CHAP4 Force System Resultant



8.1 CMW710-R0106P02 版本解决问题列表 ···························································································· 10 8.2 CMW710-R0106 版本解决问题列表··································································································· 11 8.3 CMW710-R0105P12 版本解决问题列表 ···························································································· 12 8.4 CMW710-R0105P06 版本解决问题列表 ···························································································· 13 8.5 CMW710-R0105 版本解决问题列表··································································································· 13 8.6 CMW710-E0104 版本解决问题列表··································································································· 14 8.7 CMW710-E0102 版本解决问题列表··································································································· 14 8.8 CMW710-E0006P02 版本解决问题列表 ···························································································· 14 9 相关资料 ············································································································································· 14 9.1 相关资料清单······································································································································ 14 9.2 资料获取方式······································································································································ 15 10 技术支持 ··········································································································································· 15 附录 A 本版本支持的软、硬件特性列表································································································· 16 A.1 版本硬件特性 ····································································································································· 16 A.2 版本软件特性 ····································································································································· 23

setstreamvolume 参数范围 -回复

setstreamvolume 参数范围 -回复

setstreamvolume 参数范围-回复“setstreamvolume 参数范围”是指在编程或操作系统中,通过指定特定的参数来设置音频输出流的音量范围。












- 在iOS操作系统中,setstreamvolume函数会接受一个0到1之间的浮点数作为音量参数。


- 在Windows操作系统中,setstreamvolume函数会接受一个0到65535之间的整数作为音量参数。




insufficientauthenticationexception类 -回复

insufficientauthenticationexception类 -回复




为什么会出现InsufficientAuthenticationException类?InsufficientAuthenticationException类通常在以下情况下出现:1. 用户认证信息不完整:当用户提供的认证信息不完整时,系统可能会抛出InsufficientAuthenticationException异常。



2. 权限不足:有些系统可能要求用户在通过某些操作之前进行特定的权限验证。



3. 多因素认证失败:某些系统可能采用多因素认证来提高安全性。



如何处理InsufficientAuthenticationException类?处理InsufficientAuthenticationException异常通常需要以下步骤:1. 捕获异常:在代码中使用try-catch语句块,将可能引发InsufficientAuthenticationException异常的代码放入try块中,并在catch块中捕获该异常。

TIME3.简易词 名词

TIME3.简易词 名词

TIME单挑1000简易词名词access [ˋæksɛs] n. (使用、看某物)机会或权利Theoretically at least, whole populations will have direct access to information without waiting for it to be filtered through a government, or a press.至少在理论上,全体人民都可以直接取用资讯,不必等候政府或媒体的过滤。

agenda [əˋdʒɛndə] n. 议程,行动计划He has a modest domestic agenda centered on improving education and strengthening families, and he believes most of those programs can run without much direct input from him.他有一套保守的内政方案,主要是以改善教育和强化家庭为重点,而且他相信,这些政策大部分都不需要他太多的直接参与就可以运作。

ally [əˋlaɪ] n. 盟邦【同】confederate 【反】enemyJust as Clinton’s first official overseas trip, in 1993, was to Asia, …his first post-election trip will take him back to the region for visits with three other major allies --- Australia, the Philippines and Thailand.正如克林顿上任后的首趟外交之旅是于1993年到亚洲,他连任后的第一次出访也将再回到这个地区,访问另外3个主要盟国——澳大利亚、菲律宾和泰国。

dnbc4tools的调用 -回复

dnbc4tools的调用 -回复







第二步:了解dnbc4tools的功能dnbc4tools提供了众多实用的功能,主要分为以下几个模块:1. 代码编辑器:dnbc4tools内置了一个强大的代码编辑器,支持语法高亮、代码折叠、智能补全等功能。


