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研磨过程 • 去除材料 • 磨损
多样性 Various
工件 - 几何尺寸 - 对材料的影响 (应力,烧伤…)
• 砂轮 - 磨损 - 堵塞
• 冷却 - 污染 - 温度
• Process economy
©273JMuly 2018 . All Rights Reserved. 3M Confidential.
2. 我们可以进行完整的磨削工艺规划
磨削策略的规划: 1. 余量的分配;砂轮线速度选择(Vc);Z轴进给速度的设定(fz);Y轴连续位移(fy)和非连续位移的设定; 2. 计算和评估单位材料去除率(Qw’),磨削速比(q),当量切削层厚度(hmom),评估砂轮磨削状态; 3. 计算和评估加工节拍。
46 个核心技术平台
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柔性电路 微生物检测控
Co Nw
先进复合材料 无纺材料
Do Po
抛光材料3M砂纸产品特点和用途. 抛光材料3M 产品很多多,如3M 砂纸、3M 精密研磨卷、3M 砂带、3M 尼龙轮、3M 抛光蜡、3M 抛光膏、抛光液、工业百洁布等,汉通研磨详细为大家介绍,抛光材料3M 产品特点和用途。
一、3M 砂纸3M 的精选抛光材料砂纸是将氧化铝或碳化硅等精选矿砂粘结在强度很高的纸质基材上制成的,3M 各类砂纸能有效避免意外划伤,得到良好的使用效果。
二、3M 砂带3M 砂带的型号:3M 砂带:型号:362L372L、971L型号:3M 577F砂带,规格:3M 577F砂带,材质:抛光材料锆刚玉砂带,粒度:24#、36#、60#、80#、120# 3M 307EA金字塔砂带碳化硅材质3M 307EAA45金字塔软布带大卷24"X1000Y=610毫米宽X914米三、3M 精密研磨卷大量现货供应3M 精密研磨卷,261X,362L,372L,268X,971X,3M薄膜背基抛光材料研磨产品主要应用的行业包括:钢铁厂,铝厂,塑料行业,装饰不锈钢行业,造纸厂,纺织厂,印刷业,电解铜箔行业等.产品型号:261X,362L,372L,971X,品牌:3M 产地:美国四、3M 金字塔研磨卷466LA大量现货供应3M 金字塔研磨卷466LA,A3=5000#,A5=3000#A,A7=1800#本产品是使用在涂装后漆面有疵点,小颗粒的去除.在加工棱角部位时不会对零件造成损伤.产品型号:466LA品牌:3M 产地:美国五、3M 尼龙轮大量现货供应3M LD轮6",8",12",EXL轮6",8",12",HP轮6",8",12",飞翼轮,尼龙辊产品型号:品牌:产地:美国六、3M 抛光膏大量现货供应3M 82877抛光膏,抛光材料本产品适用于产品的抛光,配合3M 波浪海绵球,能有效消除雾影等缺陷.产品型号:82877品牌:3M 产地:美国七、3M 抛光蜡大量现货供应3M 抛光蜡,15990手蜡,15991机抛蜡,15928抛光蜡,15995粗蜡,主要应用于家具漆面和人造石表面的抛光及保护.八、3M 81235抛光液大量现货供应3M 81235抛光液,本研磨膏是一种具有切削性和研磨性二者兼顾的产品,能够去除1200#号以上砂纸的痕迹.产品型号:81235抛光液品牌:3M九、抛光材料3M 13084工业研磨液大量现货供应3M 13084工业研磨液,主要应用于汽车制造工业,橱柜厂,家具厂.....等各种漆面的研磨抛光.产品型号:13084工业研磨液品牌:3M十一、3M 羊毛球大量现货供应3M 羊毛球,85078,85099,85079,5701,5705,5711,5713十二、3M 涂附研磨产品:577F砂带:主要应用各种金属的切削加工,具有效率高,经济耐用等特点。
1. 产品介绍:
2. 使用方法:
(1) 将伤口清洗干净,涂抹少量液体敷料于伤口表面,不可过多涂抹。
(2) 待液体敷料完全干透后,可进行正常活动,不需担心脱落。
(3) 如液体敷料未完全干透而脱落,可再次涂抹,直至伤口表面完全
(4) 每日更换一次液体敷料,直至伤口完全愈合。
3. 注意事项:
(1) 本产品仅供外部使用,远离眼睛、口腔及其他黏膜处。
(2) 如有过敏症状或伤口感染,请及时就医。
(3) 孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁用。
(4) 请存放在阴凉干燥处,避免高温环境。
4. 规格:
5. 售后服务:
美国johnson(强生)公司,是丐界贴膜协会癿倡导者和重要成员,自亐十 年代开始,就致力亍収展超安全、超设计癿玱璃贴膜,每年癿生产以50%癿 惊人速度增长,其产品癿品质一直处亍丐界领先地位。 目前,在美国有30多家分公司,幵丏已占据美国本土75%癿市场;同时,在 丐界亐十多个国家设立了分支机构。1999年,强生公司又对其生产线迚行了 大觃模癿技术改造,使其产品质量更出色,产量也翻了一番。
龙膜是美国首诺科特cpfilms公司在全球推广其玱璃功能膜时所用 癿统一商标,是指直接贴在玱璃表面,把普通玱璃变成高性能玱璃癿 一种高科技节能安全材料。
llumar龙膜玱璃处理膜是由聚酯和釐属化涂层通过粘胶合成癿一 种很薄癿膜。此膜安装在玱璃癿表面以提供显著癿阳光保护性能。它 能阻挡太阳热量、99%有害紫外线及耀眼癿、丌适癿眩目强光,同时 允许眩目控制癿日光通过。llumar适合季节癿变化,夏季能反射炽热 太阳癿热量,而冬季具有低辐射率膜以再辐射热量,全年佝都会感到 舒适。
(Automotive Solar Films),是指在汽车玱璃表面粘贴癿膜,俗称防爆膜, 除了隑热隑光之外,还具有防爆功能,优质癿防爆膜是用特殊癿聚酯膜作基 材,膜本身就具有很强癿韧性,幵配合特殊压力敏感胶,遇到意外时,玱璃 破裂后被膜粘牢而丌会飞溅伤人。现在汽车防爆膜还具有卑向透规、降低眩 光癿功能。
3M 耳聆保护指南:了解耳聆保护说明书
3M Hearing ConservationLeading the advancement of hearing conservationNoise is everywhere. It is the most pervasive environmental pollutanton the planet. Virtually everything we do makes noise, and the morewe do it, the faster we do it, and the more of us there are - the morenoise is made. In fact, silence, by which we mean complete absolutequiet, is so rare that few of us have had the joy, or perhaps even thepossibility to experience it. If we have, it is so unusual that we canlikely cite the time and place of its last occurrence. The opportunitiesto savor such tranquility are rapidly vanishing.Know your hearing protectionThe Sound Around UsNot only is noise present in our daily routines and recreational activities,but upwards of 5 million Americans, possibly as many as 30 million, work in hazardous noise on a daily basis. Estimates from the National Institutes of Health suggest that hearing loss afflicts 28 million Americans. About 1/3 of those cases are at least partially attributable to noise. Later in this booklet we’ll tell you how the ear works and how noise can affect it, so you will understand why you should protect your ears from too much sound today in order for your hearing to serve you tomorrow.In a world as noisy as ours we frequently tune out. Moreover, our culture is so visually dominant that often sight overwhelms the other senses such as audition (the hearing of sounds), which is habitually relegated to second-class status. The purpose of this pamphlet is to address these issues – to increase your appreciation and awareness of the sounds around you and to provide some tools to help you protect yourselves from loud, annoying and/or hazardous sound.Pain threshold Dual protection may be needed Short exposures can cause perma-nent hearing loss Prolonged exposure causes moderate to severe loss. Wear hearing protectors with extra careProlonged exposure causes mild to moderate loss. Hearing protectors requiredProlonged exposure causes slight hearing loss. Hearing protectors recommended Residential boundary-noise limit Sleep disruption may begin Threshold of HearingJet Takeoff Basketball Game Crowd Noise Large Stamping Press Chain Saw Vacuum Cleaner Inside Mid-Size Auto (65 mph)Drilling Concrete Leaf Blower Conversation Floor Fan Quiet Library Rice Krispies Watch Ticking Quiet Wilderness (no wind)Measuring NoiseNoise hazard depends on the level (sometimes called intensity) of the noise, its duration , and how often the exposure occurs. The point above which regular exposure to sounds becomes hazardous is a level of about 85 decibels (abbreviated dB, or sometimes dBA which is the value that more closely corresponds to human hearing). Noise is measured using a soundlevel meter.You Don’t Get “Used to Noise”Noise does not have to be uncomfortably loud, or even painful, to be damaging. You may think your ears are “used to the noise,” but what has probably happened is that your hearing has been temporarily dulled or that hearing loss has already begun. A Rule of Thumb When you feel the need to shout in order to be heard three feet away, the noise levels are probably 85 dBA or more and hearing protectors are ing Your Ears to Assess Noise Risk If, after the noise stops, you notice a ringing, buzzing, or whistling in your ears that wasn’t there before, this is a warning indicator. Called tinnitus , this is like a “sunburn” of the nerve cells of your inner ear, indicating that they have been irritated and overworked. Tinnitus is especially noticeable in a quiet place, such as when you are trying to go to sleep at night. If you don’t protect your ears from noise, tinnitus can become a permanent, constant annoyance in your life.Apparent muffling or softening of sounds after noise exposure is a warning sign that your hearing is affected by a temporary threshold shift . Repeatedly exposing your ears without protection can cause the shift to worsen and become permanent, resulting in untreatable damage to your hearing ability.Hearing ProtectionHearing loss due to noise is almost entirely preventable by judicious use of hearing protection. To find what is best for you, try different devices from the wide variety available today. Be sure to carefully read the instructions because hearing protectors must fit properly and be worn correctly to do the job. Hearing protector effectiveness is specified by a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR), typically ranging from 15-35 decibels. In practice the protection that normally can be achieved is about 10-20 decibels. The more carefully you fit and wear hearing protectors, the higher your protection will be. Hearing protectors may feel uncomfortable at first, but give yourself a chance to get used to them, just as you do with a new pair of shoes or glasses.Foam plugs, made from expandable slow-recoveryfoam, provide the best combination of comfortand protection for most users. They must be properlyprepared for insertion. One size fits most. Once in theear, foam plugs expand to provide a snug and securecustom fit. The two most common complaints about foamplugs (“not enough protection,” and “they don’t stay in”)are almost always solved by greater practice and care ininsertion.Premolded plugs are made from flexible materialsthat are preformed to fit the ear. They are generallyavailable with a joining cord to prevent loss. Althoughthe version pictured at the left is a one-sized product,many premolded plugs are sold in two or more sizes andmust be individually sized for each ear. If after aperiod of regular wear you’ve been unable to get used toyour earplugs, try another size, type, or brand of hearingprotector.Earplug Fitting TipPress firmly cupped hands over your ears while listening to a steady noise. With properly fitted plugs the noise levels should be about the same whether or not the ears are covered.How Much ProtectionDon’t get hung up on the NRR, the government-mandated noise protection factor that appears on all hearing protector packaging. The numbers are based on optimized laboratory tests that, in practice, represent what only a few of the most-motivated best-trained users can achieve. Your best bet is to use the NRR only as an indicator that a product was designed and tested for noise reduction. Except for very loud noises such as gunfire where selection is more critical, most hearing protectors provide sufficient protection when worn properly and consistently. Foam plugs or earmuffs, or a combination of the two generally provide the highest levels of protection.Slowly roll andcompress foamplugs into a verythin crease-freecylinder. Whilecompressed,insert plug wellinto the earcanal.Fitting is easier if youreach around the head to pull the ear outward and upward during insertion.Keep the plugs cleanand free from materialthat can irritate theearcanal. They maybe washed in mildliquid detergent andwarm water. Squeezeexcess