八年级英语he said i was hardworking教案11
八年级英语He said I was hard working教案
Unit 4 He said I was hardworking教案1I. Teaching aims and teaching demands:In this unit students learn to report what someone said and tell a story.II. Teaching key and difficult points:A.Vocabularyever, mad, anymore, message, hard-working, surprise party, report card, first of all ,lazy, soap opera, house, snacks, beach, history, science, Spanish,B. Target languageWhat did your math teacher say?He said I was hard-working.I can speak three languages.What did she say?She said she could speak three languages.C. StructuresReported speechSimple past tenseCan for abilityIII. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methodsIV. Teaching aids: a tape recorderV. This unit is divided into eight periods.Lesson 1 Speak and listenSection A 1a---1cI. Teaching aims and demands:Students learn to report what someone said.II. Teaching key and difficult points:A.Vocabularysoap opera, surprise party, be mad at, on Friday night,B.Target languageWhat did she say? She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.Did you ever watch soap opera?What are some things happened on soap opera?III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methodsIV. Teaching aids: a tape recorderV. Teaching procedureActivity 1. RevisionTask 1. DictationTask 2. Ask and answer.Questions about the past progressive.Activity 2. PresentationThis activity introduces some new vocabulary and provide oral practice using the target language.Task 1. Ask four students to stand in front of the class, and the teacher asks them the following questions as a reporter.1.What are you going to do when you grow up?2.What are you going to do next week?3.What are going to do after school?The students will give different answers, then ask a good student to report what they said.I am going to e a doctor.What did she say?----------She said she was going to be a doctor.I am going to have a party on Friday night.What did he say?-------He said he was going to have a party on Friday night.I am going to do my homework.What did she say ?------ She said she was going to do her homework.I am going home after school.What did she say?-----She said she was going home after school.Say In this unit we are going to learn to use words like to report what someone said.Task 2. Read the instructions. Then ask a student to read the four questions. And write the words on the Bb. Explain what soap opera is.Task 3. Ask the students to Look at the pictures, point out the TV screens in the picture. Ask one girl to read what Marcia said.What did Marcia say? She said She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. Repeat the other pictures in the same way.Activity3. Listen and number the pictures in activity 1a.Task 1. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Task 2. Play the recording a second time. Students number the pictures. Then check the answers.Activity 4. PairworkAsk the students to ask and answer about what the people in the soap opera said.Homework1. Make up your own conversations.2. Write down the sentences in 1a.Lesson 2 Listen and speakSection A 2a---Grammar FocusI. Teaching aims and demands :Students learn to report what someone said.II. Teaching key and difficult points:A.Vocabularya surprise party, be mad at, not… anymore, bring …to , happen (on), Direct Speech, Indirect Speech.B.Target languageBen told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.She said she was mad at Marcia.He told me he would call me tomorrow / the next day.She said she could speak three languages.III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPPIV. Teaching aids: a tape recorderV.Teaching procedureActivity 1. RevisionTask1. Check the homework. Ask and answer.I am a student.What did he say?-----He said he was a student.I can swim.What did she say ?