2. 版本控制:dnbc4tools集成了版本控制系统,使您可以轻松管理代码版本、进行分支合并、查看修改历史等操作。


3. 调试工具:dnbc4tools还提供了强大的调试功能,可以帮助您快速定位和解决代码中的问题。


4. 代码生成器:dnbc4tools还提供了各种代码生成器,可以根据模板自动生成常见的代码片段,如增删改查操作、表单验证、API文档等。




在使用dnbc4tools进行开发时,您可以按照以下步骤进行:1. 创建项目:在dnbc4tools中,您可以创建一个新的项目或导入一个已有的项目。



B - 安装调试 ............................................................................................................10 1. 拆除包装 .......................................................................................................10 2. 送丝机连接...................................................................................................10 3. 主电源的电路连接 .....................................................................................10 4. 焊枪的连接...................................................................................................10
安全说明 .....................................................................................................................2
A - 总体介绍 ...............................................................................................................7 1. 装置简介 .........................................................................................................7 2. 焊接设备组成 ................................................................................................7 3. 前面板描述.....................................................................................................8 4. 选配件..............................................................................................................8 5. OPTIPULS i / i W技术规格 .............................................................................8 6. 尺寸和重量.....................................................................................................9 7. 冷却装置的技术规格......................................................................................9

hwasan检测原理 -回复

hwasan检测原理 -回复

hwasan检测原理-回复Hwasan(Hardware assisted sanitizer)是一种针对内存错误的检测工具,它主要用于帮助开发人员在编译时和运行时识别和修复内存相关的问题。




Hwashadow是Hwasan的核心组件,它基于shadow memory 的概念,将每个字节的内存状态编码到一个额外的内存中。

通过使用shadow memory,Hwasan可以有效地检测内存访问错误,例如越界读写和空指针解引用。












在检查模式下,Hwasan 会在每次读写内存时进行检查,以便在访问错误发生时立即报告。




security_attributes用法 -回复

security_attributes用法 -回复




一、理解security_attributessecurity_attributes是一种结构体,它在Windows API中被广泛使用。


1. nLength:这是一个整型变量,用于存储security_attributes结构体的大小。


2. bInheritHandle:这是一个布尔型变量,用于决定是否允许子进程继承这个句柄。


3. lpSecurityDescriptor:这是一个指向SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR结构体的指针。


二、创建security_attributes在使用security_attributes之前,首先需要创建一个security_attributes 结构体。

以下是一个简单的示例:c++SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa;sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; 允许子进程继承句柄sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; 使用默认的安全描述符在这个示例中,我们首先创建了一个security_attributes结构体,并设置了它的nLength成员为sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)。



