三年级英语(上册)活页作业听力材料Unit 1 : Hello一、选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在括号内。
1. goodbye2. Show me your ruler.3.go to school.4.I’m mike.5.I have a book.三、听音排序。
1. Hello!2. Hi!3. This is John.4. Nice to meet you.5. Let’s go to school!6. OK.Unit 2:Look at Me.一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或句子,将其编号写在括号里。
1.ear2.arm3.head4. See you!5.Where is your mouth?二、听录音,做判断。
1.Hello! I’m Mike.This is my nose.2.Hello! I’m Wu Yifan.This is my arm.3.Hello! My name is John.Look at my ear.4.Hi! My name’s Sarah.Look at my head.5.Touch your eye,please! Bai Ling.6.Chen Jie,touch your face,please!三、听音选择。
1. This is my face.2 Touch your eye 3. Look at my finger.4. I have 2 fingers5.Where is your foot6.Nice to meet you.Unit 3:Let’s Paint!一、听录音,选单词。
1. .brown.2. orange3. pencil4. red5. where二、听录音,标序号。
1.My flag is red, white and blue.2.How are you ?3.Let’s paint!4.This is Miss White.5.I can see a rainbow.三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的应答语.1.Good afternoon.2. How are you?3. Nice to meet you..4.Let’s go to school .5. Bye!期中练习题一、听一听,选一选。
2.认真阅读下面的短文,完成练习。(12分) 我爱家乡的银梨 阳春三月,沉睡了一冬的银梨树被蒙蒙细雨淋醒。它脱下破旧的外衣,又 开始新的生活;它贪婪地吮吸着春天那清新、甜润的露珠儿,慢慢地长出逗人 喜爱的嫩枝绿叶。 五月,正是它摆开绿叶白花衣裳的季节,婆娑(suō__)的绿叶衬托着朵朵 洁白的梨花,在明媚的阳光照耀下,像一片银色的海洋! 中秋时节,银梨树上挂满了大大小小的果实。果实的外形扁圆扁圆的,与苹果 的形状相似。它们总爱“三只一群”“五只一伙”地生长着。开始,果子的颜 色呈淡绿色,后来颜色变黄了。来过这里的人都会对家乡的银梨赞不绝口。 走进果园,微风阵阵,你还可以闻到一股股清香,当好客的主人把又大又甜的 银梨送给你品尝时,你就会知道银梨皮薄、肉脆、水多、味甜,可口极了,银 梨确实可与北京鸭梨媲(pì)美。 我爱家乡的银梨。 (1)仿照例子,在文中再找两个同类的短语写下来。(2分) 例:破旧的外衣 __银色的海洋__ __明媚的阳光__
三、阅读好手。(24分) 1.阅读课内片段,完成练习。(12分) 几对燕子( 飞倦 )了,( 落 )在电线上。蓝蓝的天空,电杆之间连着 几痕细线,多么像五线谱啊!停着的燕子成了( 音符 ),谱成了一支正待 ( 演奏 )的春天的( 赞歌 )。 (1)把这段话补充完整。(5分) (2)在文段中,作者展开丰富的想象,把__电线__比作__五线谱__,把__燕子__ 比作__音符__。(2分) (3)仿照画“ ”的句子写一个比喻句。(2分) __梧桐树叶__多么像__小手掌__啊! (4)这段话主要写__燕子飞倦了停在电线上休息ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้_。(3分)
(2)用“ ”画出文中的一个拟人句,用“____”画出文中的一个比喻句。 (4分) (3)填关键词语。(3分) ①银梨的形状:__扁圆扁圆,与苹果的形状相似__。 ②银梨的颜色:开始呈__淡绿色__,后来__颜色变黄__。 (4)短文是按时间顺序写的,表明时间的词语有:__阳春三月__、__五月__、 __中秋时节__。(3分) 四、写作妙手。(30分) 你的家乡一定有优美的风景吧?这次习作,请选择一处向大家介绍。注 意要按照一定的顺序讲清楚景物的特点,并展开丰富的想象,充分表达热爱 家乡的情感。
shuānɡ yè qiánɡ jiǎo
霜叶 墙角
波涛 岩石 xínɡ tài ɡè yì 形态各异
• 倒映(dǎo dào) 整体( zhěn zhěnɡ)
• 乳汁( lǔ rǔ) 轻轻( qīn qīnɡ )
• 山崩地裂( bēn bēnɡ) • 凉爽( suǎnɡ shuǎnɡ)
• 1、绿叶为(大树而生)。春天的时候,(叶子嫩 绿);夏天的时候,(叶子肥美);秋叶(变黄); (冬日)飘零---(回归大树地下的根)。 • 2、《山行》的作者是大诗人(杜牧)。全诗表达 了作者对深秋时节枫林美景的喜爱,最能表达这 种情感的诗句是(停车坐爱枫林晚),(霜叶红 于二月花)。 • 3、爸爸(意味深长)地对聪聪说:“看来要学会 查身边的无字词典哪!”爸爸讲的“无字词典” 是指(生活实践)。
• • • • 小熊家的大苹果熟了,他请来了小伙伴一起品尝。小 熊从树上摘下了一个又大又红的苹果。谁先吃呢? 小鹿说:“我给果树浇过水,施过肥。这个大苹果给 我吃吧。” 小猴说:“冬天,我给果树穿过厚厚的稻草衣。这个 大苹果给我吃吧。” 小猫说:“果子闹虫子的时候,我喷洒过药水,把虫 子全杀死了。这个大苹果就给我吃吧。” 怎么办呢?小熊眼珠一转,把苹果切成了六块,挑了 两块最大的给了爸爸、妈妈。 哦!小伙伴们明白了:吃东西要先想到长辈,大家分 享快乐才是最幸福的。
• 推(推开)奖(奖杯)愉(愉快) • 堆(土堆)桨(双桨)输(运输) • 泊(停泊)己(自己) • 怕(可怕)已(已经)
• 轻(轻点)悄(悄悄)塔(宝塔) • 径(石径)消(消灭)答(回答)
• 飘荡 飘扬 • 1、红旗迎着晨风( )。 • 2、校园的上空( )着小朋友们愉快的 歌声。 • 实验 试验 • 3、经过无数次( ),宇宙飞船终于 飞上天了。 • 4、我们总是到( )室上自然课。
第一部分:数学1. 简单加减法题题目:30 + 20 = ?答案:50题目:45 - 15 = ?答案:302. 乘法和除法题题目:8 × 4 = ?答案:32题目:36 ÷ 6 = ?答案:63. 分数计算题题目:⅔ + ¼ = ?答案:11/12题目:⅝ - ⅜ = ?答案:¼第二部分:语文1. 词语搭配题题目:请根据句子意思,选择正确的词语填空。
(愉快/寂寞/疲惫)答案:愉快2. 阅读理解题题目:阅读下面的短文,回答问题。
问题:小明最喜欢读什么类型的书籍?答案:科幻小说第三部分:科学1. 生物题题目:以下哪个是一种哺乳动物?a) 鲨鱼b) 蜥蜴c) 猫答案:c) 猫题目:以下哪个是一种鸟类?a) 鳄鱼b) 蜘蛛c) 鸽子答案:c) 鸽子2. 物理题题目:以下哪个是一种导体?a) 木头b) 铁c) 塑料答案:b) 铁题目:以下哪个是一种绝缘体?a) 铜b) 铝c) 橡胶答案:c) 橡胶通过提供这些常见的活页作业参考答案,希望能够帮助学生们更好地完成作业。
22分1、中国2、司南3、力大小方向4、托盘指南针游码底座砝码镊子 5 同一 6 指示南北放平 7、杠杆尺质量 8、南极S 北极 N 9摩擦力1、银河系恒星 50 502、太阳黑子耀斑日珥3、光不透明4、圭表5、 6000 1500万6、东西北南7、正午圭面8、109 130万 33万1 光能风能2、 1799 伏打3、容易不容易4、+-5、开关6、导电。
2、到2002年底,我国已设立自然保护区1551 处,居世界前列。
6、我国现有鸟类 1200 多种,约占世界鸟类种数的 14%。
1、大物理学家伏特在 1799 年,终于研究出了世界第一个长时间的持续的电源——伏打电堆,接着又发明了伏打电池。
Module 1 作业A一、我会连。
(将人名与图片用线连起来)1. Daming2. Sam3. Amy4. LinglingA. B. C. D.二、小蜜蜂采花蜜。
(选择合适的标号填空)A. B. C. D. E.1. 2. 3.( ) ( ) ( )4. 5.( ) ( )是 你好 再见 我 我是hello amI’mgoodbyeI三、读一读,连一连。
1. A.2. B.3. C.4. D.Module 1 作业B一、每组中有一只小猫排错了队,请你把它找出来。
( ) 1. A. B. C.( ) 2. A. B. C.( ) 3. A. B. C.( ) 4. A. B. C.( ) 5. A. B. C.二、给下列图片选择合适的句子或对话。
( ) 1. A. I’m Daming.( ) 2.B. —How are you? —I’m fine, thank you.( ) 3. C. Goodbye.goodbye morning Amy Lingling bye bye are hello hi how fine thank good I you am() 4. D. Good morning.() 5. E. I’m Amy.三、根据情景对话,选择合适的答语填在横线上。
