

2022年北京市丰台区初三数学综合练习2 (二模)试题及答案解析

2022年北京市丰台区初三数学综合练习2 (二模)试题及答案解析


在每小题列出的选项中,选出符合题目的一项)1. 如图,下列水平放置的几何体中,侧面展开图是扇形的是A. B.C. D.2. 2021年我国原油产量约1.99亿吨,连续3年回升.将199000000用科学记数法表示应为( )A. 199×106B. 1.99×108C. 1.99×109D. 0.199×1093. 如图,AB//CD,∠ACD=80°,∠ACB=30°,∠B的度数为( )A. 50°B. 45°C. 30°D. 25°4. 下列多边形中,内角和最大的是 ( )A. B. C. D.5. 实数a,b在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,若实数c满足b<c<a,则c的值可以是( )A. −3B. −2C. 2D. 36. 同时抛掷两枚质地均匀的硬币,则两枚硬币全部正面向上的概率是( )A. 23B. 12C. 13D. 147. 若n为整数,且n<√77<n+1,则n的值是( )A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 108. 如图,某容器的底面水平放置,匀速地向此容器内注水,在注满水的过程中,水面的高度ℎ与时间t的函数关系的图象大致是A. B. C. D.二、填空题(本大题共8小题,共24.0分)9. 若√x−3在实数范围内有意义,则实数x的取值范围是.10. 方程 1 x =3x+2的解为________ .11. 已知关于x的方程x2−2x+m=0有两个不相等的实数根,则m的取值范围是________12. 如图,PA,PB是⊙O的切线,A,B为切点,点C在⊙O上,若∠APB=60∘,则∠ACB= _____°.13. 如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,E,F分别是AB,CD的中点,连接EF.只需添加一个条件即可证明四边形EFCB是菱形,这个条件可以是(写出一个即可).14. 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,若直线y=x与双曲线y=mx的交点为A,B,且点A,B的横坐标分别为x 1,x 2,则x 1+x 2的值是_______ .15. 甲、乙两台包装机同时包装糖果,分别从中随机抽取5袋,测得它们的实际质量(单位:g)如表所示:甲1001029910198乙1009710497102那么包装机包装的5袋糖果的质量比较稳定(填“甲”或“乙”).16. 某超市现有n个人在收银台排队等候结账.设结账人数按固定的速度增加,收银员结账的速度也是固定的.若同时开放2个收银台,需要20分钟可使排队等候人数为0;若同时开放3个收银台,需要12分钟可使排队等候人数为0.为减少顾客等待结账的时间,需要6分钟内使排队等候人数为0,则需要至少同时开放个收银台.三、计算题(本大题共2小题,共12.0分)17. 计算:|−3|−2sin45∘+√8+(π+√3)0.18. 解不等式组:{ 2x−3>x−2 , 3x−22<x+1 .四、解答题(本大题共10小题,共80.0分。



初三物理综合练习题库1. 在水平面上,一个物体受到两个力的作用,一个力是10N,方向向东,另一个力是5N,方向向西。

这两个力的合力是多少?2. 一个物体从静止开始沿着直线运动,其加速度是2m/s²,那么它的速度与时间的关系是什么?3. 一个物体从高处自由落下,不计空气阻力,它的重力势能转化为什么能?4. 电流的大小是由什么决定的?5. 电容器充完电后,电容器的两极板间有什么电场?6. 一个物体做匀速圆周运动,那么它的向心力是由什么提供的?7. 光在空气中的速度与在玻璃中的速度相比,哪个快?8. 声音在空气中的传播速度是多少?9. 一个物体在重力作用下做自由落体运动,它的加速度是多少?10. 一个物体做匀速直线运动,那么它的速度与时间的关系是什么?11. 一个物体在水平面上受到一个力作用,它的摩擦力是多少?12. 一个物体在斜面上受到重力和斜面的支持力,那么它的摩擦力是由什么决定的?13. 一个物体做匀速圆周运动,那么它的向心力是由什么提供的?14. 光在真空中的速度是多少?15. 声音在水中传播的速度是多少?16. 一个物体在重力作用下做自由落体运动,它的加速度是多少?17. 一个物体做匀速直线运动,那么它的速度与时间的关系是什么?18. 一个物体在水平面上受到一个力作用,它的摩擦力是多少?19. 一个物体在斜面上受到重力和斜面的支持力,那么它的摩擦力是由什么决定的?20. 一个物体做匀速圆周运动,那么它的向心力是由什么提供的?21. 光在空气中的速度与在玻璃中的速度相比,哪个快?22. 声音在空气中的传播速度是多少?23. 一个物体在重力作用下做自由落体运动,它的加速度是多少?24. 一个物体做匀速直线运动,那么它的速度与时间的关系是什么?25. 一个物体在水平面上受到一个力作用,它的摩擦力是多少?26. 一个物体在斜面上受到重力和斜面的支持力,那么它的摩擦力是由什么决定的?27. 一个物体做匀速圆周运动,那么它的向心力是由什么提供的?28. 光在真空中的速度是多少?29. 声音在水中传播的速度是多少?30. 一个物体在重力作用下做自由落体运动,它的加速度是多少?31. 一个物体做匀速直线运动,那么它的速度与时间的关系是什么?32. 一个物体在水平面上受到一个力作用,它的摩擦力是多少?33. 一个物体在斜面上受到重力和斜面的支持力,那么它的摩擦力是由什么决定的?34. 一个物体做匀速圆周运动,那么它的向心力是由什么提供的?35. 光在空气中的速度与在玻璃中的速度相比,哪个快?36. 声音在空气中的传播速度是多少?37. 一个物体在重力作用下做自由落体运动,它的加速度是多少?38. 一个物体做匀速直线运动,那么它的速度与时间的关系是什么?39. 一个物体在水平面上受到一个力作用,它的摩擦力是多少?40. 一个物体在斜面上受到重力和斜面的支持力,那么它的摩擦力是由什么决定的?答案:1. 两个力的合力是15N,方向向东。



初三综合练习(一)姓名 学号 班级一、填空题(2×16=12分)1、-1/2的相反数是 ,|-5|= 。

2、4的平方根是 ,-8有立方根是 。

3、如果一个角等于36°,那么它的余角等于 度。

4、19990用科学记数法表示为:19990= 。

5、在函数12+=x y 中,自变量x 的取值范围是 。

6、在等腰三角形、菱形、直角梯形、正六边形四种图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称的图形的是 。

