英文技术规格书范文Here's an example of a technical specification written in an informal and conversational English style, with each paragraph maintaining independence and variety in language characteristics:The gizmo is seriously cool. It's small enough to fitin your palm, but don't let its size fool you. This little device packs a punch. It's made from a lightweight but super-durable material that can take a few bumps and bruises without breaking a sweat.The gizmo's interface is seriously user-friendly. You don't need to be a tech wizard to figure it out. Just a few taps and swipes, and you're good to go. The screen isbright and clear, making it easy to see even in bright sunlight.One of the coolest features of the gizmo is its battery life. You can use it for hours on a single charge, so youdon't have to worry about it running out of juice mid-task. And when it does need a recharge, it's quick and painless.But wait, there's more! The gizmo is also compatible with a ton of different devices and software. So, whether you're using it with your phone, laptop, or even your smartwatch, it'll work seamlessly. No need to worry about compatibility issues here.Overall, the gizmo is a great choice for anyone looking for a compact, powerful, and user-friendly device. It's got everything you need and nothing you don't, making it a top pick in its category. So, if you're in the market for a new gizmo, give this one a serious look.。
进口阀门技术规格书Off-shore Valve Specification1.总则1.General1.1 概述1.1 Introduction本技术规格书是招标书的附件,用于中国石油化工集团公司南京化学工业有限公司大化肥装置原料改造项目(下简称项目)进口阀门的的设计、供货、试验和技术服务。
This specification is the appendix of the RFQ package. It covers the design, supply, testing and service for the off-shore valves for the NCIC FEEDSTOCK REVAMP PROJECT (hereafter called the “Project”) of China Petroleum and Chemical Corp. (SINOPEC).本技术规格书所列是对进口阀门的基本要求,并未对所有技术细节作出规范,也未完全陈述与之有关的规范和标准,且并不因此而减轻卖方在正确进行设计、保证系统可靠性和安全操作方面的责任。
This specification covers the basic requirements of the off-shore valves. It does not specify all the technical details and does not state all the codes and standards related therein. Seller is not relieved of his responsibilities in correct design, ensuring reliability for the system and safe operation.装置所在地:中国江苏省南京市六合区,南京化学工业有限公司Plant Location: Nanjing Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd. Liuhe District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, PRC.术语解释:Definitions:买方: 中国石化国际事业有限公司Buyer:China Petrochemical International Co.,Ltd.卖方:提供阀门的制造厂或代理公司Seller:The manufacturer or agent for the supply of the valves herein.。
User Manual (Technical specification)HTC320035A1 General informationThis is a USB 3.5”(320x240)TFT ,16 bit LCD module . Technical specification2 Specifications2.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSItem Feature Specifications1 Size 3.5 inch2 Resolutions 320X2403 Color Bit 16 Bit4 Color interface RGB5655 Technology type a_Si6 Viewing direction 12:007 Pixel Configuration R.G.B. Vertical Stripe8 Mode TM with Normally white9 Gray Scale Inversion Direction6:0010 Backlight 6个LED in serial11 Driving IC Novatek NT39016DTable 1 General specifications2.2 RGB TIMINGItem Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Clk Frequency Fclk 6.1 6.4 8 MHz Clk Cycle Tclk 125 156 164 Ns Clk Duty Tcwh 40 50 60 % HSYNC setup time Ths 40 70 255 CLKTable 2 RGB TIMING2.3 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONFeatures Descriptions Unit PCB 100×72×5.6 mm Viewing Area 72.08×54.56 mm Active Area 70.08×52.56mmTable 3 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONDiagram 1 MECHANICAL OUTLINE DRAWING2.4 BLOCK DIAGRAMMini USB NUC123SSD1963 SYS Power HT32035ALCD1.2V3.3V20V Diagram 2 BLOCK DIAGRAM3 INTERFACING3.1 Mini USB SMD PORT:1VBUS2D-3D+4NC5GND3.2 MECHANICAL SIZE:Diagram 3 Mini USB SIZE4 Environmental / Reliability TestTest Item Min Typ Max Unit Operating Temperature -20 25 60 ℃Storage Temperature -30 25 70 ℃Operating Voltage 4.5V 5V 5.2V VTable 4 Environmental / Reliability Test5 Electrical Characteristics5.1 DC CharacteristicsItem Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Volt VDD 4.5 5.0 5.2 VCurrent VIH VCC=5V,PWMduty=100% (H)150 mACurrent VIHVCC=5V,PWMduty=50%94 mA Table 5 DC Characteristics5.2 TFT LCD Panel Driving Ta=25℃Item Symbol Min Max Unit Operating Voltage VDD 3.3 3.5 V Operating Temperature Topr -20 60 ℃Storage Temperature Tstg -30 70 ℃Table6 TFT LCD Panel Driving5.3 Backlight DrivingItem Symbol Min Max Unit Item Forward Current If -- 20 25 mAForward Voltage Vf 16.8 19.2 21.6 VPowerConsumptionW - 384 510 mW Life Time - 10000 20000 -- HrsTable 7 TFT LCD Backlight Driving6Display Control command6.1 Picture:a)Command packet:Data:0x55 0xAA 0x00b)Data packet:Data group sequence :B,G,R,B,G,R …,data size0x38400/6.2 Partial Characters:a)Command packetData: 0x55 ,0xAA ,0x00,X1,Y1,X2,Y2b)Graphic data in Text zoneData group timing:B,G,R,B,G,R…. ,data size depends on graphics size6.3 Remarks1 Remarks to X1,Y1,X2,Y2 in Text zoneX1=X coordinate on top left, 2 bytes.Y1=Y coordinate on top left , 2 bytes.X2=X coordinate on bottom right , 2 bytesY2=Y coordinate on bottom right ,2 bytes2 Extract data sequence:According to the actual sequence of image files stored to extract data , not reverse the data sequence3 Sequence of RGB data transmissionThe Data sent to the slave computer from host processor is in BGR sequence which is also the sequence of the file stored . First Send Blue data, and then Green data and Red data last . The receiving sequence at slave processor is same .7 The application and sample cases 7.1 