------She said she could swim.I will ring you up tomorrow.What did she say?She told me she would ring me up.Activity 2. Listening and circling .Task1.Read the instructions. Learn the key vocabulary.Task2.Point to the five sentences and ask different students to read them to the class. Then say: You will hear a conversation between two people who are talking about a soap opera on TV.Circle True or false after each statement. Play the recording twice and students circle their answers. Then check the answers.Activity 3.ListeningTask 1. Read the instructions.Task 2. Play the recording again and check the answers.Activity 4. GroupworkTask 1.Read the instructions for the activity.Task 2. Point to the pictures in activity 2b.Ask the students to use the words and pictures as they have their conversations.Task 3. Have the students work in pairs.Task 4. Check the answers by calling on different pairs to say a conversation to the class.Activity 5. Grammar FocusReview the grammar box.ask the students to say the statements.Pay attention to the following:Direct speech Indirect speecham, is , am having, go, will, can was , was having, would , could, wenta present situation a past situationWhen you report what someone said, you use words that talk about the past.Homework1.Review the conversation and the vocabulary.2.Write the sentences in grammar focus.。
人教新目标英语八下Unit4 He said I was hard-working教案11
Unit4 He said I was hard-working.SectionB导学案学习目标:1.学会自我评价2.学会写成绩报告单并把成绩转告他人学习重点:1.单词:hard-working,nervous,true,lucky,disappointing2.词组:do well in,in good health,report card,be surprised to,have a hard time with3.句型:How's it going?I'm sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.学习难点:把自己的成绩单转告他人自主学习:Task 1找出下列单词或词组勤奋的________懒惰的_____外向的________文静的______擅长_______在…方面做得更好____________Task 2运用上面的词汇写出自己的成绩单(各科老师对自己的评价)Chinese--___________ History--__________Math--____________ Physics--________English--_________ Geography--_______Task 3 Pairwork (自我评价并转述老师的评价)A: I think I'm lazy.B: Really? I think you are hard-working.What did your Chinese teacher say?A: He said I was not good at speaking.B: How about your math teacher?A: She said I could do better.B: What did your English teacher say?A: ……阅读大比拼Task 1 Read Alan's letter and fill in his report card.Science--____________ History--____________Math--_____________ Spanish--____________Task 2 Read the letter again and find out the phrases.健康的____________期末考试_____________成绩单___________紧张的___________做…有困难________________吃惊的做某事_____________另外一个令人失望的结果________________Task 3 Read again and try to understand the sentences.1.How's it going?2.I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.3.I had a hard time with science this semester.have a hard time with sth.“做很吃力,有困难”。
八年级英语Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.教案
八年级英语Unit 4 He said I washard-working.教案八年级英语Unit4HesaidIwashard-working.教案I.Teachingaimsandteachingdemands:Inthisunitstudentslearntoreportwhatsomeonesaidandte llastory.II.Teachingkeyanddifficultpoints:A.Vocabularyever,mad,anymore,message,hard-working,surpriseparty ,reportcard,firstofall,lazy,soapopera,house,snacks, beach,history,science,Spanish,B.Targetlanguagewhatdidyourmathteachersay?HesaidIwashard-working.Icanspeakthreelanguages.whatdidshesay?Shesaidshecouldspeakthreelanguages.c.StructuresReportedspeechSimplepasttensecanforabilityIII.Teachingmethods:Audio-lingualmethodsIV.Teachingaids:ataperecorderV.Thisunitisdividedintoeightperiods.Lesson1SpeakandlistenSectionA1a---1cI.Teachingaimsanddemands:Studentslearntoreportwhatsomeonesaid.II.Teachingkeyanddifficultpoints:A.Vocabularysoapopera,surpriseparty,bemadat,onFridaynight,B.Targetlanguagewhatdidshesay?ShesaidshewashavingasurprisepartyforL anaonFridaynight.Didyoueverwatchsoapopera?whataresomethingshappenedonsoapopera?III.Teachingmethods:Audio-lingualmethodsIV.Teachingaids:ataperecorderV.TeachingprocedureActivity1.RevisionTask1.DictationTask2.Askandanswer.Questionsaboutthepastprogressive.Activity2.PresentationThisactivityintroducessomenewvocabularyandprovideor alpracticeusingthetargetlanguage.Task1.Askfourstudentstostandinfrontoftheclass,andth eteacherasksthemthefollowingquestionsasareporter..whatareyougoingtodowhenyougrowup?2.whatareyougoingtodonextweek?3.whataregoingtodoafterschool?Thestudentswillgivedifferentanswers,thenaskagoodstu denttoreportwhattheysaid.Iamgoingtoeadoctor.whatdidshesay?