7、两个相似三角形周长的比是2∶3,那么它们面积的比是 。

8、对于函数x y 21=, y 随x 的增大而 。

9、已知)0(23≠=ab b a ,那么b b a -的值为 。

10、已知y -2与x 成正比例,当x=3时,y=1,那么y 与x 间的函数关系为 。

11、如图,DE ∥BC ,AD=1,BD=2,那么DE/BC= 。

12、用换元法解方程112)1(31)2(82222=+-+-+x x x x x x , 设y xx x =+-2122,那么可得到整式方程是 。

13、已知0≤x ≤3,化简9622+-+x x x = 。

14、正六边形的边心距与半径的比为 。

15、用一张面积为400㎝2的正方形铁皮围成一个最大的圆筒,那么这个圆筒底面半径 为 ㎝。

(不取近似值)16、如图,石拱桥的桥拱为圆弧形,如果桥的跨度AB=8,桥的拱高CD=2,那么这个桥所在圆的直径长为 。

二、选择题(2×9=18分)1、梯形的下底长为5cm ,中位线长为4cm ,那么这个梯形的上底长为( )A 、3cmB 、4.5cmC 、1cmD 、6cm2、下列运算中正确的是( )A 、532)(x x =B 、633x x x =+C 、43x x x =∙D 、326x x x =÷ 3、正方形具有而菱形不具有的性质是( )A 、四条边相等B 、对角线相等且互相平分C 、对角线垂直互相平分D 、对角线平分一组对角4、当时x>0,函数xy 2-=的图象在( )A 、第一象限B 、第二象限C 、第三象限D 、第四象限5、一元二次方程03432=--x x 的根的情况是( )A 、有两个不相等的实数根B 、有两个相等的实数根C 、只有一个实数根D 、没有实数根6、为了考察一个养鸡场里鸡的生长情况,从中抽取8只,称得它们的重量如下(单位:千克)2.93.1 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 2.8 3.4这个问题中( )A 、所抽的这8只鸡是总体的一个样本B 、养鸡场里所有鸡的总数是总体C 、养鸡场里每只鸡的重量是个体D 、样本容量是抽取的这8只鸡的重量7、下面等式正确的是( )A 、1)1(0-=-B 、1)1(1=--C 、33212x x =-D 、22022)2(yx y x =-- 8、一个多边形的内角和等于它的外角和的2倍,这个多边形的边数为( )A 、3B 、4C 、5D 、69、抛物线231222+-=x x y 的顶点坐标和对称轴方程是( )A 、(-3,5),x=-3;B 、(3,5),x=3;C 、(-3,-5),x=3;D 、(3,-5),x=-3三、(3×5=15分)1、计算()328)34(341222-+--⨯-2、计算:x x x x x x x x 43)44322(22+÷+++-+-3、已知:如图,E 、F 是平行四边形ABCD 的对角线AC 上的两点,且AE=CF 。

初三物理综合练习 有答案

初三物理综合练习 有答案




如图所示的模似电路图符合要求的是4、小宇同学在没有电流表的情况下,利用电压表和已知阻值的定值电阻R0,测量未知电阻R x的阻值,如图中不能测出R x阻值的电路是(电源电压不变)5、如图所示的电路,合上开关,小灯泡正常发光若将小灯泡和电流表的位置互换,则合上开关后的现象是A、小灯泡不发光B、小灯泡会烧坏C、小灯泡仍正常发光D、电压表和电流表都没有示数6、在实验室,小宇同学发现一个电流表有两个量程,大量程是0—9A,小量程模糊不清。





初三综合练习(1)1AB.2C .±2D . 2. -21的绝对值是 A .-21 B .21 C .-2 D .2 3.图3-1是由5个大小相同的正方体摆成的立方体图形,它的主视图是图3-2中的4.有30位同学参加数学竞赛,已知他们的分数互不相同,按分数从高到低选l5位同 学进入下一轮比赛.小明同学知道自己的分数后,还需知道哪个统计量,才能判断自己能否进入下一轮比赛?A .众数B .方差C .中位数D .平均数5.下列计算正确的是A .2x+3y=5xyB .x·x 4=x 4C .x·x=2xD .(x 2y)3=x 6y 3. B . ﹣ 7.(3分)(2012•衡阳)2012年我省各级政府将总投入594亿元教育经费用于“教育强省”9.(3分)(2012•衡阳)函数y=中自变量x 的取值范围是( )10.(3分)(2012•衡阳)一个圆锥的三视图如图所示,则此圆锥的底面积为( )12.(3分)(2012•衡阳)为备战2012年伦敦奥运会,甲乙两位射击运动员在一次训练中的成绩为(单位:环)甲:9 10 9 8 10 9 8乙:8 9 10 7 10 8 1013.函数y=ax 2-,当x=2时没有意义,则a=__________. 14.纳米(nm)是一种长度度量单位,lnm=0.000000001 m ,用科学记数法表示0.3011nm=___________m(保留两个有效数字).15.(3分)(2012•衡阳)分式方程的解为x= _________ .16.(3分)(2012•衡阳)如图,反比例函数y=的图象经过点P ,则k= _________ .17.化简:20)21()23(363298-+-++--。








