanced Product Quality Planning 产品质量先期策划3.PPAP: Production part approval process 生产件批准程序4.OTS: off tooling sample 工装样件5.SOP: start of production 批量生产启动/开始量产6.MSA:Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析7.SPC:Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制8.FMEA:Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失效模式及后果(影响)分析9.IRR: internal rate of return 内部收益率10.Lesson learnt 经验教训11.CIP: continuous improvement process 持续改善12.TPM: Total Productive Maintenance 全面生产维护*财务、销售类:1.COGS:Cost of Good Sold2.EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization3.IRR:internal rate of return*各种工具:鱼骨图甘特图 5W1H: SWOT SMART 5S 6sigma 5Why PDCA 企业管理7S(style, structure, strategy, systems, staff, skills, shared value)8D report(8D Problem Solving)一家之言:精益生产与六西格玛的优缺点直接目标精益生产:(1)消除一切浪费,降低成本、(2)缩短流程周期,增强响应能力六西格玛:(1)消除变量,增加价值、(2)优化流程,提高质量关注焦点精益生产:价值流、问题、工具方法、5S现场管理、准时生产、快速换模、Kanban、基础IE、并行工程、目视管理、自动化、平准化、TPM、约束理论、持续改进、面向可制造性/可装配性设计、价值工程和标准化作业等。
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OEM生产,即贴牌生产,也称为定牌生产,俗称“贴牌”,由于其英文表述为Original Equipment/Entrusted Manufacture(译为原始设备制造商或原产地委托加工),因此简称为OEM。
ODM是英文Original Design Manufacturer (原始设计制造商)的缩写,指一家厂家根据另一家厂商的要求,为其生产产品和产品配件,亦称为定牌生产或授权贴牌生产.即可代表外委加工,也可代表转包合同加工.国内习惯称为协作生产,三来加工。
SOP (small-outline package,批量生产,为上市积累一定的库存)SOP =Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序OBD是英文On-Board Diagnostics的缩写,中文翻译为“车载自动诊断系统”。
当系统出现故障时,故障(MIL)灯或检查发动机(Check Engine)警告灯亮,同时动力总成控制模块(PCM)将故障信息存入存储器,通过一定的程序可以将故障码从PCM中读出。
A/D/V Analysis/Development/Validation 分析/发展/验证AA Approve Architecture 审批体系ACD Actual Completion Date实际完成日期ALBS Assembly Line Balance System 装配线平衡系统ANDON 暗灯AP Advanced Purchasing 提前采购API Advanced Product Information先进的产品信息APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先期产品质量策划ATT Actual Tact Time 实际单件工时BIQ Building in Quality 制造质量BIW Body In White 白车身BOD Bill of Design 设计清单BOE Bill of Equipment 设备清单BOL Bill of Logistic 装载清单BOM Bill of Material 原料清单BOP Bill of Process 过程清单BPD Business Plant Deployment业务计划实施CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer-Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程(软件)CARE Customer Acceptance & Review Evaluation 用户接受度和审查评估CIP Continue Improve Process 持续改进CIT Compartment Integration Team隔间融合为组CKD Complete Knockdown 完全拆缷CMM Coordinate Measuring Machines 坐标测量仪CPV Cost per Vehicle 单车成本CR&W Controls/Robotics & Welding 控制/机器人技术和焊接CS Contract Signing 合同签订CTD Cumulative Trauma Disadjust 累积性外伤失调CTS Component Technical Specification 零件技术规格CVIS Completed Vehicle Inspection Standards 整车检验标准DAP Design Analysis Process 设计分析过程DES Design Center 设计中心DFA Design for Assembly 装配设计DOE Design Of Experiments 试验设计DOL Die Operation Line-Up冲模业务排行DPV Defect per Vehicle 单车缺陷数DQV Design Quality Verification 设计质量验证DRE Design Release Engineer 设计发布工程师DRL Direct Run Loss 直行损失率DRR Direct Run Run 直行率DSC Decision Support Center 决策支持中心ECD Estimated Completion Date 计划完成日期EGM Engineering Group Manager 工程组经理ENG Engineering 工程技术、工程学EOA End of Acceleration 停止加速EPC&L Engineering Production Control &Logistics 工程生产控制和后勤EQF Early Quality Feedback 早期质量反馈EWO Engineering Work Order 工程工作指令FA Final Approval 最终认可FE Functional Evaluation 功能评估FEDR Functional Evaluation Disposition Report 功能评估部署报告FFF Free Form Fabrication 自由形态制造FIN Financial 金融的FPS Fixed Point Stop 定点停FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议FTQ First Time Quality 一次送检合格率GA General Assembly 总装GA Shop General Assembly Shop 总装车间Paint Shop 涂装车间Body Shop 车身车间Press Shop 冲压车间GCA Global Customer Audit 