



( )1. 你想进老师办公室,应当先敲门问:
A. May I come in? B. Thank you.
C. Come in, please.
( )2. 当你向别人借尺时可以说:
David: , it . It's Yang Ling's.
Nancy: is Yang Ling?
David: is in the classroom.
第二部分 笔试(60分)
一、 按要求将下列单词分类。(8分)
green pen copybook monkey shop panda blue rabbit rubber
颜 色
1. 这支铅笔 2. 你的钱包
A. No, I'm not. B. No, I don't. C. No, I do.
( ) 9. -Look at my rabbit.
- .
A. How nice!. B. Thank you. C. Here you are.
9. have a look 10. Let me see.
11. I don't know. 12. very much
( )1. Sure. Here you are.
( )2. Goodbye.
( )3. Thank you.
( )4. All right.
( )5. Come in, please.
Nancy:David, What's that ?



附件如皋市2006~2007学年度“微型课题”研究优秀成果获奖名单一等奖(43)作者单位成果名称朱建霞白蒲镇白蒲小学小小汉字奥妙无穷张建国如皋市安定小学妙趣横生尽显本色姜树华白蒲镇白蒲小学歌词:一片厚淀语文素养的“绿洲”田凤翔如皋市白蒲中学课改呼唤灵动的课堂教学王锡林如皋市白蒲中学新课堂理念下教师的主导地位不能动摇朱晓红搬经镇搬经小学拓展式阅读:从课内引向课外沙国建常青镇王陈小学“小学数学差异教学的研究”结题报告吴小军郭园镇车马湖小学“批注式阅读教学”操作策略初探黄网官柴湾镇戴庄初中对体验式教学中先前经验对物理教学影响的思考卢健搬经镇丁许小学“在数学课堂中开展辩论会研究”所得顾石红丁堰镇丁堰小学点击习作评价中的若干人文关键词黄意群丁堰镇丁堰小学让数学生活化让生活数学化冒北林东陈镇东陈初中化学学科内开展微型课题研究性学习的探讨蒋文莲东陈镇东陈小学小学数学课外活动的实践与研究薛志梅郭园镇郭园小学由“让学生提出问题”说开去陈进袁桥镇何庄小学学生在数学合作学习中的心理误区及策略刘丽丽等下原镇花园小学“小学低年级数学语言表达能力培养方法的研究”结题报告张小琴江安镇黄市初中课外阅读对初中生英语阅读能力的影响孙书华如城健康幼儿园在迷惘中行走在反思中成长严斌江安镇中心初中例析新课改语文教学中的几个误区顾艳云长江镇江防初中课堂讨论中的调控和引导汪立志高明镇蒋岱小学从“不知所措”到“思如泉涌”王春进高明镇蒋岱小学如何培养小学生的数感夏燕九华镇九华小学浅谈阅读教学中小练笔的训练徐志华九华镇九华小学流动日记让智慧和真情流动包晓芳林梓镇林梓小学农村小学生生活作文教学方法初探钱海燕林梓镇林梓小学给计算教学添点儿“彩”张飞磨头镇磨头小学关于农村小学生课外阅读现状的调查报告彭之俊如师附小关于小学语文辐射式阅读情况的调查报告严海波如师附小提高教师亲和力构建和谐课堂徐鹏石庄镇石庄初中课堂“教学案”教学的尝试与探索冒永健石庄镇石庄小学解读“学困生”自卑心理的个案研究陈红娟等实验初中改进词汇教学激发后进生学习英语的兴趣邵绍来市第一中学“中学学习困难生学习品质的缺陷与矫正”结题报告申美霞市第一中学概念图在高中英语阅读教学中的应用赵海峰吴窑镇中心学校小学数学分层教学之管见刘梅梅等长江镇新港小学“提高小学生笔算正确率策略的研究”结题报告徐银梅长江镇新港小学作文王国来的电话曹进海如皋市薛窑中学农村中学“留守学生”教育现状的调查报告季红雪岸镇雪岸初中谈语文阅读教学中的自主生成沈世珍常青镇业庄小学浅谈如何提高学生的作文水平吉宏兰一职高如何做好职高班主任工作陈建朋职教中心运用“一般性设问”优化学生思维策略二等奖(69)作者单位成果名称曹建平如皋市白蒲中学我的地盘我做主沈桥云柴湾镇陈庄小学渗透音标教学有效记忆单词周荣荣郭园镇郭园小学《游园不值》课例赏析陈建兰袁桥镇何庄小学让“合作”牵引作文教学蒋文树东陈镇石村小学点击“美美的读”陆鑫实验初中 2007年南通市中考语文试卷评析薛裕红雪岸镇雪岸初中谈英语教学中自主合作策略的运用丁益华江安镇黄岱小学“自信心对小学生语文学习水平影响的个案研究”结题报告张远玲柴湾镇陈庄小学六年级语文“课前预习”学习方法的实践与探究周媛媛如皋市安定小学培养一年级小学生阅读名著的习惯方法初探陈娟娟白蒲镇白蒲小学让“有度”为小学语文拓展把脉程伟磨头镇磨头小学让完成作业成为积极的生命体验丁冬兰磨头镇磨头小学《倍数和因数的认识》教学设计冯劲职教中心堵疏导并重拯救非常态家庭子女高卫东市第一中学关于地理综合题的解题方法与策略的一些思考高之祥如皋市白蒲中学应用数形结合时应注意其等价性朱小平等如皋市薛窑中学“信息技术与高中数学课程整合”结题报告龚晓娟九华镇九华小学“小学课堂中师生互动存在的问题及对策研究”结题报告顾志新常青镇常青初中《影视文化对学生成长影响的调查研究》结题报告何毅搬经镇新芹小学小学数学课外作业调查结果评价黄卫华江安镇黄岱小学“小学数学课堂教学中实施有效讨论的研究”结题报告姜云霞下原镇白雁初中“初中英语短文写作的批改方法”结题报告李爱华如师附小小学低年级教学的有效方法——心理暗示刘芸长江镇江防初中走出滥用“讨论法”的误区刘巧亮桃园镇新华小学“校园童谣对小学生心理健康影响的研究”结题报告刘书梅市第一中学“新课程背景下高中语文课堂提问策略的研究”结题报告刘素芳长江镇新港小学丰富多彩的活动课马建华如皋市白蒲中学高中学生弱手投掷教材的开发与教学策略实施冒如凤雪岸镇雪岸初中提高英语早读质量的综合研究报告祁红霞等长江镇新港小学浅谈小学数学实践性作业设计秦丽萍石庄镇新生小学《轴对称图形》教学设计及点评任炳杰如皋市白蒲中学高一物理“台阶”的形成及对策桑芝萍石庄镇石北初中从初中英语教学现状看“任务型”教学模式沈忠权吴窑镇中心学校“农村小学留守儿童教育现状及对策的个案研究”结题报告史大猛东陈镇东陈小学“小学数学教学难点与教学对策的研究”结题报告孙海玲下原镇花园小学浅谈兴趣教学法如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣孙小华常青镇业庄小学数学日记的独特风味孙艳丽白蒲镇白蒲小学《小学英语“分层教学”的实践与研究》结题报告汤建梅实验初中教学有限创造无限汤新建桃园镇桃园小学诗文诵读,与孩子生命共振田芝华磨头镇磨头小学语文集体备课“X+1”模式初探王群高明镇蒋岱小学感悟学生的错别字王长智搬经镇朱夏小学“教师评语促进小学生习作能力发展的研究”结题报告王永祥如皋市薛窑中学夯实基础关注热点提高能力吴美玲等柴湾镇陈庄小学“多动障碍儿童的特点及矫正策略研究”研究报告夏剑莉吴窑镇中心学校语音--英语学习的基础和关键夏明敏九华镇九华小学《圆的认识》课堂实录薛亚兵东陈镇丁北小学《小学生作业磨蹭心理及对策研究》结题报告严斌江安镇中心初中“问得好”与“学得好”杨光江安镇滨江初中让学生身临其境学英语杨红梅如皋市薛窑中学新课改中农村普通高中英语学困生研究及对策袁杰市第一中学高中物理例题设计策略研究袁爱红如皋市白蒲中学高中生物学习结果归因研究调查报告张彬下原镇山珀小学“小学生数学作业质量问题与对策的研究”结题报告张春梅石庄镇石庄小学课改需要有意义的学习张小燕特殊教育学校“在游戏中培养幼儿交往能力的研究”结题报告张亚珍如师附小点燃批判性思维火花张永红下原镇下原小学未成曲调先有情张智源常青镇常青初中农村中学生课外阅读指导的研究章亚平石庄镇石庄小学走出小组讨论学习的误区周梅常青镇海南小学让学生插上自信的翅膀周荣荣郭园镇郭园小学让阅读伴随孩子一生的成长周绍群江安镇黄岱小学浅谈农村小学“英语学困生”的转化策略朱晓红搬经镇搬经小学《友谊的航程》课堂实录朱亚红下原镇下原小学寻找回来的自信庄美芳林梓镇林梓小学《荷花》课堂教学实录宗在红一职高语文:请给学困生点亮一盏心灯邹亚军磨头镇磨头小学“小学数学试卷评讲方法研究”结题报告邹艳梅实验初中中学语文课堂合作学习中“边缘人”现象矫治研究三等奖(117)作者单位成果名称包晓芳林梓镇林梓小学“神奇的白开水”习作设计贲跃华高明镇东燕初中教育随笔蔡红燕下原镇山珀小学“新课程实施中村小教师心理不适现象的调查研究”调查报告陈进袁桥镇何庄小学“小学数学教师教学反思习惯的调查研究”实验报告陈荣市第一中学应试作文语句错误的心理矫治陈爱凤搬经镇朱夏小学随风潜入夜润物细无声陈建兰袁桥镇何庄小学宝剑锋从磨砺出梅花香自苦寒来陈晶晶市第一中学高中英语听力训练方法之管见陈娟娟白蒲镇白蒲小学胸藏万汇凭吞吐,笔有千钧任翕张陈乔兰常青镇业庄小学走进写话教学的春天陈王娟桃园镇新华小学生活中的语文语文中的生活程伟磨头镇磨头小学情境作业让语文教学更具活力仇刘燕桃园镇新华小学“农村小学语文活动性课堂教学的实践与研究”结题报告戴林静石庄镇新生小学《鲁班和橹板》教学设计戴小兵长江镇江防初中“讨论式”教学提问的策略丁冬兰磨头镇磨头小学“小学生数感培养方法的研究”结题报告丁国琴高明镇蒋岱小学小学低年级学生数学阅读能力培养的途径丁益华江安镇黄岱小学“对症下药”培养学生学习语文的自信心杜新兰林梓镇林梓小学“小学数学学困生作业态度调查”结题报告段红庆搬经镇朱夏小学小学生作文评语的个性化探究冯泽下原镇下原小学摘抄应有效渗透到习作中来郭玉晶长江镇新港小学“小学语文教师情绪对课堂教学效率的影响”结题报告杭建平常青镇常青初中浅谈运用几何画板进行初中数学教学侯飞建市第一中学“中学数学课堂教学导入设计研究”结题报告黄莉莉常青镇业庄小学《What's the matter?》教学设计黄网官柴湾镇戴庄初中“阿基米德原理”教学实录与反思黄小琴常青镇业庄小学《认识千米》教案黄意群丁堰镇丁堰小学《用字母表示数》教学设计季红雪岸镇雪岸初中谈自主式文言文阅读教学贾玉鸣市第一中学“微型实验在高三化学探究学习中的实践研究”结题报告贾中庆特殊教育学校后进聋生的家庭教育状况的调查报告姜其林雪岸镇雪北小学《除数是小数的除法》教学实录焦小燕常青镇王陈小学让孩子的问题意识深入新课程李爱华如师附小《认识人民币》教学案设计李冬梅市第一中学避免三种失误强化四项意识李世英常青镇海南小学“励志类图书,我要读”李晓霞九华镇九华小学于课堂练习中彰显个性李新建下原镇花园小学《圆的周长》教学设计刘海妹丁堰镇丁堰小学走进三国城——课外阅读汇报活动方案刘素芳长江镇新港小学快快乐乐“教”“学”英语卢海燕高明镇蒋岱小学“依据教材设计比较阅读的内容”调查报告陆华石庄镇石北初中“农村初中生心理健康状况的调查研究”结题报告马爱明搬经镇搬经小学对小学数学教学中合作学习的理性思考马红梅石庄镇石庄小学《小学男女生学习习惯的比较研究》结题报告马季梅搬经镇搬经小学微型日记,牵引孩子步入写作的天堂马建峰等实验初中“初中英语课外作业项目化设计策略的研究”结题报告马向南市第一中学为什么要进行英语小组化教学冒北林东陈镇东陈初中由一则案例看农村初中化学实验研究的价值冒红针石庄镇新生小学《看菊花》第一课时教学设计冒慧荣丁堰镇丁堰小学《真想变成大大的荷叶》教学设计潘明哲丁堰镇丁堰小学扩编课本剧的尝试祁红霞长江镇新港小学确定位置祁志祥白蒲镇白蒲小学《小学数学作业设计的实践与研究》结题报告钱海燕林梓镇林梓小学简便运算复习课任树华一职高中职对口单招语文命题走向及应对策略桑芝萍石庄镇石北初中谈多媒体技术与初中英语任务型教学模式的整合沙志祥实验初中择校后农村初中数学学困生的成因及对策研究申小春常青镇业庄小学关注学生情感唤醒习作潜能沈炜下原镇下原小学“4A Unit7 It's Late”教学实录沈桥云柴湾镇陈庄小学“Unit9 The English Club”教学设计沈永建石庄镇石庄小学补白,给学生打开一个五彩缤纷的世界施洁桃园镇新华小学浅谈实施形成性评价时应注意的问题施兆琴石庄镇石庄初中《沁园春·雪》课堂实录石鑫炎等长江镇新港小学一个逆反心理学生的个案报告孙小丽江安镇滨江初中“8BUnit2 Travlling”教学实录汤德录常青镇王陈小学《异分母分数的加、减法》教学设计及反思王群高明镇蒋岱小学话说“字词教学”王蓓蓓如师附小小学课堂中不举手现象的问题调查报告王昌梅江安镇黄市初中沟通技巧ABC王春进高明镇蒋岱小学如何让数学学习具有挑战性王春莉高明镇蒋岱小学片段作文的应用研究王桂红江安镇黄岱小学小学生逆反心理的成因及疏导王剑英职教中心谈谈英语教学中两极分化的成因及对策吴小军郭园镇车马湖小学《早》教学反思吴雅琴市第一中学“数学课堂识记失败的原因及教学对策”结题报告吴亚萍特殊教育学校“中班幼儿故事爱好倾向的调查研究”结题报告夏勇搬经镇搬经小学数学游戏化游戏数学化夏峰云搬经镇搬经初中逗学说唱步步为营夏剑莉吴窑镇中心学校英语语音教学的几点体会夏茂荣搬经镇搬经小学农村小学英语“后进生”成因分析及转化对策夏明敏九华镇九华小学《圆的认识》教学反思夏小红九华镇九华小学让合作学习在作文教学中闪光徐鹏石庄镇石庄初中浅析新人教版数学的中考命题趋势徐海荣职教中心《再别康桥》教案、课件徐吉荣东陈镇东陈小学试论小学数学分层教学与辅导徐明华等特殊教育学校异食癖儿童行为矫正的案例分析徐雪鸿职教中心调动多种积极因素消除学生逆反心理徐亚红东陈镇东陈初中农村初中生的厌学情况研究及对策徐志明九华镇营房初中“初三数学复习策略的研究”结题报告薛建芳等如皋市白蒲中学《孟德尔一对相对性的杂交实验》(第一课时)教学设计和案例薛树培桃园镇新华小学小学低年级儿童数学学习习惯的调查报告薛亚兵东陈镇丁北小学远离磨蹭,挑战麻利严斌江安镇中心初中《阿里山纪行》教学实录杨峰搬经镇加力小学有效互动需要引领臧荣琪江安镇黄岱小学“利用微型日记提高小学生写作水平的研究”结题报告展娟长江镇新港小学小学音乐的情境教学张飞磨头镇磨头小学农村小学生课外阅读策略初探张国华雪岸镇雪岸初中形成共识健康推进张伶俐如皋市薛窑中学例谈信息技术与高中数学课程整合策略章乔军高明镇蒋岱小学《求原来有多少》课堂实录张小琴江安镇黄市初中浅谈如何激发并保持学生英语课外阅读兴趣张晓宏实验初中优化初中数学教师的课堂语言张亚云林梓镇林梓小学“走进童话”课外阅读的教学实录与评析张亚珍如师附小让优秀点滴成为习惯张远玲柴湾镇陈庄小学《印度洋上生死夜》教学实录章小蜂高明镇蒋岱小学《时光太匆匆》课外阅读指导赵海峰吴窑镇中心学校给学生一架合适的梯子周丽娟江安镇黄岱小学“小学数学实践性作业设计的研究”结题报告周媛媛如皋市安定小学寓言是一面镜子--双语一(5)班主题读书活动实录朱爱红搬经镇搬经初中浅谈《整式》教学中的概念教学朱爱萍特殊教育学校聋生课外阅读现状的调查与研究朱建霞白蒲镇白蒲小学用好苏教版教材,还识字教学于精彩朱小云下原镇下原小学收获尽在积累中朱晓梅职教中心“职高生数学学习困难的原因及对策研究”结题报告朱永宏高明镇蒋岱小学乡村小学生朗读的现状及其对策的调查报告朱中华下原镇花园小学课题组成员沙龙研讨记录宗俊英下原镇车马湖小学《牛津小学英语5A》Unit 9 Shapes 教学设计。