在答题卡上,选择题、作图题用2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。


第一部分选择题一、选择题(共16分,每题2分)第1-8题均有四个选项,符合题意的选项只有一个.1.右图是某几何体的展开图,该几何体是(A )三棱柱(B )三棱锥(C )四棱锥(D )圆柱2.中国的航天事业蓬勃发展,取得了显著的进展和突破.下列航天图标中,其文字上方的图案是中心对称图形的是(A )中国探月(B )中国航天(C )中国火箭(D )中国行星探测3.实数a b ,在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,下列结论中正确的是(A )1a (B )b a (C )0a b (D )0ab 4.同时抛掷两枚质地均匀的硬币,则两枚硬币都正面向上的概率是(A )14(B )13(C )12(D )34–1–2–3123ab5.若正多边形的一个外角是40°,则该正多边形的边数为(A )6(B )7(C )8(D )96.如图,AB 是O ⊙的直径,CD 是O ⊙的弦,AB CD 于点E ,连接BC .若22.54B CD °,,则O ⊙的半径的长为(A )2(B)(C )4(D)7.a ,b ,c 是实数.若221a b c c ,23811a b c c ,则a ,b ,c 之间的大小关系是(A )a b c≥(B )a c b≥(C )c a b≥(D )b a c≥8.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,y 与x 的函数关系如图所示,图象与x 轴有三个交点,分别为402030 (,),(,),(,).给出下面四个结论:①当0y 时,23x ;②当502x 时,y 随x 的增大而增大;③点2M m m (,)在此函数图象上,则符合要求的点只有一个;④将函数图象向右平移2个或4个单位长度,经过原点.上述结论中,所有正确结论的序号是(A )①②(B )②③(C )②④(D )③④第二部分非选择题二、填空题(共16分,每题2分)9.若代数式21x 有意义,则实数x 的取值范围是.10.分解因式:269x y xy y.11.方程组227x y x y,的解为.12.若2310x x ,则代数式226x x x x ()()+()的值为.13.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,若函数(0)ky k x的图象经过点16A (,)和3B m (,),则m 的值为.14.如图,在ABC △中,23AD DE BC DB ∥,,4DE ,则BC 的长为.15.某农科所试验田有3万棵水稻.为了考察水稻穗长的情况,于同一天从中随机抽取了50个稻穗进行测量,获得了它们的长度x (单位:cm ),数据整理如下:稻穗长度 5.0x < 5.0 5.5x <≤ 5.5 6.0x <≤ 6.0 6.5x <≤ 6.5x ≥稻穗个数5816147根据以上数据,估计此试验田的3万棵水稻中“良好”(穗长在5.5<6.5x ≤范围内)的水稻数量为万棵.16.如图,交通示意图中的A B C ,,是产地(用■表示,旁边的数字表示产量,单位:吨),D E F ,,是销地(用○表示,旁边的数字表示销量,单位:吨),产地与销地之间的线段旁小括号内的数字表示运货单价(单位:百元/吨).在不考虑其他因素的前提下,将产地B 的8吨货物全部运往销地,最少的运费为元;将A B C ,,三个产地的产品全部运往销地,且每个销地的货物量恰好为该销地的销量,则调运的最小运费为元.三、解答题(共68分,第17-18题,每题5分,第19-20题,每题6分,第21-23题,每题5分,第24题6分,第25题5分,第26题6分,第27-28题,每题7分)解答应写出文字说明、演算步骤或证明过程.1706tan 3012024 °().ABCDE18.解不等式组:3452924x x xx,.19.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,90AD BC BCD ∥,°,AB AC ,AE 平分BAC 交BC 于点E .(1)求证:四边形AECD 是矩形;(2)连接BD ,若30ACD °,2AB ,求BD 的长.20.列方程解应用题.某工程队承担了750米长的道路改造任务,工程队在施工完210米道路后,引进了新设备,每天改造道路的长度比原来增加了20%,结果共用22天完成了任务.求引进新设备前工程队每天改造道路多少米?21.已知关于x 的一元二次方程226910x mx m .(1)求证:方程有两个不相等的实数根;(2)设此方程的两个根分别为12x x ,,且12x x .若2123x x ,求m 的值.22.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,一次函数0y k x b k ()的图象由函数2y x 的图象平移得到,且经过点13A (,),与过点03(,)且平行于x 轴的直线交于点B .(1)求该函数的解析式及点B 的坐标;(2)当2x 时,对于x 的每一个值,函数y x n 的值大于0y k x b k ()的值且小于5,直接写出n 的取值范围.ABCDE23.科技是国家强盛之基,创新是民族进步之魂.某校为弘扬科学精神,普及科学知识,推动科技创新教育的开展,在以“科技创造未来”为主题的科技节活动中开展了科普知识竞赛.为了解七、八年级学生的科普知识掌握情况,随机抽取了七、八年级各16名学生的竞赛成绩(百分制),数据整理如下:a .抽取的七、八年级学生的竞赛成绩:七年级:787981828385868890929292949698100八年级:7078808183848790909393939698100100b .抽取的七、八年级学生的竞赛成绩的平均数、中位数、众数:平均数中位数众数七年级88.589n八年级88.5m93根据以上信息,回答下列问题:(1)写出表中m ,n 的值;(2)对于抽取的七、八年级学生竞赛成绩,成绩更稳定的是(填“七年级”或“八年级”);(3)成绩在95分以上的学生可获得一等奖.若该校八年级有200名学生,估计此次知识竞赛八年级学生获得一等奖的约为人.24.如图,过O ⊙外一点P 作O ⊙的两条切线PA PB ,,切点分别为A B ,,AC 是O⊙的直径,连接CB 并延长交直线AP 于点D .(1)求证:PD PA ;(2)延长BP 交CA 的延长线于点E .若O ⊙1sin3E,求BC 的长.25.中国茶文化博大精深,自古以来中国人有饮茶的传统.某校茶文化社团探究了刚泡好的茶水达到最佳饮用口感的时间.部分内容如下:a .探究活动在同一社团活动室进行,室温25C °;b .经查阅资料得知,茶水口感与茶叶类型及水的温度有关.某种普洱茶用95C °的水冲泡,等茶水温度降至60C °饮用,口感最佳;某种绿茶用85C °的水冲泡,等茶水温度降至60C °饮用,口感最佳;c .同时用不同温度的热水冲泡茶叶,记放置时间为x (单位:min ),普洱茶茶水的温度为1y (单位:C °),绿茶茶水的温度为2y (单位:C °).记录的部分数据如下:x0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 95.088.582.677.272.468.064.060.357.154.151.42y 85.079.574.570.065.862.058.655.552.750.247.9对以上数据进行分析,补充完成以下内容.(1)可以用函数刻画1y 与x ,2y 与x 之间的关系,在同一平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已经画出1y 与x 的函数图象,请画出2y 与x 的函数图象;(2)探究活动中,当绿茶茶水的放置时间约为min 时,其饮用口感最佳,此时普洱茶茶水的温度约为C °(结果保留小数点后一位);(3)探究活动中,当普洱茶茶水的温度为90C °时,再继续放置6min ,测得其温度为C m °,则m 60(填“>”“ ”或“<”).26.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,点24M m N n (,),(,)在抛物线22y x bx c 上.(1)若m n ,求b 的值;(2)若点0T x p (,)在抛物线上,对于001x ,都有m p n ,求b 的取值范围.27.在正方形ABCD 中,E 是边AD 上的一动点(不与点A ,D 重合),连接BE ,点C关于直线BE 的对称点为F ,连接FA ,FB .(1)如图1,若ABF △是等边三角形,则ABE°;(2)如图2,延长BE 交FA 的延长线于点M ,连接CF 交BE 于点H ,连接DM .①求MFH 的大小;②用等式表示线段MB ,MD ,AB 之间的数量关系,并证明.FADBECABCDEFMH图1图228.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,O ⊙的半径为1,P 为O ⊙外一点.给出如下定义:以线段OP 为对角线作矩形OMPN ,若点M 在O ⊙内或O ⊙上,点N 在O ⊙外,则称矩形OMPN 是点P 的“圆伴矩形”.例如,图1中的矩形OMPN 是点P(1)已知矩形OMAN 是点A 的“圆伴矩形”且点N 在O ⊙外,①若点A 的坐标为21(,)且点M 在O ⊙上,则矩形OMAN 的面积是;②若点A 的坐标为20(,),则点N 的横坐标t的取值范围是;(2)已知2OB ,直线102y x b b()与x 轴,y 轴分别交于点C D ,.若线段CD 上存在点N ,使得矩形OMBN 是点B 的“圆伴矩形”(点N 在O ⊙外),直接写出b 的取值范围.图1备用图1备用图2石景山区2024年初三综合练习数学试卷答案及评分参考阅卷须知:1.为便于阅卷,本试卷答案中有关解答题的推导步骤写得较为详细,阅卷时,只要考生将主要过程正确写出即可。









每小题1分)1.空气的成分中,体积分数约占21%的是A.氮气B.氧气C.稀有气体D.二氧化碳2.芦笋中含有丰富的硒,这里的“硒”指的是A.单质B.原子C.离子D.元素3.垃圾分类能推动绿色发展,矿泉水瓶、旧报纸应属于A.厨余垃圾B.有害垃圾C.其他垃圾D.可回收物4.下列物质中,能用作钾肥的是A.K2SO4B.CO(NH2)2C.NH4NO3D.Ca(H2PO4)25.右图所示的图标表示A.严禁烟火B.禁止带火种C.禁止燃放鞭炮D.禁止堆放易燃物6.一些食物的pH如下,其中酸性最强的是A.柠檬汁(2.9)B.橘子汁(3.8)C.西瓜汁(6.4)D.苏打水(8.6)7.下列仪器中,不能..加热的是A.试管B.量筒C.蒸发皿D.燃烧匙8.铜可用于制造传统的火锅,下列性质与此用途无关..的是A.导热性B.导电性C.延展性D.熔点高9.“嫦娥五号”探测器采集的月壤样品中含有丰富的氦-3资源,该原子的原子核内有2个质子和1个中子,则氦-3原子的核外电子数为A.4B.3C.2D.110.碳酸钠可用于制造玻璃,其俗称是A.生石灰B.石灰石C.食盐D.纯碱11.下列金属活动性最强的是A.AlB.ZnC.FeD.Ag12.下列不属于...化石燃料的是A.石油B.煤C.酒精D.天然气13.配制溶质质量分数为16%的NaCl 溶液100g ,需要NaCl 的质量为A.8gB.84gC.16gD.32g14.下列物质放入水中能形成溶液的是A.蔗糖B.泥土C.面粉D.花生油15.下列符号中,表示两个氧原子的是A.O 2B.2OC.O 2-D.2O 216.下列物质属于氧化物的是A.O 2B.Na 2CO 3C.HClD.CaO17.下列物质的用途中,利用其物理性质的是A.活性炭用于净水 B.天然气用作燃料C.氧气用于气焊D.氮气用作食品防腐保护气18.金属钨可用作家用白炽灯泡的灯丝。