智慧树知到《跨文化商务沟通》章节测试答案第一章1、The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior.culturecommunicationethnocentrismsender答案: ethnocentrism2、The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.intercultural communicationculturebusiness communicationfeedback答案: culture3、A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.ethnocentrismnoisecommunicationhorizontal communication答案: noiseand profits for both the individuals and organizations.lateral communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationintercultural communication答案: business communication5、The communication at the same level in an organization.horizontal communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationlateral communication答案: horizontal communication6、When culture is contrasted with nature, it can be defined as “ life way of a population” in its broad sense, meaning what characterizes the particular way of life of a population.对错答案: 错7、Cul ture is all men’s medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.对错答案: 对8、The culture shown in an onion consists of two levels; a level of norms and values, or an invisible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.错答案: 错9、Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.对错答案: 对10、In the global village, neighbors communicate free of troubles and difficulties.对错答案: 错11、With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.对错答案: 错第二章1、A good mastery of grammar of one language can guarantee a successful communication.对错答案: 错2、Long before writing was developed,we learned to speak first.对答案: 对3、There should always be an attachment at the end of a business memo.对错答案: 错4、A recommendation report is to recommend something to others.对错答案: 错5、Which is not verbal communication?Chat with your leaders and colleaguesDiscuss an issue in a groupGreeting with a smileLeave a message答案: Greeting with a smile6、____ refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.NoiseMessageSourceContext答案: Noise7、It is a universal truth that language is by culture and in turn it __ culture.influenced, reflectsdisplayed, influencesdetermined, reflectsshaped, influences答案: influenced, reflects8、Why should we take notes during a business call?Listen attentivelyServes as a record to take follow-up actionReport on the call to someone elseReflect on the call答案: Listen attentively,Serves as a record to take follow-up action,Report on the call to someone else9、How can you identify your audience in preparing a business presentation?AgeAppearanceInterestOccupation答案: Age,Interest,Occupation10、Before making a business call, what kind of questions can you reflect?Do you need to report to your boss?Do you need to get information?Do you want to sell something, or convince the person of an idea?Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?person of an idea?,Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?第三章1、Nonverbal behavior reflects the speaker’s subconciousness.对错答案:A2、Depending on the culture,a smile can indicate joy and amusement, it can also indicate embarrassment.对错答案:A3、Posture is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.对错答案:对4、Intimate distance is most common when friends, old classmates, acquaintances and relativestalk.对错答案:错5、People in __ cultures usually view silence as lack of communication and are generally ____ with it.low context uncomfortablehigh context uncomfortablehigh context comfortable答案:low context uncomfortable6、Which of the following countries uses high-context language?CanadaGermanyJapanUnited States答案:Japan7、The function of nonverbal signs is sometimes indispensible. For example, placing your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying “Please calm down so that I can speak” is a case of ____.complementingrepeatingcontradictingsubstituting答案:substituting8、Which statements are correct about nonverbalcommunication?Nonverbal behavior is easily controlledA smile sometimes doesn’t mean a sincere smileNonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we derive from conversation.Nonverbal communication is more than the complement of verbal communication.