() 1. 小明早上见到Lingling,应该说:________A. Good morning, Lingling.B. Goodbye, Lingling.() 2. 放学了,你会对同学说:________A. Goodbye.B. Hello, I’m Sam.() 3. 朋友对你说How are you?你应该说:________A. How are you?B. I’m fine, thank you.() 4. 班里转来一位新同学叫Tutu,你想和他打招呼,应该说:________A. Hello, I’m Tutu.B. Hello, Tutu.() 5. 马小跳想用英语自我介绍,他可以这样说:________A. Hello, I’m Ma Xiaotiao.B. Hello, Ma Xiaotiao.。
3B Module 1 Unit 1活页单1 Class__________ Name __________No._____ Mark__________预学单1I. Read and judge T/F1 rubber super ( )2 fat jam ( )3 cake paper ( )4 ship sheep ( )5 like it ( )6 bee bed ( ) II. Read and choose1 A circle B star C square D hear ( )2 A draw B cut C apple D use ( )3 A winter B white C black D brown ( )4 A ball B doll C kite D bird ( )5 A many B some C any D six ( )6 A you B I C they D them ( )检测单1I. Read and write1 I can hear a bus, a , an , and a .2 The flowers are red, , , and .3 On the farm, we can see chicks, , and .4 I can see, , and .II. Answer the following questions1 What can you see? (football)2 What can you hear? (wolf)3 What colour can you see? (white)4 How many ships? (ten)拓展单1I. Copy the sentences1 what can you hear I can hear a bee and a bird2 how many cars there are tenII. Fill in the blanks1 What can you hear? I can hear many (bus).2 I can make a colourful (spinner).3 The car (be) grey.4 Can Danny skate? No, he (can) skate.5 That is (a) aeroplane.6 How many (toothpick)?III. Sentences transformation1 They can see some birds. (改为一般疑问句)2 There are twelve aeroplanes in the sky.(划线部分提问)3 Those spinners are green. (划线部分提问)4 I can hear a ship. (划线部分提问)5 I can see an apple on the table. (改为否定句)6 What is it? It’s a box.(改为复数句)IV. Reading comprehension()I have got a toy dog. Its name’s Jimmy. It’s white. Its face is round. It can speak, “Hello. How are you?” My sister has got a bird. It’s green and blue. It can’t fly high. It can speak too. It can speak “Good morning.”“ Come in, please.” We play with them every night. We are happy.1 Jimmy is my toy cat. ( )2 My dog’s face is round. ( )3 My sister’s bird is blue and green. ( )4 We play with them every day.( )5 My dog can speak, “Hello. Come in, please.” ( )6 The bird can fly high. ( )3B Module 1 Unit 1活页单2Class__________ Name __________No._____ Mark__________预学单2I Read and judge1 bus car ( )2 hear chair ( )3 ship she ( )4 chair Charlie ( )5 how bowl ( )6 have plate ( )II. Fill in the blanks with “a, an, the, /”1 Look at sun. It’s big and round.2 I can see aeroplane in sky.3 Give me book, please. OK.4 blue balloon is big and nice. But I have old one.检测单2I Fill in the blanks with “ am, is , are, have, has”1 That is my father. He tall. He a new car.2 Look at the plant. It roots.3 The boys a big ball. It yellow.4 An apple on the table.5 I a new friend. Joe. We good friends.6 Insects two feelers and six legs. They lovely.7 What do you ? I a toy ship.II. Answer the following questions1 Can you see the moon?2 What can you draw?3 How many students are there in your class?4 What can you see in the playground?拓展单2I Write the words as required1 hear(同音词)2 see(动名词)3 aeroplane(同义词)4 use(现在分词)5 too(同音词)6 spin(名词)II. Copy the sentenceslisten ben what can you hear I can hear an aeroplaneIII. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given word1. There (be) much water in the bowl.2. Look, Tom (make) a paper boat.3. The girl can (play) the violin.4. Please give (he) some pens.5. We often call (she) Alice.6 These dogs like (eat) bones.7 Jack (go) to school every day.8 There (be) any milk in the bottle.9 There two pens and a pencil in the pencil-box.10 Jam (like) playing football in the playground.11 The girl and the boy (be) good friends.12 The policeman can (help) people (know) where they are.IV. Sentences transformation1 I can hear a bus. (划线部分提问)2 I can hear a bus. (划线部分提问)3 I can hear a bus. (划线部分提问)4 We can see some children.