----------Shesaidshewasgoingtobeadoct or.IamgoingtohaveapartyonFridaynight.whatdidhesay?-------HesaidhewasgoingtohaveapartyonF ridaynight.Iamgoingtodomyhomework.whatdidshesay?------Shesaidshewasgoingtodoherhomewo rk.Iamgoinghomeafterschool.whatdidshesay?-----Shesaidshewasgoinghomeafterschoo l.SayInthisunitwearegoingtolearntousewordsliketoreportwhatsomeonesaid.Task2.Readtheinstructions.Thenaskastudenttoreadthef ourquestions.AndwritethewordsontheBb.Explainwhatsoa poperais.Task3.AskthestudentstoLookatthepictures,pointoutthe TVscreensinthepicture.Askonegirltoreadwhatmarciasai d.whatdidmarciasay?ShesaidShesaidshewashavingasurpris epartyforLanaonFridaynight.Repeattheotherpicturesin thesameway.Activity3.Listenandnumberthepicturesinactivity1a.Task1.Playtherecordingthefirsttime.Studentsonlylist en.Task2.Playtherecordingasecondtime.Studentsnumberthe pictures.Thenchecktheanswers.Activity4.PairworkAskthestudentstoaskandansweraboutwhatthepeopleinthe soapoperasaid.Homework.makeupyourownconversations.2.writedownthesentencesin1a.Lesson2ListenandspeakSectionA2a---GrammarFocusI.Teachingaimsanddemands:Studentslearntoreportwhatsomeonesaid.II.Teachingkeyanddifficultpoints:A.Vocabularyasurpriseparty,bemadat,not…anymore,bring…to,happen,DirectSpeech,IndirectSpeech.B.TargetlanguageBentoldLanathatmarciawasgoingtohaveasurprisepartyfo rher.Shesaidshewasmadatmarcia.Hetoldmehewouldcallmetomorrow/thenextday.Shesaidshecouldspeakthreelanguages.III.Teachingmethods:Audio-lingualmethodsandPPPIV.Teachingaids:ataperecorderV.TeachingprocedureActivity1.RevisionTask1.checkthehomework.Askandanswer.Iamastudent.whatdidhesay?-----Hesaidhewasastudent.Icanswim.whatdidshesay?------Shesaidshecouldswim.Iwillringyouuptomorrow.whatdidshesay?Shetoldmeshewouldringmeup.Activity2.Listeningandcircling.Task1.Readtheinstructions.Learnthekeyvocabulary. Task2.Pointtothefivesentencesandaskdifferentstudentstoreadthemtotheclass.Thensay:youwillhearaconversat ionbetweentwopeoplewhoaretalkingaboutasoapoperaonTV .circleTrueorfalseaftereachstatement.Playtherecordingtwiceandstudentscircletheiranswers. Thenchecktheanswers.Activity3.ListeningTask1.Readtheinstructions.Task2.Playtherecordingagainandchecktheanswers.Activity4.GroupworkTask1.Readtheinstructionsfortheactivity.Task2.Pointtothepicturesinactivity2b.Askthestudents tousethewordsandpicturesastheyhavetheirconversation s.Task3.Havethestudentsworkinpairs.Task4.checktheanswersbycallingondifferentpairstosay aconversationtotheclass.Activity5.GrammarFocusReviewthegrammarbox.askthestudentstosaythestatements.Payattentiontothefollowing:DirectspeechIndirectspeecham,is,amhaving,go,will,canwas,washaving,would,could,wentapresentsituationapastsituationwhenyoureportwhatsomeonesaid,youusewordsthattalkabo utthepast.Homework.Reviewtheconversationandthevocabulary.2.writethesentencesingrammarfocus.。
八年级英语下册 Unit 4 He said I was hard-working教学设计 人教新目标版
Unit 4 He said I was you do ? What’s your favorite color\sport\subject?What will you do this summer ?等句型十分熟悉,为本节课直接引语和间接引语的学习奠定了语言基础。
八、教学过程Warming up(Do you want to learn English well ? Open your mouth and speak English loudly .Believe yourself ! Don’t be shy !)Read the chantI am a girl , I am a girl .She said she was a girl .I can sing , I can sing .He said groups of four .(My English is good ! I can speak it well.) Pay attention to the words that will change.(表现好的小组将每人一个精致的小红旗)Conversation 1 : My favoriteA : What is your favorite color\ sport \ subject ?B : My favorite color \ sport \ subject is red \basketball \English……C : What did 2 : I canA : What can you do ? B: I can sing \ dance \play the piano ……C : What did 3: My planA :What will you do this summer ?B : I will go to Qingdao \visit my best friends ……C : What did the grammar :change Direct speech into Reported speechDirect speech 直接引语 Reported speech 间接引语I am mad at Marcia. She said she was mad at Marcia.I am having a party for Lana. She said she was having a party for Lana.I go to the beach every Saturday. He said he went to the beach every Saturday.I will call you tomorrow. He told me he would call me tomorrow the nextday.I can speak three languages. She said she could speak three languages. Read the chart and I can find the rules .(I will remember them.)直接引语变间接引语的方法:一般现在时变为 _____________现在进行时变为 ____________一般将来时变为 _____________1. 动词变化 am \ is ------ are ------ can ------ will ------do ------ go ------ get ------ like ------ enjoy ---- find ----- 2. 代词变化 I ------ my ------ we ------设计意图:通过自学,在总结对比中,提升自己的归纳分析能力。