初三英语状语从句专项综合练习(译林版)一、选择题1.Millie’s research paper isn’t up to standard_________ she has worked at it for two weeks. A.since B.unless C.if D.although2.Don't be afraid of asking for help ________ it is needed.A.unless B.until C.although D.when3.At present,it is not easy for some students to get up early ________ they have too much homework to finish.A.unless B.since C.as a result D.although4.You will be out of date ________ you keep on studying from time to time.A.unless B.although C.if D.otherwise 5.Sam thought his robot broken ________ Jim pointed out that he’d forgotten to turn it off. A.until B.unless C.after D.as soon as 6.—Do you like the Chinese cartoon Boonie Bears: Blast into the Past?—Sure. It is ________ interesting film ________ my son wants to see it again.A.so; that B.such a; that C.so an; that D.such an; that 7.—It is a pity that the disease is still terrible at present.—Yes. It will be worse ________ we take further action to do something for it.A.unless B.since C.if D.when8.All the teenagers should keep taking exercise every day ________ they are busy studying so many subjects.A.until B.because C.unless D.though 9.You’ll ________ the war ________ you watch the film.A.feel sad about; unless B.feel sad about; ifC.feel sad with; unless D.feel sad with; if10.—When will the railway that connects the two cities open?— next year. Only two thirds been built.A.Until; has B.Until; haveC.Not until; has D.Not until; have11.—The novel written by Stephen seems a bit boring to me.—___________ you put your heart into it, you won't enjoy it.A.When B.If C.After D.Unless12.The theatre will have to close ________ the government agrees to give extra money.A.if B.unless C.because D.until13.All students should keep taking exercise every day _______ they are busy studying so many subjects.A.until B.because C.though D.unless14.Mr. Picky won’t want to eat it ________ he’s really hungry, in which case he’ll eat almost anything.A.because B.when C.before D.unless 15.—What do you think of Mr. Green, Tim?—He is so boring. He doesn't have any hobbies________you call watching TV a hobby.A.if B.unless C.since D.though16.The kitchen in my flat is well designed it is a bit small.A.although B.since C.so D.because 17.—Did you watch the News Network Show yesterday?— Yes, of course. I never miss it ________ I have too much homework.A.unless B.until C.if D.since18.—_________ I have tried many times, I can't work it out.—Don't give up and let's have another try together.A.Since B.Because C.Unless D.Though 19.—Mike, can you tell me how to speak in an online class?—Sure, click on this icon you start to speak.A.after B.until C.before D.since 20.Benny, monitor of our class, is such ________ honest boy that we all trust him.A.a B.an C.the D./21.you are very busy, I won’t go to Xuzhou Amusement Land with you.A.Unless B.Whether C.Until D.Since22.— I never knew you could make such delicious handmade noodles.—I learned it from an app ________ I stayed at home during the lockdown (封锁).A.since B.before C.when D.until23.— What do you think of Spud Webb, the shortest player in the NBA?一 Amazing, ________he was refused many times at first.A.unless B.though C.since D.because 24.Plenty of ideas were considered________the artist decided on the design of the sculpture. A.before B.so C.unless D.because25.In ancient times, people seldom travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled________ the local market.A.longer than B.more than C.as much as D.as far as26.________ it has a long history, time hasn’t stopped the Forbidden City from trying to build bridges with young people through cultural products.A.Unless B.Because C.Although D.Since27.Jack is still working to high standards ________ he has made great achievements.A.until B.if C.though D.because 28.The game show was so funny that he watched it for hours ________ he realized it.A.as B.since C.before D.after29.________ more and more people surf the Internet for news, the traditional newspaper may not disappear in a short time.A.Because B.If C.Though D.When30.________ she couldn’t see his face, she could tell by his voice that he was young. A.Unless B.If C.Though D.Because31.You should say it louder ________ everyone can hear you.A.in order B.to C.so that D.in order to 32.— Will little John arrive on time?—I’m afraid not, ________ the sun rises in the west.A.if B.although C.until D.unless 33.Andrew thought there was something wrong with his robot ________ Samuel pointed out that he probably forgot to change the battery.A.until B.if C.after D.since34.— Why did your mother get ________ with you just now?—Because I made ________ many mistakes in the exam that she ________ controlled her feelings when she heard it.A.satisfied; so; really B.satisfied; such; nearlyC.angry; so; hardly D.angry; such; mainly35.—Too much homework has made me tired these days, Miss Wang.—That’s true. But a small tree won’t grow into a big tree ________ it experiences lots of winds and rains.A.if B.while C.when D.unless36.—Did you watch the Football League yesterday?—Yes, of course. I never miss it ________ I am too busy with my homework.A.unless B.until C.if D.since37.Father was so proud of _________ she has made ________ he showed her works of art on Tiktok.A.what; that B.that; that C.what; what D.that; what 38.—Did you stay at the party for a long time last night?—Yes. I stayed there ________ the party was over.A.until B.since C.when D.if39.He realized his mistakes and took action to reduce the loss ________ it was too late. A.before B.unless C.if D.until 40.Protecting wildlife is without doubt an important part, ________ each animal on Earth has a role to play in the ecosystem.A.since B.though C.unless D.if41.________ Jane couldn’t see his face, she could te ll by his voice that he was a middle-aged man.A.Unless B.Although C.If D.Until 42.—Lucy, you can come to me for help ________ you get into trouble in your study at school.—Thanks, David. You are always helpful.A.although B.unless C.when D.since43.Mr. Wang, can I go to play football with my classmates ________ school is over?A.as soon as B.as well as C.as good as D.as many as 44.Suzy, you will achieve nothing ________ you devote yourself to your study.A.after B.though C.because D.unless45.Her job is not up to the boss's standard ________ she has worked at it for a week. A.since B.although C.if D.unless46.You will never grow ________ you try to do something beyond your abilities.A.when B.since C.though D.unless47.________ I have solved it, you can't imagine how much difficulty I faced.A.Because B.Although C.Unless D.When48._______ the outbreak of COVID-19 is a terrible blow to the country, the government is trying hard to bring the situation under control.A.Although B.If C.Unless D.However 49.— Lab our education is an important course for students’ self-development.— Exactly. schools put it into practice, students will learn a lot.A.While B.Unless C.If D.As50.Grade 9 students should keep exercising ________ they are busy with so many subjects. A.if B.until C.though D.because【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.D【详解】句意:米莉的研究论文没有达到标准,尽管她已经写了两个星期了。







4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B 铅笔作答,其他题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。