(单数句)V.Reading comprehensionMimi and Juicy are good friends. They are dogs. Mimi is fat but Juicy is not. It is a thin dog. They both like to eat bones. One day, Mimi gets two nice bones. One bone is very big and the other is small. Then Mimi gives the big one to Juicy and it says to Juicy “ Eat the big bone and you can be strong.” Then Mimi eats the small bone and Juicy eats the big bone. They are very happy.1 Find two groups of antonyms(反义词) ——2 Mimi has a good f . It’s J .3 Mimi and Juicy both like to eat b .3B Module 1 Unit 1活页单3Class__________ Name __________No._____ Mark__________预学单3I Choose the different word1 A bicycle B bus C toy ( )2 A brown B read C red ( )3 A draw B spinner C spin ( )4 A chair B chick C table ( )II. Read and write1 缩写:can not i s not are not2 近义词:see hear3 同音词:hear their seaII. Fill in the blanks with“have,has, am, is, are”1 ---Who that boy? ---- He Ben.2 Alice my friend. We good friends.3 ---Does the cat a long tail? Yes, it does.4 There a teacher and some children in the classroom.5 There some children and a teacher in the classroom.6 It a plant. It a flower. It red.7 I Kitty Li. I some seeds.8 Alice and Tom two books. They are nice.检测单3I. Read and choose1. A child B peach C chair D chick2. A chicken B he C she D me3. A colour B cut C blue D some4. A plate B make C cake D thank5. A tiger B high C sky D gift6. A drink B drive C dinner D spinnerII. Write the following phrases1 画一个圆剪下这个圆2 给这个圆涂色用一根牙签3 转动这个转盘在窗边拓展单3I. Read and fill in the blanks1 ---What can see, Ben? --- can see a yellow cat.2 I can see , and black on the spinner.3 Danny and Eddie go to Shanghai by .4 We can see some toy cars some toy ships on the desk.5 I can’t sing dance.II. Complete the dialogueA: What can you see, Alice?B: I can see an . I go to Beijing by it.A: Yes, it’s and fast.B: Listen, Eddie. What can you ?A: I can hear a in the tree. “Tweet, Tweet”III. Fill in the blanks空1. There (be) a bird in the tree.2. Two small (baby) are in the rain.3. Peter and I (be) good friends. We (have) a new teacher.4. ---Is that (you) classroom? --- Yes, it is.5. There are some (child) in the library. They (can) read books.IV. Sentence transformation1 Peter can see an aeroplane in the sky.(否定句)2 My new bicycle is black. (划线部分提问)3 There are five pencils in my pencil case. (划线部分提问)4 I have a toy car. It is red and blue. (两句合为一句)5 Kitty can see some kites in the sky. (划线部分提问)6 I have many books in my bag. (同义句)V. Reading comprehension()I’m Jack. I’m eight. birthday is on June 5th. I’m thin tall. Ireading and drawing. favourite colour is blue. My bag, my shoes and my T-shirt all blue. I have a pet. It is a cat. It is small, it is nice. I like playing it. I swim and play football. I have many friends. After school, we often football together. I a happy school life.3B Module 1 Unit 2 活页单4Class__________ Name__________ No._____ Mark__________预学单4I Copy the sentencesTouch the bananas how does it feel its smoothII. Write the words反义词:smooth_________ soft__________ hot__________同类词:touch__________ ship__________ two复数:family__________ child__________ leafIII. Read and judge1 make fat ( )2 tree see ( )3 she red ( )4 chair school ( )5 snake like ( )6 shop ship ( )检测单4I. Rewrite the sentence1 The pineapple is hard.2 How does the bread feel?3 I can see two bananas.4 The desk is hard. (否定句,句意不变)5 I can touch the rabbit. (否定句)II Think and write1 在超市2 在月亮上3 在桌子上4 在包里5 在天上6 在树下7 在树上8 在操场9 在校门口10 在冰上11 过来看看12 做一个调查13 睡得好14 太硬15 多少钱拓展单4 I Fill in the blanks1 Touch this glass. It’s and.2 The pineapple is not . It’s .3 ---What you like? ---I like pineapples.4 Superdog is . He wants some bread.5 The Moon pie is and .6 ---How it feel? ---It’s hard.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words1 ---How (do) the pineapple feel? ---It’s rough.2 ---Alice, how (do) the cakes feel?---They’re soft.3 Supergirl (like) the Moon pie.4 I have two ears and two (eye). I can (see) and hear.5 There (be) two balloons and (a) aeroplane in the sky.6 There (be) some bread on the plate.7 ---How many (glass) on the table?