Hardware Circuit connectionMini USBInterfaceNUC123SSD1963 SYS Power HT32035ALCD1.2V3.3V20V PC USB图4 The hardware connecting7.2 Software Programming in PCThe DEMO of this product designed based on VC#.net. The user can design it on any platform you are familiar with.7.2.1 Software developing environmentMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010, Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRelMicrosoft .NET Framework,Version 4.0.30319 RTMRelInstalled Version: Ultimate7.2.2 Demo’s software structureDevice connectedLabelAdj ColorAdj Font Send Selected LabelPic operationPic send Timered SendPic/LabelLabel operationPicTimer SetDiagram 5 Demo Software Frame7.2.3 Device connect/cut manipulation function p ivate void UserDeviceAttach(MP_Device pDev){ D_ATTACH_GUI_CALLBACK AttachCb = newD_ATTACH_GUI_CALLBACK(DeviceAttachGuiCb);Invoke(AttachCb,new object[]{pDev});}private void DeviceAttachGuiCb(MP_Device pDev){ lblNumDevices.Text =uDevManager.GetNumOfDevicesAttached().ToString();DeviceTabPage tabPage = new DeviceTabPage(this, ref pDev);tabDevices.Controls.Add(tabPage);}7.2.4 The function to start connection checkprivate void mp_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){D_USER_ATTACH_CALLBACK dDeviceAttachCb = newD_USER_ATTACH_CALLBACK(UserDeviceAttach);D_USER_DETACH_CALLBACK dDeviceDetachCb = newD_USER_DETACH_CALLBACK(UserDeviceDetach);uDevManager = new MP_DeviceManager(dDeviceAttachCb, dDeviceDetachCb,DEFAULT_VENDOR_ID, DEFAULT_PRODUCT_ID, DEFAULT_DRIVER_NAME,DEFAULT_LICENSE_STRING);PicturePanel.Width = 320;PicturePanel.Height = 240;UpdateButtons();}7.2.5 Pipe listen Functionprivate void btPipeListen_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){DeviceTabPage activeTab = GetActiveTab();if(activeTab == null) return;MP_Pipe activePipe = activeTab.GetActivePipe();if(activePipe.IsInUse()){activePipe.SetContiguous(false);activePipe.HaltTransferOnPipe();}else{DWORD dwOptions = 0;activePipe.SetContiguous(true);TraceMsg(string.Format("began listening to {0} pipe number " +"0x{1:X}", activeTab.GetUsbDev().DeviceDescription(),activePipe.GetPipeNum()));bPipeTransferAsync(true, dwOptions ,TIME_OUT,new D_USER_TRANSFER_COMPLETION(ListenCompletion));}UpdateButtons();}7.2.6 Function to sending pictureprivate void SendStr(string bmfile)Method:byte[] fbuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(bmfile);uint filesize = (uint)(fbuffer[2] + fbuffer[3] * 256 + fbuffer[4] *256 * 256 + fbuffer[5] * 256 * 256 * 256);bmoffset = (uint)(fbuffer[0xa] + fbuffer[0xb] * 256 + fbuffer[0xc] * 256 *256 + fbuffer[0xd] * 256 * 256 * 256);bmwidth = (uint)(fbuffer[0x12] + fbuffer[0x13] * 256 + fbuffer[0x14] * 256 *256 + fbuffer[0x15] * 256 * 256 * 256);bmheight = (uint)(fbuffer[0x16] + fbuffer[0x17] * 256 + fbuffer[0x18] * 256 *256 + fbuffer[0x19] * 256 * 256 * 256);pixeldeep = (uint)(fbuffer[0x1c] + fbuffer[0x1d] * 256);uint datasize = (filesize - bmoffset);/*00 00 00 blackff ff ff white00 00 ff Red00 ff 00 greenff 00 00 blue*/if (pixeldeep == 24) //24bit,32bit?{for (uint i = 0; i < datasize; i++)fbuffer[i] = fbuffer[i + bmoffset];}else if (pixeldeep == 32){for (uint i = 0; i < datasize / 4; i++)for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < (4 - 1); i1++)buffer[i * 3 + i1] = fbuffer[bmoffset + i * 4 + i1];}else{MessageBox.Show(“not standard with 24/32bit”);return;}7.2.7Package Command header of Size of 320X240pixels Picture sendsPackage size is 0x40 bytesHeader[0] = 0x55; //header flagHeader[1] = 0xAA; //header flagHeader[2] = 0x00; //The data of 320X240pixels picture.7.2.8Label Package send Header command definePackage size is 0x40 bytesHeader[0] = 0x55; //flagHeader[1] = 0xAA; //flagHeader[2] = 0x01; //send stingHeader[3] = (byte)((CurrentLabel.Left & 0x00ff)>>8); //X high 8bitHeader[4] = (byte )( CurrentLabel.Left & 0xff); //X low 8bitHeader[5] = (byte)((CurrentLabel.Top & 0x00ff)>>8); //Y high 8bitHeader[6] = (byte )( CurrentLabel.Top & 0xff); //Y low 8bitint Xwidth = CurrentLabel.Width + CurrentLabel.Left-1;Header [7]=(byte)(Xwidth >>8); //width high 8bitHeader [8]=(byte)(Xwidth &0xff); //width low 8 bitint Yheight = CurrentLabel.Height + CurrentLabel.Top-1;Header [9]=(byte)(Yheight >>8); //height high 8bitHeader [10]=(byte)(Yheight &0xff); //height low 8bit7.2.9Label combine to Sends bmpAccording to the user added the label, the label text into the current interface.Graphics gph = Graphics.FromImage(bm);for (int i = 0; i < LB_MAX_INDEX; i++){if (LbArray [i]!=null )gph.DrawString(LbArray[i].Text, LbArray[i].Font, newSolidBrush(LbArray [i].ForeColor ),LbArray[i].Left, LbArray[i].Top );}bm.Save("bms.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);7.2.10Method of extracting partial data of label textCreate Bitmap bine partial bmpRectangle ra;Bitmap bm, tm;if (CurrentLabel != null){bm = new Bitmap(320, 240);ra = new Rectangle(0,0,320,240);PicturePanel.DrawToBitmap(bm, ra);Graphics gph = Graphics.FromImage(bm);//Partial data combine.gph.DrawString(CurrentLabel.Text,CurrentLabel.Font, newSolidBrush(CurrentLabel.ForeColor),CurrentLabel.Left, CurrentLabel.Top);ra = new Rectangle( CurrentLabel.Left,CurrentLabel.Top,CurrentLabel.Width,CurrentLabel.Height);tm = bm.Clone(ra, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb ); //Convert partial datatm.Save("str.