全球顾客评审GD&T Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing 几何尺寸及精度GDS Global Delivery Survey 全球发运检查GM General Motors 通用汽车GMAP GM Asia Pacific 通用亚太GME General Motors Europe 通用汽车欧洲GMIO General Motors International Operations 通用汽车国际运作GMIQ General Motors Initial Quality 通用汽车初始质量GMPTG General Motors Powertrain Group通用汽车动力组GMS Global Manufacturing System 通用全球制造系统GP General Procedure 通用程序GQTS Global Quality Tracking System 全球质量跟踪系统GSB Global Strategy Board 全球战略部HVAC Heating, Ventilation ,and Air Conditioning 加热、通风及空调IC Initiate Charter 初始租约ICD Interface Control Document 界面控制文件IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程ILRS Indirect Labor Reporting System 间接劳动报告系统IO International Operations 国际业务IOM Inspection Operation Method 检验操作方法IOS Inspection Operation Summary 检验操作概要IPC International Product Center 国际产品中心IPTV Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车的故障率IQS Initial Quality Survey 初始质量调查IR Incident Report 事故报告ISP Integrated Scheduling Project 综合计划ITP Integrated Training Process 综合培训方法ITSD Interior Technical Specification Drawing 内部技术规范图IUVA International Uniform Vehicle Audit 国际统一车辆审核JES Job Element Sheet 工作要素单JIS Job Issue Sheet 工作要素单JIT Just in Time 准时制JPH Job per hour 每小时工作量KCC Key Control Characteristics 关键控制特性KCDS Key Characteristics Designation System 关键特性标识系统KPC Key product Characteristic 关键产品特性LT Look at 看MFD Metal Fabrication Division 金属预制件区MFG Manufacturing Operations 制造过程MIE Manufacturing Integration Engineer 制造综合工程师MLBS Material Labor Balance System 物化劳动平衡系统MNG Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程MPG Milford Proving Ground 试验场MPI Master Process Index 主程序索引MPL Master Parts List 主零件列表MPS Material Planning System 原料计划系统MRD Material Required Date 物料需求日期MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets 化学品安全数据单MSE Manufacturing System Engineer 制造系统工程MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均故障时间MTS Manufacturing Technical Specification生产技术规范MVSS Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 汽车发动机安全标准NAMA North American Market Analysis 北美市场分析NAO North American Operations 北美业务NAOC NAO Containerization NAO货柜运输NC Numerically Controlled 数字控制NOA Notice of Authorization 授权书NSB NAO Strategy Board 北美业务部OED Organization and Employee Development 组织和员工发展OSH Occupational Safety & Health 职业安全健康TOSHA Occupational Safety & Health Act 职业安全与健康法案OSHMS Occupational Safety & Health Management System职业安全健康管理体系OSHS Occupational Safety & Health Standards 职业安全标准PA Production Achievement 生产结果PAA Product Action Authorization 产品临时授权PAC Performance Assessment Committee 绩效评估委员会PACE Program Assessment and Control Environment 项目评估和控制条件PAD Product Assembly Document 产品装配文件PARTS Part Readiness Tracking System 零件准备跟踪系统PC Problem Communication 问题信息PCL Production Control and Logistics 生产控制和支持PCM Process Control Manager 工艺控制负责人PCR Problem Communication Report 问题交流报告PDM Product Data Management 产品资料管理PDS Product Description System 产品说明系统PDT Product Development Team 产品发展小组PED Production Engineering Department 产品工程部PEP Product Evaluation Program 产品评估程序PER Personnel 人员PET Program Execution Team 项目执行小组PGM Program Management 项目管理PI People Involvement 人员参与PLP Production Launch Process 生产启动程序PMI Process Modeling Integration 加工建模一体化PMM Program Manufacturing Manager 项目制造经理PMR Product Manufacturability Requirements 产品制造能要求POMS Production Order Management System 产品指令管理小组POP Point of Purchase 采购点PP Push Pull 推拉PPAP Production Part Approval Process生产零部件批准程序PPE Personal Protective Equipment 个人防护用品PPH Problems Per Hundred 百辆车缺陷数PPM Problems Per Million 