---One.8 Please listen to (I). Don’t look at (they).9 Look at (I) spinner. It’s colourful.III. Answer the following questions1 Can you skip a rope?2 Do you like playing football?3 How does your hair feel?4 Touch your bed. How does it feel?5 Smell the flower. Is it nice?6 How much is your pencil?V. Reading comprehension()Today is Sunday. The sun shines and shines. It’s a fine day. Some pupils are in the park. Look at the girl in yellow. She’s Alice. She has a yellow blouse and a white skirt. She is drawing. Look, the girl is Alice’s friend,Kitty. She is eating an ice-cream. She is wearing a beautiful dress. It’s pink and white. Eddie and Danny are playing football. Eddie has a blue T-shirt and Danny has a pair ofshorts. How happy they are!1 Today is Sunday. ( )2 The pupils are in the school. ( )3 Kitty has a yellow blouse. ( )4 The girl in yellow is Alice. ( )5 Danny is playing football. ( )3B Module 1 Unit 2 活页单5Class__________ Name__________ No._____ Mark__________预学单5I Copy the sentences.How does it feel miss fang its smooth and hardII Read and write1 buses(单数)rough(反义词)she(同类词)2 here(同音词)do(单三)brown(同类词)检测单51 Taste the . It’s .2 How it ? It’s hard.3 What you see? I can see an .4 Touch the fish. It’s and .5 We good .II Complete the dialogueA: Hello, Ruth.B: , Michael.A: Look, this is pineapple. Do you like pineapples?B: , I pineapples very much.A: Michael, touch .B: Oh, it’s and .A: Taste .B: It’s very .III Write about the picture (three sentence patterns)拓展单5I Fill in the blanks1 They are (strawberry).2 How many (bus)?3 (not close) the door.4 How (do) it taste? It’s (salt).5 There (be) a rainbow in the sky.6 Can you (swim)? No, I (can).7 It’s sour. It isn’t (sweet).8 Give (I) a pineapple, please.II Rewrite the sentences1 Michael can fly a kite.(改为一般疑问句)2 These sweets are nine yuan.(划线部分提问)3 The coffee is bitter. (划线部分提问)4 It is a ship. (划线部分提问)5 My mother has a red bicycle.(改为否定句)6 The flower are pink. (划线部分提问)III Read and judge1 taste can ( )2 help bee ( )3 coffee book ( )4 smell lemon( )5 sweet sheep ( )6 much use ( )7 whale who ( )8 white what( )IV()Look at the photograph. This is Sue’s family. They are at home. Sue’s mother is making a chocolate cake. It’s sweet and nice. Sue is making a cake, too. But the cake is bitter. She is sad. Sue’s father is drinking some water. He doesn’t like black coffee. It’s bitter. And he is eating the sweet cake. It’s yummy. Sue’s mother is a good baker. Sue is not a good baker. It is a happy family.1 Sue has a happy family. ( )2 Sue’s mother can’t make a cake. ( )3 Sue’s cake is sweet. ( )4 Her father likes her mother’s cake. ( )5 Sue can make a cake well. ( )3B Module 1 Unit 2 活页单6Class__________ Name__________ No._____ Mark__________预学单6I Fill in the blanks with “do” or “does”.1. How __________ it feel? It feels soft.2. How __________ they feel? They are smooth.3. How ___________ the des ks feel? They’re hard and smooth.4. How ____________ the ice cream feel? It’s too cold.5. What _________ your father do? He’s a doctor.6. __________ the children get up early every day? Yes, they ____________.7. ___________ your teacher go to school by bicycle? Yes, he ____________.8. __________ she swim well? Yes, she ___________.9. __________ he play football well? Yes, he ______________.II. Read and judge T/F1. pineapple cake ( )2. desk seven ( )3. shop wash ( )4. ruler rubber ( )5. school watch ( )6. glass banana ( )7. soft shop ( ) 8. do does ( )检测单6I Fill in the blanks with proper preposition1. Let’s go ___________ the supermarket.2. I can see some toys _____________ the supermarket.3. We feel __________ our fingers.4. Is there a white rabbit ____________ the Moon?5. Look ____________ the picture.6. Listen ____________ the tape.II Choose and fill in the blanks.1. Touch this gl ass. It’s __________ and ___________.2. The pineapple is not __________. It’s ____________.3. Superdog is ____________. He wants some bread.4. The pie is ___________ and _____________.