答案:9、How does nonverbal behavior control the pace or flow of communication?Gesture of stoppingClap handsRaise voice答案:Be silent Gesture of stopping Clap hands Raise voice10、Which of the countries belong to individualistic culture?ItalyAmericaFranceGreece答案:Italy America France第四章1、Power distance is a conceptual was developed by Hofstede to describethe extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequallythe power of multinational organizationsthe power differential between developed and less developed countriesthe power difference between men and women答案:2、Hofstede’s _ index measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.value orientationcultural dimensionscultural valuespower distance答案:power distance3、These are the most significant studies of cultural values except ___.Hall's High- and Low- Context TheoryKluckhohn and Strodtbeck's five Value OrientationsFons Trompenars’s model of culture with seven dimensionsGeert Hofstede's six Cultural Dimensions答案:Fons Trompenars’s model of culture with seven dimensions4、The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is____.a view of hierarchical structure of social relationshipa view of group orientation of social relationshipa view of individual orientation structure of social relationshipnone of the above答案:a view of hierarchical structure of social relationship5、Low-context communication is characterized by explicit speaking.对错答案:对6、Chinese culture is high-context in comparison to western culture.对错答案:对7、Cultures with a large power distance are hierarchical cultures.对错答案:对8、At the core of uncertainty avoidance is the idea that the future is predictable.对错答案:错9、Power distance in Hofstede's cultural dimensions is roughly similar to the value Kluckhohn calls hierarchy.对错答案:错10、In a culture emphasizing masculinity, it is more possible for men to play a nurturing role.对错答案:错第五章1、Etiquette is simply showing respect for others.对错答案:错2、Etiquette refers to the guideline for knowing how to behave appropriately in all situations.错答案:A3、Kiss greeting usually happen between two men in the United States.对错答案:错4、It’s OK to write on someone’s business card.对错答案:B5、A handshake should be friendly or respectful gesture, not a show of physical strength. So we should not squeeze other’s hand too hard.对错答案:A6、Before a dish is served, napkins can be placed either on the plate or on the left of forks.对错答案:A7、You’re invited to a business dinner. When do you take your napkin from the table and place it on your lap?Open it immediately.Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.Wait for the oldest person at the table to take his or hers.Wait for all the ladies to take theirs before taking yours if you are a gentle man.答案:Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.8、Which of the following behavior is appropriate in a business dinner?Use the napkin to wipe your nose.Cut all the food in your plate into small pieces.Sip from the side of the spoon when eating soup.Use the knife with your right hand.答案:CD9、What are the benefits of humor in the workplace?Humor can reduce stress.Humor can block negative emotions.Humor can help people develop rapport with each other.Humor can help solve problems.答案:ABCD10、In many Asian countries, the way you treat someone’s business card is a reflection of:How serious you are about the outcome of the meeting.How much you respect them as a person.What you think of their and title.答案:ABCD第六章and a potential cause of shame to the group.对错答案:A2、Whether an international business negotiation succeeds or not is not only determined by the strategies and skills used in formal negotiation, but also closely related to whether enough careful preparation has been made.对错答案:A3、In the opening phase, the atmosphere is the only factor we should consider.对错答案:错4、Bargaining strength refers to the degree of movement that is possible for each party with respect to individual issues on the agenda.对错答案:错5、In some Asian cultures, they will use communication to encourage harmony, preserve face, and develop ____ relationships.Short-termLong-termMiddle-termShort run答案:Long-term6、The purpose of bargaining is to settle the differences that stand in the way of an agreement. Settling the differences involves____.high-context and low-contextconcession andreappraisaladjustment and compromiseaims and objectives答案:adjustment and compromise7、The proposal should be based on a sound analysis of the buyer’s current situation, taking into account of ____ and ____ within which the transaction takes place.the commercial circumstances, the overall contextthe corporate credit, the bank accounting bookthe manager’s stability, the site selectionthe commercial invoice, the chief negotiator’s ability答案:the commercial circumstances, the overall context8、Differences in____, ____, and____ have a profound impact on how successfully the parties are able to negotiate or conduct business transactions.BehavingWays of thinkingManaging conflictHuman resources答案:9、The political system,____, and the counterpart may in some way determine the success or failure of the negotiation.The legal systemThe business systemThe financial systemInfrastructure and logistics system答案:ABCD10、The specific tasks of the opening phase are concluded: To explain the concrete issueTo create suitable atmosphereTo state proposal in opening phaseTodeclare for our intention。


