8000吨多货船技术规格书 07[1].06.06A
![8000吨多货船技术规格书 07[1].06.06A](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/018b7a0314791711cc7917ab.png)
船东代表:承造厂代表:编 制打 字8000吨干货船校 对 图号审 核 共 51 页 第 1 页审 定技术规格书重庆东风船舶设计研究所目 录Ⅰ 总 则 (3)Ⅱ 船体部分 (12)Ⅲ 轮机部分 (16)Ⅳ 电气部分 (366)Ⅰ 总 则1.1船舶总体1.1.1 总述1.1.1.1用途和航区本船系一艘装运干杂货的干货船。
1.1.2 船级、规范、规则和证书1.1.2.1 船级本船入中国CCS船级,并取得如下入级符号:★CSA General dry Cargo Ship, ice class B; ★CSM 附加MCC本船悬挂香港旗。 规范和规则本船设计满足CCS在船舶建造合同签订之日已生效的规范和中国政府认可的有关国际公约、规则及修正案的要求,包括以下公约、规范、附则及相关修正案:1)1969国际吨位丈量公约2)1966国际载重线公约3)73/78防污公约4)1974国际海上人命安全公约及修正案5)国际海上避碰规则(1972年)及历年修订案6)CCS钢质海船入级规范(2006年)及(2007年)修改通报7) ILO公约NO.92关于船上船员居住舱室及N0.133要求(仅关于船员舱室) 证书本船取得下列证书,并在交船时由造船厂提交证书正本,副本各1份给船东。
1)入级证书(临时)2)国际载重线证书3)货船构造安全证书4)货船设备安全证书5)货船无线电安全证书6)国际防止油污证书7)1969国际吨位证书8)起货设备证书(包括吊重设备)9)防止生活污水污染证书10)国际防止空气污染证书11)有关船用产品证书(证书有效期在交船时,保证半年以上)12)货物适装证书(如需要)13)防污底系统符合证明1.1.3 主要尺度1.1.3.1 主要尺度总 长 Loa 117.80m垂线间长 Lpp 111.40m型 宽 B 18.00m型 深 D 10.40m设计吃水 d(满载) 7.00m满载排水量 ~11600.00t1.1.3.2 甲板间高上甲板~艏楼甲板(船体中心线处) 2.80m上甲板~居住甲板 2.65m居住甲板~救生甲板 2.65m救生甲板~船长甲板 2.65m船长甲板~驾驶甲板 2.65m驾驶甲板~罗经甲板 2.65m1.1.3.3梁拱上甲板梁拱 0.15m艏楼甲板梁拱 0.10m罗经甲板 0.05m其它甲板 0.00m1.1.3.4 肋距从艉至#11,肋距为 S=600mm。
PART II HULL CONSTRUCTION AND PAINTING CORROSION第II部分-船体结构和油漆 (1)SECTION 1HULL CONSTRUCTION PART第1节-船体结构部分 (1)1-1GENERAL总述 (1)1-2MAIN HULL 主船体 (3)1-3MAIN HULL MISCELLANEOUS主船体其它 (10)1-4SUPERSTRUCTURE AND DECK HOUSES, CRANE HOUSES上层建筑和甲板室 (13)1-5FUNNEL烟囱 (14)1-6BOTTOM PLUGS船底放水塞 (14)SECTION 2PAINTING CORROSION第2节-表面预处理和油漆 (15)2-1GENERAL总述 (15)2-2SURFACE PREPARATION表面处理 (16)2-3APPLICATION OF PAINTING油漆的使用 (18)2-4FILM THICKNESS干膜厚度 (20)2-5INSPECTION检验 (20)2-6PAINTING SCHEDULE油漆配套表 (20)2-7Painting schedule of wooden surface木料表面的油漆配套表 (24)2-8Cathodic protection阴极保护 (25)2-9MGPS防海生物 (25)2-10Galvanizing镀锌 (25)PART II HULL CONSTRUCTION AND PAINTING CORROSION第II部分-船体结构和油漆SECTION 1 HULL CONSTRUCTION PART第1节-船体结构部分1-1 GENERAL总述1-1.1 Material and scantling材料和构件尺度Steels for hull construction to be of normal quality mild steel and high strength steel (yield stress 314 N/mm2 ) approved by the Classification Society, and steel including casting and forging to be of qualities as complying with the requirement and test of the Classification Society.用于船体结构的钢材应为经过船级社认可且标准质量的低碳钢和高强度钢(屈服应力为314N/mm2),并且包括钢和锻钢在内的钢件应按照船级社的要求进行试验。
1、船舶总体1.1 船舶航区及用途本船为航行于沿海及香港水域的钢质甲板驳船,运载一般货物。
1.2 船型本船为单底、单甲板纵骨架式的箱型船只。
1.3 规范、规则本船按中国船级社《钢质海船入级规范》(2009)及中华人民共和国海事局《国内航行海船法定检验技术规则》(2004)和《国内航行海船法定检验技术规则•修改通报》(2006、2008)以及香港特别行政区政府海事处《第I、II及III类别船只安全标准》相关要求进行设计。
2、概述:2.1 主要参数和性能总长L OA49.80m设计水线长L WL 49.80m型宽 B 18.30 m型深 D 3.66m设计吃水 d 2.90m结构吃水d j 3.00m肋骨间距s 1.66m纵骨间距s 0.57m满载排水量△2640.611t方形系数C b0.963横剖面系数C m 1.000水线面系数C w0.999总吨位GT 1104净吨位NT 928船员 4 人2.2 稳性本船稳性满足香港特别行政区政府海事处《第I、II及III类别船只安全标准》对航行香港水域的非自航驳船(包括平甲板驳船)的稳性要求。
2.3 干舷本船干舷满足香港特别行政区政府海事处《第I、II及III类别船只安全标准》对航行香港水域的非自航驳船(包括平甲板驳船)的要求。
2.4 船员定额本船船员定额4人。
2.5 总布置概况2.5.1本船强力甲板下主船体分4道水密横舱壁(#4、#11、#19、#26),2道贯通全船的纵舱壁,1道纵桁架,每个肋位设置横向桁架:2.5.2 主甲板主甲板自尾向首分别布置为:靠右拟装辅助吊机一台,#2~#8左右两舷设活动货舱围板,#8~#24左右两舷设固定货舱围板,#24+1100~#29+660左舷设动力锚绞车及起吊船艏跳板绞车,中前部有跳板。
2.5.3 船员甲板及顶蓬甲板船员甲板#25+300~#30-200:设有船员室、卫生间和厨房等,顶蓬甲板有日用水箱和燃油箱,左舷设下主甲板楼梯。
62’-Ⅰ(商务版)●主要技术参数总长18.83 m水线长15.45 m船宽 4.95 m吃水 1.20 m航速30 knots排水量(半载) 29.5 tonnes燃油容量2800 litres淡水容量700 litres污水箱容量300 litres发动机2×CAT C18 Acert 1001 bhp 发电机Onan 17.5 kw●总布置图叮叮小文库●详细规格○船体真空导流的玻璃钢施工工艺,外壳使用间苯胶衣处理船壳使用DIAB夹心结构横向隔舱板与纵向加强筋船底使用国际牌的防污底漆及面漆○甲板外部两舷走道、后甲板及跳水板使用柚木地板宽敞的跳水板船艏日光浴平台,表面止滑处理,设日光浴垫镶嵌不锈钢的高强度防碰条不锈钢整体式起锚滚轮及止锚器电动锚机,配脚踏开关30公斤不锈钢锚,并配备50米高强度锚链登船梯不锈钢栏杆及扶手不锈钢羊角茶色安全钢化玻璃不锈钢舷窗后甲板到主沙龙设不锈钢移门后甲板设长排沙发后甲板设冷热水淋浴系统设加水、加油口以及污水口后甲板不锈钢水仙门后甲板长排沙发下设舱盖至水手舱或储物柜(客户选择)后甲板防水天花板灯旗杆设在后甲板长排沙发扶手上跳水平台设折叠型不锈钢游泳梯手动污水泵设在储物柜内整套航行灯○上驾驶台和飞桥后甲板至飞桥楼梯,表面铺设柚木地板,并设楼梯灯飞桥楼梯口设不锈钢舱盖飞桥柚木地板双人驾驶椅子深色挡风玻璃,使用不锈钢管修饰及固定驾驶台,主要设以下设备:液压式方向控制系统方向盘整套航行仪表及显示器电子档位及油门控制系统数码引擎仪表显示面板叮叮小文库船艏推进器控制系统数码测深测速显示仪甚高频无线电通信系统压浪板控制系统起锚机控制系统喇叭控制系统航行灯控制系统罗盘机舱自动灭火控制系统组合沙发及餐桌音响系统,含防水喇叭湿吧,主要设以下设备:L型工作台及大理石台面冷热水龙头及不锈钢洗菜盆BBQ烤肉架不锈钢扶手日光浴平台玻璃钢硬顶及大尺寸电动天窗玻璃钢雷达架音响系统,含防水喇叭飞桥照明系统汽笛飞桥地面排水系统○沙龙下沙龙左舷L型沙发及餐桌下沙龙右舷长排沙发上沙龙左舷L型沙发及茶几上沙龙DVD、32”LCD电视机及遥控电视机升降架实木地板天花板包裹进口皮革空调出风系统照明系统○沙龙驾驶台双人驾驶座驾驶台,主要设以下设备:液压式方向控制系统方向盘整套航行仪表及显示器电子档位及油门控制系统数码引擎仪表显示面板数码测深测速显示仪船艏推进器控制系统甚高频无线电通信系统压浪板控制系统叮叮小文库起锚机控制系统喇叭控制系统航行灯控制系统罗盘雨刮器控制系统双站操控控制系统污水泵控制系统机舱自动灭火控制系统○厨房U型工作台及大理石台面精致吧台完整的厨房配备用具微波炉四座电磁炉冰箱餐具和碗碟存放柜抽屉及储物柜冷热水龙头及不锈钢洗菜盆天花板包裹进口皮革实木地板空调出风系统照明系统○会客室左右舷及后侧长排沙发,配备折叠式茶几两舷长排储物柜两舷衣柜地面铺设地毯天花板包裹进口皮革40"LCD电视机及电视机柜DVD及音响系统空调出风系统照明系统○会客室专用洗手间实木地板电动淡水真空马桶盥洗台,配备大理石台面盥洗台前侧设镜子一块盥洗台下设储物柜冷热水龙头及洗脸盆盥洗物品架地面排水系统排气扇叮叮小文库照明系统○主卧室双人床,床下部设储物柜读书灯床前部隔舱板贴大尺寸镜子或软靠背(客户选择)两舷衣柜两舷设储物柜地面铺设地毯天花板包裹进口皮革26"LCD电视机DVD及音响系统空调出风系统照明系统○洗手间实木地板淋浴室柚木地板,并配备玻璃门淋浴系统电动淡水真空马桶盥洗台,配备大理石台面盥洗台前侧设镜子一块盥洗台下设储物柜冷热水龙头及洗脸盆盥洗物品架地面排水系统排气扇照明系统○柴油系统2 个铝制油箱,共2800升油水分离器油位指示器○淡水系统700升不锈钢水箱20加仑电热水器淡水泵驾驶仪表台配备油水箱指示器国际标准管制○化粪池系统马桶污水连接到化粪箱,可以利用污水泵排到船底或可以选择岸抽方式处理叮叮小文库化粪箱通气孔有消味过滤器○电力系统岸电系统全船供应220V交流电及24V直流电国际标准线制发电机:ONAN 17.5 KW卫星天线系统全船设四个空调:沙龙 48000 Btu厨房 12000 Btu主卧室 12000 Btu会客室 16000 Btu后甲板两舷设卷缆机高档船用电瓶,供引擎启动使用和生活用电使用自动电瓶充电器防水电瓶开关主配电板(含DC及AC)设断路器整船配备交流电插座,包括机舱变极器全船接地系统○机械系统机舱内铺设玻璃钢止滑地板机舱使用双层隔音隔热材料机舱设四个抽风机,两个出气,两个进气水下排烟系统,配备水冷却排烟管隔舱板上所有孔均使用防火胶填充所有金属部件均接地,艉板配2块锌块齿轮箱,引擎等金属物品接地○动力和推进系统2台CAT C18 ACERT 1001 BHP柴油发动机及ZF齿轮箱,最高速 30 节AQUATECH 17主轴铜合金美人架铜合金螺旋桨液压舵机系统不锈钢舵叶船艏推进器○通导设备雷达及GPS通导系统两台Lowrance甚高频对讲机叮叮小文库○安全方面机舱配备自动灭火系统,灭火系统启动时自动关闭引擎及发电机手动灭火器放置在后甲板储物柜内配备有自动污水泵及手动污水泵驾驶台设手动控制污水泵的开关面板4条15m 的缆绳6个防碰球急救箱及工具箱等●主要设备列表○玻璃钢类○机械类○装潢类○电器类○五金类注:此设备列表仅供参考,实际生产时可能会根据供应商供货周期等情况而替换成同等品牌部件。
5. 设备50 总则501 设备的主要特征该船为双螺旋桨推进船舶,两台主机分别通过弹性联轴节和减速齿轮箱驱动两台CPP.两台发电机组和两台轴带发电机构成电站,为所有耗电设备提供电源,1台应急发电机装在机舱外.1台燃油蒸汽锅炉和2台废气锅炉用于蒸汽加热.主机和锅炉用HFO最大粘度是380cst/50 C.MDO用于主机和辅机清洗和起动之用.主机在低速和空转时使用HFO须根据主机厂家要求。
在驾驶室设有主推进装置遥控:主控站在驾控台上,副控站在桥翼驾控台上.机械/电气工作间各设有一个储物架.根据船厂经验对辅机场设备要尽量组装成单元,以便留有足够的维修空间.为了保持船的稳性和操纵性,设有以下设备:2只后体舵带电动--液压舵机两台首侧推一对主动式折叠防摇鳍一对横倾舱和一台横倾泵.502 管系5021 设计原则本规格书提到的设备的容量、管径、表面积可在进行基本设计阶段进行校正,并按不同系统装置的实际要求进行调整。
CuNi10FeMa 管子的穿舱件可在内部涂抹其管子相同材料。
中英文船舶规格书2PART II HULL CONSTRUCTION AND PAINTING CORROSION第II部分-船体结构和油漆 (1)SECTION 1HULL CONSTRUCTION PART第1节-船体结构部分 (1)1-1GENERAL总述 (1)1-2MAIN HULL 主船体 (3)1-3MAIN HULL MISCELLANEOUS主船体其它 (10)1-4SUPERSTRUCTURE AND DECK HOUSES, CRANE HOUSES上层建筑和甲板室 (13)1-5FUNNEL烟囱 (14)1-6BOTTOM PLUGS船底放水塞 (14)SECTION 2PAINTING CORROSION第2节-表面预处理和油漆 (16)2-1GENERAL总述 (16)2-2SURFACE PREPARATION表面处理 (17)2-3APPLICATION OF PAINTING油漆的使用 (19)2-4FILM THICKNESS干膜厚度 (21)2-5INSPECTION检验 (21)2-6PAINTING SCHEDULE油漆配套表 (21)2-7Painting schedule of wooden surface木料表面的油漆配套表 (25)2-8Cathodic protection阴极保护 (26)2-9MGPS防海生物 (26)2-10Galvanizing镀锌 (26)PART II HULL CONSTRUCTION AND PAINTING CORROSION第II部分-船体结构和油漆SECTION 1 HULL CONSTRUCTION PART第1节-船体结构部分1-1 GENERAL总述1-1.1 Material and scantling材料和构件尺度Steels for hull construction to be of normal quality mild steel and high strengthsteel (yield stress 314 N/mm2 ) approved by the Classification Society, and steelincluding casting and forging to be of qualities as complying with the requirement and test of the Classification Society.用于船体结构的钢材应为经过船级社认可且标准质量的低碳钢和高强度钢(屈服应力为314N/mm2),并且包括钢和锻钢在内的钢件应按照船级社的要求进行试验。