拓展单6I Finish the sentences according to the picture1. Look at the __________.It’s ___________.Touch it. How does it _____________?It’s ___________.Taste it. It’s not ___________. It’s ___________.2. What __________ you see?I can see ____________.The flower is ___________.Its leaves ____________ green.Smell ________.It’s nice. I like ______________.II Fill in the blanks1. How _______ the apples feel? They are smooth. (do)2. Oh, the fish is too __________( salt).3. Here ___________ (be) some water on the floor. It can _______ cold. (be)4. They’re too far. I can’t hear ________ (they).5. Why do you like this __________ T-shirt? (写一个与划线部分发音相同的单词)III Write the different word in pronunciation1 She has a short and smooth T-shirt. ( )2 Let’s go shopping in the shop and get some chocolate and nice dishes. ( )3 These are shee p, they aren’t any sh i ps. That’s so easy. ( )IV Read and judge T/FJimmy and Amy are English. They are friends. Now they are in Shanghai. They are on Nanjing Road. They can see many shops, fruit shops, food shops, clothes shops. They are tired. They can have a rest in Zhongshan Park. They sit on the grass. They can see many people in the park. Some are old. Some are young. They are very happy.( ) 1 Jimmy and Amy are friends. ( ) 2 The people in the park are old.( ) 3 They have a rest on the grass. ( ) 4 They are tired, but they are happy.( ) 5They can see many shops on Nanjing Road.V Read and answer()Kitty: There are many things in my bag. Ben: What are they?Kitty: Close your eyes. Touch them. Ben: OK. Are they biscuits?Kitty: Yes. There are some biscuits in it. They are nice.Ben: There are some apples and some oranges in it,too. The apples are hard. The oranges are soft.Kitty: Have an apple and orange, please. Ben: Thank you. Oh, the apple is sweet. I like this apple.1 What’s in Kitty’s bag? _______________________________________2 Are the biscuits nice? ______________3 Are the apples soft? _____________4 Whose bag is it? ________________________________________5 How do the oranges feel? ____________________________________3B Module 1 Unit 3 活页单7Class ________ Name ________ No. ________ Mark ________预学单7I Copy the sentence correctlytouch this how does it feel danny it’s hard_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________II Read and Judge( ) 1. hair hear ( ) 2. kite bicycle( ) 3. under blue ( ) 4. bread lemon( ) 5. whale what ( ) 6. coffee doll检测单7I Write the words as required1. they (单数) _________2. tall (反义词) _________3. smooth (反义词) _________4. hard (反义词) _________5. do not(缩写形式) _________6. I (宾格) _________7. touch (近义词) __________ 8. sweet(同类词) _________9. bus (复数) _________ 10. is (复数) _________II Sentences transformation1. This is my pencil (改成一般疑问句,肯定回答)_____________________________________________________________2. The green apple is sour. (改为否定句)_____________________________________________________________3. The lemons are 12 yuan. (对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________4. The hamburger is salty. (对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________________5. They are nice flowers. (改为单数句)____________________________________________________________拓展单7I Fill in the blanks with the correct words1 Is this (you) lemon? No, it isn’t.2 (she) is Miss Fang. (she) hair is brown.3 I can (see) the birds, but I can’t hear (they).4 (be) there an aeroplane in the sky? Yes, there is.5 Taste the apple. How (do) it taste?II Fill in the blanks with “am, is, are, have, has”1 Here two cakes. They nice.2 Mr White a toy whale. Its tail white.3 That boy Eddie. There a football in his hand.4 Taste it. it sour? Yes, it .5 My friends got some fruit.III Read and complete the dialogue1 --- this coffee? Is it sweet?---No, it isn’t. It’s .2 ---Can I you?---May I have oranges, please?---Sure. Smell this orange. How does it ?---It’s sweet.IV Reading Comprehension()Going to the ZooToday is Sunday. Bob is going to the zoo with his classmates. He puts on his new white T-shirt and yellow cap. He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop. The bus stop is near his home. He is going to meet his classmates there. The zoo is very far but a No. 57 bus will take them right there. The children are going to see a lot of animals at the zoo and they are going to have a good time.