共24分,每题2分)1.下列物品中,通常情况下属于导体的是A .塑料盒B .木铲C .瓷碗D .钢尺2.图1所示的光现象中,由于光的反射形成的是3.编钟是我国古代的一种打击乐器,如图2所示的曾侯乙编钟,由大小不同的扁圆钟依次排列组成,是我国古代人民高度智慧的结晶。

关于编钟下列说法正确的是A .编钟发出的声音,可以在真空中传播B .编钟发出的声音是由编钟振动产生的C .用大小相同的力敲击大小不同的编钟,发出声音的音色不同D .人们能把编钟和其它乐器发出的声音区分开,是依据声音的响度不同4.如图3所示是《天工开物》中描述的铸釜时的情境,工匠将铁水倒入模具中固结成型。

下列说法正确的是A .铁水固结成型属于熔化现象B .铁水固结成型属于凝固现象C .铁水固结成型的过程中温度持续下降D .铁水固结成型的过程中需要不断吸热5.如图4所示为我国古代劳动人民在建筑工地上运送大木料的情境,对于此图片提供的信息,下列说法正确的是A .大木料下放置小圆木是为了增大摩擦B .支架下垫有石块是为了增大地面所受的压强图2桥在水中形成的倒影透过放大镜看到放大的字C图1AD人透过水球所成的像日晷上呈现针的影子B图3C .工人使用的横杆相当于省力杠杆D .抬起大木料的过程中使用横杆可以省功6.在体育课上,小明用胳膊将排球竖直向上垫起后,排球上升过程中运动得越来越慢。

下列说法正确的是A .排球能继续上升,是由于排球具有惯性B .排球在上升过程中,排球的运动状态不变C .排球在上升过程中,排球所受合力的方向竖直向上D .排球在上升到最高点时,排球受到平衡力的作用7.2024年3月20日,探月工程四期鹊桥二号由长征八号遥三运载火箭在中国文昌航天发射场成功发射升空。
























7. The two speakers are in a park.8. They only want to buy some pictures at the gift shop.听第二段对话,判断第9~10小题。

9. Linda’s birthday is on Saturday.10. The party will probably be held in Tony’s house.三、听对话,根据对话内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。



11. Where does Kate’s father work?A. In a bank.B. At school.C. In a company.12. What does the girl like to do first?A. Do her homework.B. Go to a concert.C. Practice the guitar.听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。

13. Where are the two speakers talking?A. In an office.B. On the phone.C. At a station.14. What kind of trip does the man prefer?A. Five-day trips in spring.B. Five-day trips in autumn.C. Ten-day trips in summer.15. How much will the man pay for the trip?A. $800.B. $1600.C. $2400.第二部分基础知识运用四、单项填空(共18分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择正确的一项。



初三化学专题复习十二:综合训练(一)相对原子质量:C -12 H -1 O -16 N -14 S -32 Fe -56一、选择题1.家庭厨房中常发生下列变化,其中属于物理变化的是( )A .食物腐败B .水沸腾C .天然气燃烧D .菜刀生锈2. 下列有关化学知识的说法正确的是( )A .所有原子的原子核都是由质子和中子构成B .分子一定比原子大C .元素周期表中有7个周期,18个族D .两种原子的质量之比就等于他们的相对原子质量之比3 和 分别表示不同元素的原子,其中表示化合物的是( )A B C D4.分子与原子的本质区别是( )A .分子大,而原子小B .分子是构成物质的粒子,而原子则不是C .分子能保持物质的化学性质,而原子则不能D .在化学反应中,分子可分,而原子却不能再分5.单质和化合物的区别在于( )A .是否由同种分子构成B .是否由同种物质组成C .是否由同种元素组成D .是否由同种离子构成6.下列反应属于化合反应的是( )A. 乙炔+氧气−−→−点燃二氧化碳+水 B. 硫+氧气−−→−点燃二氧化硫 C. 氧化汞−−→−加热汞+氧气 D. 氯酸钾加热二氧化锰−−−→−氯化钾+氧气 7. 能保持二氧化碳化学性质的粒子是( )A. 碳原子和氧原子B. 碳原子和氧分子C. 二氧化碳分子D. 碳单质和氧单质8.根据下面微粒结构示意图给出的信息,下列说法错误的是( )A .①元素通常显-2价B .粒子①和①的化学性质相对稳定C .粒子①是阳离子D .粒子①和①属于同种元素9.下列含氮化合物中,氮元素化合价由低到高排列的一组是()A.NH 3 NO HNO 3 B.NO HNO 3NH 3C.NO NH 3HNO 3 D.HNO 3NH 3NO10.下列物质的化学式中,书写不正确的是( )A.碳酸钠NaCO3 B.氢氧化铜Cu(OH)2C.氧化镁MgO D.硫酸镁MgSO4二、填空题11.(1)1个铜原子___________;(2)2个水分子____________;(3)3个铝离子___________;(4)+2价的钙元素;(5)硫酸铵;12.画出下列原子或离子的结构示意图Na ___________ Cl___________ C___________S2-___________ Al3+___________ F-___________13.有下列物质:①蒸馏水;②二氧化锰;③空气;④海水;⑤氦气;⑥硫酸镁;⑦氧气;其中属于混合物的是____________;属于单质的是____________;属于化合物的是____________;14.氧气是我们生存不可缺少的物质。


水平 2 观点较为明确,知识运用较为恰当,仅从一个角度分析阐述,条理较差 (1~2 分)
水平 1 应答与试题无关,或重复试题内容,或没有应答 (0 分) 20.(8 分) (1)(2 分) 答案示例:我国经济发展趋势保持向好,经济实力不断增强;人均收入持续增长, 人民生活水平不 断提高,人民的幸福感、获得感不断提升。 (2)(6 分)从三个角度阐明意义。 中国高铁走出国门彰显我国的综合国力,提升国际影响力,体现了坚持创新驱动发展战略的重要性; 有利于彰显我国坚持合作共赢的理念,与各国共享发展机遇,共享发展成果,彰显中国力量;有助于推动 世界经济的发展,为世界经济增长注入活力;展现中国负责任大国形象,贡献中国智慧,有助于推动构建 人类命运共同体。
履行公民的义务;树立法治意识、学会依法维权;网络非法外之地, 要恪守道德和法律,传递网络正能量。
等级 描 述
水平 3 观点明确,知识运用恰当,能够从两个角度阐述,条理清晰 (3~4 分)
18.(10 分)
(1)(4 分)未结合材料不得满分。
(2)(6 分)至少两个角度阐述维护国家安全的做法。