二、主要技术性能:1、主尺度和船型系数:总长 LOA 18.00 m 两柱间长 LPP16.10 m设计水线长 LWL16.26 m 型宽 B 3.40 m型深 D 1.70 m 设计吃水 d 1.30 m设计排水量Δ 41.99t 肋距 S 0.50 m梁拱 f 0.08 m 方形系数 Cb=0.578水线面系数 Cw =0.821 中剖面系数 Cm=0.904纵向棱形系数 Cp =0.639 浮心距舯值 Xb=0.2352、性能:设计航速 7.97 节续航力 1000 海里自持力 15 天船员铺位 4 人鱼舱净容积 33.74 m3 燃油舱容积 3.44 m3水舱容积 3.01 m33、主要机电设备:主机: 6135ACa型柴油机一台,88.2KW,1500r/min。
齿轮箱: 120B型齿轮箱一台,2.81:1。
1、主甲板以下划分为:尾~# 1 :舵机舱;#1~# 4 :空舱;#4~# 6 :空舱,二舷为燃油舱;#6~# 13 :机舱;#13~# 28 :渔舱共分三舱;#28~#30 :淡水舱;#30~首:首尖舱。
2、主甲板:尾~#1 :尾甲板。
#1~# 8 :第一层甲板室,甲板室内布置床铺2张,厨房、餐厅及厕所。
23800吨散货船技术规格书1.总则1.1 本船轮机部分技术设计按23800DWT货船设计任务书要求,并满足法国船级社(BV)《钢质船舶入级规范》有关要求以及其他有关国际航行船舶的政府规定。
1.2 本船推进装置型式为单机单桨,主机为低速二冲程柴油机经中间轴和尾轴直接传动螺旋桨。
1.3 本船主要装载煤炭等大宗杂货。
1.主要设备的配置2.1 主机 1台型号:MAN-B&W 7S35MC型式:二冲程,单作用涡轮增压,直流扫气,十字头式,可直接换向船用柴油机缸数:6缸径/行程:350/1400mm最大持续功率(MCR):5180kW转速:173r/min燃油消耗率:178g/kW·h+5%起动方式:压缩空气(最大压力2.94MPa)2.2主柴油发电机组 3组机组型号:CCFJ465J2.2.1 柴油机型号:MAN-B&W 5L16/24型式:直列,四冲程,直接喷射增压中冷船用柴油机缸数:5缸径/行程:160/240mm额定转速:1200r/min燃油消耗率: 189g/kW·h起动方式:压缩空气冷却方式:水冷2.2.2 发电机型号:1FC6 454-6型式:船用三相交流同步发电机额定功率:465kW额定转速:1200r/min电压:450V频率:60Hz2.3 应急柴油发电机组 1组机组型号:CCFJ120Y-W6额定功率:120kW电压:450V频率:60Hz2.4 燃油/废气组合锅炉型号:LZY0.8/140-0.7蒸汽压力:0.7Mpa蒸发量:燃油部分:~800kg/h废气部分:~650 kg/h注:2台锅炉给水泵由锅炉厂配套供应3 轴系3.1本船主机为刚性固定,采用环氧树脂垫块进行安装。
三、主要设计参数总长 24.90m水线长 19.95m总宽 5.72m船宽 5.68m型深 3.05m设计吃水 1.23m排水量 52t航区 A类,沿海航区四、航速本船在深静水航区、主机额定功率情况下,最大航行速度约26Kn。
七、船舶性能本船线型优良,兴波阻力小,快速性能好, 航向稳定性(适航性)和回转性能优良,抗波浪能力强。
300TEU技术规格书(船体、轮机、机电齐全)仅供大家参考目录第一部分船体部分 (2)1. 航区及用途 (2)2. 主要尺度 .................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
3. 规范、公约及规则 .................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
4. 总体概述 .................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
5. 主推进装置 .............................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
6. 性能 .........................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
7. 船员铺位 (3)10. 集装箱装载: (4)8. 船体结构 (4)9. 甲板机械及舾装设备 (4)第二部分轮机部分 (8)1. 概述 (8)2. 主要动力机械设备 (8)3. 动力管系简要说明 (10)4. 其他简要说明 (13)第三部分电气部分 (15)1. 总述 (15)2. 电制 (15)3. 电源设备 (15)4. 配电设备 (16)5. 电动机及其控制设备 (17)6. 照明 (17)7. 助航设备 (18)8. 航行设备 (18)9. 无线电通讯设备 (19)10. 安全设备 (19)11. 自动化 (19)12. 电缆 (19)13. 其它 (20)第一部分船体部分1. 航区及用途本船为一艘300TEU无舱盖敞口江海型集装箱船。
1总述11 前言本规格书(下文称规格书)及其所附的图纸,旨在阐明一艘远洋航行、单螺旋桨、柴油机驱动、单甲板散货船的设计、材料、结构和设备。
12 总则121 材料,工艺,标准和单位1211 材料材料、机器和设备等,除非规格书和厂商表中专门有规定,均为中国制造的产品。
一、主尺度:总长40.00 m 主机功率176Kw×2 垂线间长36.50 m载货量100.00 t 型宽 6.00 m 满载水线长38.00 m型深 1.85 m 肋距0.50 m 吃水 1.30 m排水量171.45t 方形系数0.591 船员 6 人航速22Km/h二、船质及结构本船为钢质、横骨架式结构的单底、单甲板、焊接船舶双艉型线。
本船主船体结构构件规格如下:实肋板⊥5×200/6×60 (机舱内)普通肋骨∠56×36×5⊥5×175/5×50 强肋骨⊥5×150/5×50中内龙骨⊥5×200/6×60 (机舱内)舷侧纵桁⊥5×150/5×50⊥5×175/6×65 强力甲板横梁∠56×36×5旁内龙骨⊥5×200/6×60 (机舱内)舱壁扶强材∠56×36×5⊥5×175/5×50 强横梁⊥5×175/5×50甲板纵桁⊥5×175/5×50 舱口围板⊥6×(180+200)/8×60 (机舱口)垂直桁⊥5×150/5×50 ⊥5×(150+550)/50 (货舱口)水平桁⊥5×150/5×50 支柱ο45×4机舱口端横梁∠6×180/60 舱壁板√5三、总布置本船为中后机舱布置的双艉船。
船舶技术规格书常用条款描述汇总一、总则General1. General Arrangement Plan, Midship Section and Makers’ List to accompany and form an integral part of the Specification. The Specification and attached plans to be complementary to each other.2. The terms of the shipbuilding contract to prevail and govern in the event of disagreement, contradiction or any inconsistency between the shipbuilding contract and the Specification.In addition, in the event of disagreement, contradiction or any inconsistency between the Specification and the drawings, the Specification to prevail unless specifically agreed mutually by the Owner and the Builder.In the event of conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the parts of the Specifications, the hull part shall prevail in respect of hull items, the machinery part in respect of machinery items, and the electric part in respect of electric items.3. The description in Part I General Provision to be applied to all parts of the Specification, where as the descriptions in the other parts to be applied to the respective parts, if not described otherwise.4. The Builder to furnish all items required for the completion of the vessel in accordance with the specification except items specifically stated herein as to be furnished and supplied by the Owner.5. Anything not mentioned in or covered by the Specification and the attached plans but required for normal operation of this type of vessel to be provided by Builder according to the shipbuilding practice..It should be understood that anything not mentioned in these Specifications but required by the Classification Society or Regulatory Bodies listed herein shall be supplied and equipped by the builder without any charge to the Owner.6. Anything twice or more mentioned in the Specifications to be only once supplied or executed unless otherwise specifically indicated..7. Any requirement of the Owner, which is in excess of the requirements of the Rules and Regulations listed herein and/or the content of this specification, to be subject to agreement and possible adjustment to the contract price, deadweight, service speed, construction schedule etc. which may be affected.8. Amendments and changes to the Specification, plans or other written documents to be signed by an authorized representative of the Builder and Owner. These documents to be the supplement to the contract.10. The V essel shall be built in accordance with the Specifications and any modifications and/or changes to the Specifications shall be agreed mutually by the Owner and the Builder, subject to adjustment of price, delivery, guaranteed figures and any other terms in the Contract and in the Specifications and those shall be confirmed by memorandum of discussions, letters, plans, E-mail, fax and/or available documents by both parties.11. The V essel shall be built in accordance with the Builder’s practice and the classification society rule's requirements with regard to work other than specified by the Specifications. Where ever Builder's practice is referred to in this specification, the standard achieved shall be equal to or exceed the standard set out in IACS requirement of shipbuilding and repair quality standard.12. Any amendments or changes in Rules and Regulations as described in Article ―SECTION 2 CLASS, RULES, REGULA TIONS AND CE RTIFICA TES‖, and coming into effect after signingthe Contract, is to be treated as a modification to the Contract and to be subject to separate negotiations between the Owner and the Builder.13. During approval of plans, both parties agree to a design which differs from the specifications, it is understood that terms in the specifications concerning these alterations would be no longer applicable. Consequently in theses cases, the drawings shall be approved by the owner and the approved drawings shall supplement to the specifications.14. Spare parts shall be supplied by the Builder according to the