( ) 1. Today is __________.A. SaturdayB. SundayC. the last day of a weekD. a fine day ( ) 2. Bob and his _______ are going to the zoo.A. parentsB. brotherC. classmatesD. deskmate( ) 3. Bob is wearing his ________.A. white T-shirt and yellow cap.B. yellow T-shirt and white cap.C. white shirt and yellow hat.D. yellow shoes and white hat.( ) 4. Bob is going to meet his classmates ____________.A. at the zooB. on the busC. at schoolD. at the bus stopT/F( ) 1. Bob is going to the zoo today.( ) 2. The zoo is near his home.( ) 3. They will go there by car.( ) 4. The children are going to have a good time there.3B Module 1 Unit 3 活页单8Class ________ Name ________ No. ________ Mark ________预学单8I Copy the sentences1 How much ten moon yuan please2 danny how does it smell it’s niceII Dictation1 糖果甜的柠檬2 酸的盐咸的3 咖啡苦的品尝III Write the similar words1 Feel the apple. It’s hard.2 I can hear a car.3 Touch the desk. It’s smooth.4 There is some bread in the bag.5 I can touch with my hands.检测单8I Choose the word1 A food B smooth C book D zoo ( )2 A hot B soft C orange D go ( )3 A make B paper C jam D cake ( )4 A ship B sheep C peach D shop ( )5 A listen B pineapple C swim D finger ( )6 A chair B school C beach D touch ( )II Fill in the blanks with “ am, is, have, has, /”1 Who you? I Kitty.2 Touch this chair. It hard and smooth.3 There five ships in the shop.4 Kitty a super car.5 These children a big cake.拓展单8I Fill in the blanks1 Kitty’s friends (have) some bananas. They (be) soft.2 His brother can’t (make) a paper aeroplane.3 What (be) in your bag? There (be) some food.4 How (do) the cake taste? It’s yummy.5 How (do) the lemons smell? They are nice.II Write the words as required1反义词:sweet _________ this ____________ smooth2同类词:ship_________ taste ___________ white3同义词:many _________ have _________ hearIII Rewrite the sentences1 It is a lemon. (划线部分提问)2 The banana is smooth. (划线部分提问)3 There is a leaf on the desk. (改为复数句)4 John has got some pencils. (改为否定句)5 He does his homework every day. (改为一般疑问句)IV Choose the different words1 A pineapple B banana C whale D lemon ( )2 A smell B taste C sour D close ( )3 A aeroplane B finger C hand D nose ( )4 A orange B bear C pink D yellow ( )5 A how B what C close D who ( )6 A sweet B bitter C salty D sour ( )V Reading comprehension ()我愿意做This is my room. Beside the window, there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in my room. Look at the picture. It’s a cat. There is also a clock on the wall. I usually put my football under my bed. In front of the desk, there is a chair I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside. I love my room.1 There is a picture on the bed. ( )2 A cat is near the desk. ( )3 There is a clock on the wall. ( )4 I often do my homework in my room. ( )5 I can see trees and flowers outside. ( )VI Writing (five sentences, three sentence patterns)My favourite fruit3A Module 1 Unit 3 活页单9Class ________ Name ________ No. ________ Mark ________预学单9I Copy the sentences1 Taste it how does it taste is it sour2 close your eyes taste this is it salty aliceII Read and judge1 chair school ( )2 ship fish ( )3 who whale ( )4 have cake ( )5 taste name ( )6 sweet smell ( )III Finish the dialogueA: Good morning. B: .A: ? B: Banana, please.A: this, please. Is it sweet? B: Yes, . Ten , please. A: . B: . A: .检测单 9I Fill in the blanks with “ am, is, are, has, have ”1 This my friend. His name Eddie. He a big nose.2 There a book and two pencils on the desk.3 I a mouse. My tail long. My ears big.4 Here two cakes. They nice.5 Taste it, it sour? Yes, it . II Answer the following questions1 What is it? ( 柠檬)2 How does the apple feel? (又光滑又硬)3 How does it smell ?(酸的)4 Is it an orange ?(改为肯定句)5 How much is the Moon pie ?(5yuan)6 Is your bag rough ?