梅林小学四年级英语插班考试试题姓名——————一、默写26 个大小写字母8%二、看图片,将单词补充完整。

12%s __ nny __ oar__ so__ __ s __ __ __ turem __ th __ __ enty w__ __ m j __ __ s 三、选出每组单词中不同类的一个9%()1. A. playground B. garden C. canteen D. computer ()2. A. teacher’s office B. light C. fan D. teacher’s desk ()3. A. blue B. white C. shirt D. green()4. A. sweater B. jacket C. kite D. T-shirt ()5. A. jeans B. pants C. shorts D. shoes ()6 A. Chinese B. math C.have English D. music 四、选择正确的答句14%()1. How many students are there in your class?A. Yes, it is.B. Forty-five.()2. Where is the canteen?A. It’s on the first floor.B. Let’s go and have a look. ()3. Is this your T-shirt, Sarah?A. Yes, it isn’t.B. No, it’s not.()4. What time is it now?A. It’s time for P.E. class.B. It’s nine o’clock.()5. What colour is your new sweater?A. It’s 5:30.B. It’s yellow.()6. What are they, ZhangPeng?A. These are my pants.B. This is my pants.()7. We can in the library. A. eat B. read五、根据中文在横线上填出合适的单词,把句子补充完整。



2006学年度第一学期四年级英语期终周练习(3)Class________________ Name ___________一、听录音,选出你听到的句子8%( ) 1. A. Are there any boxes on the table?B. Are these any books on the table?C. Are there any books on the table?( ) 2. A.What’s on the wall ? There’s a nice grey clock.B. What’s on the wall ? There’s a nice green clock.C. What’s that on the wall ? It’s a nice grey clock.( ) 3. A. My brother has got a teddy bear.B. My mother has got a lovely teddy bear.C. My mother has got a teddy bear.( ) 4. A. I can see many raincoats in front of the classroom.B. I can see many rockets in front of the classroom.C. I can see many rockets in the classroom.( ) 5. A. Look at the butterfly. How beautiful it is!B. Look at the dragonfly. How beautiful it is!C. Look at the ladybird. How beautiful it is!( ) 6. A. Please come to my home at four fifty.B. Please come to my place at four forty.C. Please come to my class at four fifty.( ) 7. A. We have to go to school today.B. We had to go to school today.C. We have no school today.( ) 8. A. Are there twenty balls on the chair? Yes, there’re twenty.B. Are there twelve dolls on the chair? Yes, there’re twelve.C. Are there twenty balls under the chair? Yes, there’re twenty.二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组10%( ) 1. A. pork B. park C. pool( ) 2. A. right B. write C. white( ) 3. A. belt B. bell C. felt( ) 4. A. where B. wear C. whale( ) 5. A. his B. he’s C. hers( ) 6. A. walk B. work C. wake( ) 7. A. or B. all C. oh( ) 8. A. which B. watch C. wash( ) 9. A. go shopping B. go fishing C. go skating( ) 10.A. 1:58 B. 2:02 C. 2: 12三、听录音,选出正确的答句12%( ) 1. A. Alice has. B. Alice is. C. It’s Alice’s. ( ) 2. A. It’s a ruler. B. They’re rulers. C. There’s a ruler.( ) 3. A. O.K. B. That’s all right. C. All right.( ) 4. A. It’s January 5th. B. It’s Friday. C. It’s on January 5th. ( ) 5. A. Thank you. B. O.K. Here you are. C. You’re welcome.( ) 6. A. There’re two. B. They’re two. C. They’ve got two.四、听对话,根据问题选择正确的答案10%( ) 1. What does mother want?A. Some fruit.B. Some drinks.( ) 2. How much are the pencils altogether?A. 15 yuan.B. 9 yuan.( ) 3. When will Tom begin his school?A. On September 2nd.B. On September 1st.( ) 4. Where are the children?A. In the shop.B. In the restaurant.( ) 5. Who is older?A. Tom is.B. Mike is.六、词汇A.用英语写出所给的时间:(3%)1.9:45______________ 2. 12: 30_____________________3. 4: 27 ______________B. 用英语写下列节日日期:(4%)Christmas Day__________________ Teachers’ Day _______________________ Planting Day____________________ New Year’s Day ______________________ C.用英语写出形容词的反义词:(4%)new_______ soft________ rough__________ free __________D. 用所给的动词造英语词组:(4%)get________________________________ walk__________________________ make _____________________________ play _________________________七、根据所给出的上句,写出适当的下句。