Specifications to meet the requirements of the specified Classification Society, the regulatory bodies and manufacturer’s standard.15. Parts and components of equipment made under license to be interchangeable with parts/components produced/installed as per original maker’s standard.16. Builder’s practice shall be submitted to Buyer for reference.17. When words such as ―or‖, ―and/or‖, ―if necessary‖, ―if any‖, ―similar‖, ―may‖ are used in the Specifications, they shall be to indicate that the use of alternatives is permitted at the Builder’s option.18. During the tests and trials, the Builder may use some of the supplied spare parts, tools, and accessories to the vessel if necessary, and the Builder shall furnish them from the original manufacture before delivery.19. All necessary documents and drawings for construction of the vessel shall be prepared in English or in English and other language for approval by the Buyer, classification society and authorities.20. The meaning of ―the Buyer‖ in the Contract or ―the Owner‖ in the Specification shall be understood to be the same.21. All figures given in the Specification shall be understood as approximate ones and determined in accordance with the design development except those which are of countable nature, unless otherwise specifically described in the Specification.二、材料Materials1. If any specified article or material cannot be obtained or supplied, the Builder to have the right to select suitable substitutes with Owner’s approval.2. Materials, machinery and equipment, etc. to be of Chinese maker unless specifically agreed and/or described in the Specifications and the Makers’ List.3. All structural steel used for the construction of the vessel and machinery including forgings and castings to be of the shipbuilding and marine engineering quality, tested, inspected and certified as and when required by the Classification Society.4. Minimizing the use of materials known to be potentially hazardous to health and the environment, especially asbestos, refrigerants (R12/ R22), HALON. Lead-based paint and Tin-based anti-fouling paint to be not used.5. Stainless steel without grade notation in the Specification shall be understood as marine type minimum grade SUS 304.6. If any of the specific description for the machinery or equipment in the Specification is not consistent with the finally selected manufacturer's standard Specification, such description shall be readily corrected to follow the manufacturer's standard Specification with prior notice to the Owner; however in no case these shall be less in performance than described in the Specification.7. New, first class materials etc. shall be used, with a quality suitable for this type and size of V essel, adapted to world-wide operation.三、工艺及标准Workmanship & Standards1. All workmanship entering into the construction of the vessel to be in accordance with the Chinese ship building standards and/or Builder's standard practice, applicable to this kind of vessel, subject to the approval of the Classification Society where necessary. The standards of Builder's practice to be submitted to the Owner for reference.2. The following standards to be applied to the construction of the vessel, as far as practicable except the fittings specially described hereinafter.a) ISO standardb) Chinese industrial standards (GB, CSQS, CB, YB, etc.)c) Builder's standards, and Builder's standard practiced) IECe) IACS 47, part A: shipbuilding and repair quality standard for new construciton3. International System of Units (SI) to be adopted for designing and constructing of hull, machinery and equipment unless specifically stated in this Specification.四、船东供品(Owner’s supply)1. Following items to be furnished and supplied by the Owner at their own expense, and installed on the vessel by the Builder. The Builder to provide sheltered and secure storage, handling in storage and handling on-board.- Mooring ropes in excess of the Specification- All air tools, hoses, steel wires, etc. other than those mentioned in the Specification- All charts, nautical and radio station books, house flag and national flag- All consumable stores- All medicine , medical equipment and oxygen bottle for hospital except those for life boat- Recreation equipment such as Stereophony, V ideo tape recorder and TV etc and stationery other than mentioned in the Specification- Painting and pictures- Boatswain's and carpente r's tools over and above the Builder’s standard- All bedding and linen (blankets, sheets, covers, etc.) but excluding mattress.- All napery (serviettes, table clothes, etc.)- All cook's and steward's utensils (crockery, cutlery, silverware, earthenware, glasses, pots, pans, etc.- Typewriters, copy machine- Loose lashing/securing fittings for cargoes- Suez Canal searchlight, but socket and davit to be supplied by builder- Navigation equipment in excess of those required by the authorities and/or those specified in this Specification- Cargo handling equipment such as grabs (including the control devices) etc.- Personal computer- All bunkers, lubricants, grease/hydraulic oil, working oil and other consumable liquid except those consumed during construction and test/trials before delivery. The Owner to supply lub. oilfor sea trials and the Builder to pay the cost for the quantities of lub. oil consumed during the trials.- All other spare, store and equipment in excess of Rule and Specification requirements and maker's standard, unless maker agrees to supply additional spares free of charge after agreement with Owner/Builder.- Gas sampling device and temperature measuring device for cargo hold- Gymnastic and Sport apparatus/equipment, except specified in other parts of this specification- Chemistry deposit- The hazardous gas detection equipment and personal protection for carriage of dangerous cargo. - Portable wash cleaning machine for cargo hold- Garbage cans- Necessary number of operating tools for helicopter winching if required- Cable for shore connection- Fire ropes for Suez Canal- Articles specified as "Owner's supply" in other parts of this specification- Lifting Beams 对多用途船2. The Owner shall furnish the Builder with necessary specifications, plans, drawings, instruction books, manuals, test reports, certificates, the manufacturer's service engineer(s), etc. as required by the Builder, which shall form an integral part of the Owner‟s supplies.3. Commissioning for good working order of the Owner‟s supplied equipment during and after installation on board shall be carried out by the Owner or person(s) designated by the Owner in accordance with the construction schedule of the V essel.The expenses related with commissioning shall be the Owner‟s account.4. All Owner's supplies to be sent to the Builder‟s shipyard by Owner at Owner‟s costs at the time designated by the Builder in a condition ready for installation costs such as transportation, customs inspection fees, etc. shall be borne by the Owner.