(根据实际情况回答)7 My friends can play on the swing. (改为否定句)8 What can I do for you(同义句)拓展单 9I Fill in the blanks1 Look at Alice and doll. They are on the chair.2 I a lion. My tail long. My eyes small.3 She can ’t hear the bird the window.4 Ben and Charlie a super bike.5 I hear raindrops. Falling .6 Mrs Li a lovely pet. It ’s a rabbit. II Fill in the blanks with the correct words1 I can (count) to three. But I can ’t write.2 Taste these (strawberry). (be) they sour?3 Sam likes (read) and (draw). III Complete the sentences1 I can see a blackboard, and in the classroom.2 I like to eat apples, and .3 this. It’s bitter.4 I can with my nose and touch with my . IV Answer the questions according to the picture1 the . Is it sweet?How does it taste?2 Close your eyes. Smell this. Is it nice? Taste it. Is it sour? What is it?V Reading Comprehension()’t ride. It doesn’t live on land, but in the sea. Its head looks likea head of horse. So people call it a “ sea horse”. In fact, the sea horse is a small fish. It likes to live in warm water. A sea horse always stands up in the water when it swims.( ) 1 All horses live on land.( ) 2 Sea horse lives in warm water.( ) 3 A sea horse always stands up in the water.( ) 4 We can ride all horses.。
8、在()里填上合适的数字90厘米=()分米 10分米=()厘米6米=()分米=()厘米 2吨=()千克4000米+3千米=()千米 9千米-5000米=()千米80分米+40分米=()米 2500千克+700千克=()吨()千克9、1分米比1厘米长()厘米,9毫米比1厘米短()毫米10、将3千克,8吨,800千克工,8000克,880克按从重到轻的顺序排为()二、判断1、如果每个学生的体重是25千克,那么40个学生的体重就是1吨。
A、自行车B、步行C、坐米车3、1千克的铁和1千克的棉花()重A、一样B、铁C、棉花4、下面最轻的是()A、6000克B、2吨C、2千克5、这块橡皮的长度是()a2厘米2毫米 B、1厘米2毫米 C、3厘my.四、按要求画一画1、画一条4厘米2毫米的线段。
2、画一条比1分米短7厘米的线段3、画一个长4厘米,宽2厘米的长方形五、按要求算一算上面两层积木,共有多少毫米高? 三角形三条边一共长多少毫米?3、2吨比800千克多多少千克?4、比18厘米少5毫米是多少5、把72千克平均分成8份,每份是多少千克?六、解决问题1、一头黄牛重300千克,一头水牛重400千克,两头牛总重多少千克?它们比1吨少多少千克?2、一根4分米长的木条,锯成同样长的5段,每段长多少厘米?要据几次?3、两辆自重3000千克的卡车,每辆车上装3台机床,每台机床重3吨,要同时通过一限重20吨的大桥,是否安全?4、菜店运来6吨大白菜,上午卖出4000千克,下午全部卖完,上午比下午多卖出大白菜多少千克?5、妈妈带红红去看奶奶,他们早上7时坐长途汽车从家出发,汽车平均每小时行70千米,途中要走326千米,他们中午12时能到奶奶家吗?。
外研社版三年级起点三年级下册Module1 Unit 2活页作业
Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite colour is yellow. 本课重点一、重点词汇colour 颜色 Here you are. 给你。
my favourite colour 我最喜欢的颜色二、重点语句1.What colour? 什么颜色?2. Here you are.给你。
3.A:What’s your favourite colour?你最喜爱的颜色是什么?B:My favourite colour is yellow.我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。
三、重点题目一)单选题( )1 . What is ______ favourite colour?A. youB.your( ) 2 .______ favourite song is the ABC song.A. HerB. She( ) 3. 你递给他人东西时,你应该说:A. How are you.B. Here you are.( ) 4.他人递给你东西是,你应该说:A. Here you are.B. Thank you.( ) 5. _______ colour?A.What’s B.What( ) 6. The _______ is my favourite food(食物).A.monster B.cake C.kite( ) 7. ---What’s that?---_____________.A.It’s my leg. B.It’s the ABC song. 二)写出相邻字母Kk OoFf Tt三 )我会写句子。
—________ your_________ ________?(你最喜爱的颜色是什么?)—My __________ _________ is ________.(我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。
)四) 连词成句(注意加上标点)。
1 your is What favourite colour ?2 My colour is yellow favourite .3 are Here you .4 is What that ?。
2016——2017学年度第二学期 三 年 级语文第一次活页作业一、拼一拼,把汉字规范的写在虚宫格内。
(10分) ji āo y áng xi ū g ǎi d àng y àng w âi w ân chu í li ǔàng r án ch ā q ǔ sh ēn qi ǎn h án l ěng x ī shu ǐ二、用“√”标出带点字的正确读音。
(8分) 簸箕(j ī q ī) 质量(zh ǐ zh ì) 山冈(g āng g ǎng ) 虽然(su í su ī)比较(ji ào ji ǎo ) 叫嚷(y ǎng r ǎng ) 传播(b ē b ō) 开辟(b ì p ì)三、火眼金睛,辨字组词。
(10分) 棉( ) 蓝( ) 状( ) 栽( ) 喝( )绵( )篮( ) 妆( ) 裁( )渴( ) 四、给多音字组词。
(6分)fãng( ) ā( ) z ài( ) âng( ) à( ) ǎi( )五、词语模仿秀。
(12分)红彤彤 ___________ ___________ ___________ 不骄不躁 ___________ ___________ ___________观察观察 ___________ ___________ ___________左邻右舍 ___________ ____________ ______________ 六、在括号里填上恰当的词语。
(6分)( )的颜色 ( )的青芽 ( )的波浪 ( )地歌唱 ( )地发现 ( )地掀起 七、积累。
一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪个字是形声字?A. 日B. 木C. 水D. 言2. 下列词语中,没有错别字的是:A. 欢乐B. 舒适C. 舒畅D. 舒坦3. 下列句子中,没有语病的是:A. 小明喜欢看书,他每天都读几本书。
B. 这本书很有趣,我看了两遍。
C. 我每天都要写作业,直到很晚才睡觉。
D. 天气真好,我们可以去公园玩。
4. 下列成语中,含有反义词的是:A. 喜出望外B. 一帆风顺C. 大公无私D. 难舍难分5. 下列句子中,用词不当的是:A. 小明考试得了满分,他非常开心。
B. 老师鼓励我们要勤奋学习。
C. 我们要保护环境,不乱扔垃圾。
D. 这里的风景如画,吸引了很多游客。
二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. “日月潭”的“潭”字是()部首,它的笔顺是()。
7. “月亮”和“太阳”都是()字,它们在汉字中的结构分别是()。
8. “春天来了,万物复苏。
9. “小明的妈妈是医生。
10. 下列词语中,与“高兴”意思相近的是()。
A. 愉快B. 悲伤C. 沮丧D. 愤怒三、改写句子(每题2分,共6分)11. 原句:我们班的学生都爱学习。
12. 原句:老师经常鼓励我们要努力学习。
13. 原句:小鸟在树上唱歌。
8、磁铁指南的一端叫做南极 ,用表示;指北的一端叫做北极,用_N_表示。
①银子②手4、摩托车之所以能够减震,是人们利用了弹簧具有—②—的性质①弹力②弹性5、天平称量物品时,右盘放 ______ ① __ o①誌码②物品6、条形磁铁,—②—磁性最强。
① 中间②两端7、当两个磁铁相互接近时,同极,异极②。
(V )2、环形磁铁没有南北极。
(X )3、推能产生力,而拉不会产生力。
(X )4、弹簧发生形变时,会产生弹力。
(V )5、摩擦力对人们的生活只有不利的一面。
(X )6、我们穿的鞋子底部设有花纹,是为了增大鞋底与地面的摩擦力。