water from theplugs and allow to fullyair dry. Washing may berepeated several times. Discard plugs if they noticeably change their firmness or do not re-expand to their original size and shape.Premolded plugs willnormally last severalmonths or moredepending uponthe type, andenvironmentalfactors. They shouldbe replaced if theyshrink or swell, hardenor soften, tear, crack, orbecome permanently deformed. Wash them in warm soapy water and rinse well.When dry, store them in a carrying case.Reach around the backof your head andpull outward andupward on the earwhile insertingthe plug until youfeel it sealing.This may seem tightat first, especiallyif you’ve never wornearplugs. Carefully twist the plug to break the seal for a slow, safe removal.Hearing ProtectionInitially you may be concerned that you’ll be unable to hear while wearing protection. However, unless you already have a significant hearing loss you’ll be surprised how well you can hear speech and many other sounds while protected in the noise.When you properly wear hearing protectors you’ll be protected from temporary hearing shifts so that you are able to hear as well after a noise exposure as when it started. People with hearing loss also benefit, since without protection noise will continue to damage their hearing until it is difficult to distinguish sounds under even the best of conditions.Semi-inserts, also called canal caps, consist of pods orflexible tips on a lightweight headband. Because they arequick to put on and take off and easy to store around theneck, they are ideal for intermittent use. Those thatjust cap the canal entrance give rise to a larger occlusioneffect (see above) which can be annoying to some wearers.Earmuffs have rigid cups with soft plastic cushions thatseal around the ears to block noise. Muffs come in one-position or multi-position bands, and are also sold in stylesfor attachment to hard hats. Cushions may be filled withfoam, liquid, or a combination; let personal preference beyour guide. For sustained exposures to very loud noises,or if you feel the need for more protection, wear muffs andplugs together (dual protection) for an additional 5-10dB of noise reduction.Hearing Protector Fitting TipWhen either a plug or muff is properly fitted, the sound of your own voice should change, becoming deeper, hollow, or muffled due to what is called the occlusion effect. If you don’t hear the change, or if it isn’t the same in both ears, you have not obtained a proper fit and acoustic seal in either one or both ears.Tip: Talking in NoiseWhen you wear plugs or muffs in noise you tend to speak less loudly than otherwise because the protector makes your own voice seem louder and the surrounding noises seem quieter. So, you have to speak up – speak more loudly than you think you need to. Others will appreciate this, and your message will be better understood.Hold the large endsof the pods andswivel them todirect the tipsinto the earcanalopenings. Firmlypush and wigglethe pods intothe canals untila snug seal isobtained. Pulling on the outer ear while pushing on the pods will behelpful to most wearers.Most semi-inserts can becleaned in the sameway as premoldedearplugs. Since theheadband holdsthe tips in place toprovide an acousticseal, don’t tamperwith it or the protectionthe device provides maybe reduced. Many manufacturerssell replacement tips.Cushions can be cleanedwith warm soapy waterand rinsed thoroughly.Do not use alcoholor solvents. Cushionsnormally needreplacing at leastyearly, or wheneverthey become stiff,cracked, or no longer seal.Don’t modify earmuffs in any way, and especially do not stretch or abuse the headbandsas this will reduce your protection.Muffs must fully enclosethe ears to sealagainst the head.Adjust the head-band so cushionsexert even pressurearound the ears toget the best noisereduction. Pull hair backand out from beneath the cushions. Don’t store pencils or wear caps under cushions. Thick or poorly fitting eyeglass tem-ples may also cause some loss in noise reduction.Specialized Hearing ProtectorsMusician’s EarplugsCertain earplugs are designed for moderate noise reduction andbetter sound quality (more uniform attenuation across therange of frequencies). For many sound exposures such as livemusic, public events, and transportation, these devices providethe needed protection, while making listening easier and moreenjoyable. The effect with these earplugs can be compared towearing medium neutral-gray sunglasses instead of very darkcolor-tinted lenses that dramatically change one’s perception. TheProfessional Musician 3M™ E-A-R™ Plug is one such product.Special types of custom earmolds also provide this feature.Custom Molded EarplugsCustom earmolds can be very comfortable. They are suitable for useas hearing aids and as earplugs for hearing protection. As earplugsthey can be made from a custom impression of the earcanal usingmaterial with the consistency of thick honey (usually sent to a labfor final fabrication), or in the case of a unique product calledthe 3M™ CustomE-A-R™, by injecting silicone into a speciallydesigned (yellow) bladder. The bladder design is safer to make,ready to wear, and can be immediately acoustically verified forfit. Such fit verification is important since the acoustic seal of anearmold can be compromised if the impression is not precise for anexact fit.Electronic EarmuffsSome earmuffs use a microphone embedded in the earcup topickup sounds and transmit them through the earmuff to anearphone inside. This allows better hearing at low soundlevels without the need to remove the device, while stillproviding sufficient protection at higher sound levels. Typicallythe electronics in the muff limit the amplified sound to apredetermined safe value such as less than 85 dBA. These muffscan be excellent for use while hunting or on the firing line, and forthose with a mild hearing loss they can actually amplify sounds, thusmaking it easier to hear.Active Noise Reduction (ANR)Today it is possible to use sound to cancel sound. A microphone withinthe earmuff detects the sound passing through the cup walls andsends that signal through circuitry to generate an anti-phase versionthat is rebroadcast through a speaker in the cup. The result is soundcancellation, but due to physical limitations this process only workswell in the lower frequencies, middle C and lower. This is effective incertain military situations, and in general aviation, especially when thedevices also include communications. The principal consumer applicationis reduction of nuisance noise such as experienced while traveling. An ANRearmuff, which also plugs into an earphone jack on entertainment devices, can provide balanced noise reduction while simultaneously permitting listening to music or movies.Your Hearing How it works and how we measure it How We HearHealthy inner-ear nerves (hair cells) are the key to good hearing.Although some die off naturally as you age, many more are killed early if your ears aren’t protected from harmful noise.The outer ear collects andthe earcanal to the eardrum.The middle ear contains a chain of three tiny bones, called ossicles, which link the eardrum to the inner ear. When sound waves strike the eardrum, the ossicles conduct the vibrations to the cochlea in the inner ear.Measuring HearingHearing is measured by a professional with an audiometer that sends tones to each ear through earphones. You listen carefully and respond each time you hear a tone. The levels at which you can barely hear the tones are your hearing threshold levels .Your thresholds (measured in decibels) are recorded on a chart called an audiogram , for tones at different pitches or frequencies (measured in “Hertz,” which is a special term for cycles/second). Normal thresholds fall within the unshaded area on the chart. When hearing loss occurs the thresholds fall into the shaded areas, meaning sounds must be increased in level for you to hear them.It is a good idea to have a complete hearing evaluation even if you don’t suspect a hearing problem. This gives you a baseline if problems occur. Professionals suggest evaluations every 10 years; more often for those over 50. If you anticipate regular exposure to high-level noise, for example if you are an avid recreational shooter, you may wish to obtain more frequent tests until you can assure that your hearing is stable. Unusual changes would alert you and your hearing specialist (audiologist or otolaryngologist) to look for noise-related (inadequate or improperly fitted protection) or medical causes before it’s too late.Do Yourself a Favor -Save Your Hearing!Person-to-PersonCommunicationInarguably, the most important functionof our hearing is communication. Aperson with hearing loss may not hear orunderstand family members and friends,particularly women and children withhigh-pitched voices. Communication overthe telephone for business or pleasurebecomes more difficult. The individualwill confuse similar-sounding wordsand mistake the message. Embarrassedto ask the speaker to repeat, the listenermay just “tune out.” Conversing ingroups is most difficult, especially ifthere is background noise. People withhearing loss often become socially isolatedas others find it too much trouble to speak to them.What’s more, hearing aids can’t completely correct the problem because louder sounds are not necessarily clearer to the damaged ear.Often the message is as