五、规范及规则Rules and Regulations1. The latest Rules with amendments and Regulations listed as following including any circular, amendments which are in force before and at the date of the signing of the ship’s contract shall be applied.2. The rules and requirements shall be understood to include all amendments, supplements and changes thereto which shall have been published by the date of contract for construction of the vessel and which shall have become compulsorily applicable to the vessel by reason of the date of contract.1) Rules and Regulations of Classification Society2) Maritime laws and regulations of flag authority3) International rules and regulations- International Convention on Load Lines (1966) including all and latest amendments- International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974) including all and latest amendments- International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 (MARPOL 1973) with protocol 1978 and all amendments, including Annexes I, IV, V, VI,and including IMOResolution MEPC.203(62) regulation on EEDI and SEEMP.- International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (London 1972) including latest revision- International Tele-communication convention with amendments including watch keeping receiver (Geneva 1976) and radio regulation- International Regulation on Tonnage Measurement of ships, 1969- MLC Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 , Regulation 3.1 mandatory requirements- 2008 IS Code – International Code on Intact Stability, 2008- IMO Resolution MSC. 23 (59) (International Grain Code)- IMO Resolution MSC. 137 (76) ―Standards for Ship Maneuverability ―- IMO Resolution MSC. 215 (82) (PSPC)- IMO Resolution A. 868 (20) ―Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ ballast wa ter to minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens ―- IMSBC Code – International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code 散货船- All IACS Unified Requirements for strength applicable to New Building of Bulk Carrier which has been formal published at the date of signing contract including UR S1A, S21, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, etc. (散货船)- SOLAS resolution II-1/3-6 regarding PMA. (散货船)- International marine pilots association requirements for pilot ladder- Guidelines for Construction, Installation, Maintenance and Inspection/ Survey of Means of Embarkation and Disembarkation, MSC.1/ Circ.1331.- IMO resolution A468 (XII) code of noise level on board ships- ISO 6954 guidelines for vibrations on board ships- AFS - International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001- ISPS code only fixed equipment- Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009.(未生效)4) Special rules and regulations- Rules and Regulations governing navigation of Suez Canal, including tonnage measurement - Rules and Regulation governing navigation of the Panama Canal including tonnage measurement- U.S. Coast Guard Regulations applying to foreign flag vessel trading in U.S. waters concerning pollution prevention (CFR Title 33-Part 155, 159 for pollution and 164 for safety of navigation without certificate)- Australian Maritime Safety Authority MARINE ORDERS Part 32 ―Cargo Handl ing Equipment‖ prepared on 29 November 2011 (for ladders in cargo hold/deck)- European Union Council directive 2005/33/EC amending 1999/32/EC of 26 April 1999 and, in relating to introduce 0.1% sulfur limit for marine fuel.- U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules, Safety and Health Regulations for Longshoring (espec. CFR, Title 29) (集装箱船)- Kiel Canal Regulations- Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Seaway Regulations- Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 2011/75/EU of 2 September 2011, amending CouncilDirective 96/98/EC on marine equipment六、证书Cerfificates1. The Builder to obtain following certificates and deliver to the Owner at the time of V essel's delivery. Each certificate to be delivered in triplicate, one (1) as original and two (2) as counterparts at delivery of the V essel.2. However if formal certificate(s) cannot be obtained at the ship’s delivery, Builder to furnish provisional certificate(s) to the Owner which substitutes the formal certificate(s). In such case, Builder to deliver formal c ertificate(s) to Owner as soon as practicable after the ship’s delivery, but in any case prior to the expiration of the validity of the provisional certificate(s).七、监造、检验、试验及试航Supervision,Inspections, T ests and T rials1. Tests and trials to be carried out in accordance with the requirement of the classification society and according to the Builder's usual standard practice in the presence of the surveyor of the Classification Society and the Owner's and the Builder's representatives.The Owner has the right to appoint one or more Supervisors for the supervision during construction and execution of works in accordance with the Shipbuilding Contract. During the building period, the Builder shall allow Owner's Supervisor to enter the yard during working hours for the purpose of supervision and the Builder also shall negotiate with his sub-Contractors that the Supervisor may attend during construction and testing of major equipment at subContractors' sites.The supervisor to have access to all places and offices which are related to the design and construction of the V essel.The Builder shall give necessary information such as schedule of building, tests and working drawings as well as assistance including two suitably furnished offices with writing desks, chairs, refrigerators, heaters and air conditioning, lamps, cupboards, shelves and including internal telephone and a direct international telephone line with fax- and e-mail connection to enable Owner's representatives to effect the supervision. The costs for telecommunication will be to Owner‟s account.2. The Builder will inform the supervision about the building schedules, test and working drawings. Schedules for daily inspections will be handed over to the supervision one day in advance except the inspection for painting work in emergency condition. Information about tests of equipment (date and program) will be handed over to the supervision three days before tests will take place. If the Owner can not attend inspections for reasons of their own after being given reasonable notice, the inspection and test would be entrusted to surveyor of the Classification Society and/ or the Builder’s inspector or the paint manufacturer or the equipment maker’s representative, and the results to be accepted by the Owner.3. Inspection of hull structureAll steel structures to be inspected and tightness to