新整理He said I was hard-working英语教案
He said I was hard-working英语教案对于英语教师而言,只有经常进行教学反思,才能让自己的课堂充满活力。
下面小编整理收集了He said I was hard-working 英语教案,欢迎阅读!I. Teaching aims/objects/goals:(1) To learn the new words and phrases: mad, surprise, soap operas, be mad at sb.(2) To learn the structure reported speech and learn to report what someone said: --- What did she/he say?---He/She said....(3) Through listening activities, students can get the main ideas of simple materials, tell their topics, and get some useful information.(4) To improve the confidence of learning English and speaking English.II. Teaching important points:(1) To master the new words and phrases such as mad, surprise, soap operas.(2) To report what someone said.III. Teaching difficult point:How to change direct speech into reported speech andpay attention to its tense at the same time.IV. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-upPlay a video of soap operas and ask students to talk about them and lead in the topic.(Justification: To lead in the content, at the same time, to stimulate students’ interest.)Step 2: Pre-listening(1) The teacher will teach the students the new words and phrases by showing the pictures:mad, surprise, soap operas, be mad at sb.(2) Read the four questions in 1a and have a discussion.(3) Before listening, the teacher can ask several students questions and write them on the blackboard.T: What are you going to do after class?S1 (Lucy): I’m going to supermarket.T: OK. And what are you going to do when you grow up?S2: I’m going to be a teacher....T: What did Lucy say?(Ask the other students)S5: She said, “I’m going to supermarket.”T: Correct. But when we tell someone else these wordswe sometimes say it in this way: She said she was going to supermarket. Repeat it please. (Circle the words that have changed)Repeat this process with the sentences of several other students.(4) Point out the TV screens in the picture and ask students to look at each picture and tell what is happening.(Justification: Through discussion and looking at pictures, students can make preparation for what they will be heard, and thus can lower the difficulty in listening.) Step 3: While-listening(1) First round: Listen the tape only.(2) Second round: Write the numbers in front of the pictures according to the order they hear.(3) Third round: Check the answers.(Justification: By listening to the tape three times, students can get the main idea and order the pictures correctly and gradually. )Step 4: Post-listening(1) Ask students to read the conversation and ask and answer questions about each picture in 1a and invite somepairs to have a show the class.(2) Present some characters in Peppa Pig and do pair work like this:A: What did George say?B: He said......(3) Show some moving pictures and continue to do the pair work:A: What is he doing?B: He is...A: What did he say?B: He said he was......(Justification: Through pair work, students can consolidate what they have learnt in this class step by step.)Step 5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: Ask students to make a summary and teacher helps if necessary.Homework: Write a composition by quoting what a famous person say by using He/She said...。
He said I was hardworking教案unit 4he said i was hard-working 知识归纳【单元目标】1.单词与短语ever mad anymore snackmessage suppose hard-working nervoussemester worst true disappointinglucky copy hers decisionstart influence peace borderdangerfirst of all 首先pass on 传递be supposed to 被期望或被要求... ...do better in 在......方面做得更好be in good health 身体健康report card 成绩单get over克服;恢复;原谅open up 打开care for照料;照顾have a party for sb.为某人举行一次聚会be mad at sb2.目标句型:转述他人话语what did sb. say?he said i …she said she…they said…3.语法直接引语和间接引语【重难点分析】直接引语和间接引语(一)直接引述别人的原话,叫做直接引语;用自己话转述别人的话,叫做间接引语。