初三上册物理综合练习题1. 较长校园长直径为150m的跑道,一名运动员顺时针方向跑一圈,发现自己的速度为v。






2. 一辆汽车以60km/h的速度匀速行驶,行驶了2小时后突然刹车,停下来需要的时间为5s。




根据物理公式:减速度=速度变化量/时间,所以减速度=(0m/s - 16.67m/s)/ 5s = -3.33m/s²。

3. 一光滑的半球形碗放在水平桌面上,一个小球从碗口滚下来后,撞到碗底才停下。




所以小球下滚的距离为2π × 0.2m = 1.26m。


根据物理公式:平均速度 = 距离/时间,所以小球下滚的平均速度为1.26m/2s = 0.63m/s。

4. 小明用一个篮球从1m高的台球桌上扔出,篮球经过0.5s后落地。


解析:根据自由落体运动的规律,物体下落的距离与时间的关系为:下落高度 = 初速度 ×时间 + 1/2 ×加速度 ×时间²。






1. Lei Feng is a hero in my heart. I like reading the stories about ________very much.A. herB. himC. usD. them2. My brother usually has breakfast________7:15 in the morning.A. atB. onC. inD. to3.—____we finish the project this Friday?— No, you needn't. You can finish it by next Monday.A. CanB. NeedC. WillD. Must4. English is than ________ maths for me. I do a lot of reading and speaking every day.A. easyB. easierC. easiestD. the easiest5. —___do you go to the music club, Andy?—After school on Fridays.A. HowB. WhoC. WhenD. What6. — Tony, who is your favourite writer?— Mark Twain. I like him _________ he wrote many interesting stories.A. orB. soC. butD. because7. —Where are you, Lingling?—I'm in the kitchen. I ________ my mum cook dinner.A. helpedB. will helpC. am helpingD. have helped8. —What do you think of your English teacher?—She's kind and friendly. She ________on well with everyone in our class.High Heels A. gets B. got C. will get D. was getting9. —Good news! Shenzhou 14 pilots are coming to our school tomorrow!—Great! We________ them in person.A. meetB. metC. will meetD. have met 10. Since last year, I________30 posters about waste sorting for the community. A. drawB. drewC. will drawD. have drawn 11. The 19th Asian Games__________ in Hangzhou in September, 2023.A. holdB. is heldC. will holdD. will be held 12. — Could you tell me________ ?—Yes, of course. Go along the street and you'll see it on your right.A. where is the museumB. where the museum isC. where was the museumD. where the museum was二、完形填空(每题1分,共8分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。