be tested for tanks, bulkheads, superstructures, decks and other wet spaces as required by the Rules.Tanks to be tested hydrostatically or by air as required by the Rules.X-ray photographs or ultrasonic to be taken mainly from cross-points of seams and butts of block assemblies of bottom shell, bilge strake, main deck and sheer strake as required by the Rule. Additional 10% X-ray photographs to be appointed and checked by the Owner’s supervisor. Castings of stern frame and rudder to be tested by magnaflux or equivalent.Temporary pieces such as staging pieces, lifting lugs and their reinforcements located in the fatigue sensitive area, high stressed area or passage way shall be treated without leaving notches according to the Builder‟s practice. However those pieces considered not inconvenient for the future service may remain as the Builder‟s practice.4. Block inspectionThe block inspection to be carried out after completion of hull block steel works. Even if fittings are fitted wholly or partially to the hull blocks, the inspection for the hull blocks to be carried out without dismantling such fittings unless the block inspection is obstructed by such fittings.The internal inspection for hull construction works of tanks, engine room, etc. to be carried out even if outfitting works in such spaces have not been finished yet but any works in connection with strength and tightness of the hull construction to be completed before the said inspection, in which case, after completion of the outfitting works, final inspection of such parts to be made in accordance with the ―Item of inspection and testing― mutually agreed between the Owner and the Builder.5. Shop testsShop tests for main engine, auxiliary machinery, deck machinery, motors etc. to be performed in accordance with the Rule requirements and/or the standard of the makers by the manufacturers at their shops.Test results of major machinery and equipment shall be furnished to the Owner in triplicate.The Owner shall be informed of the shop test schedule at least fourteen(14) days for foreign Maker (outside China) and seven(7) days for domestic Maker in advance of the expected date of the shop tests and the Owner's attendance shall be confirmed to the Builder four(4) days in advance of the expected date of the shop test.The Owner’s representatives will join the shop tests of main equipment. The travel cost and hotel cost outside China for Owner’s representatives will be born by Owner.6. Installation and equipmentInstallation and equipment to be tested on board the vessel in accordance with the requirements of the Classification Society and/or Regulatory Bodies and the standard protocol of the Builder. Test protocol to be approved by the Owner.The structure, fittings, machinery and electrical installations to be tested after installation on board to demonstrate satisfactory workmanship, proper working, alignment of moving parts, suitability for the purpose intended and in compliance with rules and regulations.7. Piping testsWorking tests to be carried out after completion of the piping system. Pressure tests of piping systems to be conducted as per requirement of the Classification Society and normal shipbuilding practice.8. Light Ship weight measurement and Inclining testWhen the vessel is substantially completed except minor items of work, inclining test or deadweight measurement of the vessel to be carried out by the Builder near the pier. The incliningtest scheme to be submitted to the Owner for approval. The inclining test to be conducted in calm water without strong current and strong winds.The light ship weight measurement to be carried out by reading the draught of the vessel, by measuring specific gravity of water and by an investigation of weights to be added or to be deducted in the presence of the Owner’s representatives or the person authorized by the Owner. The draught of the vessel to be measured at both sides of stem, stern and midship draught marks. Displacement of the vessel to be measured from the hydrostatic curves. All measurements and correction to be made as per international standard.If any superfluous weight is on board the vessel or any item belonging to the light ship weight is not on board the vessel at the time of the light ship weight measurement, such a weight to be adjusted later.The calculation of the light ship weight and deadweight to be made by the Builder and verified by the Owner’s and Classification representatives in order to determine ―light ship weight― and ―deadweight―.The incl ining test to be carried out in the presence of the Owner’s representatives or the person authorized by the Owner and the Classification Society’s surveyor, and then the position of the centre of gravity of the vessel in lightship condition to be determined by the calculation based on the results of the inclining experiment.The results of the experiment shall be submitted to the Classification Society or other assigned Authority for approval.The inclining test to be done for first ship of the series only.For subsequent V essels of a series, the inclining experiment may be deleted in agreement with the Classification Society. In this case, the results of the first V essel shall be referred to.9. Mooring trialsMooring tests to be conducted after vessel is substantially complete and prior to the sea trial. Procedure for mooring test of the vessel to be as per Builder’s standard.After the mooring trial of main engine the crankcase shall be inspected and crankshaft deflection measured. All main bearing top/bottom clearance shall be checked and all records to be submitted to Owner’s representative.10. Sea T rialsWhen the vessel is substantially completed, i.e. major mooring trials finished except minor items which can be carried out on or after sea trial, defects remedied, all equipment and outfitting in sailing condition and painting work almost completed, sea trial to be performed by the Builder.Only HFO and MDO will be used during sea trial.Main engine to use heavy fuel oil abt. 380 cSt/50℃during sea trial except otherwise specified. All H.F.O., D.O., L.O. for commissioning and testing and L.O. in system to be paid by yard.Detailed scheme for sea trials to be submitted to the Owner for approval at least two weeks prior to sea trials.Reports of sea trial to be submitted to the Owner.Sea trial to be carried out under calm and deep water with ship’s normal sea going ballast condition as that in model test.1)The trial speed to be measured by DGPS. Each speed trial to consist of two c onsecutive runs,along and against the tide over the same course and the speed to be obtained as the mean speed of the consecutive runs at each condition.The wind shall not exceed Beaufort 4.The water depth shall be at least 40m.Result of speed trial shall be corrected to the calm water condition ( no wind, no wave ) and deep sea according to Builder’s standard.