- Updated 123Scan Requirements section. - Updated Advanced Data Formatting (ADF) section. - Updated Environmental Sealing in Table 4-2. - Added the USB Cert information in Table 4-2.
-05 Rev. A
Rev. B Software Updates Added: - New Feedback email address. - Grid Matrix parameters - Febraban parameter - USB HID POS (formerly known as Microsoft UWP USB) - Product ID (PID) Type - Product ID (PID) Value - ECLevel
-06 Rev. A
10/2018 - Added Grid Matrix sample bar code. - Moved 123Scan chapter.
-07 Rev. A
Added: - SITA and ARINC parameters. - IBM-485 Specification Version.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any electrical or mechanical means, without permission in writing from Zebra. This includes electronic or mechanical means, such as photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems. The material in this manual is subject to change without notice.

IO-Link线性传感器使用手册 NOVOtechnik SIEDLE GRUPPE 版本00 20

IO-Link线性传感器使用手册 NOVOtechnik SIEDLE GRUPPE 版本00 20

Gebrauchsanleitung IO-Link für Lineare Sensoren User manual IO-Link for Linear Sensors NOVOtechnik SIEDLE GRUPPEContentIO-Link 2 1IODD Files 2 2Device specification 2 3Process data 2 4Parameter Data 34.1Identification data 34.2Device parameter data 34.2.1Device Access Locks 44.2.2Profile Characteristics 44.2.3PD Input Descriptor 44.2.4Application Specific Tag 44.2.5Null point offset 44.2.6Averaging 44.2.7Resolution 44.2.8Mode 44.2.9Error Messages while Parametrization 55Events: Warnings and Errors 5 6Storage of Parameter Data 5 7Factory Reset 5 8Document Changes 5IO-LinkThis document reflects the Novotechnik sensor protocol implementation of the standard IO-Link protocol.A basic knowledge of the IO-link interface is required for a proper understanding of this document.Most of the definitions made are according to the IO-Link Standard specifications.For making use of all the features that these specifications offer, a knowledge about them is absolutely necessary.The linear sensors supports the IO-Link Smart Sensor Profile specifications (Edition 2011) according IEC 61131-9.The IO-Link interface is a point-to-point connection based on a UART protocol with 24 V pulse modulation. Data isexchanged cyclically between the IO-Link Master and the IO-Link device using the IO-Link protocol. The protocol con-tains process data and also requested additional data for state determination or configuration.1 IODD FilesFor integration in a common IO-Link projecting tool, IO Device Description (*.IODD) files are provided. These files canbe downloaded from the Novotechnik Web Site, see Downloads/Operating manuals where also this document can befound.IODD see file Product series_IODD_model. zip2 Device specification3 Process dataThe process data are transmitted cyclically. The sensor outputs a signed integer value via the IO-Link interface, e.g.:32 bits = position or 48 bits = 32 bits position and 16 bits speedThe absolute position relates to the factory default null point.Resolution of position data: 1 or 5 μmResolution of speed data: 0.1 or 0.5 mm/sThe factory default null point can be shifted via the parameter “Null point offset".The validity of the process data 0xF000 FF10 ... 0x7FFF FFF0 is confirmed by a PD Valid Infomation (process data valid).In case of an error, if no position marker or magnet can be detected, the error value 0x7FFF FFFC is put out and the data is labeled as invalid (PD Invalid Bit).Hint: The IO-Link functionality PD Invalid Bit is handled differently by different IO-Link masters (refer to the manual for the respective master).4 Parameter DataDevice parameters are exchanged non-cyclically and on request of the IO-Link master. Parameter values can be written into the sensor (Write) or device states can be read out of the sensor (Read) by means of the "On-Request Data Ob-jects".4.1 Identification data4.2 Device parameter data*) changeable during operation.Only TP1/TH1 series: Process data are invalid until renewed output of valid process data after 10 ms**) changeable during operation but only effective after Power Off / Power On4.2.1 Device Access LocksWith this parameter, it is possible to active or deactivate the function of the parameter manager.In order to lock the parameter manager, bit #1 of the 2 byte value must be set to "1" (locked), to unlock bit #1 is set to "0".4.2.2 Profile CharacteristicsThis parameter indicates which profile is supported by the IO-Link device.The sensor supports the Smart Sensor Profile:Profile Identifier -> DeviceProfileID: 0x0001 "Smart Sensor Profile"Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8000 "Device Identification"Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8002 "ProcessDataVariable“Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8003 "Sensor Diagnosis"4.2.3 PD Input DescriptorThis parameter describes the composition of the process data variables used. The sensor processes the process data variable as follows:0x000E Subindex 0:0x03 -> Data type = IntegerT 0x20 -> Data size = 32 bits 0x00 -> Offset = 0 bit0x30 -> Data size = 48 bitsOnly TP1/TH1 series:0x40 -> Data size = 64 bits0x60 -> Data size = 96 bits4.2.4 Application Specific TagThis parameter makes it possible to assign the IO-Link device an arbitrary, 32-byte string. This can only be used by the customer for application-specific identification and applied in the parameter manager. The entire object is accessed via subindex Null point offsetSame as process data value, this parameter is a signed 32-bits decimal value.The null point offset can be done without magnet or position marker. The value is added to the factory default null point as a simple offset: maximum value corresponding sensor length.Access takes place via subindex AveragingThe behavior of the output filter can be adjusted for smoothing the signal noise of the output signal. This allows to achieve a better repeatability.0 without moving average1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) moving average across2 (or 4, 8, 16, 32) values4.2.7 ResolutionThe setting of the resolution can be changed (see IODD: 0 = 1 µm, 1 = 5 µm). When changing the resolution of the position signal from 1 to 5 µm, the resolution of the speed signal changes from 0.1 to 0.5 mm/s and vice versa.4.2.8 ModeThe ordered product model can be configured regarding number of position markers and measured variables:mode 0 = 1x positionmode 1 = 1x position + 1x speedOnly TP1/TH1 series:mode 2 = 2x positionmode 3 = 2x position + 2x speedmode 4 = 3x position4.2.9 Error Messages while ParametrizationThe following IO-Link error messages are stored if parametrization fails:5 Events: Warnings and ErrorsWhen an event occurs, the sensor sets the so-called "Event Flag". During an event is read by the master, no parameter data can be exchanged6 Storage of Parameter DataThe device parameters that have been set by the configuration tool and IODD are stored non-volatile.They can be changed and stored again in the sensor any time via the configuration tool or by the PLC.The device acknowledges any change of the parameters to the master.7 Factory ResetResetting to factory default settings is done with command 0x80 in index 0x0002 subindex 00.8 Document Changes。