2006年度第一学期四年级英语教学计划杨智媚2006-9-12本学期本人将教学计划归纳如下:一、教材主要教学内容(一)语音项目(Sound families):主要归纳26个字母在单词中的发音, 做好音标的渗透。

(二)有关话题(Topics & sub-topics):1.衣服(clothes);2、描述人(describe people<friends, heroes & heroines);3、职业(Occupations/Jobs);4、描述从事某些职业的人(people who help us);5、时间(time);6、星期(days of the week)二、语法项目:1、名词的单、复数形式、所有格2、形容词(表特征、反义词)3、数词(加法)4、一般现在时(第一、二人称的肯定句、疑问句)/现在进行时三、单元结构和功能目标共有七个模块(Module),其中第七模块是复习。


每个模块各部分分别是:第一单元:(The 1st Unit)首页:1、主图:引导学生注意本模块的主要话题和教学内容;激发学习动机;2、图下句子:引语,过渡到教学内容,引发学生思考的用语。

Dialogue:课文,教学的主要材料及部分练习;Sing Along: 歌曲,提高学生兴趣,帮助学生掌握语音技能的材料;Rhyme: 小诗,提高学生兴趣,帮助学生掌握语言节奏和语音技能的材料;Work with Language: 语言归纳和拓展的材料;语言练习材料;Fun with Language: 学生兴趣活动、游戏活动材料。

第二单元:(The 2nd Unit)Dialogue:课文,教学的主要材料及部分练习;Sound Families: 语音小结、语音练习;Work with Language: 语言归纳和拓展的材料;语言练习材料;Fun with Language : 学生兴趣活动、游戏活动材料。



四年级英语试题一.选词填空didn’t was ate played wereYesterday ______ New Year. I ______ go to school. I ______ with my friends. We ______ lunch in KFC. Then we went to the park. There ______ lots of children.二.单项选择( )1. Sam put the watermelon________his bike.A. inB. onC. at( )2. We________to the top yesterday.A .climb B.climbed C.go( )3. He invented this bicycle________1839.A inB ofC on( )4. The weather________Beijing isn’t cold.A forB inC on( )5. What happened________ you?A onB onC to( )6. Sam fell________his bike.A overB offC to( )7. Wang Fei’s got a________.A headB toothC cold( )8. Sam ate ______ many biscuits.A tooB toC two( )9. Some English children________to China last week.A comeB cameC comes( )10. When did they come? They came________.A last weekB half past sixC tomorrow( )11. Don’t go out . Please stay -----home.A inB atC of( )12.Look!The boy is ----------.A criedB cryingC cry( )13.当别人不舒适时,你关切地询问:________A What’s the matter?B What’s this?( )14.你想问大明去了哪里。



2006学年第一学期小学四年级英语期终考试卷(完卷时间60分钟,满分100分)I .听力:40%一、 听录音,选择听到的单词或句子,把代号写在前面的括号内:8% ( ) 1. A. classroom B. classmate C. sunglasses ( ) 2. A. dive B. drive C. driver ( ) 3. A. swim B. swing C. swan ( ) 4. A. pearB. pairC. peach ( ) 5. A. moth B. mouth C. month ( ) 6. A. flowerB. flourC. floor( ) 7. A. Can you see the houses there? They ’re my father ’s.B. Can you see the horses there? They ’re my grandfather ’s.C. Can you see the horse there? It ’s my grandfather ’s. ( ) 8. A. There are twenty lemons and twelve peaches in the basket. B. There are twelve lemons and twenty peaches in the basket. C. Are there twenty lemons and twelve peaches in the basket?二、听录音,选出听到单词的反义词,把代号写在前面的括号内:5% ( ) 1. A. long B. tall C. big ( ) 2. A. little B. large C. nice ( ) 3. A. tiredB. hungryC. thirsty ( ) 4. A. down B. finger C. out ( ) 5. A. prettyB. kindC. ugly学校_______________________ 班级__________ 学号_________ 姓名______________…………………………密○………………………………………封○………………………………………线○…………三、听录音,选出合适的应答句,把代号写在前面的括号内:6%( ) 1. A. He’s Ben. B. That’s Ben. C. It’s Ben’s. ( ) 2. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it has. C. Yes, it does. ( ) 3. A. She’s a teacher. B. He’s a dentist. C. He can swim fast. ( ) 4. A. Flies. B. Corn. C. Grass.( ) 5. A. It’s Winnie’s. B. They’re Winnie’s. C. It’s Winnie. ( ) 6. A. It’s a lion. B. It’s a cat. C. It’s a mouse.四、根据听到的内容和问题,选择合适的回答,把代号写在前面的括号内:7%( ) 1. A. He’s nine. B. It’s blue. C. It’s a bike. ( ) 2. A. On the desk. B. In the box. C. On the wall. ( ) 3. A. 16 yuan. B. 22 yuan. C. 20 yuan.( ) 4. A. The reading room. B. The dancing room. C. The library. ( ) 5. A. He drinks juice. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn’t. ( ) 6. A. They’re twins. B. Sandy’s. C. Sue’s.( ) 7. A. There’re twenty. B. There are eleven. C. There are nine.五、听短文填空,一格一词:8%It’s my birthday ____________. My friends will come to my house. We will have a party. Now I am going to the ________________. I buy some flour, some butter, some _____________ for making a birthday cake. I buy some ________________, some bread __________ jam and three large _______________ of apples. Now I can’t move any more because the bags are ______________ of food. They are _____________ heavy!六、听短文,判断句子正误,用T 表示正确,用F 表示错误:6% ( ) 1. Betty and Sam have the same birthday. ( ) 2. Sam is nine years old. ( ) 3. Betty has a blue blouse. ( ) 4. Sam can play football very well. ( ) 5. There is a party in Betty ’s house. ( ) 6. Sam is going to have a picnic in the park.II .词汇:17%七、正确抄写下面的句子:5%what have you got mr white ive got a dog a hen and a cat__________________________________________________________________八、写出与划线部分同类的单词,每格一词:6%1、Eric is a cook. His father is a ______________. His mother is a _______________. His uncle is a ______________. They all work in the hospital(医院).2、I want to draw a picture. May I have a pen, a ______________, some _____________ and some _______________?九、选择合适的单词,用适当的形式填空,不得重复:6%1. I ’m a tiger. I have got big and sharp ______________.2. There are many _______________ in the tree.3. ___________ walk on the grass, please.4. This is my uncle. You can call ___________ Uncle Henry.5. What ___________ your father and mother do? They ’re both teachers.6.Kitty ___________ brave. She sees the ladybird and runs away.III.句型:25%十、选择正确的答案,把代号写在前面的括号内:10%( ) 1. There ____ some sheep. Here ______ some grass for them.A. is…isB. are…areC. are…is( ) 2. Mum, May I have more ______?A. biscuitB. biscuitsC. jam( ) 3. That’s my pet pig. Look at _______ tail. It’s small.A. itsB. it’sC. a( ) 4. Eric’s T-shirt is in _______ his bag.A. aB. theC. /( ) 5. ______ mask is that? It’s my brother’s.A. Who’sB. WhoseC. How( ) 6. It is ______ pet dog.A. they’reB. Sam and Tom’sC. Sam’s and Tom’s ( ) 7. Tom and I ______ some new toys.A. haveB. areC. am( ) 8. Whose dog is that? ______ Kitty’s?A. That isB. It isC. Is it( ) 9. My grandfather wants to buy three ______ of ______.A. box…sweetB. boxes…sweetC. boxes…sweets ( ) 10. Look at the sign. It means ‘_______________’.A. Don’t play here.B. Don’t park your car here.C. Don’t pick the flowers.十一、把问句补充完整:5%Mike: Look there. ____________ are they? May: They’re purple books. Mike: ______________ books are they? May: They’re Kitty’s. Mike: ______________ is Kitty? May: She’s my sister. Mike: ______________ is Kitty? May: She is at home. Mike: ______________ is Kitty? May: She’s not feeling well. Mike: I am sorry to hear that.十一、看图填空,每格一词:10%1. A: __________ is this boy?B: __________ Danny.A: ________ he got a _____________?B: Yes. Look he is playing on it!A: Can he play it well?B: Of cause he can. He is ______________!2. Look at the plant.It has two ______________.___________ flower is big.There is a _____________ on the net.Its _________ are long.The plant __________ like it.IV.阅读:18%十三、阅读短文,选择合适的答案:6%Lucy Brown is a schoolgirl. It is her birthday. Some of her (1) come to her home after school.Now they are talking, playing and eating in her new (2) . Henry and Danny (3) to play video games because they are good at them. They are playing in Lucy’s bedroom. Kate likes singing (4) she wants to sing with Lucy in the living room. John, a fat boy, is always sleepy, so he wants to sleep in a large (5) . Betty is fat, too. She isn’t sleepy, but she is always hungry. She likes sweet food. She wants to eat some cream cake now. She hopes Lucy can make a wish and they can have some nice (6) .( ) 1. A. brothers B. friend C. classmates ( ) 2. A. school B. house C. building ( ) 3. A. like B. likes C. can( ) 4. A. and B. because C. but( ) 5. A. box B. aviary C. sofa( ) 6. A. birthday cake B. birthday presents C. birthday card十四、阅读并判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致,用T表示正确,F表示错误:6%Henry is a king. He likes painting. He thinks his paintings(绘画作品) are good, so he likes to show them to people. As people are afraid of him, they all say that his paintings are very good.Now he is showing his paintings to a well-know painter. He wants the painter to say good of these paintings. But the painter says his paintings are so bad that he should put them into the fire. Henry is very angry with him and sends him to the prison(监狱).Five years later, the painter is free(自由). Again Henry shows him some of his new paintings. The painter looks at the paintings and says, “Take me back to prison, please.”( ) 1. Henry likes painting, but he can’t paint very well.( ) 2. The king thinks his paintings are good.( ) 3. People like Henry’s paintings.( ) 4. The painter thinks the king’s paintings are good, too.( ) 5. The king’s new paintings are not nice.( ) 6. The painter likes to stay in prison.十五、阅读短文,填入合适的单词,一格一词,首字母已给:6% It is the second Sunday of May. It’s Mother’s Day. I have some presents for my mother. I take a p________ of scissors(剪刀). I open the g__________ and go into the garden. There are m__________ carnations(康乃馨) in it. Some are red, some are yellow and some are pink. I c_______ six red flowers. Then I r_______ to Mum’s bedroom. Mum is so happy. I see the tears(眼泪) in her e________!2006学年第一学期闵行区小学四年级英语期终考试听力内容及答案一、听录音,选择听到的单词或句子,把代号写在前面的括号内:8%1.Please don’t play football in the classroom. (A)2.Mr White is busy every day. He is a bus-driver. (C)3.Where is Peter? He is playing on the swing. (B)4.These big and sweet pears are for Grandma. (A)5.I can see many moths flying in the sky. (A)6.I need some flour to make a pizza. (B)7.Can you see the horses there? They’re my grandfather’s. (B)8.Are there twenty pears and twelve peaches in the basket? (C)二、听录音,选出听到单词的反义词,把代号写在前面的括号内:5%1. Give me the short ruler, please. (A)2.Can I have a small Coke, please? (B)3.Ben doesn’t want to eat anything because he’s full. (B)4.Hands up if you can answer the question. (A)5.Little Lucy is a very beautiful girl. (C)三、听录音,选出合适的应答句,把代号写在前面的括号内:6%1.Whose camera is that? (C)2.Has the tree got long roots? (B)3.What does your father do? (B)4.What do frogs like to eat? (A)5.Whose dresses are these? (B)6.It’s small and gray. Its tail is long. It likes cheese and sweets. (C)What is it?四、根据听到的内容和问题,选择合适的回答,把代号写在前面的括号内:7%1.Ben is nine years old. Today he has a blue bicycle from his father. It’s his birthdaypresent.Q: What is Ben’s birthday present? (C)2.M: Kitty, your room is dirty. Put your sunglasses on the desk. Put your toy frog in yourtoy box. And put your mask on the wall, please.W: OK.Q: Where is Kitty’s mask now? (C)3.M: Can I help you?W: I want some ice-creams. How much is it?M: The large one is 8 yuan. The small one is cheaper, 6 yuan each.W: I want two large ice-creams and a small one.Q: How much are these ice-cream? (B)4.M: Excuse me, is this Room 302, the reading room?W: No, this is Room 303, the dancing room.Q: Where does the man want to go? (A)5.M: Mum, is there any milk in the fridge?W: Oh, there isn’t. But there is some juice. Do you want some?M: Yes, I am thirsty.Q: Does the boy drink some milk? (C)6.Sandy and Sue are my sisters. They’re twins. They’re nineteen. Sandy is wearing a redT-shirt today. But Sue is wearing a blue one. She likes blue.Q: Whose T-shirt is red? (B)7.M: How many children are there in the playground?W: Let me count. One, two… There are eleven boys and nine girls.They’re running and jumping.Q: How many children are there in the playground? (A)五、听短文填空,一格一词:8%It’s my birthday today. My friends will come to my house. We will have a party. Now I am going to the supermarket. I buy some flour, some butter, some sugar for making a birthday cake. I buy some sandwiches, some bread with jam and three large packets of apples. Now I can’t move any more because the bags are full of food. They’re too heavy!六、听对话,判断句子正误,用T表示正确,用F表示错误:6%W: Happy birthday, Sam.M: The same to you, Betty. We have the same birthday, but I am ten, you’re nine.W: Yes. I have a present. It’s a blouse. It’s pink. That’s my favorite color. And you?M: It’s a football. You know, I play football very well.W: I am going to my grandfather’s house. There is a party for me.M: How nice! I am going to the park to have a picnic with my family.W: Have a good time! See you.M: See you.T F F T F T七、正确抄写下面的句子:5%What have you got, Mr White? I’ve got a chick, a dog and a cat.八、写出与划线部分同类的单词,一格一词:6% (略)九、选择合适的单词,用适当的形式填空,不得重复:6%1. teeth2. branches3. Don’t4. him5. do6. isn’t十、选择正确的答案,把代号写在前面的括号内:10%C B A C B B A C C B十一、把问句补充完整:5%1. What2. Whose3. Who4. Where5. How十一、看图填空,每格一词:10% (略)十三、阅读短文,选择合适的答案:6%C B B A C A十四、阅读判断句子正误,用T表示正确,F表示错误:6%T T F F T F十五、阅读短文,填入合适的单词,一格一词,首字母已给:6% (略)pair gate many cut run eyes。