( international standards.)2)Noise levels to be measured by the Builder at suitable points in the above spaces agreed withthe Owner when the ship is running ahead at normal output on the calm and deep open sea trial condition.Where the measured noise levels exceed by more than 3dB(A) above the specified maximum limits, the Builder shall make necessary improvements to reduce the noise to the specified level as mutually agree between Owner and Builder.3)After sea trial, working parts of main engine to be opened for the Owner's inspection inaccordance with the standard of the Builder and approved by Owner and refitted to working condition.A/E also to be opened for visual overhaul if necessary.4)In case of the series V essels, the following trials and measurements shall not be conducted onthe 2nd and following V essels, subject to Owner and Classification Society agreement:-Progressive speed trial except for assessment of guarantee speed point-Manoeuvring trials.-Shaft torsional and axial vibration measurement.-Hull vibration measurement.-Noise measurement.-Electrical load measurement.八、进坞及交船Dry docking , Delivery1. Before the delivery, If the period between launching and delivery is more than 6 months, the vessel to be subjected to the dry docking. Hull bottom cleaning and final painting to be carried out.2. At the delivery, the vessel to be complete in every respect, ready for service as specified, with the exception of the fuel oil, lubricating oil, water, store, provisions, crew and their effects, and such items of outfit and equipment as are herein exempted in this Specification.The Builder shall guarantee the V essel other than those supplied by the Buyer for a period of twelve(12) calendar months from delivery.九、图纸及文件Plans and documents1. The lists of the drawings for the Owner's approval and the final drawings to be submitted to the Owner for approval after the contract of the vessel.2. The Builder to submit four (4) copies of the plans to the Owner for approval, and two (2) copiesto be returned to the Builder with the Owner's signature of approval.3. If the Builder does not receive the Owner's reply to the plans within twelve (12) working days excluding mailing time, they to be regarded as approved by the Owner without any comments.When the Owner finds it impossible to return the plans within the specified period, the Owner shall inform the Builder / Designer without delay and they shall discuss on the matter. In any event, any extension shall not delay the construction schedule of the vessel.The Owner can send his comments to Builder by Email prior to dispatching the hard copies.4. The Builder to give answer for Owner's comments within 14 days from the date of receiving. If the Builder fails to answer, the Owner to deem that the comments have been automatically accepted.5. In the event that any of the already approved plans for the first vessel are same as those for the subsequent sister vessels, the Builder may leave out the submission of such plans for the subsequent vessels. In which case the plan to clearly state the name/yard number of vessels.6. The Builder to furnish four (4) copies of the final drawings and the instruction books of the major machinery and equipment to the Owner at the delivery of the vessel. One (1) CD-ROM with all available finished plans and documents to be provided to the Owner.7. The plans which have to be approved by the Classification Society to be submitted to the Society directly by the Builder or the Subcontractors.8. Basically, the major drawings shall be submitted to the Owner‟s head office according to the ―List of the Plans for Owner‟s Approval‖. However, for the effective produc tion progress during the construction of the V essel, the Builder may submit to the Owner‟s representative resident in the shipyard for the minor changed items.9. All the approval plans shall be written in English or English and other languages.10. One copy of the approval drawings and comments by classification society will be submitted to the Owner.11. The Fax or E-mail may be used for technical communication between the Buyer and the Builder (including the builder’s subcontractors), in any case the rec eiver should reply the sender within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receiving. Any future communications concern to the same item should be replied within three (3) calendar days after receipt the other side’s comments. If the receiver fails to answer, the sender will deem that the sender’s latest comments have been automatically accepted.十、油漆及阴极保护Painting and cathodic protection1. The surface preparation grades to be as per ISO or Swedish standards SIS.2. The detail inspection procedure including surface preparation and coating processes for dedicated seawater ballast tanks according to IACS PSPC shall be agreed upon between the Owner, Builder and paint maker (hereinafter referred to as ―the three paties’ agreement‖) at the signing of contract.3. Painting scheme to be submitted to Owner for approval, colors of finish paint to be as per Owner’s color scheme.4. Copper, copper alloy, aluminum alloy and stainless steel or other non-corrosive materials shall。
2、电制:交流三相三线绝缘系统 AC400V 、50HZ动 力:AC380V 50HZ 三相三线绝缘系统正常照明:AC220V 50HZ 三线\双线绝缘系统应急及低压照明:DC24V双线绝缘系统通信、报警:单相AC220V 50HZ和DC24V双线绝缘系统3、电源、电力系统:3.1电源3.1.1 该船设船用三相交流发电机二台,均安装在机舱。
3.1.2 本船设CSD-10、10KVA、400V/230V三相变压器两台,互为备用。
3.1.3本船配6-Q-195蓄电池10只组成三组:其中8只二串二并组成390Ah 二组,作为低压用电和应急照明用电;另一组2只串联组成195Ah,作为无线电应急电源。
3.1.4 三相交流岸电箱型号为AJ100-50/3型一台,规格为:AC380V、50HZ、50A、三相带相序指示、安装在主甲板艉部。
3.2电力系统3.2.1本船电力系统为AC400V/230V 50HZ 三相三线绝缘系统,动力为AC380V三相三线制,照明通信控制等所需要的AC220V电源由变压器获得。
3.2.3接岸电系统:岸电经船上岸电箱将岸上的AC380V 50HZ三相电源引至船上通过主配电板供电,岸电与主电源间设有联锁装置,岸电主要供生活用电以及少数设备用电。
本船适用于下列环境条件:大气温度≤40°C、水温度≤28°C、相对湿度≤90% 。
2.2.航区:CCS沿海航区3.规范、法规-3.1.本船按下列CCS现行规范及ZC现行法规要求设计、建造:CCS《钢质海船入级与建造规范》(2001)ZC《船舶与海上设施法定检验规则》(1999)CCS《浮油回收船检验指南》(1998 )3.2.本船同时满足下列规范、公约要求:《1974年国际海上人命安全公约及修正案》《1972年国际海上避碰规范》《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量规范》《1973/1978国际MARPOL船舶防止污染规范》4.船级、证书-4.1.船级:本船为入级船舶,船体及轮机(含电气设备)均在CCS监督下建造并取得下列船级及附加标志:★CSA 5/5 F.P≤60°C Oil Recovery Ship A Coastal Service★CSM4.2.证书:(1)本船建造完成将取得CCS颁发的下列船级证书:船体入级证书轮机(含电气设备)入级证书(2)同时并将取得下列法定检验证书:船舶构造安全证书船舶设备安全证书船舶无线电安全证书国际吨位证书国际防止油污染证书防止生活水污染证书国际船舶载重线证书5.主要参数-5.1.船型:钢质单层连续甲板、单层底、短桥楼,柴油机动力、双机双桨船。
5.2.主要尺度总长:~30.0m水线长:~28.0m型宽:~8.00m型深:~3.20m满载吃水:~2.30m5.3.航速:满载试航航速:≥10 节回收溢油作业航速:1~5节5.4.续航力及自给力:续航力:500海里自给力:15天5.5.船员:定员:6人备员:2人5.6.装载量:回收浮油:150 m³固体垃圾:10 m³消油剂:15 m³燃油:10 t淡水:15 t泡沫液 5.5 m³6.总体布置-6.1.主船体舱室划分:主船体由6道水密横舱壁划分为:首尖舱(兼压载舱)/锚链舱(上)首压载舱(平台甲板下)/ 器材舱(平台甲板上)No.1回收污油水舱(左/右)No.2回收污油水舱(左/右)燃油舱/消油剂舱机舱/清水舱舵桨舱/尾压载舱6.2.上层建筑舱室划:上层建筑由罗经平台、驾驶甲板、救生甲板及其下围壁划分为三层舱室:主甲板上舱室、救生甲板上舱室、驾驶甲板上舱室。
JH657-100-03SM Rev0 海工船技术规格书..