insufficientauthenticationexception类 -回复

insufficientauthenticationexception类 -回复

insufficientauthenticationexception类-回复[InsufficientAuthenticationException类] 是Java Spring Security 框架中的一个异常类。



该类是Spring Security框架中的一个异常类,用于表示认证不足的异常情况。



该异常通常在以下几种情况下被抛出:1. 用户登录时提供的凭证不完整或无效:当用户提供的用户名或密码不符合要求时,该异常可能被抛出。


2. 缺少必要的认证信息:有时候,特定的应用程序可能需要更多的认证信息来完成身份验证过程。


3. 认证过程中的错误配置:在Spring Security框架中,可能会发生某些配置错误,导致认证无法成功完成。



1. 用户登录时提供的凭证不完整或无效:假设一个网站要求用户在登录时同时提供用户名和密码。


Oracle SPARC S7-2系列伺服器安全指南说明书

Oracle SPARC S7-2系列伺服器安全指南说明书
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下列小節提供 SPARC 與 Netra SPARC S7-2 系列伺服器的一般硬體安全準則。
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■ 將伺服器及相關設備安置在上鎖且限制人員進出的房間內。 ■ 如果設備安置在有門可以上鎖的機架內,除非必須維護或操作機架內的元件,否則請
U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agencyspecific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.












二、ChatGPT4衣物消除指令的应用场景ChatGPT4衣物消除指令在实际应用中具有广泛的应用场景,以下是几个常见的应用场景:1. 时尚编辑:时尚编辑可以利用ChatGPT4衣物消除指令,将模特身上的不同服装进行消除,并生成一张只有人体轮廓的图像。


2. 虚拟试衣:通过ChatGPT4衣物消除指令,用户可以将自己的照片输入系统,并指定要消除的衣物,然后系统会生成一张用户只穿着内衣或泳衣的照片。


3. 医学研究:在医学研究中,有时需要对患者或实验对象进行身体测量和分析。


三、ChatGPT4衣物消除指令的优势相比传统的图像处理方法,ChatGPT4衣物消除指令具有以下优势:1. 高效性:ChatGPT4衣物消除指令采用深度学习的方法,能够快速准确地识别和消除图像中的衣物。



1. General Physics 普通物理1.1 Length and time 长度和时间1. Use and describe the use of rules and measuring cylinders to determine a length or a volume. 使用并且描述如何用尺子和量筒测量长度和体积。

2. Use and describe the use of clocks and devices for measuring an interval of time.使用并且描述如何用钟表和一些仪器测量时间间隔。

3. Use and describe the use of a mechanical method for the measurement of a small distance.使用并描述利用机械的方法测量短距离。

4. Measure and describe how to measure a short interval of time (including the period of a pendulum). 测量和描述怎样测量一个短时间间隔(包括单摆的周期)。

1.2 Speed, velocity and acceleration 速率,速度,加速度1. Define speed and calculate speed from total distance/total time.定义速率和计算:速率=总路程/总时间2. Plot and interpret a speed/time graph or a distance/time graph.画和解释速率/时间图像或者路程/时间图像3. Recognize from the shape of a speed/time graph when a body is (a) at rest, (b) moving with constant speed, or (c) moving with changing speed.从速率/时间图像中辨认出:(a) 静止,(b) 匀速运动和(c) 变速运动。