1. 时态的变化:直接引语变为间接引语时,通常受转述动词said,asked等的影响而使用过去化的时态,即把原来的时态向过去推,也就是一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变为过去进行时等。
例如:tom said to m e,“my brother is doing his homework.”→tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.2. 人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等等的变化;根据意义进行相应的变化。
八年级下Unit He said I was hardworking 单元总结教案
Unit 4 He said I was hardworking. 单元总结教案一. [话题](Topic)Telling a story二.[重点词组](Key Phrases)first of all 首先pass on 传递be supposed to 被期望或被要求... ...do better in 在......方面做得更好be in good health 身体健康report card 成绩单get over克服;恢复;原谅open up 打开care for照料;照顾have a party for sb.为某人举行一次聚会be mad at sb三.[交际用语]1. She said she was mad at Marcia.2. Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.3. He told me he would call me tomorrow / the next day.4. She said she could speak three languages.5. He said he went to the beach every Saturday.四. [重点难点释义](Language Points)asked her why she wanted to do that, and she said that she had forgotten to do hers.我问她为什么要那么做,她说她忘记做作业了。
forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(还没有做)forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已经做过了).When you leave the classroom, don’t forget to turn off the lights.离开教室时,别忘记关灯。
新课标人教版初中英语八年级下册《Unit4 He said I was hardworking》教案
新课标人教版初中英语八年级下册《Unit4 He said I washard-working》精品教案单元分析:(一)、教材内容分析本单元的中心话题是:Report someone said. 围绕这一话题,主要涉及句型:—What did your math teacher say?—He said I was hard-working.—What did she say?—She said she could speak three languages.本单元的语法项目是宾语从句,直接引语和间接引语,要注意在间接引语中,人称和时态的变化。
教学过程设计Period 1.(1a—2c)Step 1. Warming upRead the chant.I am a girl, I am a girl.She said she was a girl.I can sing, I can sing.He said he could sing.I will be a doctor, I will be a doctor.He said he would be a doctor.Step 2. Lead- inT: What will you be in the future?问到第3、4个学生的时候,再问全班,What did he/she say? He/She said he/she was a/an…引出本课的重点句型。
八年级英语Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.教案
初二英语教案 - He sd I was hard-working一、教学目标1.能够听懂关于个人的表述和简短的对话,并能用简单的语言进行沟通。
三、教学内容及学法1. 词汇练习教师先提供一些关于个人介绍和聊天的常用词汇,并让学生进行词汇搭配练习,如:•work hard 努力工作•play sports 参加体育活动•read books 阅读书籍•listen to music 听音乐•watch TV 看电视2. 对话模拟教师再以对话模拟的形式让学生进行口语练习,如:•A: What do you do in your free time?•B: I like to play sports. How about you?•A: I like to read books and listen to music.3. 形容词和副词用法教师讲解一些常用的形容词和副词用法,并让学生进行搭配练习,如:•hard-working 聪明的•friendly 友好的•generous 慷慨的•slowly 慢地•quickly 快地•loudly 大声地4. 阅读故事教师朗读一篇简短的故事,让学生跟读并回答相关问题,如:Once there was a hard-working boy named Tom. He liked to play sports and read books in his free time. One day, he met a friendly girl named Lily. Lily was also a hard-working student. They quickly became good friends.1.What’s the boy’s name?2.What does the boy like to do in his free time?3.Who did the boy meet one day?4.Is Lily also a hard-working student?四、教学评估课堂上可以通过对学生口语表达和阅读理解等方面进行评估。
初中英语《He said I was hardworking》教学设计
初中英语《He said I was hardworking》教学设计掌握文章中一些表个人评价的词汇hard-working(勤奋的), can do better(有待提高), do well in, be good at以及重要词组report card ,get nervous ,have a hard time ,another disappointing news ,Luckily 等。
II. Teaching key points and difficulties.III. Teaching proceduresStep I. Greeting 2’Step II. Lead-in 3’ (导)T: Look at these pictures, do you know them? Who is she? And what did she say?Xiao Xue: I’m hard-working. /Liu Xing: I’m lazy.Xiao Yu: I can do better.(录音---几个学生的答复)T: What did she/he say? S: She said she was hard-working… (引导学生答复).So, in this lesson, the teaching aims are…Step III.3a Studying guides1. Listen to the tape and find Alan’s report card. 3’Listening guide: Look at three report cards carefully and circle the differences. So you should listen to somekey words about subjects and differences when you listento.(听力指导:迅速浏览A, B,C三个选项,并圈出不同之处, 当听的时候注意各科目及不同之处。
八年级英语Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 教案.doc
八年级Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 教案Period 1Teaching goals:1. Vocabulary: hard-working ,report card ,can do better ,speaking ,listening ,average ,surprise .2. Patterns: What did your math teacher say ?He said he could speak three languages .3. 直接引语和间接引语的转换。