![JH657-100-03SM Rev0 海工船技术规格书..](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a89b8b02c5da50e2524d7fef.png)
CONTENTS目录GENERAL DESCRIPTION总述 (2)A)General intent of Specification规格书总述 (5)B)Arrangement, Description布置,描述 (7)C) Main Particulars主尺度 (9)D)Trial Speed, Performances试航速度,性能 (9)E) Tonnage – Capacities 吨位-舱容 (10)F)Certificates证书 (11)G)Class船籍 (13)H)Rules and regulations规则和规范 (13)I)Drawings, Instruction Manuals etc.图纸,说明书,手册等 (17)J)Materials材料 (20)K)Building method and workmanship建造方法和工艺 (21)L)Purchase routines采购程序 (21)M)Owner Deliveries船东交付 (22)N)Trim & Stability纵倾&稳性 (23)O)Vibration and Noise振动和噪音 (23)P)Surveyor检验员 (26)Q)Delivery交付 (26)R)Routine by Alterations变更流程 (26)MAIN GROUP 1 GENERAL总体 (27)10SPECIFICATION, MODEL TEST, DRAWINGS规格书,船模试验,图纸 (27)11INSURANCE, FEES & CERTIFICATES保险,费用和证书 (31)12QUALITY ASSURANCE, GENERAL WORK, MODELS质量控制 (31)15MEASUREMENTS, TESTS & TRIALS测量,试验和试航 (33)16GUARANTEE/MENDING WORK质保/修理工作 (43)MAIN GROUP 2 HULL船体 (45)20HULL - CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS 船体- 结构与材料 (45)21AFTERBODY 船体后部 (48)22ENGINE AND MIDSHIP AREA 机舱和船体中部 (52)23CARGO AREA 载货区域 (58)24FOREBODY 船体前部 (62)25SUPERSTRUCTURE 上层建筑 (64)26HULL OUTFITTING 舾装 (67)27MATERIAL PROTECTION EXTERNAL 材料外部保护 (77)28MATERIAL PROTECTION INTERIOR 内部材料保护 (81)MAIN GROUP 3 EQUIPMENT FOR CARGO货物设备 (82)30HATCHES AND PORTS舱口和舱门 (82)31EQUIPMENT FOR CARGO IN HOLDS / ON DECK (85)32SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR CARGO HANDLING (86)33DECK CRANES FOR CARGO 甲板货用吊车 (88)35LOADING / DISCHARING SYSTEM FOR LIQUID CARGO (88)38AUXILIARY SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT FOR CARGO (91)39SPECIAL SYSTEM FOR CARGO货物专用设备 (94)MAIN GROUP 4 SHIP’S EQUIPMENT船舶设备 (102)40MANOEUVRING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT操纵机械和设备 (102)41NAVIGATION AND SEARCH EQUIPMENT航行及搜救设备 (113)42COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT通信设备 (122)43ANCHOR AND MOORING EQUIPMENT锚泊及系泊设备 (130)44REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING EQUIPMENT维修及清洁设备 (146)45LIFTING AND TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT FOR MACHINERY COMPONENTS 机舱内起吊传送设备 (150)MAIN GROUP 5 EQUIPMENT FOR CREW 船员设备 (152)50LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT救生设备 (152)51INSULATION, PARTITION BULKHEAD, PANELS, DOORS, SIDE LIGHTS, WINDOWS, LOCKERS绝缘、分隔舱壁、面板、门、舷灯、窗,储藏室等 (157)52 INTERIOR DECK COVER - STAIRS, LADDERS, RAILINGS ETC.内部甲板敷料梯道、直梯、扶手等 (166)53EXTERNAL DECK COVER - STAIRS AND LADDERS ETC.外部甲板梯道和直梯等168 54FURNITURE INVENTORY EQUIPMENT家具清册 (170)55GALLEY, MESS AND PROVISION ROOM - ARRANGEMENT AND EQUIPMENT厨房、餐厅、食品间和洗衣间 (178)56LIFTING AND TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT起吊和运输设备 (185)57VENTILATION AND HEATING PLANT通风和加热 (185)58SANITARY SYSTEM WITH DISCHARGE DRAIN SYSTEM FOR THEACCOMMODATION (192)居住舱室卫生水系统(包括排污系统) (192)MAIN GROUP 6 MACHINERY MAIN COMPONENTS主要设备 (197)General: 总则: (197)60DIESEL ENGINE FOR PROPULSION主推进系统 (199)63TRANSMISSIONS传动 (201)65GENERATORS SETS FOR MAIN EL. PRODUCTION (204)66OTHER AGGREGATES AND GENERATORS FOR MAIN AND EMERGENCYELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION (205)MAIN GROUP 7 SYSTEM FOR MAIN ENGINE COMPONENTS主机服务系统 (208)70FUEL OIL SYSTEM燃油系统 (213)71LUB OIL SYSTEM滑油系统 (215)72COOLING SYSTEM冷却系统 (218)73AIR PRESSURE SYSTEM压缩空气系统 (225)74EXHAUST SYSTEM排气系统 (228)79AUTOMATION SYSTEM FOR THE MACHINERY PLANT自动化系统 (229)MAIN GROUP 8 SHIP COMMON SYSTEMS (248)80BALLAST AND BILGE SYSTEM - DRAIN SYSTEM OUTSIDE ACCOMMODATION压载和舱底系统——住舱外排水系统 (248)81FIRE AND LIFE BOAT ALARM, FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM - DECK WASHING SYSTEM 火灾报警和救生艇报警,灭火系统-甲板清洗系统 (254)82AIR AND SOUNDING SYSTEM FROM TANKS TO DECK 舱室透气及测量系统 (261)85COMMON ELECTRICAL SYSTEM常规电气系统 (263)86ELECTRICAL MOTORS, TRANSFORMERS ETC.