综合练习2020.4I. Choose the best answer.1.Which of the following underlined parts is different from the others?A. behaveB. staffC. replaceD. communicate2.Barking of a few dogs all night stops neighbours ________ getting any sleep.A. inB. fromC. toD. for3.You must always be careful ________ the gas when you cook food by yourself.A. inB. toC. forD. with4.You can play some mind games to improve your memory and recall huge amounts of ________.A. suggestionB. informationC. ideaD. material5.We still have _________ time. What about having a cup of coffee?A. a littleB. littleC. so manyD. too much6.The twin sisters look so similar that I can’t tell one from _________.A. othersB. anotherC. the otherD. other7.Awesome place to stay! Rooms were clean, and everyone looked ________ here.A. friendlyB. politelyC. happilyD. patiently8.We have to keep the door __________ to let our cat come in and go out.A. openB. to openC. openedD. opening9.Bruce can’t play chess with us because he _________ some foreign teachers around our school.A. showsB. is showingC. was showingD. has shown10.John and Mark ___________ each other pretty well before they became classmates.A. knowsB. knowC. had knownD. have known11.It’s not a good idea to make the boy __________ the new words again and again.A. copiesB. copyC. to copyD. copying12.The government warned those factories __________ the rivers any more. It’s too bad for the environment.A. not to polluteB. to polluteC. not polluteD. don’t pollute13.My mum always avoids ________ home from work at 5 p.m. as there’s so much traffic then.A. travelB. travellingC. to travelD. to travelling14.Our class teacher told us that class photos _________ the day after tomorrow.A. will be takenB. was takenC. would takeD. would be taken15.With smart technology, we __________ use voice to control lights and TV in this room.A. mustB. needC. shouldD. can16.People ________ drink or eat in libraries, but some small candies are allowed in the area for kids.A. needn’tB. mustn’tC. can’tD. may not17.We need to do something soon, __________ the problem will get worse.A. andB. butC. orD. so18.We decided to see the town on a guided tour ________ someone would show us the sights.A. unlessB. becauseC. whenD. so that19.Kathy’s parents wanted to know _________ in the test.A. why did she give a low markB. why had she given a low markC. why she was given a low markD. why was a low mark given to her20.--- You look sad, Betty. What's the matter with you?--- ________A. I can't attend the summer camp.B. I'm sorry to hear that.C. I've got the first prize.D.I don't quite agree with you.II. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can onlyExperiencing nature is ___1___, but when you’re doing this, always keep yourself safe. It’s important to remember several basic rules if you don’t want to turn a pleasant outing into a ___2___.First, be fully prepared for different weather. Before you set out, always get warm clothes and raincoats ready, just in case! This is especially true in the ___3___ of travelling in the mountain areas. The weather is really ___4___ in high mountains. Sometimes you can experience two or three seasons in one day.travelers get lost. Before you start your trip, study the map to get familiar with the area you are going to. The flashlight is important if you do get lost. Many trips that start out in daylight will ___6___ become nighttime adventures when people can’t find their way.Third, bring a first-aid kit and know how to use it. Small cuts can be more serious when there is no doctor ___7___.Finally, tell people where you are going and when you plan to come back. That way, someone will go search for you if troubles ___8___. This will increase your chance of being found quickly.1. __________2. ___________3. __________4. _____________5. __________6. ___________7. __________8. _____________III. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.1.His writings were successful, and he became famous in his _____________. (twenty)2.Jenny is only four years old, but she is learning to dress _____________. (she)3.There are so many people in the hall that we can hardly ____________. (breath)4.“What’s the chemical symbol for oxygen?” She sounded _____________. (puzzle)5.Workers will be ____________ replaced by robots in factories in the near future. (wide)6.The food of the restaurant is terrible but the _____________ of it is really excellent. (serve)7.These new tests can _____________ doctors to find the disease early. (able)8.She isn’t suitable for the job because she is _____________. (patient)IV. Rewrite the sentences as required.1.He froze while waiting for the bus during the snowstorm. (改为一般疑问句)___________ he ___________ while waiting for the bus during the snowstorm?2.Tony needs 5,000 dollars if he wants to buy the second-hand car.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ does Tony need if he wants to buy the second-hand car?3.The teenager could hardly overcome all the difficulties by himself. (改为反意疑问句)The teenager could hardly overcome all the difficulties by himself, _________ __________?4.The question is very difficult. I can’t answer it. (合并为一句)The question is __________ difficult for me ___________ answer.5.Linda appeared in front of us after the party was over. (保持句意不变)Linda ___________ appear in front of us __________ the party was over.6.They publish the school magazine twice a month.(改为被动语态)The school magazine __________ ____________ twice a month.7.“Can you help me book a train ticket on line?” Jane asked Peter. (改为宾语从句)Jane asked Peter __________ he ____________ help her book a train ticket online.8.good education, our parents, be thankful to, we, for, should, giving us (连词成句)__________________________________________________________________________________________. V. Reading comprehension:MUSIC IN LIVERPOOL SPORTS IN LIVERPOOL( ) 1. We can learn that Liverpool is a city located in _______.A) America B) Britain C) Canada D) France( ) 2. The Beatles Story is a well-known _______.A) music group B) football stadiumC) storybook character D) tourist attraction( ) 3. It’s impossible for you to visit _______ at Christmas.A) The Beatles Story B) Liverpool OneC) The Museum of Liverpool D) Anfield Football Stadium( ) 4. If your parents go to Anfield Football Stadium with you, they should pay _______ for the tickets.A) £9 B) £15 C) £24 D) £39( ) 5. You can visit _________ to know how the city has developed.A) The Beatles Story B) Liverpool OneC) The Museum of Liverpool D) Anfield Football Stadium( ) 6. The main purpose of the writer is to _______.A) get some information about LiverpoolB) send the pictures of Liverpool to readersC) recommend Liverpool’s attractions to touristsD) encourage people to go shopping in LiverpoolB. Choose the words or expression and complete the passage.The Elephant and the RopeA gentleman was walking through an elephant camp. He suddenly stopped. He realized that the elephants weren’t being kept in cages or held by the use of chains(链条). Each of the giant animals was held by only a small rope tied to its front leg.The man felt ____1____. It was clear that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds and run away. But, for some reason, they did not. In fact, they didn’t try to escape at all.He saw a trainer nearby. Curious and wanting to know the ____2____, he went up and asked, “Excuse me, but I want to know why the elephants are just standing there. Why do they never try to escape?”The trainer replied, “When the elephants are very young and much smaller, we use ropes of the same ____3____ to tie them. At a young age, the elephants are not strong enough to break free from the ropes. They try and try, but fail each time. As they grow up, they are conditioned to(习惯于) believe they cannot break away. They believe the ropes can still hold them, so they never try to break free ever again.”Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a ____4____ that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before? I think every one of us can relate to this story and the feeling of having failed at something or another over the years. Over time, we might begin to think that we are not able to do a particular thing and we accept this as the truth and never try again. We think to ourselv es, “I tried that before and it didn’t____5____. What is the point in trying it again and wasting my time? I don’t want to look like a fool!” And this is how we start to settle for a life that is “safe” and “less exciting.” However, we could regard all the so-called “failures” in our lives as just stepping stones along our path, and decide to respond in a way that is positive. Say to yourself, “Ah, well, at least I tried. Now I know a wrong way to do it, so it makes my next attempt(尝试) clearer!”So, don’t ____6____ yourself to a small world. Stay focused on what you want to achieve and keep trying until you succeed. You will never know how far you can go until you have the courage to do it. And if you fall, just get up and try again!( ) 1. A. angry B. sad C. confused D. sorry( ) 2. A. way B. answer C. name D. feeling( ) 3. A. size B. weight C. color D. length( ) 4. A. style B. question C. suggestion D. belief( ) 5. A. come true B. catch on C. go off D. work out( ) 6. A. help B. limit C. introduce D. guideC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.Can Students Spot Fake News?Can you believe everything you read? Not always. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the d____1____ between real-life headlines and made-up ones — especially on the internet. And some people try to trick you on purpose(故意地).Nowadays, fake news has become a widespread p____2____.Stanford University set out to study the issue of kids and fake news. The study was conducted from 2015 to 2016 and included more than 7,800 student responses.They found that more than 80 percent of students believed that an ad was a real news story. Most high school students accepted photographs as the t____3____ without verifying(核实) them. About 30 percent of those surveyed thought a fake account pretending to be Fox News was more trustworthy than the verified account.So what can students do to find out if something is fake news? They can ask themselves the following three questions:Q1: Does the story come from a ne wspaper, magazine or website you’ve n____4____ heard of?“Well-known news sources aren’t likely to try to f____5____ you,” says a media editor. “If you haven’t heard of a news source, do some research before you take what it says as fact. Have they been accused of(因……而遭指责) publishing fake news before? If they have, then they may not be reliable.”Q2: Is just one newspaper, magazine or website reporting on the story?“If a story is real, then many news sources will cover it,” the editor says. “Big nationa l stories w____6____ reporting on are usually featured in more than just one or two articles.”Q3: Is the story missing k____7____ information?“If no experts or eyewitnesses(目击证人) are mentioned in the article, that’s a warning sign,” says the editor. “Mo st news sources try to speak with at least two sources to back up a story.”1. d__________2. p__________3. t__________4. n__________5. f__________6. w__________7. k__________D. Answer the questions.That’s How We Met AgainI come from a broken family: marriages, divorces(离婚), etc. After we grew up, my three siblings and I could go years without speaking. And that is where this story begins.My sister Jeanne and I were born only 14 months apart, but by the time we were teenagers, we had lost touch. By the age of 19, I had moved away from our home in Wisconsin to live on my father’s horse farm in Virginia. Jeanne got married at the age of 18, m oved to Chicago, and became —well, I didn’t know what. We lived separate lives in separate states, and our connection somehow ended.Fast-forward(快进) about five years. I was 24 a nd was on a trip with my fiancé(未婚夫) to New York City, a place I had never been to. We went to Little Italy, the Statue of Liberty, Chinatown and several Manhattan clubs.During a day of sightseeing, we were crossing a very busy street loaded with people. Everyone was in a hurry. I had laughed at something my fiancé said, and I suddenly heard my name yelled from somewhere behind me: “Cheryl!” I froze in my steps in the middle of the road. Tears welled up in my eyes. I knew without a doubt that it was my sister Jeanne. I yelled back before even turning to look. “Jeanne?”It was he r. “Oh, my God!” I screamed, and I began pushing people out of my way to get to her. The crowd started to part — even by New York standards, we must have seemed crazy. And there we were, standing in the middle of a Manhattan street, facing each other and s miling. I couldn’t believe it!I later asked Jeanne how she’d known it was me — she never saw me! She said it was my laugh. I wouldn’t say my laugh is all that unusual, but I guess, to a family member, it’s infectious(有感染力的). It hits your heart and resonates(引起共鸣) in your mind.Since that time, my sister and I have never been separated. We both moved back to Wisconsin. We talk daily. Many years have passed, and we are now in our 50s. I truly believe fate played a huge part in bringing us together. But our meeting by chance wasn’t just a sign.I see it as more of a lesson, a reminder not to lose touch with loved ones. It is too easy to remain(保持) lost. After our sister-to-sister miracle(奇迹), I don’t plan to let that happen again.1. Where did the author live after she left her home in Wisconsin?_______________________________________________________________2. Where did the author and her fiancé visit in New York City?_______________________________________________________________3. What did the author do right after she heard someone yelling her name from behind?_______________________________________________________________4. How are the author and her sister Jeanne now?_______________________________________________________________5. What does th e underlined word “that” in the last paragraph refer to?_______________________________________________________________6. Use two adjectives to describe the author’s encounter(相遇) with her sister on the street in New York City._______________________________________________________________。

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()1.Whose dictionary is this? It's ________.A.he B.his C.him D.her()2.—When was Amy born?—She was born________ April, 2002.A.on B.at C.in D.for()3.Most people in France have learnt English, ________ many people don't like to speak English.A.but B.and C.so D.if()4.Football is now________ with the school girls than before in China.A.popular B.much popular C.most popular D.more popular ()5.Tom ________ a lot of friends since he came to Beijing last year.A.made B.makes C.is making D.has made ()6.Nothing in the world is ________ if you set your mind to do it.A.impossible B.wonderful C.interesting D.necessary ()7.—________ are you going to do to relax yourself this weekend?—I am going to swim at Ying Dong Swimming Pool.A.Where B.What C.Which D.When()8.Teenagers have all kinds of dreams.________, many students would like to be volunteers in the future.A.After all B.At once C.For example D.In this way ()9.You ________ shake hands when you meet an American for the first time.A.need B.should C.can D.must()10.—Why do you work so hard?—I ________ my money so that I can buy a new computer.A.saved B.am saving C.have saved D.was saving ()11.—What will you do if it ________ tomorrow?—I will stay at home and read some books.A.is going to rain B.has raindC.will rain D.rains()12.—What's wrong with you, Peter?—I can' t ________ the cold this time.A.get on B.get to C.get over D.get out()13.—Could you please tell me________?—In ten minutes.A.when was the meeting starting B.when the meeting was startingC.when the meeting will start D.when will the meeting start()14.Gina is very busy with her homework. She has________ time to watch TV.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few()15.Jim ________ loud music to gentle music.A.wants B.likes C.enjoys D.prefers()16.My mother________ lots of things and took the subway back home yesterday.A.buys B.boughtC.is buying D.is going to buy四、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面一篇短文,根据短文内容,从第1~12小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