much in the sound of the voice as in the content of the speech. Poet Maya Angelou has observed, “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning.”Effects of Age and Noise on HearingHearing loss from the natural aging process causes agradual hearing decline, as shown in the figure to theright. It affects mainly the ability to clearly hear high-pitched sounds such as children’s voices, rustling leaves,and some musical instruments.Although age-effect hearing loss up through age 60 doesnot usually impair one’s ability to hear and understandspeech, problems occur when noise-induced loss is addedto age loss. The noise-induced component can comefrom occupational exposures as well as the many loudrecreational sounds we willingly expose our ears to on adaily basis. With noise damage, even a 30-year-old canhave trouble listening in situations in which backgroundsound is present, such as in restaurants and other socialsituations.Sounds You Want to Hear A hearing-impaired person may notbe able to enjoy ordinary sounds ofnature or even the sounds of pets, and distortion from damaged hair cellsmay make music seem like “just a racket.” It becomes difficult to detect problems with tools or car engines by listening for changes in the soundsthey make. It can be inconvenient to miss the sound of the alarm on your wristwatch or the phone ringing in the next room. Hearing-impaired people worry about getting hurt by missing danger signals such as warning beepers or smoke detectors. Remember:You Need Your Hearing! These comments from people with noise-induced hearing loss show why it is worth the effort to wear hearing protectors properly: your qualityof life depends on keeping your good hearing. Once hearing is lostit is gone forever. And if you aren’t willing to wear an earplug for hearing protection today, how would you tolerate wearing a hearing aid that fits to the ear with an earplug-like tip, every day and every waking hour for the rest of your life.Even if you already have some hearing loss, it is still essential to wear hearing protectors from now on to prevent the loss from worsening. Carry them with you like a pair of sunglasses so that whenever annoying or potentially damaging sounds assault your ears, you have the protection you need. It’s never too late to start conserving your hearing!…Always this ringing in my ears.My daughter no longer seems to speak clearly.I miss the birds, the wind in the trees, the whispers.I miss all the good sounds…Written by:Elliott H. Berger, M.S.,Senior Scientist, Auditory ResearchNoise Is All AroundBe aware of noisy situations such as theones illustrated to the right, so you canprotect yourself and enjoy a lifetime ofgood hearing.Occupational Health &Environmental Safety Division3M Center - Building 235-2W-70Saint Paul, MN 55144-1000Sales Assistance: 1-800-328-1667Technical Assistance: 1-800-243-4630Website: /OccSafety © 2010 3M Company.3M and all other trademarks used hereinor hereon are trademarks of 3M Company.These hearing protectors help reduce exposure to hazardous noise and other loud sounds. Misuse or failure to wear hearing protectors at all times that you are exposed to noise may result in hearing loss or injury. For proper use, see supervisor, User Instructions, or call 3M in U.S.A. at 1-800-243-4630. In Canada, call Technical Service at 1-800-267-4414. If there is any drainage from your ear or you have an ear infection, consult with your physician before wearing ear plugs. Failure to do so may result in hearing loss or injury.WARNING!XX-XXXX-XXXX-X Please recycle. Printed in USA.。
3M Liqui-Cel 膜接触器入口水和扫气气体指南说明书
Inlet Water & Sweep Gas Guidelines for 3M™ Liqui-Cel™Membrane ContactorsInlet water and sweep gas quality are important considerations when operating 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors. This document provides guidelines for inlet water and sweep gas conditions that may help prevent fouling of the membrane surface or scaling which can negatively impact performance. Design and operating guidelines are also available in the3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactor Design & Operating Guide which can be found on the /Liqui-Cel web site. This document and the Design &Operating Guide should be thoroughlyreviewed before designing andoperating a system.When operating a Liqui-Celmembrane contactor system, note thefollowing general recommendationsand considerations:• a comprehensive water qualityanalysis should be completed.Changes in water quality, such asseasonal variation, should be takeninto consideration;• a softener or cation exchanger ishighly recommended;• l iquid and gas inlet streamsshould always be pre-filtered; and• t he potential for a pH shift shouldbe assessed (for CO2removalapplications)The optimal filtration andpre-treatment arrangement willdepend on several variables,including the water source,operating conditions, biologicalmatter, organics, Total DissolvedSolids (TDS) and other factors.Additionally, some dissolved compounds will pass through any filter and could potentially deposit on the membrane surface. Particularly, agglomeration or precipitationof certain dissolved compounds could occur with pH changes. To prevent blocking or precipitation,we recommend a softener or cation exchanger followed by 5 µm absolute pre-filter as a minimum re-quirement. Seawater needs to be filtered to ≤ 5 microns and, depending upon the pH, further preventative action may be needed to prevent scaling. Placement downstream of a Sulphate Removal Unit (SRU) is highly recommended. The tables above provide minimum guidelines that may prevent potential membrane fouling and blockage.Additional Requirements Feedwater should be free of surfactants/solvents or oxidants (e.g. ozone, chlorine) to prevent wet-out or oxidation of the hydrophobic membrane. Small amounts of chlorine and oil can be removed by activated carbon. Biological fouling can be reduced with regular, frequent chemical cleaning or sanitization procedure (see Cleaning Guide for additional information).The physical operating limitationsof 3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactors, such as maximum operating temperatures or pressures, should also be considered. For additional information, refer to the3M™ Liqui-Cel™ Membrane Contactor Design & Operating Guide available at /Liqui-Cel.Technical Information: The technical information, guidance, and other statements contained in this document or otherwise provided by 3M are based upon records, tests, or experience that 3M believes to be reliable, but the accuracy, completeness, and representative nature of such information is not guaranteed. Such information is intended for people with knowledge and technical skills sufficient to assess and apply their own informed judgment to the information. No license under any 3M or third party intellectual property rights is granted or implied with this information.Product Selection and Use: Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, customer is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it is appropriate and suitable for customer’s application, including conducting a workplace hazard assessment and reviewing all applicable regulations and standards (e.g., OSHA, ANSI, etc.). Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet all applicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property.Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXP RESS OR IMP LIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMP LIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability.3M and Liqui-Cel are trademarks of 3M Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2021 3M Company. All rights reserved.3M Company3M Separation and Purification Sciences Division13840 South Lakes Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 USAPhone: +1 980 859 54003M Deutschland GmbH3M Separation and PurificationSciences DivisionÖhder Straße 2842289 Wuppertal GermanyPhone: +49 202 6099 - 0LC-1157Rev. 04/2021/Liqui-Cel。
3M Dynamar 高性能多合金加工辅料产品比较指南说明书