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);}7.2.11 The timed loop transmission processingUsed the timer interrupt control the bmp loop send,and control the bmp switch display private void timer_send_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) //Timed send{ if (listBmpFile.Items.Count == 0) //Check the count is not zero return;timer_send.Stop(); //Stop timer count.if (listBmpFile.SelectedIndex == listBmpFile.Items.Count - 1){listBmpFile.SelectedIndex = 0; //loop}elselistBmpFile.SelectedIndex = listBmpFile.SelectedIndex + 1;LoadBmpToPicPanl(listBmpFile.SelectedItem.ToString());//convert bmpSendCurrentBmp(); //send bmpLoadBMP.Enabled = false;SendImage.Enabled = false;timer_send.Start(); //send over,then start count.}7.2.12 Add label functionUsers add labels by clicking button of add label, Check the free label content, Then insert new label.private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Added label{ nt i;for ( i = 0; i < LB_MAX_INDEX; i++){if (LbArray[i] == null){InsertLbArray(i);i = LB_MAX_INDEX + 1;}}if (i == LB_MAX_INDEX)MessageBox .Show ("Max Number!","Note");}private void InsertLbArray(int index) //Insert label fun.{Point PressPoint = new Point();Label lb = new Label();lb.Text = "Input Your Data";lb.Size = new Size(50, 25);//lb.Location = new Point(PicturePanel.Top, PicturePanel.Left);lb.Tag = index.ToString() ;panel1.Controls.Add(lb);lb.AutoSize = true;lb.BackColor = Color.Transparent;lb.BringToFront();lb.MouseDown += delegate{//Set the Move flag.PressPoint=Control.MousePosition;};lb.MouseUp += delegate{//Clear the Move Flag. MoveFlag = true;Point cp = Control.MousePosition;lb.Left = lb.Left + cp.X - PressPoint.X;lb.Top = lb.Top + cp.Y - PressPoint.Y;CurrentLabel = (lb);textBox1.Text = lb.Text;};lb.MouseMove += delegate{lb.BackColor = Color.LightCoral;};lb.MouseLeave += delegate{//Clear the move Flag,andlb.BackColor = Color.Transparent;};LbArray[index] = lb;}7.2.13 Send data to USB portUser driver function, Send data to USB portprivate void SendToUSB(byte[] fbuffer, uint sendsize){DWORD dwOptions = 0;DeviceTabPage activePage = GetActiveTab(); //Check current connected USB device.if (activePage == null)return;activePage.SelectPort(2); //Get the parameter of connected USB device MP_Pipe activePipe = activePage.GetActivePipe();DWORD dwPipeNum = activePage.GetActivePipeNum();bool fControl = activePipe.IsControlPipe();//Send data.bPipeTransferAsync(false , dwOptions, fbuffer, sendsize,TIME_OUT, new D_USER_TRANSFER_COMPLETION (TransferCompletion));}8 Reliability Test instructionsTemperature 50℃,90%,2hHorizon Shaking Frequency 5Hz, Distance 0.5m,Time 1h Vertical Shaking Frequency 5Hz, Distance 0.5m, time 1h EMC EN55022EFT Low:1KV,Mid:2KVHigh:4KV1.2/50μs(8/20μs)composite waveESD 6KV,10KVAging 40℃, 24hV oltage /Current Tolerance 0.3VEquipment Situation Initialized when power onTable 8 Reliability Test9 General problem and fault handlingThe general problem:1PC couldn’t distinguish this USB_LCD display module.2Can’t transfer data normally after distinguishing.3Can’t install USB device driving software.4Have problems When data sending.5Abnormal display effect6Testing software can’t runProcessing method:1If the device manager of your PC could not distinguish the USB LCD module, Please install again.2Check the USB cable is good or not.3Run “install.bat” file in CMD window.4Change USB cable, Test again.5Check the power input is good or not.6 The development environment is based on Microsoft , you can check if your PChas installed Microsoft package .If not, you can download it from following link:10 Technical supportBeijing HTDisplay Electronics Co.,LTD R&D Dept.West, 5th Floor,Building 5, Longsheng Industrial Park,No.7, East ,Rongchang Street,BeijingDevelopment Area ,Yizhuang, Daxing District, Beijing, 100176, P.R.China.Phone: +86 (0)10 6780 6456,6780 6457Fax : +86 (0)10 6780 552911 Reference1. Nuvoton-Core processor ,2.HT320035A datasheet3. NuMicro_NUC123_Product_Brief_SC_V1.06.pdf4. SSD1963_1.7.pdf。
NPC-National Petro Co.3600t Revolving/Engineering CraneTechnical Specification (Project Plan)Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Group) Co., Ltd.2005-12-10Table of Content1.1 General Description 总则1.1.1Consist of the Specification 本规格书组成The specification including general, hull structure, outfitting, machinery, electrical, refrigerating, air conditioning, ventilating, pipelaying, DP, and crane parts describes the 3600t CRANE PIPELAYING VESSEL based on scheme design.本规格书由船舶总体、舾装、轮机、电气、通风冷藏空调、动力定位、起重机及铺管设备估价等部分组成,表述3600 t全回转起重工程船的主要技术规格方案。
1.1.2Construction Explanation建造说明The BUILDER’s supply covers the item described in this specification, anything excluding from the scope of the specification will be supplied by the OWNER.本船的建造估价,所有规格书所规定的项目均由建造方提供。
1.1.3Language and Measuring Unit文种与计量单位The drawings, instructions, instruments, display, caution sign and nameplate shall be written in English and kept down the foreign nameplate of the importation of machine and equipments. Metric system is used for designing and fabricating of hull, crane and equipment etc. unless otherwise specialized in specification or instruction.本船的图纸、使用说明书、仪表、显示、警示牌和铭牌等均以英文书写。
AC1 306R-88 ACI 349-06 ACI 224 AWS DI .6
中文名 钢盖板和免拆模板AP1000设计标准 钢筋螺纹机械接头供应及安装技术规格书 混凝土模板作业AP1000设计标准 AP1000车间预制钢涂料技术规范 钢结构车间制作技术规格书 钢结构安装 预埋零星钢 钢盖板及免拆模板供应规范 钢盖板及免拆模板安装规范