ChatGPT 4 用户手册说明书

ChatGPT 4 用户手册说明书

UPDATE 19A (2)Revision History (2)Overview (2)User Interface (2)Access Work Areas in Reorganized Navigator Groups and Group Icons (2)Order Management (3)Add Sales Agreements to Sales Orders (3)Process Sales Orders for Projects (3)Manage Sales Orders for Order Hub Using a REST Service (3)Pricing (3)Manage Discount Lists Using a REST Service (3)Manage Pricing Strategy Assignments Using a REST Service (3)Calculate Document Prices Using a REST Service (3)Manage Pricing Segments Using a REST Service (3)UPDATE 19AThis document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:Date Feature Notes15 FEB 2019Access Work Areas in ReorganizedNavigator Groups and Group IconsUpdated document. Delivered feature in update19A.07 DEC 2018Created initial document.This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update.DISCLAIMERThe information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.USER INTERFACEACCESS WORK AREAS IN REORGANIZED NAVIGATOR GROUPS AND GROUP ICONSLocate and use your Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud work areas under new headings in the Navigator, and new group icons on the home page. The new headings and group icons in this update are Order Management and Supply Chain Execution. Removed headings and group icons are Costing, Manufacturing, and Quality Management.ORDER MANAGEMENTADD SALES AGREEMENTS TO SALES ORDERSDefine the contract terms of each sales agreement and automatically apply them to sales orders.PROCESS SALES ORDERS FOR PROJECTSCapture project attributes on sales orders and fulfill these sales orders from a common or pooled inventory to track costs against a project.MANAGE SALES ORDERS FOR ORDER HUB USING A REST SERVICEUse the Sales Orders for Order Hub REST resources to manage sales orders in Oracle Order Management Cloud. You can use this REST API to manage sales information such as customer details on the order header, item details on each order line, quantities, shipping, lot serials, sales credits, payments, billing plans, manual price adjustments, and so on.PRICINGMANAGE DISCOUNT LISTS USING A REST SERVICEUse a REST API to create, read, update, or delete discount list header, discount list items, access set, descriptive flexfields, and discount list rules. These rules includes simple, tiered, and attribute-based adjustments.MANAGE PRICING STRATEGY ASSIGNMENTS USING A REST SERVICEUse a REST API to create, read, update, or delete pricing strategy assignment rules, includes pricing matrix rules.CALCULATE DOCUMENT PRICES USING A REST SERVICEUse a REST API to calculate prices for a document. This includes the ability to price a sales transaction and calculate totals.MANAGE PRICING SEGMENTS USING A REST SERVICEUse a REST API to create, read, update, or delete pricing segment rules.---Copyright © 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U. S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.。

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat

SIMATIC Energy Manager PRO V7.2 - Operation Operat
Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
2 Energy Manager PRO Client................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6
Basics ................................................................................................................................ 19 Start Energy Manager ........................................................................................................ 19 Client as navigation tool..................................................................................................... 23 Basic configuration ............................................................................................................ 25 Search for object................................................................................................................ 31 Quicklinks.......................................................................................................................... 33 Create Quicklinks ............................................................................................................... 33 Editing Quicklinks .............................................................................................................. 35 Help .................................................................................................................................. 38

ignoredeclarationexceptions参数 -回复

ignoredeclarationexceptions参数 -回复












下面是一些使用ignoredeclarationexceptions参数的场景和方法:1. 提供备选方案:当我们希望程序在遇到异常时执行备选方案时,我们可以使用ignoredeclarationexceptions参数。