电动机、变压器等 (266)87ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS配电系统 (272)88CABLE INSTALLATION电缆安装 (285)89ELECTRICAL LIGHT INSTALLATION电气灯具 (291)GENERAL DESCRIPTION总述A) General intent of Specification规格书总述It is the intent of this Specification to describe and set forth the details of technical matters regarding the design, performance capacities, construction, equipment and materials of a Multifunctional Anchor Handling / Tug / Supply and Service Vessel of Rolls-RoyceUT-Design™ type UT 712 WP with conventional drive.本规格书用来描述一艘具有起抛锚、拖航、供应和服务的多用途船舶,船型为罗罗设计的UT 712 WP,带常规驱动。
目录第一章总则1.1 概述1.2 总体要求1.3 建造标准及规范1.4 设计要求1.5 图纸与文件资料1.6 材料和设备1.7 建造期间的检验1.8 下水和进坞1.9 检验和试验1.10交船1.11船厂责任1.12铭牌和识别第二章船体部分2.1 概述2.2 材料2.3 工艺2.4 切割与焊接2.5 船体结构2.6 舱柜2.7 舱口和人孔2.8 扶梯2.9 栏杆和扶手2.10花钢板2.11护舷设施第三章舱室布置、舱室主要设备、木作绝缘、家具及门、窗等3.1 舱室布置3.2 舱室主要设备3.3 木作绝缘3.4 家具3.5 门、窗等第四章船体保护4.1 概述4.2 涂装4.3 油漆表4.4 构件颜色分类和标记4.5 阴极保护第五章轮机5.1 总则5.2 主机5.3 齿轮箱5.4 柴油发电机组5.5防污染设备5.6泵5.7甲板机械5.8空调与通风5.9压缩空气5.10锅炉5.11轴系第六章管系及安装6.1 概述6.2 舱室管系6.3 主、辅机冷却系统6.4 燃油系统6.5 滑油系统6.6 废油系统6.7 排气系统6.8 压缩空气系统6.9 生活日用海、淡水、热水系统6.10消防、压载、舱底管系6.11透气、测量、注入系统6.12蒸汽管系6.13通风系统6.14隔热第七章电气部分7.1 概述7.2 配电系统7.3 电源设备7.4 配电设备7.5 控制设备7.6 照明电路7.7 空调及生活电器7.8 内部通讯设备7.9 无线电设备7.10航行设备7.11甲板机械7.12电线电缆第八章甲板机械和舾装8.1 锚泊装置8.2 系泊装置8.3 辅助设备第九章安全和航行设备9.1 通则9.2 救生设备9.3 火警警报和灭火装置9.4 航行设备第十章备件和工具第十一章安装、调试与验收第一章总则1.1 概述1.1.1 本技术规格书主要叙述海河豪华游艇的设计、建造及其所用材料、装备、检验、下水、试航、交船的规定。
1.1.2 本技术规格书是建造合同不可分割的一部分。
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本船适用于下列环境条件:大气温度≤40°C、水温度≤28°C、相对湿度≤90% 。
2.2.航区:CCS沿海航区3.规范、法规-3.1.本船按下列CCS现行规范及ZC现行法规要求设计、建造:CCS《钢质海船入级与建造规范》(2001)ZC《船舶与海上设施法定检验规则》(1999)CCS《浮油回收船检验指南》(1998 )3.2.本船同时满足下列规范、公约要求:《1974年国际海上人命安全公约及修正案》《1972年国际海上避碰规范》《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量规范》《1973/1978国际MARPOL船舶防止污染规范》4.船级、证书-4.1.船级:本船为入级船舶,船体及轮机(含电气设备)均在CCS监督下建造并取得下列船级及附加标志:★CSA 5/5 F.P≤60°C Oil Recovery Ship A Coastal Service★CSM4.2.证书:(1)本船建造完成将取得CCS颁发的下列船级证书:船体入级证书轮机(含电气设备)入级证书(2)同时并将取得下列法定检验证书:船舶构造安全证书船舶设备安全证书船舶无线电安全证书国际吨位证书国际防止油污染证书防止生活水污染证书国际船舶载重线证书5.主要参数-5.1.船型:钢质单层连续甲板、单层底、短桥楼,柴油机动力、双机双桨船。
5.2.主要尺度总长:~30.0m水线长:~28.0m型宽:~8.00m型深:~3.20m满载吃水:~2.30m5.3.航速:满载试航航速:≥10 节回收溢油作业航速:1~5节5.4.续航力及自给力:续航力:500海里自给力:15天5.5.船员:定员:6人备员:2人5.6.装载量:回收浮油:150 m³固体垃圾: 10 m³消油剂:15 m³燃油:10 t淡水:15 t泡沫液 5.5 m³6.总体布置-6.1.主船体舱室划分:主船体由6道水密横舱壁划分为:首尖舱(兼压载舱)/锚链舱(上)首压载舱(平台甲板下)/ 器材舱(平台甲板上)No.1回收污油水舱(左/右)No.2回收污油水舱(左/右)燃油舱/消油剂舱机舱/清水舱舵桨舱/尾压载舱6.2.上层建筑舱室划:上层建筑由罗经平台、驾驶甲板、救生甲板及其下围壁划分为三层舱室:主甲板上舱室、救生甲板上舱室、驾驶甲板上舱室。
7.2.材料全部船体结构均采用CCS A级钢材制造。
型号:KTA-19M470(暂定)额定功率:351kw额定转数:1800 r/min燃油耗率:212 g/Kw·h起动方式: 1.04 Mpa压缩空气燃油品种:船用柴油9.2.辅机数量:2台型式:船用交流柴油发电机组机组型号:64SLC(暂定)柴油机型号:6135Caf(暂定)发电机型号:TFXH-64(暂定)额定功率:64kw额定转数:1500 r/min额定电流:115.5A功率因数:0.8电制:AC400V 50Hz 3φ燃油耗率:270 g/Kw·h起动方式:DC24V燃油品种:船用柴油9.3轴系及推进器(1)全回转推进器数量:2台型号:CRZDP-W-LD470(暂定)推力方向:360°范围输入功率:350kw/每台输入转速:1800rpm配套专用液压动力站1台、驾驶室集控台1个(每个推进器用单手柄控制螺旋桨转速和推力方向)(2)减速器及轴系高弹性联轴节2个、驱动轴2根,轴系附件配齐。
独立驱动舱底泵:数量: 1 台型式:电动卧式离心泵型号:2BA-6A型能量:20m³/h 2900rpm×0.25MPa Mpa 另有1台同型号总用泵兼舱底泵(2)固定式水/泡沫消防系统系统由消防泵、总用兼消防泵、泡沫混合器、泡沫液储存柜、消防栓、国际通岸接头、消防水龙带箱、消防水/泡沫枪、管系及阀件等组成,用于扑灭本船和作业海域火灾。
消防泵(供消防炮用):型式:电动立式离心泵型号:100CL-85B能量:87 m³/h×0.64 Mpa功率:30kw转速:2900rpm另有1台总用泵兼消防泵泡沫液储存柜:5.5m³水/泡沫消防枪:16l/sec 2个消防栓:DN50 BS型3个泡沫比例混合器:PHYZ64/55.C 1个(3)压载系统系统由首尾压载舱、总用兼压载泵、压载水调拨阀箱、管系及附件组成,用于在首尾压载舱间或压载舱与舷外间调拨海水。
总用泵(兼压载、舱底、消防泵)数量: 1 台型式:电动卧式离心泵型号:2BA-6A型能量:20m³/h 2900rpm×0.25MPa Mpa(4)通风系统系统由通风机3台、进/排风管系及附件组成,用于机舱供风/排风和通往气体爆炸危险区门的扫气。
组合式海淡水压力水柜型号:ZYG0.5/0.4-C 1个10.2.动力系统(1)海水冷却系统系统由2个海底门阀箱、海水总管、机带海水泵、总用泵、管系及附件组成,用于冷却主、辅柴油机循环滑油和冷却淡水。