(V )四、在括号中标识出天平各部分的名称(10分)五、名词简答(8分)弹力:物体在压缩或拉伸时,会产生一种要恢复到原来形状的力,这就是弹力。
德惠市第六小学2014—2015学年度第一学期 三 年级 数学 学科第一次活页作业 一、 填空快乐行。
(15)1、在一个算式里,有加、减法,又有乘除法,先算( )法,再算( )法。
算式里有括号的,要先算( )。
2、在计算(23+12)÷5时,应该先算( )法,后算( )法。
结果是( )3、如果把算式7×5+4的运算顺序改成先算加法,再算乘法,那么算式应改成 ( )。
4、9的4倍减去18,结果是( )。
5、在计算25-5 ×5时,要先算( )法,再算( ),结果是( )。
18÷6+3 ○ 18÷(6+3) 80+4×2 ○ 80+4+2 6×2+30 ○ 6×(2+3) 60-40÷5 ○ (60-40)÷5二、精挑细选﹤把正确答案的序号填在( )里。
﹥(8分) 1、二年级(1)班做早操表演,站成5排,每排7人, 其中男生有18人,女生有多少人,列式是( )A 、5×7-18B 、5×7+18C 、5+7+82、按照先算减法,后算乘法的顺序给算式9×8-3添上小括 号,正确的是( )A 、9×(8-3)B 、(9×8)-3、C 、8×(9-3) 3、24÷8-2应该先算( ),结果是( ) A 、除法 ,1 B 、减法 ,4 C 、除法,44、将35+21=56,56÷7=8写成一个两步计算的综合算式是( ) A 、35+21÷7 B 、(35+21)÷7 C 、35÷7+21 三、我是计算小能手。
(12分)4×4+8= 18÷3+12= 35÷5 = 36÷6= 64÷8-6= 5×9-25= 8×7= 9×6= 56÷7= 9×7= 42÷7= 18÷2= 2、脱式计算。
三年级上册第一模块检测三年级英语活页作业第模块姓名班级分数******************************************************************** 学以致用做做看卷面分5分听力部分(70分)一、听音,选出你听到的字母或单词,将序号写到题前的括号中。
(20分)( ) 1. A. db B. pg C. pq( ) 2. A. jk B. gk C. lk( ) 3. A. FKC B. FKB C. FAC( ) 4. A. Ii B. Rr C. Yy( ) 5. A. PQG B. PZO C. UVH( ) 6. A. Amy B. Sam C. Lingling( ) 7. A. goodbye B. bye-bye C. bye( ) 8. A. hello B. hi C. bye二、听音选出你听到的句子,将序号写在题前的括号中。
(10分)( ) 1. A. Hello! B. Hi!( ) 2. A. Goodbye,Sam. B. Bye-bye,Sam.( ) 3. A. I'm Fangfang. B. I'm fine.( ) 4. A. How are you? B. Fine, thank you.( ) 5. A. Hello, I'm Lingling. B. Hello, Lingling.三、听音,选出与你听到的句子不相同的部分,将序号写在题前括号中。
(15分)( ) 1. How is you ?A B C( ) 2. Good morning, Sam.A B C( ) 3.Goodbye, Xiaowei. Bye-bye, Xiaohong.A B C( ) 4. Hello, I'm Lili.A B C( ) 5. I'm mine, thank you.A B C四、听音,选出句子的汉意。
活页1+1三年级语文1、下列选项中加着重号字读音不相同的一项是()[单选题] *A、消灭逍遥销路烟硝火药B、水淀纱锭靛蓝皮开肉绽(正确答案)C、菱角丘陵凌晨绫罗绸缎D、飘飞漂泊剽悍虚无缥缈2、1杜甫的诗歌反映现实的深广度是空前的,因此,其诗被后人称为“诗史”。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错3、1韩愈和柳宗元一起倡导了古文运动。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)4、下列加括号词语使用正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.王立同学对这道数学题冥思苦想,终于(妙手偶得),有了答案。
(正确答案)D.歌曲《我和我的祖国》陶醉了每一个炎黄子孙,真是(哗众取宠)啊!5、“每当夏月塘荷盛开时,我每天至少有几次徘徊在塘边”中“徘徊”的读音是“pái huái”。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错6、1“是故无贵无贱,无长无少”的下一句是“道之所存,师之所存也”。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)7、16. 下列词语中加双引号字的读音完全正确的一项是()[单选题] *A."瞭"望(liào)裸"露"(lù)" 彷"徨(fáng)挑拨离"间"(jiàn)B."迂"回(yū)"棱"角(léng)"拙"劣(zhuō)"强"词夺理(qiǎng)(正确答案) C."湛"蓝(zhàn)" 愚"蠢(yú)驰“骋”(chéng)怒不可“遏”(è)D.“旷”野(kuàng)苍“劲”(jìng)“蠕”动(rú)“拾”级而上(shí)8、1“氓之蚩蚩,抱布贸丝。
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Book2 Module 1 Unit 1
1 歌曲s____ng
2 电视台_________
3 最喜欢的f____vour____te
4 谢谢th___nk 5学校sch__ ___l 6 老师t___ ___ cher 7 你___o _____ 8 我的m____
1 谢谢你________________________
2 我的学校___________________
3 我的老师们_______________________
4 学校电视台_________________
5 最喜欢的歌曲_____________________
( ) 1 A B C ____ E F G. A、G B、F C、D D、L
( ) 2 Thank you __________ my school. A、to B、for C、at D、in
( ) 3 What’s your ________ song? A、to B、favourite C 、on D、at ( ) 4 Thank you to _______ mother, my mother is a good mother. A their B my C his D her ( ) 5 What’s his favourite _______? It’s the ABC song. A song B book C cat D kite ( ) 6下列哪组字母是按字母表顺序排列的? A 、cdegh B、pqrst C、jkmno D 、uvwyz ( ) 7 你想问Sam 最喜欢的书是什么,你应该说:
A What’s your favourite kite?
B What’s your favourite book?
C What’s your favourite pen?
D What do you like?
( ) 8. 这幅图片的英文单词的首字母是______
C、d D 、p
( ) 9 你想表达“感谢我的老师们”,你应说:_________
A、Thank you to my father.
B、Thank you to my school .
C、Thank you to my teachers.
D、Thank you to my grandma.
四、选词填空the my to favourite book
1Thank you __________ my school.
2 What’s your ___________________song, Mei Yangyang?
3 Thank you to ______________father!
4 What’s your favourite _______________, Tutu?. It’s the Xi Youji book.
5 What’s your favourite song, Xiao Huihui? It’s _______ABC song.
1 Hello ! A It’s the ABC song.
2 What’s your name? B I’m Amy.
3 What’s your favourite song? C Hello!
4 H I J K L M N D It’s the green kite.
5 What’s your favourite kite ? E O P Q R S T
1 favourite your What’s song ?
2 B A E G C D F
3 you my to school Thank !
4 my teachers to you Thank !
5 to mother my you Thank !
6 Thank to you TV school!