I got a guitar for my birthday, and since then I have been struggling. Because I' m in junior three, I' m going to graduate soon and I don' t know what 1 I' m going to. And now I have to deal with this little voice in my head constantly 2 me that I' m going to be a rock star, not a scientist.A few weeks ago I was given a simple task of writing a short story. I sat down to create a beautiful work of story that would 3 my teacher and classmates. To be honest, this is an area I usually feel very 4 in. Such writing tasks used to take the least amount of .time and I really 5 it.So I was trying to write my story, and across the room lay my beautiful birthday 6 .“Once upon a time,” I wrote. Then I stopped, turned in my chair, and stared for a moment at the 7 . Its dark red paint was shining and I could see my shadow in its perfect surface. And then my reflection(影子)started dancing and singing. I wasn't 8 , but it sure was. I followed its 9 . So I seized my guitar and plucked(拨动)a string. I sat rocking with my guitar until late10 the night. I was sure I was preparing for the 11 much more efficiently(有效地)now thatI wasn't spending time writing stories.Needless to say, no story was written, More importantly, 12 , I' ye learned I really am going to be a rock star.()1.A.place B.club C.school D.city()2.A.teaching B.advising C.reminding D.fooling()3.A.trouble B.worry C.fear D.surprise()4.A.silly B.strong C.rich D.short()5.A.enjoy B.prefer C.feel D.mind()6.A.party B.cake C.card D.present()7.A.paper B.desk C.floor D.instrument ()8.A.playing B.dreaming C.moving D.repeating ()9.A.lead B.music C.speed D.rule()10.A.of B.at C.into D.for()11.A.story B.future C.life D.exam()12.A.though B.still C.or D.even第三部分阅读理解(共24分)五、阅读短文,选择最佳答案(共24分,每小题2分)阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从1~12小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

(A)Health And Fitness Costs Less With DragonMore than just a Health Club, Dragon is a great place to be fun, friendly and welcoming for every one of all ages.Basketball CourtBasketball is popular amongteenagers. Let’s play basketball .3: 15 pm —10: 15 pmTel: 375-7682Swimming Pool It ’s really cool and fun in all seasons.4: 00 pm —12: 00 pmTel: 375-7442 Free ClassesFree classes including: dance,tennis and Yoga (瑜珈). Peopletake part in Yoga classes to learnYoga to keep fit and loose weight.You can choose one or two, as youlike. Dance/Yoga 8: 15 am —12: 00 am Tennis 1: 00 pm —5: 00 pmTel: 375-7465Kids Club Kids can also enjoy themselves and makefriends here.Tel: 375-9876 For further information and application forms please contact the club of your choice . Just do it!1.Dragon is a ________ club .A .healthB .musicC .EnglishD .science2.If you want to play basketball, you can call ________.A .375-7442B .375-7682C .375-7465D .375-98763.You can take ________ classes in the morning .A .danceB .tennisC .basketballD .swimming4.Which classes are free?A .basketball, tennis and yogaB .Tennis, yoga and danceC .Dance, tennis and swimmingD .Swimming, basketball and tennis(B )After school, Greta turned into her yard . As she parked her bike, she heard a noise in the grass . she jumped back suddenly . At her feet was a small gray homeless cat . She was scared and angry but she could not stay angry for long . It was St . Martin's Day .St . Martin's Day is a holiday in Holland . St . Martin was a man who did kind things for many people in need . Father told Greta a story of St . Matin: One cold winter day he was walking home . He wore a cape (斗篷)to keep warm and had a small piece of bread to eat . Then he saw a stranger on the side of the road . The man sat on the ground and he was hungry and had no home . St . Martin took his knife and cut his cape in two . He gave the man half of his warm cape . Then he gave the man half of his bread .Greta was touched by the story . As always on St . Martin's Day, Greta and her family enjoyed their dinner . Then they visited their neighbors . The visitors sang and were given sweet bread .At the end of the evening, Greta' s family walked back home . Just inside her yard, Greta hearda noise again. “You wait a minute!” she called as she ran after the eat She caught it and picked it up. She opened her bag. Taking out a piece of bread, she offered half to the cat. The cat hungrily ate the bread. “May we make a box for it to sleep in?” Greta asked her father. “Sure,” said her father.5.The best title of the text could be“________”.A.Greta's cat B.Helping othersC.St. Martin D.Animals are friends 6.St. Martin's is a holiday in________.A.Japan B.England C.Holland D.France 7.Which of the following statements is true?A.St. Martin fought for his country.B.St. Martin helped homeless animal.C.St. Martin often visited his neighbors.D.St. Martin gave his food to a poor man.8.At the end of the evening, Greta ________.A.fed the cat with her breadB.told the story of St. MartinC.sang and dance with her friendsD.enjoyed the dinner with her family(C)The opera house in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is one of the most beautiful in the United States. It is small and open, with one roof over the stage where singers perform and another roof over part of the audience. This opera house in the mountain is one of the best in the country, which may seem surprising because performances are only given during seven weeks in the summer, and because Santa Fe is a very small city.One reason why the Santa Fe Opera is so good is that it attracts many excellent young singers. They all hope to sing in famous opera houses like Metropolitan in New York someday, and they work hard to become well-known during the summer. The musicians and directors are experts who come from the best orchestras and operas in the country during their vacations They enjoy working there because they like to live in Santa Fe, which is near both the mountains and the desert. It is very beautiful there in the summer.The state government of New Mexico advertises the Santa Fe Opera in newspapers all over the country, and a great many tourists come to New Mexico because of the opera. Still, most of the audience doescome from Santa Fe and other nearby cities, and all the seats in the theater are sold for every show.There is only one thing that some people do not like about the Santa Fe Opera, and that is cold weather. Because the theater is open, performances cannot start before nine o' clock in the evening, and then the mountain air becomes very cool. Sometimes people complain about the cold air, but because the operas are good, these people come back again —— wearing warm coats.9.This passage mainly introduces________.A.a mountain city B.young musiciansC.an opera house D.a place of interest 10.Young singers come to perform in Santa Fe Opera because________.A.the music quality is highB.they enjoy the climate thereC.they want to be famousD.they like the scenery there11.It seems surprising that Santa Fe becomes famous because________.A.it is cold and smallB.it is between the mountain and desertC.all the seats are sold for every showD.musicians there are from the best orchestras12.From the passage we can get that________.A.the opera house is open without any roofsB.musicians always spent vacations in Santa FeC.the governments advertise to attract more musiciansD.performances are held in Santa Fe only after sunset第Ⅱ卷非机读卷(50分)语言知识运用一、听下面一段独白,记录关键信息。