英语四年级上册全英文学习资料Unit 1: Greetings and IntroductionsVocabulary- Hello- Hi- Goodbye- Good morning- Good afternoon- Good evening- How are you?- I'm fine, thank you.- What's your name?- My name is...Grammar- Greetings and introductions- Use of "hello," "hi," "goodbye," "good morning," "good afternoon," "good evening"- Asking and answering "How are you?"- Introducing oneself and othersActivities1. Practice greetings with a partner.2. Create dialogues using the vocabulary words.3. Role play introducing yourself to different people. Unit 2: FamilyVocabulary- Family- Mother- Father- Sister- Brother- Grandmother- Grandfather- Aunt- Uncle- CousinGrammar- Singular and plural forms of family members- Use of possessive pronouns "my" and "your"- Talking about family relationshipsActivities1. Draw a family tree and label the family members in English.2. Write sentences about your family using the vocabulary words.3. Interview a classmate about their family and report back to the class.Unit 3: NumbersVocabulary- Numbers 0-20- Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundredGrammar- Counting from 0 to 100- Use of "and" in numbersActivities1. Practice counting from 0 to 100 with a partner.2. Write the numbers in words.3. Play a counting game with the class.Unit 4: ColorsVocabulary- Red- Blue- Green- Yellow- Orange- Purple- Pink- Black- White- BrownGrammar- Describing objects using colors- Use of "is" and "are" with colorsActivities1. Describe objects in the classroom using colors.2. Make a color chart with pictures and words.3. Play a color guessing game.Unit 5: AnimalsVocabulary- Dog- Cat- Bird- Rabbit- Fish- Monkey- Elephant- Lion- Tiger- GiraffeGrammar- Naming animals- Use of "is" and "are" with animalsActivities1. Draw pictures of different animals and label them in English.2. Make animal masks and role play as different animals.3. Play a game matching animal names with pictures.Unit 6: FoodVocabulary- Apple- Banana- Orange- Grapes- Watermelon- Pizza- Hamburger- Cake- Ice cream- ChocolateGrammar- Naming food items- Use of "like" and "don't like" with foodActivities1. Bring in different types of food and practice naming them in English.2. Write a menu using the vocabulary words.3. Have a class picnic and describe the food you are eating.Unit 7: WeatherVocabulary- Sunny- Cloudy- Rainy- Windy- Snowy- Hot- ColdGrammar- Describing the weather- Expressing temperatureActivities1. Look out the window and describe the current weather.2. Write sentences about different types of weather.3. Play a weather charades game.Unit 8: Daily RoutinesVocabulary- Wake up- Brush teeth- Take a shower- Get dressed- Have breakfast- Go to school- Have lunch- Do homework- Have dinner- Go to bedGrammar- Talking about daily routines- Use of present simple tenseActivities1. Write a diary entry about your daily routine.2. Create a daily routine timetable and share it with the class.3. Interview a partner about their daily routine and present it to the class.Unit 9: SchoolVocabulary- Classroom- Teacher- Student- Desk- Chair- Books- Pencil- Eraser- Ruler- SchoolbagGrammar- Describing classroom objects- Talking about school activitiesActivities1. Label objects in the classroom with their English names.2. Write sentences about different school activities.3. Take turns being the teacher and giving instructions in English. Unit 10: SportsVocabulary- Football- Basketball- Tennis- Swimming- Running- Cycling- Jumping- Skating- Gymnastics- SoccerGrammar- Naming sports- Use of "play" and "do" with sportsActivities1. Act out different sports and let the class guess.2. Write sentences about your favorite sports.3. Have a mini Olympics event and describe the different sports.以上是四年级上册英语学习资料的内容。



2007学年第一学期宝山区四年级英语期终练习卷及参考答案听力部分:40%I. Listen and circle(圈出你所听到的划线单词)10%Old MacDonald is a farmer. He has a big farm. On his farm he has many animals. Listen! What’s that? Oh, Howmany cows has he? He has two cows. Look, I see three too. They go Has he got any sheep? No, he hasn’t. I can’t hear “Baa-baa” on his farm. But there are some becauseI hear And I can hear andeverywhere. Yes, there are many and here and th ere.II. Listen and circle(圈出听到单词的反义词)5%afraid tall beautifulIII. Listen and number(根据听到的顺序给下列句子编号)10%( 2 ) It’s an apple tree.( 1 ) This is an old tree.( 5 ) Look at its trunk.( 3 ) There are many apples on it.( 4 ) The apples are big and red.( 6 ) It’s big and tall.( 8 ) It has many green leaves.( 7 ) Its branches are long.( 10 ) They are strong.( 9 ) I can see some roots on the ground.IV. Listen and choose(选出最恰当的应答句)5%( C ) 1. A. Good bye. B. How are you? C. Hello. ( B ) 2. A. No, you can’t. B. Yes, a cake, please. C. Good m orning.( B ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. I’m sorry. C. No, I do n’t.( A ) 4. A. Thank you. B. You are welcome. C. Here you are.( C ) 5. A. No, I don’t. B. Don’t open your book. C. O K.V. Listen and judge(听对话做判断题,正确的用“T”表示,不正确的用“F”表示)5%( T ) 1. Eddie and Danny want to go to the City Park to havea picnic tomorrow.( F ) 2. Danny wants to buy some fruit and Eddie wants some f ood.( F ) 3. Now they are in the toy shop.( F ) 4. The oranges and bananas are fifteen yuan.( F ) 5 The sweets and the biscuits are nine yuan.VI. Listen and complete(听录音,完成下列短文)5%Uncle John works on a farm. He feeds animals every morning. Hefeeds some hay to the horses, some rice to the chicks. He feeds t he ducks with some insects. Now he walks to the cows. “Here’s so me grass to you”, he says. And to the pigs he says: “Here’s some corn.” The animals are full now. They are happy. Uncle John is ha ppy, too.笔试部分60%I. Read and write(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号)10%what have we got peter we have got some chocolate some jam a nd some coffee mumWhat have we got, Peter? We have got some chocolate, some j am and some coffee, Mum.II. Read and judge(判断下列句子中两个单词的划线部分发音是否相同,相同的用“√”表示,不同的用“×”表示)5%1. The girls like the blue ice-cream and brown bread. ( ×)2. There are three trees in our garden. ( ×)3. The elephant is in the zoo. ( ×)4. Draw a picture of a door. ( ×)5. Have farm animals got sharp teeth? ( √)III. Read and write(用单词的适当形式填空)10%1. Look at these (this) old men. They are postmen (postman).2. Mr. Macdonald has (have) some sheep (sheep) on his farm.3. My uncle can dive (dive). He is a diver (dive).4. I am (be) a new student. My (I) name is Lily.5. There is (be) much (many) butter on the table.IV. Read and write(根据所给的英语提示,写出相应的单词)5%There are some shapes here. They are circles, squares, triangles, rec tangles and stars.V. Read and choose(选择填空)10%( B )1. ---Wherw is Alice? ---She’s ____ the swing.A. inB. onC. under( A )2. We have ________ chairs in our classroom.A. fourteenB. forteenC. four teen( B )3. I have ____ exercise book in my hand.A. aB. anC. the( C )4. This is a frog. _____ frog likes to eat flies.A. aB. anC. the( B )5. ---________ is a sketch-book? ---Twenty yuan.A. How manyB. How muchC. How old( A ) 6. ---_________ sandwiches have you got?A. How manyB. How muchC. How( A )7. The cat _________ like dogs.A. doesn’tB. don’tC. not( C )8. You ______ play football in the classroom.A. canB. aren’tC. can’t( B )9. The plant has a _______. It is long.A. flowerB. stalkC. tree( C )10. ---Are you and Jack brother and sister, Windy? ---Yes, __ _ are.A. IB. theyC. weVI. Read and write(按要求改写句子)5%1.Chase the dog.(否定句)Don’t chase the dog.2.We have got our crayons.(一般疑问句)Have you got your crayons?/Have we got our crayons?3.The pond and the fountain are near the aviary.(对划线部分提问)Where are the pond and the fountain?4.This is Bob’s skateboard.(对划线部分提问)Whose skateboard is this?5.David’s father and mother are shop assistants.(对划线部分提问)What are David’s father and mother?VII. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)10%A.Read and judge(阅读短文做判断题,用“T”“F”表示正误)5%The rabbits and the wolfMummy Rabbit and her two children live in a house. One day, Mu mmy rabbit wants to go shopping. “Be at home and close the doo r”, Mummy rabbit says and then she goes away(离开). A wolf c omes and he wants to eat the rabbits. He knocks at the door(敲门)and says: “Open the door, Rabbits.” Brother Rabbit looks out o f the window and he sees a wolf. “A wolf is at the door. What ca n we do?” He says to Sister Rabbit. “We have some sharp stones. We can throw the stones to the wolf through(通过)the window”, Sister Rabbit says. “OK, let’s!” They open the window carefully (小心地)and throw the sharp stones to the wolf. The wolf runs a way.( F ) 1. Three rabbits and a wolf live in the house.( T ) 2. One day, Mummy Rabbit goes out for shopping and her children are at home.( F ) 3. A wolf comes and he wants to play with the rabbits. ( F ) 4. The rabbits open the door and the wolf goes into the h ouse.( F ) 5. The wolf is happy and the rabbits are happy, too.B.Read and choose(阅读短文,根据中文提示,填入所缺单词)5%Good news! Good news! Some goods (货物)in Yum Yum Super market are on sale(甩卖):A packet(小包)of crisps is two yuan. A big bottle(瓶)of juice is five yuan. A box(盒)of chocolate is seven yuan. A bag(袋)of flour is four yuan. A pair(副)of sunglasses is only twenty-eigh t yuan. Welcome to our supermarket!VIII. Read and write(根据所给题目写句子,要求内容正确,语句通顺,无语法错误,并不少于8句句子)5%Rules for our classroom(These are the rules for our classroom./Rules for our classroom:/In our classroom…) Don’t…/Please don’t…/We can’t…/…。