AP1000文件编号 英文名 APP-CD01-C1-001 AP1000 Design Criteria for Steel Decking and Stay-In-Place Forms Specification for Supply and Installation of Threaded Mechanical APP-CR01-Z0-010 Splices for Reinforcing Steel APP-G1-CF01-001 AP1000 design criteria for concrete formwork APP-G1-SX-001 AP1000 painting of shop fabricated steel APP-SS01-ZO-001 Shop Fabrication of Structural Steel APP-SS01-Z0-002 Erection of Structural Steel APP-SS01-Z0-003 Embedded and Miscellaneous Steel APP-SS01-Z0-004 Furnishing of steel decking and stay-in-place forms APP-SS01-Z0-005 Erection of steel decking and stay-in-place forms Material Specification for Stainless Steel SFA-5.4 Class E308LAPP-VW20-Z0-002 16/E308 L-17 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Electrode (section III-NB) Material specification for stainless steel SFA-5.9 class E308L for APP-VW20-Z0-014 gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) filler metal (section III-NB) Material Specification for Carbon steel SFA-5.1 class E7018 for APP-VW50-Z0-011 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) electrode (section11) Carbon Steel SFA-5.8 class ER70S-6 for Gas Tungsten Arc APP-VW50-Z0-021 Welding (GTAW) and Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Filler Metal (Section II) Material Specification for Carbon Steel SFA-5.20 Class E71T-1 APP-VW50-Z0-031 Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) Electrode (Section II) CPP-AT01-Z0-001 Membrane Waterproofing CPP-CC01-Z0-010 Mixing and Delivering Concrete CPP-CC01-Z0-020 Placing Concrete and Reinforcing Steel CPP-CC01-Z0-025 Concrete Testing Services CPP-CR01-Z0-001 Furnishing Reinforcing Steel HYG-XE01-Z0-004 Nuclear Island Scope Backfill and Miscellaneous Excavation APP-GW-SSX-001 AP1000 Standard Steel and Reinforcing Bar Shapes Application of Protective Coatings to Systems, Structures and APP-GW-Z0-604 Components for the AP1000 Reactor Plant AP1000 Nuclear Safety Classification and Seismic Requirement APP-GW-G1-010 Methodology APP-GW-GAH-020 AP1000 System and Equipment Quality Classifications APP-1010-CO-001 Nuclear Island Basemat Anchor/Embedment Types and Quantities APP-GA-G1-001 AP1000 Module Design Criteria APP-GW-SUP-001 Design Methodology for Structural Modules APP-VW01-Z0-001 Shear Stud Welding Specification APP-GW-C1-001 Civil/Structural Design Criteria APP-G1-AX-001 Field Coating and Lining for Concrete and Metal Surfaces Specification for Supply,installation, inspection and testing of APP-CE01-Z0-002 Post-installed Anchor bolts Welding specification for ASTM A240 UNS S32101 Duplex APP-VW20-Z0-023 stainless steel plate CPP-AD02-Z0-002 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames APP-G1-AX-001 Field Coating and Lining for Concrete and Metal Surfaces ACI 117-06 ACI 301-05
登船梯技术规格书 (英文版)
![登船梯技术规格书 (英文版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e99dbd40f01dc281e53af053.png)
MARITIME TERMINAL OFCOMPLEXTechnical Specification of Gangway(CHEC NO:13303)(CLIENT NO:013)China Engineering Co. Ltd. (C)September, 2015Issue status:CONTENTS1GENERAL.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1FIELD OF APPLICATION ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1.2DEFINITION OF ITEMS............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS............... 错误!未定义书签。
2.2APPLICABLE PROJECT DOCUMENTS .................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.4DOCUMENTS ORDER OF PRECEDENCE............. 错误!未定义书签。
3SCOPE OF SUPPLY ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.1EQUIPMENT SUPPLY ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
XTR4/180悬臂式隧道掘进机XTR4/180 Boom-Type Tunnel Roadheader技术规格书Technical Specification徐州徐工基础工程机械有限公司二○一七年六月XUZHOU CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY GROUP INC.June, 2017技术规格书Technical Specification型号:XTR4/180生产商:徐州工程机械集团有限公司Model: XTR4/180Manufacturer: XUZHOU CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY GROUP Co., Lt技术特点Technical characteristic主要部件Main parts主机部分Main bodyXTR4/180悬臂式隧道掘进机由切割机构、支撑机构、操纵台、本体总成、行走机构、液压系统、除尘喷雾系统、电气系统、润滑系统、冷却系统、铲板总成、第一运输机、第二运输机等部件构成。
XTR4/180 Boom-type TunnelRoadheader is equipped with cutting structure,brace structure, operation platform, machine assembly, traveling, hydraulic system, anti-dusting spray system, electronic system, lubrication system, cooling system,shovel plate assembly,first transport,second transport and other components.Modular and narrow body design of the whole machine, can meet the construction requirements of narrow roadway,The main hydraulic components using the international first-line brand products, high overall configuration,cutting motor、pumping station motor、control system with explosion-proof function,Safe and reliable.主机参数host machine parameter总体长度:11.87/19(m)总体宽度: 1.9(m)总体高度(机身): 2.03(m)总重:47(t)切割头卧底深度:0.2(m)爬坡能力:±18°切割硬度:≤50(MPa)Overall length: 11.87/19(m)Overall width: 1.9(m)Overall height: 2.03(m)Overall weight(include the second freight): 47(t)Dinting undercut depth: 0.2(m)Climbing capability: ±18°Cutting hardness: ≤50(MPa)切割电机Cutting Electric machine规格型号:YBUD-180/110-4/8额定功率:180/110(kW)额定电压:AC1140(V)额定转速:1484/733(r/min)Model: YBUD-180/110-4/8Rated power: 180/110(kW)Nominal voltage: AC1140(V)Rated speed: 1484/733(r/min)油泵电机Pump Motor Power规格型号:YBS-90(B35)(660/1140)额定功率:90(kW)额定电压:AC1140(V)额定转速:1478(r/min)Model: YBS-90(B35)(660/1140)Rated power: 90(kW)Nominal voltage: AC1140(V)Rated speed: 1478(r/min)电控系统Electronic control systemXTR4/180掘进机电气系统主要由开关箱、操作面板、电铃、急停按钮、矿照明灯、掘进机用隔爆型三相异步电动机、泵站用隔爆型三相异步电动机、隔爆型电滚筒(二运电机)、低浓度甲烷传感器等组成。