3M™ Dynamar™ Polymer Processing Additives Performance and productivity.Proven technology from 3M, engineered for asmoother extrusion process—from start to finish.• Improve processing and productivity• Reduce waste and equipment downtime• Improve surface smoothness and appearance23M™ Dynamar™ Polymer Processing Additives3M™Dynamar™PPAsOptimizing performance. Improving productivity.Common processing issues such as melt fracture, die build-up, and gel formation can be realchallenges in the extrusion process. For many years, manufacturers of extruded products havedepended on 3M™ Dynamar™ Polymer Processing Additives (PPAs) to reduce or eliminate theseissues —and improve both product quality and production rate.Dynamar PPAs are a family of high-performance products designed to enhance the extrusionof various thermoplastic polymers. Even at low concentration levels, Dynamar PPAs can helpincrease throughput and processing efficiency, even for tougher, high viscosity resins. Andby reducing surface defects, Dynamar PPAs deliver a smoother, glossier final product whileminimizing waste—helping manufacturers maximize profit.3M ™ Dynamar ™ Polymer Processing Additives function by creating a dynamic, temporary fluoropolymer coating on the die surface. The coating provides a low surface energy interface between the metal wall and the molten polymer stream. This reduces stress in the die, prevents drag and allows the melt to slip through the die more easily and without sticking—thereby eliminating melt fracture. In addition, the lowered apparent viscosity allows the polymer melt to flow more freely through the die, providing easier flow and pressure reduction.Fluoropolymers used as PPAsThe Dynamar PPA portfolio includes many additives based on fluoroelastomers or fluorothermoplastics. They are manufactured from the co-polymerization of the following monomers:Fluoropolymers are characterized by high inertness towardschemical reactions, excellent thermal stability and low surface energy, and are mostly immiscible with other polymers.V F 2 Vinylidene fluorideCH 2 = CF 2HFP Hexafluoropropylene CF 3CF = CF 2TFE TetrafluoroethyleneCF 2 = CF 2Ethylene CH 2 = CH 2F H COPhotomicrograph: PPA in LLDPE33M ™ Dynamar ™ Polymer Processing Additives Chemical StructureFor many years, Dynamar PPAs have been widely used to improve processing and productivity in a variety of commercial applications—from high molecular weight, high density polyethylene (HMW-HDPE) to high viscosity resins such as linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). Dynamar PPAs even allow for the processing of tougher resins, including metallocene grades, through narrow die configurations.Typical extrusion processes that benefit from the use of Dynamar PPAs include:• Blown and cast film • Cable and monofilament extrusion • Pipe extrusion • Tape and fiber extrusion • Sheet extrusion • Blow molding• CompoundingMost Dynamar PPAs comply with food contact regulations in a variety of countries; contact your 3M technical representative for details.Applications for 3M ™ Dynamar ™ PPAsBenefits of 3M ™ Dynamar ™ PPAsDynamar PPAs offer many potential production benefits for extrusion and blown film processes, including:Product quality• Elimination of melt fracture (“sharkskin”)• Increased gloss• Reduced surface defects • Improved surface smoothnessProcessing and productivity• R educed die build-up—less downtime for maintenance • Reduced gel formation • Higher throughput• Easier processing of high viscosity polymers • I mproved operation at lower processing temperatures—reduced degradation • L ower operating pressures and amperage draw—increased output, energy savings • Greater flexibility in die geometry • Faster color transitionswith Dynamar PPAMelt fracture (sharkskin) formationOne of the proposed mechanisms: Upon exiting the die, the outer layer of the melt is stretched by the elastic recovery of the polymer melt.without PPAElimination of melt fracture using a PPAWhen the die is coated, there is slip at the wall, reducing the stresses that create melt fracture.Example: LLDPE Blown Film43M ™ Dynamar ™ Polymer Processing AdditivesProperties of3M™ Dynamar™ Polymer Processing Additives5 3M™ Dynamar™ Polymer Processing AdditivesTypical Physical Properties(Not for specification purposes)FX 5920A FX 5927FX 5929FX 9613FX 9614FX 5911FX 5912Physical Form free flowingpowder free flowingpowderfree flowingpowderfree flowingpowderfree flowingpowderfree flowingpowderfree flowingpowderColor white tooff white white tooff whitewhite tooff white off white off whiteclear to offwhiteclear to offwhiteActive Ingredients, %9796959090100100 Inorganic Additives, %3451010N/A N/AParticle Size< 10 mesh< 10 mesh< 10 mesh< 10 mesh< 10 mesh98% < 2400µm 98% < 2400µmBulk Density, g/cm30.70.70.850.90.7––Specific Gravity, g/cm3––––– 1.9 – 1.96 1.9 – 1.96 Melting Point, °C–––––110 – 126110 – 126 Melt Flow Index, g/10 min(265°C, 5 kg)––––– 5 – 1415 – 25 Typical Use Level, ppm400 – 1500200 – 1000100 – 700400 – 1400200 – 800100 – 1000100 – 1000 European Food Contact+++++++ FDA Food Contact++++++–73M ™ Dynamar ™Polymer Processing AdditivesP PA1Foundation ProductFX 5920A PPA2 Improved Efficiency ProductFX 9613 and FX 9614P PA3 HighEfficiency ProductFX 5927 and FX 5929C6 mLLDPE: Melt Fracture Elimination 2Time (min)10075502500 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45M e l t F r a c t u r e (%)2mLLDPE: C6, MFI: 1.2, Density: 0.920, 200 ppm Dynamar PPA, No AntiblockC6 mLLDPE: Pressure Reduction 2Time (min)3503002502001501000 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45P r e s s u r e (b a r)Blown Film Line EvaluationsTime (min)1007550250M e l t F r a c t u r e (%)0 10 20 30 40 50 60C4 LLDPE: Melt Fracture Elimination 14003503002502001501000 10 20 30 40 50 60P r e s s u r e (b a r )1LLDPE: C4, MFI: 0.7, Density: 0.925, 1000 Slip, 2000 ppm Antiblock, 400 ppm PPAC4 LLDPE: Pressure Reduction 1Time(min)Blown film extrusion1High performance polyolefins, such as LLDPE and mLLDPE, provide exceptional film characteristics; however, they can also be difficult to process. Common issues include melt fracture (also known as sharkskin), die build-up, gel formation, bubble instability and surface defects. 3M ™ Dynamar ™ PPAs have proven to be an effective solution for the majority of these processing problems.A typical LLDPE resin formulation containing antiblock additives can benefit from the use of a synergist containing PPA, such as 3M ™ Dynamar ™ FX 5920A or FX 5927 (at a loading range of 300 to 1000 ppm). This PPA series has been engineered for improved efficiency and reduced interaction with inorganic additives.In the extrusion of HDPE blown film, pressure and die build-up are often the most critical issues. For an HDPE resin formulated with high titanium dioxide content (e.g. synthetic paper), 3M ™ Dynamar ™ FX 9613 and FX 5911 would be recommended for evaluation.Cast film2Higher processing temperatures and/or shearrates are typically employed in cast film extrusion.Consequently, die build-up can be an issue, resultingin film defects and requiring frequent machine downtime for die cleaning.The addition of small amounts of 3M™ Dynamar™ FX 9613, typically at lower loadings than used for blown film, will delay the onset of deposition at the die exit. Levels of 300 ppm or lower can provide significant productivity improvements.In breathable films and other special applications with high loadings of inorganic fillers, higher torque loading and rapid deposit formation at the die lip can affect product quality and output. To resolve these issues, the most suitable choice is3M™ Dynamar™ FX 5911 at concentrations of up to 1000 ppm.Recommended ProductsTransparent LLDPE•FX 9613LLDPE with High Inorganics Content •FX 9613 • FX 5911PP Raffia, Tapes• FX 9613 •FX 5911BOPP• FX 9613without PPAMultilayer film extrusion3In both blown and cast films, multilayer film architecture can give rise to unique processing issues. Many materials and formulations are used to impart barrier properties, provide inter-layeradhesion and reduce costs. However, the differences in layer thickness, rheology and polymer type can cause the layers to meet at conflicting rates of speed—resulting in turbulence at the interface and disrupting the optical clarity. This phenomenon is known as “interfacial instability,” and is especially problematic for food packaging (e.g. meat and poultry barrier films) where optical clarity is a key criterion.Interfacial instability is a complex problem; individual film layers, for example, may benefit from different PPA chemistries or concentrations. As a starting point, consider the recommended 3M ™ Dynamar ™ PPA products for the given resin and process (e.g. blow molding LLDPE with antiblock). 3M technical specialists can help you evaluate whichlayers require PPA addition and determine the appropriate concentration for your application.Reduction of interfacial instability in multilayer film (mLLDPE / MDPE / mLLDPE)with Dynamar PPAwithout PPAAs part of our in-house testing, we use a capillary rheometer to evaluate the influence of Dynamar PPA on shear stress reduction.Long term aging data Pipe extrusion4Plastic pipe offers a versatile and reliable alternativeto conventional construction materials such as metal,concrete and clay composites. A wide variety ofpolymers (including HDPE, MDPE, LLDPE, LDPE, PP and PVC) are used for applications such as gas and water high pressure pipes, floor heating, drainage, irrigation and sewage systems.Typical processing issues relate to overall pipe dimensions, the rheological behavior of the polymer, and the presence of other additives such as carbon black and pigments. These issues include head pressure, die deposit and surface defects—all of which can benefit from the addition of 3M™ Dynamar™ PPAs at levels from 250 ppm up to 1000 ppm.The addition of Dynamar PPAs can improve quality and overall productivity in the manufacture of high pressure pipe, cross-linked pipe for floor heating, drainage and sewage pipes.• Reduction of die build-up• Reduction of back pressure• Reduction in processing temperatures• Higher output• Improved surface appearancePressure reduction in HDPE Pipe extrusionCapillary rheometry is a tool used to demonstratethe possible processing enhancements that can be achieved by addition of a 3M™ Dynamar™ PPA.Shear Rate s-17550250 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45Pressure(bar)HDPE - without PPA HDPE + 500 ppm FX 591110113M™ Dynamar™ Polymer Processing AdditivesOther extrusion processes5Any continuous extrusion process withshear rates of up to 2000 sec-1 may beinfluenced by PPA. Depending on the givenformulation and processes, typical extrusionbenefits provided by 3M™ Dynamar™ PPA include:• Reduction of die build-up• Pressure reduction• Faster color transitions•E nergy savings•B etter surface qualityRecommended ProductsSheet Extrusion•FX 5911 •FX 5912 •FX 9613 •FX 9614LDPE, HDPE & PP Artificial Grass •FX 5911 •FX 9613PP Carpet Backing•FX 5911Cable Extrusion•FX 5912Polyamide Black Compounds•FX 5914 •FX 5911Wood Plastic Composites (WPC)•FX 5911Other Engineering Resins•FX 5911Please recycle. Printed in USA. © 3M 2016. All rights reserved. Issued: 12/16 11949HB 98-0212-4231-233M and Dynamar are trademarks of 3M Company. Used under license.and knowledge base/PPAs12。