课程名称:小学英语插班授课授课年级:六年级授课班级:二班授课时间: 2023年X月X日星期X 第X节教材:九年义务教育小学英语六年级Book 4 Unit 4 Lesson 19教学目标:1. 知识目标:- 学生能够理解并正确使用句型:“What are you doing? I’m making a model ship. Pass me an egg, please. Give me two apples.”- 学生能够识别并正确发音单词:knife、scissors、minute。

2. 能力目标:- 引导学生运用所学英语进行简单对话和交流。

- 培养学生通过合作完成任务的能力。

3. 情感目标:- 通过活动体验,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。

- 培养学生的团队协作精神和成功体验。

教学重难点:1. 重点:- 理解并灵活运用句型:“What are you doing? I’m making a model ship.”- 正确使用祈使句:“Pass me an egg, please. Give me two apples.”2. 难点:- 单词knife、scissors、minute的发音。

- 长句子:“We’ll go to the lake and try it on the water.” 的理解与表达。

教学准备:- 课件、录音机和磁带- 剪刀、小刀- 模型船制作材料教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 通过播放英语歌曲或视频,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 引导学生复习之前学过的英语知识,为新的教学内容做铺垫。

二、新课讲授(20分钟)1. 展示课件,讲解本节课的句型和单词。

2. 通过示范和练习,帮助学生掌握句型和单词的用法。

3. 引导学生进行角色扮演,练习对话。

三、活动环节(15分钟)1. 分组活动:学生分组,每组选择一个任务,用英语进行合作完成。

2. 任务示例:制作模型船,并介绍制作过程。

四、巩固练习(10分钟)1. 进行句型转换练习,加深学生对句型的理解。



九江2024年07版小学4年级上册英语第6单元暑期作业(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 填空题:I love visiting the ______ (博物馆) because I can learn about history and see ______ (古老的东西).2. 选择题:What do we wear on our heads?A. ShoesB. HatC. GlovesD. Scarf答案:B3. 填空题:The invention of the computer transformed modern _____.4. 听力题:The flower is ___ (blooming) nicely.5. 听力题:A wheel is an example of a simple ______ (machine).6. 选择题:What is 9 + 10?A. 18B. 19C. 20D. 21答案:B. 197. 听力题:The symbol for fluorine is _____.What do we call a person who studies history?A. HistorianB. ArchaeologistC. GeographerD. Scientist答案: A9. 选择题:What do we call a tool used to drive nails?A. HammerB. ScrewdriverC. WrenchD. Pliers10. 填空题:The teacher cultivates ______ (创造力) in her classroom.11. 听力题:I enjoy _____ (watching/playing) sports.12. 听力题:The main product of the citric acid cycle is ______.13. 选择题:What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. Mona LisaC. The Last SupperD. The Birth of Venus14. 听力题:The car is ___ fast. (going)15. 听力题:The ________ is a famous landmark in Paris.16. 选择题:What do we call a scientist who studies the history of life on Earth?A. PaleontologistB. ArchaeologistC. BiologistD. Geologist17. 填空题:A rabbit’s teeth are always ______ (生长).What is the capital of Honduras?A. TegucigalpaB. San Pedro SulaC. La CeibaD. Choluteca答案:A19. 听力题:The sunflowers are ______ (tall) and bright.20. 听力题:I can ______ (paint) a lovely picture.21. 听力题:A solution that contains a high concentration of ions is called a ______ solution.22. 填空题:Photosynthesis is a process that plants use to convert _______ into energy. (光能)23. 选择题:How many legs do spiders have?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 12答案:B24. 听力题:The _____ (grass) is green.25. 选择题:What is the primary color that comes from mixing red and blue?A. GreenB. PurpleC. OrangeD. Yellow答案: B26. 听力题:I have a _______ (new) backpack for school.27. 听力题:I have a ______ of crayons in my art box. (set)She sings beautifully in ___. (class)29. 选择题:What do you call a large body of freshwater?A. OceanB. RiverC. LakeD. Pond答案:C30. 听力题:The puppy is ______ at the door. (scratching)31. 听力题:A ____ has a long, slender body and is very agile.32. 填空题:A deer uses its keen sense of smell to detect ________________ (危险).33. 选择题:What is the name of the imaginary line that divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. Tropic of CancerD. Axis答案:A34. 填空题:I keep all my _________ (玩具) in a big _________ (箱子).35. 听力题:A chemical reaction can release _____.36. fishing grounds) are areas rich in marine life. 填空题:The ____37. 选择题:What is the primary color of a strawberry?A. BlueB. RedC. YellowD. Green答案: BAstronomers use spectroscopy to analyze the ______ of stars.39. 选择题:What do we call a baby cat?A. PuppyB. KittenC. CubD. Calf40. 听力题:The ______ helps fish to swim.41. 选择题:What do we call a person who sings?A. SingerB. MusicianC. PerformerD. All of the above42. 选择题:What is the capital of the Virgin Islands (U.S.)?a. Charlotte Amalieb. Christianstedc. Frederikstedd. Cruz Bay答案:a43. 选择题:What do we call the process of melting ice and snow?A. EvaporationB. ThawingC. CondensationD. Sublimation44. 听力题:Astrobiology studies the possibility of ______ life in the universe.45. 填空题:The crab walks sideways on the ________________ (沙滩).46. 听力题:The __________ is the process by which a solid changes directly into a gas.47. 选择题:How many colors are in the flag of Canada?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four48. 填空题:The owl hoots at _________. (夜晚)49. 选择题:What do we call the sound made by thunder?A. BoomB. CrashC. RoarD. Bang50. 填空题:The __________ (历史的记录者) document our journeys.51. 选择题:What is the capital of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. SantiagoC. LimaD. Bogotá52. 填空题:I enjoy creating my own ________ (故事) and sharing them with my family.53. 听力题:The _______ provides a habitat for many insects.54. 选择题:What is the largest planet in our solar system?a. Earthb. Marsc. Jupiterd. Saturn答案:c55. 填空题:My family always goes __________ during summer. (旅行)56. e often found in ________________ (草丛). 填空题:Snakes cThe __________ is a famous city known for its historical sites. (耶路撒冷)58. 选择题:What is 7 × 8?A. 54B. 56C. 58D. 60答案:B59. 听力题:A __________ is a large city that is the center of government.60. 填空题:I like to play with my _________ (电动玩具) on rainy days.61. 听力题:She is ___ (playing/singing) a tune.62. 选择题:What do you call the president of the United States?A. Prime MinisterB. ChancellorC. PresidentD. King63. 填空题:The _______ (小粉红猪) loves to roll in the mud.64. 选择题:What is the capital of England?A. ParisB. LondonC. BerlinD. Madrid答案:B65. 选择题:Which shape has four equal sides?A. RectangleB. TriangleC. SquareD. Circle答案:C. SquareWhat do we call a person who cleans houses?A. GardenerB. CleanerC. ChefD. Mechanic67. 填空题:The _______ (蟋蟀) chirps in the nighttime.68. 听力题:A ______ is a type of animal that can walk on two legs.69. 听力题:Carbon dioxide is produced when we __________.70. 填空题:The ______ (鲸鱼) is known for its intelligence and size.71. 填空题:The __________ are very clear tonight. (星星)72. 填空题:I can ______ (评估) my strengths and weaknesses.73. 选择题:What do you call the act of caring for and raising animals?A. FarmingB. BreedingC. HusbandryD. All of the above74. 听力题:Bamboo is a favorite food of the ______.75. 填空题:My favorite hobby is collecting ________ (邮票) from different countries. It’s interesting to learn their ________ (历史).76. 选择题:What is the term for a baby rabbit?A. KitB. CubC. FoalD. Pup答案:A. Kit77. 选择题:What do you call a person who cuts hair?A. BarberB. StylistC. HairdresserD. Cosmetologist答案: A78. 填空题:The pelican's pouch is used to store ______ (鱼).79. 选择题:What is the capital of Peru?A. LimaB. ArequipaC. TrujilloD. Cusco答案:A80. 听力题:The transition from a solid to a liquid is called _______.81. 选择题:What is the first letter of the alphabet?A. AB. BC. CD. D82. 填空题:The __________ was a major conflict in the history of the United States. (美国内战)83. 填空题:On weekends, we often visit the _________ (玩具店) to look for new _________ (玩具).84. 填空题:Gardening can be a joyful way to express your ______ and creativity.(园艺可以是表达你的艺术性和创造力的快乐方式。