Description: BA TTERY D8810L90 for Desay Power Tech.Co.,LtdBattery Specifications: 3.6V/900mAhDESAY LITHIUM-ION BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS( D8810L90 )P repared by 吴可Check byApproved byDESAY POWER TECH. CO., LTD.May 20031.Extent of the applicationThis specification applied to the prismatic Lithium-ion rechargeable inter cell and battery pack for the mobile phone of Desay Power Tech.Co.,Ltd.2.Battery Classification and Type2.1 Battery ClassificationPrismatic Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery Park2.2 Battery Type998L703.StructurePrismatic Li-ion Rechargeable Bare Cell/ protecting plate and Temperature Fuse①Rated discharge: Discharge at constant current (140mA=0.2C) down to end voltage at 20±5℃.②Rated charge: charge at CC-CV(700mA-4.2V) at 20±5℃.before at most.6.Safety Performance6.1 Bare cellSafety vent in cell.6.2 Internal Protect DeviceSeries PTC (trip current: approx. 2.7A) and Temperature Fuse (operation temperature: approx.98℃)7. Charge State of Battery Pack before ShipmentCharged by 50% of rated capacity.8.Prohibitian Points or HandleIf the handling is missed, there will be possibility that the battery ruptures, fires or smokes, or it will cause the deterioration or damage of battery.·Apply the specified charge/discharge condition described in this specification.·Used the specified charger .·Used for specified equipment.·Do not short circuit between terminals.·Do not immerse the battery in water .·Do not heat the battery.·Do not use the battery at more than 60℃.·Do not drive a nail into the battery.·Do not give battery impact or fling it .·Do not disassemble or reconstruct battery.·Do not make the direct soldering on battery.·Store in discharged state at low temperature.·Do not get into a microwave, a desiccator or a high pressure container.·Stop charging if not reaching to rated capacity in specified charge period.·Discard the battery in the condition that if its voltage is lower than end voltage, it can,t reach to end voltage after charged at a trickle current of less than 0.03CA.·Do not continuously use the battery if it is abnormal .·Let the battery leave from heated place if the liquid leaks from the battery or the battery gives out bad smell.·In case the leaked electrolyte gets into eyes, wash them with fresh water at once, then go to hospital9.Warranty Period of BatteryWithin 1 year from the date of sale, we shall replace a new battery or repair substandard battery as long as the appearance of substandard battery is really due to the failure of our design and manufacturing process.10.RestIf you have doubtful points or feel unreasonable towards this specification, please consult about them with us11.Additional Diagram1.Appearance of Battery Pack Diagram D998L70。
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION(技术规格书)TABLE OF CONTENTS(目录)1.SIZE AND MAIN CHARACTERISTICS(尺寸和主要特征)2.DETAIL OF THE HULL (船体的细节)3.ENGINES (发动机)4.STEERING (操舵装置)5.MOORING (系泊设施)6.EXTERNAL LAYOUT AND STANDARD EQUIPMENT(外部布置和标准设备)6.1 FLYBRIDGE (飞桥)6.2 MAIN DECK AND COCKPIT(主甲板和甲板艉部)7.INTERNAL LAYOUT AND STANDARD EQUIPMENT ( 内部布置和标准设备)7.1MAIN DECK (主甲板)7.2LOWER DECK-STD “CLASSIC” LAYOUT(下层甲板-标准古典布置)7.3LOWER DECK-CREW QUARTERS(下层甲板-船员住舱)8.ELECTRICAL SYSTEM(电气系统)8.1 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS(主要特征)8.2 POWER SOURCES(电源)8.3 LIGHTING SYSTEM AND OUTLETS(照明系统和输出)8.4 CONTROLS AND ALARMS(控制和报警)9.ELECTRONICS(电子仪器)MUNICATION SYSTEM(通讯系统)11.ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM(娱乐系统)12.BILGE SYSTEM(污水系统)13.FIRE-ALARM AND SAFETY SYSTEM(火警警报和安全系统)14.FUEL SYSTEM(燃料系统)15.FRESH W ATER SYSTEM(淡水系统)16.BLACK AND GRAY W ATER SYSTEM(黑水和灰水系统)17.SEA W ATER SYSTEM(海水系统)18.AIR CONDITIONING, VENTING AND EXTRACTION SYSTEM(空调、通风和分离系统)19.ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEM(电动液压系统)20.INSULATION(绝缘)21.SAFETY EQUIPMENT(安全设备)22.MISCELLANEOUS(杂项)23.DÉCOR(装潢)1.SIZE AND MAIN CHARACTERISTICS(尺寸和主要特征)Length overall (总长) 26.83m(米)88’(英尺)Hull length 26.43m(米). 86’8”Beam overall 6.57m 21’6”Beam at main section 6.40m. 21’Draft to keel 1.25mDraft at full load 1.80m.Height above waterline:7.6mFull load displacement 80tFuel capacity 9,000it(立升). 2,378 gals(加仑)Fresh water capacity 1,500t. 396 galsCruising speed (At half load) 27KN(节)Maximum speed (at half load) 30KN(节)The levels of performance described apply to a standard craft (with standard equipment installed) with clean hull, propeller and rudders. Moreover, it is specified that such levels of performance were achieved under favorable sea and wind conditions (one on the Beaufort scale and one on the Douglas scale); in the case of diverse or less favorable sea conditions performance levels may vary considerably.以上所述的操作性能水平适用于标准的船舶(装配有标准的设备),带有清洁的船体、螺旋桨和舵。
液压安全阀技术规格书(中英文版)Hydraulic Safety Valve Technical Specification Book液压安全阀技术规格书1.General Introduction1.概述This technical specification book provides comprehensive information on hydraulic safety valves, including their specifications, types, working principles, and application industries.It is intended to help engineers and technicians understand the importance of hydraulic safety valves and select the appropriate valves for their specific applications.本技术规格书提供了关于液压安全阀的全面信息,包括其规格、类型、工作原理和应用行业。
2.Technical Specifications2.技术规格The hydraulic safety valves covered in this specification book include pressure- relief valves, sequence valves, check valves, and pilot-operated valves.They are available in various sizes and pressure ratings to meet the requirements of different applications.The valves are designed to ensure reliable operation and long service life, with features such as durable materials, precise construction, and efficient sealing.本规格书涵盖的液压安全阀包括压力释放阀、顺序阀、截止阀和气动操作阀。
进口阀门技术规格书 Off-shore Valve Specification 中英文对照
![进口阀门技术规格书 Off-shore Valve Specification 中英文对照](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7a7a9bc0524de518964b7dc6.png)
进口阀门技术规格书Off-shore Valve Specification1.总则1.General1.1 概述1.1 Introduction本技术规格书是招标书的附件,用于中国石油化工集团公司南京化学工业有限公司大化肥装置原料改造项目(下简称项目)进口阀门的的设计、供货、试验和技术服务。