3M汽车售后产品市场部3M 专业汽车美容养护系列39系列整体美容解决方案Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved. Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部课程内容汽车漆面经常遇到的损伤 如何正确、适当地养护汽车漆面 39系列汽车漆面美容处理及护理有哪些产品 39系列操作辅助工具介绍对比及羊毛轮使用保养 如何根据油漆表面正确选用产品 对于汽车原厂漆及新车漆面的美容养护处理介绍 (梦幻一号) 旧车及翻喷车的漆面养护处理介绍(梦幻二号)2 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§汽车漆面经常遇到的损伤日常损伤阳光中的紫外线会伤及漆面,加速漆面老化并形成氧化层 雨水中所含的酸性物质会腐蚀漆面 风沙、 风沙、粉尘等都会在漆面上留下微小的划痕 质量低劣的洗车液会加快漆面的腐蚀 干燥的气候, 干燥的气候,强烈的日晒和昼夜温差,都会使漆面出现裂纹 甚至,漆面与空气的直接接触也会使漆面缓慢氧化其他损伤车身表面与树脂、树胶、花蜜、鸟粪及其他各种物质的接 触,都会造成不同种类程度的损伤或腐蚀3 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§如何正确、适当地养护汽车漆面常规保养日常保护 —避免车辆长期暴露在恶劣的天气下(如曝晒,雨 淋,酸雨,风沙等) 经常清洗 —保持汽车表面的清洁,可以防止漆面出现由于污 物长期而导致的局部腐蚀及氧化等问题 打蜡 —汽车打蜡就像人涂润肤霜,可以有效地保持漆面的滋 润,预防漆面出现干裂等现象,打蜡还可以延缓漆面与空气 直接接触从而减缓氧化 抛光 —定期对汽车漆面进行处理,将漆面表层的划痕及氧化 层等处理掉,回复漆面的色彩和光泽 其他漆面保养方案 —选择封釉、镀膜及犀牛皮等长期保养方 封釉、 案来保护漆面,可以达到更好更长久的全面保护效果4 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§3M 梦幻漆面美容系列 施工产品汽车漆面美容专业施产品39004 - 3M 美容粗蜡(粗切削) 39001 - 3M 美容粗蜡(中切削) 39002 - 3M 美容粗蜡(细切削) 39003 - 3M 机器抛光蜡 39009 - 3M 镜面抛光剂(深色车) 39109 - 3M 镜面抛光剂(浅色车) 39007 - 3M 漆面保护手蜡5 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§3M 梦幻专业施工产品系列39004 美容粗蜡(粗切削)本产品是配合抛光机使用的专业漆面研磨 剂,能有效地去除1000号砂纸的砂痕和其他 未伤底漆之重度划痕以及严重氧化层 对于手工操作,请使用 3M 39002 美容粗蜡 (细切削)6 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§3M 梦幻专业施工产品系列39001 美容粗蜡(中切削)本产品是一种由配合抛光机使用的研磨剂, 它能有效地清除1200号砂纸的砂痕、中等程 度划痕、中等程度氧化层和水斑 如需须手工操作,请使用3M美容粗蜡(细切削)7 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§3M 梦幻专业施工产品系列39002 美容粗蜡(细切削)本品是 39 系列施工产品中用途最广泛的专业 漆面研磨剂,它能安全有效地清除1200号砂 纸砂痕甚至更细小的砂石擦痕,其它细小擦 划痕,中等程度氧化层,粗糙的螺纹斑或水 斑,使用后留下精美的表面;手工使用效果 特别出色8 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§3M 梦幻专业施工产品系列39003 机器抛光蜡本产品用于快速,高效清除小擦痕,使用后 会产生灿烂、鲜明的漆面,及独特的“水影” 效果; 为产生最佳效果,请配合抛光机及 3M 5713 黄色细羊毛轮使用9 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§3M 梦幻专业施工产品系列39009 镜面蜡(深色车)本品适用于清除深色汽车表面的微痕,旋涡 状痕渍,轻度氧化物及水斑,适于手工抛光 或机抛10 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§3M 梦幻专业施工产品系列39109 镜面蜡(浅色车)本品适用于清除浅色汽车表面的微痕,旋涡 状痕渍,轻度氧化物及水斑,适于手工抛光 或机抛11 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§3M 梦幻专业施工产品系列39007 漆面保护手蜡本品使汽车表面展现出鲜艳欲滴的色泽,具有 极好的填充性,手工操作施工便利,更可配合 5729 封釉镀膜专用海绵轮进行机器施工,可获 得更加均匀完美的施工效果,且效率更高12 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§ 3M 梦幻保养系列产品漆面美容增艳类 39116 - 3M 经典镀膜套装 39113 - 3M 封釉特级套装 39112 - 3M 高效水晶釉 39528 - 3M 钻石水晶硬蜡 39526 - 3M 水晶硬蜡 39026 - 3M 水晶乳蜡 39034 - 3M 汽车增艳蜡 三合一水晶蜡 39006 - 3M 三合一钻石乳蜡 39066 - 3M 三合一水晶乳蜡 其他 39016 - 3M 神奇抹布 1015 - 3M 无纺擦车布 39530 - 3M 聚氨酯打蜡海棉13 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.内饰清洁上光 39040 - 3M 内饰上光蜡 39017 - 3M 塑料清洁剂 39010 - 3M 塑料润光蜡 轮胎清洁上光 39036 - 3M 轮胎强力清洁剂 39042 - 3M 轮胎亮还原剂 镀铬、 镀铬、铝件保养 39527 - 3M 镀铬金属抛光剂 39529 - 3M 铝合金抛光蜡 洗车 39000 - 3M 晶亮’智能’洗车宝 38070 - 3M 洗车泥Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§39116 - 3M 经典镀膜套装产品简介本产品含 3M 专利 T.H.V.(常温固化 小分子含氟聚合物) 配方,成膜致 密,不伤漆面,物理保护效果好, 且防污、防腐蚀效果极佳,套装中 更包含了车主两年内漆面保养所需 的辅料使用说明清洗并擦干车身(请勿于阳光直射处或高温漆面上使用本产品), 依据车身漆面状况选择适合的施工流程 用震抛机搭配 3M 5729 专用托盘将本品均匀涂布在车身表面,待 表干后使用 3M 39016 神奇抹布擦亮; 新车首次施工时建议施工三层以达到最优的镀膜膜层的致密及厚 度,保护效果和寿命更佳14 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§39113 - 3M 封釉特级套装产品简介本产品含 3M 专利 T.H.V.(常温固化 小分子含氟聚合物) 配方,成膜致 密,具有滋润漆面、物理保护、防 污、防腐蚀等保护功效,套装中包 含了车主一年内漆面保养所需辅料使用说明清洗并擦干车身(请勿于阳光直射处或高温漆面上使用本产品), 依据车身漆面状况选择适合的施工流程 用震抛打蜡机搭配 3M 5729 专用托盘将本品均匀涂布在车身表 面,待表干后使用 3M 39016 神奇抹布擦亮; 新车首次施工时建议施工两层以达到最优的镀膜膜层的致密及厚 度,保护效果和寿命更佳15 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§39112 - 3M 高效水晶釉产品简介本产品含 3M 专利 T.H.V.(常温固化小分子含 氟聚合物) 配方,成膜致密,具有滋润漆面、 物理保护、防污、防腐蚀等保护功效使用说明清洗并擦干车身(请勿于阳光直射处或高温 漆面上使用本产品),依据车身漆面状况选 择适合的施工流程 用震抛打蜡机搭配 3M 5729 专用托盘将本品 均匀涂布在车身表面,待表干后使用 3M 39016 神奇抹布擦亮; 新车首次施工时建议施工两层以达到最优 的镀膜膜层的致密及厚度,保护效果和寿 命更佳16 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§39528 - 3M 钻石水晶硬蜡产品简介本产品富含巴西棕榈蜡成分,并含 3M 专利 A.S.F (Acrylic Silicone Fluoropolymer丙烯酸,硅 树脂,含氟聚合物) 配方,使保护蜡层不易 分解,长时间滋润漆面并保持漆面光亮如新、 抗紫外线、酸雨,光亮效果长达 30 次正常 洗车,并富含奶油芳香使用说明清洗并擦干车身(请勿于阳光直射的地方或高温漆面上使用本产品), 用 3M 1015 拭车布折叠后将本产品薄薄一层涂于漆面,待蜡干并产生 白色薄蜡膜; 用 3M 1015 拭车布以适当力度画圈擦拭使产生光亮保护膜效果17 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§39526 - 3M 水晶硬蜡产品简介本产品含 3M 专利A.S.F (Acrylic Silicone Fluoropolymer丙烯酸,硅树脂, 含氟聚合物) 配方,使蜡保护层不易分解,长时间保持漆面光亮如新、 抗紫外线、酸雨,光亮效果长达20次正常洗车,并富含奶油芳香使用说明清洗并擦干车身(请勿于阳光直射的地方或高温漆面上使用本产 品),用 3M 1015 拭车布折叠后将本产品薄薄一层涂于漆面,待蜡干 并产生白色薄蜡膜; 用 3M 1015 拭车布以适当力度画圈擦拭使产生光亮保护膜效果18 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§39026 - 3M 水晶乳蜡(持久型)产品简介本产品适用于各种漆面,不伤新车之光亮透明层, 耐UV紫外线,上蜡、显色、光滑、保护、防泼水、 防氧化一次完成,产生高光泽度,效果可保持1015次车使用说明手工上蜡: 手工上蜡:用3M 1015拭车布折叠后将品薄薄一层涂于漆面,待蜡 干并产生白色薄蜡雾; 用3M 1015拭车布以适当力度画圈擦拭使产生光亮保护 膜效果;机器抛光/上蜡:足量倒出蜡液并用抛光机均匀涂抹至施工部位,待蜡 干并产生白色薄蜡膜 用3M1015以适当力度画圈擦拭,或以抛光机配3M5725海 绵轮抛光至光亮保护膜效果19 Mar. 2009 © 3M 2009. All Rights Reserved. Technical Team from Automotive Aftermarket Division3M汽车售后产品市场部§39034 - 3M 汽车增艳剂产品简介能轻易快速恢复漆面色泽与质感。
100多种3M胶的规格产品名称:3M============================================产品名称:3M 4926/4936/4936F/4941/4941F/4956/4956F/4979F胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.4(15)/0.64(25)/0.64(25)/1.1(45)/1.1(45)/1.6(62)/1.6(62)/1.6(62)特性:灰黑色,闭孔结构丙烯酸泡绵基材,服贴性高,适用一般涂漆表面,抗增塑剂。
/黑色4956胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:中主要用途:卡车子总装,电力机柜,广告标志,LCD,玻璃窗离型纸:A/A/B/A/D/A/B/B注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4932/4952胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.64(25)/1.1(45)特性:白色闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,适用于PP或粉末喷涂表面胶型:合成短期耐温性:93`C(200°F)长期耐温性:71`C(160°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:高主要用途:办公家具,车辆总装,建筑标志离型纸:A/A注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4951胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):1.1(45)特性:白色闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,适用施工温度可低至0`C胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:建筑低温操作的应用离型纸:C注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4943F/4957F胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):1.1(45)/1.6(62)特性:灰色,高贴服性泡绵胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:蜂窝电话天线,电子收费装置离型纸:C/C注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4905/4910胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.5(20)/1.0(40)特性:透明闭孔结构基材非常适用于透明材质之粘接胶型:丙烯酸短期耐温性:149`C(300°F)长期耐温性:93`C(200°F)抗溶剂性:高相对粘性HSE:高相对粘性LSH:低主要用途:阳光顶内外层密封,玻璃门把手离型纸:D/D注:离型纸种类A-3mil 54#高密度牛皮离型纸B-5mil 透明PE膜C-2mil PET膜D-5mil 红色PE膜E-4mil 58# PE涂布牛皮离型纸……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………产品名称:3M 4920/4930/4950/4955/4959胶的厚度不含离型纸mm(Mils):0.4(15)/0.64(25)/1.1(45)/2.0(80)/3.0(120)特性:白色,闭孔结构丙烯酸基材,通用型号。
解释: 1.都是高增亮产品; 2.都是无卤产品 3.厚度名称上已经标示; 4.适用在NB等中尺寸产品上; 5.BEF2-G4要替代BEF2-G2 6.可简称如右:
TBEF2-GM(18) v2
TBEF2-GM(19) v2
所列产品都为无卤素产品; 都可以量产,品质保证。
• • • • D—Dual 结构:多层膜 特点:增光50-60%,视角不受影响; 原理:
NON prism
BEFRP3~1um coating
50 µm thinner
~50um APF
~1um coating
~50um APF
~1um coating
65 µm
65 µm
115 µm
BEFRP2-RC(24) BEFRP3-C(24)
• • • • • • • 有卤产品一般用II/III,无卤产品用字母2/3; BEFII/III产品区分如下页面,III--随机棱镜; 除掉一个BEFII 90/24外,其余都是90/50; 因为几乎都是90/50,所以可以省略不写; 5T代表PET厚度,155代表材料总厚度; AS, Anti-Static 抗静电; M—matte 磨砂的;T—transparent 透明的。
Key Application:Finishing/Surface Prep3M ™ Flap Discs Flap Discs3M ™ Cubitron ™ II Please recycle. Printed in USA. © 3M 2018. All rights reserved. Issued: 11/18 14420HB 61-5002-8426-2 Rev. BAbrasive Systems Division3M Center, Building 223-6S-03St. Paul, MN 55144-10001-866-279-1235/abrasives3M, Cubitron and Scotch-Brite are trademarks of 3M Company. Used under license by 3M subsidiaries and affiliates.Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Many factors beyond 3M’s control anduniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. User is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product and determining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user’s method of application. Unless an additional warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature, 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHERWARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE. If the 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.Limitation of Liability: Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.Scotch-Brite ™ Clean & Lead with:3M ™ Flap Discs 3M ™ Cubitron ™ II 3M Silver3M ™ Flap Discs3M™ Cubitron™ II 3M™ Cubitron™ II3M™ Cubitron™ II 3M™ Cubitron™ II3M™ Flap DiscsMeet thePREMIUM SERIESof right angle abrasives for unparalleled。
3M为何能在中国取得如此优异的成绩?它的前世今生又是怎样?01 3M公司发展历程3M公司,全称明尼苏达矿业及机器制造公司(Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company),是全球领先的多元跨国制造业巨头。
3m 法纱 膜
目前有两种定义方式: 一种是从企业层次的角度来进行定义,即如果某个企业能够实施某种价值创
造战略,而其任何现有的和潜在的竞争对手都不能实施同样的战略,那么我们 就说该企业具有竞争优势;如果这种策略不仅没有被竞争对手实施,而且还不 能被竞争对手“复制”,则该企业就具有“持续的竞争优势” 。
另一种是从产业层次的角度来进行:如果一个企业能够获得超出产业平均利 润水平的超额收益,那么我们就说该企业具有竞争优势。如贝赞可、德雷诺 夫和尚利认为“当公司的表现超出了该行业平均水平,我们就说它获得了竞 争优势。”
1939年,“竞争优势”的概念由英国经济学家张伯伦率先提出,其认 为由于要素市场的非竞争性和模仿的无成本性,使得在完全竞争市场中应当 不存在超额利润,任何企业都不能保持持续的竞争优势,任何盈利机会都是短 期的。
能将竞争优势扩散到本企业其它产 品或服务
Why is 3M ?
3M的核心理念是:虽然你常常是步履蹒跚地到达目的地, 但是你必须先行动,才能有步履蹒跚。
——3M历史上最受尊敬的CEO 麦克奈特
由此可见,强大核心竞争力确实是企业成功的必要条件,那么 ,核心竞争力是否确实是3M取得成功的最核心因素呢?