2006学年度第一学期四年级英语期终周练习(2)Class __________ Name______________一、听录音,选出你听到的句子:8%( ) 1. A. We are having an art lesson. I’ll draw a tiger.B. We are having an art lesson. I’ll draw a dog.C. We are having an art lesson. I’ll draw a dragon.( ) 2. A. There are many students in this classroom.B. There are many computers in this classroom.C. There are many desks and chairs in this classroom.( ) 3. A. Do you like hamburgers or sandwiches? Sandwiches.B. Do you like apples or oranges? Apples.C. Do you like to eat fish or meat? Fish.( ) 4. A. What do you need for your birthday? A big cake.B. What do you need for Christmas party? A Christmas tree and some bells.C. What do you need for the new term? A new bag.( ) 5. A. It’s half past nine. It’s time for bed. Don’t play any longer.B. It’s half past six. It’s time for dinner. Wash your hands first.C. It’s half past seven. It’s time for school. Don’t be late for school.( ) 6. A. Sandy has got a new story book. But now he can’t read it.B. Sandy has g ot a new camera. But now he can’t use it.C. Sandy has got a new motorbike. But now he can’t ride it.( ) 7. A. Yang Mingming is 11 years old. He’s getting taller and taller.B. Yang Mingming is 13 years old. He’s getting taller and taller.C. Yang Mingm ing is 15 years old. He’s getting taller and taller.( ) 8. A. Jenny gets up early. She usually listens to English TV news.B. Alice gets up early. She usually listens to English TV news。


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洛阳2024年07版小学四年级上册英语第一单元真题试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:100)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、选择题:What do you call a person who sells goods?A. BuyerB. SellerC. TraderD. Merchant2、What color is the sky?A. GreenB. BlueC. YellowD. Red3、What do we call a person who repairs cars?A. MechanicB. ElectricianC. PlumberD. Carpenter4、What do you call the main character in a story?A. HeroB. VillainC. ProtagonistD. Antagonist5、选择题:What do we call the place where you can watch movies?A. TheaterB. SchoolC. ParkD. Mall6、What do you call a young walrus?A. CalfB. PupC. KitD. Cub7、How many colors are in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 88、What do we call the process of converting a liquid into a solid?A. MeltingB. FreezingC. EvaporationD. Solidification9、What is the capital of Australia?A. SydneyB. MelbourneC. CanberraD. Brisbane10、Which animal is a symbol of wisdom?A. OwlB. FoxC. DogD. Cat11、What do you call the act of taking care of plants?A. GardeningB. FarmingC. LandscapingD. Planting12、选择题:What is the color of a typical orange?A. GreenB. YellowC. OrangeD. Red13、What do you call a group of stars?A. GalaxyB. ClusterC. ConstellationD. Nebula14、What is the largest land animal?A. GiraffeB. ElephantC. RhinoD. Hippo15、What is the capital of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. Mexico CityD. Monterrey16、选择题:What is the name of the famous fictional detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Philip MarloweC. Sherlock HolmesD. Sam Spade17、What is the main ingredient in sushi?A. RiceB. NoodlesC. BreadD. Potatoes18、What do we call the study of the structure and function of cells?A. HistologyB. CytologyC. AnatomyD. Physiology19、选择题:What do we call a large, heavy animal that can swim?A. DolphinB. WhaleC. HippoD. All of the above20、What is the main ingredient in bread?A. RiceB. FlourC. SugarD. Salt二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:The _____ (clock) is ticking.2、听力题:The cassowary is a large, flightless _______.3、听力题:The _______ of light can create various effects in photography.4、听力题:She wants to be a ________.5、听力题:The capital of Angola is __________.6、听力题:The Earth is the third planet from the ______.7、听力题:She likes to ________ in the garden.8、听力题:A solution with a low concentration is said to be ______.9、听力题:The tree is _______ (full) of fruit.10、听力题:My grandma loves to cook ____ (soups).11、听力题:My sister is a ______. She loves to take photos.12、听力题:The ____ has a spiny back and curls up when scared.13、听力题:A __________ can indicate past volcanic activity.14、听力题:When iron reacts with oxygen, it forms ______.The __________ is a common feature in mountainous areas.16、听力题:They are going to the ___. (zoo)17、听力题:An astronaut experiences weightlessness in ______ (space).18、听力题:The badger digs a ______.19、听力题:The capital of Andorra is __________.20、听力题:A ______ is a visual representation of a chemical reaction.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、ts can produce ______ (天然气体). 填空题:Some pla2、填空题:My friend is my best _______ who always supports me.3、填空题:I saw a ______ (小鸟) in the tree. It was singing a ______ (歌).4、填空题:I have a pet _______.5、填空题:The ________ can be found in the forest.6、填空题:The ancient Romans utilized ________ (混凝土) in their construction.7、填空题:I love to go _______ (徒步旅行) in nature.8、填空题:My brother is a __________ (市场营销专家).I like to ______ (参与) in career workshops.10、填空题:I have a collection of toy _____ from around the world.11、填空题:A cow gives us _________ (牛奶).12、填空题:The ________ was a major turning point in the fight for social justice.13、填空题:My dad is very __________ (关心) and listens to me.14、填空题:The __________ is a famous city in the Netherlands known for its tulips. (阿姆斯特丹)15、填空题:We have a ______ (快乐的) bonding day planned.16、填空题:My __________ (玩具名) is very __________ (形容词) and fun.17、填空题:My favorite toy is _______ and fun.18、填空题:The ________ is a cuddly friend that loves hugs.19、填空题:I can’t wait to show off my __________ (玩具名).20、填空题:The invention of the printing press helped spread __________ (知识).。



宜昌2024年06版小学四年级上册英语原题[含答案]考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:The _____ (elephant) is large.2、听力题:The discovery of gold in California led to the _______ Rush.3、What do you call a baby meerkat?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. Cub4、填空题:A ___ (小金鱼) swims in a bowl.5、填空题:Gardening can be a joyful way to express your ______ and creativity.(园艺可以是表达你的艺术性和创造力的快乐方式。

)6、What is the main ingredient in spaghetti?A. RiceB. FlourC. WheatD. Corn7、听力题:I want to be a ___. (teacher)8、What is the average number of legs on an insect?A. 6B. 8C. 4D. 2答案: A. 69、听力题:The __________ is known for its historical significance.10、听力题:We like to ______ (dance) at the party.11、填空题:I have a green ______ (植物) in my room. It makes the air feel ______ (清新).12、填空题:The ancient Egyptians created intricate _____ for their tombs.13、What is the capital of Canada?A. TorontoB. OttawaC. VancouverD. Calgary答案: B14、填空题:A ___ (小马) trots along the path.15、填空题:I can ______ (保持) good communication with others.16、选择题:Which of these is a type of flower?A. RoseB. OakC. PineD. Maple17、听力题:The ____ has a fluffy tail and loves to dig.18、听力题:The Earth experiences seasons because of its axial ______.19、选择题:What is 5 + 3?A. SixB. SevenC. EightD. Nine20、填空题:A ______ (猫) likes to sit in sunny spots.21、What is the name of the dog in the cartoon "Snoopy"?A. GarfieldB. SnoopyC. ScoobyD. Pluto答案:B22、听力题:Plants need _______ to make food.23、填空题:I have a soft ________ that I take everywhere.24、填空题:The _______ (老虎) is a powerful predator.25、听力题:A _____ is a small body that orbits a star.26、Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. TriangleC. CircleD. Rectangle答案:B27、填空题:The starfish has _________ arms. (五个)28、What do we call the meal we have in the morning?A. BreakfastB. LunchC. DinnerD. Snack29、听力题:The Boston Tea Party was a protest against British _______.30、填空题:Frogs can _________ (跳) very far.31、听力题:The chemical process that occurs when food is digested is called _______.32、听力题:A ______ is a large area of land that rises steeply.33、What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?A. Marco PoloB. Christopher ColumbusC. Ferdinand MagellanD. Vasco da Gama答案: B34、听力填空题:I love celebrating cultural festivals, especially __________.35、What do we call a baby sheep?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal答案:C. Lamb36、听力题:The __________ is a region known for its history.37、听力题:The __________ is a region known for its unique languages.38、听力题:A solution with a higher concentration of solute is called _____ (concentrated).39、听力题:Many countries have _______ that connect them.40、听力题:Rocks can be classified based on their ______ properties.41、ts can ______ (改善) degraded landscapes. 填空题:Some pla42、What is the capital city of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. SantiagoC. LimaD. Bogotá答案:A43、填空题:My sister's _____ is purple and yellow.44、听力题:A ______ is a small, furry animal.45、What do we call the time when the sun goes down?A. SunriseB. SunsetC. NoonD. Midnight46、听力题:Light from ancient stars provides clues about the early _______.47、smart grid) enhances energy efficiency. 填空题:The ____48、填空题:This ________ (玩具) is safe for younger kids.49、听力题:A solution with a pH of is considered ______.50、填空题:My sister has a collection of ____.51、What is the smallest continent?a. Asiab. Africac. Australiad. Europe答案:c52、听力题:An octopus has ______ arms.53、填空题:The ______ (气温) is rising today.54、What is the freezing point of water?A. 0 degrees CelsiusB. 100 degrees CelsiusC. 32 degrees FahrenheitD. A and C答案:D55、填空题:My sister, ______ (我姐姐), enjoys sewing and crafting.56、What do we call the main character in a story?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. Supporting characterD. Narrator57、填空题:I want to _______ (学习) about the solar system.58、听力题:I want to _____ (read/write) a story.59、听力题:The capital of Bonaire is __________.60、What is the name of the bear that loves honey?A. PandaB. Polar BearC. Winnie-the-PoohD. Grizzly Bear答案:C61、听力题:The ________ (presentation) highlights achievements.62、ayas are famous for their ________ (雪山). 填空题:The Hima63、选择题:What is the name of the famous children's book character who went to Wonderland?A. Peter PanB. AliceC. DorothyD. Huck Finn64、填空题:In spring, flowers ______ (开放) and trees become green.65、填空题:Playing with dolls helps me learn about ________ (名词) and caring for others.66、听力题:My grandma enjoys playing ____ (puzzles).67、How many legs does an insect have?A. FourB. SixC. EightD. Ten68、填空题:A rabbit loves to munch on ______ (新鲜的胡萝卜).69、What is the name of the event where you give thanks for what you have?A. ChristmasB. HalloweenC. ThanksgivingD. New Year答案: C70、填空题:My friend is in the same __________ as me. (年级)71、What do we call the study of fish?A. IchthyologyB. ZoologyC. Marine BiologyD. Oceanography答案: A72、What do you call a baby dog?A. KittenB. CubC. PuppyD. Calf答案:C73、填空题:The ________ has a beautiful tune that sings.74、填空题:The first successful heart-lung transplant was performed in ________.75、What is the capital city of Kenya?A. NairobiB. MombasaC. KisumuD. Eldoret答案: A76、填空题:A ______ (海星) can regenerate its arms.77、听力题:Chlorine is used to disinfect _____ (water) in pools.78、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium chloride is _______.79、What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington, D.C.C. ChicagoD. Los Angeles答案: B. Washington, D.C.80、听力题:I need to _______ (finish) my homework.81、听力题:The _____ (汽车) is fast.82、听力填空题:I believe that mentorship can guide us in our __________.83、选择题:Which planet is known for its beautiful rings?A. VenusB. MarsC. SaturnD. Jupiter84、What do you call a person who serves food in a restaurant?A. ChefB. WaiterC. CustomerD. Manager答案: BThese are some examples of _____ (本土植物) in our area.86、填空题:The city of Istanbul is located in ________ (伊斯坦布尔位于________).87、What is the name of the famous American actress known for "Gravity"?A. Sandra BullockB. Cate BlanchettC. Jennifer LawrenceD. Emma Stone答案:A88、填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is a classic toy that never gets old.89、填空题:The _____ (青蛙) catches insects with its tongue.90、填空题:The car toy can move very ______.91、填空题:The _______ (Suffragettes) campaigned for women's voting rights.92、填空题:A ________ (水坝) can help control river flow.93、填空题:A ______ (田园风光) can enhance property values.94、选择题:What is 90 - 45?A. 35B. 40C. 45D. 5095、听力题:The chemical formula for carbon tetrachloride is ______.96、填空题:The __________ (历史的复兴) fosters renewal.A _____ (狐狸) has a bushy tail.98、听力题:A ________ is a landform that is higher than the land around it.99、填空题:The __________ (古代马雅) were skilled in astronomy and mathematics.100、What is 100 25?A. 60B. 70C. 75D. 80。