This specification is the appendix of the RFQ package. It covers the design, supply, testing and service for the off-shore valves for the NCIC FEEDSTOCK REVAMP PROJECT (hereafter called the “Project”) of China Petroleum and Chemical Corp. (SINOPEC).本技术规格书所列是对进口阀门的基本要求,并未对所有技术细节作出规范,也未完全陈述与之有关的规范和标准,且并不因此而减轻卖方在正确进行设计、保证系统可靠性和安全操作方面的责任。
This specification covers the basic requirements of the off-shore valves. It does not specify all the technical details and does not state all the codes and standards related therein. Seller is not relieved of his responsibilities in correct design, ensuring reliability for the system and safe operation.装置所在地:中国江苏省南京市六合区,南京化学工业有限公司Plant Location: Nanjing Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd. Liuhe District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, PRC.术语解释:Definitions:买方: 中国石化国际事业有限公司Buyer:China Petrochemical International Co.,Ltd.卖方:提供阀门的制造厂或代理公司Seller:The manufacturer or agent for the supply of the valves herein.。
技术资料Technical documents设备型号:XS-700Device type: XS-700设备名称:新型自动射芯壳芯机Device name: the new auto shooting sand machine大连长兴伟业机械厂DA LIAN CHANG XING WEI YE JI XIE CHANG新型自动射芯壳芯机The new auto sand shooting machine 本机按以人为本的设计理念吸取国内外技术,经多次反复研制和试验,并对其主要部件进行了设计和改制,其中的机械构造,气动执行和电器控制得到了提升,如果对你厂的生产效率和工人的生产强度以及能源降耗得到改善的话,那将是我们共同的心愿。
This machine, according to the people-oriented design concept, and learn from the domestic and foreign technology, after repeated research and testing, we design and reform the main parts. And the machinery part which improve the pneumatic and electric control, to improve the Production efficiency and Energy consumption.操作特点:Operation characteristics:一、采用进口技术的PLC和电磁阀开关控制,执行动作程序全自动,使其操作简单,只许按下开关即可。
Adopt the import technology PLC and electric valve switch control, make the action automatic and easier operation, just push the switch will be ok.二、射芯自动定量供砂,实行智能控制,可单孔或多孔同时射砂,射砂头位置可调。
中英文机械产品技术规格书English:A technical specification document for a mechanical product typically includes detailed information about the product's design, materials, dimensions, performance characteristics, operating parameters, and testing requirements. It should also contain information about relevant industry standards and regulations that the product must comply with. The document may also include information about the manufacturing process, quality control measures, and recommended maintenance procedures. Additionally, it is important to include details about any certifications or approvals the product has obtained, as well as any warranty or support services that may be included with the product.Chinese:机械产品技术规格书通常包括有关产品设计、材料、尺寸、性能特征、操作参数和测试要求的详细信息。
技术规格-英文Technical SpecificationsTechnical specifications are detailed descriptions of the requirements, capabilities, and limitations of a technology or product. They provide essential information for engineers, developers, and users to understand and work with the technology effectively. Here are some common technical specification terms:1. Dimensions and Size: Specifies the physical dimensions and size of the technology or product.2. Weight: Indicates the weight of the technology or product.3. Power Requirements: Describes the power supply requirements, such as voltage, current, and frequency.4. Operating System: Specifies the compatible operating system(s) for software or hardware.5. Processor: Specifies the type, model, and speed of the processor.6. Memory: Describes the amount of RAM or storage capacity available.7. Display: Specifies the screen size, resolution, and type (e.g., LCD or OLED).8. Connectivity: Describes the available connectivity options, such as USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet.9. Ports and Interfaces: Lists the types and quantities of ports and interfaces, such as HDMI, USB-C, or audio jacks.10. Battery Life: Indicates the estimated duration of battery operation before needing recharging.11. Cameras: Specifies the resolution, features, and capabilities of built-in cameras.12. Sensors: Lists the types and abilities of sensors, such as accelerometer, gyroscope, or ambient light sensor.13. Software: Describes the pre-installed software or compatible software applications.14. Network Compatibility: Specifies the supported network standards, such as 4G, 5G, or Wi-Fi 6.15. Environmental Conditions: Describes the recommended operating temperature, humidity, and storage conditions.16. Certifications: Lists any certifications or standards compliance the technology or product has obtained.17. Warranty: Specifies the terms and length of the warranty provided by the manufacturer.It is important to consult technical specifications for precise and accurate information when evaluating or working with a particular technology or product.。
赞比亚 散料机械电气技术规格书英文版 中文翻译
![赞比亚 散料机械电气技术规格书英文版 中文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6d039e717cd184254b353596.png)