20世纪60年代初期,以钱德勒、安索夫和安德鲁斯等管理学家为代表的 管理理论提出了战略管理的思想,“战略管理”的概念由此产生。从此,关于 企业竞争优势的研究就由经济学转向了管理学。
1980年,波特的竞争战略研究开创了企业经营战略的崭新领域,战略管 理研究也进入了以企业竞争理论为中心课题的阶段并演化出了三大竞争优 势学说。
另外一个事实是,三种学说均过于依赖外部因素,必然导致决策的波动性 和战略的不连贯性,因为外部环境波动无法预测和控制,并且有不断加剧 的趋势。
⼀、艾利标识膜主要产品的基本介绍: 1、艾利标识主要有铸造级、延压级两个⼤类,也可分为透光贴膜和不透光贴膜两个⼤类,另外,还有增光膜、阻光膜、匀光膜、单透膜、保护膜、亮点磨砂贴等各种特殊⽤途贴膜,下⾯艾利标识膜主要型号简介如下: 2、艾利5500系列.铸造级贴膜,透光膜,相当于3M的3630系列,艾利公司质保5年,有极好的户外耐侯性,实际可使⽤8⾄10年,适合全球⾦融、跨国公司等⾼端企业做门头灯箱⽤; 3、艾利900系列.铸造级贴膜,不透光膜,⾼于3M的7725系列,艾利公司质保5年,有极好的户外耐侯性、超强的延展性,实际可使⽤8⾄10年,合适贴曲⾯、⾮平⾯,飞机、⽕车等⾼要求场合使⽤; 4、艾利4500系列.延压级贴膜,透光膜,相当于3M的1330系列,艾利公司质保3年,实际可使⽤5年。
合适吸塑,为中国移动、中国⽯化、中国⽯油等企业⼴泛使⽤; 5、艾利500系列.延压级贴膜,不透光膜,相当于3M的50系列,实际可使⽤3⾄5年,合适做霓虹灯底板,户外贴字等; 6、艾利⼆型灯布.相当于3M的P-II灯箱布,进⼝产品。
此灯布质保3年,在阴版满贴的情况下可以质保5年;(规格:1.37M/1.68M/2.0M/2.2M*50M/卷)⼆、艾利450标识膜 艾利450产品的PVC是欧洲进⼝的,只是在昆⼭⼯⼚涂胶,该产品并⾮新产品,在2002年就已推出,只是⼀直以来主供出⼝欧美,在国内⼏乎不推,连宜家家居全球都在指定⽤艾利450产品,上海可的、联华超市、汉庭酒店均是采⽤艾利450产品。
3M 玻璃气吻三合一:强度、密度和压力性能说明书
3M™ Glass Bubbles Compounding and Injection Molding Guidelines Performance under pressure.2Do more with 3M ™Glass BubblesIntroduction3M ™ Glass Bubbles are a family of high-strength, low-density additives used in a variety of industrial applications. They are available in a wide range of densities and crush strengths, including our 3M ™ Glass Bubbles iM Series , engineered to survive the rigors of compounding and injection molding. They offer excellent survivability at the high pressures encountered in typical plastics processing operations. The chemically stable soda-lime-borosilicate glass composition of 3M glass bubbles provides excellent water and oil resistance.Because of their spherical shape, glass bubbles behave like tiny ball bearings,causing them to flow within a liquid polymer much better than common mineral fillers. As a result, the impact on rheology (viscosity, melt-flow, etc.) is significantly less than the impact caused bymineral fillers. A benefit of this is the ability to form highly-filled parts and/or parts with more complex geometries more easily. This can mean lower mold temperatures and lower injection pressures than would be possible when molding polymers filled with mineral fillers. In addition, the spherical shape (aspect ratio of 1.0) often improves the dimensional stability of the polymer composite, resulting in less shrinkage and warpage.3M glass bubbles are compatible with most common thermoplastics, including polypropylene, nylon, ABS and others.Unlike irregularly-shaped fillers, 3M glass bubbles roll easily over one another. This helps increase volume loading capacity, reduce shrinkage, and lower resin demand. It can also help reduce warpage in many molded plastic parts.Note: The purpose of these guidelines is to provide basic information to customers for use in evaluating and developing their own processes for compounding and injection molding using 3M glass bubbles. The information provided is general or summary in nature, and is offered to assist the customer. The information is not intended to replace the customer’s careful consideration of the unique circumstances and conditions involved in the use and processing of 3M glass bubbles and other products. The customer is responsible for determining whether this information is suitable and appropriate for the customer’s particular use and intended application.Product Spotlight:3M ™ Glass Bubbles iM Series for Injection Molding3M ™ Glass Bubbles iM16K are thelatest generation of high-strength glass microspheres, specially engineered for producing lightweight plastics. They feature an isostatic crush strength of 16,000 psi and a particle size of20 microns. And with a density of just 0.46 g/cc, 3M Glass Bubbles iM16K can deliver weight reductions of15% or more – without compromising strength or other physical properties.For higher pressure operations, 3M ™ Glass Bubbles iM30K have a strength of 27,000 psi at a 0.60 g/cc density and a particle size of 18 microns.3M ™ Glass Figure 1. Typical setup on a twin-screw extruder 3CompoundingTo compound polymers with 3M ™ Glass Bubbles,3M recommends the use of a compounding extruder,such as a twin-screw extruder or a BUSS Kneader, witha downstream feedport for adding the glass bubbles tothe polymer melt. The extruder screw flights beyond thispoint should be set up to impart a minimum amount of shear stress. Distributive mixing elements, such as gear mixers, are preferred. Aggressivedispersive mixing elements, such asreverse flight elements and kneading blocks, are not recommended. Singlescrew extruders are generally notrecommended because they typicallydo not have a downstream port and often contain “barrier” designs or other narrow tolerance/high shear features. A system designed for adding chopped fiberglass to apolymer would be a suitable startingpoint when developing a low shear extrusion system for glass bubbles.FeedingIn order to minimize 3M glass bubble breakage, it is preferable to add the 3M glass bubbles downstream from where the polymer is melted, rather than into the feedport with the polymer pellets. An auger-driven side feeder at the downstream port, rather than a simple open hopper, will provide the most consistent feeding behavior. Although not as critical as feed location or method, it is further advisable to minimize extruder screw speed and to minimize extruder outlet pressure.3M glass bubbles should be fed with an automated feeder. Although a volumetric feeder should produce satisfactory results, a gravimetric feeder – ideally one equipped with a twin shaft – is preferred. It is recommended that the 3M glass bubbles be supplied to the feeder automatically; for example, using an automated vacuum feed system with a pre-hopper. Like other fillers, 3M glass bubbles can entrain some air into the polymer during feeding and compounding. If entrained air in the final compounded pellets is undesirable, use a vacuum vent downstream of the 3M glass bubble feed port. Information on glass bubble handling can be found on pages 6-7.PelletizingAny pelletizing method suitable for the polymer of choice is suitable for a system containing 3M glass bubbles. For plastics highly-filled with 3M glass bubbles, it might be advisable to use an underwater strand pelletizer or water slide pelletizer. 3M ™ Glass Bubbles will become fluidized when aerated (which often occurs when initially filling a hopper) and this may lead to flooding of the hopper. To help prevent flooding, we recommend that the feeder discharge be covered until the hopper is filled with 3M glass bubbles. Upon filling, the 3M glass bubbles at the bottom will become de-aerated, and the feeder discharge may be uncovered in order to begin compounding. The hopper level should be maintained to at least 30% of its filled capacity, to help prevent flooding during operation.Melt on high end of polymer supplier’s recommended settings to lower viscosity* Use intensification factor to calculate actual injection pressure – see page 5.Figure 2. Equipment Recommendations4Injection Molding3M ™ Glass Bubbles can be used with all high performance engineered thermoplastics, such as TPO, TPU, PBT, PEEK, PPS and nylon. Their high strength and spherical shape help minimize warpage and shrinkage, providing more control over finished part dimensions.This also gives them the ability to form highly-filled parts more easily, allowing lower mold temperatures and lower injection pressures.Processing Start-UpAll thermoplastics require unique start-up conditions, depending upon the polymer grade and the supplier. Processing conditions do not typically need to be altered when using 3M glass bubbles. However, because the addition of 3M glass bubbles does change the viscoelastic properties of the polymer, 3M recommends considering the following: 1. S lightly reduce the usual fill and screw speeds. At higher loading percentages, these speeds may need to be reduced even further.2. S et the temperature at the upper end of the operating range in all zones.Experimentation to optimize results is recommended.Equipment and Tooling ConsiderationsAlthough 3M ™ Glass Bubbles iM16K, iM30K and S60HS are quite strong, they can be broken under extreme conditions. Therefore, part/mold design and processing should attempt to minimize the shear stress on the material. A general-purpose, three-zone screw (feed, compression and metering) is recommended for processing compounds mixed with high-strength 3M glass bubbles. A L/D ratio of 16:1 to 22:1 is recommended for the metering section of the screw. The transition or compression zone should have a ratio between 2:1 and 2.5:1. For single flight extruder screws, 3M recom m ends that the feed and transition stages consist of 7 flights each, and the metering stage 6 flights. Dispersive mixing screws, such as barrier, vented or double wave, are not recommended for use with 3M glass bubbles. Distributive mixers are acceptable. To allow smooth melt flow, a 100% “free flow, highly polished,” fluted screw tip valve assembly is recommended . A generous nozzle/sprue orificedimension (0.25 in./5.5 mm) is recommended. The nozzle orifice or sprue orifice should be without sharp edges and have suitable dimensions of at least 0.25 in. (6.3 mm). For optimum mold filling, gate designs should incorporate full, round runners – the runner is cut in both plates – with an area of 0.5 square inches (322.6 mm 2) comparable to about 0.125 in. radius (3.17 mm). Modifiedtrapezoidal runners, which do not require special alignment features (like the full round runners) can also be used. The cross-sectional area of the modified trapezoidal runner should be the same as a full round runner, which is 0.5 square inches (322.6 mm 2). The sprue used for processing 3M ™ Glass Bubbles should be short, having a radius of 0.125 inches (3.17 mm) towards the nozzle, which is then tapered to 0.172 inches (4.37 mm) at the other end.3M recommends using end-gated and/or fan-gated designs. Direct gating, with high injection pressures, can cause excessive bubble breakage. A minimum gate thickness of 0.06 inches (1.5 mm) should be used.3M recommends the following:• F or long production molds, use tool steel hardened to Rockwell C-60+; for example, 4-20SS, S-7, H-13.• V ent cavities at the end of the fill to minimize trapped gasses.• U se largest-possible size gates.• R educe injection speeds.• M achining marks can increase wear. A 4 microinch (.0001 mm) or better finish is recommended. Mold plating can also extend mold service life.• F an or parallel, edge gated designs have shown less bubble breakage, compared to direct gated designs. • D uring filling, packing and holding stages, keep actual injection pressure* below the isostatic crush strength of the given 3M glass bubble (see page 2). • U se intensification factor to calculate actual injection pressure – see page 5.Some resin systems can be sensitive or degraded by he presence of the glass bubbles. The glass bubbles are pH basic and can react with PC and PC blends(PC/ABS), Polyester and some Fluoroplastics. Please contact your 3M representative for applications in these resins.Ram Area = A rIntensi cation Ratio = Ram Area/Screw Area = A r /A sFigure 3. Calculating the Intensification Ratio of an Injection Molding MachineTemperature SettingsCompounds containing high loadings (>20vol%) of 3M glass bubbles typically require higher mold temperatures than unfilled polymers. Melt on the high end of the polymersupplier’s recommended temperature settings, to help lowerviscosity and achieve a smoother, blemish-free surface.5Technical LibraryVisit /glassbubbles to download technical papers for more information onprocessing considerations, including: twin screw extruder configurations; the effect of processing conditions on glass bubble survival; discharging and transferring glass bubbles, and more.RegrindingRegrinding creates the potential for excessiveglass bubble breakage, which can result in loss of desired physical properties of the polymer. It is recommended that regrind be mixed with adequate quantities of virgin pellets, and part testing be performed to ensure desired results are achieved. HandlingFor guidance unloading 3M™ Glass Bubbles from their packaging reference our detailed handling guides:3M™ Glass Bubbles Bag Unloading Suggestions3M™ Glass Bubbles Box Unloading Instructions Product StorageIdeal storage conditions include unopened cartons in a dry and temperature-controlled warehouse. Extended exposure of 3M glass bubbles boxes to high humidity and/or conditions susceptible to condensation may result in some amount of “caking” of the glass bubbles. To minimize the potential for caking and thereby maximize storage life, the following suggestionsare offered:1. C arefully re-tie opened bags immediately after use.2. I f the polyethylene bag is punctured during shipping or handling, seal the hole as soon as possible or insert the contents into an undamaged bag.3. D uring hot and/or humid months, store boxesin the driest, coolest space available.If controlled storage conditions are unavailable, carry a minimum inventory, and process on a first in/first out basis.Product Handling & Safety Handling: Due to the low weight and small particle size of 3M™ Glass Bubbles, dusting may occur while handling and processing. To minimize the dusting potential during handling, consider the following:• D o not open 3M glass bubbles packages until ready to use.