宁波2024年07版小学四年级英语上册试卷(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、Which part of the plant absorbs sunlight?A. RootsB. StemC. LeavesD. Flowers答案: C2、填空题:In geography, __________ refers to different types of climates around the world.(气候类型)3、听力题:My ______ loves to travel and learn languages.4、填空题:My sister, ______ (我姐姐), enjoys sewing and crafting.5、填空题:I want to _______ (学习)做饭。

6、Which fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. PearD. Orange答案:B7、What do you call the lines on a graph?A. AxesB. CurvesC. PointsD. Grids答案: A8、听力题:Let’s go ________ to eat ice cream.9、听力题:The children are _______ (playing) tag.10、听力题:The ______ helps with the absorption of nutrients.11、填空题:A _____ (小马) can be very gentle and kind.12、听力题:He is _____ (tall) and kind.13、听力题:A chemical reaction occurs when bonds between ______ break and form.14、What is the currency used in the USA?a. Eurob. Dollarc. Poundd. Yen答案:B15、听力题:I want to ________ my toys.16、填空题:The __________ (历史的经历) enriches our lives.17、填空题:The tortoise is slower than the ________________ (兔子).18、填空题:I think being a __________ (志愿者) is very important.19、What is the main ingredient in jam?A. FruitB. SugarC. WaterD. Pectin20、听力题:The Sun's light takes about minutes to reach ______.21、Which of these is a type of cloud?A. CumulusB. OceanusC. MountainusD. Forestus22、听力题:Satellites are used for communication and ______.23、What do you call a place where you can see many animals?A. ZooB. FarmC. ParkD. Aquarium答案: A24、听力题:__________ are used to balance chemical equations.25、听力题:His favorite movie is a ________.26、听力题:Kittens are born ______ and depend on their mothers.27、听力题:Light-years measure the ______ that light travels in one year.28、填空题:I like to read ________ (漫画书).29、What is the process of learning called?A. EducationB. RecreationC. CelebrationD. Communication答案: A30、听力题:My favorite animal is a ______ (penguin).31、What do you call the long, narrow body of water between two pieces of land?A. OceanB. RiverC. SeaD. Strait答案: D32、What is the capital of India?a. Mumbaib. Kolkatac. New Delhid. Chennai答案:c33、What do you call the time before noon?A. AfternoonB. EveningC. MorningD. Midnight答案:C34、What is the capital of Italy?A. ParisB. RomeC. BerlinD. Madrid答案: B35、听力题:I see a _____ (car/bike) on the road.36、Which animal is known for its trunk?a. Rhinob. Elephantc. Giraffed. Hippo答案:B37、听力题:The boy likes to play ________.38、What is the common name for the respiratory organ in humans?A. HeartB. LungsC. LiverD. Kidneys答案:B39、填空题:I saw a beautiful __________ in the sky after the rain. (彩虹)40、听力题:A _______ grows best in sunny locations.41、选择题:What is the opposite of loud?A. QuietB. SoftC. SilentD. Mute42、听力题:A cactus is a type of _______.43、听力题:We go to the __ on weekends. (beach)44、选择题:Which sport is played with a racket and a shuttlecock?A. TennisB. BasketballC. BadmintonD. Baseball45、听力题:In a combustion reaction, energy is released in the form of _____ and light.46、填空题:My brother is learning to _______ (动词). 他希望能 _______ (动词).47、What do we call a snowman’s nose?A. StickB. CarrotC. RockD. Button答案:B48、听力题:The process of dissolving happens faster when the solute is ______.49、选择题:What is the main ingredient in vinegar?A. AlcoholB. WaterC. Acetic acidD. Sugar50、听力题:I have a _______ (plan) for the weekend.51、What do you call the distance around a circle?A. AreaB. DiameterC. CircumferenceD. Radius答案:C52、What do you call a person who studies insects?A. EntomologistB. OrnithologistC. BiologistD. Zoologist答案: A53、听力题:A solution that contains more solute than it can dissolve is called ______.54、听力题:Reactions can be classified as _____ or endothermic based on energy absorption.55、填空题:Rats are often considered _________ (害虫).56、填空题:Did you know that a _______ (小海马) changes color?57、填空题:My dog barks when he sees a _______ (陌生人).58、Which of these is a natural resource?A. PlasticB. AluminumC. WaterD. Steel答案:C59、What is the small, round fruit that is red or green?A. BananaB. GrapeC. AppleD. Orange60、What do you call the process of changing from a caterpillar into a butterfly?A. MetamorphosisB. TransformationC. EvolutionD. Development答案: A61、填空题:A _____ (小羊) bleats softly when it is lonely.62、听力题:The capital of Italy is __________.63、填空题:The owl catches mice with its _______ (爪子).64、What is the term for a shooting star?A. MeteorB. CometC. AsteroidD. Satellite65、听力题:The dog is _____ (chasing/sleeping) a ball.66、填空题:The ________ (交通安全) is a priority for everyone.67、听力题:I enjoy ________ books after dinner.68、What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. The ShardC. The Tower of LondonD. London Bridge答案:A69、听力题:Telescopes help us see objects that are very _______ away.70、填空题:The pelican has a large _______ (喙) to catch fish.The butterfly undergoes a _______ to become an adult.72、填空题:I enjoy playing ________ (运动) during the week.73、What do you call the leader of a country?A. PresidentB. MayorC. GovernorD. Senator答案:A74、填空题:My cat has sharp ______ (爪子).75、What do you call the natural satellite of Earth?A. SunB. MoonC. StarD. Planet答案:B76、What do you call a baby bison?A. CalfB. PupC. KitD. Cub77、选择题:What do you call the process of removing hair?A. ShavingB. WaxingC. TrimmingD. All of the above78、What is the name of the famous toy in "Toy Story"?A. Buzz LightyearB. WoodyC. RexD. Jessie答案:B79、听力题:The _____ is known for its bright blue color.A _____ (温室种植) can extend the growing season.81、What do you call a story that teaches a lesson?A. FableB. MythC. LegendD. Tale答案:A82、Which animal is known for its quills?A. HedgehogB. PorcupineC. ArmadilloD. Raccoon答案: B83、填空题:I like to _______ my own lunch.84、What is the name of the famous giant panda reserve in China?A. Chengdu Panda BaseB. Beijing ZooC. Shanghai Wild Animal ParkD. Guangzhou Safari Park答案:A85、填空题:The first successful manned mission to the moon was ________ (阿波罗11号).86、填空题:A turtle's shell protects its ______ (身体).87、听力题:The capital of Iceland is _______.88、选择题:What is the name of the famous bridge in San Francisco?A. Brooklyn BridgeB. Golden Gate BridgeC. London BridgeD. Sydney Harbour Bridge89、听力题:I can ______ (draw) a picture of my house.90、What color is the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Red91、What do we use to keep time?A. CalendarB. ClockC. MapD. Compass92、填空题:Fruits can be ______ (甜的) or sour.93、Who is the author of "Harry Potter"?A. J.R.R. TolkienB. J.K. RowlingC. C.S. LewisD. Roald Dahl答案:B94、What do you call a collection of written works?A. LibraryB. AnthologyC. ArchiveD. All of the above答案:D95、填空题:The _____ (mushrooms) grow in damp conditions.96、听力题:My friend is a ______. She loves to paint.97、What do you use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. GlueC. TapeD. Ruler答案:A98、Which of these is a primary color?A. GreenB. OrangeC. PurpleD. Blue答案: D99、What is the primary purpose of a lock?A. To keep doors openB. To protect belongingsC. To hold things togetherD. To keep things warm答案:B100、听力题:The capital of Switzerland is __________.。