STANDARD SPECIFICATIONforELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MECHANICAL PACKAGESforTHE KANSANSHI COPPER PROJECTTable of Contents目录1.0 SCOPE 范围 (1)2.0 STANDARDS, CODES AND REGULATIONS 标准、规范与规则 (1)3.0 GENERAL 总则 (2)3.1 Ratings 等级 (2)3.2 Power System 供电系统 (2)3.3 Equipment Protection 设备防护 (3)4.0 TECHNICAL 技术要求 (3)4.1 Design Documentation 设计文件 (3)4.2 Electrical / Instrument Systems 电气/仪表系统 (3)4.2.1 Mechanical Package Type 1 机械包类型1 (4)4.2.2 Mechanical Package Type 2 机械包类型2 (4)4.2.3 Mechanical Package Type 3 机械包类型3 (5)4.3 Facilities for Terminating Purchaser Interconnect Cables 用户连接电缆接口配件 (6)4.4 Control and Starter Panels 控制与起动柜 (6)4.5 Package Plant Controllers and I/O Racks 工厂级控制器及I/O机架 (9)4.5.1 Mechanical Package Type 1 机械包类型1 (9)4.5.2 Mechanical Package Type 2 机械包类型2 (10)4.5.3 Mechanical Package Type 3机械包类型3 (11)4.5.4 Communications Interfaces 通讯接口 (11)4.6 Junction Boxes, Enclosures and Control Equipment 接线箱、壳体及控制设备 (11)4.7 Instrumentation Equipment 仪表设备 (12)4.8 Instrument Piping and Tubing 设备配管配线 (14)4.9 Installation of Equipment 设备安装 (14)4.10 Cabling 布线 (15)4.11 Earth Leakage and Earth Continuity Protection 对地漏电及接地连续性保护 (17)4.12 Control Voltage 控制电压 (17)4.13 Working Space 工作空间 (17)4.14 Painting and Corrosion Protection 涂装及防腐保护 (18)4.15 Labeling and Marking 标牌与标识 (18)4.16 Motors 电机 (18)5.0 TESTING 测试 (19)6.0 DOCUMENTATION 文件编制 (19)6.1 PLC Configuration Documentation PLC配置文件 (19)7.0 PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT 船运准备 (20)8.0 PREFERRED EQUIPMENT 推荐设备 (21)1.0 SCOPE 范围This Specification covers the general requirements for the supply, manufacture, shop-assembly and testing of electrical and instrument equipment to be supplied as an integral part of a mechanical package or order.本规格书叙述了电气与仪表设备的采购、制造、车间组装及测试的总体要求,这些电仪设备将作为一个机械包的组成部分或者按照要求进行供货。
建筑专业技术规格书【中英文实用版】英文文档内容:The Technical Specification Book for Architectural ProfessionalsThis technical specification book is a comprehensive guide that outlines the specific requirements, standards, and guidelines for architectural projects.It serves as a reference document for architectural professionals, providing them with the necessary information to ensure that the construction projects meet the desired quality, functionality, and aesthetics.The book covers various aspects of architectural design, including building materials, construction methods, building systems, and energy efficiency.It provides detailed specifications for different building components, such as foundations, walls, floors, roofs, and doors, as well as guidelines for interior and exterior finishes, lighting, and ventilation.Additionally, the book includes sections on structural engineering, mechanical and electrical systems, and landscape architecture, providing a holistic approach to the design and construction process.It also addresses important aspects of project management, such as scheduling, budgeting, and quality control.The technical specification book is essential for architectural professionals, as it helps them to communicate effectively withcontractors, suppliers, and other stakeholders involved in the construction process.It ensures that everyone involved in the project has a clear understanding of the requirements and expectations, leading to a successful and efficient construction outcome.中文文档内容:建筑专业技术规格书本技术规格书是一份全面的指南,概述了建筑项目所需的特定要求、标准和指南。
技术规格书No. A-1954-00目录页码1.工程参数51.1隧道概况51.2地质状况51.3管片设计61.4工程概况及地质剖面图62.总体方案82.1泥水加压平衡盾构机82.1.1基本技术原理/气垫调节原理82.1.2泥水加压平衡盾构机技术102.2穿黄工程的盾构机基本设计142.2.1基本设计142.2.2使用寿命142.3主要性能142.4泥水加压平衡盾构机的技术优势162.4.1降低堵塞的风险162.4.2减少前闸门区域多种堵塞的危险172.4.3障碍物的去除173.技术参数表183.1扭矩曲线224.盾构机主机244.1盾体244.2超前钻机管线254.3推进油缸254.4盾尾254.4.1盾尾润滑系统264.4.2盾尾密封刷的寿命274.4.3盾尾注浆管284.5气闸设备294.5.1人闸294.5.2压缩空气调节304.6碎石机314.7出口格栅314.8前闸门324.9刀盘324.9.1设计324.9.2刀盘结构334.9.3钢结构334.9.4刀具334.9.5钢结构的耐磨保护364.9.6磨损监测系统364.9.7中心冲刷364.9.8刀具布置374.10刀盘驱动374.10.1旋转驱动、主轴承384.10.2主驱动密封系统(见图纸 A-1954-05)384.10.3密封润滑404.10.4齿轮油润滑404.10.5主驱动控制404.10.6安全设施404.11管片安装机404.11.1概述414.11.2真空吸盘系统(参见图A-1954-97)414.11.3控制424.11.4互锁/安全424.12盾构机上的材料运输434.12.1膨润土泥浆循环434.12.2盾构机上的冲刷循环444.12.3测量装置455.后配套系统465.1概述465.2原理、结构及设备:465.3管片装卸465.3.1管片吊机465.3.2喂片机465.4电气及安全设备475.4.1供电变压器475.4.2配电柜475.4.3电容补偿485.4.4刀盘驱动电机485.4.5控制室495.4.6单独控制面板515.4.7控制系统515.4.8电缆515.4.9电机515.4.10接地525.4.11电压525.4.12插座525.4.13照明525.4.14安全装置525.4.15通讯和闭路电视系统535.5液压设备535.5.1过滤和冷却535.5.2管路535.5.3监控535.6油脂设备545.6.1盾尾密封油脂泵545.6.2主驱动油脂泵545.7注浆系统545.7.1概述545.7.2单液注浆系统545.7.3人工操作模式555.7.4自动操作模式555.7.5技术参数565.7.6双液注浆系统575.8后配套设备585.8.1管路延伸系统585.8.2排水系统595.8.3冷却回路595.8.4压缩空气设备595.8.5通风系统605.9数据采集系统605.9.1数据处理615.9.2操作数据的显示625.9.3测量数据的评估625.10盾构机上的数据显示635.10.1掘进、注浆645.10.2刀盘645.10.3泥水回路655.10.4错误信息665.11导向系统675.11.1SLS-T APD系统675.11.2盾尾间隙测量系统(SluM)685.11.3掘进偏差报警功能695.11.4纠偏696.其它设备706.1超前钻机706.2气体检测系统727.隧道内的泥浆回路737.1概述737.1.1泥浆泵的类型737.2设备描述747.2.1隧道内的排泥泵747.2.2进泥泵747.2.3密度测量仪758.服务778.1装箱单778.2工地组装789.其它文件799.1供货商清单799.1.1主要部件供货商清单799.2设计和制造标准8110.图纸 82南水北调中线一期穿黄工程泥水加压平衡盾构设备采购合同技术文件 No. A-1954-00 1. 工程参数第5页1.工程参数1.1隧道概况工程距离郑州市30公里。
Technical Spec Barge 内陆油驳技术规格书-中英版要点
![Technical Spec Barge 内陆油驳技术规格书-中英版要点](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4bde65a4fd0a79563c1e7238.png)
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONFORDESIGN & CONSTRUCTIONOF1400T DWT INLAND OIL BARGE 1400吨内陆油驳设计及建造技术规格书ContentsContents 目录 (2)1.GENERAL DESCRIPTION 总则 (4)1.1GENERAL.概述 (4)1.2PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS.主要尺寸 (4)1.3ENDURANCE 续航力 (4)1.4RULES, REGULATIONS & GUIDELINES 规范,规章及指导 (4)2.HULL船体 (5)2.1GENERAL CONSTRUCTION .总结构 (5)2.2CARGO HOLD ..货舱 (7)2.3BOTTOM STRUCTURE 船底结构 (7)2.4SIDE SHELL 舷侧外板 (7)2.5DECKHOUSE 甲板室 (7)2.6BUILT-IN CONSUMABLE TANKS .嵌入式耗材舱 (7)2.7FOUNDATIONS 基座 (7)2.8HULL PRESERVATION & PAINTING 船体防腐及油漆 (8)3.CARGO SYSTEM .货油系统 (9)3.1CARGO PUMPS .货油泵 (9)3.2CARGO PIPING..货油管道 (9)3.3CARGO VENTING SYSTEM ..货油通风系统 (9)4.OUTFITTING 舾装 (10)4.1WINDLASS.锚机 (10)4.2CAPSTAN .绞盘 (10)4.3ANCHOR & ANCHOR CHAINS.锚机及锚链 (10)4.4MOORING FITTINGS.系泊设备 (10)4.5LIFE SAVING & FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTS 救生及消防设备 (10)4.6HOSE HANDLING DERRICK 软管起重机 (10)4.7PUMP ROOM GRATING.泵舱格栅 (10)5.ACCOMMODATION.居住舱 (11)5.1PANELING & INSULATION 嵌板及绝缘 (11)5.2FLOOR COVERINGS .地板敷料 (11)5.3DOORS & WINDOWS .门和窗 (11)5.4PANTRY 食品柜 (12)5.5VENTILATION.