4. 写成绩报告单,并能将自己的成绩报告给他人。
Important and difficult points :1. 新的词汇和习语。
2. 个人Report card 的写作。
3. 直接引语转换间接引语中,注意一些关键动词的变化和人称代词的变化。
Teaching methods:Listen, say , read and writeTeaching resource:课件, teaching cards , pictures and a tape recorder .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading inAsk several Ss what they are going to do after school .Write their sentences on the Bb .Step 2 Pre-taskSay, These Ss talk about what they are going to do after school ,if you want to tell a friend what they said ,how would you tell him ?Write the words “He said” and “She said” on the Bb .Say,We can use the words “He said” and “She said” to tell your friend like this :He/She said he/she was going to play basketball after school .Get the Ss to repeat .Repeat this process with the other sentences on the Bb .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 26 , 1a .1.Ask a student to read the four questions .2.point out the TV screens in the picture .Ask one student to read what the person says in thefirst picture .Then ask another student :What did she/he say ? Help to answer :She/He said she/he was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night .3.Repeat with the other pictures .SB Page 26 , 1c .Pairwork.First Ss work in pairs ,then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class .SB Page 26 , 1b .Play the recording and correct the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 27 , 2a & 2b .1.Ask several Ss to read these sentences .2.Play the recording .Ss circle their answer .3.Check the answers .Step 5 Grammar Focus1.Review the grammar box by ask Ss to say the statements .2.Explain: In each case ,the direct speech talks about present situations and the reported speechtalks about past situations .Step 6 Homework用she/he said 将直接引语改为间接引语。
八年级英语Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.教案
八年级英语Unit 4 He said I washard-working.教案八年级英语Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.教案I. Teaching aims and teaching demands:In this unit students leawhaaid and tell aII. Teaching key and difficul:A. Vocabulaver, mad, aage, hard-working, suaardall ,lazy, soap opera, house, snacks, beaaB. Target languageWhat did your math teacher say?He said I was hard-working.I can spealanguagWhat did she say?aid she could spealanguaguctuReportedle paan for abilityIII. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methodsIV. Teaching aids: a taderV. This unit is dividedgds.Lak and lA 1a---1cI. Teaching aims and demands:Students leawhaaid.II. Teaching key and difficul:A. Vocabulaap opera, suarty, be mad at, on Friday nigB. Target languageWhat did she say? She said she was having a suaLana on Friday night.Did you ever watch soap opera?What ags happened on soap opera?III. Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods IV. Teaching aids: a taderV. Teaching procedureActivity 1. RevTask 1. DictaTask 2. Ask and answer. Quabout the past progressive.Activity 2. PresentaThis activduw vocabulary and provide oral practice using the target language. Task 1 . Ask four studandlass, and the teacher allowing quas aWhat are you going to do when you grow up?2. What are you going to do next week?What are going to do al?The students will give danswask a good studwhaaid.I am going to e a dWhat did she say?----------She said she was going to be a dI am going to have a party on Friday nigWhat did he say?-------He said he was going to have a party on Friday nigI am going to dwWhat did she say ?------ She said she was going todwI am going home al.What did she say?-----She said she was going home al.Say In this unit we are going to learn to use words lwhaaid.Task 2. ReaduThen ask a studad the four quAnd wwordBb. Explain what soap operaTask 3. AudLook auut the TVure. Ask one girl to read what Marcia said.What did Marcia say? She said She said she was having a suaLana on Friday night. Repeauame way. Activity3. Listen and numbures in activity 1a. Task 1. Pladingudents only lTask 2. Plading a secondudents numbures. TanswActivity 4. PairwAudask and answer about whalap opera said.Homewake up your own conversa2. Write dowa. Lesson 2 Listen and speaA 2a---Grammar FocusI. Teaching aims and demands :Students leawhaaid.II. Teaching key and difficul:A. Vocabulaa suarty, be mad at, not…abring …to , happen (on), DIndB. Target language Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have asuaaid she was mad at Marcia.He told me he would callw / the next daaid she could spealanguagIII. Teaching methods:Audio-lingual methods and PPPIV. Teaching aids: a taderV.Teaching procedureActivity 1. RevTawork. Ask and answI am a studWhat did he say?