宁波2024年06版小学4年级上册英语第三单元真题考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. SaturnC. MarsD. Neptune2、How many oceans are there in the world?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 63、选择题:What do we call a tool used for writing?A. BrushB. PencilC. EraserD. Ruler4、What is the name of the planet we live on?A. MarsB. JupiterC. EarthD. Venus5、What is the primary color of a watermelon?A. RedB. GreenC. YellowD. OrangeWhat is the capital of Portugal?A. LisbonB. MadridC. RomeD. Paris7、What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?A. CrustB. MantleC. CoreD. Shell8、选择题:What is the name of the large African animal with a long trunk?A. RhinoB. HippopotamusC. ElephantD. Giraffe9、What do we call a baby cat?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CalfD. Foal10、选择题:What do you call the place where we buy groceries?A. RestaurantB. Grocery storeC. SchoolD. Library11、选择题:What is 50 - 20?A. 30B. 40C. 45D. 5012、选择题:What color is the grass?A. BlueB. GreenC. RedD. YellowWhat is the color of a stop sign?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. Green14、What is the name of the largest known galaxy?A. AndromedaB. IC 1101C. Milky WayD. Messier 8715、What color is the sky on a clear day?A. GreenB. BlueC. RedD. Yellow16、Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?A. HalloweenB. ThanksgivingC. ChristmasD. New Year17、Which country is known for the Eiffel Tower?A. GermanyB. ItalyC. FranceD. Spain18、How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. Twelve19、What is the name of the device we use to take photos?A. CameraB. PrinterC. ScannerD. Projector20、What is the name of the planet we live on?A. MarsB. VenusC. EarthD. Jupiter二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:The boiling point of water is ______ Fahrenheit.2、听力题:A sound can be amplified using a ______.3、听力题:A _______ is a reaction that releases heat.4、听力题:The chemical formula for potassium dihydrogen phosphate is _____.5、听力题:My friend is a ______. He enjoys playing chess.6、听力题:I want to _____ (become/learn) an artist.7、听力题:A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more ______.8、听力题:__________ are often used in cosmetics and personal care products.9、听力题:An endothermic reaction feels _______ to the touch.10、听力题:The symbol for neodymium is _____.11、听力题:The process of separating liquids by their boiling points is called _____.12、听力题:I want to ______ a new bike. (get)13、听力题:A catalyst speeds up a _______ without being consumed.The sun is _____ (shining/raining) today.15、听力题:Hydrogen is the lightest ______.16、听力题:My ______ works in the film industry.17、听力题:The _____ (水果) is fresh.18、听力题:I need to ___ (wash/clean) my hands.19、听力题:The __________ is known for its vibrant cities.20、听力题:The soup is too ___ (hot/cold).三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The magpie is known for its _________ (聪明).2、填空题:I enjoy going for a walk in the _______ (我喜欢在_______里散步).3、填空题:The __________ (大西洋奴隶贸易) forcibly transported millions of Africans to the Americas.4、填空题:The ______ (小鸟) sings beautifully at dawn.5、填空题:The pelican has a big _________ (嘴巴).6、填空题:The porcupine has sharp _________ (刺).We have a ______ (丰富的) variety of snacks at home.8、填空题:I saw a ________ flying high above.9、填空题:A ______ (刺猬) has a spiky exterior for defense.10、填空题:I love to bake ______ with my mom.11、填空题:My uncle is a __________ (社会学家).12、填空题:The _____ (种植者) takes care of the plants.13、填空题:She is baking a ________ (蛋糕).14、填空题:My sister is my best _______ who is always ready to help.15、填空题:The squirrel collects acorns in ________________ (秋天).16、填空题:A _____ (猫头鹰) hoots at night.17、填空题:Leaves collect ______ (阳光).18、填空题:My pet ______ (仓鼠) loves to sleep in a wheel.19、填空题:My grandma loves to tell stories about ____.20、填空题:My family enjoys visiting new ____.。



安庆2024年06版小学4年级上册英语第四单元期中试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、选择题:What do we call a group of fish swimming together?A. SchoolB. FlockC. PodD. Gaggle2、What is the main purpose of a dictionary?A. To define wordsB. To tell storiesC. To teach mathD. To provide recipes3、选择题:What do we call the act of planting seeds?A. HarvestingB. SowingC. WateringD. Fertilizing4、选择题:What is the name of the longest river in the world?A. NileB. AmazonC. MississippiD. Yangtze5、选择题:What is the capital of Portugal?A. LisbonB. MadridD. Paris6、选择题:What do you call a group of frogs?A. ArmyB. ChoirC. PodD. Flock7、选择题:What do we call the place where people watch movies?A. CinemaB. TheaterC. MuseumD. Gallery8、选择题:What is the opposite of sweet?A. SourB. BitterC. SaltyD. Spicy9、What do we call a scientist who studies the history of life on Earth?A. PaleontologistB. ArchaeologistC. BiologistD. Geologist10、What do you call a person who plays music?A. ArtistB. MusicianC. DancerD. Singer11、What is the term for the remnants of a star that has exploded?A. Supernova RemnantB. Steller DustC. Cosmic AshD. Stellar Remains12、选择题:What do cows produce?A. MilkB. EggsD. Wool13、What animal is known for having a long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. TigerD. Kangaroo14、How do you say "house" in Spanish?A. CasaB. MaisonC. HausD. Domo15、What do you call the study of the Earth's atmosphere?A. MeteorologyB. GeologyC. AstronomyD. Ecology16、选择题:What do we call the area where wild animals live?A. ZooB. HabitatC. SanctuaryD. Farm17、Which fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. GrapeD. Orange18、选择题:Which month comes before January?A. DecemberB. NovemberC. OctoberD. February19、What is the process of growing plants called?A. AgricultureB. HorticultureC. BotanyD. FarmingWhat do we call the process of finding out how much something weighs?A. MeasuringB. WeighingC. CalculatingD. Estimating二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:We are going to the ___ (zoo).2、听力题:Acids have a sour ______.3、听力题:A solution that contains a small amount of solute is ______.4、听力题:My favorite fruit is _____. (banana)5、听力题:The ____ is often seen scurrying around looking for food.6、听力题:I love to ___ (cook/eat) with friends.7、听力题:A ____ is often kept in a cage and talks.8、听力题:We see _____ (fish) in the aquarium.9、听力题:The amount of matter in an object is referred to as its _____ (mass).10、听力题:A chemical that can release hydrogen ions in a solution is an ______.11、听力题:We use _____ to measure temperature.12、听力题:A solid has a __________ shape.A black hole is a place in space where ______ cannot escape.14、听力题:We will go to the _____ (beach).15、听力题:A __________ is a measurement of how much matter is in an object.16、听力题:Matter is anything that has ______.17、听力题:We will go to the _____ (zoo) tomorrow.18、听力题:The ______ is known for her unique fashion sense.19、听力题:The freezing point of water is _____ degrees Fahrenheit.20、听力题:A chemical reaction that produces heat can raise the ______ of the surroundings.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The goat likes to eat ______ (草).2、填空题:He is a magician, ______ (他是一位魔术师), who performs tricks.3、填空题:I love the smell of fresh __________ (花卉).4、填空题:My sister loves to watch ______ (小鸟) outside.5、填空题:Flowers often attract ______ (昆虫) for pollination.6、填空题:The __________ (历史的界限) can be fluid and subjective.I like to _______ (参加) sports events.8、填空题:The ________ (公路) connects different cities.9、填空题:A butterfly goes through ______ (蜕变) to become an adult.10、填空题:My family has a ________ (宠物) that we all love.11、填空题:The puppy barks when it sees a _________. (陌生人)12、填空题:My friend has a pet named ____.13、填空题:The jaguar is a _________ predator. (强大的)14、填空题:He is a mechanic, ______ (他是一名机械师), who fixes cars.15、填空题:A ________ (山谷) is often fertile and green.16、填空题:I have a favorite ________ that I sleep with every night.17、填空题:A goldfish can recognize its ________________ (主人).18、填空题:The owl's silent flight helps it catch ______ (猎物).19、填空题:My sister is a great __________. (诗人)20、填空题:My _______ (兔子) loves fresh greens.。

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1.( ) bread red brown
2.( ) chair where sure
3.( ) beef fish farmer
4.( ) people pencil pass
5.( ) milk music mouse
6.( ) Science Chinese English
7.( ) she shelf short
8.( ) math man many
9.( ) bathroom bedroom classroom
10.( ) twenty thirty fifty

1. I’d like some ____________________and _________________for dinner.
2.Welcome to my _____________________. This is my ____________________.
3.What’s in your schoolbag? There is a _____________________ and a __________________ .
4.The boy is my ______________________. He is a _________________________.
5.Put your ____________________ on your _________________________.

1. ( )A . He’s a teacher. B . Yes, she is. C . Yes, she’s my teacher.
2. ( ) A . My name is Tom. B . Her name is Sarah. C .This is Sarah.
3. ( ) A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, they aren’t. C. No, they are.
4. ( ) A. It’s a schoolbag. B. Some books and pens. C. It’s red.
5.( ) A. There are 9. B. They’re in the room. C. They are 9.
四、听录音,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“ × ”。

五、听短文,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“ × ”。

( ) 1. Mike would like rice and soup for dinner.
( ) 2. Amy would like rice and soup, too.
( ) 3. Amy is full.
( ) 4. Mike likes ice-cream.
( ) 5. Mike has apples for lunch.

1. ______ Q ______
2. _______ r _______
3. _______s _______
4. _____ j _______
5. ______ H ______

( ) 1. How many ________ can you see?
A. apple
B. cats
C. dog
( ) 2. Give me ________ pens.
A. two
B. an
C. a
( ) 3. Can I ___________ some noodles, please?
A. like
B. has
C. have
( ) 4. Let ________ clean the blackboard.
A. I
B. me
C. our
( ) 5. What’s ________ name? His name is Zhang Peng.
A. his
B. her
C. your
( ) 6. What colour is your English book?
A. 9
B. It’s big.
C. It’s yellow.
( ) 7. Do you like sports?
A. Yes, I don’t.
B. Yes, I do.
C. No, I do.
( ) 8.What would you like for lunch?
A. Yes, I like.
B. I’d like some chicken.
C. I don’t like rice. ( ) 9. What can you see in my room?
A. I can see a bed.
B. It’s nice.
C. I have two windows.
( ) 10. Where are the keys?
A. It’s on the desk.
B. they’re on the table.
C. They’re on the table.

A. What’s this ? ( ) He’s a doctor.
B. May I have a banana. please? ( ) Hello, Tom.
C. What’s your brother? ( )No, it isn’t.
D. Hello, I’m Tom. ( ) Yes, here you are.
E. Is this a big pig? ( ) It’s a light.

(10% )
1. ( ) A. rice B. soup C. light D. bread
2. ( )A. thin B. long C. short D. sports
3. ( ) A. thirty B. pencil C. twenty D. fifty
4. ( ) A. bedroom B.door C. wall D. window
5. ( ) A. spoon B. water C. plate D. fork

Welcome to my_______________
. Look, this is my family photo. This
woman is my _______________
. She is a _____________
She likes __________
. This is my father, he is a _____________
He likes chicken and ____________
. This is my sister. And this is her
. Who is this ___________
? It’s me . I like
my ______________
. Let’s make __________________
十一、阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“ × ”。

Hello! This is the photo of my family. It’s on the wall. Look! This is my grandpa and
grandma . They are farmers. My father is here. He’s a doctor. He’s strong. My mother
is a teacher. She’s thin. Oh, this is my sister. She’s quiet. She’s 10. She’s a good student.
Who is he? Guess! Yes, it’s me. I like music and books.
1. I am a girl. ( )
2. My father is tall and strong. ( )
3. My sister is a good teacher. ( )
4. I like reading books and listening to the music. ( )
5. There are 5 members in my family. ( )。