通风设备 (12)6.MACHINERY 轮机 (13)6.1OUTBOARD THRUSTERS.舷外推进器 (13)6.2AUXILIARY ENGINE 辅机 (13)6.3AUXILLIARY PUMPS 辅助泵 (13)7.PIPING SYSTEMS 管道系统 (14)7.1FUEL OIL SYSTEM .燃油系统 (14)7.2EXHAUST GAS PIPELINES ..排气管道 (14)7.3SANITARY SUPPLY SYSTEM..生活水供给系统 (14)7.4SEWAGE SYSTEM ....生活污水系统 (14)7.5FIRE & BILGE SYSTEM ...消防及舱底水系统. (14)7.6AIR VENT & SOUNDING SYSTEM .通风及测深系统 (14)8.ELECTRICAL..电气 (15)8.1MAIN SWITCHBOARDS 主配电盘 (15)8.2POWER & LIGHTING DISTRIBUTION BOXES ...电力及照明配电箱 (15)8.3STARTERS & CONTROL CABINETS 启动控制箱 (15)9.NAVIGATION & COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT .通讯及导航设备 (16)9.1NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENTS..导航设备 (16)9.2COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTS 通讯设备 (16)9.3NAVIGATION LIGHTS .导航灯 (16)1.GENERAL DESCRIPTION总则1.1 GENERAL概述This specification concerns a twin outboard propelled crude oil river barge with SIX (6) cargo tanks. Thecentre tanks will be used when operating at 1000T DWT @ 1.5m draft & the side tanks will beadditionally used for operation at 1400DWT@2M Draft. The vessel is intended to shuttle betweenrefinery to a offloading vessel through the inland navigation in Nigeria.本规范适用于有6个货油舱的双舷外推动原油河驳。
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NPC-National Petro Co.3600t Revolving/Engineering CraneTechnical Specification (Project Plan)Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Group) Co., Ltd.2005-12-10Table of Content1.1 General Description 总则1.1.1Consist of the Specification 本规格书组成The specification including general, hull structure, outfitting, machinery, electrical, refrigerating, air conditioning, ventilating, pipelaying, DP, and crane parts describes the 3600t CRANE PIPELAYING VESSEL based on scheme design.本规格书由船舶总体、舾装、轮机、电气、通风冷藏空调、动力定位、起重机及铺管设备估价等部分组成,表述3600 t全回转起重工程船的主要技术规格方案。
1.1.2Construction Explanation建造说明The BUILDER’s supply covers the item described in this specification, anything excluding from the scope of the specification will be supplied by the OWNER.本船的建造估价,所有规格书所规定的项目均由建造方提供。
1.1.3Language and Measuring Unit文种与计量单位The drawings, instructions, instruments, display, caution sign and nameplate shall be written in English and kept down the foreign nameplate of the importation of machine and equipments. Metric system is used for designing and fabricating of hull, crane and equipment etc. unless otherwise specialized in specification or instruction.本船的图纸、使用说明书、仪表、显示、警示牌和铭牌等均以英文书写。
1.2General Description船舶航区及用途1.2.1The Sailing Area and Functions船舶航区及用途The vessel is designed as a large-scale all revolving self-propelled vessel. The vessel is used for offshore projects.本船是一艘自航大型全回转起重工程船,航行于无限航区。
1.2.2Type of Vessel船型The vessel will be a steel, all welded crane ship with streamline bow, round bilge and bilge keel. A helicopter platform will be situated at forecastle deck.One (1) full revolving crane to be installed in the after area of deck.The vessel will be equipped with two (2) 2000kW tunnel thrusters at bow, two (2) 2500kW retractable azimuthing thrusters at the foreship, two (2) 4500kW azimuthing thrusters at the aftship.The dynamic positioning system is GL DYNPOS–AUTR class.本船是一艘钢质、全电焊起重工程船。
本船动力定位具有GL DYNPOS–AUTR模式控制。
1.3Classification, Rules and Certificate 船级规范和证书1.3.1Classification and Rules船级及规范The vessel, which including the hull, engine, electrical and special equipments, shall satisfy the latest requirements of the current international convention, regulations and GL rules and regulations, and enter into the classification, obtaining the following class notation:本船(包括船体、轮机、电气及特殊设备等)应满足现行有关的国际公约、规则和船级社(GL)现行有关规范、规则的最新要求并入级,取得船级符号如下:1A1 R0 Pipe Laying Vessel,Crane Vessel,DYNPOS AUTRFollowing international convention and regulations will be complied:现行国际公约和规则如下:◆International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and Protocol of 1978 Relatingand Amendments of 1981, 1983, 1988 and 19961974年国际海上人命安全公约及1978年议定书和1981年、1983年、1988年及1996年修正案◆International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, Protocol of 1978Relating and Amendments of 19921973年国际防止船舶污染公约、1978年议定书及1992年修正案◆International Convention for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (Amendments of 1982)1972年国际避碰规则(1982年修订本)◆International Convention on Load Lines, 19661966年国际船舶载重线公约◆International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 19691969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约◆GL Rules for stability requirements for heavy lift operations.GL 规范关于起重作业的稳性计算◆Applicable current Rules and Regulations issued by GL现行的GL规则和规范。
1.3.2Certificates应取得如下证书:◆International Tonnage Certificate 国际吨位证书◆International Load Line Certificate国际船舶载重线证书◆Classification Certificate for Hull船舶入级证书◆Seaworthiness Certificate船舶适航证书◆Ship Safety Construction Certificate船舶结构安全证书◆Ship Safety Equipment Certificate船舶设备安全证书◆Ship Safety Radio Certificate无线电安全证书◆Accommodation Space Certificate居住舱室证书◆International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate船舶防油污染证书◆Lifting Appliances Certificate起重设备证书◆Live Saving Equipment Certificate救生设备证书◆Safety Certificate for Special Purpose Vessel特种用途船舶安全证书1.4Working Condition of the Crane起重机作业条件Water depth 8~300mSignificant wave height approximately 2.5mWind velocity 17.1m/sFlow velocity 3knEnvironment temperature -20℃~45℃Tied back Trim 1.5 °, heel 1.5°Revolving Trim 3.5 °, heel 3.5°Dispatch pitch 10 °, roll 20°The crane can luff, hosite and revolv separately. (Explain and elaborate more) 水深8—300m有义波高约2.5m风速17.1m/s流速3kn环境温度-20℃~45℃纵吊4400t 纵倾1.5°,横倾1.5°横吊3600t 纵倾3.5°,横倾3.5°调遣纵摇10°,横摇20°起重机可以分别带载变幅、起升及旋转。