-----He said he was a studI can swWhat did she say ?------She said she could swI will ring you uw.What did she say?ldwould ring me up.Activity 2. Listening and circling .Task1.ReaduLeavocabulaTask2.Pvand ask dudadlass. Then say: You will hear a conversation between two people who are talking about a soap opera on TV.Circle True or false after each staPlading twice and studlanswers. TanswActivity 3.Listening Task 1. ReaduTask 2. Plading again andanswActivity 4. GroupwTask 1.ReaduactivTask 2. Pures in activity 2b.Auduse the words and pictures aavversaTask 3. Havudents waTaanswers by calling on daay a conversalaActivity 5. Grammar FocusReview the grammar box.audaaPay allowing:DIndaam having, go, will, can was , was having, would , could, wauation a past situaWhen youwhaaid, you use words that talk about the paHomewReviewversation and the vocabula2. Wgrammar focus。
八年级英语下册Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 教学设计
八年级英语下册Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 教学设计单元教学内容分析本单元的主题是讲述学生们日常生活中的事情,该话题贴近他们的生活实际,因而可以比较容易地调动和激发他们的学习兴趣。
二、单元教学目标三、1.学会转述他人话语2.学会和掌握直接引语变间接引语时人称和时态的变化3.训练和培养学生使用目标语言交流、阅读和写作的能力1.创设情境,引入新课Let’s have a game.Please listen and tell what he said.A:I’m going to have a surprise partyB:He said he was going to have a surprise party.2.自读感知,整体把握设计四个步骤:1)oral practice with the target language.2)listening practice3)reading and writing4)speaking and listening skills in role plays3.合作交流,解读探究----What did your math teacher say?----He said I was hard-working.----I can speak three languages.----What did she say?----She said she could speak three languages.4.应用迁移,巩固提高A class soap opera,soap opera report六、任务型活动任务一:自我评价你自己是个什么样的人,性格如何?平行如何?表现如何?请自我评价一下。
He said I was hard-working教案(精选4篇)He said I was hard-working 篇1八年级(下)英语学案第24课时【课题】:unit 4 revision【小木屋】:little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。
【学习目标】:(一)知识目标:1、master words、phases and sentences.2、what did she say? she said she could speak three languages……(二)能力目标:培养运用间接引语来引述别人所讲的话的能力。
【学习重难点】】直接引语变间接引语.【task 1】: 根据句意及提示写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。
1. she said she was having a s_________ party for lana.2. sally borrowed my jacket, but she didn’t r________ it to me.3. i think i’ll do b________ than last year.4. don’t c______ others’ homework. you should do it yourself.5. please give your r_______ card to your parents.6.marcia said she __________ mad at me __________. (不再)7. we __________ __________ __________(应该)help each other.8.i always __________ __________(感觉紧张)when i get the envelope from school.9. what he said isn’t __________(真实的).10. i said i was __________(努力的).【task2】用所给词的适当形式填空。
Unit 4 He said I was hardworking人教版八年级英语教案
Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.Topic: Telling a storyLanguage goal: Report what someone saidTarget language: What did your math teacher say?He said I was hard-working.What did she say?She said she could speak three languages.Teaching StepsPeriod 1Step 1: Lead inShow a popular video Lion King. Ask some simple questions and seek answers, and changes the students’ sentences into reported speech.T: What is the Lion King’s name?S: His name is Sinbad.T: He said his name was Sinbad.Do you like him?S: Yes, I like it very much.T: He said he liked it very much.T: You like cartoons, but I like soap operas.Step 2: Section A 1aTalk about the following questions:Do you know what a soap opera is? What are some soap operas you know? Do you ever watch soap operas? What are some things that happen on soap operas? Last night I watched Young Lives on TV. It’s