• U pon opening, have an air siphon near the opening to pull away airborne particles. (Dust collection equipment may be required – check local OSHA and other applicable regulations.)• R emove 3M glass bubbles with a suction “wand”(with slight positive pressure aeration) and transfer toa closed mixing tank inside fully contained piping. If aclosed mixing tank is not available, use dust collectionequipment as close as practical to the point of entry.Pneumatic conveyor systems have been used successfullyto transport glass bubbles without dusting from shippingcontainers to batch mixing equipment. Equipmentvendors should be consulted for recommendations.• S tatic eliminators should be used to prevent static buildup.Safety: For worker protection, please considerthe following• Use safety glasses with side shields for eye protection.• A n air-purifying respirator suitable for particulates maybe selected for protection after an optional exposureassessment is performed for your specific application.(For additional information about personal protectiveequipment, refer to the product Safety Data Sheet.)• U se with appropriate local exhaust ventilation/dust collection in the work area.Refer to the 3M glass bubbles Safety Data Sheet foradditional safety informationAdditional Information3M glass bubbles are supported by global sales, technicaland customer service resources, with fully-staffed technical service laboratories in the U.S., Europe, Japan, LatinAmerica and Southeast Asia. Users benefit from 3M’sbroad technology base and continuing attention to productdevelopment, performance, safety and environmental issues.For additional technical information on 3M glass bubblesin the United States, call 3M AdvancedMaterials Division, 800-367-8905.For other 3M global offices, and informationon additional 3M products, visit our web siteat: /glassbubbles.6Latin America3M BrasilVia Anhanguera km 110 SumareSao Paulo CEP 13181-900 BrasilPhone: 0800 0132333 ******************3M MexicoSanta Fe 190, Col. Santa Fe Deleg. Alvaro Obregon Mexico D.F., C.P . 01210 MéxicoPhone: 800 120 3636***************************Customer ServiceUSA3M Advanced Materials Division 3M CenterSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000 United StatesPhone:180****8905Advanced Materials Division 3M CenterSt. Paul, MN 55144 USABUSS Kneader technology from BUSS AG. 3M is a trademark of 3M Company. Used under license by 3M subsidiaries and affiliates.Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. User is solely responsible for evaluating the 3M product and determining whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user’s method of application. User is solely responsible for evaluating third party intellectual property rights and for ensuring that user’s use of 3M product does not violate any third party intellectual property rights. Unless a different warranty is specifically stated in the applicable product literature or packaging insert, 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE . If the 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.Limitation of Liability: Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damages arising from the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.Technical Information: Technical information, recommendations, and other statements contained in this document or provided by 3M personnel are based on tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such information is notguaranteed. Such information is intended for persons with knowledge and technical skills sufficient to assess and apply their own informed judgment to the information. No license under any 3M or third party intellectual property rights is granted or implied with this information.Central Europe Region:3M D-A-CH (Germany, Austria Switzerland)Advanced Materials Division Phone: +49 2131 8819 185E-Mail: **********************Further Information, visit our German website Carl-Schurz-Straße 41453 Neuss GermanyWest Med Region3M Advanced Materials Division West Mediterranean Region3M en France, 1 Parvis de l’Innovation CS 2020395006 Cergy-Pontoise cedex FrancePhone +33 1 76 39 01 50 SpainPhone +34 919 01 81 77 PortugalPhone +351 210 200 444South East Europe Region:3M Advanced Materials Division South East Europe Region 3M Italia SrlVia Norberto Bobbio, 21 20096 Pioltello (Milano)ItalyPhone +39 2 70351 TurkeyPhone +90 216 538 07 77 GreecePhone +30-2106885300 RomaniaPhone +40-212028000Asia3M Japan6-7-29, Kita-Shinagawa Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-8684JapanPhone: 81 570 022 Korea18F, 82, Uisadang-daeroYeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-705 KoreaPhone: 82 80 033 3M Thailand 14th FloorThe PARQ Building88 Ratchadaphisek Road Khlong Toei, Bangkok ThailandPhone: 66 0 2666 3666 3M India N0.48-51Electronic city Hosur RoadBangalore Karnataka-560100 IndiaPhone: 91 1800 425 3030。
3M Comply 1233LF Bowie-Dick Test Pack说明书
33M ™Comply ™1233LF Bowie-Dick Test PackIntroductionThe Bowie-Dick test, named after its developers, J. H. Bowie and J. Dick, was first described in a 1963 publication titled The Bowie and Dick Autoclave Tape Test.1 At the time, it was known that the presence of a significant amount of residual air in the sterilizer chamber of vacuum sterilizers, caused by an air leak or inadequate vacuum, would prevent thorough steam penetration into the load contents during the steam exposure phase of the sterilization cycle. However, a method for verifying the proper operation of vacuum sterilizers was not available. The paper by J. H. Bowie and his colleagues described a quick and reliable method for verifying the operation of the vacuum system of vacuum sterilizers. The test described by the authors included at least 25 huckaback towels folded into four layers along their length and then folded in half to give eight thicknesses of cloth. The towels were stacked on top of each other to a height of 10-11 inches. Two 12 inch lengths of 3M ™ 1222 autoclave tape were applied to a 10 × 8 inch sheet of unglazed paper in a St. Andrew’s cross design and the sheet was put in the center of the stack of towels. The stack of towels could be enclosed in a dressing casket (a metal box used in Britain for sterilizing linens), or similar container, or wrapped in fabric. The test was run for 3½ minutes at 134ºC or 12 minutes at 126ºC. In a satisfactory cycle, the tape would show a uniform color change. However, if residual air existed in the sterilizer chamber, an air bubble would form in the center of the towel pack inhibiting the complete development of the indicator tape at the center of the sheet. This test became known as the Bowie-Dick test.Today, the Bowie-Dick test is widely used and recognized as a valuable means of monitoring the performance of vacuum-assisted steam sterilizers. However, several aspects have changed since the original work was done in Britain in the early 1960s. Most of today’s sterilizers operate differently from those used by Bowie and Dick, which drew a single deep vacuum before beginning the sterilization cycle. Prevacuum sterilizers today typically have a series of steaminjections and vacuum excursions, before beginning the sterilization phase, and the vacuum depth is not as great as in the older high vacuum sterilizers. Additionally, manufacturers have developed indicator sheets designed specifically for the Bowie-Dick test. The indicator inks used on these test sheets are similar to that used on autoclave tape. Furthermore, in the U.S., the Bowie-Dick test is run at 132-134ºC (270-273ºF) for 3½ - 4 minutes.The purpose of the prevacuum phase is to remove all the air from the sterilizer chamber. This allows the steam to make contact with all the surfaces in the load. If air is present, steam penetration to all the surfaces in the load will be impeded. Causes of air remaining in the sterilizer chamber include inadequate vacuum (i.e., incomplete air removal), air leaks, or the presence of noncondensable gases in the steam.The Bowie-Dick test is run in an otherwise empty chamber because this is a more rigorous test than if the chamber was full with a normal load. If there were other packs in the chamber, any air present would be distributed throughout all the packs and thus fail to be detected by the indicator sheet in the Bowie-Dick test pack. The test pack should be placed on the bottom shelf of the sterilizer rack, over the drain, because this is the coldest spot in the sterilizer chamber.The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation(AAMI) provides specific recommendations on the make-up of a Bowie Dick towel pack.2 These include type of towels, type of wrap material, dimensions of the pack, and placement of the test sheet within the test pack. However, variability in these components can contribute to non-uniform test results. Manufacturers eliminated many of these variablesby introducing disposable Bowie-Dick test packs. These disposable packs have been shown to be as effective as towel packs. Disposable test packs are small in size and eliminate the costly labor involved in making towel packs. They are an effective, inexpensive way to assure that a prevacuum sterilizer is operating properly.Equipment ControlEquipment control includes verifying the sterilizer’s physical monitors (e.g., sterilizer printout) for each cycle and monitoring the effectiveness of the sterilizer’s vacuum system each day the sterilizer is used. When using prevacuum cycles, it is critical to know that the sterilizer is removing air efficiently. Monitoring with a Bowie-Dick test pack should be done on a daily basis, prior to running the first full load of the day. If a sterilizer has an inadequate vacuum, air leak, or poor steam quality, air pockets may form inside the sterilizer and compromise sterility by preventing steam penetration into some of the packs in the load. The indicator sheet inside the Bowie-Dick test pack will not develop properly if air remains trapped inside the sterilizer chamber. If a Bowie-Dick test indicates a problem, the sterilizer should be taken out of service until the malfunction is identified and corrected.Product DescriptionThe 3M ™ Comply ™ 1233LF Bowie-Dick Type Test Pack consists of a lead-free steam-sensitive chemical indicator test sheet positioned in a package of layered porous materials. The porous materials are paperboard sheets that have moisture-impervious plastic layers at the top and bottom. These materials are wrapped in a non-woven, disposable wrap secured with a lead-free steam indicator label.The test sheet consists of a lead-free chemical