2. 错误日志记录:在某些情况下,我们希望程序能够继续执行并记录异常的详细信息,以便后续分析和调试。


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4.7 Equivalent system
1. Equivalent system When the force and couple moment system produce the same “external” effects of translation and rotation of the body as their resultant , these two sets of loadings are said to be equivalent. 2. Principle of transmissibility The external effects on a rigid body remain unchanged,when a force, acting a given point on the body, is applied to another point lying on line of action of the force.
2. Vector quantity (1) Magnitude ( N-m or lb-ft) Mo = Fd d = moment arm or perpendicular distance from point O to the line of action of force.
d o
θ d r
Remark: (1) The couple moment is equivalent to the sum of the moment of both couple forces about any arbitrary point 0 in space.
Mo= rAx( -F )+ rB x F =(-rA+rB) x F =r x F= M
M=r x F
P F o
Force on Point A =Force on point O + couple moment on any point p.
F o A
Point O is on the line of action of the force
F o d A o
4.6 moment of a couple
1. Definition ( couple) 偶力矩 Two parallel forces have the same magnitude, opposite distances, and are separated by a perpendicular distance d.
M= F d (Free vector) Mo= F d
Point O is not on the line of action of the force
4.8 Resultant of a force & couple system
1. Objective Simplify a system of force and couple moments to their resultants to study the external effects on the body. 2. Procedures for Analysis (1)Force summations FR=F1+F2+……+ΣF (2)Moment summations MR0= ΣMC+r1o*F1+r2o*F2= ΣMC+ ΣM0 MC:Couple moment in the system Mo:Couple moment about pt.O of the force in the system.
2. Scalar Formulation (1) Magnitude M=Fd
(2) Direction & sense (Right-hand rule) •Thumb indicates the direction •Curled fingers indicates the sense of rotation 3. Vector Formulation M= r x F |M|=M=|r x F |=r F sinθ =F d
2. Law of operation (1)
(2) (3) 3. Cartesian Vector Formulation (1) Cross product of Cartesian unit vectors.
v v v v v v i ×i = j × j = k ×k = 0 v v v v v v o i × j = i j sin 90 k = k v v v v v v j ×k = i ; k ×i = j
A F o
F o
Sliding vector
4. Point O is not on the line of action of the force
F A o
Original system line of action
Couple moment
F F A r o -F
Mc= r x F
1. Moment of a force F about pt. O Mo = r x F where r = A position vector from pt. O to any pt. on the line of action of force F .
(1) Magnitude
Mo=|Mo|=| r x F | =| r|| F | sinθ=F r sinθ =F d (2) Direction Curl the right-hand fingers from r toward F (r cross F ) and the thumb is perpendicular to the plane containing r and F.
4.4 Principle of moments
Varignon’s theorem The moment of a force about a point is equal to the sum of the moment of the force’s components about the point . r F
b a
Ma Ө
b’ Moment axis a’
Mo= r x F
v F
Axis of projection
(1) Moment of a force F about point 0 Mo = r × F Here, we assume that bb’ axis is the moment axis of Mo (2) Component of Mo onto aa´ axis Ma = Ma ua Ma=Mo cosθ =Mo ●ua=( r × F ) ● ua =trip scalar product Here Ma=magnitude of Ma ua= unit vector define the direction of aa´ axis
3.Resultant Moment of Coplanar Force System
do1 do2
don do3
4.2 Cross Product
1. Definition
(1) magnitude of
(2)Direction of perpendicular to the plane containing A & B
CHAPTER 4 Force System Resultant
4.1 Moment of a Force - - - Scalar Formulation
1.Moment A measure of the tendency of the force to cause a body to rotate about the point or axis. • Torque (T) 扭力 • Bending moment (M) 彎曲力矩
F1 r o Mo=r x F F = F1+F2 F2
Mo= r x (F1+F2) = r x F1+ r x F2 = MO1+MO2
4.5 Moment of a force about a specified Axis
1. Objective Find the component of this moment along a specified axis passes through the point about which the moment of a force is computed. 2. Scalar analysis (See textbook) 3. Vector analysis Point O on axis aa’
F d
F -F
plane A // plane B
B -F
5. Resultant couple moment
Apply couple moment at any point p on a body and add them vectorially.
M2 M1
MR=ΣM=Σ r x F
-F r B F rB o r
(2) Couple moment is a free vector which can act at any point in space.