a soap opera.a.Work in pairs to answer the teacher’s questi ons.b.Share the answers together.Step 3: Section A 1b1.Listen and number the statement.a.Do you know what happened on Young Lives? Let’s listen.b.Do listening part according to the book.c.Listen and number the pictures.2.Check the answers.Answers:The TV screens should be numbered in this order: 1 3 4 2Step 4: Section A 1c1.Do pair work, and talk about Young Lives like this:A: What did she say?B: She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.2.Choose some groups to act it out.3.Task 1:Show the video to the students and tell us what Sinbad and his father said.Step 5: Section A 2a1.Yesterday evening I saw the soap opera Young Lives. Let’s listen what happened then.2.Circle true or false for each statement.3.Check the answers together.Answers: 1.true 2.true 3.false 4.true 5.falseStep 6: Section A 2b1.Do you think Lana would go to Marcia’s house at last? Please listen again and circle the correct answers.2.Check the answers together.Answers: 1.is 2.am 3.will 4.am 5.willStep 7: Section A 2c1.Have a conversation about last night’s episode of Young Lives.2.After a minute’s preparation, act out the conversations.—What happened on Young Lives last night?—Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a surprise party for her.Foresee the ending of the story.Step 8: Task 2Group work. Two students think of an interesting sentence together. Then ask anyone in the classroom to report the sentence. For example:A: I am going to have dinner with Mickey Mouse on the Mars.B: What did A say?C: A said he was going to have dinner with Mickey Mouse on the Mars.Step 9: Grammar Focus1.Read the sentences together.2.Summary.Look at these sentences. What are these sentences? (Direct speech.) How about these? (Reported speech.) What are the differences? In direct speech, we say “I am”; but if we begin our sentences with “she said / she told me”, we should change “I am” into “she was”…a.直接引语:说话人直接引用别人的原话。
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Unit4 He said I was hard-working(1)
课型新授主备人王兵审核人董云亮使用人序号25 备课时间09.10.9 审核时间10.11 使用时间班级姓名
3. 对…恼火____________
6. 说三种语言________________________
①Tom said to me,“My brother is doing his homework.” Tom
②They said, “We want to have a rest.”他们说:“我们想休
①Tom said to me,“My brother is doing his homework.”
→Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.
②They said, “We want to have a rest.”
→They said they wanted to have a rest.
①“I want the blue one.”he told us. “我想要蓝色的。
Unit4 He said I was hard-working(1)
1 看连续剧____________________
2 举办惊喜聚会_____________________
1 I’m cooking supper now.
My mother said_______________________
2 He will call me tomorrow.
he told me ___________________________
3I want to travel
Uncle Li said_________________________
4 I am going to the party.
Macias said ___________________________
5 I’m mad at Salad.
She said _____________________________
6I’m having a party
He told me __________________________
7 I go to the beach every Sunday
Miss Xia said_________________________
8 I’ll call you next Saturday
She told me__________________________
9 I can speak English.
He said______________________________
10 I’m not mad at you any more.
She told me______________________
导学内容学法指导→He told us that he wanted the blue one.他说他想要蓝色的。
②She said to me,“I like it very much.”她对我说:“我非常
→She told me that she liked it very much. 她对我说她非常喜
He said to me,“I broke your CD player.”
→He said to me that he had broken my CD player. 【总结3】直接引语变间接引语时时态会发生相应变化。
⑴一般疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,由whether或if 引导。
“Can you tell me the way to the hospital?”The old man asked.
→The old man asked whether I could tell him the way to the hospital. 那个老人问我是否能告诉他去医院的路。
①“Which room do you live in?”He asked.
→He asked me which room I lived in. 他问我住哪个房间。
Model: My teacher will be here at 7:00 (the boy)
The boy said his teacher would be here at 7:00.
1.I go to the beach every Saturday. (Tom)
2. I can speak three languages. ( Lucy)
3. I will call you tomorrow. ( Mike )
4. I’m having a surprised party for Lana. ( she) 活学活用,然后小组讨论,订正答案。