百万辆车缺陷数PPS Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决PR Performance Review 绩效评估PR/R Problem Reporting and Resolution 问题报告和解决PRTS Problem Resolution and Tracking System 问题解决跟踪系统PSC Portfolio Strategy Council 部长职务策略委员会PST Plant Support Team 工厂支持小组PTO Primary Tryout 第一次试验PTR Production Trial Run 生产试运行PUR Purchasing 采购QA Quality Audit 质量评审QAP Quality Assessment Process 质量评估过程QBC Quality Build Concern 质量体系构建关系QC Quality Characteristic 质量特性QCOS Quality Control Operation Sheets 质量风险控制QE Quality Engineer 质量工程师QET Quality Engineering Team 质量工程小组QFD Quality Function Deployment 质量功能配置QRD Quality, Reliability and Durability 质量、可靠性和耐久力QS Quality System 质量体系QUA Quality 质量RC Review Charter 评估特许RCD Required Completion Date 必须完成日期RFQ Request For Quotation 报价请求RGM Reliability Growth Management 可靠性增长小组RONA Return on Net Assets 净资产评估RPO Regular Production Option正式产品选项RQA Routing Quality Assessment 程序安排质量评定RT&TM Rigorous Tracking and Throughout Management 严格跟踪和全程管理SDC Strategic Decision Center 战略决策中心SF Styling Freeze 造型冻结SIL Single Issue List 单一问题清单SIP Standardized Inspection Process 标准化检验过程SL System Layouts 系统规划SLT Short Leading Team 缩短制造周期SMBP Synchronous Math-Based Process 理论同步过程SMT Systems Management Team 系统管理小组SNR 坏路实验SOP Start of Production 生产启动SOP Safe Operating Practice 安全操作规程SOR Statement of Requirements 技术要求SOS Standardization Operation Sheet 标准化工作操作单SOW Statement of Work 工作说明SPA Shipping Priority Audit 发运优先级审计SPC Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制SPE Surface and Prototype Engineering 表面及原型工程SPO Service Parts Operations 配件组织SPT Single Point Team 专一任务小组SQA Supplier Quality Assurance 供应商质量保证(供应商现场工程师)SQC Supplier Quality Control 供方质量控制SQD Supplier Quality Development 供应方质量开发SQE Supplier Quality Engineer 供方质量工程师SQIP Supplier Quality Improvement Process 供应商质量改进程序SSLT Subsystem Leadership Team 子系统领导组SSTS Subsystem Technical Specification 技术参数子系统STD Standardization 标准化STO Secondary Tryout 二级试验SUI 安全作业指导书SUW Standard Unit of Work 标准工作单位SWE Simulated Work Environment 模拟工作环境TAG Timing Analysis Group 定时分析组TBD To Be Determined 下决定TCS Traction Control System 牵引控制系统TDC Technology Development Centre 技术中心TDMF Text Data Management Facility 文本数据管理设备TG Tooling 工具TIMS Test Incident Management System 试验事件管理系统TIR Test Incident Report 试验事件报告TMIE Total Manufacturing Integration Engineer 总的制造综合工程TOE Total Ownership Experience 总的物主体验TPM Total Production Maintenance 全员生产维护TSM Trade Study Methodology 贸易研究方法TT Tact Time 单件工时TVDE Total Vehicle Dimensional Engineer 整车外型尺寸工程师TVIE Total Vehicle Integration Engineer 整车综合工程师TWS Tire and Wheel System 轮胎和车轮系统UAW United Auto Workers 班组UCL Uniform Criteria List 统一的标准表UDR Unverified Data Release 未经核对的资料发布UPC Uniform Parts Classification 统一零件分级VAE Vehicle Assembly Engineer 车辆装配工程师VCD Vehicle Chief Designer 汽车首席设计师VCE Vehicle Chief Engineer 汽车总工程师 CVCRI Validation Cross-Reference Index 确认交叉引用索引VDR Verified Data Release 核实数据发布VDS Vehicle Description Summary 汽车描述概要VDT Vehicle Development Team 汽车发展组VEC Vehicle Engineering Center 汽车工程中心VIE Vehicle Integration Engineer 汽车综合工程师VIN Vehicle Identification Number 车辆识别代码VIS Vehicle Information System 汽车信息系统VLE Vehicle Line Executive 总装线主管VLM Vehicle Launch Manager 汽车创办经理VOC Voice of Customer 顾客的意见VOD Voice of Design 设计意见VS Validation Station 确认站VSAS Vehicle Synthesis Analysis and Simulation 汽车综合、分析和仿真VSE Vehicle System Engineer 汽车系统工程师VTS Vehicle Technical Specification 汽车技术说明书WOT Wide Open Throttle 压制广泛开放WPO Work Place Organization 工作场地布置WWP Worldwide Purchasing 全球采购COMMWIP Correction 纠错浪费DK“散件组装”,按照国际通行说法,简称KD(Knocked Down)。