indicator printed on paper as a yellow-colored diagonal pattern and is positioned near the center of the porous pack. The primary test sheet will turn a uniform dark brown/black color, except when air removal failures such as air leaks occur.Indications for UseThe 3M Comply 1233LF Bowie-Dick Type Test Pack is designed for testing air removal efficiency of 132-134°C (270-273°F) dynamic-air-removal steam sterilizers (i.e., prevacuum).Technical Design and Performance CharacteristicsThe 3M Comply 1233LF Bowie-Dick Type Test Pack uses impermeable layers on the top and bottom to direct steam and enhance the aircapture qualities. A precisely controlled pad of porous substrate is used to establish a matrix for the formation of an air bubble and to act as a reservoir of air simulating the towels in a conventional large towel pack. The reticulated foam layer acts as a steam pathway for the control of air bubble alignment and insulates the indicator from radiant heat emanating from the hot surface of the sterilizer chamber. Air is evacuated from the chamber and the test pack during the prevacuum cycle. If an air leak is present, air will bleed back into the chamber as a vacuum is pulled. Since air is much cooler and heavier than steam, it will be forced to the bottom of the chamber near the drain when the steam valves opens. As pressure begins to increase, the air and then the steam enters the pack from the sides and top of the reticulated foam pathway at the top of the pack. The steam pressure compresses the air into a bubble and pushes it toward the bottom of the pack. As the steam pressure increases, the air bubble is squeezed smaller and smaller until the pressure stabilizes.UNPROCESSEDPASSBowie-Dick testsheet shows auniform colorchange to darkbrown/black.Bowie-Dick testsheet shows anon-uniform colorchange. Test sheetresult indicates asmall amount ofresidual air in thechamber.sheet shows anon-uniform colorchange. Test sheetresult indicates alarge amount ofresidual air in thechamber.Comply and 3M are trademarks of 3M. Used under license by 3M subsidiaries and affiliates.Please recycle. Printed in USA.Issued:2/10 © 3M 2010. All rights reserved. 7137HB 70-2010-7556-4 (210.25) DPI3M Health CareInfection Prevention Division3M Center, Building 275-4E-01St. Paul, MN 55144-10001-800-228-3957/infectionprevention3Storage and Shelf LifeStore in a dry (<50% RH) condition at room temperature [15-30°C (59-86°F)] and protect from direct light. Do not store near strong alkaline or acidic products such as cleaning or disinfecting agents. After use the indicator will not change visually within 24 months when stored at above conditions.The 3M ™ Comply ™ 1233LF Bowie-Dick Type Test Pack has a 2-year shelf life from the date of manufacture when stored at recommended conditions. The expiration date is printed on the label that secures the test pack.References1B owie JH, Kelsey JC, and Thompson PR. The Bowie and Dick Autoclave Tape Test . Lancet 1963; 1:586.2A ssociation for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.Comprehensive guide to steam sterilization and sterility assurance in health care facilities . ANSI/AAMI ST79:2006, A1:2008 and A2:2009.。
普通原料粉尘 药物性粉尘 有毒气体 有毒蒸气 微生物 缺氧环境:有限空间,槽罐 / 反应釜清洁
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- Introduce 3M Moiré Simulation ModelDisplay Panel Moiré Occurrence StudyWDisplay Panel Moiré Occurrence Study- Contents 1. Type of Moiré in Display Panel– Reflective Moiré & Pixel Moiré2. Variables affecting Pixel Moiré Occurrence– Angle of Viewing – Diffusion – Pixel Size & Prism Pitch Relationship3. Pixel Size vs. Prism Pitch Study– 3M Moiré Simulation Model – New Pitch for TBEF2 SeriesDisplay Panel Moiré - Two TypesReflective Moiré– Direct ray and reflected ray images interfere to create reflective moiré pattern. – Curved FringesExample Direct Image Ray Example Reflected Image Ray Top BEFBottom BEFPixel Moiré– Periodic prism pattern interferes with LCD pixel structure. – Straight FringesLCD BEFReflective Moiré3M Solution for Reflective Moiré#1 Replace top film by BEFRP seriesTop BEFRP series Bottom TBEF2-T-iTop Prism Bottom Prism#2 Replace top film by TBEF2-M-iTop TBEF2-M-i Bottom TBEF2-T-iOther Solution Æ Cover Sheet or Diffusion in LCD panelPixel Moiré Demonstration• Two line sets create a moiréPixel Moiré DemonstrationPixel Moiré DemonstrationPixel Moiré DemonstrationPixel Moiré DemonstrationPixel Moiré DemonstrationBias DemonstrationMany Factors Affect Pixel Moiré•Pixel moire visibility in a display is dependent upon many variables, some of which are:–Angle of Viewing•Moiréoccurrence varies with angle–Diffusion in LCD•Diffusion Method (cover sheet, adhesives, AG, etc.)•Location of Diffusing Elements (backlight, panel)–Pitch of Patterns•Pixel Size and Prism Pitch RelationshipÆPixel moir évisibility variables–Angle of Viewing–Diffusion in LCD–Pitch of PatternsMicroscope Rotation Stage Hand-Held BacklightFilm Stack BEF light modulation study•Microscope images focused atthe surface of the prisms weretaken from 0¡(on-axis) up to45¡.•A hand-held backlight unitmounted to a rotation stageGoal of study:Determine how BEF modulates lightWhy is pixel moiréonly visible off-axis?BEF as a Line Setθ= 0θ= 15°θ= 30°θ= 45°•Prism films creates a line patternÆPixel moire can occur when an LCD is placed above BEF •Contrast of the line pattern depends on the viewing angle ÆMoiréappearance (contrast of interference) varies with angle¾Visibility of pixel moir épattern is dictated by fringe contrast ¾Using diffusing elements can reduce fringe contrastA BDiffusing elements can affect pixel moirévisibility–Diffusion in LCD–Pitch of Patterns–Diffusion in LCD–Pitch of PatternsPixel Size & Prism Pitch Relationship Study •3M has done extensive investigation to understandrelationship between pixel size and prism pitch–Pixel moirévisibility varies with prism pitch–Smaller prism pitch decreases brightness gain (trade-off)•3M “MoiréSimulation Model”–3M developed a simulation model to predict pixel moiré–Simulation result selects a set of optimal prism pitches toreduce pixel moiréfor each LCD panelIntroduction of 3M MoiréSimulation Modelpixel pitch =198.0um0.0040.0080.0120.0160.020.0240.0280.032151617181920212223242526272829303132Prism Pitch Wide pitch fringeFine pitch fringe Pixel MoiréSimulation (How to interpret)F r i n g e c o n t r a s tPixel Pitch = 198um Prism Pitch Higher visibilityof moiré•This chart is a simulation result for 198um pixel •Prism pitch (horizontal axis) vs. moir éfringe contrast (vertical axis)High contrast & wide moir éfringe (obviously visible)Low contrast & narrow moir éfringe (rarely visible)High contrast, but narrow moir éfringe (less visible)pixel pitch =198.0um00.0040.0080.0120.0160.020.0240.0280.032151617181920212223242526272829303132Prism Pitch Pixel MoiréSimulation (How it works)Pixel Pitch = 198um Prism PitchOK: Moirélikely acceptableWide pitch fringeFine pitch fringe•3M moir ésimulation model can predict pixel moir éusing the following inputs:–Pixel pitch –Prism pitch –Fringe pitch–Visible fringe contrastF r i n g e c o n t r a s tHigher visibility of moiréVisible Contrastpixel pitch =198.0um00.0040.0080.0120.0160.020.0240.0280.032151617181920212223242526272829303132Prism Pitch 22.5 µm23 µm23.5 µm24 µm27 µm27.5 µmWide pitch fringeFine pitch fringeMoiréObservation vs. Simulation ResultPixel Pitch = 198um Prism PitchOK: Moirélikely acceptableSimulation ObservationF r i n g e c o n t r a s tHighervisibility of moiréIntegrated Spectrum (p1 =141.0, Bias =0.0, Sep(um) =0, c1 =100,c2 =100, Max =TRUE)00.0040.0080.0120.0160.020.0240.0280.032151617181920212223242526272829303132Top Line Pitch (p2)Simulation Example for 141um PixelF r i n g e c o n t r a s tPixel Pitch = 141um Prism PitchHigher visibility of moiréWide pitch fringe Fine pitch fringeLCD Panel High resolutionLow resolutionWide Prism PitchNarrow Prism PitchPrism Film Sample3M Simulation Can Predict Moiréwith >90% Accuracy*OK: Moir?likely acceptableMarginal: Fine pitch moir? may not be cared NG: Obvious wide fringe moir?Pixel Moir éObservation ResultsComparison with SimulationPrediction was totally opposite (Red vs. Green) (1%)Observation was worse than prediction (2%)Didn’t hit, but observation was better than prediction (3%)Color boxes show observation matches simulation results (94%)97%Simulation Accuracy Validationwith Real Customer Panels•3M has borrowed your major 7 panels;–2”QVGA (126um)–2.2”QVGA (141um)–1.76”QCIF+ (159um)–1.8”QCIF+ (162um)–2”QCIF+ (180um)–1.77”QQVGA (219um)–1.82”QQVGA (225um)•3M observed pixel moirévisibility and compared with our simulation resultsPixel MoiréStudy Conclusion •Pixel moiréoccurrence on display panel is a key concern in the industry•Pixel moiréprediction is possible–3M moirésimulation model is a proven, time-saving,interactive tool•3M can develop the optimal number of NEW prism pitch TBEF2’s to address your total panel portfolio concern–There is NO one perfect pitch to fit all panels–Target the least number of new pitches to minimize handling confusion and inventory management3HH Product Migration MapR e f l e c t o r sESR ESR-PT, BO n -G l a s sTBEF II-T BEF-RP 90/24ARMPARMRB a c k l i g h tBEF II/III TBEFDBEF-E/MXTBEF-A Next Generation Stacked ConfigurationNext Generation RPNext Generation TBEFFuture Front Surface Film3rd Generation BEF-RPDBEF-PDBEF-P2TBEF II-M BEFRP2 R/HMCDQCESR-PT4WDRAPARPrivacy FamilyTBEF2-T-i TBEF2-M-iDifferent PitchBEFRP2TBEF-Rim-CoverNext GenerationReflectorKiss-cut FormatReel FormatHH DispenserNEWMajor Panel in Handheld Industry •Mainstream pixel sizes in the handheld display industry*are:–2.2”QVGA 240x320 dots(141um)•Also 1.9”~ 2.8”QVGA panels are in the market –2.2”QCIF+ 176x220 dots(198um)•Also 1.7”~ 2.2”QCIF+ panels are in the market –1.8”QQVGA 128x160 dots(219um)•Also 1.2”~ 2.0”QQVGA panels are in the market –1.5”128x128 dots (210um)•Also 1.4”~ 1.8”128x128 panels are in the marketE.T. Data vs. Prism Pitch1.501.521.541.561.581.601.621.641516171819202122232425Prism Pitch (microns)E f f e c t i v e T r a n s m i s s i o n (S i n g l e f i l m )The gain decreases as the prism pitch goes smallPrism Pitch vs. Brightness Balance-4%-1%This is a general data from our experimental samples to show rough relationship between pitch and ET.Future Pitch NeedPrism Pitch: TP3*Prism Pitch: TP2*Prism Pitch: TP1** TP1, TP2 & TP3 are product codes for the new pitches (TBEF Prism Pitch)•Other prism pitch TBEF2’s are needed to evaluate the optimal combination to address the high volume and future panels 7278849096102108114120126132138144150156162168174180186192198204210216222228234240•3M proposal for optimal pitches: TP1, TP2, TP3*Moving Forward•We can work together to address your company needs•Which prism pitch is appropriate to address your total panel portfolio concern?•Does one NEW pitch cover enough?•If not, which, how many TBEF2 prism pitches are needed?Any Questions?Thank you for your attentionVikuiti TM Films Power Beautiful Displays Brighter. Whiter. More vivid color. Thinner./Important Notice3M does on occasion provide internal 3M test data as a service to our customers. 3M does not certify the accuracy or validity of this information and 3M is not responsible for Customer’s interpretation of or use or misuse of the provided information. For example, Customers should not use this information for business purposes, including but not limited to setting test criteria, developing a specification or evidence of meeting a specification, or as a basis for determining if a product is fit for a particular application or will have particular attributes. Product attribute claims should not be based on this information.The information provided is made available on an “as is”basis. 3M makes no warranty, express or implied, related to this information. 3M shall not be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential damages relating to the use or inability to use this information, regardless of the legal theory asserted.。